Capwap Signal Matching Software: Analytical. Measured. Trusted

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CAPWAP® Signal Matching Software

The necessary and sufficient analysis software for Dynamic
Pile Load Testing

Analytical. Measured. Trusted.

Forces and velocities occurring at the pile top
during ram impact are complementary quantities
related to each other by pile characteristics and
soil resistance. CAPWAP (Case Pile Wave Analysis
Program) is a signal matching software program
that uses such force and velocity data measured by
the Pile Driving Analyzer® system (PDA) to:
• Calculate static soil resistance magnitude and
distribution along the shaft and at the pile toe
• Calculate stresses at any point along the pile
• Simulate a static load test in compression and
tension (uplift)
CAPWAP Input Screen with Wave-Up Match
• Predict the instantaneous load displacement
behavior of the tested pile
CAPWAP analyzes not only data obtained
during PDA testing of driven piles, but also
of drilled shafts or bored piles and augered-
cast-in-place or continuous flight auger

CAPWAP output includes:

• Simulated static load vs. pile top and toe
• Soil resistance distribution
• Dynamic forces and stresses along the shaft CAPWAP Standard Output Summary
• Damping and quake along shaft and at toe
• Measured and computed forces and velocities
• Maxima of displacement, velocity and
transferred energy along the pile CAPWAP offers special tools to analyze
• CASE Method results Cast-in-Situ and Other Concrete Piles:
• Optionally residual forces in pile and soil • Variation of wave speed over time
• Comprehensive report including soil profile and • Calculation and display of modified pile
driving log models, concrete volume, mechanical
properties and wave speed
• Automatic pile impedance adjustment
CAPWAP® Pile & Soil Model
CAPWAP models the pile as a series of continuous uniform sections (characteristics model) and the soil
based on a greatly expanded Smith approach. Pile damping, splices, non-uniformities and multiple pile or
shaft materials may be represented. The soil resistance is typically lumped into individual resistance forces at
1 or 2 m intervals with elasto-plastic static, linearly viscous and mass related dynamic properties. Radiation
damping is represented by an additional mass and dashpot. It is also possible to model up to two additional
toes, useful for certain non-uniform piles or to approximate a hyperbolic toe resistance behavior. Other
options include Residual Stress Analysis for end of drive situations and Multiple Blow Analysis to analyze
restrike tests.

CAPWAP Help Features

CAPWAP helps the user during input with a variety
of variables that affect the signal matching process.
• Convenient input data quality checks
• Automatic signal matching options
• Comprehensive automatic matching procedures
based on expert logics:
• Built in iCAP® routine
• Special signal matching procedures for related
groups of parameters:
• Dynamic soil resistance characteristics
• Resistance distribution
• Toe parameters
• Static resistance - damping exchange
• Shaft and toe resistance exchange
• Options for automatic pile impedance
adjustment for uncertain non-uniform pile
• Options to help input composite and non-uniform
piles such as concrete filled pipe and tapered
• For cast-in-situ piles, automatic calculation of
area of each pile model segment based on a
s-built concrete volume vs depth data
• Extensive expert help system
• Warning indicators for unusual or uncommon
parameter selections
The background manual completely covers theory,
models and recommended procedures. A training • CAPWAP finds the static soil resistance model
class helps prepare the software novice. Continuing that best matches the dynamic measurements
technical support from Pile Dynamics is available to of pile force and velocity, either automatically or
all registered users. interactively
• Calculations can be performed in Traditional US,
Pile Dynamics, Inc. (PDI) is the world leader in SI or Metric units
developing, manufacturing and supplying state • CAPWAP licenses are available with hardware or
of the art QA/QC products and systems for the software locks
deep foundations industry. The company is
headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, with offices • CAPWAP is to be operated by a person
and representatives worldwide. For additional with an engineering degree from an institution
information visit us at or contact of higher learning with additional preparation by
[email protected] today. Pile Dynamics or its representatives | 216.831.6131 | [email protected]

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