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Trace element geochemistry of groundwater from Quetta Valley, western


Article  in  Environmental Earth Sciences · April 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s12665-009-0197-z


18 503

6 authors, including:

Shuhab D Khan Mohamed Sultan

University of Houston Western Michigan University


Abdul Salam Khan Yingqian Xiong

University of Balochistan ALS Oil & Gas - Reservoir Characterization


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Mojave Water Agency View project

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Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582
DOI 10.1007/s12665-009-0197-z


Trace element geochemistry of groundwater

from Quetta Valley, western Pakistan
Shuhab D. Khan Æ Khalid Mahmood Æ
Mohamed I. Sultan Æ Abdul S. Khan Æ
Yingqian Xiong Æ Zhanay Sagintayev

Received: 10 February 2009 / Accepted: 22 May 2009 / Published online: 9 June 2009
Ó Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract This manuscript presents major, minor and Introduction

trace elements data for groundwater samples collected
from wells, tube wells, springs and karezes from Quetta The contamination of groundwater with trace elements is a
Valley. Quetta Valley in Pakistan has frequently experi- risk to the health of millions of people. There are no direct
enced shortage of groundwater. In recent years, the water means for identifying high-risk areas without conducting
quality has had a sharp decline at many locations. The detailed geochemical work. An attempt has been made to
study of groundwater resources in this valley is an attempt relate high content of few trace elements to the bedrock
to understand the causes of and sources of contamination. geology in Quetta Valley in western Pakistan. This asso-
At several locations, nitrate, sulfate, arsenic, selenium, ciation could be used for indicating potential high-risk
chromium and nickel contamination has been determined. areas in other parts of the world.
The preliminary results indicate that these contaminations Quetta is the capital of Balochistan, which is the largest
apparently result from a combination of rock alteration and province in Pakistan, yet it has the smallest number of
mining activity in the area. Different water sources could people per unit area. This is largely due to the paucity of
have also contributed to the deterioration of the water water resources related to its arid to semi-arid conditions.
quality of Quetta Valley. This research provides the basis The climate in this province is typical of deserts; low
for future work, which will involve detailed hydrological rainfall (*100 mm/year) and extreme variations in tem-
modeling and water quality studies. perature are observed. The indiscriminate and unplanned
use of groundwater resources to meet water requirements
Keywords Groundwater chemistry  Trace elements  in Balochistan, in general, and in Quetta, in particular, has
ICP-MS  Arsenic  Ultramafic rocks led in the recent years to unsustainable overexploitation of
groundwater. This has resulted in a progressively increas-
ing decline in groundwater levels in Quetta (Khan and
Mian 2000). This phenomenon has had socio-economic
impacts exemplified in the migration of the population
from rural to urban areas and Quetta is bearing the brunt of
S. D. Khan (&)  Y. Xiong this migration.
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Quetta Valley is bounded by limestone slopes of Chil-
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-5007, USA tan, Takhatu, Zarghoun and Murdar ranges (Fig. 1). The
e-mail: [email protected]
drainage of the Quetta Valley flows through the gaps
K. Mahmood  A. S. Khan between these mountains and joins the Pasin Lora Basin in
Center of Excellence in Mineralogy, the north. The valley itself is covered by alluvium and loess
University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan deposits. The main sources of groundwater in Quetta
Valley are springs, karezes, open wells and tube wells.
M. I. Sultan  Z. Sagintayev
Department of Geosciences, Kareze systems are underground channels; the tunnels are
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA laid on natural gradient for draining water with minimum

574 Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582

Fig. 1 Landsat-enhanced
thematic mapper plus (ETM ?)
bands 7-4-3 displayed as red–
green–blue show the location of
the study area and sampling
sites. The study area is in Quetta
Valley in western Pakistan. The
valley is surrounded by Chiltan,
Takhatu, Zarghoun and Murdar
ranges. The locations of Zhob
Valley and Sorange mines are
also shown

evaporation loss and without pumping. The water is aquifer. The alluvial aquifer is the main aquifer and con-
drained from a source well situated at higher elevation sists of gravel, sand and silt deposits. This aquifer is
from where the water flows through kareze and finally recharged from infiltration of precipitation, runoff and
water is distributed through open channels for domestic inflow from the bedrock aquifer in the foothill areas. The
and agricultural purposes. The kareze system was a com- bedrock aquifer consists of limestone of Shirinab and
mon water system in the past; however, lately this system Chiltan formations and conglomerates of Urak Formation.
is diminishing. The groundwater in the Quetta area flows This aquifer is recharged in the surrounding mountain areas
from the higher elevation areas in the foothills to the where these formations are exposed. In the Zhob Valley, a
central part of the valley and finally the groundwater drains third type of aquifer, the ophiolitic aquifer, is recognized.
into an effluent stream (Sariab Lora; Kazmi et al. 2005). This aquifer consists of serpentinized ultramafic rocks; the
Kazmi et al. (2005) identified two aquifers in Quetta rocks are highly faulted, fractured and shared due to
Valley: unconsolidated alluvial aquifer and bedrock intense weathering, alteration and solution activity. This

Table 1 Analytical results for minor and trace elements in groundwater samples of Quetta Valley
Samples Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15 Q-16 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20 Q-21

Latitude 30.21537 30.2329 30.2741 30.2285 30.26861 30.37175 30.43746 30.57646 30.64578 30.73258 30.19771 30.16346 30.09062 29.9871 29.91733 29.9493 30.24361 30.15262 30.1387 30.19348 30.17917
Longitude 66.98519 66.9542 67.1897 67.04357 66.93371 66.9683 67.08042 67.28116 67.40758 67.55381 66.97425 66.99871 66.97452 67.00688 67.10656 66.9448 66.90823 66.78511 66.81334 67.05884 67.03793
Cl 84.2 87.3 6.9 10.4 91.4 80.4 67 66.4 86.6 27.6 97.7 71.6 157.6 354.8 103.1 127 207.3 83 83.3 26.5 29.4
SO4 81.1 169.9 7.7 26.6 104.7 67.1 268.8 155.9 492.1 60 108 123.8 137 442.8 101.2 104.9 427.2 212.4 229.2 45.6 37.4
NO3 50.4 13.8 4 4.4 13.5 6 12.4 16.6 49.2 16.4 0.6 23.5 16.8 50.2 158.8 60.3 23.3 22.9 21.2 6.4 19
Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582

Fe \10 \10 \10 \10 29.9 10.6 57.4 \10 \10 4.8 6.7 4.4 \10 3.2 3.7 8.6 4.1 \10 25.7 \10 \10
Mn \0.005 \0.005 \0.005 \0.005 0.0037 \0.005 0.0251 \0.005 \0.005 \0.005 0.0006 \0.005 \0.005 0.0031 0.0007 0.0007 0.0009 \0.005 0.0014 0.006 \0.005
Si 6.5 5.6 2.2 3 6 4.4 8.3 6.5 5.1 6.7 4.4 7.7 6.6 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.8 5.5 5.1 9.8 4.3
K 2.1 2.2 0.75 1.7 2.8 1.8 4 2.7 6.2 1.2 1.5 2 2.6 2.6 2 1.6 4.4 3.2 3.5 1.4 1.4
Na 73 73 8.5 15 66 53 154 78 164 41 157 87 145 420 99 97 270 141 127 58 29
Mg 38 43 6.4 7.5 32 32 46 76 105 47 13 33 37 57 38 44 94 70 75 15 22
Ca 85 62 45 50 67 49 50 30 130 60 19 60 43 76 50 68 72 44 50 28 51
Li 13.214 11.336 2.388 3.794 13.674 10.117 25.609 14.872 50.347 16.487 7.096 10.281 12.890 22.407 13.977 9.142 22.810 27.692 28.722 6.296 5.912
B 151.475 99.763 18.490 46.263 136.362 116.507 378.078 175.202 434.926 152.554 286.098 136.898 209.403 377.553 198.210 123.186 445.224 255.421 227.415 62.502 79.199
V 1.619 1.904 0.689 0.806 2.077 2.620 5.242 5.194 2.424 3.922 5.683 3.048 6.823 0.872 3.331 2.413 3.426 1.140 1.331 6.103 0.734
Cr 4.211 2.769 0.074 – 3.992 3.112 11.748 55.297 11.348 14.671 9.256 2.976 7.141 – 37.354 10.264 5.059 0.514 0.394 11.814 –
Mn 0.059 0.132 0.228 0.364 0.341 0.306 0.347 6.677 0.956 0.745 0.376 0.115 0.129 0.088 0.138 0.128 0.132 0.127 0.075 0.120 0.104
Co 0.108 0.026 0.031 0.077 0.021 0.072 0.020 0.547 0.115 0.055 0.023 0.023 0.021 0.038 0.034 0.026 0.042 0.031 0.037 0.011 0.019
Ni 0.778 0.505 1.313 0.697 0.707 0.700 0.957 71.581 1.796 1.073 1.362 0.450 0.329 0.685 0.527 0.593 0.654 0.523 0.431 0.928 0.474
Cu – – 1.291 – – – – 1.200 0.067 0.244 3.588 – – – 0.073 – – – – – 10.326
Zn – – – 77.092 19.637 165.183 1.337 43.602 49.988 7.272 17.138 – 24.446 99.002 3.299 9.598 9.632 – 0.341 – 3.581
Ga 0.003 0.005 0.003 0.042 0.060 0.062 0.025 0.028 0.033 0.030 0.046 0.008 0.005 0.003 0.007 0.007 0.005 0.002 0.001 0.013 0.004
As 0.918 1.138 0.784 50.390 18.207 59.411 21.856 15.585 64.535 19.437 14.015 0.943 1.523 0.783 1.591 0.877 1.106 0.496 0.382 2.119 0.381
Se 2.868 8.680 1.520 17.811 43.876 131.306 128.798 42.104 128.830 89.603 67.422 2.854 2.387 9.492 3.966 2.336 7.499 2.971 2.436 1.162 0.861
Rb 0.772 0.702 0.265 5.355 2.580 6.082 3.653 1.943 7.416 1.555 1.719 0.741 0.551 1.010 0.582 0.681 0.631 1.312 1.000 0.370 0.619
Sr 1324.026 1651.221 353.409 360.916 1335.989 1166.275 1724.342 1213.091 3793.976 834.231 525.439 1248.137 1815.076 1959.226 1408.510 1115.390 2727.485 1877.599 1705.018 567.281 648.531
Y 8.361 7.957 9.909 27.840 – 58.323 89.334 120.781 27.166 134.566 131.612 8.787 7.654 7.513 8.575 9.184 5.577 6.845 7.276 10.269 10.512
Ag 0.029 0.008 0.041 3.102 0.892 3.160 0.914 0.481 3.360 0.928 0.512 0.009 0.005 0.002 0.030 0.009 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.028 0.008
Cs 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.048 0.018 0.055 0.024 0.014 0.073 0.019 0.018 0.002 0.004 0.013 0.003 0.007 0.004 0.010 0.003 0.002 0.008
Ba 85.360 43.921 41.966 45.601 83.000 60.235 24.433 36.708 39.588 28.610 34.263 28.963 36.193 24.634 55.810 39.356 26.811 20.616 0.797 41.477 29.025
Tl 0.035 0.141 20.531 – 0.119 463.531 501.718 385.535 1383.127 257.298 180.808 225.620 350.982 480.002 405.439 181.678 1024.218 182.915 178.553 85.369 86.193
Pb 0.002 – 0.001 0.431 0.125 0.406 0.126 0.069 0.398 0.111 0.072 0.000 – 0.000 0.002 0.007 – – – 0.001 0.020
Th 6.325 8.555 8.056 124.196 869.282 – – – 184.227 – 1842.263 3.963 6.812 9.632 8.917 9.545 10.161 9.506 6.672 10.192 9.686
U 0.003 – 0.003 0.396 0.082 0.379 0.097 0.046 0.408 0.089 0.056 – – – 0.004 – – – – 0.003 –

576 Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582

Fig. 2 Concentration of nitrate

(NO3) is plotted at sampling
sites. The diameter of the
circle shows the relative
concentration; notice the
concentration of nitrate is
highest at locations in the south
in agricultural areas

aquifer is a significant source of groundwater in this arid in the east–northeast of Quetta (Fig. 1). The Zhob Valley
region. starts from Kuchlagh and extends up to Zhob. These
Geological formations ranging in age from Early ophiolite bodies are considered to be late Cretaceous in age
Jurassic to Quaternary are exposed in the Quetta Valley. (Khan et al. 2007); ophiolites in the study area are com-
The Jurassic (Shirnab and Chiltan formations) are com- posed of highly fractured serpentinized ultramafic rocks,
posed of shales and limestones (Kazmi et al. 2005). The which are rich in chromite and other sulfide minerals (Khan
Cretaceous rocks are shale, siltstones and limestone of the and Mahmood 2008).
Parh Group. The Tertiary rocks are thick sequence of shale, An integrated interdisciplinary approach for groundwa-
siltstones, sandstones and conglomerates of the Urak ter exploration is applied in the Quetta Valley, Balochistan
Group (Kazmi et al. 2005). The quaternary deposits com- Province, Pakistan, in which inferences from remote
prising alluvial deposits are present in stream beds and sensing data are integrated with information obtained
alluvial fans. The Zhob Valley ophiloite bodies are exposed from other relevant data sources such as geochemistry,

Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582 577

Fig. 3 Concentration of sulfate

(SO4) is plotted at sampling
sites. The diameter of the circle
shows relative concentration.
Most of the samples show high
sulfate content, few samples
show sulfate contamination and
a couple of samples from the
bedrock aquifer show minimum

field geology, geophysics and surface runoff and ground- for their contents of major, minor and trace elements
water flow modeling for a better understanding of the (Fig. 1). These sites included wells, tube wells, springs
hydrological setting and the groundwater availability, and and karezes. Samplings were carried out in December
for identifying potential locations for productive wells. 2007. Special care was taken in the collection and analysis
This paper focuses on the water quality aspect of this of these samples and the procedures were followed as
project. outlined in Eaton et al. (2005) and Stetzenbach et al.
Water samples were first filtered with Fisher brand Q2
Methodology filter paper. Then, 10 ml filtered water samples were dried
down on a hot plate under a closed hood (with only filtered
A total of 21 sampling sites in Quetta Valley were chosen air drawn in), acidified with ultra-purified nitric acid
for the collection of groundwater samples to be analyzed and diluted to its former volume with milli-Q water (for

578 Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582

Fig. 4 Concentration of arsenic

(As) is plotted at sampling sites.
The diameter of the circle
shows the relative
concentration. With the
exception of two samples in the
west, most of the samples show
high arsenic content and many
samples show contamination.
All the samples collected from
the Zhob Valley show
contamination in selenium too.
Zhob Valley is characterized by
the presence of serpentinized
ultramafic rocks, which host
chromite deposits and may be
the source of arsenic in this area

comparison, ten water samples were repeated with 1 ml Results and discussions
and diluted to 10 ml), and then analyzed with inductively
coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in the Collected samples were quantitatively analyzed using ICP
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University (AES) and ICP (MS) for the determination of major (Ca, K,
of Houston. Standard sample 71A (diluted with ultra- Mg, Na, Si, Cl- and SO4), minor and trace elements
purified acid to 10 ppb) was used as the external calibration (Fe, Mn, B, Ba, Li, Sr, Li, Be, B, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu,
sample. Measurements were repeated five times and most Zn, Ga, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Ag, Cd, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr,
of the RSD were less than 5% with a majority less than 3%. Nd145, Nd146, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Tl, Pb,
The differences between the ten (10) repeated water sam- Th, U). The results are given in Table 1. Some of these
ples were less than 5%, with the value of diluted ones elements were analyzed to determine the water quality and
lower than those without dilution. All the above indicate source of contamination, whereas other trace elements
that the data are of high quality. were used as tracers to find water–rock interactions.

Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582 579

Fig. 5 Concentration of
selenium (Se) is plotted at
sampling sites. The diameter of
the circle shows the relative
concentration. All the samples,
which have high selenium also
show high arsenic suggesting
similar source for both elements

Water from all the sites from which samples were col- Sample (Q1) also shows concentration values more than
lected are used for drinking purposes, therefore, it is the WHO guideline values (World Health Organization
important to know the quality of water. Results were 2006). Sample Q15 shows nitrate content more than triple
compared with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) when compared with the WHO guideline value (World
Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) data (World Health Health Organization 2003). High content of nitrate in
Organization 2003, 2006). The data show elevated levels drinking water can cause blue-baby syndrome, which is a
for nitrate (NO3) and sulfate (SO4) and some trace elements: disease in infants where the color of an infant’s skin
arsenic (As), selenium (Se), chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni) and changes because of oxygen deficiency in the blood
thallium (Tl) (World Health Organization 2003, 2006). (World Health Organization 2003; Knobeloch et al. 2000,
Figure 2 shows spatial variation of nitrate concentration. Bouchard et al. 1992). Field observations suggest that most
Sample Q14, Q15, and Q16 show maximum concentration. of the samples with nitrate contaminations are located in

580 Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582

Fig. 6 Concentration of
chromium (Cr) is plotted at
sampling sites. The diameter of
the circle shows the relative
concentration. Chromium shows
similar pattern as arsenic and
selenium, and is of the highest
content in the Zhob Valley,
supporting the source in
ultramafic rocks

agricultural areas with animal farms (see Fig. 1); we con- Eight samples (Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10 and Q11)
sider this to be the main source of contamination. show arsenic and selenium contamination (Figs. 4, 5). All the
Several samples from the study area show high con- samples collected in Zhob Valley (Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, and Q10)
centration of sulfate (Fig. 3). Though sulfate is not con- show high concentration of arsenic and selenium. In addition,
sidered to be a major contaminant, gastrointestinal effects a few more samples (Q4, Q5, Q11) show values higher than
can be caused by the ingestion of water with a high con- the WHO guidelines (WHO 2006). The highest value comes
tent of sulfate. Some authors have reported that drinking from the sample Q9, which shows 6 times higher arsenic and
water with sulfate ranging from 500 to 700 mg/L can almost 13 times higher selenium content when compared
cause diarrhea (Heizer et al. 1997). The presence of with WHO guideline values (World Health Organization
gypsum in the surrounding rocks of Quetta Valley could 2006). Sample Q9 was collected from Kareze. In kareze,
be contributing to the sulfate in the groundwater of Quetta water flows for long distances and may dissolve contaminants
Valley. from the rocks through which it flows.

Environ Earth Sci (2010) 60:573–582 581

Arsenic in very high concentrations is poisonous; low- Acknowledgments This work was funded by the USAID grant
level, long-term exposure to arsenic may lead to increased through the US Academy of Sciences and Higher Education Com-
mission of Pakistan. The authors thank Khawar Sohail and Ishaq
risk of cancer (National Research Council 1999). Arsenic is Kakar, Center of Excellence of Mineralogy, University of Balochistan
derived from anthropogenic sources, such as drainage from for their help in the field. LienTh Nguyen and Dr. Yongjun Gao are
mines and mine tailings, pesticides, and biocides, and from thanked for their help in chemical analysis.
natural sources such as hydrothermal leaching of arsenic
containing minerals or rocks. Millions of people are
affected by toxic levels of arsenic in many parts of the References
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