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Mike and Phani's Essential C++ Techniques

Michael Hyman
Phani Vaddadi

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This netLibrary eBook does not include the ancillary media that was packaged with the original printed version of the
Mike and Phani's Essential C++ Techniques
Copyright ©1999 by Michael Hyman and Phani Vaddadi

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hyman, Michael I., 1965
Mike and Phani's Essential C++ Techniques / Michael Hyman &
p. cm.
1. C++ (Computer program language) I. Vaddadi, Phani, 1959
II. Title.
QA76.73.C153H962 1999
005.1313dc21 99-38901

ISBN (pbk): 1-893115-04-6

Printed and bound in the United States of
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Project Manager: Nancy DelFavero

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To Miriam and Pooja, and Seeta and Sarah


Michael says: Writing a book is like swimming deep under water. You don't always know where you're going. It's a
struggle and there's a lot of pressure. But if you somehow manage to swim toward the light, you know you'll be able to
breath again. So I'd like to thank all of those who helped provide some light. First, to Phani for his hard work as we
crafted this book together. I learned a lot and it was a pleasure. To Thomas Olsen for his excellent work as a tech editor.
To Simon Bernstein for his backup tech edits. To the folks at APress, especially Gary Cornell for believing in this book
and making writing it fun (you know what I mean) and Nancy DelFavero for all her hard work shepherding it through.
Thanks to the folks at Impressions for slogging through it so many times to make it better and Ann Edahl for
copyediting the text. Finally, of course, I'd like to thank my family. You are always the victims of any endeavor such as
this. Thanks for putting up with me during all the times when I disappeared into the basement bowing to the silicon god.

Phani says: Many authors have told me that writing a book is a difficult, worthless venture. Despite those warnings, I let
Mike persuade me to write this one with him. Well, they are all wrong. It's a great experience and such a pleasant one at
that. Maybe I just lucked out to find smart people who are also easy to work with. I would like to express my thanks to
the following. First, Mike for convincing me that what we do as routine practice is worth writing about. It's also a real
pleasure to see how he makes it seem easy to write about stuff. Thomas Olsen for providing useful and excellent
technical feedback on the book and code. Simon Bernstein for providing the extra pair of eyes to review the code. Gary
Cornell, Nancy DelFavero, and the others at APress. They proved that APress does indeed provide an author-friendly
environment. Thanks also to the people at Impressions for their editing and production work. Thanks to my family who
tolerated all those times when I would disappear into a dark place and work on my computer when I should have been
out enjoying the sun. And special thanks to Dusty, my daughter's dog, for being by my side during late-night coding
sessions, telling me in his silent way that there is more to life than programming.

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MICHAEL HYMAN is the author of ten other computer books, including Visual C++ For Dummies, Dynamic HTML
For Dummies, and PC Roadkill. He was a columnist for Microsoft Interactive Developer and for Windows Tech
Journal. He has worked on operating systems, compilers, databases, and interactive television. He currently works on
multimedia technology for a large software company in the northwest. He has an Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science degree from Princeton University.

PHANI VADDADI has ten years experience as a development manager at a major software company. He has worked
on office products, Internet multimedia authoring and runtimes, and Internet commerce and database technology. He
has built and managed numerous development teams and has also managed program management and test
organizations. He ran development at a CAD start-up, worked on computer vision, and has experience in the atomic
energy industry. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Andhra University.

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Introduction 1

Part I 3
The Techniques

Chapter 1 5
Start with a Good Design

Technique 1: Define the Problem

Technique 2: Use the 1-3-5 Rule

Technique 3: Solution in Search of a Problem

Technique 4: Problem in Search of a Solution

Technique 5: In Search of a Solution and Problem

Technique 6: KISSKeep It Simple and Stupid

Technique 7: The Importance of Good Design

Technique 8: The Customer Is Always Right

Technique 9: Design Is an Iterative Process

Technique 10: Coding Is Also an Iterative Process

Technique 11: Work Smarter, Not Longer

Technique 12: Four Eyes Are Better than Two

Technique 13: Measure Twice, Cut Once
Technique 14: Know When to Say When

Technique 15: Pick the Right Algorithm and Data Structures for the Problem

Chapter 2 13
Darn Reasonable Practices

Technique 16: Be Careful When Cutting and Pasting Code

Technique 17: Initialize Local Variables

Technique 18: Validate Arguments

Technique 19: Check Return Codes

Technique 20: Check for 0 before Dividing

Technique 21: Check for 0 before Mod'ing

Technique 22: Write the Loop Increment/Decrement First

Technique 23: 0 == a Versus a == 0

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Technique 24: Use Header Sentinels

Technique 25: Intrinsics Use Byte Counts

Technique 26: memcpy Uses Byte Counts

Technique 27: Use Const Instead of Numeric Literals

Technique 28: Const Precomputes Sizes

Technique 29: Sometimes You Need to Use #define Instead of Const

Technique 30: Using an Assert Instead of, or in Addition to, Commenting Code

Technique 31: Handle the Exception Even If You Assert

Technique 32: Carefully Choose Signed or Unsigned Types

Technique 33: Be Careful When You Mix Signed and Unsigned Values

Technique 34: Use Parentheses If You Need Them

Technique 35: Use Parentheses If You Need Them

Technique 36: Always Treat Warnings as Errors

Technique 37: Always Use at Least Warning Level 3

Technique 38: Be Careful When Using \ in Strings

Technique 39: Be Careful When You Mix C and C++

Technique 40: Determining If a Constant Is Already Defined
Technique 41: Know Exactly What Functions Do (At Least If You Use Them)

Technique 42: Make Sure Strings Are Null Terminated

Technique 43: Check the Actual Size

Technique 44: Use Inline Functions Instead of Macros

Chapter 3 37
Dealing with Compiler-Generated Code

Technique 45: Constructors and Destructors Are Automatically Created for You

Technique 46: Wrap New to Save Space

Technique 47: If You Overload New, Overload Delete

Technique 48: The + Operator Generates Considerable Overhead

Chapter 4 43
Pointers and Memory

Technique 49: Check for Successful Allocation

Technique 50: Free Once, Not Often

Technique 51: Make Sure You Can Allocate before You Replace

Technique 52: Be Prepared for Multiple Calls to Buffer Allocation Methods

Technique 53: Don't Return Pointers to Automatic Variables

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Technique 54: Always Initialize to a Known State

Technique 55: Avoid Self-Referential Copies

Technique 56: Use Const *

Technique 57: Avoiding Errors When Using Const Const

Technique 58: Use Smart Pointers

Technique 59: Use Smart Pointers for Objects

Technique 60: Custom Memory Allocators and Smart Pointers

Technique 61: Don't Blow Your Buffers

Technique 62: Create a Memory Manager That Detects Leaks

Technique 63: Global Versus Class-Specific Memory Allocators

Chapter 5 55

Technique 64: Use Delete [] with Arrays

Technique 65: Avoid Index Underflow

Technique 66: Avoid Index Overflow

Technique 67: Foo[K] Is the Same as Foo.Operator[](K)

Technique 68: An Array Is a Pointer

Chapter 6 59
Technique 69: Initialize Member Variables

Technique 70: Use Initialization Lists

Technique 71: Don't Initialize Consts inside the Body of the Constructor

Technique 72: Const MemberVariables Allocate Memory

Technique 73: Nonstatic Consts Are Allocated in the Code Area

Technique 74: Wrap Member Variables to Protect from Outside Access

Technique 75: Keeping Your News Private

Technique 76: Using Runtime Type Information

Technique 77: If You Allocate Memory, Override the = Operator

Technique 78: Guard against Self-Referential Operators

Technique 79: Too Much Parameter Checking Is Still Too Much

Technique 80: Creating Const Operators

Technique 81: Private Derivation

Technique 82: Making Sure a Class or Structure Size Stays within Bounds

Technique 83: Use Inheritance Instead of Unions

Technique 84: Be Careful with Initialization When You Use Unions

Technique 85: Don't Cast to a Derived Class

Technique 86: Be Very Careful When Using Member Variables after Deleting This
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Chapter 7 83
Abstract Base Classes

Technique 87: The Compiler Checks for Instantiation of Abstract Base Classes

Technique 88: Base Classes Can Be Designed to Assume That Derived Classes Provide Implementation

Technique 89: Vtables Use Space

Technique 90: Multiple Inheritance from Abstract Base Classes Does Not Cause Ambiguities

Chapter 8 93

Technique 91: Initialize Your Member Variables

Technique 92: Default Arguments Let You Reduce the Number of Constructors

Technique 93: Making Constructors Private

Technique 94: If You Allocate Memory, Create a Copy Constructor

Technique 95: If You Create a Copy Constructor, Remember to Copy Over Allocated Memory

Technique 96: If You Expect to Inherit, Make Destructors Virtual

Technique 97: If You Have Multiple Constructors, Be Explicit about Which One to Use

Chapter 9 107

Technique 98: IsA Versus HasA

Technique 99: Scoping Rules

Technique 100: Multiple Inheritance Can Cause Ambiguities
Chapter 10 115
Operator Overloading

Technique 101: The Difference between Pre- and Postfix Operators

Technique 102: Be Careful When You Overload Operators

Technique 103: Don't Change the Meaning of Operators

Technique 104: Overload = If You Expect to Use Assignment with Classes

Technique 105: Operators Can Do More Work than You Think

Technique 106: Don't Return References to Local Variables

Chapter 11 123

Technique 107: Keep the Template Implementation in a Different Class

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Chapter 12 127
Miscellaneous Goop

Technique 108: Inserting Graphic File Resources

Technique 109: Make Sure Your Paths Are Correct

Technique 110: Keep Reference-Counted Objects off the Stack

Technique 111: Passing Preallocated Memory to New

Technique 112: Aliasing with References

Chapter 13 133

Technique 113: Design Is More Important Than Tuning

Technique 114: Know What to Improve

Technique 115: Instrument Your Code

Technique 116: Reduce Your Working Set

Technique 117: Use the Optimize for Space Flag

Technique 118: Delay Loading

Technique 119: Invest in Good Tools

Technique 120: Templates Usually Mean Bloat

Technique 121: Floating Point Is Faster Than Integer Math on a Pentium

Technique 122: Look-up Tables Can Increase Performance
Technique 123: Be Cautious When Using Inline Functions

Technique 124: Know What Code Is Generated

Technique 125: Shifts Are Faster Than Divides

Technique 126: Pointer Arithmetic Is Not Faster Than Array Look Ups

Technique 127: Memory Allocations Are Expensive

Technique 128: Be Careful When Using String Functions

Technique 129: Avoid the CRT If You Can

Technique 130: Intrinsics Are Faster Than the CRT

Chapter 14 147
Using Assembly

Technique 131: C++ Variables Can Be Directly Accessed from Assembly

Technique 132: Use Inline Assembly Only If You Are Writing for a Specific Processor

Technique 133: You Don't Need to Use Return If Eax Is Already Set

Technique 134: If You Set Eax from Assembly, Disable Warning 4035

Technique 135: Always Restore Warning Defaults after You Disable Them

Chapter 15 151
General Debugging Stuff

Technique 136: What's a Bug?

Technique 137: DebugYour Design before You Code

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Technique 138: Always Single Step through New Code

Technique 139: Debug If You Can, Build If You Must

Technique 140: Debug Data, Not Code

Technique 141: Know the Code That Is Generated

Technique 142: Plan for Testing

Technique 143: Test Early, Test Often

Technique 144: Test under Stress Conditions

Technique 145: Test with Edge Conditions

Technique 146: Test from the User's Perspective

Technique 147: Test with Other Applications

Technique 148: Test on All the Target Platforms

Technique 149: Test Retail and Debug Versions

Chapter 16 157
Specific Debugging Stuff

Technique 150: Loading DLLs for Debugging

Technique 151: Loading Executables for Debugging

Technique 152: Casting Data

Technique 153: Dumping Registers and What They Mean
Technique 154: Switching to Hex Display

Technique 155: Handling First-Chance Exceptions

Technique 156: Break on Data Changed

Technique 157: Skipping Execution to a Particular IP

Technique 158: Creating and Using a MAP File

Technique 159: Walking the Call Stack

Technique 160: Fixing the Call Stack If You Can't See Everything

Part II 169
Sample Code

Chapter 17 171
Smart Pointers

Chapter 18 175
Reference Counting

Chapter 19 179
Dynamic Arrays

Chapter 20 191

Chapter 21 199
Bit Manipulation

Chapter 22 207

Chapter 23 213
Regular Expression Matching

Appendix about the CD-ROM 225

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Welcome. at this point, you probably have a few questions: Why should I buy this book? How does it work? Why the
heck should I trust you anyway?

You should buy this book for one reason: to improve your coding skills. Now, we're not going to pretend that we are the
best programmers on the planet. Nor are we going to claim that every page in this book will be packed with revelations
so deep that you'll feel that lightning has struck. But we will tell you that we have condensed lessons into this book
learned from a heck of a lot of time spent writing code and creating products.

Some of the techniques you'll find may seem like common sense. Duh, you'll say. Others will reveal tricks you haven't
imagined. In either case, we tried to write the kind of book that we've wished forone with lots of information, lots of
code, and not so many words that you'll doze off. A book that you can pick up, flip to any random page, and learn

We've organized the book into two parts:

Part I has all of the guts. It's broken into chapters that deal with key programming concepts, such as using classes,
optimizing code, and dealing with pointers. Each of these chapters is composed of techniques. The techniques have
categories, some sample codeoften showing before-and-after codeand a brief discussion of the advantages of employing
each technique. For some techniques, we refer to examples; those sample files can be found on this book's
accompanying CD-ROM. You can focus on chapters relating to a topic you want to learn more about, or you can read
through the book at random, using your favorite page traversal algorithm to decide what to look at or look up.

Part II lists most of the sample code we created for illustrating the techniques in Part I. You'll find code for
manipulating strings, performing regular expression matches, handling dynamic arrays, and performing reference
counting. As with the techniques in Part I, we show mostly code along with a brief explanation of why the code does
what it does. You can find the complete sample files on the accompanying CD-ROM. The appendix to this book
explains how to go about using the disc.

Why should you trust us? Well, to start, we're not politicians. We don't sell used cars. (Although, now that you mention
it, if you're looking for a '65 Dodge Dart . . .) More important, we've had a lot of experience shipping products. Chances
are extremely high, in fact, that some code that we've written is on your very own machine. We've worked for start-ups
and large software companies, on products ranging from databases to operating systems, from CAD software to

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Internet runtimes. In this book, we share some of the lessons we've learned in the process. Things to avoid. Ways to
write tighter code. And the important stuff, like that cold pizza is perfectly fine for breakfast.

In short, buy this book. Use this book. Tell your friends about it. Visit us at www.essentialtechniques.com and drop us a
line, letting us know what you think. Heck, even tell us your favorite techniques or send us requests on techniques you'd
like us to write about in the future. Then, loosen up your fingers and get back to work.

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Welcome to Part I. here you'll find chapter after chapter full of techniques to improve your coding skills. Some of the
techniques are simple advice, such as how to think about problems. Others go through the gory details, such as walking
the stack frame when debugging.

Although the techniques are grouped together into chapters that focus on specific areas, such as memory allocation or
performance, there is no need to read the chapters sequentially. You can simply jump from technique to technique. Each
technique stands on its own. You can pick up the book and put it down whenever you need to. (Heck, you can think of it
as the perfect book to keep stashed in the bathroom. Your guests will love it.)

The techniques all follow a similar layout. You'll get the title of the technique, a category for it, and then code (in most
cases) and an explanation. Some techniques refer to the sample code that comes on this book's companion CD-ROM,
and may also have cross-references or caveats.

The categories help you understand the basic goal of the technique. You'll find the following category types, and their
respective meanings, noted with the techniques listed in Part I:

Advice: A general technique, usually focused on a practice more than a specific coding approach. Sometimes these are
philosophical or management related.

Avoid crashes: A technique that will help prevent crashes, such as relating to null pointers. Such techniques often help
avoid unexpected results as well.

Avoid hard-to-find problems: A technique that will save a lot of head scratching and debugging time.

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Avoid memory leaks: A technique aimed at preventing memory loss and eventual performance degradation.

Avoid stupid mistakes: A technique for avoiding those embarrassing moments when nothing works but the problem is
immediately obvious to anyone else who looks at the code.

Avoid unexpected results: A technique that will help you write code that does what you think it should. Many of these
help prevent subtle, pain-in-the-rear bugs.

Compile your code: A technique relating to some subtlety of C++ syntax bound to keep your code from compiling.

How to: A technique explaining how to do something, such as how to walk a stack frame while debugging.

Workaround: A technique to help you get around, how shall we say it, behavioral inconsistencies?

Write cleaner code: A technique for improving your coding style.

Write faster code: A technique for improving the speed of your code.

Write maintainable code: A technique for improving your coding style, usually by making your code easier to read and

Write more efficient code: A technique for reducing code size or repetition.

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Chapter 1
Start with a Good Design

This chapter discusses general techniques related to programming. None of these involve code. Rather, they provide
advice for dealing with the processes and problems of creating and shipping products. As you read through these
techniques, you might say to yourself, ''Thanks a lot for the advice, guys. It sounds good on paper. Too bad you don't
understand what I'm going through." But that's exactly the point of these techniques. We do understand what you're
going through. We've shipped a lot of products under a lot of circumstances. We know all too well what it is like to be
coding at two in the morning, week after week, to meet an impossible deadline. We've worked in both dysfunctional and
smoothly operating teams. So although sometimes these tips may sound wishy-washy, they really do work.

If, however, you want to dig right into some coding techniques, skip this chapter and move on to Chapter 2.

Technique 1
Define the Problem

Category: Advice

It is hard to solve a problem if you don't know what the problem is. Ask yourself the following questions:

What are you creating?

Why are you creating it?

How are you going to create it?

What is the user going to experience?

What are the boundaries?

What are the assumptions?

What are the requirements?

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When do you need to finish?

How will you know if you are successful?

Technique 2
Use the 1-3-5 Rule

Category: Advice

A successful project should have one mission, three targeted customers, and no more than five benefits: 1-3-5. This is a
rule we've invented, so spread the word.

If you want your project to be successful, it should have one mission, and everyone on the team should understand and
agree on the mission. The mission shouldn't be so nebulous that anything could be part of it. (For example, "Build great
software" is a crummy mission; "Create the smallest, fastest Internet browser" is okay.) If you have more than one
mission, you'll never know when to stop.

You should identify no more than three customers to target. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't have any more than
three customers. Instead, it means that you should categorize your customers into no more than three buckets. Then pick
the prototypical customer from each bucket. Those are the folks you should talk to for getting your key advice and for
targeting your feature set. If you have too many customers, you'll have feature creep. You won't know which features
are more important than others. You'll try to do them all. Your management will jerk you around.

Finally, have no more than five benefits. That is all a customer can remember anyway. This doesn't mean you shouldn't
have more than five features. But these features should all work together to provide some benefit to the customer. You
don't need a million features to make a product successful. If you have a million features, they will be buggy, your
product will be huge, and the customer won't have a clue how to use them anyway. Keep things smaller and more
focused. The rest of the features can wait until the next release.

Technique 3
Solution in Search of a Problem

Category: Advice

Before you begin coding, you need to understand your group's situation. If you have thought of some really cool
technology and just need to make sure that the world learns about it, you may be in trouble. Take a step back.

Determine if there really is a problem at hand or if you are just doing technology for technology's sake.

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Determine if there is a target customer that can at least help you make design trade-offs or determine when your project
is finished.

If you can't identify a customer, or if you keep coming back to a mission of completely changing the world, be careful.
You may find it hard to define goals, make trade-offs, and define milestones. You may find that your project will only
flourish to the extent it is either undiscovered or protected by a specific manager. You may also find that, after you have
completed your brilliant work, no one will use it and it (and perhaps you) end up shelved.


If your job is basic research, this rule may not apply. Or you may be able to avoid the inevitable for a longer period of

Technique 4
Problem in Search of a Solution

Category: Advice

If you have identified a customer or future problem and are trying to find a solution, you are in great shape.

Refer to the customer needs when you need to make design trade-offs.

Identify the key parts of the problem that you will solve.

Identify what you will not solve. Don't be wimpy and pretend you will solve everything; save yourself a headache and
plan out what you won't do up front.

Understand how you differ from other solutions.

Then go solve the problem.

Technique 5
In Search of a Solution and Problem

Category: Advice

If you have a bunch of cool people who want to get together and do something cool, you are halfway there. After all, it
can be hard to build a team. But you had better figure out what you are doing and why.

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If you have a task at hand but aren't quite sure who the customer is, and you aren't quite sure what solution to use, or
which of several approaches make sense, and really, why you are even bothering, look out. Then polish your résumé.

Technique 6
KISSKeep It Simple and Stupid

Category: Advice

Complex designs don't make you more impressive. They just make you more error prone. Try to come up with the
simplest solution for the problem at hand. Often the simple solutions will be easier to code and thus have fewer bugs.
They will have fewer code paths and thus will be easier to test. They will be easier to optimize and thus will be faster.

Now, this doesn't mean that you should sacrifice efficiency for simplicity. For example, if you know that one design's
performance will degrade geometrically and the other will degrade linearly, certainly go for the better performing
design but only if you'll see the degradation when customers are using it. ("But, but," you say, "if two million people
logged on to my machine on my modem. . . ")

Think carefully about your design. If you make a design that is so complex that only you can understand it, you'll only
end up impressing yourself. Everyone else will be confused or wonder why you didn't use a simpler approach.


If you want to lock customers into using your product and no one else's, make the interfaces so complex that, once they
finish learning how to use your product, there won't be any more room in their brain for learning anything else. Oh wait,
did I get cynical for a moment?

Technique 7
The Importance of Good Design

Category: Advice

Optimize before you start coding. You can create all the hand-tuned assembly code you want, but such optimizations
will never give you the same benefits as a good design. A properly chosen algorithm will always give you bigger
performance, and stability wins.

Understand the problem before you design.

Design to the problem.

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Think about future directions and generalize where it makes sense. But don't overgeneralize to the point that you solve
some huge imaginary problem but don't do such a good job with the problem at hand.

Technique 8
The Customer Is Always Right

Category: Advice

This is a problem that often plagues projects. It is also related to other techniques in this chapter. Don't sell the customer
the idea that they need your technology. Sell them the idea that your solution solves their problem. The way to do this is
to start by understanding their needs. Solve their problems. Don't solve a theoretical problem and then look for someone
who needs the technology.

If the customer tells you that your solution doesn't work, fix it. Don't argue with them about why they are stupid and
don't understand your brilliance.


Sometimes they are stupid and don't understand your brilliance, in which case you may need to change your message.

Technique 9
Design Is an Iterative Process

Category: Advice

You are not going to get it right the first time. Don't be afraid to redesign. After you have gone through the exercise of
your first design, analyze it. Think about it. Review it with others. Figure out how to improve it. Most projects get
redesigned three times before they ship.

Your design will also change throughout the project in response to customer feedback and as you discover more of the
details and "gotchas" of your problem. That is good.

Technique 10
Coding Is Also an Iterative Process

Category: Advice

You are not going to get it right the first time. It is okay to recode. It is okay to think about ways that you can reuse code
that you, or other people, have written

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or ways that you can apply your techniques to a broader problem. It is also okay to discover that you screwed up in
some of your assumptions and that you need to start over again. (But after the fifth time blundering on the same
problem, you might want to get a little help. Or consider becoming a politician.)

Technique 11
Work Smarter, Not Longer

Category: Advice

It is hard to program when you are asleep.

Programmers are stubborn and obsessive by nature. When confronted with a task and a deadline, we naturally tend to
work extremely long hours to complete the task. Unfortunately, we really are mere mortals. (I promise I won't tell
anyone.) Lack of sleep can cause decreased attention span, temper flares, and general slop.

When you are tired, you tend to take longer to accomplish tasks, and you introduce more bugs. Take a break. Get some
sleep. Give your brain a rest. When you return to your task, you will likely be far more efficient.

Unfortunately, it is often difficult to recognize when you are in this state. It helps to have coworkers, a manager, or
friends who can pull you out of the stress-filled drive and tell you to relax a little. Listen to them.


Sometimes you have to ignore this advice and just ship the damn thingbut be very wary of increased bug count and bug

Technique 12
Four Eyes Are Better Than Two

Category: Advice

No matter how good a programmer you are, you are bound to make mistakes. If you can't come up with a clean design
for a problem, discuss it with coworkers. They may have a different approach or thought process that can unblock you.
Think of it as small-scope brainstorming.

If you haven't had much sleep or are stressed out because of deadlines, ask others to look over your work.

Be sure to review your designs and your code with peers. They can help you uncover bugs and potential problems and
may suggest other solutions. The process of review can help everyone on the team improve their skills.

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A nice side effect of reviewing is that the team gains a broader understanding of the designs and code on the project.
This in turn makes it easier for team members to see the big picture and pitch in when needed.

Technique 13
Measure Twice, Cut Once

Category: Advice

Fix your problems before you create them. Work through all of the issues during your design phase. After you design,
go back and see if it really met your design needs. See if you can simplify it. See if it scales. It is much easier to create a
good design if you haven't already invested loads of time chasing after a bad one. See if there are other solutions similar
to what you are trying to do. Read.

In other words, don't be in a hurry to code.

Technique 14
Know When to Say When

Category: Advice

Don't overdesign. Can you simplify what you are doing? Can you generalize? Can you find a cleaner approach? I've
seen plenty of simple software become extremely complex in a hurry, as alternate syntax, garbage collection, fancy
memory allocators, complex timing loops, and so on were added. The end result is usually a huge mess that may or may
not work. Quite often, all of the techniques that are good in isolation don't make your product any faster or better.

Simpler designs are easier to implement, track, and tune. Simplicity many times also leads to speed: your code will have
a smaller working set and you'll have a better clue as to what it is actually doing.

Do the right amount of design and coding to get the problem solved.

Technique 15
Pick the Right Algorithm and Data Structures for the Problem

Category: Advice

Good algorithms and data structures make good programs. Don't choose the most complex data structure in the world to
prove what a hot shot you are. Choose it if it solves the problem the best way. Likewise, don't use arrays for everything
just because you are scared of screwing up if you write something more complex.

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Figure out what meets the needs. Ask around. Read. Talk it over. Experiment. Write small isolated programs to test out
the concept, algorithm, or new data structure. When you feel comfortable, use it in your work.

Good algorithms and data structures make efficient programs. You'll get more benefit from good algorithms than you
will from extensive code tuning or rewriting your code in assembly language.

Understand the data that you are manipulating. If you understand the data, you are 90 percent on the way to
understanding the problem.

Here are some things you should ask:

What are the storage implications?

What are the insert, delete, and seek implications?

What are the use patterns? Let them dictate your needs.

How will the program need to grow in the future?

How will the program need to scale?

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Chapter 2
Darn Reasonable Practices

I'm sick of the term best practices. I have no clue what it means, outside of it being a nice-sounding buzzword for
attracting people to seminars. This chapter instead focuses on some darn reasonable practices. These practices don't
concentrate on any specific area but, rather, cover the gamut of programming.

As promised in the introduction to this book, this chapter and most of those that follow are primarily code with a little
bit of yakking thrown in.

Technique 16
Be Careful When Cutting and Pasting Code

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

if (m_lpBuffer)
if (m_lpScreen)

if (m_lpBuffer)
if (m_lpScreen)

When you are programming, you probably cut and paste code to save typing time. When doing so, make sure that you
properly update the code that you've pasted. In the "Before" code listed in this section, we've taken a line for freeing a
pointer and copied it. You can see that, although we changed the variable name used in the conditional, we forgot to
change the variable name that we actually

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free. This oversight will lead to some unpleasant side effects. It is often hard to find these bugs because if you glance
over the code rather than carefully examining it, it might look okay.

Although this particular example is simple, in real life cut-and-paste bugs can be more complex. Be particularly careful
when copying classes and functions. The compiler will coerce arguments when it can, and you may find that you have
an overloaded operator that can be coerced to, but doesn't, do what you expected.

Single-stepping over the code in the debugger will usually reveal these kinds of bugs. Always single-step in the
debugger over every new line of code you write before you ship the product (see Technique 138).

With the "Before" example shown for this technique, you'll catch the incorrect delete in the debugger when you crash.

The following incorrect code, however, won't crash. Instead, it will leak memory if m_lpBuffer is null. You may not
catch it when you run your program (see Technique 62), but you will catch it if you carefully step through your code in
the debugger:
delete m_lpBuffer;
delete m_lpscreen;

Technique 17
Initialize Local Variables

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

int SArray::IndexFind(long 1)
int iLeft;
int iRight;
int iMiddle;
long 1M;

if(m_clMac == 0)
return 0;

while(iLeft < iRight)

iMiddle = (iLeft + iRight)/2;

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int SArray::IndexFind(long 1)
int iLeft = 0;
int iRight = m_clMac;
int iMiddle;
long lM;

if(mclMac == 0)
return 0;

while(iLeft < iRight)

iMiddle = (iLeft + iRight)/2;

It's easy to forget to initialize local variables. After all, it does seem like such a mundane chore. Plus, in many cases you
know darn well that you are going to calculate the value anyway. For example, in the ''Before" code for this technique,
the value of iMiddle is always calculated before it is used.

On the other hand, iLeft and iRight are not calculated before they are used. As a result, if you forget to initialize
their values, you'll get all types of unexpected results. In this case, the loop could terminate unexpectedly.

Have the discipline to initialize all local variables before you use them. (The compiler will often warn you if you don't.
Compilers such as Microsoft Visual C++ generally detect uses of uninitialized pointers.)

See example: bsrch.cpp

Technique 18
Validate Arguments

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

BOOL BF::Get(int ibit)

BOOL BF::Get(int ibit)
if(ibit >= m_cbit || ibit < 0)

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Users don't read manuals. You can't expect that values passed in to member functionsand especially to public member
functionswill be in the correct range.

Check the values of arguments and user input before you process them. If a value exceeds the acceptable range, either
clip it (set it to the minimum or maximum acceptable value), set it to a default value, return from the function with an
error code, or throw an exception.

Remember to check the top and bottom of the range.

See example: BF::Get() in bits.cpp

Technique 19
Check Return Codes

Category: Avoid crashes

BOOL BF::FSetSize(DWORD cbitNeeded)
DWORD *pdw;
long cdw;

cdw = (cbitNeeded + cbitDWORD - 1)/ cbitDWORD;

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
memset(pdw, OL, sizeof(DWORD) * cdw);

BOOL BF::FSetSize(DWORD cbitNeeded)
DWORD *pdw;
long cdw;

cdw = (cbitNeeded + cbitDWORD - 1)/ cbitDWORD;

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
memset(pdw, OL, sizeof(DWORD) * cdw);

You might think that library functions always succeed. Well, surprise. They don't. In the sample code just listed, you
can see that the "Before" example assumes that the memory allocation succeeds. But what happens if it doesn't?
Kaboom. What else did you expect?

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Check the return codes from library functions, especially those that need to allocate resources, such as memory, file, and
network operations.


You don't need to go overboard with this. You actually only need to check return codes if a failure matters to you. For
example, if you are drawing a bunch of lines to the screen and don't care if one of the draws doesn't occur, then you
don't need to check the return code. When in doubt, err on the side of caution.

As always, expect that memory allocations will fail and guard your code for such a case. It is a good practice to separate
your code into (1) functions that require user validation and (2) functions that don't require validation for perf reasons.
But always guard your assumptions with asserts just in caseeven when you don't think you need to validate parameters.

See example: BF::FSetSize() in bits.cpp

Technique 20
Check for 0 before Dividing

Category: Avoid crashes

nRes = nNum / nDenom;

if (nDenom)
nRes = nNum / nDenom;
//Supply some default result here
nRes = 0;

If you divide by zero, you'll generate a runtime error or exception. Usually, this error will be passed on to the user just
before your program crashes. Whenever you divide by a variable (or calculated value), check for zero if there is a
chance that the denominator could be zero.

Having a divide-by-zero may also expose a bad design problem. Check that, too. Just fixing the error locally could hide
a more fundamental problem. First convince yourself that it is okay for the denominator to be zero. (Did you scratch
your head when you found this problem, wondering why it occurred?) If you

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didn't expect that the denominator could be zero, examine your design carefully. You may have a lot more work to do.
If, on the other hand, it really is okay for the denominator to be zero, go ahead and fix the bug by protecting yourself as
shown in this example.

Technique 21
Check for 0 before Mod'ing

Category: Avoid crashes

nRes = 13 % nMod;

if (nMod)
nRes = 13 % nMod;
//Supply some default result here
nRes = 0;

This is the same as dividing by zero. If you mod with zero, you'll generate a runtime error or exception. Check for this
case rather than blowing up.

As discussed in Technique 20, make sure that the divide-by-zero isn't really caused by a design problem.

Technique 22
Write the Loop Increment/Decrement First

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

while(pdw < pdwMac)
dwCarry =
(pdw+l == pdwMac) ?
dwCarry = 0 : dwCarry = *(pdw + l)<<cBitsRight;

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*pdw >>= cBits;
*pdw |= dwCarry;

while(pdw < pdwMac)
dwCarry =
(pdw+1 == pdwMac) ?
dwCarry = 0 : dwCarry = *(pdw + 1)<<cBitsRight;
*pdw >>= cBits;
*pdw |= dwCarry;

Whenever you write a loop, be sure to take care of the increment or decrement of the loop conditional before you write
the rest of the code inside the loop. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement and challenge of writing the code for the
inner body of the loop. Then, having finished that task, you forget to deal with the loop counter. As a result, you will
most likely go into an infinite loop or else loop the wrong way.

See example: BF::ShiftLeftBits() in bits.cpp

Technique 23
0 == a Versus a == 0

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

if (a == 0)
cout << "It is 0";

if (0 == a)
cout << "It is 0";

Many programmers, especially those moving from a language such as Basic, are used to = being used for assignment as
well as for equality comparison. One

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way to avoid making this mistake is to place literals on the left when writing comparisons.

If you accidentally leave out one of the = signs in the "Before" code, a will be assigned the value 0 and the if will
always evaluate false. If you accidentally leave out an = sign in the "After" code, the compiler will generate a syntax

Of course, using this technique is no substitute for single-stepping over every line of code that you write. Make sure that
the code is doing what you expect it to be doing. Even look at the code generated by the compiler. You may find a
difference between what you think you told the machine to do and what you actually told the machine to do (and in
some rare cases, what the machine decided to do anyway).


This only works when comparing variables to literals. It is a less intuitive way to write code, so it could end up driving
you nuts. The better thing to do is to make sure you use = when you want to set a value and == when you want to
compare a value.

Technique 24
Use Header Sentinels

Category: Compile your code

const int clMax=256;

#ifndef _ALGOR_H
#define _ALGOR_H
const int clMax=256;

In order to organize code, one often includes.h files from other .h files. For example, foo.c might need foo.h; foo.
h might include global.h; bar.c might include bar.h, which also includes globals.h; and baz.cpp might
need foo.h and bar.h. As a result, baz.cpp ends up including globals.h twice. Compilers don't like for you to
define constants, classes, and structures more than once. In fact, they will complain quite loudly.

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To avoid this problem, wrap your header files with sentinels. This is a fancy word for combining a #ifndef with a
#define, as shown in the "After" code in this section. If the header file has already been loaded, then _ALGOR_H will
be defined; the #ifndef will fail, and the stuff in the header file will be skipped. If_ALGOR_H wasn't already defined,
then the header file has yet to be processed; everything inside the #ifndef will be processed.

Another option is to use #pragma once, if your compiler supports it. This pragma allows you to only include that
header file once and only once. In theory, at least, it allows faster compiles since the compiler doesn't have to parse
#ifdef sentinels at all.

See example: algor.h

Technique 25
Intrinsics Use Byte Counts

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

float *pfltBuf;
pfltBuf = (float *) GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, 4);
if (pfltBuf)
memcpy(pfltBuf, pfltSrc, 4);

float *pfltBuf;
pfltBuf = (float *) GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, 4*sizeof(float));
if (pfltBuf)
memcpy(pfltBuf, pfltSrc, 4*sizeof(float));

Length arguments to intrinsic functions are always measured in bytes. Make sure that you adjust the length according to
the size of the structures you are manipulating. For example, if you are creating an array of floats, multiply the count by
the size of a float. Do likewise for any custom structs.

Note that this is different than code that manipulates arrays or pointers, where the compiler automatically adjusts array
dereferences and pointer arithmetic operations (increments, decrements, etc.) based on the structure size.

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Technique 26
Memcpy Uses Byte Counts

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

float pfltBuf[50];
memcpy(pfltBuf, pfltSrc, 4);

float pfltBuf[50];
memcpy(pfltBuf, pfltSrc, 4*sizeof(float));

We admit it. This is just a repeat of Technique 25. But it is important enough to repeat. When you use memcpy, you
specify how much memory to copy in bytes. So if you want to copy four elements from an array, as is done in this
example, make sure that you multiply the byte count by the size of the elements in the array. Otherwise, you'll just end
up copying four bytes.

Technique 27
Use Const Instead of Numeric Literals

Category: Write maintainable code; avoid stupid mistakes

for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
//First loop

for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)

//Second loop. Woops. Wrong number of iterations

const int NUMITEMS = 3;

for (int k = 0; k < NUMITEMS; k++)

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//First loop

for (k = 0; k < NUMITEMS; k++)

//Second loop

There are many reasons to use constants instead of literals. First, they improve code readability. It is much easier to
understand that the sample loop shown iterates over the number of items than it is to understand what some random
value means. This is also true when defining constants for switch statements or return values. E_SITENOTFOUND is a
lot easier to understand than 0×80001292.

Furthermore, by using constants, you can change the value once and have the change take place everywhere. For
example, in the above fragment, by changing NUMITEMS to 4, all of the loops that iterate over the items will
automatically update their loop counts. Unlike #define, constants declared with const have type established. This
means that the compiler will use its normal type checking to make sure that you haven't used a constant in an
inappropriate fashion.

Also, unlike macros, const values are visible within the debugger, making them useful for debugging.

See example: tips.h

Technique 28
Const Precomputes Sizes

Category: Write cleaner code

cdw = (cbitNeeded + sizeof(DWORD) * 8 - 1)/ (sizeof(DWORD) * 8);

const int cbitDWORD = sizeof(DWORD) * 8;
cdw = (cbitNeeded + cbitDWORD - 1)/ cbitDWORD;

Anytime you use a constant, the compiler precomputes its value. This means there is no runtime cost for calculating the

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The compiler always precalculates constant portions of expressions, and when optimizations are turned on, it will even
precalculate expressions that it determines won't change. So don't use this technique for getting performance gains; use
it to make your code easier to read and maintain.

See example: bits.cpp

Technique 29
Sometimes You Need to Use #define Instead of Const

Category: Write maintainable code

virtual BOOL FOpen(const char *szText) =0;

#define PURE =0;
virtual BOOL FOpen(const char *szText) PURE;

There are cases where you can't use const. Unlike const, #define provides string substitution. Because the strings
are substituted during the code preprocessing stage, #define can thus be used for broader circumstances, such as
creating macros. You also need to use #define for making declarations easier to understand. In the example shown
here, we have created a pure function. It is a lot easier to understand this when looking at the "After" example.

See example: tips.h

Technique 30
Using an Assert Instead of, or in Addition to, Commenting Code

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

while(m_rgl[++i] < lKey);
// There is no way i can go past the right
// bound because lKey is picked up to be the
// right most entry.

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if(j < 0)

while(m_rgl[++i] < lKey);
// There is no way i can go past the right
//bound because lKey is picked up to be the
//right most entry.
assert(i < m_clMac);

if(j < 0)

Although it is very important to add comments about boundary expectations and other assumptions, you should also add
asserts to make sure that those boundary conditions actually hold because sometimes what happens in code isn't what
you expect, especially under stress conditions. That is, after all, the definition of a bug: The code isn't doing what you
expect it to do (see Technique 144). Furthermore, a comment could become out of date. For example, perhaps you have
a comment that states, ''There is no way this value will be too large." Well, that may have been true when you started
writing the program, but some change somewhere could invalidate that comment. The assert, however, will always be
active. So if you assert when the value is too large, the assert will occur whenever the value is too large, no matter how
you change your code.

Note also that asserts only work during debug builds. As a result, you get all the benefits of the assert when you are
testing, but there is no performance or size impact when you create the retail version of the program.

See example: SArray::QuickSort() inbsrch.cpp

Technique 31
Handle the Exception Even If You Assert

Category: Avoid crashes

assert(i < m_clMac);
//process stuff

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assert(i < m_clMac);
if (i < m_clMac)
//process stuff

Asserts are wonderful. They clearly tell you something has gone wrong. Or rather, if you are running a debug build,
asserts will fire when something goes wrong. So always put asserts in your code. You can't rely on them for preventing
problems, however, because they aren't in retail builds. Always handle the error condition in addition to asserting, so
that if you have a problem at runtime you won't crash or otherwise puke.

See example: SArray::QuickSort() in bsrch.cpp

Technique 32
Carefully Choose Signed or Unsigned Types

Category: Avoid unexpected results

int nVal;
nVal >> 4;

unsigned int nVal;
nVal >> 4;

The compiler will automatically supply sign correction code when manipulating signed numbers. For example, shifting
right a signed number 0×80000000 results in 0×C0000000 instead of the expected 0×40000000. This is because
the compiler recognizes that the number is signed and does an SAR instruction, not an SHR. In other words, it treats
0×80000000 as a negative number and ensures that the resulting shifted value is also negative.

If, on the other hand, you shift right an unsigned value (such as an unsigned int or a DWORD), the compiler won't
preserve the sign bit and you will get the value you expect.

See example: bits.cpp

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Technique 33
Be Careful When You Mix Signed and Unsigned Values

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

unsigned int nNewSamples;
int nBufSize;

nNewSamples = -1;
nBufSize = 10;

cout << "Starting" << endl;

while (nNewSamples >= nBufSize)

cout << "Loop" << endl;
nNewSamples = 0;

int nNewSamples;
int nBufSize;

nNewSamples = -1;
nBufSize = 10;

cout << "Starting" << endl;

while (nNewSamples >= nBufSize)

cout << "Loop" << endl;
nNewSamples = 0;

Signed and unsigned numbers have different ranges but can be cast from one to the other. This means that you may
accidentally compare one to the other and get unexpected results if the size of the unsigned number is large enough to
be treated as a negative number when it is cast to a signed number (or vice versa). As a result, you could end up with a
loop that never ends or all types of other interesting side effects.

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For example, consider the "Before" code for this technique, where we are comparing the value of an unsigned to a
signed value. The unsigned value is set to -1. Because it is unsigned, it gets turned into a very large number. The loop
compares that number to 10 and comes up with true and the loop thus executes.

By contrast, in the "After" code, both numbers are signed and the comparison is false.

Of course, the sample shown for this technique is rather simplistic, and it is easy to see how the problem occurs. Real-
life code will make finding the problem harder. In general, don't mix signed and unsigned numbers. If you do, be careful.

Technique 34
Use Parentheses If You Need Them

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

if(!(i+1 % 64))
cout << "\n";

if(!((i+l) % 64))
cout << "\n";

If you are not positive about what operations have precedence, use parentheses to make expressions clearer. For
example, % has higher precedence than +. Thus, the expression in the "Before" code is equivalent to the following:
if(!(i + (1 % 64))
cout << "\n";

This is certainly not the desired code.

See example: BF::PrintBits() in bits.cpp

Technique 35
Use Parentheses If You Need Them

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

#define FOO j + 1
x = k * FOO;

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#define FOO (j + 1)
x = k * FOO;

Be especially wary of parentheses when using #define to create expressions. In particular, make sure that you have
enough of them. It's okay to err on the side of adding too many.

Code may look perfectly correct in the #define, but order of operations can cause bugs when you use the defined
value in an expression. For example, the "Before" and "After" codes for this technique will create very different results.

When in doubt, add parentheses.

Technique 36
Always Treat Warnings as Errors

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes; write maintainable code

unsigned int nNewSamples;
int nBufSize;

nNewSamples = -1;
nBufSize = 10;

cout << "Starting" << endl;

while (nNewSamples >= nBufSize)

cout << "Loop" << endl;
nNewSamples = 0;

int nNewSamples;
int nBufSize;

nNewSamples = -1;
nBufSize = 10;

cout << "Starting" << endl;

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while (nNewSamples >= nBufSize)
cout << "Loop" << endl;
nNewSamples = 0;

Warnings hide potential errors that are always worth examining. Sure, you're busy compiling, and you know it's just
some silly message about casting between a double and a float. Big deal. Well, it very well could be a big deal. You're
always better off fixing the issue. This is especially important when working on large projects or with other people. If
you don't fix the trivial warnings, important ones could get lost in the sea of trivial ones. In turn, you may not know
which warnings are critical when looking at someone else's code. Also, it's just plain sloppy.

For example, the "Before" code in this example compares a signed integer with an unsigned integer. The compiler
generates a warning. If you don't fix it, the code won't work the way you expect.

Use the compiler to treat warnings as errors. From the command line, use the /WX flag. Or, from the environment, do the

1. Select Project→Settings.

2. Click on the C/C++ tab.

3. Select the General category.

4. Click on the Warnings as Errors checkbox.

Technique 37
Always Use at Least Warning Level 3

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

It takes a lot less time to fix a warning than it does to debug code. Let the compiler do as much of the dirty work for you
as possible. Warning messages that seem trivial may really be pointing out nasty potential problems. We suggest using
warning level 3.

From the command line, use the /W3 or /W4 flag. Or, from the environment do the following:

1. Select Project→Settings.

2. Click on the C/C++ tab.

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3. Select the General category.

4. Select Level 3 or Level 4 from the Warning Level drop down.

Technique 38
Be Careful When Using \ in Strings

Category: Avoid unexpected results

Literal li("this\sis\sa\stestl");

Literal li("this\\sis\\sa\\stestl");

Remember that \ is an escape character. If you really want to have a \ appear inside of a string (for example, for a
regular expression match or for a directory path), be sure to use \\ instead.

See example: TestRegExp() in regexp.cpp

Technique 39
Be Careful When You Mix C and C++

Category: Compile your code

const int NULL=O;

//Nothing . . .

The "Before" code looks darn innocuous, doesn't it? What could be simpler? Well, when we compiled this code we got
the following error messages:
C:\book\exp\drg.h(7) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'constant'
C:\book\exp\drg.h(7) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found

What the heck does that mean? This problem illustrates one of the many things that can go wrong when you mix C and
C++. In this example, one of the C runtime header files defined NULL:

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#define NULL 0

Our friendly C++ line was thus converted to the following:

const int 0=0;

This in turn led to the confusing error message.

Technique 40
Determining If a Constant Is Already Defined

Category: Compile your code

#define NULL 0

#ifdef NULL
#pragma message("NULL already defined")
#define NULL 0

You can avoid error messages (including the confusing one discussed in Technique 39) if you check whether a constant
is defined before you define it. Because this check is done during preprocessing, it has no impact on performance.

See example: drg.h

Technique 41
Know Exactly What Functions Do (At Least If You Use Them)

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)
strncpy(m_rgch, pch, sizeof(m_rgch)-1);

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return *this;

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)
strncpy(m_rgch, pch, sizeof(m_rgch)-2);
m_rgch[sizeof(m_rgch) - 1] = 0;
return *this;

You need to understand exactly how functions behave to make sure that you don't accidentally interject errors and edge
cases. In this example, we are copying from a char* into our class. The string in our class has a fixed size, whereas the
char * could point to a string of any length. So we use the strncpy function rather than strcpy to make sure that
we don't copy more than what is available in our buffer.

Seems simple, yes? Well, let's take a look at the documentation of strncpy from the Visual C++ product manual:

The strncpy function copies the initial count characters of strSource to strDest and returns strDest. If count is
less than or equal to the length of strSource, a null character is NOT appended automatically to the copied
string. If count is greater than the length of strSource, the destination string is padded with null characters up
to length count.

This means that we need to consider two cases: (1) what happens when the string we're copying is smaller than the
buffer and (2) what happens when the string is the same size or larger than the buffer.

If the string is smaller, we're in good shape. A nice null-terminated string will be copied into our buffer. If the string is
larger or the same size as the buffer, then what gets copied will not be null terminated. That could lead to all types of
problems. (For example, if you call strlen on a string that is not null terminated, you could wait a very long time as
the runtime searches throughout all of memory, only stopping if it finds a zero.)

Because we need to account for this case, we always leave room at the end of the buffer for a null character. That's why
we subtract two from the size of the buffer. We then make sure that the last character in the buffer is always zero.

See example: Literal::&operator= in regexp.h

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Technique 42
Make Sure Strings Are Null Terminated

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)
strncpy(m_rgch, pch, sizeof(m_rgch)-1);
return *this;

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)
strncpy(m_rgch, pch, sizeof(m_rgch)-2);
m_rgch[sizeof(m_rgch) - 1] = 0;
return *this;

All string functions expect strings to be null terminated. This becomes an issue whenever you use commands such as
memcpy to copy substrings. If you forget to make sure there is a null at the end of the strings, pandemonium can break
loose when you perform string operations. You can easily cause infinite loops, trash memory, and so forth.

See example: Literal::&operator= in regexp.h

Technique 43
Check the Actual Size

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

//The buffer size
const cchLiteral = 256;
char m_rgch[cchLiteral-10];

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)

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strncpy(m_rgch, pch, cchLiteral-1);
return *this;

//The buffer size
const cchLiteral = 256;
char m_rgch[cchLiteral-10];

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)

strncpy(m_rgch, pch, sizeof(m_rgch)-2);
return *this;

Okay, maybe this code is slightly contrived. You'd never do anything like this, right? A constant is created indicating
the desired size of a buffer. In the ''Before" code, we believe the comment when it says that the constant indicates the
buffer size. But as you can see in the code, the programmer may have actually done something completely different. If
you merely trusted the comment and based your copy on the constant, you'd crash. A much safer practice is to check the
actual size of the object using sizeof. Because this is done at compilation, there isn't any performance penalty.

See example: Literal::&operator= in regexp.h

Technique 44
Use Inline Functions Instead of Macros

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

#define OutputIMacro(i) (cout << i << '\n')
void TestInLine()

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class InLineTest
void OutputI(int i)
cout << i << '\n';

void TestInLine()
InLineTest ilt;

// this generates compile error - C:\book\misc\misc.cpp(126) : error C2664:
// 'OutputI' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char [5]' to 'int'

Macros are useful, but they provide no type checking. For example, suppose we want a routine that prints out the value
of an integer. We could use a macro, as shown in the "Before" code for this technique. Note, however, that the macro
very happily processes any argument passed to it. You can use it with an integer as de-sired. But, you can also pass in a
string or anything else too.

By contrast, the "After" code uses an inline method. Because it is a method, the compiler performs type checking. Thus,
if we uncommented out the line that attempts to output a string, we'd get a syntax error.

See example: TestInLine() in misc.cpp

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Chapter 3
Dealing with Compiler-Generated Code

You write code in C++. the compiler writes code in assembly. guess which one the user receives? If you understand
what type of code the compiler generates, you can learn how to write more efficient code. In this chapter, we examine a
few techniques you can employ to make your code more efficient.

Technique 45
Constructors and Destructors Are Automatically Created for You

Category: Write faster code

class base1
char sz[256];
int i;
float f;
base1(basel &bl)
cout << "basel copy ctor\n";
cout << "basel constructor\n";
cout << "basel destructor\n";

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class Derived1 : public base1

Derived1(Derivedl&derivedl) : basel(derived1)
cout << "Derived1 copy ctor\n";
cout << "Derived1 constructor\n";
cout << "Derived1 destructor\n";
void TestVirtualDTor()
pd11 = new Derived1;

Assembly for Boldfaced Line

00413566 push 108h
0041356B call operator new(0x00404830)
00413570 add esp,4
00413573 mov dword ptr [ebp-164h],eax
00413579 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],5
00413580 cmp dword ptr [ebp-164h],0
00413587 je TestVirtualDTor(0x004135a3)+2BFh
00413589 mov eax,dword ptr [pd11]
0041358F push eax
00413590 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-164h]
00413596 call @ILT+25(??0Derivedl@@QAE@AAVO@@Z)(0x00401019)
0041359B mov dword ptr [ebp-188h],eax
004135A1 jmp TestVirtualDTor(0x004135ad)+2C9h
004135A3 mov dword ptr [ebp-188h],0

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004135AD mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-188h]
004135B3 mov dword ptr [ebp-168h],ecx
004135B9 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],0FFFFFFFFh
004135C0 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-168h]
004135C6 mov dword ptr [pd12],edx

The single new looks fairly innocent. But you will note that a lot of code is generated and called. Even if you omit
constructors and destructors for the class, they are automatically generated.

See example: TestVirtualDTor() in inherit.cpp

Technique 46
Wrap New to Save Space

Category: Write faster code

pref = new RefCounted();

Assembly for Boldfaced Line

0040E51B push 4
0040E51D call operator new(0x00403430)
0040E522 add esp,4
0040E525 mov dword ptr [ebp-14h],eax
0040E528 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],0
0040E52F cmp dword ptr [ebp-14h],0
0040E533 je TestRefCounted(0x0040e542)+42h
0040E535 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
0040E538 call @ILT+40(?newRefCounted@RefCounted@@SAPAV1@XZ)(0x00401028)
0040E53D mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],eax
0040E540 jmp TestRefCounted(Ox0040e549)+49h
0040E542 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],0
0040E549 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-1Ch]
0040E54C mov dword ptr [ebp-18h],eax
0040E54F mov dword ptr [ebp-4],0FFFFFFFFh
0040E556 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-18h]
0040E559 mov dword ptr [pref],ecx

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class RefCounted
static RefCounted *newRefCounted()
return new RefCounted;

pref = RefCounted::newRefCounted();

The new operator generates a lot of inline code. It calls the new operator and then calls the constructor, as you can see in
the assembly listing shown here. Every time you call new, you get this wad of generated code.

In modern processors, you pay a bigger performance hit for having verbose code than for having an extra function call
because larger code can cause secondary cache hits. (Or in a worse situation, it can force the processor to bring in code
that is not in a cache.) The cache swapping takes more time than does an extra function call.

With the "After" code for this technique, we've created a member function that does the new. We call that member
function rather than calling new ourselves. As a result, there is far less generated code and the performance should

See example: classRefCounted in access.cpp

Technique 47
If You Overload New, Overload Delete

Category: Avoid crashes and memory leaks

void *operator new(size_t cbAlloc)
return malloc(cbAlloc);

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void *operator new(size_t cbAlloc)
return malloc(cbAlloc);
void operator delete(void * pv)

You need to use the same memory manager to deallocate memory as you use to allocate memory. Otherwise, you will
crash when the deallocator (i.e., the wrong deallocator) tries to free up memory that it doesn't know anything about. For
example, if you use the Windows heap manager to allocate memory, use HeapFree to clean up the memory instead of
the default delete.

See example: classRefCounted in access.cpp

Technique 48
The + Operator Generates Considerable Overhead

Category: Write cleaner code

String operator+(const String&string) const
String stringNew(m_pch);

stringNew.Append(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return stringNew;

When you create a + operator, a lot of things happen. In the example shown here, a new string class is constructed. The
two strings are concatenated into this new string. Then, the compiler automatically instantiates a String variable on
the stack frame of the caller. This is for the return value. Its copy constructor is called with stringNew as a parameter,
which copies the contents to the return variable. Then, before the function exits, stringNew is destroyed.

If we had just concatenated the strings directly with Append, we could have done so more efficiently. Instead, the
operator resulted in two instances of temporary string variables, and it called the copy constructor.

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Here's the code that gets generated for the operator:

00401791 lea eax,dword ptr [stringNew]
00401794 push eax
00401795 mov ecx,dword ptr [_$ReturnUdt] ;
The string variable where the actual
concatenated string is returned
00401798 call @ILT+75(??0String@@QAE@ABV0@@Z)(0x0040104b) ;copy ctor on this
string with stringNew as parameter
0040179D mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-1Ch]
004017A0 or ecx,1
004017A3 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],ecx
004017A6 mov byte ptr [ebp-4],0
004017AA lea ecx,dword ptr [stringNew]
004017AD call @ILT+15(??1String@@QAE@XZ)(0x0040100f);
dtor for stringNew because
it's an automatic variable
004017B2 mov eax,dword ptr [_$ReturnUdt]
145: }
004017B5 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]
004017B8 mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
004017BF mov esp,ebp
004017C1 pop ebp
004017C2 ret 8

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Chapter 4
Pointers and Memory

This chapter discusses techniques that can help you write safer, more efficient code when working with pointers and
memory. Some of these techniques, such as not freeing memory multiple times, are just common sense. Others, such as
using smart pointers, are slightly more sophisticated.

Technique 49
Check for Successful Allocation

Category: Avoid crashes

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
memset(pdw, OL, sizeof(DWORD) * cdw);

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
memset(pdw, OL, sizeof(DWORD) * cdw);

Yeah, we know, we've talked about this one before in Technique 19. But checking return codes is particularly important
when allocating memory. If you allocate memory, make sure the allocation has succeeded before you use the memory.

See example: classBF::FSetSize() in bits.cpp

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Technique 50
Free Once, Not Often

Category: Avoid crashes

delete m_pstream;

delete m_pstream;

Always be sure memory exists before freeing it. Otherwise, you'll get the big kaboom. For example, you may have freed
the memory already. Or perhaps, due to some problem, it wasn't allocated in the first place.

If you free in places other than the destructor, be sure to set the member pointer variables to null in order to avoid
freeing them more than once:
if (m_pstream)
delete m_pstream;
m_pstream = NULL;

Technique 51
Make Sure You Can Allocate before You Replace

Category: Avoid crashes

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];

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delete [] m_rgdw;
m_rgdw = pdw;

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
delete [] m_rgdw;
m_rgdw = pdw;

The code listed for this technique is an excerpt from a routine that replaces a memory buffer with a buffer of a different
size. In the ''Before" code, we simply deleted the old buffer and swapped in the new. Instead, you should make sure that
the new allocation works before deleting the old.

If the memory allocation fails, you are most likely in a low-memory condition. This often spells trouble. One approach
is to assert so that you can see that you are out of memory. However, in low-memory conditions, you may not have
enough resources to put up the message box showing the assert. Instead, consider using trace calls.


You can of course set the buffer pointer to null if the new allocation failed, if you want. In that case, however, all
subsequent operations that manipulate the buffer need to check whether a buffer exists.

See example: BF::FSetSize() in bits.cpp

Technique 52
Be Prepared for Multiple Calls to Buffer Allocation Methods

Category: Avoid memory leaks

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
m_rgdw = pdw;

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pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
delete [] m_rgdw;
m_rgdw = pdw;

If you have code that allocates a buffer based on a call outside of the constructor, be prepared for the routine to be called
more than once. For example, the code shown for this technique is an excerpt from a method that sets the size of a
memory buffer. The method can be called any number of times. Thus, within the routine, we allocate a buffer for the
new size. If that is successful, we delete the old buffer and then set the buffer pointer to point to the newly allocated

Note that we don't delete the old buffer in the "Before" code. Thus, every time the method is called, we leak memory.

See example: BF::FSetSize() in bits.cpp

Technique 53
Don't Return Pointers to Automatic Variables

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

char * strdup2(char *szSrc)
char szDst[256];

return NULL;
lstrcpy(szDst, szSrc);
return szDst;

char * strdup2(char *szSrc)
char *szDst;

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szDst = new char [lstrlen(szSrc)+1];
if(szDst == NULL)
return NULL;
lstrcpy(szDst, szSrc);
return szDst;

Automatic variables (those that are allocated off of the stack, such as local variables) are transient. They last as long as a
function has scope. After you return from a function, the variables are automatically destroyed.

Let's take a look at the "Before" code for this technique. We first allocate a buffer on the stack, called szDest. We
then copy a string into the buffer and return a pointer to the buffer. Looks simple enough, yes? Well, as soon as
strdup2 ends, the stack gets cleaned up. Thus, szDest is now invalid and can get overwritten at any time. Yet that is
what we just returned a pointer to. As a result, the pointer points to junk.

The "After" code addresses this issue by allocating memory off of the heap and returning a pointer to that memory.
Heap memory is not reclaimed when a function ends. Thus, the "After" code is safe.

For another approach, the calling routine could allocate memory and pass the pointer to the buffer to fill to strdup2.
You'll see that approach used by many of the Win32 APIs.

Technique 54
Always Initialize to a Known State

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

BOOL BF::FSetSize(DWORD cbitNeeded)
DWORD *pdw;
long cdw;

cdw = (cbitNeeded + cbitDWORD - 1)/ cbitDWORD;

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
delete [] m_rgdw;

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BOOL BF::FSetSize(DWORD cbitNeeded)
DWORD *pdw;
long cdw;

cdw = (cbitNeeded + cbitDWORD - 1)/ cbitDWORD;

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
delete [] m_rgdw;
memset(pdw, OL, sizeof(DWORD) * cdw);

It is easy to assume that a variable or array will, by default, have the value that you hope it has. Unfortunately,
assumptions and hope don't get you too far when programming. Therefore, always initialize variables and arrays before
they get used.

The example shown for this technique is straightforward because the memory is allocated in the procedure where it is
used. In other cases, you may have a buffer that is globally allocated. Make sure it is properly initialized before it gets
used. I fondly remember some code I wrote for manipulating wave forms. I created a global buffer for averaging in
results of transformations using a noise-reduction technique called overlap and add. It worked greatexcept for the first
time through, where I didn't initialize the buffer and thus got a very surprising, noisy result.

See example: BF::FSetSize() in bits.cpp

Technique 55
Avoid Self-Referential Copies

Category: Write faster code; avoid unexpected results

void Drgbase::Copy(const Drgbase &drgbase)
m_rgb = (BYTE *)malloc(LCB);
memcpy(m_rgb, drgbase.mrgb, LCB);

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void Drgbase::Copy(const Drgbase &drgbase)
if(&drgbase == this)

m_rgb = (BYTE *)malloc(LCB);

memcpy(m_rgb, drgbase.m_rgb, LCB);

Why waste time copying memory when you don't need to? Furthermore, as we show in Technique 78, sometimes side
effects of self-referential copies can be even more dangerous, causing data loss or crashes.

See example: Drgbase::Copy() in drg.cpp

Technique 56
Use Const *

Category: Avoid unexpected results

void String::InitString(char * pch, int cch)
m_cch = 0;
m_pch = NULL;

void String::InitString(const char * pch, int cch)
m cch = 0;
m_pch = NULL;

Putting a const in front of a pointer guarantees that the contents in the buffer will not change. For example, in the
"Before" code for this technique, the InitString method could change the contents of the initializing string if it
wanted to. In the

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"After" example, the InitString method cannot change the contents of the initializing string. This provides an extra
level of safety that can prevent unexpected memory overwrites.

See example: String::InitString() in string.cpp

Technique 57
Avoiding Errors When Using Const Const

Category: Compile your code

void TestConstConst1(char const * const*ppch)
char ch;
*ppch = &ch; //Error
**ppch = ch; //Error
void TestConstConst2(char *const*ppch)
char ch;
*ppch = &ch; //Error
**ppch = ch;
void TestConstConst3( char const**ppch)
char ch;
*ppch = &ch;
**ppch = ch; //Error

Remember that const applies from left to right. In TestConstConst1, the left const applies to the char*. The
right const applies to the char**. Thus, in TestConstConstl, neither the pointer nor the characters pointed to
can change. Both assignments in the body of the code will generate errors.

In TestConstConst2, char* is a const. Therefore, the contents pointed to can't change. But the pointer to the
contents can change. So the first assignment generates an error, but the second does not.

In TestConstConst3, the char** is a const. Thus, the contents pointed to can change, but the pointer itself can't.
Therefore, the first assignment is okay, but the second assignment causes a syntax error.

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See example: TestConstConst(), TestConstConst2(), andTestConstConst3() in misc.cpp

Technique 58
Use Smart Pointers

Category: Avoid memory leaks

template <class T> class BaseSmartPointer
return *this;
T *m_pt;
BaseSmartPointer(T *pt=NULL) : m_pt(pt)
virtual ~BaseSmartPointer()
delete m_pt;
m_pt = NULL;

T &operator*() const
return *m_pt;

T*operator=(T *pt)
m_pt = pt;
return m_pt;

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Smart pointers automatically free the memory associated with a pointer when that pointer is deleted, helping to prevent
a common source of memory leaks. Creating a smart pointer is easy: You replace the intrinsic pointer type with a
templatized class. Now, you might think that this is a waste of space. It turns out, however, that there isn't that much
additional overhead, and the benefit is usually worth it.

For even stronger leak prevention, combine smart pointers with reference counting.

See example: BaseSmartPointer in smartptr.h

Technique 59
Use Smart Pointers for Objects

Category: Avoid memory leaks

template <class T> class ObjectSmartPointer : public BaseSmartPointer <T>
ObjectSmartPointer(T* pt=NULL) : BaseSmartPointer<T>(pt)

T* operator=(T *pt)
return BaseSmartPointer<T>::operator=(pt);

T *operator->() const
return m_pt;

Like smart pointers for intrinsics, smart pointers for objects automatically delete memory associated with a pointer
when the pointer is destroyed. The class in this example is derived from the BaseSmartPointer class shown in the
previous technique (Technique 58). The main difference is that the class shown here adds support for the → operator. If
you try to use it with an intrinsic type, such as an int, the compiler will give you a syntax error because the → is not
available. This error message for misuse provides yet another level of safety.

See example: ObjectSmartPointer in smartptr.h

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Technique 60
Custom Memory Allocators and Smart Pointers

Category: Avoid crashes

The smart pointer classes shown in smartptr.h automatically delete the memory associated with a pointer when the
smart pointer is destroyed. The classes do so by calling the delete command in the class destructor. This only works,
however, when the memory associated with the pointer has been allocated with new. You need to make sure that the
memory deletion command corresponds to the memory creation command. For example, if you allocated memory with
HeapAlloc, you'd need to free it with HeapFree.

Technique 61
Don't Blow Your Buffers

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)
strcpy(m_rgch, pch);
return *this;

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)
strncpy(m_rgch, pch, sizeof(m_rgch)-2);
m_rgch[sizeof(m_rgch) - 1] = 0;
return *this;

Unless your buffers have been visited by a marketing team, they are finite in length. Remember this anytime you do a
copy. In other words, check the size of the buffer before doing your copy. This is particularly important to remember if
you are using an intrinsic such as strcpy. In the example shown for this technique, we've switched from strcpy to
strncpy to make sure that we don't copy off the end of the buffer.

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Technique 62
Create a Memory Manager That Detects Leaks

Category: Avoid memory leaks

No matter how much you review your code, you are probably going to have a few bugs in it. One way to help prevent
memory leaks is to create a custom memory allocator that detects leaks. When the process terminates and the memory
allocator is destroyed, it can spit out warnings or asserts if memory has been allocated but not freed. You can use that
information to track down how leaks have occurred.

Technique 63
Global Versus Class-Specific Memory Allocators

Category: Write faster code

You can overload new globally or locally. If you overload new globally, you establish how memory will be allocated
for your entire program. If you overload new within a class definition, you establish how memory will be allocated for a
particular class. Overloading for a particular class lets you write a memory allocator optimized for the particular usage
pattern of that class.


The more memory allocators you create, the more memory allocator debugging you will need to do.

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Chapter 5

Arrays are a commonly used data structure. They are easy to create and provide extremely fast retrieval times. In this
chapter, you will learn some techniques to avoid problems and improve the way you use arrays.

Technique 64
Use Delete [ ] with Arrays

Category: Avoid crashes

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
if (pdw)
delete pdw;

pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
if (pdw)
delete [] pdw;

If you allocate an array, you must delete an array. It's just that simple.

See example: BF::~BF() in bits.cpp

Technique 65
Avoid Index Underflow

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

while(m_rgl[j] > lKey);

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if(j < 0)
assert("j is < 0");
while(m_rgl[j] > lKey);

Before you dereference an element in an array, make sure that the index is within the array bounds. Otherwise, you will
reference memory outside of the array. You might crash. Or you might write over something you really didn't want to
and then have one heck of a time trying to track down what went wrong. In the sample code for this technique, we make
sure that the index does not go below zero.

See example: SArray::QuickSort() in bsrch.cp

Technique 66
Avoid Index Overflow

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

class Buf {
const int bufsize = 200;
int buf[bufsize];

int getVal(int nOffset)
return buf[nOffset];

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class Buf {
const int bufsize = 200;
int buf[bufsize];

int getVal(int n0ffset)
if (nOffset < sizeof(buf) && n0ffset > 0)
return buf[nOffset];
return 0;

As in the previous technique (Technique 65), before you dereference an element in an array, you need to make sure that
the index is within the array bounds. If you don't, you will reference memory outside of the array and perhaps crash or
write over something you really didn't want to and then be hard pressed to figure out what went wrong. In the sample
code in this section, we again check that the index does not go outside of the array bounds.

Technique 67
Foo[K] Is the Same As Foo.Operator[ ](K)

Category: Write cleaner code

return operator[](LcMac() - 1);
//return *this[LcMac()-l];

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The following code:


is equivalent to this code:


The latter is usually a bit more complex looking. However, the latter syntax is nice when you need to perform array
indexing on the this pointer, as you can see in the ''Source" code for this technique.

If you don't like the operator notation, you can always use the array index notation instead, as is shown in the sample. In
that case, be sure to note the pointer dereference.

Technique 68
An Array Is a Pointer

Category: Avoid crashes; compile your code

void ProcC(char *pchBuf)
void ProcD()
char *pch;
char rgch[20];

pch = rgch;
pch = (char *)&rgch;


A pointer to an array is the array itself. Looking at the "Source" code shown for this technique, you can see that &rgch
and rgch are one and the same. Note that, if you don't include the type cast, you'll get a syntax error.

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Chapter 6

This and the next five chapters focus on techniques relating to object-oriented programming. We'll begin with some
general techniques designed to improve the way you use and program classes and then move on to some more advanced

Technique 69
Initialize Member Variables

Category: Avoid unexpected results

class String {
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;

delete m_pch;

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class String {
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

delete m_pch;

Just as you must initialize local variables, you must initialize all of your member variables. In fact, it is even more
important to initialize member variables because it can be harder to figure out what is going wrong when you don't,
simply because the variables live across function boundaries. All sorts of bad things can happen if you don't initialize
your variables. Most likely, calculations will be incorrect and you will possibly crash. For example, in the "Before"
code for this technique, we don't initialize the memory pointer to NULL. If the destructor is called before the pointer is
set to a valid value, the delete could be called on a random value. Memory allocators don't like freeing up pointers into
outer space; they usually let you know by crashing.

Make it a habit to initialize member variables as soon as you define them. That will keep you out of trouble.

There are two ways to initialize member variables, as discussed in the next technique. Both approaches are used in the
sample you just examined.

See example: class String in string.cpp

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Technique 70
Use Initialization Lists

Category: Write faster code

class String {
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
m_cch = 0;
m_cchTest = 10;

class String {
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10), m_pch(NULL)

You can initialize variables either inside a constructor or by using an initialization list. It is more efficient to use an
initialization list when initializing nonintrinsic types. When you initialize inside the constructor, the default initialization
for the variables takes place and then the assignment occurs inside the constructor. When you initialize with the
initialization list, the values provided are

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used during initialization and you thus avoid the double step of performing the assignment.

Initializations that require expressionssuch as the code that followsneed to be done in the constructor:
m_cch = globalBitRate * 44000 / phase0fMoon;

See example: classString in string.cpp

Technique 71
Don't Initialize Consts inside the Body of the Constructor

Category: Compile your code

class String {
const int m_cchTest;
m_cchTest = 10;

class String {
const int m_cchTest;
String(void) : m_cchTest(10)

By definition, const values can't change. You can initialize them in the initialization list but not inside the constructor.

See example: classString in string.cpp

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Technique 72
Const Member Variables Allocate Memory

Category: Write cleaner code

static const long s_lStaticConst = 1001;
const long g_lNonStaticConst = 1000;
class CWithConst
int m_i;
const int m_iConst;
class CWithoutConst
int m_i;

When you define a const variable globally, no memory is allocated for it; it is used by the compiler in the same way a
macro is. When you define a const member variable, memory is allocated for the variable. The const is then scoped
to that particular class. Thus, you can have const variables with the same name but different values for each class.
When you use a const variable within a class, it is essentially a write once, read many type of a variable, because you
can set its value only once but use it as many times as you would like.

Technique 73
Nonstatic Consts Are Allocated in the Code Area

Category: Avoid crashes

long la;
long lb;
//Here comes trouble
const long g_lNonStaticConst = 1000;
long *plc;

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plc = (long *)&g_lNonStaticConst;
*plc = 20;

Global nonstatic consts don't have memory associated with them. If you access the address of a global nonstatic
const, space will be allocated for it in the code area, making it read only.

If you cast the address of the const to a type that is not a const, as we have done in the "Source" code listed here,
you can fool the compiler into generating code that will let you overwrite the memory area. That is bad. You will most
likely GP fault. Don't do this.

Looking at the map file, you can see that space was added for the const variable at the end of the code segment. (For
more information on map files, check out Technique 158.)

Here is the end of the map file if we cut out the problematic code:
0001:0000d8dc _SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4 0040e8dc f kernel32:KERNEL32.dll
0001:0000d8e2 _IsBadCodePtr@4 0040e8e2 f kernel32:KERNEL32.dll
0002:00000054 ??_C@_02A@?$AA?$AA?$AA@ 0040f054 libcid:ostrint.obj

But once we add the problematic code, the map file is as follows:
0001:0000d92c _SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4 0040e92c f kernel32:KERNEL32.dll
0000:0000d932 _IsBadCodePtr@4 0040e932 f kernel32:KERNEL32.dll
0002:00000058 ??_C@_02A@?$AA?$AA?$AA@ 0040f058 libcid:ostrint.obj

You can see that segment 2 now starts four bytes further than it did before. The extra space is for the const variable.
As we've mentioned previously, accessing it will do bad things. So don't.

Technique 74
Wrap Member Variables to Protect from Outside Access

Category: Avoid unexpected results; write cleaner code

class STREAM
long m_lLineNumber;
long m_ichPos;

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class STREAM
long m_lLineNumber;
long m_ichPos;

long STREAM::LLinePosition(void)
return m_lLineNumber;
long STREAM::LCharPosition(void)
return m_ichPos;

When you make a member variable public, anyone can do anything they want with it. The class has no control over
what happens to the variable. This can be dangerous. For example, in the sample code shown for this technique, some
function external to the class could change the line number to 66. You have no way of making sure that the value is
changed to an appropriate value. You also have no way of knowing when the value is changed and of then reacting to
that change.

By contrast, if you make the member variables private, you can create accessor functions. These functions can restrict
how and when the variables change. For example, the sample shown here makes the variables read only. Functions
external to the class can read the values but never change them. You could also create functions for changing the
variable values and perform validation or other value manipulation inside those functions. Providing such functions also
means that the class always knows when a value changes and can react accordingly.

More important, making member variables private provides encapsulation. By hiding the internals, you hide the
implementation from users of the class. You expose the interfacesvia the public methodsbut not the implementation.
You can then change the internals of the class whenever you want. In other words, the public methods are the steering
wheel and the gas pedaleveryone gets to use those. The member variables and all the private functions are the mass of
gadgets under the hood of the car that make the steering wheel do the right thing. Just as you wouldn't want a driver to
have to mess around directly with all of the doodads inside the engine to make the car go, you don't want users of a
class to have to fool with all of the doodads inside of a class to utilize its capabilities.

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Technique 75
Keeping Your News Private

Category: Write cleaner code

class RefCounted


static RefCounted *newRefCounted()

return new RefCounted;

class RefCounted
// Made private so automatic variables can't be created.

// Made private so object can't be created from outside


static RefCounted *newRefCounted()
return new RefCounted;

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In Chapter 3, we showed that you can create more efficient code by creating a member function that wraps new
(because you avoid all of the code generated in-line by new). By making your constructor private, you can force people
to use your custom new function whenever they want to create objects of a particular class.


Using this technique can cause more complexity than it is worth. If having new in-lined isn't causing efficiency
problems, there is no need to use this technique.

See example: RefCounted::newRefCounted() in access.cpp

Technique 76
Using Runtime Type Information

Category: Advice

const type_info& t = typeid(&li);
cout << '\n' << t.name() << '\n' << t.raw_name() << '\n';

You can use runtime type information to learn about a class that is pointed to by a pointer. Type information for
polymorphic classes will only be generated if the /GR compiler option is specified.


There is significant added overhead for using runtime type information. In general, you are better off avoiding the use of
runtime type information, although it can be useful for debugging purposes.

Relying on runtime type information can also get you into trouble. It is generally a bad idea to cast a pointer to a base
class to a pointer to a derived class because you can very easily call nonexistent methods or access nonexistent
variables. Runtime type information gives you enough information to do this somewhat safely, but it is a bad design
practice. There is almost always another way to achieve the same effect. In general, avoid using dynamiccast.

One easy way to get type information without enabling runtime type information is to derive every class from a
common base class whose constructor receives type information from the derived class. This can be a debug-only thing.

See example: TextRegExp() in regexp.cpp

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Technique 77
If You Allocate Memory, Override the = Operator

Category: Avoid unexpected results

class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

delete m_pch;


class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
void InitString(const char *pch, int cch);
void ReinitString(const char *pch, int cch);
String(void) : m_cch(o), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

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delete m_pch;

const String& operator=(const String &string)

if(&string != this)
ReinitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return *this;

const String& operator=(const char *sz)

ReinitString(sz, strlen(sz));
return *this;


Both the copy constructor and the = operator are supplied automatically by the compiler. If you allocate memory within
your class (or rather, if you allocate memory that persists with the classnot memory that you temporarily create and
destroy within function boundaries), you will then need to create a copy constructor and override the = operator. Why?
The default constructor and = operator will not copy over the memory that you have allocated. They will merely copy
over the pointer.

For example, consider the ''Before" sample code for this technique. The class has a member variable called mpch that
contains a pointer to a character buffer. The default = operator will copy over the pointer. But it will not copy over the
buffer itself. Thus, you end up with two pointers pointing to the same area of memory. When one of these classes is
destroyed, the memory will be freed. Furthermore, the other class will then be unusable because it is now pointing to
memory that has been freed. Instead, you need a copy of the memory pointed to as well. By overriding the = operator,
you can create member functions that will produce a new memory buffer and copy over the contents.

Also see Technique 94. The same issues discussed here apply to the copy constructor.

See example: classString in string.cpp

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Technique 78
Guard against Self-Referential Operators

Category: Avoid unexpected results; write faster code

const String& operator=(const String &string)
ReinitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return *this;

const String& operator=(const String &string)
if(&string != this)
ReinitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return *this;

Remember that an operator can operate on itself. For example, one could have code such as the following:
x = x;

You need to check for this case before your operator does its thing. For example, suppose your operator frees up the
memory of the operand on the left and copies over the memory from the operand on the right. You'd end up freeing the
memory before you copied it. Oops!

Suppose, instead, that your operator made a copy of the right operand and then copied it over to the left operand. Well,
you just did a whole bunch of unnecessary allocation (especially if you were copying a 25M bitmap).

Instead, check to make sure that the right operand is not the same as the left operand by comparing it to the this pointer,
as shown in the "After" code for this technique.

See example: String = operator in string.cpp

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Technique 79
Too Much Parameter Checking Is Still Too Much

Category: Write faster and cleaner code

class Caution {
int m_nCount;
Caution(void) : m_nCount(1)

void SetCount(int nVal)

if (nVal <= 0)
m_nCount = 1;
m_nCount = nVal;

int DoSomething(int nVal) {

if (m_nCount > 0)
return nVal % m_nCount;
return 0;

class Caution {
int m_nCount;
Caution(void) : m_nCount(1)

void SetCount(int nVal)

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if (nVal <= 0)
m_nCount = 1;
m_nCount = nVal;

int DoSomething(int nVal) {

return nVal % m_nCount;

Checking parameters is important. But checking parameters also takes time. So you should only check when you need
to, such as in public member functions. Consider the code shown for this technique. The class has a private member
variable with an accessor function. The variable (m_nCount) is initialized by the constructor, and the range of the
variable is controlled by the accessor function. Thus, you can be guaranteed that m_nCount will not get set to 0 or less
from the outside. Because DoSomething guards against m_nCount being less than 0, the check is unnecessary. In a
more complex example, the class may have several private functions. Depending on what the private functions do, they
may not need to do parameter validity checking, especially if the public functions that call them already do validity


When in doubt, err on the side of doing too much checking. You can also add asserts to your code.

Technique 80
Creating Const Operators

Category: Compile your code

class String {
char & operator[](int i)
return m_pch[i];


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void PrintConstString(const String &string)
int i = 0;
cout << string[i];

class String {
char & operator[](int i)
return m_pch[i];
const char& operator[](int i) const
return m_pch[i];


void PrintConstString(const String &string)

int i = 0;
cout << string[i]

// The commented line won't compile!

//string[i] = ' ';

When you declare that an argument is const, you protect it from being changed within a function. If you create
operators, you may wish to create operators that handle const expressions as well. For example, consider the "Before"
code listed here. In the function PrintConstString we call the [] operator on a constString. But we haven't
created a [ ] operator that takes a const operand. As a result, we get a compiler error on the following line:

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Why did we get an error? Because we've attempted to apply the [] operator to a constString when there is no
operator for doing so.

In the "After" code, we've created an [] operator that can handle const operands, and the code now compiles.

Remember that declaring a variable as const means that the compiler will give an error if you try to change it. Thus, if
you try code such as the following, which would in fact change the value of a const, you'll get a compiler error:

string[i] = ' ';

See example: String::operator[] and PrintConstString() in string.cpp

Technique 81
Private Derivation

Category: Write cleaner code

template <class T>
class Stack : public Drg <T>

template <class T>
class Stack : private Drg <T>

When you derive from a class using the public access modifier, all public members of the base class are available
to users of the derived class. On the other hand, if you derive using the private access modifier, then none of the
members of the base class are visible outside of the derived class. This lets the derived class use the functionality of the
base class without exposing the base class's interfaces. Instead, the derived class can decide exactly what interfaces to

By being able to use all of the capabilities of a base class of functionality without exposing all of that functionality to
the user of the class, you can essentially create classes that provide core private functionality, from which you can build
customized classes.

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For example, consider the class Stack. This is a general-purpose stack class, built on the generic array management
capabilities of the Drg class. Although it uses all of the Drg capabilities internally, it doesn't expose them. Rather, it
only exposes the stack-related interfaces. As a result, the class gets to reuse a powerful set of code without exposing the
mess to the Stack user.

Private derivation, in many respects, gives you the same capability as embedding a class and delegating to it. That is, we
could have embedded the Drg class within the Stack class.

Technique 82
Making Sure a Class or Structure Size Stays within Bounds

Category: Write faster code; avoid unexpected results

//A DWORD structure for storing info
class FixedSize
DWORD dwRes1:4;
DWORD dwRes2:4;
DWORD fRes3:1;
DWORD fRes4:1;
DWORD dwUnused:23;

//A DWORD structure for storing info
class FixedSize
DWORD dwRes1:4;
DWORD dwRes2:4;
DWORD fRes3:1;
DWORD fRes4:1;
DWORD dwUnused:23;
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szFixedSizeAssert[sizeof(DWORD)-sizeof(FixedSize)+1];
#endif //DEBUG

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There are many times when you want a structure or class to fit within a particular size. For example, you may have a
class for nodes in a tree or some other type of data structure and want to make sure the nodes are kept within a particular
size either for alignment purposes or to make sure memory usage does not become large. In the "Before" code for this
technique, you can see that we've set up a structure in a DWORD. We plan on allocating a few hundred thousand of these
structures, so we want to make sure the structure doesn't get larger than a DWORD in size as we add new bit fields or
members to it.

Note, however, that if you count up the number of bits in the structure, we made a mistake in the dwUnused portion.
The entire structure is 33 bitslarger than the 32 bits in a DWORD. So even though our handy comment told us we were
clever about how we defined our structure, we made an error.

The "After" code catches the expanded size by using a nice trick. We allocate an array and set the number of elements
in that array to the desired size of the structure minus the actual size of the structure. If the structure is larger than the
desired size, we would then be trying to allocate an array of size 0 or less. (For example, in our case, sizeof
(FixedSize) is 5, so 4 - 5 + 1 = 0.) That causes a compiler error. If, on the other hand, the structure is the desired size,
we'll allocate an array of length 1 and not have an error.

Note that we put this check only during debug compilation; by doing so, we don't introduce the array structure into our
retail code.

See example: classFixedSize in regexp.cpp

Technique 83
Use Inheritance Instead of Unions

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

class uClass
uClass() : nTeacherId(0), fltSalary(0.)

char *szName;
float fltSalary;
int nTeacherId;

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int nStaffId;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])


cout << c1.nTeacherId << endl;

return 0;

class baseClass {
baseClass() : fltSalary(0.)

char *szName;
float fltSalary;

class teacherClass : public baseClass {

teacherClass() : nTeacherId(0)

int nTeacherId;

class staffClass : public baseClass {

staffClass() : nStaffId(3)

int nStaffId;

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int main(int argc, char* argv[])
teacherClass t1;
staffClass s1;

cout << t1.nTeacherId << endl;

cout << s1.nStaffId << endl;

return 0;

Unions don't give you type safety. Any member in the union can appear at any time. So if you are storing different
values depending on the type of object you have, there is no way of verifying that the right member is being accessed
for a particular object.

For example, in the "Before" code for this technique, we have a class that stores employee information. If the
information is about a teacher, it has a teacher ID. If it is about staff, it has a staff ID. Because a person is either a staff
member or a teacher, we saved some space by combining both possible values into a union.

Although we could add a flag to indicate whether the employee is staff or a teacher, the compiler will not make sure that
we only access the nTeacherId variable for teachers. The compiler doesn't care. If we forget to check what type of an
item we have, pandemonium could break out.

By contrast, consider the "After" code, in which we have created a base class with the members common between all
classes. We then derive from that class to create a class just for teachers and a class just for staff. Although there is
minimal-size overhead to this approach, we do get type safety. The compiler will prevent us from trying to access an
nStaffId from a teacher or an nTeacherId from a staff member.

Technique 84
Be Careful with Initialization When You Use Unions

Category: Avoid unexpected results

class uClass
uClass() : nTeacherId(0), fltSalary(0.), nStaffId(3)

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char *szName;
float fltSalary;
int nTeacherId;
int nStaffId;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

uClass c1;

cout << c1.nTeacherId;

return 0;

class uClass
uClass() : nStaffId(3), fltSalary(0.)

char *szName;
float fltSalary;
int nTeacherId;
int nStaffId;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

uClass c1;

cout << c1.nTeacherId;

return 0;

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When you have unions, you can initialize any of the members in the union by name. If you look at the ''Before" code for
this technique, you can see that we've initialized the nTeacherId and the nStaffId to different values. However,
both of these refer to the same variable. Thus, it is the second initialization value that will apply. If you don't notice that
you have a union, you could be very surprised by the result when you go to examine a variable within the union.

Technique 85
Don't Cast to a Derived Class

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

class base
base() : nSize(4)

int nSize;

class deriv : private base

deriv() : nSize2(2)

int nSize2;

int getSize()
return nSize2;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

base *b = new base;
deriv *d = new deriv;

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//This is OK
cout << ((base *) d)->nSize << endl;
//This isn't
cout << ((deriv *) b)->getSize() << endl;

return 0;

It's okay to cast from a derived class to a base class. All of the capabilities of the base class are present in the derived
class. By contrast, it is not okay to cast from a base class to a derived class. Derived classes quite often have extra
members and variables that base classes do not. You can easily end up referring to or overwriting variables that don't
exist and generally wreaking havoc.

In the "Source" code shown for this technique, for example, the second cout will print garbage to the screen. The
getSize member function and the member variable it uses are not part of the base class. Although the compiler will
grab the code from where it stores the derived class, the variable nSize2 does not exist in the base class. Depending on
the size difference between the base class and the derived class, you could also get an access violation rather than

Technique 86
Be Very Careful When Using Member Variables after Deleting This

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

int Release()
int cRef;

delete this;
return m_cRef;

int Release()
int cRef;

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cRef = m_cRef;
delete this;
return cRef;

Deleting the this pointer calls the class destructor. Afterward, member variables are in an unknown state. If you need to
use member variables after you've deleted the this pointer, first store them in local variables and then do the delete.

See example: RefCounted::Release() inaccess.cpp

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Chapter 7
Abstract Base Classes

Using abstract base classes lets you set up a structure for a class and forces users of that class to provide

Technique 87
The Compiler Checks for Instantiation of Abstract Base Classes

Category: Compile your code

class Interfacel
virtual void SetInt(int i) PURE;
virtual void PrintInt(void) PURE;
virtual void SetFloat1(float f) PURE;
virtual void PrintFloat1(void) PURE;

class Interface2
virtual void SetInt(int i) PURE;
virtual void PrintInt(void) PURE;
virtual void SetFloat2(float f) PURE;
virtual void PrintFloat2(void)
printf("15.5 from derived ");

class Derived : public Interfacel, public Interface2

int m_i;

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float m_f1;
float m_f2;
Derived() : m_i(0), m_fl(0.0f), m_f2(0.555f)
void SetInt(int i)
m_i = i;
void PrintInt(void)
printf("%d ", m_i);
void SetFloat2(float f)
m_f2 = f;
void PrintFloat2(void)
printf("%f ", m_f2);
void SetFloat1(float f)
m_fl = f;
void PrintFloat1(void)
printf("%f ", m_fl);
void PrintLF(void)

void TestABC(void)
Derived d;
Interface1 *pif1 = &d;
Interface2 *pif2 = &d;
//The following line will cause a lot of errors
Interfacel if1;

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Abstract base classes do not contain implementation. Rather, classes derived from the abstract base class must provide
the implementation for the pure virtual functions in the abstract base class. If you try to create a class for which
implementation has not been defined, the compiler will complain loudly.

For example, in TestABC(), we have the following line:

Interface1 if1;

This line will cause the following errors and warnings because Interface1 is an abstract base class:

(127) : error C2259: 'Interfacel' : cannot instantiate
abstract class due to following members:
C:\book\inherit2\inherit2.h(127) : warning C4259: 'void Interfacel::SetInt
(int)' :
pure virtual function was not defined
C:\book\inherit2\inherit2.h(127) : warning C4259: 'void
Interfacel::PrintInt(void)' : pure virtual function was not defined
C:\book\inherit2\inherit2.h(127) : warning C4259: 'void
Interface1::SetFloatl(float)' : pure virtual function was not defined
C:\book\inherit2\inherit2.h(127) : warning C4259: 'void
Interfacel::PrintFloat1(void)' : pure virtual function was not defined

By contrast, errors are not generated by creating Derived or by creating interface pointers that point to Derived
classes because the Derived class provides implementation for all of the pure virtual functions in the abstract base

See example: TestABC() in inherit2.h

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Technique 88
Base Classes Can Be Designed to Assume That Derived Classes Provide Implementation

Category: Write cleaner code

class Shape
int m_xLeft;
int m_yTop;
int m_xRight;
int m_yBottom;
virtual void Draw(int xl, int y1, int x2, int y2) = 0;
Shape(int xl, int yl, int x2, int y2) : m_xLeft(xl), m_yTop(yl),
m_xRight(x2), m_yBottom(y2)
// Render the primitive with an offset as given by x and y below and a scale
// factor of mx in x direction and my in y
// Scaling is applied around the mid point of the bounding box. offset is
// from the top right.
void Render(int xOffset, int yOffset, int mx, int my)
int xl;
int yl;
int dx;
int dy;

xl = m_xLeft + xOffset;
yl = m_yTop + yOffset;
dx = (m_xRight - m_xLeft)*mx;
dy = (m_yBottom - m_yTop)*mx;
Draw(x1, y1, xl + dx, y1 + dy);

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class Rectangle : public Shape
void Draw(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
cout << "Rectangle("<<x1<<" ,"<<yl<<" ,"<<x2<<" ,"<<y2<<")";
Rectangle(int xl, int y1, int x2, int y2) : Shape(x1, yl, x2, y2)

class Circle : public Shape

void Draw(int xl, int y1, int x2, int y2)
cout << "Circle("<<x1<<" ,"<<yl<<" ,"<<x2<<" ,"<<y2<<")";
Circle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) : Shape(x1, yl, x2, y2)

Base classes provide generic functionality for objects. You don't need to know any implementation details when you
create a base class. As long as you know the various interfaces an object will have, you can create an abstract base class.
The classes derived from the abstract base class provide the implementation.

For example, the "Source" code for this technique uses a generic class called Shape. It has some methods and
variables, including a method for rendering the shape. Note, however, that Render doesn't know how to draw any
particular shapes. Rather, it calls a pure virtual function called Draw. All classes derived from Shape must provide
implementation for the Draw method.

Because Draw is a pure virtual function, classes derived from Shape must provide an implementation for Draw;
otherwise they cannot be instantiated.

See example: classShape, RoundedRect, Circle, and Rectangle in inheritl.h

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Technique 89
Vtables Use Space

Category: Write faster code

class Derived : public Interface1, public Interface2
int m_i;
float m_fl;
float m_f2;
Derived() : m_i(0), m_fl(0.0f), m_f2(0.555f)

class NotDerived
int m_i;
float m_fl;
float m_f2;
NotDerived() : m_i(0), m_fl(0.0f), m_f2(0.555f)

void TestABC(void)

printf("Derived size = %d\n", sizeof(Derived) );

printf("Not Derived size = %d\n", sizeof(NotDerived) );

Note that vtables consume four bytes per class instance. For the "Source" example shown for this technique, the
Derived class consumes 20 bytes, whereas the NotDerived class consumes 12 bytes. The difference is caused by
the two classes from which Derived inherits.

See example: classDerived in inherit2.h

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Technique 90
Multiple Inheritance from Abstract Base Classes Does Not Cause Ambiguities

Category: Compile your code

class Interface1
virtual void PrintInt(void) = 0;
class Interface2
virtual void PrintInt(void) = 0;
class Derived : public Interface1, public Interface2
int m_i;
float m_f1;
float m_f2;
Derived() : m_i(0), m_f1(0.0f), m_f2(0.555f)

void PrintInt(void)
printf("%d ", m_i);
void TestABC(void)
Derived d;
Interface1 *pif1 = &d;
Interface2 *pif2 = &d;

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The Derived class is inherited from two base classes. Each base class has a PrintInt method defined on it. Thus, one
might think that the d.PrintInt() line in TestABC would be ambiguous. There is, in fact, no ambiguity, because
the PrintInt methods in Interface1 and Interface2 are pure virtual methods.

Let's take a look at the actual code that is generated. We'll begin by taking a look at the PrintInt method in

44: void PrintInt(void)

45: {
00401550 push ebp
00401551 mov ebp,esp
00401553 push ecx
00401554 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx
46: printf("%d ", m_i);
00401557 mov eax,dword ptr [this]
0040155A mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+8]
0040155D push ecx
0040155E push offset ??_C@_03CPCE@?$CFd?5?$AA@(0x00415a30)
00401563 call printf(0x00401b70)
00401568 add esp,8
47: }
0040156B mov esp,ebp
0040156D pop ebp
0040156E ret

Now let's take a look at the code in TestABC. The function d.PrintInt() calls into the jump table at 0x401055:

79: d.PrintInt();
00401224 lea ecx,dword ptr [d]
00401227 call @ILT+85(?PrintInt@Derived@@UAEXXZ)(Ox00401055)

This call is to a jump to the PrintInt function in Derived:

00401055 jmp Derived::PrintInt(0x00401550)

Because the interface pif1 is the first base class for Derived, it behaves the same as the this pointer for Derived.
Here's what happens when we call PrintInt from the pif1 pointer:

83: pifl->PrintInt();
00401244 mov ecx,dword ptr [pif1]
00401247 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx]

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00401249 mov ecx,dword ptr [pif1]
0040124C call dword ptr [edx+4]

Because pif2 is the second base class for Derived, it's four bytes away from the this pointer for Derived. The
compiler fixes up the this pointer by calling out to the jump table at 0x401AB0 (Derived::Print), as you can
see in the following assembly. The jump table fixes up ecx before calling out to PrintInt:

86: pif2->PrintInt();
00401262 mov eax,dword ptr [pif2]
00401265 mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
00401267 mov ecx,dword ptr [pif2]
0040126A call dword ptr [edx+4]

00401082 jmp Derived::PrintInt(0x00401ab0)

Here's what gets called:

00401ABO sub ecx,4
00401AB3 jmp @ILT+85(?PrintInt@Derived@@UAEXXZ)(0x00401055)

See example: TestABC() in inherit2.h

See also: Technique 100

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Chapter 8

When you create a class, you should be sure to create a constructor for it. In this chapter, you'll learn some techniques to
employ with your constructors. For example, you'll learn how to use default arguments to reduce the number of
constructors you create. You'll also learn about virtual destructors, as well as many other things.

Technique 91
Initialize Your Member Variables

Category: Avoid unexpected results

class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;

class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(00), m_pch(NULL)

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We've gone over this several times before, but it's worth repeating. Always initialize member variables. That way, they
are in a known state before they get used. This is a fundamental practice that you need to follow. As soon as you declare
a variable in a class definition, add the code for initializing it.

There are two approaches for initializing variables: using initialization lists and using code inside the constructor. In
general, it is best to use initialization lists because they are more efficient.

See example: classString in string.cpp

See also: Techniques 69, 70, and 71

Technique 92
Default Arguments Let You Reduce the Number of Constructors

Category: Write cleaner code; avoid stupid mistakes

class Drgbase
long m_lcbSize;
long m_lcbChunk;
m_lcbSize = 4;
m_lcbChunk = 48;

Drgbase(long lcbSize)
m_lcbSize = lcbSize;
m_lcbChunk = lcChunk * 12;

Drgbase(long lcbSize, long lcChunk)

m_lcbSize = lcbSize;
m_lcbChunk = lcChunk * lcbSize;

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class Drgbase
long m_lcbSize;
long m_lcbChunk;
Drgbase(long lcbSize=4, long lcChunk=12)
m lcbSize = lcbSize;
m_lcbChunk = lcChunk * lcbSize;

Using default arguments is a nice way to reduce the number of constructors you need. For example, in the ''Before"
code for this technique, we allow the user to construct the class by passing in zero, one, or two parameters. To deal with
this, we've created three constructors.

Note, however, that this means there are three different methods that need to be coordinated. If we change the algorithm
used in one, we need to make sure that we change the algorithm used in all of them. (Sure, we could create a private
function used by the constructors to do some centralization. Likewise, we really should have declared constants for the
various values so that they'd be less likely to get out of synch among the various constructors. But, we're trying to prove
a point.)

By contrast, look at the "After" code. In this case, we've used default arguments to reduce from three constructors to one
constructor. We have less code and less chance for screwups, and the code is also more elegant and easier to read.


Note that when you use default arguments, and you don't supply all of the arguments, they are always filled in from left
to right. You can't tell the compiler to use the default for the first argument and some supplied value for the second
argument, as you can with VBScript.

See example: classDrgbase in drg.h

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Technique 93
Making Constructors Private

Category: Write cleaner code

class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m cch;
char *m_pch;
void InitString(const char *pch, int cch);
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

String(const String &string): m_cchTest(10)

InitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);

String(char *sz): m_cchTest(10)

InitString(sz, strlen(sz));

delete m_pch;

class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
void InitString(const char *pch, int cch);

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String(const String &string): m_cchTest(10)
InitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);

String(char *sz): m_cchTest(10)

InitString(sz, strlen(sz));

String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

delete m_pch;

You can control access to constructors by making them private. For example, in the "After" code shown for this
technique, the copy constructor is only available to member functions of the class; code outside cannot perform copies.

For even more control, you can make the constructor private. Then, the only way for users to create the class would be
through special public functions you write explicitly for that purpose.

See example: RefCounted::newRefCounted() in access.cpp

Technique 94
If You Allocate Memory, Create a Copy Constructor

Category: Avoid unexpected results

class String

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const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

delete m_pch;

class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m cch;
char *m_pch;
void InitString(const char *pch, int cch);
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

String(const String &string): m_cchTest(10)

InitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);

String(char *sz): m_cchTest(10)

InitString(sz, strlen(sz));

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delete m_pch;

Both the copy constructor and the = operator are supplied automatically by the compiler. If you allocate memory within
your class (or rather, if you allocate memory that persists with the classnot memory that you temporarily create and
destroy within function boundaries), you will then need to create a copy constructor and override the = operator. This is
because the default constructor and = operator will not copy over the memory that you have allocated. They will merely
copy over the pointer.

For example, consider the "Before" sample code for this technique. The class has a member variable called m_pch that
contains a pointer to a character buffer. The default copy constructor will copy over the pointer. But it will not copy
over the buffer itself. Thus, you end up with two pointers pointing to the same area of memory. Instead, you need a
copy of the memory pointed to as well. By creating a copy constructor, you can create member functions that will create
a new memory buffer and copy over the contents.

Also see Technique 77. The same issues discussed here apply to the = operator.

See example: classString in string.cpp

Technique 95
If You Create a Copy Constructor, Remember to Copy over Allocated Memory

Category: Avoid unexpected results

class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

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delete m_pch;


class String
const int m_cchTest;
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
void InitString(const char *pch, int cch);
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch = NULL;

String(const String &string): m_cchTest(10)

InitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);

String(char *sz): m_cchTest(10)

InitString(sz, strlen(sz));

delete m_pch;

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void String::InitString(const char * pch, int cch)
m_cch = 0;
m_pch = NULL;
m_pch = new char[cch+1];
strcpy(m_pch, pch);
m_cch = cch;

This technique isn't much different from the previous one. Are we repeating ourselves senselessly? Nope. The point is
important. The default action of a copy constructor is to copy over the member variables. If any of the variables are
pointers, you should make a copy of the memory that is pointed to and then set the pointer to that memory. That will
make a true copy. Otherwise, you end up with a partial copy: the simple types are copies that you can modify; the
pointed to memory is now shared between two (or more) objects.

See example: classString in string.cpp

Technique 96
If You Expect to Inherit, Make Destructors Virtual

Category: Avoid unexpected results

class base2
base2(base2 &b2)
cout << "base2 copy ctor\n";
cout << "base2 constructor\n";

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cout << "base2 destructor\n";

class Derived2 : public base2

cout << "Derived2 destructor\n";

class base2
base2(base2 &b2)
cout << "base2 copy ctor\n";
cout << "base2 constructor\n";
virtual ~base2()
cout << "base2 destructor\n";

class Derived2 : public base2

cout << "Derived2 destructor\n";

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If you ever expect your class to be inherited, make the destructor virtual. If you don't plan to have a destructor because
you have nothing to clean up, create one with an empty body and make it virtual.

Why bother? Remember that you can use pointers to base classes to manipulate derived classes. Consider the class
Derived2 shown in this section's "Before" example. As you can see, it inherits from base2. Consider the following
Derived2 *pd2;
pd2 = new Derived2;
delete pd2;

Here, we create and delete a pointer to the derived class. Everything will work fine: both the derived and base class will
be deleted.

Suppose that, instead, you did the following:

Derived2 *pd2;
base2 *pdb;
pd2 = new Derived2;
pdb = (base2 *) pd2;
delete pdb;

In this new code, we've cast the pointer to the base class and we delete that pointer. Well, the destructor wasn't virtual.
So in this case, the destructor for the base class (base2) gets called, but the destructor for the derived class that is
pointed to (Derived2) is not called. Not good!

By contrast, in the "After" code, base2's destructor is virtual. When code such as that just shown is executed, both the
Derived2 and base2 destructors will be called.

Now, you may look at the sample code here and argue that it is completely contrived. It really isn't. Quite often,
functions are written that take pointers to base classes and rely on virtual functions to do the right thing. After all, doing
so allows you to write a generic function that can handle a variety of different derived classes. Such functions may call
delete. And if they do, you will see this problem. For example, the code could look like this:

Derived2 *pd2;
base2 *pdb;
pd2 = new Derived2;

void Process(base2 *pbase2)

//Do some stuff here...
delete pbase2;

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The code seems innocuous. Looking it over, you may not even have noticed the cast and the hidden danger lurking

In summary, if the destructor isn't virtual, then the destructor for the base class will be called, but not for the derived
class. Something bad will most likely happen.

See example: TestVirtualDTor() in inherit.cpp

Technique 97
If You Have Multiple Constructors, Be Explicit about Which One to Use

Category: Avoid unexpected results

class Derived1 : public basel
Derived1(Derived1 &derived1)
cout << "Derived1 copy ctor\n";
cout << "Derived1 constructor\n";

Derived1 d1(*pd1);

class Derived1 : public basel
Derived1(Derived1 &derived1) : basel(derived1)
cout << "Derived1 copy ctor\n";

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cout << "Derived1 constructor\n";

Derived1 dl(*pdl);

If you don't specify which constructor to use, the compiler will automatically choose the default constructor. Often, that
isn't what you want, especially when inheritance is involved. For example, consider the ''Before" code for this
technique. Here, Derived1 comes from base1. There are two constructors in Derived1: a default constructor and
a copy constructor. The code fragment that creates the class d1 explicitly calls the copy constructor. What happens?

First, the copy constructor for Derived1 is called. That implicitly calls the constructor for base1. Which one? The
default, of course. So, while we called the copy constructor for the derived class, we don't call the copy constructor for
the base class. As you have seen in other techniques, this can lead to problems, especially if the class allocates memory.
(See, for example, Technique 94 in this chapter.) By contrast, look at the "After" code. Here, the copy constructor for
Derived1 explicitly calls the copy constructor for the base class. Thus, when d1 is created, the copy constructor for
Derived1 is called, and then the copy constructor for base1 is called. Any copying that the base class needs to do is
properly handled.

See example: TestVirtualDTor in inherit.cpp

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Chapter 9

Inheritance is one of the great aspects of C++ programming. We use it all of the time for encapsulation, reuse, and
more. This chapter provides some techniques relating to inheritance.

Technique 98
IsA Versus HasA

Category: Write cleaner code

class IsA : public base
IsA() : base()
int GetI1()
return base::GetI1()+5;
int GetI2()
return base::GetI2()+5;

class HasA
base _b;
HasA() : _b()
int GetI1()

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return _b.GetI1()+20;
int GetI2()
return 20;

IsA relationships are inheritance relationships. They are used when some class expands on or specializes some other
class. For example, pizza is a type of food. Like all food objects, it provides calories when consumed. But it also has
extra characteristics that are not common to all food objects, such as being great cold for breakfast.

HasA relationships are containment relationships. They are used when some class utilizes but does not modify
capabilities of an object. For example, a car has an engine and wheels. The car object is created by combining together
several other objects. But these objects are not extended or overridden by the container object, the car. Furthermore, the
engine and wheels may not even be exposed outside of the car object. HasA relationships are established by creating
member variables.

See example: inherit1.h

Technique 99
Scoping Rules

Category: Write cleaner code

class base
int i1;
int i2;
base() : i1(10), i2(20)
int GetIl(void) { return i1;}
int GetI2(void) { return i2;}

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class DerivedPub : public base
DerivedPub() : base()
int GetI1()
return base::GetI1()+5;
int GetI2()
return base::GetI2()+5;

class DerivedPriv : private base

DerivedPriv() : base()
int Get1()
return base::GetI1()+10;
int GetI2()
return base::GetI2()+10;

class HasA
base b;
HasA() : _b()
int GetI1()
return _b.GetI1()+20;

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int GetI2()
return 20;

class DerivedProt : protected base

DerivedProt() : base()
class DerivedProt2 : protected DerivedProt
DerivedProt2() : DerivedProt()
int GetI1()
return base::GetI1()+30;
int GetI2()
return base::GetI2()+30;

You can use the public, protected, and private access modifiers when you list the classes from which a
particular class is derived. These perform different roles, as shown in Table 9.1. The first column in the table indicates
the access modifier used when inheriting. The next two columns indicate how an item from the base class will behave in
the inherited class. For example, as the first row shows, when public inheritance is used, public members of the base
class appear as public members in the derived class:

Know which type of inheritance is required. With public inheritance, all the public members of the base are publicly
accessible to the derived-class users. Protected members of base are only accessible to the derived-class member

With protected inheritance, all the public and protected members of the base class are available only to the derived
class. Users of the derived class can't know anything about the base class. This hides the implementation and interfaces
of the base class from users of the derived class.

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Table 9.1 Effect of Inheritance Modifier

public public public
public protected protected
public private not accessible
protected public protected
protected protected protected
protected private not accessible
private public private
private protected private
private private not accessible

Private inheritance is similar to embedding the class inside the derived class; it's very much like a HasA relationship. You can
override protected members of the base class in the derived class even when it's privately inherited. This lets you hide the
implementation. You can inherit from an abstract base class and inherit the implementation privately from the base class by only
exposing the interface.

In general, use public when you want to extend the capabilities of the base class and private when you want to use the
capabilities of the base class but not expose them.


Remember, if you derive privately, none of the base-class interfaces will be avail-able outside of your class. Private inheritance is
very useful, but don't overuse it.

Technique 100
Multiple Inheritance Can Cause Ambiguities

Category: Compile your code

class C1
void Method1();
void Method2();

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class C2 : public C1
void Method3();

class C3 : public C1
void Method3();

class C4 : public C3, public C2


void TestMultInherit()
C4 c4;

//This will not compile


class C1
void Method1();
void Method2();

class C2 : public C1
void Method3();

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class C3 : public C1
void Method3();

class C4 : public C3, public C2


void TestMultInherit()
C4 c4;


When you have multiple inheritance, if two (or more) base classes have members with the same name or if two (or
more) bases have a base class in common, you will end up in a situation where method names are ambiguous. For
example, consider the "Before" code for this technique. What does c4::Method1() mean? Well, it could be the
Method1 that C4 inherits from C3 that inherits from C1. Or it could be the Method1 that C4 inherits from C2 that
inherits from C1.

Even if you inherit one of the classes privately, and as a result the method is not accessible, the method name will still
be ambiguous.

To get around this problem, you need to state explicitly which class the method you're calling is from, as shown in the
"After" code.

See example: TestMultInherit() in inherit.cpp

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Chapter 10
Operator Overloading

Operator overloading is a very powerful technique. It can help you increase code readability. At the same time, there
can be very powerful side effects, some good and some bad.

Technique 101
The Difference between Pre- and Postfix Operators

Category: Compile your code

T*operator++ (void) //Prefix
return (T *)PvAt(++m_it);
T*operator++(int) //Postfix
return (T *)PvAt(m_it++);

Unlike other operators, the increment (++) and decrement (--) operators can be applied as both postfix and prefix
operators. When you overload these operators, you can overload the prefix case, the postfix case, or both. In general, if
you overload one, you should overload the other, so as to avoid confusion.

The first format in the "Source" code for this technique provides the prefix overload; the second provides the postfix
overload. Note that the (int) parameter for the postfix operator is never used.

See example: operator ++ in drg.h

Technique 102
Be Careful When You Overload Operators

Category: Avoid unexpected results

Operators are powerful. Because they are built into the language, programmers often expect them to behave in a certain
way. Once you have overloaded them,

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however, they can behave in many different ways. This can lead to confusion and error. So overload them if you need
to, but be careful.

Technique 103
Don't Change the Meaning of Operators

Category: Avoid unexpected results

Operators are defined for all of the intrinsic types, which leads programmers to have expectations as to what a particular
operator means. When you overload an operator, have it act in a natural way for the particular operator. In other words,
just as you wouldn't (well, shouldn't) create a member function called Print() that, instead of printing, deletes all
files on the hard drive, you shouldn't overload != and have it do an == or some other contradictory operation.

Technique 104
Overload = If You Expect to Use Assignment with Classes

Category: Compile your code

class String
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
void ReinitString(const char *pch, int cch);
String(void) : m_cch(o)
m_pch = NULL;

delete m_pch;


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void TestStringClass(void)
String string1;

string1 = "Test1";
string1 += "Hello";

class String
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;
void ReinitString(const char *pch, int cch);
String(void) : m_cch(0)
m_pch = NULL;

delete m_pch;

const String& operator=(const String &string)

if(&string != this)
ReinitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return *this;

const String& operator=(const char *sz)

ReinitString(sz, strlen(sz));
return *this;


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void TestStringClass(void)
String string1;

string1 = "Test1";
string1 += "Hello";

It is natural to want to use = to initialize the value of some object, as you can see in the ''Before" code for this technique.
The = operator works with intrinsic types, such as float and int. If you want it to work with a class that you've
created, you will need to overload the = operator, as shown in the "After" code.

Note that, in the absence of an overloaded = operator, the compiler will simply do a memcpy. If the class has pointers to
allocated data, you may experience problems because both the source and copy instance would have pointers to the
same data. If one instance deletes the data, the other still has a reference. That's just a problem waiting to happen.


When you overload an operator, the operator will work when the class is the left operand. That is because the left
operand determines the object to which the operator belongs. This is the same as a function. The function pfoo->Bar
() expects the Bar function to be a member of the Foo class. For example, with the String class you can do the
string1 = "Test1";

However, you can't do the following with the String class because the = operator for char* can't take String as a
char *foo;
foo = string1;

See example: classString in string.cpp

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Technique 105
Operators Can Do More Work Than You Think

Category: Write faster code

class String
int m_cch;
char *m_pch;

int operator==(const String& string) const

return(strcmp(m_pch, string.m_pch) == 0);
int operator==(const char *sz) const
return(strcmp(m_pch, sz) == 0);

int operator>(const String& string) const

return(strcmp(m_pch, string.m_pch) > 0);
int operator>(const char *sz) const
return(strcmp(m_pch, sz) > 0);
int operator<(const String& string) const
return(strcmp(m_pch, string.m_pch) < 0);
int operator<(const char *sz) const
return(strcmp(m_pch, sz) < 0);

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void TestStringClass(void)
String string("Test");
String string1 (string);

if(string1 == string)
string1 = "equal";
else if(string1 < string)
string1 = "less";
string1 = "greater";

Operators let you write code that is succinct and easy to understand. But that doesn't mean that the result is fast and
efficient. For example, consider the "Source" example shown for this technique. The TestStringClass() function
compares two strings to see whether one string is equal to, greater than, or less than the other. Looking at the operator
code, you can see that == calls strcmp to see if the two strings are equal. Likewise, < calls strcmp to see if one
string is less than the other. Thus, if the strings are not equal, strcmp gets called twice (once for the == check and
once for the < check).

What's the problem? Well, strcmp returns either zero, a negative, or a positive number to indicate how two strings
compare. Thus, you can determine how string1 and string compare with a single call to strcmp rather than two
calls. The operator code is easy to read but not as efficient as you could write it.

See example: TestStringClass() in string.cpp

Technique 106
Don't Return References to Local Variables

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

String &operator+(const String&string) const
String stringNew(m_pch);

stringNew.Append(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return stringNew;

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String operator+(const String&string) const
String stringNew(m_pch);

stringNew.Append(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return stringNew;

Notice the subtle difference between the "Before" and "After" code for this technique. The operator in the "Before" code
returns a reference to a String. The operator in the "After" code returns a copy of a String.

Because stringNew is allocated on the stack, the operator in the "Before" code is returning a reference to a stack-
based variable. The variable will be destroyed after the operator loses scope. This will lead either to bad data or to a
crash. When you compile the code, you will get a warning. Pay attention to that warning.

By contrast, the "After" code returns a copy of the variable rather than a reference to the variable, and the problem is

See example: Stringoperator+ in string.cpp

See also: Technique 53

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Chapter 11

Hey, we've gone all out in this chapter to discuss template techniques. Okay, we only have one technique here, but it's a
really good one.

Technique 107
Keep the Template Implementation in a Different Class

Category: Write more efficient code

template <class T>
class Drg
int m_it;
T PvAppend(T* pv, long lcItem=l);
T PvAt(long lindex) const;
Drg() : m_it(0)
Drg(const Drg<T> &drg)
m_it = drg.m_it;

T &operator*(void) const
return *(T *)PvAt(m_it);

T *Append(const T &t)
return (T *)PvAppend((void *)&t);

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class Drgbase
BYTE * m_pbMac;
void * PvAppend(void * pv, long lcItem=1);
void * PvAt(long lindex) const;

template <class T>

class Drg : private Drgbase
int m_it;
Drg() : Drgbase(sizeof(T)), m_it(0)
Drg(const Drg<T> &drg) : Drgbase(drg)
m_it = drg.m_it;

T &operator*(void) const
return *(T *)PvAt(m_it);

T *Append(const T &t)
return (T *)PvAppend((void *)&t);

When you use templates, each instantiation of the template contains all of the code from the template declaration. For
example, suppose you were to create a Drg<char>, Drg<int> and Drg<foo>. With the "Before" code shown for
this technique, each one of these implementations would have a copy of PvAppend, PvAt, and any other helper
functions. Of course, each of these functions would be customized for the particular data type in use.

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By contrast, consider the "After" code. Here, we've created a base class called Drgbase. In it, we create a set of helper
functions that operate on void pointers (void*). The templatized class inherits from this class. Its public members
provide type-safe access to the helper functions. Unlike the "Before" code, however, each instance of the templatized
class in the new code doesn't duplicate all of the helper functions. Rather, each instance just uses the common base-class
implementations, reducing code size and thus leading to faster code.

See example: classDrgbase and Drg in drg.h

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Chapter 12
Miscellaneous Goop

This chapter is a bit of a catchall. We discuss a variety of techniques, from working around compiler oddities to
methods for keeping objects from being created on the stack. The only theme in common is that none of these
techniques fit in the other chapters.

Technique 108
Inserting Graphic File Resources

Category: Workaround

If you want to include JPEG, GIF, or other non-BMP graphics inside of an RC file you may need to use this technique.
Follow these steps:

1. Change the file extension to an unknown type, for example from JPG to FOO.

2. Click on Insert → Resource.

3. Click on the Import button.

4. Change the Files of type drop down to show all files.

5. Double click on the file you want to import.

6. Type in data as the resource type.

When you import a graphic file as a custom resource, Visual C++ automatically converts the graphics to BMP format.
Why? Who knows. BMP files are the only types of graphic files with built-in Windows support. So maybe it thinks it is
doing you a favor. But BMP files take up significantly more memory than JPGs and GIFs. And if you are expecting a
JPEG and instead find a BMP, you won't be able to read the file. Because Visual C++ checks the file extension to
determine whether to convert the file, this workaround will fool it.

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Technique 109
Make Sure Your Paths Are Correct

Category: Avoid hard-to-find problems

Making sure your paths are correct is a technique to use when you use libraries or header files other than those supplied
with the compiler.

Follow these steps:

1. Select Tools → Options.

2. Click on the Directories tab.

3. Select the Include files drop down.

4. Check out the order in which directories are searched.

5. Select the Library files drop down.

6. Check out the order in which directories are searched.

The order in which directories appear in this dialog is the order in which they will be searched. If you add new
components to your system, they will sometimes install libraries or header files that are meant to replace those that
come with the compiler. If you don't make sure that such replacement libraries are found before the compiler libraries
are, you may end up with a mismatch. For example, if you install the DirectX SDK, it will provide header files and
libraries that replace several of the multimedia-related libraries and headers. Be sure that the paths to the DirectX
libraries and headers occur before those for the compiler's libraries and headers.

Also be sure that your header and library file paths are in synch. For example, suppose you install the DirectX SDK.
Make sure you update the path for both the header files and the libraries. If you don't, you can easily end up with a
situation where your program compiles and links but doesn't do the right thing.

Technique 110
Keep Reference-Counted Objects off the Stack

Category: Avoid crashes and unexpected results

class RefCounted

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class RefCounted

When you create reference-counted objects, you need to make sure that the reference counts are properly updated. This
means that you need to increment the count before using the object and then decrement it once you are finished.

The object itself controls its lifetime. Therefore, you can't delete the object. Rather, the method that decrements the use
counter (such as Release in the RefCounted class) is in charge of deleting the object. When the use count goes to
zero, the method deletes the object.

Because of this, you need to prevent the object from being created on the stack. In other words, you don't want the
programmer to be able to write code such as the following:
RefCounted foo;

Why not? Because this code will create an object on the stack. When the function ends, the object will be automatically
deleted, overriding any reference counting. (Also, objects created on the stack disappear when the function ends, so they
can't be used outside of the function scope, as discussed in Technique 53.)

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Making the destructor private, as shown in the ''After" code for this technique, does the trick. If the compiler can't find a
public destructor, it won't let you create the object on the stack.

See example: classRefCounted in access.cpp

Technique 111
Passing Preallocated Memory to New

Category: Write faster code

class DemoOfNew
int m_i;
void *operator new(size_t cbAlloc)
// Should never be called.
return NULL;
void *operator new(size_t cbAlloc, void *pv)
return pv;
void operator delete(void * pv)
cout << "DemoOfNew Ctor called\n";
cout << "DemoOfNew Dtor called\n";
void SetI(int i)
mi = i;

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int GetI(void)
return m_i;
void TestMemAllocatorNew()

void *pv;
DemoOfNew *pdemoofnew;

pv = malloc(sizeof(DemoOfNew));

pdemoofnew = new (pv) DemoOfNew;

cout <<pdemoofnew->GetI() << '\n';
delete pdemoofnew;

For performance reasons, it can be useful to preallocate memory for classes. For example, you may want to perform the
memory allocations during start-up or before a performance-critical section of code executes.

There are two steps to using preallocated memory: (1) allocating memory of the correct size and (2) then overriding the
new operator to use the preallocated memory. In this technique's "Source" code, you can see that the DemoOfNew class
overrides new to disable it. It also has a version of new that takes the preallocated memory and returns a pointer to that
memory. The compiler will generate the code for automatically calling the constructor on this memory. The
TestMemAllocatorNew function allocates memory and then passes the preallocated memory to the new call for
DemoOfNew as follows:

pdemoofnew = new (pv) DemoOfNew;

Note that, even though delete appears not to do anything, it forces the compiler to generate the call to the destructor.


This is an advanced technique that can land you in trouble if you don't know exactly what you are doing. You are better
off shipping code that works than you are shipping clever, fast code that doesn't work.

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Technique 112
Aliasing with References

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

void TestAliasing(long &la, long &lb)
la = 10;
lb = 20;

void TestAliasing(long &la, long &lb)
if(&la == &lb)
la = 20;
la = 10;
lb = 20;

In the "Before" code for this technique, we set the values of two variables passed in by reference. But what happens if
the user passes in the same variable for both parameters? In that case, both la and lb will be references to the same

Sometimes it is okay to have two references to the same variable. In other cases, you could have all types of unexpected
results. At the very least, you need to be aware of and plan for the possibility. In the "After" code here, we check for
aliasing before we assign values to the variables.

See example: TestAliasing() in misc.cpp

See also: Technique 55

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Chapter 13

Who says size doesn't matter? When it comes to performance, it certainly does. The bigger your code, the slower it
usually is. This is especially true with the new Pentium hardware, where there is a limited cacheand the performance
cost of finding your code and data in the cache makes all the difference between speedy and sluggish. If it's not in the
primary or secondary cache, the processor needs to fetch the data or code from the main memory. This means that the
processor will spend more cycles in the fetch than it will in executing instructions. This chapter is filled with techniques
to help you improve your code's performance.

Technique 113
Design Is More Important Than Tuning

Category: Advice

No matter how good you are at tweaking code to get the best performance out of it, you can't make a bad design go fast.
Using better data structures and algorithms will give far better performance gains than any amount of tuning can. For
example, it used to be that PC file systems kept the directory file names in an array. Finding a particular file meant
searching through the linear list. The more files you had in the directory, the slower access would become. Tuning the
code didn't have nearly the same impact as switching to a btree. All of a sudden, with the btree, file access became
much faster.

Understand the typical customer usage. Understand the problem bounds. Think about the approach you have taken to
the problem and the assumptions you made. Then think about better approaches. Question your infrastructure. Did you
really need a garbage collector? Do you need to have transaction support for everything? Did you end up with more data
than you thought and your time is spent finding data linearly? Did you design for huge sets of data but actually have
small sets, so that simpler approaches might work better?

For example, we were once working on a query language that had a construct for finding the nth record in a database. It
turned out that the most frequent queries were for finding the first and last records. By changing the structures and
special casing those queries, we achieved dramatic speed gains.

Quite often, one can more easily make simpler designs work faster because they are easier to understand and change.

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Technique 114
Know What to Improve

Category: Advice

Profile your code and see where time is spent. You may think that all of your time is spent tokenizing but then find out
that ninety percent of your time is spent copying strings. If so, making the tokenizer ten times faster won't have nearly
the impact as will reducing the time spent copying strings. Many times the slow downs aren't where you expect.

There are several third-party profilers on the market. Consider buying one.

Technique 115
Instrument Your Code

Category: Write faster code

clocktStart = clock();
for(j =0;j<1000;j++)
for(int i=0;i<g_cDegrees;i+ +)
dblT += trig.DblSineLUT(i);
dblT += trig.DblCosineLUT(i);
clocktFinish = clock();
cout << dblT << '\n';

Use profiling when you want to determine where the bottlenecks in your code are and where time is generally being
spent. Use instrumentation when you want to compare a few techniques in order to determine which is the fastest

Perform your timing over a large sample, such as 1,000 or 100,000 repetitions, so that overhead and burps will be
averaged out and the results will be more stable. Have the time value large enough that it can be measured in
milliseconds (or some larger time value).


Make sure that you are comparing apples to apples. For example, working with benchmarking in the "Before" code in
Technique 126 in this chapter, we initially

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coded the nonintrinsic to be through a call and the intrinsic directly in line. This unfavorably added call overhead to the
nonintrinsic approach and skewed the results.

See example: TestTrig() in misc.cpp

Technique 116
Reduce Your Working Set

Category: Advice

With modern processors, reducing secondary cache hits and out-of-cache hits is often more important than anything else
when it comes to performance tuning. Thus, reducing the working set of your code is key. Find out what is chewing
memory. Understand the libraries you use. Don't load DLLs that you don't need to. Reduce the size of elements in your
data structures. Don't keep garbage around that you don't need. Eliminate bloat.

In general, data takes up more space than the code. Code usually has a known cost. Data is unknown. So when you are
trying to reduce the working set, focus on reducing both code size and data size. Take care that you don't concentrate
solely on reducing the code size and ignore the working set increase caused by having redundant pointers or other
wasteful data structure elements. Above all, use profilers and instrument your executable to discover working set and
performance problems.

Technique 117
Use the Optimize for Space Flag

Category: Write faster code

Choosing the Minimizesizeoptimization not only makes your code smaller but also, because it reduces
working set, makes your code faster. In general, when you go to release your code, choose the
Minimizesizeoption. (Use the /01 flag when using command line tools.)

Of course, be sure to measure your performance before and after your optimizations. Don't assume that they will
perform magic for you. Watch out for the "I have a hammer, so everything is a nail" syndrome.

Technique 118
Delay Loading

Category: Write faster code

The less junk you have in memory, the faster your code will run and load. If you load all of your DLLs when the
program starts, you'll have slow start-up time. If

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there are certain DLLs that you only use in certain circumstances, load them when those circumstances arise. Your
program will start and execute faster.


DLLs are expensive to load. They also need to go through fix ups. If you delay load too many DLLs, you'll find
awkward stutters as they load and are initialized. Reduce the number of DLLs that the program has to use. Combine
them together if you can. Also, don't forget to set the base address of the DLL. This will tell the loader that it should
always try to load your DLL at a particular address. In turn, the DLLs used by your program will not be competing for
one address space.

Check out the REBASE command line tool in the Microsoft Platform SDK, and make it part of your build process. It
takes a collection of EXE/DLLs and rebases them to avoid base address collisions.

Technique 119
Invest in Good Tools

Category: Advice

Performance tuning can be difficult, so make sure you have a good profiler. There are also excellent tools for analyzing
code usage during typical executions. These can provide all sorts of hints for making your code more efficient.

Technique 120
Templates Usually Mean Bloat

Category: Advice

Although templates can make your code cleaner looking, they often introduce a lot of code bloat. Be very careful when
you use them.

Likewise, be careful when you use macros and inline functions because these can expand your code size as well.

See also: Technique 107

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Technique 121
Floating Point Is Faster Than Integer Math on a Pentium

Category: Write faster code

Before the Pentium chip, with its built-in floating-point processor, it used to be much faster to do integer arithmetic than
floating-point arithmetic. As a result, many of us would figure out clever ways to recast problems as integer problems.

With the Pentium, it is the other way around: floating-point math is faster than integer math. So don't go to great lengths
to convert floating-point calculations to integer calculations. Your code will be slower. Instead, you will be better off
actually going in the reverse.


Floating-point numbers take up more space than integers. Depending on your application, you may find storage size
more important than raw processing speed.

As always, measure and profile your code to determine the best approach. Don't assume that a technique we suggest
will always work for all situations. Be sure to verify before you deploy.

Technique 122
Look-up Tables Can Increase Performance

Category: Write faster code

const int g_cDegrees = 900;
class Trig
double m_rgdblSin[g_cDegrees];
double m_rgdblCos[g_cDegrees];
int idbl;
double dbl;
double dblPIBy4=atan(1.0);
double dblPIBy2=dblPIBy4 * 2.0;

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// 1/10th of a degree in radians.
double dbl10thDegToRad=dblPIBy4/450;

for(idbl=0, dbl=0.0; dbl<dblPIBy2; dbl+= dbl10thDegToRad, idbl++)

m_rgdblSin[idbl] = sin(dbl);
m_rgdblCos[idbl] = cos(dbl);
double DblSineLUT(int iDeg);
double DblCosineLUT(int iDeg);
double DblSine(double dblAngle);
double DblCosine(double dblAngle);
double DblSineIntrinsic(double dblAngle);
double DblCosineIntrinsic(double dblAngle);

double Trig::DblSineLUT(int iDeg)

if(iDeg >= g_cDegrees || iDeg < 0)
return 0.0;
return m_rgdblSin[iDeg];

double Trig::DblCosineLUT(int iDeg)

if(iDeg >= g_cDegrees || iDeg < 0)
return 0.0;
return m_rgdblCos[iDeg];

double Trig::DblSine(double dblAngle)

return sin(dblAngle);

double Trig::DblCosine(double dblAngle)

return cos(dblAngle);

#pragma intrinsic(sin, cos)

double Trig::DblSineIntrinsic(double dblAngle)

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return sin(dblAngle);
double Trig::DblCosineIntrinsic(double dblAngle)
return cos(dblAngle);

Some calculations take a long time to compute. For example, even though the Pentium has built-in instructions for
trigonometric functions, they take a while to execute. Custom algorithms can take even longer.

If execution speed is more important than accuracy, consider using a look-up table. With a look-up table, you fill an
array with precomputed results for a variety of values. When you need to find the result for a particular value, you find
the index in the array nearest to that value.

For example, suppose you want to create a look-up table for sin. Because you know that sin is cyclic, you only need
to find values for the range from 0 to 2π. Let's say that you decide to make the array 100 elements long. You would
initialize the array by filling it with the values of sin starting with 0 radians and incrementing by 2 p/100 radians. When
you want to find the value of sin for a particular angle, you would then find the closest angle in the look-up table.

In the "Source" code shown for this technique, we've created a look-up table for calculating sin and cos values. We also
have functions that determine the value using the CRT sin and cos functions and intrinsic sin and cos functions.

The look-up table is clearly the winner. Table 13.1 shows the results for finding the sin and cos of 900,000 values on the
PII-300 with which we tested the code.

Table 13.1 Timings for Look-Up Table Performance Tests

Technique Time
Look-up table .07 seconds
Trigonometric functions .931 seconds
Intrinsic trigonometric functions .751 seconds


Note that, depending on what you do, the speed of determining the index within the look-up table can outweigh the
advantage of using the look-up table. Benchmark your code. If you can store your units internally in terms of the look-
up table sizeand thus avoid conversions during the look upyou'll have far faster code.

Also note that the amount of error in the look-up table is a function of the expression used for calculating the table as
well as the number of entries. Some

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functions have rapid growth near certain values. For example, sin grows quickly near 0 degrees. You will have more
error in the look-up table for angles close to 0 degrees than you will for angles close to 90 degrees.

Finally, note that this type of optimization is heavily dependent on the processor. If the processor has a built-in function
for what you are doing, it may quite possibly be faster than using a look-up table. Benchmark your code to make sure
that your look-up table is faster.

See example: ClassTrig in misc.cpp

Technique 123
Be Cautious When Using Inline Functions

Category: Advice

Inline functions can make your code faster because they avoid function call over-head. But inline functions also make
your code larger because they place the function body directly within your code. In general, having smaller code
increases your performance far more than does reducing the function call overhead. Thus, you are usually better off if
you use inline functions sparingly.

Technique 124
Know What Code Is Generated

Category: Write faster code

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
unsigned long a, b;
long sA, sB;

b = 17;
sB = 17;

a = b / 32;
sA = sB / 32;
sA = sB >> 5;

27: a = b / 32;
0040ED86 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]

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0040ED89 shr eax,5
0040ED8C mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
28: sA = sB / 32;
0040ED8F mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
0040ED92 cdq
0040ED93 and edx,lFh
0040ED96 add eax,edx
0040ED98 sar eax,5
0040ED9B mov dword ptr [ebp-OCh],eax
29: sA = sB >> 5;
0040ED9E mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
0040EDA1 sar ecx,5
0040EDA4 mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],ecx

return 0;

The code that gets generated by the compiler may not be what you expect. For example, consider the line a = b/32 in the
''Source" code for this technique. Looking at the assembly language generated (which here we have compiled with
optimization set to minimize space), you can see that the compiler is using a shr. (This is, of course, far faster than a

If, however, we used signed rather than unsigned numbers, as is shown by the line sA = sB/32, the compiler adds a
bunch of code to do sign fix ups. If we in-stead use a >> operator, far-faster code is generated. Thus, you can see that, if
you have signed variables, such as longs, but you know a value is positive, you are far better off doing a shift than a

The moral of the story is, don't assume you know what is generated by the compiler. Take a look at the code. The way
you write your expressions can make a big difference in how the code gets generated.

Technique 125
Shifts Are Faster than Divides

Category: Write faster code

long sA, sB;

sB = 17;
sA = sB / 32;

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long sA, sB;

sB = 17;
sA = sB >> 5;

The >> and << operators are far faster than divides. If you are dividing by powers of two, you can use the shift
operators instead of a divide. Note, of course, that this only applies to integers.


It is usually harder to read shifts than it is to read divides and multiplies. If you are doing unsigned arithmetic and
dividing by constants, the compiler will generate shifts instead of a divide for you, as shown in the previous technique.
So, don't overuse this technique.

Also, remember that A/2 is not the same as A >> 2. (A/2 is the same as A >> 1.)

Technique 126
Pointer Arithmetic Is Not Faster Than Array Look Ups

Category: Write cleaner code

void TestBuff()
char rgch[256];
int ich;

ich = 0;
while(ich < sizeof(rgch))
rgch[ich++] = ' ';
rgch[sizeof(rgch)-1] = 0;
cout << rgch << '\n';

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void TestBuff()

char rgch[256];
char *pch;
char *pchMac;

pch = rgch;
pchMac = rgch+sizeof(rgch)-1;
while(pch < pchMac)
*pch++ = 't';
rgch[sizeof(rgch)-1] = 0;
cout << rgch << '\n';

Conventional programming wisdom states that using pointer arithmetic is faster than using array indexing and that it is
therefore worth writing the harder-to-read pointer-based code. Well, with today's compilers, this isn't really true.
Writing array code will, for the most part, give you the same performance as writing pointer-based code. Of course,
pointer-based code will look studlier.

Let's take a look at the assembly generated by the heart of the loop in the "Before" code for this technique:
11: rgch[ich++] = ' ';
0040103F mov eax,dword ptr [ich]
00401045 mov byte ptr rgch[eax],20h
0040104D mov ecx,dword ptr [ich]
00401053 add ecx,1
00401056 mov dword ptr [ich],ecx

Now, compare that to the code generated by the heart of the loop in the "After" code:
17: *pch++ = 't';
00401099 mov eax,dword ptr [pch]
0040109C mov byte ptr [eax],74h
0040109F mov ecx,dword ptr [pch]
004010A2 add ecx,1
004010A5 mov dword ptr [pch],ecx

Hmm, not much difference.

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For this case, you'd be better off using the easier-to-read array code. In short, conventional wisdom isn't always correct.
When in doubt, check out the actual code generated.

See example: TestBuff() in misc.cpp

Technique 127
Memory Allocations Are Expensive

Category: Write faster code

delete m_pstream;
m_pstream = (PSTREAM)new FILESTREAM(TRUE);

if(m_pstream->GetStreamType() != streamtypeFile)
delete m_pstream;
m_pstream = NULL;
if(NULL == m_pstream)
m_pstream = (PSTREAM)new FILESTREAM(TRUE);

Allocating memory and creating handles (such as file handles, memory handles, stream handles, etc.) is expensive.
Deleting memory is often even more expensive because memory managers often delay cleanup of data structures until
deletes occur. Avoid allocating and deleting memory and handles when possible. For example, the "Before" code for
this technique deletes an existing handle and creates a new one, whereas the "After" code checks whether the handle is a
file handle. If so, it reuses it.

In addition to being wary of how your code allocates memory, you may also want to write your own memory allocator.
If you know the way that you will use memory, you can gain significant speed over the generic system memory
managers. Do so, however, only with great caution and only if you know exactly what you are doing. When in doubt,
just use the standard memory allocators. Although creating your own memory manager can be faster, it can also
introduce a lot of unpleasant bugs.

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Technique 128
Be Careful When Using String Functions

Category: Write faster code

//m_pch is m_cch characters long
strcpy(pchNew, m_pch);
strcat(pchNew, pch);

//m_pch is m_cch characters long
strcpy(pchNew, m_pch);
strcpy(pchNew+m_cch, pch);

Really, this technique applies to any function. Knowing how a function works can help you operate more efficiently.
This is particularly true with string functions, which have a habit of walking through the string looking for the ending

For example, consider the "Before" code for this technique. Here, we are concatenating two strings together. The code
looks innocent enough. But strcat walks the entire destination string to find the end before concatenating in the
source string. Because we already know the length of the string (at least in this example), walking through the whole
destination string wastes time. The "After" code avoids this completely by using pointer arithmetic to jump to the end of
the string. It then does a strcpy.

See example: String::Append() in string.cpp

Technique 129
Avoid the CRT If You Can

Category: Write faster code

The C Runtime (CRT) is a library of common functions used by most programs. It includes start-up code as well as
many other functions. It also adds a lot of space to your programs. When you focus on size, you can write your own
start-up code and reproduce only the CRT functions you need, thus dramatically lowering the size of your programs.

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Technique 130
Intrinsics Are Faster Than the CRT

Category: Write faster code

#pragma intrinsic(sin, cos)
double Trig::DblSineIntrinsic(double dblAngle)
return sin(dblAngle);

The Pentium chip has a lot of powerful functions built directly into the hardware. For example, it has various
trigonometric functions available as floating-point assembly instructions.

The CRT has software versions of these functions for machines that don't have floating-point processors.

It is faster to call the intrinsic functions directly, although this will generate code that can only work on certain classes
of machines, such as Pentiums and later models. Using intrinsics also reduces your code size because you don't link in a
bunch of goop from the CRT (although depending on what you call, you could end up with more inline code than you
would like).

You can turn on intrinsics with the #pragma command as shown in this section's " Source" code. You can also turn
them on globally from Visual Studio by using the following steps:

1. Select Project → Settings.

2. Click on the C++ tab.

3. Select Optimizations from the Category drop down.

4. Check on Generate Intrinsic Functions.

From the command line, specify the /0i flag.

See example: Trig: :DblSineIntrinsic() in misc.cpp

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Chapter 14
Using Assembly

If you want ultimate control over your code or need to do some very tight optimizations on frequently called code, you
may want to incorporate assembly language into your program. This chapter includes a few techniques for doing so.

Technique 131
C++ Variables Can Be Directly Accessed from Assembly

Category: Avoid unexpected results

#pragma warning( disable : 4035 )
int RExp::IChInSz(unsigned char chSrc, const char *pch, int cch)
xor eax, eax
mov al, chSrc
mov edi, pch
mov ecx, cch
repnz scasb
jz Found
xor eax, eax
jmp End
mov eax, cch
sub eax, ecx
dec eax
#pragma warning( default : 4035 )

C++ variables can be directly accessed in assembly language, as is done in this technique's "Source" sample with the
chSrc parameter. Doing so makes it very

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easy to mix assembly with C++ code. Be sure, however, that you don't use variable names that clash with reserved
assembly names. For example, it would be a bad idea to have a C++ variable named eax. The assembler will treat that
as a reference to the eax register, not to the C++ variable. Likewise, avoid names such as PUSH, sub, repnz, and so
forth. They will all get you into trouble.

Technique 132
Use Inline Assembly Only If You Are Writing for a Specific Processor

Category: Compile your code

Assembly code is not portable code. Assembly code written for the Pentium will not work on an Alpha chip. Code
written specifically for MMX processors will not work on machines that don't have MMX support.

To add assembly to your code, use _asm followed by {}, as follows:


xor eax, eax
mov al, chSrc

Technique 133
You Don't Need to Use Return If Eax Is Already Set

Category: Write cleaner code

#pragma warning( disable : 4035 )
int RExp::IChInSz(unsigned char chSrc, const char *pch, int cch)
xor eax, eax
mov al, chSrc
mov edi, pch
mov ecx, cch
repnz scasb
jz Found
xor eax, eax
jmp End

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mov eax, cch
sub eax, ecx
dec eax
#pragma warning( default : 4035 )

The return value from a function is placed in eax. If your assembly code already fills eax with the desired value, you
don't need to end your function with a return. In fact, setting eax from within the assembly code is a nice way to
return a value from the function because you don't need to go through any extra steps after the assembly code ends.

Technique 134
If You Set Eax from Assembly, Disable Warning 4035

Category: Compile your code

#pragma warning( disable : 4035 )
int RExp::IChInSz(unsigned char chSrc, const char *pch, int cch)
xor eax, eax
mov al, chSrc
mov edi, pch
mov ecx, cch
repnz scasb
jz Found
xor eax, eax
jmp End
mov eax, cch
sub eax, ecx
dec eax
#pragma warning( default : 4035 )

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If you set eax in your assembly code, and thus don't have a return statement, you'll get a warning. To avoid this
warning, disable warning 4035 as shown in the code here.

Make sure that you set this pragma outside of the function.

Technique 135
Always Restore Warning Defaults after You Disable Them

Category: Avoid unexpected results

#pragma warning( disable : 4035 )
int RExp::IChInSz(unsigned char chSrc, const char *pch, int cch)
xor eax, eax
mov al, chSrc
mov edi, pch
mov ecx, cch
repnz scasb
jz Found
xor eax, eax
jmp End
mov eax, cch
sub eax, ecx
dec eax
#pragma warning( default : 4035 )

If you disable a warning, as is done in this technique's "Source" code for the missing return statement warning, be sure
that you return the warning to its default setting after you are finished with your assembly code. If you don't, you won't
get that warning for the rest of the file. And that could be bad news if you have mistakes in your code.

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Chapter 15
General Debugging Stuff

In this chapter, we go over some general advice and approaches to debugging. Then in the next chapter, we'll walk
through some specific debugging techniques.

Technique 136
What's a Bug?

Category: Advice

What is a bug? Some stupid mistake? A careless oversight? A bug is the difference between what you think the code is
doing and what the code actually is doing. It's really tempting to go through your code quickly when you're debugging,
examining only where you think the problem is. Sometimes you'll be right. But you're usually much better off going
through the code slowly and seeing what it actually does.

Technique 137
Debug Your Design before You Code

Category: Advice

It's tempting to come up with a design and jump right in and code. Heck, that's the fun part. And, after all, the deadline's

Be patient. It's always better to work through your design and look for problems before you begin coding. Ask yourself:
Does it solve the right problem? Does it deal with edge conditions? Is it overly complex? What issues are going to show
up? Is there a better approach?

Walk through your design with some sample data and see if it does what you expect. Show it to a coworker. Do a design
review. Prototype, and then fix your design based on what you discover as you prototype. Only then should you start
your real code. In short, fix your design before you code.

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Technique 138
Always Single Step through New Code

Category: Avoid stupid mistakes

It's easy to assume that your code works. After all, you're a proof course you programmed what you were supposed to.

Wrong. Single stepping through new code is one of the most important techniques you can follow when it comes to
debugging. The best programmers do it; the ones who know enough to be dangerous don't.

After you write a piece of new code, single step through it, no matter how trivial it is. Carefully think through what each
action does. Are you setting the variables you think you are? Are you going through loops the way you think you are?
Have you initialized everything you need to? Are you calculating what you wanted to? Are you storing the results where
you think you are? Are you getting the results you expect?

Don't do this by looking over the code. Do it in the debugger. Watch both the data and the code. The debugger will
force you to see the difference between what you think the code is doing and what it actually is doing.

Technique 139
Debug If You Can, Build If You Must

Category: Advice

This is another technique that is really important but tempting to ignore.

When you have a problem with your code, figure out what is going wrong. Step through it in the debugger. Understand
the issues. Don't immediately start trying fixes for what you think the problem might be. You will just end up confused
and, worse, may introduce more bugs.

Likewise, if the code isn't working, avoid the temptation to chuck it and start from scratch. You may end up having to
throw it all away anyway, but first understand what you did wrong. In the process, either you will discover a mistake
you'll now know to not repeat or you will come up with a new and better approach to the problem.

Technique 140
Debug Data, Not Code

Category: Advice

Looking for the code that has a problem is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Looking for where data went bad is
like being a detective following clues.

Bugs result in wrong data. Otherwise you'd never know about them. Don't jump in and start looking at your algorithms
and execution flow. Instead, follow

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the data as it goes through your code. Looking at where the data gets set to a value it shouldn't will show you where
your bug is.

Technique 141
Know the Code That Is Generated

Category: Advice

The product you ship is compiled code, not source code. So you need to be familiar with the actual assembly code that
is generated, not just the source code. It is a good idea to debug looking at the mixed listing, not just the source listing.
This way you can see exactly what is going on. Even if you don't debug in this manner, make sure you look at the actual
code that is generated.

See also: Technique 124

Technique 142
Plan for Testing

Category: Advice

Your code is going to be tested. (Or at least, we hope it will be tested.) Know it. Love it. Plan for it. Make testing easier.
Here are some things you can do:

Review your design with the test team before you begin coding. * Think about the edge conditions.

Create some simple tests that you will use to verify that your code works for at least the common cases. Run through
those tests before you check in your code. Run through those tests every time you make a fix to your code.

Document your code.

Put hooks into your UI code so that it can be tested with automation software.

Technique 143
Test Early, Test Often

Category: Advice

If your code isn't thoroughly tested, your users will find your bugs. That is not only embarrassing, but it can be
expensive. Find your bugs before you inflict them on

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others. Don't wait until the end of a cycle to begin testing. Incrementally test what you can as you develop. Some bugs
will block other bugs, so the sooner you can squash bugs, the better.

Technique 144
Test under Stress Conditions

Category: Advice

Ever heard the expression ''It works on my machine"? We have. We always say, "Great. Ship your machine to the

Some bugs only show up in odd situations. Test with low memory. Test with low disk space. Test with slow machines.
Test with net failures or slow net access. Test with lots of other applications running at the same time. Test with very
large data sets. Do you use threads? Test with a multiprocessor machine. Does your code run on the server? Test with a
heavy server load. Do you play media? Test without a sound card.

Technique 145
Test with Edge Conditions

Category: Advice

You should also test with conditions you may think would never occur. Delete files that are needed. Read from a bad
floppy. Remove the floppy in the middle of a read. Feed your program bad data. Does it want a social security number?
Give it a birthday. It wants a salary? Give it 25 billion. It wants a date? Give it 2001. (Just kidding. After all, who would
ever have a problem going beyond the year 2000?)

Sounds insane? Your customer may well do these things. Fix the problems before your customers find them.

Technique 146
Test from the User's Perspective

Category: Advice

Test teams quite often write a lot of specific feature tests. These are critical for making sure that each part of the product
works the way it is supposed to. But you should also test from a user's perspective. Create typical-use scenarios and test
those. You may find unexpected bugs from components that don't talk to each other. Or from components that left
behind trash that others collide with. Worse, you could find that, although each component works fine, the product as a
whole doesn't; you can't get from step A to step B.

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Technique 147
Test with Other Applications

Category: Advice

Users rarely run just a single application. Sometimes bugs will show up when other applications are running. For
example, we've run into fun bugs where a program worked fine in isolation, but when another program was running, the
setup would fail. Or two programs would fight over timer messages, bringing the system to its knees.

It's easy to blame the other application when this occurs. Well, it doesn't matter whose fault it is. You have to find a way
to work around it.

Technique 148
Test On All the Target Platforms

Category: Advice

If you program for Win32, test with Win98, Windows NT, and Win95. Each has its own idiosyncrasies. You may think
your code will just work, but unless you actually check it out, you won't know. Likewise, check your code with as many
machines, printers, and video cards as you can. You'll be surprised at the fun stuff you may find. And if it works fine,
good for you. You'll sleep better.

Technique 149
Test Retail and Debug Versions

Category: Advice

It's often tempting only to test debug builds of your product; that way, if you find a bug, you can go right into the
debugger and get lots of information about the problem. You are much better off testing both debug and retail builds.
The retail build is what the customer will be using, and sometimes the retail and debug builds behave differently. If a
bug shows up only in a retail version, not in the debug version, it's usually an uninitialized variable on the stack or a
buffer overflow due to an uninitialized stack variable that is used for the buffer size.

Likewise, optimized code may show bugs that unoptimized code doesn't.

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Chapter 16
Specific Debugging Stuff

In this chapter, we walk through some specific techniques for debugging programs, from handling first chance
exceptions to tracing the stack.

Technique 150
Loading DLLs for Debugging

Category: How to


When debugging, you may need to load additional DLLs. To do so, do the following:

1. Select Project → Settings.

2. Click on the Debug tab.

3. Select Additional DLLs from the Category drop down.

4. Click on the Modules list box.

5. Either type in the name of the DLL or click on the . . . button to browse for DLLs to add.

Technique 151
Loading Executables for Debugging

Category: How to


When debugging DLLs, you need to specify the executable to load, which you do as follows:

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1. Select File → Open Workspace.

2. Select Executable Files from the Files of type drop down.

3. Select the executable that loads the DLL.

4. Click on Open.

5. Follow the steps in Technique 150 to load your DLL.

If you don't have symbols for the executable you are using to debug your DLL, Visual Studio will complain. You can
ignore the warning and proceed. Of course, if you do have symbols, you may find debugging easier.

Technique 152
Casting Data

Category: How to


When you debug, you often view the value of data inside the watch window or the quick watch window. You can use
casting operations on the data that you view. For example, suppose you have a void pointer called foo. To see the
value of foo, you could click on the watch window and type the following:


To view foo as a pointer to an int, type this instead:

(int *) foo

Technique 153
Dumping Registers and What They Mean

Category: How to


From the debug toolbar, click on the icon that has ax in it. Or, from the menu, select View → Debug windows →

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The registers window will show the value of the CPU registers, such as the following:
EAX = 00780C80 EBX = 00550000 ECX = 00000001 EDX = 00780C10
ESI = 815A5100 EDI = 00000000 EIP = 00401040 ESP = 0065FDFC
EBP = 0065FE38 EFL = 00000212 CS = 0157 DS = 015F ES = 015F
SS = 015F FS = 495F GS = 0000 OV=0 UP=0 EI=1 PL=0 ZR=0 AC=1
PE=0 CY=0 STO = -5.61093706791417901e-0001
ST1 = -5.61826173722854705e-0001
ST2 = +4.22371816635131835e+0000
ST3 = -3.78935062326490900e-0003
ST4 = -9.59999999999999964e+0000
ST5 = +1.37599999999999994e+0002
ST6 = +1.37599999999999994e+0002
ST7 = +0.00000000000000000e+0000 CTRL = 027F STAT = 0000
TAGS = FFFF EIP = 00000000 CS = 0000 DS = 0000
EDO = 00000000

Some registers tend to be more interesting than others when debugging. Usually, pointers or values in pointers are
loaded into EAX. EAX is also used to store temporary results and to return values from function calls. ECX is usually
used inside loops, such as by the repnz command. ECX and EDX are often used for temporary registers. Arithmetic
and logical operators will invariably change the contents of EAX, ECX, and EDX. EIP, the instruction pointer, points to
the current instruction being executed. ESI and EDI are used for pointer arithmetic and during loops. If you have an
access violation and the EIP is on a repnz, movsw, or some other move or swap instruction, examine the ECX, ESI,
and EDI registers to see where they are pointing. They will likely show you the problem. ESP is the stack register. EBP
is the stack frame register. You will use ESP and EBP when you do a stack trace.

As an example, suppose that, while you are running your program, you get an access violation. Pop into the debugger
and view the registers. If EAX is null, that's a good indicator that you just ran into a null pointer.

Technique 154
Switching to Hex Display

Category: How to


1. Right click in the Watch window.

2. Select Hexadecimal display.

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Technique 155
Handling First-Chance Exceptions

Category: How to


When you encounter a first-chance exception, Visual C++ will display a message in the debug window, typically at the
bottom of the screen. Note the exception code displayed there.

1. Select Debug → Exceptions. (Note that this menu option is only enabled during debugging.)

2. Scroll down the list of exceptions until you find the one you encountered.

3. Change the Action setting to Stop always.

4. Restart the debugging session by selecting Debug → Restart.

You'll now break into the debugger when the exception is encountered. You can then trace the stack, examine the data,
and use your normal debugging techniques to see what caused the exception.

Technique 156
Break On Data Changed

Category: How to


This is a useful technique to employ when you know that memory is getting corrupted or that a variable has a wrong
value, but you are not sure what is causing the problem. The reason could be a simple mistake, or it could be something
as tricky as a buffer overrun.

1. Select Edit → Breakpoints.

2. Click on the Data tab.

3. Enter the expression to cause a breakpoint. For example, enter sz if you want to break when the value of the sz
variable changes. Enter sz = 3 if you want to break when sz gets set to 3.

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Breaking when a value changes is a very powerful technique. Visual C++ does not use hardware breakpoints for this. It
will significantly slow down your execution speed, and it may even take several minutes for Visual C++ to respond
after you begin debugging. Thus, even though this technique can help you find very serious, hard-to-track-down bugs,
you shouldn't use it as a general, catch-all technique.

Single step over your code, watching your data every time you add a new line of code to your program. That way you
will find bugs before they blow up in your face (see Technique 138).

Technique 157
Skipping Execution to a Particular IP

Category: How to


Sometimes you know that the value of a variable needs to be something (say, nonzero), and in order to preserve that
value, you need to skip a particular line. Perhaps you suspect that a particular line is causing a bug and thus you want to
skip over it. Or maybe you want to exit an endless loop without losing state. You can do so by following these steps
while in the debugger:

1. Right-click on the line that you want to execute next.

2. Select Set Next Statement.

You can also change the statement about to execute by altering the EIP register from the registers window. Do so with
caution, however. You can easily screw up.


Changing the next statement won't always do sensible things to the state of registers and the call stack. For example,
you can use this technique to jump out of a call without any cleanup. Doing so will result in a messed up stack. Be

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Technique 158
Creating and Using a MAP File

Category: How to

A map file is a text file that contains the following information about the program being linked:

The module name, which is the base name of the file

The time stamp from the program file header (not from the file system)

A list of groups in the program, with each group's start address (as section:offset), length, group name, and class

A list of public symbols, with each address (as section:offset), symbol name, flat address, and .OBJ file where the
symbol is defined

The entry point (as section:offset)

A list of fix-ups

The map file becomes very useful when you need to debug a retail version of a program, for example, when your
program crashes on a customer's machine and all you have is the stack dump and register values. Sometimes the steps to
reproduce the problem are not known, so you can't do it while loading the program in the debugger. And sometimes the
problem can't be reproduced in a debug build.

Likewise, you might also get stuck without debug information if you follow our advice from Chapter 15 and test both
the retail and debug versions of your program before you ship them.

Whatever the reasons for not having symbolic information, it is handy to know how to use the Dr. Watson log or stack
dump. This is where the map file becomes useful. You can get a fairly good idea of where your program crashed from
the EIP. Look in the map file to see which function it is in.

Next, look at the offending function. See what parameters it takes, and try to generate the assembly version of the
function with the same (and this is very important) compile flags as the version you are debugging. You can get a
reasonable estimate by comparing the code from the stack dump and the assembly and the map file information.

Next, speak with a Hercule Poirot accent and start tracking down the problem. You can also use the map file to see what
got pulled in from the CRT and how much space variables are consuming.

Be sure to look at the registers, as well. There is a lot of useful debug information in a simple stack dump of registers.
Practice reading through the map file and

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registers so that, when you have to use these techniques to track down a problem, you will be prepared.

To generate the map file, do the following from Visual Studio:

1. Select Project → Settings.

2. Click on the Link tab.

3. Click on Generate mapfile.

From the linker command line, use the following:


Technique 159
Walking the Call Stack

Category: How to


Walking the call stack lets you understand how your code has gotten where it is. This is an advanced technique, so we'll
start with an overview of calling conventions and then jump into the technique.

To begin, let's look at the code for two functions. The first, Trace, is a normal C++ function that takes two arguments.
The second, TraceEllipses, takes a variable number of arguments.

// thiscall convention for C++ member function

373: int Trace(int i, int i1)
374: {
00401840 push ebp
00401841 mov ebp,esp
00401843 sub esp,OCh
00401846 mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],ecx
375: int j=8;
00401849 mov dword ptr [j],8
376: int k=9;
00401850 mov dword ptr [k],9
377: m_i = i+j+k+il;
00401857 mov eax,dword ptr [i]
0040185A add eax,dword ptr [j]
0040185D add eax,dword ptr [k]

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00401860 add eax,dword ptr [il]
00401863 mov ecx,dword ptr [this]
00401866 mov dword ptr [ecx],eax
378: return i;
00401868 mov eax,dword ptr [i]
379: }
0040186B mov esp,ebp
0040186D pop ebp
0040186E ret 8
// cDecl convention for C++ member function
380: int TraceEllipses(int i, ...)
381: {
00401890 push ebp
00401891 mov ebp,esp
00401893 sub esp,8
382: int j=8;
00401896 mov dword ptr [j],8
383: int k=9;
0040189D mov dword ptr [k],9
384: m_i = i+j+k;
004018A4 mov eax,dword ptr [i]
004018A7 add eax,dword ptr [j]
004018AA add eax,dword ptr [k]
004018AD mov ecx,dword ptr [this]
004018B0 mov dword ptr [ecx],eax
385: return i;
004018B2 mov eax,dword ptr [i]
386: }
004018B5 mov esp,ebp
004018B7 pop ebp
004018B8 ret

Here is the calling code from the main function.

434: int i = 0;
0040166A mov dword ptr [i],0
436: st.Trace(i, 10);
00401671 push 0Ah
00401673 mov ecx,dword ptr [i]
00401676 push ecx
00401677 lea ecx,dword ptr [st]
0040167A call StackTrace::Trace(0x0401850)

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437: st.TraceEllipses(i, 10);
0040167F push 0Ah
00401681 mov edx,dword ptr [i]
00401684 push edx
00401685 lea eax,dword ptr [st]
00401688 push eax
00401689 call StackTrace::TraceEllipses(0x00401890)
0040168E add esp,0Ch

Now let's see what the stack will look like after a call to Trace. Note that the X86 architecture convention is that the
top of the stack is the lowest address:
12ff54 [this] ebp-0c
12ff58 [k] ebp-8
12ff5c [j] ebp-4
12ff60 [old ebp] ebp
12ff64 [return address] ebp+4
12ff68 [i] ebp+8
12ff6c [i1] ebp+0c

What does all of this stuff mean? Well, we're glad you asked. Being able to read through and understand the call stack is
invaluable when debugging.

EBP represents the stack framethe point of reference for calculating local variables and function parameters. The
memory above the EBP (that is, everything less than the address pointed to by EBP) until the next stack frame contains
the local variables. In this case, there are two local variables, j and k. The last value is the this pointer. Everything
below EBP (that is, greater than the address pointed to by EBP) represents parameters to the function, except for the
first four bytes (the previous or the caller's stack frame, marked as oldebp in the sample) and the four bytes following
that (the return address). Parameters are pushed in the right-to-left order in which they appear on the C++ definition of
the function. In this example, you can see the i and i1 parameters to Trace. The right-most parameter is pushed on
the stack first, so it appears lowest on the stack.

Note that the stack trace shown here is for the thiscall conventionthe default convention for C++ member functions
that do not use variable length arguments (using the . . . convention). The thiscall convention assumes that the
callee cleans up the arguments. If . . . are used, however, the caller is expected to clean up the stack. When . . . are used,
there is also a difference in the way the this pointer is pushed. In the thiscall convention, the this pointer is
pushed as in the example just shown, after all the local variables are allocated. That is, this is pushed by the callee and is
passed by the caller in ECX. Looking at the sample code, you can see that, for Trace, the function ends with a ret8 to
take care of the two parameters passed.

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By contrast, with the cDecl convention, the this pointer is pushed onto the stack by the caller. Looking at the sample
code, you can see that, for TraceEllipse, the function simply does a ret when it ends. Note, however, that the
code that calls TraceEllipse adds 0C to the ESP to account for the two parameters the caller is passing and the this
pointer. (Why 0C? Four bytes for each parameter, plus four bytes for the this pointer.)

It can sometimes be confusing to examine values on the stack frame because of the way memory is stored. For example,
suppose you are at a breakpoint. You look at the EBP register to find the stack frame. Going above this stack frame
gives you local variables. For example, if EBP equals 0x512ff60, the first local variable is at 0xl2ff5c and spans
up to 12ff60. Suppose the value stored at memory location 0x12ff5c is 0x12456098. When you dump the
memory at 0xl2ff5c, it will look like this:

0xl2ff5c 98 60 45 12

In other words, the data is displayed using the little endian convention. The address points to the least-significant byte of
the word.

To find the this pointer, look where ECX is stored at the beginning of the function.

To get to the stack frame of the caller, take the value of the address pointed to by EBP. This is a pointer to the previous
stack frame. As with any stack frame, the parameters to the call are stored in the memory above the address pointed to,
and the local variables are stored below what is pointed to. If you get the value stored in the address pointed to, you now
have the pointer to the stack frame of the next caller. You can continue this all the way up.


This technique is for X86 architectures. The code shown is not optimized. Optimized code will look different. For
example, registers might be used instead of local variables.

Technique 160
Fixing the Call Stack If You Can't See Everything

Category: How to


Sometimes you see only part of the stack. This could be due to any one of several problems. For example, the stack
could be corrupted, preventing you from tracing back. If you know which location is corrupted, you may be able to put
a Data

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breakpoint on that location and from that, figure out what code is overwriting the stack. Usually, however, you will need
to go through every line of code until you find what is causing the problem. This is one of the nastiest types of bugs to

Another problem could be that, beyond the stack, you run into the loader code. In this case, what you see on the stack is
all that you have for debugging. Use classical debugging techniques and find out the cause of the bug you are trying to

A third problem could be that you have assembly functions that do not follow a convention that the debugger can
understand. (The debugger's Call Stack window is filled using the steps discussed in the previous technique.) If there is
assembly code that won't let the debugger walk the EBP to find the stack trace, the debugger will throw up its hands and
give up.

If you are patient, you can get past the assembly code to continue walking the stack. Before you start, write down the
value in the EBP register. Next, find the value in the EBP. Go up to the point where the chain is not broken. Now start
going up the stack values and find a value that looks like it is in the EBP chain. (How will you know? It should point to
a similar area on the stack as the previous EBP.) Put this value in the EBP register and selectView → DebugWindows
→ Call Stack. If the compiler shows you a meaningful stack trace to the beginning of the program (for example, to
main or WinMain), then you are done. You now have enough information to continue debugging. If not, try the next
value down on the stack (that is, going up memory addresses) that closely matches the EBP. Because EBP values
increase as you go down the stack, ignore anything that's less than the last valid EBP stack frame. Because code is
DWORD aligned, addresses must be even numbered. Thus, ignore odd numbers.

Once you have figured out what is causing the problem, you can often learn which Win32 call prevented the stack trace
from working. Many times, your arguments to the function are what caused the bug. Although this technique won't
always solve your problems, it can often save you days and days of debugging time.

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Welcome to Part II. in this section, we'll look at complete programs that illustrate algorithms you might find useful.
These programs are the source for most of the techniques discussed in Part I. We'll briefly discuss how and why we did
what we did so that you can understand why a particular technique, say smart pointers, is worth understanding.

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Chapter 17
Smart Pointers

Smart pointers are very useful critters. A smart pointer is a templatized class that automatically takes care of memory
deletion. When the class goes out of scope, the memory is deleted. No more careless memory leaks.

Smart pointers are a fairly simple concept. You create a templatized class for smart pointers so that you can use the
pointers to point to any type.

You declare smart pointers the same way you would use any other pointer. Only instead of using code such as the
int *pi;

you use code such as this:

BaseSmartPointer<int> pi;

Unlike a normal pointer, however, the smart pointer is an object. Thus, when the local variable goes out of scope, the
class's destructor is called. The smart pointer's destructor frees the memory pointed to, as shown in the following code:
virtual ~BaseSmartPointer()
delete m_pt;
m_pt = NULL;

We have created two smart pointer classes. The first, BaseSmartPointer, is for intrinsic types such as int,
float, and so forth. It does not supply a -> operator. The second, ObjectSmartPointer, derives from
BaseSmartPointer and provides a -> operator.


Here are the actual source code listings for the smart pointer files. Smartptr.h is the header file and Smartptr.cpp is the
code file. The technique numbers in the comments refer to techniques in Part I. You can find these files and a

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Visual C++ project file in the smartptr folder on this book's accompanying CD-ROM.

Smartptr. h
#include <stdio.h>
//Technique 58
//Technique 60

template <class T> class BaseSmartPointer

// Copy ctor and = operator are private to prevent pointer from being copied
// from one smart pointer to another.
return *this;

T *m_pt;
BaseSmartPointer(T *pt=NULL) : m_pt(pt)

virtual ~BaseSmartPointer()
delete m_pt;
m_pt = NULL;

T &operator*() const
return *m_pt;

T*operator=(T *pt)
delete m_pt;

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m_pt = pt;
return m_pt;


//TIP 59
template <class T> class ObjectSmartPointer : public BaseSmartPointer <T>
// Make this private so someone can't use the copy ctor

ObjectSmartPointer(T* pt=NULL) : BaseSmartPointer<T>(pt)

T* operator=(T *pt)
return BaseSmartPointer<T> :operator=(pt);

T *operator->() const
return m_pt;
class foo
int i;
float f;

#include "smartptr.h"
#include "iostream.h"
void TestSmartPointer(void)

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BaseSmartPointer<int> pi;
ObjectSmartPointer<foo> po;

po = new foo;
po->i = 10;
po->f = 10.5;
cout << (*po).i << " " << po->f << "\n";
pi = new int;
pi = new int;
*pi = 100;
cout << *pi << "\n";

//Technique 93
// Neither of these will compile because we made the ctor and = operator
// private.
ObjectSmartPointer<foo> po2(po);
ObjectSmartPointer<foo> pol;

po1 = po;
cout << pol->i;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

return 0;

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Chapter 18
Reference Counting

Reference counting lets you safely share objects. The concept is simple. Rather than controlling an object's lifetime
externally, the object itself controls when it is deleted. Or rather, the object's lifetime is controlled indirectly from the
outside via a usage count. The users of the object indicate when they start and stop using the object. The object
guarantees that it will stick around as long as it is being used by someone. This is the technique used by COM objects.

Implementing this technique is simple. Before an object is used, the Add method is called on it. This increments an
internal counter:
int Add()
return + +m_cRef;

When the object is finished being used, the Release method is called. This method decrements the internal counter,
and deletes the object if the counter has gone to zero:
int Release()
int cRef;

// Technique 86
cRef = m_cRef;
delete this;
return cRef;

The object can be shared among many different parts of code. Each part follows the rules of calling Add and Release;
thus, as long as someone is using the object, it won't be destroyed accidentally.

Note that the constructor and destructor for this class are private. That prevents the reference counted object from being
created on the stack or deleted by external users of the object.

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Combining reference counting and smart pointers is also a very powerful technique.


Here is the actual source code listing for the reference counting example. All of the code is contained in access.cpp. The
technique numbers in the comments refer to techniques in Part I. You can find these files and a corresponding Visual C+
+ project file in the access folder on this book's accompanying CD-ROM.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>

// Technique 110

class RefCounted
int m cRef;
// Made private so automatic variables can't be created.

// Technique 93
RefCounted() : m_cRef(1)

// Technique 47
void *operator new(size_t cbAlloc)
return malloc(cbAlloc);

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void operator delete(void * pv)
// Technique 75
static RefCounted *newRefCounted()
return new RefCounted;

int Add()
return ++m_cRef;

int Release()
int cRef;

// Technique 86
cRef = m_cRef;
delete this;
return cRef;

void Hello()
cout << "RefCount =
cout << m_cRef;
cout << "\n";

void TestRefCounted()
RefCounted ref;
RefCounted *pref;

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// Technique 46

pref = RefCounted::newRefCounted();


int main(int argc, char *argv[])

return 0;

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Page 179

Chapter 19
Dynamic Arrays

Arrays are a very useful and common data structure. They are simple, and they provide very fast look-up times. Arrays
do have some limitations, however. In particular, they are fixed in size. So you always need to make sure that you stay
within their bounds.

A dynamic array is like a regular array, except that it dynamically resizes. If you insert an element beyond its bounds,
the array will dynamically grow. Thus, you don't need to worry about checking for index overflow or reallocating the
array yourself. The dynamic array class does that for you.

We've built the dynamic array class out of two classes. The first, Drgbase, is the worker class. It contains all of the
functions for indexing, copying, and expanding the arrays. It operates on void pointers so that it can work generically
on any type. Of course, void pointers don't provide type safety, so there is another class, Drg, which is a templatized
class privately derived from Drgbase. It provides the type safe interfaces to the dynamic array capabilities.

It is important to note that we do all of the work in Drgbase. Thus, there is very little code overhead from providing the
templatized interfaces because the templatized classes will all use the common code from the nontemplatized base class
(see Technique 107).

To make the class more natural to use, we overload a lot of operators for the class. For example, the following excerpt
from the exp.cpp folder on this book's accompanying CD-ROM walks through a dynamic array of characters:
void BuildStack(Stack<char> &st, Drg <char>&drg)
char ch;
drg = 0;
while(ch = *drg++)

The following excerpt, also from exp.cpp, sets values inside of a dynamic array:
Drg <char>drg;
char *pch;
int i = 0;

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pch = sz;
while(drg[i] = *pch++) i++;

Because the base class operates on void pointers, it needs to know the size of the elements stored in the array. This is
handled by the constructor for Drg, which passes in the size of the templatized type:

Drg() : Drgbase(sizeof(T)), m_it(0)-


The base class uses this size to calculate all of its array look ups and memory management. For example, the following
method finds the value at a particular index. Note that it computes the offset by multiplying the index by the size of each
void * Drgbase::PvAt(long lindex) const
void * pv;

return NULL;

pv = (void *)(m_rgb + (lindex * m_lcbSize));

if(pv < (void *)m_pbMac)
return pv;
return NULL;

As you can see in PvAppend and PvInsert, if an insert requires that the array grows, the FGrow method is called.
This allocates or reallocates memory to accommodate the new size.

As you look through the code, you will see in action many of the techniques discussed in Part I. For example, we create
copy constructors and overload the operator. Within these methods, we copy the memory as well as the memory
pointers. We also do a lot of checking to make sure that memory allocations were successful, and we do a lot of work
with operator overloading.


Here is the actual source code listing for the dynamic array example. The header file is drg.h; drg.cpp is the C++ file.
The technique numbers in the comments

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Page 181

refer to techniques in Part I. These files and a corresponding Visual C++ project file are in the exp folder on this book's
accompanying CD-ROM.

#ifndef _DRG_H
#define _DRG_H
#include "..\inc\tips.h"

// Technique 39
// Technique 40
#ifdef NULL
#pragma message("NULL already defined")
#define NULL 0
// Some more work is needed for drgBase to be freely used. For example I don't
// check to make sure that m_rgb is not null all the time
// Also the parameter passed in to PvInsert and PvAppend is not checked. These are
// the cleanups that are expected to be done to make this part of a class library.
// I also do not put lot of asserts deliberately so as not distract from the code
// that demonstrates the techniques. But in practice it's better to assert than to
// comment.
// Technique 107
class Drgbase
long m_lcbSize:16;
long m_lcbChunk:16;

BYTE * m_rgb;

BYTE * m_pbMac;
BYTE * m_pbMax;
long LcbMac(void)
return m_pbMac - m_rgb;
long LIndexMac(void);
BOOL FGrow(void);
void Copy(const Drgbase &drgbase);

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Drgbase(const Drgbase &drgbase);
const Drgbase &operator=(const Drgbase &drgbase);
// Technique 92
Drgbase(long lcbSize=4, long lcChunk=12);
void * PvInsert(void * pv, long lindex);
void * PvAppend(void * pv, long lcItem=l);
void * PvAt(long lindex) const;
BOOL FRemove(long lindex, void * pv);
long LCount(void) const;
void * PvStart(void) const;
void * PvMac(void) const;

// Technique 107
template <class T>
class Drg : private Drgbase
int m_it;
Drg() : Drgbase(sizeof(T)), m_it(0)

Drg(const Drg<T> &drg) : Drgbase(drg)

m_it = drg.m_it;

// Used for iteration

T *PStart(void)
return (T *)PvStart();

T *PMac(void)
return (T *)PvMac();

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long LcMac(void) const
return Drgbase::LCount();

T &operator*(void) const
return *(T *)PvAt(m_it);

T&operator=(int i)
m_it = i;
return operator*();

// Technique 101
T*operator++(void) //Prefix
return (T *)PvAt(++m_it);

T*operator++(int) //Postfix
return (T *)PvAt(m_it++);

T*operator--(void) //Prefix
return (T *)PvAt(--m_it);

T*operator--(int) //Postfix
return (T *)PvAt(m_it--);

T *Insert(const T &t, int i)

return (T *)PvInsert((void *)&t, i);

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T *Append(const T &t)
return (T *)PvAppend((void *)&t);

BOOL FRemove(int i, T *pt)

return Drgbase::FRemove(i, pt);

BOOL FExpand(long lCount)

return (NULL == PvAppend(NULL, lCount));

T &operator[](int i)
return *(T *)PvAt(i);

const T &operator[](int i) const

return *(T *)PvAt(i);
typedef class Drg *PDrg;

#endif // DRG H

#include <iostream.h>
#include "drg.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>

long Drgbase::LIndexMac(void)
return LcbMac() / m_lcbSize;

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BOOL Drgbase::FGrow(void)
long lcbMac;
long lcbMax;
long lcbOffset = m_pbMax - m_rgb;
if(NULL == m_rgb)
lcbMac = 0;
lcbMax = m_lcbChunk;
m rgb = (BYTE *)malloc(lcbMax);
lcbMac = LcbMac();
lcbMax = (m_pbMax - m_rgb) + m_lcbChunk;
m_rgb = (BYTE *)realloc(m_rgb, lcbMax);
// Technique 54
memset(m_rgb+lcb0ffset, 0, m_lcbChunk);
m_pbMac = m_rgb + lcbMac;
m_pbMax = m_rgb + lcbMax;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

void Drgbase::Copy(const Drgbase &drgbase)

long lcb;

// Technique 55
if(&drgbase == this)

m_lcbSize = drgbase.m_lcbSize;
m_lcbChunk = drgbase.m_lcbChunk;
m_rgb = (BYTE *)malloc(lcb = (drgbase.m_pbMac- drgbase.m_rgb));
memcpy(m_rgb, drgbase.m_rgb, lcb);
m_pbMac = m_pbMax = m_rgb+lcb;

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Page 186
Drgbase::Drgbase(const Drgbase &drgbase)

const Drgbase &Drgbase::operator=(const Drgbase &drgbase)

// In real world you might want to check the buffer size and reuse if you can
// before reallocating.
return *this;

Drgbase::Drgbase(long lcbSize, long lcChunk)

m_lcbSize = lcbSize;
m_lcbChunk = lcChunk * lcbSize;
m_pbMac = m_pbMax = m_rgb = NULL;

m_rgb = m_pbMac = m_pbMax = NULL;

void * Drgbase::PvAppend(void * pv, long lcItem)

long lcbItem;
void *pvRet;

if((lcbItem = lcItem * m_lcbSize) > m_lcbChunk)

// If the number of items being appended is > the chunk size, grow the
// chunk size before making space in m_rgb
m_lcbChunk = lcbItem;
if(m_pbMac+lcbItem >= m_pbMax && !FGrow())
goto LFail

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pvRet = m_pbMac;
memcpy(m_pbMac, pv, m_lcbSize);
// If no data is passed initialize with 0s.
memset(m_pbMac, 0, lcbItem);
m_pbMac += lcbItem;
return pvRet;
return NULL;

void * Drgbase::PvInsert(void * pv, long lindex)

BYTE * pbLindex;

pbLindex = m_rgb + (lindex * m_lcbSize);

if(pbLindex < m_pbMac)

// Index within the range.
// See if there is a need to grow the array
if(m_pbMac == m_pbMax && !FGrow())
goto LFail;
// We have enough room to do the insert
// Shift the array by m_lcbSize
// memmove makes sure overlapping areas can be copied. So no need to worry
// about that.
memmove((BYTE *)(pbLindex + m_lcbSize), pbLindex, m_pbMac - pbLindex);
memcpy(pbLindex, pv, m_lcbSize);
pv = pbLindex;
m_pbMac += m_lcbSize;

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// Can't obviously insert beyond the last one. Append instead
return PvAppend(pv);
return pv;
return NULL;

void * Drgbase::PvAt(long lindex) const

void * pv;

return NULL;

pv = (void *)(m_rgb + (lindex * m_lcbSize));

if(pv < (void *)m_pbMac)
return pv;
return NULL;

long Drgbase::LCount(void) const

return ((m_pbMac - m_rgb)/m_lcbSize);

BOOL Drgbase::FRemove(long lindex, void * pv)

void * pvT;
long lcbToBlt;

pvT = PvAt(lindex);
return FALSE;
// If input buffer is given then
// Copy the data into the input buffer
memcpy(pv, pvT, m_lcbSize);

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m_pbMac -= m_lcbSize;
lcbToBlt = m_pbMac - (BYTE *)pvT;
// If it isn't the last one being removed shift the array back
memcpy(pvT, (BYTE *)pvT+m_lcbSize, lcbToBlt);
return TRUE;

void * Drgbase::PvStart(void) const

return m_rgb;

void * Drgbase::PvMac(void) const

return m_pbMac;

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Chapter 20

One way or another, almost all applications process strings. Visual C++ comes with an implementation of the ANSI
string class. This is an extremely rich string class that does everything you could want and then some. In this chapter,
we've provided implementation of a lighter weight, smaller, and less functional string class. It provides the basic
capabilities you need: copying, comparing, and appending. It doesn't do all the fancy stuff, and it doesn't support

Although this code does not illustrate complex algorithms, it does provide examples for many of the techniques
discussed in Part I; it also demonstrates a lot of operator overloading.

For example, the following code overloads += so that += can be used to perform string appending. Note that two
versions are supplied. One takes a String class. The other takes a char *. When you write your own operator
overloading, be sure likewise to overload for all of the various types your operators might logically take as operands:
const String& operator+=(const String& string)
Append(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return *this;

const String& operator+= (const char *sz)

Append(sz, strlen(sz));
return *this;


Here is the actual source code listing for the string class example. The C++ file is String.cpp. The technique numbers in
the comments refer to techniques in Part I. These files and a corresponding Visual C++ project file are in the String
folder on this book's accompanying CD-ROM.

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Page 192

#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>

Caveats in this class are we do not deal with UNICODE text or any type of extended
ASCII text. For example, this class cannot handle double byte strings as you would
encounter in the Far East languages or Arabic alphabet which is bidirectional.
We also do not provide extensive error checking for parameters. If you pass null
for the sz in the constructor below the code GPFs. Doing any operator like = or >
on an empty string will result in predictable but disastrous results like GPF. We
could instead make it return something but it's better to GPF than fail in benign
way and not let the caller know about it. It will hide a potential bug in the
caller's code which might have other side effects that won't be as obvious as the
GPF this produces. If you want to use this code for a class library where you may
not have control over the caller's actions, you need to make it fail benignly and
have an error mechanism or have it throw exceptions. You can also assert. But it's
always better to deal with the exception than to simply assert.

class String
// Added const member only to demonstrate initialization of const members.
const int m_cchTest;
// length of the string
int m cch;
// null terminated string. Makes it easy to give out null terminated strings.
char *m_pch;

// Technique 56
void InitString(const char *pch, int cch);
void Append(const char *pch, int cch);
void ReinitString(const char *pch, int cch);
// Technique 69
// Technique 70

< previous page page_192 next page >

< previous page page_193 next page >
Page 193
// Technique 91
String(void) : m_cch(0), m_cchTest(10)
m_pch =NULL;
// Technique 71
// m_cchTest = 10; Not OK

// Technique 94
String(const String &string): m_cchTest(10)
InitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);

String(char *sz): m_cchTest(10)

InitString(sz, strlen(sz));

// Technique 50
delete m_pch;

char & operator[](int i)

// if i < 0 or >= cch then it will cause access violation just like
// normal arrays.
return m_pch[i];

const char& operator[](int i) const

// if i < 0 or >= cch then it will cause access violation just like
// normal arrays.
return m_pch[i];

// Technique 77
const String& operator=(const String &string)

< previous page page_193 next page >

< previous page page_194 next page >
Page 194
// Technique 78
if(&string != this)
ReinitString(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return *this;

const String& operator=(const char *sz)

ReinitString(sz, strlen(sz));
return *this;

const String& operator+=(const String& string)

Append(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return *this;

const String& operator+=(const char *sz)

Append(sz, strlen(sz));
return *this;

int operator==(const String& string) const

return(strcmp(m_pch, string.m_pch) == 0);

int operator==(const char *sz) const

return(strcmp(m_pch, sz) == 0);

int operator>(const String& string) const

return(strcmp(m_pch, string.m_pch) > 0);

int operator>(const char *sz) const

return(strcmp(m_pch, sz) > 0);

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Page 195
int operator<(const String& string) const
return(strcmp(m_pch, string.m_pch) < 0);

int operator<(const char *sz) const

return(strcmp(m_pch, sz) < 0);

// Technique 53
#ifdef CODE_GPF
String &operator+(const String&string) const
String stringNew(m_pch);

stringNew.Append(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return stringNew;

String operator+(const String&string) const

String stringNew(m_pch);

stringNew.Append(string.m_pch, string.m_cch);
return stringNew;

// Technique 56
void String::InitString(const char * pch, int cch)
m_cch = 0;
m_pch = NULL;
m_pch = new char[cch+l];
strcpy(m_pch, pch);
m_cch = cch;

< previous page page_195 next page >

< previous page page_196 next page >
Page 196
void String::Append(const char *pch, int cch)
char *pchNew;
int cchNew;

// Technique 18
// Technique 79
// If this is empty string, then just initialize it with this string.
InitString(pch, cch);
// Allocate an extra character for the null terminator at the end
cchNew = m_cch + cch;
pchNew = new char[cchNew + 1];

// Technique 49
// Successfully allocated new buffer
strcpy(pchNew, m_pch);

// Technique 128
strcpy(pchNew+m_cch, pch);
delete m_pch;
m_pch = pchNew;
m_cch = cchNew;

void String::ReinitString(const char *pch, int cch)

char *pch0ld;
int cchOld;

if(cch != m_cch)
pch0ld = m_pch;
cch0ld = m_cch;

< previous page page_196 next page >

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Page 197
InitString(pch, cch);
// Successfully Inited the string? Now we can delete the memory for
// the old pch if there was one.
delete pchOld;
// Failed to allocate space for the string? Restore the old values.
m_pch = pch0ld;
m_cch = cch0ld;
// If the length of the string is the same, then no need to reallocate the
// buffer.
strcpy(m_pch, pch);

void PrintConstString(const String &string)

int i = 0;
cout << string[i];
// Technique 80
// NOCOMPILE the following won't compile if you remove the comments.
// string[i] = ' ';
cout << '\n';

void PrintString(String &string)

int i = 0;
cout << string[i];
// Unlike above this compiles.

< previous page page_197 next page >

< previous page page_198 next page >
Page 198
string[i] = ' '

void TestStringClass(void)
String string("Test");
String stringl(string);
String string2;

string1 = "Test1";
string1 += string;
string ="zing";
// Technique 105

if(string1 == string)
string1 = "equal";
else if(string1 < string)
string1 = "less";
string1 = "greater";
string2 = string + stringi;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


return 0;

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Page 199

Chapter 21
Bit Manipulation

There are many cases when one wants to manipulate bit fields. Bit fields are useful for compact representation of
information, thus reducing memory footprint. They are often used with hardware devices and computer graphics, and
they are also useful with many fundamental algorithms.

The bits class shown in this file provides many methods for manipulating bit fields. The class is written to operate on bit
fields of any length. The member variable m_cbit indicates how many bits are in the bit field. The actual bits are
stored in a series of DWORDs in the m_rgdw array.

It is important to remember when looking at this code that, because the class operates on bit fields of any length, the
methods break bit manipulation into DWORD-size chunks. For example, the Get method determines if a particular bit is
set. The routine finds which DWORD the requested bit is in by dividing the bit number by the number of bits in a DWORD,
as follows:
idw = ibit / cbitDWORD;

It then creates a mask field for the bit and uses bitwise AND to determine if that bit is set, as shown here:

if(m_rgdw[idw] & DwMask(ibit))


DwMask returns a bit mask for a specific bit. As with the calculation shown in Get, this operates on bit fields of any
length. So we first determine the bit location within the DWORD. Here, we use the mod function to find the offset within
the desired bit field. We then use a shift to construct the mask:
return 01L << (ibit % cbitDWORD);

The rest of the code is straightforward and uses nice, efficient techniques for moving bits around in fields (for example,
see ShiftLeft) and for getting and setting bits. You can look through this code during your copious spare time.

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Page 200


Here is the actual source code listing for the bits class example. The C++ file is bits.cpp. The technique numbers in the comments
refer to techniques in Part I. These files and a corresponding Visual C++ project file are in the bits folder on the accompanying
disk. You can find a version of bits that uses the drg class on the Essential Techniques Web site, www.essentialtechniques.com.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "..\inc\tips.h"

// Technique 28
const int cbitDWORD = sizeof(DWORD) * 8;

// Rotate cBits bits in the given DWORD. The return value from the function is the
// resulting DWORD after rotate.
DWORD RotateLeft(DWORD dw, int cBits)
// Code generated
0040E813 mov eax,dword ptr [dw]
0040E816 mov ecx,dword ptr [cBits]
0040E819 shl eax,cl
sizeof(DWORD) * 8 is 32 bytes which is 20h.
0040E81B mov ecx,20h
0040E820 sub ecx,dword ptr [cBits]
0040E823 mov edx,dword ptr [dw]
0040E826 shr edx,cl
0040E828 or eax,edx


// Shift the DWORD left by cBits and then OR it with the result of shifting
// the DWORD right by the size of DWORD in bits minus cBits.
return (dw << cBits) I (dw >> (sizeof(DWORD)*8 - cBits));

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Page 201
DWORD RotateRight(DWORD dw, int cBits)
return (dw >> cBits) | (dw << (sizeof(DWORD)*8 - cBits));

// Class that lets you manipulate variable length bit field

// Technique 32
class BF

DWORD *m_rgdw; // Array of allocated DWORDs for the bits

DWORD m_cbit; // Number of bits for this bitfield class. Set using FSetSize
// function
DWORD m_cdw; // Number of DWORDs. The number of bits is rounded to the
// nearest DWORD. At most 3 bits are wasted.

DWORD DwMask(DWORDibit); // Method to get the mask used to get the bit after
// the appropriate DWORD in the array is located
void ShiftLeftBits(DWORD cBits, DWORD cDwords);
BOOL FSetSize(DWORD cBitNeeded); // This must be called at least once before
// the class can be used.
BOOL Get(DWORD ibit); // Returns TRUE if the i'th bit is set.
// Returns FALSE otherwise
void Set(DWORD ibit, BOOL fVal); // Sets the i'th bit to the value in fVal.
void PrintBits(void);
void ShiftLeft(DWORD cbitShift); // Shift left by ibit number bits. Fill
// the least significant ibit bits with Os

BF::BF() : m_cbit(0), m_rgdw(NULL), m_cdw(0)


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Page 202
// Technique 64
delete [] m_rgdw;

BOOL BF::FSetSize(DWORDcbitNeeded)
DWORD *pdw;
long cdw;

// Always allocate to the nearest 4 bytes by rounding

cdw = (cbitNeeded + cbitDWORD - 1)/ cbitDWORD;
// Technique 19
// Technique 49
// Technique 51
pdw = new DWORD[cdw];
// Technique 50
// Technique 52
delete [] m_rgdw;
// Technique 54
memset(pdw, OL, sizeof(DWORD) * cdw);

m_rgdw = pdw;
m_cdw = cdw;
m_cbit = cbitNeeded;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

DWORD BF::DwMask(DWORD ibit)

return 01L << (ibit % cbitDWORD);

BOOL BF::Get(DWORD ibit)

DWORD idw;

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Page 203
// Technique 18
// Returns FALSE if you ask for a bit that does not exist or FSetSize has
// never been called
if(ibit >= m_cbit || 0 == m cbit)

// Technique 124

/* Code generated for the following

0040F127 mov eax,dword ptr [ibit]
0040F12A shr eax,5
0040F12D mov dword ptr [idw],eax

idw = ibit / cbitDWORD;

if(m_rgdw[idw] & DwMask(ibit))


void BF::Set(DWORD ibit, BOOL fVal)

int idw;
DWORD dwMask;

if(ibit >= m_cbit || 0 == m_cbit)

idw = ibit / cbitDWORD;
dwMask = DwMask(ibit);
m_rgdw[idw] != dwMask;
m_rgdw[idw] &= (~dwMask);

// Shift m_rgl by cBits for cdws DWORDs.

void BF::ShiftLeftBits(DWORD cBits, DWORD cdws)
DWORD *pdw;
DWORD *pdwMac;
DWORD dwCarry;
DWORD cBitsRight = cbitDWORD - cBits;

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Page 204
pdw = m_rgdw;
pdwMac = pdw + cdws;

while(pdw < pdwMac)

// Calculate the dwCarry that comes from the next DWORD into this DWORD
// when shifted
dwCarry =
(pdw+1 == pdwMac) ?
dwCarry = 0 : //No bits to get since this //
is the last long
dwCarry = *(pdw + 1)<<cBitsRight; // Shift the cBits from the //
next long into the least //
significant position

// Now shift the long right. Why shift right? Because on X86 the bits are
// going left to right.
// The array of m_rgl is all bits that flow from left to right, like
// little endian byte ordering.
// Move the bits from lCarry into the space left by this shift.
*pdw >>= cBits;
*pdw |= dwCarry;
// Technique 22

void BF::ShiftLeft(DWORDcbitShift)
DWORD lcdw;
DWORD lcBits;
DWORD lcdwUnchanged = m_cdw;

// Generate error or have a bool return value so failure can be indicated to

// the caller in real application scenarios.
if(o == m_cbit)

if(cbitShift < 0)
// This saves the code below from having to deal with lcdwUnchanged becoming
// negative etc.
// It also saves us from doing extra shifting.
if(cbitShift > m_cbit)
cbitShift = m_cbit;

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Page 205
// Calculate the number of bytes to shift
if(lcdw = (cbitShift / cbitDWORD))

// Number of DWORDs that are unchanged but must be moved left

lcdwUnchanged = m_cdw - lcdw;
// memmove moves bytes so multiply lcdwUnchanged by the size of DWORD to
// get the bytes to move left
memmove(m_rgdw, m_rgdw + lcdw, lcdwUnchanged * sizeof(DWORD));
memset(m_rgdw + lcdwUnchanged, 0L, lcdw*sizeof(DWORD));
// Get how many bits left to move
if(lcBits = cbitShift % cbitDWORD)
// For the bits that are not whole DWORDs, call the method that moves them
// a partial amount across lcb+1 DWORDs.
// The +1 is there since there has to be at least one long that needs to
// be adjusted. Notice that lcb is the result of truncation
ShiftLeftBits(lcBits, lcdwUnchanged);

void BF::PrintBits(void)
cout << "*******\n";
cout << Get(i);

// Technique 34
if(!((i+l) % 64))
cout <<"\n";

// Test program that uses the bitfield. Sets the size to be 256 bits
// Sets every 3rd bit in the bitfield to 1
// Then for every bit in the bitfield it prints 1 if it's on and 0 if it's off. It
// prints 16 bits per line.
void TestBF()

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Page 206
BF bf;
DWORD cSize = 256;

bf.Set(cSize-1, TRUE);
if(i % 3)
bf.Set(i, TRUE);
bf.Set(cSize-1, TRUE);
cout << "bit set\n";
cout << "bit not set\n";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

cout << hex << RotateLeft(Ox5555aaaa, 20) << ' ';//aaa555a
cout << RotateRight(0x5555aaaa, 20) << '\n';//5aaaa555
return 0;

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Page 207

Chapter 22

There are a million different ways to sort. Okay, we exaggerate. There are a few hundred. But as a programmer, you are
expected to memorize them all. Each sorting algorithm has its own performance characteristics. In this sample, we've
implemented a classic algorithm called ''quicksort," as well as a binary-search algorithm. We aren't suggesting that
either of these techniques will be the ultimate solution for your problems. But they can be a useful starting point.


Here is the actual source code listing for the sorting file. The code file is bsrch.cpp. The technique numbers in the
comments refer to techniques in Part I. You can find the file and a corresponding Visual C++ project file in the
algorithms folder on this book's accompanying CD-ROM.

#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "algor.h"

void SArray::Dump(void)
for(int i=0; i<m_clMac; i++)
cout << m_rgl[i];
cout <<" ";
cout << "\n";

// If it is already there in the array return its index

// If it is not there, insert it and return its index

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Page 208
// If the array is full then it returns -1
int SArray::IndexInsert(long 1)
int il;

il = IndexFind(l);
if(il != m_clMac)
if(m_rgl[il] == 1)
return il;
if(clMax == m_clMac)
return -1;
// It is not found and there is space to insert it.
memmove(m_rgl+il+1, m_rgl+il, (m_clMac - il)*sizeof(long));
m_rgl[il] = 1;
+ +m_clMac;
return il;

// Binary search and return index for a position where the value is either equal
// to or less than the key being searched.
int SArray::IndexFind(long 1)
// Technique 17
int iLeft = 0;
int iRight = m_clMac;
int iMiddle;
long lM;

if(m_clMac == 0)
return 0;

while(iLeft < iRight)

iMiddle = (iLeft + iRight)/2;
lM = m_rgl[iMiddle];
if(l < lM)
iRight = iMiddle;
else if(l > lM)
iLeft = iMiddle+l;
return iMiddle;

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Page 209
// This means iLeft >= iRight
return iLeft;

void SArray::UnsortedInsert(long 1)
m_rgl[m_clMac] = 1;

void SArray::QuickSort(int iLeft, int iRight)

long lKey;
int i;
int j;
long 1T=0;

if(iLeft < iRight)

i = iLeft-1;
lKey = m_rgl[iRight];
j = iRight;

while(i < j)
// Note the pre-increment and pre-decrement below.
// This means the increment/decrement is done before the value is
// checked.

while(m_rgl[++i] < lKey);

// Technique 30
// There is no way i can go past the right bound because lKey is
// picked to be the right most entry.
// So we simply assert which does not cost anything in the retail
// version.
assert(i < m_clMac);

// Technique 65
if(j < 0)
cout << j;

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Page 210
cout << "j is < 0\n";
while(m_rgl[j] > lKey);

if(i < j)
// If the pointers did not cross that means there is a swap
// required to place the two values in the correct partitions
lT = m_rgl[i];
m_rgl[i] = m_rgl[j];
m_rgl[j] = lT;
// Now the pointers crossed but the right most element is not in the
// correct partition.
// The ith element is also not in the correct partition. The right jth
// element is.
m_rgl[iRight] = m_rgl[i];
m_rgl[i] = lKey;
QuickSort(iLeft, i-1);
QuickSort(i+1, iRight);
// This partition all sorted

void SArray::Sort(sortMethod sm)

case sortQuick:
QuickSort(0, m_clMac-1);

long g_rgl1[] = {20, 10, 5, 21, 32, 1};

long g_rgl2[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
long g_rgl3[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};

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Page 211
void TestBSrch(long *rgl, int cl)
SArray sa;
long lMax = 0;
int i;

for(i=0; i<cl;i++)
if(rgl[i] > lMax)
lMax = rgl[i];
cout << sa.IndexFind(i);
cout <<" ";
cout << '\n';

void TestSort(long *rgl, int cl)

SArray sa;
long lMax = 0;
int i;

for(i=0; i<cl;i++)
if(rgl[i] > lMax)
lMax = rgl[i];
cout << "before sorting : ";
cout << "after sorting : ";
cout << sa.IndexFind(i);
cout <<" ";
cout << '\n';

< previous page page_211 next page >

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Page 212
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
TestBSrch(g_rgll, (sizeof(g_rgll)/sizeof(long)));
TestSort(g_rgll, (sizeof(g_rgll)/sizeof(long)));
TestBSrch(g_rgl2, (sizeof(g_rgl2)/sizeof(long)));
TestSort(g_rgl2, (sizeof(g_rgl2)/sizeof(long)));
TestBSrch(g_rgl3, (sizeof(g_rgl3)/sizeof(long)));
TestSort(grgl3, (sizeof(grgl3)/sizeof(long)));
return 0;

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Page 213

Chapter 23
Regular Expression Matching

Regular expression matching is one of our favorite examples because it is chock-full of techniques. Regular expression
matching provides a powerful way to examine strings. Instead of looking for exact matches, such as "Is the value of the
string foo" or even "Does the string contain the substring foo," regular expression matching lets you find patterns. For
example, you could look for strings that start with f or strings that start with f and then contain a sequence of one or
more bar substrings. You can look for very sophisticated patterns.

Using the regular expression code, you can see if a string matches a pattern. You define a pattern by including special
characters within a string. To do so, enter \\, followed by one of the following:

d Matches any digit

D Fails if there is any digit

w Matches any letter (a-z, A-Z) or number

W Fails if there is any letter or number

s Matches any white space (spaces, tabs, returns, etc.)

S Fails if there is any white space

For example, the following text will match any strings that start with this, followed, in order, by white space, is,
white space, a, white space, and finally, by test1:

Literal li("this\\sis\\sa\\stestl");


Here are the actual source code listings for the regular expression matching files. The header file is regexp.h, and the
code file is regexp.cpp. The technique numbers in the comments refer to techniques in Part I. You can find these files
and a corresponding Visual C++ project file in the exp folder on this book's accompanying CD-ROM.

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Page 214

#ifndef _REGEXP_H
#define _REGEXP H
#include <typeinfo.h>
#include <string.h>

void TestRegExp();
// Repeat Info
typedef enum

// Maximum any operator can repeat

const DWORD cdwMaxRI=0xfff;

class RExp
DWORD m_ri:3;
DWORD m_cdwMin:12;
DWORD m cdwMax:12;
static BOOL FIsWhiteRExp(char ch)
return (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\f' || ch == '\t' ||
ch == ' ');

int IChInSz(unsigned char ch, const char *pch, int cch);

BOOL FInRangeRExp(char ch, char chMin, char chLast)

return (ch >= chMin && ch <= chLast);

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Page 215
BOOL FIsDigitRExp(char ch)
return FInRangeRExp(ch, '0', '9');

BOOL FIsWordCharRExp(char ch)

return FInRangeRExp(ch, 'a', 'z') || FInRangeRExp(ch, 'A', 'Z') ||
FInRangeRExp(ch, '0', '9');

BOOL FSpecialChar(char chToken, char chSrc);

// Is the token at the beginning of the szSrc. Returns -
1 if it's not. Else it
// returns the number of characters of the token string.
int IStartTokenPchOnce(const char *szSrc, char *szToken);
int IStartTokenPch(const char *szSrc, char *szToken);
RExp(DWORD cdwMin=1, DWORD cdwMax=1) : m_cdwMin(cdwMin), m_cdwMax(cdwMax),

virtual RExp()

RI RiValue(void)
return (RI)m_ri;

void SetRi(RI ri)

case riMinMax:
case riOnce:
m cdwMin = 1;
m_cdwMax = 1;

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Page 216
case riZeroOrMore:
m_cdwMin = 0;
m_cdwMax = cdwMaxRI;
case riOneOrMore:
m cdwMin = 1;
m_cdwMax = cdwMaxRI;
m_ri = ri;

DWORD CMin(void)
return m_cdwMin;

DWORD CMax(void)
return m_cdwMax;

void SetCMinMax(DWORD cdwMin, DWORD cdwMax)

m_ri = riMinMax;
// Some boundary checks. This is because we use bit fields. But it's a small
// price to pay for the benefit of storing the information in less space.
if(cdwMin > cdwMaxRI)
cdwMin = cdwMaxRI;
if(cdwMax < cdwMin)
cdwMax = cdwMin;

m_cdwMin = cdwMin;
m_cdwMax = cdwMax;

// Search the string pch and returns the index at which the string match ends
virtual int IMatch(const char *pch) = 0;

const cchLiteral = 256;

const cchCl = 255;

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Page 217
class Literal : public RExp
char m_rgch[cchLiteral];
Literal(const char *sz = NULL) : RExp()
strncpy(m_rgch, sz, sizeof(m_rgch)-2);
m_rgch[sizeof(m_rgch) - 1] = 0;
m_rgch[o] = 0;

const Literal &operator=(const Literal &literal)

if(&literal != this)
strcpy(m_rgch, literal.m_rgch);
return *this;

const Literal &operator=(const char *pch)

// Technique 42
// Technique 43
// Technique 61
strncpy(m_rgch, pch, sizeof(m_rgch)-2);

// Technique 41
m_rgch[sizeof(m_rgch) - 1] = 0;
return *this;

const Literal & operator+=(const char *sz)

int cchSrc;

cchSrc = strlen(m_rgch);
// +1 means there is enough space with the null terminator.

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Page 218
// +2 means there is space to insert another character and then null
// terminator.
if(cchSrc+strlen(sz) + 1 < sizeof(m_rgch))
strcpy(mrgch+cchSrc, sz);
return *this;

int IMatch(const char *pch)

return IStartTokenPch(pch, m_rgch);

class Cl : public RExp

char m_rgch[cchCl];
BOOL m fContain:7;
BOOL m_fSpecial:l;

Cl(const char *sz = NULL) : RExp(), m_fContain(TRUE), m_fSpecial(FALSE)
m_rgch[o] = 0;

void SetSz(const char *sz)

int cchDst;
cchDst = strlen(sz);
if(IChInSz('\\', sz, cchDst) >= 0 || IChInSz('-', sz, cchDst) >= 0)
m_fSpecial = TRUE;
m_fSpecial = FALSE;
strncpy(m_rgch, sz, sizeof(m_rgch)-2);
m_rgch[sizeof(m_rgch) - 1] = 0;

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const Cl &operator=(const Cl &cl)
if(&cl != this)
return *this;

const Cl &operator=(const char *pch)

return *this;

const Cl & operator+=(char *sz)

int cchSrc;
int cchDst;

cchSrc = strlen(m_rgch);
// +1 means there is enough space with the null terminator.
if(cchSrc+(cchDst = strlen(sz)) + 1 < sizeof(m_rgch))
if(IChInSz('\\', sz, cchDst) >= 0 || IChInSz('-', sz, cchDst) >= 0)
m_fSpecial = TRUE;
strcpy(m_rgch+cchSrc, sz);
return *this;

void Contain(BOOL fContain)

m_fContain = fContain;

int FMatch(const char *pch)

char *pchToken;
char chToken;
char chSrc = *pch;

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// If there are no special characters, then use the faster comparison
int ich;
ich = IChInSz(chSrc, m_rgch, strlen(m_rgch));
return ich >= 0;
return ich < 0;

pchToken = m_rgch;
while(chToken = *pchToken++)
if('\\' == chToken)
if(FSpecialChar(*pchToken, chSrc))
return m_fContain;
char chTokenNext;
if((chTokenNext = *pchToken) && '-' == chTokenNext)
pchToken+ +;
if(FInRangeRExp(chSrc, chToken, *pchToken+ +))
return m_fContain;
if(chToken == chSrc)
return m_fContain;
return !m_fContain;

int IMatch(const char *pch)

return 1;
return -1;
#endif REGEXP

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#include <iostream.h>
#include "drg.h"
#include "stack.h"
#include "regexp.h"

// Technique 82
class FixedSize
DWORD dwRes1:4;
DWORD dwRes2:4;
DWORD fRes3:1;
DWORD fRes4:1;
DWORD dwUnused:22;
#ifdef DEBUG
char szFixedSizeAssert[sizeof(DWORD)-sizeof(FixedSize)+1];
#endif //DEBUG

// Technique 131
// Technique 132
// Technique 133
// Technique 134
// Technique 135

#pragma warning( disable : 4035 )

// return - 1 if the ch is not in pch else return the index of the matched
// character.
int RExp::IChInSz(unsigned char chSrc, const char *pch, int cch)
xor eax, eax
mov al, chSrc
mov edi, pch
mov ecx, cch
repnz scasb
jz Found
xor eax, eax
jmp End

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mov eax, cch ; cch - cchFound gives us the exact character since scasb
; decrements the count before checking for the value.
sub eax, ecx
dec eax ; Since we need to return the index, subtract 1 from the
; number of characters scanned
#pragma warning( default : 4035 )

BOOL RExp::FSpecialChar(char chToken, char chSrc)

case 'd':
return FIsDigitRExp(chSrc);
case 'D':
return !FIsDigitRExp(chSrc);
case 'w':
return FIsWordCharRExp(chSrc);
case 'W':
return !FIsWordCharRExp(chSrc);
case 's':
return FIsWhiteRExp(chSrc);
case 'S':
return !FIsWhiteRExp(chSrc);
return (chToken == chSrc);

// Is the token at the beginning of the szSrc? Returns -1 if it's not. Else it
// returns the number of characters of the token string.
int RExp::IStartTokenPchOnce(const char *szSrc, char *szToken)
char *pchToken = szToken;
const char *pchSrc = szSrc;
char chToken;
char chSrc;

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// If the token string is completed we have a match.
if(0 == (chToken = *pchToken))
return pchSrc - szSrc;
// If the source string is completed we don't have a match.
if(0 == (chSrc = *pchSrc))
return -1;

if(chToken == '\\')
pchToken+ +;
if(!FSpecialChar(*pchToken, chSrc))
return -1;
if(chSrc != chToken)
return -1;
pchToken+ +;

int RExp::IStartTokenPch(const char *szSrc, char *szToken)

int iMatchT;
const char *pch = szSrc;
DWORD cdwMin;
DWORD cdwMax;

cdwMin = m_cdwMin;
cdwMax = m_cdwMax;
while(cdwMin >0)
iMatchT = IStartTokenPchOnce(pch, szToken);
// Has to match minimum cdwMin times. If not return no match.
if(iMatchT < 0)
return 0;
pch += iMatchT;

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Page 224
while(cdwMax >0)
iMatchT = IStartTokenPchOnce(pch, szToken);
if(iMatchT < 0)
return pch - szSrc;
pch += iMatchT;
return pch - szSrc;

void TestRegExp()

// Technique 38
Literal li("this\\sis\\sa\\stestl");
Cl cl("p-u\\de-i0-7");
Cl cll("this");

// Technique 76
const type_info& t = typeid(&li);
cout << '\n' << t.name() << '\n' << t.raw_name() << '\n';

cout << "Match results are" << li.IMatch("this is a testi plus something
else") << '\n';
cout << "Match results for t38h are" << cl.IMatch("t") << ' ' <<
cl.IMatch("3") << ' ' << cl.IMatch("8") << ' ' << cl.IMatch("h") << '\n';
cout << "Match results for this are" << cll.IMatch("t") << ' ' <<
cl1.IMatch("h") << ' ' << cl1.IMatch("i") << ' ' << cl1.IMatch("s") << '\n';
cout << "Match results for abcl are" << cll.IMatch("a") << ' ' <<
cl1.IMatch("b") << ' ' << cl1.IMatch("c") << ' ' << cll.IMatch("1") << '\n';

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The companion CD-ROM for this book is readable on Windows 95, 98, and NT 3.5 or later operating systems. This
appendix tells you what you'll find on the CD and a little bit about how to use it.

Loading the CD Contents

After inserting the CD-ROM into the appropriate drive, you must manually copy the contents from the CD-ROM onto
your local hard drive. The copying can be done through Explorer, File Manager, or from the command line. (Or you can
just leave the files on the CD-ROM and look at them there. But if you want to edit them or compile them, you must
copy them to your hard drive.)

With Explorer or File Manager, just drag the contents from the Samples directory on the CD-ROM to wherever you
want to install it.

To use the contents of the CD, you must have a system that is capable of running Visual C++ 6.0. You should also have
Visual C++ 6.0 installed on your machine. Of course, if all you want to do is look at the files, but not compile or run
them, you can just use Notepad or any other text editor of your choice.

What's On the CD?

The CD-ROM contains all the source code and associated project files from the programming examples in this book.

You can also find the code from this book on www.essentialtechniques.com. From time to time, we'll also put updates
or new samples there.

If You Have Any CD Problems

For technical support on using the CD, please send an e-mail message to [email protected]. Your e-mail should
include the nature of your problem or question, what operating system you are running, and what Visual C++ version
you are using; finally, please be sure to tell us the best way to contact you. (No need to tell us your favorite color.)

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0, dividing by, 1718

0, mod'ing with, 18

1-3-5 rule, 6

4035 warning, 149150

abstract base classes, 8391

designing, 8687

inheritance from, 111

instantiation of, 8385, 87

multiple inheritance in, 8991

purpose of, 83

vtables and, 88

See also base classes; classes; derived classes

access modifiers for inheritance, 110111

access violations, 81, 159

access.cpp (reference counting source code file), 176178

accessor functions, 65

accuracy versus execution speed, 139

Add method, 175

advice, programming. See programming advice


effect on performance, 133

instead of assembly language, 12

manipulating bit fields in, 199

selecting, 1112

sorting, 207

aliasing with references, 132

allocated data, pointers to, 118


arrays, 55, 76

buffers, 4546, 48

nonstatic consts, 6364

allocating memory. See memory allocations

ANSI string class, 191

Append function, 41

applications, testing multiple, 155


for const operators, 7274

validating, 1516


floating point versus integer on a Pentium, 137

logical operators in, 159

arrays, 5558

allocating, 55, 76

compiler adjustments of, 21

defined, 55

deleting, 55

dereferencing elements, 56, 57

dynamic, 179189

foo[K], same as foo.operator[](K), 5758

index notations for, 58

index overflows and underflows, avoiding, 5557

initializing, 4748
look-up tables for, 139

look-ups versus pointer arithmetic, 142144

as pointers, 58

reallocating, 179

versus data structures, 11 12, 55

assembly language, 147150

algorithms instead of, 12

C++ variables, accessing, 147148

debugging, 153, 162, 167

inline assembly for specific processors, 148

#pragmas, 150

restoring warning defaults after disabling, 150

setting eax, 148150

See also compiler-generated code


code comments and, 2425

for guarding assumptions, 17

missing from retail builds, 2526

for uncovering memory problems, 45, 54

automatic variables, returning pointers to, 4647

backslashes in strings, use of, 31

base address collisions, avoiding, 136

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base classes

functionality of, 7475

inheritance from, 110113

nontemplatized, 179

templatized, 123125, 171, 179, 180

type safety for, 78, 81, 179180

See also abstract base classes; classes; derived classes

benchmarking code to improve performance speed, 139140

benefits of products, defining, 6

benefits of simple design, 8

binary search algorithms, 207

bit manipulation

about, 199

source code listing, 200206

bits.cpp (bit manipulation source code file), 200206

bottlenecks in code, finding, 134135

boundaries of class or structure size, 7576

boundary expectations, adding comments about, 25

breakpoints, used for debugging, 160161, 166, 167

bsrch.cpp (sorting source code file), 207212

btree, and code performance, 133


allocation methods for, 4546, 48

overruns, 160

replacing, 45

size of, 53

and string size, 33

bugs. See debugging

byte counts, 2122

C and C++, mixing, 3132

C Runtimes (CRTs) impact on performance, 145146


cache swapping, effect on performance, 40

reducing hits to, 135

call stacks

changing statements and, 161

fixing, 166167

walking, 163166, 167

See also stacks

calling member functions, 40

casting data, 158

casting pointers, 67

casting to and from classes, 8081

classes, 5982

allocating memory to, 54

allocating nonstatic consts in, 6364

boundaries of, 7576

casting to and from, 8081

const variables in, 62, 63

constructors for, 175

copying, 14

creating const operators in, 7274

customized, 7475

defining, 2021

deleting this pointers, 8182

destructors for, 171, 175

embedding and delegating, 75

inheritance, 7678

initialization lists, 6162, 94

IsA relationships in, 108

member variables, initializing, 5960, 6162, 9394

new operators, keeping private, 6667

operator overloading in, 118

overriding the = operator, 6869

parameter checking, 7172

preallocating memory for, 130131

runtime type information, 67

self-referential operators, guarding against, 70

size differences between, 81

smart pointer type, 5153, 171

staying within bounds, 7576

unions, problems with, 7680

worker type, 179

wrapping member variables, 6465

See also abstract base classes; base classes; derived classes

code compiling. See compiling code

code debugging. See debugging

code speed. See writing faster code

code, working with

bloat caused by templates, 136

code space versus data space, 135

copying, 53

cutting and pasting, 1314

profiling, 134, 137

readability, 23

separating functions for validation, 17

single-stepping (checking) lines, 14, 20, 152, 161

size and performance, 133

working sets, reducing, 135

See also programming advice

code writing. See writing cleaner code; writing efficient code; writing faster code; writing maintainable code

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coding techniques, source code examples for

17: initialize local variables, 208

18: validate arguments, 196, 203

19: check return codes, 202

22: writing the loop increment/decrement first, 204

28: const precomputes sizes, 200

30: use an assert instead of, or in addition to, commenting code, 209

31: handle the exception even if you assert, 209

32: carefully choose signed or unsigned types, 201

34: use parentheses if you need them, 205

38: be careful when using backslash in strings, 224

39 (be careful when you mix C and C++), 181

40: determining if a constant is already defined, 181

41: know exactly what functions do (at least if you use them), 217

42: make sure strings are null terminated, 217

43: check the actual size, 217

46: wrap new to save space, 178

47: if you overload new, overload delete, 176

49: check for successful allocation, 196, 202

50: free once, not often, 193, 202

51: make sure you can allocate before you replace, 202

52: be prepared for multiple calls to buffer allocation methods, 202

53: don't return pointers to automatic variables, 195

54: always initialize to a known state, 185, 202

55: avoid self-referential copies, 185

56: use const *, 192, 195

58: use smart pointers, 172

59: use smart pointers for objects, 173

60: custom memory allocators and smart pointers, 172

61: don't blow your buffers, 217

64: use delete [ ] with arrays, 202

65: avoid index underflow, 209

69: initialize member variables, 192

70: use initialization lists, 192

71: don't initialize consts inside the body of the constructor, 193

75: keeping your news private, 177

76: using runtime type information, 224

77: if you allocate memory, override the = operator, 193

78: guard against self-referential operator, 194

79: too much parameter checking is still too much, 196

80: creating const operators, 197

82: making sure a class or structure size stays within bounds, 221

86: be very careful when using member variables after deleting this, 175, 177

91: initialize your member variables, 193

92: default arguments let you reduce the number of constructors, 182

93: making constructors private, 174, 176

94: if you allocate memory, create a copy constructor, 193

95: if you create a copy constructor, remember to copy over allocated memory, 192

101: the difference between pre- and post fix operators, 183

104: overload = if you expect to use assignment with classes, 192

105: operators can do more work than you think, 198

106: don't return references to local variables, 195

107: keep the template implementation in a different class, 181, 182

110: keep reference-counted objects off the stack, 176

124: know what code is generated, 203

128: be careful when using string functions, 196

131: C++ variables can be directly accessed from assembly, 221

132: use inline assembly only if you are writing for a specific processor, 221

133: you don't need to use return if eax is already set, 221

134: if you set eax from assembly, disable warning 4035, 221

135: always restore warning defaults after you disable them, 221

COM objects, and reference counting, 175

commands for creating and deleting memory, 53

comments and asserts, using, 2426

comparisons, use of literals for, 1920

compiler-generated code, 3742

checking, 20

constructors and destructors, automatic creation of, 3739

copy constructors and = operators, 69

default constructors in, 105

member functions, creating, 40

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compiler-generated code


overhead of + operators, 4142

problems with larger code, 40

wrapping new operators to save space, 3940

See also assembly language

compiling code

arrays as pointers, 58

assignment with classes, using, 116118

const const, using, 5051

const operators, creating, 7274

constant definitions, checking, 32

header sentinels, using, 2021

initializing consts, 62

instantiation of abstract base classes, 8385

mixing C and C++, 3132

multiple inheritances, ambiguities and, 8991, 111113

object sizes, checking, 35

pre- and postfix operations, differences between, 115

setting eax from assembly, 148150

warning messages, 15, 3031

components, testing, 154

concatenating strings instead of using the + operator, 4142

conditionals for loops, 19

const const, using, 5051

constructors, 93105

compiler-generated, 3739
copying when allocating memory, 97101

default, 69, 105

initializing variables, 94

multiple, 104105

in new functions, 6667

private, 97, 175

reducing number of, 9495, 182

See also copy constructors

consts (constants)

allocating nonstatic consts, 6364

#define instead of, 24

defining, 2021, 23, 32, 63

in front of a pointer, 4950

initializing, 62

instead of numeric literals, 2223

in map files, 64

operators, 7274

values, 2324

containment relationships, 108

conversions, avoiding in look-up tables, 139

converting graphics, 127

copy constructors, 180

called when using + operator, 41

for member functions, 99

overriding the = operator, 69, 99

specifying, 105

when allocating memory, 97101

See also constructors

arrays, 179

code, 1314, 33, 53

memory, 22

substrings, 34

counters for loops, 19

counting references

about, 175

combined with smart pointers, 52, 176

source code listing, 176178

C++ variables, accessing from assembly, 147148

crashes, avoiding

allocation checking, 43, 4445

arrays are pointers, 58

asserts, using, 2426

behavior of functions, understanding, 3233

casting to a derived class, 8081

custom memory allocators, 53

delete with arrays, using, 55

dividing, checking for 0 before, 1718

exceptions, handling, 2526

freeing memory, 44

index overflows and underflows, 5557

inheritance, using, 7678

initializing to a known state, 4748

intrinsics and byte counts, 21

member variables after deleting this pointers, using, 8182

memcpy and byte counts, 22

mod'ing, checking for 0 before, 18

nonstatic consts, 6364

null termination of strings, 34

overloading new and delete, 4041

reference-counted objects, handling, 128130

return code checking, 1617

returning pointers to automatic variables, 4647

returning references to local variables, 120121

size of buffers, 53

size of objects, determining, 3435

validating arguments, 1516

wrapping member variables, 6465

writing the loop increment/decrement first, 1819

CRTs (C Runtimes), impact on performance, 139, 145146

custom memory allocators, and smart pointers, 53

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custom structs, handling, 21


identification of, 6, 7

solving problems for, 58, 9, 133

customized classes, building, 7475

cutting and pasting code, 1314


casting, 158

debugging, 152

data space versus code space, 135

data structures

effect on performance, 133

redundant pointers, eliminating, 135

See also arrays

deadlines, meeting, 10

deallocating memory, 41

debugging, 151155, 157167

analyzing code before discarding, 152

asserts, using, 25

breaking on data changes, 160161

bugs defined, 151

casting data, 158

const values, using, 23

data checking, 152153

design checking before coding, 151

DLLs, loading, 157

dumping registers, 158159

executables, loading, 157158

first-chance exceptions, 160

map files, creating and using, 162163

mixed listings, reviewing, 153

paths, checking, 128

single-stepping (checking) lines of code, 14, 20, 152, 161

skipping executions, 161

testing, 153155

walking call stacks, 163167

warning levels, 3031

declarations, using #define for, 24

declaring variables as consts, 74

decrement (--) operators, 115

decrementing reference counts, 129

default arguments, using to reduce number of constructors, 95

default constructors, 69, 105


combined with #ifndef (wrapping header files with sentinels), 2021

using, 24, 29

delegating to embedded classes, 75

delete function

new operators in, 40, 131

overloading, 4041

problems with calling, 103104


arrays, 55

memory and smart pointers, 53

this pointers, 8182

dereferencing elements in arrays, 56, 57

derived classes

casting to and from, 8081

implementation for base classes, 8687

implementing functions in abstract base classes, 85

inheritance in, 9091, 110111

private access modifiers, using, 7475

type safety for, 78

See also abstract base classes; base classes; classes


of abstract base classes, 8687

criteria, 89, 11, 133

debugging, 151

problems with, 1718

of products, 512


for classes, 171, 175

compiler-generated, 3739

and inheritance, 101104

private, 130, 175

public, 130

virtual, 101104

detecting memory leaks, 54

DirectX SDK, 128

divides versus shift operators, effects on performance, 141142

dividing by 0, 1718


debugging, 157158

loading, 135136
Dr. Watson log, 162

Drg and Drgbase classes, 125, 179

drg.cpp (dynamic arrays source code file), 184189

drg.h (dynamic arrays source code file), 181184

dumping registers, 158159, 162163

DWORDs, and bit manipulation, 199

dynamic arrays

about, 179

FGrow method, 180

source code listing, 180189

dynamic_cast, avoiding, 67

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EAX registers, 148150, 159

EBP registers, 159, 165, 166, 167

ECX registers, 159, 165, 166

edge cases, 33

edge conditions, testing under, 154

EDI registers, 159

EDX registers, 159

EIP registers, 23, 159, 161, 162

elements in arrays

dereferencing, 56

setting numbers for, 76

embedding classes, and delegating to, 75

encapsulation of member variables, 65

= operators

in C++, 1920

overloading, 116118, 180

overriding when allocating memory, 6869, 9799

equality comparisons, 1920


syntax, 58

using const const, 5051

using smart pointers, 52

warnings treated as, 2930

escape characters (backslashes), using in strings, 31

ESI registers, 23, 159

ESP registers, 159

even and odd numbers, role in debugging, 167


first-chance, 160

handling, 2526

executables, loading for debugging, 157158


skipping during debugging, 161

speed versus accuracy of, 139

expanding arrays, 179


#define in, 29

source code listing for expression matching, 213224

writing, 141

failure of memory allocations, 45

features of products, defining, 6

feedback from customers, 9

FGrow method for dynamic arrays, 180

file access, speed of, 133

file paths, checking, 128

files for source code listings

access.cpp (reference counting), 176178

bits.cpp (bit manipulation), 200206

bsrch.cpp (sorting), 207212

drg.cpp (dynamic arrays), 184189

drg.h (dynamic arrays), 181184

regexp.cpp (regular expression matching), 221224

regexp.h (regular expression matching), 214220

smartptr.cpp (smart pointers), 173174

smartptr.h (smart pointers), 172173

string.cpp (strings), 192198

files, wrapping headers with sentinels, 2021

first-chance exceptions, 160

float type intrinsics, 118

floating point versus integer math on a Pentium, 137

freeing memory, 44, 5152, 171

function calls, extra, 40

functions, 118

of base classes, 7475

behavior of, 3233

copying, 14

inline, 136

fundamental algorithms, 199

general protection (GP) faults, 64

generalizing design, 9, 11

GIF graphics in RC files, 127

global memory allocators, 54

global nonstatic consts, 6364

good design, importance of, 89

GP (general protection) faults, 64

graphic file resources, inserting, 127

guarding assumptions, 17

.h files, problems with, 2021

handles, creating, 144

hardware breakpoints, 161

HasA versus IsA relationships, 107108

header file paths, checking, 128

header files, wrapping with sentinels, 2021

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heap memory, reclaiming, 47

HeapFree, for cleaning up memory, 41

helper functions in templates, 124125

hex displays, 159

#ifndef combined with #define (wrapping header files with sentinels), 2021

importing graphic files, 127

increasing performance using look-up tables, 137140

increment (++) operators, 115

incrementing reference counts, 129

indexing arrays

compared to pointer arithmetic, 142144

dynamic arrays, 179

notations, 58

overflows, avoiding, 5657

underflows, avoiding, 5556

infrastructure of code, effect on performance, 133

inheritance, 107113

and default constructors, 105

and destructors, 101104

from base classes, 8991

IsA versus HasA relationships, 107108

modifiers for, 110111

multiple, 8991, 111113

scoping rules for, 108111

to achieve type safety, 7678

arrays, 4748

consts, 62

inside the constructor, 61

lists for, 6162, 94

local variables, 1415

member variables, 5960, 6162, 9394

members in unions, 7880

values of objects using = operators, 118

variables, 4748

InitString method, 50

inline assembly for specific processors, 148

inline functions

effect on size of code, 136

performance, effect on, 140

versus macros, 3536

inner body of loops, writing code for, 19


of abstract base classes, 8385, 87

of templates, 124

instruction pointers, 159

instrumentation of code, 134135

int type intrinsics, 118

integer math versus floating point math on a Pentium, 137

interface pointers, 85

interfaces of objects, 87

internals in classes, 65


measuring, 21

and operator overload, 116, 118

pointers for, 5152

versus CRTs, 146

IsA versus HasA relationships, 107108

iterative process of coding and design, 910

JPEG graphics in RC files, 127

KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid) principle, 8

known states, initializing to, 4748

leaks, detecting in memory. See memory leaks, avoiding

left operands, 70, 118

length arguments to intrinsic functions, measuring, 21

length of buffers, 53

level of warnings, 3031

library file paths, checking, 128

library functions, checking return codes for, 1617


comparing to variables, 20

placement of, 1920

versus constants, 2223

loader codes, 167

local variables

initializing, 1415

returning references to, 120121

in stack frames, 165

logical and arithmetic operators, 159

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look-up tables for increasing performance, 137140


increments/decrements in, 1819

and registers, 159

signed and unsigned values, mixing, 2728

in strings that are not null terminated, 34

writing, 1819

low-memory conditions, 45


#define, using, 24

effect on code size, 136

versus inline functions, 3536

maintainable code, writing

#define instead of const, using, 24

using const instead of numeric literals, 2223

warnings, 2930

manipulating arrays and pointers, 21

manipulating bit fields

about, 199

source code listing, 200206

map files

consts in, 64

creating and using, 162163

mask fields, 199

matching regular expressions, source code listings for, 213224

math, integer versus floating point on a Pentium, 137

measuring code to improve performance, 137

measuring length arguments to intrinsic functions, 21

member functions

calling, 40

copy constructors for, 99

member variables

HasA relationships, 108

initializing, 5960, 9394

setting to null, 44

using after deleting this pointers, 8182

wrapping/protecting, 6465

members in unions, initializing, 7880

memcpy, 22, 34, 118


copying, 22

deleting, 53, 144

footprints, reducing, 199

freeing, 44, 5152, 171

and graphics, 127

preventing overwrites, 50

troubleshooting, 160161

See also pointers and memory

memory allocations, 60

buffering methods, 4546

for const member variables, 63

copy constructors for, 97101

deallocating, 41

freeing pointers, 60

global versus class-specific allocators, 54

overriding the = operator, 6869

passing preallocated memory, 130131

and performance, 144

return codes, checking, 43

size of, 131

memory leaks, avoiding

buffering allocation methods, 4546

detecting with memory manager, 54

during cut and paste, 14

overloading new and delete, 4041

smart pointers, using, 5152

memory managers, 41, 54, 144

minimum size optimization, 135

mission of project, defining, 6

mistakes in coding, avoiding

aliasing with references, 132

constants versus literals, 2223

cutting and pasting, memory leaks during, 14

initializing local variables, 1415

inline functions versus macros, 3536

parentheses, using, 2829

signed and unsigned values, mixing, 2728

single-stepping through new code, 152

warnings, handling, 2931

writing comparisons, 1920

mixed listings, debugging using, 153

mixing C and C++, 3132

mixing signed and unsigned numbers, 2728

MMX processors, and assembly code, 148

mod'ing with 0, 18

multiple calls to buffer allocation methods, 4546

multiple inheritance from abstract base classes, 8991, 113

name initializations in unions, 80

new operators

keeping private, 6667

overloading, 4041, 54

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new operators


passing preallocated memory to, 130131

wrapping to save space, 3940

nonintrinsic variables, initializing, 6162

nonstatic consts, allocating, 6364

nontemplatized base classes, 179

notations, 58

null pointers, 159

null termination of strings, 3334

number types, and SAR instructions versus SHR instructions, 26


even and odd, in debugging, 167

mixing signed and unsigned, 28

object-oriented programming, 59


checking size, 3435

creating, 67

generic functionality for, 87

of HasA relationships, 108

initializing using = operators, 118

reference-counts for, updating, 128130

sharing using reference counting, 175

smart pointers for, 52

on stacks, 129130

odd and even numbers, roles in debugging, 167


left, 118

right and left, 70

operator codes, efficiency of, 119120

operator notations in arrays, 58

operator overloading, 115121

care when using, 115116

danger of changing meaning, 116

= operators, 116118, 180

example of, 191

new and delete, 4041

pre- and postfix operators, 115

results of, 119120

return references to local variables, 120121


arithmetic and logical, 159

for const expressions, 7274

decrement (--), 115

=, 1920, 6869, 9799, 116118, 180

increment (++), 115

new, 3941, 54, 6667, 130131

+, 4142

referencing variables, 121

self-referential, 70

shift, 141142

optimized code

code size, effect on performance, 135, 140

and debugging, 166

testing, 155
optimizing before coding, 8

overdesigning, dangers of, 11

overloading operators. See operator overloading


= operators when allocating memory, 9799

new operators, 131

overwriting memory, preventing, 50, 64


checking, 7172

in debugging, 165

parentheses, using, 2829

pasting code, 1314

paths, checking, 128

patterns, defining for string matching, 213

peer reviews, 1011, 151, 153

Pentium hardware, performance of, 133, 137, 146

performance, 133146

CRTs, avoiding, 145

design, importance of, 133

effect of inline functions on, 140

floating point versus integer math on a Pentium, 137

generated code, examining, 141

instrumentation of code, 134135

intrinsics versus CRTs, 146

larger code versus extra function, 40

look-up tables, 137140

memory allocations, 144

memory, eliminating junk from, 135136

optimizing for space flags, 135

pointer arithmetic versus array look-ups, 142144

profiling code, 134, 135, 137

shift operators versus divides, 141142

size of code, 133

string functions, 145

templates and, 136

tools for improving, 136

pfoo->Bar() function, 118

platforms, testing on, 155

+ operators, 4142

pointer arithmetic

improving performance with, 145

versus array look-ups, 142144

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pointer-based code, 142144


casting to classes, 67

compiler adjustments of, 21

dereferencing, 58

loaded into eax, 159

smart type, 171174, 176

to derived classes, 85

to stack frames, 166

uninitialized, 15

void type, 125, 179, 180

pointers and memory, 4354

allocating before replacing, 4445

allocators, types of, 54

checking for successful allocation, 43, 4445

const in front of pointers, using, 4950

copying memory, 69

custom memory allocators, 53

errors when using const const, avoiding, 5051

freeing memory, 44, 5152, 171

initializing to a known state, 4748

multiple calls to buffer allocation methods, 4546

pointers to preallocated memory, 101

returning pointers to automatic variables, 4647

returning pointers to preallocated memory, 131

self-referential copies, avoiding, 4849

size of buffers, 35, 53

smart pointers, 5153, 171174, 176

this pointers, 58, 70, 8182, 165166

See also memory; memory allocations; memory leaks, avoiding; memory managers

polymorphic classes, type information for, 67

postfix operators, 115


in assembly, 150

header files, using with, 21

pragma command, 146

preallocated memory, passing to new operators, 130131

precedence of operations, using parentheses for, 28

precomputing constant values, 2324

prefix operators, 115

private access modifiers

for deriving from classes, 7475

for inheritance, 110111

private constructors, 9697, 175

private destructors, 130, 175

private member variables, 65, 72

problem solving

for customers, 58, 9, 133

delete function, 103104

design issues, 912, 1718, 133

.h files, 2021

larger code, 40

memory, 45, 54

unions, 7680

See also debugging

assembly language, 148

cache hits, 135

optimization, 140

Pentiums, 133, 137, 146

performance, 40

speed versus storage size, 137

product design, 512

profiling code, 134, 135, 136, 137

programming advice

algorithms and data structures, selecting, 1112

coding process, 910

coding tools, 136

customer problems, 58, 9, 133

debugging, 151, 152153

design implementation, 812, 133

general practices, 1336

inline functions, 140

KISS principle, 8

mixing C and C++, 3132

object-oriented programming, 59

1-3-5 rule, 6

peer reviews, 1011

profiling code, 134135, 136, 137

reducing work sets, 135

runtime type information, 67

templates, using, 136

testing, 153155

work habits, 10, 11

See also code, working with

project management, 512

protected access modifiers for inheritance, 110111

protecting member variables, 6465

prototyping, 151

public access modifiers

for inheritance, 110111

using private modifiers instead of, 7475

public destructors, 130

public member variables, 65, 72

pure virtual functions, 85

quicksort algorithms, 207

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RC files and graphics, 127

readability of code, improving, 2324

reallocating arrays, 179

REBASE command tool line, 136

redundant pointers, 135

reference counting

about, 175

combined with smart pointers, 52, 176

objects, handling, 128130

source code listing, 176178

references and aliasing, 132

regexp.cpp (regular expression matching source code file), 221224

regexp.h (regular expression matching file source code file), 214220

register, EIP, 23, 159, 161, 162


dumping, 158159

EAX, 148150, 159

EBP, 159, 165, 166, 167

ECX, 159, 165, 166

EDI, 159

EDX, 159

EIP, 23, 159, 161, 162

ESI, 23, 159

ESP, 159

in loops, 159

stack dump of, 162163

temporary, 159

regular expression matching, 213224

Release method, 175

resizing arrays, 179

restoring warning defaults after disabling, 150

restricting variables, 65

retail builds, testing, 155, 162163

retail codes, 76

return codes, checking, 1617, 43

return values

in eax, 148150

using constants with, 23

returning pointers to automatic variables, 4647

right operands, 70

rule 1-3-5, 6

runtime type information, using, 67

SAR instructions, and number types, 26

saving space by wrapping new operators, 3940

scoping rules for inheritance, 108111

secondary cache hits, 40

self-referential copies, avoiding, 4849

self-referential operators, guarding against, 70

sentinels, wrapping header files with, 21

setting eax in assembly language, 148149

sharing objects, 175

shift operators versus divides, effect on performance, 141142

SHR instructions, and number types, 26

sign correction code, supplied by compiler, 26

signed and unsigned values, choosing and mixing, 2628

single-stepping (checking) lines of code, 14, 20, 152, 161


of allocated memory, 131

of arrays, 179, 180

of buffers, 35, 53

of classes and structures, 76

of code, 133, 135

of code versus extra function, effect on performance, 40, 140

of data, 135

of objects, 3435

of programs, 145

size difference between classes, 81

size optimization flag, minimize, 135

size of function, using for objects, 35

small-scope brainstorming, 1011

smart pointers

combined with reference counting, 176

and custom memory allocators, 53

source code listings for, 171174

using, 5152

smartptr.cpp (smart pointers source code file), 173174

smartptr.h (smart pointers source code file), 172173

sorting, source code listing for, 207212

source code examples for programming techniques. See coding techniques, source code examples for

source code files. See files for source code listings

speed of code. See writing faster code


debugging, 167
dumps of, 162163

frames and traces, 165166

objects on, 129

skipping lines in, 161

variables in, 121

See also call stacks

storage size versus raw processing speed, 137

strcmp, comparing strings with, 120

strcpy, 53, 145

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strdup2, 47

stress conditions for testing code, 154

stress management, personal, 10

string size of buffers, 33

string.cpp (string source code file), 192198


concatenating instead of using the + operator, 4142

copying, 33

examining, 213

functions and performance, 145

null terminations, 34

operator codes for, 120

source code listing for, 191198

strncpy, 33, 53


defining, 2021

size boundaries of, 7576

substrings, copying, 34

swap instructions, used for debugging, 159

switch statements, defining constants for, 23

symbolic information, lack of during debugging, 162

syntax errors in arrays, 58

target platforms, testing on, 155

targeting customers, 6

teamwork, 1011

techniques, source code examples for. See coding techniques, source code examples for

effect on performance, 136

implementation of, 123125

templatized base classes, 123125, 171, 179, 180

temporary registers, 159

testing code, 153155

limiting number of code paths, 8

TestMemAllocatorNew function, 131

text files. See map files

this pointers

in call stacks, 165166

comparing to right and left operands, 70

deleting, 8182

performing array indexing on, 58

self-referential operators, checking for, 70

thiscall convention, 165

timing code to find bottlenecks, 134135

timings for look-up table performance tests, 139

tools for improving performance, 136

trace calls, using, 45

trash memory, 34

type casts in arrays, 58

type checking

of constants, 23

and macros, 36

type information for polymorphic classes, 67

type safety, 7678, 179

unexpected results, avoiding

allocating memory, 6869, 97101

asserts and comments, 2426

backslash in strings, using, 31

boundaries of class or structure size, 7576

casting to a derived class, 8081

const *, using, 4950

constructors, using multiple, 104105

copy constructors and allocating memory, 97101

C++ variables, accessing, 147148

function behaviors, 3233

index overflow and underflow, 5557

inheritance, using, 7678, 101104

initialization when using unions, 7880

initializing member variables, 5960, 9394

initializing to a known state, 4748

intrinsics and byte counts, 21

local variables, returning references to, 120121

member variables after deleting the this pointer, using, 8182

memcpy and byte counts, 22

null termination of strings, 34

overloading operators, 115116

reference-counted objects, handling, 128130

returning pointers to automatic variables, 4647

self-referential copies, avoiding, 4849

self-referential operators, 70

signed or unsigned types, choosing, 26

size of buffers, 53

size of code, checking, 3435

validating arguments, 1516

warning defaults, restoring after disabling, 150

wrapping member variables, 6465

writing the loop increment/decrement first, 1819

Unicode, 191, 192

uninitialized pointers, detecting, 15


inheritance instead of, 7678

initializations when using, 7880

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unsigned and signed values, choosing and mixing, 2628

updating code when cutting and pasting, 1314

use counters, decrementing methods for, 129

user perspectives, testing from, 154

validating arguments, 1516

validating parameters, 17, 7172


checking, 16

initializing, 1415

setting and comparing using =s, 20

signed and unsigned, 2628


comparing to literals, 20

consts, defining, 63

deleting of this pointers from, 8182

dividing by, 17

initializing, 48

local, 1415

naming, 148

operators returning references to, 121

passing, 132

setting to null, 44

verbose code, dangers of, 40

virtual destructors, 101104

Visual Studio, 146, 158, 163

void pointers, 125, 179, 180

vtables, in abstract base classes, 88

walking call stacks, 163166

warnings, 2931, 54, 121

4035, 149150

restoring defaults after disabling, 150

web site of authors, 2

Win32 calls, role in debugging, 167

work habits, 10, 11

worker classes, 179

working sets, reducing, 135


header files with sentinels, 2021

member variables, 6465

new operators to save space, 3940

write once, read many variables, 63

writing cleaner code

allocating memory for const member variables, 63

base classes, design of, 8687

const precomputes sizes, 2324

constructors, making private, 9697

default arguments, 9495

foo[K]is the same as foo.operator[ ](K), 5758

IsA versus HasA relationships, 107108

keeping new operators private, 6667

parameter checking, 7172

+ operator, 4142

pointer arithmetic versus array look ups, 142144

private derivation, 7475

scoping rules, 108111

values in eax register, 148149

wrapping member variables, 6465

writing comparisons, 1920

writing efficient code, 123125

writing faster code

constructors and destructors, creation of, 3739

CRTs, avoiding, 145

examining code, 140141

floating points versus integer math on Pentiums, 137

initialization lists, using, 6162

instrumenting code, 134135

intrinsics versus CRTs, 146

look-up tables, 137140

memory allocations, expense of, 144

memory allocators, global versus class-specific, 54

minimize size optimizations, 135

operators, work of, 119120

parameter checking, 7172

preallocated memory, passing to new operators, 130131

self-referential copies, avoiding, 4849

self-referential operators, guarding against, 70

shifts operators versus divides, 141142

size of classes or structures, 7576

strings, using, 145

vtables, space used by, 88

wrapping new operators to save space, 3940

writing the loop increment/decrement first, 1819

writing maintainable code

const instead of numeric literals, 2223

#define instead of const, 24

treating warnings as errors, 2930

X86 architectures, 166

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