Aurora Consurgens: Chapter Three

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AURORA CONSURGENS (An Alchemical Document attributed to Thomas Aquinas)

(An Alchemical Document attributed to Thomas Aquinas)

This glorious [esoteric] science of God and doctrine of the saints and
secret of the philosophers and medicine of the physician’s fools
despise, for what it is they know not. These will not have the blessings
and it shall be far from them, nor does such [esoteric] science befit the
unskilled, for everyone who is ignorant of it is its enemy and that not
without cause. For Speculator saith: The mockery of [esoteric] science
is the cause of ignorance and lettuces are not to be given to asses, for
(thistles) suffice them, nor is the children’s bread to be set before the
dogs to eat, nor are pearls to be cast before swine (Matthew 7:6), and
such mockers are not partakers in this (noble) [esoteric] science; for
he4 would be a breaker of the heavenly seal who should make the
secrets of this [esoteric] science known to the unworthy; nor shall the
spirit of this wisdom [matrix5] enter into a gross body, nor can the fool
perceive it on account of the perversity of his reason. For the wise have
not spoken to the foolish, seeing that he that speak with a fool speak
with one that is asleep. (For) Morienus saith: If I were to unriddle all
things as they are, there would nowhere be any further place for
prudence, for the fool would be made equal to the wise; nor would any
mortal under the sphere of the moon bewail in step-motherly poverty
the pangs (of hunger), for in this [esoteric] science the numbers of fools
is infinite.
AURORA CONSURGENS (1966), Edited with a commentary by Marie-Louise Von Franz
The word ESOTERIC is defined as ‘hidden, concealed and veiled from the profaned (infidel)’
Bracketed words are my emphasis.
Since I have always spoken to those that are asleep I haven’t broken the heavenly seal for each initiate has to break the seal for him or herself.
My interpretation: UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX (10 x 10 square)

AURORA CONSURGENS (An Alchemical Document attributed to Thomas Aquinas)


The fact that Thomas Aquinas is thought to have written this

Alchemical document goes to my hypothesis that the hierarchy of the
Roman Catholic Church wrote all the Gnostic literature pertaining to
the Judeao Christian Scriptures to covertly illustrate that any ‘sinner6’
can write a gospel. The Aurora Consurgens has a great deal of biblical
quotes, which other commentators have referenced. Although, an
orthodox theologian Thomas Aquinas wrote the Aurora Consurgens as
an Alchemical document, it is still Gnostic literature; for the reason
that, it is not orthodox literature that would be openly approved by
Roman Catholic Church. This does not negate the truth outlined in this
Alchemical document. Such Gnostic literature was not canonized
because the STANDARD7 approved literature had already been
esoterically codified to the Judeao Christian literature and such works
like the Aurora Consurgens did not conform to the ambiance or the
continuity of the canonized literature.
What interested me in this third chapter in the AURORA
CONSURGENS was the words ‘science’ and ‘wisdom’.
The word ‘science’ is obvious, at least to me, referencing the
‘Esoteric Science’, which is hidden, concealed and veiled from the
profane (infidel) as I have outlined above in footnote #2.
More important to me was how the word ‘wisdom’ was used in
the texts of the paragraph/chapter. At one moment the author is
talking about the [esoteric] science and the next moment in the same
sentence he is referring to it as the ‘spirit of wisdom’. This places
‘wisdom’ as some kind of foundation from which the spirit emanates. I
have written previously on how every thought, word and deed rises

I cannot remember the work that I read it in; however, one ancient author wrote that the Church hierarchy was appalled to learn that any
‘sinner’ can write a gospel.
What I mean by using the word ‘STANDARD’ is more to the CONSTANT (Emperor Constantine) use of symbolism in the selfsame manner as
everybody else in Catholicism: i.e. putting everybody on the same page so-to-speak.

AURORA CONSURGENS (An Alchemical Document attributed to Thomas Aquinas)

ethereally from the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX like a

cathedral; therefore, ‘wisdom’ is the matrix8.
It had always bothered me why Solomon chose WISDOM over
anything else. Knowing now that WISDOM is the name the ancient
gave the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX I am more satisfied with
the ancient nomenclature for the matrix. I always felt, this name I gave
the 10 x 10 matrix was unworthy of it spiritual principles; however,
now I understand that the matrix is the Philosopher’s Stone, which is
WISDOM. It is the Holy Grail: i.e. the Soul: i.e. the God/Man Christ.
The matrix is WISDOM because it has to always be reinterpreted
ad infinitum to produce new LIGHT. It is a stone insofar as being
interpreted it can never be interpreted by an initiate in the same
selfsame manner. Each interpretation of this Philosopher’s Stone has
to be a continuous development of thought. It can never be a doctrine
or dogma; though, that which is interpreted from the matrix
(WISDOM) can be structured into doctrine or dogma.

MEA CULPA: this naming the matrix UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix) was an error on my part reaching
for some kind of name that would appropriately reference the 10 x 10 matrix in my writings.

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