Bulletin-55 Dec 27A - 2020

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December 27, 2020

First Sunday after Christmas
Welcome! We’re happy to have you with us today.

L: This is the day the Lord has made!
P: We will rejoice and be glad in it!
A: Eternal God, by the birth of Jesus Christ You
gave Your Self to the world. Grant that, being
born in our hearts, He may save us from all
N EWARK VALLEY 1ST UNITED METHODIST our sins and restore within us the Image and
70 S. MAIN ST., Likeness of our Creator, to whom be
NEWARK VALLEY, NY 13811 everlasting praise and glory, world without
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end. Amen.
Office: (607) 642-8811 Website: nvmethodist.com
Email: [email protected] GIFTS/OFFERTORY
Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/nvfirstumc *Thanksgiving Praise: “For He Alone Is Worthy”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RESPONSIVE READING: Psalm 148
L: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise the
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lord, in the heights!
Rev. Timothy Middleton P: Praise the Lord, all His angels, praise the Lord, all His hosts!
Parsonage: (607) 642-3630 L: Praise the Lord, sun and moon praise the Lord all shining stars!
Email: [email protected]
P: Praise the Lord, highest heavens, and all waters above the
L: Let them praise the Name of the Lord, who commanded and
they were created,

P: who established them for ever and ever and fixed their bounds People to Remember in Prayer Each Day
which cannot be passed.
For Encouragement: Wilma Ace; Doris Adams; Rev. Nancy Adams;
L: Praise the Lord from the earth sea monsters and all deeps, Caregivers; Davis, Heath & Neal Missionary Families; Macella Dean;
P: fire and hail, snow and smoke, stormy wind fulfilling God’s Jessica Dunham; Mary Harper Edsall; Lillian Gregrow; Dorene Hill; Rob
command! Dunham & family; Sheryl Jones; Joyce Malsch; Terry McKinney; Lexy
Middleton; Tim & Connie Middleton; Shuba & Morrissey families;
L: Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars! Bonnie Snapp; President elect Biden; President Trump; UCC Church;
P: Beasts and all cattle, creeping things and flying birds! Health Related Issues: Dave Ace; Jerry Adams; Larry Baird; Baby
L: Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers of the Princess Warrior Bristol; Carol Bazzeghin; Pete Brennan; Carol Carey;
earth! Donald Cornwell; Tony DeCaro; Mary Edsall; Enzo Gentile; Linda
Hendrickson; Darlene Hill; Jim Kavalesky; Rosie Kessler; MaryAnn
P: Young men and maidens together, old men and children! Kinsey; Marylou Kinsey; Sue Kinsey; June Krapf; Anna Kuntzelman;
L: Let them praise the Name of the Lord, whose Name alone is “Larry” (MaryJo Carey’s Brother); Nancy Laughlin; Autumn Lavine;
exalted, whose glory is above earth and heaven. Shirley Mincher; Chet & Peggy Pierce; Teri Remaley; Residents, staff &
families of Hilltop & Elderwood Communities; “Debbie” (Arlene Ronk’s
P: God has raised up a horn for His people praise for all His daughter); Ginger (Kinsey) Roth; “Sharon” (Nellie Snapp’s sister); Paula
faithful ones, for the people of Israel who are near their God. Simmons; Kim Smith; Jackie Sparks; Jean Stevens; Those down with
Praise the Lord! the flu; Those in harm’s way of contracting “Covid19”: food pantry
volunteers, school and store employees helping to make food and
*HYMN “What Child Is This” groceries available, and those with the virus; Twins, Cassidy & Siena
Lourie; Pat Valentia; Don Williams (Frazier’s brother); Tim Worden
PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S Our Shut Ins: Sharon Brown; Mary Kay Johnson; Jean Stevens;
PRAYER (UMH #895) Brandon Swisher; Tarraha Whittemore
In Sympathy & Comfort: All those who continue mourning the loss of
SCRIPTURE LESSON Micah 5:1-5 a loved one along with the families & friends of Darlene Hill; Katherine
MESSAGE: “What Did You Get for Christmas” Kobylarz; Jim Krapf; & of those who have died from COVID-19;
~ Renée Gaylord
Unknown/Other Concerns: All Churches in the area; Lorisa Bates &
INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP family; Bishop Webb and his Cabinet; Churches and states as they reopen;
*HYMN “Joy to the World” All Countries affected by terrorism; All those affected by violence; Church
BENEDICTION PRAISE family; Families whose loved ones are struggling with addiction; Gabby
Dunham; Healthcare workers & providers; Law enforcement officers & their
THE LIGHT GOES FORTH families; Opposing views on racial & social issues; Our country’s leaders;
Our Congregation; Our Military Troops; Our Small Groups; Our vision; Our
POSTLUDE Youth; Persecuted Christians; Political Climate; Sanitation workers,
Scientists working on vaccines & cures: Refugees & others in the midst of
moves; The People of the Mid. East; The Unemployed; those affected by
natural disasters, relief workers & their families; Those starting new jobs;
Unspoken Concerns; Young Disciples’ Church; Weather related concerns;
World peace;

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