Three Deep Zone
Three Deep Zone
Three Deep Zone
Three deep zone is our primary coverage that is used in our eight man front
concept. Three deep allows for a blitz look that will allow our corners to align
themselves 6-8 yards deep or in bump situation. In our system we will do a combination
of spot dropping and pattern reading of receiver routes. We want to drop to our area but
we never want to cover grass, we want to find receivers in our areas and cover them
through our zone. We will never cover a route that is within 5 yards of the line of
scrimmage, that area is considered a dead area. We will cover the hook/curl area and
the seam/flat area against all base formations for 2x1 and 2x2.
1st hold the seam route from #2 receiver from going vertical through the zone. We
will collision #2 and force him inside or reroute the receiver towards the Free
2nd if #2 goes to the flat, carry the receiver through the zone. We will now carry
the receiver vertical (wheel) if he forces us. We will pin the wide receiver to the
sideline with our bodies and we will break on the ball
3rd if #2 attempts to cross the formation on any route, let him go and give “IN” call
to alert the next drop, next get your eyes on #1 verify his intentions. Then sink for
depth in the seam looking for crossers coming towards.
Do not cover grass!
1st expand to the hook/curl area of the field which is located 3 to 4 yards on either
side of the hash mark. While you drop locate the route of the #2 receiver.
If #2 runs to the flat area expand and locate the route of #1
If #2 run vertical expand to the area #2 wants to run through while locating the #1
Do not cover grass!
Free Safety-
Apex alignment
Deep middle player 8-15 yards deep depending upon down and distance
Apex the two most threaten receivers
Only jump crossers during boot leg
Play deep!
When the offense lines up in any type of Trips or 3x1 set we will check to 3Z or our
overloaded zone to compensate for the formation weakness on the defenses part.
3Z incorporates man/zone principals which allows more flexibility to deal with difficult
3x1 route combinations.
Rover- holds the seam against #2 vertical then expands to the flat,
underneath the numbers and seven yards from the sideline
Sam- Strong side curl, 3-4 yards on the outside of the hash, but is responsible
for man coverage on the second crossing receiver
Mike- Strong side hook, 3-4 yards on the inside of the hash, but is responsible
for man coverage on the first crossing receiver
Will- Weak side curl/flat drop
Corner to the single receiver side will play man