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GridBank Web Access User Manual 4.0

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GridBank Web Access 4.

User Manual

GridBank Data Management Platform

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

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Revision 4.0.10 February 2015

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual


This manual provides all the information necessary to configure, administer and use GridBank Web Access. It
includes comprehensive step-by-step instructions on important tasks, such as how to launch GridBank Web
Access, manage datasets, mailbox and PST archives, how to ingest files and search into GridBank Data
Management Platform.

This manual is intended for use by end users wishing to maintain and manage their important files and mail over
the Internet. It assumes some familiarity with Microsoft Windows or other client OS, Internet Explorer or other
Web browsers.

Additional Documentation
See the following documentation for information about GridBank related subjects:

“GridBank Web Access 4.0 Getting Started Guide”

Provides brief information about the main operations that GridBank regular users can perform with their mail and

“GridBank E-Discovery 4.0 Getting Started Guide”

Provides information about the main e-discovery operations that members of Administrators, E-Discovery and
Auditors Group can perform in GridBank Web Access.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Summary of Chapters

Chapter Summary

1. Quick Tour of GridBank Web Introduces the main features of GridBank Web
Access Access and its interface.

2. GWA Working Modes and Users Provides information about the main GWA
working modes.

Provides information about how to manage your

3. GWA Mail Management
archived in GridBank mailbox and PST archives
using GridBank Web Access.

4. GWA File Management Describes how to create datasets, upload files

into datasets and download datasets content.

5. GWA Search Management Describes how to run and manage search

operations in GWA.

6. GWA Briefcases Management Describes how to manage your briefcases in


Appendix A: Glossary Provides a glossary of terms and abbreviations.

Index Provides an alphabetical list with specific

information and its location in the present


Convention Description

Bold Names of applications, wizard screens, buttons, field names, menu

items, dialog boxes, notes, tips, and emphasized text.

Italic Book, white paper and published vendor papers.

Bold italic Chapter or section name cross-reference.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual


Abbreviation Description

GWA GridBank Web Access

GridBank GridBank Data Management Platform

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

PREFACE .......................................................................................................................................................................................III

ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................................................................III
SUMMARY OF CHAPTERS ......................................................................................................................................................................... IV
CONVENTIONS........................................................................................................................................................................................ IV
ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................................................................................................................... V

1. QUICK TOUR OF GRIDBANK WEB ACCESS ..............................................................................................................................12

INTRODUCING GRIDBANK WEB ACCESS ....................................................................................................................................................13

GWA IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................................................................13
Software Requirements ...............................................................................................................................................................13
Launching GWA in Internet Explorer 11......................................................................................................................................14
Download Accelerators................................................................................................................................................................14
LOGGING IN TO GRIDBANK WEB ACCESS...................................................................................................................................................15
GRIDBANK WEB ACCESS USER INTERFACE.................................................................................................................................................16
Main Header.................................................................................................................................................................................17
Main Menu ...................................................................................................................................................................................17
Secondary Menus .........................................................................................................................................................................18
Central Section..............................................................................................................................................................................19

2. GWA WORKING MODES AND USERS .....................................................................................................................................22

INTRODUCING GWA USER WORKING MODES...........................................................................................................................................23

GWA REGULAR USER WORKING MODE...................................................................................................................................................23

3. GWA MAIL MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................................................................25

INTRODUCING GRIDBANK WEB ACCESS MAIL MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................................27

MANAGING MAILBOX ARCHIVES IN GRIDBANK WEB ACCESS .......................................................................................................................27
Viewing Mail Tab Options............................................................................................................................................................27
Viewing Mailbox Archives in GWA ..............................................................................................................................................28
Viewing Folders of a Mailbox Archive .........................................................................................................................................29
Viewing the Content of a Mailbox Archive Folder ......................................................................................................................29
Ordering a Mailbox Archive Folder Content ...............................................................................................................................30
Opening an Email of a Mailbox Archive Folder...........................................................................................................................31
Saving an Email from a Mailbox Archive Folder .........................................................................................................................32

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Adding an Email from a Mailbox Archive to a Briefcase ............................................................................................................33

Managing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails.................................................................................................................................34
Adding Tags to Mailbox Archive Emails......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Removing Tags of a Mailbox Archive Emails ................................................................................................................................................. 34
Editing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Searching Mailbox Archive Folder Content.................................................................................................................................35
Canceling Mailbox Archive Folder Search ...................................................................................................................................39
Saving Mailbox Archive Folder Search Results............................................................................................................................39
MANAGING PST ARCHIVES IN GRIDBANK WEB ACCESS ..............................................................................................................................40
Viewing PST Archives in GWA......................................................................................................................................................41
Viewing Folders of PST Archives ..................................................................................................................................................41
Viewing PST Archive Folder Content ...........................................................................................................................................42
Ordering PST Archive Folder Content ..........................................................................................................................................43
Opening Emails of a PST Archive Folder......................................................................................................................................44
Saving an Email from a PST Archive Folder.................................................................................................................................45
Adding an Email from a PST Archive to a Briefcase....................................................................................................................46
Managing Tags of PST Archive Emails ........................................................................................................................................46
Adding Tags to PST Archive Emails ................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Removing Tags of a PST Archive Emails ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Editing Tags of a PST Archive Emails.............................................................................................................................................................. 47
Searching PST Archive Folder Content ........................................................................................................................................48
Canceling PST Archive Folder Search...........................................................................................................................................52
Saving PST Archive Folder Search Result.....................................................................................................................................52

4. GWA FILE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................................................53

INTRODUCING GRIDBANK DATASET TYPES.................................................................................................................................................57

GridBank Datasets Access Control Permissions..........................................................................................................................57
Viewing File Tab Options .............................................................................................................................................................59
MANAGING ARCHIVE DATASETS ..............................................................................................................................................................60
Viewing Archive Datasets ............................................................................................................................................................60
Viewing an Archive Dataset Content ..........................................................................................................................................60
Creating an Archive Dataset ........................................................................................................................................................61
Adding (Uploading) Files to an Archive Dataset .........................................................................................................................62
Modifying Archive Dataset Details ..............................................................................................................................................65
Sharing an Archive Dataset with GridBank Users and Groups ..................................................................................................66
Declaring as a Record an Archive Dataset ..................................................................................................................................68
Deleting an Archive Dataset ........................................................................................................................................................69
Deleting Archive Dataset Files .....................................................................................................................................................69
Downloading Files from an Archive Dataset...............................................................................................................................70
Declaring as a Record an Archive Dataset File ...........................................................................................................................70
Adding Archive Dataset Files to Briefcase...................................................................................................................................72
Managing Archive Datasets’ Folders ..........................................................................................................................................74
Adding Folders to an Archive Dataset ........................................................................................................................................................... 74

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Viewing (exploring) an Archive Dataset Folder ............................................................................................................................................. 75

Renaming (Modifying) an Archive Dataset Folder ........................................................................................................................................ 75
Copying an Archive Dataset Folder................................................................................................................................................................ 76
Adding Files to Archive Dataset‘s Folder ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
Adding Folders under the Archive Dataset Folder........................................................................................................................................ 79
MANAGING LIBRARY DATASETS ...............................................................................................................................................................80
Viewing Library Datasets .............................................................................................................................................................80
Viewing a Library Dataset Content .............................................................................................................................................80
Creating a Library Dataset ...........................................................................................................................................................81
Modifying Library Dataset Details...............................................................................................................................................83
Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset .....................................................................................................................................84
Sharing a Library Dataset with GridBank Users and Groups .....................................................................................................86
Deleting a Library Dataset ...........................................................................................................................................................89
Adding (Uploading) Files to a Library Dataset ............................................................................................................................89
Deleting Library Dataset Files ......................................................................................................................................................92
Downloading Files from a Library Dataset..................................................................................................................................93
Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset File ..............................................................................................................................93
Adding Library Dataset Files to a Briefcase.................................................................................................................................95
Managing Library Datasets’ Folders ...........................................................................................................................................97
Adding Folders to a Library Dataset............................................................................................................................................................... 97
Viewing (exploring) a Library Dataset Folder ................................................................................................................................................ 98
Renaming (Modifying) a Library Dataset Folder ........................................................................................................................................... 98
Copying a Library Dataset Folder ................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Moving a Library Dataset Folder.................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Adding Files to Library Dataset‘s Folder ...................................................................................................................................................... 100
Adding Folders under the Library Dataset Folder ....................................................................................................................................... 103
MANAGING REPOSITORY DATASETS .......................................................................................................................................................104
Viewing Repository Datasets .....................................................................................................................................................104
Viewing Repository Dataset Content ........................................................................................................................................105
Creating a Repository Dataset...................................................................................................................................................106
Modifying a Repository Dataset................................................................................................................................................107
Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset.............................................................................................................................107
Sharing a Repository Dataset with Other GridBank Users and Groups ..................................................................................108
Deleting a Repository Dataset ...................................................................................................................................................111
Adding (Upload) Files to Repository Dataset ............................................................................................................................112
Deleting Repository Dataset Files..............................................................................................................................................114
Downloading Files from Repository Dataset ............................................................................................................................115
Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset File ......................................................................................................................116
Adding Repository Dataset Files to a Briefcase ........................................................................................................................117
Managing Repository Datasets’ Folders ...................................................................................................................................118
Adding Folders to Repository Dataset ......................................................................................................................................................... 118
Viewing (exploring) Repository Dataset Folder .......................................................................................................................................... 118
Renaming (Modifying) a Repository Dataset Folder .................................................................................................................................. 119
Copying a Repository Dataset Folder .......................................................................................................................................................... 119

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Moving a Repository Dataset Folder ........................................................................................................................................................... 120

Adding Files to Repository Dataset’s Folder................................................................................................................................................ 121
Adding Folders under the Repository Dataset’s Folder.............................................................................................................................. 123
Deleting Repository Dataset Folder............................................................................................................................................................. 124
MANAGING DATASET FILE METADATA....................................................................................................................................................125
Viewing Dataset File Metadata.................................................................................................................................................125
Editing Dataset File Metadata (only Description) ....................................................................................................................126
Managing Custom Metadata of Files .......................................................................................................................................127
Adding Custom Metadata ............................................................................................................................................................................ 127
Removing Custom Metadata ....................................................................................................................................................................... 128
Editing Custom Metadata ............................................................................................................................................................................ 129
MANAGING TAGS OF DATASET FILES ......................................................................................................................................................130
Adding a Tag to a File.................................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Removing a Tag from a File .......................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Editing a Tag of a File .................................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Managing Recursively Tags of Datasets ...................................................................................................................................133
Adding Recursively Tags to a Dataset .......................................................................................................................................................... 133
Removing Recursively Tags of a Dataset ..................................................................................................................................................... 134
Editing Recursively Tags of a Dataset .......................................................................................................................................................... 134
FILE VERSIONING CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................................................135
Version Management ................................................................................................................................................................135
Downloading a Previous File Version .......................................................................................................................................................... 136
Conflict Resolution......................................................................................................................................................................137
No Versioning .............................................................................................................................................................................138
GLOBAL CATALOG................................................................................................................................................................................138
Introducing GWA Security Option .............................................................................................................................................140
Viewing the Permissions of a Shared with You Item ................................................................................................................140
PERFORMING A QUICK SEARCH IN FILES TAB ............................................................................................................................................141

5. GWA SEARCH MANAGEMENT ..............................................................................................................................................145

INTRODUCING GRIDBANK WEB ACCESS SEARCH ......................................................................................................................................147

VIEWING SEARCH TAB OPTIONS.............................................................................................................................................................147
PERFORMING A FILE SEARCH .................................................................................................................................................................148
Performing a Quick File Search..................................................................................................................................................148
Viewing a Quick Search Result Single Item ...............................................................................................................................151
Downloading a Quick Search Result Single Item ......................................................................................................................152
Adding Quick Search Result Single Item to a Briefcase ............................................................................................................153
Adding Quick Search Result All Items or Selected Items to a Briefcase ...................................................................................153
Performing an Advanced File Search ........................................................................................................................................154
Viewing an Advanced Search Result Single Item ......................................................................................................................156
Downloading an Advanced Search Result Single Item .............................................................................................................156
Adding an Advanced File Search Result or All Advanced File Search Results to a Briefcase ..................................................157
SAVING FILE SEARCH RESULTS................................................................................................................................................................157
Viewing Saved File Search Results .............................................................................................................................................158

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

PERFORMING EMAIL SEARCH.................................................................................................................................................................159

SAVING EMAIL SEARCH RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................163
Viewing Saved Email Search Results .........................................................................................................................................163
PERFORMING A COMBINED QUICK SEARCH .............................................................................................................................................164
Saving Combined Quick Search Results.....................................................................................................................................168
PERFORMING A COMBINED ADVANCED SEARCH.......................................................................................................................................169
Saving Combined Advanced Search Results .............................................................................................................................171

6. GWA BRIEFCASES MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................173

INTRODUCING GWA BRIEFCASES ...........................................................................................................................................................175

Viewing a List of Briefcases........................................................................................................................................................175
Creating a Briefcase ...................................................................................................................................................................175
Modifying a Briefcase ................................................................................................................................................................176
Declaring a Briefcase as a Record .............................................................................................................................................177
Setting a Briefcase as Default ....................................................................................................................................................178
Deleting a Briefcase ...................................................................................................................................................................179
Viewing a Briefcase Content ......................................................................................................................................................179
Adding Files to a Briefcase .........................................................................................................................................................180
Creating a Folder in a Briefcase .................................................................................................................................................181
Deleting a Briefcase File .............................................................................................................................................................181
Downloading a Briefcase File.....................................................................................................................................................182
MANAGING BRIEFCASE FILE METADATA..................................................................................................................................................182
Viewing Briefcase File Metadata...............................................................................................................................................182
Editing a Briefcase File Metadata (only Description) ...............................................................................................................183
Managing the Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File.........................................................................................................184
Adding New Customized Metadata to a Briefcase File .............................................................................................................................. 184
Removing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File .................................................................................................................................. 185
Editing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File ....................................................................................................................................... 186

APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY............................................................................................................................................................187


GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

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GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. Quick Tour of GridBank

Web Access

This chapter introduces GridBank Web Access interface and main functionalities.

Section Page

Introducing GridBank Web Access 13

GWA Important Requirements 13

Software Requirements 13

Launching GWA in Internet Explorer 11 14

Download Accelerators 14

Logging in to GridBank Web Access 15

GridBank Web Access User Interface 16

Main Header 17

Main Menu 17

Secondary Menus 18

Central Section 19

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Introducing GridBank Web Access

GridBank Web Access (GWA) is a web-based application part of the GridBank Data Management Platform. It is
launched after the GridBank installation. To be able to use GridBank Web Access, you need to have your user
account imported or created in GridBank Management Console.

GWA allows GridBank users to upload, access, and search for their digital data in GridBank Data Management
Platform over the Internet. The main operations GridBank users can perform in GridBank Web Access include:
 Ingesting their important data into datasets and storing it.
 Retrieving and acquiring it (the data that is already archived and stored in the GridBank environment).
 Searching for it.
 Using briefcases to set together data from different datasets into one place.
Operations that GridBank users perform on their data in GridBank Web Access are automatically synchronized
with the rest of the GridBank applications.

But what is a DATASET – the following is the definition, based on the GridBank philosophy:
It is a named collection of data that contains individual data units organized (formatted) in a specific GridBank-
prescribed way and accessed by a specific access methods that are based on the data set organization.
Datasets are organized in various logical structures determined by the GridBank policies and predefined rules,
parameters and attributes. Some of the parameters and attributes are specified at the time of the dataset
allocation (creation), but could be modified later on demand. Data ingested in GridBank is organized into the
following dataset types:
 Archives are datasets which are created once, are of fixed size, can be read many times and can only be
deleted by administrators or policies.
 Libraries are datasets with a dynamic structure, which size is forever increasing, these can be accessed
many times and individual files within the library can be deleted. Libraries can be viewed as a snapshot of
fixed content information for a particular time period, from a particular source.
 Repositories are working datasets, which size is forever changing, these can be accessed many times and
individual items within repositories can be deleted.

GWA Important Requirements

This section helps you to identify the requirements needed for the smooth running of GridBank Web Access on
your computer.

Software Requirements
The following are the software requirements for starting to use GWA:
 Recommended Operating System: Windows 7/ 8/8.1
 Recommended Web Browser: Internet Explorer 8/9/10/11

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Flash Player - For multiple file upload in GridBank datasets, a Flash Player needs to be installed on the
machine you will use to access GridBank Web Access.

Launching GWA in Internet Explorer 11

If you wish to open and use GridBank Web Access via Internet Explorer 11, you need to add it to the Internet
Explorer Compatibility View.

To use GWA via Internet Explorer 11:

1. Open Internet Explorer 11.

2. On the Tools menu, click Compatibility View settings.
3. In the Compatibility View Settings dialog box, type the URL of GridBank Web Access.

4. Click Add to include GridBank Web Access URL to the list of web sites available in Compatibility View.
5. Click Close to exit the Compatibility View Settings dialog box. GridBank Web Access loads automatically.

Download Accelerators
Download with GWA may not work if a download accelerator is installed on the client machine. If this happens
the download accelerator should be disabled.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Logging in to GridBank Web Access

GridBank Web Access is a web-based application that enables you to manage your files and emails in a single
application. To be able to use GridBank Web Access, you need to have your user account imported or created
in GridBank Management Console.

GridBank Web Access is easily accessed via the Internet and allows you to store and retrieve from GridBank
your important information from anywhere you are. GridBank Web Access can run in your favorite web browser,
e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 8 or later).

To run GridBank Web Access:

1. Open a web browser of your choice, e.g. Internet Explorer (version 8 or later).
2. Enter the URL of the web server where GridBank Web Access has been deployed, e.g.

3. In the Login box, enter your credentials, e.g. user name, password and domain name.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

4. To log in to the system, click Sign In.

A progress bar appears indicating the process.

GridBank Web Access User Interface

GWA has a user-friendly, intuitive interface that allows you to communicate with your data uploaded in GridBank
easily and visually clearly.

GWA design arranges the window of the interface dividing it into 4 main sections:
1. Main Header
2. Secondary Menus (Tree Views)
3. Main Menu
4. Central Section (Display Panel, Header and Footer)

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Main Header
The top main section is named “Main Header”, where on the left is the logo of the product and on the right are
placed helpful tabs, so called “Utility Tabs”, for performing some of the basic or be of frequent usage actions.
And these GWA utility tabs are as follows: Log Off, Create Dataset, Upload, Search and About. See the
picture below:

 Log Off - enables you to log off from your user account in GridBank Web Access.
 Create Dataset - enables you to create a dataset only if you have selected Archives, Libraries or
Repositories node from the Secondary Menu.
 Upload - enables you to upload files only if you have selected a library or repository name from the
Secondary Menu or from the Display Panel.
 Search - redirects you to GridBank Web Access search menu.
 About - provides brief information about the GridBank Web Access web application.

Main Menu
The bottom left main section is named Main Menu of the GWA interface, so called the “entry point” of the GWA
functionality. The GWA main menu has 4 menu tabs:

1. Mail - enables you to access your mailbox and PST archives and perform operations on search, adding tags
to emails, saving emails and adding emails to a selected briefcase. You can also select a mailbox archive
and save it as a PST file in a selected dataset.

2. Files - enables you to access your GridBank datasets or create new ones and ingest files into them. It also
enables you to perform a quick search for files, save your files and file search results, add tags to files and
send files to briefcases.

3. Search - enables you to search separately for files and emails performing quick and advanced search. You
will also be able to perform a combined file and email search across all your datasets, mailbox and PST
archives. Your search results can be managed from here – they can be saved in a new archive and later
accessed, a legal hold policy to prevent them from deletion can also be applied.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

4. Briefcases - enables you to organize saving your files and emails from different datasets in one briefcase.
Data in GWA briefcases can be downloaded, deleted and tags can be added to it as well.

Note: GridBank Web Access allows you to only view the tab you have selected by enabling the Show
only selected tab option.

Secondary Menus
The top left main section of the GWA interface, dynamically displays the secondary menus as tree structured
views. Each tree view has a number of hierarchical connected nodes, enabling different operations for working
with the data. The section displays only that tree view, which menu tab is currently selected from the main menu.
See next page.

There are 4 secondary menus connected with the selection of a control tab in the Main Menu, as follows:

1. Files Tree View - displays your datasets in the form of nodes. The main nodes here are: Archives,
Libraries, Repositories, Global Catalog and Quick Search. These nodes can be expanded and a list of
sub-nodes becomes available. The nodes and the sub-nodes’ data can be directly accessed in the tree view.
It is dynamically presented in the Display Panel. The Quick Search node in the Files Tree View allows you
to search for files in your Global Catalog datasets (datasets of users, sources and applications for which you
have been granted with content access control permissions) or in datasets created by you.

2. Mail Tree View - displays users’ mailbox and PST archives in the form of nodes. The main nodes here are:
Mailbox Archives, PST Archives and All Users. These nodes can be expanded and a list of sub-nodes
becomes available. The Mailbox Archives node shows all mailbox archives of the logged-in user. The PST
Archives node shows all imported in GridBank PST archives of the logged-in user. The All Users node

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

shows all mailbox and PST archives of other GridBank users for which the logged-in user has been granted
with content access control permissions. The nodes and the sub-nodes’ data can be directly accessed in the
tree view. It is dynamically presented in the Display Panel.

3. Search Tree View - displays different options for search of files and emails in the form of nodes. The main
nodes here are: Files, Emails, and Combined as each node includes a couple of sub-nodes. The nodes
and the sub-nodes functionality and data can be directly accessed in the tree view. They are dynamically
presented in the Display Panel.

4. Briefcases Tree View - displays users’ briefcases in the form of sub-nodes. The main node here is the
Briefcases node. When it is expanded, if there are created briefcases, it displays a list of briefcases as sub-
nodes. The briefcases can be accessed directly in the tree view and their data will be dynamically presented
in the Display Panel.

Central Section
The central section has its own: 1. Navigation Header, 2. Display Panel, 3. Footer and 4. Metadata Panel.
Their content relates to the nodes from the tree view. Which node is currently selected, its related content is
dynamically loaded within the header, the display panel and the footer as well.

1. Navigation Header - The header of the central main section, informational part of the content, related to the
node dynamically shows the current position of the user navigating through the GWA interface. The
information about that current position is shown as a title (which is the name of the node, currently selected)
and as a breadcrumb trail (the GWA keeps track of your locations within the product).

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

2. Display Panel - The content view of the central main section is called “Display Panel”. It displays the content
underneath the node selected from the tree view. See next page.

3. Toolbar (Action Buttons) - The footer of the central main section (the operational part of the content,
related to the node) dynamically loads and displays different sets of action buttons, depending on what node
is selected from the tree view The buttons contain a GWA-defined text label and an icon that indicates what
the button does when the user selects it. The buttons are used to start an operation. The buttons have the
following states:
 Active – The button can be used to perform the operation for which is created.
 Inactive – The button is not active for the selected object.
 Selected – The button becomes active for the selected object.
 Highlighted – When the button is active and you point with the cursor on it, then the button becomes
highlighted and information about it is displayed.

4. Metadata Panel (Module Tabs) - Within the central main section, an additional window may open
dynamically on the right side of the Display Panel. It happens when a dataset or a file in the Display Panel is
selected (marked in blue). Only then the button Metadata (from the set of buttons in the footer) becomes
active. As a result of clicking on it, the metadata of the marked object is displayed in that additional window,
named Metadata Panel. Three module tabs are used to provide an easy way to show the metadata parted
by categories.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

The metadata categories are as follows:

 Standard Fields (for datasets and files): General: Name, Description (can only be edited), ID, Created,
Owner; Length (for files); Datasets (for datasets only): Dataset Type, Availability, Quota, Used Space;
 Extended Fields (for files): Ingestion: Date Ingested, Version, File URI, Original File Name and
Processed Length; Access: Attributes; Record: Is Record ; (for datasets): Record: Is Record;
 Customized Fields (for files): Metabase Fields and Tags;

The metadata panel has its own footer section. Within it different sets of action buttons are dynamically
loaded and displayed depending on which Module Tab is selected.

 User Name Bar: At the very bottom of the GWA interface is the user name bar – it displays the first and
last names of the current user, who has logged in to the web application.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

2. GWA Working Modes

and Users

This chapter describes the different working modes and user views in GridBank Web Access.

Section Page

Introducing GWA User Working Modes 23

GWA Regular User Working Mode 23

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Introducing GWA User Working Modes

There are 3 different levels of access to the GWA and they define the 3 different working modes of GWA. Each
access level has its own set of operations that could be performed within GWA. In each set the number of
operations and their type are based on the permissions, the access level has. Any user imported or created in
GridBank platform is able to work with GWA. Depending on the level of access the user is granted, the GWA
works in the corresponding mode. The following are the three working modes in GWA:
1. Regular User Mode – the most restrictive level of access, the lowest one. At this level the users are able to
work with only their data.
2. E-Discovery and Auditors Group Mode – the less restrictive level of access, the middle one. At this level
the users are able to work with their data as well as to work with the other users’ data. The last is possible
after adding the accounts of selected users to their own account. For more information about the operations
performed by those users, see for reference: GridBank 4.0 E-Discovery Getting Started Guide.
3. Administrators Mode – the most non-restrictive level of access, the highest one. At this level the users are
able to work with their data as well as to work with the all the rest GridBank users’ data. The last is possible
even without having to add the other users’ accounts to their own admin account. The all other users’ all
datasets are listed by default in the admin account under the node All Users. Anyway the admin is able to
add the accounts of selected GridBank users to his/her admin account as well – this way working separately
with the datasets of a single user. For more information about the operations performed by those users, see
for reference: GridBank 4.0 E-Discovery Getting Started Guide.

GWA Regular User Working Mode

In this mode, you as a regular user will be able to access, view and work with only your data or shared data of
other GridBank users, sources and applications. The main operations that you can perform include:
 View, manage and search your Mailbox Archives – under the Mail tab.
 Add tags recursively to your Mailbox Archives items (Inbox, Sent, etc.) – under the Mail tab.
 View, manage and search your PST Archives – under the Mail tab.
 Add tags recursively to your PST Archives items (Inbox, Sent, etc.) – under the Mail tab.
 View and manage all mailbox and PST archives shared with you in All Users sub node – under Mail tab.
 View, create and manage your Archive datasets – under the Files tab.
 Add tags recursively to your Archive datasets – under the Files tab.
 View, create and manage your Library datasets – under the Files tab.
 Add tags recursively to your Library datasets – under the Files tab.
 View, create and manage your Repository datasets – under the Files tab.
 Add tags recursively to your Repository datasets – under the Files tab.
 Perform Quick Search for files in your datasets – under the Files tab.
 Perform Quick Search for files in datasets shared with you in Global Catalog – under the Files tab.
 Perform Quick Search for files in your own datasets and datasets shared with you in Global Catalog– under
the Search tab.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Perform Advanced Search for files in your own datasets and datasets shared with you in Global Catalog –
under the Search tab.
 Save Search Results from a performed Quick or Advanced Search for files in your own or shared with you
datasets – under the Search tab.
 Perform search for emails in all your mailbox and PST archives – under the Search tab.
 Save Search Results from emails search in your own mailbox and PST archives – under the Search tab.
 Perform Combined Quick Search in your own datasets, mailbox and PST archives or in datasets, mailboxes
and PST archives shared with you – under the Search tab.
 Save search results from performed combined quick search – under the Search tab.
 Perform Combined Advanced Search in your own datasets, mailbox and PST archives or in datasets,
mailboxes and PST archives shared with you – under the Search tab.
 Save search results from performed combined advanced search – under the Search tab.
 View, create and manage your Briefcases – under the Briefcases tab.
 Add, manage and download emails and files to the briefcases – under the Briefcases tab.

After you login in as a regular user, you are presented with the following view of GridBank Web Access:

After you log into GWA, the Display Panel shows detailed information about you as a GridBank regular user.
Your user information is divided into four sections:
1. General: Provides information about your user’s details: user name, first name, last name, description, email
address, mailbox alias, default archive name, the date when your account was imported (created) in
GridBank, user ID, data grid with which your user account is associated.
2. Authentication: Provides information about your user’s logon name, authentication mechanism (Basic
Authentication, Active Directory or LDAP), your AD user name, if your user account is a master administrator
or not.
3. Quota: Provides information about the maximum storage you are able to use in GWA - used and available
quota. This quota can be increased in GridBank Management Console on demand.
4. Storage Virtual Pool: Provides information about the storage pool with which your user account is
associated and if the storage pool is the GridBank primary one or not.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. GWA Mail Management

This chapter describes how GridBank users can manage their mailbox and PST archives in
GridBank Web Access.

Section Page

Introducing GridBank Web Access Mail Management 27

Managing Mailbox Archives in GridBank Web Access 27

Viewing Mail Tab Options 27

Viewing Mailbox Archives in GWA 28

Viewing Folders of a Mailbox Archive 29

Viewing the Content of a Mailbox Archive Folder 29

Ordering a Mailbox Archive Folder Content 30

Opening an Email of a Mailbox Archive Folder 31

Saving an Email from a Mailbox Archive Folder 32

Adding an Email from a Mailbox Archive to a Briefcase 33

Managing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails 34

Adding Tags to Mailbox Archive Emails 34

Removing Tags of a Mailbox Archive Emails 34

Editing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails 35

Searching Mailbox Archive Folder Content 35

Canceling Mailbox Archive Folder Search 39

Saving Mailbox Archive Folder Search Results 39

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Managing PST Archives in GridBank Web Access 40

Viewing PST Archives in GWA 41

Viewing Folders of PST Archives 41

Viewing PST Archive Folder Content 42

Ordering PST Archive Folder Content 43

Opening Emails of a PST Archive Folder 44

Saving an Email from a PST Archive Folder 45

Adding an Email from a PST Archive to a Briefcase 46

Managing Tags of PST Archive Emails 46

Adding Tags to PST Archive Emails 46

Removing Tags of a PST Archive Emails 47

Editing Tags of a PST Archive Emails 47

Searching PST Archive Folder Content 48

Canceling PST Archive Folder Search 52

Saving PST Archive Folder Search Result 52

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Introducing GridBank Web Access Mail

In today's dynamic business environment, the rate of email data growth is increasing exponentially and this is
having a negative impact on Exchange Server performance. Despite recent improvements in the capacity of
primary mailboxes, over time inboxes become overloaded and are either archived to PST files, effectively
removing them from centralized IT control, or are kept on the Exchange Server leading to performance
implications and increased risk of outages. GridBank enables automated migration of data to secondary storage,
reducing the load on the Exchange Server, whilst retaining the data assets under corporate IT management.

GridBank Mail Management options help you to ingest selected users’ mailboxes from an Exchange Server to
its platform by executing an automated mailbox optimization policy. Ingested mailboxes in GridBank can be used
as backup copies if a data loss occurs on the Exchange Server. Users’ mailboxes content can also be optimized
on the Exchange Server as archiving part of users’ emails e.g. attachments and body in GridBank. This can
reduce used storage on the Exchange Server and improve its performance. One of the options for accessing
user’s mailboxes and PST archives imported in GridBank is GridBank Web Access application.

Managing Mailbox Archives in GridBank Web

GridBank Web Access displays your mailbox and PST archives stored in GridBank, after they have been
imported with a GridBank policy from an Exchange mail host. GridBank provides you with the opportunity to
access your important emails from everywhere you are and from any computer over the Internet. Your important
emails are protected in GridBank, and can only be deleted by the GridBank Master Administrator. You can
access them instantly and use them to acquire the information you need. GridBank Web Access helps you to
search for your emails, using one of the many search options it offers. After you find the emails you have
searched for, you can save them in an archive, which can be protected from deletion. This way you will be able
to access the most important for you information without an effort and be confident that it will not be deleted and
you can access it whenever you need it.

Viewing Mail Tab Options

Viewing the Mail tab options in the Mail Tree View helps you easily to navigate through and perform all the
operations GWA allows you for mail management. (See Main operations that the regular user is able to

To view Mail tab options:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab. The Mail tab options are dynamically loaded in the Mail Tree View.

There are two nodes in the tree:

• The first one – Mailbox Archives, is your “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing your
archived in GridBank mailboxes.
• The second one is PST Archives node, which displays all your PST files ingested in GridBank into PST

Viewing Mailbox Archives in GWA

Viewing your mailbox archives helps you to explore and manage those of your mailboxes that have been
archived in GridBank.

To view all your mailbox archives in GWA:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Mailbox Archives node. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as a list
in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Mailbox Archives node to expand it and view all mailbox archives in the
Tree View.
See next page:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Viewing Folders of a Mailbox Archive

Viewing archived folders of a mailbox helps you to find out which of the folders of the Mailbox have been
selected to be archived via the Mail Optimization Wizard in the Management Console and to explore them.

To view the folders of a mailbox archive in GWA:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. Click the knot in front of the Mailbox Archives node to expand it and view all mailbox archives.
3. Click the in front of a mailbox archive name. All of the archived mailbox data appear as sub-nodes (those
are the mailbox folders and items, selected to be archived). See the picture below:

Viewing the Content of a Mailbox Archive Folder

Viewing a folder’s content helps you to explore the items that folder contains and to navigate through them to
find out what you are looking for (emails or other content, such as contacts, tasks, notes, etc.).

To view folder content:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:

 Click the Mailbox Archives node. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as a list
in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Mailbox Archives node to expand it and view all mailbox archives, and
then click the node itself. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as sub-nodes in
the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. Click the knot in front of a mailbox archive. All of the archived mailbox data appear as sub-nodes (those
are the mailbox folders and items archived in GridBank).
4. Click a folder to load its content in the Display Panel. For example, your mailbox archive in GridBank can
only contain Inbox, Sent and Drafts items.

Ordering a Mailbox Archive Folder Content

Ordering folder content regarding different attributes helps you to easily find the item/items if you have more
information about the item/items you are looking for (as an email subject, or a name of a sender, etc.).

To order the contents of a selected mailbox folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Mailbox Archives node. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as a list
in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Mailbox Archives node to expand it and view all mailbox archives, and
then click the node itself. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as sub-nodes in
the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. Click the knot in front of a mailbox archive. All of the archived mailbox data appear as sub-nodes (those
are the mailbox folders and items, selected to be archived).
4. Click a folder to load its content in the Display Panel. See next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

5. In the Display Panel, click on a column name to order the list of emails depending on the value presented by
this column. Your options include:
 Importance – by priority, from high to low.
 Icon – by type, e.g. mail message, meeting request, receipts and so on.
 Attachment – by attachment included, top to bottom.
 From – by name of the sender in alphabetical order, from A-Z.
 Subject – by text of the subject in alphabetical order, from A to Z or vice versa.
 Received – by date received, from earliest to latest.
 Size – by size of the message, from smallest to biggest.
 Categories – by category in alphabetical order, from A-Z.
 Flag Status – by flag status, top to bottom.
 Folder – by folder name in alphabetical order, from A-Z.

Note: Regarding each of the above options, you can arrange e-mails in reverse order as well.

Opening an Email of a Mailbox Archive Folder

Once viewing the content of a mailbox folder, you can open a particular email which helps you to explore its
content or other item’s attributes or parameters you are looking for.

To open an email:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Mailbox Archives node. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as a list
in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of Mailbox Archives node to expand it and view all mailbox archives, and then
click the node itself. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as sub-nodes in the
tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. In the Mail Tree View, expand the mailbox archive sub-node you wish to access.
4. Under the selected mailbox archive sub-node, click the item which content you wish to explore. Its content is
displayed in the Display Panel.
5. In the displayed folder content, do one of the following:
 Select an email to view its content on the right-hand side of the Display Panel.
 Double-click the email to view its content in a pop-up window.
 Select an email, right-click it and from the context menu that appears, select View.

Saving an Email from a Mailbox Archive Folder

Saving items (emails or other content, such as contacts, tasks, notes, etc.) in locations, logically created (for
example folders named after the themes of searching), helps you to organize your results (items) of investigation
in a proper way not wasting time to search for them again when need to read them or something else related.

To save (download) an email from a folder:

1. Already viewing mailbox archive folder content, do one of the following:

 In the Display Panel, select an email. Its content appears on the right-hand side of the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an email. Its content appears in a pop-up window.
 In the Display Panel, select an email and right-click it. A context menu appears.
2. To proceed saving, depending on your choice in the previous step, do one of the following:
 Click the Save/Open button in the upper left corner of the panel.
 Click the Save/Open button in the upper left corner of the pop-up window
 From the context menu that appears, click Save/Open.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. In the pop-up window that appears, point to the arrow next to Save, and then click Save as. When you
point to the arrow next to Save, the following options appear:
 Open – Allows you to open your selected email with its native application.
 Save – Allows you to save the selected message to the default download location.
 Save and Open – Allows you to save your selected email to the default location and open it.
 Save as – Allows you to save your email to a desired location.

Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.

4. Click Save again to save the selected email to the selected location.

Adding an Email from a Mailbox Archive to a Briefcase

Adding email/emails to a briefcase is another way of helping you to organize your results from searching
archived mailboxes content into logically structured way – for example, in created briefcase, also called “June,
2000” could be placed emails, sent and received during that period of time, in another briefcase, created and
called “William Taylor, sender” could be placed emails sent by William Taylor to anyone and so on.

To add an email to a briefcase:

1. Already viewing mailbox archive folder content, in the Display Panel, select an email, and then right-click
2. From the context menu that appears, select Save to Briefcase.
3. In the Select Briefcases window that pops up, do one of the following:
 Select the briefcase to which you want to save the email, and then click OK.
 Click the Create button to create a new briefcase where to save your email, select it, and then click OK.
See Creating a Briefcase for reference.
4. At the bottom of the Select Briefcases window, click OK to submit your selection.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

5. On the message window that appears, click OK. The email is saved to the selected briefcase.

Managing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails

Tags in GWA are used for storing information about the content of a particular file or email. They are also used
as a search criterion in Advanced Files Search and in advanced options for email search. GWA allows adding,
editing or removing tags.

Adding Tags to Mailbox Archive Emails

Adding a new tag to an email helps you to store additional information about the content of that email. Tags can
also be used as a criterion when you perform an email search. They keep valuable information about the email’s
content that can help you to reduce the returned search results and only find particular information contained in
the tag.

To add a tag to an email in a mailbox archive:

1. Already viewing mailbox archive folder content, do one of the following:

 In the Display Panel, select an email. Its content appears on the right-hand side of the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an email; its content appears in a pop-up window.
 In the Display Panel, select an email and right-click it. A context menu appears.
2. To invoke the Manage Tags window, depending on your choice in the previous step, do one of the following:
 Click the Manage Tags button in the upper left corner of the panel.
 Click the Manage Tags button in the upper left corner of the pop-up window.
 From the context menu that appears, select the Manage Tags option.
3. In the Manage Tags window, click the Add button.
4. In the New tag box, specify the tag you wish to add. The tag to be created should contain at least 3 symbols
as the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~! @ # $ % ^ * ()_+{}:|?`',./\\ [ ] £=<>&.

5. Click Apply button to add the specified tag.

6. Click OK to add your tags to the selected email.
7. On the message window that appears, click OK.

Removing Tags of a Mailbox Archive Emails

Once you have applied tags to emails and at a later stage you want to delete any or all of these tags assigned to
this email, GWA helps you to do this by using the “Remove” option of the “Manage Tags” window. Removing
tags allow you to delete unnecessary additional information about the email, which is no longer current.

To remove a tag of an email in a mailbox archive:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. In the Manage Tags window, select a tag you wish to remove. See the Adding Tags section for reference
on how to invoke the Manage Tags window.
2. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the window.
3. Click OK at the bottom of the window to submit your changes.
4. Click OK in the message window that appears.

Editing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails

Once you have added a tag to an email, you can always change it later on. GridBank Web Access helps you to
keep your files and emails’ tags up to date. Editing a tag helps you to keep up to date the additional information
about the email, provided by that tag.

To edit a tag of an email in a mailbox archive:

1. Invoke the Manage Tags window. See the Adding Tags section for reference on how to invoke the Manage
Tags window.
2. On the Manage Tags window, click a tag you wish to edit.
3. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the window.
4. In the Edit tag field, specify the new value of the tag. The edited tag should contain at least 3 symbols and
the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~! @ # $ % ^ * ()_+{}:|?`',./\\ [ ] £=<>&.

5. Click Update to submit your edit.

6. Click OK at the bottom of Manage Tags window to submit your changes.
7. Click OK in the message window that appears.

Searching Mailbox Archive Folder Content

All the items of the mailbox archive folder appear listed in the display panel. You are able to search for emails
right from any selected archived mailbox folder or sub-folder.

To search for emails in a mailbox folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Mailbox Archives node. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as a list
in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Mailbox Archives node to expand it and view all mailbox archives, and
then click the node itself. All your mailbox archives imported in GridBank are displayed as sub-nodes in
the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. Click the knot in front of a mailbox archive. All of the archived mailbox data appear as sub-nodes (those
are the mailbox folders and items, selected to be archived).
4. Click a folder to load its content in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

5. To search for emails contained in the selected mailbox folder, do any of the following:
 Enter a search keyword(s) in the search box. GWA search engine supports the following search formats:

Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries including any of the
following characters : "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "+",
"=", "{", "}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".

GridBank Search Description Example

Format Name

Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all emails
containing words that start with the
Note: To be able to search for emails
word “micro”, e.g. Microsoft,
by a partial search term “Enable
microscope, micron, etc. The same
GridBank partial search with wildcards”
results will appear if you type the
option in the Management Console >
search term with a wildcard in the
Configuration Manager >GridBank
end micro*. The wildcard character
Web Access tab, needs to be selected.
is used to substitute for any other
Even if this option is not enabled,
character or characters in a word.
wildcards can be added manually to the
term in the search field and returned
search results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.

Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns emails that contain
word. The syntax of this search format words ending with the term “doc”,
is the following: *keyword. By using e.g. file.doc, etc.
this search format, the search will
return emails containing words in their
name and content that end with the
specified term.

Search by a The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
String following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be emails containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR emails

Console, Configuration Manager, containing the words: costly, cost-
GridBank Web Access tab is effective, costal, etc.

Search This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
Expressions that are typed between double inverted emails containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank email search will return
all emails containing the exact
combination of the specified

Group Expression This is another email search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for emails containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return emails
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be emails containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR emails containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if
“Enable GridBank partial search
with wildcards” option in the
Management Console >
Configuration Manager >GridBank
Web Access tab is selected.

Note: The following search formats can also be used when you specify a value of an advanced
email search criterion. For example, if you wish to find emails exactly sent by a specific user,
enter his/her name and use double inverted commas, e.g. “Betty Wellman”. If there are emails
sent by Betty Wellman the search will return only those emails sent by Betty Wellman. In this
example, if you don’t use double inverted commas with the name, the search will return results
either for Betty or Wellman.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Alternatively to specifying a keyword(s) in the search box, next to the Search box, click the button to
use advanced search criteria thus narrowing your search results.

Note: Advanced search options for emails are alternative to entering a keyword in the search box.
The GWA email search option will either satisfy the keyword or the advanced search criteria. If
you have only used advanced search criteria and specified more than one advanced search
criterion, the search must satisfy all specified criteria, otherwise no search results will be

Advanced search options for emails include:

• Search in subfolder – Enables you to search for emails within the subfolders of the selected folder.
• Attachment Contains - Allows you to search for emails by keywords that their attachments contain.
• From - Allows you to search for emails by their senders.
• Subject - Allows you to search for emails by their subject.
• To - Allows you to search for emails by their recipients.
• Attachment Name - Allows you to search for emails by attachment name.
• Attachments - Allows you to search for emails that contain or don’t contain attachments
• Bcc - Allows you to search for emails by Bcc field.
• Body - Allows you to search for emails by keywords that are contained in their body.
• Categories - Allows you to search for emails by their category.
• CC - Allows you to search for emails by the CC field.
• Due Date - Allows you to search for emails by due date.
• Flag Status - Allows you to search for emails by their flag status.
• Importance - Allows you to search for emails by their importance.
• Message Size - Allows you to search for emails by their message size.
• Modified - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were modified.
• Read - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were read.
• Received - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were received.
• Sensitivity - Allows you to search for emails by their sensitivity.
• Sent - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were sent.
• Start Date - Allows you to search for emails by their start date.
• Tags - Allows you to search for emails by their tags.

6. Click the icon to start searching. The search result appears below. See the picture on the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Canceling Mailbox Archive Folder Search

GridBank Web Access allows you to cancel your search at any time and perform a new one.

To cancel a search and perform a new one:

1. Perform a Folder Content Search.

2. Click the icon next to the search box. The last search parameters are cleared and a new search can be

Saving Mailbox Archive Folder Search Results

Saving Search Results option helps you not to waste your time searching again and again to check what was
the result of a certain search, but it also helps you to organize your searching in a proper way – so saving time
and efforts is a big help in finding necessary information especially when it comes to going through a huge
amount of data.

To save search results:

1. After you perform a Folder Content Search, click Save.

2. In the Dataset Name window, do the following:
 Name - specify the name of the archive that is to be created from the emails search results. Enter a
meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The name
cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $
%^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “. The field is mandatory.
 Create search results archive managed by legal hold (optional) – Enable this option if you wish to
protect from deletion this search result archive and its content for indefinite period in GridBank.
3. Click OK to create the archive.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

4. On the message window that appears, click OK. Wait until the GWA message window showing the progress
The saved search result appears listed under the Saved Search Results node in the Tree View and in the
Display Panel as well.

Managing PST Archives in GridBank Web

A PST file, or personal storage table (.pst) file, is a Microsoft Outlook Data File that stores as a backup a
user's Outlook data, including all mail folders and the items within the folders, such as emails, email
attachments, to do items and appointments, contacts and more. But the use of .pst files to manage
messaging data can result in the following issues:
 Unmanaged files - Generally, .pst files are created by users and reside on their computers or network
shares. They aren't managed by your organization. As a result, users can create several .pst files containing
the same or different messages and store them in different locations, with no organizational control.
 Increased discovery costs - Lawsuits and some business or regulatory requirements sometimes result in
discovery requests. Locating messaging data that resides in .pst files on users' computers can be a costly
manual effort. Because tracking unmanaged .pst files can be difficult, .pst data may be undiscoverable in
many cases. This could possibly expose your organization to legal and financial risks.
 Inability to apply messaging retention policies - Messaging retention policies can't be applied to
messages located in .pst files. As a result, depending on business or applicable regulations, your
organization may not be in compliance.
 The risk of data theft - Messaging data stored in.PST files, is vulnerable to data theft. For example, .PST
files are often stored on portable devices such as laptops, removable hard drives, and portable media such
as USB drives, CDs, and DVDs.
 Fragmented view of messaging data -Users who store information in .pst files don't get a uniform view of
their data. Messages stored in .pst files are generally available only on the computer where the .pst file
resides. As a result, if users access their mailboxes using Outlook Web App or Outlook on another computer,
the messages stored in their .pst files are inaccessible.

How GridBank helps you in resolving the above issues:

 First - by using PST Importer, GridBank brings your PST files (spread all over) in one place, that allowing you
to have all of them together.
 Then - by using GWA, GridBank allows you to access, view and manage your PST files and their content
(messages, calendar, contacts, etc.).

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Viewing PST Archives in GWA

Viewing your PST Archives, helps you to explore and manage those of your mailboxes that have been backed
up into PST files, which (the last) in return have been stored into GridBank environment via the PST Importer
Wizard in the Management Console.

To view PST Archives:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the PST Archives node. All created PST archives are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the PST Archives node to expand it and view all PST archives, and then
click the node itself. All created PST archives appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the
Display Panel.

Viewing Folders of PST Archives

Viewing PST’s Archived Folders helps you to find out which of the folders of your mailboxes have been selected
to be backed up into PST files, which (the last) in turn have been imported into GridBank environment via the
Mail Optimization Wizard of the Management Console and to explore them.

To view a PST archive folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, click the knot in front of the PST Archives node.
3. Click the knot in front of the name of a PST archive. All of the archived PST data appear as sub-nodes
(those are the PST Archive’s folders and items, selected to be archived). See the picture on the next page:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Viewing PST Archive Folder Content

Viewing the Folder’s content helps you to explore the items those folders contains and to navigate through them
to find out what you are looking for (emails or other content, such as contacts, tasks, notes, etc.).

To view folder content:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, click the knot in front of the PST Archives node.
3. Click the knot in front of a name of a PST archive. All of the archived PST data appear as sub-nodes
(those are the PST Archive’s folders and items, selected to be archived).
4. Click a folder to load its content in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Ordering PST Archive Folder Content

The Mailbox Archived Folder content could also be ordered. Ordering the content of a folder by different
attributes helps you to easily find the item/items if you have more information about the item/items you are
looking for (as an email subject, or a name of a sender, etc.).

To order PST archive folder content:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the PST Archives node. All your PST archives imported in GridBank are displayed as a list in the
Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the PST Archives node to expand it and view all PST archives, and then click
the node itself. All your PST archives imported in GridBank are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view
and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. Click the knot in front of a mailbox archive. All of the archived PST data appear as sub-nodes (those are
the PST Archive’s folders and items, selected to be archived).
4. Click a folder to load its content in the Display Panel.

5. In the Display Panel, click on a column name to order the list of emails depending on the value presented by
this column. Your options include:
 Importance – by priority, from high to low.
 Icon – by type, e.g. mail message, meeting request, receipts and so on.
 Attachment – by attachment included, top to bottom.
 From – by name of the sender in alphabetical order, from A-Z.
 Subject – by text of the subject in alphabetical order, from A to Z or vice versa.
 Received – by date received, from earliest to latest.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Size – by size of the message, from smallest to biggest.

 Categories – by category in alphabetical order, from A-Z.
 Flag Status – by flag status, top to bottom.
 Folder – by folder name in alphabetical order, from A-Z.

Note: Regarding each of the above options, you can arrange e-mails in reverse order as well.

Opening Emails of a PST Archive Folder

Viewing folder’s single item helps you to explore the items in terms of its content – such as message body,
attachments and what they contain, sender info, etc.

To open an email in a PST archive folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the PST Archives node. All your PST archives imported in GridBank are displayed as a list in the
Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the PST Archives node to expand it and view all PST archives, and then click
the node itself. All your PST archives imported in GridBank are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view
and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. In the Mail Tree View, expand the PST archive sub-node you wish to access.
4. Under the selected PST archive sub-node, click the item which content you wish to explore. Its content is
displayed in the Display Panel.
5. In the displayed folder content, do one of the following:
 Select an email to view its content on the right-hand side of the Display Panel.
 Double-click an email to view its content in a pop-up window.
 Select an email, right-click it and from the context menu that appears, select View.
See the picture on the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Saving an Email from a PST Archive Folder

Saving items (emails or other content, such as contacts, tasks, notes, etc.) in locations, logically created (for
example folders named after the themes of searching), helps you to organize your results (items) of investigation
in a proper way not wasting time to search for them again when need to read them or something else related.

To save (download) an email from a folder:

1. Already viewing PST archive folder content, do one of the following:

 In the Display Panel, select an email. Its content appears on the right-hand side of the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an email; its content appears in a pop-up window.
 In the Display Panel, select an email and right-click it. A context menu appears.
2. To proceed saving, depending on your choice in the previous step, do one of the following:
 Click the Save/Open button in the upper left corner of the panel.
 Click the Save/Open button in the upper left corner of the pop-up window
 From the context menu that appears, select Save/Open.
See the picture on the next page.

3. In the pop-up window that appears, point to the arrow next to Save, and then click Save as. When you
point to the arrow next to Save, the following options appear:
 Open – allows you to open your selected email with its native application.
 Save – allows you to save the selected message to the default download location.
 Save and Open – allows you to save your selected email to the default location and open it.
 Save as – allows you to save your email to a desired location.

Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.

4. Click Save again to save the selected email to the selected location.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Adding an Email from a PST Archive to a Briefcase

Saving item/items to a briefcase is another way of helping you to organize your results from searching archived
mailbox content into logically structured way – for example, in created briefcase, also called “June, 2000” could
be placed items from that period of time, in another briefcase, created and called “William Taylor, sender” could
be placed items related to William Taylor and so on.

To save an email to a briefcase:

1. Already viewing PST archive folder content, in the Display Panel, select an email and then right-click it.
2. From the context menu that appears, select the Save to Briefcase option.
3. In the Select Briefcases window that pops up, do one of the following:
 Select the briefcase to which you want to save the email, and then click OK.
 Click the Create button to create a new briefcase where to save your email, select it, and then click OK.
See Creating a Briefcase for reference.
4. At the bottom of the Select Briefcases window, click OK to submit your selection.
5. On the message window that appears, click OK. The email is saved to the selected briefcase.

Managing Tags of PST Archive Emails

Tags in GWA are used for storing information about the content of a particular file or email. They are also used
as a search criterion in Advanced Files Search and in advanced options for email search. GWA allows adding,
editing or removing tags.

Adding Tags to PST Archive Emails

Adding a new tag to an email helps you to store additional information about the content of that email. Tags can
also be used as a criterion when you perform an email search. They keep valuable information about the email’s
content that can help you to reduce the returned search results and only find particular information contained in
the tag.

To add a tag to an email in a PST archive:

1. Already viewing PST archive folder content, do one of the following:

 In the Display Panel, select an email. Its content appears on the right-hand side of the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an email; its content appears in a pop-up window.
 In the Display Panel, select an email and right-click it. A context menu appears.
2. To invoke the Manage Tags window, depending on your choice in the previous step, do one of the following:
 Click the Manage Tags button in the upper left corner of the panel.
 Click the Manage Tags button in the upper left corner of the pop-up window.
 From the context menu that appears, click Manage Tags.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. On the Manage Tags window, click the Add button.

4. In the New tag field, specify the tag you wish to add. The tag to be created should contain at least 3 symbols
as the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~! @ # $ % ^ * ()_+{}:|?`',./\\ [ ] £=<>&.

5. Click the Apply button to add the specified tag.

6. Click OK to add your tags to the selected email.
7. On the message window that appears, click OK.

Removing Tags of a PST Archive Emails

Once you have applied tags to emails and at a later stage you want to delete any or all of these tags assigned to
this email, GWA helps you to do this by using the “Remove” option of the “Manage Tags” window. Removing
tags allow you to delete unnecessary additional information about the email, which is no longer current.

To remove a tag of an email in a PST archive:

1. On the Manage Tags window, click a tag you wish to remove. See Adding Tags for reference on how to
invoke the Manage Tags window.
2. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the window.
3. Click OK at the bottom of the window to submit your changes.
4. Click OK in the message window that appears.

Editing Tags of a PST Archive Emails

Once you have added a tag to an email, you can always change it later on. GridBank Web Access helps you to
keep your files and emails’ tags up to date. Editing a tag helps you to keep up-to-date the additional information
about the email, provided by that tag.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

To edit a tag of an email in a PST archive:

1. On the Manage Tags window, click a tag you wish to edit. See Adding Tags for reference on how to invoke
the Manage Tags window.
2. Click Edit button at the bottom of the window.
3. In the Edit tag field, specify the new value of the tag. The edited tag should contain at least 3 symbols and
the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~! @ # $ % ^ * ()_+{}:|?`',./\\ [ ] £=<>&.

4. Click Update to submit your edit.

5. Click OK at the bottom of Manage Tags window to submit your changes.
6. Click OK in the message window that appears.

Searching PST Archive Folder Content

All the items of the PST archive folder appear listed in the display panel. You are able to search for emails right
from any selected mailbox archive folder.
To search for emails in a PST folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the PST Archives node. All your PST archives imported in GridBank are displayed as a list in the
Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the PST Archives node to expand it and view all PS archives, and then click
the node itself. All your PST archives imported in GridBank are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view
and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. Click the knot in front of a PST archive. All of the archived PST data appear as sub-nodes (those are the
PST folders and items, selected to be archived).
4. Click a folder to load its content in the Display Panel.
5. To perform a search, do one of the following:
 Type the search keyword(s) in the search box. GWA search engine supports the following search

Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries including any of the
following characters: "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "+",
"=", "{", "}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".

GridBank Search Description Example

Format Name

Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

manages to find the whole word. search will return all emails
Note: To be able to search for emails by containing words that start with the
a partial search term “Enable GridBank word “micro”, e.g. Microsoft,
partial search with wildcards” option in the microscope, micron, etc. The same
Management Console > Configuration results will appear if you type the
Manager >GridBank Web Access tab, search term with a wildcard in the
needs to be selected. Even if this option end micro*. The wildcard character
is not enabled, wildcards can be added is used to substitute for any other
manually to the term in the search field character or characters in a word.
and returned search results will be the
same as if the “Enable GridBank partial
search with wildcards” was selected.

Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns emails that contain
word. The syntax of this search format is words ending with the term “doc”,
the following: *keyword. By using this e.g. file.doc, etc.
search format, the search will return
emails containing words in their name
and content that end with the specified

Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy either will be either one or the other term
the keyword1 OR the keyword2. This (net or cost). But if partial search with
search format is equivalent to the wildcards option is enabled (or
keyword1* keyword2* search format if wildcards are added manually) the
“Enable GridBank partial search with results will be emails containing, for
wildcards” option in the Management example, the words: network,
Console, Configuration Manager, networking, etc. OR emails
GridBank Web Access tab is selected. containing the words: costly, cost-
effective, costal, etc.

Search This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
Expressions that are typed between double inverted emails containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank email search will return
all emails containing the exact
combination of the specified

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Group Expression This is another email search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for emails containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The syntax invest, the search will return emails
of the group expression format is the containing the exact combination of
following: “keyword1 keyword2” the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword3. The search performed on the word “invest”. But if partial search with
basis of the keywords between the wildcards option is enabled (or
double inverted commas will return wildcards are manually added) results
results that contain the exact combination will be emails containing the exact
of the specified keywords. Keywords that combination of the words “direct”
are not within the double inverted and “costs” OR emails containing, for
commas will be treated as an alternative example, the words: investment,
search condition. This search format is invest, investments, investors,
equivalent to “keyword1 keyword2” investigate, etc.
*keyword3* if “Enable GridBank partial
search with wildcards” option in the
Management Console > Configuration
Manager >GridBank Web Access tab is

Note: All these search formats can also be used when you specify a value of an advanced email
search criterion. For example, if you wish to find emails exactly sent by a specific user, enter
his/her name and use double inverted commas, e.g. “Betty Wellman”. If there are emails sent by
Betty Wellman the search will return only those emails sent by Betty Wellman. In this example, if
you don’t use double inverted commas with the name, the search will return results either for
Betty or Wellman.

 Next to the Search box, click he button to use advanced search criteria thus narrowing your search

Note: Advanced search options for emails are alternative to entering a keyword in the search box.
The GWA email search option will either satisfy the keyword or the advanced search criteria. If
you have only used advanced search criteria and specified more than one advanced search
criterion, the search must satisfy all specified criteria, otherwise no search results will be

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Advanced search options for emails include:

• Search in subfolder – Enables you to search for emails within the subfolders of the selected folder.
• Attachment Contains - Allows you to search for emails by keywords that their attachments contain.
• From - Allows you to search for emails by their senders.
• Subject - Allows you to search for emails by their subject.
• To - Allows you to search for emails by their recipients.
• Attachment Name - Allows you to search for emails by attachment name.
• Attachments - Allows you to search for emails that contain or don’t contain attachments
• Bcc: Allows you to search for emails by Bcc field.
• Body: Allows you to search for emails by keywords that are contained in their body.
• Categories: Allows you to search for emails by their category.
• CC: Allows you to search for emails by the CC field.
• Due Date: Allows you to search for emails by due date.
• Flag Status: Allows you to search for emails by their flag status.
• Importance: Allows you to search for emails by their importance.
• Message Size: Allows you to search for emails by their message size.
• Modified: Allows you to search for emails by the time they were modified.
• Read: Allows you to search for emails by the time they were read.
• Received: Allows you to search for emails by the time they were received.
• Sensitivity: Allows you to search for emails by their sensitivity.
• Sent: Allows you to search for emails by the time they were sent.
• Start Date: Allows you to search for emails by their start date.
• Tags: Allows you to search for emails by their tags.

6. Click the icon to start searching. The search result appears below.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Canceling PST Archive Folder Search

GridBank Web Access allows you to clear your previous search and perform a new one, specifying different
search parameters.

To cancel a search and perform a new one:

1. Perform a Folder Content Search.

2. Click the icon next to the search box. The last search parameters are cleared and a new search can be

Saving PST Archive Folder Search Result

Saving your email search results, helps you not to waste time searching again and again to check what was the
result of a certain search, but it also helps you to organize your searching in a proper way – so saving time and
efforts is a big help in finding necessary information especially when it comes to going through a huge amount of

To save your search results:

1. After you perform a Folder Content Search, click Save.

2. In the Dataset Name window that appears, do the following:
 Name - specify the name of the archive that will be created from the emails search results. Enter a
meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The name
cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $
%^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “. The field is mandatory.
 Create search results archive managed by legal hold (optional) – Enable this option if you wish your
email search results to be protected from deletion in GridBank for indefinite period.
3. Click OK to create the archive.
4. Click OK in the message window. Wait until the GWA message window showing the progress closes.
The saved search result dataset appears in the Mail Tree View, under Saved Search Results node and in
the Display Panel as well.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

4. GWA File Management

This section provides information about the operations that can be performed with files and
datasets within the Files tab.

Section Page

Introducing GridBank Dataset Types 57

GridBank Datasets Access Control Permissions 57

Viewing File Tab Options 59

Managing Archive Datasets 60

Viewing Archive Datasets 60

Viewing an Archive Dataset Content 60

Creating an Archive Dataset 61

Adding (Uploading) Files to an Archive Dataset 62

Modifying Archive Dataset Details 65

Sharing an Archive Dataset with GridBank Users and Groups 66

Declaring as a Record an Archive Dataset 68

Deleting an Archive Dataset 69

Deleting Archive Dataset Files 69

Downloading Files from an Archive Dataset 70

Declaring as a Record an Archive Dataset File 70

Adding Archive Dataset Files to Briefcase 72

Managing Archive Datasets Folders 74

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Adding Folders to an Archive Dataset 74

Viewing (exploring) an Archive Dataset Folder 75

Renaming (Modifying) an Archive Dataset Folder 75

Adding Files to Archive Dataset‘s Folder 76

Adding Folders under the Archive Dataset Folder 79

Managing Library Datasets 80

Viewing Library Datasets 80

Viewing a Library Dataset Content 80

Creating a Library Dataset 81

Modifying Library Dataset Details 83

Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset 84

Sharing a Library Dataset with GridBank Users and Groups 86

Deleting a Library Dataset 89

Adding (Uploading) Files to a Library Dataset 89

Deleting Library Dataset Files 92

Downloading Files from a Library Dataset 93

Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset File 93

Adding Library Dataset Files to a Briefcase 95

Managing Library Datasets Folders 97

Adding Folders to a Library Dataset 97

Viewing (exploring) a Library Dataset Folder 98

Renaming (Modifying) a Library Dataset Folder 98

Adding Folders under the Library Dataset Folder 103

Managing Repository Datasets 104

Viewing Repository Datasets 104

Viewing Repository Dataset Content 105

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Creating a Repository Dataset 106

Modifying a Repository Dataset 107

Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset 107

Sharing a Repository Dataset with Other GridBank Users and Groups 108

Deleting a Repository Dataset 111

Adding (Upload) Files to Repository Dataset 112

Deleting Repository Dataset Files 114

Downloading Files from Repository Dataset 115

Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset File 116

Adding Repository Dataset Files to a Briefcase 117

Managing Repository Datasets Folders 118

Adding Folders to Repository Dataset 118

Viewing (exploring) Repository Dataset Folder 118

Renaming (Modifying) a Repository Dataset Folder 119

Adding Files to Repository Dataset’s Folder 121

Adding Folders under the Repository Dataset’s Folder 123

Deleting Repository Dataset Folder 124

Managing Dataset File Metadata 125

Viewing Dataset File Metadata 125

Editing Dataset File Metadata (only Description) 126

Managing Custom Metadata of Files 127

Adding Custom Metadata 127

Removing Custom Metadata 128

Editing Custom Metadata 129

Managing Tags of Dataset Files 130

Adding a Tag to a File 130

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Removing a Tag from a File 131

Editing a Tag of a File 132

Managing Recursively Tags of Datasets 133

Adding Recursively Tags to a Dataset 133

Removing Recursively Tags of a Dataset 134

Editing Recursively Tags of a Dataset 134

File Versioning Control 135

Version Management 135

Downloading a Previous File Version 136

Conflict Resolution 137

No Versioning 138

Global Catalog 138

Introducing GWA Security Option 140

Viewing the Permissions of a Shared with You Item 140

Performing a Quick Search in Files Tab 141

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Introducing GridBank Dataset Types

GridBank users’ data is ingested into three (3) types of data sets:
1. Archives are datasets which are created once, are of fixed size, can be read many times and can only be
deleted by administrators or policies.
2. Libraries are datasets with a dynamic structure, which size is forever changing. Libraries can be viewed as a
snapshot of fixed content information for a particular time period, from a particular source. Individual items
within libraries can be deleted.
3. Repositories are working data sets, which size is forever changing, these can be accessed many times and
individual items within repositories can be deleted.

GridBank Datasets Access Control Permissions

Each GridBank dataset type has default global access permissions assigned to it. Depending on the type of
dataset (archive, library or repository) it is created the respective default access control permissions are
assigned to it. The global access control permissions define what GridBank users can do with the different types
of datasets in GridBank. The global content access control permissions assigned to GridBank datasets are the
default ones and are automatically applied to every new dataset and are valid for all GridBank users. But these
default access control permissions can be changed individually for a selected dataset and for a selected user.
Individual access control permissions can be configured by the GridBank Master Administrator or by the dataset
owner. See the table below:

Global Access Policy Archive Library Repository

Read Content Yes Yes Yes

Write Content Yes Yes Yes

Modify Content No No Yes

Download Content Yes Yes Yes

Delete Content No Yes Yes

Search Content Yes Yes Yes

Modify Metadata Tags Yes Yes Yes

Add Metadata Tags Yes Yes Yes

Share Content Yes Yes Yes

Rename Folders No Yes Yes

Rename Dataset No Yes Yes

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

The following is a brief description of the default content access control permissions and what they mean for
GridBank users:
 Read Content – If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives, libraries, or
repositories), then the users who have access to datasets of this type, will be able to browse their content.
For example, if you have your own library datasets and this access control permission is enabled, then you
will be able to browse within your library datasets and view what it is contained in them.
 Write Content - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives, libraries, or
repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to add files to it and create
folders. For example, if you have created your own repositories, and this access control permission is
enabled, you will be able to upload files in them and also create folders to better organize your files (and also
add files to them).
 Modify Content – If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (currently only for
repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to modify the content of a file
contained in it. For example, if you have your own repositories, you will be able to modify the content of a file,
contained in your repository.
 Download Content -If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives,
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to download (save)
files contained in it to their desired location. For example, you can select a file contained in your repository
and download it to a location on your computer if this content access control permission is enabled.
 Delete Content - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (libraries or
repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to delete files and folders in it.
For example, if you have your own repositories, and if this content access control permission is enabled, you
will be able to delete files and folders in them.
 Search Content – If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives, libraries
or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to search for files contained
in it. For example, if you have created your own archives, and this content access control permission is
enabled, you will be able to search for files contained in them.
 Modify Metadata Tags - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives,
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to modify already
existing tags of files contained in it. For example, if you have archives datasets and you have added tags to
the files in them, and this content access control permission is enabled, then you can change them whenever
you want.
 Add Metadata Tags – If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives,
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to add tags to files
contained in it. For example, if you have library datasets and this content access control permission is
enabled, then you can add tags to the files contained in them whenever you want.
 Share Content - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives, libraries or
repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to share it and its content. For
example, if you have a library dataset and this content access control permission is enabled for it, then you
can share it with other GridBank users.
 Rename Folders - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (currently only for
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to rename folders
within them. For example, if you have library datasets and by default this content access control permission is
enabled, then you can rename folders within them.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Rename Dataset - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (currently only for
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to rename it. For
example, if you have your own repositories datasets and this content access control permission is enabled by
default, you will be able to change the names of your repositories.

Viewing File Tab Options

Viewing the Mail tab options in the Tree View helps you easily to navigate through and perform all the
operations GWA allows you (see Main operations that the regular user is able to perform).

To view Files tab options:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab. In the section above the secondary menu in the form of a tree view loads
the content, related to the Files tab.

Under the root node, having the name of the currently logged in user, there are sub-nodes for each of the
dataset types: Archives, Libraries and Repositories. There is one more sub-node, Global Catalog +
Quick Search (as a handy action to be performed when it is needed).

 Archives – This is an “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing those datasets (either created
via the New Dataset action from the Management Console or via GWA here).
 Libraries – This is an “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing those datasets (either created
via the New Dataset action from the Management Console or via GWA here).
 Repositories – This is an “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing those datasets (either
created via the New Dataset action from the Management Console or via GWA here).
 Global Catalog – This is an “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing data, with global access.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Managing Archive Datasets

Archives are datasets that cannot be deleted except by administrators and policy management. Archive use
cases include retention for governance and regulatory requirements, reference Information stores, legal hold, e-
discovery and records management.

Viewing Archive Datasets

Viewing Archives datasets helps you to explore and manage your datasets and their content (files) that have
been created either via Management Console’s New Dataset Wizard or via Create action (button) here in GWA.

To view Archive dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. All created archive datasets are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Archives node to expand it and view all archives datasets, and then click
the node itself. All created archive datasets appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the
Display Panel.

Viewing an Archive Dataset Content

Viewing the content of an archive helps you to explore its files and find the information you are looking for by
opening the file or saving it.

To view the content:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the File Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. All created archive datasets are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Archives node to expand it and view all archives datasets, and then click
the node itself. All created archive datasets appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the
Display Panel.
3. To proceed viewing, do one of the following:
 In the File Tree View, click an archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.

Creating an Archive Dataset

Creating Archive datasets helps you to store data into that type of datasets if this is the convenient and desired
type of dataset for keeping your data.

Archives are datasets that cannot be deleted except by administrators and policy management. Archive use
cases include retention for governance and regulatory requirements, reference, information stores, legal hold, e-
discovery and records management.

To create an archive:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, select the Archives node.
3. Invoke the Create Archive window by doing one of the following:
 In the footer of the Display Panel, click the Create button.
 In the Main Header, click the Create Dataset button.
4. In the Create Archive window, do the following:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Name - Enter a unique and meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “. The field is mandatory.
 Description - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the description is
from 0 to 2500 inclusive. The field is optional.
 Availability - The availability option allows you to choose whether to create a public or private archive.
The description of both availability options is provided below:
• Public - Select this option if you wish to make your dataset publicly accessible to the users based on
the permissions granted.
• Private - Select this option if you do not want anybody else to access your dataset.
5. Click OK at the bottom of the window to create a new archive. A dialog indicating the progress appears.
Wait until it closes.
6. Click OK in the message window. This message window informs that this dataset is successfully created.
The newly created archive can be viewed in the Files Tree View under the Archives node and in the
Display Panel as well.

Adding (Uploading) Files to an Archive Dataset

Adding files to Archive dataset helps you to place files which content is related to the content’s theme of that
dataset. For example, a spreadsheet file could be added to Archive dataset that contains explicitly only reports.
File upload in GridBank datasets is also possible in GridBank Web Access. Every GridBank user can use
GridBank Web Access to import his important data in GridBank, and access it from any location or computer.

To add (upload) a file to an archive:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives to show a list of all archived datasets in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Archives node to show all of the archived datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. In the Display Panel or in the Files Tree View, depending on the procedure you choose in step 2, select the
Archive dataset you wish to add a file to.
4. Invoke the Upload Files dialog box by doing one of the following:
 In the Main Header, click the Upload button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the selected dataset and in the context menu that appears, click Add
 With a dataset selected in the Files Tree View, in the footer of the Display Panel, consecutively click
Add and Add to Files.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

5. In the Upload Files dialog, click the Choose Files button to select the files you wish to add (upload).
6. In the Upload Files dialog box, click the Add button to select your files for upload.

7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.

Note: If you wish to select multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine
you will use to load GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to be uploaded need to be added one by
one in the main Upload Files window. Each file for upload must not exceed the maximum size set in
the Management Console. Contact your GridBank Administrator if you do not know what the
maximum size of a file to be uploaded via GridBank Web Access is.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

The added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, select this file and click the Remove button.

8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it

Added files now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. Your added (uploaded) files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected dataset.

Modifying Archive Dataset Details

Modification of archive dataset details helps you arrange the dataset according to your recent needs, thus
having up-to-date information about the dataset. Regarding the default GridBank settings, you can update
dataset availability and/or its description. However, the GridBank Master Administrator may allow you to modify
the name of the selected dataset as well. The following description only applies if you have the right to rename
the selected archive or all of your archives.

To modify an archive dataset details:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. Click the Archives node. A list of stored Archive datasets loads in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, click the Archive dataset you wish to modify, and do one of the following:
 From the toolbar, click the Modify button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the selected Archive dataset and in the context menu that appears, click
Modify Dataset.
4. In the Modify Archive pop-up window that appears, modify the following field:
 Name - Change the dataset name if needed. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1 to
100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~ !@ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Availability - Select if your repository availability is public or private.
• Public - Select this option if you wish to make your dataset publicly accessible to the users based on
the permissions granted.
• Private - Select this option if you do not want anybody else to access your dataset.
 Description - Change the description of the dataset if needed. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

5. Click OK at the bottom of the window. Wait until the process completes.
6. On the message window that appears, click OK. The modified repository dataset appears updated in the
Display Panel.

Note: Type field cannot be edited in GWA due to archives default content access control settings.

Sharing an Archive Dataset with GridBank Users and Groups

Sharing your datasets and folders with other GridBank users and groups helps you to collaborate and exchange
information easily. GridBank Web Access sharing option helps you to access data produced and owned by other
users, but which you need to perform an action, make a decision, etc. On the other hand, you can also share
your data with other GridBank users, so as to help them to perform their duties. Data shared is protected and
can only be accessed and managed by authorized people – the data owner and the people with whom it will be

To share an archive:

Note: The process of sharing a dataset is identical to sharing a folder within a dataset.

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. Click the Archives node. A list of stored archive datasets loads in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, select the Archive dataset which you wish to share and then right-click it.
4. From the context menu that appears, select Security. The Security window appears.
5. In the Security window, click the Add button to add a user or a group with which to share the selected
archive. This window shows the users who have access control permissions for the selected dataset. Here,
in case you decide to remove a user or group from the list, select it and click on the button Remove.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

6. In the Select Users window that appears, select a user or a group which to add to the list of users and
groups which will be able to access this dataset and perform operations on it and its content. To select a user
or a group, click on the respective radio button (Users or Groups), indicating what king of list will be
displayed for selection. Alternatively to browsing and selecting a user or a group from the list, specify the
name of the user or group in the search box. Then click the Search button to find the user or group you want
to share your dataset with. If you want to cancel your search and perform another one, click Clear to reset
the search. See next page.

7. After you have found the user or group you wish to share your dataset with, select this user or group from the
list and click the Add button right below the list. That user or group will be added to the lower part of the

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

window which contains a list of users/groups ready to be granted with content access control permissions for
the selected dataset. At this point if you wish to remove a user or group from this still not a final list, select it
and click Remove button.
8. When you are ready with your selection of users and groups, click OK button to submit your selection. The
selected users in the Select Users window will be now added to the Security window, where you can grant
access control permissions for each user or group with which you wish to share your dataset. See next page.

9. In the Security window, select the just added user or group for which you wish to grant access control
permissions for your dataset.
10. In the lower part of the Security window, check or uncheck the access control permissions you want to
enable or disable for the selected user. The thick in front of an access control permission means that it is
allowed for the selected user. For more information about the different access control permissions assigned
to GridBank datasets, see for reference: GridBank Datasets Access Control Permissions section.
11. Click the Share button to share your dataset with the selected users and submit the access control
permissions you have granted them. Wait until the process completes.

Declaring as a Record an Archive Dataset

Declaring as record means that the selected item becomes a permanent and cannot be deleted, nor can it be
shredded. This option enables you to protect your datasets and files from deletion. When you select a dataset or
a file and apply this option, this dataset or file will be treated as permanent and you cannot delete them

To declare an archive and its content as a record:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. Click the Archives node. A list of all stored Archive datasets loads in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. In the Display Panel, right click the Archive dataset, which you wish to declare as a record.
4. In the context menu, select Declare as Record.
5. In the Declare as Record window, click OK to submit your selection and start the declaring. See the picture
on the next page.

Note: The process of declaring as record a selected dataset is the same as to declare a file as a
record. When you declare a dataset as a record, its content is also declared as a record. While if you
declare only one file as a record, only this file will be protected from deletion.

6. Wait until the process of declaring the selected item as a record completes. Click OK on the appeared
message window, informing you that your request was submitted successfully. Later, if you try to delete this
item you will receive a message that this item cannot be deleted.

Deleting an Archive Dataset

Archive datasets cannot be deleted in GWA by default global content access permissions. They can only be
deleted by the GridBank Master Administrator in GridBank Management Console.

Deleting Archive Dataset Files

Archive dataset files cannot be deleted in GridBank Web Access. They can only be deleted by the GridBank
Master Administrator in GridBank Management Console.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Downloading Files from an Archive Dataset

Saving files in locations, logically created (for example folders named after the themes of searching for them),
helps you to organize your results (files) of investigation in a proper way not wasting time to search for them
again when you need to read them or something else related.

To download a file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. A list of all archives is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Archives node to show all of the archived datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click on a Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset
appear within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to download and do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Download button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to download and from the context menu that appears,
select Download.
5. Choose Save as button from the appeared download pop-up window, to save your files to a desired location.
Other options that are available when you click on the arrow of the Save button in the download pop-up
window are:
 Open - allows you to open your selected email with its native application.
 Save - allows you to save the selected message to the default download location.
 Save and Open - allows you to save your selected email to the default location and open it.

Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.

6. Click Save again to save the selected email to the selected location.

Declaring as a Record an Archive Dataset File

Declaring as records enables you to protect your datasets, folders or files and prevent them from deletion.
When you select a dataset, folder or a file and apply this option, this item will be treated as permanent and you
can neither delete nor shred it afterwards. You can also protect that dataset, folder or a file from deletion by other
GridBank users with whom it is shared. Declared as records datasets, folders and files can only be deleted by
the GridBank Master Administrator in GridBank Management Console.

To declare as a record an archive dataset file:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. All your archives are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Archives node to expand it and view all archives, and then click the node
itself. All your archives are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, click a archive name.
4. From the archive content, select a file you wish to declare as records and right-click on it.
5. From the context menu that appears, select Declare as Records.

6. In the Declare as Record pop-up window that appears, click OK. See the picture on the next page.

The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Action Dataset Declared as Folder Declared as File Declared as

Record Record Record

Modify Details No No No
(Name and

Write Content (Add Yes Yes -

files and create

Upload Files with No No No

the Same Name

Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and

Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and

Modify Tags Yes Yes Yes

Share with Other Yes Yes Yes

GridBank users

Adding Archive Dataset Files to Briefcase

Saving file/files of an Archive dataset in a briefcase is another way of helping you to organize your results from
searching for those files into logically structured way – for example, in created briefcase, also called “June, 2000”
could be placed files from that period of time, in another briefcase, created and called “William Taylor” could be
placed files related to William Taylor only and so on …

To add a file to a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. A list of all archives is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Archives node to show all of the archived datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to add to a briefcase and do one of the following:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to add to a briefcase and from the context menu that
appears, Add >Add to Briefcase.
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Add button, and then select Add to Briefcase.

5. In the Select Briefcase window that appears, do any of the following:

 Select a briefcase where to add your file.

 Create a new briefcase, where to save your file, by clicking on the Create button. See for reference:
Creating a New Briefcase.
6. Click the OK button. The file is saved to the selected briefcase. Wait until the process completes.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Managing Archive Datasets’ Folders

Folders are containers that you can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would
be nearly impossible to find any particular file when you needed it. That is why people store files in folders. You
can create, view, modify and delete folders so as to better organize your file storage.

Adding Folders to an Archive Dataset

For better organizing the Archive dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. Folders can also store
other folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders,
and each can hold any number of files and additional sub-folders.

To add a folder to an Archive dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. A list of all archives is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Archives node to show all archives in the Files Tree View.
3. In the Display To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel toolbar, click the New Folder button in the Toolbar. See the picture below:

5. In the Create Folder pop-up window that appears, add a Name (mandatory) and Description (optional)..
 Name (mandatory) - Enter a unique and meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the
name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following
characters are not accepted as well: \/:~ ! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “. The field is mandatory.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Description (optional) - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
6. Click OK at the bottom of the Create Folder window. Wait until the process completes.
7. Click OK in the message window that appears. The newly created folder appears listed in the Display Panel,
as well as a sub-node of the Archive dataset on the tree view.

Viewing (exploring) an Archive Dataset Folder

Viewing Archive Dataset’s folder helps you to explore the files in terms of what type of files, files’ names, their
content, etc.

To view the content of a folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. A list of all archives is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Archives node to show as sub-nodes all archives in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of a dataset to show as sub-nodes all folders in the Files Tree View.
4. To open a folder, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, double-click a folder.
 In the Display Panel, right click a folder and from the context menu that appears, select Explore.
 In the Files Tree View, click a folder.

Renaming (Modifying) an Archive Dataset Folder

By default GridBank settings, archive folders cannot be renamed. However, the GridBank Master Administrator
may allow selected archives’ to have their folders renamed. The following description only applies if you have the
right to rename the folders of a selected archive or all of your archives.

To rename a folder:

Note: You will be only able to rename the folders of a selected archive, if the GridBank Master
Administrator has enabled this setting for this particular archive or for all archives created in GridBank.
Check with your GridBank Administrator if you are able to rename the folders of a particular archive.

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following
• Click the Archives node. A list of all archives is presented in the Display Panel.
• Click knot in front of the Archives node to show as sub-nodes all archives in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed renaming, do one of the following:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Modify Folder pop-up window, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Rename button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Rename.
6. In the Modify Folder pop-up window, modify the Name and/or Description of the folder, and click OK. The
newly modified folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node of the Archive dataset on the
tree view.

Copying an Archive Dataset Folder

Folder copying helps you to better organize and re-arrange space of the archive datasets. You can copy and
distribute folders into different datasets and their folders to better organize your work.

To copy a folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following
 Click the Archives node. A list of all archives is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Archives node to show as sub-nodes all archives in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed renaming, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, double-click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Select Dataset for Copy window, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Copy button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Copy.
6. In the Select Dataset for Copy window, within the Destination area, click Select.
7. In the Browse Datasets and Folders window that appears, select destination dataset or folder, and then
click OK.
8. Back to the Select Dataset for Copy window, click OK.

Adding Files to Archive Dataset‘s Folder

Adding files to the folder helps you instead of having all files into one place to distribute them into different folders
for better organizing your work in terms of placing files into appropriate folders, which saves time and efforts
when later you decide to find them.

To add a file to a folder:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. A list of all archives is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Archives node to show all of the archived datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder to add a file to and do one of the following:
 In the toolbar, click the Add button.
 Right-click on the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Add->Add Files.

5. In the Upload Files pop-up window, click the Choose Files button to select the file(s) to upload.
6. In the Upload pop-up window, click the Add button to select your files for upload.

7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

All added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your selection,
select this file and click the Remove button.

8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it

Added files will now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from
your selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. The newly added files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected folder.

Adding Folders under the Archive Dataset Folder

For better organizing the Archive dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. A folder is a container you
can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be nearly impossible to find any
particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders can also store other folders. A
folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders, and each can hold
any number of files and additional sub-folders.

To create a new folder within a dataset folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Archives node. A list of all archives is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Archives node to show all of the Archive datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the folder you wish to the add folder to and do one of the following:
 In the toolbar, click the New Folder button.
 Right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select New Folder.
5. In the Create Folder pop-up window, specify a Name (mandatory) and Description (optional) for the folder
to be created and click OK. The newly created folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub
node of the folder in the tree view.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Managing Library Datasets

A library dataset contains files that user has saved to GridBank. Libraries are the equivalent of snapshots and
are static datasets that can be dynamically managed by users and applications. Library use cases include
snapshots of host data, application data in time such as video surveillance, document management system
snapshots, CMS (content management portals) and departmental intranets. Individual data items can be
deleted. Libraries are viewed as a dataset, which is a snapshot in time from a source.

Viewing Library Datasets

Viewing Library datasets in GridBank Web Access helps you to explore and manage your datasets and their
content (files) created in GridBank.

To view a Library dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. All created Library datasets are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Libraries node to expand it and view all Library datasets, and then click
the node itself. All created Library datasets appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the
Display Panel. See the picture below:

Viewing a Library Dataset Content

Viewing the content of a library helps you to explore its files and find out the information you are looking for by
opening or saving selected files.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

To view the content:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. In the File Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. All created Library datasets are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Libraries node to expand it and view all Libraries datasets, and then click
the node itself. All created Library datasets appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the
Display Panel.
3. To proceed viewing, do one of the following:
 In the File Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within the
Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click on a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel. See the picture on the next page:

Creating a Library Dataset

Creating Library datasets helps you to store data into that type of datasets if this is the convenient and desired
type of dataset for keeping your data. Libraries are datasets with a dynamic structure, which size is forever
increasing, these can be accessed many times and individual files within the library can be deleted.

To create a library:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, click the Libraries node.
3. Invoke the Create Library window by doing one of the following:
 In the footer of the Display Panel, click the Create button.
 In the Main Header, click the Create Dataset button.
4. In the Create Library pop-up window, specify a dataset name, availability and a description.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Name (mandatory) - Enter a meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Description (optional) - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
 Availability - The availability allows you to choose whether to create a public or private library. The
description of both availability options is provided below:
• Public - Select this option if you wish to make your dataset publicly accessible to the users based on
the permissions granted.
• Private - Select this option if you do not want anybody else to access your dataset.

5. Click OK at the bottom of the window. Wait until the process completes.
6. Click OK on the message window. This message window informs that this dataset is successfully created.
The newly created library can be viewed in the Files Tree View under the Libraries node and in the Display
Panel as well. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Modifying Library Dataset Details

Modifying a Library dataset includes updating dataset’s name, availability and/or its description, which helps you
to update the dataset according to your recent needs for having up-to-date information about the dataset.

To modify a Library dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. Click the Libraries node. A list of stored Library datasets loads in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, click the Library dataset you wish to modify, and do one of the following:
 From the toolbar, click the Modify button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the selected Library dataset and in the context menu that appears, click
Modify Dataset.
4. Click the button Modify from the toolbar.
5. In the Modify Library pop-up window that appears, modify the following fields:
 Name - Change the dataset name if needed. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~ !@ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Availability - Select if your Library availability is public or private.
• Public - Select this option if you wish to make your dataset publicly accessible to the users based on
the permissions granted.
• Private - Select this option if you do not want anybody else to access your dataset.
 Description - Change the description of the dataset if needed. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

6. Click OK at the bottom of the window. Wait until the process completes.
7. Click OK on the message window. The modified Library dataset appears updated in the Display Panel.

Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset

Declaring as records enables you to protect your datasets, folders or files and prevent them from deletion.
When you select a dataset, folder or a file and apply this option, this item will be treated as permanent and you
can neither delete nor shred it afterwards. You can also protect that dataset, folder or a file from deletion by other
GridBank users with whom it is shared. Declared as records datasets, folders and files can only be deleted by
the GridBank Master Administrator.

To declare as a record a library dataset and its content:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. All your libraries are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Libraries node to expand it and view all libraries, and then click the node
itself. All your libraries are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, select the Library dataset you wish to declare as records, and then right-click it.
4. From the context menu that appears, select Declare as Records.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

5. In the Declare as Records pop-up window that appears, click OK.

The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:

Action Dataset Declared as Folder Declared as File Declared as

Record Record Record

Modify Details No No No
(Name and

Write Content Yes Yes -

(Add files and
create folders)

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Upload Files No No No
with the Same

Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and

Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name

Modify Tags Yes Yes Yes

Share with Yes Yes Yes

Other GridBank

Sharing a Library Dataset with GridBank Users and Groups

Sharing your datasets and folders with other GridBank users and groups helps you to collaborate and exchange
information easily. GridBank Web Access sharing option helps you to access data produced and owned by other
users, but which you need to perform an action, make a decision, etc. On the other hand, you can also share
your data with other GridBank users, so as to help them to perform their duties. Data shared is protected and
can only be accessed and managed by authorized people – the data owner and the people with whom it will be

To share a library:

Note: The process of sharing a dataset is identical to sharing a folder within a dataset.

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. Click the Libraries node. A list of stored library datasets loads in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, select the library dataset which you wish to share, and then right-click it.
4. From the context menu that appears, select Security. The Security window appears.
5. In the Security window, click the Add button to add a user or a group with which to share the selected
library. This window shows the users who have access control permissions for the selected dataset. Here, in
case you decide to remove a user or group from the list, select it and click Remove.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

6. After clicking on the Add button, the Select Users window appears. From this window, select a user or a
group which to add to the list of users and groups which will be able to access this dataset and perform an
operation on it and its content. To select a user or a group, click on the respective radio button (Users or
Groups), indicating what king of list will be displayed for selection. Alternatively to browsing and selecting a
user or a group from the list, specify the name of the user or group in the search box. Then click the Search
button to find the user or group you want to share your dataset with. If you want to cancel your search and
perform another one, click Clear to reset the search.

7. After you have found the user or group you wish to share your dataset with, select this user or group from the
list and click the Add button right below the list. That user or group will be added to the lower part of the
window which contains a list of users/groups ready to be granted with content access control permissions for
the selected dataset. At this point if you wish to remove a user or group from this still not a final list, select it
and click Remove button. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

8. When you are ready with your selection of users and groups, click OK button to submit your selection. The
selected users in the Select Users window will be now added to the Security window, where you can grant
access control permissions for each user or group with which you wish to share your dataset.

9. In the Security main window, select the just added user or group for which you wish to grant access control
permissions for your dataset.
10. In the lower part of the Security window, check or uncheck the access control permissions you will to enable
or disable for the selected user or group. The thick in front of an access control permission means that it is
allowed for the selected user or group. For more information about the description of the different access
control permissions assigned to GridBank datasets, see for reference: GridBank Datasets Access Control
Permissions section.
11. Click Share button to share your dataset with the selected users or groups and submit the access control
permissions you have granted them. Wait until the process completes.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Deleting a Library Dataset

Deleting Library dataset is possible and helps you to remove permanently unnecessary Library datasets from
the storage space you are allowed to work within.

To delete a dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. Click the Libraries node. A list of stored Library datasets loads in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, click the Library dataset you wish to delete.

4. In the toolbar, click the Delete button. Wait until the process completes.
5. In the dialog window that appears, click Yes to delete selected library.
6. In the last message window that appears, click OK. The selected for deletion Library dataset is removed from
the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node in the tree view.

Adding (Uploading) Files to a Library Dataset

Adding files to Library dataset helps you to place files which content is related to the content’s theme of that
dataset. For example a file with reports could go (being added) to Library dataset that contains explicitly only

To add (upload) a file to a dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node to show a list of all Library datasets in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Libraries node to show all of the Library datasets in the Files Tree View.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. In the Display Panel or in the Files Tree View, depending on the procedure you choose in step 2, select the
Library dataset you wish to add a file to.
4. Invoke the Upload Files dialog box by doing one of the following:
 In the Main Header, click the Upload button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the selected dataset and in the context menu that appears, click Add
 With a dataset selected in the Files Tree View, in the footer of the Display Panel, consecutively click
Add and Add to Files.

5. In the Upload Files dialog, click the Choose Files button to select the files you wish to add (upload).
6. In the Upload Files dialog box, click the Add button to select your files for upload.

7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Note: If you wish to select multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine
you will use to load GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to be uploaded need to be added one by
one in the main Upload Files window. Each file for upload must not exceed the maximum size set in
the Management Console. Contact your GridBank Administrator if you do not know what the
maximum size of a file to be uploaded via GridBank Web Access is.

The added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, select this file and click the Remove button.

8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it

Added files now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the picture on the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. Your added (uploaded) files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected dataset.

Deleting Library Dataset Files

Deleting files from Library dataset is possible and helps you to remove permanently unnecessary files from the
storage space you are allowed to work within.

To delete a file from a library:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show all of the Library datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click on a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to delete and do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Delete button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to delete and from the context menu that appears, select
5. In the pop-up window that appears, click Yes to confirm deletion.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Downloading Files from a Library Dataset

Saving files in locations, logically created (for example folders named after the themes of searching for them),
helps you to organize your results (files) of investigation in a proper way not wasting time to search for them
again when you need to read them or something else related.

To download a file from a library:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show all of the Library datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click on a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to download and do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Download button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to download and from the context menu that appears,
select Download.
5. Choose Save as button from the appeared download pop-up window, to save your files to a desired location.
Other options that are available when you click on the arrow of the Save button in the download pop-up
window are:
 Open - allows you to open your selected email with its native application.
 Save - allows you to save the selected message to the default download location.
 Save and Open - allows you to save your selected email to the default location and open it.

Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.

6. Click Save again to save the selected email to the selected location.

Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset File

Declaring as records enables you to protect your datasets, folders or files and prevent them from deletion.
When you select a dataset, folder or a file and apply this option, this item will be treated as permanent and you
can neither delete nor shred it afterwards. You can also protect that dataset, folder or a file from deletion by other
GridBank users with whom it is shared. Declared as records datasets, folders and files can only be deleted by
the GridBank Master Administrator.

To declare as records a file:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. All your libraries are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Libraries node to expand it and view all libraries, and then click the node
itself. All your libraries are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, click a library name.
4. From the library content, select a file you wish to declare as records and right-click on it.
5. From the context menu that appears, select Declare as Records.

6. In the Declare as Record pop-up window that appears, click OK. See the picture below:

The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Action Dataset Declared as Folder Declared as File Declared as

Record Record Record

Modify Details No No No
(Name and

Write Content (Add Yes Yes -

files and create

Upload Files with No No No

the Same Name

Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and

Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and

Modify Tags Yes Yes Yes

Share with Other Yes Yes Yes

GridBank users

Adding Library Dataset Files to a Briefcase

Saving file/files of a Library dataset in a briefcase is another way of helping you to organize your results from
searching for those files into logically structured way – for example, in created briefcase, also called “June, 2000”
could be placed files from that period of time, in another briefcase, created and called “William Taylor” could be
placed files related to William Taylor only and so on …

To add a file to a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show all of the Library datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to add to a briefcase and do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to add to a briefcase and from the context menu that
appears, Add >Add to Briefcase.
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Add button, and then select Add to Briefcase.

5. In the Select Briefcase window that appears, do any of the following:

 Select a briefcase where to add your file.

 Create a new briefcase, where to save your file, by clicking on the Create button. See for reference:
Creating a New Briefcase.
6. Click the OK button. The file is added to the selected briefcase. Wait until the process completes.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Managing Library Datasets’ Folders

Folders are containers that you can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would
be nearly impossible to find any particular file when you needed it. That is why people store files in folders. You
can create, view, modify and delete folders so as to better organize your file storage.

Adding Folders to a Library Dataset

For better organizing the Library dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. Folders can also store
other folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders,
and each can hold any number of files and additional sub-folders.

To add a folder to a Library dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show all libraries in the Files Tree View.
3. In the Display To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel toolbar, click the New Folder button.
5. In the Create Folder pop-up window that appears, add a Name and Description.
 Name (mandatory) - enter a unique and meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the
name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following
characters are not accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Description (optional) - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
6. Click OK at the bottom of the Create Folder window. Wait until the process completes.
7. Click OK in the message window that appears. The newly created folder appears listed in the Display Panel,
as well as a sub-node of the Library dataset on the tree view. See the picture on the next page:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Viewing (exploring) a Library Dataset Folder

Viewing Library Dataset’s folder helps you to explore the files in terms of what type of files, files’ names, their
content, etc.

To view the content of a library folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show as sub-nodes all libraries in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of a dataset to show as sub-nodes all folders in the Files Tree View.
4. To open a folder, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, double-click a folder.
 In the Display Panel, right click a folder and from the context menu that appears, select Explore.
 In the Files Tree View, click a folder.

Renaming (Modifying) a Library Dataset Folder

Renaming Library dataset’s folder helps you to keep up-to-date that folder’s parameter – its name.

To rename a library folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show as sub-nodes all libraries in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed renaming, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Modify Folder pop-up window, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Rename button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Rename.
6. In the Modify Folder pop-up window, modify the Name and/or Description of the folder, and click OK. The
newly modified folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node of the Library dataset on the
tree view.

Copying a Library Dataset Folder

Folder copying helps you to better organize and re-arrange space of the library datasets. You can copy and
distribute folders into different datasets and their folders to better organize your work.

To copy a library folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show as sub-nodes all libraries in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed copying, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, double-click a library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 In the Files Tree View, click a library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within the
Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Select Dataset for Copy window, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Copy button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Copy.
6. In the Select Dataset for Copy window, within the Destination area, click Select.
7. In the Browse Datasets and Folders window that appears, select destination dataset or folder, and then
click OK.
8. Back to the Select Dataset for Copy window, click OK.

Moving a Library Dataset Folder

Folder moving adds more options to organize and re-arrange space of the library datasets. You can move
folders into different datasets and their folders without leaving a trace into the source folder. For example, if you
want to copy a folder without leaving it into the source directory, instead of copying and deleting from the source
directory, you can simply use Move option.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

To move a library folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following
• Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
• Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show as sub-nodes all libraries in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed moving, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, double-click a library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 In the Files Tree View, click a library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within the
Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Select Dataset for Move window, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Move button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Move.
6. In the Select Dataset for Copy window, within the Destination area, click Select.
7. In the Browse Datasets and Folders window that appears, select destination dataset or folder, and then
click OK.
8. Back to the Select Dataset for Move window, click OK.

Adding Files to Library Dataset‘s Folder

Adding files to the folder helps you instead of having all files into one place to distribute them into different folders
for better organizing your work in terms of placing files into appropriate folders, which saves time and efforts
when later you decide to find them.

To add a file to a folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show all of the Library datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder to add a file to and do one of the following:
 In the toolbar, click the Add button.
 Right-click on the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Add->Add Files.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

5. In the Upload Files pop-up window, click the Choose Files button to select the file(s) to upload.
6. In the Upload pop-up window, click the Add button to select your files for upload.

7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.
All added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your selection,
select this file and click the Remove button.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Note: If you wish to select multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine
you will use to load GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to be uploaded need to be added one by
one in the main Upload Files window. Each file for upload must not exceed the maximum size set in
the Management Console. Contact your GridBank Administrator if you do not know what the
maximum size of a file to be uploaded via GridBank Web Access is.

8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it

Added files will now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from
your selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the picture on the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. The newly added files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected folder.

Adding Folders under the Library Dataset Folder

For better organizing the Library dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. A folder is a container you
can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be nearly impossible to find any
particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders can also store other folders. A
folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders, and each can hold
any number of files and additional sub-folders.

To create a new folder within a dataset folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node. A list of all libraries is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show all of the Library datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the folder you wish to the add folder to and do one of the following:
 In the toolbar, click the New Folder button.
 Right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select New Folder.
5. In the Create Folder pop-up window, specify a Name (mandatory) and Description (optional) for the folder
to be created and click OK. The newly created folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub
node of the folder in the tree view. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Managing Repository Datasets

Repositories are working datasets that can be deleted and managed by users and applications. Individual items
can be deleted in repositories. The size of a repository changes over time. Repositories can be accessed many
times and individual items within repositories can be modified or deleted.

Viewing Repository Datasets

Viewing Repository datasets in GridBank Web Access helps you to explore and manage your datasets and their
content (files) created in GridBank.

To view a repository dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. All created Repository datasets are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Repositories node to expand it and view all Repository datasets, and
then click the node itself. All created Repository datasets appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a
list in the Display Panel. See the picture on the next page:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Viewing Repository Dataset Content

Viewing the content of a repository helps you to explore its files and find the information you are looking for by
opening or saving the selected file.

To view repository content:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. All created Repository datasets are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Repositories node to expand it and view all Repository datasets, and
then click the node itself. All created Repository datasets appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a
list in the Display Panel.
3. To proceed viewing, do one of the following:
 In the File Tree View, click a Repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click on a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel
 In the Display Panel, right-click on a Library dataset and from the context menu, select Explore.
See the picture on the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Creating a Repository Dataset

Creating Repository datasets helps you to store data into that type of datasets if this is the convenient and
desired type of dataset for keeping your data. Repositories are working datasets, which size is forever changing,
these can be accessed many times and individual items within repositories can be both moved and deleted.

To create a repository:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, select the Repositories node.
3. Invoke the Create Repository window by doing one of the following:
 In the footer of the Display Panel, click the Create button.
 In the Main Header, click the Create Dataset button.
4. In the Create Repository pop-up window, specify a dataset name, description and availability.
 Name (mandatory) - enter a unique and meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the
name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following
characters are not accepted as well: \/:~!@ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < >, | “.
 Description (optional) - enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
 Availability - The availability option allows you to choose whether to create a public or a private
repository. The description of both availability options is provided below:
• Public - Select this option if you wish to make your dataset publicly accessible to the users based on
the permissions granted.
• Private - Select this option if you do not want anybody else to access your dataset.
5. At the bottom of the Create Repository window, click OK.
6. On the message window that appeared, click OK. The repository that has been just created appears
immediately in the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node in the tree view.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Modifying a Repository Dataset

Modifying a repository dataset include updating dataset’s name, availability and/or its description, which helps
you to update the dataset according to your recent needs for having up-to date information about the dataset.

To modify a repository:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. All created Repository datasets are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Repositories node to expand it and view all Repository datasets, and
then click the node itself. All created Repository datasets appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a
list in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, select the Repository dataset you wish to modify, and do one of the following:
 From the toolbar, click the Modify button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the selected Repository dataset and in the context menu that appears,
click Modify Dataset.
4. In the Modify Repository pop-up window that appears, modify any of the following fields:
 Name - Change the dataset name if needed. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1 to
100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~ !@ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Availability - Select if your repository availability is public or private.
 Description - Change the description of the dataset if needed. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
5. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Modify Repository to submit your changes.
6. Click OK in the message window, informing you that the repository has been successfully modified. The
modified repository dataset appears updated in the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node in the tree view.

Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset

Declaring as records enables you to protect your datasets, folders or files and prevent them from deletion.
When you select a dataset, folder or a file and apply this option, this item will be treated as permanent and you
can neither delete nor shred it afterwards. You can also protect that dataset, folder or file from deletion by other
GridBank users with whom it is shared. Declared as records datasets, folders and files can only be deleted by
the GridBank Master Administrator.

To declare as a record a repository dataset and its content:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. All your repositories are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Repositories node to expand it and view all repositories, and then click
the node itself. All your repositories are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the
Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. In the Display Panel, select the repository, you wish to declare as records and right-click it.
4. From the context menu that appears, select Declare as Records.
5. In the Declare as Records pop-up window that appears, click OK.
6. On the message window that appears, click OK.

The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:

Action Dataset Declared as Folder Declared as File Declared as

Record Record Record

Modify Details No No No
(Name and

Write Content (Add Yes Yes -

files and create

Upload Files with No No No

the Same Name

Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and

Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and

Modify Tags Yes Yes Yes

Share with Other Yes Yes Yes

GridBank users

Sharing a Repository Dataset with Other GridBank Users and

Sharing your datasets and folders with other GridBank users and groups helps you to collaborate and exchange
information easily. GridBank Web Access sharing option helps you to access data produced and owned by other
users, but which you need to perform an action, make a decision, etc. On the other hand, you can also share
your data with other GridBank users, so as to help them to perform their duties. Data shared is protected and
can only be accessed and managed by authorized people – the data owner and the people with whom it will be

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

To share a repository:

Note: The process of sharing a dataset is identical to sharing a folder within a dataset.

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. Click the in front of the node Repositories. A list of stored Repository datasets loads in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, select the Archive dataset which you wish to share and then right-click it.
4. From the context menu that appears, select Security. The Security window appears.
5. In the Security window, click the Add button to add a user or a group with which to share the selected
repository. This window shows the users who have access control permissions for the selected dataset.
Here, in case you decide to remove a user or group from the list, select it and click Remove.

6. In the Select Users window that appears, select a user or a group which to add to the list of users and
groups which will be able to access this dataset and perform an operation on it and its content. To select a
user or a group, click on the respective radio button (Users or Groups), indicating what king of list will be
displayed for selection. Alternatively to browsing and selecting a user or a group from the list, specify the
name of the user or group in the search box. Then click the Search button to find the user or group you want
to share your dataset with. If you want to cancel your search and perform another one, click Clear to reset
the search. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

7. After you have found the user or group you wish to share your dataset with, select this user or group from the
list and click the Add button right below the list. That user or group will be added to the lower part of the
window which contains a list of users/groups ready to be granted with content access control permissions for
the selected dataset. At this point if you wish to remove a user or group from this still not a final list, select it
and click Remove.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

8. When you are ready with your selection of users and groups, click OK button to submit your selection. The
selected users or groups in the Select Users window will be now added to the Security window, where you
can grant access control permissions for each user or group with which you wish to share your dataset. See
the picture below:

9. In the Security main window, select the just added user or group for which you wish to grant access control
permissions for your dataset.
10. In the lower part of the Security window, check or uncheck the access control permissions you will to enable
or disable for the selected user or group. The thick in front of an access control permission means that it is
allowed for the selected user or group. For more information about the description of the different access
control permissions assigned to GridBank datasets, see for reference: GridBank Datasets Access Control
Permissions section.
11. Click Share button to share your dataset with the selected users or groups and submit the access control
permissions you have granted them. Wait until the process completes.

Deleting a Repository Dataset

Deleting Repository dataset is possible and helps you to remove permanently unnecessary Repository datasets
from the storage space you are allowed to work within.

To delete a repository:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. Click the Repositories node. A list of repositories will be presented in the Display Panel as well.
3. In the Display Panel, click the Repository dataset you wish to delete.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

4. In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Delete button.

5. In the dialog window that appears, click Yes to delete selected repository.
6. In the last message window that appears, click OK. The selected for deletion Repository dataset is removed
from the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node in the tree view.

Adding (Upload) Files to Repository Dataset

Adding files to Repository dataset helps you to place files which content is related to the content’s theme of that
dataset. For example, a file with reports could go (being added) to a Repository dataset that contains explicitly
only reports.

To add files to a repository:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node to show a list of all Repository datasets in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Repositories node to show all of the Repository datasets in the Files Tree
3. In the Display Panel or in the Files Tree View, depending on the procedure you choose in step 2, select the
Repository dataset you wish to add a file to.
4. Invoke the Upload Files dialog box by doing one of the following:
 In the Main Header, click the Upload button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the selected dataset and in the context menu that appears, click Add
 With a dataset selected in the Files Tree View, in the footer of the Display Panel, consecutively click
Add and Add to Files.

5. In the Upload Files dialog, click the Choose Files button to select the files you wish to add (upload).
6. In the Upload Files dialog box, click the Add button to select your files for upload.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.

Note: If you wish to select multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine
you will use to load GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to be uploaded need to be added one by
one in the main Upload Files window. Each file for upload must not exceed the maximum size set in
the Management Console. Contact your GridBank Administrator if you do not know what the
maximum size of a file to be uploaded via GridBank Web Access is.

The added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, select this file and click the Remove button.

8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Added files now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the picture on the next page.

9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window closes when your files
are uploaded. All added (uploaded) files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected dataset.

Deleting Repository Dataset Files

Deleting files from Repository dataset is possible and helps you to remove permanently unnecessary files from
the storage space you are allowed to work within.

To delete a file from a repository:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Click the Repositories node. A list of all Repository datasets is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show all of the Repository datasets in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click on a Repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset
appear within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to delete and do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Delete button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to delete and from the context menu that appears, select
5. In the pop-up window that appears, click Yes to confirm deletion.

Downloading Files from Repository Dataset

Saving files in locations, logically created (for example folders named after the themes of searching for them),
helps you to organize your results (files) of investigation in a proper way not wasting time to search for them
again when you need to read them or something else related.

To download a file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all Repository datasets is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show all of the Repository datasets in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a Repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click on a Repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset
appear within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to download and do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Download button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to download and from the context menu that appears,
select Download.
5. Choose the Save as button from the appeared download pop-up window, to save your file to a desired

The following are the rest operations you can perform when you click on the arrow of the Save button in the
download pop-up window:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Open - allows you to open your selected file with its native application.
 Save - allows you to save the selected message to the default download location.
 Save and Open - allows you to save your selected file to the default location and open it.

Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.

6. Click Save again to save the selected file to the selected location.

Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset File

Declaring as records enables you to protect your datasets, folders or files and prevent them from deletion.
When you select a dataset, folder or a file and apply this option, this item will be treated as permanent and you
can neither delete nor shred it afterwards. You can also protect that dataset, folder or file from deletion by other
GridBank users with whom it is shared. Declared as records datasets, folders and files can only be deleted by
the GridBank Master Administrator.

To declare as records a repository dataset file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Mail Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. All your repository datasets are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Repositories node to expand it and view all libraries, and then click the
node itself. All your repository datasets are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the
Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, click a repository name.
4. From the repository content, select a file you wish to declare as records and right-click it.
5. From the context menu that appears, select Declare as Records.
6. In the Declare as Records pop-up window that appears, click OK to declare the repository as record.

The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:

Action Dataset Declared as Folder Declared as File Declared as

Record Record Record

Modify Details No No No
(Name and

Write Content (Add Yes Yes -

files and create

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Upload Files with No No No

the Same Name

Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and

Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and

Modify Tags Yes Yes Yes

Share with Other Yes Yes Yes

GridBank users

Adding Repository Dataset Files to a Briefcase

Saving file/files from a Repository dataset to a briefcase is another way of helping you to organize your results
from searching for those files into logically structured way – for example, in created briefcase, also called “June,
2000” could be placed files from that period of time, in another briefcase, created and called “William Taylor”
could be placed files related to William Taylor only and so on.

To add a file to a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show all of the repository datasets in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to add to a briefcase and do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Add button, and then select Add to Briefcase.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to add to a briefcase and from the context menu that
appears, Add >Add to Briefcase.
5. When the Select Briefcase window that appears, do any of the following:
 Select an existing briefcase, where to add your file.
 Create a new briefcase, where to add your file. See for reference: Creating a New Briefcase.
6. Click the OK button. The file is saved to the selected briefcase.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Managing Repository Datasets’ Folders

GridBank Web Access offers a flexible structure of your important data. You can create folders within your
datasets to better organize your important files. For example, you can add your spreadsheets to a folder in a

Adding Folders to Repository Dataset

For better organizing the Repository dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders.
A folder is a container you can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be
nearly impossible to find any particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders
can also store other folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of
sub-folders, and each can hold any number of files and additional sub-folders.

To add a folder to a repository:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show all repositories in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel toolbar, click the New Folder button.
5. In the Create Folder pop-up window that appears, add a Name and Description.
 Name (mandatory) - enter a unique and meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the
name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following
characters are not accepted as well: \/:~ ! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Description (optional) - enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
6. Click OK at the bottom of the Create Folder window. Wait until the process completes.
7. Click OK in the message window that appears. The newly created folder appears listed in the Display Panel,
as well as a sub-node of the repository dataset on the tree view.

Viewing (exploring) Repository Dataset Folder

Viewing Repository Dataset’s folder helps you to explore the files in terms of what type of files, files’ names, their
content, etc.

To view the content of a repository folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show as sub-nodes all repositories in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of a repository dataset to show as sub-nodes all folders in the Files Tree View.
4. To open a folder, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, double-click a folder.
 In the Display Panel, right click a folder and from the context menu that appears, select Explore.
 In the Files Tree View, click a folder.

Renaming (Modifying) a Repository Dataset Folder

Renaming a repository dataset folder helps you to keep up-to-date the name of the folder.

To rename a repository folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show as sub-nodes all repositories in the Files Tree
3. To proceed renaming, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Modify Folder pop-up window, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Rename button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Rename.
6. In the Modify Folder pop-up window, modify the Name and/or Description of the folder, and click OK. The
newly modified folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node of the Repository dataset
on the tree view.

Copying a Repository Dataset Folder

Folder copying helps you to better organize and re-arrange space of the repository datasets. You can copy and
distribute folders into different datasets and their folders to better organize your work.

To copy a folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following

 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show as sub-nodes all repositories in the Files Tree
3. To proceed copying, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Select Dataset for Copy window, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Copy button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Copy.
6. In the Select Dataset for Copy window, within the Destination area, click Select.
7. In the Browse Datasets and Folders window that appears, select destination dataset or folder, and then
click OK.
8. Back to the Select Dataset for Copy window, click OK.

Moving a Repository Dataset Folder

Folder moving adds more options to better organize and re-arrange space of the repository datasets. You can
move folders into different datasets and their folders without leaving a trace into the source folder. For example,
if you want to copy a folder without leaving it into the source directory, instead of copying and deleting from the
source directory, you can simply use the Move option.

To move a folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show as sub-nodes all repositories in the Files Tree
3. To proceed moving, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Select Dataset for Move window, do one of the following:
 In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Move button.
 In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Move.
6. In the Select Dataset for Copy window, within the Destination area, click Select.
7. In the Browse Datasets and Folders window that appears, select destination dataset or folder, and then
click OK.
8. Back to the Select Dataset for Move window, click OK.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Adding Files to Repository Dataset’s Folder

Adding files to the folder helps you instead of having all files into one place to distribute them into different folders
for better organizing your work in terms of placing files into appropriate folders, which saves time and efforts
when later you decide to find them.

To add a file to a folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show all of the repository datasets in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder to add a file to and do one of the following:
 In the toolbar, click the Add button.
 Right-click on the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Add->Add Files.

5. In the Upload Files pop-up window, click the Choose Files button to select the file(s) to upload.
6. In the Upload pop-up window, click the Add button to select your files for upload.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.
All added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your selection,
select this file and click the Remove button.

Note: When selecting multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine you
will use for GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to upload need to be added one by one in the
main Upload Files window. Each file for upload cannot exceed the maximum size set in the
Management Console > Configuration Manager >GridBank Web Access tab. Check with your
GridBank Administrator what is the maximum size of a file, that can be uploaded in GridBank Web

8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Added files will now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from
your selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the following picture:

9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. The newly added files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected folder.

Adding Folders under the Repository Dataset’s Folder

For better organizing the Repository dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. A folder is a container
you can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be nearly impossible to find
any particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders can also store other
folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders, and
each can hold any number of files and additional sub-folders.

To add a sub-folder:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show all of the repository datasets in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the folder you wish to the add folder to and do one of the following:
 In the toolbar, click the New Folder button.
 Right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select New Folder.
5. In the Create Folder pop-up window, specify a Name (mandatory) and Description (optional) for the folder
to be created and click OK.
The newly created folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub node of the folder in the tree

Deleting Repository Dataset Folder

Deleting Repository dataset’s folder helps you better organize your space in case you don’t need any more that
folder (the folder is empty for example).

To delete a folder:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Repositories node. A list of all repositories is presented in the Display Panel.
 Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show all of the repository datasets in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the folder you wish to delete and do one of the following:
 In the toolbar, click the Delete button.
 Right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Delete.
5. In the dialog window that appears, click the Yes button to confirm deletion. The selected folder is removed
from the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node in the tree view.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Managing Dataset File Metadata

Metadata is "data about data". The term is ambiguous, as it is used for two fundamentally different concepts
(types). Structural metadata is about the design and specification of data structures and is more properly called
"data about the containers of data". The descriptive metadata, on the other hand, is about individual instances of
application data, the data content. As information has become increasingly digital, metadata is also used to
describe digital data using metadata.

Viewing Dataset File Metadata

Viewing metadata helps you to reveal additional information about the datasets or files. For example, depending
on the data type, you may see additional properties such as name, description, date of creation, owner, length
and so on.

To view a file metadata:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Libraries node (same applies for Archives and Repositories) to show a list of all library datasets
in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Libraries node to show all of the library datasets in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
 In the Files Tree View, click a library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within the
Display Panel.
 In the Display Panel, double-click on a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a file, which metadata you wish to view.
5. In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Metadata button. An additional window opens dynamically to the
right of the Display Panel. The metadata of the marked file is displayed in that additional window. Three
Module Tabs are used to provide an easy way to show the metadata parted by categories - Standard
Fields, Extended Fields, and Customized Fields. See the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Editing Dataset File Metadata (only Description)

Editing metadata helps you to keep it up-to-date and showing relevant information about the datasets or files.
You may only edit the Description metadata, listed under the Standard Fields module tab.

To edit a file metadata:

1. Already viewing dataset file metadata, in the Standard Fields tab, select Description.
2. In the toolbar, click the Edit button.
3. In the Edit Description window, edit the Description text string for the dataset if needed. The allowed
number of characters for the description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive. The field is optional.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

4. Click OK. The new description appears listed under the Standard Fields tab. See the picture below:

Managing Custom Metadata of Files

Customized Metadata in GWA is used for storing information about the content of a particular dataset. GWA
allows adding, editing or removing customized metadata in Customized Fields tab in the Metadata Panel. You
can use created by you custom metadata to add additional information about the dataset, folder or a file. For
example, you can add a metadata field “Importance” and set a value for it to e.g. “High”.

Adding Custom Metadata

Adding customized metadata helps you to store additional information about the datasets or files.

To add custom metadata:

1. Already viewing dataset file metadata, in the Customized Fields tab, click the Metadata Fields button (at
the bottom of the metadata panel).

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

2. In the Manage Metadata Fields pop-up window that appears, click the Add button. The Field and Value
text fields and the button Apply get active.
3. Enter the text of the new customized metadata in the fields and click Apply.
4. Click OK. The newly added customized metadata will appear below in the display panel as an item. See the
pictures on the next page.

Removing Custom Metadata

Removing customized metadata help you to delete unnecessary additional information about the about the
datasets or files.

To remove custom metadata:

1. Already viewing dataset file metadata, in the Customized Fields tab, click the Metadata Fields button (at
the bottom of the metadata panel).

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

2. From the list of customized metadata, select the one to be removed.

3. Click the Remove button. The customized metadata is removed from the list.
4. Click OK.

Editing Custom Metadata

Editing customized metadata helps you to keep up-to-date the additional information about the datasets or files.

To edit custom metadata:

1. Already viewing dataset file metadata, in the Customized Fields tab, click the Metadata Fields button (at
the bottom of the metadata panel)
2. From the list of customized metadata, select the one to be edited.
3. Click the Edit button.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

4. In the Field and Value fields, edit the text.

5. Click the Update button to submit the changes.
6. Click OK.

Managing Tags of Dataset Files

Tags in GWA are used for storing information about the content of a particular item (dataset or its content –
files). GWA allows adding, editing or removing those tags. Tags can also be categorized as metadata as they
hold valuable information about the object to which are added. Tags can also be added in Customized Fields tab
in the Metadata Panel.

Adding a Tag to a File

Adding a new tag to a file helps you to store additional information about the content of a file.

To add a tag to a file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, click the knot in front of the Libraries node (same applies for Archives and
Repositories) to expand it and view all created by you libraries.
3. Select a dataset sub-node in the tree view, containing the file you wish to add a tag to.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to add a tag to, and then right-click it.
5. From the context menu that appears, select the Manage Tags option to open the Manage Tags window.

6. On the Manage Tags window, click the Add button.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

7. Enter the text of the new tag in the field and add the tag by clicking on the button Apply. The tag name
should contain at least 3 symbols and the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -
~!@#$%^*()_+{}:|?`',./\\[]£=<>&. See the picture on the next page.

8. Click the Apply button to add the specified tag.

9. Click OK to add your tags to the selected email.
10. On the message window that appears, click OK.

Removing a Tag from a File

Removing tags help you to delete unnecessary additional information about the file, which helps in avoiding
information overwhelming.

To remove a tag from a file:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, click the knot in front of the Libraries node (same applies for Archives and
Repositories) to expand it and view all create libraries as sub nodes.
3. Select a dataset sub-node, containing the file you wish to remove a tag from is stored
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to remove a tag from, and then right-click it.
5. From the context menu that appears, select the Manage Tags option to open the Manage Tags window.

6. On the Manage Tags window, click the tag you wish to remove.
7. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the window to remove the tag.
8. Click OK at the bottom to submit your changes.
9. Click OK in the message window that appears.

Editing a Tag of a File

Editing tag helps you to keep up-to-date the additional information about the file, provided by that tag.

To edit a tag of a file:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. Click the knot in front of the node Libraries (same applies for Archives and Repositories) to expand it and
view all created libraries as sub nodes.
3. In the Display Panel, double click on the library, containing the file which tag you wish to modify
4. In the Display Panel, showing the library content, select the file, which tag you wish to modify and then right-
click it.
5. From the context menu that appears, select the Manage Tags option to open the Manage Tags window.
6. In the Manage Tags window, select the tag you wish to edit.
7. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the window.
8. In the Edit tag field, specify the new value of the tag. The tag to be created should contain at least 3 symbols
and the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~!@#$%^*()_+{}:|?`',./\\[]£=<>&.
See the picture on the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

9. Click the Update button to submit your edit.

10. Click OK at the bottom of the Manage Tags window.
11. Click OK in the appeared message window.

Managing Recursively Tags of Datasets

GridBank Web Access helps you to apply tags instantly to the content of a selected dataset instead of applying
tags individually to every single file in that dataset. When right clicking on a dataset, selecting Manage Tags
from the context menu, the pop-up window that appears contains checked by default option “Apply recursively”
which means that the added tag (the same rule applies to editing or deleting tags) will be added recursively to its
content as well.

Adding Recursively Tags to a Dataset

Adding tags recursively saves you time and efforts. This option helps you to apply as many tags you want to all
files of a dataset.

To apply recursively a tag to a dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. To proceed, do any of the following:
 Expand the knot in front of the node Libraries (same applies for Archives and Repositories).
 Click on the Libraries node in the tree view to load all library datasets in the Display Panel.
3. Right click on a library name.
4. Click Manage Tags in the context menu.
5. On the Manage Tags window that appears, click Add.
6. Click the Apply button to add the specified tag.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

7. Click OK to add your tags to the selected email.

8. On the message window that appears, click OK. The added tag will be now recursively added to all files in
the selected library dataset.

Removing Recursively Tags of a Dataset

Removing tags recursively saves you time and efforts. This option helps you to remove all common tags for all
files in a dataset.

To remove recursively a tag of a dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. To proceed, do any of the following:
 Expand the knot in front of the node Libraries (same applies for Archives and Repositories).
 Click on the Libraries node in the tree view to load all library datasets in the Display Panel.
3. Right click on a library name.
4. Click Manage Tags in the context menu.
5. In the Manage Tags window that appears, click on a tag, and then click Remove.
6. Click OK to submit your changes.
7. Click OK on the message window.

Editing Recursively Tags of a Dataset

Editing tags recursively saves you time and efforts. This option helps you to edit the common tags of all files in a

To edit recursively a tag of a dataset:

1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab.

2. To proceed, do any of the following:
 Expand the knot in front of the node Libraries (same applies for Archives and Repositories).

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Click on the Libraries node in the tree view to load all library datasets in the Display Panel.
3. Right click on a library name.
4. Click Manage Tags on the context menu..
5. On the Manage Tags window that appears, click on a tag, and then click the Edit button.
6. In the Edit tag field, specify the new value of the tag. The tag to be created should contain at least 3 symbols
and the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~!@#$%^*()_+{}:|?`',./\\[]£=<>&.
7. Click Update.
8. Click the OK to submit your changes.
9. Click OK on the message window.

File Versioning Control

GridBank users are able to view previous versions of their files in GridBank Web Access. There are three
options for file versioning, which GridBank supports:
1. No versioning - files are overwritten and their old versions are not kept.
2. Conflict Resolution - the new version of a file does not overwrite the old file, but it is named in the following
format: “(Conflict-Date) Original File Name”. This way the original file is being preserved.
3. Version Management - files are overwritten, but all old versions are kept and only the newest file version is
displayed. GridBank users will be able to view and download previous versions of their modified files in
GridBank Web Access.

Version Management
The Version Management option displays only the newest version of a modified file, but all old versions of that
file are kept in GridBank and can be displayed if needed.

As a GridBank user, you will be able to view and download previous versions of your modified files in GridBank
Web Access.

The Version Management option must be enabled in GridBank, so that you will be able to view and manage
previous versions of your modified files. Consult with your GridBank Administrator, if you are unsure about the
file versioning method selected in GridBank.

To view a previous version of a file in GWA:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, expand any of the dataset nodes –Archives, Libraries or Repositories.
3. Under the expanded node, double-click the dataset name that contains the file you wish to view its previous
versions. Its content is loaded in the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to view its previous versions.
5. In the context menu that appears, click the Version History option to open the File Version History

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

6. In the File Version History window you can see a list of previous versions of the selected file. See the
picture below:

The oldest file shown on the picture is actually the original file ingested in GridBank. And the file at the top of
the list is the most recent version of the file that contains all the modifications so far.

Downloading a Previous File Version

Downloading previous version of files is also possible in GWA. As GridBank keeps all your file versions and
enables you to access them from any client machine and at any time.

To download a previous file version:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, expand that node (Archives, Libraries or Repositories) that includes the dataset
which files you wish to examine.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. Under the expanded node, double-click the dataset name that contains the file you wish to view its previous
versions. Its content is loaded in the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to view its previous versions.
5. In the context menu that appears, click the Version History option. The File Version History window
6. In the File Version History window you can see a list of previous versions of the selected file. Select the file
version you wish to download and click the Download button at the bottom.
7. In the download pop-up window, click the Save->Save as button to save this file version to a desired
8. Select a directory in the Save as window, where your file will be downloaded and then click the Save button
at the bottom.

Note: To be able to download a previous version of a file in GridBank Web Access, Version
Management option must have been selected during the GridBank configuration.

Conflict Resolution
When the Conflict Resolution option during the GridBank configuration and a file is modified, the new version of
that file does not overwrite the old file, but it is saved in GridBank with a similar name: “Conflict-data Original File
Name”. This way the original file is preserved and both versions of the file (old and new) are displayed together.
They can be seen in GridBank Web Access as well.

To view all versions of a file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, expand that node (Archives, Libraries or Repositories) that includes the dataset
which files you wish to examine.
3. Under the expanded node, double-click the dataset name that contains the file you wish to view its previous
versions. Its content is loaded in the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel you will see the original file and its modifications. As the modifications of the file will be
named in the following way: “(Conflict - Date) Original File Name”.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

No Versioning
When the No versioning option is selected, then files are only overwritten and their old versions are not kept in

Global Catalog
GridBank Global Catalog displays all datasets of GridBank users, sources and applications for which you have
been granted with content access control permissions (in the Management Console by the GridBank Master
Administrator), shared with you (in Desktop Agent, GWA or other GridBank application) or you have permissions
over a network share that have been used as a source for data migration in GridBank. Your Global Catalog does
not include datasets created by you. The Global Catalog node in the Files Tree View contains the following sub-
 Archives –this sub node contains all archive datasets of users, sources and applications for which you have
been granted with content access control permissions in the Management Console or have been shared with
you in a GridBank application (Desktop Agent, GridBank Web Access, etc.).
 Libraries – this sub node contains all library datasets of users, sources and applications for which you have
been granted with content access control permissions in the Management Console or have been shared with
you in a GridBank application (Desktop Agent, GridBank Web Access, etc.).
 Repositories – this sub node contains all repository datasets of users, sources and applications for which
you have been granted with content access control permissions in the Management Console or have been
shared with you in a GridBank application (Desktop Agent, GridBank Web Access, etc.).
 Sources – contains all datasets created after a source migration policy configured to preserve the
permissions of the migrated files. In the case of GWA, these datasets appear in this sub node in your user
account in GWA, if you have permissions over this source (network share).
 Shared Folders – contains all dataset folders of other GridBank users that have been shared with you in a
GridBank application (Desktop Agent, GridBank Web Access, etc.).

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

To view files available in the Global Catalog:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, expand the Global Catalog node.
3. Under the Global Catalog, click on a sub-node – Archives, Libraries, Repositories, Sources or Shared
Folders. The selected sub-node content shows in the Display Panel.

4. In the Display Panel, double-click a dataset name to show its content.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Introducing GWA Security Option

GridBank Web Access allows sharing of datasets and folders between its users. GridBank users can share their
datasets and their content with other GridBank users or they can access shared with them datasets and their
content. As a GridBank user, you can not only access and work with your own datasets, but also access and
work with datasets of other GridBank users shared with you. But as a user, you need to know what you can do
with shared with you datasets and their content. To help you to identify the operations you are allowed to do on
shared with you datasets, GridBank Web Access incorporates Security option.

The Security option is intended to show the permissions granted over a dataset, folder or a file shared with a
GridBank user. You can use this option to view what you are allowed to do with a dataset (and its content) that
has been shared with you. The Security option helps you to identify what kind of operations you can perform on
shared with you dataset and its files. For example, you can check in Security option if you can add, delete or
modify files of a shared dataset. The Security can only be used as a reference for the permissions granted over
a shared dataset, folder or file to selected GridBank users. It does not allow modification of already granted

Viewing the Permissions of a Shared with You Item

GWA Security option helps you to check what kind of operations you can perform on shared with you datasets
of other GridBank users. It can only be used as a reference and not for modification of already granted
permissions. For example, you can use Security option to view whether you can add, delete or modify files of a
dataset or folder shared with you. It is a convenient way to check what you can do with a shared with you
dataset and eliminates the need to contact the Administrator to provide you with this information.

To view your permissions over a shared dataset and its content:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. To see the content of the Global Catalog node, do one of the following:
 Expand the Global Catalog node to show its sub-nodes in the Tree View.
 Click the Global Catalog node show its sub-nodes in the Display Panel.
3. Under the Global Catalog, click on a sub-node to show its content in the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a dataset and right-click it.
5. From the context menu that appears, select the Security option to invoke the Security dialog box.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

In the Security window you can see a list of users with whom the selected item (dataset, folder or a file) has
been shared. In this example, a library dataset named “Reports” has been shared automatically with
members of the Administrators group and with William Taylor a user selected by the dataset owner Betty
Wellman. The dataset owner Betty Wellman will automatically appear in the list.

To view your own permissions, select your name and your permissions will appear in the lower part of the

Note: You can change the permissions you have been granted for both dataset and its content that is
shared with you. It can be done if you are the owner of the selected dataset or the GridBank Master
Administrator has allowed you to share the content of the selected dataset.

Performing a Quick Search in Files Tab

Quick search helps you to find shortly what you are generally looking for within datasets you view in GWA.

To perform a quick search in the Files tab:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Files tab.

2. In the Files Tree View, under the Global Catalog node, select the Quick Search sub-node. The quick
search option loads in the display panel on the right. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. In the search box, enter the search term(s). You can use any of the GridBank supported search formats to
narrow your search results and receive specific information. See the following table for more information
about the GridBank supported search formats:

Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries including any of the following
characters : "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "+", "=", "{", "}",
"@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".

GridBank Search Description Example

Format Name

Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all files containing
words that start with the word
Note: To be able to search for files by a
“micro”, e.g. Microsoft, microscope,
partial search term “Enable GridBank
micron, etc. The same results will
partial search with wildcards” option in
appear if you type the search term
the Management Console,
with a wildcard in the end micro*.
Configuration Manager, GridBank Web
The wildcard character is used to
Access tab, needs to be selected. Even
substitute for any other character or
if this option is not enabled, wildcards
characters in a word.
can be added manually to the term in
the search field and returned search
results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns files that contain words
word. The syntax of this search format ending with the term “doc”, e.g.
is the following: *keyword. By using file.doc, etc.
this search format, the search will
return files containing words in their
name and content that end with the
specified term.

Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be files containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR files containing
Console, Configuration Manager, the words: costly, cost-effective,
GridBank Web Access tab is costal, etc.

Search Expressions This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
that are typed between double inverted files containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank file search will return all
files containing the exact combination
of the specified keywords.

Group Expression This is another file search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for files containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return files
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be files containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR files containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

“Enable GridBank partial search

with wildcards” option in the
Management Console, Configuration
Manager, GridBank Web Access tab
is selected.

4. Select a radio button to specify the search location. Your options include:
 My Datasets – Searches for files, containing the specified keyword in their name and body, in your own
 Global Catalog – Searches for files, containing the specified keyword in their name and body in all
datasets presented in your Global Catalog. These datasets are shared with you by other GridBank users
and you have been granted with content access control permissions for them.
5. Click the Search button to start the search. The search results are displayed shortly. See the picture below:

In case you wish to save your search results, use Save Results button. The saved search results you will
find in the Search Tree View, under the tab My Email Search, Saved Search Results node. See for
reference: Quick Search section to learn how to save your quick search results and perform other related

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

5. GWA Search

This chapter describes how to search for files and emails using GridBank Web Access
search option.

Section Page

Introducing GridBank Web Access Search 147

Viewing Search Tab Options 147

Performing a File Search 148

Performing a Quick File Search 148

Viewing a Quick Search Result Single Item 151

Downloading a Quick Search Result Single Item 152

Adding Quick Search Result Single Item to a Briefcase 153

Adding Quick Search Result All Items or Selected Items to a Briefcase 153

Performing an Advanced File Search 154

Viewing an Advanced Search Result Single Item 156

Downloading an Advanced Search Result Single Item 156

Adding an Advanced File Search Result or All Advanced File Search 157
Results to a Briefcase

Saving File Search Results 157

Viewing Saved File Search Results 158

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Performing Email Search 159

Saving Email Search Results 163

Viewing Saved Email Search Results 163

Performing a Combined Quick Search 164

Saving Combined Quick Search Results 168

Performing a Combined Advanced Search 169

Saving Combined Advanced Search Results 171

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Introducing GridBank Web Access Search

GWA Search functionality allows you to:
 Search (quick or advanced) for data in the emails, stored in your PST Archives and Mailbox Archives.
 Search (quick or advanced) for data in the files, stored in datasets: archives, libraries, repositories.
 Combined search (quick or advance) for files and emails, using the same search criteria.
 Save returned search results for later usage (which is extremely convenient and very helpful in case of very
large (in size) mailboxes or datasets).

Viewing Search Tab Options

To view Search tab options:

1. On the Main Menu, click Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Files node. All search options are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Files node to expand it and view all search options, and then click the
node itself. All search options appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Performing a File Search

GWA supports quick and advanced options for files and email search. Quick Search enables you to search for
your important files by using a few keywords. While Advanced Search option enables you to search by multiple
criteria which narrows the search and thus receive more precise search results.

Performing a Quick File Search

Quick Search option enables you to find files fast and easy simply by typing a keyword(s) in the search field. The
search will return results that match the specified criteria, after searching in the name and the body of the files,
which are scope of the search, e.g. files in your own datasets.

To perform a quick search:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Files node, select the Quick Search sub-node.

3. Enter the search term(s) into the search box. We support the following search formats:

Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries including any of the following
characters : "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "+", "=", "{", "}",
"@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

GridBank Search Description Example

Format Name

Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all files containing
words that start with the word
Note: To be able to search for files by a
“micro”, e.g. Microsoft, microscope,
partial search term “Enable GridBank
micron, etc. The same results will
partial search with wildcards” option in
appear if you type the search term
the Management Console,
with a wildcard in the end micro*.
Configuration Manager, GridBank Web
The wildcard character is used to
Access tab, needs to be selected. Even
substitute for any other character or
if this option is not enabled, wildcards
characters in a word.
can be added manually to the term in
the search field and returned search
results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.

Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns files that contain words
word. The syntax of this search format ending with the term “doc”, e.g.
is the following:*keyword. By using this file.doc, etc.
search format, the search will return
files containing words in their name and
content that end with the specified

Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be files containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR files containing
Console, Configuration Manager, the words: costly, cost-effective,
GridBank Web Access tab is costal, etc.

Search Expressions This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
that are typed between double inverted files containing information about
annual sales, you should simply type

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. in the search field “annual sales”

and GridBank file search will return all
files containing the exact combination
of the specified keywords.

Group Expression This is another file search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for files containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return files
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be files containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR files containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if
“Enable GridBank partial search
with wildcards” option in the
Management Console, Configuration
Manager, GridBank Web Access tab
is selected.

4. Select where you wish to perform your search:

 My Datasets – Searches for files in the created by you datasets.
 Global Catalog– Searches for files in datasets and folders shared with you and presented in your Global
5. Click the Search button to start the search. The search results are displayed shortly. See the picture on the
next page:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

The following are operations that could be performed with your search results:
 Viewing quick search result’s single item
 Downloading quick search result’s single item
 Adding quick search result’s single item to a briefcase
 Saving search results
These operations are described in detail in the following sections.

Viewing a Quick Search Result Single Item

After a quick search is performed you can see the information about each file returned as a search result.

To view information of a file result from a quick search:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Files node, select the Quick Search sub-node.
3. Enter the search term(s) into the search box. See for reference: GridBank Search Formats to learn how to
those files you really need.
4. Select where you wish to search:
 My Datasets – Searches for files in the created by you datasets.
 Global Catalog– Searches for files in datasets and folders shared with you and presented in your Global
5. Click the Search button to start the search.
6. In the Search Results, next to the file you wish to explore, click the icon. A new pop-up window opens,
which gives you detailed information about the file.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

The information provided in this window helps you to identify file name, creation and ingestion data, file
owner, dataset to which the file belongs, etc.

Downloading a Quick Search Result Single Item

After a quick search is performed you can download your selected results to a desired directory. Downloading
quick search results helps you not to waste time searching again and again to check what was the result of a
certain search, but also helps you to organize your searching in a proper way – so saving time and efforts is a
big help in finding necessary information especially when it comes to going through a huge amount of data.

To download file search result:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, select Quick Search sub node under Files node.
3. Perform a Quick Search.
4. In the Search Results table, next to the file you wish to download, click the Download icon.
5. From the context menu, point to the arrow next to Save, and then click Save as.

Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.

6. Select a folder where to download your file.

7. Click Open to open the selected folder.
8. Click Save to save your file to the selected folder.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Adding Quick Search Result Single Item to a Briefcase

You can use the Briefcase option to store your files from different datasets in one place. You can select items in
the search results page, add them to your briefcase and then download the files.

To add a search result single item to a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, select Quick Search sub-node under the Files node.
3. In the Display Panel, perform a Quick Search.
4. In the Search Results table, next to the file you wish to add to a briefcase, click the Add file to briefcase
5. In the Select Briefcase window that appears, do any of the following:
 Click on a briefcase you wish to add the file to.
 Click Create to create a new briefcase to add a file to. See the Creating a New Briefcase section for
6. Wait until a message window appears. Click OK in the message window informing you that the item was
successfully added to the selected briefcase. See the Viewing a Briefcase Content section for reference to
learn how to view your briefcases content.

Adding Quick Search Result All Items or Selected Items to a


After you perform a quick search and have a list of search result items there is an option to save either all of
them or selected ones to briefcase.

To add all or selected search result items to briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Files node, select the Quick Search sub-node.
3. In the Display Panel, perform a Quick Search.
4. In the Search Results table, do any of the following:
 Above the returned search results, click on Add to all items to briefcase icon. All returned search
results will be added to a briefcase.
 Next to the file you wish to add to a briefcase, click on Add file to briefcase. Only this file will be added to a
5. In the Select Briefcase window, do any of the following:
 Select the briefcase you wish to add the file to.
 Create a new briefcase to add a file to. See the Creating a New Briefcase section for reference.
6. Wait until a message window appears. Click OK in the message window informing you that the item was
successfully added to the selected briefcase.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Performing an Advanced File Search

Advanced Search is analogical to quick search but providing more search criteria which narrows the search and
therefore brings more accurate results when necessary.

To perform an advanced files search:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Files node, select Advanced Search sub node.
3. Specify your search conditions in the following fields:

Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries, containing any of the following
special symbols: "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")","+", "=", "{",
"}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`". However, you can still find exactly what you are looking for,
using any of the supported in GridBank Web Access search formats. See for reference: Supported
Search Formats.

 Search Context: Allows you to select where your search will be performed. Your options include:
• Search by Dataset (default option): Searches in a dataset of your choice. This dataset can be a
dataset created by you or shared with you. When you select this radio button, you need to select a
dataset where the search will be performed.
• My Datasets: Searches for files in your own datasets
• Global Catalog– Searches for files in all datasets shared with you and for which you have been
granted with content access control permissions.
 Dataset: Allows the user to choose a dataset where to perform his/her search of files. This option is
connected with the search context option “Search by Dataset”. If “Search by Dataset” option is selected,
then the user will be able to choose a particular dataset in this option, where to perform his/her search.
 Content Search Options:
• Search Text (Tags): Allows you to specify a text or a tag(s) as a search criterion.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

• Content Key Words: Allows you to specify keywords that the files you search for should contain.
 File Search Options:
• File Size: Allows you to specify the expected size of the files that the search should return. Options
o Not Specified: Select this option if you do not wish to specify this search criterion.
o Less Than: Files returned must me less than a specified size in B, KB, MB, and GB.
o Greater Than: Files returned must me greater than a specified size in B, KB, MB, and GB.
• File Name: Allows you to specify keywords that are contained in the file name.
 File Date and Time:
• Not Specified: Select this option when file date and time are not known or you do not wish to use this
• Date Created: Allows you to select a time period in which searched files are created.
o After: Allows you to select a date after which searched files are created.
o Before: Allows you to select a date before which searched files are created.
• Date Modified: Allows you to select a time period in which searched files were modified.
o After: Allows you to select a date after which searched files were modified.
o Before: Allows you to select a date before which searched files were modified.
 Join terms: Select a search condition AND/OR for the specified values.
• OR: If OR join term is selected, then at least one condition that is TRUE will be satisfied.
• IF: If AND join term is selected, then all specified conditions that are TRUE will be satisfied.
4. Click the Search button below search conditions. Search results are displayed shortly. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Viewing an Advanced Search Result Single Item

After a search is performed, you can see the information about each file returned as a search result.

To view information of the file from the search result:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under Files node, select the Advanced Search sub-node.
3. Perform an Advanced Search.
4. In the Search Results, next to the file you wish to explore click the icon. New pop-up window opens,
which gives you detailed information about the file.

The File Information window displays the file name, size, creation and ingestion date, owner and dataset in
which is ingested.

Downloading an Advanced Search Result Single Item

After Advanced Search is performed, you can download your selected results to a desired directory.
Downloading advanced search results helps you not to waste time searching again and again to check what
was the result of a certain search, but also helps you to organize your searching in a proper way – so saving
time and efforts is a big help in finding necessary information especially when it comes to going through a huge
amount of data.

To download a file search result:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Files node, select the Advanced Search sub-node.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. Perform an Advanced Search.

4. In the Search Results table, next to the file you wish to download, click the Download icon.
5. In the pop-up window that appears, click the arrow next to Save, and then click Save as.

6. Select a folder where to download your file.

7. Click Open to open the selected folder.
8. Click Save to save your file to the selected folder.

Adding an Advanced File Search Result or All Advanced File

Search Results to a Briefcase

After you perform the search and have a list of search result items there is an option to save either all of them or
selected ones to briefcase.

To add all or selected file search result items to briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Files node, select the Advanced Search sub-node.
3. Perform an Advanced Search.
4. In the Search Results bar (on the right corner above the listed files), depending on whether you want to add
all items or selected ones, do one of the following respectively:

 Click the Add all items to briefcase .

 Select items to add, and then click the Add checked items to briefcase icon.
5. In the Select Briefcase window, do any of the following:
 Select the briefcase you wish to add the files to.
 Click Create to create a new briefcase to add a file to. See for reference: Creating a New Briefcase
6. Click OK on the message window that appears.

Saving File Search Results

Saving search results help you not to waste time searching again and again to check what was the result of a
certain search, but also helps you to organize your searching in a proper way – so saving time and efforts is a
big help in finding necessary information especially when it comes to going through a huge amount of data.

To save your search results:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

2. Perform Quick or Advanced Search.

3. Click the Save Results under returned search results in the Display Panel.
4. In the Dataset Name window, specify the name of the archive that will be created for the file search results.
 Name (mandatory)- Enter a meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~ ! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Create search results archive managed by legal hold (optional) – Enable this option if you wish this
search result archive and its content to be protected from deletion for indefinite period in GridBank.
5. Click OK to create the archive.
6. Click OK on the message window.

Viewing Saved File Search Results

Viewing saved search results helps you to explore them and to find what you are looking for in the performed
already and saved search result.

To view already saved file search results:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Files node, click the Saved Search Results sub-node. All search
results datasets appear as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, double-click the search results dataset you wish to view its content. The search results
dataset content is displayed shortly. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Performing Email Search

GWA enables search of emails as well. Emails search can be performed in a mailbox or a .PST archive folder in
Mail and Search tab menu. But the search in the Search tab menu is performed across all your mail and PST
archive emails. This section describes how to perform search in the Search tab menu.

To perform a new email search:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Emails node, select the Emails Search sub-node. It will be dynamically
presented in the Display Panel. See the picture below:

3. Enter your search term(s) into the Email Search box. We support the following search formats:

Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries, containing any of the following
special symbols: "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")","+", "=", "{",
"}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".

GridBank Search Description Example

Format Name

Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all emails
containing words that start with the
Note: To be able to search for emails
word “micro”, e.g. Microsoft,
by a partial search term “Enable
microscope, micron, etc. The same

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

GridBank partial search with wildcards” results will appear if you type the
option in the Management Console > search term with a wildcard in the
Configuration Manager >GridBank end micro*. The wildcard character
Web Access tab, needs to be selected. is used to substitute for any other
Even if this option is not enabled, character or characters in a word.
wildcards can be added manually to the
term in the search field and returned
search results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.

Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns emails that contain
word. The syntax of this search format words ending with the term “doc”,
is the following:*keyword. By using this e.g. file.doc, etc.
search format, the search will return
emails containing words in their name
and content that end with the specified

Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be emails containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR emails
Console, Configuration Manager, containing the words: costly, cost-
GridBank Web Access tab is effective, costal, etc.

Search Expressions This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
that are typed between double inverted emails containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank email search will return
all emails containing the exact
combination of the specified

Group Expression This is another email search format that For example, if we want to search for

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

uses double inverted commas for emails containing “direct costs”

separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return emails
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be emails containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR emails containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if
“Enable GridBank partial search
with wildcards” option in the
Management Console >
Configuration Manager >GridBank
Web Access tab is selected.

Note: The following search formats can also be used when you specify a value of an advanced email
search criterion. For example, if you wish to find emails exactly sent by a specific user, enter his/her
name and use double inverted commas, e.g. “Betty Wellman”. If there are emails sent by Betty
Wellman the search will return only those emails sent by Betty Wellman. In this example, if you don’t
use double inverted commas with the name, the search will return results either for Betty or

4. Alternatively to specifying a keyword in the search box, select advanced search options to narrow your
search result by clicking on next to the search box field.

Note: Advanced search options for emails are alternative to entering a keyword in the search box.
The GWA email search option will either satisfy the keyword or the advanced search criteria. If you
have only used advanced search criteria and specified more than one advanced search criterion, the
search must satisfy all specified criteria, otherwise no search results will be returned.

Advanced search options for emails include:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Attachment Contains - Allows you to search for emails by keywords that their attachments contain.
 From - Allows you to search for emails by their senders.
 Subject - Allows you to search for emails by their subject.
 To - Allows you to search for emails by their recipients.
 Attachment Name - Allows you to search for emails by attachment name.
 Attachments - Allows you to search for emails that contain or don’t contain attachments
 Bcc - Allows you to search for emails by Bcc field.
 Body - Allows you to search for emails by keywords that are contained in their body.
 Categories - Allows you to search for emails by their category.
 CC - Allows you to search for emails by CC field.
 Due Date - Allows you to search for emails by due date.
 Flag Status - Allows you to search for emails by their flag status.
 Importance - Allows you to search for emails by their importance.
 Message Size - Allows you to search for emails by their message size.
 Modified - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were modified.
 Read - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were read.
 Received - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were received.
 Sensitivity - Allows you to search for emails by their sensitivity.
 Sent - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were sent.
 Start Date - Allows you to search for emails by their start date.
 Tags - Allows you to search for emails by their tags.

5. Click the Search button to search for emails matching a set criteria. Search results are displayed shortly.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Saving Email Search Results

Saving search results help you not to waste time searching again and again to check what was the result of a
certain search, but also helps you to organize your searching in a proper way – so saving time and efforts is a
big help in finding necessary information especially when it comes to going through a huge amount of data.

To save your email search results:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. Perform an Email Search.
3. Click the Save button next to the search box.
4. In the Dataset Name window, do the following:
 Name (mandatory) - Specify the name of the archive that will be created from the emails search results.
Enter a meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The
name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not accepted as well: \/:~!
@ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Create search results archive managed by legal hold (optional) – Enable this option if you wish to
prevent from deletion this search result archive and its content for indefinite period in GridBank.
5. Click OK to create the archive.
6. Click OK in the message window. Wait until the GWA message window showing the progress closes.

Viewing Saved Email Search Results

Viewing saved search results helps you to explore them and to find what you are looking for in the performed
already and saved search result.

To view saved email search results:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, do one of the following:
 Consecutively, click the knot in front of the Emails node and the Saved Search Results sub-node,
and then click the Saved Search Results sub-node. All search results datasets appear as sub-nodes in
the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click on in front of the Emails node, and then click the Saved Search Results node. All search results
datasets appear as a list in the Display Panel.
3. To view a dataset content, do one of the following:
 In the Search Tree View, click the Search Results dataset you wish to view its content.
 In the Display Panel, double click the Search Results dataset you wish to view its content. The dataset
content is displayed shortly. See the picture on the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Performing a Combined Quick Search

Combined Quick Search of emails and files together is an enhanced version of Quick Search for files with the
difference that not only files can be searched but also emails. This new GWA search option for files and emails
facilitates you to search for your important data irrespective of its format (in GWA case - files and emails).
Returned search results will be both files and emails if they contain the information that you are searching for.
The GWA search engine will scan all ingested in GridBank data and will return these files and emails that match
the specified search terms.

To perform a quick search:

1. On the Main Menu, click Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Combined Search sub-node, click Quick Search. The Quick Search
option loads in the Display Panel. See the picture on the next page.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. Specify your search terms into the search box. We support the following search formats:

Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries, containing any of the following
special symbols: "-", "/","\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")","+", "=", "{", "}",
"@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".

GridBank Search Description Example

Format Name

Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all emails
containing words that start with the
Note: To be able to search for emails
word “micro”, e.g. Microsoft,
by a partial search term “Enable
microscope, micron, etc. The same
GridBank partial search with wildcards”
results will appear if you type the
option in the Management Console >
search term with a wildcard in the
Configuration Manager >GridBank
end micro*. The wildcard character
Web Access tab, needs to be selected.
is used to substitute for any other
Even if this option is not enabled,
character or characters in a word.
wildcards can be added manually to the
term in the search field and returned
search results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.

Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns emails that contain
word. The syntax of this search format words ending with the term “doc”,

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

is the following:*keyword. By using this e.g. file.doc, etc.

search format, the search will return
emails containing words in their name
and content that end with the specified

Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be emails containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR emails
Console, Configuration Manager, containing the words: costly, cost-
GridBank Web Access tab is effective, costal, etc.

Search Expressions This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
that are typed between double inverted emails containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank email search will return
all emails containing the exact
combination of the specified

Group Expression This is another email search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for emails containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return emails
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be emails containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR emails containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if
“Enable GridBank partial search

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

with wildcards” option in the

Management Console >
Configuration Manager >GridBank
Web Access tab is selected.

4. Select where you wish to search. Options include:

 My Datasets and Emails – Searches in your own datasets, mailbox and PST archives.
 Global Catalog Datasets and Emails – Searches within datasets, mailbox and PST archives shared
with you and for which you have been granted with content access control permissions.
5. Click the Search button to start your search. The search results are displayed shortly.
6. Click the Files or Emails results tab to see the corresponding search results. See the pictures below:

Combined Quick Search - Files Results

Combined Quick Search - Emails Results

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Saving Combined Quick Search Results

GridBank Web Access allows you to perform combined file and email search, by using only one or a few
keywords. This way you will be able to find needed by you information everywhere in your or shared with you
datasets, mailbox and PST archives. After your search has completed, you are able to save all or selected by
you search results.

To save combined quick search results:

1. On the Main Menu, click Search tab.

2. In Search Tree View, under Combined node, click Quick Search. The Quick Search option loads in the
Display Panel.
3. In the Display Panel, perform your Combined Quick Search.
4. Select any of the tabs - Files or Emails in the lower part of the Display Panel to view returned search results.
5. Below the file or email search results, click Save Results button. This button helps you to save all your
search results (files or emails) in an archive.
6. In the Dataset Name window, do the following:
 Name - Specify a name for the archive to be created.
 Create search results archive managed by legal hold (optional) – Enable this option, if you wish to
protect from deletion this search result dataset in GridBank for indefinite period.
7. Click OK at the bottom of the Dataset Name window to create this search result dataset.
8. Click OK in the message window. Wait until the process completes.
Your new archive, containing search results is displayed in the Search Tree View under Files >Saved
Search Results or Emails >Saved Search Results, depending on your selection of file or email search

Other operations you can perform on returned combined search results include:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

1. Files Results tab: view dataset to which the file belongs, view the audit information of the file, view related
results, manage tags (add, edit or remove), view file information, download the file to a particular location
and add to a briefcase
2. Emails Results tab – manage tags (add, edit or remove), open an email, save an email, add an email to a

Performing a Combined Advanced Search

The Advanced GWA search of files and emails allows you to use one option to search for both files and emails.
As a GridBank user, you will be able to search in GridBank Web Access for all relevant to the search term data,
contained in all files and emails you have an access to.

To perform combined advanced files and email search:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Search tab.

2. In the Search Tree View, under the Combined Search sub-node, click Advanced Search. The Advanced
Search option loads in the Display Panel on the right.

3. Specify the values of the advanced search fields.

Note: The search formats GridBank supports can also be used when you specify a value of an
advanced combined search criterion. For example, if you wish to find files and emails, containing the
tag: sales report, then you need to use the search expression format, so that you find exactly this

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries, containing any of the following
special symbols: "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")","+", "=", "{",
"}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".

 Search Context - Select a directory where your search will be performed. Options include:
• Global Catalog and Emails – Searches for files and emails in datasets, mailbox and PST archives
shared with you.

Note: Members of E-Discovery and Auditors group can search for files across all created
datasets in GridBank except for the datasets of the Administrator.

• My Datasets and Emails –Searches for files and emails in your own datasets, mailbox and PST
 Content Search Options
• Search Text (Tags) - Specify a tag as a search criterion.
• Content Key Words -Specify keywords that should be contained in the searched files.
 File & Email Search Options
• File Size -Specify the size of the files you search for. Options include: “Not Specified”, “Greater than”
and “Less than”. The files size must be specified in B, KB, MB and GB.
• File Name or Subject or Attachment Name - Specify keywords that should be contained in the files
or emails names.
 File & Email Date and Time - Specify the date when the files you search for were created or modified.
 Join Terms - Select how specified search criteria will be applied. The default “join term” option is AND.
When AND option is selected all specified criteria must be TRUE in order GWA search to return results. If
OR is selected at least one criterion must be TRUE, so as to GWA search to return results based on this
4. Click the Search button below the search fields. Your search results are displayed shortly.
5. Click Files or Emails results tab to see the corresponding search results. See the pictures below.

Combined Advanced Search - Files Results

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Combined Advanced Search - Emails Results

Saving Combined Advanced Search Results

GridBank Web Access advanced search option for files and emails, helps you to find particular information
contained everywhere in your own or shared with you datasets, mailbox and PST archives. After you have found
the information you are looking for you, can save your file or email search results in an archive. You can also
select your file or email search results to be protected from deletion.

To save combined advance search results:

1. On the Main Menu, click Search tab.

2. In Search Tree View, under Combined Search sub node, click Advanced Search. The Advanced Search
option loads in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

3. In the Display Panel, perform your Combined Advanced Search.

4. Select any of the tabs – Files or Emails tab in the lower part of the Display Panel to view returned search
5. Below the file or email search results, click Save Results button. This button helps you to save all your
search results (files or emails) in an archive.
6. In the Dataset Name window, do the following:
 Name - Specify a name for the archive to be created.
 Create search results archive managed by legal hold (optional) – Enable this option, to protect from
deletion this search result dataset in GridBank for indefinite period.
7. Click OK at the bottom of the Dataset Name window to create the archive.
8. Click OK in the message window. Wait until the process completes.
Your new archive, containing search results is displayed in the Search Tree View under Files >Saved
Search Results or Emails >Saved Search Results, depending on what you have saved after the search –
files or emails.

Other operations you can perform on returned search results include:

1. Files Results tab– view dataset to which the file belongs, view audit information, view related results,
manage tags, view file information, download and add to a briefcase.
2. Emails Results tab – manage tags, open, save, add to a briefcase.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

6. GWA Briefcases

This chapter describes how to manage your GridBank Web Access briefcases.

Section Page

Introducing GWA Briefcases 175

Viewing a List of Briefcases 175

Creating a Briefcase 175

Modifying a Briefcase 176

Declaring a Briefcase as a Record 177

Setting a Briefcase as Default 178

Deleting a Briefcase 179

Viewing a Briefcase Content 179

Adding Files to a Briefcase 180

Creating a Folder in a Briefcase 181

Deleting a Briefcase File 181

Downloading a Briefcase File 182

Managing Briefcase File Metadata 182

Viewing Briefcase File Metadata 182

Editing a Briefcase File Metadata (only Description) 183

Managing the Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File 184

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Adding New Customized Metadata to a Briefcase File 184

Removing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File 185

Editing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File 186

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Introducing GWA Briefcases

Briefcases are used in GWA to organize your files from different datasets into one place. Within the GWA
briefcases, files can be added, downloaded and deleted.

Viewing a List of Briefcases

Viewing list of briefcases helps you to explore and manage them and their content (search results, files and/or
emails) that have been stored in those briefcases.

To view your list of briefcases:

1. On the Main Menu, click Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display

Creating a Briefcase
Creating of briefcase helps you to have another type of storage place (environment) which advantage is that
stores datasets of different type in one place.

To create a new briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, select the Briefcases node.

3. In the footer of the Display Panel, click the Create button. The Create Briefcase window appears.
4. In the Create Briefcase window, specify a name and a description for the briefcase to be created.
 Name (mandatory) - enter a unique and meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the
name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following
characters are not accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Description (optional) - enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.

5. Click OK in Create Briefcase window to create your new briefcase. Wait until the process completes.
6. Click OK in the message window that appears when the briefcase is successfully created.

Modifying a Briefcase
Modifying a briefcase includes updating its name and/or its description, which helps you to update the briefcase
according to your recent needs for having up-to date information about the briefcase.

To modify a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Select the briefcase to be modified in the display panel.
4. Click the button Modify from the toolbar below.
5. Edit name and description of the briefcase if needed.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Name (mandatory) - Enter a meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Description (optional) - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
6. Click the OK button.
7. Click OK on the message window.

Declaring a Briefcase as a Record

Declaring as records enables you to protect your datasets, folders or files and prevent them from deletion.
When you select a dataset, folder or a file and apply this option, this item will be treated as permanent and you
can neither delete nor shred it afterwards. You can also protect that dataset, folder or a file from deletion by other
GridBank users with whom it is shared. Declared as records datasets, folders and files can only be deleted by
the GridBank Master Administrator.

To declare a briefcase as records:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. In the Display Panel, select the briefcase you wish to declare as records and right-click it.
4. On the context menu that appears, click Declare as Records.

5. In the Declare as Records pop-up window that appears, click OK.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:

Action Dataset Declared as Folder Declared as File Declared as

Records Records Records

Modify Details No No No
(Name and

Write Content (Add Yes Yes -

files and create

Upload Files with No No No

the Same Name

Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and

Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and

Modify Tags Yes Yes Yes

Share with Other Yes Yes Yes

GridBank users

Setting a Briefcase as Default

In GridBank Web Access, you will be able to create multiple briefcases where to organize your files from
different datasets in GridBank. One of all created by you briefcases will be set as a default briefcase. This means
that files you select to be added to a briefcase will go to the default one, if you don’t select a briefcase.

To set a briefcase as default:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Select the briefcase from the list of briefcases in the display panel that should be set as default.
4. From the Display Panel, select Set as Default.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Deleting a Briefcase
Deleting briefcase is possible and helps you to remove permanently unnecessary briefcase from the storage
space you are allowed to work within.

To delete a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Select the briefcase from the list of briefcases in the display panel that should be deleted.
4. Click the button Delete from the Display Panel toolbar.
5. Click the OK button on the dialog window to delete the briefcase.

Viewing a Briefcase Content

Viewing the briefcase’s content helps you to explore the items that briefcase contains and to navigate through
them to find out what you are looking for (what type of items, items’’ names, etc.)

To view briefcase content:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Select the name of the briefcase from the tree view, which content is to be viewed.
4. The content of the briefcase appears listed in the display panel. See the picture below:

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Adding Files to a Briefcase

Adding files to briefcase helps you to place files which content is related to the content’s theme of that briefcase.
For example a file with reports could go (being added) to a briefcase that contains explicitly only reports.

To add a file to a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Select the name of the briefcase from the tree view, to which a file is to be added.
4. In the Display Panel, click Add >Add Files.
5. In the Upload Files pop-up window that appears, click the Choose Files button.
6. In the Select files to upload pop-up window, click the Add button.
7. A new pop-up window appears, from where you browse to select files to be uploaded.
8. Click the Open button and the selected files will be added for uploading.
9. If you wish to remove a file from the list for uploading – select the file and click the button Remove, the file
disappears from the list for uploading.
10. When you have the final list of files for uploading, click the OK button and within the pop-up window Upload

Files all the files for uploading will be listed. At this point you can remove files from the list as clicking on
11. Click the button Start Upload. The newly uploaded files will be listed in the Display Panel along with the
already current content of the briefcase.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Creating a Folder in a Briefcase

For better organizing the briefcase space there is an option for adding folders. A folder is a container you can
use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be nearly impossible to find any
particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders can also store other folders. A
folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders, and each can hold
any number of files and additional sub-folders.

To create a folder in a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display Panel.
3. From the tree view, select the briefcase, to which you wish to add a folder.
4. In the Display Panel, click the New Folder button.
5. In the Create Folder pop-up window, specify a Name and Description:
 Name (mandatory) - Enter a meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~ ! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
 Description (optional) - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
6. In the Create Folder window, click OK to submit your changes. Wait until the process completes.
7. Click OK in the appeared message window, informing you that the folder has been created successfully.
The newly created folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node in the Briefcases tree

Deleting a Briefcase File

Deleting files from briefcase is possible and helps you to remove permanently unnecessary files from the
storage space you are allowed to work within.

To delete a file from a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. From the tree view, select the briefcase, which contains the file you wish to delete.
4. In the Display Panel, click the file you wish to delete.
5. In the Display Panel, click the Delete button.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

6. Click the Yes button on the dialog window to delete the file.

Downloading a Briefcase File

Downloading (saving) files in locations, logically created (for example locations (folders) named after the themes
of searching for them), helps you to organize your results (files) of investigation in a proper way not wasting time
to search for them again when you need to read them or something else related.

To download a file from a briefcase:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. From the tree view, select the briefcase, which contains the file you wish to download.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to download.
5. Click the button Download from the Display Panel toolbar.
6. A dialog window appears, from where a file could be open, saved, or saved and open. Select one of the 4
actions to be performed on the file:
 Open - allows you to open your selected file with its native application.
 Save - allows you to save the selected message to the default download directory.
 Save and Open - allows you to save your selected file to the default location and open it.
 Save as - allows you to save your file to a desired location.

Managing Briefcase File Metadata

GridBank Web Access allows you to view and manage the metadata of the briefcases you have created. The
metadata of a briefcase gives you information about its name, creation date, owner, etc.

Viewing Briefcase File Metadata

Viewing metadata helps you to reveal additional information about the datasets, files, and briefcases.

To view briefcase file metadata:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Double click a briefcase name to access its content.
4. In the Display Panel, click the briefcase file, which metadata you wish to view.
5. From the toolbar, click the Metadata button. An additional window opens dynamically to the right of the
Display Panel. The metadata of the marked file is displayed in that additional window. Three Module Tabs
are used to provide an easy way to show the metadata parted by categories - Standard Fields, Extended
Fields, and Customized Fields.
6. Click each of the module tabs to explore the metadata.

Editing a Briefcase File Metadata (only Description)

Editing metadata helps you to keep it up-to-date and showing relevant information about the datasets or files.
You may only edit the Description metadata, listed under the Standard Fields module tab.

To edit the metadata of a briefcase file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Double click a briefcase name to access its content.
4. In the Display Panel, click the briefcase file, which metadata you wish to view.
5. From the toolbar, click the Metadata button. An additional window opens dynamically to the right of the
Display Panel.
6. Click on the Customized Fields tab in the Metadata Panel.
7. Select the Description field and click the Edit button from the toolbar (it is the only active).
8. In The Edit Description pop-up window that appears, edit the Description text string. The allowed number
of characters for the description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

9. Click OK to save your changes.

Managing the Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File

Customized Metadata in GWA is used for storing information about the content of a particular item. GWA allows
adding, editing or removing customized metadata.

Adding New Customized Metadata to a Briefcase File

Adding metadata helps you to store relevant information about the content of a particular briefcase.

To add customized metadata to a briefcase file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Double click a briefcase name to access its content.
4. In the Display Panel, click the briefcase file, which metadata you wish to view.
5. From the toolbar, click the Metadata button. An additional window opens dynamically to the right of the
Display Panel.
6. Click on the Customized Fields tab in the Metadata Panel.
7. In the Metadata Panel toolbar, click on Manage Tags.
8. In the Manage Metadata Field window, click the button Add.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

9. Populate the fields Field and Value and click Apply. The newly added customized metadata will appear
below in the display panel as an item. For example, you can add the following metadata and its value:
Importance: High.
10. Click OK in the Manage Metadata Field window.

Removing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File

This option helps you remove unnecessary or no longer relevant information about the content of a particular

To remove customized metadata of a briefcase file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Double click a briefcase name to access its content.
4. In the Display Panel, click the briefcase file, which metadata you wish to view.
5. From the toolbar, click the Metadata button. An additional window opens dynamically to the right of the
Display Panel.
6. Click on the Customized Fields tab in the Metadata Panel.
7. In the Metadata Panel toolbar, click on Manage Tags.
8. In the Manage Metadata Field window, select a custom metadata and click Remove. The customized
metadata will be removed from the list.
9. Click OK to submit your changes.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Editing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File

Editing customized metadata helps you to keep it up-to-date and showing relevant information about the content
of a particular item.

To edit customized metadata of a briefcase file:

1. On the Main Menu, click the Briefcases tab.

2. In the Briefcases Tree View, do one of the following:
 Click the Briefcases node. All briefcases are displayed as a list in the Display Panel.
 Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Double click a briefcase name to access its content.
4. In the Display Panel, click the briefcase file, which metadata you wish to view.
5. From the toolbar, click the Metadata button. An additional window opens dynamically to the right of the
Display Panel.
6. Click on the Customized Fields tab in the Metadata Panel.
7. In the Metadata Panel toolbar, click on Manage Tags.
8. In the Manage Metadata Field window, select the custom metadata to be edited.
9. Click the button Edit.
10. The text fields Field and Value will be populated with the selected tag’s text. Make the needed changes and
click the button Update. The newly edited, customized metadata will be back on the list with its new text.
11. Click OK to submit your changes.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Appendix A: Glossary

Active Directory Authentication

Active Directory user authentication confirms the identity of any user trying to log on to a domain and lets users
access resources (such as data or applications) located anywhere on the network.

Administrators Working Mode

This GWA working mode enables members of the Administrators group to access and manage not only own
data, but also the data of all GridBank users, sources and applications. See also GridBank Working Modes.


GridBank archives are datasets that cannot be deleted except by administrators and policy management.
Archive use cases include retention for governance and regulatory requirements, reference Information stores,
legal hold, e-discovery and records management.


Briefcases in GridBank are used to keep files and emails from different datasets, mailbox and PST archives in
one place. Files and emails can be added, deleted or downloaded.


It is a named collection of data that contains individual data units organized (formatted) in a specific GridBank-
prescribed way. Data ingested in GridBank is organized into the following dataset types: Archives, Libraries and
Repositories. As each dataset type in GridBank has different content access permissions.

Declare as Records

This is a controlled retention by a GridBank user who selects datasets or files to be retained and protected from
deletion. Datasets’ files which have been declared as records are protected from deletion and the user is the one
who decides whether they will be deleted or not.

E-Discovery and Auditors Working Mode

This GWA working mode enables members of E-Discovery and Auditors groups to access and manage not only
their own data, but also the data of all other GridBank users except for the data of the members of the
Administrators group. See also GridBank Working Modes.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual


GridBank Web Access folders store ingested files by GridBank users. They can be created within GridBank
libraries and repositories due to their default content access permissions.

Global Catalog

In GridBank, Global Catalog contains all users, sources and applications’ datasets to which the logged-in GWA
user has an access. Global Catalog does not contain the datasets created by the logged-in GWA user.


A grid is a group of servers and other resources which behave like a single system. The grid can comprise of
multiple computers, e.g. PCs or UNIX workstations, multiple storage devices and redundant interconnections, to
form what appears to users as a single highly available system. One of the main ideas of grid computing is that,
to the outside world, the grid appears to be a single system. Grids can be housed in the same physical location
(basic Realm) or can be distributed across multiple sites.

GWA Working Modes

GridBank Web Access offers a different set of operations to GridBank users depending on their group
membership and grant permissions. The default working modes GridBank Web Access allows are:
Administrators Working Mode, E-Discovery and Auditors Working Mode and Regular Users Working Mode.


A library dataset contains files that user has saved to GridBank. Libraries are the equivalent of snapshots and
are static datasets that can be dynamically managed by users and applications. Library use cases include
snapshots of source data, application data in time such as video surveillance, document management system
snapshots, CMS (content management portals) and departmental intranets. Individual data items cannot be
deleted. Libraries are viewed as a dataset, which is a snapshot in time from a source.

Mailbox Archive

A GridBank archive dataset that stores ingested in GridBank emails of a user from an Exchange mail host. The
user whose emails will be stored in a mailbox archive needs to be an Active Directory user and must have been
imported in GridBank. Emails in GridBank mailbox archives cannot be deleted or modified.


In GridBank, metadata contains information about the objects that have been ingested in its platform. Within
GridBank, file metadata is stored in a distributed asynchronous metadata repository called the Metabase.
GridBank allows the creation of custom metadata to provide further information for each file, which may be used
for improving search capabilities.


GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

In GridBank, storage devices are logically combined to appear as a single contiguous logical large storage
volume, which forms the storage virtual pool. A storage pool in GridBank can be based on directly attached
storage, public or private cloud. Data ingested in GridBank is always associated with a storage pool.

PST Archive

A GridBank archive dataset that stores a PST file of a GridBank user. This PST file has been imported from a
source and stored in GridBank archive dataset. Emails in GridBank PST archives cannot be deleted, or

Regular Users Working Mode

This GWA working mode enables regular GridBank users (that are not members of any GridBank Predefined
user group) to access and manage only their own data. See also GridBank Working Modes.


Repositories are working datasets that can be deleted and managed by users, sources and applications.
Individual items can be deleted in repositories. The size of a repository changes over time. Repositories can be
accessed many times and individual items within repositories can be modified or deleted.


In GridBank context, a SAN, iSCSI or Storage Server, containing unstructured data.


It is a non-hierarchical keywords or terms assigned to a piece of information. In GridBank context, tags are
applied to the ingested in GridBank files and email to describe their content. This way files and emails in
GridBank can be easily found by searching in GridBank Web Access using tags as a criterion. Tags in GridBank
can be specified by the item’s creator or by the Administrator in Management Console.

User Quota

This is the storage quota assigned to GridBank users which they can use for file upload.

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual



Adding (Upload) Files to a Library Dataset ........................89 Canceling Mailbox Archive Folder Search .........................39
Adding (Upload) Files to Repository Dataset ..................112 Canceling PST Archive Folder Search .................................52
Adding (Uploading) Files to an Archive Dataset ................62 Central Section ....................................................................19
Adding a Tag to a File ........................................................130 Conflict Resolution ............................................................137
Adding an Advanced Search Result All Items or Selected Creating a Briefcase ..........................................................175
Items to a Briefcase ......................................................157 Creating a Folder in a Briefcase ........................................181
Adding an Email from a Mailbox Archive to a Briefcase ..25, Creating a Library Dataset ..................................................81
33 Creating a Repository Dataset..........................................106
Adding an Email from a PST Archive to a Briefcase ....26, 46 Creating an Archive Dataset ...............................................61
Adding Archive Dataset ‘s Files to Briefcase ......................72
Adding Custom Metadata ................................................127
Adding Files to a Briefcase ................................................180 Declare a Briefcase as Record ..........................................177
Adding Files to Archive Dataset ‘s Folder ..........................76 Declare as Records an Archive Dataset .......................53, 68
Adding Files to Library Dataset‘s Folder ..........................100 Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset......................54, 84
Adding Files to Repository Dataset’s Folder ....................121 Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset File ................54, 93
Adding Folders to a Library Dataset ...................................97 Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset ............. 55, 107
Adding Folders to an Archive Dataset................................74 Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset File ...... 55, 116
Adding Folders to Repository Dataset .............................118 Declaring as a Record an Archive Dataset File ............53, 70
Adding Folders under the Archive Dataset Folder ............79 Deleting a Briefcase ..........................................................179
Adding Folders under the Library Dataset Folder ...........103 Deleting a Briefcase File....................................................181
Adding Folders under the Repository Dataset’s Folder ..123 Deleting a Library Dataset ..................................................89
Adding Library Dataset Files to a Briefcase........................95 Deleting a Repository Dataset..........................................111
Adding New Customized Metadata to a Briefcase File...184 Deleting Archive Dataset ....................................................69
Adding Quick Search Result All Items or Selected Items to Deleting Archive Dataset Files............................................69
a Briefcase .....................................................................153 Deleting Library Dataset Files .............................................92
Adding Quick Search Result Single Item to a Briefcase...153 Deleting Repository Dataset Files ....................................114
Adding Recursively Tags to a Dataset ..............................133 Deleting Repository Dataset Folder .................................124
Adding Repository Dataset Files to a Briefcase ...............117 Display Panel .......................................................................20
Adding Tags to Mailbox Archive Emails .......................25, 34 Downloading a Briefcase File ...........................................182
Adding Tags to PST Archive Emails ..............................26, 46 Downloading a Previous File Version...............................136
Downloading a Quick Search Result Single Item.............152

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

Downloading an Advanced Search Result Single Item ...156 Managing Mailbox Archives in GridBank Web Access25, 27
Downloading Files from an Archive Dataset .....................70 Managing PST Archives in GridBank Web Access .......26, 40
Downloading Files from Repository Dataset ...................115 Managing Recursively Tags of Datasets...........................133
Managing Repository Datasets ........................................104
Managing Repository Datasets Folders ...........................118
Editing a Briefcase File Metadata (only Description) ......183 Managing Tags of Dataset Files........................................130
Editing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File ............186 Managing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails ..................25, 34
Editing Dataset File Metadata (only Description) ...........126 Metadata Panel (Module Tabs) .........................................20
Editing Recursively Tags....................................................134 Modifying a Briefcase .......................................................176
Editing Tags of a PST Archive Emails ............................26, 47 Modifying Archive Dataset Details.....................................65
Editing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails .......................25, 35 Modifying Library Dataset Details ......................................83
File Versioning Control......................................................135 Navigation Header ..............................................................19
G No Versioning ....................................................................138

Global Catalog ...................................................................138 O

GridBank Datasets Access Control Permissions ................57 Opening an Email of a Mailbox Archive Folder ...........25, 31
GridBank Web Access User Interface ................................16 Ordering a Mailbox Archive Folder Content................25, 30
GWA Important Requirements ..........................................13 Ordering PST Archive Folder Content ..........................26, 43
GWA Working Modes - “Regular User” .......................22, 23
Performing a Combined Advanced Search......................169
Introducing “Security” Option..........................................140 Performing a Combined Quick Search.............................164
Introducing GridBank Dataset Types .................................57 Performing a File Search ...................................................148
Introducing GridBank Web Access.....................................13 Performing a Quick File Search ........................................148
Introducing GridBank Web Access Mail Management....25, Performing a Quick Search in Files Tab............................141
27 Performing an Advanced File Search ...............................154
Introducing GridBank Web Access Search ......................147 Performing Email Search ..................................................159
Introducing GWA Briefcases.............................................175
Introducing GWA User Working Modes......................22, 23
Removing a Tag from a File ..............................................131
Removing Custom Metadata ...........................................128
Logging in to GridBank Web Access...................................15 Removing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File ......185
M Removing Recursively Tags of a Dataset .........................134
Removing Tags of a Mailbox Archive Emails ...............25, 34
Main Header .......................................................................17
Removing Tags of a PST Archive Emails.......................26, 47
Main Menu..........................................................................17
Renaming (Modify) Archive Dataset’s Folder...... 75, 76, 99,
Managing Archive Datasets................................................60
119, 120
Managing Archive Datasets Folders ..................................74
Renaming (Modify) Library Dataset’s Folder.....................98
Managing Custom Metadata of Files...............................127
Renaming (Modify) Repository Dataset’s Folder ............119
Managing Library Datasets.................................................80
Managing Library Datasets Folders....................................97

GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual

S Viewing (exploring) an Archive Dataset Folder .................75

Viewing a Briefcase Content ............................................179
Saving an Email from a Mailbox Archive Folder ..........25, 32
Viewing a Briefcase File Metadata ...................................182
Saving an Email from a PST Archive Folder .................26, 45
Viewing a List of Briefcases...............................................175
Saving Combined Advanced Search Results....................171
Viewing a Quick Search Result Single Item......................151
Saving Combined Quick Search Results ...........................168
Viewing an Advanced Search Result Single Item ............156
Saving Email Search Results .............................................163
Viewing an Archive Dataset Content .................................60
Saving File Search Results .................................................157
Viewing Archive Datasets ...................................................60
Saving Mailbox Archive Folder Search Results ............25, 39
Viewing Dataset File Metadata ........................................125
Saving PST Archive Folder Search Result .....................26, 52
Viewing Emails of a PST Archive Folder .......................26, 44
Searching Mailbox Archive Folder Content .................25, 35
Viewing File Tab Options ....................................................59
Searching PST Archive Folder Content...............................48
Viewing Folders of a Mailbox Archive..........................25, 29
Secondary Menus ...............................................................18
Viewing Folders of PST Archives ..................................26, 41
Setting a Briefcase as Default ...........................................178
Viewing Library Dataset Content .......................................80
Sharing a Library Dataset with GridBank Users and Groups
Viewing Library Datasets ....................................................80
Viewing Mail Tab Options ............................................25, 27
Sharing an Archive Dataset with Other GridBank Users and
Viewing Mailbox Archives in GWA...............................25, 28
Groups .............................................................................66
Viewing PST Archive Folder Content ...........................26, 42
Sharing Repository Dataset with Other GridBank Users
Viewing PST Archives in GWA ......................................26, 41
and Groups....................................................................108
Viewing Repository Dataset Content...............................105
T Viewing Repository Datasets............................................104
Toolbar (Action Buttons) ....................................................20 Viewing Saved Email Search Results ................................163
Viewing Saved File Search Results ...................................158
Viewing Search Tab Options.............................................147
Version Management .......................................................135 Viewing the Content of a Mailbox Archive Folder ......25, 29
Viewing (explore) Repository Dataset’s Folder ...............118 Viewing the Permissions of a Shared with You Item ......140
Viewing (exploring) a Library Dataset Folder ....................98


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