REGULAR Syllabus 08092020
REGULAR Syllabus 08092020
REGULAR Syllabus 08092020
Chairperson – BOS
Prof. R. Sarvamangala
JnanaBharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056
Candidates who have completed Two years Pre – University course of Karnataka State
or its equivalent as notified by the university from time to time are eligible to seek
admission for this course
The course of study is Three (03) years of Six Semesters. A candidate shall complete
his/her degree within six (06) academic years from the date of his/her admission to the
first semester. A Student who successfully completes Three (03) years of the course will
be awarded Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (B.Com.).
a) For the purpose of calculating attendance, each semester shall be taken as a Unit.
b) A student shall be considered to have satisfied the requirement of attendance for the
semester, if he/she has attended not less than 75% in aggregate of the number of
working periods in each of the subjects compulsorily.
c) A student who fails to complete the course in the manner stated above shall not be
permitted to take the University examination.
M.Com/MBA/M.Com (F&A)/MBS graduates with B.Com, B.B.M, and BBA & BBS as
basic degree from a recognized university are only eligible to teach and to evaluate the
subjects (except languages, compulsory additional subjects and core Information
Technology related subjects) mentioned in this regulation. Languages and additional
subjects shall be taught by the graduates as recognized by the respective board of
a. Every college is required to establish a dedicated business lab / computer lab to enable
students get practical knowledge of business activities and online learning.
b. In every semester, the student should maintain a separate Note Book for each subject in
which numerical exercises / theory notes are to be recorded. This note book has to be
submitted to the concerned faculty at frequent intervals for verification and
c. In every semester, the student should keep a record of the Business Lab/Field Study
Activity and submit it to the concerned faculty for the award of Internal Assessment
d. The BOE is authorized to make random surprise visits to the colleges and verify note
books and the internal marks awarded.
a. There shall be a university examination at the end of each semester. The maximum
marks for the university examination in each paper shall be 70.
b. Of the 30 marks of Internal Assessment, 15 marks shall be based on Business Lab
Activities during the first two semesters and Field Study Activities in the next four
semesters, 10 marks shall be based on two tests. Each test shall be of at least 30
minutes duration to be held during each semester. The average of two tests shall be
taken as the internal assessment marks. The remaining 5 marks shall be based on
c. The marks based on attendance shall be awarded as given below:
76% to 80% = 2 marks.
81% to 85% = 3 marks.
86% to 90% = 4 marks.
91% to 100% = 5 marks.
a) A candidate shall apply for all the parts in each examination when he/she appears for the
first time. A candidate shall be considered to have appeared for the examination only if
he/she has submitted the prescribed application for the examination along with the required
fees to the university.
b) A candidate who is permitted to seek admission to this degree course on transfer from any
other University shall be eligible to claim exemption under Part I from the study of the
respective language if he/she has studied and passed the language at the corresponding level.
c) A candidate who is permitted to seek admission to this degree course on transfer from any
other University shall also be eligible to claim exemption under Part II from studying and
passing in those subjects which he/she has studied and passed at the corresponding level.
d) A candidate who is permitted to seek admission to this degree course on transfer from any
other University shall not be eligible for the award of ranks.
Candidates who have obtained a minimum of 35% marks in university examination (i.e. 25 marks
out of 70 marks of theory examination) and 40% in aggregate (i.e., total of university examination
and internal assessment marks) in each subject shall be eligible for a pass or exemption in that
1. The results of the First to Sixth semester degree examination shall be declared and classified
separately as follows:
a. First Class: Those who obtain 60% and above of the total marks of parts I, II & III.
b. Second Class: Those who obtain 50% and above but less than 60% of total marks of
parts I, II & III
c. Pass Class: Rest of the successful candidates who secure 40% and above but less than
50% of marks in part I, II & III.
2. Ranks shall be declared on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained by the candidates in this
degree course (excluding languages (part I) and non-core subjects (Part III) as a whole.
However, only those candidates who have cleared each semester university examination in the
first attempt only shall be eligible for award of ranks. The first ten ranks only shall be notified.
No candidates passing through an external examination shall be eligible for any scholarship,
fellowship, medal, prize or any other award.
a) A candidate is allowed to carry-forward all the previous un-cleared papers to the subsequent
b) Such of those candidates who have failed/remained absent for one or more papers henceforth
called as repeaters, shall appear for exam in such paper/s during the three immediately
succeeding examinations. There shall be no repetition for internal assessment test.
c) The candidate shall take the examination as per the syllabus and the scheme of examination in
force during the subsequent appearances.
d) In the event of any disputes or discrepancies, the aggrieved party jurisdiction of court is
Each question paper shall carry 70 marks and the duration of examination is 3 hours. The Question
paper shall ordinarily consist of three sections, to develop testing of conceptual skills, understanding
skills, comprehension skills, articulation and application of skills. The question paper setter shall be
asked to prepare TWO sets of papers with a maximum of 30% repetition. The Question Paper will
be as per the following Model:
The candidate shall be permitted to improve the results of the whole examination or of any Semester
or a subject within the prescribed time by the university after the publication of the results. This
provision shall be exercised only once during the course and the provision once exercised shall not
be revoked. The application for improvement of results shall be submitted to the Registrar
(Evaluation) along with the prescribed fee.
2.4 4 3 30 70 100 3
Marketing & Event Management
Part 2
Optional Human Capital Management 2.5 4 3 30 70 100 3
Duration Marks
Subjects Paper Instruction of Exam Credits
hrs./week Uni. Total
(hrs.) IA Exam
Language: I Kannada/Sanskrit/Urdu/Tamil/
Telugu/Malayalam/Additional English / 3.1 4 3 30 70 100 3
Part 1 Marathi/ Hindi
Language – II: English 4 3 30 70 100 3
3.4 4 3 30 70 100 3
Part 2 Financial Management
Optional Elements of Costing 4 3 30 70 100 3
Duration Marks
Subjects Paper of Exam Credits
hrs./week Uni.
(hrs.) IA Total
Language - I:
4.1 4 3 30 70 100 3
Part 1 Telugu/Malayalam/Additional English /
Language Marathi/ Hindi
Language – II:
4.2 4 3 30 70 100 3
Advanced Corporate Accounting 4.3 4 3 30 70 100 3
Total Credits 21
Total Credits 23
Duration Marks
Paper Instruction
Subjects of Exam Credits
No. hrs./week Uni.
(hrs.) IA Total
Part 1
Income Tax II 6.1 4 3 30 70 100 3
Management Accounting 6.2 4 3 30 70 100 3
Total Credits 23
Semester No. Title of the Paper
FN 5.5 Corporate Financial Management
FN 5.6 Strategic Financial management
FN 6.5 Derivatives and Risk Management
FN 6.6 International Financial Management
Semester No. Title of the Paper
MK 5.5 Consumer Behaviour & Market Research
MK 5.6 Advertising & Media Management
MK 6.5 Retail management
MK 6.6 International Marketing Management
Semester No. Title of the Paper
HR 5.5 Performance Management
HR 5.6 Strategic Human Resource Management
HR 6.5 Labour welfare and Social security
HR 6.6 International Human Resource Management
Common for all programmes, MCQ type of question paper shall be used and use
of modern teaching aids and supply of study material is recommended.
1. Constitution of Indian and Human Rights
2. Environmental Science
3. Computer Applications and Information Technology
4. Business Entrepreneurship and Management
5. Philosophy, Psychology and Life Skills
6. Personality Development and Leadership
7. Culture, Diversity and Society
8. Research Methodology
9. Education and Literacy / Science and Society
10. Human Resource Development / Management
11. Any one Foreign Language
12. Commodity & Stock Market
13. Mathematics in finance.
14. Inter personal skill
15. Artificial intelligence
16. Any other Course prescribed by the University from time to time
Evaluation of Co-curricular and Extra Curricular Activities as per the procedure evolved
by the University from time to time
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to help the students acquire conceptual
knowledge of the discipline financial accounting and to impart skills for preparation of financial
statements of different undertakings for acquiring practical wisdom
The objective of this course is to enable students understand the principles of management of a
business entity and life skills needed for effective management and navigate their lives
The objective of this course is to help students understand different forms of business entities and to
galvanise the market structure, their behaviours and dynamics in 21 century.
Features and limitation and Joint Stock Companies – Meaning, Definitions, Features and
Classification-Private Companies – Meaning, Definition, Features, Privileges, Merits and
Limitations-Public Companies – Meaning, Definition, Features, Merits and Limitations-
Distinctions between private and public companies – One man company-Limited liabilities
partnership (LLP)
Objective: The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge and skills of numerical abilities
and aptitudes for cracking public service examinations and competitive examinations.
The objective of this course is to help the students acquire knowledge, skills and acumen of
accounting treatment in respect of different categories of business undertakings and special type of
business activities
Need for segregation of Instalment Amount into Principal Component and Interest
Component-Problems on accrual method only-segregation of Instalment Amount into
Principal Component and Interest Component when (i) Interest component is not
included in the instalment amount (ii) Interest component is included in the instalment
amount (iii) Rate of interest is not given and (iv) Cash price is not given.
The objective of this course is to enable students to acquire basic knowledge about the concept of
marketing management, consumer behaviour, market segmentation strategy and event management.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to enable the students to gain knowledge and skills of
managing human resources in various organisations.
The objective of this course is to enable students to acquire basic knowledge of analysis and
interpretation of data for use in the decision making process in a business entity.
The objective of this course is to enable the students to have a comprehensive understanding about
the provisions of the Companies Act and Corporate Accounting techniques
Meaning of Debentures, Distinction between Shares and Debentures, Types of Debentures, Issue of
Debentures, Over Subscription, Issue of Debentures for ,Consideration other than Cash, Issue of
Debentures as a Collateral Security, Terms of Issue of Debentures, Interest on Debentures, Writing
off Discount/Loss on Issue of Debentures, Redemption of Debentures, Redemption by Payment in
Lump Sum, Redemption by Purchase in Open Market, Redemption by Conversion, Sinking Fund
Meaning – Need for Valuation – Factors Affecting Valuation – Methods of Valuation – Asset
Backing or Intrinsic Value Method – Yield Method – Earning Capacity Method – Fair Value
Method - Rights Issue and Valuation of Rights Issue
The objective is to enable students to understand the basic concepts of Financial Management and
the role of Financial Management in decision-making.
The objective of this subject is to familiarize students with the various concepts and elements of
The objective is to provide students with basic theory and recent practices of financial system,its
intermediaries and the supportive financial services, both in Indian as well as global context
Commercial Banking – Meaning and functions, Types of Banks –Public, Private and foreign Banks,
Payments Bank, Small Finance Banks, Cooperative Banking System and RRB’s. Investment Policy
of Commercial Banks and Consolidation of Banks in India
Financial institutions -meaning definitions and features, Objective composition and functions of
All Indian Financial Institutions (AIFI’s)- IFC, SIDBI, NABARD, EXIM Bank and NHB. Non-
banking finance companies (NBFCs)-meaning, definition, characteristics, functions and types:
NBFC-D, NBFC-ND, NBFC-ND-SI. Difference between a bank and a financial institution
Financial Services -Meaning, definition characteristics, types and importance. Types of Fund Based
Services and Fee Based Services. Factoring Services- meaning, types of factoring agreement.
Forfaiting, Lease Financing in India. Venture Capital- Meaning, stages of investment, types of VC,
Angel Investment-Meaning, features and importance, Recent trends of Angel Investment in India.
Crowd Funding -meaning, types. Mutual funds-meaning and types only
crises, current account deficit crises and Recent Trends in Global Financial Systems-information
highways in financial services
OBJECTIVE The objective of the course is to enable the students to develop awareness about
Corporate Accounting in conformity with the Provision of Companies’ Act and latest
amendments thereto with adoption of Accounting Standards.
OBJECTIVE: To familiarize the students on the uses and applications of cost accounting
methods in different businesses. Sectors
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with E- Commerce
Models and Tally for accounting in real time business practices.
E - Payment requirements, Meaning, and importance. Types -App based e-payment systems, M-
wallet payments, Card based payment – credit card, debit card and different types of cards, Net
Banking, M-Banking, NEFT and RTGS and Cheque Truncation System (CTS), payment through
BiT-Coin, Cyber crimes in E payments, Risks and protection in e-payments-cyber laws and cyber
police stations. Digital signature– usage and legal provisions, E-payment in paperless society-
Accounts Info, Group – Types, Create, Display, Alter; Ledger - Types, Create, Display, Alter;
Vouchers - Types, Create, Display, Alter; Default number of Groups, Ledgers and Vouchers,
Voucher Entry (Simple Problems),
Reports – Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss A/c, Stock Summary, Ratio Analysis, Brief on Display
Menu Items – Trail Balance, Day Book, Account Books, Statement of Accounts, Inventory
Books, Statement of Inventory, List of Accounts, Exception Report, Print of Report, Brief
Introduction of GST in Tally.
The objective of this course is to orient and familiarize students about relevant laws concerning
business organizations.
Business Law –Meaning, definition, characteristics, sources and its Significance. Types of
business Law, difference between Law and ethics. Case precedent- Meaning of plaintiff,
defendant, petitioner, respondents, public prosecutors, advocate General, Solicitor general
of India, Judicial Magistrate of First class, civil Judge, Sessions (criminal court judge)
Metropolitan magistrate, economic offences. Constitutional provisional relating to business
affairs (state list, concurrent list and central list) difference between civil cases and criminal
cases, adalaths
Objective of the Act, important terms- Complaint, Consumer, Consumer dispute, consumer
rights, defect, Deficiency, direct selling, E-commerce, Electronics Service providers,
HARM, injury, misleading advertisement , product liability. Restrictive trade practice,
service unfair trade practice (UTP), Consumer dispute redressal forums- district forum, state
commission and national commission. Jurisdiction offences and penalties under the ACT
Introduction - rationale and objectives: Need for Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Social,
Legal, Economic and Financial Perspectives -Authorities and Enforcement Mechanism in
IBC 2016 - Role of Adjudicating Authorities - Role of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Board of India (IBBI) Appellate Authorities -Insolvency of Individuals and Partnership
(a) Intellectual Property Right: Introduction and the need for intellectual property right
(IPR) - Kinds of Intellectual Property Rights: Patent, Copyright, Trade Mark, Design,
Geographical Indication, Plant Varieties and Layout Design –IPR in India ,IPR in
abroad - Major International Instruments concerning Intellectual Property Rights
(b) Information Technology Act, 2000: objective of the Act, Meaning of Cyber Law
,Cyberspace, digital signature, private key, public key, encryption, digital signature
certificate, Cyber Crimes-Meaning and types, offences and penalties. Information
Technology (Amendment 2018) –special provisions relating to online gaming,
provision of adequate safeguards against dangerous gaming resources and online
material that disturbs the cultural values and ethos.
OBJECTIVE-The objective of this course is to make the students to understand the computation of
taxable income and tax liability.
Brief history of Indian Income Tax, legal framework, types of taxes, cannons of taxation,
definitions, assessment, assessment year, previous year including exception, assesses,
person, income, casual income, gross total income, total income, agricultural income,
scheme of taxation, meaning and classification of capital and revenue.
UNIT-4: Income from salary 20 hours Meaning, definitions, basis of charge, advance salary,
arrears of salary, all allowances,
perquisites, profits in lieu of salary, provident fund, gratuity, commutation of pension,
encashment of earned leave, deductions from salary U/S 16, problems on computation of
salary income.
1. Fill Form No. 49A Online for obtaining PAN and submit the printout to the subject teacher
The objective is to enable the students to understand techniques used to control as well as reduce
the cost in various organizations
Objective: To enable the students to understand the basic concepts of Accounting Standards and to
understand the principles of recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of Indian
Accounting Standards by various organizations
Property, Plant and Equipment (Ind AS 16) - Intangible assets (Ind AS 38) - Impairment of assets
(Ind AS 36) – Inventories (Ind AS 2) - Borrowing costs (Ind AS 23) – Investment Property (Ind AS
– 40) – Scope, definitions, Recognition and Measurement of the above-mentioned Standards.
(Simple Problems on Ind AS 16, 38, 36, 2, 23)
Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets (Ind AS 37) – Scope, provision, liability,
obligating event, legal obligation, constructive obligation, contingent liability, contingent asset,
relationship between provisions and contingent liability, recognition of provisions, Contingent asset
and contingent liability, Measurement and Disclosure of Information in the Financial Statements.
Revenue from contract with customers (Ind AS 115) – Contract, Customer, Income, performance
obligation, Revenue, transaction price, Applicability of Ind AS 115, Recognition and identifying
performance obligation, determining the transaction price, disclosure requirements in Financial
Statements (Simple Problems Only)
1. List out the countries that adopted and converged with IFRS around the world.
2. Collect and Analyse the Statement of Changes in Equity of any five companies.
3. List out any five Indian Accounting Standards disclosures.
4. Analysis of published financial statements for at-least 2 types of stakeholders
5. Disclosure of change in equity in the annual reports of any two select companies.
This course aims at imparting knowledge about the principles and methods of auditing and
their applications.
Internal Control: Meaning and objectives. Internal Check: Meaning, objectives and fundamental
principles. Internal Check as regards: Wage Payments, Cash Sales, Cash Purchases. Internal
Audit: Meaning - Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Audit – Differences between Internal
Check and Internal Audit. E- Applications in internal control and check.
Meaning and Objectives of verification and valuation– Position of an Auditor as regards the
Valuation of Assets – Verification and Valuation of different Items: Assets: Land & Building, Plant
& Machinery, Goodwill – Investments - Stock in Trade. Liabilities: Bills Payable - Sundry
Creditors – Contingent Liabilities.
1. Collect the information about types of audit conducted in any one Organization
2. Visit an audit firm write about the procedure followed by them in auditing the books of
accounts of a firm.
3. Draft an investigation report on behalf of a Public Limited Company
4. Record the verification procedure with respect to any one fixed asset.
5. Develop E-content for qualified report and clean report of an MNC
6. List the renowned international audit firms
Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students to understand the computation of
taxable Income and tax liability of different types of Assessees
Provisions for set-off and carry forward of losses (theory and simple problems). Deductions
U/S 80C, 80CC, 80CCD, 80D, 80E, 80G, 80GG, 80GGA, 80U only.- simple problems on
80G only
The objective of this Course is to enable the students to understand the analysis and interpretation
of financial statements with a view to prepare management reports for decision-making.
Meaning and Definition of Ratio, Classification of Ratios, Uses & Limitations – Meaning and types
of Ratio Analysis – Problems on Ratio Analysis - Preparation of financial statements with the help
of Accounting Ratios.
Unit 3: FUND FLOWANALYSIS (10hrs) Meaning and Concept of Fund – Meaning and
Definition of Fund Flow Statement – Uses and Limitations of Fund Flow Statement-– Procedure
of Fund Flow Statement – Statement of
Changes in Working Capital – Statement of Funds from Operation – Statement of Sources and
Application of Funds – Problems
Meaning and Definition of Cash Flow Statement – Differences between Cash Flow Statement and
Fund Flow Statement – Uses of Cash Flow Statement – Limitations of Cash Flow Statement –
Provisions of AS-3 – Procedure of Cash Flow Statement – Concept of Cash and Cash Equivalents -
Cash Flow from Operating Activities – Cash Flow from Investing Activities and Cash Flow from
Financing Activities – Preparation of Cash Flow Statement according to AS-3 (Indirect Method
1. Collection of financial statements of any one organization for two years and preparing
2. comparative statements
3. Collection of financial statements of any two organization for two years and prepare a
common Size Statements
4. Collect statements of an Organization and Calculate Important Accounting Ratio’s
5. Draft a report on any crisis in an organization
Objective: the course is to expose the students to the various provisions and computation of goods
and service tax & customs duty and to enable the students to become independent tax practitioners
The concept of GST- The need for GST and the historical background of GST in India differences
between the Direct and indirect taxes, the basic features of Indirect taxes and the principal Indirect
taxes in India, Taxes Subsumed not subsumed under GST. The framework under GST (Dual
Model) and various benefits that are accrued from implementation of GST, The significant
amendments made in Constitution (101st Amendment) Act (Union, state and concurrent list), GST
Council- composition Power and Functions
(Theory based coupled with Practical Scenario for better understanding of concepts: Numerical
problems on supply-Calculation of Transaction value)
Definitions of: Goods, Services, Person, Business, Business Vertical, Consideration, Aggregate
Turnover, Fixed Establishment, Casual taxable person, Concept of Supply [Section 7 of CGST
Act], Taxable Supplies, Exempt Supply, Non- taxable supply, Supply with consideration in course/
furtherance of business, Supply without consideration; Schedule I, II, and III to the GST Act.
Classification of rate of Taxes under GST and Composition scheme, Continues supply, Composite
supply, Principal supply, Mixed Supply [Section 8], Taxability of Interstate supply and Intra state
supply, Concept of Outward supply and Inward supply over Sales and Purchases
Registration under GST based on Turnover Limits. Casual registration- Time of supply, place of
supply and value of supply, Levy and collection of CGST/SGST/IGST (Section 9 of CGST),
Composition levy (Section10), Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) (Section 9(3)/9(4),. Power of
Grant Exemption from Tax [Section 11 of the CGST Act) Tax Invoice
Definition of: Input Goods, Input Services, Capital goods, Input on Capital Goods, Concept of
Input tax credit Eligibility and conditions for taking ITC, Cross Utilization of ITC, Apportionment
of credit and blocked credits, Availability of credit in special circumstances, availing and utilization
of ITC. Treatment of IGST on import of Goods
Definition of Returns, Concept of Electronic Credit Ledger, Electronic Cash Ledger, Brief
introduction and contents in- Returns for Outward supply (GSTR-1), Returns for Inward Supply
(GSTR-2), Final Monthly Returns (GSTR-3), Annual Returns (GSTR-9) Mechanism of GST
Network w.r.t Returns matching of invoices. Filing of First Returns GST Network: Structure, and
Objectives: this course enables the learner to gain an insight in to starting of his or own
enterprise and to enlighten them on ethical practices
Meaning, Definition, investment limit, Ownership Patterns of Micro, Small and Medium
enterprise. Products and services of MSME, Role played by MSME in the development of
Indian Economy, Problems faced by MSME and the steps taken to solve the problems,
Stages in setting up of MSME
Meaning, definition features types, benefit and limitation of startups. Players in the
promotion of start ups, the role of incubation centers in grooming youngsters for startups
preparation of business plan and feasibility reports – Financial, technical, marketing,
product service, legal. Causes for success and failure of start-ups in India, Start-ups India
scheme, features eligibility, loan facilities matching grant, minimizing section imbalance
through the promotion of startups in urban and rural India, Women entrepreneurs in start-
c) Auditing of ULB’S
Government auditor-Inspection of Books and Vouchers, different types of audit, measures to clear
audit objection and recovery paras, adhoc committee.
The objective is to enable the students to understand assessment of Firms and Companies with
regard to Income tax act, 1961 and to study the basics of customs duty. An equal emphasis to be
given for both theory and numerical problems Scenario analysis is to be made to understand the
Double taxation relief,-Provisions regulating transfer pricing,-Arm’s length pricing (theory only)
Objective: The students will be able to understand the concepts and treatment for special
transactions such as Related Party Disclosures, employee benefits, leases, financial instruments, and
Consolidated Financial Statements in the context of financial reporting as per Ind AS.
Related Party, related party Transaction, key Management Personnel, significant influence,
government related entity, purpose of related party disclosures, Disclosure of related party
Lease, Finance Lease, operating Lease, Non-cancellable lease, commencement of Lease term,
Minimum Lease Payments, Fair Value, Classification of Lease, Leases in the Financial Statements
of Lessees, Leases in the Financial Statements of Lessors. (Simple Problems Only)
To enable the students to apply basic financial management theories and techniques for corporate
To enable the students to gain practical wisdom on different dimensions of strategic financial
management Decisions
Meaning of project and project management, Project Management from financial perspective –
Product Life Cycle & Financial impact – Development of project reports – contents thereof –
sourcing of funds for a project – traditional and alternative modes - Private Equity – Hedge Funds –
Venture Capital – Crowd source funding - Non Financial Institutional Funding – Corporate Finance
needs for SME - Foreign Exchange Management
The objective is to introduce the students to the key concepts of Risk Management and
provide an Understanding of Derivatives as financial instruments to mitigate the risk
Introduction, Risk and Uncertainty, Classification of Risks, Scope, Objectives, Process, Role of
Risk Management in Business, Introduction to Derivatives, Evolution of Derivatives, Meaning &
Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Types of Derivatives – Introduction, Meaning & Definition,
Participants, Uses, Economic Benefits of Derivatives, Factor Contributing to the growth of
Derivatives in India, recent trend in Derivatives.
Futures Contract: Meaning & Definition, Terminologies, Participants, Types of Futures Contract,
Futures v/s Forwards, Pricing of Futures: Theoretical Pricing of Derivatives - Cost of Carry Model
(Theory Only), Explanation of Future Contract with a simple example, Futures Market in India –
Recent Developments
Options Contracts: Meaning & Definition, Terminologies, Types of Options Contract, Options v/s
Futures v/s Forwards, Participants, Pricing of Options: Theoretical Pricing of Derivatives: Black
Sholes Model & Binomial Distribution Model, Explanation of Option Contract with a simple
example, Option \ Market in India Recent Developments
Swaps Contracts: Meaning & Definition, Terminologies, Types of Swaps Contract, Swaps v/s
Options v/s Futures v/s Forwards, Participants, Pricing of Swaps, Back to Back Loan, LIBOR &
MIBOR, Explanation of Swaps Contract with a simple example, Swaps Market in India – Recent
5. Prepare a chart consisting of the movement of major stock indices of world – S&P, Sensex,
Nikkei, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, FTSE, Hang Seng.
1. Dun & Bradstreet: Financial Risk Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication.
2. Kotreshwar, G: Risk Management- Insurance and Derivatives, Himalaya Publishing House
3. Trieshmann, Gustavson & Hoyt: Risk management & Insurance, Thomson Learning Inc
4. Crouhy M. Dan Galai and Robert P. Mark: Risk Management, McGraw-hill Co.
5. Paul Hopkin, Fundamentals of Risk Management
6. George E Rejda and Michael McNamara, Principles of Risk Management & Insurance
7. John C. Hull, Risk Management & Financial Institutions
8. Merton M Miller, Derivatives,
OBJECTIVE: To familiarize the students with the perspective of International Financial Management.
5. Write a report on the marketing problem faced by any organization of your choice
1) Rajeev Batra, John.G.Myers.T.David.A.Aaker; Advertising Management; PHI New Delhi,
2) Jefkins & Yadin; Advertising, Pearson Education, New Delhi, .
3) 3. Manendra Mohan; Advertising Management - Concepts & Cases; Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing company Ltd, New Delhi
4) S.A.Chunnawalia & K.c.Sethia Foundations of Advertising - Theory & Practice, Himalaya
Publishing House,
5) Sonatakki, Advertising.
6) Wells, Advertising.
7) C.S Rayudu Media and Communication Management.
8) Murthy/ U Bhojanna ; Advertising in IMC
To expose students to acquire skills in Retail Management
Meaning – Reasons and Motives for International marketing – International Marketing Decisions –
Scope of marketing Indian products abroad.
International Product Decisions Product, Product mix, Branding, Packaging Labelling and Product
Communication Strategies Exporters cost and Pricing Objectives – methods and Approaches and
Steps – transfer pricing – dumping – Information Requirements for pricing.
Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts, process, methods and techniques
used for performance appraisal in an organization
To expose students to acquire skills in Strategic Human Resource Management.
To expose students to acquire skills in Labor Welfare & Social Security
Introduction – Impact on employment- impact on HRD, Impact on Wages & Benefits, Impact on
Trade Unions, Impact on Collective Bargaining, Impact on Participative management and Quality
Circles, Managing Diversified cultures.
Introduction, Principles and core concepts of TQM, HRM and TQM, the Total quality HR strategy
Employees for lease, Moon lighting by employees – Blue moon to full moon, Dual career groups,
Flexitime and Flexiwork, Training and Development – Organization’s Educational Institutes,
Management Participation in Employee’s Organization, Consumer Participation in Collective
Bargaining, Collaborative Approach, Employee’s Proxy, HR accounting, Organizational Politics,
Exit Policy and Practice, Future of HRM.