Cincom Evolution Line: Sliding Headstock Type Automatic CNC Lathe

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Cincom Evolution Line

Sliding Headstock Type Automatic CNC Lathe

Efficient Production – Impressive Value

Cincom Evolution line from Citizen
Introducing the L20E – meeting the needs of today

Citizen’s highly successful

L20 series evolves for the
new age to meet the needs
of the drastically changing
global market

Up to 32 tools Now with back slitting and back cross Citizen’s unique Cinc om Control
To meet the trend to produce complex parts drilling capability (Streamline Control) cuts non-cutting
on a lower cost machine Same holder is adaptable for both slitting time to a minimum
and cross drilling Citizen’s dynamic software development
Tooling layout quickly changeable leads the swiss type/sliding head sector
The layout is easily adapted to suit parts Citizen’s renowned ease of use
with priority towards mainly cross drilling/ Citizen is the machine of choice for fast Back rotary tool drive now standard
milling, or face milling/drilling or turning set-ups and changeovers 4 live positions for fixed, end face drilling/
milling, slitting, cross drilling

L20E Workpiece Examples

IT parts Automobile parts Medical parts

02 Cincom L20E
Next tool advances while the previous tool retracts

Cincom Control cuts non-cutting time to a minimum

Cincom Control Direct Spindle Indexing
Citizen has developed a new control method system for high-speed, The direct spindle indexing function significantly reduces spindle
smooth axis motion. “Cincom Control” reduces idle time, increases indexing time. The spindle decelerates directly into the required index
feed rates and substantially reduces cycle time. position, eliminating the time taken to stop, reference and index.

Tool Overlap Function

For front machining, the L20E is equipped with an independently Conventional
controlled gang tool holder and opposed tool holder. “Cincom Con- Rotation
trol” positions the next tool holder while previous tool holder retracts.
Rotation Zero
stop point

1. Tool retracts.
Rotating Indexing


2. Tool holder approach
is simultaneous with
previous tool retraction. Rotating Indexing

Cycle Time Comparison

Compared with earlier generations of the L Series, the L20E delivers
substantial improvements in productivity. Under the same cutting
conditions of spindle speed and feed rate, Citizen’s Cincom Control
in conjunction with increased rapid feed rate has reduced cycle
time significantly. Why not compare the greatly reduced cost per
part of the L20E with your current machine? The L20E will offer
additional advantages of faster set-up and lower maintenance costs.

* Actual cutting time indicates the time required to machine a

workpiece in a cutting mode such as the G1, G2 and G3 mode.

Cincom L20E 03
Strong, Fast & Flexible

The L20E Type IX provides additional versatility with its back rotary tool drive unit

Enhanced Tooling Gang rotary tools Front spindle

Spindle speed: Max. spindle speed:
A gang tool post that allows a wide 5,000 rpm (Max.) Y1 10,000 rpm
variety of tooling and an opposing tool 4,000 rpm (Rating) Motor: 2.2/3.7 kW
post that enables deep-hole drilling (up Motor: 1.0 kW X1 Max. machining length:
to 100 mm) are available. 200mm/chucking

Should your products require off-center Z2

drilling, milling or slitting on the end face
during back machining, this machine is a
perfect choice since it features the back X2
rotary tool drive unit as standard. Parallel
execution of front and back secondary
machining can reduce cycle time.

Back spindle
Max. spindle speed: 8,000 rpm Back rotary tools
Motor: 0.75/1.5 kW Spindle speed:
5,000 rpm (Max.)
Cross-drilling spindle 4,000 rpm (Rating)
GSC1010 Motor: 0.75 kW

Cross-drilling spindle

Rotary tool unit


Cross-drilling spindle Main spindle


Back rotary tool unit

2-ID sleeve holder U153B

3-tools front & back

end face drilling spindle

Back spindle

3-tool front deep

drilling holder

End face drilling spindle Back slitting spindle

GSE3307 (optional)
04 Cincom L20E
Outstanding Tooling Versatility of the New L20

Easy machining of complex shapes

GSE3010 GSC907/GSC1010 GDF507

Rotary tool unit Cross-drilling 3-sleeve holder
The mounting direc- Up to three sleeves can
tion of this spindle can For performing drilling be mounted in this hold-
be switched for cross and milling on the outer er for drilling on front/
or end face machin- diameter. back end faces. The
ing, and can perform GSC907: sleeve mounting hole
drilling on the outer Max. collet dia.: ∅7mm diameter is ∅ 19.05mm.
diameter or drill on the Chuck model: ER11 This figure shows the
end face. Shown with GSC1010: holder installed with
three GSC1210 rotary Max. collet dia.: ∅ 10mm three double-ended
spindles. Chuck model: ER16 sleeves.

GSE3307 GSC1210 GSS1330

End face drilling Cross-drilling spindle Back slitting spindle
spindle (mounted in cross
This spindle (to be direction)
This spindle is for drill- mounted on GSE3010)
ing and milling on the is used for drilling and GSS1330 performs
back end face. It is milling on the outer di- cross machining on
mounted on the back ameter. the workpiece on back
tool post. Max. collet dia.: ∅ 10mm spindle. Note: occupies
Max. collet dia.: ∅7mm Chuck model: ER16 3 positions of U153B
Chuck model: ER11

GSS1330 GSC1307 BTW-L1000

Back slitting spindle 2-tool cross-drilling Thread whirling unit
Mounted on back tool Thread whirling is the
post, this spindle is This spindle, designed most efficient way to
used for back slitting. for drilling and milling produce difficult OD
Max. cutter dia.: ∅ 30mm on the outer diameter, is threads by providing
Max. collet dia.: ∅7mm mounted on GSE3010. a solution with faster
Chuck model: ER11 Max. collet dia.: ∅7mm cycles. Helix angle:
Chuck model: ER11 ±25 degrees

GSE3107 GSE3207 U124B

2-tool both end face Front 3 -tool bac k 3-tool both-end face
drilling spindle 2-tool end face drill- drilling spindle
ing spindle
This spindle performs This is for performing
drilling or milling on Use for drilling or milling front drilling. Up to three
the front and back end on the front and back ∅ 19.05mm diameter
face (to be mounted on end face. This spindle is sleeves can be mounted.
GSE3010). mounted on GSE3010. It is possible to 100mm
Max. collet dia.: ∅7mm Max. collet dia.: ∅7mm depth drilling.
Chuck model: ER11 Chuck model: ER11 Efficient tool length:
75mm (1 tool),
100mm (2 tools)

Cincom L20E 05
Convenient, Real Time Operation
User friendly design displays the screens that are needed, when they are needed

Hi-speed NC Installed

Because the latest CNC unit is

utilized, the start-up and screen
switching times are drastically
reduced compared to other
machines with similar functions.
This feature provides a stress-
free operating experience.
Easy to Understand Illustrations
An illustration is displayed for each item, so
that it can be immediately visualized (the
screen displaying the machining data).

Program Editing Code List Display On-machine Program Check Function

Easy to understand program editing can Another aid in programming is a list of G and This function allows program operation to
be performed by switching between the M codes accompanied by pictorial explana- be run forward or backward, and program
synchronized displays for two axis control tions of their purpose. editing and continuation of operation after
groups, and copying and pasting between a temporary stop. It is an effective aid to
programs including MDI. smooth programming. It also has a high
speed program check function.

06 Cincom L20E
Machine Layout
Standard Layout
600 2110 500


546 500


307 288 CAV20E Bar Feeder (optional)

181 190


362 188 1100 1010 350 350

2110 210 780 2500
365 4776

Layout with Options 500 2807(U90J) 942

3-color patrol light

89 U81Z
Workpiece collection box
for long workpiece device

958 Workpiece conveyor

Chip outlet

Part outlet





595 490 148 536 335 Coolant oil tank

1085 Chip conveyor 420 126
1139 1100 1010

Cincom L20E 07
Machine Specifications
Main standard accessories
Item L20E IX
Main spindle chucking device
Maximum machining diameter (D) 㱵 20 mm Workpiece separator
Maximum machining length (L) 200 mm / 1 chucking Rotary guide bushing drive device
Maximum front drilling diameter 㱵 10 mm Lubrication device (with level sensor)
Rotary guide bushing device
Maximum front tapping diameter (tap, die) M8 Back spindle chucking device
Spindle through-hole diameter 㱵 24 mm Coolant device (with level sensor)
Main spindle speed 10,000 rpm Rotary tool spindle device for gang tool post
Back rotary tool spindle device
Maximum drilling diameter for the gang rotary tool 㱵8 mm
Door switch / Door lock
Maximum tapping diameter for the gang rotary tool M6 Work light
Spindle speed of the gang rotary tool (rating) 5,000 rpm (4,000 rpm)
Optional accessories
Maximum chuck diameter of the back spindle 㱵 20 mm
Fixed guide bushing device
Max. protrusion length of back spindle workpiece 30 mm Chip conveyor
Maximum protrusion length 80 mm Coolant flow-rate detecting device
Back spindle speed 8,000 rpm Signal lamp
Cut-off tool breakage detector
Maximum drilling diameter for back tool post rotary tool 㱵5 mm Long workpiece device
Maximum tapping diameter for back tool post rotary tool M4 Workpiece conveyor
Spindle speed of back tool post rotary tool (rating) 5,000 rpm (4,000 rpm)
Standard NC functions
Number of tools to be mounted Max. 32
NC unit dedicated to CINCOM L series
Turning tools on the gang tool post 5 8.4 inch color LCD
Live tool on the gang tool post 7 Modular stations Product counter display: up to 8 digits
Operation time display
Front ID tool post (stationary) 3
Nose R compensation function
Live tool on back tool post 4 Preparation function
Tool size 3D interference check function
Tool (gang tool post) ½", 5/8 " (T01 only) Corner chamfering rounding function
On-machine program check function
Sleeve ¾" diameter shank Main spindle speed change detection function
Chuck and Bushing Back spindle speed change detection function
Main spindle collet chuck TF25 Automatic power off function
Program work area 160 m
Back spindle collet chuck TF25
Thread cutting canned cycle
Rotary tool collet chuck ER11, ER16 Continuous threading cycle
Chuck for drill sleeves ER11, ER16 Multiple repetitive cycle
Main spindle C axis function
Guide bushing TD25NS
Back spindle C axis function
Rapid feed rate Canned cycle for drilling
All axes 32 m / min Main spindle rigid tapping function
Motors Tool spindle rigid tapping function
Back spindle rigid tapping function
Spindle drive 2.2 / 3.7 kW Spindle synchronization control function
Gang tool post rotary tool drive 1.0 kW Milling interpolation function
Back spindle drive 0.75 / 1.5 kW User macro
Helical interpolation function
Back tool post rotary tool drive 0.75 kW
Tool Life Management I
Coolant oil 0.4 kW Tool Life Management II
Lubricating oil 0.003 kW Sub-inch command
Circular threading cycle
Center height 1050 mm
External Memory Running
Input power capacity 8 kVA
Air pressure and air flow rate for pneumatic devices 0.5 MPa ・ 60 NI / min Optional NC functions
Weight 2200 kg Program work area 320 m, 600 m
Tool offset pairs (80)
Network I/O function
40 Boroline Road 2316 Touhy Avenue 17815 Newhope Street, Suite P
Allendale, NJ 07401 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Fountain Valley, CA 92708
201-818-0100 847-364-9060 714-434-6224

All specifications are subject to change without prior notice. This product is subject to the export control laws of the United States and other countries.
A license may be required prior to export, reexport or transfer of these products. Please contact us for further information. Catalog No. L20EIX 0710

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