Health Belief Model Summary
Health Belief Model Summary
Health Belief Model Summary
1. Perceived One's belief of the chances of Define population(s) at risk and their
Susceptibility getting a condition risk levels
3. Perceived One's belief in the efficacy of Define action to take — how, where,
Benefits the advised action to reduce when
risk or seriousness of impact
Clarify the positive effects to
4. Perceived One's belief in the tangible Identify and reduce barriers through
Barriers and psychological costs of reassurance, incentives, and assistance
the advised behavior
Provide reminders
Key Components
Self efficacy The person’s confidence in Approach behavioral
performing a particular behavior change in small steps to ensure
Expectancies The values that the person Present outcomes of change that
places on a given outcome, have functional meaning
Conducting public
awareness and educational
Policy Level Local, state, national and global laws These activities involve interpreting
and policies, including policies and implementing existing policy.
regarding the allocation of resources Federal, state, local, and tribal
for maternal, newborn, and child government agencies may support
health and access to healthcare policies that promote healthy
behavior, including screening
services, restrictive policies (e.g., high
fees or taxes for health services), or
lack of policies that require childhood