Sample Risk Assessment
Sample Risk Assessment
Sample Risk Assessment
Below is a sample risk assessment format. Other formats are acceptable as long as the required GLBA components are included. In the sample, the Inherent
Risk rating for each threat is derived from the ratings for Probability of Occurrence and Potential Impact before controls are considered. The Residual Risk is the
remaining risk after controls are considered. The ratings system can use either a (H)igh, (M)edium, (L)ow value or a numeric score. In either case, the ratings
used for each category should be well defined. Ratings can be influenced by many factors including services offered, customer base, and transaction size and
volume; and will change over time, hence annual update is needed.
This risk assessment should be modified to fit your institution's technology capabilities, specific needs, and circumstances.
Mitigating Controls
Potential Residual
Probability of Inherent
Potential Threats and Impact/ Risk
Occurrence Risk Rating Admin./Policy Technical Physical Security Comments
Vulnerabilities Severity Rating
(H, M, L) (H, M, L)
(H, M, L) (H, M, L)
Vendor Management
policies/procedures are in place.
Implementation of technical controls
Obtain a SSAE16 (FKA SAS 70) offered by the service provider.
Weakness of each third party
M M M report from the vendor. L, M, or H
service provider
Use of other software to mitigate
Obtained vendor's assessment of weaknesses in service provider products.
their vulnerabilities, and mitigating
services and controls they offer.
Policy requires and system enforces Passwords are not stored on the access
strict password rules. device for the wire transfer system.
Inadequate password policies for
M H H L, M, or H
the institution
Employee training enforces System requires password changes every
importance of password security. 90 days.
Policy requires and system enforces Passwords are not stored on the access
strict password rules. devices for online banking.
Inadequate password policies for
H H H L, M, or H
the customer
Employee training enforces System requires password changes every
importance of password security. 90 days.
Know Your Customer policies help The institution truncates account numbers
ascertain the true identity of and customer data to hinder internal
customers. employee fraud.