1973 National Linear Applications
1973 National Linear Applications
1973 National Linear Applications
AN21·10, AN21·11, AN21-12, AN21·13 Symmetrical Voltage Regulators)
Circuit description LM104/LM204, and LM304: AN21-1, AN21-15 Adjustable output LM109: AN42-5
Drift compensation (See Drift Compensation, Voltage Regulatod Circuit description LM100/LM200/LM300. AN1·2, AN8·1
Foldback current limiting: AN21-5, lB3-2 CirCUit deSCription LMI 05/LM205/LM305: AN23·1,23-2
High current: AN21-3, AN21-4, AN21-5, LB1C CirCUit deSCription LM'09/LM209/LM309: AN42·1
High voltage: AN21-9 CMOS compatible: AN71·7
Hints: LB10-2, LB15 Current limit: AN1-5. AN72·12
Line regulation improvement: AN21-7 Drift compensation (See Drift Compensation, Voltage Regulatod
LM100 as a negative regulator: ANl-9 Efficiency: AN,-8
Overvoltage protection: AN21-8 Failure mechanisms: AN23-7, LB3
Power dissipation: AN21-3. AN21-5 Filtering, power supply: AN23·7, LB10-2
Precision, stable: LB15-2 Fixed output: AN42·5
Programmable: AN20-11, AN31-7 Foldback current limiting: AN l-B, AN23-5, LB3·2
Protective diodes: AN21-8 Heat diSSIpation: AN1·S, AN23·3, AN23·6, AN23·7. LB3
Remote sensing: AN21-4. AN21-9 High current: AN1-7, AN23·4, AN23·5, AN23·6. AN72·1',
Ripple: AN21-2, AN21-6 LB3, LB10·l
Shunt regulator: ANS-' High voltage: AN8·B. ANB-9, AN72·"
Transient response: AN21-2 Hmts: AN23-7, LB3. LB10-2. LB15
NIXIE DRIVER: AN32-6 Impedance. output: ANl-6
NON·INVERTING AMPLIFIER: AN20·2, AN31·1, AN31·4, Micropower quiescent power dram: AN7'·7
AN63·7, AN 72·6, AN72·9, AN72·37 Noise reduction: AN 1-6
NON·LlNEAR AMPLIFIER: AN4·4, AN31·16 NPN pass transistors: AN8-l0, AN72-11. LB'O·'
NORTON AMPLIFIER: AN72·1 Power limitations: AN23-3, LB3
NOTCH FILTER: AN31·14, AN48-4, LB5, LBll·2 PreciSion: AN42-6, LBl5
OFFSET CURRENT TEST SET: AN24·3 Programmable low power: AN20·'l. AN31-7
OFFSET VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT: AN63·3, LB9 Protection: AN23-7. AN72·11
OFFSET VOLTAGE COMPENSATION (See Drift Compensation) Regulation, load: AN 1-5
OFFSET VOLTAGE TEST SET: AN24·3 Remote sensing: ANB· 10
ONE·SHOT: AN72·27 Ripple induced failures: AN23·7, LB10·2
OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: AN4, AN20, AN29, AN3l (See Shutdown: AN8-4
Also Ampliflersl SWitching regulator (See SWitching Regulator)
OR GATE: AN72·26 Temperature compensation: AN1-10. ANB-l1. AN42·6. LB15
OSCILLATION. INVOLUNTARY CSee Frequency Compensation) Transient response: ANl-6
Crystal J·FET: AN32-2, AN32-B CirCUit description LM3Bl dual preamplifier: AN64·2
Modulated RF: AN5l·9 Flatband: AN70·3
Multivibrator: AN4-1, AN24-6. AN31-6, AN4l-4. AN71-6, Low nOIse: AN70
AN72·19 Microphone, squelched: AN51·7
Piezoelectric driver: AN72-37 Phono: AN32·4, AN32-l1. AN64-8
Programmable "unijunction": AN72-39 Servo. AN4-4, AN31-16
Pulse output: AN71-6. AN72·20 Stereo: AN64-10, AN64·1'
Quadrature output: AN31-5. LBt6 Tape playback: AN64·4
RF J·FET: AN32·2, AN32-8 Tape record: AN64-7
Sawtooth: AN72·22 VOX: AN51·8
Sine wave: AN20-9, AN2g·9. AN31·5. AN31·6. AN3'-7, PROGRAMMABLE OP AMP: AN71
Triangle wave: AN20-l0. AN24-6. AN31-6, AN72·21 PULSE AMPLIFIER: AN8·11, AN13·4
Tunable frequency: ANSI-9. L816 PULSE COUNTER: AN72·23
Wein bridge: AN20·9, AN31-6, AN31·7, AN32·7, ANS1·B PULSE GENERATOR: AN71·6, AN 72·20
PEAK DETECTOR: AN4-4, AN31·12, AN51·5, AN51·B, AN 54·4, PULSE REGULATOR: AN8-11
CirCUit description, LMS65: AN46·5 RECTIFIER, FAST HALF·WAVE: AN31·11, LB8·1
Damping: AN46·3 RECTIFIER, FULL·WAVE: AN20·8, LB8·2
Loop filter: AN46·2 RELAY DRIVER: AN72·36
Multiampltfler: AN72·24, AN72-26 REMOTE SENSING
NOise performance: AN46-5 High current negative regulator. AN214
Phase comparator: AN72-25 High negative voltage: AN21·9
Theory: AN46·1 Line resistance compensation: AN8-'O
Amplifier: AN20·5, AN29-13, AN3l-3, AN31-1B, LB12·2 Cascade: AN6-1 , AN6·3, AN6-4, AN32·9
Level detector: AN41-2 Emitter coupled: AN6-1, AN6-2
PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE SUPPLY: AN8·9 Forward transadmittance: AN6-3
PHOTOTRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER: AN8·8 IF amplifier: AN6-S. AN15-2. AN1S-5, AN54. LB13
PIN DIODE DRIVER: AN49 Input impedance: AN6·2. AN6-3
POLARIZATION, DIELECTRIC: AN29·7 Tuned interstage circuits: AN6-4. La 13
AN32·6. AN32·7. AN48-3, AN63-7, AN72-34, LB11·2 TEMPERATURE PROBE COMPARATOR: AN72-3B
SENSE VOLTAGE (See Current limiting) THRESHOLD OETECTOR: AN20-10. AN31-3
SINE WAVE OSCILLATOR: AN20-9. AN29-9. AN31-S. AN31-6. Voltage Regulators)
AN31-7, AN32-7. AN32-a. AN51-B, AN72·19. L816 TRANSADMITTANCE. RF AMPLIFIER: AN6-3
SLEW RATE: ANS-5, LB17, La19 (See Also Frequency AN72-21
Compensation, Feedforward) TRIGGER FLIP-FLOP: AN72-27
SOUARE ROOT CIRCUIT: AN4-6. AN31-1B A to D converter circuit: LBG-l
SQUELCH AMPLIFIER. AGC: ANS1 Buffered output: AN29-15
SQUELCH RELEASE TIMING: ANS1-12 Circuitdescflptlon LM111fLM211/LM311: AN41-1. L812
SSB DTL driver: AN4-2. AN10-2, AN29-15. AN31-3. LB12-2
Demodulator: AN54-4, AN54-5. AN54-B. LB13-2 Dual limit, high speed: AN48-3
Modulator: ANS-6 Fast: LB-6
STEP RESPONSE: LB19-2 High current: AN71-4
STEREO PREAMPLIFIER: AN64-10. AN64-11 Hints: AN41-5
SUBTRACTOR (See Difference Amplifier) Lamp driver: AN4-2, AN72-29, LB12-2
SUMMING AMPLIFIER: AN20-3. AN31-1. AN31-13 Micropower: AN71-4
SUPPLY VOLTAGE SPLITTING: AN31-2 Op amp voltage comparator: AN4-2, AN63-9, AN71-4,
SWITCH. ANALOG: ANS-8. AN2B. AN32-4. AN32-B. AN32-9. AN72-29
AN32-10. AN32-12. AN33. AN3B. ANS3 PreCision: AN63-9
SWITCHBACK CURRENT LIMITING (See Foldback Current TTL driver: AN4-2, AN 10-2, AN29-15, AN31-3, AN41-2,
Limiting) AN41-3. AN63-9. LB12-2
Zero crossing: AN31-17, AN41-2. AN41-3, LB6-2, LB12-2
SWITCHING REGULATOR A to D ladder driver: AN5-7
Bandwidth, full power: AN5-5
Capacitor selection: AN21-11 Bias current: AN5-3, AN20-3
Catch diode selection: AN21-11 Buffer, voltage reference: AN5-7
Current limiting: AN2-8, ANB-4, AN21-12 Circuit deSCription LH0033: AN48-1
DC plus to DC minus converter: LS 18
Circuit description LM102/LM202fLM30~: AN5·'
DisSipation: AN21-11
Circuit description LM110fLM210fLM310: LB11
Driver: AN2-7, AN21-14 Clamping, input: AN5-S
Efficiency: AN2-5, AN2-6, AN2-7, AN21-1.0 Comparison: LB 11-2
Frequency of operation: AN2-4, AN2-5, AN2-6, AN2-7 Frequency response: AN5-3
High negative current: AN2l-1', AN21-12, AN21-13
Gain: AN5-5
High positive current: AN1-l', AN2-6, AN8-2
Hints, operating: AN5-6, AN20-2, AN63-7
High voltage: AN2-11
Increased output swing: AN5-5
Hints: AN21-11 Offset adjustment: AN31-4, LB9-2
Inductor core selection: AN21-11
Aesistan"ce. output: AN5-5
Lme regulation: AN2-6, AN2l-11
Single supply: AN72-10
Modulation: ANB-6
Slew rate: AN5-5, AN63-7
Negative: AN2-10, AN21-l0, AN2'-", AN21-12, AN21-13
Source resistance effect: AN5-5
Overload shutdown: AN8-2, AN21-13
Transient response: AN5-7
Overvoltage protection: AN8-3
Voltage reference: AN20-S, AN31-2, AN31-8, AN56
Polarity conversion: LB18
Voltage reference buffer: AN5·7
Ripple: AN2-4, AN21-11
VOLTAGE REGULATOR (See Positive. Negative. Dr Switching
Self-OSCillating: AN2-2, AN21-1O
Voltage Regulator!
Shutdown: AN8-2, AN21-13
VOLTMETER: AN32-2.AN63-11.AN71-6
Symmetrical: AN2-10
Synchronous: AN2-7, AN21-14
Theory: AN1-1'.AN2-2. AN21-10. LB18 AN32-7, AN51-8
LM100 as a symmetrical regulator: ANl-9 IC: ANS6
Regulation: AN21-6 Transistor-base-emitter junction: AN7l-8
Trackmg regulator: AN20-10, AN21-6. LB7 ZERO CROSSING DETECTOR: AN31-17. AN41-2. AN41-3.
November 1967 ....
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INTRODUCTION to 250 mAo A second external power transistor
will enable the regulator to deliver currents in
The great majority of linear integrated circuits
excess of 2A.
being produced today are DC amplifiers, particu-
larly operational amplifiers_ This has come about The regulation is better than l-percent for widely
both because the DC operational amplifier is a varying load and line conditions. The device
basic analog building block and because this also features 1-percent temperature stability over
device makes good use of the well-matched char- the full military temperature range, externally
acteristics of monolithic components, characteris- adjustable short-circuit-current limiting, fast re-
tics which are normally expensive to duplicate sponse to both load and line transients, a small
with discrete parts. A voltage regulator is a cir- standby power dissipation, freedom from oscilla-
cuit which requires similar precision. As shown in tions with varying resistive and reactive loads,
the diagram of Figure 1, a basic regulator circuit and the ability to self start with any load.
employs an operational amplifier to compare a
reference voltage with a fraction of the output VOLTAGE REFERENCE
voltage and control a series-pass element to
regulate the output. The voltage reference of a regulator is normally
a temperature compensated avalanche diode. Com-
mercially available diodes have a breakdown voltage
temperature coefficient of O.Ol-percentfC to
0.0005fc, depending on selection. Normal inte-
"'''''' The reversed-biased emitter-base junction of the
transistors has a breakdown voltage of approxi-
>-',,"' mately 6.5V and an unusually uniform temperature
coefficient of +2.3 mV tC. Hence, the positive
temperature coefficient of the avalanche diode can
be very nearly balanced out by a forward biased,
diode-connected transistor to produce a tempera-
ture compensated reference. However, exact com-
pensation requires surface impurity concentrations
in the transistor-base diffusion which are higher
FIGURE 1. Basic Series-Regulator Circuit than desired to produce optimized transistors. One
design objective of an integrated regulator is, then,
to develop a reference element which permits
Perhaps the reason that monolithic regulators nearly-exact compensation without requiring pro-
have not appeared sooner is because it is diffi- cess alteration.
cult to make one design flexible enough to
satisfy an appreciable percentage of the market. Another design objective is also centered around
Different systems require vastly different output the reference. In the regulator circuit of Figure 1,
voltages and currents, as well as varying degrees the output voltage can be adjusted down to, but
of regulation. In addition, the current handling not lower than, the reference voltage. This means
ability of monolithic circuits is limited because that, unless additional circuitry is incorporated,
of the large physical die size of high-current the reference restricts the use of the regulator to
transistors. Power dissipation is also a factor, applications requiring output voltages above about
since there are no readily available multi-lead 8V. It is therefore desirable to obtain as low as
power packages for integrated circu its. possible a reference voltage.
A design is presented here which is versatile A circuit which provides a simple solution to the
enough to overcome many of these problems. It temperature compensation problem in addition
is able to deliver regulated voltages which are to supplying a low reference voltage is shown in
externally adjustable from 2V to 30V, operating Figure 2. In this circuit, the breakdown diode is
as either a linear, dissipating regulator or a high supplied by a current source from the unregu-
efficiency switching regulator. This covers the lated supply. An emitter follower, Q" buffers
range from low-level logic circuits to the majority the output voltage of the diode. The positive
of solid-state linear systems. Although the output temperature coefficient of this buffered output
current ofthe integrated circuit is limited (12 mAl. is increased to approximately 7 mV tc by the
an external transistor can be added for currents addition of the diode connected transistor, ~.
A resistor divider reduces this voltage as well as The gain of this stage is made much higher than
the temperature coefficient to exactly compen- would normally be expected by the use of Q 3
sate for the negative temperature coefficient of and Q 4 as collector loads. If very large PNP
Q3, producing a temperature compensated out- current gain and good matching are assumed,
put. With the integrated circuit process used, this the collector current of Q 4 will be equal to the
output voltage is about 1.8V for optimum com- collector current of Q,. Therefore, the differential
pensation_ stage will be in balance independent of the
magnitude of the collector currents of Q, and
Q 2 and for the complete range of output voltage
settings and input voltage variations. Even this
simple circuit gives a no load to full load regula-
tion of 0.2-percent and a line regulation of 0.05-
percent per volt.
The complete schematic of the regulator in Figure 4
shows several additions. First, an emitter follower,
r -......_ _ _--1>-_--1>-_--<t-lO~R(GUlAIED
R4 and R9 serve the sole purpose of starting the 0'0, it removes base drive from 0" to prevent
regulator. They only need to supply enough base any further increase in output current. It can be
current to O2 to bring the breakdown diode, D" seen from Figure 4 that the voltage turning on
up to voltage. Since it can supply many times the 0'0 is the voltage drop across the external cur·
required current under worst·case conditions, start· rent limit resistor plus a fraction of the emitter·
ing is ensured. base voltage of the serie$ pass transistor, 0,2.
This arrangement was used for two reasons.
The clamp diode, D2 , reduces the current varia· First, less voltage is dropped across the current
tion seen by 0 3 with changes in input voltage, limit resistor, permitting the circuit to regulate
improving line regulation. R9 is a pinch resistor 2 with lower input voltages. Second, since in cur·
which has a sheet resistivity more than two orders rent limit 0'2 is operated at a much higher
of magnitude higher than diffused base resistors, emitter·current density than is 0'0, it has a lower
so it can be made quite small physically. Pinch negative temperature coefficient of emitter·base
resistors do have the disadvantages of non·linear voltage. The negative temperature coefficient of
voltage·current characteristic, a large temperature the emitter·base voltage of 010 along with this
coefficient, a low breakdown voltage and rather difference in temperature coefficients causes the
large production variations in sheet resistivity. current limit to decrease by a factor of 2 as the
However, as shown in Reference 3, these charac· chip temperature increases from 25°C to 150°C.
teristics can be designed around and actually put This enables the regulator to deliver maximum
to good use, as they are here. current to room temperature but still be protected
when the output is shorted and the dissipation
The start·up network is connected to the regulator
increases: the current will decrease as the chip
output terminal, rather than ground, so that the
heats, holding the dissipation to a safe level.
internal power dissipation is minimized without
requiring large resistance values. Because of this, It is interesting to note that this current limit
the load current of the regulator cannot drop below scheme will only work when the two transistors
the current supplied from the unregulated input are in close thermal contact, as they are in a
through R4. If it does, the circuit will no longer monolithic integrated circuit.
regulate. This is not usually a problem, since
the resistive divider which sets the output voltage Since a regulator is an operational amplifier with
will normally draw enough current. However, it a large amount of feedback, frequ.llncy compen·
should be kept in mind in applications where the sation is required to prevent oscillations. However,
regulator might be lightly loaded and the difference a voltage regulator has compensation problems in
between the unregulated input voltage and the reg· addition to those encountered in an operational
ulated output voltage is apt to be high. amplifier. For one, the compensation method must
provide a high degree of rejection to in put voltage
The collector of the output transistor, 0,2, is
brought out separately to permit the addition of transients. Secondly, it must be stable with reactive
an external PNP transistor for higher currents. loads which are far heavier than those normally en·
An emitter·base resistor for the external PNP, Ra , countered with operational amplifiers. Thirdly, it
is also included. This resistor is shorted out when must minimize the overshoot caused by large load
the regu lator is used without the external tran· and line transients.
sistor. A compensation method satisfying those require·
The output of the voltage reference is brought ments is shown in Figure 5. The operational am·
out so that the inherent noise of the breakdown plifier is connected as an integrator and isolated
diode can be bypassed out. Since the low operating
current of the diode minimizes low·frequency
noise, adequate bypassing can be provided by a
capacitor as small as 0.1 JlF.
The purpose of the clamp diode, D3 , is to keep
Og from saturating when the circuit is used as a
switching regulator. It plays no functional role
in linear operation.
Output· current limiting is provided by 0'0. The
value of current limit is determined by an external
resistor between the current limit, and regulated
output terminals. When the voltage drop across FIGURE 5. Simplified Schematic Showing Regulator
this resistor becomes high enough to turn on Frequency Compensation
from the load with an emitter follower, which APPLICATIONS
serves as a series pass transistor. If the feedback
The basic regulator circuit for the LM100 is shown
loop is opened at point A and the frequency
in Figure 7. The output voltage is set by R, and
response measured, it can be seen that the feed·
back at high frequencies where the loop response
must be controlled is through CF . Reactive loads
have little effect since they are isolated from the
high frequency feedback path by 0 5 .
This compensation method provides excellent
response to load transients. That part of a load
transient which is not absorbed by the output
capacitor, C L , sees the output impedance of 0 5
which is quite low since it is driven by an oper·
ational amplifier with a low AC output impedance.
FIGURE 7. Basic Regulator Circuit
In the actual regulator (Figure 4) the operational
amplifier is a single stage amplifier (Og). Hence, R2, with a fine adjustment provided by the poten·
it is stable in the integrator connection, with a tiometer, R3 . The resistance seen by the feedback
collector base capacitor on Og, without addi· terminal should be approximately 2.2k to minimize
tional compensation which might degrade either drift caused by the bias current on this terminal.
the load or line transient response. The series Figure 8 is based on this and gives the optimum
pass transistor is a compound emitter follower
to insure isolation from reactive loads. In addi·
tion, the stability of the circuit is not dependent
I-- .2
on the output impedance of the unregulated
supply. It is also stable with no bypass capaci·
tance on the output (if external booster transis·
tors are not used) so it is possible to obtain
extremely rapid current limiting as might be
i 2D
lD R1/RZ=Z.2k!l 3
required with sensitive transistor loads.
A photomicrograph of the monolithic regulator • 1 610 203050
die is shown in Figure 6. Since the design reo OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)
quires a minimum of resistance, substituting active
devices where possible, the entire circuit has been FIGURE 8. Optimum Divider Resistance Values as a
Function of Output Voltage
constructed on a 38·mil·square die. This die size is
comparable to that of a single silicon transistor.
values for R, and R2 as a function of design·center
output voltage. The potentiometer should be least
1/4 of R2 to insure that the output can be set to
the desired voltage.
It is possible to operate the regulator with or
without internal current limiting. If current limiting
is not needed, improved load regulation can be rea·
lized by shorting together the current limit ter·
minals (R se = 0). Figure 9 gives the load regulation
for this condition. Short circuit protection is
obtained by connecting a resistor between the
current limit terminals. The resistor value is deter·
mined from the current limit sense voltage which
is plotted asa function oftemperature in Figure 10,
for low output currents which corresponds to the
case where external booster transistors are used.
The current limit sense voltage is the voltage
across the current limit terminals when the regulator
is current limiting with the output shorted. The
regulation and current limit characteristics with a
10n current limit resistor are given in Figures 11
FIGURE 6. Photomicrograph of the LM100 Regulator and 12, respectively.
11 Rsc "100
... 2... 1.0 TJ-~'~f-E
~ 1.000
~> r-
",' "'t"RJ"-55'C
5; .999
~'c l -I--
;\TJ '" 125°C
0.99 \
I"JI >
TJ'" 150D C
~ ~98 ;:::
ITJ·Rc ~
10 15 20
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
FIGURE 9. Regulation Characteristics Without Current FIGURE 11. Regulation Characteristics with Current
Limiting Limiting
Rsc '" 10n
...> 0.4
~ !; 0.6
~ 0.3 f-H-+-++++-=1o.-H-I--
~ DA
f- t- TJ= 125°C
.... l - t-- TJ '" 150°C
I ~ 0.2
0.2 L..J-1-...L.L-L.i-L...LLl....L..J
-80 -40 40 80 120 160 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4D 45
FIGURE 10. Current Limit Sense Voltage as a Function FIGURE 12. Current Limiting Characteristics
of Junction Temperature
A bypass capacitor is not required on the regula- by the addition of a 0.1 J,lF capacitor on the refer-
tor output in the circuit of Figure 7. This permits ence bypass terminal. This reduces the noise
extremely fast current limiting_ The output imped- inherent in the reference diode.
ance as a function of frequency is plotted in
The transient response of the regulator is shown
Figure 13 for this condition. The output impedance
in Figures 14 and 15_ Figure 14 shows the
at high frequencies can be reduced somewhat by
response to a current step from 3 mA to 15 mA,
the addition of a bypass, as shown in Figure 13.
without any output bypass capacitor and with a
However, it is necessary to use a low-inductance
capacitor (such as a solid-tantalum capacitor) to
lOn current limit resistor. The overshoot can be
reduced both by the addition of an output bypass
gain any real advantage. Similarly, bypassing on the
capacitor and by the removal of the current limit
unregulated input is not normally needed, although
resistor since the overshoot is developed across
it may be advisable to use a small (0.01 J,lF)
the resistor. The response to a line voltage transient
ceramic capacitor when the regulator is fed through
is shown in Figure 15. Neither the line transient
long leads which can look I ike a high-Q resonant
response nor the load transient response is affected
circuit. by the output voltage setting. Therefore, the over-
shoot becomes a smaller percentage of the output
A reduction in the output noise can be realized voltage as this voltage is increased.
~ 0.2
" !7
~ - CL =a
~0 -+
CL= l,uF
Rsc -l0n
...'" .:W 1N =5V
0 -0.2 VOUT '" lOV
10k lOOk 1M 10M 10 15 20
FIGURE 13. Output Impedance as a Function of FIGURE 15. Line Transient Response
ulator will operate within specifications for output ' ',. "';~~~:: ...
voltages between 2V and 30V. for input voltages
between B.5V and 40V. for a difference between 1.1~~!A Z LMICO 6"·' . ~I'I
the input and output voltage between 3V and 30V J .! Rl
10'UT G"Ou~o
applies whether the regulator is used alone or with
external current-boosting transistors.
The load and line regulation given above is for
a constant chip temperature on the integrated
circuit. Temperature drift effects caused by inter- FIGURE 16. Regulator Connected for 200 rnA Output
nal heating must be taken into account separately Current
When external transistors are used, it is necessary Another high-power regulator is shown in Figure 18.
to bypass the output terminal close to the inte- This circuit is a minor variation of that described
grated circuit_ This is required to suppress oscil- previously and is useful when low output voltages
lations in the minor feedback loop around the
external transistor and the output transistor of the
integrated circuit (0'2 in Figure 4)_ Since the
instability is inclined to occur at high frequencies,
a low inductance (solid tantalum) capacitor must
be used_ Electrolytic capacitors which have a high
equivalent series resistance at high frequencies are
not effective.
15 , - - - - - , - - - - , - - - - - ,
10 f------j----.::;tr2.111.
voltage between the output and ground terminals.
A PNP booster transistor, 2 , is connected in the
normal manner; and it drives a NPN series·pass
transistor, 03' The additional components (R 7 , Rs ,
Rg , RlO and 04) are included to provide current FIGURE 21. Circuit for using the LM100 as Both a
limiting. Positive and a Negative Regulator
TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING REGULATORS have the advantages of fast response to load
transients as well as low noise and ripple. How·
In the majority of applications, it is desired that the
ever, since they must dissipate the difference
output voltage of the regulator be constant over the
between the unregulated supply power and the
operating temperature range of equipment. How·
ever, in some applications, improved performance output power, they sometimes have a low effi·
can be realized if the output voltage of the regulator ciency. This is not always a problem with AC
changes with temperature in such a way as to line·operated equipment because the power loss
operate the load at its optimum voltage. is easily afforded, because the input voltage is
already fairly well regulated, and because losses
An example of this in integrated logic circuitry. can be minimized by adjustment of transformer
Optimum performance can be realized by powering ratios in the power supply. In systems operating
the devices with a voltage that decreases with from a fixed DC input voltage, the situation is
increasing temperature. A circuit which does this often much different. It might be necessary to
is shown in Figure 22. Silicon diodes are used in regulate a 28V input voltage down to 1OV. In
this case the power loss can quickly become
A CIRCUIT DIAGRAM excessive. This is true even if ef.ficiency is not
one of the more important criteria, since the high
power dissipation requirements will necessitate
expensive power transistors and elaborate heat
sinking methods.
-55 +25 +125
As shown in Figure 24, the LM 100 is connected in A far more complete description of switching
much the same way as a linear regulator when regulators is given in Reference 7.
A regulated power supply is required in practically
every piece of electronic equipment. A monolithic
integrated circuit was described here which covers
an extremely wide voltage range and can supply
virtually unlimited power by the addition of ex-
ternal transistors. As indicated in Table I, its
performance is more than adequate for the major·
~~~;; :!!;'.~:;,:-:~~:~,';:
ity of applications. It is flexible enough to be
used as either a linear dissipating regulator or as a
high efficiency switching regulator without sacrific·
FIGURE 24. High Current Switching Regulator ing performance in either application. The LM100
also has fast transient response in that overshoot
and recovery time can be made vanishingly small
it is used as a switching regulator. Two external in most applications. In addition, the frequency
transistors, a NPN and a IlNP, are connected in stability is indicated by the fact that it is vinually
cascade to handle the output current. The regu· impossible to make the regulator oscillate in a
lated output is fed back through a resistive divider properly designed circuit.
which determines the output voltage in the normal The suitability of the design to monolithic con-
manner. The regulator is made to oscillate by struction is demonstrated by the fact that it is
applying positive feedback to the reference ter· built on a 38-mil-square silicon die - a size com-
minal through R4 (from Figure 4, the reference parable to modern silicon transistors. This small
terminal is the non·inverting side of the input size helps to achieve high yields which are neces-
differential amplifier). sary to realize low manufacturing costs and insure
In operation, the switching transistors, 0, and 2 ,
turn on when the voltage on the feedback terminal
° off-the-shelf availability.
TABLE 1. Typical Performance of the National LM100 Voltage Regulator
March 1969 N
L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ V OUT = VREF
and it is independent of the load current. It is
obvious from the equation that changes in input
voltage can be compensated for by varying the
duty cycle of the switched waveform. This is what
is done in a switching regulator. FIGURE 2
Self-oscillating Switching Regulator
In operation, when the circuit is first turned on,
the output voltage is less than the reference volt-
age so the switch transistor is turned on. When this
happens, current flow through R, raises the volt-
age on the non-inverting input of the operational
amplifier slightly above the reference voltage. The
circuit will remain switched on until the output
rises to this voltage. The amplifier now goes into
the active region, causing the switch to turn off.
A t this point, the reference voltage seen by the
amplifier is lowered by feedback through R" and
the circuit will stay off until the output voltage
drops to this lower voltage. Hence, the output
voltage oscillates about the reference voltage. The
t o
amplitude of this oscillation (or the output ripple)
is nearly equal to the voltage fed back through R,
VI i:toN -1\ tOFF=:j to R2 and can be made quite small.
SWitching Circuit for Voltage Conversion
The switching regulator circuits described here use
the LM 100 integrated voltage regulator as the con-
Figure 2 shows a self-oscillating switching regu- trol element. This device contains, on a single
lator which produces this duty-cycle control. A silicon chip, the voltage reference, the operational
reference voltage, Vref equal to the desired output amplifier and the circuitry for driving a PNP
voltage, is supplied to one input of an operational switch transistor. Discrete switch transistors, catch
amplifier, A,. The operational amplifier, in turn, diodes and reactive elements are employed since
drives the switch transistor. The resistive divider, these components are not easily integrated.
arranged such that R,» R 2 , provides a slight
amount of positive feedback at high frequencies to A complete circuit description of the LM100 is
make the circuit oscillate. At lower frequencies given in Application Note AN-1 along with a num-
where the attenuation of the LC filter is less than ber of its applications as a linear regulator. How-
the attenuation of the resistive divider, there is net ever, a brief description will be included here in
negative feedback to the inverting input of the order to facilitate understanding of the regulator
operational amplifier. circuits which follow.
Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of the LM100. output current of 0'2 to the value required for
The voltage reference portion of the circu it starts driving a PNP transistor connected on the booster
with a breakdown diode, 0" which is supplied by output. This current is determined by a resistor
a current source from the unregulated input (one placed between the current limit and regulated
of the collectors of O2 ). The output of the refer· output terminals. The value of the drive current
ence diode, which has a positive temperature can be determined from Figure 4 which plots the
coefficient of 2.4 mV tc, is buffered by an emit· output current as a function of temperature for
ter follower, 0 4 , which increases the temperature various current limit resistors.
coefficient to +4.7 mVtC. This is further in·
creased to 7 mVtC by the diode·connected
transistor, 0 6 , A resistor divider reduces this volt·
age as well as the temperature coefficient to ex· ;(
actly compensate for the negative temperature .§
coefficient of 0 7 , producing a temperature·com· ~
R~'M~ ,In ~
pensated output of 1.8V. 1'l
I- zo
Il'f... RUM = 10G
~ RL!~ 1'""
r~ ~ '100..
. - -....- - - -. . .- -. . .---+JUNREOUlATEDINPUT
Ri'M 1 ~ ... ~~
r-:J1:::=t=;---"1-t1~~ .....--!:~."
-60 -40 40 80 'ZO '60
~~. . .~.;:r-----6FEEDBACK
The circuit shown in Figure 5 is suitable for out- peak currents which are significantly larger than
put currents as high as 500 mA_ This limit is set by the load current. The change in inductor current
the output current available from the LM 1 00 to can be written as
saturate the switch transistor, 0 1 _ For lower cur-
rents, the value of R3 should be increased so that (3)
the base of 0 1 is not driven unnecessarily hard_
:~ C2
1+ Cit
A value for toft can be estimated from
2.27K toft ~ f1 ( 1 - V;;;
VOUT) , (5)
*Basing diagram IS Top View where f is the desired switching frequency and V IN
tS ohdtantalum is the nomi nal input voltage_
T125 turns =22 on Arnold Englneermg
The size of the output capacitor can now be deter-
mined from
Switching Regulator Using the LM100
C1 ~ (VIN - VOUT) (VOUT)2 (6)
2L1 t.V OUT fV IN '
The optimum switching frequency for these regu-
lators has been determined to be between 20 kHz
and 100 kHz. At lower frequencies, the core where t. VOUT is the peak-to-peak output ripple
becomes unnecessarily large; and at higher fre- and V IN is the nominal input voltage.
quencies, switching losses in 0 1 and D1 become
excessive. It is important, in this respect, that both It now remains to determine if the component
0 1 and D1 be fast-switching devices to minimize values obtained above give satisfactory load·
transient response. The overshoot of the regu lator
switching losses.
can be determined from
The output ripple of the regulator at the switching
frequency is mainly determined by R4 . It should
be evident from the description of circuit opera-
tion that the peak-to-peak output ripple will be
nearly equal to the·peak-to-peak voltage fed back for increasing loads, and
to Pin 5 of the LM 100. Since the resistance look-
ing into Pin 5 is approximately 1DODD, this volt-
age will be
t ~ 2L1t.IL (9)
In practice, the ripple will be somewhat larger than , VIN-VOUT
this. When the switch transistor shuts off, the cur-
rent in the inductor will be greater than the load
2L1t.1 L
current so the output voltage will continue to rise t, ~--~
V OUT (10)
above the value required to shut off the regulator.
An important consideration in choosing the value
of the inductor is that it be large enough so that for increasing and decreasing loads respectively.
the current through it does not change drastically
during the switching cycle. If it does, the switch In order to improve the load transient response, it
transistor and catch diode must be able to handle is necessary to allow larger peak to average current
ratios in the switch transistor and catch diode. More exact expressions would involve a design
Reducing the value of inductance given by Equa· procedure which is too cumbersome to be of
tion (4) by a factor of 2 will reduce the overshoot practical value_
by 4 times and halve the response time. This, of
course, assumes that the output capacitance is
doubled to maintain a constant switching fre· The variation of switching frequency with input
quency. voltage and load current is shown in Figures 6 and
7. The sharp rise in frequency at low output cur-
rents happens because the output transistor of the
The above equations outline a design procedure LM 100 (Q'2) begins to supply an appreciable
for determining the value for R4 , L" and C" portion of the load current directly.
given the switching frequency and the output
ripple. These equations are not exact, but they do
provide a starting point for designing a regulator to The efficiency of the regulator over a wide range
fit a given application. of input voltages and output currents is given in
Figures 8 and 9.
As an example, this design method will be applied
to a regulator which must deliver 15V at a maxi-
mum current of 300 mA from a 28V supply. To
start, a 40 kHz switching frequency will be
selected along with an output ripple of 14 mV,
From (2), R4 is calculated to be 2 Mil In deter-
mining L" toff is found to be 11.6 f-ls from (5). !
Inserting this into (4) gives a value of 1.45 mH for t 10
L,. The value of C, obtained from (6) is then 57.5 ill 60
~ 50
In the actual circuit of Figure 5, a standard value '"z 3D
of 47 f-lF is used for C,; and L, is adjusted to 1.7 ...~ 20
V1N = lBV
, -.... 100
~ 10
I -
~ 60 10
g It. =300 mA
Il" 300 rnA
'"z 40 40
$ 3D
~ 3D 20
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 o
o 5 10 15 20 25 3D 35 40
Switching Frequency as a Function of Input
Voltage Efficiency as a Function of Input Voltage
80 -~ ~
~ 60 VIN = 28V
ill 50
$ lO
Efficiency as a Function of Output Current
A photograph of a high·current regulator is shown 10 I I r-
in Figure 11. It is capable of delivering output cur· g V1N "'28V
rents of 3A continuously with only a small heat
sink. Figure 12 shows that the efficiency is better ~ 50
than 80 percent at this level. Output currents to $ lO
5A can be obtained at reduced efficiency. How- 20
ever, the case temperature of the power switch and 10
catch diode approach 1000 e under this condition, o
so continuous operation is not recommended o 1.0 2.0 l.O 4.0 5.0
unless more heat sink is provided. OUTPUT CURRENT (AI
Efficiency as a Function of Output Current
70 - _ .. - ._>--+--+-+--1 ~ I~ ",.~A
~ :: I-+_t_.t-'L_"t-'_+-+_t-_ A '"<t
~ 10,00
I :
u 40 __ - _j-_+-+_+-+_
~ 30r-~-+-t-~~-+--+--l ~
- r--r--- 1-1-
9.80 ,
OL-L-~~~-L-L~-J 9.70
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Efficiency as a Function of Input Voltage Line Regulation
~ 20 / I-
..... ~ The use of solid tantalum capacitors for C, and C3
ffi '( is recommended when the regulator is expected to
:::0 It. = lA
o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
OUTPUT CURRENT (AI When a number of switching regulators are used
together in a system it is sometimes desirable to
FIGURE 15 synchronize their operation to more uniformly
Variation of Switching Frequency with Out~ distribute the switched current waveforms on the
put Current input line. Synchronous operation is also wanted
when a switching regulator is operated in conjunc- about 1 kn, the integrating capacitor, Ca , should
tion with a power converter_ have a capacitive reactance of less than lOOn at
the drive frequency. The value of Ra is determined
A circuit for synchronizing the switching regulator so that the amplitude of the triangular wave on
with a square wave drive signal is shown in Fig- Pin 5 is about 40 mV. .
ure 17_ In this circuit, positive feedback is not
used_ Instead, the square wave drive signal is Driven regulators also have other advantages. For
integrated; and the resulting triangular wave one, it is possible to design the LC filter indepen·
(about 40 mV peak-to-peak) is applied to the dent of switching frequency considerations.
reference bypass terminal of the LM100. Thistri- Hence, lower output ripple and better transient
angular wave will cause the regulator to switch response can be realized. A second advantage is the
since its gain is so high that the waveform over- frequency stability. In a self-oscillating regulator,
drives it. The duty cycle of the switched waveform the switching frequency is controlled by a rela-
is controlled by the voltage on the feedback tively large number of factors. As a resu It, it is not
terminal, Pin 6. If this voltage goes up, the duty well determined when normal tolerances are taken
cycle wi II decrease since it is picking off a smaller into account. With low and medium power
portion of the triangular wave on Pin 5. By the regulators, this is not usually a problem since the
same token, the duty cycle will decrease if the efficiency does not vary greatly with frequency.
voltage on Pin 6 drops. However, high power regulators tend to be more
frequency sensitive and it is desirable to operate
them at constant frequency .
·Bning di.gr.m is Top Vitw A circuit that does this is shown in Figure 18. The
tSolidtlntllum peak current through the switch transistor is
t.OO turns #22 on Arnold Engineering sensed by Rs. When the voltage drop across this
A930157·2 molybdenum permalloy core
resistor becomes large enough to turn on Oa, the
FIGURE 17 output voltage begins to fall since current is being
Driven Switching Regulator supplied to the feedback terminal of the regulator
from the collector of Oa so less has to be supplied
from the output through R,. Furthermore, the cir-
cuit will continue to oscillate, even with a shorted
output, because of positive feedback through Rs
and the relatively-long discharge time constant of
C2 ·
This action produces the desired regulation: if the
output voltage starts to go up, it will raise the It is necessary to put a resistor, R7 , in series with
voltage on Pin 6 such that a smaller portion of the the base of Oa to insure that excessive current will
triangular wave is picked off. This reduces the not be driven into the base. In addition, a
duty cycle, counteracting the output voltage capacitor, C4 , must be added across the input of
increase. Oa so that it does not turn on prematurely on the
large current spike (about twice the load current)
In order for this circuit to work properly, the through the switch transistor caused by pulling the
ripple voltage on Pin 6 should be less than a stored charge out of the catch diode. A zener
quarter of the peak·to·peak amplitude of the trio diode bias supply must also be used on the output
angular wave. If this condition is not satisfied, the of the LM100 since the current limiting will not
regulator will try to oscillate at its own frequency. work if the voltage on this point drops below
Further, since the resistance looking into Pin 5 is about lV.
V1N >8.5V R4 1.0
= 5V
.50 ~
V =28V
\ , --
~ V I
'" .25
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Illustrating Drop in Input Current as Regu-
lator Goes Into Limiting
"' 1\
~ 4.0 V
> V1N = 28V
1 , ·Baslng dlaglamis Top View
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 l.O l.5 4.0 4.5
FIGURE 19 Switching Regulator with Continous Short-
Current Limiting Characteristics Circuit Protection
1! 4.95
1 All circuits discussed thus far are for regulators
~ 4.90
I with positive outputs. Although negative regu·
,. 4.0
I;; lators can be obtained by floating the unregulated
supply and grounding the output, this is not
..." VIN = lav
always convenient .
1.0 1-++-+-+-++-t-1 Figure 24 shows a circuit for a negative switching
.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 regulator where the unregulated input and regu-
lated output have a commo n ground. The only
limitation of the circuit is that there must be a
FIGURE 22 positive voltage greater than 3V available in order
Current Limiting Characteristics to properly bias the negative regulator.
D1 "oj:
lN388 ' Rl~R4 I. C3:0UT '5V
5.5. C2
1% 0.1/4
r .::!:;r 100.,
~'s't to 35V --ir-+--..I>--......ID...~f!.cllr R5
elt +
~~ Tl~~K
47.''1' , - - - - - -_ _ _-'
l5V .;:
::~ !
.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
>=6 '"
FIGURE 23 t--+---t--VaUT= -5V
Plot of Input Current as Regulator Goes
Iota Limiting Rl0 U ~~ :r ~~~~F
C5 t
~:2222MQ4 !:!:f~3880 2N3441
transistor, 03, is connected in the normal manner; SWITCHING AND LINEAR REGULATOR
and it drives a Darlington-connected NPN switch_ COMBINATION
Positive feedback is developed by the resistive
divider, Rs and R,2' In certain applications, the output ripple and load
transient response requirements rule out the use of
It is necessary to use a Darlington switch even a switching regulator, yet the input-output voltage
though the current gain is not needed. The power differential is still high. In this case, a power con-
switch transistor, 04, cannot be operated with a verter might be used to reduce the input voltage
fixed base drive: if the base drive is made large and this reduced voltage would be regulated by a
enough to insure saturation at maximum load cur· linear regulator. This arrangement, however, is not
rent, it will overstore so badly at lower currents nearly as efficient as the switching and linear regu-
that the output ripple will increase radically. With lator combination shown in Figure 26. The
the extra transistor, however, it is kept out of satu- switching regulator not only reduces the input
ration at lower output currents, eliminating the voltage with high efficiency, but it also regulates
problem. it. Therefore, the linear regulator operates with a
fixed input-output voltage differential which holds
dissipation to a minimum.
t--'W'r--t-...",..,...,...-...,.-.,-V OUT :: 5V
+ eJt
-B'Slngd'lgram IsTop View
'60 turns#ZD on Afllotd Engineering
A9J0157·2 molybdenum permalloy core
.t---.....-I--+- VIN >40V
~ 47 ~F (lId
~::::;~ad~::;;: IS Top View
fSOturns;::2D on Arnold EnQlneermg FIGURE 26
A9J0157-2 molybdenum permalloy core Switching and Linear Regulator Combina-
tion for Obtaining Very Low Ripple and Fast
Transient Response
Switching Regulator for High-voltage Inputs
SUMMARY driving the regulator in synchronism with an
external clock signal was given. In addition, cir-
A number of switching regulator circuits which use cuits which provide overload protection, limiting
a readily-available monolithic voltage regulator as both the output current as well as the power dissi-
the voltage reference and control circu itry have pation, were presented. The performance of the
been described. These regulators are useful over a regulator circuits was described in detail. and a
2V to 30V range for either positive or negative design procedure was outlined. Suggestions were
supplies. Although the discussion was limited to also made on the selection of components for
circuits providing maximum output currents from switching regulators.
100 mA to 5A, it is possible to obtain even higher
output currents. The output current is, in fact, The circuits which have been described here for
limited by the discrete components - not by the the LM100 work equally well with the LM200
basic design or the integrated circuit. or the LM300. These devices are identical, except
that the LM200 is specified over a -25°C to 85°C
temperature range and the LM300 is specified from
The majority of the circuits shown were self- oOe to 70°C instead of the -55°C to 125°C
o sc i lIati ng regu lators; however, a method of temperature range for the LM 100.
November 1967 W
With DC amplifiers, it is usually possible to
substantially improve drift performance by using
transistors tend to track well over temperature so
that low drift is also achieved. The disadvantage ~
additional circuitry along with some form of adjust- of the method is that a given compensation setting o
ment_ In fact, one of the reasons that discrete- works only with fixed feedback resistors, and the 2
component operational amplifiers have better input" compensation must be readjusted if the equivalent
current specifications than monolithic amplifiers parallel resistance of R, and R2 is changed. m
is that current compensation is used_ Monolithic (")
Figure 2 shows a similar circuit for a non-inverting
circuits cannot incorporate these techniques be- ::J:
cause it is not possible to select components or amplifier. The offset voltage produced across the 2
make adjustments_ These adjustments can, how- DC resistance of the source due to the input
ever, be made external to the amplifier_ This c
article will discuss a number of compensation m
methods which can substantially reduce the input en
currents of monolithic amplifiers, especially in
Iimited-temperature-range applications_ o"
Bias current compensation reduces offset and drift :l3
when the amplifier is operated from high source FIGURE 2. Non-Inverting Amplifier with Bias-Current
resistances_ With low source resistances, such as a 2
Compensation for Fixed Source Resistances.
thermocouple, the drif.t contribution due to bias
current is cancelled by the drop across R3 . For
current can be made quite small. In this case, the C)
offset voltage drift becomes important_ proper adjustment range, R3 should have a max- :l3
A technique is presented here by which offset volt-
imum value about three times the source resistance
and the equivalent parallel resistance of R, and R2
age drifts better than 0.5 IJ.V tc
can be realized. should be less than one-third the input source m
The compensation technique involves only a single resistance_ C
room-temperature balance adjustment. Therefore,
chopper-stabilized performance can be realized, This circuit has the same advantages as that in C
Figure 1, however, it can only be used when the (")
with low source resistances, in a fairly-simple amp-
lifier without tedious cut-and-try compensation input source has a fixed DC resistance, In many
applications, such as long-interval integrators, sam-
ple-and-hold circuits, switched-gain amplifiers or
voltage followers operating from unknown source,
the source impedance is not defined. In these cases
The simplest and most effective way of compen-
sating for bias currents is shown in Figure 1. Here,
other compensation schemes must be used. "m
Figure 3 gives a compensation technique which :l3
does not depend upon having a fixed source resis- en
tance. A current is injected into the input terminal
from the base of a PNP transistor. Since NPN input
... '" lOU,,", transistors are used on the integrated amplifier,'
" ' the base current of the PNP balances out the base
current of the NPN. Further, since a silicon-planar
." PNP transistor has approximately the same current-
gain versus temperature characteristic as the inte-
grated transistors, an improvement in temperature
FIGURE 1. Summing Amplifier with Bias-Current
Compensation for Fixed Source drift will also be realized. t However, perfect
l ,,,"I. I O"lP~r
I 0"""'
-= 's,,",,,.. ,,,.
FIGURE 3. Summing Amplifier with Bias·Current FIGURE 5. Voltage Follower with Bias-Current
Compensation. Compensation.
compensation should not be expected because of compensating current does not change appreciably
unit-to-unit variations in the temperature charac- with signal level, giving input impedances about
teristics of both the PNP transistor and the inte- 1000 Mn. The negative temperature coefficient of
grated circuit. the diode voltage also provides some temperature
Although the circuit in Figure 3 works well for the
summing amplifier connection, it does have limit- All the circuits discussed thus far have been tailored
ations in other applications, It could, for example, for particular applications. Figure 6 shows a com-
be used for the voltage follower configuration by pletely-general scheme wherein both inputs are
connecting the base of the PNP to the non-inverting
input. However, this would reduce the input imped-
ance (to about 150 Mn) because the current
supplied by the PNP will vary with the input
voltage level.
If this characteristic is objectionable, the more-
complicated circuit shown in Figure 4 can be used.
Figure 5 shows another compensation scheme for
the voltage follower connection. This circuit is
,~, , ~
much simpler than that shown in Figure 4, but the - ,.
temperature compensation is not quite as good. The
cr c.
compensating current is obtained through a resistor -=
II lOBo' 30"
For low drift, the transistors must operate from a Substituting Equation (2), this becomes
low enough source resistance that the voltage drop
across the source due to base current (or base
current differential if both bases see the same (5)
resistance) is insignificant. Furthermore, the tran-
sistors must be operated at a low enough collector = qV RL '
current that the em itter-contact and base-spreading (6)
resistances are negligible, since Equation (1) assumes
that they are zero.
The input referred drift is then
A complete amplifier using this principle is shown
in Figure 8. A monolithic transistor pair is used as
a preamplifier for a conventional operational amp-
lifier. A null potentiometer, which is set for zero
where 11 Vos is the offset voltage drift of the SUMMARY
operational amplifier and I110s is its offset current
A number of compensation circuits designed to
increase the DC resolution of monolithic opera·
Using Equation (7), tional amplifiers have been presented. Both current
compensation techniques for high impedance levels
I1V 1N ;k_T-.:.(I1_V.::: s _+_R....:L:...I1:.:I.:::o::::..s) (8) as well as methods of achieving chopper·stabilized
qV RL drift performance at low impedance levels have
been covered.
With the circuit shown in Figure 8, Equation (8) Fairly·simple current compensation which requires
gives a 25 IlV input·referred drift for every 10 mV that the impedance levels be fixed have been des·
of offset voltage drift or for every 100 nA of offset cribed along with compensation which is effective
current drift. It is obvious from this that the offset in cases where the source impedance is not well
current drift is most important if an operational defined. This latter category includes long·interval
amplifier with bipolar input transistors is used. integrators, sample·and·hold circuits, switched·gain
amplifiers or voltage followers which operate from
Another important consideration is the matching an unknown source. The application of these
of the collector load resistors on the preamplifier schemes is generally limited to integrated amplifiers
stage. A O.l·percent imbalance in the load resistors since modular amplifiers almost always incorporate
due to thermal mismatches or any other cause wi II current compensation.
produce a 25 IlV shift in offset. This includes the
balancing potentiometer which can introduce an The drift·reduction techniques provide stabilities
error that will depend on how far it is set off mid· better than 0.5 IlV fc for low impedance sources,
point if it has a different temperature coefficient such as thermocouples, current shunts or strain
than the resistors. gauges. With a properly designed circu it, compen·
sation depends only on a single room temperature
The most obvious use of this type of low drift
adjustment, so excellent performance can be ob·
ampl ifier is with thermocouples, magnetometers,
tained from a fairly·simple amplifier.
current shunts, wire strain gauges or similar signal
sources where very low drift is required and the
source resistance is low enough that the bias REFERENCES
currents do not cause a problelT\. The 0.5 to 1 IlV I
°c drift' realized with this relatively simple amp· 1. R. J. Widlar, "A Unique Circuit Design for a
lifier over a _55°C to +125°C temperature range High Performance Operational Amplifier Espec·
compares favorably with the drift figures achieved ially Suited to Monolithic Construction," Proc.
with chopper amplifiers: O.4IlVfC for mechanical of NEC, Vol. XXI, pp. 85·89, October, 1965.
choppers, 0.5 IlV fc with photoelectric choppers
2. R. J. Widlar, "Some Circuit'Design Techniques
over a DoC to 55°C temperature range and 21lV fc
for Linear Integrated Circuits," IEEE Trans. on
with field·effect·transistor choppers over a _55°C
Circuit Theory, Vol. XII, pp. 586·590, Decem·
to +125°C temperature range. In order to give some
ber, 1965.
appreciation of the level of performance, it is
interesting to note that no substantial improvement 3. A. H. Hoffait and R. D. Thorton, "Limitations
in performance would be realized by operating the of Transistor DC Amplifiers," IEEE Proc., Vol.
amplifier in a temperature·controlled oven. Any 52, pp. 179·184, February, 1964.
improvement wou Id be masked by various thermo·
electric effects not directly associated with the 4. A. Tuszynski, "Correlation Between the Base·
amplifier unless extreme care were taken in the Emitter Voltage and Its Temperature Coeffi·
choir.e of input lead material, the method of mak· cient," Solid State Design, pp. 32·35, July,
ing connections and the balancing of thermal paths. 1962.
These factors are, in fact, important when making
5. C. T. Sah, "Effect of Surface Recombination
oven tests to verify the drift of thp Jmplifier since
and Channel on P·N Junction and Transistor
thermoelectric effects can easily produce drift
Characteristics," IRE Trans. on Electron De-
voltages larger than those of the amplifier if they
vices, Vol. ED·9, pp. 94·108, January, 1962.
are not properly handled.
6. J. E. Iwersen, A. R. Bray, and J. J. Kleimack,
*Drifts of 0.05 IJ,Vrc over a 0-50°C temperature range "Low·Current Alpha in Silicon Transistors,"
were reported in Reference 3 using matched discrete IRE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. ED·9,
transistors in one can. pp. 474·478, November, 1962.
April 1968 ~
Operational amplifiers are undoubtedly the easiest The free-running multivibrator shown in Figure 1 :J:I
and best way of performing a wide range of linear is an excellent example of an application where one »
functions from simple amplification to complex does not normally consider using an operational
analog computation. The cost of monolithic am· amplifier. However, this circuit operates at low fre- o
plifiers is now less than $2.00, in large quantities, quencies with relatively small capacitors because it Z
which makes it attractive to design them into cir- can use a longer portion of the capacitor time con- »
cuits where they would not otherwise be con- stant since the threshold point of the operational
sidered. Yet low cost is not the only attraction of amplifier is well determined. In addition, it has »
monolithic amplifiers. Since all components are a completely-symmetrical output waveform along 3:
simultaneously fabricated on one chip, much higher with a buffered output, although the symmetry can "tJ
circuit complexities than can be used with discrete be varied by returning R2 to some voltage other C
amplifiers are economical. This can be used to give than ground. ."
improved performance. Further, there are no insur-
mountable technical difficulties to temperature sta- :J:I
bilizing the amplifier chip, giving chopper-stabilized CJ)
performance with little added cost. ~
Operational amplifiers are designed for high gain, ". C
low offset voltage and low input current. As a re- Z
sult, dc biasing is considerably simplified in most OO"'I R2
applications; and they can be used with fairly sim-
ple design rules because many potential error terms - .... :J:I
can be neglected. This article will give examples
demonstrating the range of usefulness of operation-
FIGURE 1. Free-Running Multivibrator
al amplifiers in linear circuit design. The examples
are certainly not all-inclusive, and it is hoped that Another advantage of the circuit is that it will C
they will stimulate even more ideas from others. A always self start and cannot hang up since there is Z
few practical hints on preventing oscillations in m
operational amplifiers will also be given since this
more dc negative feedback than positive feedback.
This can be a problem with many "textbook"
is probably the largest single problem that many multivibrators.
engineers have with these devices. n
Since the operational amplifier is used open loop,
the usual frequency compensation components are
Although the designs presented use the LM101 op- not required since they will only slow it down. But
even without the 30 pF capacitor, the LM101 does
erational amplifier and the LM102 voltage follower Z
produced by National Semiconductor, most are have speed limitations which restrict the use of this m
generally applicable to all monolithic devices if the circuit to frequencies below about 2 kHz. Z
manufacturer's recommended frequency compen- -I
sation is used and differences in maximum ratings
are taken into account. A complete description of The large input voltage range of the LM101 (both
the LM101 is given elsewhere;l but, briefly, it dif- differential and single ended) permits large voltage
fers from most other monolithic amplifiers, such swings on the input so that several time constants
as the LM709,2 in that it has a ±30V differential of the timing capacitor, C1, can be used. With most
input voltage range, a +15V, -12V common mode other amplifiers, R2 must be reduced to keep from
range with ±15V supplies and it can be compen- exceeding these ratings, which requires that C1 be
sated with a single 30 pF capacitor. The LM102,3 increased. Nonetheless, even when large values are
which is also used here, is designed specifically as a needed for C1, smaller polarized capacitors may be
voltage follower and features a maximum input used by returning them to the positive supply volt-
current of 10 nA and a 10V/p.s slew rate. age instead of ground.
Frequently, in the design of linear equipment, it is The LM101 is well suited to comparator applica·
necessary to take a voltage wh ich is referred to tions for two reasons: first, it has a large differen-
some dc level and produce an amplified output tial input voltage range and, second, the output is
which is referred to ground. The most straight· easily clamped to make it compatible with various
forward way of doing this is to use a differential driver and logic circuits. It is true that it doesn't
amplifier similar to that shown in Figure 2a. This have the speed of the LM7104 (10 Ils versus 40 ns,
circuit, however, has the disadvantages that the under equivalent conditions); however, in many
signal source is loaded by current from the input linear applications speed is not a problem and the
divider, R3 and R4, and that the feedback resis· lower input currents along with higher voltage capa·
tors must be very well matched to prevent errone- bility of the LM101 is a tremendous benefit.
ous outputs from the common mode input signal.
A circuit which does not have these problems is Two comparator circuits using the LM101 are
shown in Figure 2b. Here, an F ET transistor on shown in Figure 3. The one in Figure 3a shows a
the output of the operational amplifier produces clamping scheme which makes the output signal
a voltage drop across the feedback resistor, R1, directly compatible with DTL or TTL integrated
which is equal to the input voltage. The voltage circuits. An LM103 breakdown diode clamps the
across R2 will then be equal to the input voltage output at OV or 4V in the low orhigh states, respec·
multiplied by the ratio, R2/R1; and the common tively. This particular diode was chosen because it
mode rejection will be as good as the basic rejec· has a sharp breakdown and low equivalent capaci-
tion of the amplifier, independent of the resistor tance. When working as a comparator, the amplifier
tolerances. This voltage is buffered by an LM 102 operates open loop so normally no frequency com·
voltage follower to give a low impedance output. pensation is needed. Nonetheless, the stray capaci·
tance between Pins 5 and 6 of the ampl ifier Should
An advantage of the LM101 in this circuit is that be minimized to prevent low level oscillations when
it will work with input voltages up to its positive the comparator is in the active region. If this be-
supply voltages as long as the supplies are less than comes a problem, a 3 pF capacitor on the normal
±15V. compensation terminals will eliminate it.
I o~.v. ~:~
____ ". __-,
C1 C1
Figure 3b shows the connection of the LM101 as a
comparator and lamp driver. 01 switches the lamp,
with R2 limiting the current surge resulting from
turning on a cold lamp. R1 determines the base
drive to 01 while D1 keeps the amplifier from put-
ting excessive reverse bias on the emitter-base junc-
tion of 01 when it turns off.
DUTPUT_....._ _ _ _ _....._ _ _-":..":..:·':-.·- V '
I"'" ·PolycarbanatedlllectriccaplICltor
187~K 2N2G05
Q3 R4
......~'IM_i-_ _--;:2N2601'_ _...',..DO""_ _ -+
of the system which saturates. If the signal into the corporating the proper resistors and capacitors in
rate network saturates, a rate signal wi" only be the feedback circuit of an amplifier. Many of these
developed over a narrow range of system operation; circuits are described in reference 5. Multiplication
and instability wi" result when the error becomes and division, however, are a bit more difficult.
large. Attempts to place the rate networks in front These operations are usually performed by taking
of the error amplifier or make the error amplifier the logarithms of the quantities, adding or subtract·
Iinear over the enti re range of error signals fre- ing as required and then taking the antilog.
quently gives rise to excessive dc error from signal
attenuation. At first glance, it might appear that obtaining the
log of a voltage is difficult; but it has been shown 6
These problems can be largely overcome using the that the emitter·base voltage of a silicon transistor
kind of circuit shown in Figure 9. This amplifier follows thelogof its co" ector current over as many
operates in the linear mode until the output voltage as nine decades. Th is means that common transis·
reaches approximately 3V with 30 /lA output cur· tors can be used to perform the log and antilog
rent from the solar cell sensors. At th is point the operations.
breakdown diodes in the feedback loop begin to
conduct, drastically reducing the gain. However, a A circuit wh ich performs both multiplication and
rate signal wi" still be developed because current is division in this fashion is shown in Figure 10. It
being fed back into the rate network (R 1, R2 and gives an output which is proportional to the prod·
Cl) just as it would if the amplifier had remained cut of two inputs divided by a third, and it is about
in the linear operating region. In fact, the amplifier the same complexity as a divider alone.
wi" not actually saturate until the error current
reaches 6 mA, which would be the same as having The circuit consists of three log converters and an
a linear amplifier with a ±600V output swing. antilog generator. Log converters similar to these
have been described elsewhere,7 but a brief descrip·
24V D2
tion follows. Taking amplifier Al, a logging tran-
sistor, 01, is inserted in the feedback loop such
that its collector current is equal to the input volt-
age divided by the input resistor, Rl. Hence, the
emitter-base voltage of 01 will vary as the log of
the input voltage, El.
"' 4
6,-....',."........ eo
6 "
02 OJ
lN457 lM57
C1 C3
This circuit can give 1·percent accuracy for input The logging transistors provide a gain which is de-
voltages from 500 mV to 50V. To get this precision pendent on their operating level. which complicates
at lower input voltages. the offset of the amplifiers frequency compensation. Resistors (R3. R6 and
handling them must be individually balanced out. R71 are put in the amplifier output to limit the
The zener diode. D4. increases the collector-base maximum loop gain. and the compensation capaci-
voltage across the logging transistors to improve tor is chosen to correspond with this gain. As a
high current operation. It is not needed. and is in result. the amplifiers are not especially designed for
fact undesirable. when these transistors are running speed. but techniques for optimizing this parameter
at currents less than 0.3 mAo At currents above are given in reference 6.
0.3 mAo the lead resistances of the transistors can
become important (0.25>2 is 1-percent at 1 mAl Finally. clamp diodes D1 through D3. prevent ex-
so the transistors should be installed with short ceeding the maximum reverse emitter-base voltage
leads and no sockets. of the logging transistors with negative inputs.
INPUT .......
'"" '"'
CI C2 C3
JOOpF loapF 36pF
input. The offset voltages of the transistors are ing, inadequate supply bypassing or improper fre-
nulled out by imbalancing R6 and RB to give 1V quency compensation.
output for 1 V input, since any root of one is one.
In frequency compensating an operational ampli·
02 and 03 are connected as diodes in order to fier, it is best to follow the manufacturer's rec·
simplify the circuitry. This doesn't introduce prob- ommendations. However, if operating speed and
lems because both operate over a very limited cur- frequency response is not a consideration, a greater
rent range, and it is really only required that they stability margin can ususally be obtained by in-
match. R7 is a gain-compensating resistor which creasing the size of the compensation capacitors.
keeps the currents in 02 and 03 equal with changes For example, replacing the 30 pF compensation
in signal level. capacitor on the LM10l with a 300 pF capacitor
will make it ten times less susceptible to oscillation
As with the multiplier/divider, the circuit is insen- problems in the unity-gain connection. Similarly,
sitive to temperature as long as all the transistors on the LM709, using 0.05 pF, 1.5 k!1, 2000 pF
are at the same temperature. Using transistor pairs and 51!1 components instead of 5000 pF, 1.5 k!1,
and matching them as shown minimizes the effects 200 pF and 51!1 will give 20 dB more stability
of gradients. margin. Capacitor values less than those specified
by the manufacturer for a particular gain connec·
The circuit has l-percent accuracy for input volt- tion should not be used since they will make the
ages between 0.5 and 50V. For lower input volt- amplifier more sensitive to strays and capacitive
ages, Aland A3 must have their offsets balanced loading, or the circuit can even oscillate with worst-
out individually. case units.
Figure 12b gives typical responses for both uncom-
pensated and compensated amplifiers. An uncom-
pensated amplifier generally rolls off at 6 dB/octave,
then 12 dB/octave and even 1B dB/octave as vari-
"."""'\,.,....- - - 1
ous frequency-limiting effects within the amplifie~
come into play. If a loop with this kind of response
were closed, it would oscillate. Frequency compen-
sation causes the gain to roll off at a uniform 6 dB/
octave right down through unity gain. This allows
some margin for excess rolloff in the external
circuitry. FIGURE 14. Compensating Stray Input
Some of the external influences which can affect shown in Figure 15. The capacitive load is isolated
the stability of an operational amplifier is shown in from the output of the amplifier with R4 which has
Figure 13. One is the load capacitance which can a value of 50n to lOOn for both the LM 101 and
come from wiring, cables or an actual capacitor on the LM709. At high frequencies, the feedback path
the output. This capacitance works against the out- is throU{lh the lead capacitor, Cl, so that the lag
put impedance of the amplifier to attenuate high produced by the load capacitance does not cause
frequencies. If this added rolloff occurs before the instability. To use this circuit, the amplifier must
loop gain goes through zero, it can cause instability. be compensated for unity gain, regardless of the
It should be remembered that this single rolloff closed loop dc gain. The value of Cl is not too
point can give more than 6 dB/octave roll off since important, but at a minimum its capacitive reac-
the output impedance of the amplifier can be in- tance should be one-tenth the resistance of R2 at
creasing with frequency. the unity-gain crossover frequency of the amplifier.
~---......- .....-<''"
>-....-+''0' >_M_-+_lOUT
FIGURE 13. External Capacitances That Affect FIGURE 15. Compensating for Very Large
Stability Capacitive Loads
A second source of excess rolloff is stray capaci- When an operational amplifier is operated open
tance on the inverting input. This becomes ex- loop, it might appear at first glance that it needs
tremely important with large feedback resistors as no frequency compensation. However, this is not
might be used with an FET-input amplifier. A rela- always the case because the external compensation
tively simple method of compensating for this stray is sometimes required to stabilize internal feedback
capacitance is shown in Figure 14: a lead capacitor, loops.
Cl, put across the feedback resistor. Ideally, the
ratio of the stray capacitance to the lead capacitor
The LM10l will not oscillate when operated open
should be equal to the closed-loop gain of the am- loop, although there may be problems if the capaci-
plifier. However, the lead capacitor can be made tance between the balance terminal on pin 5 and
larger as long as the amplifier is compensated for the output is not held to an absolute minimum.
unity gain. The only disadvantage of doing this is Feedback between these two points is regenerative
that it will reduce the bandwidth of the amplifier. if it is not balanced out with a larger feedback
Oscillations can also result if there is a large resis- capacitance across the compensation terminals.
tance on the non-inverting input of the amplifier. Usually a 3 pF compensation capacitor will com-
The differential input impedance of the amplifier pletely eliminate the problem. The LM709 will os-
falls off at high frequencies (especially with bi- cillate when operated open loop unless a 10 pF
polar input transistors) so this resistor can produce capacitor is connected across the input compensa-
troublesome roll off if it is much greater than 10K, tion terminals and a 3 pF capacitor is connected on
with most amplifiers. This is easily corrected by by- the output compensation terminals.
passing the resistor to ground.
When the capacitive load on an integrated amplifier Problems encountered with supply bypassing are
is much greater than 100 pF, some consideration insidious in that they will hardly ever show up in a
must be given to its effect on stability. Even though Nyquist plot. This problem has not really been
the amplifier does not oscillate readily, there may thoroughly investigated, probably because one sure
be a worst-case set of conditions under which it cure is known: bypass the positive and negative
will. However, the amplifier can be stabilized for supply terminals of each amplifier to ground with
any value of capacitive loading using the circuit at least a O.OlIlF capacitor.
For example, a LM10l can take over 1 mH induc- it is not too helpful in determining if the amplifier
tance in either supply lead without oscillation. This is indeed stable. The reason is that most problems
should not suggest that they should be run without in a well-designed system are caused by secondary
bypass capacitors. It has been established that 100 effects - which occur only under certain conditions
LM10l's on a single printed circuit board with com- of output Voltage, load current, capacitive loading,
mon supply busses will oscillate if the supplies are temperature, etc. Making frequency-phase plots
not bypassed about every fifth device. This happens under all these conditions would require unreason-
even though the inputs and outputs are completely able amounts of time, so it is invariably not done.
The LM709, on the other hand, will oscillate under A better check on stability is the small-signal tran-
many load conditions with as little as 18 inches of sient response. It can be shown mathematically that
wire between the negative supply lead and a bypass the transient response of a network has a one-for-
capacitor. Therefore, it is almost essential to have a one correspondence with the frequency domain
set of bypass capacitors for every device. response. t The advantage of transient response tests
is that they are displayed instantaneously on an
oscilloscope, so it is reasonable to test a circuit
under a wide range of conditions.
Operational amplifiers are specified for power sup-
ply rejection at frequencies less than the first break
frequency of the open loop gain. At higher fre-
quencies, the rejection can be reduced depending Exact methods of analysis using transient response
on how the amplifier is frequency compensated. will not be presented here. Th is is not because these
For both the LM 101 and LM709, the rejection of methods are difficult, although they are. Instead, it
high frequency signals on the positive supply is is because it is very easy to determine which condi-
excellent. However, the situation is different for tions are unfavorable from the overshoot and ring-
the negative supplies. These two amplifiers have ing on the step response. The stability margin can
compensation capacitors from the output down to be determined much more easily by how much
a signal point which is referred to the negative sup- greater the aggravating conditions can be made
ply, causing the high frequency rejection for the before the circuit oscillates than by analysis of the
negative supply to be much reduced. It is therefore response under given conditions. A little practice
important to have sufficient bypassing on the nega- with this technique can quickly yield much better
tive supply to remove transients if they can cause results than classical methods even for the inexpe-
trouble appearing on the output. One fairlY large rienced engineer.
(22 j.!F) tantalum capacitor on the negative power
lead for each printed-circuit card is usually enough
to solve potential problems.
2. R. J. Widlar, "A Unique Circuit Design for a 6. J. F. Gibbons and H. S. Horn, "A Circuit with
High Performance Operational Ampl ifier Espe- Logarithmic Transfer Response ov.er Nine De-
cially Suited to Monolithic Construction," Proc. cades," IEEE Trans. on Circuit Theory, Vol.
of NEC, Vol. XXI, pp. 85-89, October, 1965. CT-ll, pp. 378-384, September, 1964.
3. R. J. Widlar, "A Fast Integrated Voltage Fol· 7. R. J. Widlar and J. N. Giles, "Avoid Over-
lower with Low Input Current," National Semi- Integration," Electronic Design, Vol. 14, No.3,
conductor AN-5, March, 1968. pp. 56-62, Feb. I, 1966_
4. R. J. Widlar, "The Operation and Use of a Fast 8. Leslie Solomon, "Ferrite 8eads," Electronics
Integrated Circuit Comparator," Fairchild Semi- World, pp. 42-43, October, 1966.
conductorAPP-116, Februarv,1966.
May 1968 .
Most integrated operational amplifiers on the mar- follower output. Since current sources are used on
ket today have serious limitations in many voltage the emitter of {he differential pair and as a col- C
follower applications. They are often too slow lector load, it is practical to get an open loop
because a voltage follower requires maximum
frequency compensation, reducing slew rate to
voltage gain of 3000 from a single stage. The
collector of the input transistor, 01, is boot-
somewhere between 0.1 Vl/1s and 1 Vl/1s.1,2 strapped to the output to increase gain and raise !:t
Secondly, voltage followers are most frequently the input resistance. It also eliminates leakage »
used as buffer amplifiers from high impedance currents by operating the input at zero collector-
sources; but the input current of popular ampli- base voltage. A class-A output stage is used since it
fiers gives excessive dc offset when operated with behaves better at high frequencies with capacitive ."
sou rce resistances much above 10 KD.. loads. Although frequency compensation is not or-
always required with this configuration, R 1 and r-
The design of a monolithic voltage follower which C1 have been included to improve stability with o
combines low offset voltage with an input current
of 2 nA and a 10 Vl/1s slew rate is described here.
capacitive loading. The compensation network is
placed such that the circuit has good transient re-
This performance is realized using improved bi- jection on both the positive and the negative ::D
polar transistors along with an operational ampli- supplies.
fier circuit design which is optimized for the :E
voltage follower configuration. The device, which :::j
Isa~1 ~
is designed to operate from supply voltages be- ~
tween ±12V and ±15V, features a 10 MHz band-
width along with a 3 pF input capacitance and a
minimum input resistance of 10,000 MD.. In addi- ~... Ol
tion, it requires no external components for fre- :E
quency compensation and incorporates continuous
short circuit protection. 2
There are fewer problems encountered in designing B )'m' n
a high performance voltage follower than a similar L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - , -
general purpose amplifier. For one, no level shift- ::D
ing is required so complementary transistors are ::D
unnecessary as gain stages. Hence, it is possible to FIGURE 1. Basic Configuration of the Voltage m
Follower 2
get better high frequency performance since this -f
has been limited in the past by the performance of
the PNp3 transistors that can be made in mono- INPUT STAGE
lith ic circuits. Secondly, because 1DO-percent feed-
back is used, the open loop gai n does not have to In order to get fast slewing, it is necessary to
be as high as a general purpose amplifier; so a operate the differential amplifier at a fairly high
simpler circuit, which is easier to frequency com- current for an input stage. Therefore, a Darlington
pensate, can be used. Finally, with a fixed configu- connection is used on the input transistors to get
ration such as a voltage follower, the input stage low input current. However, as can be seen from
can be included within the compensation network. Figure 2, bleed resistors, R 1 and R2, operate the
This makes it easier to get fast slewing without input transistors at a current wh ich is large by
having to provide unreasonably large small-signal comparison to the base current of 03 and 04. This
bandwidths which would make the amplifier more keeps 01 and 02 from seeing mismatches in the
prone to instabilities. base currents of 03 and 04, which is the largest
source of offset voltage in an ordinary Darlington
Figure 1 demonstrates how simple a voltage differential stage. This bleed current also doubles
follower circuit can be. This circuit uses a single- the gain of the stage and improves the high fre-
stage differential amplifier with an emitter- quency performance.
Using a Darlington stage is not the entire secret to circuitry which is represented by current sources
getting low input currents. 4 With the integrated in Figures 1 and 2. In order to realize low offset
circuit transistors that have been available in the voltage, the current source on the collector of 02
past, reducing the collector current by a factor must supply a current which is exactly one-half of
of 10 would only reduce the base current by a the input pair emitter current.
factor of 3, since the current gain falls off rapidly
at low collector currents. In order to get any real To do this, diode-connected transistors, 014 and
improvement from operating at low currents, it 015, provide a bias voltage which is regulated
was necessary to make better transistors. The against supply voltage variations for the current
devices used here have a typical cu rrent gain of source transistors, 010, 012 and 013. 012 is the
1000 at 2 /J.A collector current. current source for the input pair, while 013 gen-
11 SmA
FIGURE 2. Partial Schematic of the
LM102 Voltage Follower FIGURE 3. Simplified Schematic of
Biasing Circuitry
Operating at 2 /J.A currents requires large resistance
values which are not easily fabricated in integrated erates a current which is one-half the output cur-
circuits. Therefore, the bleed circuit on the input rent of 012. This is accomplished by making R9
stage had to be designed to minimize this resis- twice as large as R8 and 013 one-half the size of
tance. R1 and R2 are operated with a 160 m V 012. The output current of 013 is fed to 018,
drop across them, which is determined by the drop which biases 019. If it is assumed that 018 and
across R3 plus the emitter-base voltage difference 019 are well matched and have large current gains,
between 05 and the differential transistors, 03 the output current of 019 wi II be equal to the
and 04. This difference is 100 mV since the differ- collector current of 013 - or one-half the emitter
ential transistors are operated at roughly 35 times current of the input pair, as required.
the current through 05. 5
Pinch resistors had to be used for R1 and R2 to
get 80 KD within a reasonable surface area. They In practice, it cannot be assumed that the current
were also necessary to keep the parasitic capaci- gain of the PNP transistors, 018 and 019, is
tance of the resistors small, as it could severely large. 6 In fact, the current gain could be as low as
degrade the large signal pulse response. However, unity. As a result, additional circuitry is required
pinch resistors have a large positive temperature to get proper operation. Figure 4 shows how this is
coefficient wh ich causes the operating current of done.
01 and 02 to increase to 3.5/J.A at -55°C and
decrease to 1.4 /J.A at 125°C. Instead of connecting the base directly back to the
collector, emitter follower buffers, 016 and 017,
Figure 2 shows that an extra transistor, 08, has are used to isolate the base current from the col-
been added on the collectors of 02 and 04. Th is lector of 018. Level shifting diodes, Dl and D2,
forms a casco de stage which operates 02 at near are included so that 018 is operated at approxi-
zero collector base voltage, as is 01. An additional mately the same collector base voltage as 019,
emitter follower is included on the output to when the output of the amplifier is at zero, further
further reduce output resistance. improving the match.
a junction capacitor can be fabricated from the creasing gain. Taps on these resistors are brough t
emitter and base diffusions of the NPN transistors. out to provide for offset balancing. The tap point
With this, the required capacitance can be ob· is selected to give a smooth ±20 mV adjustment
tained in a reasonable area of the chip with no range when a 1 K potentiometer is connected be·
additional process steps, as would be required if an tween the balance terminals and the positive
MOS capacitor were used. The same is true, inci· supply.
dentally, for Cl.
The output is inherently short·circuit proof in the
A class·A output stage is used primarily for sim· negative direction. Current limiting for positive
plicity, although the higher quiescent current in outputs is provided by 09 and R6. Howeyer, when
the output stage improves stability with capacitive operating from low source resistances, a 2 Kn to
loads. The emitter of the current sink, 010, is 10 Kn resistor must be added in series with the
brought out so that an external resistor can be input, since the input is clamped directly to the
connected between it and the negative supply for output through D3 and 011 which protect the
increased output current in applications where the input transistors from overvoltage. This resistor
was not included on the chip because it is difficult
to locate a diffused resistor in an isolation region
r---~+-+-~---------------T--~---V' where it would be effective yet not contribute to
input leakage current at high temperatures.
The electrical characteristics of the LM102 are
summarized in Table I. It is evident from this that
the primary design objectives, high speed and low
input current, have indeed been achieved.
100 09999
TA "'_55°C r-
TA = 125°C
1>- 0999 ~~
z ~
~ 10
f- Vs=±15V ~ r-
I' 1/ ~
..... I"- ~ II I 11'"11
1.0 0.9
-55 -35 -15 5 25 45 85105125 lK 10K lOOK 1M
10 14
5 I 12 TA " 25°C
IJ"'0 1,,,1 ~
~ 0
~ ... ,~=30kn '"z
~ -5 ~
;:'" .~~-? >-
~ -10
r, ~
f- Vs: ±1;V
T(iI 2
lOOK ,M 10M 10K lOOK ,M
100 10
f= ~;~ "~V
- Vs=±15V - r-
~~ t
TA " 12SoC::bll.
TA = 25°C
TA =_55°C_
:::tIT rL
, ~
- ,. ......,...
~~~ ~
-- ....--
-.... ,.
,. ~
f- ~'
~20 P"
0.1 'O~
lK 'OK lOOK 'M -55 -35 -15 5 25 45 65 85 105125
FIGURE 10. Output Resistance FIGURE 11. Minimum Load Resistance for Rated
Output Swing
15 -15
Vs= =15V
~ 10 ~
'"z ;-:. ~;-L
>- - -
I-- -
~ I--I--
;< 1.1-- I-- ~
>- ~
~-l ~~~
<1'0,$0- -
- - ~-:;: ::;f- - ~
5- - {_ n >-
~ In ~ -5
0 \
0 '0 20 30 40
0 , 2 3
4 5
FIGURE 12. Positive Current Limiting FIGURE 13. Negative Current Limiting
8 while a lOOn resistor will enable the amplifier to
1 give a ±10V swing with l.4K loads. The figure also
6 shows the effect of temperature on the drive capa-
T""" l- i-- ... It should be remembered that increasing the drive
i"'" I-
current will increase dissipation in the micro·
circuit. For example, when the amplifier is set up
Vr''i'" to drive ±lOV into a 2K load at 12SoC, the worst
case dissipation increase will be lS0 mW (for a
- -15
-5535 5 25456585105125
steady +10V output with load).
FIGURE 14. Supply Current Figures 12 and 13 show the current limiting char-
acteristics of the LM102. Figure 12, which gives
better high frequency response, the LM102
the positive output level as a function of load cur-
actually has 10 times more gain than either the
rent demonstrates the sharpness of the current
LM 101 or the LM709 at frequencies greater than
limiting. The short circuit current also drops as the
10kHz. The gain of all these amplifiers is equal at
chip heats up, reducing power dissipation.
It is difficult to measure the low frequency gain of Figure 13 gives the limiting characteristics in the
a voltage follower directly because the gain error is negative direction. The circuit begins to limit at
so small. However, it can be accomplished by lower currents since the available current is deter-
grounding the input of the amplifier and driving mined by a fixed·current source. It should be
both power supplies simultaneously with the noted that after the output swing first starts to fall
desired input signal. The amplifier error can then off, further increases in load current are supplied
be observed directly on the output. by the input through the protective clamp diodes,
a. 3K Source Resistance b. 30K Source Resistance
FIGURE 15. Large Signal Pulse Response With and Without a Clamp Diode
. _,_L
I '
j- j-- I -- .
_-t_L __L_ . -
1'+~:-'LL_!~t~: !
+ ..... _. . --. -.
. ; I 'J-: I I
a. 3K Source Resistance b. 30K Source Resistance
FIGURE 16. Error Signal for 8V Input Pulse - With and Without a Clamp Diode
current is increased with an external resistor on a ·55°C to +125°C temperature range. Again, the
th e booster term inal. conditions here are 200 pF capacitive load with
bypassed supplies.
Figure 16 illustrates the fact that the settling time
of the LM 102 to within 5 mV of its final value is The effect of unbypassed supplies is demonstrated
less than 1.5 ps for an BV input pulse. These in Figure 19. The response was measured under
photographs show the error signal, which is the the same conditions as Figure 17, except that
difference between the input and the output, with there is 16" of wire between the device and the
a ±4V rectangular pulse applied. bypass capacitors on the power supply. It is
evident that the circuit is on the verge of becoming
unstable with capacitive loading. This clearly
proves the advisability of properly bypassing the
supplies on any high frequency amplifier.
Figures 17 through 19 are indicative of the sta-
bility of the amplifier under varying conditions of
capacitive loading, temperature and supply by-
passing. B Figure 17 gives the small signal transient OPERATING HINTS
response with capacitive loading. These pictures
were taken with both supplies bypassed to ground A number of precautions concerning the proper
wi th 0.01 pF ceramic capacitors. With loads use of the LM102 have alreadY been given along
approaching 200 pF, the circuit tends toward with hints on optimizing the performance in cer-
instability. With capacitive loads much above this tain applications. These are worth repeating here.
it will oscillate, although it will be stable again
with more than 0.01 pF on the output. With the
• The output is short circuit protected; how-
larger capacitances, however, both the small signal
ever, the input is clamped to the output to
risetime and the slew rate will be reduced.
prevent excessive voltage from being devel-
oped across the input transistors. If the
FigUre 18 shows how the stability is affected over ampl ifier is driven from low source imped-
ances, excessive current can flow through • The amplifier may oscillate when operated
these clamp diodes when the output is with capacitive loads between 200 pF and
shorted. This can be prevented by inserting a 0.01 MF.
resistor larger than 3 KQ in series with the
input. • As is the case with any high frequency
amplifier, the power supply leads of the
• The circuit cannot deliver its full slew rate LM 102 should be bypassed with capacitors
into capacitive loads greater than 100 p F greater than 0.01 MF located as close as
unless more sink current is provided on the possible to the device. This is particularly
output with a resistor between pins 4 and 5. true if it is driving capacitive loads.
~~~--~-' i-
Figure 20a gives the connection for getting full
output swing into loads less than BK. The external
resistor, R 1, should not be made less than 100Q as
this could cause limiting on positive peaks. Fig-
I ure 20b shows how to connect a potentiometer to
balance out the offset voltage. Figure 20e gives the
placement of a clamp diode which can be used to
reduce the overshoot that occurs when the fol-
lower is driven with large input pulses with a
leading-edge slope greater than 10 V IMs. The diode
is only needed, however, when the source resis-
tance is less than 30K since the slope seen by the
amplifier will be reduced by the input capacitance
I with the higher source resistances.
FIGURE 17. Small Signal Transient Response for
C L = 10 pF (Top) and C L = 200 pF APPLICATIONS*
The use of the LM102 in a switch circuit for
driving the ladder network in an analog to digital
converter is shown in Figure 21. Simple transistor
switches, connected in the reverse mode for low
saturation voltage, generate the OV and 5V levels
for the ladder network. The switch output is
buffered by A2 and A3 to give a low driving
impedance in both the high and low states.
_-l==L--f I I
.VER/IeAL 1 ---d.1\II[i'IV,
The main advantage of this circuit is that it gives
much lower output resistance than push-pull
switches. Furthermore, the drive circuitry for
--II ---,--
I 3K
these switches is considerably simpler.
-i' -l~-+--+--+ The LM 102 can also be used as a buffer for the
temperature compensated voltage reference, as
shown in Figure 21. The output of the reference
diode is divided down with a resistive divider, and
it can be set to the desired value with R3.
FIGURE 19. Transient Response With Unbypassed
Supplies, CL = 10 pF (Top) and
C L = 200 pF (Bottom) *Other applications are given in reference 8.
'" D1
...----------1,...-----.- :~~::NING
:I~~H_ ..
, ;>o-tl 4-11=--+-
L -rsl-I'H
. ." I
L __ -.l
FIGURE 22. Analog Commutator With Buffered
undoubtedly one of the simplest. When a negative Figure 24 illustrates a method of bootstrapping
going sample pulse is appl ied to the MOS switch, it the bias resistor to get higher input resistance.
will turn on hard and charge the holding capacitor Even though a 200 Kn bias resistor is used for
to the instantaneous value of the input voltage. good dc stability, the input resistance is about
After the switch is turned off, the capacitor is 12 Mn at 100 Hz, increasing to 100 Mn at 1 kHz.
isolated from any loading by the LM 102; and it
will hold the voltage impressed upon it.
The maximum input current of the LM102 is
10 nA, so with a 10 J.lF holding capacitor the drift
Active RC filters have been replacing passive LC
rate in hold will be less than 1 mV /sec. If accu-
filters at an ever-increasing rate because of the
racies of about 1-percent or better are requ ired, it
declining price and smaller size of active compo-
is necessary to use a capacitor with polycarbonate,
nents_ Figure 25 is a low-pass filter which is one of
polyethylene or teflon dielectric. Most other
the simplest forms of active filters_ The circuit has
capacitors exhibit a polarization phenomenon 9
the filter characteristics of two isolated RC filter
which causes the stored voltage to fall off after the
sections and also has a buffered, low-impedance
sample interval with a time constant of several
seconds_ For example, if the capacitor is charged
from 0 to 5V during the sample interval, the mag-
nitude of the falloff is about 50 to 100 mY. The attenuation is roughly 12 dB at twice the
cutoff frequency and the ultimate attenuation is
40 dB/decade. A third low-pass RC section can be
AC AMPLI FI ER added on the output of the amplifier for an ulti-
mate attenuation of 60 dB/decade,10 although
this means that the output is no longer buffered.
The LM 102 has a minimum input resistance of
10,000 Mn, so for dc amplifier applications this
can be completely neglected. However, with an ac There are two basic designs for th is type of filter.
coupled amplifier a biasing resistor must be used One is the Butterworth filter with maximally flat
to supply the input current. This drastically re- frequency response. For this characteristic, the
duces the input resistance. component values are determined from 11
FIGURE 23. Sample and Hold Circuit FIGURE 24. High Input Impedance ac Amplifier
INPUT-"'V\".,..........W .........-::t
·Values are for 10KHz cutoff. Use ·Valuesarefor 100 Hz cutoff. Use
slivered mIca capaCItors lor good metah.zedpolycarbollBtecap8citofS
temperaturestabdlty. for good temperaturtstabdlty,
FIGURE 25. Low Pass Active Filter FIGURE 26. High Pass Active Filter
The LM 102 represents a significant advance in the
state of the art of linear circu its manufacturing.
and The device incorporates transistors which have
higher current gain than is available with discrete
components. Further, a factor of three to five
improvement over this can be expected in the near
C2= (R1 + R2)wc'
The performance realized challenges that of field
effect transistors, if operation over the military
The second kind is the linear phase filter with temperature range is considered. This is especially
minimum settling time for a pulse input. The true if the components. are included in a
design equations for this are temperature-stabilized oven.
1. R. J. Widlar, "A Unique Circuit Design for a 8. R. J. Widlar, "Monolithic Operational Ampli·
High Performance Operational Amplifier fiers - The Universal Linear Component,"
Especially Suited to Monolithic Construc· National Semiconductor Corporation ANA.
tion," Proc. of NEC, Vol. XXI, pp.85-89,
October, 1965. 9. Pau I C. Dow, Jr., "An Analysis of Certain
Errors in Electronic Differential Analyzers,
2. R. J. Widlar, "Monolithic Op Amp with Sim- II - Capacitor Dielectric Absorption," IRE
plified Frequency Compensation," EEE, Trans. on Electronic Computers, pp. 17-22,
Vol. 15, No.7, pp. 58-63, July, 1967. March, 1958.
3. J. Lindmayer and W. Schneider, "Theory of 10. L. Scott, "Criteria for the Design of Active
Lateral Transistors," Solid State Electronics, Filters Using Resistance and Capacitance Ele·
Vol. 10, pp. 225-234, 1967. ments in Feedback Circuits," Solid State Elec-
tronics, Vol. 9, pp. 641-651, 1966.
4. R. J. Widlar, "Future Trends in DC Ampli-
fiers," National Semiconductor Corporation 11. R. S. Melsheimer, "If You Need Active Fil·
TP-4. ters," Electronic Design, pp. 78·82, April 12,
5. R. J. Widlar, "Some Circuit Design Tech·
niques for Linear Integrated Circuits," IEEE
Trans. on Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-12, No.4,
pp. 586-590, December, 1965.
March 1968 ~
In replacing conventional tuned high frequency VAGC ~
0 Vcc ··'2V
stages, monolithic RF/IF amplifiers can provide en
performance, as well as economic advantages. Large II
available gain per stage, inherent stability, self-con-
tained biasing, and excellent limiting or AGC capa-
bilities allow such amplifiers to improve conven- W. c:
tional designs, while their very small chip size makes
them competitive with single transistor stages. \ zG')
Vcc· 12V
CUT ::j
5,n :xJ
son e!
FIGURE 2. Cascade RF Amplifier s:"'0
is permanently connected as an emitter coupled
amplifier, in an economical six pin package, or as !:
the more versatile type LM171 (Figure 4). in which
a ten pin package allows the user to select either m
emitter coupled or cascode configurations. Since
the 171, when externally connected as an emitter
coupled amplifier, is essentially identical in perfor-
mance to the 703, references will be made only to
FIGURE 1. Emitter Coupled RF Amplifier
"cascode" or "emitter coupled" configurations.
Two especially useful RF/IF amplifiers are the
"emitter coupled" differential amplifier, Figure 1, 5••
tional tuned interstages, in which DC bias currents
flow through the input and output tuning induc-
'- "',S< ,
,_ I Ql 02 I
_. , QJ
-250 -1511 -50
50 150 250
In either case, a resistor forces DC current from I (curran, sourcol= 1 +J~~N) (1)
the positive supply into a chain of diodes (two for '(output)
the 703, three for the 171), proportional to the
difference between supply and forward diode-chain Calculating the difference in V1N required to change
voltages, and inversely to the value of the resistor. this ratio from 10% to 90%, it may be seen that:
The forced current, Ibias establishes a voltage drop kT
across the bottom diode (in reality, an NPN tran· V1N (10%)- V1N (90%) = 2 q (Ina 9) = (2)
sistor with collector-base short), which is identical
0.384T (mV)
to the base-emitter voltage required to force a col-
lector current of Ibias in a matched common-emitter This quantity, the transition width of an emitter
stage. Since the transistor is monolithically matched coupled amplifier, is independent of supply voltage
to the bottom diode, and of fairly high DC "beta", and current, and proportional to absolute tempera-
an efficient, reliably biased current source is created. ture, varying from 84 mV at -SSoC to 153 mV at
+12SoC, and is approximately 114 mV at 2SoC.
Forward transconductance, however, is directly pro-
Total current through an NPN differential pair is portional to total supply current, taking the ap-
determined by the current source, while current prox imate form:
"split" depends on the differential base voltage.
Common·mode base voltage is readily available by I Y21! = 3.6 (lsupply, mAl mmhos (3)
using the tap at the top of the diode chain. In the
703, the differential emitters operate at a forced at 25°C, 10.7 MHz, for either 703 or emitter-cou-
voltage of one forward diode drop, V be' the cur- pled 171. Thus, emitter coupled amplifier gain may
rent source still being effective with zero volts, be controlled by externally varying "bias chain"
collector to base. Because the 171, as a cascode, current, changing the current source by the same
requires high frequency performance of the cur- amount, but without affecting transition width.
rent source, three biasing diodes are used, fixing
the differential emitters at 2 V be • Because an emitter coupled amplifier's input im-
pedance is a function of drive level (Figure 6),
Both 703 and 171 function as ordinary differential interstages designed with small-signal y-parameters
amplifiers, splitting available current source drive may exhibit center frequency shifts and bandwidth
equally, when base voltages are equal, and being decreases as signal level increases. This is less of a
capable of either complete cutoff, or full conduc- problem in FM IF strips, where input signal am-
tion of available current into one of the pair, de- plitude is essentially constant, dictated by the limit-
pending on differential input. In emitter coupled ing characteristics of the previous stage (Figure 7).
service, the input signal is injected in series with
the differential pair's DC bias, while, in the cascode, Vee= +12V, 101 MHz
it is in series with the current source's base bias. 30 12
! 25 10 .J
Emitter Coupled Operation ~
1.... tt!., ~
~ R~
To assure symmetrical limiting, and max imum small-
signal linearity, it is necessary that the differential
..... C,
.... ~~ ," 6
pair be closely balanced, so that quiescent operation 1; .....
occurs in the center ofthe amplifier's transfer char- 5
provided that DC resistance of the input inductor rms INPUT VOLTAGE (mV)
INlO ~O OIIMS!J.,',-+-J,...,j,.,,+-+-
- --~:""'--V(r"12V-r-
o ~ _ i I
-20 '-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-J.......J
-50 ~40 -30 ~20 -10
FIGURE 7. Emitter Coupled Limiting FIGURE 9. Tuned Cascade Power Gain vs AGC
and 100 MHz, for exam pie, 171 Yo is about
Cascode Operation 50 mmhos. From Equation (4), it may be seen
that balanced conditions (V. go = 3 Vb.) result in
The cascode configuration exhibits the same input the exponential term equaling unity, so that for·
characteristics as a common·emitter stage, and near· ward transconductance is half of its maximum
Iy the same output characteristics, but has superior value.
available gain and stability; thus, it may directly reo
place many existing AM·I F designs. The modified The combined second·stage input admittance seen
cascode possible with the 171 allows the effective by the collector of the input transistor remains
forward transconductance to be controlled by a essentially constant, as balance of the differential
small DC voltage, applied differentially between pair is varied; thus, input admittance of the cascode
Pins 1 and 7, as in Figure 2. With the AGC input remains constant over a wide AGC range, allowing
near ground, and the base of the output common· interstages to be sharply tuned without fear of
base transistor at 3 Vb. (from the bias chain). the center frequency or bandwidth shift when AGC
output transistor acts as it would in an ordinary is applied (Figure 10). Moreover, the exceptionally
cascode circuit. As the AGC transistor's base volt· low reverse transconductance (.001 mmhos or less
age is increased, it begins to conduct part of the at 200 MHz) allows high·Q interstages to be aligned
available DC current and a proportional amount of in an IF strip with minimal interaction between
signal, from the input stage. As emitter current in· succeeding tuning operations.
creases in the AGC transistor, its emitter resistance
decreases, while the emitter resistance of the output I
transistor increases proportionally; when the differ·
4!l'J kHz C~ "14
ential pair is balanced, output is reduced by half,
and increased AGC voltage causes all DC current,
I.: 1201)
looOf--155kJtR p 20 ~
as well as nearly all signal, to be shunted to the i" BOO Hi ~
4'JMHz Cp
AGC transistor (Figure B). Infinite gain reduction in 600 lL~ "
is not possible, because of capacitive leakages in the ~ 400
I V{.{.: +12V
8 ~
4!lMHz Rp
250MHzC p
, z
250MHI Rp
a a
" r-1-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'--''' +\1)0 +200
~200 ~100 0
VAGC 1m V) PIN 1 TO 1
LBo.;21~ioi' H''->IrG2,J..::,J:;O::;MH.;.J-I-I-lJO I
1 Ja'J lIIIiI/... ~ .s
FIGURE 10. Effect of AGC on Cascode
Input Impedance
:; 20
, 20 T
Gain reduction may be accomplished with either
~~I- - -
positive·going or negative·going AGe, simply by
10 choosing the appropriate input base of the differ·
G21,,'.MH' 10
ential pair. Approximately 200 mV peak·to·peak
-:Ii1i!b. a
is sufficient to operate the AGC from full conduc·
-200 -100 0 +1110 +200
VAGC (mV) PIN 1 TO 7 tion to cutoff at 25°C; adjacent AGC stages may
be connected with the AGC inputs in parallel, if
FIGURE 8. Cascode Y21 vsAGC
the DC "reference" is obtained for each differen·
The magnitude of forward transadmittance is ap· tial pair from a common point, such as the bias
proximately proportional to the fraction of avail· chain of one of the amplifiers. Alternatively, sensi·
able DC current shunted into the output stage; it tivity to differences in individual bias chain refer·
can be related to the AGCvoltage by the expression: ences may be reduced, as well as AGC voltage
sensitivity, by using an external voltage divider for
tions and frequencies is impractical, both the 703
805 (5)
and 171 data sheets supply a wealth of parameter (4X 6.6X 1O- 3 X .11 X 10- 3 )
information. The most convenient characterization
for practical R F circuit design appears to be the = 29.2 d8 (neglecting Y12)
four complex "y·parameters", which define input,
As a check, the stability criterion, C, is calculated:
output, and transfer admittances. In some cases,
capacitance and resistance values are presented, as
they are easier than pure y·parameters to verify in
the laboratory, but they may easily be converted
to equivalent y-parameters. A number of system-
atized design approaches are available, in the litera-
ture, and will not be treated here in detail.
R~' 50n
20 = 7.1 F
211(10 8 )(4500) p
(.002Xl 0·3X34Xl 0. 3 )
sC "" )9000
2 50
-1=13.4-1 = 12.4
= 0.775
C2 C 1 For the conditions given, 0 < C < 1, making the
C2+C 1 = 7.1 -3= 4.1 device unconditionally stable for all sources and
loads. In a practical 10.7 MHz I F strip, however,
solving, external coupling, especially from the strip's output
to its input, can cause instability without careful
C 1 = 4.4 pF, physical design.
Laboratory measurements, in which circuit values A modern FM tuner I F strip capable of low·distor·
given above were used as design centers for adjust· tion multiplex reception, requires:
ment, give typical cascode power gain of 27.5 dB,
A. Bandwidth at least 300 kHz. In a four stage
with the desired 5 MHz bandwidth, using carefully
design, with five interstage networks, band·
constructed, low loss inductors.
width per stage may be calculated from overall
bandwidth by use of the "shrinkage" formula:
10.7 MHz FM IF Using Emitter Coupled Amplifiers
Complete design of a high quality FM I F strip is a BW(per stage ) = - = (n= number 0 f
painstaking process, in which a number of paramo y2 1/n -1 interstages)
300 300 F. The interstages should be designed to minimize
=../2 1/5 -1 = .388 the effects of varying drive levels upon center
frequency and bandwidth. since very weak sig-
nals may operate the first one or two stages
= 773 kHz linearly. rather than as limiters.
June 1968
One might think that an integrated circuit like a Before going into the various circuits, it is in order "T1
voltage regulator would be limited to one spe-
cialized application_ Such is not the case, as was
to describe briefly the operation of the LM 1 00. A
schematic diagram of the integrated circuit is given
proven by the results of an applications contest in Figure 1. Generation of the reference voltage
that was conducted recently for our LM100 volt- starts with zener diode, Dl, which is supplied with
age regulator. a fixed current from one of the collectors of Q2. m
This regulated voltage, which has a positive
The LM 100 is a monolithic integrated circuit that
was designed as a series regulator to operate in
either a linear or a switching mode. Its output volt-
temperature coefficient, is buffered by Q4, divided
down by Rl and R2 and connected in series with a
diode-connected transistor, Q7. The negative tem-
age can be set anywhere between 2 and 30V with a perature coefficient of Q7 cancels out the positive o
pair of external resistors. By itself it can deliver coefficient of the voltage across R2, producing a ::D
output currents of 10 to 20 mA, but discrete tran- temperature-compensated 1.8V on the base of Q8. m
sistors can be added to boost the output current to This point is also brought outside the circuit so G')
any desired level. The integrated circuit design is that an external capacitor can be added to bypass C
described along with its applications as a series any noise from the zener diode. r-
regulator in references 1 and 2. l>
The contest brought out a number of novel ways
Transistors Q8 and Q9 make up the error amp Iifier
of the circuit. A gain of 2000 is obtained from this
to use the LM 100 in other voltage-regu lator appli- single stage by using a current source, another
cations such as a shunt regulator. Included were collector on Q2, as a collector load. The output of
temperature regulators and light-level regulators. It the amplifier is buffered by Ql1 and used to drive
was also shown that the LM100 could effectively the series-pass transistor, Q12. The collector of
be used as an operational amplifier, especially if Q12 is brought out so that an external PNP tran-
the application required a reference voltage or if it sistor, or PNP-NPN combination, can be added for
was necessary to add transistors for increased out- increased output current.
put power.
Current limiting is provided by Ql0. When the
It is appropriate to point out that all the circuits voltage across an external resistor connected be-
described here for the LM100 will work equally tween Pins 1 and 8 becomes high enough to turn
well with the LM200 or LM300, within their on Q 10, it removes the base drive from Q 11 so the
respective temperature and operating-voltage regulator exhibits a constant-current characteristic.
ranges. As for the remaining details, the collector of the
amplifier, Q9, is brought out so that external
collector-base capacitance can be added to
frequency-stabilize the circuit when it is used as a
linear regulator. R9 and R4 are used to start up
the regulator, while the rest of the circuitry estab-
r-t------<p--.....- - - t - UNREGULATED INPUT lishes the proper operating levels for the current
sou rce transistor, Q2.
~~ ....~r---- rHOBACK
Shunt regulators are sometimes substituted for
'-----if------- REfERENCE BYPASS
series regulators even though they are less
'-_--<11-_ _ ,.-=-_____ GROUND efficient. The reason is that they are not as sensi-
tive to input voltage transients, they do not feed
load current transients back into the unregulated
supply, they are inherently short-circuit proof and
they are less prone to failures where the output
FIGURE 1_ LM100 Schematic voltage becomes excessive.
Although the LM100 was designed primarily as a This circuit was submitted by Bob Dobkin of
series regulator, it can also be used in shunt· Philbrick/Nexus Research, Dedham, Massachusetts
regulator applications. Figure 2 shows a 3A shunt and R. F. Downs of LTV Research Center,
regulator. The output of the LM 100 drives a com· Anaheim, California.
r---__~----~----_G~~~~__~----__~------~----__~--_I~----_i._---- __ ~VouT=5V
R4 2NJ668
Fl t Solid Tantalum
2A 1M
f 60 Turns #20 on Arnold Engineering
A 930157·2 Molybdenum Permallov Core
A switching regulator can be used in place of a Although the LM 100 is most frequently used as a
power converter to reduce high input voltages voltage regulator, it is also useful as a current regu-
down to a considerably lower output voltage with lator. A current regulator can be made by regula-
good efficiency. In addition, it simultaneously ting the voltage across a known resistor, producing
regu lates the output voltage. As a resu It, a a fixed current.
switching regulator is simpler and more efficient
than a power converter/regulator combination. The focus control current source shown in
One objection brought up against switching regula- Figure 5 is an example of such a current regulator.
tors is that they can fail with the output voltage
going up to the unregulated input voltage which is
frequently several times the regulated output volt-
age. This can destroy the equipment that the
regulator is supplying. A power converter has the
advantage that it will usually fail with the output
voltage going to zero.
prevents voltage reversals on the integrated circuit The maximum supply voltage (V+) that can be
or the pass element, caused by the inductive kick- used with this circuit is limited only by the break-
back of the focus coil, when the input voltage is down voltage of the control transistors. If this
switched off. C2 and C3 are required to keep the voltage is less than 40V, this supply can also be
circuit from oscillating. used to power the LM 100.
lNl81D R4
2K Rl
8.~~NJ5::':V-t---·---4I""'-----""" '::'
R5 t Solid Tan'bllum
1M l60 Tarm #20 on Arnold Engineering
A 930151·2 Molybdenum Perm.lloy COft
+ CIt
T l5V 1DO l-'F
tSolid Tantalum OUTPUT
f &0 Turns #20 on Arnold EnginHting
A 930151·2 Molybdenum Permalloy Core
41 pF
With this circuit, the difference between the input TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER
voltage and the load voltage cannot drop below
8.5V, or the circuit will drop out of regulation A circuit for an oven·temperature controller using
because the voltage across the LM 100 is insuffi· the LM100 is given in Figure 8. Temperature
cient to bias the reference circuitry. changes in the oven are sensed by a thermistor.
This signal is fed to the LM100 which controls
power to the heater by switching the series pass
transistor, Q2, on and off. Since the pass transistor
This circuit was sent in by T. H. Lynch of Bunker· will be nearly saturated in the on condition, its
Ramo Corporation, Canoga Park, California. power dissipation is minimized.
LEVEL - -. .- - - - {
10 ll FT R2
* Mount an Heat Sink With
Power Transistors
INPUT t Can be Selected 'Of Desired
Quiescent CUlTent
FIGURE 10. High Efficiencv Modulation Scheme for Single Sideband Transmitter
rf output signal. With no modulating signal, the form is detected and used to drive the regu lator so
driver and output amplifiers are operated at 1.8V, that its output voltage follows the shape of the
which is the reference voltage of the LM100. When envelope. Hence, the amplifiers are alwavs
·modulation is present, the envelope of the rf wave- supplied just enough voltage to keep them from
Under ordinary circumstances, the feedback
terminal of the LM100 wants to operate from a
Figure 11 gives the circuit for a light· intensity 2K divider impedance. Satisfying this condition on
regulator using the LM 100. A phototransistor a 2 KV regulator would require that about 2W be
senses the light level and drives the feedback dissipated in the divider. This, however, is reduced
terminal of the LM 100 to control current flow to 40 mW by the addition of 01 which acts as a
into an incandescent bulb. R 1 serves to limit the buffer for a high impedance divider, operating the
inrush current to the bulb when the circuit is first LM 100 from the proper source resistance. The
turned on. other half of the transistor, 02, is required to com·
pensate for the temperature drift in the emitter·
The current gain of the phototransistor, 02, is base voltage of Q1, so that it is not multiplied by
fixed at 10, to make it less temperature sensitive, the divider ratio. The circuit does have an uncom·
by R3 and the temperature compensating diode, pensated drift of 2 mVtC; but this is added
D 1. A photodiode, such as the 1N2175, could be directly to the output, not multiplied by the
substituted for the phototransistor if it had suffi· divider ratio, so it will be insignificant with a 2 KV
cient light sensitivity; and R3 and D 1 could be regulator.
eliminated. The input voltage does not have to be
regulated as the sensitivity of a phototransistor or
photodiode is not greatly affected by the voltage This circuit was contributed by Don Sobel of
drop across it. A photoconductor can also be used Federal Scientific Corporation, New York, New
in place of the phototransistor, except that input York and A. A. Frank of the University of
voltage would have to be regulated. Southern California, Los Angeles, California.
RS 12V/2 KV
04 100M
2N2905 1%
T 2.2 /1F
t SoridTantalum
n,Ol/1F O.DlpF O.D1JlF O.OlpF O.OIp.F
.-""''v-......- AND 0 E
01 VIDER -O-~I'v-~--____
2K 500
1% 1%
R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
20pf RIO
20/1F 390
600V 600V
+ +
08 09
06 390
LINE RESISTANCE COMPENSATOR This circuit was suggested by W. J. Godsey of
Hayes International Corporation, Birmingham,
Remote sensing of the load voltage to eliminate Alabama.
the effects of line resistance can be done with the
L M100 by connecting the feedback resistors
directly across the load, rather than at the regu-
lator output_ However, it may be necessary to USING ALL NPN PASS TRANSISTORS
increase the size of the frequency compensation
capacitor ordinarily used with the regulator. In The LM 100 was designed to use a PNP or
certain applications, remote sensing is undesirable PNP/NPN combination for the series pass element.
or the actual load is not directly accessible_ An With this configuration, the minimum output-
example of this is a dc motor application where it input voltage differential is not increased by the
is desirable to reduce the effects of the armature addition of booster transistors_ However, the
resistance_ device can also be used with all NPN pass tran-
sistors as shown in Figure 15.
r--------~~- ...
t Solid Tlntalum 0.1
There is a reason why R5 is included, and R6 is Th e main advantage of using all NPN pass
not just made a potentiometer_ It is practically transistors is that the circu it can be operated with
impossible to find a potentiometer witli a low less capacitance on the output of the regu lator.
enough resistance value and high enough power When NPN and PNP transistors are used, relatively
rating. In fact, with higher currents, it is even hard large (1-10 j,lF) bypass capacitors must be con-
to find a suitable resistor for R6. A 0_1 n, lOW nected on both the input and output of the regu-
resistor is not easy to find. One way of getting it is lator. Without these, the circuit is susceptible to
to take a ln, lOW, adjustable, wire-wound resistor oscillations_
and put two taps at the 1/3 resistance points. The
three resistor segments are then connected in This design was based on a circuit submitted by E_
parallel to make a O.lln, lOW resistor_ F. Donner of Lockheed, San Jose, California_
HIGH STABILITY REGULATOR Although the circuit shown is a low current regu-
lator, this idea is equally useful for high-power
The performance of regulators with output volt- linear regulators and even switching regulators.
ages above 10V can be improved considerably by
the addition of an external temperature-
compensated reference diode_ Normally, the volt- 14
age change at the feedback terminal of the LM 100
due to changes in temperature, load or input volt- 12
age are multiplied by the divider ratio of the feed- 110
back resistors which determine the output voltage.
This effect can be reduced by putting a reference
FIGURE 17_ Drift Characteristics of an 1N944A as
R4 a Function of Operating Current
47 pF
This contribution was made by Ahti Aintila,
V,N Helsinki, Finland.
FIGURE 16. High Stability Regulator
The regulation of the circuit in Figure 16 is given 2N2369
by R3
where Vz is the breakdown voltage of D 1 and V FB
is the voltage on the feedback terminal of the regu- -= PULSE
lator. Hence, the improvement in regulation and
temperature drift (assumi ng no drift in the exter-
nal diode) will be V OUTV ,which is equal to FIGURE 18_ Pulse Regulator
OUT- z
4.5 in the example given.
If additional output-current drive is needed, an CONCLUSION
NPN buffer, similar to that shown in Figure 15,
should be used on the LM100 in place of a PNP These examples show that certain integrated cir·
because of the difficulties encountered in sta- cu its can be treated like a component, rather than
bilizing the PNP circuit without capacitance on the a specialized circuit function. This seems to be
output_ particularly true for linear integrated circuits. It is
possible to use almost any standard circu it in a
This method of pUlsing the circuit on and off, that wide variety of applications by designing imagina-
is pulling Pin 7 down within one diode drop of tively. If this is done, it is possible to reap the
ground, can be used as an electrical shutoff for any rewards of standard circuits - low cost and
of the voltage or current regulators_ immediate availability - in practically any equip-
ment design.
Credit for this circuit is given to Don Maurer of
Medtronic Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota REFERENCES
and E_ E. Cunningham of Ectron Corporation, San
Diego, California. 1. R. J. Widlar, "A Versatile, Monolithic Voltage
Regulator," National Semiconductor Corpora-
tion AN·1, February, 1967. .
2. R. J. Widlar, "Designing Switching Regulators,"
National Semiconductor Corporation AN·2,
April, 1967.
December 1968 ~
Although many Integrated Circuit Operational 01,02, R1 and R2 form a simple constant current "'tJ
Amplifiers are available with excellent character· supply of ""16 /-LA at 25°C, 8 /-LA at +125°C and m
istics, two areas leave considerable room for 22/-LA at ·55°C. This current is supplied to the ::D
improvement; namely, offset voltage and power
requirements. The LHOOOl operational amplifier
common emitters of the input pair 03 and 04
which, along with their load resistors R3 and R4,
has been designed to provide extremely low offset form a simple differential amplifier. The low fre· o
voltages (typically 0.2 millivolts at 25°C) and qui·
escent supply currents in the 100 /-LA range, while
quency gain of this stage is approximately 30,
minimizing the effect on the input of changes in »
still providing reasonable loaded output swings and offset voltage in the second stage pair, 05 and 06.
a compensated gain bandwidth in the 0.5 to r-
1.0 MHz range. The circuit diagram (Figure 1A and The second stage differential pair with high imped· ::I:
1 B) shows the simplicity of the LH0001; the only ance load, 08, form the main voltage gain of the
unusual characteristic being the use of PNP tran' amplifier. Typical values of collector currents in o
sistors in the input stages for improved beta vs. 05 and 06 are 20/-LA each and the voltage gain of
temperature linearity and lower noise. th is stage is approx imately 2000.
The output section is simply a compound s:"'tJ
NPN - PNP pair providing isolation between the
high impedance junction of the collectors of 06 !:
and 08, and the load.
R6 R7 m
SDK SDK Operation from Single Power Supply ::D
- l - t- MAX.
-:;. p.- ~ ~
, ~ ~ f"" I-
10 20 30 40
Figure 2. Range of Resistor Values Inserted from Pin 7
Figura 18. LH0001 Pin Configuration. to Pin 3 when Pin 7 is not grounded.
Clamped Output Swing
The output voltage can be quite effectively held
between specified limits by means of diode clamps • VOUT
l- I I-- l- I-
IS 'I-- P I-- Vz~1.5V "
~ -10
, \lz=15V
Ivz "25V J
-. I
o 10 203048 506D 1080
Figure 5A. LHOOOI As Comparator For Driving DTL or T 2 L. Figure 7. Method of Balancing Input Offset Voltaga.
Input Bias Current Compensation pins 1 to 5 in opposite directions, the short circuit
Methods of compensation recommended in NS current will be reduced in both the positive and
Application Note AN-3 can all be successfully used negative direction.
with the LHOOOl with the exception that all po-
Figure 9 shows the connections and Figure 10
larities are reversed and NPN bias transistors sub-
gives the typical short circuit currents available
stituted for the PNP uni~s_ Transistor type 2N2484
both with and without the diode clamps.
units are recommended, For optimum compensa-
tion over a wide temperature range, the method of
generating the emitter current of the compensating
transistor shown in Figure 4 and 6 of AN-3 should
be modified to be similar to the current source lOUT
tive swing by approximately a volt. If the maxi- WITH tAMP
mum positive swing is required, it may be obtained
by connecting a low capacitance (C ~ 2 pF at zero ".
volts) diode between pins 1 and 5, with the cath- ,
ode on pin 1. Table 1 shows the typical positive
and negative swing with RL ~ 100 Kn both with
and without the diode clamp.
, 50
-50 '01 '50
TABLE 1 Maximum Output Swings vs Supply Figure 10A. Short Circuit Output Current.
Supply Voltage ±5V ±10V ±15V ±20V
Vs· !15V
Typical Negative ,
Output 3.8 8.8 13.5 18.4
As explained in the following section, the inclu- drop across R LIM' In addition, the diode current
sion of a diode from pin 1 to 5, in addition to which may be as high as 75 p.A at 25°C will be
increasing the available positive output. voltage, added to the output current.
will also reduce the maximum positive short cir-
cuit current.
Reducing the Short-Circuit Current
As mentioned above, a diode connected from
pin 1 to pin 5 will reduce the positive output short
circuit current. If the polarity of the diode is re-
versed, the negative short circuit current will be Figure 11. Alternate Method of Limiting Output Short
similarly reduced. If 2 diodes are connected from Circuit Current.
Typical Performance of the LHOOOl Operational
Amplifier (V s = ±15V, T = 25°C)
Input Offset
Voltage RsS5K 0.2 mV
Input Offset
Current 3 nA
Input Bias
Current 30 nA
Positive Supply
Current 80 llA
Negative Supply
Current 551lA
The LH0002 Current Amplifier integrated build-
v+ v+
ing block provides a wide band unity gain ampli-
fier capable of providing peak currents of up to
1 2 o
±200 mA into a 50 ohm load.
The circuit uses thick film technology to integrate
5kn ::I:
2 NPN and 2 PNP complementary matched silicon t..
transistors with 4 cermet resistors on a single r-
alumina ceramic substrate. A circuit schematic is ~ ~3
shown in Figure 1. The negative thermal feedback RJ o
provided by the close proximity of the compo- zn o
nents on a single substrate eliminates any thermal o
runaway problem that could occur if this circuit
were constructed using discrete components. R4 (")
___ 5 C
A typical circuit features a dynamic input imped- ---K; Q2 ::c
ance of 200 Kohms, an output impedance of ::c
6 ohms, DC'to 50 MHz bandwidth, and an output
I'" Q4
..... m
voltage swing that approaches supply voltage. A
Rl -I
complete list of the guaranteed and typical values 5kn
for the electrical characteristics under the stated
conditions is given in Table 1. These features make 1 6 ~
the LH0002 ideal for integration with an opera- v- v- "tJ
tional amplifier inside a closed loop configuration FIGURE 1. Circuit Schematic !::
TABLE 1. Electrical characteristics, specification applies for TA = 25°C with +12.0V on pins 1 and 2; -12.0V on pins 6 and 7.
Harmonic Distortion VIN '" 5.0 V rms• f:::: 1.0 kHz - 0.1 - %
to increase its current output. The symmetrical impedances over a wide frequency range. The out-
class B output portion of the circuit also provides put impedance of the amplifier is very low,
a constant low output impedance for both the pos· 6 ohms typically, and in conjunction with a volt-
itive and negative slopes of output pulses. age bandwidth of approximately 50 MHz can be
considered to be insignificant for most applica-
CIRCUIT OPERATION tions for this type of device.
The majority of circuit applications will use A plot of the voltage bandwidth is shown in Figure
symmetrical power supplies, with equal positive 3. Inspection of this plot shows that phase infor-
voltage being applied to pins 1 and 2, and equal mation as well as gain information was included to
negative voltage applied to pins 6 and 7. The rea· assist users of this device. For example, at 10 MHz,
son that pin 2 and pin 6 are not connected inter- less than an 8° phase lag would be subtracted from
nally to pin 1 and pin 7, respectively, is to increase the phase margin of an operational amplifier when
the versatility of circuit operation by allowing a it is integrated with this device. The open loop
decreased voltage to be applied to pins 2 and 6 to gain of the operational amplifier would be de-
minimize the power dissipation in 03 and 04. The creased by less than 10% at 10 MHz and therefore
larger voltage applied to the input stage also pro- can be considered to be insignificant for most ap-
vides increased current drive as required to the plications.
output stage.
1.0 -40
The operation of the circuit can be understood by VOLTAGE GAIN
considering that the input pin 8 is at VIN. The ! 0.8 ~ -32
emitter of 01 will be approximately 0.6 volt more
positive than VIN at 25°C, and the converse is true
for 02. This 0.6 volt will provide a forward bias on
~ 0.6
",r- 1.
VIN· t.IV Ins. RL '" 50 ohms,. VI" !1Z.DY
- -24 ll'
lOOK ± 1/4%
VOUT (1)
VOUT (2)
Figure 5 shows the LH0002 integrated with the A breadboard of this configuration was assembled
LH10l in a booster follower configuration. The to empirically check the increase in offset voltage
configuration is stable without the requirement for due to the addition of the LH0002. The offset
any external compensation; however, it would be- voltage was measured with and without an
hoove the designer to be conservative and bypass LH0002 inside the loop with a voltage gain of
both the negative and positive power supplies with 100, at _55°C, 25°C and 125"C. The additional
at least a O.Olllf capacitor to cancel out any offset voltage was less than 0.3% for all three tem-
p ower supply lead inductance. A 100 ohm perature conditions even though the offset voltage
damping resistor, located right at the input of the of the LH0002 is much higher than that of the
'LH0002, might also be required between the oper- LH101. The high open loop gain of the LH10l
ational amplifier and the booster amplifier. The divides out this source of circuit error. The integra-
physical layout will determine the requirement for tion of this device also allows higher closed loop
this type of oscillation suppression. Current limit- circuit gain without excessive cross-over distortion
ing can be added by incorporating series resistors than would be obtainable with the simple booster
from pins 2 and 6 to their respective power sup- amplifier shown in Figure 6.
plies. The exact value would be a function of
power supply voltage and required operating tem-
INPUT --"INIt"4....:.t,
Figure 7 shows the LH0002 being used as a level
shifter with a high pass filter on the input in order
to reference the output to zero quiescent volts.
The purpose of the 10 Kohm resistor is to provide
current bias to the circuit's input transistors to
reduce the output offset voltage. Figure 3, Input
Impedance vs Frequency, provides a useful design
aid in order to determine the value of the capaci-
tor for the particular application. The 10 Kohm
resistor, of course, has to be considered as being in FIGURE B. Driver for a Pulse-Transformer
parallel with the circuit's input impedance.
"'>--4,....-4,....-0 VOUT
August 1968 ...,
Intermediate-frequency amplifiers in superhetero- Economics dictated the simplest detector schemes, o
dyne receivers and signal-frequency amplifiers in usually a single diode, biased from a tuned trans- :2
T_R_F _ receivers have traditionally been parti- former secondary_ AGC voltage was usually or
tioned into a number of discrete power-gain stages, obtained directly from the diode detector. Gener-
with interstage networks performing both DC ally, because of large tuned gain and, often, mar- ::j
decoupling and bandpass shaping functions_ As ginal stability in the conventional common-emitter :J:
long as the active components (vacuum tubes or stage, power-supply decoupling was required for n
transistors) comprised a substantial part of the each stage_
"strip's" total cost, it made sense to design on a "T1
"cost-per-stage" basis_ Suppose, however, that the above requirements are CJ)
largely eliminated by availability of almost un- -I
A number of currently available microcircuits, limited monolithic 'complexity and inherent inter- :XI
such as types LM703 and LM171, provided a nal biasing. It would be much more efficient to ."
transitional opportunity for RF system designers put all power gain in a single, lumped stage, pre-
to use proven interstage network designs, substi-
tuting the self-contained, inherently stable, high
ceded by a single (perhaps mu Itisection, for selec-
tivity) bandpass filter. This would considerably
gain-bandwidth product microcircuit directly for a reduce the assembly and alignment labor in an AM
conventional common-emitter IF stage_ While the receiver. Rather than deal with the sizeable prob- »
excellent FM limiting and AGC characteristics of
such monolithic stages have already proven them-
lems of AGC in direct-coupled, high-gain ampli-
fiers, a simpler approach is to achieve full gain-
selves in commercial and entertainment equip- control range through a high-performance variable »
ment, they have usually constituted performance, attenuator stage, between the input bandpass filter
rather than cost, advantages to the system manu- and the input to the lumped gain stage, leaving the n
facturer. lumped gain stage at its maximum gain at all times.
Finally, an AM detector is desirable which can be
Monolithic technology has already emerged, in the directly coupled to the gain stage output, which is ."
digital area, from an initial period of novelty and a insensitive to DC biasing, and which reliably pro- C
subsequent period of superior performance, into vides a DC AGC voltage compatible with the input n
the current realization that, against MSI or LSI,
discrete transistor computing systems cannot be
variable attenuator. A block diagram of the new
subsystem appears in Figure 1. ~
competitive_ The linear circuit to be described, a o
multifunction IF strip, is a step in the same direc- z
tion, in which a number of discrete circuit func-
tions have been combined, replacing not only the AUDIO
active elements and DC biasing components, but AGC R4
eliminating many of the peripheral IF elements as
A complete schematic for National Semicon- follower, with R2as load_ When VAGe equals3 Vbe ,
ductor's AM IF Strip, the LMl72/272, appears in 02 and 03 form a balanced differential pair, con-
Figure 2_ All capacitors shown are external to ducting equal emitter currents from "current
the 8 pin, T05 package; these capacitors establish source" R2, and as VAGe increases, 03 turns
the minimal amount of decoupling and time con- increasingly on, with 02 turning off_ As this
stants required to operate such a complex, high occurs, the effective emitter resistance of 02
gain-bandwidth product microcircuit_ increases, in series with the input signal, while the
emitter resistance of 03 decreases, shunting across
the signal. Thus, 02 and 03 form a series-shunt
Examining first the AGC section, Figure 3, it may attenuator, with minimum attenuation of 0 dB_
be seen that an emitter-coupled pair is used as a Since the base of 02 remains at a fixed bias, while
series-shunt variable attenuator_ The base of 02 is that of 03 increases with AGC, the DC output
held at a DC voltage of two forward diode drops, voltage at the common emitter point rises slightly
2 Vbe, by emitter follower 01 and R1, with only as gain is decreased_ Consequently, a decoupling
AC signals coupled through an input capacitor_ If capacitor is needed between the AGC stage and
V AGe is held below 3 Vbe , 03 will becompletely the lumped-gain stage, to prevent unbiasing the
off, and 02 behaves as an ordinary emitter gain stage with AGC variations.
,---e---..--..., +vcc
4 V.. 5 v..
R9 R1D R11
G.OII 6.0K 6.DK
The lumped·gain stage, Figure 4, is basically a cas· A number of improvements may be made over the
cade of three common-emitter amplifiers, direct- conventional AM diode detector. Unless simple
coupled. A conventional, discrete transistor ver- diodes are slightly forward·biased by additional
sion of this cascade would require much more circuitry, they will not respond to small-input sig·
complex, less-efficient DC biasing. Notice that no nals, because of the voltage required to overcome
emitter resistors are used; this gives maximum vol- forward Vbe • Moreover, diode detectors are ineffi-
tage gain per stage, but still allows reliable biasing, cient, generally giving less audio output than is
since an overall DC feedback loop, R8, C3, 05 and available from the modulated carrier. A more
R6, automatically sets the DC output voltage of nearly ideal detector, Figure 5, is one found in
each transistor to exactly the right level to cor- most operational amplifier handbooks. If gain of
rectly bias the followi ng transistor. The feedback the operational amplifier is sufficiently high, audio
loop is effective only for DC, because of the output exactly follows modulation envelope; since
R8-C3 rolloff; thus maximum AC gain is always the diode is inside a feedback loop, the operational
attained with DC stability. Notice that the collec- amplifier will automatically bias the diode to
tors of 06 and 07 are operated at Vbe' to satisfy respond to small signals. When no carrier is pres-
biasing of following stages; thus, they operate with ent, DC output voltage is zero. An unmodulated
zero volts collector to base, and still exhibit excel- carrier causes DC output vol tage to rise to one-half
lent current gain and gain-bandwidth product, by the peak-to-peak R F level. Superimposing audio
virtue of their very small geometries and low- modulation on the carrier has no effect on the
saturation voltages. The three collector-load resis- average, or DC output voltage, but causes the RC
tances, R9, R 10 and R 11, are biased from their network to "follow" the modulation envelope
own emitter-follower voltage regulators, which on the positive side of the carrier.
eliminate supply decoupling problems, and allow
the active part of the circuit to operate with con-
stant bias conditions, regardless of power-supply A simple modification to the active detector of
voltage. Since each part of the circuit is supply- Figure 5 is the addition of a resistive divider,
regulated in this way, supply current does not Figure 6. While basic operation remains un-
increase linearly with supply voltage, as in most changed, the active detector now has an audio and
designs, but remains relatively constant. Thus, the DC voltage gain equal to (R1 + R2)/R2. Such a
circuit remains highly efficient at low-supply vol- detector can perform some of the audio preampli-
tages, without excessive drain at higher voltages. fication necessary in the radio receiver.
1 V..
4K ~cs
RF IN 012
RI2 2K
':::' 08
By far the most popular receiver configuration, in Total Supply drain into LMl72, Vcc =+6V:
military, two·way·radio and entertainment use, is 1,4 mA, or 8,4 mW.
one in which the incoming signal is amplified, and Improved selectivity mal' be obtained by substitut·
then translated, via a mixer, to a standard inter· ing another ceramic filter between Pins 1 and 3,
mediate frequency, where most of the receiver's instead of C2. The 3K impedances at Pins 1, 2
voltage gain and selectivity is achieved. A typical and 3 are especially suited to tile inel:pensive
system appears in Figure 9. Conventional circuitry Murata filters. While audio distortion occurs for
may be used ahead of the LM 172; although a voltages at Pin 2 much above 100 mV rms. distor·
double·section 455 kHz ceramic filter is shown, tion is low for signals within the AGC range of the
LC filtering may be used if desired. The circuit circuit. Gain in the RF amplifier and mixer must
works effectively for I F frequencies between therefore be chosen to provide signals less than
50 kHz and 2 MHz, depending on input bandpass 100 mV into Pin 2 for the desired range of RF
components. Capacitors C2, C3 and C5 should be input levels. Additional AGe is possible by using
scaled proportionately at frequencies other than the DC voltage appearing at Pin 7 to control the
455 kHz. gain of the input R F ampl ifier. Since AGC action
occurs at and above 3 Vb., the National LM171
RF/I F Amplifier, operated as a cascode, is ideally
The circuit of Figure 9 exhibits the following IF
suited to such front·end control, as its gain· control
voltage region coincides with that of the LM 172.
AGC Range (referred to Pin 2) from 50/1V to Because of the built·in supply regulation, the strip
50 mV: 60 dB operates with supply voltage varying from +6 to
Audio output for 80% modulated carrier, with· +15 volts with no perceptible changes in receiver
in AGC range: 0.8V p.p performance.
Because the LM 172 is a broadband functional A ferrite "Ioopstick" antenna, LI, resonates with a
module. it may be used to amplify and detect sig- small, polyethylene dielectric tuning capacitor
nals below 2 MHz directly, without the more com- within the broadcast band. The LM 172 performs
plex frequency conversion of superheterodyne its gain function just as it would in an IF applica-
receivers. In the AM Broadcast Band tion, but in this case, directly drives a class A
(550-1650 kHz), the strip has sufficient sensitivity power amplifier. Since the DC output voltage at
to operate alone in urban reception areas, since Pin 6 is relatively constant (from 2.1 to about
AGC action is useful down to about 50 microvolts 2.4 volts as a function of AGC), it is used to bias
at Pin 2. With additional gain either preceding the the class A stage directly, eliminating a number of
module, or inserted between Pins 1 and 3, it may components. C7 and C8 are needed to prevent
also be useful in monitoring Loran (1.8-2.0 MHz). regenerative audio oscillations with weak batteries.
or the numerous directional and informational Total receiver drain from the. 9-volt supply is
channels below 550 kHz. 10 mA, of which only 1.9 mA is used in the
LMl72; the rest is needed for the audio amplifier.
While the complete T.R.F. (Tuned Radio Fre-
quency) broadcast receiver of Figure 10 has rela-
tively poor selectivity, because only a single, low
"a" tuned circuit is used in the entire receiver, it A volume control was not provided in the proto-
serves to illustrate the straightforward design pos- type, as volume was excellent with the small (2"
sible in T.R.F. construction. More sophisticated diameter) speaker used, and AGC was so effective
designs might use multisection tuning, ahead of that no perceptible difference in stations was
the strip. The prototype was constructed using heard. Volume control is possible by inserting a
very inexpensive imported "transistor-radio" com- potentiometer between the emitter of the audio
ponents. output transistor and R 1.
':' Cl
Ll .01 ",t
February 1969 N
The general utility of the operational amplifier is sated so frequency stabilization components are o
not shown; however, other amplifiers may be used
derived from the fact that it is intended for use in
a feedback loop whose feedback properties deter- to achieve greater operating speed in many circuits -n
mine the feed-forward characteristics of the ampli- as will be shown in the text. Amplifier parameter o;:.1.'.1
fier and loop combination. To suit it for this definitions are contained in Appendix I.
usage, the ideal operational amplifier would have
infinite input impedance, zero output impedance, THE INVERTING AMPLIFIER
infinite gain and an open·loop 3 dB point at m
infinite frequency rolling off at 6 dB per octave. The basic operational amplifier circuit is shown in ::c
Unfortunately, the unit cost-in quantity-would Figure 1. This circuit gives closed-loop gain of
R2/R1 when this ratio is small compared with the ~
also be infinite.
amplifier open·loop gain and, as the name implies,
is an inverting circuit. The input impedance is
Intensive development of the operational ampli-
fier, particularly in integrated form, has yielded equal to R1. The closed· loop bandwidth is equal l>
circuits which are quite good engineering approxi· to the unity·gain frequency divided by one plus r-
mations of the ideal for finite cost. Quantity prices the closed·loop gain. »
for the best contemporary integrated amplifiers
The only cautions to be observed are that R3
are low compared with transistor prices of five "tI
years ago. The low cost and high quality of these should be chosen to be equal to the parallel com- C
amplifiers allows the implementation of equip· bination of R1 and R2 to minimize the offset volt- -n
ment and systems functions impractical with age error due to bias current and that there will be m
discrete components. An example is the low fre· an offset voltage at the amplifier output equal to :xl
quency function generator which may use 15 to closed-loop gain times the offset voltage at the en
20 operational ampl ifiers in generation, wave amplifier input.
shaping, triggering and phase-locking.
The applications discussed will be arranged in Offset voltage at the input of an operational ampli·
order of increasing complexity in five categories: fier is comprised of two components, these com·
simple amplifiers, operational circuits, transducer ponents are identified in specifying the amplifier
amplifiers, wave shapers and generators, and power as input offset voltage and input bias current.
supplies. The integrated amplifiers shown in the The input offset voltage is fixed for a particular
figures are for the most part internally com pen- amplifier, however the contribution due to input
bias current is dependent on the circu it configu- THE NON-INVERTING AMPLIFIER
ration used_ For minimum offset voltage at the
amplifier input without circuit adjustment the Figure 2 shows a high input impedance non-
source resistance for both inputs should be equal. inverting circuit. This circuit gives a closed-loop
In this case the muximum offset voltage would be gain equal to the ratio of the sum of R1 and R2 to
the algebraic sum of amplifier offset voltage and R 1 and a closed-loop 3 dB bandwidth equal to the
the voltage drop across the source resistance due amplifier unity-gain frequency divided by the
to offset cLirrent. Amplifier offset voltage is the closed-loop gain.
predominant error term for low source resistances
and offset current causes the main error for high The primary differences between"" this connection
source resistances. and the inverting circuit are that thfl output is not
inverted and that the input impedance is very high
and is equal to the differential input impedance
In high source resistance applications, offset volt-
multiplied by loop gain. (Open loop gain/Closed
age at the amplifier output may be adjusted by
loop gain.) In DC coupled applications, input
adjusting the value of R3 and using the variation in
impedance is not as important as input current and
voltage drop across it as an input offset voltage
its voltage drop across the source resistance.
Applications cautions are the same for this ampli-
Offset voltage at the amplifier output is not as
fier as for the inverting ampl ifier with one
important in AC coupled applications. Here the
exception. The amplifier output will go into satu-
only consideration is that any offset voltage at the
ration if the input is allowed to float. This may be
output reduces the peak to peak linear output
important if the amplifier must be switched from
swi ng of the amplifier.
source to source. The compensation trade off dis-
cussed for the inverting amplifier is also valid for
The gain-frequency characteristic of the amplifier this connection.
and its feedback network must be such that oscil-
lation does not occur. To meet this condition, the
phase shift through amplifier and feedback v,"
network must never exceed 1800 for any fre- VOUT
Input impedance is a misleading concept in a DC is shown in Figure 5 and is useful as a computa-
coupled unity-gain buffer. Bias current for the tional amplifier, in making a differential to single-
amplifier will be supplied by the source resistance ended conversion or in rejecting a common mode
and will cause an error at the amplifier input due signal.
to its voltage drop across the source resistance.
Since this is the case, a low bias current amplifier
such as the LH 1026 should be chosen as a unity-
gain buffer when working from high source resis- V,-"v"l;
tances. Bias current compensation techniques are VOUT
discussed in Reference 5.
AI + R2)R4 R2
The cautions to be observed in applying this cir- R4 VOUT= ( RJ+R4 Ri V2-Ri V,
cuit are three: the amplifier must be compensated FOR AI = A3 AND R2 = R4
for unity gain operation, the output swing of the
amplifier may be limited by the amplifier common RlIIR2= R311A4
mode range, and some amplifiers exhibit a latch-up FOR MINIMUM OfFSET ERROR
mode when the amplifier common mode range is
exceeded. The LH 101 may be used in this circuit
FIGURE 5. Difference Amplifier
with none of these problems; or, for faster opera-
tion, the LM 102 may be chosen.
Circuit bandwidth may be calculated in the same
manner as for the inverting amplifier, but input
V,-"",..,....- . . .
M~-. impedance is somewhat more complicated. Input
impedance for the two inputs is not necessarily
equal; inverting input impedance is the same as for
the inverting amplifier of Figure 1 and the
Your non-inverting input impedance is the sum of R3
and R4. Gain for either input is the ratio of R 1 to
R2 for the special case of a differential input
.5 VOUT:-R4(~+~+~) single-ended output where R 1 = R3 and R2 = R4.
R5=Rl11R211R311R4 The general expression for gain is given in the
FOR MINIMUM OFFSET ERROR figure. Compensation should be chosen on the
basis of amplifier bandwidth.
FIGURE 4. Summing Amplifier Care must be exercised in applying this circuit
since input impedances are not equal for minimum
SUMMING AMPLIFIER bias current error.
AI =R2
The difference amplifier is the complement of the ~ FOR MINIMUM OFFSET ERROR
summing amplifier and allows the subtraction of
two voltages or, as a special case, the cancellation
of a signal common to the two inputs. This circuit FIGURE 6. Differentiator
circuit is essentially a low-pass filter with a fre-
quency response decreasing at 6 dB per octave. An
R2 amplitude-frequency plot is shown in Figure 10.
---,,!'.. --.I
fc=b~2Cl ''""
z 2.1--+-~ ........--I----1
ftl=Zll'~,Cl =21i'~2C2 ~
fc «fh « fun •ty , •• "
''"z" 2.1--+-~f_----''Io:_
The simple low-pass filter is shown in Figure 11.
This circuit has a 6 dB per octave roll-off after a
closed-loop 3 dB point defined by f e. Gain below
this corner frequency is defined by the ratio of R3
RELATIVE FREQUENCY to R 1. The circuit may be considered as an AC
integrator at frequencies well above fe; however,
FIGURE S. Differentiator Frequency Response
the time domain response is that of a single RC
rather than an integral.
r-------, Sib
I R2
I fL=211"~'Ct
v,. I
R2 VOUT = -Rtel , f" VIN dt FIGURE 11. Simple Low Pass Filter
Ie '" Zll'~'Cl R2 should be chosen equal to the parallel com-
Rt" AZ bination of R1 and R3 to minimize errors due to
DUE TO INPUT BIAS CURRENT bias current. The amplifier should be compensated
for unity-gain or an internally compensated ampli-
FIGURE 9. Integrator fier can be used.
I'" ~f'
101 1001 10001 100001 FIGURE 14. Amplifier for Photoconductive Cell
This basic circuit is useful for many applications
other than current measurement. It is shown as a
photocell amplifier in the following section.
The only design constraints are that scale factors
must be chosen to minimize errors due to bias
current and since voltage gain and source imped-
ance are often indeterminate (as with photocells) Vour" ICELL AI
the amplifier must be compensated for unity·gain
operation. Valuable techniques for bias current
compensation are contained in Reference 5. FIGURE 16. PhotoYoltaic Cell Amplifier
The feedback resistance, R1, is dependent on cell where the output current is high and the base cur-
sensitivity and should be chosen for either maxi- rent of the Darlington input would not cause a
mu m dynamic range or for a desired scale factor. significant error.
R2 is elective: in the case of photovoltaic cells or
of photodiodes, it is not required in the case of The amplifiers used must be compensated for
photoconductive cells, it should be chosen to unity-gain and additional compensation may be
minimize bias current error over the operating required depending on load reactance and external
range. transistor parameters.
The precision current source is shown in Fig·
ures 17 and 18. The configurations shown will sink
or source conventional current respectively.
v+ >~"'-VOUT
t R2
L..._ _ _ _ +<R3
Adjustable voltage reference circuits are shown in
Figures 19 and 20. The two circuits shown have
different areas of applicability. The basic
FIGURE 17. Precision Current Sink difference between the two is that Figure 19 illus-
trates a voltage source which provides a voltage
Caution must be exercised in applying these greater than the reference diode while Figure 20
circuits. The voltage compliance of the source ex· illustrates a voltage source which provides a volt-
tends from BV CER of the external transistor to age lower than the reference diode. The figu res
approximately 1 volt more negative than Y,N' The show both positive and negative voltage sources.
compliance of the current sink is the same in the
positive direction. 01
The impedance of these current generators is
essentially infinite for small currents and they are
accurate so long as Y'N is much greater than Ves
and 10 is much greater than Ibias •
The source and sink illustrated in Figures 17 and
18 use an FET to drive a bipolar output transistor. R2
It is possible to use a Darlington connection in V'
place of the FET·bipolar combination in cases
v,. RZ
High precision extended temperature applications
of the circuit of Figure 19 require that the range
of adjustment of VOUT be restricted. When this is
done, R1 may be chosen to provide optimum
zener current for minimum zener T.C. Since Iz is
not a function of V+, reference T.C. will be in-
FIGURE 18. Precision Current Source dependent of V+.
r-----~~-v· R1
01 Your
C2 410K
,., PF
= =
FIGURE 20a. Positive Voltage Reference
FIGURE 21. Reset Stabilized Amplifier
The circuits shown employ a single power supply, An additional advantage of this connection is that
this requires that common mode range be con· input resistance approaches infinity as the
sidered in choosing an amplifier for these applica· capacitor Cl approaches full charge, eliminating
tions. If the common mode range requ irements are errors due to loading of the source resistance. The
in excess of the capability of the amplifier, two time spent in position 2 should be long with
power supplies may be used. The LH 101 may be respect to the changing time of C1 for maximum
used with a single power supply since the common accuracy.
mode range is from V+ to within approximately
2 volts of V-. The amplifier used must be compensated for unity
gain operation and it may be necessary to over-
THE RESET STABI LlZED AMPLI FIER compensate because of the phase shift across R2
due to Cl and the amplifier input capacity. 5ince
The reset stabilized amplifier is a form of this connection is usually used at very low switch·
chopper·stabilized amplifier and is shown in Fig· ing speeds, slew rate is not normally a practical
u re 21. As shown, the amplifier is operated consideration and overcompensation does not
closed·loop with a gain of one. reduce accuracy.
- RS = R1(¥ij)
V, V2
V, V- V,
20K 2.SK
1% 1%
. . . - - - - - - - - - " " , . . . , . . - - - - -. .JVVV-..IIJIQI.,.....- OU~;UT
Cl 20K 20K
1% 1%
01 02
4.7 pF 4.7/-1F FD6666 FD6666
feedback resistor, R5. A 1 gain accuracy is not The Wi en Bridge oscillator is widely used and takes
affected by 02 since it is inside the feedback loop. advantage of the fact that the phase of the voltage
Positive current enters the A2 summing point across the parallel branch of a series and a parallel
through resistor, R 1, and negative current is drawn RC network connected in series, is the same as the
from the A2 summing point through resistor, R5. phase of the applied voltage across the two net-
Since the voltages across R1 and R5 are equal and works at one particular frequency and that the
opposite, and R5 is one-half the value of R1, the phase lags with increasing frequency and leads
net input current at the A2 summing point is equal with decreasing frequency. When this network-
to and opposite from the current through R1 and the Wien Bridge-is used as a positive feedback ele-
amplifier A2 operates as a summing inverter with ment around an amplifier, oscillation occurs at the
unity gain, again giving a positive output. frequency at which the phase shift is zero. Addi-
tional negative feedback is provided to set loop
The circuit becomes an averaging filter when C2 is gain to unity at the oscillation frequency. To
connected across R2. Operation of A2 then is stabilize the frequency of oscillation, and to
similar to the Simple Low Pass Filter previously reduce harmonic distortion.
described. The time constant R2C2 should be
chosen to be much larger than the maximum Cl C2
period of the input voltage which is to be aver· 2.2,1lf O.068,1lF
AN 20-9
stored in C4 provides bias to Ql, which determines The integrator then generates a negative-going
amplifier gain. C3 is a low frequency roll-off ramp with a rate of 1+ICl volts per second until its
capacitor in the feedback network and prevents output equals the negative trip point of the thres-
offset voltage and offset current errors from being hold detector. The threshold detector then
multiplied by amplifier gain. changes to the negative output state and supplies a
negative current, 1-, at the integrator summing
Distortion is determined by amplifier open-loop point. The integrator now generates a positive-
gain and by the response time of the negative feed- going ramp with a rate of 1-ICl volts per second
back loop filter, R5 and C4. A trade-off is neces- until its output equals the positive trip point of
sary in determining amplitude stabilization time the threshold detector where the detector again
constant and oscillator distortion. R4 is chosen to changes output state and the cycle repeats.
adjust the negative feedback loop so that the F ET
is operated at a small negative gate bias. The cir- Triangular-wave frequency is determined by R3,
cuit shown provides optimum values for a general- R4 and Cl and the positive and negative saturation
purpose oscillator. voltages of the amplifier A 1. Amplitude is deter-
mined by the ratio of R5 to the combination of
TRIANGLE-WAVE GENERATOR R1 and R2 and the threshold detector saturation
voltages. Positive and negative ramp rates are equal
A constant amplitude triangular-wave generator is and positive and negative peaks are equal if the
shown in Figure 25. This circuit provides a variable detector has equal positive and negative saturation
frequency triangular wave whose amplitude is in- voltages. The output waveform may be offset with
dependent of frequency. respect to ground if the inverting input of the
threshold detector, A I, is offset with respect to
D.lpF The generator may be made independent of
temperature and supply voltage if the detector is
clamped with matched zener diodes as shown in
Figure 26.
The integrator should be compensated for unity-
gain and the detector may be compensated if
power supply impedance causes oscillation during
its transition time. The current into the integrator
.s should be large with respect to Ibias for maximum
symmetry, and offset voltage should be small with
FIGURE 25. Triangular-Wave Generator respect to VOUT peak.
'-......t--1~-t--~ -'IV
>--"'--"'--~""---4II .....-t-••.s.c.
39K a.
Programming sensitivity of the positive and nega· externally compensated amplifier should be used
tive supply is 1V /1 ooon of resistors R6 and R 12 and the amplifier should be overcompensated for
respectively. The output voltage of the positive additional stability. Power supply noise may be
regulator may be varied from approximately +2V reduced by bypassing the amplifier inputs to
to +38V with respect to ground and the negative ground with capacitors in the 0.1 to 1.0 JlF range.
regulator output voltage may be varied from -38V
to OV with respect to ground. Since LH10l ampli'
fiers are used, the supplies are inherently short cir· CONCLUSIONS
cuit proof. This current limiting feature also serves
to protect a test circuit if this supply is used in The foregoing circuits are illustrative of the versa·
integrated circuit testing. tility of the integrated operational amplifier and
provide a guide to a number of useful applications.
Internally compensated amplifiers may be used in The cautions noted in each section will show the
this application if the expected capacitive loading more common pitfalls encountered in amplifier
is small. If large capacitive loads are expected, an usage.
Input Offset Voltage: That voltage which must be Power Supply Rejection: The ratio of the change
applied between the input terminals through two in input offset voltage to the change in power
equal resistances to obtain zero output voltage. supply voltage producing it.
Input Offset Current: The difference in the cur· Slew Rate: The internally·limited rate of change
rents into the two input terminals when the out· in output voltage with a large·amplitude step func·
put is at zero. tion applied to the input.
December 1968
gramming resistor, and remote sensing can be done A functional diagram of the LM 104 regulator and
at the load. It also regulates within 0.01 % in cir· external circuitry (dash line) is shown in the figure.
cuits using a separate, floating bias supply, where The internal reference is a temperature compen-
the maximum output voltage is limited only by sated current source, l ref • A voltage which is
the breakdown of external pass transistors. The proportional to an external programming resistor,
device is designed for either linear or switching Radj , is fed into an error amplifier, A1. This drives
regulator applications. an internal series pass transistor, 01, to supply an
output voltage equal to twice the voltage across
In the circuits described, emphasis is placed on the programming resistor. External pass transistors
practical considerations for the design of reliable can be added, as is 03, to increase the output-
regulators. Many of the pitfalls which cause un· current capability. Short-circuit protection makes
expected failures are explained, and protection the circuit exhibit a constant-current characteristic
schemes for many of the hazards facing regulators when 02 is turned on by the voltage drop across
are given. Most of the design hints are sufficiently an external current-limit resistor, Rlim • A more
general to apply equally to other IC's or even regu· complete description of the integrated circuit itself
lators designed entirely with discrete components. is given in the back of the text.
This circuit can provide output voltages between An output capacitor of at least l/LF is required to
OV and -40V at currents up to 25 mAo The output keep the regulator from oscillating. This should be
voltage is linearly dependent on the value of R2, a low inductance capacitor, preferably solid
giving approximately 2V for each 1 K.I1 of resis- tantalum, installed with short leads. It is not
tance. The exact scale factor can be set up by usually necessary to bypass the input, but at least
trimming Rl. This should be done at the maxi- a 0.01 /LF bypass is advisable when there are long
mum output voltage setting in ord.er to com- leads connecting the circuit to the unregulated
pensate for any mismatch in the internal divider power source.
resistors of the integrated circuit_
For an output voltage setting of 15V, the regula-
tion, no load to full load, is better than 0.05%; and
.......---...--4--- V'lli
'rnIllR1for ..at
.... flCtar
When output currents above 25 mA are required transistor will be 300 mA; and the dissipation in it
or when the dissipation in the series pass transistor will be 7.5W. This clearly establishes the need for
can be higher than about 0.2W, under worst·case an efficient heat sink.
conditions, it is advisable to add an external tran-
sistor to the LM 104 to handle the power. The con- For lower-power operation, a 2N2905 with a clip
nection of an external booster transistor is shown on heat sink can be used for the external pass
here. The output current capability of the regu- transistor. However, when the worst case dissipa-
lator is increased by the current gain of the added tion is above 0.5W, it is advisable to employ a
PNP transistor, but it is still necessary to watch power device such as the 2N3740 with a good heat
dissipation in the external pass transistor. Exces- sink.
sive dissipation can burn out both the series pass
transistor and the integrated circuit. The current limit resistor is chosen so that the
,......-..... ... voltage drop across it is 300 mV, with maximum
load current, for operation to 125°C. With lower
maximum ambients this voltage drop could be
increased by 2.2 mVfC. If possible, a fast·acting
YQUT--1SV fuse rated about 25% higher than the maximum
, · ' -........-IDUT'SZOD.A
load current should be included in series with the
unregulated input.
When output currents in the ampere range are resistance between the regulator and the load. This
needed, it is necessary to add a second booster can be accomplished by returning R2 and Pin 9 of
transistor to the LM104 circuitry. This connection the LM 104 to the ground end of the load and
is shown in the accompanying figure. The output connecting P.in 8 directly to the high end of the
current capability of the LM 104 is increased by load.
the product of the current gains of 01 and 02.
However, it is still necessary to watch the dissipa- The low resistance values required for the current
tion in both the series pass transistor, 02, and its limit resistor, R3, are sometimes not readily avail-
driver, 01. A clip-on heat sink is definitely able. A suitable resistor can be made using a piece
required for aI, and it is advisable to replace the of resistance wire or even a short length of kovar
2N2905 with a 2N3740 which has a good heat lead wire from a standard TO-5 transistor.
sink when output currents greater than 1A are
needed. A 1000 pF capacitor should also be added The current limit sense voltage can be reduced to
between Pins 4 and 5 to compensate for the about 400 mV by inserting a germanium diode (or
poorer frequency response of the 2N3740. The a diode-connected germanium transistor) in series
need for an efficient heat sink on 02 should be with Pin 6 of the LM104. This diode will also com-
obvious. pensate the sense voltage and make the short cir-
cuit current essentially independent of
Experience shows that a single-diffused transistor temperature.
such as a 2N3055 (or a 2N3772 for higher cur·
rents) is preferred over a double diffused, high-
frequency transistor for the series pass element. .---....-_,....____....._GN.
The slower, single-diffused devices are less prone
to secondary breakdown and oscillations in linear
regulator applications.
High current regulators dissipate a considerable tion of the full load current, minimizing dissipa-
amount of power in the series pass transistor under tion in the pass transistor.
full-load conditions. When the output is shorted,
this dissipation can easily increase by a factor of The circuit shown here accomplishes just this.
four. Hence, with normal current limiting, the heat Normally 03 is held in a non-conducting state by
sink must be designed to handle much more power the voltage developed across R4. However, when
than the worst case full load dissipation if the cir- the voltage across the current limit resistor, R7,
cuit is to survive short-circuit conditions. This can increases to where it equals the voltage across R4
increase the bulk of the regulator substantially. (about 1V), 03 turns on and begins to rob base
drive from the driver transistor, 01. This causes an
increase in the output current of the LM104, and
it will go into current limiting at a current deter-
mined by R5. Since the base drive to 01 is
clamped, the output voltage will drop with heavier
loads. This reduces the voltage drop across R4 and,
Rl tlt
12K 22~f therefore, the available output current. With the
output completely shorted, the current will be
}-_+_....__... _~':~;~2V
about one-fifth the full-load current.
In design, R7 is chosen so that the voltage drop
across it wi II be 1 to 2V under full load conditions.
The resistance of R3 should be one-thousand times
the output voltage. R4 is then determined from
t ~.t,
positive and negative supply voltages. A circuit
-~:-.'..... "
which is a particularly-economical solution to this
design problem is shown in the adjoining figure. It (i"l..-.....
uses a minimum number of components, and the
voltage at both outputs can be set up within ±1.5%
by a single adjustment. Further, the output volt·
ages will tend to track with temperature and varia- V,~>l'V ........- - '
-4IIV.$.Vour .:;.D
4DIIIA=>.I" .. s.2DOmA
The inclusion of R4 will soften the current The design of this circuit is fairly simple. It is only
limiting characteristics of the LM 104 somewhat necessary that the minimum current through R4
because it acts as an emitter-degeneration resistor be greater than 2 mA with low input voltage.
for the current·limit transistor. This can be Further, the zener voltage of D1 must be five volts
avoided by reducing the value of R4 and develop· greater than one·half the maximum output voltage
ing the voltage across R4 with additional bleed to keep the transistors in the reference current
current to ground. source from saturating.
It is a little known fact that most voltage regu· Heavy loads operating from the unregulated
lators can be damaged by shorting out the unregu· supply can also destroy a voltage regulator. When
lated input voltage while the circuit is operating- the input power is switched off, the input voltage
even though the output may have short·circuit can drop faster than the output voltage, causing a
protection. When the input voltage to the regu· voltage reversal across the regulator, especially
lator falls instantaneously to zero, the output when the output of the regulator is lightly loaded.
capacitor is still charged to the nominal output Inductive loads such as a solenoid are particularly
voltage. This applies voltage of the wrong polarity troublesome in this respect. In addition to causing
across the series pass transistor and other parts of a voltage reversal between the input and the out·
the regulator, and they try to discharge the output put, they can reverse the input voltage causing
capacitor into the short. The resulting current additional damage.
surge can damage or destroy these parts.
In cases like this, it is advisable to use a multiple·
When the LM 104 is used as the control element of pole switch or relay to disconnect the regulator
the regulator, the discharge path is through inter· from the unregulated supply separate from the
n al junctions forward biased by the voltage other loads. If this cannot be done, it is necessary
reversal. If the charge on the output capacitor is in to put a diode across the input of the regulator to
the order of 40 volt· J.l.F, the circuit can be clamp any reverse voltages, in addition to the pro·
damaged during the discharge interval. However, tective diode between the input and the output.
the problem is not only seen with integrated cir-
cuit regulators. It also happens with discrete regu· .--_ _...._ _. -_ _ _--<....._ ....._GND
lators where the series'pass transistor usually gets
blown out. D1
In the design of commercial power supplies, it is supply, and its breakdown voltage will determine
common practice to use a floating bias supply to the maximum operating voltage of the complete
power the control circuitry of the regulator. As regulator.
shown here, this connection can be used with the
LM104 to regulate output voltages that are higher The connection of the LM 104 is somewhat differ·
than the ratings of the integrated circuit. Better ent than usual: the internal divider for the error
regulation can also be obtained because it is a amplifier is shorted out by connecting Pins 8 and 9
simple matter to preregulate the low current bias together. This makes the output voltage equal to
supply so that the integrated circuit does not see the voltage drop across the adjustment resistor,
ripple or line voltage variations and because the R2, instead of twice this voltage as is normally the
reduced operating voltage minimizes power dis· case. C2 and C3 must also be added to prevent
sipation and associated thermal effects from the oscillation. The value of C3 can be increased to
current delivered to the booster transistor. 4.7 IlF to reduce noise on the output.
Linear regu lators have the advantages of fast the switch transistor, 01, the catch diode, D1, and
response to load transients as well as low noise and the LC filter. The inductor is made large enough so
ripple. However, since they must dissipate the that the current through it is essentially constant
difference between the unregulated·supply power throughout the switching cycle. When 01 turns
and the output power, they sometimes have a low on, the voltage on its collector will be nearly equal
efficiency. This is not always a problem with ac to the unregulated input voltage. When it turns
line·operated equipment because the power loss is off, the magnetic field in L1 begins to collapse,
easily afforded, because the input voltage is driving the collector voltage of 01 to ground
already fairly,well regulated and because losses can where it is clamped by D1.
be minimized by adjustment of transformer ratios
in the power supply. In systems operating from a If, for example, the input voltage is 10V and the
fixed dc input voltage, the situation is often much switch transistor is driven at a 50% duty cycle, the
different. It might be necessary to regulate a 28V average voltage on the collector of 01 will be 5V.
input voltage down to 5V. In this case, the power This waveform will be filtered by L1 and C1 and
loss can quickly become excessive. This is true appear as a 5V dc voltage on the output. Since the
even if efficiency is not one of the more important inductor current comes from the input while 01 is
criteria, since high power dissipation calls for on but from ground through D1 while 01 is off,
expensive power transistors and elaborate heat the average value of the input current will be half
sinking methods. the output current. The power output will there-
fore equal the input power if !.witching losses are
Switching regulators can be used to greatly reduce neglected.
dissipation. Efficiencies approaching 90% can be
realized even though the regulated output voltage
...-_ _....._ _....._ _....._ ...._ _ GND
is only a fraction of the input voltage. With proper
design, transient response and ripple can also be
made quite acceptable. t$abdT ..... lum
Output currents up to 3A can be obtained using sipation in the diode, but the diode also presents a
the switching regulator circuit shown here. The cir· short circuit to the switch transistor, when it first
cuit is identical to the one described previously, turns on, until all the charge stored in the base
except that Q2 has been added to increase the region of the diode is removed. Similarly, a high
output current capability by about an order of frequency switch transistor must be used as exces·
magnitude. It should be noted that the reference sive switching losses in low frequency transistors,
supply terminal is returned to the base of 02, like the 2N3055, make them overheat.
rather than the unregulated input. This is done
because the LM 104 will not function properly if It is important that the core material llsed for the
Pin 5 gets more than 2V more positive than Pin 3. inductor have a soft saturation characteristic.
The reference current, as well as the bias currents Cores that saturate abruptly produce excessive
for Pins 3 and 5, is supplied from the unregulated peak currents in the switch transistor if the output
input through R5, so its resistance must be low current becomes high enough to run the core close
enough so that 02 is not turned on with about to saturation. Powdered molybdenum·permalloy
2 mA flowing through it. cores, on the other hand, exhibit a gradual reduc·
tion in permeability with excessive current, so the
The line regulation of this circuit is worsened only effect of output currents above the design
somewhat by the unregulated input voltage being value is a gradual increase in switching frequency.
fed back into the reference for the regulator
through R6. This effect can be eliminated by con- One thing that is frequently overlooked in the
necting a 0.01 JlF capacitor in series with R6 to design of switching circuits is the ripple rating of
remove the dc component of the feedback. tho filter capacitors. Excessive high·frequency
rir Ie can cause these capacitors to fail. This is an
r----1--...- - - - . - - -...- -GN • es ecially·important consideration for capacitors
HZ us&d on the unregulated input as the ripple current
1% " lDDpF
through them can be higher than the dc load cur·
rent. The situation is eased somewhat for the filter
capacitor on the output of the regulator since the
ripple current is only a fraction of the load cur-
rent. Nonetheless, proper design usually requires
that the voltage rating of this capacitor be higher
than that dictated by the de voltage across it for
reliable operation.
IN3110 One unusual problem that has been noted in work·
ing with switching regulators is excessive dissipa·
tion in the switch transistors caused by high
emitter-base saturation voltage. This can also show
tSohdTlnl.1u1ll up as erratic operation if 01 is the defective
·60lurnINa.ZDan RS
device. This saturation voltage can be as high as 5V
Arngl.En."...... ftl
MolvW,nq ..
~--"'--V'P4:i.1.5V and is the result of poor alloying on the base con·
tact of the transistor. A defective transistor will
not usually show up on a curve tracer because the
There are a number of precautions that should be low base current needed for linear operation does
observed with all switching regulators, although not produce a large voltage drop across the
they are more inclined to cause problems in high· poorly·alloyed contact. However, a bad device can
current applications: be spotted by probing on the bases of the switch
transistors while the circuit is operating.
For one, fast switching diodes and transistors must
be used. If D1 is an ordinary junction rectifier, It is necessary that the catch diode, D1, and any
voltages in the order of 10V can be developed bypass capacitance on the unregulated input be
across it in the forward direction when the switch returned to ground separately from the other parts
transistor turns off. This happens because low· of the circuit. These components carry large cur·
frequency rectifiers are usually manufactured with rent transients and can develop appreciable voltage
a PI N structure which presents a high forward transients across even a short length of wire. If C1,
impedance until enough minority carriers are C2, or R2 have any common ground impedance
injected into the diode base region to increase its with the catch diode or the input bypass capacitor,
conductance. This not only causes excessive dis- the transients can appear directly on the output.
The switching regulator circuits described pre- age becomes large enough to turn on 03, current
viously are not protected from overloads or a limiting is initiated. This occurs because 03 takes
short-circuited output. The current limiting of the over as the control transistor and regu lates the
LM 104 is used to limit the base drive of the switch voltage on Pin 8 of the LM 104. This point, which
transistor, but this does not effectively protect the is the feedback terminal of the error amplifier, is
switch transistor from excessive current. Providing separated from the actual output of the regulator
short circuit protection is no simple problem, by not shorting the regulated output and booster
since it is necessary to keep the regulator output terminals of the integrated circuit. Hence,
operating in the switching mode when thil output with excessive output current, the circuit still oper-
is shorted. Otherwise, the dissipation in the switch ates as a switching regulator with 03 regulating the
transistor will become excessive even though the voltage fed back to the error amplifier as the out-
current is limited_ put voltage falls off.
An alternate method for protecting a switching no power, until it is reset by removing the input
regulator from excessive output currents is shown voltage.
here. When the output current becomes too high,
the voltage drop across the current·sense resistor, In the actual circuit, complementary transistors,
RS, fires an SCR which shuts off the regulator. Q3 and 04, replace the SC R since it is difficult to
The regulator remains off, dissipating practically find devices with a low enough holding current
(about 25 fJA). When the voltage drop across RS
becomes large enough to turn on 04, this removes
the base drive for the output transistors of the
LM 104 through Pin 4. When this happens 03
'" latches 04, holding the regulator off until the
" input voltage is removed. It will then start when
power is applied if the overload has been removed.
When" a number of switching regulators are oper- input of the error amplifier. The waveform is
ated from a common power source, it is desirable obtained by integrating the square wave synchro-
to synchronize their operation to more uniformly nizing signa'- This triangular wave causes the error
distribute the switched current waveforms in the amplifier to switch because its gain is high enough
input line_ Synchronous operation can also be that the waveform easily overdrives it. The switch-
beneficial when a switching regulator is operated ing duty cycle is controlled by the output voltage
in conjunction with a power converter. fed back to the error amplifier. If the output volt-
age goes up, the duty cycle will decrease since the
error amplifier will pick off a smaller portion of
r - -....>-~~-....- - -....-".
the triangular wave. Similarly, the duty cycle will
decrease if the output voltage drops. Hence, the
IIV... _!illlb
......,.'Y-4I-... duty cycle is controlled to produce the desired
output voltage.
The basic reference for the regulator is zener diode The reference supply terminal is normally con·
01. The reference diode is supplied from a PNP nected to the unregulated supply. However,
current source, OB, which has a fixed current gain improved line regulation can be obtained by pre·
of 2. This arrangement permits the circuit to regulating the voltage on this terminal. This
operate with unregulated input voltages as low as improvement occurs because 01, 02, and 07 do
7V, substantially increasing the efficiency of low· not see changes in input voltage. Normally, it is
voltage regulators. the change in the emitter·base voltage of these
transistors with changes in collector·base voltage
The reference supply is temperature compensated which determines the line regulation.
by using the negative temperature coefficient of
the transistor em itter·base voltages to cancel the When the reference supply and unregulated input
positive coefficient of the zener diode. The design terminals are operated from separate voltage
produces a nominal 2.4V between the reference sources, it is important to make sure that the un·
and reference supply terminals of the integrated regulated input terminal of the integrated circuit
circuit. Connecting an external 2.4 Kn resistor does not get more than 2V more positive than the
between those terminals gives a 1 mA reference reference supply terminal. If this happens, the
current from the collectors of 01 and 02, which is collector·isolation junction of 06 becomes
independent of temperature. The reference voltage forward biased and disrupts the reference.
supplied to the error amplifier is developed across
a second external resistor connected between the The error amplifier of the regulator is quite similar
adjustment terminal and ground. to the LM101 operational amplifier. Emitter
r - - -. .- - - - -....- -. .--------~~~~...:.. GRQUIlO
" llOOUlR
follower input transistors, 018 and 019, drive a characteristic. The pre-load current, provided for
dual PNP which is operated in the common-base 024 by 010 before current limiting is initiated,
configuration. The current gain of these PNP tran- gives a much sharper current-limit characteristic.
sistors is fixed at 4 so that the base can be driven Cl and R11 are included in the limiting circuitry
by a current source (013). Active collector loads to suppress oscillations.
are used for the input stage so that a voltage gain
of 2000 is obtained. 021 and 022 provide enough The error amplifier is connected to a divider on
current gain to keep the internal, series-pass tran- the output (R 15 and R16) to keep the reference
current generator from saturating with low input-
sistor from loading the input stage. R14 limits the
output voltage differentials. A compensating
base drive on 023 when it saturates with low, un-
resistor, R17, which is equal to the equivalent
regulated input voltages. The collector of 023 is
brought out separately so that an external booster resistance of the divider is included to minimize
offset error in the error ampl ifier.
transistor can be added for increased output cur-
rent capability. R13 established the minimum The major feedback loop is frequency compen-
operating current in 023 when booster transistors sated by the brute-force method of rolling off the
are used. response with a relatively large capacitor on the
output. C2 is included on the integrated circuit to
One feature of the error amplifier is that it oper- compensate for the effects of series resistance in
ates properly with common mode voltages all the the output capacitor. A compensation point is also
way up to ground. Because of this, the circuit will brought out so that more capacitance can be
regulate with output voltages to zero volts. added across C2 for certain regulator configura-
tions. R8 improves the load-transient response,
Current limiting is provided by 024. When the especially when compensation is added on Pin 4.
voltage between the current limit and unregulated
input terminals becomes large enough to turn on The purpose of 09, which is a collector FET, is to
024, it will pull 010 out of saturationandremove bias the current-source transistors, 012 and 013.
base drive from 021 through 020. This causes the It also supplies the preload current for the
series pass transistor to exhibit a constant current current-limit transistor, 024, through 010.
January 1969 N
IC voltage regulators are seeing rapidly increasing J
usage. The LM lOa, one of the first, has already
been widely accepted. Designed for versatility, this ..
~ -0.2
..... I
circuit can be used as a linear regulator, a switch· LM100
ing regulator, a shunt regulator, or even a current ~ \ I
regulator. The output voltage can be set between
:: -0.4 ::J:I
2V and 30V with a pair of external resistors, and it
"'~ m
works with unregulated input voltages down to > C
\1 L...' I
7V. Dissipation limitations of the IC package reo
strict the output current to less than 20 mA, but
external transistors can be added to obtain output
~ -.08
= -1.0
Rsc -l0n
T,= 25"C
10 20
3D 40
currents in excess of 5A. The LM 100 and an
extensive description of its use in many practical
i. TJ'" 25°C
circuits are described in References 1·3.
Figure 2 shows that the LM105 also provides r---:;;-t----.,...-~..:...UNREGUlATEOIN'UT
better line regulation than the LM 100. These
curves give the percentage change in output volt· IOOSTERDurrUT
'-t..:""-l,----..--:. REFERENCE ,.,'ASS
VOUT "10V '-.+-..........--..-. .=---.....:.GIIOUIO
.. 0.05
;;; 0.02 , ~~
1"'- FIGURE 4. Schematic Diagram of the LM105 Regulator.
~ 0.005
In the LM100, generation of the reference voltage
starts with zener diode, Dl, which is supplied with
> LMI05 RIPPLE RElECTION~ ..... j;;;; a fixed current from one of the collectors of 02.
~ 0.002
ill I IIIII C,,,=IOpF
This regulated voltage, which has a positive tem·
perature coefficient, is buffered by 04, divided
10 20 50 down by R 1 and R2 and connected in series with a
INPUT·OUTPUT VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIAL (VI diode-connected transistor, 07. The negative tem·
perature coefficient of 07 cancels out the positive
FIGURE 2. Comparison Between the Line Regulation
coefficient of the voltage across R2, producing a
Characteristics of the LM100 and LM105. temperature·compensated 1.BV on the base of OB.
This point is also brought outside the circuit so
that an external capacitor can be added to bypass
The LM 105 has also benefited from the use of new any noise from the zener diode.
IC components developed after the LM 100 was
designed. These have reduced the internal power Transistors OB and 09 make up the error amplifier
consumption so that the LM 105 can be specified of the circuit. A gain of 2000 is obtained from this
for input voltages up to 50V and output voltages single stage by using a current source, another col·
to 40V. The minimum preload current required by lector on 02, as a collector load. The output of
the LM 100 is not needed on the LM 105. the amplifier is buffered by all and used to drive
the series'pass transistor, a 12. The collector of
012 is brought out so that an external PNP tran·
sistor, or PNP-NPN combination, can be added
for increased output current.
The differences between the LM100 and the
LM 105 can be seen by comparing the schematic
Current limiting is provided by 010. When the
diagrams in Figures 3 and 4. 04 and 05 have been
voltage across an external resistor connected
added to the LM 105 to form a common·collector,
betwe"en Pins 1 and B becomes high enough to turn
common·base, common·emitter amplifier, rather
on 010, it removes the base drive from all so the
than the single common·emitter differential ampli·
regulator eXhibits a constant·current characteristic.
fier on the LM 100.
Prebiasing the current limit transistor with a por·
. -...._ _ _ _- ._ _--<t-_ _...._3 ~N~~iGUlATED tion of the emitter·base voltage of 012 from R6
and R7 reduces the current limit sense voltage.
This increases the efficiency of the regulator,
especially "l'hen foldback current limiting is used.
"1-..........,.__..'_r~.:I~ENT With foldback limiting, the voltage dropped across
...,v.-..Nv-H>----f-"-8 ~~~~~:TED
the current .sense resistor is about four times larger
than the sense voltage.
As for the remaining details, the collector of the
amplifier, 09, is brought out so that external
collector-base capacitance can be added to
h..'!'!........_~..~----...:.& FEEDBACK frequency·stabilize the circuit when it is used as a
'-__+-______...:.5 :~~:~NCE linear regulator. This terminal can also be grounded
to shut the regulator off. R9 and R4 are used to
'-_-<1>-_ _....._ _ _ _ _ _---""4 GROUND start up the regulator, while the rest of the cir-
cuitry establishes the proper op~rating levels for
FIGURE 3. Schematic Diagram of the LM100 Regulator. the current source transistor, 02.
The reference circuitry of the LM105 is the same, massive heat sink would be required if the pass
except that the current through the reference transistor was included in the IC.
divider, R2, R3 and R4, has been reduced by a
factor of two on the LM 105 for reduced power Assuming that these problems could be solved, it is
consumption. In the LM 105, 02 and 03 form an still not advisable to put the pass transistor on the
emitter coupled amplifier, with 03 being the same chip with the reference and control circuitry:
emitter· follower input and 02 the common·base changes in the unregulated input voltage or load
output amplifier. R6 is the collector load for this current produce gross variations in chip tempera,
stage, which has a voltage gain of about 20. The ture. These variations worsen load and line regula·
second stage is a differential amplifier, using 04 tion due to temperature interaction with the con·
and 05. 05 actually provides the gain. Since it has trol and reference circuitry.
a current source as a collector load, one of the
collectors of 012, the gain is quite high: about
To elaborate, it is reasonable to neglect the pack·
1500. This gives a total gain in the error amplifier
age problem since it is potentially solvable. The
of about 30,000, which is ten times higher than
lower, maximum operating temperatures of IC's,
the LM 100.
however, present a more basic problem. The con·
It is not obvious from the schematic, but the first trol circuitry in an IC regulator runs at fairly low
stage (02 and 03) and second stage (04 and 05) currents. As a result, it is more sensitive to leakage
of the error amplifier are closely balanced when currents and other phenomena which degrades the
the circuit is operating. This will be true regardless performance of semiconductors at high tempera·
of the absolute value of components and over the tures. Hence, the maximum operating temperature
operating temperature range. The. only' thing is limited to 150°C in military temperature range
affecting balance is component matching, which is applications. On the other hand, a power transistor
good in a monolithic integrated circuit, so the operating at high currents may be run at tempera·
error amplifier has good drift characteristics over a tures up to 200° C, because even almA leakage
wide temperature range. current would not affect its operation in a prop·
erly designed circuit. Even if the pass transistor
Frequency compensation is accomplished with an developed a permanent 1 mA leakage from chan·
external integrating capacitor around the error neling, operating under these conditions of high
amplifier, as with the LM 100. This scheme makes stress, it would not affect circuit operation. These
the stability insensitive to loading conditions- conditions would not trouble the pass transistor,
resistive or reactive-while giving good transient but they would most certainly cause complete fail·
response. However, an internal capacitor, Cl, is ure of the control circuitry.
added to prevent minor·loop oscillations due to
the increased gain. These problems are not eliminated in applications
with a lower maximum operating temperature.
Additional differences between the LM 100 and Integrated circuits are sold for limited temperature
LM105 are that a field·effect transistor, 018, con· range appl ications at considerably lower cost. This
nected as a current source starts the regulator is mainly based on a lower maximum junction
when power is first applied. Since this current temperature. They may be rated so that they do
source is connected to ground, rather than the out· not blow up at higher temperatures, but they are
put, the minimum load current before the regu·
not guaranteed to operate within specifications at
lator drops out of operation with large input· these temperatures. Therefore, in applications with
output voltage differentials is greatly reduced. This
a lower maximum ambient temperature, it is
also minimizes power dissipation in the integrated necessary to purchase an expensive full tempera·
circuit when the difference between the input and
ture range part in order to take advantage of the
output voltage is at the worst·case value. With the theoretical maximum operating temperatures of
LM 105 circuit configuration, it was also necessary
the IC.
to add 017 to eliminate a latch·up mechanism
which could exist with lower output·voltage set·
tings. Without 017, this could occur when 03
Figure 5 makes the point about dissipation limita·
saturated and cut off the second stage amplifiers,
tions more strongly. It gives the maximum short
04 and 05, causing the output to latch at a volt·
circuit output current for an IC regulator in a
age nearly equal to the unregulated input. TO·5 package, assuming a 25°C temperature rise
between the chip and ambient and a quiescent cur·
POWER LIMITATIONS rent of 2 mAo Dual·in·line or flat packages give
results which are, at best, slightly better, but are
Although it is desirous to put as much of the regu- usually' worse. If the short circuit current is not of
lator as possible on the IC chip, there are certain prime concern, Figure 5 can also be used to give
basic limitations. For one, it is not a good idea to the maximum output current as a function of
put the series pass transistor on the chip. The input-output voltage differential. However, the
power that must be dissipated in the pass tran· increased dissipation due to the quiescent current
sistor is too much for practical IC packages. Fur· flowing at the maximum input voltage must be
ther, IC's must be rated at a lower maximum oper· taken into account. In addition, the input·output
ating temperature than power transistors. This differential must be measured with the maximum
means that even with a power package, a more· expected input voltages.
AN 23-3
\ , I II
iO 5 ·
base transistor like the 2N3740 is recommended
because it causes fewer oscillation problems than
double-diffused, planar devices. In addition, it
\ INFINITE HEAT seems to be less prone to failure under overload
!::; 30
\SINK - 500 mW conditions; and low cost devices are available in
> \ power packages like the TO-66 or even TO-3.
161mW When the maximum dissipation in the pass tran-
sistor is less than about 0.5W, a 2N2905 may be
~T=125!C I I ""- \,.
lo=2mA I used as a pass transistor. However, it is generally
necessary to carefully observe thermal deratings
1.0 10 100
and provide some sort of heat sink.
In the circuit of Figure 6, the output voltage is
FIGURE 5. Dissipation Limited Short Circuit Output determined by R 1 and R2. The resistor values are
Current for an Ie Regulator in <I TO-S Pack- selected based on a feedback voltage of 1.8V to
Pin 6 of the LM105. To keep thermal drift of the
The 25°C temperature rise assumed in arriving at output voltage within specifications, the parallel
Figure 5 is not at all unreasonable. With military combination of R 1 and R2 should be approxi-
temperature range parts, this is valid for a maxi- mately 2K. However, this resistance is not critical.
mum junction temperature of 150°C with a 125°C Variations of ±30% will not cause an appreciable
ambient_ For low cost parts, marketed for limited degradation of temperature drift.
temperature range applications, this maximum dif-
ferential appropriately derates the maximum junc- The 1 IlF output capacitor, C2, is required to sup-
tion temperature. press oscillations in the feedback loop involving
the external booster transistor, 01, and the output
In practical designs, the maximum permissible transistor of the LM 1 05. C 1 compensates the
dissipation will always be to the left of the curve internal regulator circuitry to make the stability
shown for an infinite heat sink in Figure 5_ This independent for all loading conditions. C3 is not
curve is realized with the package immersed in normally required if the lead length between the
circulating acetone, freon or mineral oil. Most heat regulator and the output filter of the rectifier is
sinks are not quite as good. short.
To summarize, power transistors can be run with a Current limiting is provided by R3. The current
temperature differential, junction to ambient, 3 to limit resistor should be selected so that the maxi-
5 times as great as an integrated circuit. This mum voltage drop across it, at full load current, is
means that they can dissipate much more power, equal to the voltage given in Figure 7 at the maxi-
even with a smaller heat sink. This, coupled with mum junction temperature of the IC. This assures
the fact that low cost, multilead power packages a no load to full load regulation better than 0.1%
are not available and that there can be thermal under worst-case conditions_
interactions between the control circuitry and the
260 r-r--,-,--,-,.--r->-.--r-r-"-"'--'-J-'
pass transistor, strongly suggests that the pass tran-
sistors be kept separate from the integrated circuit. 10 ~ 12mA
~ 110
Figure 6 shows how an external pass transistor is
added to the LM 105. The addition of an external
PNP transistor does not increase the minimum
\:j 140
" " t-.
input output voltage differential. This would
happen if an NPN transistor was used in a com-
pound emitter follower connection with the NPN
output transistor of the IC_ A single-diffused, wide
20 40 60 80 100 120
140 160
., .,
5.15K The short circuit output current is also determined
• 7
by ·R3. Figure 8 shows the voltage drop across this
2N314C1 2 lMl05 , -:~C2t
resistor, when the output is shorted, as a function
, of junction temperature· in the IC.
• .
3.1SK tSalidtlntllum
With the type of current limiting used in Figure 6,
the dissipation under short circuit conditions can
be more than three times the worst-case full load
FIGURE 6. O.2A Regulator. dissipation. Hence, the heat sink for the pass tran-
AN 23-4
0.2 L-J......L.....1-....L...L...L-L-1.--.l 16
-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
~ 12
FIGURE 8. Voltage Drop Across Current Limit Resistor 10
Required to Initiate Current Limiting.
> 8 LOAD LIN~ .,f-~ CURRENT-
6 HI-t/-.f---t.''+L-Tt-, L~AI LI,NE
sistor must be designed to accommodate the in- .,~ 4
creased dissipation if the regulator is to survive
2 " ·F STABLE +-+-H
more than momentarily with a shorted output. It 1t. ... rJ OPERATING POINT
is encouraging to note, however, that the short o
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
circuit current will decrease at higher ambient tem-
peratures. This assists in protecting the pass tran- OUTPUT CURRENT (AI
sistor from excessive heating.
FIGURE 10. Limiting Characteristics of Regulator Using
Foldback Current limiting.
Finally, R4 is given by
FIGURE 9. 2A Regulator with Foldback Current Limit- where I FL is the output current of the regulator at
ing. full load.
AN 23-5
It is recommended that a ferrite bead be strung on With foldback limiting, power dissipation in the
the emitter of the pass transistor, as shown in Fig- pass transistor reaches a maximum at some point
ure 9, to suppress oscillations that may show up between full load and short circuited output. This
with certain physical configurations_ It is advisable is illustrated in Figure 11. However, if the
to also include C4 across the current limit resistor. maximum dissipation is calculated with the
worst-case input voltage, as it should be, the power
In some applications, the power dissipated in Q2 peak is not too high.
becomes too great for a 2N2905 under worst-case
conditions_ This can be true even if a heat sink is 25
used, as it should be in almost all applications.
When dissipation is a problem, the 2N2905 can be ,." ......
replaced with a 2N3740. With a 2N3740, the fer- ~
rite bead and C4 are not needed because this tran- 15
;:: IS
sistor has a lower cutoff frequency. ~ V
a 10
One of the advantages of foldback limiting is that '"~ r- VIN '" 25V
it sharpens the limiting characteristics of the IC_ In f I--IFl '" 2.DA
addition, the maximum output current is less sen- r l se· D•5A
sitive to variations in the current limit sense volt- o
age of the IC: in this circuit, a 20% change in sense o Big· 12 14 16
voltage will only affect the trip current by 5%. The OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)
temperature sensitivity of the full load current is
likewise reduced by a factor of four, while the FIGURE 11. Power Dissipation in Series Pass Transistors
short circuit current is not. Under Overload Conditions in Regulator
Using Foldback Current Limiting.
Even though the voltage dropped across the sense
resistor is larger with foldback limiting, the mini- HIGH CURRENT REGULATOR
mum input-output voltage differential of the com-
plete regulator is not increased above the 3V speci- The output current of a regulator using the LM 105
fied for the LM 105 as long as this drop is less than as a control element can be increased to any de-
2V. This can be attributed to the low sense voltage sired level by adding more booster transistors, in-
of the IC by itself. creasing the effective cu rrent gai n of the pass tran-
sistors. A circuit for a lOA regulator is shown in
Figure 10 shows that foldback limiting can only be Figure 12. A third NPN transistor has been in-
used with certain kinds of loads. When the load cluded to get higher current. A low frequency
looks predominately like a current source, the load device is used for Q3 because it seems to better
line can intersect the foldback characteristic at a withstand abuse. However, high frequency transis-
point where it will prevent the regulator from tors must be used to drive it. Q2 and Q3 are both
coming up to voltage, even without an overload. double-diffused transistors with good frequency
Fortunately, most solid state circuitry presents a response. This insures that Q3 will present the
load line which does not intersect. However, the dominant lag in the feedback loop through the
possibility cannot be ignored, and the regulator booster transistors, and back around the output
must be designed with some knowledge of the transistor of the LM 105. This is further insured by
load. the addition of C3.
I, , '
AS 01.
,,1 fSohdtlntilum
The circuit, as shown, has a full load capability of The problem can be eliminated completely by
lOA. Foldback limiting is used to give a short installing a diode between the input and output of
circuit output current of 2.5A. The addition of 03 the regulator such that the capacitor on the output
increases the minimum input-output voltage dif- is discharged through this diode if the input is
ferential, by 1 V, to 4V. shorted. A fast switching diode should be used as
ordinary rectifier diodes are not always effective.
Another cause of problems with regulators is se-
By far, the biggest reason for regulator failures is vere voltage transients on the unregulated input_
overdissipation in the series pass transistors. This Even if these transients do not cause immediate
has been borne out by experience with the failure in the regulator, they can feed through and
LM 100. Excessive heating in the pass transistors destroy the load. If the load shorts out, as is fre-
causes them to short out, destroying the IC. This quently the case, the regulator can be destroyed
has happened most frequently when PNP booster by subsequent transients.
transistors in a TO-5 can, like the 2N2905, were
used. Even with a good heat sink, these transistors This problem can be solved by specifying all parts
cannot dissipate much more than lW. The maxi- of the regulator to withstand the transient condi-
mum dissipation is less in many applications. When tions. However, when ultimate reliability is
a single PNP booster is used and power can be a needed, this is not a good solution. Especially
problem, it is best to go to a transistor like the since the regulator can withstand the transient, yet
2N3740, in a TO-66 power package, using a good severely overstress the circuitry on its output by
heat sink. feeding the transients through. Hence, a more logi-
cal recourse is to include circuitry which suppres-
Using a compound PNP/NPN booster does not ses the transients. A method of doing this is shown
solve all problems. Even when breadboarding with in Figure 13. A zener diode, which can handle
transistors in TO-3 power packages, heat sinks
must be used. The TO-3 package is not very good, 10DmH
thermally, without a heat sink. Dissipation in the
PNP transistor driving the NPN series pass transis- J\o
INPUT"" ...,
tor cannot be ignored either. Dissipation in the Fl
driver with worst-case current gain in the pass tran-
sistor must be taken into account. In certain cases, Dl* .. ~
this could require that a PNP transistor in a power 40V -r
package be used to drive the NPN pass transistor.
In almost all cases, a heat sink is required if a PNP
driver transistor in a TO-5 package is selected. ·Unitrode
With output currents above 3.A, it is good practice FIGURE 13. Suppression Circuitry to Remove Large
to replace a 2N3055 pass transistor with a 2N3772. Voltage Spikes from Unregulated Supplies.
The 2N3055 is rated for higher currents than 3A,
but its current gain falls off rapidly. This is espe-
cially true at either high temperatures or low large peak currents, clamps the input voltage to
input-output voltage differentials. A 2N3772 will the regulator while an inductor limits the current
give substantially better performance at high cur- through the zener during the transient. The size of
rents, and it makes life much easier for the PNP the inductor is determined from
L=-- (4)
The second biggest cause of failures has been the I
output filter capacitors on power inverters provid-
ing unregulated power to the regulator. If these where Ll V is the voltage by which the input tran-
capacitors are operated with excessive ripple across sient exceeds the breakdown voltage of the diode,
them, and simultaneously near their maximum dc Llt is the duration of the transient and I is the peak
voltage rating, they will sputter. That is, they short current the zener can handle while still clamping
momentarily and clear themselves. When they the input voltage to the regulator. As shown, the
short, the output capacitor of the regulator is dis- suppression circuit will clamp 70V, 4 ms transients
charged back through the reverse biased pass tran- on the unregulated supply_
sistors or the control circuitry, frequently causing
destruction. This phenomenon is especially preva- CONCLUSIONS
lent when solid tantalum capacitors are used with
high-frequency power inverters. The maximum The LM 105 is an exact replacement for the
ripple allowed on these capacitors decreases lin- LM100 in the majority of applications, providing
early with frequency. about ten times better regulation. There are, how-
ever, a few differences:
The solution to this problem is to use capacitors
with conservative voltage ratings. In addition, the In switching regulator applications,> the size of
maximum ripple allowed by the manufacturer at the resistor used to provide positive feedback
the operating frequency should also be observed. should be doubled as the impedance seen looking
back into the reference bypass terminal is twice all the driver and pass transistors. Devices must
that of the LM100 (2 Kn versus 1 Kn). In addi· then be selected which can handle the power. Fur·
tion, the minimum output voltage of the LM105 is ther, adequate heat sinks must be provided as even
4.5V, compared with 2V for the LM 100. In low power transistors cannot dissipate much power by
voltage regulator applications, the effect of this is themselves.
obvious. However, it also imposes some limitations
on current regulator and shunt regulator designs. 3 Normally, the highest power dissipation occurs
Lastly, clamping the compensation terminal when the output of the regulator is shorted. If this
(Pin 7) within a diode drop of ground or the out· condition requires heat sinks which are so large as
put terminal will not guarantee that the regulator to be impractical, foldback current limiting can be
is shut off, as it will with the LM100. This restricts used. With fold back limiting, the power dissipated
the LM 105 in the overload shutoff schemes 3 under short circuit conditions can actually be
wh ich can be used with the LM 100. made less than the dissipation at full load.
Dissipation limitations of practical packages dic· The LM 105 is designed primarily as a positive volt-
tate that the output current of an IC regulator be age regulator. A negative regulator, the LM104,
less than 20 mAo However, external booster tran· which is a functional complement to the LM105,
sistors can be added to get any output current is described in Reference 4.
desired. Even with satisfactory packages, consid·
erably larger heat sinks would be needed if the REFERENCES
pass transistors were put on the same chip as the
reference and control circuitry, because an IC 1. R. J. Widlar, "A Versatile, Monolithic Voltage
must be run at a lower maximum temperature Regulator," National Semiconductor AN·l,
than a power transistor. In addition, heat dissi- February, 1967.
pated in the pass transistor couples into the low
level circuitry and degrades performance. All this 2. R. J. Widlar, "Designing Switching Regulators,"
suggests that the pass transistor be kept separate National Semiconductor AN·2, April, 1967.
from the IC.
3. R. J. Widlar, "New Uses for the LM 100 Regula·
Overstressing series pass transistors has been the tor," National Semiconductor AN·8, June,
biggest cause of failures with IC regulators. This 1968.
not only applies to the transistors within the IC,
but also to the external booster transistors. Hence, 4. R. J. Widlar, "Designs for Negative Voltage
in designing a regulator, it is of utmost importance Regulators," National Semiconductor AN·21,
to determine the worst·case power dissipation in October, 1968.
M. Yamatake
June 1969
The test set described in this paper allows com· Function Test. In the first two of these tests, the l>
plete quantitative characterization of all dc opera- amplifier under test is exercised throughout its full :is:
tional amplifier parameters quickly and with a common mode range. In all three tests, power "'0
minimum of additional equipment. The method supply voltages for the circuit under test may be !:
used is accurate and is equally suitable for labora- set at ±5V, ±10V, ±15V or ±20V. ."
tory or production test-for quantitative readout m
or for limit testing. As embodied here, the test set POWER SUPPLY ::D
is conditioned for testing the LM709 and LM 101 Basic waveforms and dc operating voltages for the (')
amplifiers; however, simple changes discussed in test set are derived from a power supply section J:
the text will allow testing of any of the generally comprising a positive and a negative rectifier and l>
available operational amplifiers. filter, a test set voltage regulator, a test circuit ::D
voltage regulator, and a function generator. The l>
Amplifier parameters are tested over the full range (')
dc supplies will be discussed in the section dealing
of common mode and power supply voltages with -I
either of two output loads. Test set sensitivity and
with detailed circuit description. m
stabil ity are adequate for testing all presently The waveform generator provides three output
available integrated amplifiers. N
functions, a ±19V square wave, a -19V to +19V l>
pulse with a 1% duty cycle, and a ±5V triangular -I
The paper will be divided into two sections, i.e., a
functional description, and a discussion of circuit
wave. The square wave is the basic waveform from
which both the pulse and triangular wave outputs
operation. Complete construction information wi II Z
are derived.
be given including a layout for the tester circuit
boards. The square wave generator is an operational ampli-
fier connected as an astable multivibrator. This
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION amplifier provides an output of approximately
The test set operates in one of three basic modes. ±19V at 16 Hz. This square wave is used to drive
These are: (1) Bias Current Test; (2) Offset junction FET switches in the test set and to gen·
VOltage, Offset Current Test; and (3) Transfer erate the pu lse and triangular waveforms.
,.....------------------0 !::~:::TAL
r-____Oll\._-_~ ~~:~~~EL
si5;lr------1 R7
The bias current over the entire common mode current test. The only difference is that the
range may be examined by setting the output of switches S5 a and S5 b are closed on the same half·
As equal to the amplifier common mode range. A cycle of the triangular wave input.
photograph of the bias current oscilloscope display
is given as Figure 2. In this figure, the total input The synchronous operation of S5 a and S5 b forces
the amplifier under test to draw its input currents
through matched high and low input resistors on
alternate halves of the input triangular wave. The
difference between the voltage drop across the two
values of input resistors is proportional to the dif-
ference in input current to the two inputs of the
amplifier under test and may be measured as the
vertical spacing between the two traces appearing
on the face of the oscilloscope.
FIGURE 2. Bias Current and Common Mode Rejection Figure 3 is a photograph of the various waveforms
Display presented during this test. Offset voltage and off-
set current are displayed at a sensitivity of 1 mV
and 100 nA per division, respectively, and both
parameters are displayed over a common mode
current of an amplifier is displayed over a ±10V range of ±1 OV.
common mode range with a sensitivity of 100 nA
per vertical division.
The offset voltage and offset current tests are FIGURE 3. Offset Voltage, Offset Current and Common
performed in the same general way as the bias Mode Rejection Display
,------------------0 ~~:~:O':_rAL
FIGURE 4. Functional Diagram of Transfer Function
The device under test is driven by a ±2.5 mV trio The transfer function display is a plot of Von vs
angular wave derived from the ±5V output of the Vou • for an amplifier. This display provides infor-
triangular wave generator through the attenuators mation about three amplifier parameters: gain.
R11, R 1 2, and R 1, R 3 and through the voltage
follower, A 7. The output of the device under test
is fed to the vertical input of an oscilloscope.
'" :I:'"F
':' TANT
1% 1
R1 I D.U.T.
"' I
1%1 V-
"' I
,% L_
11 01-04
lN4001 t21V
58 -ZIY
~ ~~::ALUM
gain linearity, and output swing. Gain is displayed two power supplies are provided in the test set.
as the slope, AVou,/f:N in of the transfer function. One supply provides a fixed ±20V to power the
Gain linearity is indicated change in slope of the circuitry in the test set; the other provides ±5V to
Vou,/V in display as a function of output voltage. ±20V to power the circuit under test.
This display is particularly useful in detecting
crossover distortion in a Class B output stage. Out- The test set power supply regulator accepts +28V
put swing is measured as the vertical deflection of from the positive rectifier and filter and provides
the transfer function at the horizontal extremes of +20V through the LM 100 positive regulator.
the display. Amplifier AI is powered from the negative recti-
fier and filter and operates as a unity gain inverter
DETAILED CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION whose input is +20V from the positive regulator,
and whose output is -20V.
As shown in Figure 6, which is a complete sche- The test circuit power supply is referenced to the
matic of the power supply and function generator, +20V output of the positive regulator through the
variable divider comprising R 7 , R8 , R9 , R 10 , and is high enough so that the integrator action at the
R26 . The output of this divider is +10V to +2.5V square wave frequency is not degraded.
according to the position of S2 a and is fed to the
non-inverting, gain-of-two amplifier, A2 . A2 is Operating frequency of the function generator
powered from +28V and provides +20V to +5V at may be varied by adjusting the time constants
its output. A3 is a unity gain inverter whose input associated with A 4 , As, and A6 in the same ratio.
is the output of A2 and which is powered from
-28V. The complementary outputs of amplifiers TEST CIRCUIT
A2 and A3 provide dc power to the circuit under
test_ A complete schematic diagram of the test circuit is
shown in Figure 7. The test circuit accepts the out-
puts of the power supplies and function generator
LM101 amplifiers are used as A2 and A3 to allow
and provides horizontal and vertical outputs for an
operation from one ground referenced voltage
each and to provide protective current limiting for X-V oscilloscope, which is used as the measure-
the device under test. ment system.
Amplifier As is a monostable multivibrator trig- The resistors R46 and R47 are current sensing
gered by the positive going output of A 4 . The resistors wh ich sense the input current of the
pulse width of As is determined by the ratio of device under test. These resistors are switched into
R20 to R22 and by the time constant R21 C 10 . the circuit in the proper sequence by the field
The output pulse of As is an approximately 1% effect transistors 0 6 and 0 7 , 0 6 and 0 7 are driven
duty cycle pulse from approximately -19V from the square wave output of the function
to +19V. generator by the PNP pair, 0 10 and 0 11 , and the
NPN pair, 0 8 and 0 9 , Switch sections S1 band
Amplifier A6 is a dc stabilized integrator driven S1 c select the switching sequence for 0 8 and 0 9
from the amplitude-regulated output of A4 . Its and hence for 0 6 and 0 7 , In the bias current test,
output is a ±5V triangular wave. The amplitude of the F ET drivers, 0 8 and 0 9 , are switched by out
the output of A6 is determined by the square wave of phase signals from 0 10 and 0 11 , This opens the
voltage developed across Ds and D6 and the time F ET switches 0 6 and 0 7 on alternate half cycles
constant Radi C, 4. DC stabil ization is accom- of the square wave output of the function gen-
plished by the feedback network R24 , R, s' and erator. During the offset voltage, offset current
C, s. The ac attenuation of this feedback network test, the FET drivers are operated synchronously
5. '"
.Dt,..F R3I
~O~I~S5 1.
from the output of 011. During the transfer func· The input for the integrator·feedback buffer, A7 ,
tion test, 0 6 and 0 7 are switched on continuously is selected by the FET switches O. and 05. During
by turning off 011. R42 and R45 maintain the the bias current and offset voltage offset current
gates of the F ET switches at zero gate to source tests, A7 is connected as an integrator and receives
voltage for maximum conductance during their on its input from the output of the device under test.
cycle. Since the sources of these switches are at The output of A7 drives the feedback resistor,
the common mode input voltage of the device R40 • In this connection, the integrator holds the
under test, these resistors are connected to the output of the device under test near ground and
output of the common mode driver amplifier, As. serves to amplify the voltages corresponding to
bias current, offset current, and offset voltage by a reference which is independent of instrument or
factor of 1,000 before presenting them to the mea- oscilloscope calibration. The gate of Q, is driven
surement system. FET switches ~ and Qs are by the output of monostable multivibrator As,
turned on by switch section S, b during these tests. and shorts the vertical oscilloscope drive signal to
ground during the time that As output is positive.
FET switches Q 4 and Q s are turned off during the
transfer function test. This disconnects A7 from Switch S3' R2 7, and R28 provide a 5X scale
the output of the device under test and changes it increase during input parameter tests to allow
from an integrator to a non·inverting unity gain measurement of amplifiers with large offset
amplifier driven from the triangular wave output voltage, offset current, or bias current.
of the function generator through the attenuator
R33 and R34 and switch section SI •. In this con· Switch Ss allows amplifier compensation to be
nection, amplifier A7 serves two functions; first, changed for 101 or 709 type amplifiers.
to provide an offset voltage correction to the input
of the device under test and, second, to drive the CALIBRATION
input of the device under test with a ±2.5 mV
triangular wave centered about the offset voltage. Calibration of the test system is relatively simple
During this test, the common mode driver ampli· and requires only two adjustments. First, the out·
fier is disabled by switch section S I. and the put of the main regulator is set up for 20V. Then,
the triangular wave generator is adjusted to pro·
vertical input of the measurement oscilloscope is
vide ±5V output by selecting Rad;. This sets the
transferred from the output of the integrator·
horizontal sweep for the X·Y oscilloscope used as
buffer, A 7, to the output of the device under test
the measurement system. The oscilloscope is then
by switch section S'd. S2. allows supply voltages
set up for 1VIdivision vertical and for a full 10
for the device under test to be set at ±5, ±10, ±15,
division horizontal sweep.
or ±20V. S2 b changes the vertical scale factor for
the measurement oscilloscope to maintain Scale factors for the three test positions are:
optimum vertical deflection for the particular
power supply voltage used. S4 is a ml?mentary 1. Bias Current Display (Figure 2)
contact pushbutton switch which is used to change Ibias total 100 nA/div. vertical
the load on the device under test from 10kQ Common Mode Voltage Variable horizontal
to 2kQ. 2. Offset Voltage-Offset Current (Figure 3)
IOffse' 100 nA/div. vertical
A delay must be provided when switching from Vo_ ' 1 mV/div. vertical
the input tests to the transfer function tests. The Common Mode Voltage Variable horizontal
purpose of this delay is to disable the integrator
3. Transfer Function (Figure 5)
function of A7 before driving it with the triangular
Vin 0.5 mV/div.
wave. If this is not done, the offset correction volt·
age, stored on C I ., will be lost. This delay be· Vou , 5V/div. @ Vs ±20V
5V/div.@Vs ±15V
tween opening FET switch 0 4 , and switch as, is
provided by the RC filter, R3S and C 19 • 2V/div. @ Vs ±10V
lV/div.@V s ± 5V
this layout to insure that parasitic coupling be- S3. S4 Grayhill 30-1 Series 30 subminiature
tween elements will not cause osci lIations or give pushbutton switch
cal ibration problems.
S5. S6 Alcoswitch MST-105D SPDT
Table 1 is a listing of special components which
are needed to fit the physical layout given for the CONCLUSIONS
A semi-automatic test system has been described
which will completely test the important opera-
TABLE 1- Partial Parts List
tional amplifier parameters over the full power
T1 Triad F-90X supply and common mode ranges. The system is
simple. inexpensive. easily calibrated. and is
S1 Centralab PA2003 non-shorting equally suitable for engineering or quality assur-
Centralab PA20 15 non-shorting ance usage.
Tr:ms(l'r Input O((sd
F'\\twtion yoltage/Current
_Cl3 _+-
~L...--- ------I+~~~OO~
FIGURE 10. Circuit Board Layout
Dale Mrazek N
January 1970 00
Speed and accuracy of MOS analog commutators Although they switch analog voltages, the MOS i':l
are being improved sharply by techniques initially field-effect transistors in these commutators can
developed to make large-scale MOS digital inte- be interfaced with logic ICs almost as readily as C
grated circuits compatible with bipolar logic cir- low-voltage MOS ICs. Either MOS or bipolar logic
cuits. Now, TIL logic can drive an MOS commuta- can control the MOSFET gate voltages. Only a few s:
tor at rates up to 20 MHz, with signal accura- volts change in the gate voltage will turn the o
cies better than 90%. And at lower frequencies, MOSFETs on or off. en
accuracies very close to 100% can be achieved. (')
Examples of new multichannel designs for analog/
In the past, MOS monolithic commutators and
multiplexers were recommended for precision ana-
digital data-gathering applications are shown in
Figures 1 and 2. Circuit impedances have been s:
log switching only at relatively low rates, on the optimized in each so that commutation rates are s:C
order of 10kHz. Commutation at higher rates was much higher than the normal 200 to 500 kHz
considered risky because of large noise transients rate of low-voltage MOS commutators (rates, in- -I
produced by the MOS switching transistors. Con· cidentally, about twice as high as the maximum ~
siderable time had to be allowed for the transients
to settle down before the signal could be sampled
rates of high-threshold commutators). The all-MOS
system in Figure 1 operates at 1 MHz, while the
accurately. MOSITTL system in Figure 2 achieves 20 MHz. en
Transient noises have been reduced to at least half LOWERING THRESHOLD VOLTAGES
their former level by processes that lower the
switching-voltage threshold of the MOS transistors. Reducing the MOSFET switching-threshold volt-
The processes also cut impedance and leakage cur- age, VTH, improves most of the characteristics that
rent, permitting low-impedance designs that fur- affect commutator performance. Chief result is a
ther enhance commutator performance. reduction in the gate-voltage change needed to
Vx " tlOV
1--+----0 (Zouy=41KI OUTPUT
IFmu ~ I MHd
VII." ±IV TO ±2V
Il w -S:2aanl
r - - - - - -....>-t--------....-o fZ~:'TU!10Kn)
"'--"1 V..
.o-----~--+_~--~--~~--~_, I
VCC "'+5V V' I
" DMl142
switch the MOSFET on and off. In turn, switching source and drain (the source is the most positive
times and the noise transients and circuit imped· terminal). VTH is the bias at which the layer of
ances that produce signal errors can all be reo intrinsic semiconductor, with no surplus of elec·
duced. The benefits of lowering VTH are additive, trons or holes, and the p·channel reach the drain
particularly in multichannel commutators. The diffusion. Conduction begins at this point and
signal may go through several switches in series. increases as VG goes more negative than VTH
(that is, when the gate·to·source voltage -V GS is
The importance of the threshold voltage is iIIus· more than VTH ).
trated in Figure 3, which shows schematically the
operation of a p·channel enhancement type of The (1·0-0) silicon process described in the appen-
MOSFET (the basic element of most MOS inte· dix produces MOSFETs whose VTH is 1.8 to 2.5
grated circuits). It conducts when the gate voltage volts when there is no bias between bulk (sub-
is more negative than the potential of the source strate) and source (Vas = 0). In comparison, a
and the bulk semiconductor substrate Vss by at conventional MOSFET made with (1-1-1) silicon
least VTH • The oxide under the gate electrode acts has a VTH of about 4V. Practical MOS circuits do
as the dielectric of a capacitor. The electric field have some VBS bias and usually some additional
applied to the gate electrode cause holes (absence signal voltage at the source, which raise the work-
of electrons) to appear in the channel region ing value of VTH . As the typical VTH curves in
starting from the source. The n·type silicon there Figure 4 show, the threshold of a device rises with
is converted to p·type, eliminating the p·n diode VBS'
junctions that had blocked current flow between
AN 28-2
A general equation describing these relationships is accurate commutation. In contrast, a 2V threshold
makes the necessary swing only from +10V to
about -20V. The difference becomes more signifi·
cant at lower signal voltages. At V x = ± 1V, for
where K is a device constant (usually 0.8 to 1.2) instance, the high VTH device requires a swing
and ±2<PF is the zero·bias threshold. This equation from at least +lV to -10V, while the low VTH
produces curves such as those in Figure 4. device does the job with +1 V to -6V - about a
third less. High·speed, low·impedance TTL gates
ID r--.---r--,---r--, can control a commutator in the latter voltage
'~~--+--+--+--1 range, as shown in Figure 2, because such small
, '-- v" . ,,!v~q-r-
__+-l transitions can be made very rapidly. They are
• /'f close enough to bipolar logic transitions for the
5 V use of simple, high·speed TTL·to·MOS interfaces.
, ~~--+-+--I-~
,1/ Multichannel switches made with (1·0·0) silicon
1~~--+--+--+--1 typically operate with a maximum change in
control voltage of from +14V to -30V, which
permits Vx = ±14V. Relatively few practical ap·
5 10 15 20 25
plications require so large a swing. If larger signal
FIGURE 4. Typical Threshold-Voltage Curves voltage must be handled, it would be cheaper to
use a scaler than to pay the cost of a high·voltage
The MOSFET equivalent circuit (Figure 5) offers multiplexer with beefed·up control circuitry.
further insight into the importance of lowering
VTH . The smaller change in VG means that smaller ON AND OFF RESISTANCES
transient voltages will appear at source and drain.
The transients are caused by charging and dis- For best signal accuracy and maximum switching
charging of the capacitances. The time required to rate, impedances should be low. The resistance of
change VG and the duration of the transients will a MOSFET while on, RON, varies with signal volt·
be smaller, too. The value of RON, the MOSFET's age, so it cannot be compensated readily. This pro·
impedance while conducting, will also be less at duces a variable error term called RON modulation.
any given value of VG more negative than VTH .
Any reduction in RON will make V OUT more MOS commutators are usually structured as series
nearly equal to V IN. The accuracy of an analog switches (Figure 6a). Two or more ranks of com·
switch is determined by the ratio VouT/VIN' mutators are generally used, as in Figure 1, to
minimize the control circuitry. The added ranks
CONTROL VOLTAGES put additional MOSFETs in each signal channel
and enlarge the amount and variation in RON of
Signal voltage V x often varies between positive the conducting channel. If Vx varies, the error
and negative values in commutator applications. ratio VouTIV IN tends to vary because RON is a
To make certain that the MOSFET switches on function of the effective switch ing threshold
under all signal conditions, VG must swing from at which rises and falls with V x.
least Vx to (VSS-VTH-AV-VX), where ±Vx are
the signal limits and AV is the overdrive needed to There is no simpie way of keeping RON constant.
lower the switch's series resistance to the desired Usually, the effect of the variation is reduced by
level (mainly, reduction in Ro N obtained by increasing the other impedances, but that lowers
making -VGS more negative). the maximum switching r;3te. A 10w,VTH eases this
problem greatly. All other conditions being equal,
If the signal range is fairly wide, say ±10V, the the MOSFET with the lowest VTH will conduct
gate voltage of a MOSFET with a 4V to 6V thresh- better at any given value of VG more negative than
old must swing from +10V to about -26V for VTH . The p·channel enhancement will be greater
v- v, v'
AN 28-3
and the channel electrically larger. Figure 6c is a output and degrading the accuracy of the signal
typical curve of RON versus gate bias. Low,V TH through the on channel (V x in the figurel. ROFF
analog switches made with (1·0-01 silicon by Na- is usually around 10' 0 ohms. If V y is a high-
tional Semiconductor as integrated circuits achieve frequency signal, there may be significant AC
RON values comparable to those of larger, but feedthrough, but this can be prevented by tech-
niques to be discussed shortly.
higher-V TH , discrete MOSFETs--from 250 to 300
ohms at Vx = -10V and about 100 ohms when SWITCHING SPEED AND NOISE
Vx = +10V. The RON of a high-VTH integrated
commutator, in contrast, is typically a few hun- The absolute switching speed of a commutator is
dred ohms higher and some reportedly reach a few limited by the time required to charge and dis-
kilohms. charge the device capacitances. Circuit impedances
affect speed by contributing to the RC time con-
To swamp out the voltage-divider effect in Figure stants. However, the practical switching rate of a
6b, it has been customary to make the load, R L, precision commutator depends upon the time re-
much larger than the combination of RON and quired for the output signal to recover from
Rs. Output impedances in the megohm range the noise transients produced during the charge-
are often used with high-V TH devices. But note in discharge cycles. Low-VTH processing cuts tran-
Figure 2 that very low values of source and load sient recovery time because the transients' dura-
impedance can be used with low-VTH commu- tion and amplitude are reduced. Some designs
tators. These low impedances and the very low make the recovery time negligible.
impedance of the TTL circuit controlling the gate
are two of the main reasons for this commutator's In all MOSFETs, transmission of a turn-on or turn-
exceptionally high speed. off signal is followed by a delay whose length de-
pends upon the magnitude and rate of change of
Source impedance is usually made equal or less the gate-control voltage. At turn-on, the delay is
than RON so that leakage currents of the turned- lengthened by the RC time constant of the gate-
off MOSFETs can return to a low-impedance bulk capacitance (see Figure 51 and the imped-
turned-on channel signal source. Leakage per ance in the control circuit. Capacitances and im-
switch is small in an integrated circuit commuta- pedances in the signal path cause a similar delay at
tor, but there are several switching devices with a turn-off. As VGS goes negative, turning the switch
common output in the same semiconductor sub- on, energy is pulled from the source and load
strate. Leakage currents could add up to a value impedances through the gate-source and gate-drain
that seriously degrades signal accuracy. In any capacitances, as in the simplified equivalent circuit
semiconductor device, leakage increases rapidly of Figure la. At turn-off, VGS goes to zero volts
with temperature. However, the leakage specifica- or positive, and energy is pushed out through the
tion is so small in our commutator made with same paths.
(1-0-01 silicon that they will work well up to a
temperature of 125°C, while commutators made Thus, negative turn-on and positive turn-off tran-
with (1-1-11 silicon have been specified for a sients' appear at the summing node. The transient
maximum operating temperature of only 85°C. waveforms of low VTH and high VTH MOSFETs
are shown simplified and superimposed in Figure
Regardless of the process, the OFF resistance, lb. The levels are typical for devices with VTH
ROFF ' of a well-made MOSFET is generally high = 2V and VTH = 4V at Vx = ±lV. The larger gate
enough to prevent the signal in the 0 F F channel voltages used at higher signal voltages wou Id make
(channel Vy in Figure 6al from appearing at the durations and amplitudes proportionately larger
Z.D nr-rn--r--r-r,~,;;u,;;:";;;,,;;;,,;;;,,.. ::-rr
•.• J--1t-ITl-t-r FORtEl",~ ."V.U~I[ -
i'---~""- "OUT
t DG
~~ -6V
(another reason why the Figure 2 circuit is faster itance. The noise energy that does get into the
than the Figure 1 circuit). summing node should be dissipated quickly to
improve the data channel's recovery time. The
The transients can be much larger than signal volt· energy is dissipated in the parallel combination of
ages, so even the relatively small transients of a the summing node resistance and channel-source
low-V TH MOSFET can saturate the buffer ampli- impedance. The RC time constant of the equiva-
fier. One of the ways that designers of discrete lent circuit in Figure 8 should be optimized to
commutators minimized transients at the summing obtain the maximum commutation frequency.
node was to drive adjacent channels with coinci-
dent turn-on and turn-off signals. In this way, Fmax; [(Rs/Rnode) Cnodel [(C, + C2 )/2Cnod el
negative-going transients from the channels turning [V G1 -VGol to 1
on will partially cancel out positive-going tran-
sients from the channels turning off. When the This equation relates the time constants, gate and
output amplifier is an integrator, the amounts of transient voltages and transient recovery tolerance.
energy pulled through the summing node will be
VGland V GO are the turn-on and turn-off values
minimized by, in effect, being averaged out. of V G; other terms are defined in Figure 8.
Coincident drive, discrete component circuits are
fairly complex and expensive. Essentially the same
effect is obtained in the Figure 2 commutator, at
., ·0'
much less cost. The TTL decoder selects channels
at such a high rate of speed that a channel is turn-
ing on while another channel is turning off. Transi-
tions of the control voltage occur in less time than
the turn-on and turn-off delays of the MOSFETs.
So the transients are suppressed in a matter of
nanoseconds. In fact, when the gate voltage is FIGURE B. RC Network Governing Switching Frequency
going negative or positive simultaneously, the
transient is practically invisible at the output. That
is, the transient actually helps change the output HIGH-FREQUENCY NOISE CONTROL
signal to the correct level more rapidly.
In some cases, the analog input signal is AC rather
You might say that the high commutation rate than DC. That is, it may fluctuate rapidly between
makes the high commutation rate possible, but it positive and negative values. This can vary the
is more pertinent to stress that the TTL decoder effective values of VSG , RON and perhaps R OFF ,
could not directly control a high-VTH commuta- and may also cause spurious charging or discharg-
tor. Low-impedance drivers are essential for high ing of the MOSF ET capacitance. The condition
commutation rates, because they quickly source results in output-voltage fluctuations due to the
and sink transients. In this respect, TTL integrated appearance at the summing node of signal volt-
circuits make almost ideal drivers. ages from a channel that is supposed to be off-
a problem known as AC feedthrough or channel-
In principle, the gate turning on and the gate turn- feedthrough noise. The main cause is charge trans-
ing off in a multichannel IC commutator are part fer through the gate-source and gate-drain capac-
of a closed-loop circuit charging the gate capac- itances of the turned-off MOSFETs.
Fortunately, most transducer voltage outputs are interface and its voltage levels are shown in Fig-
below 10kHz in frequency and simply using a ure 10. The author used discrete components, but
low-impedance gate driver prevents the problem. all 16 resistors in the network could be made as a
The transients sink into the driver rather than go thick-film printed circuit because the values are
to the output. A high signal source impedance not large and the tolerances are not critical.
would make this technique more effective, but
would also cause larger transients in the turned- TTL logic outputs are positive, while MOSFETs
on channel, imposing longer recovery times and require negative or positive gate biases to turn on
slower commutation rates. or off. The necessary voltage changes are made
with the capacitor in Figure 10.
There is a simple detour around this impasse, too.
The dynamic impedance of the gate driver is al- Assume first that the TTL output is at a logic "1".
lowed to approach a zero-ohm impedance when Rl will pull the decoder output up to V+ = +10V.
the channel is turned off (Figure 9). Theoretically, With Vss = +2V, there will be +8V across the cap-
this will prevent any channel feedthrough noise at acitor, VG will be equal to Vss , and that channel
signal frequencies up to 2 MHz. In practical cir- will be held off.
cuits, signal frequency is limited by load imped-
ance, but can usually be pushed above 1 MHz. When the TTL output switches from a logic "1" to
The driver impedance itself must also be low at a logic "0" level, the decoder output will go from
high frequencies, of course. V+ = 10V to about 0.4V. Bias on the gate will
therefore drop from +2V to about -6V, turning
the channel on. The commutator is controlled,
'.-~ ~
lfr:1'1 0
then, by selecting the location of an "0" bit in the
decoder output and making all other outputs "1".
Y+=10VORI2V ~
~~~~~~" crT
v, - -
FIGURE 9. Zero-Impedance Driver Return lOOOpF RZ
Prevents AC Feedthrough 2D.
The 8-channel configuration shown can be the
building block of very large solid-state commu-
tators. Each 4-channel MOSFET switch is a mono-
lithic chip (National Semiconductor MM451). The
TTL channel selector is a decoder (DM7842)
designed to convert 4-bit binary-coded-decimal
inputs into decimal-number outputs. Only 8 out-
puts are needed here, so the decoder's fourth in-
l VaUlI{-BV
The TTL outputs are translated to MOS control Care must be taken to select TTL drivers that do
signals with an interface network consisting of not break down when their outputs are pulled up
identical passive circuits on each control line. An to +10V or +12V. The DM7842 has a diode in the
output stage that protects the output transistor at optimized designs at lower than their maximum
high voltages, and other devices in the National frequency. Longer recovery times would be per·
TTL familY have similar output stages. These are mitted.
equivalent to Series 54 TTL. Suitable TTL control
logic can be assembled from other ICs, but the Each of the MM454 4-channel commutators con-
DM7842 is convenient because only one driver tains four MOSFETs like those in the MM451 and,
chip is needed for every eight channels in the in the same chip, a 2·bit MOS counter and decoder
commutator system. for channel selection and all·channel blanking
(Figure 11).
There is a delay of 10 to 15 nanoseconds between
a transition in the TTL output and the switching As shown, the system samples the 16 channels
of a channel on or off, mainly due to the RC time sequentially, much like a rotary driven mechanical
constant of the RC interface. However, the delay commutator. The MM454 is designed as a building
occurs equally on all channels and does not affect block for large sequential sampling systems. How-
the commutation rate or significantly reduce the ever, any particular channel could be selected
50 ns sampling time permitted by a 20 MHz rate. with external output-gating logic. If random chan·
Commutator output can be kept synchronized to nel selection were the normal operating mode, the
any following data processing subsystem by put· MM451 and external selection logic can be used.
ting a comparable delay in the line from the sys· Two ranks of commutators, similar to Figure 1,
tem clock to the processor. simplify the control logic. For example, one gate
driver would turn on channels A1, Bl, Cl and Dl,
The MM451 chip is also available with a DTL and a second driver would select channel A 1 by
monolithic driver in a f1atpack. This hybrid IC, turning on channel E1-which takes a lot less
the MH453, does not require an external inter· control circuitry than selecting lout of 16
face network. It will operate at frequencies to channels directly and requires only one more
500 kHz and switch analog signals of ± 1OV under monolithic commutator.
direct control of TTL or DTL logic. The four
MOSFETs of the MM451 are connected in a dual Either way, a very critical system design require-
differential configuration, useful for combining ment is to guarantee that only the selected channel
and comparing signal voltages. conducts during the sampling interval. The single
3-input NOR gate in Figure 1 accomplishes that.
ALL-MOS COMMUTATORS Commutator C is used as the master element. It
divides down the 1 MHz clock signal through a 4: 1
Commutators built entirely of MOS devices need countdown circuit, which is provided in the
not be limited to low-frequency operation, despite MM454 to facilitate submultiplexing. Commutator
their 'larger voltage swings and transients. The E's four channels therefore sequence at a 250 kHz
system in Figure 2 has better than 99% accuracy at rate. Meanwhile, the four channels in commutators
1 MHz with Vx = ±10V when the previously A, B, C and D are each sequencing at 1 MHz. The
discussed characteristics of 10w·VTH devices in this analog sequences through A 1, A2, A3 and A4 in
signal range are optimized. order when E1 is on, B1 through B4 when E2 is
on, and so forth.
Similar systems, optimized for smaller signal-
voltage ranges, have not been bu i1t by the author The 4: 1 count-down output of commutator E
but it is reasonable to expect higher frequencies or (1/16 MHz) is fed back through the NOR gate to
accuracies in such systems. Accuracy, of course, the reset inputs of commutators A, Band D. The
wou Id be further improved by operating the reset every cycle keeps them in step with commu-
tator C and therefore commutator E. The NOR oped are similar in principle to commutators,
gate's output also can be used to maintain except that V x is digital data and scores of
synchronization of the commutator with other MOSFET switching stages are used in each MOS
signal processing systems. chip. One data·storage system built by the author
has achieved data transfer rates up to 16 MHz, by
ANALOG/DIGITAL SYSTEMS multiplexing high·speed bipolar data into parallel
MOS storage circuits.
Techniques developed, and being developed, to
directly couple bipolar and large-scale MOS pigital With all three classes of bipolar/MOS interfaces-
circuits also depend heavily upon the lowering of analog/digital, logic/logic and logic/analog-now
threshold voltages. A report compiling and detail· available, system designs can exploit more fully
ing coupling techniques is in preparation. In gen- the many speed/cost tradeoffs offered by hybrid
eral, the ability of the MOS digital circuit to ac· bipolar/MOS systems. Bipolar control logic and
cept small, positive transitions in signal voltage, MOS large·scale storage is an extremely efficient,
and to operate with smaller differentials in bias minimum cost combination suitable for medium-
and gate voltages are the critical requirements for to-high·speed systems.
direct coupling.
In other words, low-threshold processing has en-
Directly coupling MOS digital outputs to bipolar abled MOS to move out of the low-frequency
logic also enhances operating speed, again because range and into the ranges where most modern
impedances are lowered. Some of the high·speed analog/digital systems operate.
TTL/MOS hybrid systems that have been devel-
December 1969 N
A monolithic operational amplifier having input transistors match much better than FETs with m
error currents in the order of 100 pA over a -55"C typical offset voltages of 1 m V and drifts of -I
to 125°C temperature range is described. Instead 3/lVfc.
of FETs, the circuit uses bipolar transistors with o
current gains of 5000 so that offset voltage and ,... z
drift are not degraded. A power consumption of F=F LM109
1 mW at low voltage is also featured. 5 Z
5 10-8 "tI
A number of novel circuits that make use of the
a: c:
~ -I
low current characteristics of the amplifier are .... 10-9 I-- j - - LM101A
given. Further, special design techniques required
to take advantage of these low currents are ex· '"~ , FEY = c:
10" ::x:I
plored. Component selection and the treatment of 1--1.
printed circuit boards is also covered.
r== 1= LM!08 ::x:I
10" Z
INTRODUCTION ~ ~~ 0 ~ ro ~ 100 rn -I
A year ago, one of the loudest complaints heard
about IC op amps was that their input currents FIGURE 1. Comparing IC Op Amps With FET-Input
were too high. This is no longer the case. Today Amplifier
ICs can provide the ultimate in performance for
many applications-even surpassing FET ampli-
Figure 1 compares the typical input offset currents
of IC op amps and FET amplifiers. Although FETs
give superior performance at room temperature,
F ET input stages have long been considered the
their advantage is rapidly lost as temperature
best way to get low input currents in an op amp.
increases. Still, they are clearly better than early
Low-picoamp input currents can in fact be obtain-
IC amplifiers like the LM709. 3 Improved devices,
ed at room temperature. However, this current,
like the LM101A" equal FET performance over a
which is the leakage current of the gate junction
doubles every 10°C, so performance is severel~
-55°C to 125°C temperature range. Yet they use
standard transistors in the input stage. SL<per gain
degraded at high temperatures. Another disad-
transistors can provide more than an order of
vantage is that it is difficult to match FETs
magnitude improvement over the LM101A. The
closely.! Unless expensive selection and trimming
LMol0B use~ these to equal FET performance over
techniques are used, typical offset voltages of
a 0 C to 70 C temperature range.
50 mV and drifts of 50 /lV fc must be tolerated.
In applications involving 125°C operation, the
Super gain transistors2 are now challenging FETs.
LM lOB is about two orders of magnitude better
These devices are standard bipolar transistors
than FETs. In fact, unless special precautions are
which have been diffused for extremely high
taken, overall circuit performance is often limited
current gains. Typically, current gains of 5000 can
by leakages in capacitors, diodes, analog switches
be obtained at 1 /lA collector currents. This makes
or printed circuit boards, rather than by the op
it possible to get input currents which are com·
amp itself.
petitive with FETs. It is also possible to operate
these transistors at zero collector base voltage,
eliminating the leakage currents that plague the
FET. Hence they can provide lower error currents In an operational amplifier, the input current
at elevated temperatures. As a bonus, super gain produces a voltage drop across the source resis·
tance, causing a dc error. This effect can be mini· they are selected and trimmed. Even though their
mized by operating the amplifier with equal drift may be well controlled (5/lV fe) over a
resistances on the two inputs. 5 The error is then limited temperature range, trimmed ampl ifiers
proportional to the difference in the two input generally exhibit a much higher drift over a -55°e
currents, or the offset current. Since the current to 125°e temperature range. At any rate, their
gains of monolithic transistors tend to match well, average drift rate would, at best, be like that of the
the offset current is typically a factor of ten less LMl 01A where 125°e operation is involved.
than the input currents.
Applications that require low error currents
;;- 100 include amplifiers for photodiodes or capacitive
.§ transducers, as these usually operate at megohm
impedance levels. Sample·and·hold circuits, timers,
"'"co~ integrators and analog memories also benefit from
...> low error currents. For example, with the LM709,
worst case drift rate.s for these kinds of circuits is
in the order of 1.5V/sec. The LM108 improves this
~ 1.0 to 3 mV /sec.-worst case over a -55°e to 125°e
... ·temperature range. Low input currents are also
~ helpful in oscillators and active filters to get low
;; frequency operation with reasonable capacitor
~ lk 10k lOOk 1M 10M 100M lG values. The LM108 can be used at a frequency of
INPUT RESISTANCE In) 1 Hz with capacitors no larger than O.01/lF. In
logarithmic amplifiers, the dynamic range can be
extended by nearly 60 dB by going from the
FIGURE 2. Illustrating The Effect Of Source Resistance
On Typical Input Error Voltage LM709 to the LM108. In other applications,
having low error currents often permits an entirely
different design approach which can greatly sim·
Naturally, error current has the greatest effect in
plify circuitry.
high impedance circuitry. Figure 2 illustrates this
point. The offset voltage of the LM709 is degraded
significantly with source resistances greater than
10 kg. With the LM 101 A this is extended to Figure 4 shows a simplified schematic of the
source resistances high as 500 kg. The LM108, on LM108. Two kinds of NPN transistors are used on
the other hand, works well with source resistances the Ie chip: super gain (primary) transistors which
above 10 Mg. have a current gain of 5000 with a breakdown
voltage of 4 V and conventional (secondary) tran·
High source resistances have an even greater effect sistors which have a current gain of 200 with an
on the drift of an amplifier, as shown in Figure 3. 80V breakdown. These are differentiated on the
The performance of the LM709 is worsened with schematic by drawing the secondaries with a wider
sources greater than 3 kg. The LM101A holds out base.
to 100 kg sources, while the LM108 still works
well at 3 Mg. Primary transistors (0 1 and O2 ) are used for the
input stage; and they are operated in a cascode
connection with 0 5 and 0 6 • The bases of as and
1000~m 0 6 are bootstrapped to the emitters of 0 , and O2
through 0 3 and 0 4 , so that the input transistors
are operated at zero collector·base voltage. Hence,
100 circuit performance is not impaired by the low
t 10
breakdown of the primaries, as the secondary tran·
sistors stand off the common mode voltage. This
configuration also improves the common mode
iii rejection since the input transistors do not see
variations in the common mode voltage. Further,
because there is no voltage across their collector·
lk 10k lOOk 1M 10M 100M lG base junctions, leakage currents in the input tran·
INPUT RESISTANCE In) sistors are effectively eliminated.
emitter-base voltage of the second stage so that its make high-impedance circuits fast; and low power
operating current is set at twice that of the input circuits are very resistant to being made fast. In
stage by R4 - other respects, it was desirable to make the LM 108
as much like the LM 101 A as possible.
The second stage uses an active collector load
(0, 5 and 0,6) to obtain high gain- It drives a 2.0
complementary ciass-B output stage which gives a
substantial load driving capability_ The dead zone
of the output stage is eliminated by biasing it on <
1.0 ...... " r- -.!~
the verge of conduction with 0" and 0, 2 _ 0- 0.5
Two methods of frequency compensation are ~
available for the amplifier_ In one a 30 pF capaci- f
!i 0.'0
tor is connected from the input to the output of
the second stage (between the compensation 0.05
i"- ..... OFFSET
A complete schematic of the LM 108 is given in the Figure 5 shows the input current characteristics of
Appendix along with a description of the circuit. the LM 108 over a _55 0 C to 1250 C temperature
This includes such essential features as overload range. Not only are the input currents low, but
protection for the inputs and output. also they do not change radically over tempera-
ture. Hence, the device lends itself to relatively
PERFORMANCE simple temperature compensation schemes, that
The primary design objective for the LM 108 was will be described later.
to obtain very low input currents without sacrific-
ing offset voltage or drift. A secondary objective There has been considerable discussion about using
was to reduce the power consumption. Speed was Darlington input stages rather than super gain tran-
of little concern, as long as it was comparable with sistors to obtain low input currents. 6,7 It is appro-
the LM709. This is logical as it is quite difficult to priate to make a few comments about that here.
AN 29-3
Darlington inputs can give about the same input volt of the supplies, which is especially important
bias currents as super gain transistors-at room when operating at low voltages. The output falls
temperature. However, the bias current varies as off rapidly as the current increases above a certain
the square of the transistor current gain. At low level and the short circuit protection goes into
temperatures, super gain devices have a decided effect. The useful output drive is limited to about
advantage. Additionally, the offset current of ±2 mAo It could have been increased by the addi-
super gain transistors is considerably lower than tion of Darlington transistors on the output, but
Darlingtons, when measured as a percentage of this would have restricted the voltage swing at low
bias current. Further, the offset voltage and offset supply voltages. The amplifier, incidentally, works
voltage drift of Darlington transistors is both with common mode signals to within a volt of the
higher and more unpredictable. supplies so it can be used with supply voltages as
low as ±2V.
Experience seems to tell the real truth about Dar-
lingtons. Quite a few op amps with Darlington 120
~~ -j- CI" 3 P~,ff
input stages have been introduced. However, none 100 C, • 3 pF
have become industry standards. The reason is that
they are more sensitive to variations in the manu-
" " " ~, ~ Cs ' 100 pF---' 135 :l!
facturing process. Therefore, satisfactory perform- 60
ance specifications can only be obtained by sacri- w 90 ~
ficing the manufacturing yield.
" " -C;'30pF
PH~SE " " 45
500 1--+-+-+--+-+-1 -20
LM1~B-+- C-C,·30.F 0
TA ", _55°C
1 10 100 lk 10k lOOk 1M 10M
II! 300
V TA - 2S'C
!!l ~~ TA - 125°C
FIGURE 8. Open Loop Frequency Response
~ 200
~ 100
The open loop frequency response, plotted in
LM10B Figure 8, indicates that the frequency response is
0 about the same as that of the LM709 or the
5 10 15 20
LM101A. Curves are given for the two compensa-
function of supply voltage in Figure 6. The operat-
ing current is about an order of magnitude lower
than devices like the LM709. Furthermore, it does
not vary radically with supply voltage which RJ 3
. -+ B
means that the device performance is maintained
at low voltages and power consumption is held
1 CI~:~ :~2
Co =30pF
down at high voltages.
a SlandlrdCompellSlltlonCnl:Ult
Vs = ±15V
\ .,
! 10 .z
~~L.'08·. . .
LM '0a
.~ 5
/" ~
TA -1Z5°C
TA :
~ _55°C
• + •
0 C,
0 2 4 6 a *,'00"
b Alte,nateComprnSilll;mC.,cult
FIGURE 7. Output Swing
tion circuits shown in Figure 9. The standard 16
compensation is identical to that of the LM10l or I 11111 To\" ZSOC
Vs= !15V
LM101A. The alternate compensation scheme 12
\ 1Tr mTI
gives much better rejection of high frequency ~ C,:3 pF
power supply noise, as will be shown later. '"z
iii 8
With unity gain compensation, both methods give
a 75-degree stability margin. However, the shunt 4
compensation has a 300 kHz small signal band-
width as opposed to 1 MHz for the other scheme. LMID8
Because the compensation capacitor is not includ- a
ed on the IC chip, it can be tailored to fit the Ik 10k lOOk 1M
The output resistance also tends to increase at low The overall performance of the LM108 is
frequencies. Thermal feedback is responsible for summarized in Table ,'. It is apparent from the
this phenomenon. The data for Figure 11 was table and the previous discussion that the de-
taken under large-signal conditions with ±15V vice is ideally suited for applications that re-
supplies, the output at zero and a ±1 mA current quire low input currents or reduced power con-
swing. Hence, the thermal feedback is accentuated sumption. The speed of the amplifier is not
more than would be the case for most applica- spectacular, but this is not usually a problem in
tions. high-impedance circuitry. Further, the reduced
high frequency performance makes the amplifier
In an op amp, it is desirable that performance easier to use in that less attention need be paid
be unaffected by variations in supply voltage. to capacitive loading, stray capacitances and
IC amplifiers are generally better than discretes supply bypassing.
in this respect because it is necessary for one
single design to cover a wide range of uses. The APPLICATIONS
LM108 has a power supply rejection which is Because of its low input current, the LM 108
typically in excess of 100 dB, and it will oper- opens up many new design possibilities. How-
ate with supply voltages from ±2V to ±20V. ever, extra care must be taken in component
Therefore, well-regulated supplies are unneces- selection and the assembly of printed circuit
sary, for most applications, because a 20-per- boards to take full advantage of its perform-
cent variation has little effect on performance. ance. Further, unusual design techniques must
often be apPlied to get around the limitations
of some components.
;;; The holding accuracy of a sample and hold is
:!! 80
co directly related to the error currents in the
5 10 components used. Therefore, it is a good circuit
to start off. with in explaining the problems in-
~ 20
SAMPLE _ _ _~,""""-.
100 lk 1Il10 lOOk 1M 10M OUTPUT
Wh en high-temperature operation is involved, high temperatures; this is not the case with
the FET leakage can limit circuit performance. junction FETs. If the MOS transistors have pro-
This can be minimized by using a junction tective diodes on the gates, special arrangements
FET, as indicated, because commercial junction must be made to drive O2 so the diode does
FETs have lower leakage than their MOS coun- not become forward biased.
terparts. However, at 125°C even junction de-
vices are a problem. Mechanical switches, such In selecting the hold capacitor, low leakage is
as reed relays, are quite satisfactory from the not the only requirement. The capacitor must
standpoint of leakage. However, they are often also be free of dielectric polarization phenom-
undesirable because they are sensitive to vibra- ena. s This rules out such types as paper, mylar,
tion, they are too slow or they require exces- electrolytic, tantalum or high-K ceramic. For
sive drive power. If this is the case, the circuit small capacitor values, glass or silvered-mica
in Figure 14 can be used to eliminate the FET capacitors are recommended. 'For the larger
leakage. values, ones with teflon, polyethylene or poly-
carbonate dielectrics should be used.
turns on Q I and Q2, shorting the integrating ca-
r--t-"'VI.IV-v· pacitor. When the switches turn off, the leakage
current of Q2 is absorbed by R2 while Q I isolates
the output of Q2 from the summing node. Q I has
practically no voltage across its junctions because
INPUT-JV\"""....- - - - - ' - - - - ,
the substrate is grounded; hence, leakage currents
are negligible .
01 2K
., ••
5K cs
of A 2 . The inverting input of A2 is also connected thermal feedback is virtually eliminated because
to the summing node through C3 • C3 and R 3 are the LM108 does not see load variations. Lastly,
chosen to roll off below 750 Hz. Hence, at fre· the open loop gain is nearly infinite at low fre·
quencies above 750 Hz, the feedback path is di· quencies as it is the product of the gains of the
rectly around A2 , with A, contributing little. two amplifiers.
Below 500 Hz, however, the direct feedback path
to A2 rolls off; and the gain of A, is added to that
Although it is comparatively easy to build an oscil·
The high frequency amplifier, A2 , is an LM101A lator that approximates a sine wave, making one
connected with feed·forward compensation.' 0 It that delivers a high-purity sinusoid with a stable
has a 10 MHz equivalent small·signal bandwidth, a frequency and amplitude is another story. Most
1OV Ills slew rate and a 250 kHz large·signal band· satisfactory designs are relatively complicated and
width, so these are the high·frequency characteri· require individual trimming and temperature com-
stics of the complete amplifier. The bias current of pensation to make them work. In addition, they
A2 is isolated from the summing node by C3 . generally take a long time to stabilize to the final
Hence, it does not contribute to the dc drift of the output amplitude.
integrator. The inverting input of A, is the only dc
connection to the summing junction. Therefore, A unique solution to most of these problems is
the error current of the composite amplifier is shown in Figure 18. A, is connected as a two·pole
equal to the bias current of A,. low-pass active filter, and A2 is connected as an
I integrator. Since the ultimate phase lag introduced
If A2 is allowed to saturate, A, will then start by the amplifiers is 270 degrees, the circuit can be
towards saturation. If the output of A, gets far off made to oscillate if the loop gain is high enough at
zero, recovery from saturation will be slowed dras· the frequency where the lag is 180 degrees. The
tically. This can be prevented by putting zener gain is actually made somewhat higher than is re-
clamp diodes across the integrating capacitor. A quired for oscillation to insure starting. Therefore,
suitable clamping arrangement is shown in the amplitude builds up until it is limited by some
Figure 17. 0, and O2 are included in the clamp nonlinearity in the system.
circuit along with Rs to keep the leakage currents
of the zeners from introducing errors. Amplitude stabilization is accomplished with zener
clamp diodes, 0, and O2 . This does introduce dis-
In addition to increasing speed, this circuit has tortion, but it is reduced by the subsequent low
other advantages. For one, it has the increased out· pass filters. If 0, and O2 have equal breakdown
put drive capability of the LM101A. Further, voltages, the resulting symmetrical clipping will
fo "IHz
virtually eliminate the even-order harmonics. The but uses capacitors in the order of 0.01 J.lF. This
dominant harmonic is then the third, and this is makes it much easier to find temperature-stable
about 40 dB down at the output of AI and about precision capacitors. However, some judgment
50 dB down on the output of A2 . This means that must be used as large value resistors with low
the total harmonic distortion on the two outputs temperature coefficients are not exactly easy to
is 1 percent and 0.3 percent, respectively. come by.*
The frequency of oscillation and the oscillation The LM108s are useful in this circuit for output
threshold are determined by R I , R2 , R3 , C I , C2 frequencies up to 1 k Hz. Beyond that, better per-
and C3 • Therefore precision components with low formance can be realized by substituting an
temperature coefficients should be used. If R 3 is LM102A for Al and an LM101A with feed-
made lower than shown, the circuit will accept forward compensation for A2 . The improved
looser component tolerances before dropping out high-frequency response of these devices extends
of oscillation. The start up will also be quicker. the operating frequency out to 100 kHz.
However, the price paid is that distortion is in-
creased. The value of R4 is not critical, but it CAPACITANCE MULTIPLIER
should be made much smaller than R2 so that the Large capacitor values can be eliminated from
effective resistance at R2 does not drop when the most systems just by raising the impedance levels,
clamp diodes conduct. if suitable op amps are available. However, some-
times it is not possible because the impedance
The output amplitude is determined by the break- levels are already fixed by some element of the
down voltages of DI and D2 . Therefore, the clamp system like a low impedance transducer. If this is
level should be temperature compensated for the case, a capacitance multiplier can be used to
stable operation. Diode-connected (collector short- increase the effective capacitance of a small capaci-
ed to base) NPN transistors with an emitter-base tor and couple it into a low impedance system.
breakdown of about 6.3V work well, as the posi-
tive temperature coefficient of the diode in reverse Previously, IC op amps could not be used effec-
breakdown nearly cancels the negative tempera· tively as capacitance multipliers because the equiv-
ture coefficient of the forward·biased diode. Add· alent leakages generated due to offset current were
ed advantages of using transistors are that they significantly greater than the leakages of large
have less shunt capacitance and sharper break· tantalum capacitors. With the LM108, this has
downs than conventional zeners. changed. The circuit shown in Figure 19 generates
The LM108 is particularly useful in this circuit at *Large-value resistors are available from Victoreen Instru-
low frequencies, since it permits the use of small ment, Cleveland, Ohio and Pyrofilm Resistor Co.,
capacitors. The circuit shown oscillates at 1 Hz, Whippany, New Jersey.
an equivalent capacitance of 100,OOO/lF with a sistor match ing and by balancing of the source re-
worst case leakage of 8/lA-over a _55°C to sistances. A l-percent deviation in anyone of the
125°C temperature range. resistor values reduces the common mode rejection
to 46 dB for a closed loop gain of 1, to 60 dB for a
gain of 10 and to 80 dB for a gain of 100.
Clearly, the only way to get high input impedance
'I.. VQ5 ·~l RI "'
\DM is to use very large resistors in the feedback net-
RsaRl work. The op amp must operate from a source
resistance which is orders of magnitude larger than
••I. the resistance of the signal source. Older IC op
amps introduced excessive offset and drift when
operating from higher resistances and could not be
used successfully. The LM108, however, is rela-
tively unaffected by the large resistors, so this
approach can sometimes be employed.
FIGURE 19. Capacitance Multiplier With large input resistors, the feedback resistors,
R 3 and R4 , can get quite large for higher closed
loop gains. For example, if R 1 and R2 are 1 M!1,
The performance of the circuit is described by the R3 and R4 must be 100 M!1 for a gain of 100. It is
equations given in Figure 19, where C is the effec- difficult to accurately match resistors that are this
tive output capacitance, IL is the leakage current high in value, so common mode rejection may
of this capacitance and Rs is the series resistance suffer. Nonetheless, anyone of the resistors can be
of the multiplied capacitance. The series resistance trimmed to take out common mode feedthrough
is relatively high, so high-Q capacitors cannot be caused either by resistor mismatches or the ampli-
realized. Hence, such applications as tuned circuits fier itself.
and filters are ruled out. However, the multiplier
can still be used in timing circuits or servo com-
pensation networks where some resistance is
usually connected in series with the capacitor or R1 Rl
In many instrumentation applications there is fre- FIGURE 20. Feedback Connection For a Differential
quently a need for an amplifier with a high-
impedance differential input and a single ended
output. Obvious uses for this are amplifiers for Another problem caused by large feedback re-
bridge-type signal sources such as strain gages, tem- sistors is that stray capacitance can seriously affect
perature sensors or pressure transducers. General the high frequency common mode rejection. With
purpose op amps have satisfactory input character- 1 M!1 input resistors, a 1 pF mismatch in stray
istics, but feedback must be added to determine capacitance from either input to ground can drop
the effective gain. And the addition of feedback the common mode rejection to 40 dB at 1500 Hz.
can drastically reduce the input resistance and The high frequency rejection can be imprOVed at
degrade common mode rejection. the expense of frequency response by shunting R3
and R4 with matched capacitors.
Figure 20 shows the classical op amp circuit for a
differential amplifier. This circuit has three main With high impedance bridges, the feedback resis-
disadvantages. First, the input resistance on the tances become prohibitively large even for the
inverting input is relatively low, being equal to R 1 • LM108, so the circuit in Figure 20 cannot be used.
Second, there usually is a large difference in the One possible alternative is shown in Figure 21. R2
input resistance of the two inputs, as is indicated and R3 are chosen so that their equivalent parallel
by the equations on the schematic. Third, the resistance is equal to R l ' Hence, the output of the
common mode rejection is greatly affected by re- amplifier will be zero when the bridge is balanced.
V' This circuit has the same sensitivity to resistor
matching as the previous circuits, with a 1 percent
51 T mismatch between two resistors lowering the com-
mon mode rejection to 80 dB_ However, matching
is more easily accomplished because of the lower
resistor values_ Further, the high frequency com-
mon mode rejection is less affected by stray ca-
pacitances. The high frequency rejection is limited,
though, by the response of A, .
,,,." ,,,.
Rl" R2#R!
A logarithmic amplifier is another circuit that can
take advantage of the low input current of an op
amp to increase dynamic range. Most practical log
converters make use of the logarithmic relation-
FIGURE 21. Amplifier For Bridge Transducers
ship between the emitter-base voltage of standard
double-diffused transistors and their collector
current. This logarithmic characteristic has been
When the bridge goes off balance, the 01' amp proven true for over 9 decades of collector cur-
maintains the voltage between its input terminals rent. The only problem involved in using transis-
at zero with current fed back from the output tors as logging elements is that the scale factor has
through R 3. This circuit does not act like a true a temperature sensitivity of 0.3 percentfC. How-
differential amplifier for large imbalances in the ever, temperature compensating resistors have
bridge. The voltage drops across the two sensor been developed to compensate for this character-
resistors, S, and Sz, become unequal as the bridge istic, making possible log converters that are accu-
goes off balance, causing some non-linearity in the rate over a wide temperature range.
transfer function. However, this is not usually
objectionable for small signal swings. Figure 23 gives a circuit that uses these techniques.
a, is the logging transistor, while a, provides a
fixed offset to temperature compensate the
emitter-base turn on voltage of 0,. oz is operated
at a fixed collector current of 10 J.lA by Az , and
its emitter-base voltage is subtracted from that of
a, in determining the output voltage of the cir-
cuit. The collector current of oz is established by
R3 and V+ through A,.
v+: 1!'1V
INPUT-'\M.-4.....- - - j
SlnSltlVltv 1i1V pe,dee,de tAvlllablt hom Tel L.bs,lnc.,
MaRtheslI., N.H., Typ. 011.
°Dtte,rnlnes current 10' zrro
Certain things must be considered in designing this operated with reverse voltage across the junction.
circuit. For one, the sensitivity can be changed by At high temperatures, the leakage currents can
varying R I' But R I must be made considerably approach the signal current. However, photodiodes
larger than the resis'tance of S I for effective tem· deliver a short-circuit output current, unaffected
perature "Compensation of the scale factor. 0 1 and by leakage currents, which is not significantly
O2 should also be matched devices in the same lower than the output current with reverse bias.
package, and SI should be at the same tempera-
ture as these transistors. Accuracy for low input The circuit shown in Figure 24 responds to the
currents is determined by the error caused by the short-circuit output current of the photodiode_
bias current of AI' At high currents, the behavior Since the voltage across the diode is only the off-
of 0 1 and O2 limits accuracy. For input currents set voltage of the amplifier, inherent leakage is
approaching 1 mA, the 2N2920 develops logging reduced by at least two orders of magnitude_ Ne-
errors in excess of 1 percent. If larger input cur- glecting the offset current of the amplifier, the
rents are anticipated, bigger transistors must be output current of the sensor is multiplied by RI
used; and R2 should be reduced to insure that A2 plus R2 in determining the output voltage.
does not saturate.
Figure 25 shows an amplifier for high-impedance
TRANSDUCER AMPLI FIERS ac transducers like a piezoelectric accelerometer.
With certain transducers, accuracy depends on the These sensors normally require a high-input-
choice of the circuit configuration as much as it resistance amplifier. The LM108 can provide input
does on the quality of the components. The ampli- resistances in the range of 10 to 100 Mn, using
fier for photodiode sensors, shown in Figure 24, conventional circuitry. However, conventional
illustrates this point. Normally, photodiodes are designs are sometimes ruled out either because
I C1
FIGURE 24. Amplifier For PhOlodiode Sensor FIGURE 25. Amplifier For Piezoelectric Transducers
large resistors cannot be used or because prohibi- CURRENT SOURCES
tively large input resistances are needed. Although there are numerous ways to make cur-
rent sources with op amps, most have limitations
Using the circuit in Figure 25, input resistances as far as their application is concerned. Figure 27,
that are orders of magn itude greater than the however, shows a current source which is fairly
values of the dc return resistors can be obtained. flexible and has few restrictions as far as its use is
This is accomplished by bootstrapping the resistors concerned. It supplies a current that is propor-
to the output. With this arrangement, the lower tional to the input voltage and drives a load refer-
cutoff frequency of a capacitive transducer is de- red to ground or any voltage within the output-
termined more by the RC product of R I and CI swing capability of the amplifier.
than it is by resistor values and the equivalent
capacitance of the transducer.
When an inverting operational amplifier must have
high input resistance; the resistor values required lOUT = R:,V~~
This circuit does increase the offset voltage some- FIGURE 27. Bilateral Current Source
what. The output offset voltage is given by
With the output grounded, it is relatively obvious
RI + R2) that the output current will be determined by Rs
VOUT = ( --R-2- Av Vos·
and the gain setting of the op amp, yielding
R2;>RI 1%
Av = R2~~JR+3 R4!
where R is anyone of the feedback resistors (R I,
R2 , R3 or R,) and Ll.R is the incremental change
1M in the resistor value from design center. Hence, for
the circu it in Figure 27, a 1 percent deviation in
one of the resistor values will drop the output
resistance of 200 kr!. Such errors can be trimmed
FIGURE 26. Inverting Amplifier With High Input out by adjusting one of the feedback resistors. In
Resistance design, it is advisable to make the feedback resis-
tors as large as possible. Otherwise, resistor toler-
Another disadvantage of the circuit is that four ances become even more critical.
resistors determine the gain, instead of two.
Hence, for a given resistor tolerance, the worst- The circuit must be driven from a source resistance
case gain deviation is greater, although this is which is low by comparison to R I, since this resis-
probably more than offset by the ease of getting tance will imbalance the circuit and affect both
better tolerances in the low resistor values. gain and output resistance. As shown, the circuit
gives a negative output current for a positive input .,v
voltage. This can be reversed by grounding the .,
input and driving the ground end of R2 . The
magnitude of the scale factor wi II be unchanged as
long as R4 » Rs.
Like most op amps, it is possible to use the LM10B
as a voltage comparator. Figure 2B shows the
device used as a simple zero·crossing detector. The
inputs of the Ie are protected internally by back-
FIGURE 29. Voltage Comparator With Output Buffer
The LM 1OB can also be used as a differential com-
parator, going through a transition when two input
voltages are equal. However, resistors must be
inserted in series with the inputs to limit current
and minimize loading on the signal sources when
the input-protection diodes conduct. Figure 29
also shows how a PNP transistor can be added on
FIGURE 28. Zero Crossing Detector
the output to increase the fan out to about 20
with standard DTL or TTL.
to-back diodes connected between them, there-
fore, voltages in excess of 1 V cannot be impressed POWER BOOSTER
directly across the inputs. This problem is taken
The LM10B, which was designed for low power
care of by R 1 which limits the current so that
consumption, is not able to drive heavy loads.
input voltages in excess of 1 kV can be tolerated.
However, a relatively simple booster can be added
If absolute accuracy is required or if R 1 is made
much larger than 1 MQ, a compensating resistor of to the output to increase the output current to
±50 mAo This circuit, shown in Figure 30, has the
equal value should be inserted in series with the
added advantage that it swings the output up to
other input.
the supplies, within a fraction of a volt. The in-
creased voltage swing is particularly helpful in low
In Figure 2B, the output of the op amp is clamped
voltage circuits.
so that it can drive DTL or TTL directly. This is
accomplished with a clamp diode on pin B. When
the output swings positive, it is clamped at the
breakdown voltage of the zener. When it swings .-----e- v•
negative, it is clamped at a diode drop below
ground. If the 5V logic supply is used as a positive
supply for the amplifier, the zener can be replaced
with an ordinary silicon diode. The maximum fan
out that can be handled by the device is one for INPUTS OUTPUT
standard DTL or TTL under worst case conditions.
When the output swings about 0.5V positive, the vapor when operating in the vicinity of O°C. This
increasing positive supply current will turn on 0 1 can usually be accomplished by coating the board
which pulls up the load. A similar situation occurs as mentioned above.
with O2 for negative output swings.
The bootstrapped shunt compensation shown in Even with properly cleaned and coated boards,
the figure is the only one that seems to work for leakage currents are on the verge of causing
all loading conditions. This capacitor, CI , can be trouble at 125°C. The standard pin configuration
made inversely proportional to the closed loop of most IC op amps has the input pins adjacent to
gain to optimize frequency response. The value pins which are at the supply potentials. Therefore,
given is for a unity·gain follower connection. C2 is it is advisable to employ guarding to reduce the
also required for loop stability. voltage difference between the inputs and adjacent
metal runs.
The circuit does have a dead zone in the open loop
transfer characteristic. However, the low frequen·
cy gain is high enough so that it can be neglected.
Arou nd 1 k Hz, though, the dead zone becomes COMPENSATION
quite noticeable.
v' I~
Current limiting can be incorporated into the cir·
cuit by adding resistors in series with the emitters
of 0 1 and O2 because the short circuit protection
'./ 1 1
As indicated previously, certain precautions must
be observed when building circuits that are sensi·
tive to very low currents. If proper care is not
taken, board leakage currents can easily become
much larger than the error currents of the op amp.
To prevent this, it is necessary to thoroughly clean
printed circuit boards. Even experimental bread· FIGURE 31. Printed Circuit Lavout For Input Guarding
With TO·5 Package
boards must be cleaned with trichloroethlene or
alcohol to remove solder fluxes, and blown dry
with compressed air. These fluxes may be insula· A board layout that includes input guarding is
tors at low impedance levels-like in electric shown in Figure 31 for the eight lead TO·5 pack·
motors-but they certainly are not in high imped· age. A ten·lead pin circle is used, and the leads of
ance circuits. In addition to causing gross errors, the IC are formed so that the holes adjacent to the
their presence can make the circuit behave inputs are vacant when it is inserted in the board.
erratically, especially as the temperature is The guard, which is a conductive ring surrounding
changed. the inputs, is then connected to a low impedance
point that is at the same potential as the inputs.
At elevated temperatures, even the leakage of The leakage currents from the pins at the supply
clean boards can be a headache. At 125°C the potentials are absorbed by the guard. The voltage
leakage resistance between adjacent runs on a difference between the guard and the inputs can
printed circuit board is about 10 1 I n (0.05·inch be made approximately equal to the offset voltage,
separation parallel for 1 inch) for high quality reducing the effective leakage by more than three
epoxy·glass boards that have been properly clean· orders of magn itude. If the leads of the integrated
ed. Therefore, the boards can easily produce error circuit, or other components connected to the
currents in the order of 200 pA and much more if input, go through the board, it may be necessary
they become contaminated. Conservative practice to guard both sides.
dictates that the boards be coated with epoxy or
silicone rubber after cleaning to prevent contami· Figure 32 shows how the guard is comm itted on
nation. Silicone rubber is the easiest to use. How· the more·common op amp circuits. With an inte·
ever, if the better durability of epoxy is needed, grator or inverting amplifier, where the inputs are
care must be taken to make sure that it gets close to ground potential, the guard is simply
thoroughly cured. Otherwise, the epoxy will make grounded. With the voltage follower, the guard is
high temperature leakage much worse. bootstrapped to the output. If it is desirable to put
a resistor in the inverting input to compensate for
Care must also be exercised to insure that the cir· the source resistance, it is connected as shown in
cuit board is protected from condensed water Figure 32b.
INPUT_""'RIIV-...._ _~v., __-, Guarding a non-inverting amplifier is a little more
complicated_ A low impedance point must be
created by using relatively low value feedback re-
sistors to determine the gain (R 1 and R2 in
DUTPUT Figure 32c)_ The guard is then connected to the
junction of the feedback resistors_ A resistor, R3 ,
can be connected as shown in the figure to com-
pensate for large source resistances_
With the dual-in-line and flat packages, it is far
more difficult to guard the inputs, if the standard
•. lnvertln,Amplifier pin configuration of the LM709 or LM101A is
used, because the pin spacings on these packages
are fixed_ Therefore, the pin configuration of the
LM 108 was changed, as shown in Figure 33_
OUTPUT IC op amps are now available that equal the input
current specifications of FET amplifiers in all but
the most restricted temperature range applications_
At operating temperatures above 85°C, the IC is
C1 clearly superior as it uses bipolar transistors that
b.fGllowtl make it possible to eliminate the leakage currents
that plague FETs_ Additionally, bipolar transistors
Rl match better than F ETs, so low offset voltage and
drifts can be obtained without expensive adjust-
ments or selection_ Further, the bipolar devices
lend themselves more readily to low-cost mono-
lithic construction_
INPUT _ _ _ --n' OUTPUT
14 14
INPUT 4 II y+ INPUT 4 11 y+
y- 7
NOTE: Pin &conntC:l~d 10 b,nom of pith•. NDTE. Pin 1 connmedlo bono.., 01 ~ck ..r
FIGURE 33. Comparing Connection Diagrams Of The LM101A And LM10B, Showing Addition Of Guarding
When operating above 85° C, overall performance compensate for the current gain falloff of the
is frequently limited by components other than input transistors at low temperatures without
the op amp, unless certain precautions are ob- creating stability problems at high temperatures.
served_ It is generally necessary to redesign circuits
using semiconductor switches to reduce the effect The biasing circuitry for the input current source
of their leakage currents_ Further, high quality is nearly identical to that in the LM101 A, and a
capacitors must be used, and care must be exer- complete description is given in Reference 4. How-
cised in selecting large value resistors_ Printed cir- ever, a brief explanation follows.
cuit board leakages can also be troublesome unless
the boards are properly treated_ And above 100°C, A collector FET/ 0 23 , which has a saturation
it is almost mandatory to employ guarding on the current of about 30/lA, establishes the collector
boards to protect the inputs, if the full potential current of 0 24 , This FET provides the initial
of the amplifier is to be realized. turn-on current for the circuit and insures starting
under all conditions. The purpose of R 14 is to
APPENDIX compensate for production and temperature varia-
A complete schematic of the LM108 is given in tions in the F ET current. It is a collector resistor
Figure A1. A description of the basic circuit is (indicated by the T through it) made of the same
presented along with a simplified schematic earlier semiconductor material as the FET channel. As
in the text. The purpose of this Appendix is to the FET current varies, the drop across R 14 tends
explain some of the more subtle features of the to compensate for changes in the emitter base volt-
design. age of 0 24 ,
The current source supplying the input transistors The collector-emitter voltage of 0 24 is equal to
is 0 29 , It is designed to supply a total input stage the emitter base voltage of 0 24 plus that of 0 25 ,
current of 6/lA at 25°C. This current drops, to This voltage is delivered to 0 26 and 0 29 , 0 25 and
3/lA at -55°C but increases to only 7.5/lA at 0 24 are operated at substantially higher currents
125°C. This temperature characteristic tends to than 0 26 and 0 29 , Hence, there is a differential in
their emitter base voltages that is dropped across Input protection is provided by 0 3 and 0 4 which
R '9 to determine the input stage current. R '8 is a act as clamp diodes between the inputs. The col·
pinched base resistor, as is indicated by the slash lectors of these transistors are bootstrapped to the
bar through it. This resistor, which has a large emitter of 0 28 through R3. This keeps the col·
positive temperature coefficient, operates in con· lector·isolation leakage of the transistors from
junction with R " to hel p shape the temperature showing up on the inputs. R3 is included so that
characteristics of the input stage current source. the bootstrapping is not disrupted when 0 3 or 0 4
saturate with an input overload. Current·limiting
The output currents of 0 26 , 0 25 and 0 23 are fed resistors were not connected in series with the
to 0,2, which is a controlled·gain lateral PNP. 6 It inputs, since diffused resistors cannot be employed
delivers one·half of the combined currents to the such that they work effectively, without causing
output stage. a" is also connected to 0,2, with high temperature leakages.
its output current set at approximately 15 JlA by
R, . Since this type of current source makes use of
the emitter·base voltage differential between
similar transistors operating at different collector Table I. Typical Performance of the LM108
currents, the output of a" is relatively indepen· Operational Amplifier (T A = 25°C and
dent of the current delivered to a, 2.' 2 This cur· Vs = ±15V).
rent is used for the input stage bootstrapping cir·
cuitry. Input Offset Voltage 0.7 mV
Input Offset Current 50 pA
0 20 also supplies current to the class-B output Input Bias Current 0.8 nA
stage. Its output current is determined by the ratio Input Resistance 70 Mn
of R, 5 to R, 2 and the current through R, 2. R 13 Input Common Mode Range ±14V
is included so that the biasing circuitry is not upset Common Mode Rejection 100 dB
when 0 20 saturates. Offset Voltage Drift 3 Jlvtc
Offset Current Drift 0.5 pAtC
Voltage Gain 300V/mV
One major departure from the simplified schemat·
Small Signal Bandwidth 1.0 MHz
ic is the bootstrapping of the second stage active
Slew Rate 0.3VIJls
loads, O2 , and 0 22 , to the output. This makes the
Output Swing ±14V
second stage gain dependent only on how well 0 9
Supply Current 300 JlA
and 010 match with variations in output voltage.
Power Supply Rejection 100dB
Hence, the second stage gain is quite high. In fact,
Operating Voltage Range ±2V to ±20V
the overall .gain of the amplifier is typically in
excess of 106 at dc.
6. R. J. Widlar, "Design Techniques for Mono· 9. R. J. Widlar, "A Fast Integrated Voltage Fol·
lithic Operational Amplifiers," IEEE Journal lower with Low Input Current," Microelec-
of Solid·State Circuits, Vol. SC·4, No.4, tronics, Vol. 1, No.7, June, 1968.
August, 1969.
10. R. C. Dobkin, "Feedforward Compensation
7. D. R. Sullivan and M. A. Maidique, "Charac' Speeds Op Amp," National Semiconductor
terization and Application of a New High LB-2, March, 1969.
Input Impedance Monolithic Amplifier,"
Transitron Electronic Corporation Applica· 11. R. J. Widlar, "A New Low Voltage Break-
tion Brief. down Diode," National Semiconductor TP-5,
8. Paul C. Dow, Jr., "An Analysis of Certain
Errors in Electronic Differential Analyzers, 12. R. J. Widlar, "Some Circuit Design Tech-
II-Capacitor Dielectric Absorption," IRE niques for Linear Integrated Circuits," IEEE
Trans. on Electronic Computers, pp. 17-22, Transactions on Circuit Theorv, Vol. CT-12,
March, 1958: No.4, pp. 586-590, December, 1965 .
Robert C. Dobkin W
November 1969 o
One of the most predictable non-linear elements tron. Combining these two equations and writing ::I:
commonly available is the bipolar transistor. The the expression for the output voltage gives
relationship between collector current and emitter
'00' R'
The only other change is the addition of a clamp the transfer functiol)." With the values shown the
diode connected from the emitter of 0 1 to scale factor is lV/decade and
ground. This prevents damage to the logging tran-
sistors if the input signal should go negative.
E" --'WIoo-'---'i
The circuit shown in Figure 2 is two orders of becomes subtraction and powers become gain
magnitude faster than the previous circuit and has coefficients of log terms. Figure 4 shows a circuit
a dynamic range of 80 dB. Operation is the same whose output is tHe cube of the input. Actually,
as the circuit in Figure 1, except the configuration any power function is available from this circuit
optimizes speed rather than dynamic range. Tran- by changing the values of Rg and RIo in accor-
sistor 0, is diode connected to allow the use of dance with the expression:
feedforward compensation' on an LM101A opera-
tional amplifier. This compensation extends the 16.7 Ag
bandwidth to 10 MHz and increases the slew rate. EOUT = EIN Ag + AIO (7)
To prevent errors due to the finite hF E of 0,
and the bias current of the LM101A, an LM102 Note that when log and anti-log circuits are used
voltage follower buffers the base current and to perform an operation with a linear output, no
input current. Although the log circuit will operate temperature compensating resistors at all are
without the LM 102, accuracy wi II degrade at needed. If the log and anti-log transistors are at the
low input currents. Amplifier A2 is also com- same temperature, gain changes with temperature
pensated for maximum bandwidth. As with the cancel. It is a good idea to use a heat sink which
previous log converter, R, and R2 control the couples the two transistors to minimize thermal
sensitivity; and R3 controls the zero crossing of gradients. A 1°C temperature difference between
the log and anti·log transistors results in a 0.3% tional to the log of E, /E,. Transistor 0 3 adds a
error. Also, in the log converters, a 1°C difference voltage proportional to the log of E3 and drives
between the log transistors and the compensating the anti·log transistor, 0 4 . The collector current of
resistor results in a 0.3% error. 0 4 is converted to an output voltage by A4 and
R7,with the scale factor set by R7 at E, E3110E,.
Either of the circuits in Figures 1 or 2 may be used
as dividers or reciprocal generators. Equation 3 Measurement of transistor current gains over a
shows the outputs of the log generators are actu· wide range of operating currents is an application
ally the ratio of two currents: the input current particularly suited to log multiplier/dividers. Using
and the current through R3 . When used as a log the circuit in Figure 5, PNP current gains can be
generator, the current through R3 was held constant measured at currents from 0.4 /lA to 1 mA. The
by connecting R3 to a fixed voltage. Hence, the out· collector current is the input signal to A" the base
put was just the log of the input. If R3 is driven by current is the input signal to A" and a fixed volt·
an input voltage, rather than the l5V reference, age to Rs sets the scale factor. Since A, holds the
the output of the log generator is the log ratio of base at ground, a single resistor from the emitter
the input current to the current through R3 . The to the positive supply is all that is needed to estab·
anti·log of this voltage is the quotient. Of course, lish the operating current. The output is propor·
if the divisor is constant, the output is the tional to collector current divided by base current,
reciprocal. or h FE •
FIGURE 4. Cube Generator
input signal is small compared to full scale. Over zeroed, if necessary, to improve accuracy with low
most of the dynamic range, the accuracy is a input voltages.
percent·of-signal rather than a percent-of-full-scale.
For example, using log generators, a simple meter The log converters are low level circuits and some
can display signals with 100 dB dynamic range or care should be taken during construction. The
an oscilloscope can display a 10 mV and 10V pulse input leads should be as short as possible and the
simultaneously. Obviously, without the log genera- input circuitry guarded against leakage currents.
tor, the low level signals are completely lost. Solder residues can easily conduct leakage cur-
rents, therefore circuit boards shoUld be cleaned
To achieve wide dynamic range with high accuracy, before use. High quality glass or mica capacitors
the input operational amplifier necessarily must should be used on the inputs to minimize leakage
have low offset voltage, bias current and offset currents. Also, when the +15V supply is used as a
current. The LM 108 has a maximum bias current reference, it must be well regulated.
of 3 nA and offset current of 400 pA over a -55°C
to 125°C temperature range. By using equal source REFERENCES:
resistors, only the offset current of the LM 108 1. R. C. Dobkin, "Feedforward Compensation
causes an error. The offset current of the LM108 is Speeds Op Amp," National Semiconductor
as low as many FET amplifiers. Further, it has a Corporation, Linear Brief 2, April, 1969.
low and constant temperature coefficient rather 2. R. J. Widlar, "Monolithic Operational Ampli-
than doubling every lOoC. This results in greater fiers- The Universal Linear Component,"
accuracy over temperature than can be achieved National Semiconductor Corporation, AN-4,
with FET amplifiers. The offset voltage may be April, 1968.
E"E 2 .E 3 >0
FIGURE 5. MultiplierlDivider
Robert C. Dobkin W
February 1970 ...a
op amp circuit collection s:."
section 1 - basic circuits
" "
Inverting Amplifier Non-Inverting Amplifier
v" ......WH~
v"~w~....:< VOUT
INPUT ......W
..... +--..JIJ""-.....
'M "
Ih~ 27r~IC1 ~ 2'1'~2C2
'.«fh«'.ft", •••n
R1 ~ R2
Practical Differentiator FOR MINIMUM OFFSET ERROR
" "
Current to Voltage Converter
Fast Integrator
C... ,enl.nfttypl~lIyo.l •• AfC
Threshold Detector for Photodiodes
-y R2
Offset Voltage Adjustment for Inverting Amplifiers Offset Voltage Adjustment for Non-Inverting
Using Any Type of Feedback Element Amplifiers
"' "
.." .."'VI""".... ;:1(
-y R2"RJ+R4
Offset Voltage Adjustment for Voltage Followers Offset Voltage Adjustment for Differential Ampl ifiers
section 2 - signal generation
Rl D1 R4
" D2
" "
1% &K
'0 "'IDkH,
>:"""+--'0"' OUTPUT
1601{ "
0""'1 R2
9101{ 200K
Free-Running Multivibrator
Wein Bridge Sine Wave Oscillator
lOOK 1901(
~5V -""',..,.....---~W..-----......,
TmngleW.v, 10K
R1 R2 01
10K 1M 6lV
lOon 02
82< 6.2V
Function Generator
Pulse Width Modulator
lour' R;,V~;
R3 • R4 ~ R5
1-_...._ .....__ ..
lN759 lN759
12V 12V
r-----....- V•
Positive Voltage Reference Positive Voltage Reference
'----....~"' RI
section 3 - signal processing
at. .B
R'-R5-,IRZ R1e
R,z- Rrt
0.,% 0.,%
at. t-MIu;hlnIDnertlllnnCMRR
.,1 Av·~('+W)
, y'
AI .'
'" DI% DI% DI%
D.l% '""
" "'
OUTPur "
, _...,plyllO.. ltyZOd.
Cl" .nhlak....pplylly,.."1
UIO~F t;~:I:CllAmDllmod.
-_INPUTS_+ ,,,,",,,n
'MI,lNPdI•• lII!lol!UumlDundMft!l
High Input Impedance Instrumentation Amplifier Bridge Amplifier with Low Noise Compensation
y' You,
VOUT~V+(I-~ )
.,.,-"""""'-1------.-- EOUT
Impllbnc.01 leut"'"
1Hln 20llUrfDZnuud.
" .3
r-....w ....-1~-'\i..,.,.~~......~-....-'""'
Precision AC to DC Converter
v' '"
L..._+-.... _RESET
.."11'.101111:'11$1"'' .... tr-IIndwldlh.25I1KKI
SmallS..... BInd..... tII· 15 MHI
fnqu •• ~ ..,•• _outpld SInIIRm.IOVl~
Wontggdilltiessthill 1....1IIII1__ d;. , C5,,1~~rt"'
"01 IIId III sbouldnal h"'l 5GO",VlfllCoVll'-55°C
,nhmlll ..t .. proIKI,and,odli to+I2S"C
Low Drift Integrator Fast t Summing Amplifier with Low Input CUrrent
INPUT-"'V<".... . .- - -_ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _- j
HZ >~ ..
v.. Your
fO- Z1fR\Cl
C1 RI ~ Rt ~ tRl
27DpF Cl = cz ~ et3
R4 RI-R]
50' R4
2K f,F
Adjustable Q Notch Filter '"
Tuned Circuit
~ - RJ
RJ ,o·~
,. 11K
L~RI R2CI ...- ...... .... - ,
Simulated Inductor
Capacitance Multiplier
INPUT -'VIh-.--{
R1 CI'
1101( MDpF
., .. .
r-·15V .
'N •
Current Monitor
Nonlinear Operational Amplifier with
Temperature Compensated Breakpoints
>.;......-OUTPUT "'
Saturating Servo Preamplifier with
Rate Feedback Power Booster
Analog Multiplier
INPUT .....VV\~~
""" OJ
..." llV
' - - -....-y-:-l5v
UK "' "OPlpIIDRdtlIY'PP'n,mltelyZODns
r - -....- - - - -...-DUTPUT
" ., I<
DIIl",F >.:.......
., "
INPUT-.M--4..... --l
SenSlI.,.tyIS1Vp!f~de tAVld.ltleilOmTtlhbl,lnc,
°Dtllrm,nHUrrenl 101 ze,o
+15V - -.... -M..--,
., ."'"
.NPUT _"""',.,.....~
'OK ••
30Dpf "
30DpF 30pF
Root Extractor
ISv-'l,M. . .- - - - -......'""'
Cube Generator
E'Uf 1SV
" "
Anti-log Generator
February 1970 W
FET circuit applications -I
.-----4~-oV. "tI
10M !:
INPUTo-.... --fI
R1 2NJ686
INPUT o-JVVY+-....--,OH-,
dlelecltlt SAMPLE
-, r- t15V SAMPLE
The 2N4339 JFET was selected because of its low This circuit utilizes the "Il-amp" technique to
IGSS «100 pAl, very-low ID(DF F) «50 pAl and achieve very high voltage gain. Using C, in the cir-
low pinchoff voltage. Leakages of this level put cuit as a Miller integrator, or capacitance multi-
the burden of circuit performance on clean, solder- plier, allows this simple circuit to handle very
resin free, low leakage circu it layout. long time constants.
o---! I--+---+~h
CIN::; .25pF
1M I.
The 2N4393 is operated as a Miller integrator. The Nothing is left to chance in reducing input capaci-
high Vfs of the 2N4393 (over 12,000 Ilmhos @ tance. The 2N4416, which has low capacitance in
5 mAl yields a stage gain of about 60. Since the the first place, is operated as a source follower
equivalent capacitance looking into the gate is C with bootstrapped gate bias resistor and drain. Any
times gain and the gate source resistance can be input capacitance you get with this circuit is due
as high as 10 Mr!, time constants as long as a to poor layout techniques.
minute can be achieved.
1-",,--0 OUTPUT
The FET cascode video amplifier·features very low The JFET Pierce crystal oscillator allows a wide
input loading and reduction of feedback to almost frequency range of crystals to be used without cir-
zero. The 2N3823 is used because ofits low capaci- cuit modification. Since the JFET gate does not
tance and high Yfs' Bandwidth of this amplifier is load the crystal, good Q is maintained thus insuring
limited by RL and load capacitance. good frequency stability.
2M .5V S1
50V 1K
FETVM-FET Voltmeter
This FETVM replaces the function of the VTVM full scale range which is impractical with most vac-
while at the same time ridding the instrument of uum tubes. The low-leakage, low-noise 2N4340 is
the usual line cord. In addition, drift rates are far an ideal device for this application.
superior to vacuum tube circuits allowing a 0.5 volt
00331'f DDJ3/JF
The 2N3684 JFET provides the function of a high buffer an op amp·operated feedback type tone
input impedance and low noise characteristics to control ci rcu it.
'12Yo-_~_.ro"TTL-_o-~)- _ _ _ _ _ _1-'
'VPAr ---, I
The 2N4416 JFETwil1 provide noise figures of less into an LM171 used as a balanced mixer. This con·
than 3 dB and power gain of greater than 20 dB. figuration greatly reduces LO. radiation both into
The JFETs outstanding low crossmodulation and the antenna and into the L F. strip and also reo
low intermodulation distortion provides an ideal duces RF signal feedthrough.
characteristic for an input stage. The output feeds
INSTRU~~~~ o--'\I"V'_-'-,
The FM1208 monolithic dual is used in a differ· wide temperature ranges (-25 to +125°C), this
ential multiplexer application where ROSION) makes it an unusual but ideal choice for an
should be closely matched. Since RosIO N) for the accurate multiplexer. This close tracking greatly
monolithic dual tracks at better than ±1% over reduces errors due to common mode signals.
J"" .Ol;1F
004jJF ":'"
. .- - - - - - -. .-'\I\I\oo-.()-15V
Magnetic-Pickup Phono Preamplifier
This preamplifier provides proper loading to are· -70 dB (referenced to 10 mV input at 1 kHz) and
luctance phono cartridge. It provides approximately has a dynamic range of 84 dB (referenced to 1 kHz).
35 dB of gain at 1 kHz (2.2 mV input for 100 mV The feedback provides for RIAA equalization.
output). it features S + N/N ratio of better than
AN 32-4
The 2N3685 acts as a voltage variable resistor with This simple circuit provides for level shifting from
an ROSION} of 800n max. The 2N3685 JFET will any logic function (such as MOS) operating from
have linear resistance over several decades of resist- minus to ground supply to any logic level (such as
ance providing an excellent electronic gain control. TTL) operating from a plus to ground supply. The
2N3970 provides a low rdslON} and fast switching
ZN4391 2N4391
y" o--f--......lo,,....,)
-= \\\M~h----..l Av = ~ = 500 TYPICAL
---'--0 ~=~
The 2N4391 provides a low ROSION} (less than Sometimes called the "JFET Ii amp," this circuit
30n). The tee attenuator provides for optimum provides a very low power, high gain amplifying
dynamic linear range for attenuation and if com· function. Since Ii of a JFET increases as drain cur-
plete turnoff is desired, attenuation of greater than rent decreases, the lower drain current is, the more
100 dB can be obtained at 10 MHz providing prop· gain you get. You do sacrifice input dynamic
er R F construction techniques are employed. range with increasing gain, however.
Level-Shifting-Isolation Amplifier
The 2N4341 JFET is used as a level shifter be· supply voltages. The JFET is ideally suited for this
tween two op amps operated at different power type of application because 10 = Is.
•sov , - - -....-ov•
.,v 0-"'-+--"-+--+--
-r,lIIlmal. ulthe
Precision Current Sink
The 2N3684 JFETs are used as Nixie tube drivers. The 2N3069 JFETand 2N2219 bipolar have inher-
Their Vp of 2-5 volts ideally matches DTL-TTL ently high output impedance. Using R 1 as a cur-
logic levels. Diodes are used to a +50 volt rent sensing resistor to provide feedback to the
prebias line to prevent breakdown of the JFETs. LM10l op amp provides a large amount of loop
Since the 2N3684 is in a TO-72 (4 lead TO-18) gain for negative feedback to enhance the true cur-
package, none of the circuit voltages appear on the rent sink nature of this circuit. For small current
can. The JFET is immune to almost all of the values, the 10k resistor and 2N2219 may be elimi·
failure mechanisms found in bipolar transistors nated if the source of the JFET is connected to
used for this application. R1 •
+30\1 INPUT
r--H--~ 1_
~~-----~~~~~o~~~ ·Pol'fCarbonate
-4-- I
,, ,,
I DETECTOR dlehl"tn.capacitDr
, I r1 .+16\1 (SAMPLE)
-l- ....l..- .....J L..J -20V (HOLDI
Low Drift Sample and Hold
JFET -Bipolar Cascode Circuit
The JFET-Bipolar cascode circuit will provide full The JFETs, 0 1 and O2 , provide complete buffer-
video output for the CRT cathode drive. Gain is ing to C 1 , the sample and hold capacitor. During
about 90. The cascode configuration eliminates sample, 0 1 is turned on and provides a path,
Miller capacitance problems with the 2N4091 rds(ON). for charging C 1 • During hold, 0 1 is
JFET, thus allowing direct drive from the video turned off thus leaving 0 1 IO(OFFI «50 pAl and
detector. An m derived filter using stray capaci- O2 IGSS «100 pAl as the only discharge paths.
tance and a variable inductor prevents 4.5 MHz O2 serves a buffering function so feedback to the
sound frequency from being amplified by the LM10l and output current are supplied from its
video amplifier. source.
SIGNAL 0-----'
>-e---<:> OUTPUT
Wien Bridge Sine Wave Oscillator JFET Sample and Hold Circuit
The major problem in producing a low distortion, The logic voltage is applied simultaneously to the
constant amplitude sine wave is getting the ampli- sample and hold JFETs_ By matching input imped-
fier loop gain just right_ By using the 2N3069 ance and feedback resistance and capacitance, er-
JFET as a voltage variable resistor in the amplifier rors due to rdolON) of the JFETs is minimized_
feedback loop, this can be easily achieved_ The The inherent matched r dolaN) and matched leakage
LM 103 zener diode provides the voltage reference currents of the FMll09 monolithic dual greatly
for the peak sine wave amplitude; this is rectified improve circuit performance_
and fed to the gate of the 2N3069, thus varying its
channel resistance and, hence, loop gain_
"---4I~-o VOUT 10M .,,. 1K
High Impedance Low Capacitance Wideband Buffer High Impedance Low Capacitance Amplifier
The 2N4416 features low input capacitance which This compound series-feedback circuit provides
makes this compound-series feedback buffer a high input impedance and stable, wide-band gain
wide-band unity gain amplifier. for general purpose video amplifier applications_
",z.V , . . . . - _....- - - - -....- - - - - -. . .-O.I1V
12K 41K
r--~""'--""--4""'O OUTPUT
This Colpitts-Crystal oscillator is ideal for low fre- Each stage provides 0 to 1800 phase shift. 8y
quency crystal oscillator circuits. Excellent stabil- ganging the two stages, 00 to 3600 phase shift is
ity is assured because the 2N3823 JFET circuit achieved. The 2N3070 JFETs are ideal since they
loading does not vary with temperature. do not load the phase shift networks_
L _________ ..JI
This analog switch uses the 2N4860 JFET for its a dual trace oscilloscope chopper. The DM7800
25 ohm ro N and low leakage. The LM 102 serves monolithic I.C. provides adequate switch drive
as a voltage buffer. This circuit can be adapted to controlled by DTL-TTL logic levels_
The 2N4416 JFET is capable of oscillating in a cir- JFET local oscillator is excellent when a low har-
cuit where harmonic distortion is very low. The monic content is required for a good mixer circuit.
.--...-.....,u 2Bpf
+--:f.JF--tC1 )OUTPUT
-AGCo-...-'V'VV..........-,/ AGCRANGE59dB
INPUT lo,t--U=-'-
L1 = Ill .. Hy CENTER TAP
This 200 MHz JFET cascode circuit features low upper cascode JFET_ The only special requirement
crossmodulation, large-signal handling ability, no of this circuit is that loss of the upper unit must
neutralization, and AGe controlled by biasing the be greater than that of the lower unit_
. - - - - -....--o·v
The FM3954 monolithic-dual provides an ideal teristics of the FM3954 track well over its bias
low-offset, low-drift buffer function for the current range thus improving common mode
LM101A op amp_ The excellent matching charac- rejection_
.v tlDV
ON +10 lN914 IN914
This commutator circuit provides low impedance frequency signal handl ing by providing a low ac
gate drive to the 2N3970 analog switch for both impedance for off drive and high ac impedance
on and off drive conditions_ This circuit also ap- for on drive to the 2N3970_ The LH0005 op amp
proaches the ideal gate drive conditions for high does the job of amplifying megahertz signals_
n-.... -CINPUT I
~-+_-c INPUTZ
~-...-c INPUT 3
4-Channel Commutator
This 4-channel commutator uses the 2N4091 to from +10V to -20V gate drive to the JFETs while
achieve low channel ON resistance «30£2) and at the same time providing DTL-TTL logic com-
low OFF current leakage. The DM7800 voltage patability .
translator is a monolithic device which provides
DIFFERE~J~~~ o-JV.II.Ir-...------......,~
">-....-oVO UT
OIFFERE~:;~i o-Joj."""---+....------......,~
RI =R2
R3 = R4
-15V "--....--'
This design allows high frequency signal handling up to 1 MHz and MHz signals are possible with this
and high toggle rates simultaneously. Toggle rates circuit.
INPUTo---4"-W'Ir-+--oTO LOAD
Current Monitor
R I senses current flow of a power supply. The the output monitor voltage accurately reflects the
JFET is used as a buffer because ID = Is. therefore power supply current flow.
r--~~--"'---""-~~--~-1'--O .ISV
'" lSDK
"M ZN4149
'" -e~~~
_______ -e_+-~ __
This preamp and tone control uses the JFET to its of less than .05% with a SIN ratio of over 85 dB.
best advantage; as a low noise high input imped- The tone controls allow 18 dB of cut and boost;
ance device. All device parameters are non-critical the amplifier has a 1 volt output for 100 mV input
yet the circuit achieves harmonic distortion levels at maximum level.
. - - - - - - - -. . .--o+IZV
INPUT o-~Pt--v
Schmitt Trigger
The 2N3069 JFET and 2N2219 bipolar serve as
voltage isolation devices between the output and
the current sensing resistor, R I . The LM101 pro- This Schmitt trigger circuit is "emitter coupled"
vides a large amount of loop gain to assure that the and provides a simple comparator action. The
circuit acts as a current source. For small values of 2N3069 JFET places very little loading on the
current, the 2N2219 and 10k resistor may be elim- measured input. The 2N3565 bipolar is a high hF E
inated with the output appearing at the source of transistor so the circuit has fast transition action
the 2N3069. and a distinct hysteresis loop.
Gos:5~homlX .
...--. .-....,OVOUT
This simple reference circuit provides a stable volt- The 2N4391 provides a low on-resistance of
age reference almost totally free of supply voltage 30 ohms and a high off-impedance (<'2 pF) when
hash. Typical power supply rejection exceeds off. With proper layout and an "ideal" switch, the
100dB. performance stated above can be readily achieved.
February 1970 W
Telemetry and other data-acquisition systems have MOS IC's generally provide four or more channels
become very compact and efficient, particularly in a monolithic chip, but two are enough to illus-
trate the basic construction that governs switch z
when built with integrated circuits. To keep in
step, small, low-power commutators are needed to operation. The cutaway view of Figure 1 shows »r-
multiplex large numbers of analog signals. Metal- two complete MOSFET's, one of which may be on
while the other is off. Figure 2 is the schematic. C')
oxide·semiconductor field·effect transistors do the
job well. o
MOS IC's containing several MOSFET switching s:C
channels are presently available in production
quantities and perform excellently as low-level -t
analog commutators if the system designer under-
stands their limitations and exploits their advan- ~
tages. This rep\lrt will describe the DC character- o
istics involved in switching analog signals when the z
signal input range varies between -lOV and +10V.
MOSFET's size up very well against earlier switch-
ing devices when their overall characteristics are
considered (see Table 1 and the discussion of com-
FIGURE 1. Cross-section of Two MOSFET's in an Inte-
petitive devices). In addition to being fabricated
grated Circu it.
easily as multichannel IC's-in some cases, com-
plete with switching-control circuitry on the
chip-MOSFET's have several significant electrical
structure can be used, whether the circuit is a
differential switch, a multiplexer, or independent
switches in a single package (see Figure 3).
T --,
family of National Semiconductor's
MM450/MM550 MOS switching IC's). The "bi-
• polar" family in Figure 6c shows what happens
Q when Vos is allowed to go positive_
,: II During small excursions of Vos, the MOSFET acts
as a voltage-variable resistor. But when Vos rises
to about +0_6V, there is an abrupt increase in
drain current. At this point, the diode drop is
10 15 20
exceeded and the drain-bulk junction becomes
forward biased_ Minority carriers are injected into
the n-type channel region, causing grounded-base
pnp bipolar transistor action (note in Figure 1 that
FIGURE 5. Variation in Switching-Threshold Voltage
with Changes in Bulk-ta-Source Bias Voltage. a MOSFET resembles a lateral pnp transistor in the
OFF condition)_ Output current will be c< times
the input current_ In most MOS devices, the ampli-
The circuit designer must use biases that prevent fication factor will be 0_5 to 0.9.
the drain from having a positive potential when
the switch is OFF. For example, V'" = +10V and It is absolutely mandatory that the V os ~ +0.6V
V BB = +9V should not be allowed. Operating with be avoided. Otherwise the effective Ro F F will be
Vos = +1 V won't harm the MOSFET, but some of poor and the channel wi II seem to have abnormally
the signal will appear at the output. Effects of high leakage current.
improper biasing can be seen in Figure 6. With
the source and bulk grounded while Vos varies, Only the upper right corner of the graph in
output currents at different gate biases are mea- Figure 6b, detailed in the third quadrant of
sured to produce the "drain family of curves." Figure 6c, is useful in practical circuit designs. The
The normal family looks like Figure 6b (the drain useful characteristics are to the right of -V os = -1
and above a load line at about 10 = 0.5 mA.
·. ~th
VD •
FIGURE 7. Small-Signal Harmonic Distortion (Measured
VGO =-1D with Only About 100 Ohms Load
Voo 00-20 Resistance).
-1.0 -0.6 -0.2 +02 +0.6 .1.0
t:.V 1N (V) is negligible provided that the biasing rules are
6c observed.
applied to the MOSFET input and the current Worst-case RON can be expected at a -10V input.
flow was measured at the output with the help of Figure 8 gives the change in RON of the
a 100-ohm current-sensing resistor_ Distortion MM450/MM550 series devices when the analog
levels less than 0_ 1% could not be measured with input is at +10V, OV and -10V. If lower imped-
available instruments. The anomaly in the +10V ance is essential, the gate can be biased more
curve is due to diode distortion of the type illus- negative. For instance, at V BB = +10V, VGG can
trated in Figure Bc. The input signal's AC plus DC be made -25V or -30V instead of -20V, in-
components exceeded the bulk voltage, creasing -VGB to -35V or -40V. Don't go over
V BB = +10V, by more than the +O.BV diode drop. the specificed maximum bias, which is usually
-45V, because excessive bias could reduce the
The harmonic distortion is amply low for practical device operating life.
applications. With a l-kilohm load, the small-signal
distortion typically would be less than 0.5%, with Conversely, all biases can be reduced if the signal
V;n = ±10V and Vas almost ±lV. A load of voltage range is less than ± 1OV. The gate-drive
1 kilohm is unusually small. Small signal distortion circuit will not have to swing as far, the switch can
would be almost unmeasurable with a 10-kilohm be operated faster, and switching transients will be
load_ When signal accuracy must be very high, smaller. Or, the bulk bias can be reduced and the
100 kilohms are used by some designers. gate bias maintained at the previous ON level. This
VBs a+l0V
ur v
ou, 1.
VBs +l0V
. v - w vou ,
r I "'"
.2'00 • •
o --4 -8 -12 -16 -2tI
r ...s.
-16 -17 -18 -19 -20
-10 -0,6 -02 +02 +0.6 +1.0
Vee tV} C.VIN IV)
FIGURE 8. Typical RON Characteristics of MM450/MM550 MOS Devices at Most Positive, Zero and Most Negative
Signal Voltages.
will give the effect shown in Figure 9-an improve· Channel leakage is measured with the test circuit
ment in channel enhancement and reductions in in Figure l1a. At V in = +10V, the leakage at the
RON at the various signal levels. output is at its maximum positive value. As V in
goes more negative than +10V, channel leakage
decreases, goes through zero, and becomes negative,
as in Figure lIb.
-4 -8 -12
Vee IV)
.... OpA
low-level commutation: contact bounce, contact
pitting, susceptibility to vibration, and the neces-
sity to move a physical mass to turn the switch on
OUTPUT or off. It cannot commutate very fast and con-
sumes more power than a solid-state switch, as a
March 1970 to)
The National Semiconductor monolithic JFET gate and substrate gate brought out separately. ::z:
dual is a unique device. Its unusual intertwined The National monolithic JFET dual could be m
geometry results in a very good matching charac· called a "siamese tetrode". This unique configura·
teristic and exceptional thermal tracking character·
istic plus the fact that its drain currents may be
t ion p resents several alternatives for proper
biased over a broad range without seriously affect·
ing matching and tracking. FMll00 through
FM1111, FM1200 through FM1211, and FM3954 BIAS SCHEMES =i
through FM3958 (similar to 2N3954 through ::z:
2N3958) are the device numbers for the mono· If the bulk were ohmically connected to each gate,
lithic JFET dual. all gates would be common. The dual would turn
into a differential switch, like the one in Figure 2, c..
A typical National monolithic JFET dual's differ· m
ential gate matching (t.V Gs ) is less than 10 mV -!
and temperature drift is typically less than
101lVtC. What drain current you use for biasing C
is not critical, so you needn't even bother biasing
the unit to its zero T.C. drain current, as far as
t.V GS matching and tracking are concerned.
ROS(on)' Yfs, and loss track better than 1% over INPUT RESISTORS OUTPUT
the full specified temperature range (_55°C to
+125°C). The FM1100, FM1105, FM1200, and
FM1205 are specified at 2 mV(max) t.V GS with a
drift of 5 IlV tC(max). There are specs available
wh ich are less stringent than these, but many of
the devices exceed this tough spec.
AGC CONTROL Figure 5. Common mode rejection is very poor
since the bulk gate is degenerative; it could be-
One of the most obvious uses of the bulk gate is come forward biased on positive common mode
AGe control because it is almost completely iso- swings and cut off both channels on negative com-
lated from the signal path_ The bulk bias voltage mon mode swings.
affects ID' VGSloff), and Yfs ' but it does not
significantly affect VG S matching and tracking_
The diffused gates (G I and G2 ) could be called the
differential mode gates and the bulk could be
called a common mode gate.
+v . - - - - ( ) D2 OUTPUT
.----+---0 DI OUTPUT INPUT
Sl ..........._ .... S2
1-................- - 0 AGC
FIGURE 5_ Substrate Bias, No Common-Mode Range_
....-----it--"'-'4t---+-o AGC
.---~;) D2 OUTPUT
current should be at 100/1A or less. Figure 7 uses +V
0-----002 OUTPUT
...- - - + - - - - 0 0 1
...- - - - 0 0 2
. .---+-----001
"----1------0 OUTPUT
Gl o--e~h-r_-:::lf,L-...., ..
G2o------+----~ INPUT
Additional series gate resistance must be used if +10V
National Semiconductor's monolithic JFET duals
(FMll00 series, FM1200 series, and FM3954
~ ~"''''
c ;""? m
series) can be used in a wide variety of appl ica-
tions. The bulk gate can be put to advantageous
use for reducing input gate leakage, AGe opera-
tion, R F balanced mixer applications, or even dif-
ferential analog switch usage. All in all, the seven
terminal monolithic JFET dual is more flexible,
useful, and economical than a six terminal two
chip dual. The monolithic dual now allows per-
FIGURE 11. Simplified erossSection of Monolithic JFET formance levels wh ich were heretofore impossible
Dual. to achieve.
Ronald Stump W
May 1970 00
This discussion begins with some basic commuta- MOS switches do have somewhat unique driving
tion circuits, then describes some uses in linear requirements. In order to solve this problem, o
amplifier applications such as reset functions and National manufac.tures a hybrid integrated circuit
chopper applications. The use of MOS switches as which provides DTL-TTL drive compatibility with »
a suppressed carrier double-sideband modulator the dual differential switch. These devices use the
and a double-sideband demodulator is then cov- DM7801 chip with an MM450 chip for the »
ered; followed by a circuit proposal for a phase-
locked loop AM-FM detector without tuned
LH0014 and the OM7800 chip with an MM450
chip for the LH0019_ The LH0014 is basically a
circuits. OPDT switch while the LH0019 is two SPOT
switches in the same package. Each connection has en
THE MOS DIFFERENTIAL SWITCH-DC TO RF its particular advantages and disadvantages. =E
The dual differential switch is a particular switch ::::::j
connection scheme which at first glance prompts
one to say-so what? It is, however, one of those The LH0014 may be used as a two channel com-
simple circuit configurations which can find a wide
variety of uses in electronic circuits. The dual dif-
mutator only, because two of its four channels are en
always on. The LH0019 may be used for systems
ferential switch could also be called a DPDT with any number of channels since it can shut all
switch or two SPDT switches-depending on how channels off on command.
they are toggled_
Figure 3 shows a six channel commutator which
MOS switches have some unique features which may be easily expanded. Data sampling may be
make them very useful for data switching! ,2,3: no done on any format which the user chooses. Sam-
offset voltage, high Ro F F lRo N ratios, low leak- pling format is easily controlled by DTL or TTL
age, fast operation, and matched "on" resistance. logic design independent of the LH0019. Since
Within definite bounds, MOS switches exhibit each buffer-driver of the LH0019 has a dual input
good isolation between the switching drive and gate, all channel blanking is readily achieved. If
signal path. desired, the format shown in Figure 3 may be
0--0 !
0--0 I
modified so as to use the LH0019 logic inputs as figuration. Demultiplexing may be accomplished
binary gates which can reduce the command logic by using a circuit identical to the multiplexer
complexity if the blanking function is not because the MOS device is a true bilateral switch.
required. In hard·wired systems where the multiplex "out·
puts" are electrically connected as in Figure 4, the
Since the multiplexed information is in differential signal may be transmitted in either direction. For
form, common mode noise is greatly reduced. non-hardwired systems, the modulation-demodula·
Also, the MOS gate drive spiking is drastically tion sequence is still bilateral, but provisions must
reduced because of the differential channel con- be made for transmit/receive function control.
1 81 AI AI B2 Z
5 GNDlo-----------~
(a) LH0014
(b) LH0019
I ;. 'j CHI
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...J
________ J
________ J
'"'I I,"'
",[ I,"'
'"'I I'"
, [ I,,,
USAGE IN LINEAR AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS LH0014 can greatly reduce component count for
chopper stabilized amplifiers.
The LH0014 and LH0019 devices are useful for
switching functions in linear circuit applications
because of high off/on resistance ratio and ease of DOUBLE SIDEBAND MODULATOR
switching control using logic elements. Sample and
hold circuits, integrator reset switching, and reset The LH0019 can be used as a double sideband
stabilized amplifiers are a few examples (Figure 5). modulator. In modulator applications, the
More detailed information on this type of circuitry LH0019 functions as a DPDT switch which alter-
is available in National Semiconductor applications nately reverses the polarity of the modu lating
notes ANA, AN-5, AN-20, and AN-29 4 - 7 signal at the chopper frequency. MOS switches
work quite well at this application because of zero
An obvious use of the LH0014 and LH0019 are in offset voltage and large signal handling ability.
chopper stabilized amplifiers (Figure 6). One of
the better forms of chopper stabilized amplifiers is I n order to build a double sideband balanced
the series shunt chopper with sample and hold modulator S ,9, one of the two modulating inputs
type of output. The LH0014 does a good job at must be applied as a balanced input. For the cir-
this because it contains the complete set of cuit shown in Figure 7, an LM102 and LM107
switches plus proper drive for the switches. The were used for an audio phase splitter.
L-+-___ ~ OUTPUT
r----------, LI·---4-----.--------------~----~---------
I Lj-l--I--.-'''4---<> ""'
~ _ _ _ _ __ V-_ ~~E~
Both point A and point B in Figure 7 are DSB the switching transients are an "in phase" or
modulated outputs; so, technically, you could get "common mode" error.
by with only one. The waveform at point A is
illustrated in Figure 8a for a carrier frequency of To better illustrate the improvement by using a
100 kHz and an audio frequency of 12.5 kHz. balanced output, the audio signal was reduced to
Point B is equal and out of phase. zero volts and the points A, B, and A·B were mea·
sured as shown in Figure 9. The improvement
operating in the differential mode is oDvious.
One type of spurious response encountered with
MOS switching devices is output spikes caused by The circuit drive requirements for Figure 7 may be
a charge being dumped into the channel by the simplified by using the LH0014 since it provides
gate drive through gate·channel capacitance. By an inverting function internally. Only one phase of
adding Cl, part of the charge can be absorbed, toggle drive to the LH0014 is required.
Honz.10 n$/cm
VerI. IV/em
(al va
thus reducing the voltage amplitude of the spikes. The modulation will be distorted more due to the
The R1Cl combination has its 3 dB point at about phase lag created by the internal inverter of the
80 kc, so output from the phase spl itter was not LH0014. Figure lOa shows the switching perform·
attenuated in the audio range. ance of the LH0019 while Figure lOb shows the
switching performance of the LH0014. In applica·
The astute observer will notice switching transients tions which do not require high carrier fre·
on the waveform in Figure 8a. By taking the out· quencies, the LH0014 is adequate, but for carrier
put in differential form at points A and B, these frequencies above 100 kHz, the LH0019 provides
transients are greatly reduced because the desired improved performance because of its symmetrical
signals are equal but of opposite polarity, while switching behavior.
Konz. SOns/em
Figure 13 emphasizes the affect that switch ing in·phase (amplitude modulated) and quadrature·
transients have on harmonic distortion. At carrier phase (frequency modulated) signals plus the
frequencies below 10 kHz, the RMS value of the feasibility of not using any inductors for tuning.
transients is reduced to a point where distortion of
Figure 16 shows the proposed circuit block dia·
the MOS switches themselves can be seen.
gram which uses a phase· locked loop for phase
The LH0014 and LH0019 data sheet suggests a reference signal. The voltage controlled oscillator
V plus supply value of 10 volts and a V minus (VeO) is operated at 4 fa. Flip Flop #1 provides a
supply value of -20 volts. However, switching two phase output which is fed into FF #2 and
transients may be reduced by using different power FF #3. The outputs of FF #2 and FF #3 are
supply voltages. Figure 14 and Figure 15 show what exactly 900 out of phase regardless of the fre·
happens to harmonic distortion caused by spiking quency of the veo. This kind of performance is
versus power supply level. Figure 14 is plotted for awfully hard to achieve using tuned circuits. For a
V minus with V plus at 10 volts. Figure 15 shows 455 kHz detector, the veo would operate at
what happens as V plus is varied. All of the pre· 1820 kHz. TTL flip flops will operate quite nicely
vious data was taken at V plus at 14 volts and V at that frequency and should hold phase shift
minus at -12 volts. errors to practically zero. The LM 107 provides De
gain to close the phase·locked loop, it forces the
veo to a frequency and phase angle which causes
the "FM out" port to zero volts De; this port is
then operating exactly in quadrature with the
Although an AM·FM demodulator was not applied signal. This part of the detector is then
physically constructed, the previously discussed insensitive to amplitude modulation and sensitive
"double sideband demodulator" performance to frequency modulation. Since the AM detector
impl ies that a very interesting phase detector can portion is operating exactly 900 out of phase with
be built. The interesting features of this type of a the FM portion, its output is insensitive to FM and
detector are large dynamic range, recovery of both sensitive to AM.
10.0 1111
1111111 1111
11111 111111111
. fREQAT 1.0 kHz
z -\ SI'
c.ARIER AT 100 kHz AND 10 kHz
0 ,11111 IIIIIIII
~ '.0 ~ 4.0
s'~INAl AT lIJ&~IH!
Q '.0 IODk~ ~ 3.'
... i 2.'
2.' 10kHz 10
10. 1000 10,000 100,000
.01 0.1 I.' 10
FIGURE 12. Recovered Signal Harmonic Distortion vs FIGURE 13. Recovered Signal Harmonic Distortion vs
Audio Modulation Level Carrier Frequency
~ 50 ~ 5.0
! 4.0
1012141611202Z 20 6.0 10.0 14.0 18.0
FIGURE 14. Harmonic Distortion vs Negative Power FIGURE 15. Harmonic Distortion vs Positive Supply
Supply Voltage Voltage
FIGURE 16. AM·FM Demodulator
October 1970
In digital systems, it is sometimes necessary to In order to understand how to use this compar- o
convert low level analog signals into digital ator, it is necessary to look briefly at the circuit ::c
information. An example of this might be a configuration. Figure 1 shows a simplified sche- ::c
detector for the illumination level of a photo- matic of the device. PNP transistors buffer the c
diode. Another would be a zero crossing detector z
for a magnetic transducer such as a magnetometer en
or a shaft-position pickoff. These transducers have "T1
low-level outputs, with currents in the low ::c
microamperes or voltages in the low millivolts. o
Therefore, low level circuitry is required to
condition these signals before they can drive logic
circuits. U1
A voltage comparator can perform many of these r-
precision functions. A comparator is essentially a oc;,
high-gain op amp designed for open loop opera-
tion. The function of a comparator is to produce a (")
logic "one" on the output with a positive signal
between its two inputs or a logic "zero" with a en
negative signal between the inputs. Threshold
detection is accomplished by putting a reference '1J
voltage on one input and the signal on the other.
Clearly, an op amp can be used as a comparator, 3••
except that its response time is in the tens of
microseconds which is often too slow for many
appl ications. GROUND
by ° °
The output transistor is 11, and it is protected
10 and R6 which limit the peak output
common mode range of the IC. The output will
directly drive DTL or TTL. The exact value of the
current. The output lead, since it is not connected pull up resistor, R s , is determined by the
to any other point in the circuit, can either be speed required from the circuit since it must drive
returned to the positive supply through a pull-up any capacitive loading for positive-going output
resistor or switch loads that are connected to a signals. An optional offset-balancing circuit using
voltage higher than the positive supply voltage. R3 and R4 is included in the schematic.
The circuit will operate from a single supply if the
negative supply lead is connected to ground. Figure 3 shows a connection for operating with
However, if a negative supply is available, it can be MaS logic. This is a level detector for a
used to increase the input common mode range. photodiode that operates off a -10V supply. The
output changes state when the diode current
Table 1 summarizes the performance of the reaches 1 fJ.A. Even at this low current, the error
comparator when operating from a 5V supply. The contributed by the comparator is less than 1 %.
circuit will work with supply voltages up to ±15V
TO TTL 120
of D I, the output will change state. R 2 has been make it insensitive to fast noise spikes. Because of
added to make the threshold error proportional to the low error currents of the LM Ill, it is possible
the offset current of the comparator, rather than to get input impedances even higher than the
the bias current. It can be eliminated if the bias 300 kil obtained with the indicated resistor
current error is not considered significant. values.
A zero crossing detector that drives the data input The comparator can be strobed, as shown in
of MOS logic is shown in Figure 5. Here, both a Figure 6, by the addition of 01 and Rs. With a
logic one on the base of °
1 , approximately
2.5 mA is drawn out of the strobe terminal of the
LM Ill, making the output high independent of
the input signal.
., ---1f-!!
The maximum data rate of this circuit is 1 MHz.
At lower rates ("-200 kHz) R3 and C 1 can be
The free·running multivibrator in Figure 8 is
another example of the versatility of the compar·
ator. The inputs are biased within the common
mode range by R I and R 2 . DC stability, which
insures starting, is provided by negative feedback
FIGURE 6. Circuit for Transmitting Data Between High·
Level Logic and TTL
through R 3' The negative feedback is reduced at
high frequencies by C1. At some frequency, the
positive feedback through R4 will be greater than
level for the comparator so that it switches when the negative feedback; and the circuit will oscil·
the input goes through 15V. The response time of late. For the component values shown, the circuit
the circuit can be controlled with C 1, if desired, to delivers a 100 kHz square wave output. The
frequency can be changed by varying C I or by mu Itivibrator, except that the positive feedback is
adjusting R I through R 4 , while keeping their obtained through a quartz crystal. The circuit
ratios constant. oscillates when transmission through the crystal is
at a maximum, so the crystal operates in its
Because of the low input current of the compar- shunt-resonant mode. The high input impedance
ator, large circuit impedances can be used. of the comparator and the isolating capacitor, C2 ,
Therefore, low frequencies can be obtained with
relatively-small capacitor values: it is no problem
to get down, to 1 Hz using a 1 jJ.F capacitor. The
speed of the comparator also permits operation at
frequencies above 100 kHz.
Rl v+· ~v RS
24K lK
IO. .Z >~-"'-DUTPUT
INPUT -5 kHr to 50 IIHI
OUTPUT-ID kHz 10 100 IIHr
ator is used to shape the input signal and feed it to 10 kn, because the 1 MHz open loop gain of the
an integrator. The shaping is required because the comparator is about 80 dB. However, this does not
input to the integrator must swing between the affect the de characteristics and is not a problem
supply voltage and ground to preserve symmetry unless the input signal dwells within 200 /lV of the
in the output waveform. An LM108 op amp, that transition level. But if the oscillation does cause
works from the 5V logic supply, serves as the difficulties, it can be eliminated with a small
integrator. This feeds a triangular waveform to a amount of positive feedback around the compara-
second comparator that detects when the wave- tor to give a 1 mV hysteresis.
form goes through a voltage equal to its average
value. Hence, as shown in Figure 11, the output Stray coupling between the output and the bal-
ance terminals can also cause oscillations, so an
attempt should be made to keep these leads apart.
FIRST CDMPARATOR rI rI It is usually advisable to tie the balance pins
OUTPUT ----1 L.....J L together to minimize the effect of this feedback. If
balancing is used, the same result can be accom-
plished by connecting a 0.1 /IF capacitor between
SECOND COMPARATOR - , rI I these pins.
APPLICATION HINTS Large capacitors on the input (greater than 0.1 j.LF)
One of the problems encountered in using earlier should be treated as a low source impedance and
IC comparators like the LM710 or LM106 was isolated with a resistor. A charged capacitor can
that they were prone to erratic operation caused hold the inputs outside the supply voltage if the
by oscillations. This was a direct result of the high supplies are abruptly shut off.
speed of the devices, wh ich made it mandatory to
provide good input-output isolation and low- Precautions should be taken to insure that the
inductance bypassing on the supplies. These oscil- power suppl ies for this or any other IC never
lations could be particularly puzzling when they become reversed-even under transient conditions.
occurred internally, showing up at the external With reverse voltages greater than 1 V, the IC can
terminals only as erratic de characteristics. conduct excessive current, fuzing internal alumi-
num interconnects. This usually takes more than
In general, the LMlll is less susceptible to spuri- 0.5A. If there is a possibility of reversal, clamp
ous oscillations both because of its lower speed diodes with an adequate peak current rating
(200 ns response time vs 40 ns) and because of its should be installed across the supply bus.
better power supply rejection. Feedback between
the output and the input is a lesser problem with a No attempt should be made to operate the circuit
given source resistance. However, the LMlll can with the ground terminal at a voltage exceeding
operate with source resistances that are orders of either supply voltage. Further, the 50V output-
magnitude higher than the earlier devices, so stray voltage rating appl ies to the potential between the
coupling between the input and output should be output and the V- terminal. Therefore, if the
minimized. With source resistances between 1 kn comparator is operated from a negative supply, the
and 10 kn, the impedance (both capacitive and maximum output voltage must be reduced by an
resistive) on both inputs should be made equal, as amount equal to the voltage on the V- terminal.
this tends to reject the signal fed back. Even so, it
is difficult to completely eliminate oscillations in The output circuitry is protected for shorts across
the linear region with source resistances above the load. It will not, for example, withstand a
short to a voltage more negative than the ground The comparator can also be used in many analog
terminal. Additionally, with a sustained short, systems. It operates from standard ±15V op amp
power dissipation can become excessive if the supplies, and its dc accuracy equals some of the
voltage across the output transistor exceeds best op amps. It is also an order of magnitude
about 10V. faster than op amps used as comparators.
February 1971 .l=-
Because of the relatively high current requirements
of digital systems, there are a number of problems
For one, if the series pass transistor is put on the
chip, the integrated circuit need only have three
associated with using one centrally-located regu-
terminals. Hence, an ordinary transistor power I
lator. Heavy power busses must be used to package can be used. The practicality of this (')
distribute the regulated voltage. With low voltages approach depends on eliminating the adjustments »
and currents of many amperes, voltage drops in usually required to set up the output voltage and
connectors and conductors can cause an appre- limiting current for the particular application, as C
ciable percentage change in the voltage delivered external adjustments require extra pins. A new :xl
to the load. This is aggravated further with TTL solid-state reference, to be described later, has m
logic, as it draws transient currents many times the sufficiently-tight manufacturing tolerances that C)
steady-state current when it switches. output voltages do not always have to be C
individually trimmed. Further, thermal overload r-
These problems have created a considerable inter- protection can protect an IC regulator for virtually »
est in on-card regulation, that is, to provide local any set of operating conditions, making current-
regulation for the subsystems of the computer. limit adjustments unnecessary. o
Rough preregulation can be used, and the power 2
distributed without excessive concern for line Thermal protection limits the maximum junction
drops. The local regulators then smooth out the
voltage variations due to line drops and absorb
temperature and protects the regulator regardless
of input voltage, type of overload or degree of
transients. heat sinking. With an external pass transistor, there
is no convenient way to sense junction tempera- r-
A monolithic regulator is now available to perform ture so it is much more difficult to provide oC)
this function. It is quite simple to use in that it thermal limiting. Thermal protection is, in itself, a
requires no external components. The ir,tegrated very good reason for putting the pass transistor on (')
circuit has three active leads-input, output and the chip.
ground-and can be supplied in standard transistor
power packages. Output currents in excess of 1 A :xl
can be obtained. Further, no adjustments are When a regulator is protected by current limiting (')
required to set up the output voltage, and overload alone, it is necessary to limit the output current to C
protection is provided that makes it virtually a value substantially lower than is dictated by -f
impossible to destroy the regulator. The simplicity dissipation under normal operating conditions to en
of the regulator, coupled with low-cost fabrication prevent excessive heating when a fault occurs.
and improved reliability of monolithic circuits, Thermal limiting provides virtually absolute pro-
now makes on-card regulation quite attractive. tection for any overload condition. Hence, the
maximum output current under normal operating
conditions can be increased. This tends to make up
DESIGN CONCEPTS for the fact that an IC has a lower maximum
junction temperature than discrete transistors.
A useful on-card regulator should include every-
thing within one package-including the power- Additionally, the 5V regulator works with rela-
control element, or pass transistor. The author has tively low voltage across the integrated circuit.
previously advanced arguments against including Because of the low voltage, the internal circuitry
the pass transistor in an integrated circuit regu- can be operated at comparatively high currents
lator.' First, there are no standard mUlti-lead without causing excessive dissipation. Both the
power packages. Second, integrated circuits neces- low voltage and the larger internal currents permit
sarily have a lower maximum operating tempera- higher junction temperatures. This can also reduce
ture, because they contain low-level circuitry. This the heat sinking required-especially for com-
means that an IC regulator needs a more massive mercial-temperature-range parts.
heat sink. Third, the gross variations in chip
temperature due to dissipation in the pass transis- Lastly, the variations in chip temperature caused
tors worsen load and line regulation. However, for by dissipation in the pass transistor do not cause
a logic·card regulator, these arguments can be serious problems for a logic-card regulator. The
answered effectively. tolerance in output voltage is loose enough that it
is relatively easy to design an internal reference Conditions for temperature compensation can be
that is much more stable than required, even for derived starting with the equation for the emitter·
temperature variations as large as 150°C. base voltage of a transistor which is2
The internal voltage reference for this logic·card
regulator is probably the most significant depar· (1)
ture from standard design techniques. Tempera· nkT To kT Ie
ture·compensated zener diodes are normally used +-Iog -+-Iog -
q 'T q 'leo'
for the reference. However, these have breakdown
voltages between 7V and 9V which puts a lower
Where VgO is the extrapolated energy-band-gap
limit on the input voltage to the regulator. For low
voltage for the semiconductor material at absolute
voltage operation, a different kind of reference is
zero, q is the charge of an electron, n is a constant
which depends on how the transistor is made
(approximately 1.5 for double·diffused, NPN
The reference in the LM 109 does not use a zener
transistors), k .is Boltzmann's constant, T is
diode. Instead, it is developed from the highly·
absolute temperature, Ie is collector current and
predictable emitter·base voltage of the transistors.
V BEO is the emitter-base voltage at To and leo.
In its simplest form, the reference developed is
equal to the energy·band·gap voltage of the
semiconductor material. For silicon, this is The emitter-base voltage differential between two
1.205V, so the reference need not impose mini· transistors operated at different current densities is .
given by 3
mum input voltage limitations on the regulator.
An added advantage of this reference is that the
output voltage is well determined in a production kT J,
Ll VB E = - log, - , (2)
environment so that individual adjustment of the q J2
regulators is frequently unnecessary.
where J is current density.
A simpl ified version of this reference is shown in
Figure 1. In this circuit, 0, is operated at a Referring to Equation (1), the last two terms are
quite small and are made even smaller by making
Ie vary as absolute temperature. At any rate, they
v' can be ignored for now because they are of the
same order as errors caused by nontheoretical
behavior of the transistors that must be deter·
mined empirically.
"""'-"'--"'--4"" GROUND
Figure 1. The Low Voltage Reference in One of Its Simpler Differentiating with respect to temperature yields
a Vr,f VgO V BEO
- - = - - + - - +-Iog. - .
k J,
relatively high current density. The current density aT To To q J2
of O 2 is about ten times lower, and the
emitter·base voltage differential (Ll VBE) between
the two devices appears across R3 . If the For zero temperature drift, this quantity should
transistors have high current gains, the voltage equal zero, giving
across R2 will also be proportional to LlV BE . 0 3 is
a gain stage that will regulate the output at a kTo J,
VgO = V BEO + - log, - . (5)
voltage equal to its emitter base voltage plus the q J2
drop across R2 . The emitter base voltage of 0 3 has
a negative temperature coefficient while the LlV BE The first term on the right is the initial emitter·base
component across R2 has a positive temperature voltage while the second is the component
coefficient. It will be shown that the output proportional to emitter-base voltage differential.
voltage will be temperature compensated when the Hence, if the sum of the two are equal to the
sum of the two voltages is equal to the energy· energy·band·gap voltage of the semiconductor, the
band·gap voltage. reference will be temperature·compensated.
A simplified schematic for a 5V regulator is given the output voltage is developed across Ra by the
in Figure 2. The circuitry produces an output collector current of 0 7 , The emitter·base voltage
voltage that is approximately four times the basic differential is produced by operating 0 4 and 0 5 at
reference voltage. The emitter·base voltage of 0 3 , high current densities while operating 0 6 and 0 7
0 4 , 0 5 and Oa provide the negative·temperature· at much lower current levels. The extra transistors
coefficient component of the output voltage. The improve tolerances by making the emitter·base
voltage dropped across R3 provides the positive· voltage differential larger. R3 serves to compensate
temperature·coefficient component. 0 6 is oper· the transconductance 4 of 0 5 , so that the Ll V BE
ated at a considerably higher current density than component is not affected by changes in the
0 7 , producing a voltage drop across R4 that is regulator output voltage or the absolute value of
proportional to the emitter·base voltage differ· components.
ential of the two transistors. Assuming large
current gain in the transistors, the voltage drop The voltage gain for the regulating loop is provided
across R3 will be proportional to this differential, by a, 0, with Og buffering its input and 0" its
so a temperature·compensated·output voltage can output. The emitter base voltage of 0 9 and 0, a is
be obtained. added to that of 0'2 and 0'3 and the drop across
Ra to give a temperature·compensated, 5V output.
An emitter·base·junction capacitor, C" frequency
compensates the circuit so that it is stable even
without a bypass capacitor on the output .
The active collector load for the error amplifier is
'~ 0 17 , It is a multiple-collector lateral PNP4. The
output current is essentially equal to the collector
~-O-YoJ'\00-4>-~)-OUTPUT current of O 2, with current being supplied to the
zener diode controlling the thermal shutdown, D2 ,
by an auxiliary collector. a, is a collector FET4
that, along with R" insures starting of the
regulator under worst·case conditions.
!J------t'--1--+---t- OUTPUT
In this circuit, Oa is the gain stage providing
regulation. Its effective gain is increased by using a
vertical PNP, 0 9 , as a buffer driving the active
collector load represented by the current source.
0 9 drives a modified Darlington output stage (0, D.
and O2 ) which acts as the series pass element. With 6lV
chance of secondary breakdown. The performance protect the load from damage. The regulator is
of this protection circuitry is illustrated in also designed so that it is not damaged in the event
Figure 4. the unregulated input is shorted to ground when
there is a large capacitor on the output_ Further, if
the input voltage tries to reverse, D, will clamp
this for currents up to 1A_
• It- t'--...
~5°~_ The internal frequency compensation of the
os , regulator permits it to operate with or without a
Ii t'--... T.=25°C
~ bypass capacitor on the output. However, an
I z
output capacitor does improve the transient
response and reduce the high frequency output
~ 1
.,....... impedance_ A plot of the output impedance in
I Figure 5 shows that it remains low out to 10 kHz
VOUT = 4.5V
I even without a capacitor. The ripple rejection also
, ZO Z5 30 35 remains high out to 10 kHz, as shown in Figure 6.
" IS
INPUT VOL TACE tV) The irregularities in this curve around 100 Hz are
caused by thermal feedback from the pass transis-
Figure 4. Current·Limiting Characteristics. tor to the reference circuitry. Although an output
capacitor is not required, it is necessary to bypass
the input of the regulator with at least a O.22I1F
capacitor to prevent oscillations under all con-
Even though the current is limited, excessive ditions.
dissipation can cause the chip to overheat. In fact,
the dominant failure mechanism of solid state
regulators is excessive heating of the semicon-
ductors, particularly the pass transistor. Thermal
protection attacks the problem directly by putting
a temperature regulator on the IC chip. Normally,
this regulator is biased below its activation
threshold; so it does not affect circuit operation.
However, if the chip approaches its maximum
operating temperature, for any reason, the temper-
ature regulator turns on and reduces internal
1~' L-~ __~__-L__~--J
dissipation to prevent any further increase in chip 10 100 til IDle lOOk 1M
temperature. fREOUENCY IHtl
The thermal protection circuitry develops its Figure 5. Plot of Output Impedance As A Function of
reference voltage with a conventional zener diode, Frequency.
D2 . 0 '6 is a buffer that feeds a voltage divider,
delivering about 300 mV to the base of Q'5 at
175°C. The emitter-base voltage, 0 ,5 , is the actual 100
temperature sensor because, with a constant /N\ I
voltage applied across the junction, the collector lii. -4'\..l.....+..,T,.."·C
TJ.25~ ~
current rises rapidly with increasing temperature.
~ ..
incorporated in a discrete regulator, IC's have a \.
distinct advantage: the temperature sensing device IL=2DOmA
detects increases in junction temperature within 6V 1N =3V IOP
ZDL.~"":..J. __..L__.L.......J
milliseconds. Schemes that sense case or heat-sink 10 100 IK 10K lOOK 1M
temperature take several seconds, or longer. With FREQUENCY IHd
the longer response times, the pass transistor
usually blows out before thermal limiting comes Figure 6. Ripple Rejection of The Regulator.
into effect.
currents. The overall electrical performance of this Although the LM 109 is designed as a fixed 5V
Ie is summarized in Table 1. regulator, it is also possible to use it as an
adjustable regulator for higher output voltages.
One circuit for doing this is shown in Figure 9.
- T,I.,,!.
Table 1. Typical Characteristics of The Logic-Card Regu-
lator: TA = 2SoC. S.S
~ SA iJ I
Because it was designed for virtually foolproof
operation and because it has a singular purpose,
- l - f- T!.150°C
~ T
10 15 20 25
the LM109 does not require a lot of application INPUT VOLTAGE (V)
information, as do most other linear circuits. Only
one precaution must be observed: it is necessary to
Figure 10. Variation of Quiescent Current With Input
bypass the unregulated supply with a 0.22 !.IF Voltage At Various Temperatures.
capacitor, as shown in Figure 8, to prevent
I VIN = 10V
z S.S "l. H--
..... ,.... ~~
~ I IL=I~~
~ I ~
Figure 8. Fixed 5V Regulator
The LM 109 can also be used as a current regulator bypassing the non·inverting input to ground. A
as is shown in Figure 12. The regulated output 100 pF capacitor should also be included between
voltage is impressed across R" which determines the output and the inverting input to prevent
the output current. The quiescent current is added frequency instability. Temperature drift can be
to the current through R,. and this puts a lower reduced by adjusting R 4 , which determines the
limit of about 10 mA on the available output zener current, for minimum drift. For best
current. performance, remote sensing directly to the load
terminals, as shown in the diagram, should be
., The LM 109 performs a complete regulation
'---+-OUTPUT function on a single silicon chip, requiring no
external components. It makes use of some unique
advantages of monol ithic construction to achieve
Figure 12. Current Regulator. performance advantages that cannot be obtained
in discrete-component circuits. Further, the low
cost of the device suggests its use in applications
The increased failure resistance brought about by where single'point regulation could not be justified
thermal overload protection make the LM 1 09 previously.
attractive as the pass transistor in other regulator
circuits. A precision regulator that employs the IC Thermal overload protection significantly im-
thusly is shown in Figure 13. An operational proves the reliability of an IC regulator. It even
ampl ifier compares the output voltage with the protects the regulator for unforseen fault condi-
output voltage of a reference zener. The op amp tions that may occur in field operation. Although
controls the LM 109 by driving the ground this can be accomplished easily in a monolithic
terminal through an FET. regulator, it is usually not completely effective in a
discrete or hybrid device.
1. R.J. Widlar, "Designing Positive Voltage Regu-
lators," EEE, Vol. 17, No.6, pp.90-97,
June 1969.
Thomas B. Mills
June 1971
The phase locked loop has been found to be a
useful element in many types of communication
systems. It is used in two fundamentally different
The output of the VCO is related to its input
control voltage by "
ways: (1) as a demodulator, where it is used to
follow phase or frequency modulation and (2) to
(4) .-o
track a carrier or synchronizing signal which may for ef = 0, let 02 = wO, then o
vary in frequency with time. "tI
When operating as a demodulator, the phase locked (')
loop may be thought of as a matched filter oper-
ating as a coherent detector. When used to track a
It can be seen that the action of the VCO is that
of an integrator in the feedback loop when the
carrier, it may be thought of as a narrow-band phase locked loop is considered in servo theory.
filter for removing noise from a signal.
A better understanding of the operation of the
Recently, a phase locked loop has been built on a loop may be obtained by considering that initially,
monolithic integrated circuit, incorporating the
basic elements necessary for operation: a double
the loop is not in lock, but that the frequency of
the input signal ej and VCO eo are very close in s:
balanced phase detector and a highly linear voltage
controlled oscillator, the frequency of which can
frequency. Under these conditions ed will be a
beat note, the frequency of which is equal to the
be varied with either a resistor or capacitor. frequency difference of eo and ej. This signal is z
also applied to the VCO input, since it is low (')
BASIC PHASE LOCK LOOP OPERATION enough to pass through the filter. The instantan- »
Figure 1 shows the basic blocks of a phase locked
eous frequency of the VCO is therefore changing
ioop. The input signal ej is a sinusoid of arbitrary
and at some point in time, if the VCO frequency
frequency, while the VCO output signal, eo, is a
equals the input frequency, lock will result. At
this instant, ef will assume a level sufficient to
sinsuoid of the same frequency as the input but of hold the VCO frequency in lock with the input en
arbitrary phase. If frequency. If the tuning of the VCO is changed -<
(such as by varying the value of the tuning capa-
ej =.,f2 Ej [sinwot+Ol(t)] (1) -I
citor) the frequency output of the VCO will m
eo =.,f2 Eo [sin wot+ 02(t)] (2) attempt to change; however, this will result in an
instantaneous change in phase angle between ej and
eo, resulting in a change in the dc level of ed which a:J
the output of the multiplier (phase detector) is C
will act to maintain frequency lock: no average
ed = ej . eo = 2E jEo sin [wot + 0l(t)] frequency change will result. .-C
cos [wot + 02(t)] Similarly, if ej changes frequency, an instantaneous Z
= EjE o sin [alIt) - 02(t)]
change will result in a phase change between ej and Q
+ sin [2 wot + ° (t) + 02(tl]
1 (3)
eo and hence a dc level change in ed. This level
shift will change the frequency of the VCO to
the low pass filter of the loop removes the ac
maintain lock.
components of the multiplier output; the dc term The amount of phase error resulting from a given
is seen to be a function of the phase angle between
the VCO and the input signal.
frequency shift can be found by knowing the
"dc" loop gain of the system. Considering the
phase detector to have a transfer fu nction:
or taking the Laplace transform scribed above, but the "ac" or transient perform-
ance which is governed by the components of the
loop filter pi aced between the phase detector and
(7) the voltage controlled oscillator. In fact, it is this
loop filter that makes the phase locked loop so
the phase of the VCO output will be propor- powerful: only a resistor and capacitor are all that
tional to the integral of the control voltage. is needed to produce an arbitrarily narrow band-
width at any selected center frequency.
Combining these equations:
The simplest filter is a single capacitor, Figure 2,
KoKd F(s) and is used for wide bandwidth applications, such
s + KoKo F(s) as where wideband data modulation must be
followed. The transfer function of the filter is
8 ds) - 8 2 (s) simply:
8, (s) s + KoKo F(s)
Application of the final value theorem of Laplace
transforms yields
substitution into (8) results in
(10) (14)
0, (s) = 11w/s2
11w 11w
lim 0e(t) = lim s + KoKo F(s) KoKo F(o) (12)
t-+ oo 5-+0
volts radians/sec
radian x volt sec
With the addition of a damping resistor R2 as
shown in Figure 3, it is possible to choose band·
width, damping factor and loop gain independently;
the transfer function of this filter is
FIGURE 5. Damping Time Constant vs
Natural Frequency
FIGURE 3. Phase Locked Loop with Damping
Resistor Added
(providing saturation or limiting does not
In practice, for a fixed loop gain KoKo, the natural 2. Natural Frequency. The bandwidth of the loop
frequency of the loop may be chosen and will be is determined by the filter components R" R,
dependent mainly on 7" since 72 « 7 , in most and C, and the loop gain. Since the loop gain
cases. Then, according to (21), damping may be is normally selected by the criterion in 1. above,
determined by 72 and for all practical purposes, the filter components are used to select the
will be an independent adjustment. These equa· bandwidth. The selection of loop bandwidth
tions are plotted in Figures 4 and 5 and may be may be governed by several things: noise band·
used for design purposes. width, modulation rates if the loop is to be
used as an FM demodulator, pull-in time and
hold-in range_ There are two conflicting require- "'<
t ~ U.5
ments that will have an affect on loop band-
width: ~~
, 0
"'" !\-t=
(a) Loop bandwidth must be as narrow as
possible to minimize output phase jitter
= ., r=5.D
~ "2.0
due to external noise_ -0.1
(b) The loop bandwidth should be made as -0.3
large as possible to minimize transient error D 1 2 3
••• 1 8
It can be seen that the maximum phase error occurs =
when the modulating frequency wm equals the ~1k!'2.0
loop natural frequency W n ; if the loop has been -0.1
"LOr- 1=
, ••. D~~ r.o·~F
designed with a damping factor of .707, the peak
phase error (in radians) will be .71 b.w/w n (b.w ~
.... o
~= 0.3 1=
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8
frequency deviation). From this plot, it is possible
to choose wn for a given deviation and modulation
FIGURE 9_ Phase Error lieW Due to a Step in PhaseM
If the loop is to demodulate frequency shift keying
(FSK), it must follow step changes in frequency.
The filter components must then be chosen in In designing loops to track a carrier or synchroniz-
accordance with the transient phase error shown ing signal, it is desirable to make the loop band-
in Figure 7. It must be remembered that the loop width narrow so that phase error due to external
filter must be wide enough so the loop will not noise will be small. However, it is necessary to
lose lock when a step change in frequency occurs: make the loop bandwidth wide enough so that
the greater the frequency step, the wider the loop any frequency jitter on the input signal will be
filter must be to maintain lock. followed.
::I 500
Since one of the main uses of phase locked loops o
is to demodulate or track signals in noise, it is ~
i= 100
helpful to look at how noise affects the operation :i 50
~ 111
The phase locked loop, as mentioned earlier, may
be thought of as a filter with a fixed, adjustable ~,
bandwidth. We have seen how to calculate the loop
natural frequency Wn (15), (19), and the damping
1 1.0 I.' 2.0
factor I (16), (20). Without going through a deriva-
tion, the loop noise bandwidth BL may be shown
to be FIGURE 11. Unlock Behavior of High-Gain, Second-
Order LooP,1 ~ 0.707
~ 1.5
V Initially, a loop is unlocked and the veo is running
~1.11 at some frequency_ If a signal is applied to the
zos \ VV
input, locking mayor "Tlay not occur depending on
several things.
o 2.5 3.0 3.5
DAMPING FACTOR - r If the signal is within the bandwidth of the loop
filter, locking will occur without a beat note being
FIGURE 10. Loop-Noise Bandwidth (For High-Gain, generated or any cycles being skipped. This fre-
Second-Order Loop) quency is given by
linear voltage controlled oscillator and a double All of the current supplied by Q 2 is diverted
balanced phase detector. through 0, and Q3, which sets up an equal cur-
rent in Q4. This current is supplied by the charged
A simplified schematic of this voltage controlled capacitor C (which now discharges linearly), caus-
oscillator is shown in Figure 12. Q 2 is a voltage ing the voltage across it to decrease. This continues
controlled current source whose collector current until a lower trip point is reached and Q 7 turns
is a linear function of the control voltage ef. Initial· OFF and the cycle repeats. Due to the matching of
Iy Q 5 is OFF and the collector current of Q 2 passes Q 3 and Q4, the charge current of C is equal to the
through O2 and changes C in a linear fashion. The discharge current and therefore the duty cycle is
voltage across C is therefore a ramp, and con· very nearly 50%. Figure 13 shows the wave forms
tinues to increase until Q 7 is turned ON; this turns at (1) and (2).
OFF Qs, causing Q 9 and Q" to turn ON. This in
turn turns ON Q5. With Q 5 ON, the anode of 0, Figure 14 shows the double balanced phase detec-
is clamped close to -Vee and O2 stops conducting, tor and amplifier used in the microcircuit. Transis-
since its cathode is more positive than its anode. tors Q, through Q 4 are switched with the output
of the veo, while the input signal is applied to Ra serves as the resistive portion of the loop filter,
the bases of Q 5 and Q6. The output current in and additional resistance and capacitance may be
resistors R3 and R4 is then proportional to the added here to fix the loop bandwidth. For use as
difference in phase between the veo output and an FM demodulator, the voltage at pin 7 will be
the input; the ac component of this current will the demodulated output; since the dc level here
be at twice the frequency of the veo due to the is fairly high, a reference voltage has been pro·
full wave switching action transistors Q 1 through vided so that an operational amplifier with differ·
Q4. The waveforms of Figure 15 illustrate how ential input can be used for additional gain and
the phase detector works. Diodes Dl and D2 serve level shifting.
to limit the peak to peak amplitude of the collector
voltage. The output of the phase detector is further
amplified by QlO and Qll, and is taken as a volt· The complete microcircuit, called the LM565, is
age at pin 7. shown in Figure 16.
FIGURE 15. Phase Detector Waveforms, Showing Limit Cases for Phase Shift Between Input and VCO Signals
USING THE LM565 tion regardless of center frequency. IRIG channel
13 has been selected as an example of demon-
Some of the important operating characteristics of strate the usefulness of the LM565 as an FM
the LM565 are shown in the table below. (Vee demodulator.
±6V, T A = 25°C).
Phase Detector
IRIG Channel 13
Input Impedance 5 k" Center Frequency 14.5 kHz
Input Level for Limiting 10mV Max Deviation ±7.5%
Output Resistance 36kQ
Output Common Mode Voltage 4.5V Frequency Response 220 Hz
Offset Voltage (Between pinS 6 and 71 10DmV Deviation Ratio 5
SensitIVity Ko 5V/rad
Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Stabllltv Since with a deviation of ±10%, the LM565 will
Temperature 200 ppml'C produce approximately 300 mV peak to peak
Supply Voltage 200 ppm/%
Square Wave Output Pm 4 5.4 V pp output, with a deviation of 7.5%, we can expect
Triangle Wave Output Pin 9 2.4 V pp an output of 225 mV. It is desirable to amplify
Maximum Operating Frequency 500kHz
Sensitivity Ko 4.5 fa rad/seeN and level shift this signal to ground so that plus
(fa: osc. freq in Hz) and minus output voltages can be obtained for
Closed Loop Performance
frequency shi"fts above and below center frequency_
Loop Gain KoKo 2.8 folsec
Dernod. Output, ±10% Deviation 300 mV
(A .001 ,uF capacitor IS needed between pinS 7 and 8 to stop An LM 1 07 can be used to provide the necessary
parasitic oscillations).
additional gain and the level shift. In Figure 17,
R4 is used to set the output at zero volts with no
To best illustrate how the LM565 is used, several input signal. The frequency of the VCO can be
applications are covered in detail, and should pro- adjusted with R3 to provide zero output voltage
vide insight into the selection of external com- when an input signal is present.
ponents for use with the LM565.
The design of the filter network proceeds as
In the field of missile telemetry, it is necessary to It is necessary to choose wn such that the peak
send many channels of relatively narrow band data phase error in the loop is less than 90° for all
via a radio link. It has been found convenient to conditions of modulation. Allowing for noise mod-
frequency modulate this information on a set of ulation at low levels of signal to noise, a desirable
subcarriers with center frequencies in the range of peak phase error might be 1 radian or 57 degrees,
400 Hz to 200 kHz. Standardization of these fre- leaving a 33 degree margin for noise. Assuming
quencies was undertaken by the Inter-Range Instru- sinusoidal modulation, Figure 6 can be used to
mentation Group (I RIG) and has resulted in several estimate the peak normalized phase error. It
sets of subcarrier channels, some based on devia- will be necessary to make several sample cal-
tions that are a fixed percentage of center fre- culations, since the normalized phase error is a
quency and other sets that have a constant devia- function of wn.
. - - - -___-------4II---+--o.,v
Selecting a worst case of wn/w m ; 1, wn ; 2rrX of approximately +6 dB because of the bandwidths
220 Hz; selecting a damping factor of .707, involved. The above number of -8.4 dB signal to
noise for threshold was obtained with a noise
- - - ; .702
spectrum 100 kHz wide. The noise power in the
/::,wlw n loop will be reduced by the ratio of loop noise
bandwidth to input noise bandwidth
BLOOP 1890 Hz
/::'w 2rr X 1088 Hz B,NPuT = 100 kHz; .02 or -17 dB
ee; .702 Wn ; .702 2rr X 220 Hz
the equivalent signal to noise in the loop is -8.4 dB
; 3.45 radians +17 dB ; +8.6 dB which is close to the above·
mentioned limit of +6 dB. It should also be noted
this is unacceptable, since it would throw the loop that loss of lock was noted with full modulation
out of lock, so it is necessary to try a higher value of the signal which will degrade threshold some·
of W n . Let Wn ; 2rrx 500 Hz, then wm/w n ; .44, what (although the measurement is more realistic) .
• ,ld
2.28 x 14.5 x 103 ; 33 x 103 sec w2-- 25DD I
1 10 100 tOOK
the value of the loop filter capacitor, C" can be lK 10K
4.4 X 10- 4 sec Frequency shift keying (FSK) is widely used for
the transmission of Teletype information, both in
T, ;
(35 - 4.4) X 10-4 sec ;
31.4 X 10- 4 sec the computer peripheral and communications field.
T, Standards have evolved over the years, and the
C1 ;
R ; 31.4 X 10- 4 sec ;
1 pF commonly used frequencies are as follows:
4.4 X 10- 4 sec
R2 ; ;
440n a) mark 2125 Hz
1 X 10- 6 pF 2975 Hz
b) mark 1070 Hz
Looking at Figure 10, the noise bandwidth BL can
space 1270 Hz
be esti mated to be
c) mark 2025 Hz
space 2225 Hz
BL ; .6 Wn ; .6 X 3150 rad/sec
; 1890 Hz a) is commonly used as subcarrier tones for radio
Teletype, while b) and c) are used as carriers for
the complete circuit is shown in Figure 17. Mea· data transmission over telephone and land lines.
sured performance of the circuit is summarized
below with a fully modulated signal as described As a design example, a demodulator for the 2025
above and an input level of 40 mVrms: Hz and 2225 Hz mark the space frequencies will
be discussed.
f 3 dB 200
r Q8 Since this is an FM system employing square wave
modulation, the natural frequency of the loop
Output Level 770 mVrms
Distortion 0.4% must be chosen again so that peak phase errors
Signal to Noise at verge of loss of lock do not exceed 900 under all conditions. Figure 7
(bandwidth of noise; 100 kHz) -8.4 dB shows peak phase error for a step in frequency;
if a damping factor of .707 is selected, the peak
It will be noted that the loop is capable of de· phase error is
modulating signals lower in level than the noise;
this is not in disagreement with earlier statements ee
that loss of lock occurs at signal to noise ratios D.w/w n = .45
FIGURE 19. FSK Demodulator 12025-2225 cps)
in our case, /:'w 2 1TX 200 Hz = 1250, if lie = 1 A problem encountered with this simple demodu·
radian, lator is that of dc drift. The frequency must be
adjusted to provide zero volts to the input of the
1250 rad/sec comparator so that with modulation, switching
.45 500 rad/sec occurs. Since the deviation of the signal is small
1 radian
(approximately 10%), the peak to peak demodu·
fn = 80 Hz lated output is only 150 mV. It should be apparent
that any drift in frequency of the VCO will cause
The final circuit is shown in Figure 19. The values a dc change and hence may lock the comparator
of the loop filter components (C, = 2.2 f.1F and in one state or the other. A circuit to overcome
R, = 700n) were changed to accommodate a this problem is shown in Figure 20. While using
keying rate of 300 bauds (150 Hz), since the the same basic demodulator configuration, an
LM 111 is used as an accurate peak detector to lated on a 2.4 kHz subcarrier which is frequency
provide a dc bias for one input to the comparator. modulated on a 137.5 MHz RF carrier. Upon
When a "space" frequency is transmitted, and the reception, the output from the receiver FM detec-
output at pin 8 of the LM565 goes negative tor will be the 2.4 kHz tone containing AM video
and switching occurs. the detected and filtered information. It is common practice to record the
voltage of pin 3 to the comparator will not follow tone on an audio quality tape recorder for subse-
the change. This is a form of "dc restorer" circuit: quent demodulation and display. The 2.4 kHz
it will track changes in drift. making the compara- subcarrier frequency may be divided by 600 to
tor self compensating for changes in frequency, etc. obtain the horizontal sync frequency of 4 Hz.
The design of the loop parameters was based on A vertical sweep circu it is shown using an LM308
the following objectives low input current op amp as a Miller rundown
circuit. The values are chosen to produce an output
fn 10Hz, Wn ; 75 radlsec voltage ramp of -4.5V 1220 sec, although this may
be adjusted by means of the 22 meg. charging
BL 40 Hz (from Figure 10) resistor. If an oscilloscope is used as a readout,
the horizontal sync can be supplied to the trigger
the complete loop filter, calculated from Figures input with the sweep set to provide a total sweep
4 and 5, is shown in Figure 22. When the loop is time of something less than 250 ms. A camera is
in lock and the free running frequency of the VCO used to photograph the 200 second picture.
is 2.4 kHz, the VCO square wave at pin 4 of the
565 will be in quadrature (900 ) from the input
signal; however, the zero crossings of the triangle
wave across the ti ming capacitor will be in phase, A brief review of phase lock techniques has been
and if their signal is applied to a double balanced presented and several useful design tools have been
demodulator, such as an LM 1596, switching will presented that may be useful in predicting the
occur in the demodulator in phase with the 2.4 performance of phase locked loops.
kHz subcarrier. The double balanced demodulator
will produce an output proportional to the ampli· A phase locked loop integrated circu it has been
tude of the subcarrier applied to its signal input. described and several applications have been given
An emitter follower, Q1, is used to buffer the to illustrate the use of the circu it and the design
triangle wave across the timing capacitor so exces· techniques presented.
sive loading does not occur.
Barry Siegel and Leonard Van Der Gaag ~
August 1971 00
Voltage followers have gained in popularity in
applications such as sample and hold circuits,
from the output, 0 1 and O2 will drift at different
rates. A circuit which overcomes offset voltage
general purpose buffers, and active filters since drift is used in a new high speed buffer amplifier, en
the introduction of IC operational amplifiers. Since the LH0033. Initial offset is typically 5 mV and
they were not specifically designed as followers, offset drift is 20 /lV/oC. Resistor R2 is used to "T1
these early IC's had limited usage due to low band- establish the drain current of curren1:-source tran-
width, low slew rate and high input current. Usage sistor, O2 at 10 mAo
of voltage followers was expanded in 1967 with
the introduction of the LM 102, the first IC de-
signed specifically as a voltage follower. With the 2
LM102, engineers were able to obtain an order of
magnitude improvement in performance and ex-
tend usage into medium speed applications. The
LM 11 0, an improved LM 102, was introduced in
late 1969. However, even higher speeds and lower !:i
input currents were needed for very fast sample ~
and holds, A to D and D to A converters, coax FIGURE 1. Simple Voltage Follower Schematic
cable drivers, and other video applications. ::I:
The solution to this application problem was The same drain current flows through 0 1 causing G)
attained by combining technologies into a single a voltage at the source of approximately 1.1 V. ::I:
The 10 mA flowing through Rl plus 03'S VBE of
package. The result, the LH0033 high speed buffer,
0.6V causes the output to sit at zero volts for
utilizes J F ET and bipolar technology to produce -a
a ultra-fast voltage follower and buffer whose zero volts in. 0 3 and 0 4 eliminate loading the m
propagation delay closely approaches speed-of- input stage (except for base current) and CR 1 and m
light delay across its package, while not com- CR 2 establish the output stage collector current. C
promising input impedance or drive characteristics. O:J
Table I compares various voltage followers and C
illustrates the superiority of the LH0033 in both "T1
low input current or high speed video applications. m
The major electrical characteristics of the LH0033 IStICS. Other typical performance curves are illus-
are summarized in Table II. All the virtues of a trated in Figures 4 through 10. Of particular
ultra-high speed buffer have been incorporated. interest is Figure B. which demonstrates the per-
Figure 3 is a plot of input bias current vs tempera- formance of the LH0033 in video applications
ture and shows the typical FET input character- to over 100 MHz.
Output Of~et Voltage Rs=l00kfl SmV Output Current Capability :±l00mA peak
"D '.0
. /
Vs ·±15.GV
~ As·,OOk
" r-r R,I.""
./ / ~
~ 4' " "
" i 10
Vs =±10V
i ,. ...... r-,.
~ /
I o
o 25 50 75 100 125 zo
100 ISO
" IS
FIGURE 3. Input Bias Current FIGURE 4. Output Offset Voltage FIGURE 5. Output Voltage vs
vs Temperature vs Temperature Supply Voltage
~ ...
-. RL =1kO
TA =+25"&
TA =+25 G C
RL ",son
V.,.. '" 1.OVrms
~ .
~ -6 j:;:=OUTl'UT
:; \\ U f 15
_IZ ! \i
A " l!!
FIGURE 6. Negative Pulse Respons. FIGURE 7. Positive Pulse Response FIGURE 8. Frequency Response
, /~
/' ~
1 zo
IA h
1 19
/' IA
/ ./.: "\ TA "-55·C
I 18 /I' TA =+25G C
'/ TA -+125·C
" " 15
" -50
" '00 '50
SupplyValta.l(tV) TEMPERATURE ("'C)
The LH0033's high input impedance (10 11 n,
shunted by 2 pF} and high slew rate assure minimal
loading and high fidelity in following high speed
pulses and signals_ As shown below, the LH0033
is used as a buffer between MOS logic and a high
speed dual limit comparator_ The device's high
input impedance prevents loading of the MOS
logic signal (even a conventional scope probe will Another application that utilizes the low input
distort high output impedance MOSL The LH0033 current, high speed and high capacitance drive
adds about a 1.5 ns to the total delay of the com- capabilities of the LH0033 is a shield or line
parator. Adjustment of voltage divider R1,R 2 driver for high speed automatic test equipment_
allows interface to TTL, DTL and other high In this example, the LH0033 is mounted close to
speed logic forms_ the device under test and drives the cable shield
thus allowing higher speed operation since the
device under test does not have to charge the cable_
The LH0033's high input impedance and low
input bias current may be utilized in medium
speed circuits such as Sample and Hold, and D to
FIGURE 11_ High Speed Dual Limit Comparator for A converters. Figure 15 shows an LH0033 used
MOS Logic as a buffer in medium speed D to A converter.
The LH0033 was designed to drive long cables, Offset null is accomplished by connecting a lOOn
shielded cables, coaxial cables and other generally pot between pin 7 and V-. It is generally a good
stringent line driving requirements_ It will typically idea to insert 20n in series with the pot to prevent
drive 200 p F with no degradation in slew rate and excessive power dissipation in the LH0033 when
several thousand pF at a reduced rate_ In order to the pot is shorted out. In non-critical or AC
prevent oscillations with large capacitive loads, coupled applications, pin 6 should be shorted
provision has been made to insert damping resistors to pin 7. The resulting output offset is typically
between V+ and pin 1, and V- and pin 9_ Values 5 mV at 25°C.
between 47 and lOOn work well for C L > 1000 P F.
For non-reactive loads, pin 12 should be shorted to
pin 1 and pin 10 shorted to pin 9. A coaxial driver
is shown in Figure 13. Pin 6 is shorted to pin 7,
obtaining an initial offset of 5.0 mV, and the 43n
coupled with the LH0033's output impedance
(about 6n} match the coaxial cable's characteris-
tic impedance. C1 is adjusted as a function of
cable length to optimize rise and fall time. Rise
time for the circuit as shown in Figure 12, is
10 ns.
where: Av = No load voltage gail), typically 0.99.
V+ = Positive Supply Voltage.
V- = Negative Supply Voltage.
FIGURE 19. 4.5 MHz Notch Filter
INPUT 0---1 The LH0033 can also be used in conju nction with
an operational ampl ifier as current booster as
shown in Figure 20. Output currents in excess of
100 mA may be obtained. Inclusion of 150n
resistors between pins 1 and 12, and 9 and 10
provide short circuit protection, while decoupling
pins 1 and 9 with 1000 pF capacitors allow near
FIGURE 17. High Input Impedance AC Coupled full output swing.
The value for the short circuit current is given by:
A single supply, AC coupled amplifier is shown
in Figure 18. Input impedance is approximately
500k and output swing is in excess of 8V peak-
to-peak with a 12V supply.
where: Isc ~ 100 mAo
IN,UT 0---1
Barry Siegel
August 1971
The DH0035/DH0035C is a TTL/DTL compatible, There are essentially two considerations of interest
DC coupled, high speed PIN diode driver. It is in the "ON" condition. First, the amount of
capable of delivering peak currents in excess of "ON" control current must be sufficient such that
one ampere at speeds up to 10 MHz. This article R F signal current will not significantly modulate
demonstrates how the DH0035 may be applied to the "ON" impedance of the diode. Secondly, the
driving PIN diodes and comparable loads which time required to achieve the "ON" condition must
require high peak currents at high repetition rates. be minimized.
The salient characteristics of the device are sum-
marized in Table I.
RfI.<f1C~ )'H~RF.UT
G~ ,.'
Differential Supply
Voltage (V+ - V-I
Output Current
30V Max.
1000 rnA
. jl-.-.-,-_._-----'
Maximum Power 1.5W
FIGURE 1. Simplified PIN Diode Switch
PRF = 5.0 MHz 10 ns
V+ - V- = 20V 15 ns
10% to 90%
V+ - V- = 20V
The charge control model of a diode 1 :2 leads to
10 ns
the charge continuity equation given in equa-
90% to 10%
tion (1).
dQ Q
Table I DH0035 Characteristics i= dt + T (1)
The time response of the charge, hence the time
for the diode to achieve the "ON" state could be
shortened by applying a current spike, Ipk, to the
I,. TOTAL CURRENT diode and then dropping the current to the steady
IDC = SS CONTROL CURRENT state value, loc, as shown in Figure 3b. The
optimum response would be dictated by:
equation (1) and solving for 0:
O(s) =~
1 + S7
. ./ i
n I would acquire an excess charge equal to Ipk·T.
I This same charge must be removed at turn off,
instead of a charge loc'7, resulting in a consider-
ably slower turn off. Accordingly, control of the
width of turn on current peak is critical in achiev-
ing rapid turn off.
V i
.. 5r
The DH0035 is specifically designed to provide
both the current levels and timing intervals re-
FIGURE 30. quired to optimally drive PIN diode switches. Its
CRI 11
I ••
V' = lOV
r---,L_-, I...L i
--2r----~.~ 1-
, I Q zoo",l '"
I , I I
I , I
, Ii! Jl
INPUT >0----;":,:...--.....-----=-;,-1
I zo"~
lf2 DM7BJDfDM88JO! 4
-1--- OHDOJ5
R. Ch
120llF ":"
When the a output of the DM8830 goes high a where: D.C. = Duty Cycle =
transient current of approximately 50 mA is applied
to the emitter of a, and in turn to the base of as. ("ON" time)
("ON" time + "OFF" time)
as has an hfe = 20, and the collector current is
hfe X 50 or 1000 mAo This peak current, for the Pmax = 1.5W
most part, is delivered to the PIN diode turning it
"ON" (RF is "OFF"). In terms of IDC:
AN 49-4
r ___ l,~ __ -,
, I
I I.
I :>0....-1,...:°'--_---.....--=+-1 r- - ...,
I I II D;~~E I
I I 2DPF~ .1
,l swITCH
• 112 D."" I DHOO35
~--1---~ -1--~ =
= b '~I~
where: 2V BE = forward drop of 0 4 base emitter Again, the power dissipated by the DH0035 must
junction plusVtof the PIN diode = l.4V. be considered. In the "OFF" state, the power
dissipation is given by:
In terms of Rp, equation (15) becomes:
FIGURE 7. RF Turn-On (10 no/em) FIGURE 8. RF Turn-Off (10 no/em)
The circuit of Figure 6 was breadboarded and has been demonstrated which enable the designer
tested in conjunction with a Hewlett-Packard to tailor the DH0035 driver to the PI N diode
33622A PIN diode. application.
Todd Smathers
September 1971 ....
As complexity and usage of communication transients onto the signal during periods of rapid
systems increases, there is a growing use of a gain changing. Two mechanisms may be defined l>
special class of circuitry, designed to make the for these elements; either effective resistance or C')
system more convenient to the user, as well as effective transconductance is varied by the DC .......
allowing it to adapt to changes in the transmission control voltage. Because the variation is accom· en
channel. The most common function is voltage· plished by changing quiescent operating points, p
variable gain, used in volume compression and DC decoupling is required at the output, and only c:
expansion, and a specialized case, squelch, in AC signals may be handled. DC decoupling, m
which gain remains either in its maximum or
however, still allows rapid changes in DC operating C')
minimum state. point to be transmitted as switching transients. :::t
While linearity is claimed for F ET and the lamp·
The main problem in such circuitry is finding a photocell schemes, such linearity is still only part l>
suitable nonlinear element to do the job. Conven· of a large·signal nonlinear characteristic. With any s:"tJ
tional elements, appearing in Table 1, share of the elements, quasi·linearity is obtained by
common problems of distortion, cost, limited traversing a small segment of the overall element !:
signal handling capability, sometimes limited gain range; hence, variable gain elements must precede "T1
reduction range, and usually insert unwanted any system voltage gain. m
P-N Junction Forward Resistance Good Poor Poor Simple, predictable
Bipolar Transistor Saturation Resistance Fair Poor Fair Beta Dependent
FET Channel Resistance Good Poor Fair Unpredictable gate
control voltage
requirements; for
driving fairly high
impedance loads
Photocell-Lamp Photocell Resistance Good Good Good Requires power to
drive lamp; cell must
be shielded from
ambient light
FET Transconductance Fair Poor Poor Unpredictable gate
control voltage
requirements; for
driving fairly high
impedance loads
Bipolar Transistor Transconductance Fair Poor Poor Commonly used in
AM·IF applications
A MONOLITHIC APPROACH A feedback circuit senses common-mode output
from the emitter followers, and compares it with
Because of the inexpensive complexity possible
the DC control voltage, to reliably set attenuation
with monolithic construction, techniques may be
characteristics. For max imum gain, 0 3 and 0 6
used which circumvent many of the shortcomings
behave as ordinary emitter followers. As the con-
of discrete gain control circuits. The balanced
trol voltage rises, 0 4 and 0 5 begin to conduct,
diode attenuator of Figure 1 allows variable series-
effectively "robbing" 0 3 and 0 6 of available DC
emitter current. Consequently, dynamic emitter
resistances of 0 3 and 0 6 , in series with the signal,
increase, while those of 0 4 and 0 5 decrease,
shunting across the signal. In the limit, 0 3 and 0 6
are completely cut off, and the shunt pair fully
MONOLITHIC REALIZATION control feedback amplifier; 0 22 and 0 23 are
matched constant current sources, whose opera-
A practical version of Figure 2's block diagram, tion is stabilized by the same circuit that regulates
National's LM170 appears as a schematic in Fig-
the input stage. Rather than obtain a common-
ure 3_ Despite its apparent complexity, and its use mode feedback voltage with resistors as in Figure
of 34 junction devices and 20 resistors, the entire 2,010 and 011 are used, saving chip space reducing
circuit has been compressed onto a 39 x 42 mil emitter follower loading, and giving a fixed voltage
monolithic chip, Figure 4, smaller than most drop at the summing point. Two emitter followers,
operational amplifiers_ 0 24 and 0 32 are available as gain control inputs,
allowing considerable control versatility, and may
be used as peak detectors, as well. Control input
overvoltage protection is provided by zener diodes
(reverse base-emitter junctions), 0 33 and 0 34,
while feedback amplifier excursion is limited by
another zener, 03S' Bias levels are set so that AGC
action begins when the applied control voltage
equals three forward diode drops, about +2.1 V_ As
control voltage is further increased, gain is reduced
by progressively shunting current from 0 3 and 0 6
into 0 4 and Os; the "transition width" of the
system is about 400 mV, so that above approxi-
mately +2.SV, minimum gain is obtained. These
control levels were chosen to be compatible with
tuned gain control amplifiers, such as the LM 171
RF/IF amplifier, elsewhere in the system, and to
allow the circuit to be driven, in switched-gain
applications, by standard monolithic SV logic,
such as TTL, DTL, or RTL.
FIGURE 4_ LM170 Chip
The gain control circuit, Figure 6, operates as out- Output impedance is intentionally high (SOOO
lined in Figure 2; 02S, 0 26 and 0 27 form the ohms). and short-circuit resistant. Thus, any num-
charge of the time constant capacitor, so that
effective fast-attack, slow-release squelch occurs.
Since 0 21 is part of a Darlington, and has a base
current limiting resistor, R20' it will neither satu-
rate nor damage itself when large electrolytic
capacitors are used; however, it will draw suffici-
ently large currents to bring the capacitor below
the 2.1V gain control threshOld, and then taper
off in discharge rate.
PNP transistors 0 12 and 0 13 are constructed with
two collectors each, so that differential signals
drive the gain control stage, across R 13 and R 14,
and separately, from the second pair of collectors, lM:10
drive 0 20 , 0 36 , and 0 21 . The quiescent current lK 1 5
The external capacitor and large charging resistor An inspection of the self-balancing action within
can be chosen for time constants up to several sec- the LM 170 explains how large gain changes can be
onds, for releasing the squelch; the geometry of achieved, without appreciable DC output shift.
0 21 , however, is large, allowing a very fast dis- ObviOUSly, if all components in the circuit are
exactly matched, this will work perfectly. There AGC APPLICATIONS
are two possible sources of DC output shift in the
LM170. The first is an unavoidable small VBE mis· AGC Using Built in Detectors
match between critical components, causing small
differential shifts to appear ahead of the output In most systems, the LM170 will be followed by
gain stage, along with the usual large common· further voltage amplification. This may be advan·
mode shifts. Units are selected, to various specifi· tageous, as it can provide increased forward gain in
cations, at the factory, for low output shift. The the AGC loop, resulting in tighter output regula·
second source of DC shift is externally induced in· tion. In systems having widely varying load imped·
ances, AGC derived from the system output can
put offset voltage. As with any operational· type
amplifier, a certain bias current must flow into each automatically compensate for additional output
loading. Connected as in Figure 11, the emitter
input, in the microampere range, to operate the
input transistors. While input offset current (the follower at Pin 4 is used as a high impedance
detector, with detector smoothing performed by a
difference between the two input currents) is very
low, use of unequal source resistances will cause capacitor at Pin 2. DC threshold for the detector is
set at any desired level by a potentiometer, deter·
different voltage drops across each input resistor
or a net input offset voltage. For critical applica· mining the positive peak output voltage which
tions, then, especially if large input resistance is initiates gain regulation.
used, it is recommended that equal input resistors
be used. Conversely, if the least expensive graded
units are used, and minimum output shift is still of
importance, input offset voltage may be individual-
While the large geometry squelch output transistor, Depending on the amount of external loop gain
0 21 , is capable of sinking large instantaneous desired, several other steps may be necessary. As
discharge currents from electrolytic capacitors, it with many other AGC circu its, there is a DC shift
is not advisable to attempt sinking large (more in output voltage associated with the change in
than SO or 100 mAl continuous currents from applied AGC control voltage. If this shift is fast
"stiff" voltage sources, which may cause large enough and of sufficient magnitude, it may be
dissipation on the chip. coupled from the output of the LM 170 to the
following gain stage. This may cause severe spiking
The LM170's ability to accept common·mode in the output of the LM 170 which may swing the
input voltage equal to the positive supply can be a gain stage into limiting causing extreme distortion.
great convenience to the circuit designer, and saves This can be prevented by providing a given amount
several components, in such applications as direct of offset in a given direction to the input of the
dynamic microphone drive. It should be realized, LM170. If an increase in AGC voltage at the AGe
however, that this system works only with the threshold causes a positive shift in output voltage,
small (under 100 mV) input signals for which the it may be fed back through the system to cause
circuit was intended. While input transistors 0 1 a further increase in AGe control voltage. If,
and O2 still are effective as emitter followers with however, an increase in AGe voltage causes a
zero, and even less than zero volts collector·to· negative shift in output voltage, when this shift
base, large positive base voltages (more than about is fed back it will tend to decrease AGe voltage
400 mV above the positive supply, will allow 0 1 which should help to prevent the spike from
and O2 to saturate, degrading amplifier gain, input occurring. I n normal application, the LM 170 inputs
impedance, bandwidth, and input bias current. are biased with approximately 2 kn resistors. If a
Normal operation should nevllr see more than resistor on the order of S Mn is tied from the
about SO mV of input signal, sb that this is not a inverting input (Pin 1) to ground, it will provide
problem. enough offset to control both the direction and
magnitude of the output shift. A potentiometer
may be substituted to trim the offset to any
desired value.
vanatlons, audio frequency linearity is not dis- of an unused transmission channel must be reo
turbed, although charging from the low impedance moved, until useful information is received. The
of Pin 2 and discharging through a much higher squelch circuit of Figure 17 includes a number of
resistance, causes fast attack, slow release AGC refinements, which make it smooth·acting, and
action. easy on the ear of the listener.
In this example, common·mode input bias is ob· The threshold potentiometer at Pin 7 is manually
tained directly from Vee, through equal resistors, set to cut in at any desired input level. The large
to minimize offsets resulting from input bias capacitor at Pin 6, and its associated charging
current. resistor, may be chosen to give squelch release
times of as much as several seconds, while the
The family of transfer characteristics, Figure 16, large current sinking capability into Pin 6 assures
shows that some output increase occurs as the fast attack, so that first speech syllables are not
input increases, but by only a small percentage. lost.
lOOI! c~~~~ 50
plies between +4.5 and +6.0V would permit inclu·
sion of batteries within the same case.
A reed relay is shown in the schematic of F ig- The simple elements such as the thermistor and
ure 19, but any fast acting relay may be used. The light bulb rely for their action on their thermal
relay coil is shunted by a diode, to protect the characteristics. The response time for these devices
PNP transistor. If power supply impedance is high limits their usefulness.
the circuit may tend to oscillate; bypassing the
supply with a fairly large capacitor will eliminate Alternatively the. gain of the amplifier itself may
the problem. be varied to afford amplitude stability.
It can now be seen how the LM170 dovetails Decade Tunable Oscillator
nicely with the Wien-Bridge Oscillator configura-
By using a modified twin-tee feedback network,
tion_ It has gain, plus and minus inputs and an
the LM170 will produce a sine wave oscillation,
auxiliary control of gain via its "AGC Control
tunable over one decade in frequency_The tech-
nique used is shown in Figure 23 where wideband
positive feedback is applied to the non-inverting
Figure 21 shows a suitable low-frequency oscillator
input by the capacitive divider C1 & C2 - Capacitor
design embodying the principles just discussed_
C1 also decouples the input from supply noise_
The resulting output is peak detected at constant A Modulated 455 kHz Signal Generator
Pin 4 of the device which is the base of an emitter
An inexpensive, high "Q", 455 kHz ceramic filter
follower biased by the external adjustable potenti-
may be substituted for the twin-tee feedback net-
ometer chain, the amplitude adjustment_ Detector
smoothing is provided by the 1000 p.F capacitor
connected to Pin 2, the em itter of the detector
emitter follower_ The large value is dictated in
th is particu lar design by the desire to ach ieve
regulation at about 10 Hz_
r-.. F=8H~
work of the previous example, to create a regu- circuitry, shown in Figure 27 connects one of the
lated-output AM IF al ignment generator, Figure AGC control pins, Pin 4, to the collector of a
24. If the AGC threshold voltage, which determines saturating switch, 0 21 , at Pin 6. With no signal,
stabilized output, is varied at a low (audio) rate, 0 20 is saturated and 0 21 is off, and Pin 6 sits at
the output amplitude will be forced to track the the voltage determined by the supply and resistive
audio modulation, as in Figure 25. dividing network, or by the internal zener.
In normal AGC operation, a filter capacitor is If a filter capacitor were connected from Pin 2 to
required on Pin 2 to store the peak AGC control ground, it would not be possible to lower quickly
signal. The circuitry involved, shown in Figure 26, the voltage at Pin 2 to obtain a fast attack squelch.
uses the emitter follower 0 24 as a buffer and peak However, if the capacitor C 1 is connected to Pin 6,
detector. Obviously, the voltage on the filter capa- as shown in Figure 28, Pin 2 is drawn down
citor can be rapidly increased (lowering the gain) rapidly when unsquelching and the low imped-
by the current available through the emitter fol- ance path through 0 21 provides the ground for the
lower but decreases slowly by discharging through filtering action required for AGC with signal and
the 50k resistor (increasing the gain). This is exact- threshold level applied at Pin 3. With no signal,
ly opposite of what we require. The normal squelch 0 21 turns off and the voltage at Pin 4 rises nor-
v" I
O - - - - - n - - - - - " ' . - A U O I O FEEDBACK
___ L~O_~_ ..J
mally, slowly squelching the amplifier. Note that
C, becomes reverse biased with no signal. Since
the voltage between Pin 4 and 2 is only one diode
drop, this is insufficient to forward bias the capa·
citor and no deforming occurs. Hysteresis is pro·
vided by the positive feedback to the bottom end
of the threshold control through the 33k resistor.
areas of circuit design, in which closed loop gain
feedback may be used to control other parameters,
heretofore never considered as convenient vari·
abies. Its compatibility with ordinary monolithic
logic creates possibilities in digital·communication
system interfacing. The applications discussed in
this report should stimulate fresh thinking, in
finding new and useful services for a unique vari·
able circuit element made possible only by mono·
lithic technology.
September 1971
In the past, many factors combined to make The telephone companies are probably the most
precision, high speed analog switching circuits com- adept at signal mUltiplexing, but other applications
plex and expensive, if not impossible. A unique are beginning to appear. Modern aircraft are using
monolithic J-FET family opens new analog switch- multiplexing to reduce weight in wire harnesses.
ing applications which require high toggle rates, Any applications requiring long multiconductor
high frequency signal handling ability, and high cable runs are prime targets for economic use of
level analog signals with broad dynamic range_ analog signal multiplexing.
Called the AM 1ODD, AM 1001 and AM 1002 analog
switches, these devices were developed specifically TIME DOMAIN MULTIPLEXING
for high speed analog switching applications. The
AM 1000 series overcomes the problem of slow
There are two basic types of multiplexing: fre-
switching speed normally associated with junction
quency domain multiplexing and time domain
FET analog switches. While MOS analog switches
are noted for their high speed, they have the mUltiplexing. Frequency domain multiplexing is
common in RF communications, it uses a number
peculiar problem of their ON resistance being
modulated by the analog signal level. The AM 1000 of subcarriers on a data channel, each subcarrier
series eliminates this problem too. being modulated in some manner. An example
would be FM radio standard broadcast which has
National's AM 1000 series analog switches are home stereo multiplex information (a suppressed
simple N-channel monolithic integrated circuit carrier double sideband subcarrier) and the SCA
J-FETs. They are packaged in TO- 72 (4-pin TO-18) commercial "background music" multiplex in-
headers to reduce circuit board space and yet formation (an FM modulated subcarrier). When
retain the advantages of a hermetically sealed the number of data channels becomes great, fre-
package. quency domain multiplexing becomes difficult to
In time domain multiplexing, a certain time slot
An analog signal is an electrical voltage (or is allowed for sampling of a particu lar data line.
current) whose level is an analog of certain in- Thus, if you sample some analog information
formation. This information can be an electrical during a 10 /.Is time slot at a 10 kHz rate, you
level itself, a voice signal, an electrical analog have time "left over" to sample nine other signals
of a pressure, temperature, position, etc., or any at 10 /.Is intervals at a 10 kHz rate. If you can
other data source. The analog information may improve the analog switch device to execute a
also be preconditioned by logarithm ic compres- suitable sample in only 1 /.Is, you have made a
sion or expansion, or other desired "distortion." tenfold improvement and you have the choice of
If the analog information does not vary quickly increasing system channel capability to 100 chan-
with time and if many analog signals have to nels (with no change in analog signal bandwidth),
be handled in a system, the analog information increasing analog signal frequency bandwidth by
may be sampled periodically rather than monitored 10 times (with no increase in channels), or a com-
continuously. Sampled data systems can dramati- promise between increasing signal bandwidth and
cally reduce cost and weight by proper utilization increasing the number of data channels. This is
of available information channel bandwidth where what the AM 1000 family of analog switches is
the cost of additional data channels becomes all about; they allow shorter sampling times for a
expensive. given signal accuracy.
WHAT MAKES A GOOD ANALOG SWITCH? There is at least -1 OV from gate to sou rce of 0 1
so it is pinched off and leakage from input to
There are five principle parameters which deter-
output is in the pA range. O 2 has -10V from gate
mine how good an analog switch is:
to source so it is also pinched off and its current
which shunts the input signal is in the pA range.
ON resistance
ON resistance modulation
OFF resistance
Offset voltage
Commutation rate
SIG~Al .....
-= ':"
R, 111 R,
Within 5V of rise (about 10 ns), O2 begins to turn
on and Dl turns off. The remainder of the gate
" capacitance charge is discharged into the input
s,DE~~ ::::""1IL (or source) of 0 1 via the ON resistance of O2 and
0 3 , During this time interval the average series
resistance of O2 and 0 3 is about 2 kQ and the
FIGURE 1_ Typical J-FET Analog Switch gate capacitance is changing from about 10 pF
to about 25 pF. The approximate RC time con-
stant is 20 pF and 2 kQ, or 40 ns, depending on
the level of the analog signal. Total turn on time
The AM 1000 consists of three J-FETs. One large
is therefore about 50 ns. For a +10V analog
and two small ones. The large one acts as the
signal, the correct analysis is a little more complex,
analog signal pass transistor. The two smaller
but the AM 1000 will turn on in about 70 ns for
FETs act as a turn-on circuit which reduces
this circuit condition. The reason that the turn-on
switching transients.
transient at R L is drastically reduced is that the
The pinchoff voltage of all these FETs are al- discharge path of gate capacitance does not flow
most identical and are all less than 10V. In Fig- through R L . The small transient that may appear
ure 3 (ignoring diode drops), the gates of all three at RL is due to the time that Dl is on during
FETs are at -20V and the AM 1000 is turned off. turn-on.
The capacitance of the AM 1000 is about twice that
of the MOS switch but the system load resistance
is 25 times lower thus giving the AM 1000 a toggle
rate advantage of about 12 times over the MOS
"high speed" analog switch. In order to graphically
illustrate the superiority of the AM 1000, two
simple series switches were constructed; one with
O-;*"I-+-~_...J L~+*-o DRI~E the MOS switch and one with an AM 1000. The
MOS analog switch was set up to sample a +10V
DC signal, after being switched off, the output
FIGURE 4. AM1000 Turning On returns to ground level. The AM1000 was set up
to sample a portion of the turn off transient of
So, the AM1000 achieves its high switching speed the MOS analog switch, each switch with a 0.5%
because its Rg (see Figure 1) is very low during system accuracy! Figure 5 shows the circuit used
turn on, yet its Rg during the OFF state is in the to obtain the oscillograph shown in Figure 6A.
G ohm range and thus doesn't load the signal.
The toggle rate (how fast the switch can be turned
on and off) of an analog switch is not a simple
straightforward parameter for a real system design.
The reason is 'that most analog switches are speci-
fied at a ridiculously low impedance level; this is
done in order to show the highest speed that the
device can possibly go. This speed is not normally
realistic for most systems designs. In order to
demonstrate a realistic comparison, the AM1000
will be pitted against an MOS analog switch for a
system with a ± 1OV analog signal swing.
ROSlon) (Max) 3011 40011 A National LH0033 high speed buffer was used
to sense the analog voltage at the load resistor of
ROSlon) (Min) 2011 15011
the MOS switch and drive the analog input of the
ROSien) (Nom) 2511 27511
AM1000. Figure 6A shows the oscillogram; the
C,~ INoml 15 pF 7 pF upper trace is the MOS switch turning off; its load
Breakdown Volts 40V 35V voltage heading toward ground; the lower trace
(oscilloscope vertical gain reduced slightlY for
photo clarity) shows the AM 1000 sampling this
ROSlan) and Ciss indicate the basic speed capability
switching transient. Figure 68 shows the timing
of the devices assuming low source and load
pulses, the upper trace being the MOS drive timing
impedance, here the AM 1000 has a speed advantage
and the lower is the AM1000 drive timing (posi-
of about 5: lover the MOS switch.
tive indicating off for both devices). It is interesting
The parameter that affects toggle rate the most, to note that the turn-on delay or "aperture time"
however is ROSlan) variation with analog signal of the AM1000 is primarily caused by the DH0034
level. At an analog signal of +10V, the MOS translator. Maximum specified turn on time is
switch has an ROSlan) of 150n and for a -10V 100 ns and turn off time is specified at 100 ns for
analog signal it has an on resistance of 400n. This the AM 1000. Figure 6 shows absolute superiority
variation of ON resistance is caused by the bu Ik of the AM1000 in switching ability for a given
gate to channel voltage modulating the ON re- system accuracy.
sistance of the MOS switch. 5 Thus, the MOS
switch has a design on resistance characteristic of AM1000 DRIVE CIRCUITS
275n ±125n. The AM1000 has an ROSlon) of 25n
Normally, analog switches will be selected by some
±5n and its resistance does not vary with analog
digital control means wh ich will usually mean OV
signal level.
add +5V power supply levels. The AM 1 000 needs
For a system of a given accuracy, the load imped- a driver capable of handling the full analog voltage
ance is determined by the variations expected in swing, plus 10V. Therefore a circuit known as an
channel resistance. Assuming a system accuracy of analog switch translator is normally requried. There
±0.5%, the AM1000 load resistance could be as are several types available. All of the following
low as 1 kn; the MOS switch load resistance would circuits feature "break before make" action which
have to be 25 kn (±125n being 0.5% of 25 kn). is desirable for mUltiplexing.
> +BV
~ "IV
FIGURE 6A. AM1000 Sampling the Switching Transient of an MOS Analog Switch
Analog switch translator·drivers fall into two basic which the AM 1000 must charge. Usually this
categories. Those with pullups and those without. additional capacitance is not excessive.
If the translator·driver has a pullup, such as the
National DM7800, then a switching diode must be
used to decouple the driver from the AM 1000
when the driver goes positive.
AN 53-4
FIGURE 9. Binary Controlled Four Channel Multiplexer
CURRENT MODE MULTIPLEXING The 10 k02 feedback resistor shown results in 10V
output for 1 mA input. Thus the scaling resistor at
So far, the discussion of mUltiplexing circuits has
the input is selected for 1 mA for 100V input, or
been confined to sampling various analog input
10 IlAN. A 1000V analog signal would use a
voltages. Voltage mode analog switching allows
1 M02 scaling resistor. For lower voltage signals,
maximum toggle rates but limited voltage range
the Ron of the AM1000 would have to be con-
(±10V for AM1000, AM1002 and ±15V for
sidered for precision systems. The bound limit
diodes connected to +10V and -10V prevents
If large analog voltages must be handled, current excessive voltage from appearing at the AM 1000.
mode multiplexing must be used; toggle rate is Input impedance to the current to voltage con-
reduced because accurate current-voltage conver- verter is Rf divided by the open loop op amp gain
ters are not as fast as non-inverting voltage ampli- (5000 for the LH0032); the input impedance
fiers. Analog signal loading can also be a problem. would be 202 in Figure 10.
Nevertheless current mode multiplexing allows
sampling of very high analog voltages. This is OTHER APPLICATIONS
accomplished by using scaling resistors and bound
Analog computer circuits can make good use of
limit diodes at the input of the analog switch.
analog switches. A few examples are sample and
Also, in this case the current to voltage converter
hold circuits, reset stabilized circuits, integrator
should be the lowest impedance point in the
reset switches, and chopper stabilized amplifiers. 4
system. so the AM 1000 must be "turned around",
so its analog "output" is used for the signal input Video signal switching can be done with a mini-
and vice versa. mum of switching transients. More unusual appli-
cations such as double sideband suppressed carrier
modulators can be constructed plus double side-
band suppressed carrier demodulation and FM
quadrature demodulators. 5
Where precision, high speed analog switching is
required, the AM1000 series of analog switches
"rewrites the book."
Time domain multiplexing can be dramatically
FIGURE 10. Current Mode Multiplexing improved in channel capability and/or analog signal
bandwidth capability. Sample and hold circuits can
The system sensitivity in Figure lOis determined be improved, chopper stabilized amplifiers can be
by Rf in the cu rrent to voltage converter op amp. improved and virtually any other circuit which
The LH0032 J-FET input op amp is selected requires precision, high level, high speed analog
because of its high slew rate and low input current. switching can be improved.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 4. Cohen, Joel M. "Sample and Hold Circuits Using
1. Mrazek, Dale "High Speed MOS Commutators" FET Analog Gates" EEE, January 1971.
National Sem iconductor AN-28. 5. Stump, Ronald and Wollesen, Donald, "MOS
2. Wollesen, Donald L. "Analog Signal Commuta- Analog Switches" National Semiconductor AN-
tion" National Semiconductor AN-33. 38.
3. Wollesen, Donald L. "Analog Switching - High 6. Gordon, Bernard, "Digital Sampling and Re-
Speed with J-FETS" EON, January 15, 1970. covery of Analog Signals" EEE, May 1970.
Todd Smathers c.n
April 1972 ~
General o
The LM273 and LM274 families of multi-mode
IF amplifier/detectors have been designed for AM,
for the TO-5 style package, those for the dual-in-
line package are indicated in parentheses_
FM, SSB, CW and video applications in the com- :::j
munications market. They are able to perform SECTION ONE
these diverse functions and others by virtue of a The first section consists of two gain blocks sep-
flexible organization with accessible general pur- arated by a wide range AGC network_ Each gain o
pose functional blocks_ As shown in Figure 1, they block functions as a linear amplifier for low level
are divided into two separate sections, which share
a common power supply. Pin numbers are shown
AM, SSB or video, or as a symmetric emitter
coupled limiter for FM. s:
15T5EC110111 1ST SECTION
--o'~ 10(14)
-= sm
About 10 dB of voltage gain is taken ahead of the The LM273/LM373 and LM274/LM374 differ in
AGe block to improve AM or SSB signal to noise their second stage of the first section, as shown in
ratio with AGe and still provide reasonable signal Figure 5. In the LM273/LM373, a low impedance
handling characteristics. The input will accept output emitter follower is used to drive low-Z
100 mVrms signals without objectionable distor· loads such as mechanical or ceramic filters. Its
tion, due to the emitter degenerating resistors, output impedance is about 70n at 455 kHz and
R. in the input stage shown in Figure 3. climbs to about 200n at 30 MHz, and a simple
series resistor, Rs , may be used to match this
value to the filter input impedance. The additional
insertion loss caused by this resistor, compared to
1ST SECTION transformer matching, is approximately 20 10glO
""Ra/R IN , where Ro is the output resistance of
Pin 9 and RIN is the filter input resistance. Although
external active circuitry may be connected to
Pin 9, no more than 200llA of De current should
be drawn from there.
The LM274/LM374 has a high impedance current
source output, excellent for driving high-Z loads
such as Le, crystal and some ceramic filters. To
prevent saturation of 0 7 , the maximum magni·
FIGURE 3. Input Stage tude of the load impedance driven by Pin 9 should
be no greater than (Vee-Ia RL -4.5V)/l pk-l a ),
The input impedance is approximately that of the where 10 and Ipk are the peak and quiescent out·
lk input bias resistor, making it relatively indepen· put currents at Pin 9 respectively and RL is the
dant of h f ., which can vary over a 4: 1 range below effective De resistance between Pin 9 and Vce.
f~. The differential output current of the first stage
The quiescent output current is 0.5 mA to 1.0 mA
is applied to the half·balanced attenuator shown at room temperature and, for FM, the peak current
in Figure 4. is very close to twice 10 , Then for RL small and a
12V supply, IZlmax ~ 7.5V/l.0 mA = 7.5k.
v' AM or SSB operation requires only about a
5 mVrms input to Pin 4, the second section input,
I - - - - - - v "..
and therefore in theory the swing on Pin 9 need
only be 5 mV times the filter insertion loss, and
the filter Z can be much higher than for FM.
In general, the power delivered to the load will be inverting input of the first stage of section two,
greater if an LM274/LM374 is used for loads and should be bypassed for I F frequencies with a
greater than 1 k, and LM273/LM373 for loads less disc capacitor and for the low frequency feedback
than 1 k. compensation with an electrolytic.
FM Detection
matched to the following AM peak detector.
Therefore, when Pin 6 is pulled down to unbalance
the product detector, a switch is activated which
transfers the DC feedback comparison to Pin 7 and
appropriate reference voltage. As a result, the AM
performance is optimized under all conditions of
temperature, supply variations, etc.
AM Active Peak Detector
The final block in the LM273/LM373 and LM274/
LM374 is an active positive peak detector. Basically,
it is a video amplifier with a power detector on
its output, and close control over the DC output
voltage. The quiescent voltage at Pin 8 matches
the AGC stage .reference voltage, Vref in Figure 4,
FIGURE 8. Simplified Equivalent Circuit of with respect to both magnitude and temperature
Quadrature Detector coefficient. As a result, the AM output changes less
than ± 1 dB over temperature.
On positive going signals, 0 46 rapidly charges
capacitor C to the peak value of the voltage and
then as the voltage decreases its base emitter
becomes reverse biased and the capacitor discharges
slowly through the 50 p.A current source. The
value of C should be chosen large enough to hold
ripple below values which will cause undesired
AGC voltage modulation, yet small enough to be
OEleCTOAIAIII'lIFl~RI able to follow downward going envelope changes.
SSB Detection
The double balanced detector, used in switching
mode for FM, becomes a product detector for
SSB when the lower pair is operated at lower levels FIGURE 10. Positive Peak Detector
in its Iinear mode.
Under these conditions the circuit functions as a Since Pin 7, the input to the detector, is available,
form of analog multiplier, producing outputs at a simple shu'nt filter connected at this point should
the sum and difference of the BFa and IF fre· be used to improve SIN performance by eliminating
quencies. The desired one of these is chosen by any broadband noise generated in the second
the filter on Pin 7, which for the difference (audio) section of the IC. Since this is a fairly low impe-
frequency is a roll-off capacitor. dance point, about 1 k, a low LlC ratio is required.
Since AGC is used for SSB, Pin 1 is no longer
grounded and the quadrature capacitor switch is TYPICAL APPLICATIONS
opened. Nevertheless, the impedance to ground at
Pin 6 for the IF should ,be kept low, especially AM Operation
at high frequencies, to avoid any oscillator pulling. In Figure 11, the LM273 functions as an AM IF
strip operating at 455 kHz. AM operation is
AM Detection achieved by connecting R2 from Pin 6 to ground to
offset the product detector, as previously described,
Since the product detector/quadrature detector
is not requ ired for AM, the upper port is switched and by connecting R 1 from the AM detector out·
out by means of a resistor from Pin 6 to ground. put at Pin 8 to the AGC input, Pin 1. The value of
This can be envisioned as applying a minus DC R 1 may be modified to obtain different trade·
input to one port of the multiplier so that it simply off's between output voltage and AGC range. This
becomes an inverting amplifier. results from the AGC current flowing in RIde·
creasing the AGC voltage at Pin 1, therefore having
It is no longer as important that the offset between a degenerative effect on loop gain and causing the
0 34 and 0 35 bases be minimized, and it is more AC and DC output at Pin 8 to be higher for a
desirable that the DC output voltage at Pin 7 be given AGC voltage.
I ,--------1 I
o-_ _L_--+<!P-2~' -. -----~
'~2VC 1-
The filter shown from Pin 7 to ground is used to The larger 0 is, the more rapid is the phase change
shape the bandwidth of the passband to the active versus frequency shift and therefore, the greater
peak detector. The AC coupled tank passes the the detected output. If the phase nonlinearity
desired signal while shunting all wideband noise produced by this network is considered predomin-
to ground, preventing undesirable AGCing on noise ately that due to the cubic term in the arctan ex-
spikes. The interstage filter shown from Pin 9 to pansion, then the relative harmonic distortion (HO)
Pin 4 may also be used to provide additional band- expressed in percent will be approximately
pass shaping. It may be an L·C, ceramic, crystal
or any other type of filter that is desired. (See
section on "Application Hints").
HD(%) ~ 33.3
[ OL1
(2 + b.ww\)J1 3
FM Operation
The quadrature network can be implemented in
many fashions. Of these, the simplest is the paral·
lei resonant tank AC coupled to Pin 6, as shown in
~33.3 C~w) 3
SSB Operation
2 Cs
S C+Cs Typical single sideband operation is shown in
2 GT 1 Figure 13. This mode of operation is basically
S + S C + Cs + L(C + Cs ) the same as AM with the exception that the
balanced mixer is now used for a product detector
instead of as a simple gain stage. The local oscil-
() lator is fed into Pin 6 with the optimum level of
(W/_W 2 ) switching signal to the upper port being approxi-
mately 60 mVrms. The AGC operates in the same
11 O(w 2_".,2) +_1 [O(W 2_W2)] 3 +
r r
manner as for AM with the feedback resistor from
- 2" - WWr 3 WrW ... Pin 8 to Pin 1 determining output level and AGC
figure of merit. The audio output is taken from
Pin 7 so it should have all RF shunted to ground
for 45 0 < () < 135 0
through a capacitor filter. The impedance looking
into Pin 7 is well defined at approximately 1 kn so
w,2 ~ l/[L(C + Cs )] this facilitates making a simple RC roll off with a
b.w ~ Iw r - W I well defined cutoff frequency_ Additional AGC
filtering may be added by a capacitor from Pi n 8
o ~ [w,(C + Cs )] /G T to ground if desired.
I 1----- 1 I
I ' I
>-~~ I
o - - -----+L
i -,
. ."
__ <p-~~.
L_-.... - , _____ -.1
.~~O 1.
I r------, I
. ~
'l,'!'" 0.01111 '~llln".lO ... ttG." .... , ... ""''',,''. Tlll., ... "",,,,
i :
J1 ~::,~.''" ...
stage is converted down in frequency the first If the strip is to be used for AM then the active
time by inserting the first local oscillator signal peak detector can be used and the audio can be
into Pin 1. A bandpass network from Pin 9 to taken at Pin 8. A series RC roll·off must be added,
Pin 4 selects the desired frequency and passes it however, to derive the DC voltage needed for AGC
to successive gain stages. The second frequency action if the internal AM detector is used.
conversion occurs in the balanced mixer with the
second local oscillator injected into Pin 6. Addi· Coherent Phase Locked Receiver
tional filtering is connected at Pin 7 to shunt all A phase-locked receiver for detecting FM or FSK
but the desired signal from the succeeding stage. signals using the LM273 or LM274 is shown in
Simultaneous AGC is available by feeding back a Figure 18. The design is similar to the double con-
DC voltage, derived from Pin 8, to Pin 1. Frequency version I F strip mentioned previously, with the
conversion with the AGC block requires a local addition that the first local oscillator is a voltage
oscillator signal level on the order of 800 m Vrms controlled oscillator whose control voltage is de-
while the signal level into Pin 6 can be somewhat rived from the audio output. A gain stage has
less, on the order of 60 mVrms. Figure 17 shows been inserted from the audio out/control voltage
the typical conversion gain performance versus point to the input to the VCO to provide higher
L.O. frequency in the AGC block using 800 mVrms loop gain.
for local oscillator input level.
LM273. LM274 Typical Application Breadboard
, I I
",;;o-j I
• •
• •
Robert C. Dobkin U'I
December 1971 0)
1.2 volt reference -I
Temperature compensated zener diodes are the be proportional to b,V sE . 0 3 is a gain stage that
most easily used voltage reference. However, the will regulate the output at a voltage equal to its
lowest voltage temperature-compensated zener is emitter base voltage plus the drop across R2. The m
6_2 volts_ This makes it inconvenient to obtain emitter base voltage of 0 3 has a negative tempera-
a zero temperature-coefficient reference when the ture coefficient while the b,V BE component across
operating supply voltage is 6 volts or lower_ With R2 has a positive temperature coefficient. It will
the availability of the LMl13, this problem no be shown that the ouput voltage will be tempera-
longer exists_ ture compensated when the sum of the two voltages
The LM 113 is a 1_2V temperature compensated is equal to the energy-band-gap voltage.
shunt regulator diode. The reference is synthesized Conditions for temperature compensation can be
using transistors and resistors rather than a break- derived starting with the equation for the emitter-
down mechanism. It provides extremely tight regu- base voltage of a transistor which is2
lation over a wide range of operating currents in
addition to unusually low breakdown voltage and
low temperature coefficient.
The reference in the LM 113 is developed from the
highly-predictable emitter-base voltage of inte-
grated transistors. In its simplest form, the voltage where V gO is the extrapolated energy-band-gap
voltage for the semiconductor material at absolute
is equal to the energy-band-gap voltage of the
zero, q is the charge of an electron, n is a constant
semiconductor material. For silicon, this is 1.205V.
which depends on how the transistor is made
Further, the output voltage is well determined in a
(approximately 1.5 for double-diffused, NPN tran-
production environment.
sistors), k is Boltzmann's constant, T is absolute
A simplified version of this reference 1 is shown in temperature, Ie is collector current and V BEO is
Figure 1. In this circuit, 0 1 is operated at a rela- the emitter-base voltage at To and leo.
tively high current density. The current density
The emitter-base voltage differential between two
of O2 is about ten times lower. and the emitter-
transistors operated at different current densities
base voltage differential (LW SE ) between the two
devices appears across R 3 . If the transistors have is given by
high current gains, the voltage across R2 will also kT J1
q log. J; (2)
Differentiating with respect to temperature yields Figure 4 shows the output voltage change with
operating current. From 0.5 mA to 20 mA there
aV,.f _ ~ + VB EO + ~ :!.! (4) is only about 6 mV of change. A good portion of
aT - - T o T o q log. J 2 '
the output change is due to the resistance of the
For zero temperature drift, this quantity should aluminum bonding wires and the Kovar leads on
equal zero, giving the package. At currents below about 0.3 mA the
diode ·no longer regulates. This is because there
kTo J,
VgO = VSEO + -q- log. J;' (5) is insufficient current to bias the internal tran-
sistors into their active region. Figure 5 illustrates
The first term on the right is the initial emitter-base the breakdown characteristic of the diode.
voltage while the second is the component propor-
tional to emitter-base voltage differential. Hence,
if the sum of the two are equal to the energy-band-
gap voltage of the semiconductor, the reference
will be temperature-compensated.
2: 1.230 f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-H
Figure 2 shows the actual circuit of the LMl13. ~
0, and O2 provide the !:NSE term and 0 4 provides !; 1.220 f-t-~-±... -+--+-++-+-..t
the VSE term as in the simplified circuit. The
additional transistors are used to decrease the
~~ 1.210 I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-H
dynamic resistance, improving the regulation of
the reference against current changes. 0 3 in con- 12DD_SL,__,L,__,L,...J,L-,L,-.L,-.L,-:.L,...."=,-:',,.,
junction with current inverter, 0 5 and 0 6 , provide TEMPERATURE ("C)
a current source load for 0 4 to achieve high gain.
FIGURE 3. Output Voltage Change with Temperature
_, ~LUllL~-LLU~ __L...J
0.' " 30
of 0 7 and absorbs any leakage from Og. Capacitors REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)
The most important features of the regulator diode
are its good temperature stability and low dynamic
resistance. Figure 3 shows the typical change in The applications for zener diodes are so numerous
output voltage over a _55°C to +125°C temperature that no attempt to delineate them wi II be made.
range. The reference voltage changes less than However, the low breakdown voltage and the fact
0.5% with temperature, and the temperature coef- that the breakdown voltage is equal to a physical
ficient is relatively independent of operating property of silicon - the energy band gap voltage-
current. makes it useful in several interesting applications.
Also the low temperature coefficient makes it use-
ful in regulator applications - especially in battery
powered systems where the input voltage is less
than 6V_
accuracy over a 100°C range. The emitter-base has one hundred times better reverse characteris-
turn-on voltage of silicon transistors is linear with tics than breakdown diodes. Additionally, wide-
temperature. If the operating current of the sensing band noise and long term stability are good since
transistor is made proportional to absolute tem· no breakdown mechanism is involved.
perature the nonlinearily of emitter-base voltage
can be minimized. Over a _55°C to 125°C tempera· The low temperature coefficient and low regulation
ture range the nonlinearily is less than 2 mV or the voltage make it especially suitable for a low voltage
equivalent of 1°C temperature change. regulator or battery operated equipment. Circuit
design is eased by the fact that the output voltage
An LMl13 diode regulates the input voltage to and temperature coefficient are largely indepen-
1.2V. The 1.2V is applied through Rz to set the op- dent of operating current. Since the reference vol·
erati ng cu rrent of the temperatu re-sensi ng transisto r. tage is equal to the extrapolated energy-band·gap
of silicon, the device is useful in many temperature
Resistor R4 biases the output of the amplifier compensation and temperature measurement appli-
for zero output at O°C. Feedback resistor R5 is cations.
then used to calibrate the output scale factor to
100 mV tC. Once the output is zeroed, adjusting REFERENCES
the scale factor does not change the zero.
1. R.J. Widlar, "On Card Regulator for Logic
CONCLUSION Circuits," National Semiconductor AN·42, Feb-
ruary, 1971.
A new two terminal low voltage shunt regulator
has been described. It is electrically equivalent 2. J.S. Brugler, "Silicon Transistor Biasing for
to a temperature-stable 1.2V breakdown diode. Linear Collector Current Temperature Depen-
Over a -55°C to 125°C temperature range and dence," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
operating currents of 0.5 mA to 20 mA the LM 113 pp. 57-58, June, 1967.
Robert K. Underwood en
March 1972 w
The LH0052, LH0042 and LH0022 series opera· lowest possible cost. The amplifiers are internally
tional amplifiers are "monobrid" integrated circuits compensated to be unity gain stable and require m
consisting of a monolithic dual junction field no external parts for operation with the exception en
effect transistor followed by a special Iinear inte- of feedback and input impedances as dictated by
the application. Amplifiers are available in TO-99, ."
grated circuit amplifier chip. Each device features
very closely matched input characteristics, very (TO-5 metal can), TO-91 (10-lead 1/4" x 1/4" o
high input impedance, and ultra low input currents flat pack) or TO-116 (14-lead cavity dual in-line ::JJ
with no compromise in noise, common mode package) and are specified either for the full ."
rejection ratio, open loop gain or slew rate. The military temperature range of _55°C to +125°C or m
LH0052 is internally laser nulled and features offset for an expanded commercial temperature range of -t
current of 100 femtoamps max at 25°C (100 pA
at +125°Cl. offset voltage of 200 microvolts max
_25°C to +85°C. Operation is specified for power
supply voltages between 10 volts (±5 volts) and
and offset drift of 5 IlV 1°C max. Unlike most 44 volts (±22 volts). Table I below, and Typical Per-
modu Ie F ET op amps, th is series of op amps does formance Characteristics (/ast page) give a summary l>
not require "grading" of electrical performance
at final test_ Different die types are used in each
of other major parameters illustrating similarities
and differences of members of the series. See
member of the family to assure availability and individual data sheets for complete specifications. en
Why FETs?
The low emitter current available in the typical The total spot noise present at the input to the
super gain amplifier severely limits the slew rate ideal amplifier may be found by summing the RMS
attainable, the devices that have input currents in values of the three noise voltage sources as follows:
the same area as the LH0052 family normally have
slew rates in the neighborhood of a few tenths of a
volt per microsecond. As long as a FET is operated
in its normal linear region, its input current is not
materially affected by the channel current. The
LH0052 family, therefore, runs more input stage EN comes directly from data of the type plotted in
current and thus attains a typical slew rate of the figure by looking at the flat portion of the curve
three volts per microsecond. A soon·to·be an·
nounced device (LH0062) has demonstrated slew
rates greater than 50 volts per microsecond with
the same input characteristics as the LH0052
below 10k and assuming that the current noise is at first glance that this would necessarily result in a
insignificant in th is area. For the LH0052 and cheaper, more reliable product. At the present state
LM10B EN, at 100 Hz, 1 Hz bandwidth, is of the art, severe compromises are necessary to
70 nV/v'Hz and 35 nV/yHz respectively. IN may both the FET and bipolar devices so constructed as
be computed from a total noise measurement at exemplified by the 740 and 536 with the net
high source resistance by using a calculated value of result that specifications must be relaxed and lor
E" and the previously measured value of EN' a yield loss suffered. The two chip "monobrid"
approach taken with the LH0052 family maxi·
mizes performance while allowing lowest cost.
Circuit Description
For the LH0052 family and the LM lOB, IN is
10 fA/v'Hz and 100 fA/yHz respectively.
Figure 4 is a simplified schematic typical of all of
the amplifiers in the family. The input FET (0 "
O2 ) is a monolithic dual similar in construction to
One way to illustrate the importance of noise the discrete FMll00 series device. The stage is
current in deciding which of two amplifier types operated as a source follower with V+ applied
will be better in a given situation is to set the total directly to the drains for the maximum possible
noise equal for the two cases and solve for the value common mode range.
of Rs at which this occurs. The amplifier with the
lower noise voltage will be superior at source resis·
tances lower than this value; the one with lower
current noise will be better at higher resistances. A differential common base PNP stage (03, 0 4 )
Note that this is merely calculating the intersection serves as the load for the input FETs. The bases
of the curves of Figure 2. The intersection will of this stage form the bias point for the backside
normally lie near 150k when comparing the gate of the monolithic input FET3. To obtain
LH0052 family with the best of the presently high voltage gain from the PNP common base stage,
available bipolar amplifiers. the output resistances of 0 5 and 0 6 are used as
loads, giving effective values of about 2 megohms
while at the same time converting the differential
current signal into a single ended Voltage. The
Low Offset Voltage is no Problem with Modern operating drain current for the input stage is
JFETs determined by the bias network composed of the
current source 0 '0 and the diodes 0'1 and 0 ,2 ;
target current is 40 m icroamps per side.
FETs have a reputation for poor control of voltage
matching characteristics that developed from be·
havior of the early matched dual discrete devices.
These were invariably a pair of separate FET chips
mounted on the same header tested for gate to A Darlington driver (0 ,6 , 0 17 ) is used to avoid
source voltage match at some specified current at loading the first stage output. The output stage
room temperature. Devices constructed in this uses a conventional complementary symmetry
design with a bias current of about 60 microamps
manner tracked rather poorly over temperature due
through 0 '4 and 0 20 to minimize crossover dis·
to Gis mismatch and temperature gradients across
the header. tortion. Output current is limited to about ±25 mA
at 25°C ambient decreasing to about ±17 mA at
+125°C. The output characteristics are similar to
those of conventional ampl ifiers.
The monolithic dual FETs of the FMll00 series
interweave the channels of the two halves of the
device and achieve a match not only of Vgs but of
all other parameters. Further, the Vgs match is pre·
served over a wide range of drain currents, drain to Simple Offset Voltage Adjustment does not De-
source voltage, and temperature. The voltage drift grade Drift or CMRR
attainable with this technique is exceeded only
by the very best bipolar devices.
These amplifiers use the same internal offset
nulling technique as the LM741 and others, that is,
a single 10k pot connected between the offset
nulling pins and V- as shown in Figure 5. Adjust·
It is possible to fabricate FETs and bipolar transis· ment of this pot will always produce offset null.
tors on the same wafer at the same time. Why not With the premium devices of the series, it may be
build a single monolithic FET/bipolar amplifier desirable to restrict the range of adjustment to in·
utilizing each where it is best suited? It would seem crease the precision of the null. This may be done
*Al and I or A4 installed at calibration
by inserting a resistor of about lOOk in series with Careful PC Board Layout Must be Observed
the wiper of the pot. This technique provides a
In order to realize the full low input current
method of externally nu II ing offset voltage of the
capabilities of these amplifiers, considerable care
amplifiers to zero with virtually no effect on offset
must be exercised in the design of the input cir-
voltage drift or CMRR.
cu itry and in the selection of materials contacting
the input conductors. A leakage impedance of
By definition, offset voltage is that voltage which even 10 12 ohms to 15 volts produces a leakage
must be applied between the input terminals to current of 15 pA, much higher than amplifier
obtain zero output voltage. Th is suggests a straight- input current. This level of leakage may be inad-
forward and practical "universal,,4 system to null vertently produced by socket leakage, poor quality
the offset in an operating circuit. Figure 7 illus· or imperfectly cleaned' printed circu it boards, or
trates one way that an adjustable voltage in the improperly cured protective coatings. Sockets are
millivolt range may be connected in series with the to be avoided if possible; they can not only degrade
input signal to subtract the amplifier offset. If this leakage current, but may cause other unsuspected
technique of offset nulling at the inputs of the erratic behavior when used in severe environments.
amplifier is used, the TO-5 devices of the series (If absolutely unavoidable, they should be high
will bepin compatible with virtually all of the 8 Pin quality, preferably Teflon.) Printed circuit board
TO-5 amplifiers on the market today, bipolar or material should be judged both on initial resis-
FET. tivity and on the likelihood of degradation by
outside influences. Teflon and polycarbonate are GND
particularly recommended; glass epoxy may be
used if it is protected with a silicone or epoxy coat·
ing to prevent moisture absorption. If operation at D----V·
high humidities is required, this coating will be
desirable anyway to control surface leakage. All
residues of previous operations, such as soldering
flux, inks, and resists, must of course be thoroughly
removed before coating.
FIGURE 8. DIP Non-Inverting Amplifier PC Layout
_..!:~== __ -===ft~::J<>--INPUT
20n A6
':' 2DK
ru·~+M r
VOLTAGE GAIN =;{ FIGURE 9. Flat Pack Inverting Amplifier PC Layout
Another approach which has been successfully used
with the TO-5 amplifiers is to term inate all critical
connections on Teflon standoff insu lators. These
may be interconnected as required with Teflon 4
insulated wire, keeping connections as short as sO
possible to minimize noise pick-up. A short length 6o---DUTPUT
of Teflon tubing slipped over the wire from the 1
amplifier prevents contact with the oversize hole
in the mounting board. The remainder of the ampli-
o ~
eight lead TO-5 package has only one spare pin, so
the leads must either be formed into a 10 lead
circle with two gaps, or the pin circle expanded
sufficiently to allow a conductor to pass between GUARD
device pins. If the board is double sided or multi-
layer, the guard pattern should be repeated on all
conductor planes.
Av =+1
Figures 12 through 15 show how the guard is com· v-
m itted on the more common op amp circu its. With R1 =RSOURCE
an integrator or inverting amplifier, where the in-
puts are close to ground potential, the guard is FIGURE 13. Guarded Voltage Follower
Rl R2
loon 9.9K
AV =R'1=-100 GUARD
simply grounded. With the voltage follower, the
guard is bootstrapped to the output. If it is de-
FIGURE 14. Guarded Non-Inverting Amplifier
sirable to put a resistor in the inverting input to
compensate for the source resistance, it is con-
nected as shown in Figure 13.
The general case of a full differential configura-
Guarding a non-inverting amplifier is a little more tion may require the use of a guard driver ampli-
complicated. A low impedance point must be fier A2 as shown in Figure 15. Resistors Rs and R6
created by using relatively low value feedback re- develop the proper voltage for the guard at their
sistors to determine the gain (R l and R2 in junction, but it will normally be impractical to
Figure 14). The guard is then connected to 'the make them low enough resistance due to source
Rl· RJ
R2· R4
R1 = R5 + R6
Av '" ~ = 10
loading. R7 is included to balance the effect of Rs Precision Integrator
plus R6 and thus not degrade the closed loop The low input bias currents attainable with ampli-
common mode rejection. fiers of this series make them a natural choice for
integrator applications requiring long time con-
Voltage Followers stants. Figure 18 illustrates a typical practical
circuit, Rl should be selected so that the total
The excellent common mode rejection and range
of the amplifiers in th is series suggest their use as
unity gain voltage follower amplifiers. They per· TTL Ilr---- AHD'n - - - - - ,
form well in this function with the one precaution """"""sn~
• :
- - - --,
~ 10
-- -~lf-~-
RI t1
FIGURE 16. Unity Gain Voltage Follower
Sample/Hold Amplifiers
R4 - RS RJ
1. The LH0052 fam ily of amplifiers is well su ited
for use as a buffer amplifier in long hold-time
sample/hold circuits. They may be used in any of
FIGURE 17. Non·lnverting Amplifier the common configurations where improved hold
performance is required. Figure 19A illustrates
one circuit taking advantage of the low bias currents
R4 is included as a convenient variable to equalize attainable. R 1 serves to bootstrap the connection
resistances in the two amplifier inputs: R4 in series between analog switch Sl and S2 so that there is
with the parallel combination of R2 and R3 should essentially no voltage across Sl in the hold mode.
be set equal to the source resistance plus Rl . Note When Sl and S2 are closed to enter the sample
that all of these resistors may not be necessary mode, the effect of Rl is slight as it is much higher
depending on the required voltage gain, source resistance than the switches. After a long enough
impedance, accuracy requ irement, temperature time, C l will charge to the input voltage, the
range, and ampl ifier selected. amplifier will buffer it to the output, and both
ends of R, will be at the input potential so it input of the system. This causes C, to charge to a
will have no effect at all after the transient. level proportional to the system DC offset. When
Figure 19B illustrates an alternate circu it configura· the re·zero line is deactivated, the amplifier be·
tion with input buffer amplifier. haves Iike a conventional inverting stage, sub·
tracting off the system offset and giving a true
ground referenced output.
Re·Zeroing Amplifier
If the total worst case leakage at the capacitor node
Figure 20 illustrates a technique which may be is 1 nA, and if C, = 0.01 JlF, then the drift rate is
useful in situations where a signal has an unknown 10-9/0.01' 10-6 = 0.1 Vis. Fora 10voltfull scale
and variable DC offset, such ,as in telemetry. In system requiring an accuracy of 0.1% (10 mV),
operation, the re·zero command line is enabled the amplifier would need a re·zeroing reference
while a ground reference signal is applied to the every 100 m s.
ANI~~~~o-_~ _______,
r---...I I I
'0 I
":" L _ _ !!!!l'~ _ _ ...I *Polystyrene dielectric
INPUT o------4~---I\I\,..,.---_4I...,:..j
L _ '~HO.!!! _ .J
Cl-0.0l"f POLYSTYRENE v'
Precision Current Sink Figure 22, the input currents remain low and
constant. This is an adequate signal range for
Figure 21 illustrates a variation on a common
many applications, especially in view of the offset
technique for generating a precisely regulated cir-
voltage performance available in the top of the line
rent. This circuit could be used in conjunction
amplifiers. If wider signal range is required,
with another FET input amplifier connected as a
resistors R, and R2 should be included to limit
the input current to a safe value. Internal zener
junctions will limit the differential input voltage
R2 to a safe value if the input current is limited
12K '15
~ lOUT = 1 nA
The output clamp circu it shown in Figure 22 will
01 drive 3 standard TTL loads or 30 National low
power TTL loads. Considerable power may be
01 saved by increasing R3 if full fan·out is not reo
LMllJ quired. If only 2 low power loads are to be driven
the required low state output current is 360 /lA:
R3 so R3 = 10V /360 /lA = 27k.
1000 Meg
L-_ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ 15
FIGURE 21. Precision Current Sink 10K
high input impedance follower to form an ohm-
meter for accurately measuring very high resis-
tances. R " R2 and 0 , form bias and reference FIGURE 22. Precision Voltage Comparator
voltages near, but within, the common mode and
output voltage limits of the amplifier. 0, is selected
for very low gate leakage so that the current in its
source will be nearly identical to the feedback True Instrumentation Amplifier
current in its drain. In operation, the amplifier
Figure 23A illustrates an instrumentation ampli·
output will cause the gate of 0, to be cut off
fier that features high differential and common
however much is necessary to keep the voltage
mode input resistance (10 '2 ohms), ± 10V common
across R3 equal to 1.220 volts, the breakdown
mode and differential mode input range, .01%
voltage of 0 " The LMl13 diode is available to an
gain accuracy at Av = 1000, and 110 dB CMRR
initial voltage accuracy of 1% (12.2 mV) and is
with 1 kQ imbalance in bridge source resistance.
guaranteed to drift less than 15 m V over the
Input current is less than 1 pA and offset drift is
temperature range, thus by specifying the LH0052
less than 5/lV/"C. R, provides a simple means of
amplifier and a 1% resistor, a current sink can be
adjusting gain over a wide range without degrading
designed for a worst case initial accuracy near 2%
CMRR. R2 is an initial trim used to maximize
and a drift over the temperature range of less than
CMRR without using super precision matched
2%. The technique may be applied over a wide
resistors. Input common voltage is sensed via R3 and
range of currents by properly scal ing R3 and its
R4 and the LM 110 provides low impedance VeM
balancing resistor R4 ; a mirror image current
drive to input cable shields to reduce leakage and
source is possible using a P channel F ET for 0" coupling to inputs. If the input current of the
LH0052 (1 pA max) is not low enough, additional
Precision Comparator circuitry as shown in figure 238 may be added to
provide "Zero" input bias current.
FET amplifiers have a significant advantage over
bipolar in precision voltage comparator applica-
tions: the input current is nearly independent of Ultra Low Level Transconductance or Charge
input Voltage. With a bipolar input stage, input Amplifier
current is 1/~ of the emitter current, but the
A picoamp amplifier for pH meters, medical
emitter current can vary from zero when the stage
electronics and radiation detectors is illustrated
is cut off to twice the nominal value when fully
in Figure 24. A high quality glass sealed feedback
conducting. Furthermore, the inputs are often
resistor such as Victoreen type RX-1 should be
internally clamped to a diode drop for protection
employed as well as guard shielding as discussed
of the emitter base junctions.
earl ier. Optionally C, may be added to convert
As long as the input and reference signals are the circuit to a charge amplifier with RL used to
no more than 4 volts apart in the circu it of provide OC stability.
R6& 7
Sensitive Low Cost "VTVM" and significantly lower cost. What's the difference
Figure 26 illustrates a modern approach to con· between modules and these integrated circuit
structing VTVM's and VOM's. The LH0042 re- amplifiers? In most cases the answer is nothing
places all active circuitry. Optionally the circuit but two .01 pF power supply decoupling capacitors.
may be run off of 8 flashlight batteries and only To make your own module merely build a small
draws 20 mW of power. The clever designer would 1·114 x 1·1/4 printed circuit board that adapts the
add some more switching to allow operation of the pin·out of the LH0052 to your module require·
FET op amp in transconductance mode as shown ment. No need to pot the assembly in epoxy, the
in Figure 24, thus combining both voltage and LH0052 family is completely heremetic and does
current measuring capability into the same circuit. not absorb moisture. Some modules specify higher
output current capability than the ±10 mA of the
How to Build a FET Op Amp "Module" LH0052. To build a ±100 mA output "module"
The LH0052 series when compared spec for spec F ET op amp, simply add a LH0002 buffer as shown
with modules usually offers superior performance in Figure 27.
r,;-----, ".
' ' !;Jj I Tt-F-eo-JlJV'v-....e-JV\"-"E~-.!f
.INz~l .. I
I I IL.. _____ _
L _______
I ,--------
.!H!!.4~ __
":'" lD-13pF
INPUT 0-"'--", +15V
I , . . - - - -.....- ...- ....-;--V·
Typical Performance Characteristics
~ 10
! 100
~ ~LHOO22 10
/' VLHOO22 10 ,*illJIllLCLWJlIIL-1
Offset Error (Without Total Input Noise Voltage"" Total Input Noise Voltage*
Vas Nulll vs Source Resistance vs Frequency
I~ Vs ~ ·15V :i 500
I Vs= "5V
'" I i Rs= 10M T,
< 111111
I > 300
> zoo
~ 150 ~ zoo
10 ' 1 KH~l.lllIr" I - 100
50 R, -IOO!,
10k lOOk 1M 10M 10 100 1k 10k lOOk
*NOIseVoltage Includ€sCont'lbullOn from Source Re;Istance *NolseVoltage Includes ContJlbutlOn from Sou fee ReSIStor
Connection Diagrams
Dual-tn-Line Package Flat Package Metal Can Package
The practical advantages of the LH0052 series of filters and instrumentation_ The low input offset
FET input operational amplifiers has been demon- voltage and drift, high open loop gain, and excellent
strated_ The extremely low input bias and offset common mode rejection combine to make the
current make members of the family ideal choices devices equally well suited for general purpose
for critical applications in hold amplifiers, active appl ications includ ing summers, su btractors, and
osc ilIato rs.
1. R.J. Wldler "Ie Op Amps Equal Discretes" 4. R.C. Dobkin "Universal Balancing Techniques"
National Semiconductor TP·9, December 1968 National Semiconductor LB·9, August 1969
2. R.J. Widler "IC Op Amp Beats FETs on Input 5. W.S. Routh "An Applications Guide for Opera·
Current" National Semiconductor AN-29, De· tional Amplifiers" National Sem Iconductor
cember 1969 AN·20, February 1969
3. D.L. Wollesen "How to Bias the Monolithic 6. National Semiconductor Linear Applications
JFET Dual" National Semiconductor AN·34, Handbook
Murch 1970
Joe E. Byerly and Ernest L. Long
May 1972
The LM381 is a dual preamplifier expressly de· Attempts have been made to fill this function with o
signed to meet the requirements of amplifying selected operational amplifiers. However, due to rJ)
low level signals in low noise applications. Total the many special requirements of this application, m
equivalent input noise is typically 0.5 flV rms these recharacterizations have not adequately met
(Rs ~ 600r2, 10-10,000 Hz). the need. o
Each of the two amplifiers is completely inde·
pendent, with an internal power supply decoupler·
With the low output level of magnetic tape heads
and phonograph cartridges, amplifier noise becomes
regulator, providing 120 dB supply rejection and critical in achieving an acceptable signal·to·noise
60 dB channel separation. Other outstanding fea· ratio. This is a major deficiency of the op amp in "tI
tures include high gain (112 dB), large output this application. Other inadequacies of the op
voltage swing (Vee -2V) p-p, and wide power amp are insufficient power supply rejection, limited
bandwidth (75 kHz, 20 VpiJ ), The LM381 operates
from a single supply across the wide range of 9 to
small'signal and power bandwidths, and excessive
external components. s:
40V. The amplifier is internally compensated and ,...
short·circuit protected.
Input Resistance
(POSitive Input) 100 kD
(Negative Input) 200 kD
Input Current
(Positive Input) 0.2 pA
(NegatIVe Input) 0.5 pA
Total Equivalent Input NOise Rs = 600n, 10-10, 000 Hz (Single Ended Input) 0.55 J..lVrms
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The· voltage gain of the single ended input stage
is given by:
To achieve low noise performance, special consider-
ation must be taken in the design ~f the input
stage_ First, the input should be capable of being
RL 200k
AV(AC) 160 (1)
re 1.25k
operated single ended; since both transistors con-
tribu-te noise in a differential stage degrading input
noise by the factor .J2. Secondly, both the load
and biasing elements must be resistive; since active
components would each contribute as much noise
as me input device_ ~
The voltage gain of the differential input stage is:
Z1 ' - - - - -.....-t-0 17••J
_ _ _ _ _ .L ____ ~
Three basic compensation schemes are possible
for this amplifier: first stage pole, second stage
pole and pole·splitting. First stage compensation
will cause an increase in high frequency noise
because the first stage gain is reduced, allowing
the second stage to contribute noise. Second stage
compensation causes poor slew rate (power band·
width) because the capacitor must swing the full
output voltage. Pole·splitting overcomes both these
deficiencies and has the advantage that a small R4
monolithic compensation capacitor can be used. 22
The output stage is a Darlington emitter·follower
(Qa, Og) with an active current sink (Q7)' Tran·
sistor Ql0 provides short·circuit protection by "'
lim iting the output to 12 mAo
Vee \
( 2.4 - 1) R5 · (4)
FIGURE 5. Single Ended Input Biasing
feedback network must be decreased. In keeping Capacitor C 2 sets the low frequency 3 dB corner
with reasonable resistance values, the impedance where X C2 = Rs ,
of the feedback voltage source can be 1/5 the
summing point impedance.
The feedback current is <100 p.A worst case.
Therefore, for single ended input, resistors R5
The small'signal bandwidth of the LM381 is 15
and R4 are:
MHz making the preamp suitable for wide-band
instrumentation applications. However, in narrow-
R -.~~ 0.6
1200n MAXIMUM band applications it is desirable to limit the ampli-
5 - 5 I FB 5 x 10-4 fier bandwidth and thus eliminate high frequency
(5) noise. Capacitor C3 accomplishes this by shunting
the internal pole-splitting capacitor (C,), limiting
the bandwidth of the amplifier. Thus, the high
frequency 3 dB corner is set by C3 according to
equation 10.
J" -::-
For music applications, response shaping is re-
quired to provide the NAB standard tape playback
equalization. Figure 8 shows the NAB equalization
FIGURE 6. AC Open Loop characteristic .
II .6
FIGURE 9. NAB Tape Preamp.
the preamp, above corner frequency f2 (Figure 8), Equation (11)
is set by the ratio:
o dB Reference Gain 355
o dB reference gain (11)
Rs = 355-1
The corner frequency f2 (Figure 8) is determined
where X C4 = R7 and is given by: Rs ~ 180n.
7. For low frequency corner fo = 40 Hz,
equation (14)
1 _ .5
Corner frequency f, is determined where XC4 = R4 :
C2 = 21T foRs = 6.28x40x180 -2.21xl0
f, = 21TC4 R4 ' (13)
C2 "" 201lF.
2. Equation (4) R4 = (VCC
- - -1 ) R5
This circuit is shown in Figure 10 and requires
R4 4 -1
2.4 2.4 x 105 approximately 5 seconds to turn·ON for the gain
and supply voltage chosen in the example. Turn·
R4 2.16 X 10 5 ~2.2 Mn ON time can closely be approximated by:
.-----4t------~ v"
R7= - - - - - - -
6.28xl770x 1.5x 10.g
R7 ~ 62 kn.
0.5V rms _ 2_
Av = 800llV rms - 6.25xl0 V/V - 56 dB. .5
C2. The parallel resistance of Rs' and RD is made The turn-ON. time becomes:
equal to the value of Rs found by equation (11). In
most cases the shunting effect of R D is negligible tON'" -2-/R 4 C2 In ( 1- ~).
and Rs' '" Rs.
For differential input, R D is given by: Example: Design an NAB equalized preamp with
the fast turn-ON circuit of Figure 12 for the same
(Vee -1.2) Rs' requirements as the previous example.
RD = 1.2 (16)
1. From equation (3A) let R5 = 24 kn.
For single ended input:
2. Equation (4) R4 = - 1) R5
(Vee - 0.6) Rs'
RD = 0.6 (17)
= (:.! - 1) 24x 103
I n cases where power supply ripple is excessive, the
R4 = 2.16x 105 ", 220kn.
circuit of Figure 11 cannot be used since the ripple
is coupled into the input of the preamplifier 3. From the previous example the reference fre-
through the divider. quency gain, above f2' was found to be 51 dB or
The circuit of Figure 12 provides fast turn-ON 355VIV.
while preserving the 120 dB power supply rejection. R7 + Rs
Equation (11) ~ = 355.
The DC operating point is still established by R4/
R 5. However, equations (3) and (5) are modified by
4. The corner frequency f2 is 1770 Hz for 3-3/4
a factor of 10 to preserve DC bias stability.
Equation (12) C4 = 271f2 R7
rI~~ LM381 >llo":LII_ _ +-o 5. The corner frequency f, is 50 Hz and is given
by equation (18).
Ai/I' ,....---i(~ (18)
II . .. C4 = -2-71-f'-R-s-'[""(-:-R-4":"';-s-Rs-):-2---1-;"]
6. Solving equations (11), (12), and (18) simultane-
ously gives:
(18) 6.28x40x2xl03
C4 = - - - " ' [ - " - - - - - - , ] ' "
271f, Rs (R4;S Rs ) 2 - 1
This circuit is shown in Figure 13 and requires only Curve B shows the required preamplifier response
0.1 seconds to turn·ON. to make the composite, A + B, provide the NAB
recording characteristic. This response is obtained
with the circuit of Figure 16. Resistors R4 and R5
15 NAB
10 Resistor Rg is chosen to provide the proper record·
I, IIllI{ II" ing head current.
.il IIIII tAl _ _ _v_o_ __
10Hz 100 H2 1 kHz 10kHz
Rg = (231
FIGURE 14. NAB Record & Playback Equilization L, and C6 form a parallel resonant bias trap to
present a high impedance to the recording bias
frequency and prevent intermodulation distortion.
Curve A of Figure 15 shows the response char· Example: A recorder having a 24V power supply
acteristics of a typical laminated core, quarter· uses recording heads requiring 30 J1A AC drive
track head. current. A microphone of 10 mV peak output is
used. Single ended input is desired for optimum
noise performance.
J5 11111 III 1. From equation (51 let R5 = 1200Q.
H:-~) lUolRll
10 W-
tJ ; ~ lR'AMP V
( 1~~ - 1) 1 200.
10 Hz
It 100 Hz
1 kHz
10 kHz 100kHz
R4 = 2.28xl04 ", 22 kQ.
_ _ _v....2..-_ __
From equation (23) Rg
Rg = 30J1A = 200 kn. 0,
1. From equation (3) let R5 ~ 100 k.l1.
~ (~~~ -
20 2. Equation (4) R4 1) R5
- f, 2.4
30 LL~~-UW-~~~UW
6.28xSOx1.2x 10 s
~ 2.6Sx 10·g
The corner frequency, fl' (Figure 18) is established
where XC7 ~ R4 or: C 7 ~ .003f.1F.
(25) 1
4. Equation (26) C7 ~
211f2 RlO ;
- - - -1- - - -
RlO ~
6. 28x 500x 3x 10·g
141 + LM'" >(:::;'.':..)--<)--0
CARTRIDGE /2, 13 ~ ~
OR 3,12) _
-= -= R4
RIO ~ 100 k.l1.
SV rms
1-=2.""5'-m-"VC:-r-m-s ~ 400.
6. Equation (24)
Likewise, frequency, f2 occurs where XC7 ~ RIO or:
RlO + R6
o dB Ref. Gain ~ -R-;;- ~ 400;
R6 ~ 399 ~ 251 ~ 240.11
1 1
C2 ~ 211foR6
~ ~
6.28x40x 240
Resistor R z is used to insert a zero in the feedback
loop since the LM381 is not compensated for C2 ~ 20f.1F.
unity gain. Either R z is required to provide a zero
at or above a gain of 20 dB (R z ~ 10 Rs), or ex-
ternal compensation is provided for unity gain B. Equation (27)
stability according to equation (10).
1 1
Cs ~ ~
The completed design is shown in Figure 20 where "cut". For example, if 20 dB of "boost" and "cut"
a 47 k.l1 input resistor has been included to pro- is desired, the ratio R,,1R'2 and R'2/R,3 is 20 dB
vide the R IAA standard cartridge load. or 10:1. The low frequency control point, f"
(Figure 22) is set where XCg= R'2 and Xc,o= R".
,t"F (7,BI
";:" ";:" 12.131_ (29)
I"- F~lll~os~
i'\ "iiIIOST ~
FIGURE 20. Typical Magnetic Phono Preamp.
Vw r-~ 1/2 CUT
IFI~tl fur
10 Hz 100 Hz 1kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz
1 C12
C'2 (30)
co 2rrf2 R'3·
'13 '13
R'4 (31)
2rrf 2 C'2 .
'" (32)
";:" 1 C11 R'5 2rrf2C"
+ .002
1" (7,8)
-= -= (2,131 TREBLE
24DOn ;;>.~--~-JW'lr-..... -------<r---,>,< SDK
........a TO POWER
AMP '1'.02
FIGURE 23. Single Channel of Complete Phono Preamp.
The voltage gain of the mixer is now:
1Av l = R R (35)
A. B. C + SA,B,C
The voltage gain of the mixer is: amplifier open loop gain in dB
1. From equation (3A) R5 = 24 k!1 At maximum attenuation:
2. Equation (4)
R4 = (VCC_
1) R5
RA • B.C = 5.99 X 106 "" 5M!1
R4 = (3i-
1) 24 x 103
3. For 5V output:
Gain = 10 mV = 500
Attenuation = = 5 X 10.2
5. Equation (34)
R4 RF + R4R5 + R5 RF
1Avl =
R5 (R A ,B,C + Rs)
At maximum volume: R A , B,C, = 0, Gain = 500
Joe E. Byerly & Marvin Vander Kooi
December 1972
The LM3BO is a power audio amplifier intended driving a PNP differential pair with a slave current- :0
for consumer applications. It features an internally source load. The PNP input is chosen to reference l>
fixed gain of 50 (34 dB) and an output which
automatically centers itself at one-half of the
the input to ground, thus enabling the input trans·
ducer to be directly coupled.
supply voltage. A unique input stage allows inputs
to be ground referenced or AC coupled as required. The output is biased to half the supply voltage by o
The output stage of the LM3BO is protected with resistor ratio R,/R 2. Negative DC feedback, l>
both short circuit current limiting and thermal
shutdown circuitry. All of these internally pro-
through resistor R2, balances the differential stage
with the output at half supply, since R, = 2 R2
vided features result in a minimum external parts (Figure 1).
count integrated circuit for audio applications.
The second stage is a common emitter voltage gain
amplifier with a current-source load. Internal com-
This paper describes the circuit operation of the :0
LM3BO, its power handling capability, methods of pensation is provided by the pole-splitting capacitor
volume and tone control, distortion, and various C'. Pole-splitting compensation is used to preserve
application circuits such as a bridge amplifier, a wide power bandwidth (100 kHz at 2W, Bn). The
power supply splitter, and a high input impedance output is a quasi-complementary pair emitter-
audio amplifier. follower.
,..-__________. . ,.___....,.--0 Vs (141
;;. 2.5
" /
The output current of the LM380 is rated at 1.3A
peak. The 14 pin dual-in-line package is rated at
::>---, ;.-" /
// 1B-
50°CIW when soldered into a printed circuit board ~ OiST.
with 6 square inches of 2 ounce copper foil (F ig- 1.0
ure 2). Since the device junction temperature is ~ 0.5 ;1-
limited to 150°C via the thermal shutdown cir-
cuitry, the package will support 2 watts dissipa- o
tion at 50°C ambient or 2.5 watts at 25°C ambient. OUTPUT POWER (WAnS)
Fig1Jre 2 shows the maximum package dissipation FIGURE 3A. Device Dissipation vs Output Power -
versus ambient temperature for various amounts of 4n Load
heat sinking.
6.0 3.0
S 5.0 i
~ ..... r- ~
z 4.0
:: /' ')1- -
c 1.5 1B
3.0 Q
~ 3%riIST.
~ u 12V,..1"""
2.0 10%
u 0.' 0I8T.
~ 1.0
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
~ 1., 22
- ..... ::---
The maximum device dissipation is obtained from
Figure 2 for the heat sink and ambient temperature
Q 1.0
20 ;..-
8 ..... ~ ;;t:,I!,
conditions under which the device will be operat-
~ 0.'
ing. With this maximum allowed dissipation, Fig-
ures 3A, Band C show the maximum power supply II
o 0.51.0
allowed (to stay within dissipation limits) and the
output power delivered into 4,8 or 16 ohm loads.
The three percent total-harmonic-distortion line is FIGURE 3e. Device Dissipation vs Output Power-
approximately the on·set of clipping. 16n Load
SOdB r-rnillJ"TITT.-rjrrnmr--,rmnn
Wl1 j
~_ 4DdB t-H-5j;;j"f!'1tt.;.,!!J..i9:TIttttI7'!-tttttttl
§3UdB r1--7''Ii;I'fflft-rj-tTttlI1I-t-tttttttl
; 20dB rt-"''--t-tttttfft7't!-1-tT°''tJj'IttI"'-t-tttttttl
I: llllHL
~ 10dB F:: _ N O BW~llAPACIH~
APPLICATIONS This circu it has a distinct advantage over the cir-
cuit of Figure 7 when transducers of high source
With the internal baising and compensation of the impedance are used, in that, the full input imped·
LM380, the simplest and most basic circuit con- ance of the amplifier is realized. It also has an
figuration requires only an output coupling capaci- advantage with transducers of low source imped-
tor as seen in Figure 7. ance since the signal attenuation of the input
voltage divider is eliminated. The transfer function
An application of this basic configuration is the
of the circuit of Figure 10 is given by:
phonograph amplifier where the addition of volume
and tone controls is required. Figure 8 shows the
LM380 with a voltage divider volume control and
high frequency roll·off tone control.
Figure 11 shows the response of the circuit of
.'~ R,'
Figure 10.
o.fC'~f ,"T'...
- -
-~- "mil
HIGH CURRENT LOADS 40 H-Ilttlllll-+llttlH~-ttllj
" f-tJIttllllI-+lIttIIIIHIHIIIIH
3D H--lttlllll-+llttIIIIl-+I\III'!~
FIGURE 8. Phono Amp
~ Z5 H--IttllllI-+IHtIIII-+IMH
20 1+1ltIIIIH-1ltIIIIH--IlIIl1.f
When maximum input impedance is required or the 15
signal attenuation of the voltage divider volume 10
control is undesirable, a "common mode" volume
control may be used as seen in Figure 9.
1Hz 10Hz 100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz
20 ~~~4-~~~~4-~
150x 103 )
1- k1 R v+ 150x 103
0<; k, <; 1
10 r1-rHT~rHri-r~~~
f, H-+ll---l'.;a.ftl-H-t+
10 r1-H~+-Ht~~l~+-Ht
30 ~-u~~~~-u~~~
This "common mode" volume control can be The mid-band gain, between frequencies f2 and f3,
combined with a "common mode" tone control Figure 12, is established by the ratio of R, to the
as seen in Figure 10. input resistance of the amplifier (150 kSl.).
R,+150kll power capability by a factor of four over the
Mid-band Gain (3) single amplifier_ However, in most cases the pack-
150 kll
age dissipation will be the first parameter limiting
t18V power delivered to the load_ When this is the case,
the power capability of the bridge will be only
~ 3.5
~ J 0 f--cf->'!ITII7'9H~~'
:: 2 5 f--cY,~Io-'9H""'HI":1Hc--i
~ 1.0 H7'5;i"'f-t~~F~H
" ;::~ 117r.lc::J~~~n--jH
~ 1.0 HIo-'9Hbl$'l"'cPf
FIGURE 13. RIAA Phono Amplifier ~ .5 I-f--'RI-Hr--cr"
~ 1.0 2.0 J.U 4.0 5.0
Capacitor C, sets the corner frequency f2 where OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)
R, = Xc,.
FIGURE 15A, an Load
twice that of the single amplifier. Figures 15A and
B show output power versus device package dissipa-
Capacitor C 2 establishes the corner frequency f3 tion for both 8 and 1611 loads in the bridge con-
where XC2 equals the impedance of the inverting
input. This is normally 150 kll. However, in the
circu it of Figure 13 negative feedback reduces
the impedance at the inverting input as:
Z (5)
Zo = impedance at node 6 without external feed-
back (150 kll)
J 4 5 6 7
Ao gain without external feedback (50)
FIGURE 15B, 16n Load
Ao- A
/3 feedback transfer function /3 = AoA
figuration. The 3% and 10% harmonic distortion
contours double back due to the thermal limiting
A = closed loop gain with external feedback. of the LM380. Different amounts 01 heat sinking
will change the point at which the distortion
Therefore: contours bend.
C2 = 1 The quiescent output voltage of the LM380 is
2rr 13 ( 1 +z~o ~) specified at 9 ± 1 volts with an 18 volt supply.
Therefore, under the worst case condition, it is
possible to have two volts DC across the load.
The circuits of Figures 14 and 16 employ the circuit does not require a high standby current
"common mode" volume control as shown before. and power dissipation to maintain regulation.
However, any of the various input connection
schemes discussed previously may be used. Fig· With a 20 volt input voltage (±10 volt output) the
ure 17 shows the bridge configuration with the circuit exhibits a change in output voltage of
voltage divider input. As discussed in the "Biasing" approximately 2% per 100 mA of unbalanced load
change. Any balanced load change will reflect only
v, v. the regulation of the source voltage V IN .
~ The theoretical plus and minus output tracking
ability is 100% since the device will provide an
output voltage at one-half of the instantaneous
supply voltage in the absence of a capacitor on the
bypass terminal. The actual error in tracking will
°FORSTAlILITYWrTH be directly proportional to the unbalance in the
quiescent output voltage. An optional potentio-
FIGURE 17_ Voltage Divider Input meter may be placed at pin 1 as shown in Figure 19
to null output offset. The unbalanced current
section the undriven input may be AC or DC output for the circuit of Figure 18 is limited by
grounded. If Vs is an appreciable distance from the power dissipation of the package.
the power supply (>3") filter capacitor it should
be decoupled with a lJ.1F tantaulum capacitor. In the case of sustained unbalanced excess loads,
the device will go into thermal limiting as the
INTERCOM temperature sensing circuit begins to function. For
instantaneous high current loads or short circuits
The circuit of Figure 18 provides a minimum the device limits the output current to approxi-
component intercom. With switch 5, in the talk mately 1.3 amperes until thermal shut-down takes
position, the speaker of the master station acts over or until the fault is removed.
as the microphone with the aid of step-up trans-
former T , .
ure 20 raises the input impedance to 22 Mn for
low frequency input signals. The gate to drain
-: !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ oJ
t A'~
I capacitance (2 pF maximum for the K E4221
shown) of the FET limits the input impedance
I as frequency increases.
At 20 k Hz the reactance of th is capacitor is
approximately -j4 Mn giving a net input imped-
FIGURE 19. Dual SupplV ance magnitude of 3.9 Mn. The values chosen for
R R2 and C, provide an overall circuit gain of
splitting a supply voltage. Unlike the normal R, at least 45 for the complete range of parameters
C, and power zener diode technique the LM380 specified for the KE4221.
When using another F ET device the relevant design positive feedback around the LM380 for closed
equations are as follows: loop gains of up to 300. Figure 21 shows a
practical example of an LM380 in a gain of 200
R, + -
(50) (7)
The equation describing the closed loop gain is:
AVCL ~ (12)
1 _ Av(w)
gm (8) R,
where AV(w) is complex at high frequencies but is
nominally the 40 to 60 specified on the data sheet
IDS ~ IDss ( 1-
VGS )2 (10) for the pass band of the amplifier. If 1 + R,/R2
Vp approaches the value of Av(w), the denominator
of equation 12 approaches zero, the closed loop
The maximum value of R2 is determined by the gain increases toward infinity, and the circuit
product of the gate reverse leakage IGSS and R2 . oscillates. This is the reason for limiting the closed
This voltage should be 10 to 100 times smaller loop gain values to 300 or less. Figure 22 shows
than V p • The output impedance of the FET the loaded and unloaded bode plot for the circuit
source follower is: shown in Figure 21.
Ra ~ (11)
gm 200 RI =loJ
, :::r::::.L
so that the determining resistance for the inter·
stage RC time constant is the input resistance of
the LM380.
" II
10 lDD lk 10k lOOk 1M 10M
For applications requiring gains higher than the FREOUENCY (Hz) .....
internally set gain of 50, it is possible to apply
FIGURE 22. Boosted Gain Bode Plot
The 24 pF capacitor C2 shown on Figure 21 was
added to give an overdamped square wave response
v, under full load conditions. It causes a high fre-
quency roll-off of:
24pF '" (13)
Joe E. Byerly
August 1972 o
The LM381A is a dual preamplifier expressly de- Figures 2A and 2B show the wide-band (10 Hz-
10 kHz) input noise voltage and input noise cur-
signed to meet the requirements of amplifying low
level signals in noise critical applications. Such rent versus collector current for the single ended '"tI
applications include hydrophones, scientific and ::D
instrumentation recorders, low level wideband gain 6
blocks, tape recorders, studio sound equipment, 5 »
The LM381A can be externally biased for optimum ~ r-
noise performance in ultra-low noise appl ications.
When this is done the LM381A provides a wide band, , ."
high gain amplifier with noise performance that m
exceeds that of todays best transistors.
The amplifier can be operated in either the differ- ."
ential or single ended input configuration. How-
ZD 60 100 140
Ie (/.lAI
180 220
ever, for optimum noise performance, the input ::D
must be operated single ended, since both transis- FIGURE 2A. Wideband Equivalent Input Noise Voltage
vs Collector Current C
tors contribute noise in a differential stage, de- r-
grading input noise by the factor 0. A second -I
consideration is the design of the input bias cir- ::D
cuitry. Both the load and biasing elements must 1.0
be resistive, since active components would each 0.8 r-
contribute additional noise equal to that of the ~ f..- .... o
input device. Thirdly, the current density of the
input device should be optimized for the source
'":! 0.6
f..- .......... :E
resistance of the input transducer. z
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of one
D.' o
0 C/)
channel of LM381A (a detailed explanation of the 180 2ZD
circuit operation is given in application note
ZD 60 100 140
Ie tuAI
AN-64). To operate the input single ended, tran-
sistor O 2 is turned OFF by returning the base of FIGURE 2B. Wideband Equivalent Input Noise Current
O2 (Pins 2, 13) to ground. vs Collector Current '"tI
;., -I
~13D., '" Z
D1 I ~ --.l i'
04 t'"
Q1~ ? " 17,8)
(5,11) Io.,jOS ~
input configuration of the LM381A. Total input v,
noise of the amplifier is found by:
Rs = source resistance n
k = Boltzmann's constant = 1.38 x 10.23
FIGURE 3. Collector Current vs Source Resistance As R, becomes smaller capacitor C, increases for
for Optimum Noise Performance
a given power supply rejection ratio. Conversely,
as R2 becomes smaller the gain of the input stage
decreases, adversely affecting noise performance.
Figure 4 shows the input stage of the LM381A with For the range of collector currents over which the
the external components added to increase the LM381A is operating. a reasonable compromise is
current density of transistor a,.
Resistors R, and obtained with:
R2 supply the additional current (1 2 ) to the exist·
ing collector current (I,) which is approximately (4)
The sum of resistors R, & R2 is given by: The gain of the input stage is:
Resistor divider R,/R 3 provides negative DC feed-
-4 X 10-'2 (11)
back around the amplifier establishing the quies-
cent operating point_ R f is found by: 2rrf, ( -_026) 102ci
f, = high frequency 3 dB corner
Ie = 0, collector current
(6) A = mid band gain dB
R, + R2 = 1.44 X 105 _
The AC closed loop gain is set by the ratio:
.t,~: T"
f l~~I5.111 -:- 1 [ 24 X 107 ]
R, = '2 -910
{1,8} 6.05 x 103 + 1.7 x 103
V1N 'V >'''4~<> V,
- (2,IJ) Rf = 2_67 X 104 ", 27 kQ_
= 27ft
8. From equation (5) the gain of the input
stage is:
(2 X 105 ) R2 R2
A, = .026
+2 X
Ic + """:---..:...,':----:-1-
R3 R4
VIN ""'
I.*~" f'~
!f+~ >":(""1.'::'1)t-J>-O
_ (l~_ (4) RI
2 X 105 X 105 - ~.1~ VK
105 + 2 X 105
---- + ------ •J ••
1.7 X 10. 4 _1_ +_1_ +2- lK 2m
104 103 27
A, = 372.
9.94 x 10-'8
C, "" 101lF.
= 10 log 1.92 = 2.83 dB.
10. For a high frequency corner, f,. of 10 kHz;
equation (11).
C3 = (.026) A -4 X 10·'2 In applications requiring a wide band, high gain
21ff, T 1020 preamplifier where noise performance is critical,
the LM381A is unsurpassed. In addition to ultra
low noise performance, the LM381A offers two
C3 = _ _ _ _ _.:..1_ _ _ _ _ -4 x 10·'2 completely independent amplifiers, each with an
6.28 x 104 x 1.53 X 102 x 104 internal power supply decoupler·regulator provid·
ing 120 dB supply rejection and 60 dB channel
C3 = 6.4 X 10·'2"" 6.8 pF. separation.
Other outstanding features include, high gain
The noise performance of the circuit of Figure 6
(112 dB) large output voltage swing (V s - 2V)
can be found with the aid of Figures 2A and 2B
peak to peak, wide supply operating range (9 -
and equation (1). From Figures 2A and 2B the
40V). wide power bandwidth (75 kHz, 20 V p . p ),
noise voltage (en) and noise current (in) at 170 IlA
internal frequency compensation, and short·circuit
Ie are: en = 3.0 nV/v'HZ, in =.72 pA/v'H'l. From
equation (1) protection
J.E. Byerly and E.L. Long - "LM381 Low Noise
Dual Preamplifier" National Semiconductor Cor·
poration AN·64, May 1972.
Marvin K. Vander Kooi and George Cleveland
July 1972
The LM4250 is a highly versatile monolithic opera· R, and R2 provide emitter degeneration for greater
tional amplifier. A single external programming stability at high bias currents. 0 3 and 0 4 are used ::D
resistor determines the quiescent power dissipa· as active loads for a, and O 2 to provide high gain
tion, input offset and bias currents, slew rate, and also form a current inverter to provide the C
gain·bandwidth product, and input noise character· maximum drive for the single ended output into -I
istics of the amplifier. Since the device is in effect 0 5 . 0 5 is an emitter follower which prevents load· en
a different op amp for each externally programmed ing of the input stage by the succeeding amplifier
set current, it is possible to use a single stock item
for a variety of circuit functions in a system.
This paper describes the circuit operation of the One advantage of this lateral PNP input stage is a
LM4250, various methods of biasing the device, common mode swing to within 200 mV of the
frequency response considerations, and some cir- negative supply. This feature is especially useful -I
cuit applications exercising the unique character· in single supply operation with signals referred to ::t
istics of the LM4250. ground. Another advantage is the almost constant m
input bias current over a wide temperature range. r-
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LM4250 The input resistance RIN is approximately equal
to 2~ (R E + re) where ~ is the current gain, re is
The LM4250 has two special features when com-
the emitter resistance of one of the input lateral I\)
pared with other monolithic operational amplifiers. U1
PNPs, and RE is the resistance of one of the 10
One is the ability to externally set the bias current
kQ emitter resistor. Using a DC beta of 100 and o
levels of the amplifiers, and the other is the use of
the normal temperature dependent expression for '"tI
PNP transistors as the differential input pair.
regives: ::D
r------~-------<>' ,. RIN "" 2 MQ + 2 qls· (1)
,".. ...'" ::D
where Is is input bias current. At room tempera· :s:
ture this formula becomes:
RIN "" 2 MQ +
52 mV
(2) »
20 »
'0 s:'"tI
1.0 .0 .00
Referring to Figure 1, a,
and O 2 are high current Figure 2 gives a typical plot of RIN vs lset derived
gain lateral PNPs connected as a differential pair. from the above equation.
Continuing with the circuit description, 0 6 level lO PIN !! lOPIN 8
shifts downward to the base of 0 8 which is the
second stage amplifier. 0 8 is run as a common
emitter amplifier with a current source load (0'2) VSVYITCH
R", C1
va = output voltage
Vp = peak output voltage
d Vo
S, = maximum F
~ .Ot
Vo = Vp sin 211f t
d Va .00t
= 211 f V p cos 211 f t (7) .t 1.0 to tOO tODD to.OOO
crt t, (j.I sttl10% TO 90%
FIGURE 6. Slew Rate vs Rise Time vs Step Voltage
= 211 f Vp (8)
d t ,= 0
Figure 6 graphically expresses this formula and
shows the maximum ampl itude of undistorted
S, = 211 f MAx Vp (9) step voltage for a given slew rate and rise time.
*See reference.
The area above each step voltage line represents the
undistorted low pass filter type response mode of
the amplifier. If the intersection of the rise time l30K
and slew rate values of a particular amplifier con- v.. o-"""'I.-<~
figuration falls below the expected step voltage v,
amplitude line, the rise time will be determined
by the slew rate of the amplifier. The rise time will
then be equal to the amplitude of the step divided
by the slew rate S,_ 300K
The full power bandwidth often found on ampli- FIGURE 7_ 500 nW x 10 Amplifier
fier specification sheets is the range of frequencies
from zero to the frequency found at the inter- increases the power dissipation to approximately
section on Figure 5 of the maximum rated output 1 /lW per battery, a power drain of 15 /lW or less
voltage and the slew rate S, of the amplifier_ will not affect the shelf life of a mercury cell.
Mathematically this is:
= (12)
ffullpower 21TVrated CURRENT SWITCH
The full power bandwidth of a programmable Figure B shows the combination of a micro-power
amplifier such as the LM4250 varies with the comparator and a high current switch run from a
master bias set current. separate supply. This circuit provides a method of
continuously monitoring an input voltage while
The above analysis of sine wave and step voltage dissipating only 100/lW of power and still being
amplifier responses applies for all single dominant capable of switching a 500 mA load if the input
pole op amps such as the LM101A, LM107, exceeds a given value. The reference voltage can be
LM1OBA, LM112, LM11B, and LM741 as well as any value between +8.5V and -B.5V. With a
the LM4250 programmable op amp_ minimum gain of approximately 100,000 the com-
parator can resolve input voltage differences down
500 NANO-WATT X10 AMPLIFIER into the 0_2 mV region.
The X10 inverting amplifier shown in Figure 7
demonstrates the low power capabil ity of the V'
The slew rate determined from the data sheet The bias current for the LM4250 shown in FigureB
typical performance curve is 1 VIms for a _05 /lA is set at 0.44/lA by the 22 M.Q Rse, resistor. This
set current_ Samples of actual values observed were results in a total comparator power drain of
1.2 V/ms for the negative slew rate and 0.B5 V/ms 100/lW and a slew rate of approximately 11 V/ms
for the positive slew rate. This difference occurs in the positive direction and 12.B V Ims in the
due to the non-symmetry in the current sources negative direction. Potentiometer Rl provides in-
used for charging and discharging the internal put offset nulling capability for high accuracy
30 pF compensation capacitor. applications. When the input voltage is less than
the reference voltage, the output of the LM4250
The 3dB down (gain of -7_07) frequency observed is at approximately -9.5V causing diode Dl to
for this configuration was approximately 300 Hz conduct. The gate of 0 1 is held at -B.BV by the
which agrees fairly closely with the 3.5 kHz
voltage developed across R3 . With a large negative
GBWP divided by 10 taken from an extrapolation voltage on the gate of 0 1 it turns off and removes
of the data sheet typical GBWP versus set current
the base drive from O2 - This results in a high volt-
age or open switch condition at the collector of
Peak-to-peak output voltage swing into a 100 k.Q O 2 , When the input voltage exceeds the reference
load is 0.7V or ±0.35V peak. An increase in supply voltage, the LM4250 output goes to +9.5V causing
voltage to ±1.35V such as delivered by a pair of Dl to be reverse biased. 0 1 turns on as does O 2 ,
mercury cells directly increases the output swing and the collector of O 2 drops to approximately 1V
by ±0.35V to 1.4V peak-to-pe'ak. Although this while sinking the 500 mA of load current.
The load denoted as ZL can be resistor, relay coil, R,
The basic meter amplifier circuit shown in Figure I FULL SCALE Rf[nl Rj[nI
9 is a current·to·voltage converter. Negative feed- 100 nA 1.5M l.5M
back around the amplifier insures that currents 500 nA 300k 300k
liN and If are always equal, and the high gain of the lilA 300k 0
op amp insures that the input voltage between 51lA 60k 0
lOIlA 30k 0
Pins 2 and 3 is in the microvolt region. Output
50llA 6k 0
lOOIlA 3k 0
The variable frequency pulse generator shown in
Figure 13 provides an example of the LM4250
R. operated from a single supply. The circuit is a
buffered output free running multivibrator with
a constant width output pulse occurring with a
frequency determined by potentiometer R2.
10,ODO The entire circuit can run from two 1.5V batteries
connected directly (no power switch) to the V+
and V- terminals. With a total current drain of
g 2.8 /lA the quiescent power dissipation of the
> circuit is 8.4 /lW. This is low enough to have no
~ 1,ODO
significant effect on the shelf life of most batteries.
~ Potentiometer R" provides a means for matching
the gains of A, and A2 to achieve maximum DC
common mode rejection ratio CMRR. With R"
'00 adjusted to its null point for DC common mode
100k 5M
rejection the small AC CM R R trimmer capacitor
C, will normally give an additional 10 to 20 dB
FIGURE 14. Pulse Frequency vs R2 of CM R R over the operating frequency range.
Since C, actually balances wiring capacitance
rather than amplifier frequency characteristics, it
the polarity of the generator output providing a may be necessary to attach it to Pin 2 of either A,
series of negative going pulses dropping from +5V or A2 as required. Figure 16 shows the variation of
to the saturation voltage of Q,. CMRR (referred to the input) with frequency for
The change in output frequency as a function of
supply voltage is less than ±4% for a V+ change of '00
from 4 V to 1OV. This stability of frequency versus
80 11111111
supply voltage is due to the fact that the reference
voltage Vr and the drive voltage for the capacitor
are both direct functions of V+.
The power dissipation of the free running multi-
z 40
vibrator is 300 /lW and the power dissipation of
the buffer circuit is approximately 5.8 mW.
20 "
'0 '00 '.000 '0.000
The instrumentation amplifier circuit shown in FREQUENCY (Hz)
Figure 15 has a full differential input center
FIGURE 16. AV and CMRR vs Frequency
tapped to ground. With the bias current set at
approximately 0.1 /lA, the impedance looking
into either V 1N , or V1N2 is 100 MS1 with respect this configuration. Since the circuit applies a gain
to ground, and the input bias current at either of 100 or 40 dB to an input signal, the actual
terminal is 0.2 nA. The two non-inverting input observed rejection ratio is the difference between
the CM R R curve and Av curve. For example, a
60 Hz common mode signal will be attenuated by
67 dB minus 40 dB or 27 dB for an actual rejec-
' .. tion ratio of VINIVO equal to 22.4.
The maximum peak-to-peak output signal into a
100 kS1 load resistor is approximately 1.8V. With
""" no input signal, the noise seen at the output is
approximately 0.8 mV RMS or 8 /lV RMS referred to
the input. When doing power dissipation measure-
ments on this circuit, it should be kept in mind
that even a 1 MS1 oscilloscope probe placed be-
tween +1.5V and -1.5V will more than double
the power drawn from the batteries.
The voltage divider consisting of R2 and R3 pro· reverse breakdown voltage. A National Semicon·
vides a 5V tap voltage from the 6.5V reference ductor process 25 small signal NPN transistor
diode to determine the regulator output. Since a sorted to a 2N registration such as 2N3252 has a
standard 6.5V zener diode does not exhibit good BV EBo at 10 fJ.A specified as 5.5V minimum,
regulation in the 2 fJ.A to 60 fJ.A reverse current 6.5V typical, and 7.0V maximum. Using a diode
region, O 2 must be a special device. An NPN connected 2N3252 as a reference, the regulator
output voltage changed 78 mV in response to an
8V to 36V change in the input voltage. This test
:,:-<>"_'_.-___.....-\ZN~~'I O"MEATSINK
dO ....
was done under both no load and full load condi·
tions and represents a line regulation of better
~ U than 1.6%.
1 mV change in output voltage giving a load regu-
510K lation value of .05%. When operating the regulator
at load currents of less than 25 mA, no heat sink
,e" is required for 0,. For load currents in excess of
50 mA, 0, should be replaced by a Darlington
'., pair with the 2N3019 acting as a driver for a higher
'"" - ......- ......'"- - - - 4 -......-0
,.. <>-<>---...... power device such as a 2N3054.
T.M. Frederiksen, W.M. Howard, R.S. Sleeth ~
September 1972 N
With all the existing literature on "how to apply op amps" why should another application note be o
produced on this subject? There are two answers to this question; 1) the LM3900 operates in quite I
an unusual manner (compared to a conventional op amp) and therefore needs some explanation to l>
familiarize a new user with this product. and 2} the standard op amp applications assume a split power
supply (±.15 Voc ) is available and our emphasis here is directed toward circuits for lower cost single m
power supply control systems. Some of these circuits are simply "re-biased" versions of conventional
handbook circuits but many are new approaches which are made possible by some of the unique ~
features of the LM3900. C')
1.0 An Introduction to the New "Norton" Amplifier ............................... AN72·1 c
1.1 Basic Gain Stage .................................................... AN72·1 ~
1.2 Obtaining a Non-inverting Input Function ............................. AN72·2 m
1.3 The Complete Single-supply Amplifier ............................... AN72·2 ::J:I
2.0 Introduction to Applications of the LM3900 ................................... AN 72-4 2
3.0 Designing AC Amplifiers .................................................... AN72·6 Z
3.1 Single Power Supply Biasing ......................................... AN72-6
3.2 A Non-inverting Amplifier ............................................ AN72·6 oc
3.3 "N VBE ' Biasing ...................................................... AN72-7
3.4 Biasing Using a Negative Supply ..................................... AN72-7 »
3.5 Obtaining High Input Impedance and High Gain ...................... AN72-7 c
3.6 An Amplifier with a DC Gain Control ................................. AN72-7
3.7 A Line-receiver Amplifier ............................................. AN72·8 o
10.0 Some Special Circuit Applications (continued)
10.7 A Low Drift Sample and Hold Circuit ............................... AN72·34
10.7.1 Reducing the "Effective" Input Biasing Current ................. AN72·34
10.7.2 A Low Drift Ramp and Hold ................................... AN72·34
10.7.3 Sample-hold and Compare with New +VIN ..................... AN72·35
10.8 Audio Mixer or Channel Selector ................................... AN72·35
10.9 A Low Frequency Mixer ........................................... AN72·35
10.10 A Peak Detector ................................................... AN72·36
10.11 Power Circuits .................................................... AN72·36
10.11.1 Lamp and/or Relay Drivers (S30 mAl .......................... AN72·36
10.11.2 Lamp and/or Relay Drivers (S300 mAl ......................... AN72·36
10.11.3 Positive Feedback Oscillators ................................. AN72·37
10.12 High Voltage Operation ........................................... AN72·37
10.12.1 A High Voltage Inverting Amplifier ............................ AN72·37
10.12.2 A High Voltage Non-inverting Amplifier ....................... AN72·37
10.12.3 A Line Operated Audio Amplifier ............................. AN72·38
10.13 A Dual-channel Class-A Driver for Auto Radios .................... AN72.38
10.14 Temperature Sensing ............................................. AN72.38
10.15 A "Programmable Unijunction" .................................... AN72.39
10.16 Adding a Differential Input Stage .................................. AN72.39
37 Biasing Equivalent Circuit ..................................................... AN72-15
38 A One Op amp Bandpass Filter ............................................... AN72-16
39 A Two Op amp Bandpass Filter ............................................... AN72-16
40 The "Bi-quad" RC Active Bandpass Filter ...................................... AN72-16
41 A Sinewave Oscillator ......................................................... AN72-19
42 A Squarewave Oscillator ...................................................... AN72-19
43 A Pulse Generator ............................................................ AN72-20
44 A Triangle Waveform Generator ............................................... AN72-21
45 Gated Sawtooth Generators ................................................... AN 72-22
46 Generating Very Slow Sawtooth Waveforms .................................... AN72-22
47 Pumping the Staircase Via Input Differentiator .................................. AN72-23
48 A Free Running Staircase Generator ........................................... AN72-23
49 An Up-down Staircase Generator .............................................. AN72-24
50 A Voltage Controlled Oscillator ................................................ AN72-24
51 Adding Input Common-mode Biasing Resistors ................................. AN72-25
52 Reducing Temperature Drift ................................................... AN72-25
53 Improving Mark/Space Ratio .................................................. AN72-25
54 Phase Comparator ............................................................ AN72-26
55 A Phase-locked Loop ......................................................... AN72-26
56 An "OR" Gate ................................................................. AN72-26
57 An "AND" Gate ............................................................... AN72-27
58 A Large Fan-in "AND" Gate .................................................... AN72-27
59 A Bi-stable Multivibrator ....................................................... AN72-27
60 A Trigger Flip Flop ............................................................ AN72-27
61 A Two-amplifier Trigger Flip Flop .............................................. AN72-27
62 A One-shot Multivibrator ...................................................... AN72-28
63 A One-shot Multivibrator with an Input Comparator ............................. AN72-28
64 A One-amplifier One-shot (Positive Output) .................................... AN72-28
65 A One-amplifier One-shot (Negative Output) ................................... AN72-29
66 An Inverting Voltage Comparator .............................................. AN72-29
67 A Non-inverting Low-voltage Comparator ...................................... AN72-29
68 A Non-inverting Power Comparator ............................................ AN72-29
69 A More Precise Comparator ................................................... AN72-30
70 Schmitt-Triggers .............................................................. AN72-30
71 Fixed Current Sources ........................................................ AN72-31
72 A Voltage Controlled Current Source .......................................... AN72-31
73 Fixed Current Sinks ........................................................... AN72-31
74 A Voltage Controlled Current Sink ............................................. AN72-31
75 An AC Amplifier Operating with ±15 Voc··················· ..................... AN72-32
76 DC Biasing for ±15 VocOperation .............................................. AN72-32
77 A DC Amplifier Operating with ±15 Voc ......................................... AN72-32
78 A Basic Tachometer .......................................................... AN72-33
79 Adding Biasing to Provide Vo = 0 Voc· .......................................... AN72-33
80 A Frequency Doubling Tachometer ............................... : ............ AN72-33
81 A Squaring Amplifier with Hysteresis ........................................... AN72-33
82 .A Differentiator Circuit ........................................................ AN72-34
83 A Difference Integrator ........................................................ AN72-34
84 Reducing Ie "Effective" to Zero ................................................ AN72-34
85 A Low-drift Ramp and Hold Circuit ............................................ AN72-35
86 Sample-hold and Compare with New +VIN ...................................... AN72-35
87 Audio Mixing or Selection ..................................................... AN72-35
88 A Low Frequency Mixer ....................................................... AN72-36
89 A Peak Detector .............................................................. AN72-36
90 Sinking 20 to 30 mA Loads .................................................... AN72-36
91 Boosting to 300 mA Loads .................................................... AN72-37
92 Positive Feedback Power Oscillators ........................................... AN72-37
93 A High Voltage Inverting Amplifier ............................................. AN72-37
94 A High Voltage Non-inverting Amplifier ........................................ AN72-37
95 A Line Operated Audio Amplifier .............................................. AN72-38
96 A Dual Channel IC Driver for Class A Car Radios ............................... AN72-38
97 T~~perature Sensing ...... : . ',: ................................................. AN72-38
98 A Programmable Un1lunctlon ................................................ AN72-39
99 Adding a Differential Input Stage .............................................. AN72-39
The LM3900 represents a departure from con- The gain stage is basically a single common-
ventional amplifier designs. Instead of using emitter amplifier. By making use of current
a standard transistor differential amplifier at source loads, a large voltage gain has been
the input, the non-inverting input function has achieved which is very constant over temper-
been achieved by making use of a "current- ature changes. The output voltage has a large
mirror" to "mirror" the non-inverting input dynamic range, from essentially ground to one
current about ground and then to extract this V BE less than the power supply voltage. The
current from that which is entering the invert- output stage is biased class A for small signals
ing input terminal. Whereas the conventional but converts to class B to increase the load
op amp differences input voltages, this ampli- current which can be "absorbed" by the ampli-
fier differences input currents and therefore fier under large signal conditions. Power sup-
the name "Norton Amp" has been used to indi- ply curreni drain is essentially independent of
cate this new type of operation. Many biasing the power supply voltage and ripple on the
advantages are realized when operating with supply line is also rejected. A very small
only a single power supply voltage. The fact input biasing current allows high impedance
that currents can be passed between the input feedback elements to be used and even lower
terminals allows some unusual applications. "effective" input biasing currents can be real-
If external, large valued input resistors are used ized by using one of the amplifiers to supply
(to conver.t from input voltages to input cur- essentially all of the bias cu rrents for the
rents) most of the standard op amp applications other amplifiers by making use of the "match-
can be realized. ing" which exists between the 4 amplifiers
which are on the same IC chip (see Figure 84).
Many industrial electronic control systems are
designed that operate off of only a single The simplest inverting amplifier is the common-
power supply voltage. The conventional inte- emitter stage. If a current source is used in
grated-circuit operational amplifier (IC op amp) place of a load resistor, a large open-loop
is typically designed for split power supplies gain can be obtained, even at low power-supply
(± 15 Voc ) and suffers from a poor output volt- voltages. This basic stage (Figure 1) is used
age swing and a rather large minimum for the amplifier.
common-mode input voltage range (approxi-
mately + 2 Voc ) when used in a single power
supply application. In addition, some of the
performance characteristics of these op amps
could be sacrificed-especially in favor of re-
duced costs.
To meet the needs of the designers of low-cost,
single-power-supply control systems, a new v" n, + I,
large output voltage swing capability. A dis- voltage then depends upon the difference (or
advantage of this circuit is that the DC input error) between the two input voltages. An
current, liN' is large; as it is essentially equal input common-mode voltage range specifica-
to the maximum output current, lOUT , divided tion exists and, basically, input voltages are
by ~ 2. For example, for an output current compared.
capability of 10 mA the input current would be
at least 1 tJA (assuming ~2 = 104 ). It would be For circuit simplicity, and ease of application
desirable to further reduce this by adding an in single power supply systems, a non-inverting
additional transistor to achieve an overall ~ 3 input can be provided by adding a standard IC
reduction. Unfortunately, if a transistor is "current-mirror" circuit directly across the in-
added at the output (by making 0, a Darling- verting input terminal, as shown in Figure 3.
ton pair) the peak-to-peak output voltage swing
would be somewhat reduced and if O 2 were
made a Darlington pair the DC input voltage
level would be undesirably doubled.
FIGURE 3. Adding a Current Mirror to Achieve a Non·
inverting Input
A new symbol for this "Norton" amplifier is The performance characteristics of each ampli-
shown in Figure 4b). This is recommended to fier stage are summarized below:
avoid using the standard op amp symbol as the
basic operation is different. The current source Power-supply voltage range ..... 4 to 36Vocor
symbol between the inputs implies this new ±2 to ±18 Voc
current-mode of operation. In addition, it Bias current drain per amplifier
stage ........................... 1.3 mAoc
Open loop:
v' Voltage gain (R L = 10k) .............. 70 dB
Unity-gain frequency .............. 2.5 MHz
Phase margin .................. 40 degrees
Input resistance ..................... 1 M~
Output resistance .................... 8 k~
Output voltage swing .......... (Vee - 1) Vpp
Input bias current .................. 30 nAoc
Slew rate ........................... 0.5V/ fJ-s
0 - - -....-0 OUTPUT
As the bias currents are all derived from diode
forward voltage drops, there is only a small
change in bias current magnitude as the power-
supply voltage is varied. The open-loop gain
INPUT 0------,-...., changes only slightly over the complete power
supply voltage range and is essentially inde-
pendent of temperature changes. The open-
INPUT 0--<1>---1 loop frequency response is compared with the
CRI "741" op amp in Figure 5. The higher unity-
gain crossover frequency is seen to provide an
additional 10 dB of gain for all frequencies
(al ClrellltSl:liemiltlc
greater than 1 kHz.
~ 100
"~ 80
\,. I
~ 60
c 40
~I -
j 20 - RL
BOTI" AMr"Fll"'
(b) Nw.r "NORTON" Amplifier Symbol
FIGURE 6. Schematic Diagram of the LM3900
One of the em itters of th is transistor goes to op amp (base currents). The output circuit is
each of the input terminals. The reference modeled as an active voltage source which
voltage for the base of Q 21 is provided by Rs depends upon the open-loop gain of the ampli-
and R7 and is approximately Vee 12. fier, A v , and the difference which exists be-
tween the input voltages, (V + - V-).
~. !'"
V' F.
'V A. v-
current-mode (or Norton) type of operation. If (2) is substituted into (1)
With external input resistors-there is no limit
to the "input common-mode voltage range".
The diode shown across the (+) input actually
exists as a diode in the circuit and the diode
across the (-) input is used to model the base-
emitter junction of the transistor which exists
which is an exact expression for Vo'
at this input.
Power supply voltage. FIGURE 11. AC Equivalent Circuit
As the second term usually dominates (Vo » 3.1 Single Power Suply Biasing
V o) and 1+ »Ie and V+»V o+ we can sim-
The LM3900 can be biased in several different
plify (3) to provide a more useful design
relationship ways. The circuit in Figure 12 is a standard
inverting AC amplifier which has been biased
Vo =
R3 V+ • (4) ,.
output voltage swing and the AC gain is inde-
pendent of the biasing network. In addition, R2
the single power supply requirement makes the
LM3900 attractive for any low frequency gain v· o--'VII'r.....--.---<>-v-,,-,.. !~P~~:I~:S
application. For lowest noise performance, the Av~~
(+) input should be grounded (Figure 9a) and 51' Rl + rd
3.3 "N VBE" Biasing
A third technique of output DC biasing is best
described as the uN VBE ' method. This tech-
nique is shown in Figure 14 and is most useful
with inverting AC amplifier applications. The
When NVSE biasing is employed, values for re-
sistors R, and R2 are first established and then
resistor R3 is added to provide the desired DC
output voltage.
3.4 Biasing Using a Negative Supply 3.6 An Amplifier with a DC Gain Control
If a negative power supply is available, the cir- A DC gain control can be added to an ampli-
cuit of Figure 15 can be used. The DC biasing fier as shown in Figure 17. The output of the
current, I, is established by the negative supply amplifier is kept from being driven to satura-
voltage via R3 and provides a very stable out- tion as the DC gain control is varied by pro-
put quiescent point for the amplifier. viding a minimum biasing current via R 3. For
v' the problem becomes one of determining what
1.5M type of network is necessary to provide an
output voltage (Vo ) equal to zero when the
input voltage (VIN ) is equal to zero. (See
also section 10.16, "adding a Differential Input
actually takes place at the amplifier inputs.
The mirror circuit demands that the current
10K flowing into the positive input (+) be equaled by
a current flowing into the negative input (-).
{O ..... 'OVoci
The difference between the cu rrent demanded
and the current provided by an external source
must flow in the feedback circuit. The output
voltage is then forced to seek the level required
FIGURE 17. An Amplifier with a DC Gain Control to cause this amount of current to flow. If, in
the steady state condition Vo = VIN = 0, the
amplifier will operate in the desired manner.
maximum gain, CR 2 is OFF and both the cur- This condition can be established by the use
rent through R2 and R3 enter the (+) input and of common-mode biasing at the inputs.
cause the output of the amplifier to bias at ap-
proximately 0.6 V+. For minimum gain, CR 2
4.1 Using Common-mode Biasing for VI N =
is ON and only the current through R3 enters
the (+) input to bias the output at approxi- o VDC
mately 0.3 V+. The proper output bias for large
Common-mode biasing is achieved by placing
output signal accomodation is provided for the
equal resistors between the amplifier input
maximum gain situation. The DC gain control
terminals and the supply voltage (v+), as
input ranges from OVoc for minimum gain to
shown in Figure 19. When VIN is set to 0 volts
less than 10Voc for maximum gain.
v' Vo ~ VIN
,,,. ., I
Rl " R2
C2 i
FIGURE 19. A DC Amplifier Emploving Common-
mode Biasing
FIGURE 18. A Line-receiver Amplifier
the circuit can be modeled as shown in Fig-
ure 20, where:
v' enough to avoid excessively loading the ampli-
R3=R4 fier. The value of RL may be significantly
,+=1- reduced by replacing the diode with an NPN
•• Reql" Req2 transistor.
200 f---+---:;j<----j
FIGURE 21. A Non·inverting DC Amplifier with Zero ~----~~----.-¢~
Volts Output for Zero Volts Input 1M
factor proportional to the differential voltage, v'
VR' The currents labeled on Figure 24 are given
R1 R1
l.SM 1.5M R3
v, CR1
lN914 Vo = VA
(VI-rJ;1 10M
I = v, R7 R,
R3 R6
10M VR = V2 - VI
V a -¢
and I4 =
FIGURE 25. A Network to Invert and to Ground
where Reference a Negative DC Differential
¢ == V BE at either input terminal of the LM3900. Input Voltage
Since the input current mirror demands that voltage must be greater than one VeE but less
1- = 1+; than the maximum output swing. Common-
mode biasing can be added to extend V'N to
and o Voc ' if desired.
Therefore 1M
14 = II - 12 - 13 '
(VI - ¢)
5.1 Reducing the Input·output Voltage
(d) R~151Dg Vo Without Disturbing One of the four amplifiers can be used to regu-
late the supply line for the complete package
FIGURE 27. Simple Voltage Regulators
(pin 14), to provide protection against large
input voltage conditions, and in addition, to
supply current to an external load. This circuit
is shown in Figure 29. The regulated output
The DC output voltage can be increased and voltage is the sum of the Zener voltage, CR 2 ,
still preserve the temperature compensation of and the VBE of the inverting input terminal.
Figure 27b by ad,ding resistors RA and RB as Again, temperature compensation can be add-
shown in Figure 27d. This also can be accom- ed as in Figure 27b. The second Zener, CR"
plished without the added transistor, at. The is a low tolerance component which simply
unregulated input voltage, which is applied to serves as a DC level shift to allow the output
pin 14 of the LM3900 (and to the collector of voltage of the amplifier to control the con-
a 1 , if used) must always exceed the regulated duction of the external transistor, a,. This
DC output voltage by approximately 1V, when Zener voltage should be approximately one-
the unit is not current boosted or approximately half of the CR 2 voltage to position the DC
2V when the NPN current boosting transistor is output voltage level of the amplifier approx-
added. imately in the center of the dynamic range.
resistors R3 and R6 provide gain (non-inverting)
to allow establishing Vo at any desired voltage
larger than Vz . Temperature compensation of
either sign (±TC) can be obtained by shunting a
resistor from either the (+) input to ground (to
add + TC to Vol or from the (-) input to
~- .....----.-:---o Vo = Vzz tQ ground (to add - TC to Vol. To understand this,
notice that the resistor, R, from the (+) input to
£"' ground will add -N VBE to Vo where
N = 1 + ~
and V BE is the base emitter voltage of the tran-
sistor at the (+) input. This then also adds
a positive temperature change at the output to
provide the desired temperature correction.
FIGURE 29. High YIN Protection and Self'regulation
The added transistor, O2 , also increases the
gain (which reduces the output impedance) and
The base drive current for 0, is supplied via R,. if a power device is used for 0, large load
The maximum current through R, should be currents (amps) can be supplied. This regula-
limited to 10 mA as tor also supplies the power to the other three
amplifiers of the LM3900.
6.0 DESIGNING RC ACTIVE FILTERS Negative signs simply mean an increase in the
value of a passive component causes a decrease
in that filter performance characteristic. As an
Recent work in RC active filters has shown that
example, if a bandpass filter listed the follow-
the performance characteristics of multiple-
ing sensitivity factor
amplifier filters are relatively insensitive to the
tolerance of the RC components used. This
makes the performance of these filters easier to
control in production runs. In many cases
where gain is needed in a system design it is
This states that "if C 3 were to increase by 1%,
now relatively easy to also get frequency
the center frequency, Wo , would decrease by
0.5%." Sensitivity functions are tabulated in
the reference listed at the end of this section
The basis of active filters is a gain stage and
and will therefore not be included here.
therefore a multiple amplifier product is a
valuable addition to this application area.
A brief look at low pass, high pass and band-
When additional amplifiers are available, less
pass filters will indicate how the LM3900 can
component selection and trimming is needed as
be applied in these areas. A recommended text
the performance of the filter is less disturbed
(which provided these circuits) is, "Operational
by the tolerance and temperature drifts of the
Amplifiers", Tobey, Graeme, and Huelsman,
passive components.
McGraw Hill, 1971.
nents cim be scaled without (theoretically) af-
fecting the filter characteristics. In an actual
circuit; if the resistor values become too small
(!O 10 kSG) an excessive loading may be placed v' +
on the output of the amplifier which will reduce
gain or actually exceed either the output cur-
(1/ B'ls,ngFram.·'NollrFrte"PowerSupp1v
rent or the package dissipation capabilities of
the amplifier. This can easily be checked by
calculating (or noticing) the impedance which v'
is presented to the output terminal of the am- ~---
plifier at the highest operating frequency. A
second limit sets the upper range of impedance
levels, this is due to the DC bias currents
(~30 r'!A) and the input impedance of actual
amplifiers. The solution to this problem is to
reduce the impedance levels of the passive (hi BllslngFrom."ND,5y"PDWIISupplv
6.2 A High Pass Active Filter Start by selecting C 1 = 300 pF and then from
equation (1)
A single amplifier high pass RC active filter
is shown in Figure 34. This circuit is easily
biased using the (+) input of the LM3900. The
resistor. R3 • can be simply made equal to R2 RI = 17.7 kil
and a bias reference of V+/2 will establish the
output Q point at this value (V+/2). The input and from equation (2)
is capacitively coupled (C l ) and there are R = _...!1~0_ _--,-(3",1_ _
therefore no further DC biasing problems. 2 (6.28 x 103 ) (3 x 10. 10)
410pF R2 = 15.9 Mil
and from equation (3)
C2 = ., = c 1
17.7xl03 = 11.1kil
FIGURE 34. A High Pass Active Filter and the capacitors are similarly reduced in
impedance as:
the pass band gain. He. the Q and the corner C 1NEW = 477 pF.
frequency. fe. A Q value of 1 gives only a
slight peaking near the bandedge «2 dB) and
To complete the design. R3 is made equal to
smaller Q values decrease this peaking. The
R2 (10 Mrl) and a VREF of V+12 is used to
slope of the skirt of this filter is 12 dB/octave
bias the output for large signal accomodation.
(or 40 dB/decade). If the gain. Ho. is unity
all capacitors have the same value. The design
Capacitor values should be adjusted to use
proceeds as:
standard valued components by using imped-
ance scaling as a wider range of standard
Given: Ho. Q and we = 2"ITfe
resistor values is generally a·vailable.
To find: R1• R2• C1• C 2• and C 3
6.3 A Low Pass Active Filter
let C 1 = C 3 and choose a convenient starting
value. A single amplifier low pass filter is shown in
Figure 35. The resistor, R4 • is used to set the
(1 )
fC :UHz
As a design example.
Require: HO = I,
FIGURE 35. A Low Pass Active Filter
Q = 10,
output bias level and is selected after the other
and Ie = 1 kHz ( We = 6.28 • 103 rpsl. resistors have been established.
The design procedure is as follows:
.1V o{'
Given: Ho ' Q, and wc= 2rrfc A'11'12 1 RJ
As a design example;
or, using values
Require: = I,
R4 = 2 (IM2n + 266 k) ~ 1.5 Mn
and f
e = 1 kHz 1We = 6.28 x 103 rps). +lV oc
= 1
2(1) (6.28 x 103) 13 x 10. 10)
and finally from equation (7) 6.4 A Single·amplifier Bandpass Active Filter
6.5 A Two-amplifier Bandpass Active Filter
R2 = ---~Q~--- (9)
Again, Rs is simply chosen as twice R4 and Rs
12Q2 - HO) w o c 1
must be selected after R6 and R7 have been
assigned values. The design procedure is as
R =~ follows:
3 W C
o 1
Given: Q and fo
(11 )
To find: R, through R7, and C, and C2
R4 = 6.2 Mil.
and K=3.
Then from equation (12)
Al = 40kil .,
and from equation (13)
A2 = 140 x 1031 31251
[21251 - 1]
A2 = 61 kil
and from equation (14)
A3 =
40 x 103
As a design example;
6.6 A Three-amplifier Bandpass Active Filter
Require: to = 1 kHzandQ = 50.
To reduce Q sensitivity to element variation To find: Cl , C2 and Al through RS'
even further or to provide higher Q (Q > 50)
a three amplifier bandpass filter can be used. Choose: cl = c2 = 330 pF
This circuit, Figure 40, pre-dates most of the
literature on RC active filters and has been and 2Al = A2 = A3 = 360 kn, and Al = lS0 kn.
used on analog computers. Due to the use
of three amplifiers it often is considered too Then from equation (17).
costly-especially for low Q applications. The
multiple amplifiers of the LM3900 make this a A4 = 11.S x 1051 [21501 - 1]
very useful circuit. It has been called the "Bi- A4 = 17.S Mil.
Quad" as it can produce a transfer function From equation (18).
which is "Quad" - radic in both numerator A5 = A7 = _ _ _ _1'--_ __
and denominator (to give the "Bi"). A newer
realization technique for this type of filter is 121r x 103113.3 x 10-101
the "second-degree state-variable network." A5 = 4S3kil.
Outputs can be taken at any of three points to And from equation (19),
give low pass, high pass or bandpass response
characteristics (see the reference cited). A6 = AS ~ 1 Mil.
From equation (20) the midband gain is 100 As an example, using Ao = 2800 for the LM3900
(40 dB). The value of R4 is high and can be we can estimate the maximum frequency
lowered by scaling only R, through R4 by the where a 0 0 = 50 would be reasonable as
factor 1.78 to give:
2Rl = R
= R
= 3BOx 10
=200~ Rl = 100k.\l
~ = 2.5 x 10.2 (2.8 x 103 ) + 0.5
fa 5 x 10
and or
~ = 1.9
R4 = 17.8x lOB = 10 Mon. fa
These values (to the nearest 5% standard) have
been added to Figure 40.
7.1 A Sinewave Oscillator 7.2 Squarewave Generator
The design of a sinewave oscillator presents The standard op amp squarewave generator
problems in both amplitude stability (and pre- has been modified as shown in Figure 42. The
dictability) and output waveform purity (THD).
If an RC bandpass filter is used as a high Q
resonator for the oscillator circuit we can ob- "'
o-JVl "M..-4....._-'lM_--' ;.f1..J
to ~ lkHl
A sinewave oscillator which is based on this
principle is shown in Figure 41. The two-
FIGURE 42. A Squarewave Oscillator
amplifier RC active filter is used as it requires
only two capacitors and provides an overall
non-inverting phase characteristic. If we add capacitor, C" alternately charges and dis-
a non-inverting gain controlled amplifier charges (via R,) between the voltage limits
around the filter we obtain the desired oscilla- which are established by the resistors R2, R3
tor configuration. Finally, the sinewave output and R4 . This combination produces a Schmitt-
voltage is sensed and regulated as the average Trigger circuit' and the operation can be under-
value is compared to a DC reference voltage, stood by noticing that when the output is low
VREF • by use of a differential averaging circuit. (and if we neglect the current flow through
It can be shown that with the values selected R4 ) the resistor R2 (3M) will cause the trigger
for R'5 and R'6 (ratio of 0.64/1) that there is to fire when the current through this resistor
first order temperature compensation for CR 3 equals the current which enters the (+) input
and the internal input diodes of the IC ampli- (via R3). This gives a firing voltage of approxi-
fier which is used for the "difference averager". mately R2/(R3) V+ (or V+/3). The other trip
Further, this also provides a simple way to point, when the output voltage is high, is ap-
regulate and to predict the magnitude of the proximately [2(R2/R3)] V+, as R3 = R4 • or
output si newave as 2/3(V+). Therefore the voltage across the ca-
pacitor, C" will be the first one-half of an ex-
ponential waveform between these voltage trip
limits and will have good symmetry and be es-
sentially independent of the magnitude of the
which is essentially independent of both tem- power supply voltage. If an unsymmetrical
perature and the magnitude of the power sup- squarewave is desired, the trip points can be
ply voltage (if V REF is derived from a stable shifted to produce any desired mark/space
voltage source). ratio.
l!iDK "'
15DK "'
Dl"f ""
C"' "10
R12 ..
62. v·
"15 co,
\.--'V\IIr---o+v REF
10=1 kHz
THO = 0.1% (Vo" 5 Vp)
7.3 Pulse Generator At this time the output voltage will switch to a
high state. VOH ;. and the current entering the
The squarewave generator can be slightly mod- (+) input will increase to
ified to provide a pulse generator. The slew
rate limits of the LM3900 (0.5V/jJSec) must be v+ - v BE + V OHi - V BE
1M+ = - - - - " ' "
kept in mind as this limits the ability to pro- R3 R4
duce a narrow pulse when operating at a high
power supply voltage level. For example. with Also CR, goes ON and the capacitor. C,. charges
a +15 Voc power supply the rise time. t" to via R,. Some of this charge current is diverted
change 15V is given by: via R2 to ground (the (-) input is at VCESAT
during this interval as the current mirror is
t=~=~ demanding more current than the (-) input
r Slew Rate 0.5V//lsee terminal can provide). The high trip voltage.
VH • is given by
t, = 30 /lsee.
1 R2 .....
A design proceeds by first choosing the trip
points for the voltage across C,. The resistors
O.OII' F -r
c,_ --1!..DI
T'':''''( lM3900
"" VO
R3 and R4 are used only for this trip voltage
control. The resistor R2 affects the discharge
+15V oc
t,1 r + 1~~
PW == IOQu:s
:j~L time (the long interval) and also both of the
trip voltages so this resistor is determined first
from the required pulse repetition frequency
PRF:l! 1kHz I/PRF (PRF). The value of R2 is determined by the
RC exponential discharge from V H to VL as
this time interval. T,. controls the PRF (T, =
FIGURE 43. A Pulse Generator 1/PRF). If we start with the equation for the
RC discharge we have
from the discharge path (via R2). The circuit
operates as follows. assume first that the out-
put voltage has just switched low (and we will
neglect the current flow through R4)' The
voltage across C, is high and the magnitude of
the discharge current (through R2) is given by
Ve , ,V BE
I Discharge ::::: - ' - - - -
This current is larger than that entering the
(+) input which is given by
To provide a low duty cycle pulse train we sel-
ect small values for both V H and V L (such as
3V and 1.5V) and choose a starting value for
C,. Then R2 is given by
The excess current entering the (-) input term-
inal causes the amplifier to be driven to a low (4)
output voltage state (saturation). This condi-
tion remains for the long time interval (1/Pulse
Repetition Frequency) until the R2C, dis-
charge current equals the I R3 value (as CR, is
OFF during this interval). The voltage across If R2 from (4) is not in the range of approxi-
C, at the trip point. VL • is given by mately 100 kQ to 1 MQ. choose another value
for C,. Now equation (1) can be used to find
a value for R3 to provide the VL which was
initially assumed. Similarly equation (2) allows
R4 to be calculated. Finally R, is determined
(1 ) by the required pulse width (PW) as the capaci-
tor. C,. must be charged from VL to VH by R,.
This RC charging is given by (neglecting the 5.0 Find Rl from equation (5).
loading due to R2)
A = 104
~ ~ "<;,) 1 -1O-8..en (1 _ 3 )
114.2 - 0.7)
v, "0", - V o' -
or = 104
AI -..en (1 __3_)
Al = ~ = 39.7 kn .
Al ~ ~ ~
These values (to the nearest 5% standard) have
-C 1..en [1 _ VH ]
VOHi - VD been added to Figure 43.
where T2 is the pulse width desired and Va 7.4 Triangle Waveform Generator
is the forward voltage drop across CR 1 .
Triangle waveforms are usually generated by
As a design example: an integrator which receives first a positive DC
input voltage then a negative DC input voltage.
Required: Provide a lOOf.J.s pulse every 1 ms. The LM3900 easily provides this operation in a
The power supply voltage is +15 Vac system which operates with only a single power
supply voltage by making use of the current
1.0 Start by choosing VL = 1.5V mirror which exists at the (+) input. This allows
the generation of a triangle waveform without
and VH = 3.0V requiring a negative DC input voltage.
10-8..en (3.0 )
A2 ~ =
= 0.694 144kn.
is the difference between the trip points of the -----!.- Cl
Schmitt-Trigger. The design of the Schmitt-
Trigger has been presented in the section on RI CRI
Digital and Switching Circuits (9.0) and the RESET O-JlllIIr-...+<H
trip voltages control the peak-to-peak excur-
sion of the triangle output voltage waveform.
The output of the Schmitt circuit provides a
squarewave of the same frequency.
• til) P01111veRamp
7.5 Sawtooth Waveform Generator
>..;.;;;'---....-..... '0
" (+15V g c!
Run ~ onttJV
Run RATIO :~:~~::~ • 140 1
With resistor Rs opened up and the reset con-
trol at zero volts. the potentiometer. Rs. is ad-
justed to minimize the drift in the output volt-
'~F Vo
Amp 2 to eliminate the tendency for the output many functions, the required linearity of the
voltage to drift up due to the 30 nA input cur- transfer characteristic (frequency out to DC
rent (see section 7.5.1). The pulse count can be voltage in) depends upon the application. For
made voltage variable simply by removing the low distortion demodulation of an FM signal,
comparator reference (R3) from V+ and using a high degree of linearity is necessary whereas
this as a control voltage input. Finally, the in- a tracking filter application would not require
put could be derived from differentiating a this performance in the VCO.
squarewave input as was shown in Figure 47
and if only one step per cycle were desired, the
diode, CR, of Figure 47, can be eliminated. A VCO circuit is shown in Figure 50. Only two
amplifiers are required, one is used to integrate
the DC input control voltage, Vc , and the other
7.B An Up·down Staircase Waveform Generator is connected as a Schmitt-trigger which moni-
tors the output of the integrator. The trigger
A staircase waveform which first steps up and circuit is used to control the clamp transistor,
then steps down is provided by the circuit 0,. When 0, is conducting, the input current,
shown in Figure 49. An input pulse generator 12, is shunted to ground. During this one-half
cycle the input current, I" causes the output
voltage of the integrator to ramp down. At the
minimum point of the triangle waveform (out-
equation (1) simplifies to A limit is reached when the triangular sweep
output waveform exceeds the slew rate limit of
the LM3900 (0.5V1fJS). Note that the output of
the Schmitt circuit has to move up only one
VSE to bring the clamp transistor, aI' ON, and
or therefore output slew rate of this circuit is not
a limit.
t; va = __1_,_ (3)
t;t C To improve the temperature stability of the
veo, a PNP emitter follower can be used to
Now the time, t;t, to sweep from VH to VL give approximate compensation for the VSE 's
becomes at the inputs to the amplifier (see Figure 52).
Finally to improve the mark to space ratio ac-
curacy over temperature and at low control
voltages, an additional amplifier can be added
such that both reference currents are applied to
2(V H - VLI C
T and
! (4)
T 2(V H - VLI C
The circuit shown in Figure 50 will require FIGURE 52. Reducing Temperature Drift
Vc >V SE to oscillate. A value of Vc = 0 pro-
vides fOUT = 0, which mayor may not be de-
sired. Two common-mode input biasing resis- the same type of (inverting) inputs of the LM-
tors can be added as shown in Figure 51 to 3900. The circuit to accomplish this is shown
allow fOUT = fMIN for Vc = O. In general, if within dotted lines in Figure 53.
these resistors are a factor of 10 larger than
their corresponding resistor (Rl or R 2) a large
control frequency ratio can be realized. Actu-
ally, Vc could range outside the supply voltage
limit of V+ and this circuit will still function
FIGURE 51. Adding Input Common-mode Biasing A basic phase comparator is shown in Figure 54.
Resistors This circuit provides a pulse-width modulated
output voltage waveform, Vol, which must be
The output frequency of this circuit can be filtered to provide a De output voltage (this
increased by reducing the peak-to-peak excur- filter can be the same as the one needed in the
sion of the triangle waveform (output 1) by de- PL2 ). The resistor R2 is made smaller than Rl
sign of the trip points of the Schmitt circuit. so the (+) input serves to inhibit the (-) input
signal. The center of the dynamic range is indi- 8.4 Conclusions
cated by the waveforms shown on the figure
(90 0 phase difference between fiN and fveo)' One LM3900 package (4 amplifiers) can pro-
vide all of the operations necessary to make a
phase-locked loop. In addition, a VCO is a gen-
,, ,,
, , . 1 ,
erally useful component for other system
>--o-IV\,-1~() Vo oc
""-:t and C at OV. If anyone of the input signals
were to go high (,,=V+) the current flow through
the 75 k S1 input resistor will cause the amplifier
to switch to the positive output saturation state
(Vo "= V+). The current loss through the other
input resistors (which have an input in the low
voltage state) represents an insignificant
>-+-........., .., ...Jl.r amount of the total input current which is pro-
'0 vided by the, at least one, high voltage input.
More than three inputs can be OR'ed if desired.
9.2 An "AND" Gate the "set" input causes the output to go high
and a "reset" positive pulse will return the out-
A three input AND gate is shown in Figure 57. put to essentially OVoc .
This gate requires all three inputs to be high
in order to have sufficient current entering the
(+) input to cause the output of the amplifier to 9.4 Trigger Flip Flops
switch high. The addition of R2 causes a smal-
ler current to enter the (+) input when only two Trigger flip flops are useful to divide an input
of the inputs are high. (A two input AND gate frequency as each input pulse will cause the
would not require a resistor as R2). More than output of a trigger flip flop to change state.
Again, due to the absence of a clocking signal
input, this is for an asynchronous logic applica-
tion. A circuit which uses only one amplifier
24' is shown in Figure 60. Steering of the differ-
entiated positive input trigger is provided by
the diode CR2. For a low output voltage state,
CR2 shunts the trigger away from the (-) input
and resistor R3 couples this positive input trig-
ger to the (+) input terminal. This causes the
CR2 ". tOOK
output to switch high. The high voltage output
state now keeps CR2 OFF and the smaller value
of (R5 + Rs) compared with R3 causes a larger
CR. CRI positive input trigger to be coupled to the (-)
input which causes the output to switch to the
CR' low voltage state.
CRI f .. A'B'C'O-E-F
oTL Rl
9.5 Monostable Multivibrators (One-shots)
either high or low in the quiescent state. Fur- value. This exists in free-running oscillators
ther, to increase the usefulness, a one-shot can where after a particular output level has been
be designed which triggers at a particular DC reached a reset pulse must be generated to re-
input voltage level to serve the dual role of pro- cycle the oscillator. This double function is
viding first a comparator and then a pulse provided with the circuit of Figure 63. The
VIN ~ 08V'
V1N mU1tlali
V' ·-DBV· P'IOf
to 12
can be omitted.
FIGURE 64. A One-amplifier One-shot (Positive
9.5.2 A Combination One·shot/Comparator
Circuit The resistor R2 keeps the output in the low volt-
age state. A differentiated positive trigger
In many applications a pulse is required if a causes the output to switch to the high voltage
DC input signal exceeds a predetermined state and resistor Rs latches this state. The
capacitor, C 1, charges from essentially voltage must be larger than VBE , but there is no
ground to approximately V+/4 where the cir- upper limit as long as the input resistor is large
cuit latches back to the quiescent state. The enough to guarantee that the input current will
diode, CR1, is used to allow a rapid re-triggering. not exceed 200}.J. A.
1.5M 15M
9.6 Comparators
9.6.1 A Comparator for Positive Input Voltages FIGURE 68. A Non·inverting Power Comparator
v' current mirror, the output will switch to the
high limit. With Vo high, the current demand-
I(}OK ed by the mirror is increased by a fixed amount,
12 , As a result, the 13 required to switch the
output increases this same amount. Therefore,
the switch points are determined by selecting
resistors which will establish the required cur-
rents at the desired input voltages. Reference
current (I,) and feedback current (1 2 ) are set by
the following equation.
The current established by VREF at the invert- By adjusting the values of R B , R F , and R 1N ,
ing input of amplifier 1 will cause transistor the switching values of V 1N may be set to any
0, to adjust the value of VA to supply this levels desired.
current. This value of VA will cause an equal
current to flow into the non-inverting input of
amplifier 2. This current corresponds more The non-inverting Schmitt-Trigger works in the
exactly to the reference cu rrent of amplifier 1. same way except that the input voltage is ap-
plied to the (+) input. The range of V1N may be
very large when compared with the operating
A differential input stage can also be added voltage of the amplifier.
to the LM3900 (see section 10.16) and the re-
sulting circuit can provide a precision compar-
ator circuit.
The 'amplifiers of the LM3900 can be used in
feedback loops which regulate the current in
external PNP transistors to provide current
8 9.5 sources or in external NPN transistors to pro-
vide current sinks. These can be multiple
sources or single sources which are fixed in
value or made voltage variable.
Larger input resistors can be used to reduce
current loss and a Darlington connection can be
used to reduce errors due to the j3 of 0,.
(+1 5Vocl
.J "'
Rl IVae
120K .2
FIGURE 71. Fixed Current Sources
The resistor, R2 , can be used to scale the col-
lector current of O 2 either above or below the
1 mA reference value. '---"V\IV--~ .J •
A voltage variable current source is shown in FIGURE 73. Fixed Current Sinks
Figure 72. The transconductance is -(1/R 2 ) as
the voltage gain from the input terminal to the
emitter of 0, is -1. For a VIN = 0 Voc the 10.1.4 A Voltage Variable Current Sink
output current is essentially zero mA DC. The
resistors R, and Rs guarantee that the ampli-
A voltage variable current sink is shown in Fig-
fier can turn OFF transistor 0,.
ure 74. The output current is 1 mA per volt of
VIN (as R5 = 1 kQ and the gain is +1). This
V· circuit provides approximately 0 mA output
current for V IN = 0 Voc .
!~ 10: 1 mAIVOlTIV'1II1
FIGURE 72. A Voltage Controlled Current Source
10.2.1 An AC Amplifier Operating with been added for temperature compensation of
±15 Vec Power Supplies this biasing. Now, if we include these biasing
resistors, we have a DC amplifier with the input
An AC coupled amplifier is shown in Figure 75. biased at approximately zero volts. If feedback
The biasing resistor, Rs ' is now returned to resistors are added around this biased ampli-
ground and both inputs bias at one VSE above fier we get the schematic shown in Figure 77.
the -VEE voltage (approximately -15 V ec ).
200K t'--,
R' - .....
1M I ...... ,
I ,-
I ;'
+ """'BIASED
..... / LM39DO FROM
fiGURE 16
When the input voltage goes high, the charging
current of C IN, ICHG enters the (+) input, is mir-
rored about ground and is drawn from the RC
averaging network into the (-) input terminal.
When the input voltage goes back to ground,
the discharge current of C IN , IOISCHARGE will
also be drawn from the RC averaging network
via the now conducting diode, CRI' This full
wave action causes two current pulses to be
drawn through the RC averaging network for
each cycle of the input frequency.
FIGURE 79. Adding Biasing to Provide Vo = 0 VOC
10.3.3 A Frequency Doubling Tachometer
FIGURE 81. A Squaring Amplifier with Hysteresis
With the values shown in Figure 81 the trip 10.7 A Low Drift Sample and Hold Circuit
voltages are approximately ±150 mV centered
about the zero output voltage state of the trans- In sample and hold applications a very low
ducer (at low frequencies where the low pass input biasing current is required. This is usu-
filter is not attenuating the input signal). ally achieved by using a FET transistor or a
special low input current IC op amp. The exist-
10.5 A Differentiator ance of many matched amplifiers in the same
package allows the LM3900 to provide some
An input differentiating capacitor can cause the interesting low "equivalent" input biasing cur-
input of the LM3900 to swing below ground rent applications.
and actuate the input clamp circuit. Again,
common-mode biasing can be used to prevent
this negative swing at the input terminals of the 10.7.1 Reducing the "Effective" Input Biasing
LM3900. The schematic of a differentiator Current
circuit is shown in Figure 82. Common-mode
One amplifier can be used to bias one or more
additional amplifiers as shown in Figure 84.
R1 .. R2
FIGURE 82. A Diff.rentiator Circuit
10.8 Audio Mixer or Channel Selector
: J. o-~'",'"''v-.'"+'-+-I
components). Using the amplifier of the feedback resistor is constantly loading C in ad-
LM3900, gain and filtering can also be accom- dition to the current drawn by the circuitry
plished with the same circuit in addition to the which samples Vo. These loading effects must
high input impedance and low output imped- be considered when selecting a value for C.
ance advantages. The schematic of Figure 88
shows a mixer with a gain of 10 and a low pass The biasing resistor, RB ' allows a minimum DC
single pole filter (1 M and 150 pF feedback ele- voltage to exist across the capacitor and the
ments) with a corner frequency of 1 kHz. With input resistor, RI N' can be selected to provide
gain to the input signal.
sink maximum currents of approximately
v, 80 mA (if overdriven at the (-) input). If the
I output is driven to a saturated state to reduce
device dissipation, some interesting power cir-
V,;"V 2 -=
cuits can be realized. These maximum values
of current are typical values for the unit opera-
ting at 25° C and therefore have to be de-rated
for reliable operation. For fully switched oper-
ation, amplifiers can be paralleled to increase
FIGURE 88. A Low Frequency Mixer cu rrent capabi Iity.
V' II 5V ot ~
10.12.1 A High Voltage Inverting Amplifier
the epi-substrate diode of the IC fabrication.
o +5 +10
V+I+l,V oc l
0.3 Voc. Again, the gain is 30 and a range of 3.) The input impedance is high (1 MS1).
the input voltage of from 0 to +10 Voc will 4.) A large closed loop gain is easily achieved
cause the output voltage to range from approxi- (80 dB).
mately 0 to +300 Voc . 5.) The slow start-up delay is eliminated.
6.) Two channels are available in one package.
~ I BIAS20mA
l.)V oc
10M 62 ~,
v' 0---,\1\1\_
FIGURE 95. A Line Operated Audio Amplifier
-- .... R1
I,. 1M
NO """""lH'OuG" '"'" "
0">< CHON,,, '.,,,,,,,[
FIGURE 97. Temperature Sensing
10.15 A "Programmable Unijunction"
'r l
... I FIGURE 99. Adding a Differential Input Stage
y' 0-"""......_------'
FIGURE 98. A "Programmable Uniiunction" This will increase the gain and reduce the off-
set voltage. Frequency compensation can be
added as shown. The BV EBO limit of the input
must be larger than approximately 1V to guar- transistors must not be exceeded during a large
antee that the forward drop of CRI added to the differential input condition, or diodes and input
output voltage of the LM3900 will be less than limiting resistors should be added to restrict
the low trip Voltage. The discharge current can the input voltage which is applied to the bases
be increased by using smaller values for R2 to of 0, and O 2 to ±Vo .
provide pull down currents larger than the
1.3 mA bias current source. The trip voltages
of the Schmitt-Trigger are designed as shown in The input common-mode voltage range does
section 9.7. not go exactly to ground as a few tenths of a
volt are needed to guarantee that 0, or O 2 will
not saturate and cause a phase change (and a
10.16 Adding a Differential Input Stage resulting latch-up). The input currents will be
small, but could be reduced further, if desired,
A differential amplifier can be added to the by using FETS for 0, and O2 , This circuit can
input of the LM3900 as shown in Figure 99. also be operated off of ±15 Voc supplies.
R. T. Smathers, .....
T. M. Frederiksen, ~
W. M. Howard
January 1973
LM139/LM239/LM339 A QUAD OF
The LM 139/LM239/LM339 family of devices is a be seen that operation with an input common W
monolithic quad of independently functioning mode voltage of ground is possible. With both
comparators designed to meet the needs for a inputs at ground potential, the emitters of 0, and
medium speed, TTL compatible comparator for
industrial applications. Since no antisaturation
0 4 will be at one V SE above ground and the emit·
ters of O 2 and 0 3 at 2 VSE . For switching action
clamps are used on the output such as a Baker the base of 0 5 and Os need on Iy go to one V S E W
clamp or other active circuitry, the output leakage above ground and since O 2 and 0 3 can operate to
current in the OFF state is typically 0.5 nA. This
makes the device ideal for system applications
with zero volts collector to base, enough voltage is
present at a zero volt common mode input to
where it is desired to switch a node to ground
while leaving it totally unaffected in the OFF
insure comparator action. The bases should not be
taken more than several hundred millivolts below
state. ground, however, to prevent forward biasing a sub·
strate diode which would stop all comparator
Other features include single supply, low voltage
action and possibly damage the device. If very
operation with an input common mode range from large input currents were provided. o'TI
ground up to approximately one volt below Vee.
The output is an uncommitted collector so it may Figure 2 shows the comparator with the output
be used with a pull·up resistor and a separate out· stage added. Additional voltage gain is taken z
put supply to give switching levels from any vol· C
tage up to 36V down to a VeE SAT above ground m
(approx. 100 mVl. sinking currents up to 15 mAo +Vcc "0
In addition it may be used as a single pole switch
to ground, leaving the switched node unaffected
while in the OFF state. Power dissipation with all C
four comparators in the OF F state is typically
4 mW from a single 5V supply (1 mW/comparator). -I
Figure 1 shows the basic input stage of one of the
four comparators of the LM139. Transistors 0,
FIGURE 2. Basic LM139 Comparator Z
through 0 7 and 0 8 with the collector of 0 8 left
open to offer a wide variety of possible applica·
tions. The addition of a large pull·up resistor from
the collector of 0 8 to either +Vee or any other s:
supply up to 36V both increases the LM139 gain
and makes possible output switching levels to »
match practically any application. Several outputs
may be tied together to provide an ORing function
FIGURE 1. Basic LM139 Input Stage
or the pull·up resistor may be omitted entirely
with the comparator then serving as a SPST switch
through 0 4 make up a PNP Darlington differen·
to ground. en
tial input stage with 0 5 and 0 6 serving to give Output transistor 0 8 will sink up to 15 mA before
single·ended output from differential input with the output ON voltage rises above several hundred
no loss in gain. Any differential input at 0, and millivolts. The output current sink capability may
0 4 will be amplified causing Os to switch OFF or be boosted by the addition of a discrete transistor
ON depending on input signal polarity. It can easily at the output.
The complete circuit for one comparator of the COMPARATOR CIRCUITS
LM139 is shown in Figure 3. Current sources 13 Figure 5 shows a basic comparator circuit for
converting low level analog signals to a high level
digital output. The output pull-up resistor should
be chosen high enough so as to avoid excessive
power dissipation yet low enough to supply
enough drive to switch whatever load circuitry is
used on the comparator output. Resistors R, and
R2 are used to set the input threshold trip voltage
(V REF ) at any value desired within the input
common mode range of the comparator.
V""-I-"\A o--+-<>-i
:JlIT ov
LINE? ? ? +Vcc
~ ~
output swing is 5V, for example, and it is desired When the input voltage V IN , rises above the refer-
to feedback 1% or 50 mV, then R, "" 100 R2 . To ence voltage (V IN > V A'l. voltage, Vo , will go low
describe circuit operation, assume that the in- (Vo = GND). The lower input trip voltage, V A2,
verting input goes above the reference input is now defined by:
(V IN > V REF ). This will drive the output, V o ,
towards ground which in turn pulls V REF down
through R,. Since V REF is actually the non-
inverting input to the comparator, it too will drive
the output towards ground insuring the fastest or
possible switching time regardless of how slow the
input moves. If the input then travels down to (2)
V REF , the same procedure will occur only in the
opposite direction insuring that the output will be
driven hard towards +Vee. When the input voltage, VIN , decreases to V A2 or
lower, the output will a]ain switch high. The total
Putting hystemsis in the feedback loop of the hysteresis, /:;V A, provided by this network is
comparator has far more use, however, than defined by:
simply as an oscillation suppressor. It can be made
to function as a Schmitt trigger with presettable
trigger points. A typical circuit is shown in Fig-
ure 7. Again, the hysteresis is achieved by shifting or, subtracting equation 2 from equation 1
the reference voltage at the positive input when
the output voltage Vo changes state. This network
R2 lM'2 Heavier loading on RpULL.UP (i.e_smaller values of
1 M~'
R3 or R LOAD ) simply reduces the value of the
maximum output voltage thereby reducing the
amount of hysteresis by lowering the value of
VA" For simplicity, we have assumed in the above
equations that Vo high switches all the way up to
R3 ':h''''OLOW
V A2
To find the resistor values needed for a given set of
trip points, we first divide equation (3) by equa-
R2 R2 Rl
tion (2). This gives us the ratio:
R, R,
1+- + -
FIGURE 7. Inverting Comparator with Hysteresis /:"V A R3 R2
-- = (6)
VA2 R3 R3
requires only three resistors and is referenced to 1+- + -
the positive supply +Vee of the comparator. R2 R,
This can be modeled as a resistive divider, R,
and R2 , between +Vee and ground with the third
If we let R, = n R3 , equation (6) becomes:
resistor, R3 , alternately connected to +Vee or
ground, paralleling either R, or R 2 . To analyze
this circuit, assume that the input voltage, VIN , at
the inverting input is less than VA. With (7)
VIN ~ VA the output will be high (V o = +Ved.
The upper input trip voltage, V A" is defined by:
+Vee R2 We can then obtain an expression for R2 from
VA' = :-::-~=,:-",,=,- equation (1) which gives
(R,iiR 3 ) + R2
+Vee R2 (R, + R 3 )
VA' = R, R2 + R, R3 + R2 R3
The following design example is offered: (V O " GND)_ For the output to switch, V 1N must
rise up to V 1N , where V 1N , is given by:
Given: V+ ~ +15V
RLOAD~ 100krl
VA' ~ +10V (9)
V A2 ~ +5V
To find: R" R 2 , R 3 , RpULL-UP
As soon as Vo switches to +Vee, V A will step to a
value greater than V REF which is given by:
From equation (4) RpULL-UP < R LOAD
RpULL-UP < 100 krl
so let R PU LL-UP ~ 3 krl
These are the values shown in Figure 7. V REF (R, + R 2 ) V REF (R, + R 2 ) - Vee R,
R2 R2
The circuit shown in Figure 8 is a non-inverting
comparator with hysteresis which is obtained with or
only two resistors, R, and R 2 . In contrast to the
first method, however, this circuit requires a separ-
ate reference voltage at the negative input. The
trip voltage, V A, at the positive input is shifted
about V REF as Vo changes between +Vee and
As a design example consider the following:
Given: R LOAD ~ 100 krl
V 1N , " 10V
V 1N 2" 5V
+Vee" 15V
To find: V REF , R" R2 and R3
Again choose RpULL-UP < R LOAD to minimize
loading, so let
RpULL_UP" 3 krl
~" f'..V 1N
From equation (12) R2 Vee
·\lcc \I'NI
R, _ 10-5 _ 1
'"H I:: Al
V"'Z v,,,,
R2 - ~-3
R, ~ ~.£
o 3
5 '"
':'" V"
From equation (9) V REF " - - -
FIGURE 8. Non-Inverting Comparator with Hysteresis
V 1N
V REF ~ --1- ~ 7.5V
Again for analysis, assume that the input voltage, 1 +-
V 1N , is low so that the output, Vo, is also low 3
To minimize output loading choose made very large with respect to Rs
(R6 ; 2000 Rs). The resultant hysteresis estab-
R2 > RpULL-UP lished by this network is very small (L'IV, < 10 mV)
or R 2 > 3 kD. but it is sufficient to insure rapid output
so let voltage transitions. Diode 0, is used to insure that
The value of R 1 is now obtained from equa-
tion (12) +Vcc 15V
of V IN 2 the output will go low (V OUT = GND). If of the comparator in addition to any capacitive
the magnitude of V IN 1 is less than that of V IN 2. loading at the output which would degrade the
however. the output will go high (V OUT = Veel. output slew rate.
To analyze this circuit assume that the output is
Magnetic Transducer Amplifier
initially high. For this to be true. the voltage at the
A circuit that will detect the zero crossings in the negative input must be less than the voltage at the
output of a magnetic transducer is shown in Fig· positive input. Therefore. capacitor C, is dis·
ure 12. Resistor divider. R, and R2 • biases the charged. the voltage at the positive input. V AI.
positive input at +Vee/2. which is well within the will then be given by:
common mode operating range. The minus input
is biased through the magnetic transducer. This (13)
tV cc
R1 RPUll_lII' . 2Vee
lDK then VAl = --3- (14)
II VOUT Capacitor C, will charge up through R4 so that
when it has charged up to a value equal to V AI.
the comparator output will switch. With the out·
put Vo = GND. the value of VA is reduced by
the hysteresis network to a value given by:
VA2 = - 3 - (15)
FIGURE 12. Magnetic Transducer Amplifier using the same resistor values as before. Capacitor
C, must now discharge through R4 towards
allows large signal swings to be handled without ground. The output will return to its high state
exceeding the input voltage limits. A symmetrical (V o = +Veel when the voltage across the capaci·
square wave output is insured through the positive tor has discharged to a value equal to V A2. For the
feedback resistor R3 . Resistors R 1 and R2 can be circuit shown. the period for one cycle of oscilla·
used to set the DC bias voltage at the positive tion will be twice the time it takes for a single RC
input at any desired voltage within the input circuit to charge up to one half of its final value.
common mode voltage range of the comparator. The period can be calculated from:
freq. = 2t, (19)
-f = 2 (0.694) R 4 C, (20)
FIGURE 13. Square Wave Generator req.
Pulse Generator with Variable Duty Cycle t2 is then given by:
AS 10K
Crystal Controlled Oscillator
R2 1M
of the LM 139 are used to establ ish the desired put device of comparator 3 will be OFF which
phasing between the two outputs to the clock prevents any current from flowing through R2 to
driver. A more detailed explanation of the delay ground. With a control voltage. Vc. at the input
circuit is given in the section under "Digital and to comparator 1. a current I, will flow through
Switching Circuits." R, and begin discharging capacitor C, • at a linear
rate. This discharge current is given by:
I, = C, 6t' (30)
m --,
50K "
10' +Vec ll
" .".
-Vec lZ
> ....---<lV~
ground. If the value of R2 is chosen as R1/2 can be selected by setting the Vee to which the
a current equal to the capacitor discharge current pull·up resistor is connected to any desired level.
can be made to flow out of C 1 charging it at the
same rate as it was discharged. By making R2 = R1 /2,
current 12 will equal twice 11 , This is the control
circuitry which guarantees a constant 50% duty A three input AND gate is shown in Figure 18-
cycle oscillation independent of frequency or Operation of this gate is as follows: resistor
temperature. As capacitor C 1 charges, the output divider R1 and R2 establishes a reference voltage
of comparator 1 will ramp up until it trips at the inverting input to the comparator. The non-
comparator 2 to its high state (VSQ = +V cc) inverting input is the sum of the voltages at the
and the cycle will repeat. inputs divided by the voltage dividers comprised of
R3 , R 4 , Rs and Rs. The output will go high only
The circuit shown in Figure 17a uses a +30V sup-
ply and gives a triangle wave of 1.5V peak-to-peak_
<V e e'15V
With a timing capacitor, C 1 equal to 500 pF, a
frequency range from approximately 115 kHz
down to approximately 670 Hz was obtained with
a control voltage ranging from 50V down to R1
250 mV_ By reducing the hysteresis around com-
parator 2 down to ±150 mV (R F = 100 kn, l15mV
AN 74-9
OR/NOR Gates gate having an uncommitted collector output
The three input OR gate (positive logic) shown in (such as National's DM5401 IDM7401). In addition
another comparator of the LM139 could also be
Figure 20 is achieved from the basic AND gate
used for output strobing, replacing Q, in Figure
21, if desired. (See Figure 22.)
'V ee
' .. <>--1 H--+----j
FIGURE 20. Three Input OR Gate 1"" '0
10 I,
voltage required at the input to raise the voltage at 1 mV at zero current along with an RSAT of 60£1
point A higher than the voltage at point B. and is shows why the LM 139 so easily adapts itself to
set by the resistive divider R4 and R,o and the oscillator and digital switching circuits by allowing
network R,. R2 and R 3 . When the multivibrator the DC output voltage to go practically to ground
has been triggered. the output of comparator 2 is while in the ON state.
high causing the reference voltage at the non-invert-
ing input of comparator 1 to go to +Vcc. This pre-
vents any additional input pulses from disturbing 1400
"' "m
·~r L-1~"
. '.
'0 t, I. "
~~:DK 11/4LMll9~ii
t----b-/.... "7L
~~:BK FIGURE 27. Time Delay Generator
This timer will provide output signals at prescribed
FIGURE 25. Bistable Multivibrator
time intervals from a time reference to and will
automatically reset when the input signal returns
applied to the SET terminal will switch the output to ground. For circuit evaluation. first consider the
high. Resistor divider network R 1 • R 4 • and R5 quiescent state (V ,N ; 0) where the output of
now clamps the non-inverting input to a voltage comparator 4 is ON which keeps the voltage across
greater than the reference voltage. A pulse now C 1 at zero volts. This keeps the outputs of com-
applied to the RESET input will pull the output parators 1. 2 and 3 in their ON state (V OUT ;
low. If both Q and Q outputs are needed. another GND). When an input signal is applied. compara·
comparator can be added as shown dashed in tor 4 turns OFF allowing C, to charge at an
Figure 25. exponential rate through R 1. As this voltage rises
past the preset trip points VA. VB and Vc of
Figure 26 shows the output saturation voltage of comparators 1. 2 and 3 respectively. the output
the LM 139 comparator verses the amount of voltage of each of these comparators will switch to
current being passed to ground. The end point of the high state (V OUT ; +Vccl. A small amount of
hysteresis has been provided to insure fast switch-
ing for the case where the Rc time constant has RE~~~NSE '~16IA CIRc'UIT Vee - +5V
been chosen large to give long delay times. It is not
necessary that all comparator outputs be low in
the quiescent state. Several or all may be reversed mI·
as desired simply be reversing the inverting and III1
non-inverting input connections. Hysteresis again !r'<.
bandwidth and the output voltage response time. 1K
+Vcc tVcc
1K T C1
O•5il F
Av ==100
FIGURE 28. Non-Inverting Amplifier
!:I •• f
FIGURE 34. Non-Inverting Amplifier Using Dual Supplies
The MOS clock driver shown in Figure 16 uses
dual supplies to properly drive the MM0025 clock The following is a collection of various applica·
driver. tions intended primarily to further show the wide
versatility that the LM139 quad comparator has
The square wave generator shown in Figure 13 can to offer. No new modes of operation are presented
be used with dual supplies giving an output that here so all of the previous formulas and circuit
swings symmetrically above and below ground (see descriptions will hold true. It is hoped that all of
Figure 33). Operation is identical to the single the circuits presented in this application note will
supply oscillator with the only change being in the suggest to the user a few of the many areas in
lower trip point. which the LM139 can be utilized.
tV ee
Remote Temperature Sensor/Alarm
The circuit shown in Figure 35 shows a temperature
over·range limit sensor. The 2N930 is a National
R4 process 07 silicon NPN transistor connected to pro·
duce a voltage reference equal to a multiple of its
base emitter voltage along with a temperature
r-l rtVcc
I L.J -Vee coefficient equal to a multiple of 2.2 mV tC. That
multiple is determined by the ratio of R, to R2 .
The theory of operation is as follows: with transis·
tor Q, biased up, its base to emitter voltage will
appear across resistor R,. Assuming a reasonably
high beta ({3 > 100) the base current can be
neglected so that the current that flows through
resistor R, must also be flowing through R2 . The
-Vee voltage drop across resistor R2 will be given by:
Figure 34 shows an LM139 connected as an op
amp using dual supplies. Biasing is actually simpler
if full output swing at low gain settings is required
by biasing the inverting input from ground rather so
than from a resistive divider to some voltage
between +V cc and ground. (31)
This provides a highly linear, variable temperature R2/R1 should be large to make the alarm more
coefficient reference which is ideal for use as a sensitive to temperature variations. To vary the
temperature sensor over a temperature range from trip points a potentiometer can be substituted
approximately -65°C to +150°C. When this tem· for R3 and R4 . By the addition of a single feed·
perature sensor is connected as shown in Figure 35 back resistor to the non-inverting input to provide
it can be used to indicate an alarm condition of a slight amount of hysteresis, the sensor could
either too high or too Iowa temperature excursion. function as a thermostat. For driving loads greater
Resistors R3 and R4 set the trip point reference than 15 mA, an output current booster transistor
voltage, VB, with switching occuring when VA ~ could be used.
VB' Resistor R5 is used to bias up 0 1 at some
low value of current simply to keep quiescent Four Independently Variable, Temperature
power dissipation to a minimum. An 10 near Compensated, Reference Supplies
10MA is acceptable.
The circuit shown in Figure 36 provides four
Using one LM139, four separate sense points are independently variable voltages that could be used
available. The outputs of the four comparators for low current supplies for powering additional
can be used to indicate four separate alarm condi- equipment or for generating the reference voltages
tions or the outputs can be 0 R'ed together to needed in some of the previous comparator appli-
indicate an alarm condition at anyone of the cations. If the proper Zener diode is chosen, these
sensors. For the circuit shown the output will go four voltages will have a near zero temperature
HIGH when the temperature of the sensor goes coefficient. For industry standard Zeners, this will
above the preset level. This could easily be inverted be somewhere between 5.0 and 5.4V at a Zener
by simply reversing the input leads. For operation current of approximately 10 mAo An alternative
over a narrow temperature range, the resistor ratio solution is offered to reduce this 50 mW quiescent
- - -Z"~----If--l
-=- ":"
., I
2N!lJG I
FIGURE 35. Temperature Alarm
v, t---1>-------1
D1 1!4lM1J!I
10K T'M
FIGURE 39. Paper Tape Reader With TTL Output
Digital Tape Reader 10K Your
FIGURE 40. Pulse Width Modulator
reduced by increasing the value of Rc. The values follower to avoid loading the output of the peak
of R, and C, can be varied to produce any detector.
desired center frequency from less than one hertz
to the maximum frequency of the LM139 which
will be limited by +Vcc and the output slew rate.
B. Siegel "-J
December 1972 C1I
The principal limitations in speed and bandwidth interdigitated monolithic pair that provide high
in IC FET input op amps have been reduced by
over an order of magnitude with the introduction
common mode rejection and input offset voltage
tracking usually associated only with bipolar
of the LH0062/LH0062C. Internal compensation
assures unity gain stability with bandwidths in
designs. The current mirror (Os and 0 7 ) converts
to single ended operation in addition to providing
excess of 15 MHz. Voltage follower slew rate is active high impedance load for 0 4 and 0 5 thus "T1
typically 75V Ills and is guaranteed in excess of providing high gain. 0 3 and D, provides a tem- o
50V Ills. Furthermore, external components may perature compensated current source for the input :xJ
be used to extend the slew rate to 120V Ills and
settling times under Ills. The LH0062H (TO·5) is
stage and as, Og, D2 and D3 form a class AB »
pin compatible with LM101, LM741 and LH0022. J:
A summary of the LH0062's performance char- G')
acteristics is given in Table 1.
Input Offset Voltage 20 50 mV
lnpul Bias Current
Voltage Gam 50 100
20 pA
Slew Rate 50 75 V//ls
Bandwidth 15 MH,
TABLE 1. Summary of LH0062 Characteristics FIGURE 1. Simplified LH0062 Circuit Schematic
As noted earlier, the LH0062 is internally com- 20'
pensated for unity gain stability_ However, a few
precautions are advised_ Like most wide band
amplifiers, the LH0062 is sensitive to power supply
inductance, and decoupling the supplies with O_lIlF 5K
INPUT-.I\/I,,.,,....... not required, the device may be over-compensated
as shown in Figure 6 to reduce bandwidth to
5 MHz. This technique improves phase margin
and reduces susceptibility to spurious oscillations
in applications where speed is less critical.
FIGURE 6. Overcompensation
10K _ _ _ _- '
INPUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'I/\{\r
RI R2 R3
49K 12K 4K
Robert C. Dobkin ...,
March 1969
The differential input single·ended output instru- LM 102 is specifically designed for voltage follower m
mentation amplifier is one of the most versatile usage and has 10,000 MQ input impedance with ::JJ
signal processing amplifiers available. It is used for 3 nA input currents. This high of an input imped·
precision amplification of differential dc or ac ance provides two benefits: it allows the instru-
signals while rejecting large values of common mentation amplifier to be used with high source
mode noise. By using integrated circuits, a high resistances and still have low error; and it allows
level of performance is obtained at minimum cost. the source resistances to be unbalanced by over
10,000 ohms with no degradation in common
mode rejection. The followers drive a balanced dif·
Figure 1 shows a basic instrumentation amplifier ferential amplifier, as shown in Figure 1, which
which provides a 10 volt output for 100 mV input, provides gain and rejects the common mode volt-
while rejecting greater than ±11 V of common age. The gain is set by the ratio of R4 to R2 and
mode noise. To obtain good input characteristics, Rs to R 3. With the values shown, the gain for
two voltage followers buffer the input signal. The differential signals is 100.
Figure 2 shows an instrumentation ampl ifier where mode rejection of 60 dB, independent of gain. In
the gain is Iinearly adjustable from 1 to 300 with a either circuit, it is possible to trim any, one of the
single resistor. An LM101A, connectei:! as a fast resistors to obtain common mode rejection ratios
inverter, is used as an attenuator in the feedback in excess of 100 dB.
loop. By using an active attenuator, a very low
impedance is always presented to the feedback For optimum performance, several items should be
resistors, and common mode rejection is unaf- considered during construction. R I is used for
fected by gain changes. The LM 101 A, used as zeroing the output. It should be a high resolution,
shown, has a greater bandwidth than the LM107, mechanically stable potentiometer to avoid a zero
and may be used in a feedback network without shift from occurring with mechanical disturbances.
instability. The gain is linearly dependent on R6 Since there are several ICs operating in close prox-
and is equal to 10-4 R6 • imity, the power supplies should be bypassed with
.01 fJ.F disc capacitors to insure stability. The resis-
To obtain good common mode rejection ratios, it tors should be of the same type to have the same
is necessary that the ratio of R4 to R2 match the temperature coefficient.
ratio of Rs to R3 . For example, if the resistors in
circuit shown in Figure 1 had a total mismatch of A few applications for a differential instrumenta-
0.1 %, the common mode rejection would be 60 dB tion amplifier are: differential voltage measure·
times the closed loop gain, or 100 dB. The circuit ments, bridge outputs, strain gauge outputs, or low
shown in Figure 2 would have constant common level voltage measurement.
Av '1rR6
Robert C. Dobkin N
March 1969
nals, Pin 1, as shown in Figure 2. This eliminates
A feedforward compensation method increases the Z
slew rate of the LM101A from 0.5/1ls to 10V/Ils as the lateral PNP's from the signal path at high fre· (f)
an inverting amplifier. This extends the usefulness quencies. Unity gain bandwidth is 10 MHz and
of the device to frequencies an order of magnitude the slew rate is 1OV IllS. The diode can be added to
higher than the standard compensation network. improve slew with high speed input pulses. o
With this speed improvement, IC op amps may be z
used in applications that previously required dis· (f)
cretes. The compensation is relatively simple and "'C
does not change the offset voltage or current of CZ;l!;IX 10-11
•• m
the amplifier. m
In order to achieve unconditional closed loop sta·
bility for all feedback connections, the gain of an >.;..".... -v,~
operational amplifier is rolled off at 6 dB per "'C
octave, with the accompanying 90 degrees of
phase shift, until a gain of unity is reached. The »
frequency compensation networks shape the open Cl ·OPTIONAl TO IMPROVE RESPONSE
loop response to cross unity gain before the ampli· 158 pf WITH fAST·RISING INPUT STEPS. "'C
fier phase shift exceeds lBO degrees. Unity gain for
the LM101A is designed to occur at 1 MHz. The FIGURE 2. Feedforward Frequency Compensation
reason for this is the lateral PNP transistors used
for level shifting have poor high frequency reo Figure 3 shows the open loop response in the high
sponse and exhibit excess phase shift about and low speed configuration. Higher open loop
1 MHz. Therefore, the stable closed loop band· gain is realized with the fast compensation, as the
width is limited to approximately 1 MHz. gain rolls off at about 6 dB per octave until a gain
of unity is reached at about 10 MHz. Figures 4
and 5 show the small signal and large signal tran·
sient response. There is a small amount of ringing;
"'.•• however, the amplifier is stable over a _55°C to
+125°C temperature range. For comparison, large
signal transient" response with 30 pF frequency
compensation is shown in Figure 6.
'" r- TA = 25°C
.J. 1 1 '"
~EEDFr\Ai,D- '"
&1 80
30pf z l!
~ 60 135 ~
FIGURE 1. Standard Frequency Compensation ...... ~
~ tt"
1"- 1'J.
by the addition of 3 pF between Pins 1 and 8. A
small capacitor C2 is needed as a lead across the
feedback resistor to insure that the rolloff is less
than 12 dB per octave at unity gain. The capacitive
reactance of C1 should equal the feedback resis-
tance between 2 and 3 MHz. For integrator appli-
cations, the lead capacitor is isolated from the
feedback capacitor by a resistor, as shown in
Figure 8.
.J v~
FIGURE 6. Large Signal Transient Response with Stan·
dard Compensation
April 1969
The most frequent cause of failures of voltage The divider resistors required on the LM100
regulators is excessive dissipation in the semicon- feedback to give a 24V output are 26.6k and m
ductor components. Regulators using integrated 2.1 k. For a 1.8V sense voltage on the feedback ::J:J
circuits are no exception to this. In fact, IC regu· terminal, the divider current will be 0.85 mAo
lators are more prone to overdissipation because Since this current must be supplied by the inte- C
they are not generally available in power packages, grated circuit, it must be subtracted from the rJ)
because complete integrated circuits must be oper· available load current. Hence the maximum rJ)
ated at a lower, maximum junction temperature output current, taking into account worse case ."
than silicon power transistors, and because the conditions, is 2.1 mAo
package must be able to dissipate the quiescent
operating power of the control circuitry in addi- o
tion to the power in the pass transistor. U5mA(MAX) 2.1 mA(MAXI z
The problems and solutions presented here give z
examples of the worst case calculations that Rl
Cl Z&.6K r-
should be used in designing voltage regulators with
ICs. These questions were used in a contest spon:
47pF 1%
sored by National Semiconductor. The entries } -....- -. . 1.8V m
received clearly showed that engineers have a
marked tendency to be overly optimistic about the
D.l5mA l R2
dissipation capability of the IC regulators as well ::J:J
as the power ratings of the external power transis- m
tors used with them. In a surprising number of c:
cases the errors were of such a magnitude to cause r-
almost certain, premature failure of the regulator FIGURE 1. Circuit Used in the Solution of Question 1. ~
under the conditions specified. The questions and -I
answers follow: o
2. What is the maximum allowable short-circuit rJ)
1. What is the power limited full-load current for current for an LM104 regulator circuit, with a
a 24V regulator using the LM100 (without a 2N2905A series pass transistor (without a heat
heat sink) when the worst case operating condi- sink) when the worst case input is 20V at an
tions are 125°C ambient and 40V input ambient of 85°C?
The 2N2905A, without a heat sink, can dissi-
The maximum chip temperature of the LM100 pate a maximum of 0.6W at 25°C. However,
is 150°C, and the thermal resistance of the this must be derated by 3.42 mWtC for opera-
TO-5 package is 150°C/W when no heat sink is tion at higher temperatures. Since an 85°C
used. The permissable, junction-to-ambient ambient is 60° C higher than the temperature at
temperature rise is 25°C with a 125°C ambient, which the transistors are specified, the maxi-
so the maximum allowable package dissipation mum power rating must be reduced by
is 167 mW. 205 mW, to 395 mW. With a shorted output,
The worst case quiescent current of the LM100 the voltage dropped across the current limit
is 3.0 mAo With a 40V input voltage, this pro- sense resistor is 0.5V, so the voltage across the
duces an internal dissipation of 120 mW, even external pass transistor will be 19.5V for 20V
with no load. Therefore, the device can only input. This means that the 395 mW maximum
dissipate another 47 mW in supplying the load dissipation rating will be exceeded for short-
current. With 40V in and 24V out, the input- circuit currents greater than 20.2 mAo
output voltage differential is 16V. This means
that 2.95 mA can be supplied through the in- 3. In the previous example, what is the maximum
ternal pass transistor without exceeding the current when the case temperature of the
ratings. 2N2905A is held to 100°C?
The maximum dissipation of the 2N2905A is where dissipation is most significant. This
3W at 25°C case temperature, but this must be means that the base current tor a 5A load cur-
derated by 17.2 mW/oC for higher case tem- rent will be O.33A. The worst case emitter-base
peratures. With a 100°C case temperature, the voltage of the 2N3772 at 5A will be about 1V,
allowable dissipation is reduced by 1.29W to so the current through the 68Q emitter-base
1.71W. resistor will be 15 mAo Hence, the PNP driver
must supply a total current of 345 mAo
As in the previous example, the voltage across
the pass transistor will be 19.5V. This gives a The voltage dropped across the PNP driver will
d i ssi pat i on-limited short-circuit current of be the 12V input output voltage differential,
88mA. less the 1V dropped across the current sense
resistor and the 1V dropped across the emitter-
base junction of the 2N3772. Therefore, the
PNP driver operates with lOV across it and dis-
sipates about 3.5W.
.K .,
}-'---+-IP----;--+--..;;...YouT z -IZV
., .,D.'
1 4 71lF
• t
IV 'SmA !
.........----'------<II......--<II...... - - V1N =-24V
Robert C. Dobkin
April 1969
In all IC operational amplifiers the power band- 1 MHz. For closed loop gains between 1 and 10,
width depends on the frequency compensation. more frequency compensation must be used to
Normally, compensation for unity gain operation insure that the open loop gain has been rolled off
is accompanied by the lowest power bandwidth. A soon enough to cross the closed loop gain before
technique is presented which extends the power 1 MHz is reached.
bandwidth of the LM 101 A for non-inverting gains
of unity to ten, and also reduces the gain error at The power bandwidth of an operational amplifier
moderate frequencies. depends on the current available to charge the fre-
quency compensation capacitors_ For unity gain
In order to achieve unconditional stability, an operation, where the compensation capacitor is
operational amplifier is rolled off at 6 dB per largest, the power bandwidth of the LM101A is
octave, with an accompanying 90 degrees of phase 6 kHz. Figure 1 shows an LM101A with unity gain
shift, until a gain of unity is reached. Unity gain in
most monolithic operational amplifiers is limited
to 1 MHz, because the lateral PNP's used for level
shifting have poor frequency response and exhibit
excess phase shift at frequencies above 1 MHz_
Hence, for stable operation, the closed loop band-
width must be less than 1 MHz where the phase
shift remains below 180 degrees_
compensation and Figure 3 shows the open loop than the impedance of the 300 pF capacitor and
gain as a function of frequency. the gain rolls off at 6 dB per octave. The open
loop gain plot is shown in Figure 3_ To insure suf-
A two-pole frequency compensation network, as ficient drive to the 300 pF capacitor, it is con-
shown in Figure 2, provides more than a factor of nected to the output, Pin 6, rather than Pin 8.
With this frequency compensation method, the
power bandwidth is typically 15-20 kHz as a fol-
lower, or unity gain inverter.
80 -
d}.. ~
; 60
~( tto
- -<",.o<~~
z ..
~ 40
20 1\
FIGURE 2. LM101A with Frequency Compensation to -20
Extend Power Bandwidth. 1 10 100 lK 10K lOOK 1M 10M
Robert C. Dobkin C1I
March 1969
The twin "T" network is one of the few RC filter The junction of R3 and C3 , which is normally
networks capable of providing an infinitely deep connected to ground, is bootstrapped to the out-
notch. By combining the twin "T" with an LM102 put of the follower. Because the output of the
voltage follower, the usual drawbacks of the net- follower is a very low impedance, neither the
work are overcome. The Q is raised from the usual depth nor the frequency of the notch change;
0.3 to something greater than 50. Further, the however, the Q is raised in proportion to the
voltage follower acts as a buffer, providing a low amount of signal fed back to R3 and C3 . Figure 2
output resistance; and the high input resistance of shows the response of a normal twin "T" and the
the LM 102 makes it possible to use large resistance response with the follower added.
values in the "T" so that only small capacitors are
required, even at low frequencies. The fast re-
sponse of the follower allows the notch to be used
at high frequencies. Neither the depth of the notch
nor the frequency of the notch are changed when
the follower is added.
FIGURE 2. Response of High and Low Q Notch Filter
v,. - ........,.,."..........
from a low-resistance source so that the notch fre- An interesting change in the high Q twin "T"
quency and depth wi II not change with the poten- occurs when components are not exactly matched
in ratio_ For example, an increase of 1 to 10 per-
cent in the value of C3 will raise the Q, while
degrading the depth of the notch. If the value of
C3 is raised by 10 to 20 percent, the network pro-
>,"-~"'VOUT vides voltage gain and acts as a tuned amplifier. A
voltage gain of 400 was obtained during testing.
Further increases in C3 cause the circuit to oscil-
late, giving a clipped sine wave output.
May 1969
Monolithic voltage comparators are available today »
which are both fast and accurate. They can detect
the height of a pulse with a 5 mV accuracy within
40 ns. However, these devices have relatively high o
input currents and low input impedances, which o
reduces their accuracy and speed when operating
from high source resistances. This is probably a
basic limitation since the input transistors of the
integrated circuit must be operated at a relatively
high current to get fast operation. Further, the
circuit must be gold doped to reduce storage time,
a. Using a Ladder Network
and this limits the current gain that can be " o
obtained in the transistors. High gain transistors
operating at low collector currents are necessary to
get good input characteristics. ~
One way of overcoming this difficulty is to buffer =i
the input of the comparator. A voltage follower is ::t
available which is ideally suited for this job. This '" LOG'~ r
device, the LM102 4 , is both fast and has a low o
input current. It can reduce the effective input b. Using a Binary-Weighted Network
current of the comparator by more than three FIGURE 1. Comparator Circuits for Fast AID Converters
orders of magnitude without greatly reducing Z
the use of larger resistances in the ladder which
speed. '"CI
simpl ifies design of the switches drivi ng it.
A comparator circuit for an AID converter which c:
uses this technique is shown in Figure la. An It is possible to balance out the offset of the -I
LM 102 voltage follower buffers the output of a LM 102 with an external 1 kn potentiometer, R•. o
ladder network and drives one input of the com· The adjustment range of this balance control is
large enough so that it can be used to null out the
parator. The analog signal is fed to the other input ::XJ
of the comparator. It should come from a low offset of both the buffer and the comparator. A ::XJ
impedance source such as the output of a signal 10 kn resistor should be installed in series with m
processing amplifier, or another LM102 buffer the input to the LM 102, as shown. This is required Z
to make the short circuit protection of the device -I
effective and to insure that it will not oscillate.
Clamp diodes, D I and D2 , are included to make This resistor should be located close to the inte-
the circuit faster. These diodes clamp the output grated circuit.
of the ladder so that it is never more than 0.7V
different from the analog input. This reduces the A similar technique can be used with AID con-
voltage excursion that the buffer must handle on verters employing a binary-weighted resistor net-
the most significant bit and keeps it from slewing. work. This is shown in Figure 1b. The analog input
If fast, low-capacitance diodes are used, the signal is fed into a scaling resistor, RI ' This resistor is
to the comparator will stabilize approximately selected so that the input voltage to the LM102 is
200 ns after the most significant bit is switched in. zero when the output of the DI A network corre·
This is about the same as the stabilization time of sponds to the analog input voltage. Hence, if the
the ladder network alone, as its speed is limited by DI A output is too low, the output of the LM 106
stray capacitances. The diodes also limit the volt- will be a logical zero; and the output will change
age swing across the inputs of the comparator, to a logical one as the DI A output exceeds the
increasing its operating speed and insuring that the analog signal.
device is not damaged by excessive differential The analog signal must be obtained from a source
input voltage. impedance which is low by comparison to R I .
The buffer reduces the loading on the ladder from This can be either another LM102 buffer or the
45/lA to 20 nA, maximum, over a _55°C to output of the signal-processing amplifier. Clamp
125°C temperature range. Hence, in most applica· diodes, D I and D2 , restrict the signal swing and
tions the input current of the buffer is totally speed up the circuit. They also limit the input
insignificant. This low current will often permit signal seen by the LM 106 to protect if from over-
loads. Operating speed can be increased even
further by using silicon backward diodes (a degen·
erate tunnel diode) in place of the diodes shown,
as they will clamp the signal swing to about
50 mV. The offset voltage of both the LM102 and
the LM106 can be balanced out, if necessary,
with R6 •
The binary weighted network can be driven with a. Comparator for Signals of Opposite Polarity
single pole, single·throw switches. This will result
in a change in the output resistance of the network
when it switches, but circuit performance will not
be affected because the input current of the
LM102 is negligible. Hence, using the LM102
greatly simplifies switch design.
Although it is possible to use a 710 as the voltage
b. Zero Crossing Detector
comparator in these circuits, the LM 106 offers
several advantages. First, it can drive a fan out of
10 with standard, integrated DTL or TTL. It also
has two strobe terminals available which disable
the comparator and give a high output when either
of the terminals is held at a logical zero. This adds
logic capability to the comparator in that it makes
it equivalent to a 710 and a two·input NAND gate. c. Comparator for AC Coupled Signals
If not needed, the strobe pins can be left uncon·
FIGURE 2. Applications Requiring Low Input Current
nected without affecting performance. The voltage Comparators
gain of the LM106 is about 45,000, which is
30 times higher than that of the 710. The in· polarity. Resistors (R, and R2 ) are required to
creased gain reduces the error band in making a isolate the two signal sources. Frequently, these
comparison. The LM 106 will also operate from the resistors must be relatively large so that the sigl1al
same supply voltage as the LM 102, and other oper· sources are not loaded. Hence, the input current of
ational amplifiers, for ±12V supplies. However, it the comparator must be reduced to prevent inac·
can also be operated from ±15V supplies if a 3V curacies. Another example is the zero·crossing
zener diode is connected in series with the positive detector in Figure 2b. When the input signal can
supply lead. exceed the common mode range of the compara·
tor (±5V for the LM1061. clamp diodes must be
It is necessary to observe a few precautions when used. It is then necessary to isolate the comparator
working with fast circuits operating from relatively from the input with a relatively large resistance to
high impedances. A good ground is necessary, and prevent loading. Again, bias currents should be
a ground plane is advisable. All the individual reduced. A third example, in Figure 2c, is a com·
points in the circuit which are to be grounded, parator with an ac coupled input. An LM106 will
including bypass capacitors, should be returned draw an input current which is twice the specified
separately to the same point on the ground so that bias current when the signal is above the compari·
voltages will not be developed across common lead son threshold. Yet, it draws no current when the
inductance. The power supply leads of the inte· signal is below the threshold. This asymmetrical
grated circuits should also be bypassed with low current drain wi II charge any coupling capacitor on
inductance 0.01 f..I F capacitors. These capacitors, the input and produce an error. This problem can
preferably disc ceramic, should be installed with be eliminated by using a buffer, as the input cur·
short leads and located close to the devices. Lastly, rent will be both low and constant.
the output of the comparator should be shielded
from the circuitry on the input of the buffer, as The foregoing has shown how two integrated
stray coupling can also cause oscillation. circuits can be combined to provide state·of-the·
art performance in both speed and input current.
Although the circuits shown so far were designed Equivalent results will probably not be achievable
for use in AID converters, the same techniques in a single circuit for some time, as the technolo-
apply to a number of other applications. Figure 2 gies required are not particularly compatible.
gives examples of circuits which can put stringent Further, considering the low cost of monolithic
input current requirements on the comparator. circuits, approaches like this are certainly
The first is a comparator for signals of opposite economical.
Robert C. Dohkin .....
August 1969
.. VOUT +5V
VouT +15V
lOUT <20amA
Using a negative regulator to track a positive regu· typically matched to 1%. This means that the out·
lator is a somewhat easier task. An inverting put of both regulators may be adjusted with 1%
operational amplifier may be used to provide a accuracy by changing R, in Figure 2.
negative output voltage while using a positive volt· The LM 104 may also be used with inverting gain
age as a reference. The LM104t negative regulator for negative output voltages greater than the posi·
is easily adapted for use as an inverting amplifier tive reference voltage. Figure 4 shows a circuit
and provides several advantages over conventional where the -15V supply tracks a +5V supply. In
operational ampl ifiers. It is designed to drive boost this configuration the non·inverting input is not
transistors for higher output current as well as grounded, but tied to divider, Rs , R6 , between the
providing a convenient method of current limiting negative output and ground. The output voltage
the output. Further, the frequency compensation
used on the LM 104 is optimized for transient equals + [Rs+ R6]
VOUT = V R6- Rs
response to line and load changes. Figure 2 shows
tracking ±15V regulators. where V+ is the positive reference.
The line regulation and temperature drift are
determined primarily by the positive reference,
!17K "
JIPF* with the negative output tracking. The reference
must be a klw impedance source, such as an
LM105 regulator, to insure that current drawn by
.2 pin 9 of the LM 104 does not affect the reference
1% voltage. Since the LM 104 is connected to a posi·
tive voltage instead of ground, it sees a total volt·
age equal to the sum of the unregulated negative
input and the positive reference voltage. This
reduces the maximum unregulated negative input
voltage allowable, and should be considered during
design. If the negative output voltage must be less
than the positive reference or the decrease in maxi·
mum unregulated input voltage cannot be tole·
rated, an alternate method of constructing track·
'SolldT'Mllum ing regulators is given elsewhere t. Of course, many
FIGURE 2. Tracking Positive and Negative Regulators negative regulators may be slaved to a single posi·
Operation is most easily understood by referring tive regulator.
to the functional schematic of the LM 104 in Using standard linear integrated circuits, multiple
Figure 3. The non·inverting input of the internal output positive and negative suppl ies may be ad·
amplifier, pin 1, is connected to ground. The posi· justed to within 2% or less by a single resistor.
tive 15V reference is connected through an inter· Although the absolute output is not exact, the
nal 15K ohm input resistor, R16 , to the inverting regulation accuracy is still within 0.1%. These
input. Feedback resistor, RIS , is also 15K ohm. techniques can result in savings by the elimination
This forms a unity gain invelting amplifier with a of both time and materials when used.
negative output voltage equal to the positive input
voltage. The 15K ohm resistors in the LM 104 are
tR. J. Widlar. "Designs for Negative Regulators," Nation-
al Semiconductor Corporation, AN-21, December, 1968 .
IL ________
_ ~-.Vw
FIGURE 3. Functional Diagram of the LM104 Used as FIGURE 4. Tracking Regulators With Different Output
an Amplifier Voltages
Robert C. Dobkin
August 1969
Although semiconductor diodes available today output is precisely clamped from going more posi-
are close to "ideal" devices, they have severe limi- tive than the reference voltage. When EIN is more
tations in low level applications_ Silicon diodes positive than EREF, the LM101A functions as a »
have a 0_6V threshold which must be overcome summing amplifier with the feedback loop closed
before appreciable conduction occurs. By placing through D1. Neglecting offsets, negative feedback c
the diode in the feedback loop of an operational
amplifier, the threshold voltage is divided by the
keeps the summing node, and therefore the out-
put, within 100 IN of the voltage at the non-
open loop gain of the amplifier. With the threshold inverting input. When E IN is about 100 Jl.V more n
virtually eliminated, it is possible to rectify negative than ER EF, the output swings positive, o
millivolt signals. reverse biasing D 1. Since D 1 now prevents negative :2
feedback from controlling the voltage at the <
Figure 1 shows the simplest configuration for elim- inverting input, no clamping action is obtained. On :r:J
inating diode threshold potential. If the voltage at both of the circuits in Figures 1 and 2 an output -I
the non-inverting input of the amplifier is positive, clamp diode is added at pin 8 to help speed m
response. The clamp prevents the operational :r:J
r--------1~EOUT amplifier from saturating when D1 is reverse en
IN914 c>---'lM,-----()--EoUT
-ERU .. usthl"ISOlirte
I"' ....nctafln.sthl.
This precision rectifier functions somewhat differ- the output of A2 is - R: EI N. For positive input
ently from the circuit in Figure 1- The input signal
signals, A2 sums the currents through R3 and R6 ;
is applied through R, to the summing node of an
inverting operational amplifier. When the signal is
negative, D, is forward biased and develops an
output signal, across R2 . As with any inverting
EOUT=R7 [E~> E~~l
amplifier, the gain is R2 /R,. When the signal goes . R7
positive, D, is'non-conducting and there is no out- If R3 is 1/2 R6, the output is R6 E'N' Hence, the
put. However, a negative feedback path is provided
output is always the absolute value of the input.
by D2 . The path through D2 reduces the negative
output swing to -0.7V, and prevents the ampli-
fier from saturating. Filtering, or averaging, to obtain a pure dc output
is very easy to do. A capacitor, C2 , placed across
Since the LM101A is used as an inverting amplifier, R7 rolls off the frequency response of A2 to give
feed forward * compensation can be used. Feed-' an output equal to the average value of the input.
forward compensation increases the slew rate to The filter time constant is R7C2 , and must be
10V//ls and reduces the gain error at high fre- much greater than the maximum period of the
quencies. This compensation allows the half wave input signal. For the values given in Figure 4, the
rectifier to operate at higher frequencies than the time constant is about 2.0 seconds. This converter
previous circuits ~ith no loss in accuracy. has beUer than 1% conversion accuracy to above
100 kHz and less than 1% ripple at 20 Hz. The
The addition of a second amplifier converts the output is calibrated to read the rms value of a sine
half wave rectifier to a full wave rectifier. As is wave input.
shown in Figure 4,the half wave rectifier is con-
nected to inverting amplifier A2 . A2 sums the half As with any high frequency circuit some care must
wave rectified signal and the input signal to be, taken during construction. Leads should be
provide a full wave output. For negative input kept short to avoid stray capacitance and power
signals the output of AI is zero and no current supplies bypassed with .01 /IF disc ceramic capac-
flows through R3 . Neglecting for the moment C2 , itors. Capacitive 'loading of the fast rectifier
circuits must be less than 100 pF or decoupling
*R. C. Dobkin, "Feedforward Compensation Speeds Op becomes necessary. The diodes should be rea-
Amp," National Semiconductor Corporation, L8·2. April, sonably fast and film type resistors used. Also, the
1969. amplifiers must have low bias currents.
CJ' fullwnerectdlHwlthoul
Robert C. Dobkin
August 1969
IC op amps are widely accepted as a universal This adjustment method is also useful when the ::I:
analog component. Although the circuit designs -feedback element is a capacitor or non-linear :2
may vary, most devices are functionally inter-
changeable. However, offset voltage balancing
remains a personality trait of the particular am- Rl
plifier design. The techniques shown here allow en
offset voltage balaBcing without regard to the R4
internal circuitry of the amplifier. INPUT· ......WIl-4t-l
R2 200K
::K >0.......1\1""....
-v R2
FIGURE 1. Offset Voltage Adjustment for Inverting Am- This technique of supplying a small voltage effec-
plifiers Using 10 kn. Source Resistance or
tively in series with the input is also used for
adjusting non-inverting amplifiers. As is shown in
Figure 3, divider R I , R2 reduces the voltage at the
The circuit shown in Figure 1 is used to balance arm of the pot to ±7.5 mV for offset adjustment.
out the offset voltage of inverting amplifiers hav- Since R2 appears in series with R4 , R2 should be
ing a source resistance of 10 kn or less. A small considered when calculating the gain. If R4 is
current is injected into the summing node of the greater than 10 kn the error due to R2 is less
amplifier through R I. Since -R I is 2000 times as than 1%.
large as the source resistance the voltage at the arm
of the pot is attenuated by a factor of 2000 at the
summing node. With the values given and ±15V
supplies the output may be zeroed for offset volt- +v R1
ages up to ±7.5 mV. 200K R4
If the value of the source resistance is much larger R2 OUTPUT
-V 100
than 10 kn, the resistance needed for R I becomes
too large. In this case it is much easier to balance RANGE=±V(~)
out the offset by supplying a small voltage at the GAIN"l+~
non-inverting input of the amplifier. Figure 2 INPUT R4+ R2
"-'II2oVKIor-..c ;:K
lK R' -v
R2 10 RANGE' ±v (~) (~)
RANGE = ±V (w,) 1 kQ. If R3 is less than 1 K the shunting of R4 by Rs
must be considered when choosing the value of
FIGURE 4. Offset Voltage Adjustment for Voltage R3 ·
The techniques described for balancing offset volt-
Differential amplifiers are somewhat more difficult age at the input of the amplifier offer two main
to balance. The offset adjustment used for a differ- advantages: First, they are universally applicable
ential amplifier can degrade the common mode to all operational amplifiers and allow device inter-
rejection ratio. Figure 5 shows an adjustment cir- changeability with no modifications to the balance
cuit which has minimal effect on the common circuitry. Second, they permit balancing without
mode rejection. The voltage at the arm of the pot interfering with the internal circuitry of the am-
is divided by R4 and Rs to supply an offset cor- plifier. The electrical parameters of the amplifiers
rection of ±7.5 mV. R4 and Rs are chosen such are tested and guaranteed without balancing.
that the common mode rejection ratio is limited Although it doesn't usually happen, balancing
by the amplifier for values of R3 greater than could degrade performance.
Robert C. Dobkin ....
January 1970
Although power supply requirements vary, IC To regulate negative voltages, the circu it in en
voltage regulators can fulfill the majority of needs. Figure 2 is used. An LM104 2 contains the voltage ~
Power supplies designed with ICs can give predict- reference and control circuitry while an external "tJ
able regulation better than 0.1% with a minimum !:
of engineering effort. Output voltages between 0 -n
and 40V at currents of 10A are easily achieved. -<
Further, with a minimum of changes, a single "tJ
regulator circuit can be used for a wide variety of o
output voltages and currents.
A basic 200 mA positive regulator circuit is shown ::JJ
in Figure 1. The LM 105' contains the voltage
reference and control circuitry while the external en
FIGURE 2. 200 rnA Negative Regulator !:(
.--......;>-'IM--9-----(.--<1.... VOUT·,SII
transistor is used to increase the power handling
capacity. A reference voltage is generated by
driving a constant current, determined by R I , en
through R2 . The voltage across this resistor is fed C)
into an error amplifier. The error amplifier con-
trols the output voltage at twice the voltage across
R2 . The output voltage is resistor programmable
with R2 and adjustable down to zero.
. - - -....- - - 1 I - - - -...... GROUND Ground loops are worst yet, since voltage drops
can be amplified and appear at the regulator's out-
put_ In Figure 3, voltage drops between Pin 4 of
the LM105 and the bottom of R3 are amplified by
[ . ) _. . . ._ . . . . VOUT ·_IIY
the ratio of R2/R3 and appear at the output_
'""' When the regulator is powered from ac that is
rectified and filtered, current flowing in the filter
can sometimes cause an unusual ground loop
problem_ For capacitor input filters, the peak
charging current is many times the average load
current_ Even a few milliohms of resistance can
cause appreciable voltage drop during the peak of
FIGURE 3b. 2A Negative Regulator the charging_ When the charging current produces
a voltage drop between R3 and Pin 4 of the
sistors increases the output current without LM 105, it appears as excessive ripple on the out-
increasing the minimum input-output voltage put of the regulator_
differential. The minimum differential will be 2 to
3V, depending on the drive current required from Of course, single point grounding eliminates these
the integrated circuit and operating temperature. problems, but this is not always possible_ Usually
Low input-output voltage differential allows more it is sufficient to insure that load current does not
efficient regulation. generate a voltage drop between the ground side of
the voltage setting resistor and the ground of the
Although the regulators are relatively simple, some IC_
precautions must be taken to eliminate possible
problems. First, when the regulator is used with In most cases, short circuit protection is the only
boost transistors, a solid tantalum output capaci- fault protection needed_ However, for some regu-
tor is needed. Unlike electrolytics, solid tantalum lator circuits, such as positive and negative regu-
capacitors have low internal impedance at high lators used together, additional protection is neces-
frequencies. This suppresses possible high fre- sary_ If the positive and negative supplies are
quency minor loop oscillations as well as providing shorted together, it is possible to cause the output
low output impedance at high frequency. Also, for voltage of one of the supplies to reverse, blowing
the LM 1 04, the output capacitor frequency com- the IC. This is especially true if the current capa-
pensates the regulator and must have good bil ities are different, such as a 200 mA negative
frequency characteristics. supply and a 2A positive supply. A clamp diode
between the output and ground of each supply
The power transistors recommended are single- will prevent such polarity reversals. Also, clamp
diffused, wide-base devices. These devices have diodes should be used to prevent input polarity
fewer oscillation problems than double-diffused, reversal and input-output voltage differential
planar transistors. Also, they seem less prone to reversal.
failure under overload conditions. Of course, like
the power transistors in any regulator, adequate The use of ICs in regulator circuits can enhance
heat sinking is necessary. The heat sink should power supply performance while minimizing cost
keep the transistor junction temperature at an and engineering time. Since only one IC is needed
acceptable level for worst case conditions of for a wide range of outputs, the part cost, board
maximum input voltage, maximum ambient space and purchasing problems are less when com·
temperature and shorted output. By far, the major pared to discrete designs. Also engineering time is
cause of regulator failures is inadequate heat saved since typical and worst case performance
sinking. data, as well as application data, is available from
the manufacturer before design is begun.
Good construction techniques ara also important
for regulator performance. If proper care is not REFERENCES:
taken, ground loop errors and lead resistance drops
1. R.J. Widlar, "An Improved Positive Regulator,"
can easily become greater than regulator errors.
For example, 0.05" wide, 2 oz. printed circuit
National Semiconductor AN-23, January,
conductor has a resistance of about 0.007 Q per
inch. For a 200 mA, 15V regulator, ten inches of 2. R.J. Widlar, "Designs for Negative Regulators,"
conductor would decrease the regulation by a National Semiconductor AN-21, October,
factor of 2. 1968.
March 1970 ...
There are quite a few applications where op amps the frequency response of general purpose o
are used as voltage followers. These include sample amplifiers. Secondly, it was the first Ie to use <
and hold circuits and active filters as well as super-gain transistors. With these devices, high C
general purpose buffers for transducers or other speed operation can be realized along with low
high-impedance signal sources. The general use-
fulness of such an amplifier is particularly en-
input currents. n
hanced if it is both fast and has a low input bias The LM 11 0 is a voltage follower that has been <
current. High speed permits including the buffer in designed to supersede the LM 102. It is consider·
the signal path or within a feedback loop without ably more flexible in its application and offers
significantly affecting response or stability. Low substantially improved performance. In particular, )::>
input current prevents loading of high impedance the LM 11 0 has lower offset·voltage drift, input C)
sources, which is the reason for using a buffer in current and noise. Further, it is faster, less prone m
the first place. to oscillations and operates over a wider range of
LM102 LMll0
Biggest design difference between the LM102 and LM110 is the elimination of the zener diodes (01
and 02) in the biasing circuit. This reduces noise and permits operation at low supply voltages.
14 15
~~'U~15J '"'''' lM110
,Ll Vs "t1IiV
Rs '"'3k ID
ili~"RT'ON <5"
LMI02 lMl10 I lMIIO ~lM,J2
~ -5
1\ -ID
'" ID"
,. 'OM ID.
'00' I. IDM
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Power bandwidth of the lMl1 0 is five times larger Eliminating zeners reduces typical high frequency Large signal pulse response shows 40V/pS slew for
than the LM102. noise by nearly a factor of 10. Worst Clse noise is LM110 and 10V!ps for LM10Z.leading edge over'
reduced even more. High frequency noise of shoot on LM110 is virtually eliminated, so exter·
lMl02 has caused problems when it was included nal clamp diode frequently required on the LM102
inside feedback loop with other Ie up amps. is not needed.
The IC voltage comparators available in the past voltage. The PNPs drive a standard differential
have been designed primarily for low voltage, high stage. The output of this stage is further amplified
speed operation. As a result, these devices have by the 0 5 .0 6 pair. This feeds a lateral PNP, 0 9 , G)
high input error currents, which limit their useful· that provides additional gain and drives the output m
ness in high impedance circuitry. An IC is de· stage. (")
scribed here that drastically reduces these error
currents, with only a moderate decrease in speed. The output transistor is 0" which is driven by
the level shifting PNP. Current limiting is provided ~
by R6 and 0; 0 to protect the circuit from inter· "tI
This new comparator is considerably more flexible
than the older devices. Not only will it drive RTL, mittent shorts. Both the output and the ground
DTL and TTL logic; but also it can interface with
MOS logic and FET analog switches. It operates
lead are isolated from other points within the cir-
cuit, so either can be used as the output. The V-
from standard ±15V op amp supplies and can terminal can also be tied to ground to run the o
switch 50V, 50 mA loads, making it useful as a circuit from a single supply. The comparator will ::D
driver for relays, lamps or light·emitting diodes. A work in any configuration as long as the ground "T1
unique output stage enables it to drive loads refer·
red to either supply or ground and provide ground
terminal is at a potential somewhere between the
supply voltages. The output terminal, however,
isolation between the comparator inputs and the can go above the positive supply as long as the
load. breakdown voltage of 0" is not exceeded. J:
Another useful feature of the circuit is that it can J:
be powered from a single 5V supply and drive
DTL or TTL integrated circuits. This enables the
~ - ~:~~: J ~
designer to perform linear functions on a digital· LM111
11O~··V";;/m m
circuit card without using extra supplies. It can,
for example, be used as a low· level photodiode C
detector, a zero crossing detector for magnetic
transducers, an interface for high·level logic or a Vas = Ves + Rslos
precision multivibrator. 1 L-_~I __L--5_5'~C_ST_A~S_I2_5'~C (")
1k 10k lOOk 1M lDM m
FIGURE 2. Illustrating the Influence of Source Resis- ::D
tance on Worst Case, Equivalent I"put Offset (")
Voltage. C
Figure 2 shows how the reduced error currents of ::D
the LM 111 improve circuit performance. With the -<
LM710 or LM 106, the offset voltage is degraded
for source resistances above 200Q. The LM 111,
however, works well with source resistances in
excess of 30 kQ. Figure 2 applies for equal source
resistances on the two inputs. If they are unequal,
the degradation will become pronounced at lower
resistance levels.
Table" Comparing the LM111 with earlier Ie compara~ cent lamp, which is the load here, has a cold resis·
tors. Values given are worst case over a _55°C to tance eight times lower than it is during normal
12SoC temperature range, except as noted.
operation. This produces a large inrush current,
when it is switched on, that can damage the
switch. However, the current limiting of the
Parameter LMlll LM106 LM710 Units LM 111 holds this current to a safe value.
Input Offset
4 3 3 mV
Input Offset
0.02 7 7 !J.A
Input Bias
0.15 45 45 !J.A
Common Mode
±14 ±5 ±5 V a. Zero Crossing Detector Driving Analog Switch
Differential Input
Voltage Range ±30 ±5 ±5 V
Voltage Gain t 200 40 1.7 V/mV
Response Time t 200 40 40 ns
Output Drive lOGIC
Voltage 50 24 2.5 V
Current 50 100 1.6 mA
Fan Out
8 16
b. Detector for Magnetic Transducer
80 145 160 mW
tTypical at 25°C.
simple matter to modify the circuit to work with
junction FETs. c. Comparator for Low Level Photodiode
J _
I '
and R2 , biases the inputs O.5V above ground, d. Driving Ground-Referred Load
within the common mode range of the device. An
optional offset balancing circuit, R3 and R4 , is FIGURE 3. Typical Applications of the LMlll.
The next circuit shows a comparator for a low· The applications described above show that the
level photodiode operating with MOS logic. The output·circuit flexibility and wide supply·voltage
output changes state when the diode current range of the LM111 opens up new fields for Ie
reaches 1 pA. At the switching point, the voltage comparators. Further, its low error currents permit
across the photodiode is nearly zero, so its leakage its use in circuits with impedance levels above
current does not cause an error. The output 1 kQ. Although slower than older devices, it is
switches between ground and -10V, driving the more than an order of magnitude faster than op
data inputs of MOS logic directly. amps used as comparators.
The last circuit shows how a ground·referred load The LM111 has the same pin configuration as the
is driven from the ground terminal of the LM 111. LM710 and LM106. It is interchangeable with
The input polarity is reversed because the ground these devices in applications where speed is not of
terminal is used as the output. An incandes· prime concern.
November 1970 ....
The LM173 family of multi-mode IF amplifier/ Grounding the AGe input, pin 1, closes the o
detectors has been designed for AM, FM and SSB
applications in the communications market. It con-
switch connecting the quadrature capacitor to the
quadrature network terminal pin 6_ This network,
sists of two amplifier sections, a gain control stage, tuned to the nominal center frequency of the IF o"T1
a fully balanced FM/SSB detector, and an active strip gives a phase shift that varies with frequency
AM/SSB peak detector whose output matches the at pin 6 (input A of the quadrature detector) with -I
AGe input characteristics_ respect to the signal at input B_ This produces a ::I:
•• DUAUAIU .. ...
.... URu ..... t ...",
SSIII.g .... T ""'CAl"
FIGURE 1_ Block Diagram of LM173
To convert between modes of operation, one pulse duration modulation of the detector output
simply makes the appropriate dc connections and current which is integrated by the capacitor on
takes the recovered signal trom the output of the pin 7. This capacitor may also be used for
desired detector. Two pins are involved in pro- de-emphasis_ A considerable range for compromise
gramming the mode of operation, pin 1 and pin 6. exists in the choice of Q of the quadrature
Since AGe is not normally used for FM, grounding network. Increasing the Q results in greater output
pin 1 closes the quad capacitor switch to enable level and distortion for a given frequency devia-
the balanced mixer to function as an FM tion. Also, the parallel resonant impedance of the
quadrature detector. Since the balanced mixer is network should be such that ~50 mV rms signal
not required for AM, connecting a resistor from appears on the quadrature phase terminal to ensure
pin 6 to ground unbalances the mixer allowing it switching action of the detector and maximum
to pass signal. Also, this transfers the balance output. An alternate higher level audio signal may
sensing circuitry from the input of the balanced be taken from the peak detector output pin 8.
mixer in FM (or SSB) mode to the input of the
AM detector. For example, FM operation is Precise dc balance of input B of the quadrature
achieved as shown in Figure 2. detector is maintained by an active dc feedback
I j-----' I
.:,; 00------+
,".. I .. ~.-. 'I~'
"~"I'~!~~ ~
FIGURE 2_ FM IF Connection
network. The dc feedback bypass pin must be network to the input of the active peak detector
decoupled at low frequencies to ensure stability of for optimum AM performance. Pin 6 should not
this loop. A 1.0llF shunted by a .01 IlF for good be grounded directly or excessive device current
high frequency decoupling is quite adequate. Note drain may result. Lifting the AGC input from
that a dc path through the input or interstage filter ground opens the quad capacitor switch, as
is not necessary (or desirable). described earlier.
.. c>o---_;
FIGURE 3. AM IF Connection
.~ll ...
Robert C. Dobkin
November 1970
The LM 108 is unusually insensitive to power sup-
ply bypassing with the new compensation. Even 1. Robert C. Dobkin, "Feedforward Compensa-
with several feet of wire between the device and tion Speeds Op Amp," National Semiconductor
power supply, it does not become unstable. How- LB-2, March, 1969.
Robert C. Dobkin .....
January 1971
Monolithic IC's have greatly simplified the design The negative regulator shown in Figure 2 operates
of general purpose power supplies. With an IC similarly, except that discrete transistors are used
regulator and a few external components 0.1 % for the pass element. A transistor, Q" level shifts
regulation with 1% stability can be obtained. How· the output of the LM 108 to drive output transis·
ever, if the application requires better perfor· tors, Q3 and Q•. Current limiting is provided by
mance, it is advisable to use some other design Q2' Capacitors C3 and C. frequency compensate
approach. the regulator.
Precision regulators can be built using an IC op In the positil)e regulator the use of an LM109
amp as the control ampl ifier and a discrete zener instead of discrete power transistors has several
as a reference, where the performance is deter· advantages. First, the LM109 contains all the bias·
mined by the reference. Figures 1 and 2 show ing and current limit circuitry needed to supply a
schematics of simple positive and negative regu· 1A load. This simplifies the regulator. Second, and
lators. They are capable of providing better than probably most important, the LM109 has thermal
0.01 % regulation for worst case changes of line, overload protection, making the regulator virtually
load and temperature. Typically, the line rejection burn·out proof. If the power dissipation becomes
is 120 dB to 1 kHz; and the load regulation is excessive or if there is inadequate heat sinking, the
better than 10 IlV for a 1A change. Temperature is LM109 will turn off when the chip temperature
the worst source of error; however, it is possible to reaches 175°C, preventing the device from being
achieve less than oa 0.01 % ~hange in the output destroyed. Since no such device is available for use
voltage over a-55 C to +125 C range. in the negative regulator, the heat sink should be
large enough to keep the junction temperature of
the pass transistors at an acceptable level for worst
case conditions of maximum ambient temperature,
maximum input voltage and shorted output.
Although the regulators are relatively simple, some
precautions must be taken to eliminate possible
problems. A solid tantalum output capacitor must
be used. Unlike electrolytics, solid tantalum capac-
"' itors have low internal impedance at high fre-
005% quencies. Low impedance is needed both for
frequency compensation and to eliminate possible
minor loop oscillations. The power transistor
recommended for the negative regulator is a
" single-diffused wide-base device. This transistor
type has fewer oscillation problems than double
R1 005%
diffused transistors. Also, it seems less prone to
failure under overload conditions.
mlnlm,ZI IMrm,' ~"h
Some unusual problems are encountered in the
lSolodtintaiunI construction of a high stability regulator. Com-
ponent choice is most important since the resis-
FIGURE 1. High Stability Positive Regulator tors, amplifier and zener can contribute to
temperature drift. Also, good circuit layout is
needed to eliminate the effect of lead drops,
pickup, and thermal gradients.
The operation of both regulators is straight-
forward. An internal voltage reference is provided The resistors must be low-temperature-coefficient
by a high-stability zener diode. The LM 108A' wirewound or precision metal film. Ordinary 1%
operational amplifier compares a fraction of the carbon film, tin oxide or metal film units are not
output voltage with reference. In the positive regu- suitable since they may drift as much as 0.5% over
lator, the output of the op amp controls the temperature. The resistor accuracy need not be
ground terminal of an LM1092 regulator through 0.005% as shown in the schematic; however, they
source follower, Q,. Frequency compensation for should track better than 1 ppm/"C. Additionally,
the regulator is provided by both the R, C2 combi- wirewound resistors usually have lower thermo-
nation and output capacitor, C3 . electric effects than film types. The resistor driving
--4....- ...- - - - -...- - . J
INpur-. . .
the zener is not quite as critical; but it should Good construction techniques are important. It is
change less than 0.2% over temperature. necessary to use remote sensing at the load, as is
shown on the schematics. Even an inch of wire will
The excellent dc characteristics of the LM 108A degrade the load regulation. The voltage setting
make it a good choice as the control amplifier. The resistors, zener, and the amplifier should also be
offset voltage drift of less than 5 J1.V/"C con- shielded. 80ard leakages or stray capacitance can
tributes little error to the regulator output. Low easily introduce 100 J1.V of ripple or dc error into
input current allows standard cells to be used for the regulator. Generally, short wire length and
the voltage reference instead of a reference diode. single-point grounding are helpful in obtaining
Also the LM108 is easily frequency compensated proper operation.
for regulator applications.
Robert C. Dobkin
March 1971
One approach to generating sine waves is to filter a amplitude of the square wave fed back to the filter C
square wave. This leaves only the sine wave funda· input. Starting is insured by Rs and C5 which pro- C/)
mental as the output. Since a square wave is easily vide dc negative feedback around the comparator.
amplitude stabilized by clipping, the sine wave This keeps the comparator in the active region. :2
output is also amplitude stabilized. A clipping os- m
If a lower distortion oscillator is needed, the cir-
cillator eliminates the problems encountered with
agc stablized oscillators such as those using Wein
cuit in Figure 2 can be used. Instead of driving the ~
bridges. Additionally, since there is no slow agc
tuned circuit with a square wave, a symmetrically »
loop, the oscillator starts quickly and reaches final
clipped sine wave is used_ The clipped sine wave,
of course, has less distortion than a square wave
amplitude within a few cycles. and yields a low distortion output when filtered.
., r
.15-_-....--. -I
t Cl:C2
I helluencvA.dlu~1
• AmphtudeAdlu~t
2 ~ 1:1 'I. RJ R\
The circuit in Figure 1 will provide both a sine and This circuit is not as tolerant of component values
square wave output for frequencies from below 20 as the one shown in Figure 1. To insure oscillation,
Hz to above 20 kHz. The frequency of oscillation is it is necessary that sufficient signal is applied to
easily tuned by varying a single resistor. This is a the zeners for clipping to occur. Clipping about
considerable advantage over Wein bridge ci rcu its 20% of the sine wave is usually a good value. The
where two elements must be tuned simultaneously level of clipping must be high enough to insure
to change frequency. Also, the output amplitude is oscillation over the entire tuning range. If the clip-
relatively stable when the frequency is changed. ping is too small, it is possible for the circuit to
An operational amplifier is used as a tuned circuit, cease oscillation due to tuning, component aging,
driven by square wave from a voltage comparator. or temperature changes. Higher clipping levels in-
Frequency is controlled by Rlo R2 , C" ~, and crease distortion. As with the circuit in Figure 1,
R3 , with R3 used for tuning_ Tuning the filter this circuit is self-starting_
does not affect its gain or bandwidth so the output Table 1 shows the component values for the
amplitude does not change with frequency. A various frequency ranges. Distortion from the cir-
comparator is fed with the sine wave output to cuit in Figure 1 ranges between 0.75% and 2%
obtain a square wave. The square wave is then fed depending on the setting of R3 . Although greater
back to the input of the tuned circuit to cause tuning range can be accomplished by increasing
oscillation. Zener diode, D" stabilizes the the size of R3 beyond 1kn, distortion becomes
.,Fco R5
10K el' C2'
t Cl ~ C2
I FlfqulncvAdJul1
• CllppmgLevelAdlul1
2"C'\1'RJ Rl 150pF"
FIGURE 2. Low Distortion Sine Wave Oscillator
excessive. Decreasing R3 lower than 50n can bypassing is in order. Both the positive and
make the filter oscillate by itself. The circuit in negative supplies should be bypassed with a O.lpF
Figure 2 varies between 0.2% and 0.4% distortion disc ceramic capacitor. The fast transition at the
for 20% clipping. output of the comparator can be coupled to the
sine wave output by stray capacitance, causing
About 20 kHz is the highest usable frequency for
spikes on the output. Therefore the output of the
these oscillators. At higher frequencies the tuned
comparator with the associated circuitry should be
circuit is incapable of providing the high Q band-
shielded from the inputs of the op amp.
pass characteristic needed to filter the input into a
clean sine wave. The low frequency end of os- Component choice is also important. Good quality
cillation is not limited except by capacitor size. resistors and capacitors must be used to insure
temperature stability. Capacitor should be mylar,
TABLE 1 polycarbonate, or polystyrene - electrolytics will
MIN. MAX. not work. One percent resistors are usually
The circuits shown provide an easy method of
0.47 pF 18 Hz 80 Hz generating a sine wave. The frequency of os-
0.1 pF 80 Hz 380 Hz cillation can be varied over greater than a 4 to 1
.022 pF 380 Hz 1.7 kHz range by changing a single resistor. The ease of
.0047 pF 1.7 kHz 8 kHz tuning as well as the elimination of critical agc
.002pF 4.4 kHz 20 kHz loops make these oscillators well suited for high
volume production since no component selection
is necessary.
In both oscillators, feedforward compensation 3 is References:
used on the LM101A amplifiers to increase their
1. N.P. Doyle, "Swift, Sure Design of Active
bandwidth. Feedforward increases the bandwidth
Bandpass Filters," EON, Vol. 15, No.2, January
to over 10 MHz and the slew rate to better than
1 OV Ips. With standard compensation the 15,1970.
maximum output frequency would be limited to 2. R.J. Widlar, "Precision IC Comparator Runs
about 6 kHz. from 5V Logic Supply," National Semiconduc-
Although these oscillators are not particularly
tor AN-41, October, 1970.
tricky, good construction techniques are im- 3. Robert C. Dobkin, "Feedforward Compensation
portant. Since the amplifiers and the comparators Speeds Op Amp," National Semiconductor
are both wide band devices, proper power supply L/3-2, March, 1969.
Robert C. Dobkin
September 1971
~ 20
OPERATING CONFIGURATION At high gains,or with high value feedback resistors
R4 can be quite low-but not less than lOOn.
Although considerable effort was taken to make
When the LMl18 is used a fast integrator, with
the LM 118 trouble free, high frequency ampli-
a large feedback capacitor or with low values
fiers are more prdne to oscillations than low
of feedback resistance, R4 must be increased to
frequency devices such as the LM101A. Care must
8 kn to insure stability over a full -55°C to
be taken to minimize the stray capacitance at the
125°C temperature range.
inverting input and at the output; however the
LMl18 will drive a 100 pF load_ Good power One of the more important considerations for a
supply bypassing is also in order-O_l JlF disc high speed amplifier is settling time. Poor settling
ceramic capacitors should be used within a few time can cancel the advantages of having high slew
inches of the amplifier_ Additionally, a small rate and bandwidth. For example-an amplifier can
capacitor is usually necessary across. the feedback have severe ringing after a step input. A relatively
resistor to compensate for unavoidable stray long time is then needed before the output volt-
capacitance. age can be read accurately. Settling time is the
time necessary for the output to slew through a
Figure 3 shows feedforward compensation of the
defined voltage change and settle to within a de-
LMl18 for fast inverting applications. The signal
fined error of its final output voltage. Figure 4
is fed from the summing junction to the output
stage driver by C, and R4. Resistors Rs , Rs and shows optimized compensation for settling to
R7 have two purposes: they increase the internal .2
operating current of the output stage to increase 5.
slew rate and they provide offset balancing. The
current boost is necessary to drive internal stray
capacitance at the higher slew rate. Mismatch of .,
the external resistors can cause large voltage offsets
so offset balancing is necessary. For supply volt-
ages other than ± 15V, R5 and Rs should be
selecteo to draw about 500 JlA from Pins 1 and 5 .
5K tSlew and settling Ilm~ to 0.1%
fora lOY rup change 15800 ns
FIGURE 4. Compensation for Minimum Settlingt Time
Helge H_ Mortensen
July 1972
It is frequently necessary to convert a DC voltage voltage minus VSAT - The current change in the en
to another higher or lower DC-voltage while maxi- inductor is given by:
mizing efficiency_ Conventional switching regula- C
tors are capable of converting from a high input VSS .: VSAT Vss
DC voltage to a lower output voltage and satisfying III ; L X TON '" L TON (1)
the efficiency criteria_ The problem is a little more o
troublesome if a higher output voltage than the Turning OFF the transistor the inductor current z
input voltage is desired_ Particularly, generating
DC voltage with opposite polarity to the input
has a path through the catch diode and this in
turn builds up a negative voltage across R L.
voltage usually involves a complicated design_ ::a
The figure also shows the current and voltage -I
This brief demonstrates the use of the switching levels versus time. A capacitor in parallel to the m
regulator idea for a +5 volts to -15 volts converter_ resistor will prevent the voltage from dropping ::a
The converter has an application as a power supply to zero during the transistor ON time.
for MOS memories in a logic system where only
+5 volts is available_ However, the principle used Assuming a large capacitor, we cah also write the
can be applied for almost any input output com- current change as:
--cr "..
.... VOUT
Drop in capacitor voltage:
Ie lIV ; C (3)
I~ A,
.;:- "=- J During the T OFF time the stored energy in the
inductor is transferred to the load and capacitor .
A rough estimate of T OFF can be expressed as:
VSS (4)
Vss = +5V
D2 C2
Inspecting Figure 1. We find: By setting the duty cycle higher than first calcu-
lated, the output voltage will tend to increase
L'li Vss X TON above the desired output voltage of 15 volts.
Ic = "2 -~ (7)
However, an extra loop performed by 0, and
the zener diode in conjunction with the resistor
which yields: network will modify the oscillator duty cycle
until the desired output level is obtained.
TON = (8) The output voltage is given by:
1.5 X LX I LOAD X V OUT Data and results obtained with the design:
TON = (9)
V ,N 5 volts
The above equations will be applied to the regu- V OUT -15 volts
lator shown at Figure 2. The regulator must deliver lOUT max 200 mA
-15 volts at 200 mA from a +5 volt supply. Using a Efficiency ~ 75%
1 mH inductor the TON time for O 2 is 0.18 ms
from equation 9. T OFF is 60 IlS from equation 4 Frequency ~ 6 kHz 80% duty cycle
and the oscillator frequency to: VRIPPLE ~ 100 mV @ 200 mA load
Marvin VanderKooi
August 1972
." f'\,
Equation 5 demonstrates that the borderline be·
tween small signal response and slew rate limited
response is not just a function of the peak output
signal but that by trading off either frequency or
~ 2D I'- peak amplitude one can continue to have a distor·
"\. tion free output. Figure 2 shows a quick reference
r'\ graphical presentation of equation 5 with the area
1 10 100 HI Ilik lOOk 1M 10M above any VPEAK line representing an undistorted
small signal response and the area below a given
V PEAK line representing a distorted sine wave reo
FIGURE 1. Open and Closed Loop Frequency Response sponse due to slew rate limiting.
of the amplifier's output voltage and is due to the ~ 10 V~~AK" 16V Ht-H+tt->ISI,*r'I
VPEA f(=8V
fact that the compensation capacitor inside the
amplifier only has finite currents 1 available for
charging and discharging. A sinusoidal output sig·
nal will cease being small signal when its maximum 0.1
rate of change equals the slew rate limit S, of the SLEW RATE
amplifier. The maximum rate of change for a sine .01
100 lk 10k 10l1li 1M
wave occurs at the zero crossing and may be de·
rived as follows:
This frequency can be derived by inserting the will go into slew rate limiting. The output will then
amplifier slew rate and peak rated output voltage be a ramp function with a slope of S, and a rise time
into equation 5. The bandwidth from DC to the equal to:
resulting f max is the full-power bandwidth or "large
signal response" of the amplifier. For example the
full·power bandwidth of the LM741 with a 0.5V jl.s t' = V STEP (8)
, S,
S, is approximately 6 kHz while the full· power
bandwidth of the LM 118 with an S, of 70 V /jl.s is
approximately 900 kHz. Substituting equation 6 into equation 7 gives the
critical value of VSTEP directly in terms of f3dB :
The step voltage response at the output of an op
amp can also be divided into a small signal response
and a slew rate limited response. The single turnover VSTEP f3d8
and uniform -20 dB/decade slope shown in the 0.35 ~S, (9)
small signal frequency response curve of Figure 1
are also characteristic of a low pass filter and one
which can be graphed as shown in Figure 4. Any
can in fact model an op amp as a low pass RC
point in the area above a VSTEP line represents
filter followed by a very wideband amplifier. Figure
an undistored low pass filter type response and any
3 shows a model ofaX 100 circu it with a 3 dB down
point in the area below a given VSTEP line repre·
rolloff frequency of 10kHz. From basic filter
sents a slew rate limited response.
f_=211~C i!i;i! 0.1 '~I~ijSl VSTEP=1V
'3dB= 10kHz
1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 10~
FIGURE 3. Small Signal Op Amp Model
theory 2 the 10% to 90% rise time of single pole FIGURE 4. Step Voltage Response
low pass filter is:
Helge H. Mortensen N
December 1972 o
The instrumentation amplifier is useful for ampli· currents of the transistors are well matched for a
fying small differential signals which may be OV differential input signal. The current sources ::XI
riding on high common mode voltage levels. These which bias Q 1 and Q2, are chosen to be 100llA m
amplifiers are particularly useful in amplifying each to guarantee high {3 and low offset voltage in :2
signals in the milli·volt range which are supplied Q 1 and Q2. -I
from a high impedance source (>2kn).
The gain of the amplifier is calculated as follows:
This brief will demonstrate how a low cost, high Any differential input voltage, Ll.V 1N , appears
performance instrumentation amplifier can be across R1, and produces a current change Ll.I, which :2
built using the newly introduced LM3900 quad is given by: ""tI
amplifier. It is also indicated how a compact C
transducer bridge amplifier system can be developed -I
to take advantage of the versatility of the LM3900. Ll.1 (1)
BASIC AMPLIFIER OPERATION This current change will show up in the collectors !:j
Figure 1 shows the basic operation of the amplifier.
of Q 1 and Q2 with opposite polarity. The input »
mirror Of the LM3900 returns Ll.lo1 to the
The bias of the LM3900 is set by the resistors R2 inverting input terminal where it is added (with m
and R3 (neglecting for now, the transistors Q1 sign) to Ll.lo2 yielding a total current change of
and Q2). Current which enters the non·inverting
input of the LM3900 will be "mirrored" about
2Ll.1. This current flows through the feedback
resistor, R3 , which causes an output voltage s:""tI
V ~nd then will be drawn into the inverting change, Ll.Vo, which is given by:
input terminal. This causes the current to flow
through the feedback resistor, R3 , which establishes
the output voltage level. If R2 = R3 and further, if
R2 is connected to ground (OVL then the output ::XI
voltage biasing level will also be exactly zero volts.
It should be noticed that an OUTPUT OFFSET
to yield a gain,
CONTROL can be implemented by supplying a Cf)
reference voltage, E R , between R2 and ground. -I
r----4~---....o(l V+=.15V (3)
'.J 2
Av =R1" -I
At this point it is convenient to evaluate the
result obtained. The gain can be established by »
•J one resistor (R 1 ) according to equation (3) .
+~--1---t-~r __~~'M~ Conventional instrumentation amplifiers usually o
have a gain given by: :2
~ ., 1M
+--- (4) s:
l This means that the minimum gain of unity is
obtained if R is left out (R = 00). Note that this is "m
FIGURE 1. Basic Instrumentation Amplifier.
different from the result indicated in equat.ion (3)
where unity gain is obtained for
and minimum gain (or maximum attenuation) is only the procedure for nulling the amplifier will
obtained if R1 is left out (R 1 ; 00). This suggests be incl uded.
that the amplifier can be turned OFF without
disturbing the output voltage de bias. Letting R1 go to zero causes the amplifier to
operate in the open-loop mode. The main offset
The two current sources for 0 1 and O2 are
implemented with a dual transistor (03 and 0 4 )
in conjunction with an additional amplifier of the 120
10 100 1K 10K lOOK 1M 10M
The performance of the complete instrumentation
amplifier of Figure 2 is outlined below (Table 1
and Figure 3).
FIGURE 3. Frequencv Response
Marvin 1<. Vander Kooi
J. E. Byerly W. S. Routh
G. Cleveland B. Siegel
R. C. Dobkin R. S. Sleeth
T. M. Frederiksen T. Smathers
T. Hanna R. Stump
R. Hirschfeld R. K. Underwood
W. M. Howard L. VanDer Gaag
E. L. Long M. K. Vander Kooi
T. B. Mills R. J. Widlar
W. B. Mitchell C. M. Wittmer
H. H. Mortensen D. L. Wollesen
D. Mrazek M. Yamatake
Nalional Semiconductor Corporation
2900 Semico nductor Drive
Santa Clara , Ca lifornia 95051
(408) 732-5000
TWX: 910-339-9240
National Semiconductor GmbH Nalional Semiconduct,o r (UK ) Ltd. Nalional Semiconductor (Pte.) Ltd.
8080 Fue rstenfeldbruck Larkfield Industria l Es fates No. 1100 Lowe r Delta Rd .
Indust riestrasse 10 Greenock , Scotland Singapore 3
West Ge rmany Telephone : (0475) 33~!51 Telephone : 630011
Telephone : (08141) 1371 Telex : 778 632 Telex : 402
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