Applied Micro Methods
Applied Micro Methods
Applied Micro Methods
Christine Cai†
1 OLS 2
2 RCT 5
4 Standard IV 12
5 Shift-Share IV 16
6 RDD 17
7 Synthetic Control 22
8 Matching 24
9 Bunching 25
10 Decomposition 26
11 General 27
The references listed here are mainly from the applied econometrics courses taught by Michal Kolesár
(ECO 539B, Fall 2019, Princeton University) and Arindrajit Dube (ECON 797B, Fall 2020, UMass Amherst).
I also added papers that have circulated on #EconTwitter and those that have been suggested to me after I
shared the first version of this draft. In particular, I thank Kirill Borusyak, Otavio Canozzi Conceição, Dylan
(@dc_pov), Kevin Grier, Sean Higgins, Pedro Picchetti, Esteban Quiñones, Jorge Rodríguez, and Ben Solow
for their suggestions. Additional suggestions are welcome (“more is better” after all ,).
Princeton University, Department of Economics. Email: [email protected]
• Acharya, Blackwell, and Sen (2016), “Explaining Causal Findings Without Bias:
Detecting and Assessing Direct Effects,” APSR
“Researchers seeking to establish causal relationships frequently control for variables
on the purported causal pathway, checking whether the original treatment effect then
disappears. Unfortunately, this common approach may lead to biased estimates. In
this article, we show that the bias can be avoided by focusing on a quantity of inter-
est called the controlled direct effect. Under certain conditions, the controlled direct
effect enables researchers to rule out competing explanations–an important objective
for political scientists. To estimate the controlled direct effect without bias, we describe
an easy-to-implement estimation strategy from the biostatistics literature. We extend
this approach by deriving a consistent variance estimator and demonstrating how to
conduct a sensitivity analysis. Two examples–one on ethnic fractionalization’s effect
on civil war and one on the impact of historical plough use on contemporary female
political participation–illustrate the framework and methodology.”
• Ibragimov and Müller (2016), “Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters,” RE-
“Suppose estimating a model on each of a small number of potentially heterogeneous
clusters yields approximately independent, unbiased, and Gaussian parameter estima-
tors. We make two contributions in this setup. First, we show how to compare a scalar
parameter of interest between treatment and control units using a two-sample t-statistic,
extending previous results for the one-sample t-statistic. Second, we develop a test for
the appropriate level of clustering; it tests the null hypothesis that clustered standard
errors from a much finer partition are correct. We illustrate the approach by revisiting
empirical studies involving clustered, time series, and spatially correlated data.”
• Imbens and Kolesár (2016), “Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples: Some
Practical Advice,” REStat
“We study the properties of heteroskedasticity-robust confidence intervals for regression
parameters. We show that confidence intervals based on a degrees-of-freedom correc-
tion suggested by Bell and McCaffrey (2002) are a natural extension of a principled ap-
proach to the Behrens-Fisher problem. We suggest a further improvement for the case
with clustering. We show that these standard errors can lead to substantial improve-
ments in coverage rates even for samples with fifty or more clusters.We recommend
that researchers routinely calculate the Bell-McCaffrey degrees-of-freedom adjustment
to assess potential problems with conventional robust standard errors.”
• Abadie, Athey, Imbens, and Wooldridge (2017), “When Should You Adjust Stan-
dard Errors for Clustering?,” NBER WP
“In empirical work in economics it is common to report standard errors that account
for clustering of units. Typically, the motivation given for the clustering adjustments is
that unobserved components in outcomes for units within clusters are correlated. How-
ever, because correlation may occur across more than one dimension, this motivation
makes it difficult to justify why researchers use clustering in some dimensions, such as
geographic, but not others, such as age cohorts or gender. It also makes it difficult to
explain why one should not cluster with data from a randomized experiment. In this
paper, we argue that clustering is in essence a design problem, either a sampling design
or an experimental design issue. It is a sampling design issue if sampling follows a two
stage process where in the first stage, a subset of clusters were sampled randomly from
a population of clusters, while in the second stage, units were sampled randomly from
the sampled clusters. In this case the clustering adjustment is justified by the fact that
there are clusters in the population that we do not see in the sample. Clustering is an
experimental design issue if the assignment is correlated within the clusters. We take
the view that this second perspective best fits the typical setting in economics where
clustering adjustments are used. This perspective allows us to shed new light on three
questions: (i) when should one adjust the standard errors for clustering, (ii) when is
the conventional adjustment for clustering appropriate, and (iii) when does the conven-
tional adjustment of the standard errors matter.”
• Canay, Santos, and Shaikh (2018), “The Wild Bootstrap with a “Small” Number of
“Large” Clusters,” REStat
“This paper studies the wild bootstrap-based test proposed in Cameron et al. (2008).
Existing analyses of its properties require that number of clusters is “large.” In an
asymptotic framework in which the number of clusters is “small,” we provide condi-
tions under which an unstudentized version of the test is valid. These conditions include
homogeneity-like restrictions on the distribution of covariates. We further establish that
a studentized version of the test may only over-reject the null hypothesis by a “small”
amount that decreases exponentially with the number of clusters. We obtain qualita-
tively similar result for “score” bootstrap-based tests, which permit testing in nonlinear
“The linear regression model is widely used in empirical work in economics, statistics,
and many other disciplines. Researchers often include many covariates in their linear
model specification in an attempt to control for confounders. We give inference meth-
ods that allow for many covariates and heteroscedasticity. Our results are obtained
using high-dimensional approximations, where the number of included covariates is
allowed to grow as fast as the sample size. We find that all of the usual versions of
Eicker–White heteroscedasticity consistent standard error estimators for linear models
are inconsistent under this asymptotics. We then propose a new heteroscedasticity con-
sistent standard error formula that is fully automatic and robust to both (conditional)
heteroscedasticity of unknown form and the inclusion of possibly many covariates. We
apply our findings to three settings: parametric linear models with many covariates, lin-
ear panel models with many fixed effects, and semiparametric semi-linear models with
many technical regressors. Simulation evidence consistent with our theoretical results is
provided, and the proposed methods are also illustrated with an empirical application.
Supplementary materials for this article are available online.”
• Colella, Lalive, Sakalli, and Thoenig (2020), “Inference with Arbitrary Clustering,”
“Analyses of spatial or network data are now very common. Nevertheless, statistical
inference is challenging since unobserved heterogeneity can be correlated across neigh-
boring observational units. We develop an estimator for the variance-covariance matrix
(VCV) of OLS and 2SLS that allows for arbitrary dependence of the errors across obser-
vations in space or network structure and across time periods. As a proof of concept,
we conduct Monte Carlo simulations in a geospatial setting based on U.S. metropoli-
tan areas. Tests based on our estimator of the VCV asymptotically correctly reject the
null hypothesis, whereas conventional inference methods, e.g., those without clusters
or with clusters based on administrative units, reject the null hypothesis too often. We
also provide simulations in a network setting based on the IDEAS structure of coauthor-
ship and real-life data on scientific performance. The Monte Carlo results again show
that our estimator yields inference at the correct significance level even in moderately
sized samples and that it dominates other commonly used approaches to inference in
networks. We provide guidance to the applied researcher with respect to (i) whether or
not to include potentially correlated regressors and (ii) the choice of cluster bandwidth.
Finally, we provide a companion statistical package (acreg) enabling users to adjust the
OLS and 2SLS coefficient’s standard errors to account for arbitrary dependence.”
• Słoczyński (2020), “Interpreting OLS Estimands When Treatment Effects Are Het-
erogeneous: Smaller Groups Get Larger Weights,” REStat
“Applied work often studies the effect of a binary variable (“treatment”) using linear
models with additive effects. I study the interpretation of the OLS estimands in such
models when treatment effects are heterogeneous. I show that the treatment coefficient
is a convex combination of two parameters, which under certain conditions can be in-
terpreted as the average treatment effects on the treated and untreated. The weights on
these parameters are inversely related to the proportion of observations in each group.
Reliance on these implicit weights can have serious consequences for applied work, as I
illustrate with two well-known applications. I develop simple diagnostic tools that em-
pirical researchers can use to avoid potential biases. Software for implementing these
methods is available in R and Stata. In an important special case, my diagnostics only
require the knowledge of the proportion of treated units.”
• Muralidharan, Romero, and Wüthrich (2019), “Factorial Designs, Model Selection,
and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments,” NBER WP
“Cross-cutting or factorial designs are widely used in field experiments. Standard t-tests
using the fully-saturated “long” model provide valid inference on the main treatment ef-
fects and all interactions. However, t-tests using a “short”model (without interactions)
yield greater power for inference on the main treatment effects if the interactions are
zero. We show that the assumption of zero interactions is problematic and leads to a
significant increase in incorrect inference regarding the main treatment effects relative
to a “business as usual” counterfactual. Further, we show that pre-testing the inter-
actions and ignoring them if they are not significant also leads to incorrect inference
(due to the implied model selection). We examine econometric approaches to improve
power relative to the long model while controlling size for all values of the interaction.
Modest “local” power improvements are possible, but come at the cost of lower power
for most values of the interaction. For the design of new experiments, an alternative is
to leave the interaction cells empty. This design-based approach yields global power im-
provements while controlling size and we recommend it for policy experiments where
a “business as usual” counterfactual is especially important.”
• Young (2019), “Channeling Fisher: Randomization Tests and the Statistical In-
significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results,” QJE
“I follow R. A. Fisher’s, The Design of Experiments (1935), using randomization statis-
tical inference to test the null hypothesis of no treatment effects in a comprehensive
sample of 53 experimental papers drawn from the journals of the American Economic
Association. In the average paper, randomization tests of the significance of individual
treatment effects find 13% to 22% fewer significant results than are found using au-
thors’ methods. In joint tests of multiple treatment effects appearing together in tables,
randomization tests yield 33% to 49% fewer statistically significant results than conven-
tional tests. Bootstrap and jackknife methods support and confirm the randomization
See also Andrew Baker’s blog posts on diff-in-diff methods and event-study analysis.
ward methods will achieve this; (ii) the main problem in DiD designs with grouped
errors is instead low power to detect real effects; (iii) feasible GLS estimation combined
with robust inference can increase power considerably whilst maintaining correct test
size – again, even with few groups, and (iv) using OLS with robust inference can lead
to a perverse relationship between power and panel length.”
• Borusyak and Jaravel (2018), “Revisiting Event Study Designs, with an Application
to the Estimation of the Marginal Propensity to Consume,” WP
“A broad empirical literature uses “event study” research designs for treatment effect
estimation, a setting in which all units in the panel receive treatment but at random
times. We make four novel points about identification and estimation of causal effects
in this setting and show their practical relevance. First, we show that in the presence
of unit and time fixed effects, it is impossible to identify the linear component of the
path of pre-trends and dynamic treatment effects. Second, we propose graphical and
statistical tests for pre-trends. Third, we consider commonly-used “static” regressions,
with a treatment dummy instead of a full set of leads and lags around the treatment
event, and we show that OLS does not recover a reasonable weighted average of the
treatment effects: long-run effects are weighted negatively, and we introduce different
estimators robust to this issue. Fourth, we show that equivalent problems of under-
identification and negative weighting arise in difference-in-differences settings when the
control group is allowed to be on a different time trend or in the presence of unit-specific
time trends. We show the practical relevance of these issues in a series of examples
from the existing literature. We focus on the estimation of the marginal propensity
to consume out of tax rebates: according to our preferred specification, the marginal
propensity to consume is much lower than (about half of) the main estimates in the
literature. The main message for practitioners is that because of identification issues
and negative weighting in event study designs, results from common specifications are
likely to seem non-robust. These problems can be alleviated in a principled way by
using parametric and semi-parametric estimators and tests.”
• Cengiz, Dube, Lindner, and Zipperer (2019), “The Effect of Minimum Wages on
Low-Wage Jobs,”2 QJE
“We estimate the effect of minimum wages on low-wage jobs using 138 prominent state-
Even though its title makes it sound like it is irrelevant, this paper has been added because it describes
another method to deal with heterogeneous treatment effects in event-study designs, by using stacked
diff-in-diff by event – see Online Appendix G of that paper for more detail.
level minimum wage changes between 1979 and 2016 in the United States using a
difference-in-differences approach. We first estimate the effect of the minimum wage
increase on employment changes by wage bins throughout the hourly wage distribution.
We then focus on the bottom part of the wage distribution and compare the number of
excess jobs paying at or slightly above the new minimum wage to the missing jobs
paying below it to infer the employment effect. We find that the overall number of low-
wage jobs remained essentially unchanged over the five years following the increase. At
the same time, the direct effect of the minimum wage on average earnings was amplified
by modest wage spillovers at the bottom of the wage distribution. Our estimates by
detailed demographic groups show that the lack of job loss is not explained by labor-
labor substitution at the bottom of the wage distribution. We also find no evidence of
disemployment when we consider higher levels of minimum wages. However, we do
find some evidence of reduced employment in tradeable sectors. We also show how
decomposing the overall employment effect by wage bins allows a transparent way of
assessing the plausibility of estimates.”
• Freyaldenhoven, Hansen, and Shapiro (2019), “Pre-event Trends in the Panel Event-
Study Design,” AER
“We consider a linear panel event-study design in which unobserved confounds may be
related both to the outcome and to the policy variable of interest. We provide sufficient
conditions to identify the causal effect of the policy by exploiting covariates related to
the policy only through the confounds. Our model implies a set of moment equations
that are linear in parameters. The effect of the policy can be estimated by 2SLS, and
causal inference is valid even when endogeneity leads to pre-event trends (“pre-trends”)
in the outcome. Alternative approaches perform poorly in our simulations.”
• Abraham and Sun (2020), “Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies
with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects,” JE
“To estimate the dynamic effects of an absorbing treatment, researchers often use two-
way fixed effects regressions that include leads and lags of the treatment. We show that
in settings with variation in treatment timing across units, the coefficient on a given lead
or lag can be contaminated by effects from other periods, and apparent pretrends can
arise solely from treatment effects heterogeneity. We propose an alternative estimator
that is free of contamination, and illustrate the relative shortcomings of two-way fixed
effects regressions with leads and lags through an empirical application.”
Timing,” WP
“The canonical difference-in-differences (DD) estimator contains two time periods, “pre”
and “post”, and two groups, “treatment” and “control”. Most DD applications, how-
ever, exploit variation across groups of units that receive treatment at different times.
This paper shows that the general estimator equals a weighted average of all possible
two-group/two-period DD estimators in the data. This defines the DD estimand and
identifying assumption, a generalization of common trends. I discuss how to interpret
DD estimates and propose a new balance test. I show how to decompose the differ-
ence between two specifications, and provide a new analysis of models that include
time-varying controls.”
• Marcus and Sant’Anna (2020), “The Role of Parallel Trends in Event Study Set-
tings: An Application to Environmental Economics,” JAERE
“Difference-in-Differences (DID) research designs usually rely on variation of treatment
timing such that, after making an appropriate parallel trends assumption, one can iden-
tify, estimate, and make inference about causal effects. In practice, however, different
DID procedures rely on different parallel trends assumptions (PTA), and recover dif-
ferent causal parameters. In this paper, we focus on staggered DID (also referred as
event-studies) and discuss the role played by the PTA in terms of identification and es-
timation of causal parameters. We document a “robustness” vs. “efficiency” trade-off
in terms of the strength of the underlying PTA, and argue that practitioners should be
explicit about these trade-offs whenever using DID procedures. We propose new DID
estimators that reflect these trade-offs and derived their large sample properties. We il-
lustrate the practical relevance of these results by assessing whether the transition from
federal to state management of the Clean Water Act affects compliance rates.”
strictions, which is based on the observation that inference in our setting is equivalent to
testing a system of moment inequalities with a large number of linear nuisance param-
eters. The resulting confidence sets are consistent, and have optimal local asymptotic
power for many parameter configurations. We recommend researchers conduct sensi-
tivity analyses to show what conclusions can be drawn under various restrictions on the
possible differences in trends”
4 Standard IV
• Andrews and Armstrong (2017), “Unbiased Instrumental Variables Estimation un-
der Known First-Stage Sign,” QE
“We derive mean-unbiased estimators for the structural parameter in instrumental vari-
ables models with a single endogenous regressor where the sign of one or more first-
stage coefficients is known. In the case with a single instrument, there is a unique non-
randomized unbiased estimator based on the reduced-form and first-stage regression
estimates. For cases with multiple instruments we propose a class of unbiased estima-
tors and show that an estimator within this class is efficient when the instruments are
strong. We show numerically that unbiasedness does not come at a cost of increased
dispersion in models with a single instrument: in this case the unbiased estimator is less
dispersed than the two-stage least squares estimator. Our finite-sample results apply to
normal models with known variance for the reduced-form errors, and imply analogous
results under weak-instrument asymptotics with an unknown error distribution.”
• Andrews, Stock, and Sun (2019), “Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables Re-
gression: Theory and Practice,” ARE
“When instruments are weakly correlated with endogenous regressors, conventional
methods for instrumental variables (IV) estimation and inference become unreliable.
A large literature in econometrics has developed procedures for detecting weak instru-
ments and constructing robust confidence sets, but many of the results in this literature
are limited to settings with independent and homoskedastic data, while data encoun-
tered in practice frequently violate these assumptions. We review the literature on weak
instruments in linear IV regression with an emphasis on results for nonhomoskedastic
(heteroskedastic, serially correlated, or clustered) data. To assess the practical impor-
tance of weak instruments, we also report tabulations and simulations based on a sur-
vey of papers published in the American Economic Review from 2014 to 2018 that use
IV. These results suggest that weak instruments remain an important issue for empirical
practice, and that there are simple steps that researchers can take to better handle weak
instruments in applications.”
• Evdokimov and Kolesár (2019), “Inference in Instrumental Variable Regression
Analysis with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects,” WP
“We study inference in an instrumental variables model with heterogeneous treatment
effects and possibly many instruments and/or covariates. In this case two-step estima-
tors such as the two-stage least squares (TSLS) or versions of the jackknife instrumental
variables (JIV) estimator estimate a particular weighted average of the local average
treatment effects. The weights in these estimands depend on the first-stage coefficients,
and either the sample or population variability of the covariates and instruments, de-
pending on whether they are treated as fixed (conditioned upon) or random. We give
new asymptotic variance formulas for the TSLS and JIV estimators, and pro- pose consis-
tent estimators of these variances. The heterogeneity of the treatment effects generally
increases the asymptotic variance. Moreover, when the treatment effects are heteroge-
neous, the conditional asymptotic variance is smaller than the unconditional one. Our
results are also useful when the treatment effects are constant, because they provide
the asymptotic distribution and valid standard errors for the estimators that are robust
to the presence of many covariates.”
• Lee, McCrary, Moreira, and Porter (2020), “Valid t-ratio Inference for IV,” WP
“In the single IV model, current practice relies on the first-stage F exceeding some
threshold (e.g., 10) as a criterion for trusting t-ratio inferences, even though this yields
an anti-conservative test. We show that a true 5 percent test instead requires an F
greater than 104.7. Maintaining 10 as a threshold requires replacing the critical value
1.96 with 3.43. We re-examine 57 AER papers and find that corrected inference causes
half of the initially presumed statistically significant results to be insignificant. We in-
troduce a more powerful test, the tF procedure, which provides F-dependent adjusted
t-ratio critical values.”
• Mogstad, Torgovitsky, and Walters (2020a), “Policy Evaluation with Multiple In-
strumental Variables,” WP
“Marginal treatment effect methods are widely used for causal inference and policy
evaluation with instrumental variables. However, they fundamentally rely on the well-
known monotonicity (threshold-crossing) condition on treatment choice behavior. Re-
cent research has shown that this condition cannot hold with multiple instruments un-
less treatment choice is effectively homogeneous. Based on these findings, we develop a
new marginal treatment effect framework under a weaker, partial monotonicity condi-
tion. The partial monotonicity condition is implied by standard choice theory and allows
for rich heterogeneity even in the presence of multiple instruments. The new frame-
work can be viewed as having multiple different choice models for the same observed
treatment variable, all of which must be consistent with the data and with each other.
Using this framework, we develop a methodology for partial identification of clearly
stated, policy-relevant target parameters while allowing for a wide variety of nonpara-
metric shape restrictions and parametric functional form assumptions. We show how
the methodology can be used to combine multiple instruments together to yield more
informative empirical conclusions than one would obtain by using each instrument sep-
arately. The methodology provides a blueprint for extracting and aggregating informa-
tion about treatment effects from multiple controlled or natural experiments while still
allowing for rich heterogeneity in both treatment effects and choice behavior.”
strument pre-tests based upon F-statistics are found to be largely uninformative of both
size and bias. In published papers, statistically significant IV results generally depend
upon only one or two observations or clusters, IV has little power as, despite producing
substantively different estimates, it rarely rejects the OLS point estimate or the null that
OLS is unbiased, while the statistical significance of excluded instruments is substan-
tially exaggerated.”
5 Shift-Share IV3
• Adão, Kolesár, and Morales (2019), “Shift-Share Designs: Theory and Inference,”
“We study inference in shift-share regression designs, such as when a regional outcome
is regressed on a weighted average of sectoral shocks, using regional sector shares as
weights. We conduct a placebo exercise in which we estimate the effect of a shift-share
regressor constructed with randomly generated sectoral shocks on actual labor market
outcomes across U.S. commuting zones. Tests based on commonly used standard errors
with 5% nominal significance level reject the null of no effect in up to 55% of the placebo
samples. We use a stylized economic model to show that this overrejection problem
arises because regression residuals are correlated across regions with similar sectoral
shares, independent of their geographic location. We derive novel inference methods
that are valid under arbitrary cross-regional correlation in the regression residuals. We
show using popular applications of shift-share designs that our methods may lead to
substantially wider confidence intervals in practice.”
The references in this section are taken from a guest lecture that Peter Hull gave in Arindrajit Dube’s ECON
797B Fall 2020 course at UMass Amherst – see lecture slides here.
tivating shock-level conditions for their consistency. We discuss and illustrate several
practical insights delivered by this framework in the setting of Autor et al. (2013).”
• Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik (2014), “Robust Nonparametric Confidence In-
tervals for Regression-Discontinuity Designs,” ECMA
“In the regression-discontinuity (RD) design, units are assigned to treatment based on
whether their value of an observed covariate exceeds a known cutoff. In this design,
local polynomial estimators are now routinely employed to construct confidence inter-
vals for treatment effects. The performance of these confidence intervals in applica-
tions, however, may be seriously hampered by their sensitivity to the specific bandwidth
employed. Available bandwidth selectors typically yield a “large” bandwidth, leading
to data-driven confidence intervals that may be biased, with empirical coverage well
below their nominal target. We propose new theory-based, more robust confidence in-
terval estimators for average treatment effects at the cutoff in sharp RD, sharp kink RD,
fuzzy RD, and fuzzy kink RD designs. Our proposed confidence intervals are constructed
using a bias-corrected RD estimator together with a novel standard error estimator. For
practical implementation, we discuss mean squared error optimal bandwidths, which
are by construction not valid for conventional confidence intervals but are valid with
our robust approach, and consistent standard error estimators based on our new vari-
ance formulas. In a special case of practical interest, our procedure amounts to running
a quadratic instead of a linear local regression. More generally, our results give a for-
mal justification to simple inference procedures based on increasing the order of the
local polynomial estimator employed. We find in a simulation study that our confidence
intervals exhibit close-to-correct empirical coverage and good empirical interval length
on average, remarkably improving upon the alternatives available in the literature. All
results are readily available in R and STATA using our companion software packages
described in Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik (2014d, 2014b).”
• Grembi, Nannicini, and Troiano (2016), “Do Fiscal Rules Matter?,”4 AEJ Applied
“Fiscal rules are laws aimed at reducing the incentive to accumulate debt, and many
countries adopt them to discipline local governments. Yet, their effectiveness is disputed
because of commitment and enforcement problems. We study their impact applying
a quasi-experimental design in Italy. In 1999, the central government imposed fiscal
rules on municipal governments, and in 2001 relaxed them below 5,000 inhabitants.
We exploit the before/after and discontinuous policy variation, and show that relaxing
fiscal rules increases deficits and lowers taxes. The effect is larger if the mayor can be
reelected, the number of parties is higher, and voters are older.”
parameter, or a regression coefficient in a linear or partly linear regression. Our main
assumption is that the regression function is known to lie in a convex function class,
which covers most smoothness and/or shape assumptions used in econometrics. We
derive finite-sample optimal CIs and sharp efficiency bounds under normal errors with
known variance. We show that these results translate to uniform (over the function
class) asymptotic results when the error distribution is not known. When the function
class is centrosymmetric, these efficiency bounds imply that minimax CIs are close to
efficient at smooth regression functions. This implies, in particular, that it is impossible
to form CIs that are substantively tighter using data-dependent tuning parameters, and
maintain coverage over the whole function class. We specialize our results to inference
on the regression discontinuity parameter, and illustrate them in simulations and an
empirical application.”
• Canay and Kamat (2018), “Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order
Statistics in the Regression Discontinuity Design,” REStud
“In the regression discontinuity design (RDD), it is common practice to assess the cred-
ibility of the design by testing whether the means of baseline covariates do not change
at the cut-off (or threshold) of the running variable. This practice is partly motivated
by the stronger implication derived by Lee (2008), who showed that under certain con-
ditions the distribution of baseline covariates in the RDD must be continuous at the
cut-off. We propose a permutation test based on the so-called induced ordered statis-
tics for the null hypothesis of continuity of the distribution of baseline covariates at
the cut-off; and introduce a novel asymptotic framework to analyse its properties. The
asymptotic framework is intended to approximate a small sample phenomenon: even
though the total number n of observations may be large, the number of effective obser-
vations local to the cut-off is often small. Thus, while traditional asymptotics in RDD
require a growing number of observations local to the cut-off as n → ∞, our framework
keeps the number q of observations local to the cut-off fixed as n → ∞. The new test is
easy to implement, asymptotically valid under weak conditions, exhibits finite sample
validity under stronger conditions than those needed for its asymptotic validity, and has
favourable power properties relative to tests based on means. In a simulation study, we
find that the new test controls size remarkably well across designs. We then use our test
to evaluate the plausibility of the design in Lee (2008), a well-known application of the
RDD to study incumbency advantage.”
• Ganong and Jäger (2018), “A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design,”
“The regression kink (RK) design is an increasingly popular empirical method for esti-
mating causal effects of policies, such as the effect of unemployment benefits on unem-
ployment duration. Using simulation studies based on data from existing RK designs,
we empirically document that the statistical significance of RK estimators based on con-
ventional standard errors can be spurious. In the simulations, false positives arise as
a consequence of nonlinearities in the underlying relationship between the outcome
and the assignment variable, confirming concerns about the misspecification bias of
discontinuity estimators pointed out by Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik. As a comple-
ment to standard RK inference, we propose that researchers construct a distribution of
placebo estimates in regions with and without a policy kink and use this distribution to
gauge statistical significance. Under the assumption that the location of the kink point
is random, this permutation test has exact size in finite samples for testing a sharp null
hypothesis of no effect of the policy on the outcome. We implement simulation studies
based on existing RK applications that estimate the effect of unemployment benefits on
unemployment duration and show that our permutation test as well as inference proce-
dures proposed by Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik improve upon the size of standard
approaches, while having sufficient power to detect an effect of unemployment bene-
fits on unemployment duration. Supplementary materials for this article are available
• Gelman and Imbens (2019), “Why High-Order Polynomials Should Not Be Used in
Regression Discontinuity Designs,” JBES
“It is common in regression discontinuity analysis to control for third, fourth, or higher-
degree polynomials of the forcing variable. There appears to be a perception that such
methods are theoretically justified, even though they can lead to evidently nonsensical
results. We argue that controlling for global high-order polynomials in regression dis-
continuity analysis is a flawed approach with three major problems: it leads to noisy
estimates, sensitivity to the degree of the polynomial, and poor coverage of confidence
intervals. We recommend researchers instead use estimators based on local linear or
quadratic polynomials or other smooth functions.”
• Armstrong and Kolesár (2020), “Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Non-
parametric Regression,” QE
“We consider the problem of constructing honest confidence intervals (CIs) for a scalar
parameter of interest, such as the regression discontinuity parameter, in nonparametric
regression based on kernel or local polynomial estimators. To ensure that our CIs are
honest, we use critical values that take into account the possible bias of the estimator
upon which the CIs are based. We show that this approach leads to CIs that are more
efficient than conventional CIs that achieve coverage by undersmoothing or subtracting
an estimate of the bias. We give sharp efficiency bounds of using different kernels, and
derive the optimal bandwidth for constructing honest CIs. We show that using the band-
width that minimizes the maximum mean-squared error results in CIs that are nearly
efficient and that in this case, the critical value depends only on the rate of convergence.
For the common case in which the rate of convergence is n−2/5 , the appropriate critical
value for 95% CIs is 2.18, rather than the usual 1.96 critical value. We illustrate our
results in a Monte Carlo analysis and an empirical application.”
• Bugni and Canay (2020), “Testing Continuity of a Density via g-order statistics in
the Regression Discontinuity Design,” JE
“In the regression discontinuity design (RDD), it is common practice to assess the cred-
ibility of the design by testing the continuity of the density of the running variable at
the cut-off, e.g., McCrary (2008). In this paper we propose an approximate sign test
for continuity of a density at a point based on the so-called g-order statistics, and study
its properties under two complementary asymptotic frameworks. In the first asymptotic
framework, the number q of observations local to the cut-off is fixed as the sample size
n diverges to infinity, while in the second framework q diverges to infinity slowly as n
diverges to infinity. Under both of these frameworks, we show that the test we propose
is asymptotically valid in the sense that it has limiting rejection probability under the
null hypothesis not exceeding the nominal level. More importantly, the test is easy to
implement, asymptotically valid under weaker conditions than those used by compet-
ing methods, and exhibits finite sample validity under stronger conditions than those
needed for its asymptotic validity. In a simulation study, we find that the approximate
sign test provides good control of the rejection probability under the null hypothesis
while remaining competitive under the alternative hypothesis. We finally apply our test
to the design in Lee (2008), a well-known application of the RDD to study incumbency
7 Synthetic Control
• Abadie (2020), “Using Synthetic Controls: Feasibility, Data Requirements, and
Methodological Aspects,” JEL
is estimating counterfactual (untreated) outcomes for the treated unit/period combi-
nations. We develop a class of matrix completion estimators that uses the observed
elements of the matrix of control outcomes corresponding to untreated unit/periods to
impute the “missing” elements of the control outcome matrix, corresponding to treated
units/periods. The approach estimates a matrix that well-approximates the original (in-
complete) matrix, but has lower complexity according to the nuclear norm for matrices.
We generalize results from the matrix completion literature by allowing the patterns
of missing data to have a time series dependency structure. We present novel insights
concerning the connections between the matrix completion literature, the literature on
interactive fixed effects models and the literatures on program evaluation under uncon-
foundedness and synthetic control methods. We show that all these estimators can be
viewed as focusing on the same objective function. They differ in the way they deal with
lack of identification, in some cases solely through regularization (our proposed nu-
clear norm matrix completion estimator) and in other cases primarily through imposing
hard restrictions (the unconfoundedness and synthetic control approaches). proposed
method outperforms unconfoundedness-based or synthetic control estimators.”
• Ben-Michael, Feller, and Rothstein (2020), “The Augmented Synthetic Control Method,”
“The synthetic control method (SCM) is a popular approach for estimating the impact
of a treatment on a single unit in panel data settings. The “synthetic control” is a
weighted average of control units that balances the treated unit’s pre-treatment out-
comes as closely as possible. A critical feature of the original proposal is to use SCM
only when the fit on pre-treatment outcomes is excellent. We propose Augmented SCM
as an extension of SCM to settings where such pre-treatment fit is infeasible. Analo-
gous to bias correction for inexact matching, Augmented SCM uses an outcome model
to estimate the bias due to imperfect pre-treatment fit and then de-biases the original
SCM estimate. Our main proposal, which uses ridge regression as the outcome model,
directly controls pre-treatment fit while minimizing extrapolation from the convex hull.
This estimator can also be expressed as a solution to a modified synthetic controls prob-
lem that allows negative weights on some donor units. We bound the estimation error of
this approach under different data generating processes, including a linear factor model,
and show how regularization helps to avoid over-fitting to noise. We demonstrate gains
from Augmented SCM with extensive simulation studies and apply this framework to
estimate the impact of the 2012 Kansas tax cuts on economic growth. We implement
the proposed method in the new augsynth R package.”
8 Matching
• Otsu and Rai (2017), “Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average
Treatment Effects,” JASA
“It is known that the naive bootstrap is not asymptotically valid for a matching esti-
mator of the average treatment effect with a fixed number of matches. In this article,
we propose asymptotically valid inference methods for matching estimators based on
the weighted bootstrap. The key is to construct bootstrap counterparts by resampling
based on certain linear forms of the estimators. Our weighted bootstrap is applicable
for the matching estimators of both the average treatment effect and its counterpart for
the treated population. Also, by incorporating a bias correction method in Abadie and
Imbens (2011), our method can be asymptotically valid even for matching based on a
vector of covariates. A simulation study indicates that the weighted bootstrap method
is favorably comparable with the asymptotic normal approximation. As an empirical
illustration, we apply the proposed method to the National Supported Work data. Sup-
plementary materials for this article are available online.”
9 Bunching5
• Kleven (2016), “Bunching,” ARE
“Recent years have seen a surge of applied work using bunching approaches, a devel-
opment that is closely linked to the increased availability of administrative data. These
approaches exploit the incentives for bunching created by discontinuities in the slope
of choice sets (kinks) or in the level of choice sets (notches) to study the behavior of
individuals and firms. Although the bunching approach was originally developed in the
context of taxation, it is beginning to find applications in many other areas, such as
social security, social insurance, welfare programs, education, regulation, private sector
prices, and reference-dependent preferences. This review provides a guide to bunch-
ing estimation, discusses its strengths and weaknesses, surveys a range of applications
across fields, and considers reasons for the ubiquity of kinks and notches.”
• Blomquist, Newey, Kumar, and Liang (2019), “On Bunching and Identification of
the Taxable Income Elasticity,” NBER WP
“The taxable income elasticity is a key parameter for predicting the effect of tax re-
form or designing an income tax. Bunching at kinks and notches in a single budget
set have been used to estimate the taxable income elasticity. We show that when the
heterogeneity distribution is unrestricted the amount of bunching at a kink or a notch is
not informative about the size of the taxable income elasticity, and neither is the entire
distribution of taxable income for a convex budget set. Kinks do provide information
about the size of the elasticity when a priori restrictions are placed on the heterogene-
ity distribution. They can identify the elasticity when the heterogeneity distribution is
specified across the kink and provide bounds under restrictions on the heterogeneity
distribution. We also show that variation in budget sets can identify the taxable income
elasticity when the distribution of preferences is unrestricted and stable across budget
sets. For nonparametric utility with general heterogeneity we show that kinks only pro-
vide elasticity information about individuals at the kink and we give bounds analogous
to those for isoelastic utility. Identification becomes more difficult with optimization
errors We show in examples how results are affected by optimization errors.”
See this 2018 Bunching Estimator Workshop webpage for more references on bunching, including recent
applications (thanks to Ben Solow for sharing this link).
tors rely on identification assumptions about heterogeneity that I show can be violated
by serial dependence of the choice variable or attrition related to the threshold. I pro-
pose a dynamic bunching estimation design that exploits panel data to obtain identifi-
cation from relative within-agent changes in income and to estimate new parameters.
Simulations using household income data demonstrate the benefits of the panel design.
An application to charitable organizations demonstrates opportunities for estimating
elasticity correlates, causal effects, and extensive-margin responses.”
10 Decomposition
• Fortin, Lemieux, and Firpo (2011), “Decomposition Methods in Economics,” HLE
“This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of decomposition methods that have
been developed since the seminal work of Oaxaca and Blinder in the early 1970s. These
methods are used to decompose the difference in a distributional statistic between two
groups, or its change over time, into various explanatory factors. While the original
work of Oaxaca and Blinder considered the case of the mean, our main focus is on other
distributional statistics besides the mean, such as quantiles, the Gini coefficient or the
variance. We discuss the assumptions required for identifying the different elements of
the decomposition, as well as various estimation methods proposed in the literature. We
also illustrate how these methods work in practice by discussing existing applications
and working through a set of empirical examples throughout the paper.”
Our theory applies to general counterfactual changes and covers the main regression
methods including classical, quantile, duration, and distribution regressions. We illus-
trate the results with an empirical application to wage decompositions using data for
the United States.”
11 General
• Abadie and Cattaneo (2018), “Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation,” ARE
“Program evaluation methods are widely applied in economics to assess the effects of
policy interventions and other treatments of interest. In this article, we describe the
main methodological frameworks of the econometrics of program evaluation. In the
process, we delineate some of the directions along which this literature is expanding,
discuss recent developments, and highlight specific areas where new research may be
particularly fruitful.”
Abadie, A. (2020). Using Synthetic Controls: Feasibility, Data Requirements, and Method-
ological Aspects. Journal of Economic Literature, forthcoming.
Abadie, A., S. Athey, G. W. Imbens, and J. Wooldridge (2017). When Should You Adjust
Standard Errors for Clustering? NBER Working Paper.
Abraham, S. and L. Sun (2020). Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies
with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects. Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
Acharya, A., M. Blackwell, and M. Sen (2016). Explaining Causal Findings Without Bias:
Detecting and Assessing Direct Effects. American Political Science Review 110(3), 512–
Adão, R., M. Kolesár, and E. Morales (2019). Shift-Share Designs: Theory and Inference.
Quarterly Journal of Economics 134(4), 1949–2010.
Adusumilli, K. (2018). Bootstrap Inference for Propensity Score Matching. Working Paper.
Andrews, I., J. H. Stock, and L. Sun (2019). Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables
Regression: Theory and Practice. Annual Review of Economics 11, 727–753.
Armstrong, T. B. and M. Kolesár (2020). Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Non-
parametric Regression. Quantitative Economics 11(1), 1–39.
Athey, S., M. Bayati, N. Doudchenko, G. Imbens, and K. Khosravi (2020). Matrix Comple-
tion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models. Working Paper.
Ben-Michael, E., A. Feller, and J. Rothstein (2020). The Augmented Synthetic Control
Method. Working Paper.
Blomquist, S., W. Newey, A. Kumar, and C.-Y. Liang (2019). On Bunching and Identification
of the Taxable Income Elasticity. NBER Working Paper.
Borusyak, K. and P. Hull (2020). Non-random exposure to exogenous shocks: Theory and
applications. NBER Working Paper.
Borusyak, K. and X. Jaravel (2018). Revisiting Event Study Designs, with an Application
to the Estimation of the Marginal Propensity to Consume. Working Paper.
Bugni, F. A. and I. A. Canay (2020). Testing Continuity of a Density via g-order statistics
in the Regression Discontinuity Design. Journal of Econometrics.
Canay, I. A. and V. Kamat (2018). Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order
Statistics in the Regression Discontinuity Design. Review of Economic Studies 85(3),
Canay, I. A., A. Santos, and A. M. Shaikh (2018). The Wild Bootstrap with a “Small”
Number of “Large” Clusters. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1–45.
Cattaneo, M. D., M. Jansson, and X. Ma (2020). Simple local polynomial density estima-
tors. Journal of the American Statistical Association 115(531), 1449–1455.
Cattaneo, M. D., M. Jansson, and W. K. Newey (2018). Inference in Linear Regression
Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity. Journal of the American Statistical
Association 113(523), 1350–1361.
Cengiz, D., A. Dube, A. Lindner, and B. Zipperer (2019). The Effect of Minimum Wages on
Low-Wage Jobs. Quarterly Journal of Economics 134(3), 1405–1454.
Colella, F., R. Lalive, S. O. Sakalli, and M. Thoenig (2020). Inference with Arbitrary Clus-
tering. Working Paper.
Freyaldenhoven, S., C. Hansen, and J. M. Shapiro (2019). Pre-event Trends in the Panel
Event-Study Design. American Economic Review 109(9), 3307–38.
Ganong, P. and S. Jäger (2018). A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design. Journal
of the American Statistical Association 113(522), 494–504.
Gelman, A. and G. Imbens (2019). Why High-Order Polynomials Should Not Be Used
in Regression Discontinuity Designs. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 37(3),
Goldsmith-Pinkham, P., I. Sorkin, and H. Swift (2020). Bartik Instruments: What, When,
Why, and How. American Economic Review 110(8), 2586–2624.
Grembi, V., T. Nannicini, and U. Troiano (2016). Do Fiscal Rules Matter? American
Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1–30.
Ibragimov, R. and U. K. Müller (2016). Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters. Review
of Economics and Statistics 98(1), 83–96.
Imbens, G. W. and M. Kolesár (2016). Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples: Some
Practical Advice. Review of Economics and Statistics 98(4), 701–712.
Lee, D. L., J. McCrary, M. J. Moreira, and J. Porter (2020). Valid t-ratio Inference for IV.
Working Paper.
Marcus, M. and P. H. Sant’Anna (2020). The Role of Parallel Trends in Event Study Set-
tings: An Application to Environmental Economics. Journal of the Association of Envi-
ronmental and Resource Economists, forthcoming.
Marx, B. M. (2020). Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data. Working Paper.
Mogstad, M., A. Torgovitsky, and C. Walters (2020a). Policy Evaluation with Multiple
Instrumental Variables. Working Paper.
Muralidharan, K., M. Romero, and K. Wüthrich (2019). Factorial Designs, Model Selection,
and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments. NBER WP.
Otsu, T. and Y. Rai (2017). Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average Treat-
ment Effects. Journal of the American Statistical Association 112(520), 1720–1732.
Rambachan, A. and J. Roth (2020). An Honest Approach to Parallel Trends. Working Paper.
Słoczyński, T. (2020). Interpreting OLS Estimands When Treatment Effects Are Hetero-
geneous: Smaller Groups Get Larger Weights. Review of Economics and Statistics 0(ja),
Young, A. (2019). Channeling Fisher: Randomization Tests and the Statistical In-
significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results. Quarterly Journal of Eco-
nomics 134(2), 557–598.