Adventurers Almanac PDFPreview
Adventurers Almanac PDFPreview
Adventurers Almanac PDFPreview
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................p. 1
The Grand Course of Days Calendar ........................p. 4
1. Hardfrost ......................................................................................p. 8
2. The Shroud .................................................................................p. 14
3. Galehome .......................................................................................p. 23
4. The Bloom ...................................................................................p. 31
5. Drawblade ...................................................................................p. 38
6. Magusbirth ..................................................................................p. 45
7. Wealwind .....................................................................................p. 52
8. The Blaze .....................................................................................p. 61
9. Starfall .........................................................................................p. 67
10. The Reap .....................................................................................p. 74
11. Cofferfill .....................................................................................p. 83
12. Emberfade ...................................................................................p. 91
13. The Rime ......................................................................................p. 101
Appendix: Blank Calendar Page ....................................p. 111
I gratefully extend my figura ve hand to you for your con nued par cipa on in and support of our esteemed brotherhood (and now
sisterhood as I’m so regularly reminded by our fairer members) the Order of Adventurers, Explorers, and Treasure Seekers. Your
annual fees and regular thing of rumors, maps, and lore make it possible for the Order to support all our brave members in their
pursuits of wealth, adventure, and glory no ma er where they may roam. These generous dona ons also assist the Order in caring
for the less fortunate of our organiza on or those they leave behind.
The chapbook you now hold in your hands is another result of your annual contribu ons. As a member in good standing, your pay-
ment of this year’s dues en tles you to this complimentary copy of the first-ever Adventurer’s Almanac, a new endeavor by the Order
of Adventurers, Explorers, and Treasure Seekers. Here, between these covers, you will find a compete calendar of the year to come
annotated with important events, feasts, fes vals, and holidays. All too o en has one of our members perished due to a dearth of
knowledge concerning important annual events—the fate of Hogg’s Band a er deciding to plumb the Lich’s Lick during Dead Feast
springs to mind—and this calendar hopes to prevent such tragedies in the coming year.
In addi on to being a compendium of events both celes al and terrestrial, the Adventurer’s Almanac collects an array of current
rumors, known adventuring sites, recently unearthed treasures, and other informa on per nent to our occupa ons, all of which have
been supplied by members of the Order just like you. Each kernel of knowledge has been checked for authen city to the best of our
ability, but we hope you’ll remember that some of our brethren are wont to engage in exaggera on or hyperbole, so always keep
your wits about you and never assume such lore to be truthful un l verified by your own eyes. If this almanac is successful, the Order
will be looking to repeat its publica on next year, so please keep your ears open for new rumors, recently discovered ruins, and any
other useful lore you encounter on your expedi ons.
Good roads to you all and may Chance favor your endeavors.
Vester X. Reodotyl, Grandmaster of the Order of Adventurers, Explorers, and Treasure Seekers.
Another problem that plagues many a roleplaying campaign is game master burnout, a phenomenon that usually occurs because the
game master has exhausted his crea vity in coming up with interes ng adventures and new creatures, treasures, and magic to thrill
his players. It happens to the best of referees and is one of the hazards of taking responsibility for entertaining your friends around
the gaming table on a regular basis.
The Adventurer’s Almanac is intended to address both of these issues by providing the game master with a bevy of material to add to
his campaign, draw inspira on from, and use as adventure seeds to build his own exci ng scenarios. In addi on, the Almanac intro-
duces a generic yet interes ng fantasy calendar with which to organize his campaign world and help breathe life into the se ng. It
literally gives the game master an en re year’s worth of material for his campaign.
The Adventurer’s Almanac differs from most commercially produced role-playing game supplements. Within these pages you won’t
find many hard game mechanics or creature a ributes. Instead, this book provides the reader with adventure seeds, campaign color,
sugges ons for new treasures and systems, and other content commonly called “fluff ” by role-playing aficionados. Like the author’s
previous book, The Dungeon Alphabet, this almanac is intended to serve as a springboard for your own crea vity rather than a hard
and fast “this is how you do it” instruc on manual.
The material provided in this book is intended to be used with any fantasy role-playing system. To help assist the game master in
incorpora ng it into his own campaign world and rule set, the author has presented the informa on herein in a system neutral format.
Sugges ons for how to apply one’s preferred rules are provided and mechanical modifiers are given in a two-fold manner that can be
used whether your systems employs a d20 or percen le dice to determine success. As in all things in the game master’s world, he has
the final say on how to include the material in the Adventurer’s Almanac in his own campaign. There is no right or wrong way to u lize
the material of this book, so long as you and your players have fun. This material is yours to do with as you wish. Let your imagina on
run riot.
Although the author is aware that fantasy role-playing games are played throughout the world and that campaign worlds run the
gamut from the pseudo-historical to the totally outlandish, some concessions had to be made with the Adventurer’s Almanac to make
the most of the limited space available for new material. This book assumes the game master’s campaign takes place in a temperate
region in the northern hemisphere of a round world with a revolu on similar to that of Earth. The seasons, month descrip ons, and
many adventure seeds are based on this assump on. Some modifica ons may be necessary if your game occurs in a significantly differ-
ent loca on. Also, the various animals a ributed to each day are derived from a wide range of real creatures from various climates and
con nents around the world. Game masters are free to remove the names of any animal not typically known amongst the denizens of
their campaign worlds and replace them with more appropriate mundane and mythological creatures. The Grand Course of Days works
best when modified to reflect the world it inhabits.
The book also assumes that there is some large central body of government in your campaign world. For demonstra on’s sake, the
Adventurer’s Almanac uses the fic onal Aeternal Empire, a Rome-like imperial realm that has stood for centuries. Despite its size, most
events and adventure seeds situated in the Aeternal Empire can easily be relocated to any (mostly) civilized land with a stable govern-
The Grand Course of Days, was created by the chronologer Phutataes in the year now known as -6 GCY (Grand Course Years). Phutataes
based his calendar on a much earlier one whose origins lie with the Ineffable Ancients of the southern jungles. Phutataes combined this
calendar with the horoscopy of Ekkim the Strange, an astrologer best known for a ribu ng each day of the year to an animal spirit that
influences the events of that day. The result was both simple enough to be understood by common laborers and tradesmen, yet s ll
adequately grandiose-sounding to be used by nobility to record important events. In only a few years a er the unveiling of Phutataes’
calendar, it was formally adopted by the Aeternal Empire and is now in use in many other lands.
The Grand Course of Days is a lunar calendar, dividing the year into thirteen months with one day (and some mes two) which falls
between the years. A month is comprised of twenty-eight days, of which each is named a er a par cular animal as well as having a
numerical designa on. However, in daily usage, due to the sheer number of animal names, days are only called by the numerical desig-
na on followed by the month’s name, such as “the 11th of Drawblade.” Amongst sages, wizards, and hierarchs, as well as in legal and
royal documents, days are always given in a day name/number/monthly fashion, such as “Day of the Owlbear, 17th day of The Shroud.”
Weeks are not formally acknowledged in the Grand Course of Days, but are some mes used by the general populace. When so used,
they are called “faces,” which either refers to the changing appearance of the moon or is a corrup on of “phases.” An example of such
usage would be: “I’ll have payment to you by the second face of Starfall.”
Each year is separated by one or two days that occurs, for all intents and purposes, outside of the annual course of me and is not con-
sidered part of any par cular year. This period always contains one of these days, called “The Day of the Phoenix” or “The Day without
a Year,” which is used to plan for the year to come as well as having legal implica ons. Every four years, a second day is added to keep
the Grand Course of Days calibrated to the passage of me, much like a leap year does to our own calendar.
The Grand Course of Days is also associated with the alignment of the heavens and most cultures who u lize the calendar also use it for
astrological determina on, with dwarves being the sole excep on due to their predominantly subterranean existence. This astrological
system, along with a system for game masters looking to introduce it to their campaign, is presented in greater detail below.
Calendar Format
Each month of the Grand Course of Days is given its own chapter in the Almanac. At the start of each chapter a monthly calendar is
presented to give the game master an overview of that month’s events, much like the average wall calendar. Each day on this calendar
contains up to five useful pieces of informa on for the game master. Not every day contains this data, but the format in which it is
presented remains unchanged throughout the calendar. The informa on includes:
A) The day’s name, which is always prefaced with “The Day of the…”
A Aardvark when spoken.
B 10 Striding
C B) The numerical date of the day.
Tower arrives at
coast C) Any holiday or event occurring on that date.
D) The phase of the moon (if applicable).
E) That day’s equivalent in the Gregorian Calendar presented in a
month/day format. This is useful if the game master needs to make
an off-the-cuff es ma on of weather, temperature, or other seasonal-
based determina ons.
Following the monthly calendar is a short descrip on of each month that gives a broad picture of what life is like at that me of year
and the ac vi es that typically occur during this me. This descrip on is followed by an astrological précis covering the sign that gov-
erns that month (more on this below).
Due to space limita ons, the Adventurer’s Almanac only details special days that are either likely to affect professional treasure-
hunters or are weird enough to bring fantas c detail and adventuring opportuni es to one’s campaign world. These holidays should
certainly not be the only ones celebrated in your world; people love a good party!
The game master is encouraged to create many addi onal special days and place them within his own world’s calendar. No less than
one addi onal and unique holiday a month should be created, with a new one for each week being an even be er op on. They should
run the gamut from the ecclesias cal to the ordinary and from the solemn to the outrageous. No reason is too mundane or outlandish
to base a special day around; just look at our own real world holidays.
To get the game master started or if there is the need to suddenly create a spur of the moment celebra on, the table below provides
100 events or ac vi es that might occur during a feast, fes val, or holiday. Simply roll on the table 1d3 (or more) mes and combine
the results to determine what happens during the fes val. That should be enough to get the crea ve juices flowing or at least make
for an interes ng backdrop against which to carry out the session’s ac vi es. Game masters are free to ignore conflic ng results or to
build upon the conflict to create even wilder kinds of celebra ons.
Astrologers believe persons born during the year share certain characteris cs based on what constella on of stars was predominant in
the sky at that me. These individuals are said to be of the sign of that constella on. In the Aeternal Empire, there are fourteen such
constella ons spread throughout the year: Wolf, Wraith, Cat, Dryad, Soldier, Mage, Coin, Torch, Shield, Wyvern, Beggar, Witch, Bear,
and Dragon (although Dragon is not a true constella on but rather a single star that is most brilliant at one point in the year).
Each of these signs shares personality traits called either day traits (posi ve personality a ributes) or night traits (nega ve personality
a ributes). While not everyone who shares a sign has all of these traits or even some of them, enough do to make such gross gener-
aliza ons somewhat true. If a player or game master is at a loss to determine the personality of a PC or NPC, they can simply choose
any three of the six traits given for each sign below and use those as a star ng point. Note that some day and night traits are direct
opposites, so the game master or player should avoid choosing traits that contradict one another.
In addi on to these personality traits, those born under each sign occasionally possess certain quirks that either help or hinder their
journey through life. Each PC or NPC has a 20% chance of beginning play with one of these quirks. If the dice indicate the character
possesses one, roll a d%. On a roll of 01-60, the character has the posi ve quirk. On a roll of 61-00, he starts play with the nega ve one.
The game master can adjust these chances as he desires and the exact game benefits of each is le to him to adjudicate.
To find what sign a character is, roll a d% on the table below. Players or game masters who want to determine the birthday of the char-
acter can also roll a d% on the indicated month’s day-planner table or use a d4 to find the week of the character’s birth and a Zocchi d7
to decide the day of that week on which it occurred.
Rooster Ant Ox Donkey Shrew Reindeer Gnat
1 Ves bule 2 3 4 5 6 7
First Appearance
(637 GCY)
(1/1) (1/2)
G (1/3) (1/4) (1/5) (1/6) (1/7)
The first month of the Grand Course of Days, Hardfrost marks the middle of winter, a me when the northern lands are locked inice and
snow, and commerce and adventuring grind to a halt. Further south, the inhabitants crowd into cozy tap rooms or around their blazing
home hearths to escape the chill, and even in the tropics the temperature is balmy rather than sweltering. As the first month of the
year, Hardfrost is usually used to prepare for new ventures, a end to ma ers at home, and as a period of introspec on for those look-
ing to improve themselves in the months ahead. This does not mean that adventuring opportuni es cease to occur, but those seeking
fortune and glory may have to travel some distance to find them.
D% Roll Random Dates, Events, and Adventure Ideas for the Month of Hardfrost
01-04 1st of Hardfrost: Ves bule (see p. 13).
05-07 2nd of Hardfrost: A normally quiet volcano rumbles menacingly and produces gouts of purple smoke and silver ash. Great eye beasts hover
about the smoldering mountain’s rim, excava ng the rock with their deadly rays. They seek something, which is undoubtedly bad news for all
other races.
08-11 3rd of Hardfrost: The giant polar bear, Pale Doom, terrorizes Qusimaux villages. Legend says that riches beyond imagina on lie within his
glacial den.
12-14 4th of Hardfrost: Furred serpents are a acking travelers with almost diabolical cunning. Previously unknown in this region, these creatures
must be a new species, a magical crea on, or something that slithered in from another world.
15-18 5th of Hardfrost: A ye horde led by spell-hurling abominable snowmen lay siege to a remote castle. They demand the fortress be turned over
to their lord and master, the Haired Rajah of the Dead Night.
19-21 6th of Hardfrost: Avalanches in the mountains decimate winter elf villages, forcing them to come to the human lands seeking aid.
22-24 7th of Hardfrost: Aurora Terribilis (see p. 10) first appeared on this day in 637 GCY.
25-28 8th of Hardfrost: Weird of Wolves begins (see p. 13).
29-32 9th of Hardfrost: The last crystal wands (see p. 10) are forged on this date -11,278 GCY as the Kingdom of Kryhiss collapsed into open rebellion
and the wands’ makers perish in the conflict.
33-36 10th of Hardfrost: Wererats kidnap the Lord Execu oner’s daughter with the intent to infect her with lycanthropy unless he frees their impris-
oned leader.
37-40 11th of Hardfrost: Dead Moon Night (see p. 10).
41-43 12th of Hardfrost: The PCs wake up one morning, dead—or at least that’s how it appears. No one pays a en on to them, their efforts to draw
people’s a en on fail, and physical a acks pass through their bodies without effect. What happened? Just when all seems hopeless, one man
speaks directly to them and offers to introduce the PCs to a group who can help them.
44-47 13th of Hardfrost: Barbarians come to town with a never-before-seen creature encased in a block of ice. They reveal there are more where
they found this one and will direct others there for a fee.
48-50 14th of Hardfrost: Weird of Wolves ends.
51-53 15th of Hardfrost: Tanners’ Rest (see p. 8); The Tanners Guild announces they are seeking exo c hides to meet special orders and will pay top
coin to those who provide them with skins.
54-56 16th of Hardfrost: Pods of tanic whales have been driven south by the ice and are now a acking ships in the warm southern waters. Reports
say that scaly humanoids are seen swimming amongst them.
57-60 17th of Hardfrost: First ice eyrie (see p. 11) was encountered on this date in 127 GCY.
61-64 18th of Hardfrost: Treasure hunters spend the evening is a cozy inn compe ng against each another in various contests to win a map carved
on a piece of exo c scrimshaw. Some are poor losers.
65-67 19th of Hardfrost: Frost giants come to a remote northern village looking to trade exo c commodi es (mammoth furs, giant walrus tusks, ice
emeralds, etc.) or at least that is what they claim. Their mo ves may be more sinister.
68-71 20th of Hardfrost: The residents of an ice-bound manor begin dying of hypothermia in well-heated rooms. A vampire who subsists on body
heat instead of blood is the culprit.
72-75 21st of Hardfrost: Rime King’s Palace (see p. 12) raised with powerful sorcery on this date in 15 GCY.
76-78 22nd of Hardfrost: A ship from foreign lands blows ashore, its crew entombed in ice. Although it contains a few riches, the ship’s s ll living and
dangerous cargo escapes and begins to terrorize the locals.
79-82 23rd of Hardfrost: The last of the Ice Knights was laid to rest on this date in -3746 GCY He was buried in his Frost-Guard (see p. 11) armor. Many
s ll seek his ice-bound tomb.
83-85 24th of Hardfrost: Someone or something is impersona ng public figures, using their iden es to collect money, sow discord, and otherwise
tarnish the reputa on of these individuals. A reward is being offered for the culprit(s), but the PCs may find themselves vic ms of the scams
86-89 25th of Hardfrost: Ice golems commanded by a mysterious, fur-clad woman tear down the walls of a fron er outpost and carry off the fort’s
winter ra ons and most of the armory.
90-93 26th of Hardfrost: Hearth fires around the city turn into infernos as fire elementals spontaneously appear in them. Who or what is to blame?
94-96 27th of Hardfrost: Po er’s Rest (see p. 12); Poltergeist run amok, destroying the Po ers Guild’s inventory during the celebra ons.
97-100 28th of Hardfrost: A notorious pirate plans to sail into the pack ice to find a legendary treasure. She needs brave souls to accompany her, but
will treachery or riches be their reward?
Aurora terribilis are enchanted crea ons and emit a magical aura that can be detected by the appropriate spells and methods. They
also radiate a faint nimbus of evil, which can also be discerned with magic or by those steeped in holy righteousness. This evil aura is a
byproduct of the aurora terribilis’ manufacture and true purpose.
The bo les, as beau ful and harmless-appearing as they are, are crea ons of the frigid demons that cavort on the cold northern winds.
Known by a variety of names (wendigo, Ithha, valkyrior, etc.), these fiends enjoy the taste of human flesh yet seldom encounter mortals
on the northern ice. To correct this paucity of meals, the demons cra aurora terribilis and arrange for them to infiltrate the southern
marketplaces, where the unsuspec ng buy them as curiosi es. Once the bo le is in the hands of a mortal, it is only a ma er of me
before the demons receive a fresh meal delivered directly to their awai ng maws.
Each me an aurora terribilis is viewed for more than an hour, there is a cumula ve 1% chance that the viewer is suddenly spirited away
by demonic magic to find himself atop a frigid, wind-swept plateau surrounded by a sea of ice. Overhead, the northern lights dance
and flicker, and the screams and howls of the demons are heard as they ride the night winds. Eventually one of the fiends no ces the
new arrival, a er which the poor soul is doomed. Back in his now-empty home, only a gust of cold air, evidence of a brief, yet powerful
wind and an empty bo le with its lights permanently dimmed remain.
Because years can some mes go by between the purchase of an aurora terribilis and the disappearance of its owner, it is difficult to
connect the two events. Only when a buyer vanishes soon a er its purchase or when the en re guest list of a “viewing party” (an event
where the privileged gather at the buyer’s home to watch the lights, drink wine, and indulge in other diversions) is the cause read-
ily apparent. This subtlety allows the aurora terribilis to con nue to appear in witch markets, bazaars of the bizarre, and curio shops
without suspicion.
Crystal Wand: This magical object is a blue-white rod that measures 1.5 feet in length. It appears to be formed from a steel-hard crystal
similar to quartz. The p of the wand is encased in a 2-inch sheath of silver etched with prehistoric glyphs, and the bu of the rod is
encased in amber. The grip of the wand is wrapped in a strip of tanned hide with a pebbly texture, the skin of some ex nct beast.
The history of the crystal wand is hazy, but the glyphs on its p and the hide-wrapped grip suggest it came from the ancient kingdom
of Kryhiss that once lay north of the Peaks of Starva on. Kryhissic sorcerers achieved hitherto unmatched excellence with magics that
altered crystalline structures, and the gemstone guardians that once served as bodyguards to nobility are s ll encountered in forgo en
A crystal wand has the ability to transform one type of crystal into another, provided the item or its owner fails a resistance check
against magic. The wand’s power decays any substance with a crystalline structure, changing it into another, less durable material.
Diamonds can become snowflakes, sand can become glass, salt can become ice, etc. Each use of the wand effects one cubic foot of
ma er and expends a single charge of the wand. Each wand contains half the normal number of charges for the game’s rule system.
Any transforma on enacted by the wand is permanent (barring another use of the wand), but the ma er altered might not be (ice will
melt, glass can break, salt can blow away, etc.).
Dead Moon Night (Day of the Wolf, 11th of Hardfrost): Not all cultures in and around the Aeternal Empire u lize the Grand Course
of Days. Nearly all humanoids such as goblins, ogres, trolls, and orcs, and several indigenous nomadic tribes mark me solely by the
changing of the moons rather than the more detailed crea on of Phutataes. This cruder but no less accurate method of me keeping
is called the Parade of Thirteen Moons.
The Parade of Thirteen Moons measures the year by its thirteen full moons, with each one given a tle based on its appearance, prop-
er es, or season. Each lunar period lasts from the new moon to new moon, with the full moon it is named for occurring in the middle
of the indicated me cycle. The exact start and end of each lunar period varies from race to race with some coun ng the night before
the new moon as the end of one cycle while others mark the day a er the new moon as the beginning of a new period. To further com-
plicate ma ers, not all species refer to each moon by the same tle, and this presents difficul es for scholars a emp ng to pinpoint
specific events dated with the Parade of Thirteen Moons.
The barriers between the living and the dead are thinner on Dead Moon Night, and necroman c magics of all types enjoy the benefit
of amplified power. All spells that affect dead flesh or deceased spirits work at full efficiency on this night. There is no need to roll to
determine damage, area of effect, dura on, or any other randomly determined elements on this night—simply use the maximum pos-
sible for each. In addi on, any a empts to resurrect the dead are always successful when invoked under the Dead Moon.
This is a mixed blessing, however, as the abili es of the undead are also more potent on this evening. All damage done by the undead
as well as other special abili es they may possess that have random variables are treated as if the maximum possible result was rolled.
For this reason, it behooves necromancers to not become complacent with their own power on this night.
Frost-Guard: Ages ago, long before the founding of the Aeternal Empire, the frozen glaciers of the north lands had advanced much fur-
ther south and most of the con nent was shrouded in a perpetual blanket of snow and ice. Life was harsh in this frozen age. Hordes of
monsters prowled the lands, a acking lone, snow-bound se lements. Ci es were rare and economies poor, for much of the resources
that man now takes for granted were buried under massive glaciers. It was in this frozen epoch that the Ice Knights arose to do ba le
against the forces of evil which plagued the land.
These noble warriors roamed the land astride woolly mammoth mounts and soared through the skies on tamed snow drakes. With iron
deposits locked under the glaciers, the Knights used potent enchantments to forge weapons and armor out of magically-tempered ice.
Stronger than steel, these arms and armaments turned back the forces of the cold north and aided the Knights in restoring hope and
warmth to the southern lands. The Ice Knights pursued their quarry north, sacrificing their lives to end the frozen age once and for all.
Many were buried along with their armor and weapons in secluded barrows in the icy wastes.
Frost-Guard appears to be plate armor forged from a dense blue-white ice. Magically enchanted, the armor provides protec on three
steps be er than normal full plate and reduces any cold-based damage inflicted on the wearer by half. If the cold a ack allows a
resistance check against the damage and this check is successful, the wearer takes no damage. The icy armor also has the chance of
refrac ng beam or ray a acks, causing them to be dispersed into harmless rainbows. Any such a ack has a 50% chance of unaffec ng
Frost-Guard’s wearer.
Predictably, the armor is very vulnerable to heat, and the wearer suffers a -2/-10% penalty against heat-based a acks and the possibil-
ity of resis ng them. Each heat a ack also reduces the armor’s defensive power by two levels as the armor melts. Addi onally, for each
day the armor spends in temperatures above freezing, it loses a single level of protec ve power. This mel ng damage can be repaired
by returning the armor to a cold climate, where it will recover one level of protec ve power each day it remains in those temperatures,
or by cas ng cold-based magic upon it. For each 10 points of damage or frac on thereof the spell would normally inflict, Frost-Guard
regains one level of protec on. Note that if these spells are cast upon the armor while it is being worn, the wearer suffers damage from
the spells, but with the benefit of the armor’s protec on against frost a acks as men oned above.
Ice Eyrie: The world is much older than most people care to consider, especially those who dwell within the seemingly immortal gran-
deur of the Aeternal Empire. These ci zens delude themselves into thinking that the laws, boundaries, and culture that nurtures and
protects them always were and shall always be. If they cared to scru nize the moldering histories and ancient maps, they’d see that
the Aeternal Empire is not the first great realm—nor will it be the last.
Of these antecedent empires, the greatest were lost when the world turned cold and the ice and snow covered the once-lush lands
which they occupied. Even the great magics that these ancient people commanded was insufficient to halt the frigid doom that
destroyed them, leaving their magnificent ar facts of power entombed beneath mile-deep sheets of ice. There, these magical items
slumbered, potent but inaccessible.
As the millennia pass, the old ice slides towards the sea, mel ng and breaking as it reaches the coast, and occasionally a slab of glacier
containing one of these prehistoric ar facts breaks free. Most fall into the sea to ul mately melt and deposit the item on the sea bed,
but some exhibit strange behavior. Powered by the capabili es of these entombed items, the ice breaks free from its earthly bonds
to take to the air, floa ng aimlessly on the winds un l the sun turns them to mist and cold, gentle rain. Thus, the ice eyries are born.
These flying icebergs en ce both monsters and adventurers to their cold surfaces. Flying monsters, especially those acclimated to the
cold, enjoy using the eyries as secure roos ng grounds. Ice drakes, hoarfrost wyverns, snow harpies, and cold gargoyles will all take
roost on an ice eyrie when one floats by, hun ng unsuspec ng prey as the iceberg enters new territory. Since ice eyries are short lived
These adventurers search out the item or items that give the iceberg its gravity-defying power. O en, in addi on to these entombed
ar facts, ruins and other prehistoric structure remain intact within the ice. The relics, riches, and magic contained within these prehis-
toric buildings outstrip those found in dungeons of more recent excava on, and wealth-seeking adventurers use whatever means they
can to reach an eyrie in search of plunder. Once upon the flying ice, these adventures discover that threats older than the newly-arrived
flying creatures lurk in the ruins. Undead, cryogenically preserved dinosaurs, slumbering sorcerers, and constructs of terrifying power
and incomprehensible terror await intruders in the frozen corridors beneath the ice.
Ice eyries typically last 1d3 weeks, less if they dri into extremely warm climates. When an ice eyrie is encountered, there is a 75%
chance that monsters have taken up residence upon it. Roll a d4 to determine how many types of creature currently occupy the eyrie
with a roll of 1-3 indica ng a single species and a roll of 4 indica ng two. Determine or choose what type of creature is present as per
your preferred game system. There is an addi onal 1 in 6 chance of the eyrie containing a ruin or mini-dungeon within the ice. Create
and stock this site as normal
Ice eyries typically come into play in the campaign in one of two ways. The first is when they dri into an inhabited region and the
creatures roos ng upon it begin a acking local livestock and residents. PCs with the ability of flight are likely to be hired to ascend to
the eyrie and slay or drive off the threat. The second method of using an eyrie is to have the PCs learn that one is in the vicinity and
encourage them to plunder it for its ancient and forgo en magic and wealth. In this manner, eyries are perfect for introducing strange,
homebrewed magic and monsters from the campaign world’s dim past. The game master is free to use ice eyries in other scenarios.
One suggested manner would involve the residents of a drought-stricken region hiring adventurers to track down an eyrie and arrange
for it to somehow be brought to their land. Once there, the farmers hope to tether it above their fields and use the melt runoff to
irrigate their crops.
[Profession] Rest (various dates): These labor holidays occur throughout the year and each is named a er the professional guild which
benefits from it. There is Beggar’s Rest, Wheelwright’s Rest, Cooper’s Rest, Smith’s Rest, etc., and each is listed by that name on the
Grand Course of Days calendar. This descrip on applies to all of them regardless of their exact name.
On these days, all members of the appropriate guild are granted a day of rest. From the lowliest appren ce to the guild grandmaster,
no one goes to work. Instead, the guild tradi onally hosts a feast at their guildhall, which is a ended by all members in good standing
and their families. Games are played, musicians perform, and awards and gi s are given to outstanding members of the guild. The day
ends with dancing and drinking, but not to overabundance, for tomorrow it is back to work.
Other than possibly a ending the Adventurers, Explorers, and Treasure Seekers fes val (see Adventurer’s Carouse on p. 104), these
holidays will seldom affect the PCs. However, the game master should remember that on these labor holidays no business owned by
the appropriate guild’s members will be open. This could inconvenience the party should they be ready to venture forth on a new
quest and find that the weaponsmith who promised them that new sword is off carousing at the guildhall. Strict applica on of these
labor holidays is a good way to remind the PCs that the campaign world does not revolve around their needs and that NPCs are living,
breathing people, too.
The Rime King’s Palace: North of the Glacier of Blades lies the Rime King’s Palace. This structure is a strikingly beau ful site: con-
structed en rely from ice, the Palace reflects and refracts the eerie, shi ing colors that mysteriously appear in the sky at these north-
ern la tudes, giving it an unearthly appearance amongst the stark white landscape. On nights when the skies are clear, the palace
seems to glow from within with molten red illumina on.
The palace is home to the self-proclaimed Rime King, a fearsome ice giant who rules the surrounding glaciers with cruel tyranny. Under
his command are a ba alion of frost ogres, snow drakes, rime hounds, and other cold-climate monsters. More interes ng to adventur-
ers and treasure-seekers are the rumors of the Rime King’s treasury, which stories tell is laden with precious ice diamonds, cold gold,
mammoth furs, and the ivory tusks of giant walruses.
The Palace itself predates the king’s occupa on. Sculpted from the surrounding ice by magic, the palace sits above a ri filled with roil-
ing lava, and it is this pit that gives the palace its molten inner glow. Despite the great heat emerging from this ri , the same powerful
magics that formed the palace also protect it from mel ng. In the lowest depths of the palace’s dungeon, creatures born from the fiery
pit cavort amongst the frosty halls and delight in tormen ng the King’s less intelligent servants.
As of late, rumors have dri ed south to the warm lands along the coast. The Qusimaux people, a rugged race of polar barbarians, have
observed great numbers of fearsome frost monsters gathering at the palace. Mammoths drawing siege equipment of tremendous size
are seen crossing the glacier, and the sound of pounding metal rises from the magma forges beneath the frosty fortress. The Rime King
Ves bule (Day of the Rooster, 1st of Hardfrost): One of the few holidays celebrated across na onali es and social standing, Ves bule
is the celebra on of the new year. On this day of fresh starts and new beginnings, most households engage in a symbolic cleaning of
the hearth, sweeping away the ashes of the previous year in prepara on for the new. Doors and windows are opened to the cold air
and children run through the house banging pots and skillets together to drive the previous year out of the home. Celebrants dress in
white linen (or silk if they can afford it) before journeying to their local temple to swear oaths of self-improvement in the year to come.
All day long, seers, fortune-tellers, and astrologers travel from house-to-house making a dy profit off the curious who wish to know
what the coming year holds.
It is widely believed that what occurs on Ves bule is a portent of the coming year, so celebrants do their best to encourage good for-
tune in the months to come. They wear their finest, newest clothes, give gi s to family members, neighbors, and close friends, visit
loved ones, and eat well and drink hear ly, all in the hopes that these fortunate occurrences will be revisited upon them again and
again during the year.
Because the year is fresh and new, it has yet to become clu ered with the psychic debris that impedes divina on. As such, the game
master should allow any divina ons or auguries which are performed on Ves bule to be slightly more accurate or detailed than nor-
mal. Vagueness isn’t completely banished, but the cryp c answers these divina ons normally produce aren’t quite so muddled during
Ves bule.
The supers on about one’s behavior during the holiday influencing their fortune throughout the year is precisely that—unless the
game master wishes otherwise. At his or her discre on, the game master can reward those PCs who a empt to curry the good will
of the Powers That Be with fine dress, small favors and gi s, and friendly visita ons to loved ones. In this case, a small reward should
be given to those PCs once in the coming year. This reward could be mee ng an influen al NPC who grants them a boon, doubling (or
tripling) the treasure found in one encounter, receiving an unexpected gi of fine clothes or master-cra ed arms and armor, or some
similar event. No more than one of these events should occur for each PC, and they may be spread out throughout the year.
Weird of Wolves (Day of the Yak—Day of the Rabbit, 8th—14th of Hardfrost): For the last decade, the northern lands have been
plagued annually by packs of ferocious wolves that terrorize the land for a seven day period. Travel abroad during this me, especially
at night, is dangerous, and wolf packs have even broken into homes to feast upon those within. These a acks appear to be focused
around the ny village of Lurach nestled deep in the Chiming Peaks.
Because of these a acks, a form of subtle totemic worship has arisen in these secluded villages, cut off as they are from the rest of the
civilized lands by dense evergreen forests, rocky crags, and snow-filled valleys. For these seven days, wolf worship becomes the norm
and missionary priests of the more civilized southern gods are given li le choice but to turn a blind eye.
Each night during the Weird, a small number of livestock is driven into the pastures outside of the villages and le staked out for the
wolves. Each herdsman and farmer in the village must surrender one of his animals to fill the nightly quotas during the Weird, dona ng
even more if the a acks are especially ferocious. As the wolves tear these sacrifices apart, great fires are lit throughout the villages and
prayers of deliverance are offered up to Lupris the Wolf. While most villagers refuse to speak of it, there have been cases where the
yearly a acks were so fierce that livestock were not the only offerings le staked out in the night.
These rites came into being a er the villages failed to stop the wolf pack a acks by conven onal means. The wolves outwi ed all
a empts to trap them or to track them back to their dens. More disturbing was that the animals shrugged off wounds inflicted by
spear, sword, and arrow. Now the villagers endure the a acks each year and pray for small losses.
The reason that these a acks occur is Lurach’s dark secret. Ten years ago, the local patriarch of the Robaun family came into conflict
with his neighbors over property boundaries. Robaun was a spiteful old codger and largely disliked by the village, so when his neighbors
decided to accuse Robaun of being a werewolf, thinking that he’d be forced to leave the village for good, many accepted the charge
without ques on—too many, in fact. As hysteria gripped Lurach’s villagers, these false accusa ons resulted in not only Robaun but
most of his family being burned at the stake. Only the patriarch’s younger brother and niece escaped the fires. They are believed to be
the cause of these yearly a acks and a bounty exists on both of them.
This belief is correct. The surviving Robauns escaped into the surrounding wilderness and took shelter in a remote cave. There they
called blindly upon whatever powers would aid their vengeance against their accusers. One sinister power responded to their pleas
by making the villagers’ accusa ons true, turning the two surviving Robauns into especially fierce lycanthropes. The lycanthropy strain
they carry is so virulent that the two spend most of the year in their wolf form and possess none of their mortal memories. Only on the
nights near the anniversary of their family’s incinera on do they return to human form and remember their former existence.
Because of the unusual nature and origin of the Robauns’ lycanthropy, the wolves that accompany them during the Weird gain some of
the benefits of the curse. Although their game stats remain those of normal wolves, they receive the same immunity to normal weap-
ons as lycanthropes and are only affected by silver and wolfsbane. They also will never flee from a fight unless the Robauns do first.
The Shroud
Cod Mink Porcupine Beaver Flounder Goat Swan
1 2 3 4 5 6 Athollos 7
First Gnaw Gresades Slain;
Massacre Helm Goes
Recorded Missing
(265 GCY) (884 G.C.R)
(1/29) (1/30) (1/31) (2/1)
G (2/2) (2/3) (2/4)
@ (2/10)
(904 GCY) (898 GCY)
(2/5) (2/6) (2/7) (2/8) (2/9) (2/11)
Mouse Camel Owlbear Clam Bobcat Owl O er
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Camelmeet Unfurling of
the Eigh old
Path Begins
Leopard Mole
(2/13) (2/14)
Blue Whale
T (2/18)
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Malak Nivaluvas Unfurling of
His horns Wine Appears in the Eigh old
“Dies” The Empire Path Ends.
(-7840 GCY) (878 GCY)
(2/19) (2/20) (2/21) (2/22) (2/23) (2/24)
0 (2/25)
The Shroud
The Shroud is the second month in the Grand Course of Days and is regarded as the beginning of winter’s end. The month gets its name
from both the fierce blizzards that seemingly envelop the northern regions and from the dense, frigid mists that arise in the southern
lands when warm and cold air collides. These fogs are especially prevalent along the coast and near the Aeternal Capital.
Born under the sign of the infamous “Woman in White” of myth, wraiths are emo onal contradic ons. O en possessing great empa-
thy, wraiths shun society to spare themselves the emo onal pain of personal rela onships. The ul mate wallflowers, wraiths are prone
to melancholy and exude an almost alien awkwardness when dealing with others. Wraiths make excellent scholars, as once they fixate
on a problem, they are relentless in finding its solu on.