December Open Jobs Report 2020
December Open Jobs Report 2020
December Open Jobs Report 2020
OPEN JOBS REPORT Source: JobsEQ®. Data as of 2020Q2 unless noted otherwise. Exported on: December 21, 2020
Even with the pandemic our economy is expected to grow over the next decade! The manufacturing 120,000
sector will need over 25K new people to keep up with demand while the professional service sector will
need over 53K people. The Healthcare sector and the Hospitality sectors are expected to see the largest
annual growth rates as well at 1.2% and 1.5% each year for the next 10 years. 90,000
While all the region’s industries are expecting to grow, a lot of this new demand is expected to come from TOTAL NEW
people leaving the workforce and transfering jobs within the economy. Over the next ten years, industry/ DEMAND
employment growth will only account for 10K of 164K jobs that companies will need to hire for and train
to keep up with demand.
Source: JobsEQ®. Data as of 2020 Q2 unless noted otherwise. Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding. 6,260
Data represent found online ads active within the last thirty days in any zip code intersecting or within the selected region; data
represents a sampling rather than the complete universe of postings; the listing search uses keywords that are similar to but not the
equivalent of the SOC occupation definitions.