TEDEdStudentTalksPermissionForm - English 20

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This form should be completed by the parent or guardian of perspective students in the TED-Ed Students Talks program.

Please email your student’s Student Talks Leader or [email protected] with any questions.

What is the TED-Ed Student Talks program?

The TED-Ed Student Talks program was developed by TED Conferences, LLC (“TED”) to support students and
teachers who wish to meet regularly to discuss, debate and explore ideas. TED-Ed Student Talks program
provides a forum for students to develop, present and record their own original ideas in the form of short, TED
Talk-style presentations. To find out more about the program, please review our website:

Why do I have to sign this form?

We ask that you review and sign this form so that TED-Ed Student Talks program can showcase the great work
done by student participants. This form lets us know whether or not you grant permission for 1.) your child to
participate in the program and 2.) TED to publish and share with TED communities world-wide content featuring
your child and submitted by your child’s group.

How does TED manage privacy of my child’s information?

TED-Ed and the TED-Ed Student Talks program operate under TED LLC’s privacy policy with respect to all
information collected from program participants, including those participants under 13 years of age. If
permitted below* TED will collect the student’s first and last name, as well as videos submitted by the Student
Talks Leader containing the student’s voice and image. TED will not sell any personal information to third
parties, nor do we advertise on the TED-Ed Student Talks YouTube Channel. We use the information collected
via TED-Ed Student Talks program to provide the student with a better learning experience, and to share their
ideas. As a parent/guardian, you may review your child’s personal information, direct us to delete it, and refuse
to allow any further collection or use of the child’s information at any time by contacting
[email protected] with your request.

What about sites that are not managed by TED?

Please note that any recordings not done or supervised by TED are outside the scope of this release and may be
circulated if the students and/or their group do so without informing TED. This may include school pages,
websites run by students, social media posts or other accounts managed by individuals or groups not employed
by TED. Any such postings will be governed by the terms of those sites and the privacy settings of the account

What if I do not want my child’s image to be uploaded to TED?

If you do not wish your child to be included in any recorded content, please indicate below and inform your
child’s Student Talks Leader. Please remember that this release only covers TED-Ed Student Talks program
related activities, and that other releases or terms may apply to any other school recordings.

Participation agreements
○ You agree that your child can participate in the program and receive information and invitations about TED-
Ed events, newsletters and other related information by TED.
○ You understand that TED has no liability for any individual TED-Ed Student Talks program activities
but has licensed the Student Talks Leader that is affiliated with the school, organization or institution
where the group meets is run to be responsible for all in-person and online activities related to that
TED-Ed group.
○ You release TED from all property damage or personal injury claims arising from your child’s participation in
the program.
Rights to publish (optional)
○ You grant permission for TED to film, photograph and/or record your child’s activities related to TED-Ed
Student Talks program. You may ask the Student Talks Leader to inform you of events that are
recorded and can coordinate the events so that you are aware when and if they are uploaded to TED.
[If you do NOT agree, instruct the Student Talks Leader and your child that your child should not be
recorded for TED-Ed activities, and indicate your preference below.]
○ You understand that TED owns the content related to TED-Ed Student Talks program that is submitted to
the TED website, including any video, animation, or related content “Content,” unless it is submitted
clearly marked under a license or copyright holder. Any personal information, or images or video that is
recorded, is only provided with a limited license by you to allow TED to showcase the content on TED-Ed
websites and other related events.
○ You understand that no payment is provided for this Content and no royalties will ever be owed as long as
TED uses it according to the purposes stated herein.
Authority to sign
○ This release is governed by the state of New York and contains the entire understanding between you
and TED and may not be modified unless agreed to in writing.
○ In the event of a conflict or issue resulting from the meetings, you agree to cooperate in good faith with
all parties involved in order to find an amicable resolution.
○ You certify that you are the parent and or legal guardian of the student named on this form and have read
this release and agree to provide permission for said student to participate in the TED-Ed Student Talks
program and provide Content based on these terms.

Permission for Participation:

I grant permission for my child to participate in the TED-Ed Student Talks program [please initial here]: .

Permission for Publishing*:

I grant permission for content featuring my child to be published by TED [please initial]: .

I DO NOT grant permission for content featuring my child to be published by TED [please initial]: .

Please sign below if you agree with the above terms.

Name of parent/guardian Name of student

Parent/guardian email address Student email address

Signature of parent/guardian Date of signature

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