TA Strategic Plan 2009-2013 Final
TA Strategic Plan 2009-2013 Final
TA Strategic Plan 2009-2013 Final
A. Public Outreach Comments ......................................................................................................36-41
B. Draft Strategic Plan Comments.................................................................................................42-43
1988 Measure A
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
*2008 data is based on projections
By December 31, 2008, when the 1988 Measure A projects/programs in the 1988 Measure A Program
Program will expire, the TA will have expended 61 percent that have commenced. It should be noted that the
of the total estimated sales tax revenues and other earn- delivery of 1988 Measure A funded projects will
ings on San Mateo County transportation improvements. continue beyond the expiration of the 1988 Measure A
Prior to the expiration of the 1988 Measure A Program, Program, in keeping with the commitment to the voters
the TA Board of Directors will take action on the program- who approved the 1988 Measure A Program.
ming of all estimated remaining sales tax funds to
Measure A
Transit (30%)
Highways (27.5%)
Program Category Description Purpose
Caltrain Existing commuter rail Upgrade and expand Caltrain Up to 50% funding
system providing train services in San Mateo County; for operations
service in San Francisco, Fund systemwide improvements
San Mateo and Santa Clara and safety
Local Shuttles Transit services provided Meet local mobility needs and n/a
with vehicles that are provide access to regional transit
typically larger than vans and
smaller than buses
Accessible Targeted transportation Provide paratransit and other n/a
Services services for people that have transportation services to eligible
special mobility needs seniors and people with disabilities
Ferry Transit service provided by Establish ferry services in San Mateo For services in
vessels on waterways County Redwood City and
South San Francisco
Dumbarton A key corridor connecting Construct stations and rail n/a
Corridor the East Bay with the enhancements in East Palo Alto,
Peninsula identifi ed for future Menlo Park and Redwood City
commuter rail service
BART Existing heavy rail system Maintain and operate BART Projects to be
providing train services in extension to San Mateo County programmed by
San Francisco, San Mateo, BART
Alameda and Contra Costa
Key Highways in San Mateo Reduce congestion and increase Projects to be
Congested County throughput on highways selected from
Areas eligible project list
Supplemental Local, collector, arterial, Reduce congestion and increase n/a
state route roadways in San throughput on roadways
Mateo County
Local Streets / Transportation services, Improve and maintain local Projects to be
Transportation roadways owned and transportation facilities and services programmed by
maintained by the cities and cities and/or county
County of San Mateo
Grade Separations Eliminate at-grade railroad Improve safety and relieve local n/a
crossings traffi c congestion
Pedestrian and Pedestrians and bicycle Encourage walking and bicycling n/a
Bicycle facilities
Alternative Commute alternatives and Effi ciently use transportation 0.8 percent is
Congestion Relief Intelligent Transportation network and reduce reliance on for commute
Programs Systems (ITS) automobiles alternatives and
0.2 percent for ITS
Planning Process
Figure 3. Participants
TA Board
(Strategic Plan
Ad Hoc
Managers Consultants
Carmen Clark)
• Pacifica (Coastside)
• Burlingame (Central county)
• Daly City (North county)
• Redwood City (South county)
Key comments received from the stakeholders and the
public emphasized the importance of particular criteria
that should be used in evaluating and prioritizing projects
and performance measures. They included:
and Allocations
Participant Responsibilities
Project Initiator - Recommend Project to Sponsor
(All eligible)
Caltrain SamTrans, Joint Powers Board
Local Shuttles SamTrans
Accessible Services SamTrans
Ferry South San Francisco, Redwood City
Dumbarton Corridor SamTrans
BART SamTrans
Highways Caltrans, Cities, San Mateo County
Local Streets / Transportation Cities, San Mateo County
Grade Separations SamTrans, Cities, San Mateo County,
Joint Powers Board
Pedestrian and Bicycle Cities, San Mateo County
Alternative Congestion Relief Cities, San Mateo County
5.2 Non-competitive Programs For the Transit: BART within San Mateo County program,
and Projects as outlined in an agreement between BART, SamTrans
and the TA, 2 percent of Measure A sales tax revenues
There are program and projects within the Measure A
will be allocated to BART on an annual basis.
Program that are not subject to a competitive TA process.
Qualified programs are those that have committed
For the Transit: Accessible Service program, funding is
funding designated in the 2004 Expenditure Plan or from
committed to the continuation and expansion of para-
a previously executed funding agreement. Qualified proj-
transit services operated by SamTrans as Redi-Wheels.
ects include existing transit services that are currently
Other supplemental services to be funded within this
being funded with 1988 Measure A sales tax proceeds.
program have not yet been identified and will be consid-
ered as new projects subject to the guidelines described
– Qualified Programs and Projects in Section 5.3.
There are four programs and projects that are non-com-
petitive within the 2009-2033 program: For the Transit: Local Shuttles program, funding is
committed to existing shuttle services that have been
• Transit: BART within San Mateo County
funded by the 1988 Measure A Program subject to
• Transit : Accessible Services acceptable performance. New shuttle services to be
• Transit: Shuttles funded within this program have not yet been identified
and will be considered as new projects subject to the
• Local Streets and Transportation
guidelines described in Section 5.3.
Funding Match
– Operating Projects
For operating projects, Project Sponsors will be required
to submit performance reports. Sample performance
measures include service effectiveness, service quality
and customer satisfaction. This monitoring program
will assist the TA in justifying the continued funding for
approved operating projects. If performance measures
indicate less then acceptable performance, the TA will
work with the Project Sponsor to set up a mitigation
program and achieve improvements as a condition of
continued funding from the Measure A Program.
Fund Management
FTA Section 5309 – Fixed Purchase of rail cars, ferries and equipment on fi xed-guideway FTA/MTC
Guideways transit services
FHWA – STP Roadway or transit rehabilitation, transportation system and FHWA/ MTC
operational improvements, highway construction, transit facilities,
ITS projects, intermodal port facilities
FHWA – CMAQ Transportation projects that improve air quality and relieve FHWA/MTC
FTA – JARC Projects and services designed to transport low-income persons to FTA/MTC
work; projects to move people to suburban job centers
FTA - New and Small Starts New rail lines or extensions; new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) fi xed Congress
guideway, other BRT
FTA – Elderly and Disabled Purchase of paratransit vans and related equipment California
FTA – New Freedom Program Fund public transit alternatives beyond those FTA/MTC
required by ADA
FTA - Bus and Bus Facility Purchase of buses and improvements to bus facilities Congress
Safe Routes to School Infrastructure projects and programs that promote walking
and bicycling near schools
Bicycle Transportation Bicycle path, lane or route construction and maintenance, lockers, racks on transit Caltrans
Account vehicles, planning, and safety education
Proposition 1B General obligation bonds for various programs: transportation corridor California
improvements, trade infrastructure and port security projects, school bus Transportation
retrofi t and replacement, state transportation improvement program, transit and Commission
passenger rail improvements, state-local partnership transportation projects,
transit security projects, local bridge seismic retrofi t projects, highway-railroad
grade separation and crossing improvement projects, state highway safety and
rehabilitation projects, and local street and road improvement, congestion relief,
and traffi c safety
Regional Bridge Tolls Projects that mitigate and relieve traffi c congestion on the MTC
bridges (AB 664, 2%-5%, Regional Measure 2)
San Mateo County $4 Motor Vehicle Management of traffi c congestion and stormwater C/CAG
License Fee pollution
Developer Impact Fees Cost to local government of a new development, including Local Governments
roads, sidewalks, sewers, and utilities
Transportation Fund for Clean Air Funds regional competitive and county funding categories. Bay Area Air Quality
Programs include: TFCA Regional Fund, Bicycle Facility Management District
Program, Smoking Vehicles Program, Spare the Air, (BAAQMD)
Vehicle Buy Back, and TFCA County Program Manager
Next Steps
Transportation needs on Provide more weekend and evening shuttle services to BART Under the project evaluation criteria,
the Coastside and Caltrain. geographic equity was added to the
“other” category. This addresses the
Create additional shuttle service to SFO. importance of making investments
throughout the county. Proposed
People need to stop and shop for the economic vitality of the projects will need to be coordinated
coastside, not just pass through as quickly as possible. through the Project Sponsors as
identifi ed in Chapter 5 to be considered
How can the congestion needs of the coastal communities be for TA funding.
Highway 1 is extremely important, and traffi c congestion
poses a serious health & safety issue if the road is blocked.
Highway 1 is a major thoroughfare and should be treated with
regional signifi cance.
Consider more possibilities than just widening for Highway 1.
Look at the context/importance of a thoroughfare
to a community.
Environmental Concerns Consider carbon neutral buses added on the coastal com- Environmental concerns are addressed
mute, as well as clean shuttles and other vehicles. in the “other” project evaluation criteria
category. Recommended projects will
Be cognizant of stormwater fl ows and provide for fl ood need to be coordinated through the
control. Project Sponsor as identifi ed in Chapter 5
Reduce carbon dioxide pollutant levels. to be considered for TA funding.
NOTE: Staff received comments related to both the 1988 and 2004 Measure A Programs.
Appendix A reflects comments and questions related to the 2004 Measure A Program.
Comments and questions related to the 1988 Measure A Program have been addressed separately.