560.325 Homework Assignment 5: Two Problems Due Tuesday, October 25 at 5pm, Latrobe 212
560.325 Homework Assignment 5: Two Problems Due Tuesday, October 25 at 5pm, Latrobe 212
560.325 Homework Assignment 5: Two Problems Due Tuesday, October 25 at 5pm, Latrobe 212
The material properties are fy = 50 ksi (not the usual 60 ksi steel) and f'c = 3 ksi.
(a) The slab is 3 inches thick. The total design moment (including self-weight and
safety factors) is Mu = 6500 kip-inch. Select the rebars and indicate where they
should be placed (on graph paper with a scale clearly indicated). Assume No. 3
At the end of your calculations, verify that the usual assumption for the safety
factor, φ = 0.9, is valid.
(b) You want to reduce the amount of steel by making the slab thicker. Suppose
we make the slab 4 inches thick. Repeat part (a). Make sure you increase the
total design moment by including the added dead load from the thicker slab.
You do not have to verify the assumption φ = 0.9.
2. Follow example 4.1 to design the spacing of #3 stirrups for the following beams.
(Even though the loads wu and lengths L are different, the maximum moments are
the same as in the example so you do not have to redesign b, d, or As.)
(a) The beam in Example 3.5 with half the length and four times the load. Hence,
the load is wu = 1.19 kips/inch and the length is L = 120 inches.
(b) The beam in Example 3.5 with fixed (instead of simply supported) supports,
with wu = 1.19 kips/inch (as in part a) and length L = 147 inches. Note that
some of the calculation results in part (a) can be used in part (b).