Wavy Wayne' S 100 Most Useful ProTools Shortcuts
Wavy Wayne' S 100 Most Useful ProTools Shortcuts
Wavy Wayne' S 100 Most Useful ProTools Shortcuts
• Automation mode • Monitor mode • playlist enable • record, solo and mute enable • record and solo safes • inserting
plug-ins • I/O, bus, send assignment • volume/peak indicator • extend Edit or Timeline selection • track height • clear
clip meter
Fine Adjustment
Pro Tools provides global keyboard shortcuts for the following types of fine adjustment:
• Plug-in parameter editing • fader movement • scrubbing • automation data trimming • Clip Gain • MIDI Control data
Action Mac Windows
Fine tune an item Command-click on applicable Control-click on applicable
fader/pot/breakpoint function fader/pot/breakpoint function
Pro Tools provides global keyboard shortcuts for selecting the following items: • Tracks • Clips in Clip List • paths in
I/O Setup
Action Mac Windows
Horizontal zoom in or out Command+ ] or [ Ctrl+ ] or [
Continuously zoom vertically on a single Control+drag with the Start-drag with the Zoomer tool
audio track (or group of tracks) Zoomer tool up or down in the up or down in the track
Zoom Vertically on all audio tracks Control+ Option and Up and Start + Alt and up or down with
down with arrow keys arrow keys
Action Mac Windows
Create Fades (open Fades Command+F Ctrl+F
Fade to Start Control+D Start+D
Fade to End Control+G Start+G
Add a new Audio track of the same channel width as Command-double-click Control-double-click empty
the last new track empty area of Mix or Edit area of Mix or Edit
windows, or Tracks list windows, or Tracks list
Add a new Auxiliary Input track of the same channel Control-double-click empty Start-double-click empty
width as the last new track area of Mix or Edit windows, area
or Tracks list of the Mix or Edit windows,
Tracks lis
Add a new Master Fader track of the same channel Shift-double-click empty Shift-double-click empty
width as the last new track area area
of Mix or Edit windows, or of the Mix or Edit windows,
Tracks list or
Tracks list
Add a new stereo Instrument track Option-double-click empty Alt-double-click empty
area of Mix or Edit windows, area
or Tracks list of the Mix or Edit windows,
Tracks list
Pro Tools Menus Keyboard Shortcuts
File menu
Action Mac Windows
New Session Command+N Ctrl+N
Open Session Command+O Ctrl+O
Bounce to Disk Command+Option+B Ctrl+Alt+B
Import Audio Command+Shift+I Ctrl+Shift+I
Edit Menu
Track Menu
Action Mac Windows
New Track Command+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N
Group Tracks Command+G (with two or Ctrl+G (with two or more
more tracks selected) tracks selected)
Duplicate Tracks Option+Shift+D Alt+Shift+D
Clear all Clip indicators Option+C Alt+C
Clip Menu
Action Mac Windows
Lock/Unlock Clips Command+L Ctrl+L
Group Clips Command+Option+G Ctrl+Alt+G
Ungroup Clips Command+Option+U Ctrl+Alt+U
Regroup Clips Command+Option+R Ctrl+Alt+R
Window Menu
Action Mac Windows
Toggle Mix and Edit windows Command+Equal (=) Ctrl+Equal (=)
Show Transport Command+1 Ctrl+1
(on numeric keypad) (on numeric keypad)
Show Big Counter Command+3 Ctrl+3
(on numeric keypad) (on numeric keypad)
Show Automation Enable Command+4 Ctrl+4
(on numeric keypad) (on numeric keypad)
Show Memory Locations Command+5 Ctrl+5
(on numeric keypad) (on numeric keypad)