British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BAT)
British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BAT)
British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BAT)
From the footnote of financial statement 2018 we can know about additional information of British
American Tobacco Bangladesh such as
1. Reporting entity: In reporting entity we can know British American Tobacco Bangladesh is a
public limited company and its shares are quoted in Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges. We
also know about product segments of British American Tobacco Bangladesh. The Company
manufactures and markets brands including Benson & Hedges, John Player Gold Leaf, Capstan,
Star, Derby, Pilot and Hollywood.
2. Basis of preparation: The financial statements of British American Tobacco Bangladesh have
been prepared in accordance with the (International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and
the financial period of the Company covers one year from 1 January to 31 December and is
followed consistently.
3. Functional and presentation currency: We can know from the footnotes of annual report 2018
of British American Tobacco Bangladesh that These financial statements are presented in
Bangladesh Taka (Taka/Tk/BDT), which is both functional and presentational currency of the
company. The amounts in these financial statements have been rounded off to the nearest
thousand unless otherwise indicated. Because of these rounding off, in some instance the total
may not match the sum of individual balance.
4. Basis of measurement: The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
5. Significant accounting policies: The Company has consistently applied the following accounting
policies Set out below is an index of the significant accounting policies:
A. Current versus non-current classification
B. Property, plant and equipment
C. Financial instruments
D. Share capital
E. Impairment
F. Lease
G. Inventories
H. Employee benefits
I. Provisions
J. Contingencies
K. Revenue from contracts with customers
L. Income tax expense
M. Foreign currency transactions
N. Finance income and expenses
O. Earnings per share (EPS)
P. Statement of cash flows
Q. Dividends
R. Materiality and aggregation
S. Events after the reporting period
T. Changes in accounting policies and disclosures
6. Inventories: From footnote of annual report of annual report 2018 of British American Tobacco
Bangladesh we can know about company has inventory in hand which worth BDT 19,291,846 million in
2018 and inventory in transit which worth value is BDT137,355 million.
7. Trade and other receivables: From footnote of annual report of annual report 2018 of British
American Tobacco Bangladesh we can know about how many trades are done in 2018 and company’s
net trade receivables is BDT3,671,608 million.
8. Advances, deposits and prepayments: British American Tobacco Bangladesh get advances in 2018
which net value is BDT4,809,523 million. And deposits BDT 12,63600 million and paid insurance
payment BDT 552000 million in 2018.
9. Cash and cash equivalents at statement of financial position: From footnote we can know
information about. Cash and cash equivalents at statement of financial position of British American
Tobacco which worth value is BDT 1,633,605 million in 2018.
10. Share capital: British American Tobacco has 60,000,000 ordinary shares of BDT 10 each and total
share capital is 600,000,000 BDT in 2018.
11. Tax liabilities: British American Tobacco has tax liabilities in 2018 is 5,918,997 BDT.
12. Revenue from contracts with customers: British American Tobacco’s total revenue from contracts
with customers is BDT 54,639,767 million in 2018.
13. Dividend paid: British American Tobacco paid its divided to shareholders which net value is BDT
3,596,316 million in 2018.
14. Remittances of foreign currency: British American Tobacco earn remittances of foreign currency
which value is 6,961000 USD.
15. Segment Reporting: The Company is domiciled in Bangladesh. The gross revenue from cigarettes is
BDT 230,674 million (2017: BDT 201,916 million). The Company does not have any non-current assets
that are located outside Bangladesh. Gross cigarette revenue arising from transactions with a single
external customer represented BDT 41,385 million (2017: BDT 32,053 million) of the Company’s total
revenue. primarily engaged in the manufacturing and sale of cigarettes in Bangladesh and this forms the
focus of the Company’s internal reporting system. While the Company has clearly differentiated brands,
segmentation within a wide portfolio of brands is not part of the regular internally reported financial
information to the chief operating decision maker. Therefore, it is not possible to segment the
Company’s results by brand without a high degree of estimation. Apart from cigarette manufacturing,
the Company exports leaf outside Bangladesh, which co tributes less than 10% of gross and net