TMS Fire Extinguisher Training
TMS Fire Extinguisher Training
TMS Fire Extinguisher Training
Course Overview
What is Fire?
Classes of Fire
3 A’s
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Use of a Fire
Extinguisher Summary
What is Fire?
Fire is a self-sustaining, chemical chain
reaction with varying degrees of light
and heat.
What is Fire? (cont)
Fire is made up of four components
extinguishers are
designed to do
just that.
Classes of Fire
Types of fire are separated into
different classes based on the fuel
source involved. Knowing the
classes of fire will help you choose
the appropriate extinguisher.
Classes of Fire (cont)
Each class of fire is designated by a
letter and/or a symbol.
Class D: Class K:
Metal Cooking oils
If You Discover a Fire Follow The 3 A’s
The 3 A’s (cont)
Activate the buildings fire alarm system or call 911 to
notify emergency services.
The 3 A’s (cont)
Dry Chemical
Clean Agent
Dry Powder
Wet Chemical
Pressurized Water/Foam
Carbon Dioxide
Fire Extinguisher Labeling
Labeling on the fire extinguisher identifies
which class of fire it is appropriate for; Class
A,B,C,D or K and instructions on how to use it.
Instructions on use
The agent works by interrupting the
chemical chain reaction. Also, on a class
A fire it creates a barrier between
the fuel and the oxygen.
Types of Extinguishers
Carbon Dioxide
Works by forming a soapy foam blanket
over the burning material and cooling it
below it’s ignition temperature.
Types of Extinguishers
Clean Agent
P – Pull
A – Aim
S – Squeeze
S – Sweep
Squeeze Sweep
P.A.S.S. (cont)
Hold Fire Extinguisher Firmly and Pull
The Pin Out.
P.A.S.S. (cont)
Aim the nozzle at the base of the
P.A.S.S. (cont)
Squeeze the handle of
the fire extinguisher
P.A.S.S. (cont)
Sweep back and forth at the base
of the fire until the fire is out or the
extinguisher has emptied
Remember the following…