GridBank Web Access User Manual 4.0
GridBank Web Access User Manual 4.0
GridBank Web Access User Manual 4.0
User Manual
Tarmin Inc.
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© 2010 – 2015 Tarmin™ Inc. All rights reserved. Tarmin Inc, GridBank, and the GridBank
logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tarmin Inc. in the United Kingdom and
other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Tarmin Inc.
makes no warranties, expressed or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, relating to this
document, the products or the computer software programs described herein. The
information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Tarmin Inc.
assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear.
All other trade names, trademarks, registered trademarks and service marks used and
mentioned in this document are the rightful property of their respective owners.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
This manual provides all the information necessary to configure, administer and use GridBank Web Access. It
includes comprehensive step-by-step instructions on important tasks, such as how to launch GridBank Web
Access, manage datasets, mailbox and PST archives, how to ingest files and search into GridBank Data
Management Platform.
This manual is intended for use by end users wishing to maintain and manage their important files and mail over
the Internet. It assumes some familiarity with Microsoft Windows or other client OS, Internet Explorer or other
Web browsers.
Additional Documentation
See the following documentation for information about GridBank related subjects:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Summary of Chapters
Chapter Summary
1. Quick Tour of GridBank Web Introduces the main features of GridBank Web
Access Access and its interface.
2. GWA Working Modes and Users Provides information about the main GWA
working modes.
Convention Description
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Abbreviation Description
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
PREFACE .......................................................................................................................................................................................III
ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................................................................III
SUMMARY OF CHAPTERS ......................................................................................................................................................................... IV
CONVENTIONS........................................................................................................................................................................................ IV
ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................................................................................................................... V
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY............................................................................................................................................................187
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
This chapter introduces GridBank Web Access interface and main functionalities.
Section Page
Software Requirements 13
Download Accelerators 14
Main Header 17
Main Menu 17
Secondary Menus 18
Central Section 19
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GWA allows GridBank users to upload, access, and search for their digital data in GridBank Data Management
Platform over the Internet. The main operations GridBank users can perform in GridBank Web Access include:
Ingesting their important data into datasets and storing it.
Retrieving and acquiring it (the data that is already archived and stored in the GridBank environment).
Searching for it.
Using briefcases to set together data from different datasets into one place.
Operations that GridBank users perform on their data in GridBank Web Access are automatically synchronized
with the rest of the GridBank applications.
But what is a DATASET – the following is the definition, based on the GridBank philosophy:
It is a named collection of data that contains individual data units organized (formatted) in a specific GridBank-
prescribed way and accessed by a specific access methods that are based on the data set organization.
Datasets are organized in various logical structures determined by the GridBank policies and predefined rules,
parameters and attributes. Some of the parameters and attributes are specified at the time of the dataset
allocation (creation), but could be modified later on demand. Data ingested in GridBank is organized into the
following dataset types:
Archives are datasets which are created once, are of fixed size, can be read many times and can only be
deleted by administrators or policies.
Libraries are datasets with a dynamic structure, which size is forever increasing, these can be accessed
many times and individual files within the library can be deleted. Libraries can be viewed as a snapshot of
fixed content information for a particular time period, from a particular source.
Repositories are working datasets, which size is forever changing, these can be accessed many times and
individual items within repositories can be deleted.
Software Requirements
The following are the software requirements for starting to use GWA:
Recommended Operating System: Windows 7/ 8/8.1
Recommended Web Browser: Internet Explorer 8/9/10/11
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Flash Player - For multiple file upload in GridBank datasets, a Flash Player needs to be installed on the
machine you will use to access GridBank Web Access.
4. Click Add to include GridBank Web Access URL to the list of web sites available in Compatibility View.
5. Click Close to exit the Compatibility View Settings dialog box. GridBank Web Access loads automatically.
Download Accelerators
Download with GWA may not work if a download accelerator is installed on the client machine. If this happens
the download accelerator should be disabled.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access is easily accessed via the Internet and allows you to store and retrieve from GridBank
your important information from anywhere you are. GridBank Web Access can run in your favorite web browser,
e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 8 or later).
1. Open a web browser of your choice, e.g. Internet Explorer (version 8 or later).
2. Enter the URL of the web server where GridBank Web Access has been deployed, e.g.
3. In the Login box, enter your credentials, e.g. user name, password and domain name.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GWA design arranges the window of the interface dividing it into 4 main sections:
1. Main Header
2. Secondary Menus (Tree Views)
3. Main Menu
4. Central Section (Display Panel, Header and Footer)
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Main Header
The top main section is named “Main Header”, where on the left is the logo of the product and on the right are
placed helpful tabs, so called “Utility Tabs”, for performing some of the basic or be of frequent usage actions.
And these GWA utility tabs are as follows: Log Off, Create Dataset, Upload, Search and About. See the
picture below:
Log Off - enables you to log off from your user account in GridBank Web Access.
Create Dataset - enables you to create a dataset only if you have selected Archives, Libraries or
Repositories node from the Secondary Menu.
Upload - enables you to upload files only if you have selected a library or repository name from the
Secondary Menu or from the Display Panel.
Search - redirects you to GridBank Web Access search menu.
About - provides brief information about the GridBank Web Access web application.
Main Menu
The bottom left main section is named Main Menu of the GWA interface, so called the “entry point” of the GWA
functionality. The GWA main menu has 4 menu tabs:
1. Mail - enables you to access your mailbox and PST archives and perform operations on search, adding tags
to emails, saving emails and adding emails to a selected briefcase. You can also select a mailbox archive
and save it as a PST file in a selected dataset.
2. Files - enables you to access your GridBank datasets or create new ones and ingest files into them. It also
enables you to perform a quick search for files, save your files and file search results, add tags to files and
send files to briefcases.
3. Search - enables you to search separately for files and emails performing quick and advanced search. You
will also be able to perform a combined file and email search across all your datasets, mailbox and PST
archives. Your search results can be managed from here – they can be saved in a new archive and later
accessed, a legal hold policy to prevent them from deletion can also be applied.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
4. Briefcases - enables you to organize saving your files and emails from different datasets in one briefcase.
Data in GWA briefcases can be downloaded, deleted and tags can be added to it as well.
Note: GridBank Web Access allows you to only view the tab you have selected by enabling the Show
only selected tab option.
Secondary Menus
The top left main section of the GWA interface, dynamically displays the secondary menus as tree structured
views. Each tree view has a number of hierarchical connected nodes, enabling different operations for working
with the data. The section displays only that tree view, which menu tab is currently selected from the main menu.
See next page.
There are 4 secondary menus connected with the selection of a control tab in the Main Menu, as follows:
1. Files Tree View - displays your datasets in the form of nodes. The main nodes here are: Archives,
Libraries, Repositories, Global Catalog and Quick Search. These nodes can be expanded and a list of
sub-nodes becomes available. The nodes and the sub-nodes’ data can be directly accessed in the tree view.
It is dynamically presented in the Display Panel. The Quick Search node in the Files Tree View allows you
to search for files in your Global Catalog datasets (datasets of users, sources and applications for which you
have been granted with content access control permissions) or in datasets created by you.
2. Mail Tree View - displays users’ mailbox and PST archives in the form of nodes. The main nodes here are:
Mailbox Archives, PST Archives and All Users. These nodes can be expanded and a list of sub-nodes
becomes available. The Mailbox Archives node shows all mailbox archives of the logged-in user. The PST
Archives node shows all imported in GridBank PST archives of the logged-in user. The All Users node
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
shows all mailbox and PST archives of other GridBank users for which the logged-in user has been granted
with content access control permissions. The nodes and the sub-nodes’ data can be directly accessed in the
tree view. It is dynamically presented in the Display Panel.
3. Search Tree View - displays different options for search of files and emails in the form of nodes. The main
nodes here are: Files, Emails, and Combined as each node includes a couple of sub-nodes. The nodes
and the sub-nodes functionality and data can be directly accessed in the tree view. They are dynamically
presented in the Display Panel.
4. Briefcases Tree View - displays users’ briefcases in the form of sub-nodes. The main node here is the
Briefcases node. When it is expanded, if there are created briefcases, it displays a list of briefcases as sub-
nodes. The briefcases can be accessed directly in the tree view and their data will be dynamically presented
in the Display Panel.
Central Section
The central section has its own: 1. Navigation Header, 2. Display Panel, 3. Footer and 4. Metadata Panel.
Their content relates to the nodes from the tree view. Which node is currently selected, its related content is
dynamically loaded within the header, the display panel and the footer as well.
1. Navigation Header - The header of the central main section, informational part of the content, related to the
node dynamically shows the current position of the user navigating through the GWA interface. The
information about that current position is shown as a title (which is the name of the node, currently selected)
and as a breadcrumb trail (the GWA keeps track of your locations within the product).
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
2. Display Panel - The content view of the central main section is called “Display Panel”. It displays the content
underneath the node selected from the tree view. See next page.
3. Toolbar (Action Buttons) - The footer of the central main section (the operational part of the content,
related to the node) dynamically loads and displays different sets of action buttons, depending on what node
is selected from the tree view The buttons contain a GWA-defined text label and an icon that indicates what
the button does when the user selects it. The buttons are used to start an operation. The buttons have the
following states:
Active – The button can be used to perform the operation for which is created.
Inactive – The button is not active for the selected object.
Selected – The button becomes active for the selected object.
Highlighted – When the button is active and you point with the cursor on it, then the button becomes
highlighted and information about it is displayed.
4. Metadata Panel (Module Tabs) - Within the central main section, an additional window may open
dynamically on the right side of the Display Panel. It happens when a dataset or a file in the Display Panel is
selected (marked in blue). Only then the button Metadata (from the set of buttons in the footer) becomes
active. As a result of clicking on it, the metadata of the marked object is displayed in that additional window,
named Metadata Panel. Three module tabs are used to provide an easy way to show the metadata parted
by categories.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The metadata panel has its own footer section. Within it different sets of action buttons are dynamically
loaded and displayed depending on which Module Tab is selected.
User Name Bar: At the very bottom of the GWA interface is the user name bar – it displays the first and
last names of the current user, who has logged in to the web application.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
This chapter describes the different working modes and user views in GridBank Web Access.
Section Page
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Perform Advanced Search for files in your own datasets and datasets shared with you in Global Catalog –
under the Search tab.
Save Search Results from a performed Quick or Advanced Search for files in your own or shared with you
datasets – under the Search tab.
Perform search for emails in all your mailbox and PST archives – under the Search tab.
Save Search Results from emails search in your own mailbox and PST archives – under the Search tab.
Perform Combined Quick Search in your own datasets, mailbox and PST archives or in datasets, mailboxes
and PST archives shared with you – under the Search tab.
Save search results from performed combined quick search – under the Search tab.
Perform Combined Advanced Search in your own datasets, mailbox and PST archives or in datasets,
mailboxes and PST archives shared with you – under the Search tab.
Save search results from performed combined advanced search – under the Search tab.
View, create and manage your Briefcases – under the Briefcases tab.
Add, manage and download emails and files to the briefcases – under the Briefcases tab.
After you login in as a regular user, you are presented with the following view of GridBank Web Access:
After you log into GWA, the Display Panel shows detailed information about you as a GridBank regular user.
Your user information is divided into four sections:
1. General: Provides information about your user’s details: user name, first name, last name, description, email
address, mailbox alias, default archive name, the date when your account was imported (created) in
GridBank, user ID, data grid with which your user account is associated.
2. Authentication: Provides information about your user’s logon name, authentication mechanism (Basic
Authentication, Active Directory or LDAP), your AD user name, if your user account is a master administrator
or not.
3. Quota: Provides information about the maximum storage you are able to use in GWA - used and available
quota. This quota can be increased in GridBank Management Console on demand.
4. Storage Virtual Pool: Provides information about the storage pool with which your user account is
associated and if the storage pool is the GridBank primary one or not.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
This chapter describes how GridBank users can manage their mailbox and PST archives in
GridBank Web Access.
Section Page
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Mail Management options help you to ingest selected users’ mailboxes from an Exchange Server to
its platform by executing an automated mailbox optimization policy. Ingested mailboxes in GridBank can be used
as backup copies if a data loss occurs on the Exchange Server. Users’ mailboxes content can also be optimized
on the Exchange Server as archiving part of users’ emails e.g. attachments and body in GridBank. This can
reduce used storage on the Exchange Server and improve its performance. One of the options for accessing
user’s mailboxes and PST archives imported in GridBank is GridBank Web Access application.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
1. On the Main Menu, click the Mail tab. The Mail tab options are dynamically loaded in the Mail Tree View.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. In the Display Panel, click on a column name to order the list of emails depending on the value presented by
this column. Your options include:
Importance – by priority, from high to low.
Icon – by type, e.g. mail message, meeting request, receipts and so on.
Attachment – by attachment included, top to bottom.
From – by name of the sender in alphabetical order, from A-Z.
Subject – by text of the subject in alphabetical order, from A to Z or vice versa.
Received – by date received, from earliest to latest.
Size – by size of the message, from smallest to biggest.
Categories – by category in alphabetical order, from A-Z.
Flag Status – by flag status, top to bottom.
Folder – by folder name in alphabetical order, from A-Z.
Note: Regarding each of the above options, you can arrange e-mails in reverse order as well.
To open an email:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. In the Mail Tree View, expand the mailbox archive sub-node you wish to access.
4. Under the selected mailbox archive sub-node, click the item which content you wish to explore. Its content is
displayed in the Display Panel.
5. In the displayed folder content, do one of the following:
Select an email to view its content on the right-hand side of the Display Panel.
Double-click the email to view its content in a pop-up window.
Select an email, right-click it and from the context menu that appears, select View.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. In the pop-up window that appears, point to the arrow next to Save, and then click Save as. When you
point to the arrow next to Save, the following options appear:
Open – Allows you to open your selected email with its native application.
Save – Allows you to save the selected message to the default download location.
Save and Open – Allows you to save your selected email to the default location and open it.
Save as – Allows you to save your email to a desired location.
Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.
4. Click Save again to save the selected email to the selected location.
1. Already viewing mailbox archive folder content, in the Display Panel, select an email, and then right-click
2. From the context menu that appears, select Save to Briefcase.
3. In the Select Briefcases window that pops up, do one of the following:
Select the briefcase to which you want to save the email, and then click OK.
Click the Create button to create a new briefcase where to save your email, select it, and then click OK.
See Creating a Briefcase for reference.
4. At the bottom of the Select Briefcases window, click OK to submit your selection.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. On the message window that appears, click OK. The email is saved to the selected briefcase.
Adding a new tag to an email helps you to store additional information about the content of that email. Tags can
also be used as a criterion when you perform an email search. They keep valuable information about the email’s
content that can help you to reduce the returned search results and only find particular information contained in
the tag.
Once you have applied tags to emails and at a later stage you want to delete any or all of these tags assigned to
this email, GWA helps you to do this by using the “Remove” option of the “Manage Tags” window. Removing
tags allow you to delete unnecessary additional information about the email, which is no longer current.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
1. In the Manage Tags window, select a tag you wish to remove. See the Adding Tags section for reference
on how to invoke the Manage Tags window.
2. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the window.
3. Click OK at the bottom of the window to submit your changes.
4. Click OK in the message window that appears.
Once you have added a tag to an email, you can always change it later on. GridBank Web Access helps you to
keep your files and emails’ tags up to date. Editing a tag helps you to keep up to date the additional information
about the email, provided by that tag.
1. Invoke the Manage Tags window. See the Adding Tags section for reference on how to invoke the Manage
Tags window.
2. On the Manage Tags window, click a tag you wish to edit.
3. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the window.
4. In the Edit tag field, specify the new value of the tag. The edited tag should contain at least 3 symbols and
the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~! @ # $ % ^ * ()_+{}:|?`',./\\ [ ] £=<>&.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. To search for emails contained in the selected mailbox folder, do any of the following:
Enter a search keyword(s) in the search box. GWA search engine supports the following search formats:
Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries including any of the
following characters : "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "+",
"=", "{", "}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".
Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all emails
containing words that start with the
Note: To be able to search for emails
word “micro”, e.g. Microsoft,
by a partial search term “Enable
microscope, micron, etc. The same
GridBank partial search with wildcards”
results will appear if you type the
option in the Management Console >
search term with a wildcard in the
Configuration Manager >GridBank
end micro*. The wildcard character
Web Access tab, needs to be selected.
is used to substitute for any other
Even if this option is not enabled,
character or characters in a word.
wildcards can be added manually to the
term in the search field and returned
search results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.
Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns emails that contain
word. The syntax of this search format words ending with the term “doc”,
is the following: *keyword. By using e.g. file.doc, etc.
this search format, the search will
return emails containing words in their
name and content that end with the
specified term.
Search by a The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
String following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be emails containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Search This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
Expressions that are typed between double inverted emails containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank email search will return
all emails containing the exact
combination of the specified
Group Expression This is another email search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for emails containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return emails
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be emails containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR emails containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if
“Enable GridBank partial search
with wildcards” option in the
Management Console >
Configuration Manager >GridBank
Web Access tab is selected.
Note: The following search formats can also be used when you specify a value of an advanced
email search criterion. For example, if you wish to find emails exactly sent by a specific user,
enter his/her name and use double inverted commas, e.g. “Betty Wellman”. If there are emails
sent by Betty Wellman the search will return only those emails sent by Betty Wellman. In this
example, if you don’t use double inverted commas with the name, the search will return results
either for Betty or Wellman.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Alternatively to specifying a keyword(s) in the search box, next to the Search box, click the button to
use advanced search criteria thus narrowing your search results.
Note: Advanced search options for emails are alternative to entering a keyword in the search box.
The GWA email search option will either satisfy the keyword or the advanced search criteria. If
you have only used advanced search criteria and specified more than one advanced search
criterion, the search must satisfy all specified criteria, otherwise no search results will be
6. Click the icon to start searching. The search result appears below. See the picture on the next page.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
4. On the message window that appears, click OK. Wait until the GWA message window showing the progress
The saved search result appears listed under the Saved Search Results node in the Tree View and in the
Display Panel as well.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. In the Display Panel, click on a column name to order the list of emails depending on the value presented by
this column. Your options include:
Importance – by priority, from high to low.
Icon – by type, e.g. mail message, meeting request, receipts and so on.
Attachment – by attachment included, top to bottom.
From – by name of the sender in alphabetical order, from A-Z.
Subject – by text of the subject in alphabetical order, from A to Z or vice versa.
Received – by date received, from earliest to latest.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Note: Regarding each of the above options, you can arrange e-mails in reverse order as well.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. In the pop-up window that appears, point to the arrow next to Save, and then click Save as. When you
point to the arrow next to Save, the following options appear:
Open – allows you to open your selected email with its native application.
Save – allows you to save the selected message to the default download location.
Save and Open – allows you to save your selected email to the default location and open it.
Save as – allows you to save your email to a desired location.
Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.
4. Click Save again to save the selected email to the selected location.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
1. Already viewing PST archive folder content, in the Display Panel, select an email and then right-click it.
2. From the context menu that appears, select the Save to Briefcase option.
3. In the Select Briefcases window that pops up, do one of the following:
Select the briefcase to which you want to save the email, and then click OK.
Click the Create button to create a new briefcase where to save your email, select it, and then click OK.
See Creating a Briefcase for reference.
4. At the bottom of the Select Briefcases window, click OK to submit your selection.
5. On the message window that appears, click OK. The email is saved to the selected briefcase.
Adding a new tag to an email helps you to store additional information about the content of that email. Tags can
also be used as a criterion when you perform an email search. They keep valuable information about the email’s
content that can help you to reduce the returned search results and only find particular information contained in
the tag.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Once you have applied tags to emails and at a later stage you want to delete any or all of these tags assigned to
this email, GWA helps you to do this by using the “Remove” option of the “Manage Tags” window. Removing
tags allow you to delete unnecessary additional information about the email, which is no longer current.
1. On the Manage Tags window, click a tag you wish to remove. See Adding Tags for reference on how to
invoke the Manage Tags window.
2. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the window.
3. Click OK at the bottom of the window to submit your changes.
4. Click OK in the message window that appears.
Once you have added a tag to an email, you can always change it later on. GridBank Web Access helps you to
keep your files and emails’ tags up to date. Editing a tag helps you to keep up-to-date the additional information
about the email, provided by that tag.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
1. On the Manage Tags window, click a tag you wish to edit. See Adding Tags for reference on how to invoke
the Manage Tags window.
2. Click Edit button at the bottom of the window.
3. In the Edit tag field, specify the new value of the tag. The edited tag should contain at least 3 symbols and
the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~! @ # $ % ^ * ()_+{}:|?`',./\\ [ ] £=<>&.
Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries including any of the
following characters: "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "+",
"=", "{", "}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".
Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
manages to find the whole word. search will return all emails
Note: To be able to search for emails by containing words that start with the
a partial search term “Enable GridBank word “micro”, e.g. Microsoft,
partial search with wildcards” option in the microscope, micron, etc. The same
Management Console > Configuration results will appear if you type the
Manager >GridBank Web Access tab, search term with a wildcard in the
needs to be selected. Even if this option end micro*. The wildcard character
is not enabled, wildcards can be added is used to substitute for any other
manually to the term in the search field character or characters in a word.
and returned search results will be the
same as if the “Enable GridBank partial
search with wildcards” was selected.
Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns emails that contain
word. The syntax of this search format is words ending with the term “doc”,
the following: *keyword. By using this e.g. file.doc, etc.
search format, the search will return
emails containing words in their name
and content that end with the specified
Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy either will be either one or the other term
the keyword1 OR the keyword2. This (net or cost). But if partial search with
search format is equivalent to the wildcards option is enabled (or
keyword1* keyword2* search format if wildcards are added manually) the
“Enable GridBank partial search with results will be emails containing, for
wildcards” option in the Management example, the words: network,
Console, Configuration Manager, networking, etc. OR emails
GridBank Web Access tab is selected. containing the words: costly, cost-
effective, costal, etc.
Search This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
Expressions that are typed between double inverted emails containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank email search will return
all emails containing the exact
combination of the specified
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Group Expression This is another email search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for emails containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The syntax invest, the search will return emails
of the group expression format is the containing the exact combination of
following: “keyword1 keyword2” the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword3. The search performed on the word “invest”. But if partial search with
basis of the keywords between the wildcards option is enabled (or
double inverted commas will return wildcards are manually added) results
results that contain the exact combination will be emails containing the exact
of the specified keywords. Keywords that combination of the words “direct”
are not within the double inverted and “costs” OR emails containing, for
commas will be treated as an alternative example, the words: investment,
search condition. This search format is invest, investments, investors,
equivalent to “keyword1 keyword2” investigate, etc.
*keyword3* if “Enable GridBank partial
search with wildcards” option in the
Management Console > Configuration
Manager >GridBank Web Access tab is
Note: All these search formats can also be used when you specify a value of an advanced email
search criterion. For example, if you wish to find emails exactly sent by a specific user, enter
his/her name and use double inverted commas, e.g. “Betty Wellman”. If there are emails sent by
Betty Wellman the search will return only those emails sent by Betty Wellman. In this example, if
you don’t use double inverted commas with the name, the search will return results either for
Betty or Wellman.
Next to the Search box, click he button to use advanced search criteria thus narrowing your search
Note: Advanced search options for emails are alternative to entering a keyword in the search box.
The GWA email search option will either satisfy the keyword or the advanced search criteria. If
you have only used advanced search criteria and specified more than one advanced search
criterion, the search must satisfy all specified criteria, otherwise no search results will be
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. Click the icon to start searching. The search result appears below.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
This section provides information about the operations that can be performed with files and
datasets within the Files tab.
Section Page
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Sharing a Repository Dataset with Other GridBank Users and Groups 108
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
No Versioning 138
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The following is a brief description of the default content access control permissions and what they mean for
GridBank users:
Read Content – If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives, libraries, or
repositories), then the users who have access to datasets of this type, will be able to browse their content.
For example, if you have your own library datasets and this access control permission is enabled, then you
will be able to browse within your library datasets and view what it is contained in them.
Write Content - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives, libraries, or
repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to add files to it and create
folders. For example, if you have created your own repositories, and this access control permission is
enabled, you will be able to upload files in them and also create folders to better organize your files (and also
add files to them).
Modify Content – If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (currently only for
repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to modify the content of a file
contained in it. For example, if you have your own repositories, you will be able to modify the content of a file,
contained in your repository.
Download Content -If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives,
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to download (save)
files contained in it to their desired location. For example, you can select a file contained in your repository
and download it to a location on your computer if this content access control permission is enabled.
Delete Content - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (libraries or
repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to delete files and folders in it.
For example, if you have your own repositories, and if this content access control permission is enabled, you
will be able to delete files and folders in them.
Search Content – If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives, libraries
or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to search for files contained
in it. For example, if you have created your own archives, and this content access control permission is
enabled, you will be able to search for files contained in them.
Modify Metadata Tags - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives,
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to modify already
existing tags of files contained in it. For example, if you have archives datasets and you have added tags to
the files in them, and this content access control permission is enabled, then you can change them whenever
you want.
Add Metadata Tags – If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives,
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to add tags to files
contained in it. For example, if you have library datasets and this content access control permission is
enabled, then you can add tags to the files contained in them whenever you want.
Share Content - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (archives, libraries or
repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to share it and its content. For
example, if you have a library dataset and this content access control permission is enabled for it, then you
can share it with other GridBank users.
Rename Folders - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (currently only for
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to rename folders
within them. For example, if you have library datasets and by default this content access control permission is
enabled, then you can rename folders within them.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Rename Dataset - If this content access control permission is enabled for a dataset type (currently only for
libraries or repositories), then the users who have access to this dataset type will be able to rename it. For
example, if you have your own repositories datasets and this content access control permission is enabled by
default, you will be able to change the names of your repositories.
1. On the Main Menu, click Files tab. In the section above the secondary menu in the form of a tree view loads
the content, related to the Files tab.
Under the root node, having the name of the currently logged in user, there are sub-nodes for each of the
dataset types: Archives, Libraries and Repositories. There is one more sub-node, Global Catalog +
Quick Search (as a handy action to be performed when it is needed).
Archives – This is an “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing those datasets (either created
via the New Dataset action from the Management Console or via GWA here).
Libraries – This is an “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing those datasets (either created
via the New Dataset action from the Management Console or via GWA here).
Repositories – This is an “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing those datasets (either
created via the New Dataset action from the Management Console or via GWA here).
Global Catalog – This is an “entry point” for accessing, viewing and managing data, with global access.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Archives are datasets that cannot be deleted except by administrators and policy management. Archive use
cases include retention for governance and regulatory requirements, reference, information stores, legal hold, e-
discovery and records management.
To create an archive:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Name - Enter a unique and meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “. The field is mandatory.
Description - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the description is
from 0 to 2500 inclusive. The field is optional.
Availability - The availability option allows you to choose whether to create a public or private archive.
The description of both availability options is provided below:
• Public - Select this option if you wish to make your dataset publicly accessible to the users based on
the permissions granted.
• Private - Select this option if you do not want anybody else to access your dataset.
5. Click OK at the bottom of the window to create a new archive. A dialog indicating the progress appears.
Wait until it closes.
6. Click OK in the message window. This message window informs that this dataset is successfully created.
The newly created archive can be viewed in the Files Tree View under the Archives node and in the
Display Panel as well.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. In the Upload Files dialog, click the Choose Files button to select the files you wish to add (upload).
6. In the Upload Files dialog box, click the Add button to select your files for upload.
7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.
Note: If you wish to select multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine
you will use to load GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to be uploaded need to be added one by
one in the main Upload Files window. Each file for upload must not exceed the maximum size set in
the Management Console. Contact your GridBank Administrator if you do not know what the
maximum size of a file to be uploaded via GridBank Web Access is.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, select this file and click the Remove button.
8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it
Added files now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. Your added (uploaded) files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected dataset.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. Click OK at the bottom of the window. Wait until the process completes.
6. On the message window that appears, click OK. The modified repository dataset appears updated in the
Display Panel.
Note: Type field cannot be edited in GWA due to archives default content access control settings.
To share an archive:
Note: The process of sharing a dataset is identical to sharing a folder within a dataset.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. In the Select Users window that appears, select a user or a group which to add to the list of users and
groups which will be able to access this dataset and perform operations on it and its content. To select a user
or a group, click on the respective radio button (Users or Groups), indicating what king of list will be
displayed for selection. Alternatively to browsing and selecting a user or a group from the list, specify the
name of the user or group in the search box. Then click the Search button to find the user or group you want
to share your dataset with. If you want to cancel your search and perform another one, click Clear to reset
the search. See next page.
7. After you have found the user or group you wish to share your dataset with, select this user or group from the
list and click the Add button right below the list. That user or group will be added to the lower part of the
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
window which contains a list of users/groups ready to be granted with content access control permissions for
the selected dataset. At this point if you wish to remove a user or group from this still not a final list, select it
and click Remove button.
8. When you are ready with your selection of users and groups, click OK button to submit your selection. The
selected users in the Select Users window will be now added to the Security window, where you can grant
access control permissions for each user or group with which you wish to share your dataset. See next page.
9. In the Security window, select the just added user or group for which you wish to grant access control
permissions for your dataset.
10. In the lower part of the Security window, check or uncheck the access control permissions you want to
enable or disable for the selected user. The thick in front of an access control permission means that it is
allowed for the selected user. For more information about the different access control permissions assigned
to GridBank datasets, see for reference: GridBank Datasets Access Control Permissions section.
11. Click the Share button to share your dataset with the selected users and submit the access control
permissions you have granted them. Wait until the process completes.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. In the Display Panel, right click the Archive dataset, which you wish to declare as a record.
4. In the context menu, select Declare as Record.
5. In the Declare as Record window, click OK to submit your selection and start the declaring. See the picture
on the next page.
Note: The process of declaring as record a selected dataset is the same as to declare a file as a
record. When you declare a dataset as a record, its content is also declared as a record. While if you
declare only one file as a record, only this file will be protected from deletion.
6. Wait until the process of declaring the selected item as a record completes. Click OK on the appeared
message window, informing you that your request was submitted successfully. Later, if you try to delete this
item you will receive a message that this item cannot be deleted.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
To download a file:
Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.
6. Click Save again to save the selected email to the selected location.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. In the Declare as Record pop-up window that appears, click OK. See the picture on the next page.
The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Modify Details No No No
(Name and
Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and
Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to add to a briefcase and from the context menu that
appears, Add >Add to Briefcase.
In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Add button, and then select Add to Briefcase.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
For better organizing the Archive dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. Folders can also store
other folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders,
and each can hold any number of files and additional sub-folders.
5. In the Create Folder pop-up window that appears, add a Name (mandatory) and Description (optional)..
Name (mandatory) - Enter a unique and meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the
name is from 1 to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following
characters are not accepted as well: \/:~ ! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “. The field is mandatory.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Description (optional) - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
6. Click OK at the bottom of the Create Folder window. Wait until the process completes.
7. Click OK in the message window that appears. The newly created folder appears listed in the Display Panel,
as well as a sub-node of the Archive dataset on the tree view.
Viewing Archive Dataset’s folder helps you to explore the files in terms of what type of files, files’ names, their
content, etc.
By default GridBank settings, archive folders cannot be renamed. However, the GridBank Master Administrator
may allow selected archives’ to have their folders renamed. The following description only applies if you have the
right to rename the folders of a selected archive or all of your archives.
To rename a folder:
Note: You will be only able to rename the folders of a selected archive, if the GridBank Master
Administrator has enabled this setting for this particular archive or for all archives created in GridBank.
Check with your GridBank Administrator if you are able to rename the folders of a particular archive.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
In the Files Tree View, click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
In the Display Panel, double-click an Archive dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Modify Folder pop-up window, do one of the following:
In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Rename button.
In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Rename.
6. In the Modify Folder pop-up window, modify the Name and/or Description of the folder, and click OK. The
newly modified folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node of the Archive dataset on the
tree view.
Folder copying helps you to better organize and re-arrange space of the archive datasets. You can copy and
distribute folders into different datasets and their folders to better organize your work.
To copy a folder:
Adding files to the folder helps you instead of having all files into one place to distribute them into different folders
for better organizing your work in terms of placing files into appropriate folders, which saves time and efforts
when later you decide to find them.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. In the Upload Files pop-up window, click the Choose Files button to select the file(s) to upload.
6. In the Upload pop-up window, click the Add button to select your files for upload.
7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
All added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your selection,
select this file and click the Remove button.
8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it
Added files will now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from
your selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the picture below:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. The newly added files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected folder.
For better organizing the Archive dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. A folder is a container you
can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be nearly impossible to find any
particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders can also store other folders. A
folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders, and each can hold
any number of files and additional sub-folders.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
To create a library:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Name (mandatory) - Enter a meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
Description (optional) - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
Availability - The availability allows you to choose whether to create a public or private library. The
description of both availability options is provided below:
• Public - Select this option if you wish to make your dataset publicly accessible to the users based on
the permissions granted.
• Private - Select this option if you do not want anybody else to access your dataset.
5. Click OK at the bottom of the window. Wait until the process completes.
6. Click OK on the message window. This message window informs that this dataset is successfully created.
The newly created library can be viewed in the Files Tree View under the Libraries node and in the Display
Panel as well. See the picture below:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. Click OK at the bottom of the window. Wait until the process completes.
7. Click OK on the message window. The modified Library dataset appears updated in the Display Panel.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:
Modify Details No No No
(Name and
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Upload Files No No No
with the Same
Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and
Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name
To share a library:
Note: The process of sharing a dataset is identical to sharing a folder within a dataset.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. After clicking on the Add button, the Select Users window appears. From this window, select a user or a
group which to add to the list of users and groups which will be able to access this dataset and perform an
operation on it and its content. To select a user or a group, click on the respective radio button (Users or
Groups), indicating what king of list will be displayed for selection. Alternatively to browsing and selecting a
user or a group from the list, specify the name of the user or group in the search box. Then click the Search
button to find the user or group you want to share your dataset with. If you want to cancel your search and
perform another one, click Clear to reset the search.
7. After you have found the user or group you wish to share your dataset with, select this user or group from the
list and click the Add button right below the list. That user or group will be added to the lower part of the
window which contains a list of users/groups ready to be granted with content access control permissions for
the selected dataset. At this point if you wish to remove a user or group from this still not a final list, select it
and click Remove button. See the picture below:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
8. When you are ready with your selection of users and groups, click OK button to submit your selection. The
selected users in the Select Users window will be now added to the Security window, where you can grant
access control permissions for each user or group with which you wish to share your dataset.
9. In the Security main window, select the just added user or group for which you wish to grant access control
permissions for your dataset.
10. In the lower part of the Security window, check or uncheck the access control permissions you will to enable
or disable for the selected user or group. The thick in front of an access control permission means that it is
allowed for the selected user or group. For more information about the description of the different access
control permissions assigned to GridBank datasets, see for reference: GridBank Datasets Access Control
Permissions section.
11. Click Share button to share your dataset with the selected users or groups and submit the access control
permissions you have granted them. Wait until the process completes.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
To delete a dataset:
4. In the toolbar, click the Delete button. Wait until the process completes.
5. In the dialog window that appears, click Yes to delete selected library.
6. In the last message window that appears, click OK. The selected for deletion Library dataset is removed from
the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node in the tree view.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. In the Display Panel or in the Files Tree View, depending on the procedure you choose in step 2, select the
Library dataset you wish to add a file to.
4. Invoke the Upload Files dialog box by doing one of the following:
In the Main Header, click the Upload button.
In the Display Panel, right-click the selected dataset and in the context menu that appears, click Add
With a dataset selected in the Files Tree View, in the footer of the Display Panel, consecutively click
Add and Add to Files.
5. In the Upload Files dialog, click the Choose Files button to select the files you wish to add (upload).
6. In the Upload Files dialog box, click the Add button to select your files for upload.
7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Note: If you wish to select multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine
you will use to load GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to be uploaded need to be added one by
one in the main Upload Files window. Each file for upload must not exceed the maximum size set in
the Management Console. Contact your GridBank Administrator if you do not know what the
maximum size of a file to be uploaded via GridBank Web Access is.
The added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, select this file and click the Remove button.
8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it
Added files now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the picture on the next page.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. Your added (uploaded) files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected dataset.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.
6. Click Save again to save the selected email to the selected location.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. In the Declare as Record pop-up window that appears, click OK. See the picture below:
The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Modify Details No No No
(Name and
Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and
Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to add to a briefcase and do one of the following:
In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to add to a briefcase and from the context menu that
appears, Add >Add to Briefcase.
In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Add button, and then select Add to Briefcase.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
For better organizing the Library dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. Folders can also store
other folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders,
and each can hold any number of files and additional sub-folders.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Viewing Library Dataset’s folder helps you to explore the files in terms of what type of files, files’ names, their
content, etc.
Renaming Library dataset’s folder helps you to keep up-to-date that folder’s parameter – its name.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Click knot in front of the Libraries node to show as sub-nodes all libraries in the Files Tree View.
3. To proceed renaming, do one of the following:
In the Files Tree View, click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
In the Display Panel, double-click a Library dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select a folder.
5. To invoke the Modify Folder pop-up window, do one of the following:
In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Rename button.
In the Display Panel, right-click the folder and from the context menu that appears, select Rename.
6. In the Modify Folder pop-up window, modify the Name and/or Description of the folder, and click OK. The
newly modified folder appears listed in the Display Panel, as well as a sub-node of the Library dataset on the
tree view.
Folder copying helps you to better organize and re-arrange space of the library datasets. You can copy and
distribute folders into different datasets and their folders to better organize your work.
Folder moving adds more options to organize and re-arrange space of the library datasets. You can move
folders into different datasets and their folders without leaving a trace into the source folder. For example, if you
want to copy a folder without leaving it into the source directory, instead of copying and deleting from the source
directory, you can simply use Move option.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Adding files to the folder helps you instead of having all files into one place to distribute them into different folders
for better organizing your work in terms of placing files into appropriate folders, which saves time and efforts
when later you decide to find them.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. In the Upload Files pop-up window, click the Choose Files button to select the file(s) to upload.
6. In the Upload pop-up window, click the Add button to select your files for upload.
7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.
All added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your selection,
select this file and click the Remove button.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Note: If you wish to select multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine
you will use to load GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to be uploaded need to be added one by
one in the main Upload Files window. Each file for upload must not exceed the maximum size set in
the Management Console. Contact your GridBank Administrator if you do not know what the
maximum size of a file to be uploaded via GridBank Web Access is.
8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it
Added files will now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from
your selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the picture on the next page.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. The newly added files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected folder.
For better organizing the Library dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. A folder is a container you
can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be nearly impossible to find any
particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders can also store other folders. A
folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders, and each can hold
any number of files and additional sub-folders.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
To create a repository:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
To modify a repository:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. In the Display Panel, select the repository, you wish to declare as records and right-click it.
4. From the context menu that appears, select Declare as Records.
5. In the Declare as Records pop-up window that appears, click OK.
6. On the message window that appears, click OK.
The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:
Modify Details No No No
(Name and
Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and
Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
To share a repository:
Note: The process of sharing a dataset is identical to sharing a folder within a dataset.
6. In the Select Users window that appears, select a user or a group which to add to the list of users and
groups which will be able to access this dataset and perform an operation on it and its content. To select a
user or a group, click on the respective radio button (Users or Groups), indicating what king of list will be
displayed for selection. Alternatively to browsing and selecting a user or a group from the list, specify the
name of the user or group in the search box. Then click the Search button to find the user or group you want
to share your dataset with. If you want to cancel your search and perform another one, click Clear to reset
the search. See the picture below:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
7. After you have found the user or group you wish to share your dataset with, select this user or group from the
list and click the Add button right below the list. That user or group will be added to the lower part of the
window which contains a list of users/groups ready to be granted with content access control permissions for
the selected dataset. At this point if you wish to remove a user or group from this still not a final list, select it
and click Remove.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
8. When you are ready with your selection of users and groups, click OK button to submit your selection. The
selected users or groups in the Select Users window will be now added to the Security window, where you
can grant access control permissions for each user or group with which you wish to share your dataset. See
the picture below:
9. In the Security main window, select the just added user or group for which you wish to grant access control
permissions for your dataset.
10. In the lower part of the Security window, check or uncheck the access control permissions you will to enable
or disable for the selected user or group. The thick in front of an access control permission means that it is
allowed for the selected user or group. For more information about the description of the different access
control permissions assigned to GridBank datasets, see for reference: GridBank Datasets Access Control
Permissions section.
11. Click Share button to share your dataset with the selected users or groups and submit the access control
permissions you have granted them. Wait until the process completes.
To delete a repository:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. In the Upload Files dialog, click the Choose Files button to select the files you wish to add (upload).
6. In the Upload Files dialog box, click the Add button to select your files for upload.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.
Note: If you wish to select multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine
you will use to load GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to be uploaded need to be added one by
one in the main Upload Files window. Each file for upload must not exceed the maximum size set in
the Management Console. Contact your GridBank Administrator if you do not know what the
maximum size of a file to be uploaded via GridBank Web Access is.
The added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, select this file and click the Remove button.
8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Added files now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from your
selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the picture on the next page.
9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window closes when your files
are uploaded. All added (uploaded) files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected dataset.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Click the Repositories node. A list of all Repository datasets is presented in the Display Panel.
Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show all of the Repository datasets in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
In the Files Tree View, click a Repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
In the Display Panel, double-click on a Repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset
appear within the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, select the file you wish to delete and do one of the following:
In the Display Panel toolbar, click the Delete button.
In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to delete and from the context menu that appears, select
5. In the pop-up window that appears, click Yes to confirm deletion.
To download a file:
The following are the rest operations you can perform when you click on the arrow of the Save button in the
download pop-up window:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Open - allows you to open your selected file with its native application.
Save - allows you to save the selected message to the default download location.
Save and Open - allows you to save your selected file to the default location and open it.
Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.
6. Click Save again to save the selected file to the selected location.
The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:
Modify Details No No No
(Name and
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and
Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
For better organizing the Repository dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders.
A folder is a container you can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be
nearly impossible to find any particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders
can also store other folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of
sub-folders, and each can hold any number of files and additional sub-folders.
Viewing Repository Dataset’s folder helps you to explore the files in terms of what type of files, files’ names, their
content, etc.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Click knot in front of the Repositories node to show as sub-nodes all repositories in the Files Tree
3. To proceed, do one of the following:
In the Files Tree View, click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear within
the Display Panel.
In the Display Panel, double-click a repository dataset name. All of the stored data in that dataset appear
within the Display Panel.
Click knot in front of a repository dataset to show as sub-nodes all folders in the Files Tree View.
4. To open a folder, do one of the following:
In the Display Panel, double-click a folder.
In the Display Panel, right click a folder and from the context menu that appears, select Explore.
In the Files Tree View, click a folder.
Renaming a repository dataset folder helps you to keep up-to-date the name of the folder.
Folder copying helps you to better organize and re-arrange space of the repository datasets. You can copy and
distribute folders into different datasets and their folders to better organize your work.
To copy a folder:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Folder moving adds more options to better organize and re-arrange space of the repository datasets. You can
move folders into different datasets and their folders without leaving a trace into the source folder. For example,
if you want to copy a folder without leaving it into the source directory, instead of copying and deleting from the
source directory, you can simply use the Move option.
To move a folder:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Adding files to the folder helps you instead of having all files into one place to distribute them into different folders
for better organizing your work in terms of placing files into appropriate folders, which saves time and efforts
when later you decide to find them.
5. In the Upload Files pop-up window, click the Choose Files button to select the file(s) to upload.
6. In the Upload pop-up window, click the Add button to select your files for upload.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
7. Choose the files you wish to upload and click Open to add them to the upload window.
All added files are shown in the Upload Files list. At this point if you wish to remove a file from your selection,
select this file and click the Remove button.
Note: When selecting multiple files for upload, Flash Player needs to be installed on the machine you
will use for GridBank Web Access. Otherwise, files to upload need to be added one by one in the
main Upload Files window. Each file for upload cannot exceed the maximum size set in the
Management Console > Configuration Manager >GridBank Web Access tab. Check with your
GridBank Administrator what is the maximum size of a file, that can be uploaded in GridBank Web
8. Click OK to start uploading selected files. A window indicating the upload progress appears. Wait until it
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Added files will now appear in the main Upload Files window. At this point, if you wish to remove a file from
your selection, click the button next to the file you wish to remove. See the following picture:
9. Click the Start Upload button to start uploading the files. The Upload Files window will close when your files
are uploaded. The newly added files can be seen in the Display Panel for the selected folder.
For better organizing the Repository dataset’s space there is an option for adding folders. A folder is a container
you can use to store files in. If you had thousands of files on your computer, it would be nearly impossible to find
any particular file when you needed it. That's why people store files in folders. Folders can also store other
folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a sub-folder. You can create any number of sub-folders, and
each can hold any number of files and additional sub-folders.
To add a sub-folder:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Deleting Repository dataset’s folder helps you better organize your space in case you don’t need any more that
folder (the folder is empty for example).
To delete a folder:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
1. Already viewing dataset file metadata, in the Standard Fields tab, select Description.
2. In the toolbar, click the Edit button.
3. In the Edit Description window, edit the Description text string for the dataset if needed. The allowed
number of characters for the description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive. The field is optional.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
4. Click OK. The new description appears listed under the Standard Fields tab. See the picture below:
Adding customized metadata helps you to store additional information about the datasets or files.
1. Already viewing dataset file metadata, in the Customized Fields tab, click the Metadata Fields button (at
the bottom of the metadata panel).
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
2. In the Manage Metadata Fields pop-up window that appears, click the Add button. The Field and Value
text fields and the button Apply get active.
3. Enter the text of the new customized metadata in the fields and click Apply.
4. Click OK. The newly added customized metadata will appear below in the display panel as an item. See the
pictures on the next page.
Removing customized metadata help you to delete unnecessary additional information about the about the
datasets or files.
1. Already viewing dataset file metadata, in the Customized Fields tab, click the Metadata Fields button (at
the bottom of the metadata panel).
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Editing customized metadata helps you to keep up-to-date the additional information about the datasets or files.
1. Already viewing dataset file metadata, in the Customized Fields tab, click the Metadata Fields button (at
the bottom of the metadata panel)
2. From the list of customized metadata, select the one to be edited.
3. Click the Edit button.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Adding a new tag to a file helps you to store additional information about the content of a file.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
7. Enter the text of the new tag in the field and add the tag by clicking on the button Apply. The tag name
should contain at least 3 symbols and the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -
~!@#$%^*()_+{}:|?`',./\\[]£=<>&. See the picture on the next page.
Removing tags help you to delete unnecessary additional information about the file, which helps in avoiding
information overwhelming.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. On the Manage Tags window, click the tag you wish to remove.
7. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the window to remove the tag.
8. Click OK at the bottom to submit your changes.
9. Click OK in the message window that appears.
Editing tag helps you to keep up-to-date the additional information about the file, provided by that tag.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Adding tags recursively saves you time and efforts. This option helps you to apply as many tags you want to all
files of a dataset.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Removing tags recursively saves you time and efforts. This option helps you to remove all common tags for all
files in a dataset.
Editing tags recursively saves you time and efforts. This option helps you to edit the common tags of all files in a
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Click on the Libraries node in the tree view to load all library datasets in the Display Panel.
3. Right click on a library name.
4. Click Manage Tags on the context menu..
5. On the Manage Tags window that appears, click on a tag, and then click the Edit button.
6. In the Edit tag field, specify the new value of the tag. The tag to be created should contain at least 3 symbols
and the following symbols are not allowed for a tag name: -~!@#$%^*()_+{}:|?`',./\\[]£=<>&.
7. Click Update.
8. Click the OK to submit your changes.
9. Click OK on the message window.
Version Management
The Version Management option displays only the newest version of a modified file, but all old versions of that
file are kept in GridBank and can be displayed if needed.
As a GridBank user, you will be able to view and download previous versions of your modified files in GridBank
Web Access.
The Version Management option must be enabled in GridBank, so that you will be able to view and manage
previous versions of your modified files. Consult with your GridBank Administrator, if you are unsure about the
file versioning method selected in GridBank.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. In the File Version History window you can see a list of previous versions of the selected file. See the
picture below:
The oldest file shown on the picture is actually the original file ingested in GridBank. And the file at the top of
the list is the most recent version of the file that contains all the modifications so far.
Downloading previous version of files is also possible in GWA. As GridBank keeps all your file versions and
enables you to access them from any client machine and at any time.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. Under the expanded node, double-click the dataset name that contains the file you wish to view its previous
versions. Its content is loaded in the Display Panel.
4. In the Display Panel, right-click the file you wish to view its previous versions.
5. In the context menu that appears, click the Version History option. The File Version History window
6. In the File Version History window you can see a list of previous versions of the selected file. Select the file
version you wish to download and click the Download button at the bottom.
7. In the download pop-up window, click the Save->Save as button to save this file version to a desired
8. Select a directory in the Save as window, where your file will be downloaded and then click the Save button
at the bottom.
Note: To be able to download a previous version of a file in GridBank Web Access, Version
Management option must have been selected during the GridBank configuration.
Conflict Resolution
When the Conflict Resolution option during the GridBank configuration and a file is modified, the new version of
that file does not overwrite the old file, but it is saved in GridBank with a similar name: “Conflict-data Original File
Name”. This way the original file is preserved and both versions of the file (old and new) are displayed together.
They can be seen in GridBank Web Access as well.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
No Versioning
When the No versioning option is selected, then files are only overwritten and their old versions are not kept in
Global Catalog
GridBank Global Catalog displays all datasets of GridBank users, sources and applications for which you have
been granted with content access control permissions (in the Management Console by the GridBank Master
Administrator), shared with you (in Desktop Agent, GWA or other GridBank application) or you have permissions
over a network share that have been used as a source for data migration in GridBank. Your Global Catalog does
not include datasets created by you. The Global Catalog node in the Files Tree View contains the following sub-
Archives –this sub node contains all archive datasets of users, sources and applications for which you have
been granted with content access control permissions in the Management Console or have been shared with
you in a GridBank application (Desktop Agent, GridBank Web Access, etc.).
Libraries – this sub node contains all library datasets of users, sources and applications for which you have
been granted with content access control permissions in the Management Console or have been shared with
you in a GridBank application (Desktop Agent, GridBank Web Access, etc.).
Repositories – this sub node contains all repository datasets of users, sources and applications for which
you have been granted with content access control permissions in the Management Console or have been
shared with you in a GridBank application (Desktop Agent, GridBank Web Access, etc.).
Sources – contains all datasets created after a source migration policy configured to preserve the
permissions of the migrated files. In the case of GWA, these datasets appear in this sub node in your user
account in GWA, if you have permissions over this source (network share).
Shared Folders – contains all dataset folders of other GridBank users that have been shared with you in a
GridBank application (Desktop Agent, GridBank Web Access, etc.).
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The Security option is intended to show the permissions granted over a dataset, folder or a file shared with a
GridBank user. You can use this option to view what you are allowed to do with a dataset (and its content) that
has been shared with you. The Security option helps you to identify what kind of operations you can perform on
shared with you dataset and its files. For example, you can check in Security option if you can add, delete or
modify files of a shared dataset. The Security can only be used as a reference for the permissions granted over
a shared dataset, folder or file to selected GridBank users. It does not allow modification of already granted
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
In the Security window you can see a list of users with whom the selected item (dataset, folder or a file) has
been shared. In this example, a library dataset named “Reports” has been shared automatically with
members of the Administrators group and with William Taylor a user selected by the dataset owner Betty
Wellman. The dataset owner Betty Wellman will automatically appear in the list.
To view your own permissions, select your name and your permissions will appear in the lower part of the
Note: You can change the permissions you have been granted for both dataset and its content that is
shared with you. It can be done if you are the owner of the selected dataset or the GridBank Master
Administrator has allowed you to share the content of the selected dataset.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. In the search box, enter the search term(s). You can use any of the GridBank supported search formats to
narrow your search results and receive specific information. See the following table for more information
about the GridBank supported search formats:
Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries including any of the following
characters : "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "+", "=", "{", "}",
"@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".
Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all files containing
words that start with the word
Note: To be able to search for files by a
“micro”, e.g. Microsoft, microscope,
partial search term “Enable GridBank
micron, etc. The same results will
partial search with wildcards” option in
appear if you type the search term
the Management Console,
with a wildcard in the end micro*.
Configuration Manager, GridBank Web
The wildcard character is used to
Access tab, needs to be selected. Even
substitute for any other character or
if this option is not enabled, wildcards
characters in a word.
can be added manually to the term in
the search field and returned search
results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns files that contain words
word. The syntax of this search format ending with the term “doc”, e.g.
is the following: *keyword. By using file.doc, etc.
this search format, the search will
return files containing words in their
name and content that end with the
specified term.
Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be files containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR files containing
Console, Configuration Manager, the words: costly, cost-effective,
GridBank Web Access tab is costal, etc.
Search Expressions This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
that are typed between double inverted files containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank file search will return all
files containing the exact combination
of the specified keywords.
Group Expression This is another file search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for files containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return files
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be files containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR files containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
4. Select a radio button to specify the search location. Your options include:
My Datasets – Searches for files, containing the specified keyword in their name and body, in your own
Global Catalog – Searches for files, containing the specified keyword in their name and body in all
datasets presented in your Global Catalog. These datasets are shared with you by other GridBank users
and you have been granted with content access control permissions for them.
5. Click the Search button to start the search. The search results are displayed shortly. See the picture below:
In case you wish to save your search results, use Save Results button. The saved search results you will
find in the Search Tree View, under the tab My Email Search, Saved Search Results node. See for
reference: Quick Search section to learn how to save your quick search results and perform other related
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. GWA Search
This chapter describes how to search for files and emails using GridBank Web Access
search option.
Section Page
Adding Quick Search Result All Items or Selected Items to a Briefcase 153
Adding an Advanced File Search Result or All Advanced File Search 157
Results to a Briefcase
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. Enter the search term(s) into the search box. We support the following search formats:
Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries including any of the following
characters : "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "+", "=", "{", "}",
"@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all files containing
words that start with the word
Note: To be able to search for files by a
“micro”, e.g. Microsoft, microscope,
partial search term “Enable GridBank
micron, etc. The same results will
partial search with wildcards” option in
appear if you type the search term
the Management Console,
with a wildcard in the end micro*.
Configuration Manager, GridBank Web
The wildcard character is used to
Access tab, needs to be selected. Even
substitute for any other character or
if this option is not enabled, wildcards
characters in a word.
can be added manually to the term in
the search field and returned search
results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.
Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns files that contain words
word. The syntax of this search format ending with the term “doc”, e.g.
is the following:*keyword. By using this file.doc, etc.
search format, the search will return
files containing words in their name and
content that end with the specified
Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be files containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR files containing
Console, Configuration Manager, the words: costly, cost-effective,
GridBank Web Access tab is costal, etc.
Search Expressions This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
that are typed between double inverted files containing information about
annual sales, you should simply type
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Group Expression This is another file search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for files containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return files
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be files containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR files containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if
“Enable GridBank partial search
with wildcards” option in the
Management Console, Configuration
Manager, GridBank Web Access tab
is selected.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The following are operations that could be performed with your search results:
Viewing quick search result’s single item
Downloading quick search result’s single item
Adding quick search result’s single item to a briefcase
Saving search results
These operations are described in detail in the following sections.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The information provided in this window helps you to identify file name, creation and ingestion data, file
owner, dataset to which the file belongs, etc.
Note: Depending on the browser and the browser settings used, the pop-up window may have
different appearance.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
You can use the Briefcase option to store your files from different datasets in one place. You can select items in
the search results page, add them to your briefcase and then download the files.
After you perform a quick search and have a list of search result items there is an option to save either all of
them or selected ones to briefcase.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries, containing any of the following
special symbols: "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")","+", "=", "{",
"}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`". However, you can still find exactly what you are looking for,
using any of the supported in GridBank Web Access search formats. See for reference: Supported
Search Formats.
Search Context: Allows you to select where your search will be performed. Your options include:
• Search by Dataset (default option): Searches in a dataset of your choice. This dataset can be a
dataset created by you or shared with you. When you select this radio button, you need to select a
dataset where the search will be performed.
• My Datasets: Searches for files in your own datasets
• Global Catalog– Searches for files in all datasets shared with you and for which you have been
granted with content access control permissions.
Dataset: Allows the user to choose a dataset where to perform his/her search of files. This option is
connected with the search context option “Search by Dataset”. If “Search by Dataset” option is selected,
then the user will be able to choose a particular dataset in this option, where to perform his/her search.
Content Search Options:
• Search Text (Tags): Allows you to specify a text or a tag(s) as a search criterion.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
• Content Key Words: Allows you to specify keywords that the files you search for should contain.
File Search Options:
• File Size: Allows you to specify the expected size of the files that the search should return. Options
o Not Specified: Select this option if you do not wish to specify this search criterion.
o Less Than: Files returned must me less than a specified size in B, KB, MB, and GB.
o Greater Than: Files returned must me greater than a specified size in B, KB, MB, and GB.
• File Name: Allows you to specify keywords that are contained in the file name.
File Date and Time:
• Not Specified: Select this option when file date and time are not known or you do not wish to use this
• Date Created: Allows you to select a time period in which searched files are created.
o After: Allows you to select a date after which searched files are created.
o Before: Allows you to select a date before which searched files are created.
• Date Modified: Allows you to select a time period in which searched files were modified.
o After: Allows you to select a date after which searched files were modified.
o Before: Allows you to select a date before which searched files were modified.
Join terms: Select a search condition AND/OR for the specified values.
• OR: If OR join term is selected, then at least one condition that is TRUE will be satisfied.
• IF: If AND join term is selected, then all specified conditions that are TRUE will be satisfied.
4. Click the Search button below search conditions. Search results are displayed shortly. See the picture below:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The File Information window displays the file name, size, creation and ingestion date, owner and dataset in
which is ingested.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
After you perform the search and have a list of search result items there is an option to save either all of them or
selected ones to briefcase.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. Enter your search term(s) into the Email Search box. We support the following search formats:
Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries, containing any of the following
special symbols: "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")","+", "=", "{",
"}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".
Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all emails
containing words that start with the
Note: To be able to search for emails
word “micro”, e.g. Microsoft,
by a partial search term “Enable
microscope, micron, etc. The same
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank partial search with wildcards” results will appear if you type the
option in the Management Console > search term with a wildcard in the
Configuration Manager >GridBank end micro*. The wildcard character
Web Access tab, needs to be selected. is used to substitute for any other
Even if this option is not enabled, character or characters in a word.
wildcards can be added manually to the
term in the search field and returned
search results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.
Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns emails that contain
word. The syntax of this search format words ending with the term “doc”,
is the following:*keyword. By using this e.g. file.doc, etc.
search format, the search will return
emails containing words in their name
and content that end with the specified
Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be emails containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR emails
Console, Configuration Manager, containing the words: costly, cost-
GridBank Web Access tab is effective, costal, etc.
Search Expressions This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
that are typed between double inverted emails containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank email search will return
all emails containing the exact
combination of the specified
Group Expression This is another email search format that For example, if we want to search for
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Note: The following search formats can also be used when you specify a value of an advanced email
search criterion. For example, if you wish to find emails exactly sent by a specific user, enter his/her
name and use double inverted commas, e.g. “Betty Wellman”. If there are emails sent by Betty
Wellman the search will return only those emails sent by Betty Wellman. In this example, if you don’t
use double inverted commas with the name, the search will return results either for Betty or
4. Alternatively to specifying a keyword in the search box, select advanced search options to narrow your
search result by clicking on next to the search box field.
Note: Advanced search options for emails are alternative to entering a keyword in the search box.
The GWA email search option will either satisfy the keyword or the advanced search criteria. If you
have only used advanced search criteria and specified more than one advanced search criterion, the
search must satisfy all specified criteria, otherwise no search results will be returned.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Attachment Contains - Allows you to search for emails by keywords that their attachments contain.
From - Allows you to search for emails by their senders.
Subject - Allows you to search for emails by their subject.
To - Allows you to search for emails by their recipients.
Attachment Name - Allows you to search for emails by attachment name.
Attachments - Allows you to search for emails that contain or don’t contain attachments
Bcc - Allows you to search for emails by Bcc field.
Body - Allows you to search for emails by keywords that are contained in their body.
Categories - Allows you to search for emails by their category.
CC - Allows you to search for emails by CC field.
Due Date - Allows you to search for emails by due date.
Flag Status - Allows you to search for emails by their flag status.
Importance - Allows you to search for emails by their importance.
Message Size - Allows you to search for emails by their message size.
Modified - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were modified.
Read - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were read.
Received - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were received.
Sensitivity - Allows you to search for emails by their sensitivity.
Sent - Allows you to search for emails by the time they were sent.
Start Date - Allows you to search for emails by their start date.
Tags - Allows you to search for emails by their tags.
5. Click the Search button to search for emails matching a set criteria. Search results are displayed shortly.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
3. Specify your search terms into the search box. We support the following search formats:
Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries, containing any of the following
special symbols: "-", "/","\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")","+", "=", "{", "}",
"@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".
Partial Search This search format uses part of a query For example: If you type in the
word, as GridBank search engine still search field the word “micro”, the
manages to find the whole word. search will return all emails
containing words that start with the
Note: To be able to search for emails
word “micro”, e.g. Microsoft,
by a partial search term “Enable
microscope, micron, etc. The same
GridBank partial search with wildcards”
results will appear if you type the
option in the Management Console >
search term with a wildcard in the
Configuration Manager >GridBank
end micro*. The wildcard character
Web Access tab, needs to be selected.
is used to substitute for any other
Even if this option is not enabled,
character or characters in a word.
wildcards can be added manually to the
term in the search field and returned
search results will be the same as if the
“Enable GridBank partial search with
wildcards” was selected.
Search Pattern This search format uses wildcards to For example: search with the pattern
substitute the missing part of the whole *doc returns emails that contain
word. The syntax of this search format words ending with the term “doc”,
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Search by a String The syntax of this search pattern is the For example, if you type in the search
following: keyword1 keyword2, as field: net cost, the results returned
returned search results will satisfy will be either one or the other term
either the keyword1 OR the (net or cost). But if partial search with
keyword2. This search format is wildcards option is enabled (or
equivalent to the keyword1* wildcards are added manually) the
keyword2* search format if “Enable results will be emails containing, for
GridBank partial search with example, the words: network,
wildcards” option in the Management networking, etc. OR emails
Console, Configuration Manager, containing the words: costly, cost-
GridBank Web Access tab is effective, costal, etc.
Search Expressions This search format uses search terms For example, if you want to search for
that are typed between double inverted emails containing information about
commas – “keyword1 keyword2”. annual sales, you should simply type
in the search field “annual sales”
and GridBank email search will return
all emails containing the exact
combination of the specified
Group Expression This is another email search format that For example, if we want to search for
uses double inverted commas for emails containing “direct costs”
separating search keywords. The invest, the search will return emails
syntax of the group expression format containing the exact combination of
is the following: “keyword1 the words “direct” and “costs” OR the
keyword2” keyword3. The search word “invest”. But if partial search with
performed on the basis of the keywords wildcards option is enabled (or
between the double inverted commas wildcards are manually added) results
will return results that contain the exact will be emails containing the exact
combination of the specified keywords. combination of the words “direct”
Keywords that are not within the double and “costs” OR emails containing, for
inverted commas will be treated as an example, the words: investment,
alternative search condition. This invest, investments, investors,
search format is equivalent to investigate, etc.
“keyword1 keyword2” *keyword3* if
“Enable GridBank partial search
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Other operations you can perform on returned combined search results include:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
1. Files Results tab: view dataset to which the file belongs, view the audit information of the file, view related
results, manage tags (add, edit or remove), view file information, download the file to a particular location
and add to a briefcase
2. Emails Results tab – manage tags (add, edit or remove), open an email, save an email, add an email to a
Note: The search formats GridBank supports can also be used when you specify a value of an
advanced combined search criterion. For example, if you wish to find files and emails, containing the
tag: sales report, then you need to use the search expression format, so that you find exactly this
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Note: GridBank Web Access Search does not satisfy search queries, containing any of the following
special symbols: "-", "/", "\", ",", ";", ":", "#", "[", "]", "!", "£", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")","+", "=", "{",
"}", "@", "'", "~", "?", "<", ">", "|", "`".
Search Context - Select a directory where your search will be performed. Options include:
• Global Catalog and Emails – Searches for files and emails in datasets, mailbox and PST archives
shared with you.
Note: Members of E-Discovery and Auditors group can search for files across all created
datasets in GridBank except for the datasets of the Administrator.
• My Datasets and Emails –Searches for files and emails in your own datasets, mailbox and PST
Content Search Options
• Search Text (Tags) - Specify a tag as a search criterion.
• Content Key Words -Specify keywords that should be contained in the searched files.
File & Email Search Options
• File Size -Specify the size of the files you search for. Options include: “Not Specified”, “Greater than”
and “Less than”. The files size must be specified in B, KB, MB and GB.
• File Name or Subject or Attachment Name - Specify keywords that should be contained in the files
or emails names.
File & Email Date and Time - Specify the date when the files you search for were created or modified.
Join Terms - Select how specified search criteria will be applied. The default “join term” option is AND.
When AND option is selected all specified criteria must be TRUE in order GWA search to return results. If
OR is selected at least one criterion must be TRUE, so as to GWA search to return results based on this
4. Click the Search button below the search fields. Your search results are displayed shortly.
5. Click Files or Emails results tab to see the corresponding search results. See the pictures below.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. GWA Briefcases
This chapter describes how to manage your GridBank Web Access briefcases.
Section Page
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GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Creating a Briefcase
Creating of briefcase helps you to have another type of storage place (environment) which advantage is that
stores datasets of different type in one place.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
5. Click OK in Create Briefcase window to create your new briefcase. Wait until the process completes.
6. Click OK in the message window that appears when the briefcase is successfully created.
Modifying a Briefcase
Modifying a briefcase includes updating its name and/or its description, which helps you to update the briefcase
according to your recent needs for having up-to date information about the briefcase.
To modify a briefcase:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Name (mandatory) - Enter a meaningful name. The allowed number of characters for the name is from 1
to 100 inclusive. The name cannot contain only numerical characters. The following characters are not
accepted as well: \/:~! @ # $ %^ _* ( ) [] + < > , | “.
Description (optional) - Enter a meaningful description. The allowed number of characters for the
description is from 0 to 2500 inclusive.
6. Click the OK button.
7. Click OK on the message window.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
The following are the actions allowed or not on datasets, folders and files declared as records:
Modify Details No No No
(Name and
Delete Content No No -
(Delete files and
Modify Folders No No -
Details (Name and
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Deleting a Briefcase
Deleting briefcase is possible and helps you to remove permanently unnecessary briefcase from the storage
space you are allowed to work within.
To delete a briefcase:
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Files all the files for uploading will be listed. At this point you can remove files from the list as clicking on
11. Click the button Start Upload. The newly uploaded files will be listed in the Display Panel along with the
already current content of the briefcase.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
6. Click the Yes button on the dialog window to delete the file.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Click the knot in front of the Briefcases node to expand it and view all briefcases, and then click the
node itself. All your briefcases are displayed as sub-nodes in the tree view and as a list in the Display
3. Double click a briefcase name to access its content.
4. In the Display Panel, click the briefcase file, which metadata you wish to view.
5. From the toolbar, click the Metadata button. An additional window opens dynamically to the right of the
Display Panel. The metadata of the marked file is displayed in that additional window. Three Module Tabs
are used to provide an easy way to show the metadata parted by categories - Standard Fields, Extended
Fields, and Customized Fields.
6. Click each of the module tabs to explore the metadata.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Adding metadata helps you to store relevant information about the content of a particular briefcase.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
9. Populate the fields Field and Value and click Apply. The newly added customized metadata will appear
below in the display panel as an item. For example, you can add the following metadata and its value:
Importance: High.
10. Click OK in the Manage Metadata Field window.
This option helps you remove unnecessary or no longer relevant information about the content of a particular
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Editing customized metadata helps you to keep it up-to-date and showing relevant information about the content
of a particular item.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Appendix A: Glossary
Active Directory user authentication confirms the identity of any user trying to log on to a domain and lets users
access resources (such as data or applications) located anywhere on the network.
This GWA working mode enables members of the Administrators group to access and manage not only own
data, but also the data of all GridBank users, sources and applications. See also GridBank Working Modes.
GridBank archives are datasets that cannot be deleted except by administrators and policy management.
Archive use cases include retention for governance and regulatory requirements, reference Information stores,
legal hold, e-discovery and records management.
Briefcases in GridBank are used to keep files and emails from different datasets, mailbox and PST archives in
one place. Files and emails can be added, deleted or downloaded.
It is a named collection of data that contains individual data units organized (formatted) in a specific GridBank-
prescribed way. Data ingested in GridBank is organized into the following dataset types: Archives, Libraries and
Repositories. As each dataset type in GridBank has different content access permissions.
Declare as Records
This is a controlled retention by a GridBank user who selects datasets or files to be retained and protected from
deletion. Datasets’ files which have been declared as records are protected from deletion and the user is the one
who decides whether they will be deleted or not.
This GWA working mode enables members of E-Discovery and Auditors groups to access and manage not only
their own data, but also the data of all other GridBank users except for the data of the members of the
Administrators group. See also GridBank Working Modes.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
GridBank Web Access folders store ingested files by GridBank users. They can be created within GridBank
libraries and repositories due to their default content access permissions.
Global Catalog
In GridBank, Global Catalog contains all users, sources and applications’ datasets to which the logged-in GWA
user has an access. Global Catalog does not contain the datasets created by the logged-in GWA user.
A grid is a group of servers and other resources which behave like a single system. The grid can comprise of
multiple computers, e.g. PCs or UNIX workstations, multiple storage devices and redundant interconnections, to
form what appears to users as a single highly available system. One of the main ideas of grid computing is that,
to the outside world, the grid appears to be a single system. Grids can be housed in the same physical location
(basic Realm) or can be distributed across multiple sites.
GridBank Web Access offers a different set of operations to GridBank users depending on their group
membership and grant permissions. The default working modes GridBank Web Access allows are:
Administrators Working Mode, E-Discovery and Auditors Working Mode and Regular Users Working Mode.
A library dataset contains files that user has saved to GridBank. Libraries are the equivalent of snapshots and
are static datasets that can be dynamically managed by users and applications. Library use cases include
snapshots of source data, application data in time such as video surveillance, document management system
snapshots, CMS (content management portals) and departmental intranets. Individual data items cannot be
deleted. Libraries are viewed as a dataset, which is a snapshot in time from a source.
Mailbox Archive
A GridBank archive dataset that stores ingested in GridBank emails of a user from an Exchange mail host. The
user whose emails will be stored in a mailbox archive needs to be an Active Directory user and must have been
imported in GridBank. Emails in GridBank mailbox archives cannot be deleted or modified.
In GridBank, metadata contains information about the objects that have been ingested in its platform. Within
GridBank, file metadata is stored in a distributed asynchronous metadata repository called the Metabase.
GridBank allows the creation of custom metadata to provide further information for each file, which may be used
for improving search capabilities.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
In GridBank, storage devices are logically combined to appear as a single contiguous logical large storage
volume, which forms the storage virtual pool. A storage pool in GridBank can be based on directly attached
storage, public or private cloud. Data ingested in GridBank is always associated with a storage pool.
PST Archive
A GridBank archive dataset that stores a PST file of a GridBank user. This PST file has been imported from a
source and stored in GridBank archive dataset. Emails in GridBank PST archives cannot be deleted, or
This GWA working mode enables regular GridBank users (that are not members of any GridBank Predefined
user group) to access and manage only their own data. See also GridBank Working Modes.
Repositories are working datasets that can be deleted and managed by users, sources and applications.
Individual items can be deleted in repositories. The size of a repository changes over time. Repositories can be
accessed many times and individual items within repositories can be modified or deleted.
It is a non-hierarchical keywords or terms assigned to a piece of information. In GridBank context, tags are
applied to the ingested in GridBank files and email to describe their content. This way files and emails in
GridBank can be easily found by searching in GridBank Web Access using tags as a criterion. Tags in GridBank
can be specified by the item’s creator or by the Administrator in Management Console.
User Quota
This is the storage quota assigned to GridBank users which they can use for file upload.
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Adding (Upload) Files to a Library Dataset ........................89 Canceling Mailbox Archive Folder Search .........................39
Adding (Upload) Files to Repository Dataset ..................112 Canceling PST Archive Folder Search .................................52
Adding (Uploading) Files to an Archive Dataset ................62 Central Section ....................................................................19
Adding a Tag to a File ........................................................130 Conflict Resolution ............................................................137
Adding an Advanced Search Result All Items or Selected Creating a Briefcase ..........................................................175
Items to a Briefcase ......................................................157 Creating a Folder in a Briefcase ........................................181
Adding an Email from a Mailbox Archive to a Briefcase ..25, Creating a Library Dataset ..................................................81
33 Creating a Repository Dataset..........................................106
Adding an Email from a PST Archive to a Briefcase ....26, 46 Creating an Archive Dataset ...............................................61
Adding Archive Dataset ‘s Files to Briefcase ......................72
Adding Custom Metadata ................................................127
Adding Files to a Briefcase ................................................180 Declare a Briefcase as Record ..........................................177
Adding Files to Archive Dataset ‘s Folder ..........................76 Declare as Records an Archive Dataset .......................53, 68
Adding Files to Library Dataset‘s Folder ..........................100 Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset......................54, 84
Adding Files to Repository Dataset’s Folder ....................121 Declaring as a Record a Library Dataset File ................54, 93
Adding Folders to a Library Dataset ...................................97 Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset ............. 55, 107
Adding Folders to an Archive Dataset................................74 Declaring as a Record a Repository Dataset File ...... 55, 116
Adding Folders to Repository Dataset .............................118 Declaring as a Record an Archive Dataset File ............53, 70
Adding Folders under the Archive Dataset Folder ............79 Deleting a Briefcase ..........................................................179
Adding Folders under the Library Dataset Folder ...........103 Deleting a Briefcase File....................................................181
Adding Folders under the Repository Dataset’s Folder ..123 Deleting a Library Dataset ..................................................89
Adding Library Dataset Files to a Briefcase........................95 Deleting a Repository Dataset..........................................111
Adding New Customized Metadata to a Briefcase File...184 Deleting Archive Dataset ....................................................69
Adding Quick Search Result All Items or Selected Items to Deleting Archive Dataset Files............................................69
a Briefcase .....................................................................153 Deleting Library Dataset Files .............................................92
Adding Quick Search Result Single Item to a Briefcase...153 Deleting Repository Dataset Files ....................................114
Adding Recursively Tags to a Dataset ..............................133 Deleting Repository Dataset Folder .................................124
Adding Repository Dataset Files to a Briefcase ...............117 Display Panel .......................................................................20
Adding Tags to Mailbox Archive Emails .......................25, 34 Downloading a Briefcase File ...........................................182
Adding Tags to PST Archive Emails ..............................26, 46 Downloading a Previous File Version...............................136
Downloading a Quick Search Result Single Item.............152
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual
Downloading an Advanced Search Result Single Item ...156 Managing Mailbox Archives in GridBank Web Access25, 27
Downloading Files from an Archive Dataset .....................70 Managing PST Archives in GridBank Web Access .......26, 40
Downloading Files from Repository Dataset ...................115 Managing Recursively Tags of Datasets...........................133
Managing Repository Datasets ........................................104
Managing Repository Datasets Folders ...........................118
Editing a Briefcase File Metadata (only Description) ......183 Managing Tags of Dataset Files........................................130
Editing Customized Metadata of a Briefcase File ............186 Managing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails ..................25, 34
Editing Dataset File Metadata (only Description) ...........126 Metadata Panel (Module Tabs) .........................................20
Editing Recursively Tags....................................................134 Modifying a Briefcase .......................................................176
Editing Tags of a PST Archive Emails ............................26, 47 Modifying Archive Dataset Details.....................................65
Editing Tags of Mailbox Archive Emails .......................25, 35 Modifying Library Dataset Details ......................................83
File Versioning Control......................................................135 Navigation Header ..............................................................19
G No Versioning ....................................................................138
GridBank Web Access 4.0 User Manual