Quotation For Ms Ezrah Jussab PDF
Quotation For Ms Ezrah Jussab PDF
Quotation For Ms Ezrah Jussab PDF
QUOTATION 1/05/2020
Please note that for ease of design, we did a few adjustments in accordance to what it is that the site could look like with the proposed works in the future
Notes: Quote 1: Intense Application
Intense application means that for the property, 4 inches of soil will be required, a bag of compost per every 6m2 and 1 100ml bottle of the Effective
Microorganisms and we consider this to be the best due to the environment the plants will have with special attention going to the current soil onsite.
TOTAL 886,250
Notes: Quote 2: Moderate Application
Moderate application means that for the property, 2 inches of soil will be required, a bag of compost per every 8m2 and 1 100ml bottle of the Effective.
Microorganisms and is the second best recommendation that will allow for adequate root growth with respect and attention going to the fact that roots will
still be housed in a suitable soil environment.
Flowers and grass will be reduced, no flower pots
TOTAL 677,000
Notes: Quote 3: Minimal Application
Minimal application means that for the property, 1 inch of soil will be required, a bag of compost per every 10m2 and 1 100ml bottle of the EM1 not
recommended due to the poor soil quality on site which will affect plant root growth and subsequently how it all “takes up” which will subsequently require
more work later on.
Flowers and grass will be further reduced, no chainsaw, no pond refurbishment
TOTAL 417,000