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Gujarat Technological University Civil (Structural Engineering)

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Type of course: Elective

Prerequisite: Mechanics of Solids, Structural Analysis and Engineering Mathematics

Plates and Shells have become important structural forms of modern infrastructures. Analysis of such
structure requires rigorous mathematical treatment. It is essential to understand structural behaviour and
analysis of plates and shells for their safe design. The course on Plates and Shell equips the students
with analysis methodology of plates and shell using analytical methods.
Teaching and Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total
L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
3 2# 0 4 70 30 30 0 10 10 150


Sr. Content Total % Weightage

No. Hrs

1 Introduction to thin plates, small deflection theory, plate equation. Isotropic

and orthotropic plates, bending and twisting of plates, Navier’s solution,
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Levy’s solution and energy method, rectangular, circular plates with variable
rigidity in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates, Numerical solutions.

2 Shell behaviour, shell surfaces and characteristics, classification of shells

equilibrium equations in curvilinear co-ordinates. Stress-strain & force
displacement relations. Membrane analysis of shells of revolution and
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cylindrical shells under different loads. Shallow shells, membrane solution of
elliptic paraboloids and hyperboloids. Solution of some typical problems.
Introducing to stability of plates and stiffened plates.

Reference Books:
1. Theory of plates and shells - Timoshenko
2. Theory & analysis of plate - Classical & Numerical methods - Szilard
3. Design & construction of concrete shell roofs - Ramaswamy, G. S.
4. Theory of cylindrical shells - Glibson J. E.
5. A text book of plate Analysis- N. K. Bairagi
6. Shell Analysis - N. K. Bairagi
Course Outcome:

After learning the course the students should be able to:

(a) identify, formulate and solve theoretical problems with structural plate and shell,
(b) understand behaviour of plates under bending and twisting,
(c) analyse shells under different loading conditions,
(d) know type of shell and present force-displacement relationship.

List of Open Source Software/learning website:


Review Presentation (RP): The concerned faculty member shall provide the list of peer reviewed
Journals and Tier-I and Tier-II Conferences relating to the subject (or relating to the area of thesis for
seminar) to the students in the beginning of the semester. The same list will be uploaded on GTU
website during the first two weeks of the start of the semester. Every student or a group of students shall
critically study 2 papers, integrate the details and make presentation in the last two weeks of the
semester. The GTU marks entry portal will allow entry of marks only after uploading of the best 3
presentations. A unique id number will be generated only after uploading the presentations. Thereafter
the entry of marks will be allowed. The best 3 presentations of each college will be uploaded on GTU

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