JAC Board Important Questions For Botany - Unit 3

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JAC Board Important Questions

Jharkhand Board Sample Questions

Class 12

Sample Questions for Class 12 Board Exams

AglaSem Schools

(Biology in Human welfare)
1 Morphine is obtained from which plant ?
a) Caca
b) Cannabis 1
c) Poppy
d) Datua
2 Semi dwarf variety of wheat that played a significant role in Green
revolution was imported from which county ?
a) Russia 1
b) China
c) Germany
d) Mexico
3 In plant breeding programmes, the most common method to generate
genetic variation, conventionally is called-
a) Hybridization 1
b) Heat treatment
c) Somaclonal variation
d) Genetic recombination.
4 Spirullina is a microbe that has been found to be a rich source of –
a) Carbohydrate
b) Protein 1
c) Fats
d) Vitamins
5 Brown rust of wheat, Red not of sugarcane and late blight of potato are
caused by-
a) Bacteria 1
b) Fungi
c) Virus
d) Protozoa
6 Which of the following is a Nitrogen fixing bacteria –
a) Salmonella
b) Lactobacillus 1
c) Phizobium
d) E. Coli
7 Which of the microbe is associated with the commercial production of
ethanol/ethyl alcohol –
a) Bacillus 1
b) Yeast
c) Plasmodium
d) Blue green algae
8 Symbiotic association of fungi with the roofs of higher plants is known as-
a) Lichen
b) Moss 1
c) Anabaena
d) Mycorrhiza
9 World’s first Antibiotic penicillin was isolated from which group of
microbes ?
a) Bacteria 1
b) Fungi
c) Protoza
d) Virus
AglaSem Schools

10 Tobacco mosaic disease is caused by –

a) Virus
b) Bacteria 1
c) Protozoa
d) Insects
11 Which of the following drug is abused by some sportspersons
a) Morphine
b) LSD 1
c) Belladonna
d) Cannabinoids
12 Which of the following part/system of the body is affected by cocaine –
a) Digestive System
b) Excretory System 1
c) Nervous System
d) Respiratory System
13 Which of the following is used in paddy fields as bio-fertilizers –
a) Bacteria
b) Cyanobacteria 1
c) Fungi
d) Weeds
14 Which of the following Bt crops is grown in India by the farmers ?
a) Maize
b) Rice 1
c) Soyabean
d) Cotton
15 The capacity to generate a whole plant from any cell is called ;
a) Somaclones
b) Explant 1
c) Totipotency
d) Micropropagation
16 Which of the following food product is not obtained through fermentation
a) Curd
b) Butter 1
c) Cheese
d) Idli
17 Statins, isolated from the fungus monascus purpureus is commercially used
for controlling
a) Blood cholesterol 1
b) Blood sugar
c) Blood clotting
d) Blood volume
18 The major component of Bio gas is –
a) CO2
b) N2 1
c) CHA
d) H2
19 High value of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) Shows –
a) Water is normal
b) Water is highly polluted 1
c) Water is Less polluted
d) Water is pure
20 Which of the following is formed during the secondary treatment of sewage.
a) Primary sludge
b) Mud 1
c) Floes
d) Biogas
AglaSem Schools

21 Baculoviruses are considered beneficial for the plants as they :

a) Helps the plants to grow
b) Control the insect pest 1
c) Make the soil fertile
d) Helps to increase yield

1 Name any two plants and the drugs we obtain from them. 2
2 Describe two methods of breading for disease resistance. 2
3 What is hallucination. Name a plant that yields drug. With hallucinogenic 2
4 What is SCP ? Give two examples. 2
5 What is Micropropagation ? 2
6 What is bio fortification ? Give example of two bio fortified crop released
7 How the somatic hybrids are formed ? 2
8 What is ‘LAB’ ? Why curd is considered better than Milk. 2
9 What is the cause of large holes in “Swiss-Cheese” ? 2
10 What is BOD ? How it is related to water pollution ? 2
11 What are the major constituents of Biogas ? Name the bacteria which 2
produce biogas.
12 What do you mean by bio control ? Give an example of a popular microbial
bio control agent.
13 What is organic farming ? How it differs from the traditional farming ? 2
14 What is Mycorrhiza ? How it is useful in nature ? 2
15 Name the source of following acids :
a) Citric Acid 2
b) Acetic Acid

1 How the primary treatment of sewage is different from the secondary 3

treatment ?
2 What is fermentation ? Name two alcoholic beverages produced by this
process. Which microbe is used for the production of alcoholic beverages.
3 Bottled fruit juices are clearer as compared to those, made at home, why?
Which enzyme is used in detergents to remove oily stains ?
4 What is Clot-buster ? How it is obtained and mention its use. 3
5 What made green revolution possible in India ? Who is regarded as father
of Green revolution.
6 Define tissue culture. What is the importance of meristem culture ? 3
7 Match the following :
Crop Resistant Variety
a) Wheat - Pusa sadabahar 3
b) Cauliflower - Pusa Shubhra
c) Chilli - Himgiri
AglaSem Schools

8 What are antibiotics ? Name two antibiotics, you have once used. Who 3
discovered the first antibiotic ?
9 Who initiated Ganga & Yamuna Action plan ? What is the purpose behind 3
these projects ?
10 What is plant breeding technique ? Mention 3 major purposed for which 3
breeding is done ?

1 Draw a neatly labelled diagram of Biogas-plant. 3+2=5

2 What is plant-breeding. Describe its various steps. 5
3 What is. ‘sewage-treatment’ ? How micro organisms are useful for the
treatment of sewage ?
4 Describe the role of micro organisms with examples to enrich the fertility
of soil.
5 Give juice examples, how micro organisms have played important role for
the betterment of human life.

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