Pediatric Reference Ranges Endocrinology 0981 PDF

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LabCorp recognizes that pediatricians and pediatric endocrinologists have special needs and

requirements for the laboratory testing of their patients. Age-specific reference intervals and
specimen collection issues are particular concerns in pediatric patient care and evaluation.

Frequently, adult reference intervals are not appropriate for pediatric patients. To assist physi-
cians in treating their pediatric patients, this document lists age-specific reference intervals for
many of the endocrine tests offered by LabCorp. Where available, reference ranges are also
provided by Tanner stage.

LabCorp realizes that pediatric specimen collection can be challenging and is a major concern
for health care providers. It is frequently difficult to obtain substantial volumes of blood or
urine from pediatric patients. For this reason, we have provided an appropriate specimen
volume as well as an analytical minimum specimen volume for each test. The minimum vol-
umes listed in this document represent the analytical minimum specimen required to perform
the test once. This volume does not permit any repeat analysis. It is highly recommended that
the preferred volume indicated below be submitted whenever possible.

Aldosterone (ng/dL) ....................................... 004374 5a-Androstane-3a, .. 17b-Diol Glucuronide ..... 140442

Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum Volume: 0.3 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum

Age Male/Female Age Male Female

< 1 yr 5.0-132.0 0-3 yr < 80 < 60
1-3 yr 5.0-60.0 4-5 yr < 70 < 155
4-7 yr 4.0-76.0 6-7 yr < 399 < 330
8-11 yr 3.0-28.0 8-9 yr < 220 < 140
12-16 yr 1.0-18.0 10-11 yr < 311 < 340
12-13 yr < 737 78-441
14-15 yr 131-1395 73-760
Aldosterone (µg/24 hours) .......................... 004291
16-20 yr 103-2603 113-732
Volume: 0.3 mL (0.1 mL minimum) Urine
Tanner Stage
Age Male/Female I (< 8yr) <400 < 330
0-1 mo 1-11 I (> 8yr) <513 < 144
2-11 mo 1-22 II <707 66-174
1-15 yr 2 -16 III 94-568 96-441
IV 284-1205 79-854
V 103-2630 73-732

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

Androstenedione (ng/dL) .............................. 004705 Bone-Specific Alkaline .................................. 513002
Volume: 0.3 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum Phoshphatase (µg/L)
Volume: 0.2 mL (0.1 mL minimum) Frozen Plasma
Age Male Female
0-5 mo 5-45 5-35 Age Male Female
6-11 mo 5-30 5-25 < 1 yr 47-157 57-109
1-5 yr 5-45 5-40 1-2 yr 26-99 26-129
6-9 yr 5-55 5-45 3-4 yr 27-101 31-95
10-11 yr 10-30 25-80 5-6 yr 34-116 33-105
12-14 yr 20-85 15-175 7-8 yr 34-108 21-133
15-17 yr 35-100 55-200 9-10 yr 39-139 29-157
Tanner Stage 11-12 yr 20-166 42-154
I (<7 yr) < 35 < 42 13-14 yr 11-195 < 113
I (>7 yr) < 49 < 83 15-16 yr 23-170 < 69
II < 89 <143
III 11-91 <152 Catecholamines, Fractionated (pg/mL) ........ 084152
IV <219 28-252 Volume: 3.0 mL (1.5 mL minimum) Plasma, Frozen
Angiotensin-converting Enzyme (U/L) ......... 010116 Age Male/Female
Volume: 0.5 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum 2-9 days 36-401
Age Male/Female 10 days-2 mo 55-201
0-2 yr 5-83 3 mo-11 mo 55-438
3-7 yr 8-76 12-23 mo 36-639
8-14 yr 6-89 24-35 mo 18-438
>14 yr 8-52 3-15 yr 18-456

Antidiuretic Hormone, ADH (pg/mL) ............ 046557 Age Male/Female
Volume: 2.0 mL (1.0 mL minimum) Frozen Plasma 2-9 days 169-1184
Age Range 10 days-2 mo 372-2081
0-1 mo Less than 20.0 3 mo-11 mo 271-1117
2-11 mo Less than 11.2 12-23 mo 68-1810
1-18 yr Less than 6.9 24-35 mo 186-1472
3-15 yr 85-1252
b2-Microglobulin (mg/L) ................................ 010181
Volume: 0.5 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum/Plasma Catecholamines (µg/g creatinine) .............. 316203
Volume: 10 mL (4.0 mL minimum) Urine
Age Male Female
0-1 mo 1.6-4.8 1.7-4.5 Epinephrine
1-6 mo 1.4-3.3 1.0-3.8 Age Male/Female
7-11 mo 0.9-3.1 1.0-2.3 0-23 mo < 75
1-3 yr 0.8-2.2 0.7-2.4 2-4 yr < 57
4-6 yr 0.6-2.3 0.5-2.2 5-9 yr < 35
7-9 yr 0.8-1.7 0.7-1.8 10-19 yr < 34
10-12 yr 0.7-1.8 0.7-2.0
13-15 yr 0.7-2.0 0.8-1.9
16-18 yr 0.7-1.9 0.6-1.9
Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

Norepinephrine Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (ng/dL) .... 004101
Age Male/Female Volume: 0.3 mL (0.1 mL minimum) Serum
0-23 mo < 420
Age Male Female
2-4 yr < 120
0-5 yr 26-72 19-42
5-9 yr < 89
6-7 yr 29-66 73-165
10-19 yr < 82
8-9 yr 53-135 74-180
Dopamine 10-11 yr 183-383 234-529
Age Male/Female 12-14 yr 240-520 224-611
0-23 mo < 3000 Tanner Stage
2-4 yr < 1533 I 31-345 31-345
5-9 yr < 1048 II 110-495 150-570
10-19 yr < 545 III 170-585 200-600
IV 160-640 200-780
Cortisol (µg/dL) ............................................. 004051 V 250-900 215-850
Volume: 0.5 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum

Age Male Female Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) ................. 004697

5th day 0.6-19.8 0.6-19.8 Sulfate (µg/dL)
2 mo-13 yr 2.4-22.9 2.4-22.9 Volume: 1.0 mL (0.4 mL minimum) Serum
14-15 yr 2.5-22.9 2.5-28.6 Age Male Female
16-18 yr 2.4-28.6 2.4-28.6 1-7 days 91-376 73-367
Tanner Stage 8-15 days 37-224 44-247
II-III 2.7-13.4 1.4-16.2 1-3 yr < 30 < 79
IV-V 3.7-15.3 4.5-15.7 4-6 yr < 186 < 38
7-8 yr < 94 < 68
Cortisol, Urinary Free by HPLC (µg/24 hr) .. 004432 9-10 yr < 75 < 160
Volume: 15 mL (5.0 mL minimum) Urine
11 yr < 152 < 98
Age Male/Female 12 yr < 344 < 177
2-11 yr 1-21 13 yr < 242 < 167
12-16 yr 2-38 14 yr < 286 32-301
15 yr 59-310 39-288
C-Peptide (ng/mL) .......................................... 010108 16 yr 47-357 58-354
Volume: 1.0 mL (0.4 mL minimum) Serum, Frozen 17 yr 102-341 97-399
Age Male/Female 18-19 yr 108-441 145-395
0-9 yr 0.0-3.3 Tanner Stage
10-16 yr 0.4-3.3 I < 87 < 65
II & III < 151 < 175
IV 75-282 57-230
V 121-368 76-378

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

Deoxypyridinoline (Dpd) ............................... 511105 Estrogens, Total (pg/mL) .............................. 004549
Cross-Links (nmol Dpd/mmol creatinine) Volume: 2.8 mL (1.1 mL minimum) Serum
Volume: 10 mL (1.0 mL minimum) Urine
Age Male Female
Age Male Female 0-10 yr 0-25 0-25
8-11 yr 7.6-20.8 7.7-22.1 Tanner Stage
12-18 yr 1.4-24.2 0.0-20.6 I 10-38 10-46
II 17-45 22-63
Dihydrotestosterone (ng/dL) ...................... 140368* III 22-55 24-110
Volume: 1.2 mL (0.5 mL minimum) Serum IV 27-80 40-180
Age Male Female V 25-80 60-280
Newborn 5.0-60.0 <15.0
Prepubertal <3.0 <3.0
Estrone (pg/mL) ............................................ 004564
Tanner Stage
Volume: 0.4 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum
I <3.0 <3.0
II 3.0-17.0 5.0-12.0 Age Male Female
III 8.0-33.0 7.0-19.0 0-5 yr 18-53 19-46
IV 22.0-52.0 4.0-13.0 6-7 yr 17-48 17-44
V 24.0-65.0 3.0-18.0 8-9 yr 20-54 31-70
Adult 30.0-85.0 4.0-22.0
10-11 yr 21-49 28-68
12-14 yr 17-44 57-140
Erythropoietin (mIU/mL) .............................. 140277 Tanner Stage
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
I 5-17 4-29
Age Male Female II 10-25 10-33
1-3 yr 1.7-17.9 2.1-15.9 III 15-25 15-43
4-6 yr 3.5-21.9 2.9-8.5 IV 15-45 16-77
7-9 yr 1.0-13.5 2.1-8.2
V 20-45 29-105
10-12 yr 1.0-14.0 1.1-9.1
13-15 yr 2.2-14.4 3.8-20.5
Follicle-stimulating Hormone (mIU/mL) ........ 004309
Volume: 1.0 mL (0.4 mL minimum) Serum
Estradiol (pg/mL) ........................................... 140244
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum Age Male Female
0-23 mo 0.4-2.1 0.4-7.1
Age Male Female
1-6 yr <15 <15 2-5 yr 0.4-1.7 0.4-4.2
7-10 yr <15 <70 6-10 yr 0.4-1.6 0.4-3.0
11-12 yr <40 10-300 11-20 yr 0.4-8.7 0.4-8.6
13-15 yr <45 10-300 Tanner Stage
16-17 yr 10-50 10-300 I & II 0.3-4.6 0.7-6.7
Tanner Stage III & IV 1.2-15.4 1.0-7.4
I 3-15 5-10
V 1.5-6.8 1.0-9.2
II 3-10 5-115
III 5-15 5-180
IV 3-40 25-345
V 15-45 25-410

*This test may be considered by Medicare and other carriers as investigational and, therefore, may not be payable by the carrier as a covered benefit for patients.

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

Gastrin (pg/mL) ............................................. 004390 17-Hydroxypregnenolone (ng/dL) ................ 140715
Volume: 0.5 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum, Frozen Volume: 2.5 mL (1.1 mL minimum) Serum/Plasma
Age Male/Female Age Male Female
0-1 mo 69-190 < 1 yr 14-77 62-287
2-22 mo 55-186 1-5 yr 12-103 10-47
22 mo-16 yr (fasting 3-4 hr) 2-168 6-12 yr 31-186 11-141
22 mo-16 yr (fasting 5-6 hr) 3-117 Tanner Stage
22 mo-16 yr (fasting >8 hr) 1-125 II-III 20-363 58-450
IV-V 32-297 53-542
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase ..................... 143008*
Autoantibody (U/mL) 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (ng/dL) ................. 004713
Volume: 0.2 mL (minimum) 0.02 mL Serum Volume: 1.0 mL (0.5 mL minimum) Serum
Male & Female < 1.5 U/mL
Age Male Female
< 1mo 53-186 17-204
Growth Hormone (ng/mL) ............................. 004275 1-5 mo 35-157 25-110
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
6-11 mo 6-40 5-47
Age Male/Female 1-3 yr 2-19 3-51
1 day 5-53 4-6 yr 1-34 4-34
1 wk 5-27 7-9 yr 1-45 4-44
1-12 mo 2-10 10-12 yr 1-34 3-33
1 yr to Adult Less than 5.0 13-15 yr 23-82 2-72
16-18 yr 8-100 3-91
Homovanillic Acid (µg/mg creatinine) ........ 120246
Volume: 10 mL (4.0 mL minimum) Urine IA2 Autoantibodies (U/mL) ............................ 141531
Age Male/Female Volume: 0.3 mL (0.1 mL minimum) Serum
0-2 mo 11.3-35.0 Male & Female less than 0.75
3-11 mo 8.4-44.9
12-23 mo 12.2-31.8
Insulin, Fasting (µIU/mL) .............................. 004333
2-4 yr 3.4-32.0
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
5-9 yr 6.8-23.7
10-15 yr 3.2-13.6 Tanner Stage Male/Female
I 2.6-15.5
II & III 8.3-22.0
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid .......................... 316205
(mg/g creatinine) IV & V 8.5-23.0
Volume: 1.0 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Urine
Age Male/Female Insulin Autoantibodies (U/mL) ..................... 141598
Volume: 0.5 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum
3-8 yr 1.2-16.2
9-12 yr 2.4-8.7 Male & Female less than 1.0
13-17 yr 1.8-5.5

*This test may be considered by Medicare and other carriers as investigational and, therefore, may not be payable by the carrier as a covered benefit for patients.

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

Insulin-like Growth Factor I (ng/mL) ............ 010363 17-Ketogenic Steroids (mg/24 hr) ................. 004010
Volume: 0.5 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum Volume: 12 mL (10 mL minimum) Urine
Age Male Female Age Male/Female
2 mo-5 yr 17-248 17-248 0-11 mo <1.0
6-8 yr 88-474 88-474 1-10 yr <5.0
9-11 yr 110-565 117-771 11-14 yr <12.0
12-15 yr 202-957 261-1096
16-24 yr 182-780 182-780 17-Ketosteroids (mg/24 hr) ............................ 004028
Tanner Stage Volume: 25 mL (15 mL minimum) Urine
I 109-485 128-470
II 174-512 186-695 Age Male Female
III 230-818 292-883 0-4 yr <2 <2
IV 396-776 394-920 5-9 yr <3 <3
10-11 yr 1-5 1-5
V 402-839 308-1138
12-13 yr 1-6 1-6
14-16 yr 3-13 2-8
Insulin-like Growth Factor II (ng/mL) ......... 141770*
Volume: 0.4 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum
Luteinizing Hormone (mIU/mL) .................... 004283
Age Male/Female Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
Newborn 78 - 574
Age Male Female
0-2 yr 206 - 674
0-23 mo 0.5-1.9 0.0-0.5
3-4 yr 211 - 727
2-10 yr 0.0-0.5 0.0-0.5
5-6 yr 281 - 1041
11-20 yr 0.5-5.3 0.5-9.0
7-8 yr 380 - 1140
Tanner Stage
9-10 yr 455 - 1207
I 0.0-3.6 0.0-3.0
11-12 yr 386 - 1122
II 0.3-4.8 0.1-4.1
13-14 yr 342 - 1102
III 0.6-6.3 0.2-9.1
15-18 yr 398 - 1230
IV & V 0.6-7.8 0.5-15.0

Insulin-Iike Growth Factor-binding .............. 140152

Metanephrines, Fractionated (µg/24 hr) ....... 004234
Protein 3 (mg/L)
Volume: 25 mL (10 mL minimum) Urine
Volume: 0.3 mL (0.1 mL minimum) Serum
Age Metanephrine Normetanephrine
Age Male Female
3-8 yr 5-113 13-252
0-1 yr 0.9 - 1.8 0.7 - 2.5
9-12 yr 21-154 32-346
2-3 yr 1.1 - 2.3 0.8 - 3.8 13-17 yr 32-167 63-402
4-5 yr 1.2 - 3.1 1.3 - 3.6
6-7 yr 1.3 - 3.4 1.2 - 4.7
Neopterin (ng/mL) ........................................ 140335*
8-9 yr 1.4 - 3.9 1.6 - 4.0 Volume: 0.4 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum
10-11 yr 1.5 - 5.0 1.9 - 5.5
12-13 yr 1.7 - 5.1 1.8 - 6.1 Age Male/Female
14-15 yr 1.9 - 6.4 2.0 - 5.4 0-18 yr 0.9-3.4
16-17 yr 1.7 - 6.0 1.9 - 5.3
18-20 yr 1.5 - 6.0 1.6 - 6.0

*This test may be considered by Medicare and other carriers as investigational and, therefore, may not be payable by the carrier as a covered benefit for patients.

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

N-Telopeptide Cross-links (NTX) .................. 511097 Progesterone (ng/mL) ................................... 004317
(mM BCE/mmol creatinine) Volume: 0.5 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
Volume: 1.0 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Urine
Age Male Female
Tanner Stage Male Female 1-10 yr < 0.5 < 0.5
I 55-508 6-662 Tanner Stage
II 21-423 193-514 I < 0.3 < 0.3
III 27-462 13-632 II < 0.3 < 0.5
IV <609 <389 III < 0.5 < 4.5
V <240 <132 IV < 1.1 < 13.0
V 0.2-0.8 0.2-9.5
Osteocalcin (ng/mL) .......................................... 010249
Volume: 1.0 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum, Frozen Prolactin (ng/mL) ........................................... 004465
Volume: 0.5 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
Age Male Female
6 yr < 28 < 52 Age Male Female
7 yr < 41 < 53 <1 mo 3.7-81.2 0.3-95.0
8 yr < 54 < 54 1-11 mo 0.3-28.9 0.2-29.9
9 yr < 48 < 46 1-3 yr 2.3-13.2 1.0-17.0
10 yr < 47 < 61 4-6 yr 0.8-16.9 1.6-13.1
11 yr < 76 < 83 7-9 yr 1.9-11.6 0.3-12.9
12 yr < 126 < 94 10-12 yr 0.9-12.9 1.9-9.6
13 yr < 99 < 96 13-15 yr 1.6-16.6 3.0-14.4
14 yr < 116 < 75
15 yr < 115 < 32 Renin, Active (uU/mL) ................................... 142026
16 yr < 70 < 32 Volume: 1.0 mL (0.5 mL minimum) EDTA Plasma
17 yr < 41 < 26 Age Range
18 yr < 38 < 17 1-6 yr 4-89
19 yr < 28 < 16 7-12 yr 3-66
13-17 yr 2-37
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), Intact (pg/mL) . 015610
Volume: 1.0 mL (0.4 mL minimum) Serum, Frozen Renin Activity (ng/mL/hr) .............................. 002006
Volume: 2.5 mL (1.1 mL minimum) Plasma, Frozen
Age Male/Female
Age Male/Female
2-20 yr 9-52
0-1 mo 2.0-35.0
2-11 mo 2.4-37.0
Pregnenolone (ng/dL) ................................... 140707
1-3 yr 1.7-11.2
Volume: 2.5 mL (1.1 mL minimum) Serum/Plasma
4-5 yr 1.0-6.5
Age Male Female 6-10 yr 0.5-5.9
< 1 yr 10-137 18-87 11-15 yr 0.5-3.3
1-5 yr 10-43 19-48
6-12 yr 15-45 17-38 Serotonin (ng/mL) ......................................... 120089
Tanner Stage Volume: 1.5 mL (minimum) 0.6 mL Blood, Frozen
II & III 15-84 10-45
Age Male/Female
IV-V 20-77 11-50
0-18 yr 113-431

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

Serotonin, Platelet (ng/109 platelets) ............ 120196 Testosterone, Free by Ultrafiltration ................ 081786
See Directory of Services and Interpretive Guide with Total (ng/dL)
for specimen requirements Volume: 1.8 mL (0.7 mL minimum) Serum

Age Male/Female Free Testosterone (ng/dL)

0-19 mo 164-424 Age Male Female
20 mo - 15 yr 537-903 Cord Blood 0.50-2.20 0.40-1.60
1-15 days 0.15-3.10 0.05-0.25
1-2 mo 0.33-0.80 0.01-0.13
Sex Hormone-binding Globulin (nmol/L) ........ 082016
Volume: 0.3 mL (0.1 mL minimum) Serum 3-5 mo 0.07-1.40 0.03-0.11
6-7 mo 0.04-0.48 0.02-0.06
Age Male Female 6-9 yr 0.01-0.32 0.01-0.09
0-1 mo 11-71 12-51 10-11 yr 0.06-0.57 0.10-0.52
1-12 mo 60-209 50-181 12-14 yr 0.14-15.60 0.10-0.52
1-3 yr 42-156 51-158 15-17 yr 8.00-15.90 0.10-0.52
4-6 yr 39-146 48-142
7-9 yr 38-114 31-103 Percentage of Total Testosterone
10-12 yr 32-93 20-100 Age Male Female
13-15 yr 13-93 17 -77 Cord Blood 2.0-4.4 2.0-3.9
16-18 yr 11-54 9-75 1-15 days 0.9-1.7 0.8-1.5
1-2 mo 0.4-0.8 0.4-1.1
Testosterone, Total (ng/dL) ........................... 004226 3-5 mo 0.4-1.1 0.5-1.0
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum 6-7 mo 0.4-1.0 0.5-0.8
6-9 yr 0.9-1.7 0.9-1.4
Age Male Female
10-11 yr 1.0-1.9 1.0-1.9
1-5 mo 1-177 1-5
12-14 yr 1.3-3.0 1.0-1.9
6-11 mo 2-7 2-5
15-17 yr 1.8-2.7 1.0-1.9
1-5 yr 0-10 0-10
6-7 yr 0-20 0-10
Thyroglobulin, Quantitative (ng/mL) .......... 042846*
8-10 yr 0-25 0-30 Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
11-12 yr 0-350 0-50
13-15 yr 15-500 0-50 Term Infants Male/Female
Tanner Stage Cord Blood 5-65
I 2-23 2-10 1 day 6-93
II 5-70 5-30 10 day 9-148
III 15-280 10-30 Premature Infants (27 to 31 weeks)
IV 105-545 15-40 1 day 107-395
V 265-800 10-40 3 day 49-163
30 day 17-63

*This test may be considered by Medicare and other carriers as investigational and, therefore, may not be payable by the carrier as a covered benefit for patients.

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

Premature Infants (31 to 34 weeks) Thyroxine-binding Globulin (µg/mL) ........... 001735
1 day 147-277 Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
10 day 32-112 Age Male Female
30 day 19-51 1-11 mo 16-33 18-32
7-12 yr 20-50 1-3 yr 16-32 19-34
13-18 yr 9-27 4-6 yr 17-30 18-31
7-12 yr 17-29 15-29
Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (µIU/mL) ........... 004259 13-18 yr 13-26 14-29
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
Age Male Female Triiodothyronine (T3), (ng/mL) ...................... 002188
1-30 days 0.52-16.00 0.72-13.10 Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
1 mo-5 yr 0.55-7.10 0.46-8.10 Age Male Female
6-18 yr 0.37-6.00 0.36-5.80 0-1 mo 15-210 15-200
2-11 mo 95-275 50-264
Thyroxine (T4) (µg/dL) .................................... 001149 1-5 yr 80-253 126-258
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
6-10 yr 96-232 104-227
Age Male Female 11-15 yr 73-199 96-211
< 1 mo 5.9-21.5 6.3-21.5 16-18 yr 69-201 91-164
1-11 mo 6.4-13.9 4.9-13.7
1-3 yr 7.0-13.1 7.1-14.1 Triiodothyronine (T3), Free (pg/mL) ............. 010389
4-6 yr 6.1-12.6 7.2-14.0 Volume: 0.5 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
7-12 yr 6.7-13.4 6.1-12.1
Age Male Female
13-15 yr 4.8-11.5 5.8-11.2
1-3 days 1.4-4.8 1.4-5.4
4-30 days 1.4-5.5 1.5-5.0
Thyroxine (T4), Free by Equilibrium ............... 141002
1-11 mo 2.0-6.9 2.5-6.5
Dialysis (ng/dL)
Volume: 0.5 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum 1-5 yr 2.4-6.7 3.0-6.0
6-10 yr 2.9-6.0 2.7-6.2
Age Range 11-15 yr 3.1-5.9 2.6-5.7
Birth-4 days 2.2-5.3
16-18 yr 3.5-5.7 2.8-5.2
2 wk - 20 yr 0.8-2.0

Triiodothyronine (T3), Reverse (pg/mL) ........... 002212

Thyroxine (T4), Free, Direct (ng/dL) .............. 001974 Volume: 0.3 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum
Age Male/Female
Age Male Female
1-4 yr 150-710
1-3 days 0.80-2.78 0.88-1.93
5-9 yr 170-790
4-30 days 0.48-2.32 0.61-1.93
10-15 yr 190-880
1-11 mo 0.76-2.00 0.88-1.84
1-5 yr 0.90-1.59 1.02-1.72
6-10 yr 0.81-1.68 0.82-1.58
11-15 yr 0.92-1.57 0.79-1.49
16-18 yr 0.92-1.53 0.83-1.44

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please
submit separate specimens for each test requested.

Triiodothyronine (T3), Uptake (%) .................. 001156
Volume: 0.8 mL (0.3 mL minimum) Serum

Age Male Female

0-11 mo 23-34 23-36
1-3 yr 24-35 24-36
4-6 yr 24-34 24-35
7-12 yr 24-33 22-35
11-15 yr 25-37 23-37
16-18 yr 24-38 23-35

Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA) ........................ 123208

(mg/g creatinine)
Volume: 10 mL (4 mL minimum) Random Urine

Age Male/Female
0-1 yr 0-18.8
2-4 yr 0-11.0
5-9 yr 0-8.3
10-19 yr 0-8.2

Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy (ng/mL) ..................... 081950

Volume: 0.3 mL (0.2 mL minimum) Serum

Summer Ranges
Age Male Female
< 1 mo 11-44 11-41
1-11 mo 26-48 23-62
1-3 yr 12-60 18-62
4-12 yr 9-49 7-48
13-18 yr 9-41 7-38

Winter Ranges
Age Male Female
< 1 mo 8-38 6-42
1-11 mo 13-68 18-48
1-3 yr 16-51 17-53
4-12 yr 11-47 14-40
13-18 yr 6-39 6-28

Note: Use plastic transport tubes for all frozen specimens. In addition, to avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples,
please submit separate specimens for each test requested.


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Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH)
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Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase
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Homovanillic Acid (HVA)
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17-Hydrox yprogesterone
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Insulin, Fasting
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Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I)
Nichols Institute Diagnostics (kit manufacturer) Directional Insert.
Insulin-like Growth Factor II (IGF-II)
Diagnostic Systems Laboratory Technical Communication.
Insulin-like Growth Factor-binding Protein 3
Nichols Institute Diagnostics (kit manufacturer) Directional Insert.
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Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
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N-Telopeptide Cross-links (NTX)
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Parathyroid Hormone, Intact
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Renin Active
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Sex Hormone-binding Globulin
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Testosterone, Total
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Testosterone, Free by Ultrafiltration
Tietz NW, ed. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company; 1995:578.
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Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Soldin SJ, Morales A, Albalos, et al. Pediatric reference ranges on the Abbott Imx for FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH, T4, T3, free T4, free T3, T-Uptake,
IgE and ferritin. Clin Biochem. 1995; 28:603-606.
Thyroxine (T4)
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Thyroxine (T4), Free by Ultrafiltration
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Thyroxine (T4), Free, Direct
Soldin SJ, Morales A, Albalos, et al. Pediatric reference ranges on the Abbott Imx for FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH, T4, T3, free T4, free T3, T-Uptake,
IgE and ferritin. Clin Biochem. 1995; 28:603-606.
Thyroxine-binding Globulin (TBG)
Hicks JM, Godwin ID, Beatey J, et al. Pediatric reference ranges for thyroid binding globulin. Clin Chem. 1993; 39:1172.
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Soldin SJ, Morales A, Albalos, et al. Pediatric reference ranges on the Abbott Imx for FSH, LH, Prolactin, TSH, T4, T3, free T4, free T3, T-Uptake,
IgE and ferritin. Clin Biochem. 1995; 28:603-606.
Triiodothyronine (T3), Free
Soldin SJ, Morales A, Albalos, et al. Pediatric reference ranges on the Abbott Imx for FSH, LH, Prolactin, TSH, T4, T3, free T4, free T3, T-Uptake,
IgE and ferritin. Clin Biochem, 1995; 28:603-606.
Triiodothyronine (T3), Reverse
Soldin SJ, Hicks JM, eds. Pediatric Reference Ranges. Washington, DC: AACC Press; 1995:132.
Triiodothyronine Uptake (T3U)
Soldin SJ, Cook J, Beaty, et al. Pediatric reference ranges for thyroxine and triiodothyronine uptake. Clin Chem. 1992; 38:960.
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA)
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Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
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