The Vampire Viaticum
The Vampire Viaticum
The Vampire Viaticum
….viscus quod cruor eternus
The Vampire Viaticum
“Cruor Viator Viaticum”
Foreword pg.9
The Viaticum pg.35
The vampire Phenotype pg.39
Igneus pg.43
Regeneration pg.77
Wisdom pg.95
Intuition pg.109
Beauty pg.113
Passion pg.119
Conclusion pg.125
Appendix pg.127
Glossary pg.145
References pg.149
Foreword: „for the uninitiated and vamp-
Since its inception the internet has been rife with vampire
related websites.
There have been countless websites dedicated to movies
and books about vampires, and the number is ever
increasing. There have also been websites dedicated to
characters from popular vampire fiction, such as Anne
Rice’s Lestat.
However, in the midst of the many vampire websites there
are some that claim to be social and support groups for
‘real’ or ‘living’ vampires.
The term ‘living vampire’, as coined on many websites, is
used to distinguish the fictional vampire from those who
claim or believe themselves to be real vampires.
Some of the sites even offer the facility to connect with
blood donors, perhaps for those vampires too moral to
randomly victimise their local constituents one would
assume. These real vampire websites also describe other
forms of vampirism beyond the common blood drinking
type, notably psychic vampirism.
Psychic Vampires claim they need to feed off the psychic
or ‘pranic’ energy of other individuals to maintain a sense
of wellbeing. The sanguinarian vampires or ‘blood
drinking’ vampires will claim the same type of energy
association with blood.
After perusing the many ‘real’ vampire or ‘vampyre’ (for
a more authentic spelling) related websites on the internet
it does not take long for one to conclude that there are a
variety of individuals from various backgrounds that claim
some intimate association with the term vampire.
Mirror mirror on the wall,
who is the most real
vampire of them all?
vampires, and wanting to be a vampire, be an obsession
that is all in the mind?
Renfield's syndrome is a pseudo psychiatric term for
clinical vampirism which is used in the field of psychiatry.
If one is familiar with the characters of Bram Stoker’s
story one will recognize the title of this disease taken from
the name of the Counts insane disciple. The term
Renfield’s syndrome was coined by Richard Noll, a well-
known author and clinical psychologist.
The genesis of Renfield’s syndrome is purported to be
related to an obsession with the ingestion of human blood
that is based in an early childhood experience, were blood
has been viewed or consumed at a time of excitement.
Following the transition into puberty the ingestion of
blood is then associated with sexual arousal, hence
vampirism being thought of as a form of paraphilia.
This fascination and obsession with ingesting blood,
and/or delusion that one is a Vampire of the fictional
persuasion, has lead some mentally ill individuals to
murder. These murders have unfortunately brought ill
repute to law abiding citizens, Vampire enthusiasts of all
persuasions, who wish to dress in Vampire garb and or
follow a philosophy and practice that is in no way harmful
to the public. In retrospect this phenomena is no different
to the bad reputation mainstream religions achieve from
the behaviors of minority militant extremists groups and
sex offenders from amongst their adherents. The author
will not extrapolate on the subject of Vampire homicides
as they are well publicized in the media and are in no way
associated with the subject topic of this text.
So what of the modern self proclaimed real Vampires?
Could they be people simply misinterpreting symptoms of
a physical or psychiatric illness? Or perhaps they are
simply the product of a trend?
If one was to judge by appearances one would perhaps
conclude they are an extension of the gothic fashion
movement, or in the extreme case perhaps a particular
brand of fetish in the S&M scene.
The Vampire subculture
Irrespective of what may be driving individuals to an
association with vampires, the significant presence of self
proclaimed ‘vampires’ and ‘vampire enthusiasts’ alike has
at least led to the acknowledgment that they make up a
subculture within mainstream society.
Forensic Psychologist and author Katherine Ramsland
wrote an investigative book exploring the Vampire
subculture in North America. Ramsland’s book ‘Piercing
the Darkness’ follows the lead of missing freelance
journalist Susan Walsh, who seems to mysteriously vanish
after writing an article on the New York Vampire
subculture for ‘The Village Voice’ newspaper. The book
incorporates interactions Ramsland had with so called
‘real vampires’ in internet chat rooms and those she met
from the Vampire subculture.
Whether or not one believes the bloody tales depicted in
her book Ramsland did manage to write a piece of
literature that added to the international notoriety and
infamy of New York city’s Vampire constituency.
Beyond the internet the twentieth century vampires of this
new subculture can also be seen to flock to particular
night clubs to congregate. The Endless night festival each
Halloween in Louisiana New Orleans is a celebration for
those of the Vampire subculture. This event sees modern
day vampires partying, wearing period clothing and
particular symbols associated with immortality, such as
the Egyptian Ankh. Not surprisingly the Ankh and bladed
Ankh symbol itself was again the influence of Vampire
fiction. The 1983 movie The Hunger starring David
Bowie depicted Vampire characters using a bladed Ankh
to bleed their victims.
The wearing of prosthetic fangs and contact lenses is also
common, giving the vampire a more authentic appearance.
The Vampire subculture has its own genre of music and
celebrities. ‘Theatres des Vampires’ is an Italian goth
metal band that has heavy vampiric themes in its image
and music. The lead singer Lady Sonya Scarlet is know to
cut herself whilst performing and allowing fans to drink of
her blood. One might argue that this practice of Miss
Scarlet’s might indicate an encouragement of paraphilia
on behalf of some of her fans?
Blood letting and auto sacrifice was a significant feature
in ancient Aztec and Mayan tradition. Blood was literally
believed to contain the life force bestowed to humanity by
the gods. The spilling and subsequent burning of blood
was a means to offer some this energy/life force back to
the gods for their favor.
In consideration of what appears to be people engaged in
macabre practices with a gory fixation on blood letting a
question that is naturally prompted is ‘do these modern
day vampires indicate a return to primitive religion and
practices of past cultures?
Vampire Cults, Covens and
Secret Internet Empires
The oldest organized Vampire tradition appears to be the
Temple of Set’s ‘Order of the Vampyre’. The Order of the
Vampyre is a stream of the Setian tradition, with the
Vampire archetype as its focus. The Order distances itself
from the newer ‘online Vampire groups accusing them of
having a weak and fuzzy concept of the Vampire
archetype. Whilst the Order is associated with The
Temple of Set, which is a larger mainstream Left Hand
Path occult tradition, it is merely a splinter group and as
such could not be considered a religion unto itself.
Originally an offshoot of the Church of Satan the ‘Temple
of the Vampire’ has claimed itself at times to be the
custodian of the one and true Vampire religion, which is
also registered as a religion with United States
government. The TOV distances themselves from certain
forms vampiric activity all together, denouncing the
practise of ingesting blood. The Temple of the Vampire
has since denounced any connection to the Church of
After much searching and separating the wheat from the
chaff, the serious adherents and insightful esoteric
philosophers from the grandiose, pretentious and infantile
who claim to control society from the shadows supported
by ancient Egyptian deities, there are amongst the many so
called real Vampire related websites a few that indicate a
well thought out, serious and dedicated mind or minds.
Damien Deville’s ‘Vampire Church’ is one of the oldest
internet based groups. Mr. Deville has been a long
standing member of the Vampire community, being active
since the early nineties. If longevity and a lack of
community backlash or mocking is any indication of
success then Mr. Deville’s has certainly achieved respect
and credibility. Whilst the title ‘Vampire Church’ would
suggest that it is a theological group or organization Mr
Deville is quick to make it known on his website’s
introductory page that his church is in fact not a religious
group at all, but more of a networking site.
A central figure in the real Vampire community and
author of ‘The Psychic Vampire Codex’ Michelle
Belanger has her own established online Vampire group
called ‘House Kheperu’.
When one reads one of Michelle’s books or visits the
House Kheperu website one clearly finds that Michelle’s
interpretation of the modern Vampire is certainly more
refined and sophisticated in comparison to many others.
Another central figure in the real Vampire community
‘Sebastian Todd’ author of the Sanguinomicon ‘the
Vampire grimoire’ and founder of the Ordo Strigio Vii (a
vampire organization/coven), has been making prosthetic
fangs and organizing Vampire events since the mid 90s.
In its embryonic stage the Vampire community and its key
figures were heavily influenced by the live action role
playing game ‘Vampire the Masquerade’.
The ‘Black Veil’, a code of ethics and behavior which
was created for the vampire subculture was directly
adapted from Vampire the Masquerade. Due to the
obvious similarities to its role playing origins The Black
Veil has been revised since its first appearance in the
‘Vampire Almanac’ a publication by S. Todd in the late
A newer group ‘The Kemetic Order of Aset Ka’ has
drawn much attention to itself since its internet debut. The
word ‘Aset’ is an ancient Egyptian term for the goddess
Isis, the word ‘Ka’ is the ancient Egyptian term for ‘spirit’
or ‘life force’, which we will discuss later in this book.
The Orders teachings are reported to combine the use of
ancient Egyptian mythology and texts, with other modern
texts such as Crowley’s ‘Book of the Law’. The Order
also uses titles and internal structure similar to that of the
Church of Satan and Temple of Set such as Adeptus,
Magus, Master and Magister.
There have been unsubstantiated links of its founder Luis
Marques with the Temple of the Vampyre, Temple of Set
and the Church of Satan.
Many internet reviews of the Order’s main text ‘The
Asetian Bible describe the book in a positive context.
However, not unlike the TOV the Order has a highly
visible and refined internet presence with little known of
its activities beyond the same. The exact identity of the
Orders purported founder Luis Marques continues to
remain a mystery.
The Vampire archetype
The Vampire as a modern archetype has only been
present throughout the recent history of the western world,
from the early 18oos. Like all archetypes, whether they be
manifest in the form of a god, gods, devils, saints or
heroes they all are a projections of prototypical internal
psychological states and desires.
The strongest element of the Vampire archetype
expressed in fiction can be seen as an expression of the
desire to live beyond death. An exchange of bodily fluids
in the modern depiction is also commonly featured, either
the bite of the Vampire itself passing on that which
will instigate the vampiric transformation , or via ingestion
of the blood of a Vampire. The metaphorical overtones
referring to copulation and procreation are obvious,
intimacy combined with an exchange of bodily fluids
yielding new life.
After some superficial pondering and reflection it
becomes apparent that from within the Vampire
subculture common themes from this archetype are
The particular themes or components associated with
vampire lore and mythos prevail in each interpretation and
manifestation of ‘real’ or ‘living’ Vampire ideology and
Immortality, power, dependence on the life force of
others, psychic power, sensuality and beauty are common
themes expressed from this archetype.
Symbolism and borrowed theology that represents these
archetypical themes is also common. As mentioned
earlier, the Egyptian Ankh and other Egyptian symbology
and terminology are very common in modern Vampire
When one examines ancient Egyptian beliefs regarding
death and the soul their incorporation into modern
Vampire lore seems quite befitting.
Ancient Egyptians considered their being to have many
components, not just a body and single soul. Whilst they
believed that part of their spiritual selves would go on
after death to a spiritual afterlife they also believed that
their immortality was also associated with the memory of
their names and lives. Not surprisingly, the cruelest
punishment inflicted upon any ancient Egyptian was to
have their name totally obliterated and unpronounced.
In Egyptian theology the two components of spiritual
being, the ‘Ba’ and the ‘Ka’ could be reunited after death
to reanimate the ‘Akh’ the active element of spiritual
being. The Akh was believed to have the ability to dwell
amongst the living, having the capacity to act on behalf of,
or against the living.
The use of ancient Egyptian terminology and
metaphysical themes offers a convenient way to convey
the process in which immortality may be conceptualised.
However, the author openly admits there is no factual or
historical connection between Vampires, the way of the
Vampire as an esoteric path or any Vampire religion or
cult in Ancient Egypt.
As with many stories involving ancient gods there are
some vague correlation with vampire like behaviour. The
Egyptian god Sekhmet was known to become blood
thirsty, especially post battle. In one account Ra turned the
river Nile the colour of blood to trick Sekhmet into
quenching her blood lust on the river. Not only was the
river not blood but Ra had turned into a blood coloured
beer, causing Sekhmet to become intoxicated and thus
saving humanity from Sekhmet’s wrath. In a myth the
Hindu goddess Kali destroys the demon Raktabija by
sucking the blood from his body.
prana are borrowed concepts from eastern spiritual
Beyond the groups and individuals that appear fairly
genuine about their convictions to their vampiric path it is
true that some ‘vampires’ are just ordinary people
dressing up and having fun.
The forest of Vampire life stylers, experimenting teens
and charlatans who live of the life force obviously present
in money, appears vast on the internet. However, there are
those that follow an esoteric path of which the vampire
archetype is the central focus. The travellers of the path of
the Vampire are the seekers of knowledge that will reveal
the true nature of existence and facilitate their
The living Vampire
failure is typically indicated in literature and on websites
by vain attempts of validation. Contriving a grandiose and
more than obvious fictitious history of a group, or
tradition, is a common ploy used to convince the naïve of
authenticity and prestige.
The Vampire has also been depicted by many modern
Vampire groups as nothing more than a psychic or
spiritual predator. Whilst it is true the Vampire certainly
can be an effective psychic predator this ability has very
little relevance when reflecting on the Vampires
overall being, nature and purpose.
It is also apparent that most modern occult/esoteric
literature on the subject has been greatly influenced by the
Church of Satan and the Temple of Set. This is evident in
the focus on Egyptian mythology, use of Egyptian Setian
symbology and terms, also the appearance of the Sigil of
Baphomet in some books.
The Viaticum
existential selves, and not limited to the association with
Mesopotamian devils or Egyptian gods.
The term Vampire used within the following pages
denotes more than one concept. Firstly there is the
Vampire as a path, or the 'path of the Vampire'. The path
constitutes particular intent and understanding, rather than
simple beliefs or practices.
Then there is the Vampire as a state of being, referring to
the experience of the path and behaviour which ensues.
The use of the term Vampire is also somewhat befittingly
used beyond its archetypal connotations.
As mentioned earlier, it is thought that the word Vampire
itself is derived from the Tartar Turkic word 'Uber'
meaning witch.
Some of the behaviour exhibited by a Vampire, rituals and
practices, could be superficially viewed as constituting
However, the use of ritual and ceremony may be
simply pragmatic in nature, and may not necessarily
involve the worship or conjuring of gods or spirits.
In addition to the term ‘Vampire’ the term ‘Cruor Viator’
or simply ‘Cruor V’ is used. ‘Viator’ is the Latin word for
‘traveller’; ‘Cruor’ is the Latin word for ‘blood’. The
concept and process of life transference is a major focus
of this text and the author would suggest the term ‘blood
traveller’ adequately describes the imperative of the
vampiric being according to the same.
In closing this foreword the author will affirm their
position in stating that the Vampire is a state of being and
a path of choice, and like all paths very much determined
by predisposition. The reality and path of the Vampire is
not a path to exclusive truth, nor should it be thought of as
a path that all should or can pursue.
intimate way. Some arrive at the gates via curiosity, and
then become engulfed in the flames of knowing 'Igneus'.
Some spontaneously ignite, causing them to seek the path
that lies beyond. It should be now clear to the reader that
the Vampire is more than just a fictional character of films
and literature. The Vampire is a state of being and an
esoteric path.
Cruor Viator Viaticum
To Proceed
This book has been written with the intention of
giving those new to the path of the Vampire some insight,
knowledge and tools to assist them along their timeless
voyage. The use of the term 'Viaticum' in the title of this
work has been borrowed from the Roman Catholic
tradition of giving communion to the dying. The word
itself being of Latin origin is translated as 'provisions for a
journey'. As indicated by the title this book is also
intended to give the reader their last rights as a mere finite
mortal and offer some insight into their new path.
Both lay person and traveller of the vampiric path alike
will hopefully achieve vision of reality through the eyes of
a Cruor Viator at the completion of its reading.
Igneus (psychic ignition or burning) marks the end of the
path of a finite biological existence and the beginning of a
new path. This new path, the path of the Vampire is paved
of flesh, bounded by oceans of blood and canopied by
infinity. On completion the reader will no doubt
acknowledge that their former generic concept of life and
death were but mere perspective.
The Vampire Phenotype
The Cruor V is not significantly genetically different from
the rest of the human herd, although upon further
examination it becomes apparent that the path of the
Vampire in fact leads to a distinct 'human phenotype'.
A phenotype can be defined as any observable
characteristic or trait of an organism: such as its
morphology, development, biochemical or physiological
properties, or behaviour. The phenotypical traits of the
Cruor V are greatly apparent in behaviours such as
aversion to sunlight, and less identifiable in the context of
psychic activity. The physical phenotypical traits of a
Cruor V are characterised by pale skin which is
a consequence of a Cruor V avoiding sunlight.
The genesis of the Vampire phenotype is epigenetic and
developmental in nature. That is to say that certain
stimulus within the environment interacts with the human
genome and causes what is know as phenotypic
The term 'phenotypic plasticity' refers to the ability of an
organism to change its phenotype in response to changes
in the environment. In some organisms the plasticity that
is expressed results in distinct morphological changes
during development. In other cases the phenotypic
plasticity that occurs can be expressed as behavioural
changes during adult life.
The environmental stimuli that are involved in the genesis
of the Vampire phenotype are a combination
of psychological, psychic and physical developmental
events and processes.
The earliest episode of psychological stimuli can occur
during transition to adolescence. The transition to
adolescence is characterised by cognitive developmental
changes i.e. the onset of the ability to think abstractly,
process hypothetical situations and use reason to form
logical conclusions. This process occurs around the age of
twelve (onset of puberty) and also typically involves
psychic events such as clairsentience and clairaudience.
The physical environmental stimulus may be repeat
prolonged exposure to sunlight and injury resulting in loss
of blood, all during an age. The awareness and
acknowledgment of the damage the sun is doing to DNA
and the experience of losing of the self and
acknowledgment of separation of self and body during the
process of bleeding are the experiences indicated. It is
important to acknowledge that the physical stimulus
mentioned here will not produce a phenotype expression
alone. In this context repeat exposure to sunlight in most
individuals will lead to nothing more than tanning of the
skin (melanogenesis). If this experience is repeated
throughout generations of a particular population then the
overall pigmentation of the skin of their progeny will
increase. The reason why the Vampire phenotype may be
expressed in response to repeat sun exposure will not be
just related to a reaction to skin damage. The sun also has
a subtle affect on neurological activity and as a
result psychic activity. The earth's atmosphere is filled
with an electromagnetic resonance called the 'Schumann
resonance'. This resonance is created by lightening
charges within the cavity formed by the ionosphere and
the earth's surface. The average frequency of this
resonance is the same as that of Alpha Brain waves 7.8
Hz. The Schumann resonance frequency is lower at night
than during the day, thus Alpha and Theta brain wave
activity (most commonly associated with psychic
phenomena) is naturally more in sync with the earth at
night. The latent Cruor V will naturally have a preference
for the night over day light hours, as the night offers a
more compatible psychic medium. The other obvious
factor that relates to nocturnal preference is the avoidance
of the psychic energy of others. For those who are
psychically sensitive any environment that is busy with
human traffic will eventually be detrimental. The latent
Cruor V will generally be repulsed by environments that
are charged with unstable or fluctuating psychic energy.
The experiences mentioned here are common to all who
have above normal psychic potential. However, it does not
take long for an individual to find their true psycho-
spiritual nature.
Cruor V. The psychic energy of a Cruor V can emanate
from an object, words in a book or recorded sounds.
The dynamics involved in the choosing of the path and
experiencing Igneus are the same as unconscious Igneus.
The difference is that the individual triggers the
phenotypical change by absorbing the knowledge and
experiences of a Cruor V. This is to say that an individual
can be made aware of the true nature of the flesh and
blood and then experience the effects the environment has
upon them and thus experience Igneus.
The ultimate goal of the Cruor Viator is to use the secrets
of the mind, flesh and blood to achieve immortality.
In the following tome the basic seven elements of the
Vampires being will be explored. The Cruor V reader
should pay particular attention to the sections on
Regeneration and Navis Profugus. The section on
Regeneration is imperative to psychic and psychological
stability. The section on Navis Profugus explains the
process by which immortality is achieved.
The Seven Elements of the
Ode Cruor
We see the beauty of life, and the beauty of the flesh.
We are the sculptors of flesh.
We are the custodians of the blood.
The blood contains our past.
The blood contains our future.
The blood is sacred.
The blood must be preserved.
Egyptian Ba and Ka are merely for convenience and
ornamentation. The authors coven House of Bennu is not
a Kemetic Order and nor does the author subscribe to any
new age ancient Egyptian vampire lore.
Various studies and experiments are sited to support and
explain the dynamics involved in such process as Navis
Profugus ‘life transference’ and psychic phenomena in
general. The information contained in these chapters is to
be merely considered the study and work of an individual
traveller and student of the path. The material is intended
to offer some insight and prompt further investigation and
analysis from the reader; it is not to be considered an
orthodox text by any means.
The Cruor V is compelled to learn and know the secrets of
the flesh and the mind. Each Cruor V is to be adorned and
sanctified, as an honour to the Vampiric spirit that resides
For the newly awakened Cruor V the first step on the
road to forever requires the acknowledgement and
understanding of the elements that constitute their
Vampiric being. In this text a concept of seven Vampiric
elements is expressed.
These elements are considered to be; Immortality, psychic
ability, regeneration, wisdom, intuition, beauty and most
importantly passion. For without passion the will to exist
is lost.
The Soul
Before we discuss the process by which immortality is
achieved we must first examine and define the very nature
of the Vampiric being.
Throughout the history of religion and various
metaphysical traditions there have been a variety of
conceptualisations of the essence of being. It has been the
concept of the soul or spirit that has explained and
facilitated various natural and metaphysical transitions
and transformations. For without a belief or concept of
soul or spirit the eventual graduation to heaven or hell in
the monotheistic traditions could not be facilitated, or the
adherence to their teachings and laws be ensured. The
process of spiritual transmigration in the concept of
reincarnation was an effective means to explain genetic
inheritance at a time when such knowledge was unknown.
The word 'soul' in modern English typically connotes a
theological or metaphysical concept of self, or being alive.
The etymology of the word soul is found in the Old
English 'sawol' and the Gothic 'saiwala'. It has been
suggested that the term is connected with the word sea, as
early Germanic people believed that the spirits of
deceased rested at the bottom of the sea. A later
etymological explanation of the world soul is derived from
another old Germanic term ‘sailian OE sēlian, OHG
seilen, which is associated with the practice of binding the
dead. It was believed that if the corpse of the deceased
was not bound in their grave they could return as a ghost.
Irrespective of the exact Germanic or Gothic etymology of
the word its use most likely was an attempt by Ulfial the
apostle to the Goths to translate the Greek word 'psyche',
meaning life or consciousness.
There have been many attempts to prove the existence of
the human soul. In the early twentieth century Dr. Duncan
MacDou gall (c. 1866 – 15 October, 1920) of Haverhill,
Massachusetts sought to measure the mass purportedly
lost by the human body when the soul departed the body
upon death.
To prove his hypothesis that the soul had mass Dr
MacDougall in 1907 conducted an experiment in an aged
care facility, where he weighed six patients that were in
the process of dying from tuberculosis. At the point of
only hours from death the patient’s entire bed was placed
on an industrial sized scale which was supposedly
sensitive to the gram.
MacDougall found that the average loss of mass of the six
patients a minute or some hours after death was 21 grams.
The results of MacDougall’s study could perhaps relate to
Einstein’s mass energy equivalence relationship. Upon
death autolysis ensues, the bodies electrochemical activity
ceases and potential energy is eventually lost in the form
of heat and vapour. In retrospect as the body’s capacity to
maintain potential energy has been lost mass is thus also
lost. Whilst the inevitable loss of mass post death can
attributed to obvious processes related to decomposition
the question of if, and how, the human soul can be
quantified in the process of death has remained.
The author would argue that from the Vampiric
perspective the soul, consciousness, or the psyche, has
typically been successfully imprinted into the environment
long before any natural death. To go further the
individual’s psyche has been in fact long in the process of
being transcribed into the environment, from the earliest
moments of expression. Thus the specific quantification of
the soul or self in the form of a mass/energy unit is greatly
insignificant for those that would travel the Vampiric
Fundamentally all matter is energy, and thus energy is that
which binds everything. In this context energy itself can
be simply viewed as a means, a means of expression, a
vehicle and a tool.
We will now briefly look at a study exploring how
bioelectrical energy is affected by the environment and
how the environment impacts on the body’s electrical
L Field Theory
All organic life produces bioelectrical energy. As the
environment is also fundamentally a construct of various
energy systems constant interactions between an organism
and the environment occur on various levels. The effects
these interactions have are both obvious and subtle. The
obvious interactions, the effects of light, sound and
temperature on an organism are easily observed and
quantified. However, many of the subtle interactions are
often more difficult to observe and quantify.
The theory of bioelectrical energy and its related
electromagnetic field which is emitted from an organism
was investigated by Yale Professor of Anatomy Harold
Saxton Burr. Undertaking several experiments Burr
concluded that changes in this electromagnetic field or 'L
Field' as he termed it had effects on development, mood,
health and healing. Burr described the L Field as a
blueprint like mould for life.
The Vampiric Soul
The Ba, Ka and Kaht
The mind spirit or psyche can be viewed as
interchangeable concepts for the Cruor V.
In this text the author has chosen to use ancient Egyptian
terms and concepts to describe various aspects of the
spirit. The use of these terms is also intended to help
illustrate how the spirit interacts with the environment and
the spirits of others.
The term ‘Ba’ is an ancient Egyptian term which is used
in this text to denote the movement of the mind beyond
the body, the fluid nature of the psyche. The ancient
Egyptians believed the Ba to be the personality of the soul
so to speak.
The Ka was thought to be the life force of the soul. In this
text the concept of Ka is used in the exact same context.
The term Khat simply refers to the physical body, and is
also used here in the same context.
The Ba or Ka are mostly intangible and cannot be
observed beyond that which is affected by them. This
means that the physical realm is a representation of the
presence and will of the psyche or Ba, the physical
evidence or representation of its existence. The Ka or
‘Prana’ in the Vedantic tradition, Qi or Ki in the Chinese
and Japanese traditions is the energy via which energy
transference or psychic feeding occurs.
The Cruor Viator and the
come into play that the Cruor V utilises to manipulate and
'feed' in some instances which we will discuss later.
With this intimate and complex understanding of reality
the Cruor V views the mortality of the physical body in a
different way to others.
The Cruor V experiences the physical body as a vessel or
'Navis' Latin meaning vessel. In this context the Khat is
simply viewed as a means to transport the Ba and Ka.
The Khat is viewed as a biological apparatus and a means
to obtain, contain and transfer biological and psychic data.
As the Khat itself has a limited lifespan it is necessary to
facilitate the controlled transference of both biological and
psychic data to a new Khat or Navis. The means by which
biological data is transferred is related to the concept of
Lamarckian inheritance. French biologist Jean – Baptiste
Lamarck developed the theory of soft inheritance.
Lamarck’s theory stated that an organism can pass on the
characteristics acquired during its lifetime to its offspring.
Lamarck’s theory remained popular in the early 19th
century. However the popularity of the theory of soft
inheritance declined following the advent of the more
popular theory of early nineteenth century German
evolutionary biologist August Weismann.
Weismann established ‘germ plasm theory’ which stated
that genetic information could only be passed on by germ
cells, and somatic cells played no part in inheritance what
so ever.
During the 80’ and 90’s Australian molecular
immunologist Dr Edward J. Steele gave Lamarck’s once
dead theory new life.
Dr Steele developed the theory of reverse transcription of
somatic cells to germ line. The theory states that new
messenger RNA produced as a result of a cells interaction
with the environment is carried by a harmless retrovirus,
which in turn act as a gene shuttle. The retrovirus carrying
the new RNA, which is basically a message from the
environment, is transported across the tissue or Weismann
Barrier to the germ line. The new genetic information is
finally written into the DNA of germ cells via reverse
transcription and then on to progeny.
The transference of data from one Cruor Vs Khat to
another is a means by which to achieve objectives that
may span many lifetimes.
This is an extreme contrast to the concept of life being
defined as only a finite biological existence.
In retrospect the deterioration and eventual expiry of a
Khat is not considered an ending or death to a Cruor V.
For the physical body is in a state of continual change,
birth and death throughout its entire existence.
The biological components of the body are continually
being replenished, cells dyeing and being replaced. The
mind and personality develops and adapts over time, being
forged by the environment and its' genetic potential.
Day after day, year after year, from moment to moment,
the physical body and mind are in a state of flux.
The saying 'change is the only constant in universe' is an
underpinning truth and axiom a Cruor V is ever aware of.
Upon reflecting on this saying, it becomes apparent that
whether or not one could live forever in a current physical
body, it would not be the same in the ages to come
It is for these reasons it is a Cruor Vs imperative to
control these biological and psychological processes, to
become a master of their Khat and not let the weather
dictate the course of their sailboat, so to speak.
The Coven
The term coven is an old Scots word meaning a gathering
of any kind. The etymological origin of the word is from
the Latin ‘convenire’ meaning to come together or gather.
Like any organism a Vampire cannot exist alone. The
health, wellbeing and immortality of a Cruor V’s spirit
requires the intimate bonding that can only be provided by
a relationship with another Cruor V and/or a coven.
A coven should consist of dedicated individuals who are
spiritually and politically aligned. That is to say a coven
must be united in its direction both spiritually and socio-
economically, not unlike a family. In the context of a
grandeur scheme a Cruor V’s own genetic family, their
children, are also an ideal future medium for the construct
of a coven.
As indicated in the theories of epigenetics and soft
inheritance, the interactions between coven members be
they physical, sexual, sonic or symbolic (written, drawn or
sculptured) have the potential to impact on their gene
expression. The coven is thus seen as a medium via which
the sharing of genetic information can occur and is viewed
as being a living organism by its members in its own right.
In retrospect, the health and prosperity of the coven is
upheld by the health and prosperity of its individual
members. In contrast the health and immortality of the
Cruor V is dependant and upheld by the health of the
coven. Each coven member becomes genetically,
psychologically and financially responsible for the coven.
A Cruor V’s life and the life of the coven are one.
The Neo Navis
recipient of his Ba that Cruor V will refer to themselves in
a formal manor as ‘so and so’ Ba of Michael Ba of John.
In regards to the nature of what can be defined as
'immortal objectives', these are typically the transference
of knowledge, the massing and control of wealth and the
direction and future of a coven or individual Cruor V.
At this point one may ask the questions 'what of the after
life'? and 'Heaven and Hell'? do Cruor V believe in such
In regards to the belief of a heaven or a hell in the context
of an afterlife, a Cruor V has a literal belief and
understanding of this concept.
To a Cruor V, heaven and hell is something they
experience on a constant basis, from life to life. It is a
concept they base decisions on just like a Christian, Jew
or Muslim, however it is something they encounter more
similarly to the laws of cause and effect known as
'Karama' in the Dharamic religions.
To put it simply, every decision a Cruor V makes is
crucial, and they know that it will have an effect on them
and their Neo Navis.
Navis Profugus
As mentioned previously the term Navis comes from the
Latin words Navis ‘vessel’. The word Profugus is also a
Latin word meaning to ‘move’ or ‘depart’. The words
together refer to the act of ‘leaving the vessel’ or ‘leaving
ones body’. This process is the active means by which the
Cruor V may achieve immortality. The borrowed Egyptian
term and related concept to this process is called Se Akh.
In the ancient Egyptian tradition a Priest who held the title
of ‘Skhen Akh’ or Akh seeker would perform the
necessary ritual to facilitate the binding of the Ba and Ka
together to create an Akh, in the act of ‘Se Akh’.
In this chapter we will explore particular theories and cite
related scientific experiments that have demonstrated a
means by which the process of Navis Profugus or ‘Se
Akh’ can be achieved.
Quantum nonlocal interaction
between correlated brains
during the stimulus periods. During the periods of
stimulus the stimulated subject displayed 'evoked
potentials', the non-stimulated subject displayed
'transferred potentials'. This effect of transferred potential
was observed from distances of 3 to 14.5 meters.
In a control experiment conducted earlier subjects were
not given the opportunity to meditate together, and no
such transferred potentials were evident. The results
indicated that the human brain is able to establish contact
with other brains, even at a distance.
more than a possibility, it is an ongoing natural
For the Vampire the process of life transference or 'navis
profugus', may involve regular ritual, incantation, lesson
and discussions between the Neo Navis and their Ba or
Khat Ba parent over time. The Neo Navis will spend time
studying the chronicles of their parent and learning their
thought patterns. This does not mean that the parent is
seen as some form of guru or god figure, with an infallible
mind. The parent should be seen as a guide, and guardian
of a coven, whose wisdom should be respected, and whose
life should be continued in a Neo Navis, a Khat Ba or Ba
child .
In the instance when there is no Neo Navis available, a
Vampire may continue to focus their Ba into their journals
(grimoires), amulets and works of art. This is done in
preparation for a future unknown Navis to discover these
artefacts, and thus channel the Ba and will of their parent
Making Akhu
The Cruor Viator is particularly sensitive to all energies.
Similarly to all psychic beings they must take precautions
and practise various means to maintain the effectiveness
of their abilities.
There are three methods of achieving this maintenance
and healing; seclusion, incantation/ritual and
being the same as that which will eventually be
detrimental to them.
To illustrate why this is necessary, imagine psychic
energy to be a colour, or made of colours. Imagine a Cruor
V's psychic energy to be of one colour, let's say red for
Now, as all beings emit psychic energy, those that are not
sentient of their psychic self (which are most beings) emit
psychic energy that is constantly oscillating. This
oscillation is due to them not having any awareness or
control over the psychic energy and energy field.
When a Cruor V is exposed to highly charged areas for
prolonged periods, the mixing of the energies or 'colours'
becomes a pathological affair. A Cruor V will loose some
capacity to remained focussed, and also be at risk of
having their energy drained by others.
It is important to note that there are some individuals in
existence that are extremely psychically potent. These
individuals have a capacity to drain and manipulate
energy in the same manor as that of a Cruor V. These
individuals will usually have no intention of harming you,
and may be unaware of their behaviour. However, as a
Cruor V’s awareness and use of psychic energy fields
develops there sensitivity and susceptibility to the
behaviours of others tends to become more intense.
The simplest approach to take with these individuals is to
politely avoid them, and spend as little time as possible in
their company.
In any case, due to the previously mentioned factors the
need to rejuvenate is a constant reality. Seclusion is a very
simple means to regenerate and may be effectively
practiced for short to long periods of time.
The process by which seclusion takes effect relates to the
use of a neutral environment to balance a Cruor V’s own
psychic energy field.
This is simply achieved by quieting the mind in an area
devoid of the presence of other beings, human, animal and
metaphysical. The presence of flora is not a significant
issue, as the psychic energy fields of plants and trees
remains consistent if unstimulated by noise.
After a brief period, a sensation of feeling energised and
emotionally stable prevails.
To further augment this process a Cruor V may engage in
remote feeding, once a quietening of the mind and a
balance is maintained.
focus of transformation, it is up to the Cruor V to choose
the appropriate animal.
There have been many books and essays written on
therianthropy, and it is an ancient practice that predates
known history. The benefits of therianthropy for a Cruor
V are many, as it is an effective psychic balancer and
As opposed to quietening the mind, the spiritual
transformation into another state of being involves a
process requiring intense psychic focus.
Once again, seclusion is an advantage when practicing
therianthropy, as those witnessing the process will usually
become disturbed at the sight of the transformation.
This is not only due to the changes in physical behaviour
observed, but the changes in the psychic energy field of
the transforming Cruor V.
In contrast, therianthropy can be effectively practiced in
the presence of others when needed. In particularly if
putting fear in those in the local environment is the
desired outcome, or actually charging an environment
with an atmosphere of fear.
To achieve transformation a Cruor V that is adept in this
practice can do so at will. Those who are new to this
practice, or are in a state of server unbalance may use
focus tools, such as masks or amulets. These tools assist in
focusing psychic energy by providing a visual and tactile
Meditation and Incantation
both Asana (posture) and Mantra (repeated verse) are
combined to channel particular energies through the body.
Many of the complex Asanas of Yoga, such as the Lotus
position, require dedication to acquire the flexibility to
perform. A more simple approach to combining the verbal
and physical in mediation can be found in the practice of
Kuji In.
The practise of Kuji In „Japanese‟ or ‘nine syllable seals’
(‘Ku’ nine, ‘Ji’ character, ‘In’ seal Jp.) is an esoteric form
of Buddhist mediation of Mikkyo (esoteric) Shingon
Buddhism. Kuji In has also been greatly associated with
the martial art of Ninjutsu. The earliest origins of the
practise of Kuji In are from Hindu traditions of India.
From Hinduism the practices were adopted by travelling
Chinese monks, who then incorporated it into Buddhist
The practise involves clasping the hands and weaving the
fingers into various positions whilst chanting a particular
The various Ketsu In Jp. ‘hand postures’ and Jumon Jp.
‘incantations’ combine to unite ones focus and being to
full attention during the process. As the traditional
Mantras associated with Kuji In were praises and pledges
of sacrifice to the Hindu god Indra they are not greatly
relevant to the purpose intended here. In addition to the
issue of their traditional spiritual application the time it
would take to learn the mantras and associate them with
intended goals in the mind of one who thinks in another
language might be counter productive. The practitioner
can certainly choose to incorporate the traditional Mantras
if they so wish.
The various finger postures however are relevant to the
energy meridians that circulate through the hands. In
addition to acting as keys to unlocking/activating the
various energy meridians the mudras combined with the
mantra become a powerful combination in manifesting
their partitioner’s intention into the physical realm.
In place of the short verse mantras of Hindu tradition the
author would recommend a single vowel utterance for
those who would chose to practise Kuji In. The traditional
vowel utterances in Japanese can be effectively used as
symbols for the intended goals without having to integrate
too much unfamiliar language into ones practise.
The Japanese vowels that accompany the nine seals are;
Rin (strength) Pyo (direction of energy) Toh (harmony)
Sha (healing) Kai (premonition of danger) Jin (knowing
the thoughts of others) Retsu (control of space and time)
Zia (control of the elements of nature) Zen
The Jumon vowels should be voiced a slow manor, at the
same time exhaling slowly (refer to the images for the
Ketsu In hand/finger configurations).
For a visual guide to the hand seals and full
transliteration of the incantations please go to the
Kirtan Kriya
Velieris ex Igneus
reactions to certain medications. Research has shown that
UV radiation increases the likelihood of certain cataracts.
and pervasive role as powerful antioxidant, providing
protection from free radicals.
Melatonin has also been identified as playing a role in
suppressing cancerous cell development.
Dr Christian Bartsch et al at the University of Tubingen in
1985 discovered a link between abnormal melatonin
secretion patterns and prostate cancer patients. The same
team found a link between abnormally low levels of
melatonin in prostate cancer patients in 1992.
German researchers were prompted by these findings and
decided to conduct research on people living in the North
Arctic circle. The researchers found, as they presumed,
there was a lower incidence of hormone dependant
cancers, such as prostate and breast cancer.
At the Center for Endocrinological Oncology in Milan Dr
Moretti et al followed up in the laboratory these earlier
findings and found that very small amounts of melatonin
inhibited the growth of androgen-dependent prostate
cancer cells in culture.
In contrast to the harmful effects of the sun, moderate
levels of sunlight are necessary for the synthesis of
vitamin D, which protects against mood disorders such as
seasonal affective disorder.
In addition to the sun’s harmful effects on the body
another reason for the Cruor V’s preference for the night
is most likely related to the Schumann resonance, and its
effects on psychic energy (discussed in the chapter on
psychic ability).
forces, as they are difficult to endure and impossible to
To live life after life a Vampire must make decisions that
require a foresight both way into the past and the future.
The Cruor V is aware that balance is the key to achieving
objectives and retaining immortality. The understanding
of concepts such as evolution and survival are different in
the mind of the Cruor V.
It is not necessarily the strongest and fittest organism that
survives, but the organism that does not either dictate to
the environment, or be dictated too. After all, the goal for
all organisms remains simple, no matter how complex the
means to achieve it appear to become. To live and survive,
remains the major objective of all life.
The Cruor V however does not view their mortality from
the perspective of one physical life. The all important
imperative to the Cruor V in each life is based around how
they live, not just living for the sake of it.
that they only exist because of the universe and everything
contained in it that surrounds them.
The following are some interesting quotes from some of
histories famed thinkers:
The Greek philosopher Plato (BC 427-BC 347) was
quoted as saying 'wisdom alone is the science of others
Baring these wise words in mind, wisdom is the monocle
through which the minds eye must see and learn all things.
The German-Swiss philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche
(1844-1900) was quoted as saying 'there is more wisdom
in your body than in your deepest philosophy'.
‘We are what we think. All that we are arises with our
thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world’.
‘Siddhartha Gautama’ the Buddha.
Psychic ability
Energy manipulation
Although we have given much attention to the biological
manifestation of the Cruor V the Cruor V is fundamentally
a metaphysical being by nature. Psychic ability is a basic
manifestation of the Cruor V’s being. It is this particular
element that is most always the first to manifest itself in
the maturing Cruor V. The process of this maturation is
often referred to as an 'awakening' by many.
However, the ingestion of blood is not a necessary
practise to obtain its energy’s or information, many
Vampires will attest. The use of, and status of blood for
the Cruor V is sacred. Blood should never be treated
without careful consideration and not mixed without the
knowledge and consent of a coven.
Blood is a potent tool used in rituals and ceremonies for a
Cruor V, both simple and complex in nature. The blood of
a Cruor V is a symbol of their lineage and power when
used in ritual; it is a sacred extension of the Vampiric
Subtle energies
Psychic energy training
After a few minutes of awareness expanding meditation
you may then focus on the flame of the candle.
As you exhale feel yourself expand outwards. Whilst
experiencing the sensation of psychic expansion focus on
the candle flame, with intent of making it flicker.
As you inhale repeat the same process, although this time
focus on drawing the candle flame towards you. Once
again this will cause the candle flame to flicker.
This exercise could be practised once a day. However,
one should be aware that it does take practise to develop
the skill, if one is new to the path. Those that have already
experienced psychic awakening and have had some
telekinetic experience will marvel at how easy this
exercise is.
The Cruor V is a keen observer and is particularly
sensitive to the hidden or undisclosed nature of people,
animals and structures. The Cruor V is aware that the
mind can assert anything and pretend it has proved it. The
Cruor V thus learns to test any beliefs on their body and
intuitional consciousness. When a response is received
from these then it may be accepted.
The undisclosed or hidden nature of things may refer to
the psychic energies that inhabit them or they emit. It is
for this reason a Cruor V is seemingly very selective of
their associates and places they frequent.
In retrospect, on some levels intuition is less of an
experience or a phenomenon and paradoxically more of an
art form and a science. The vampire is forever the avid
student of communication, both subtle and obvious. The
author would suggest that Intuition for the Cruor V is also
somewhat akin to a science in many ways. As stated
earlier, the more intangible aspect of the process in the
case of the Cruor V can be viewed as being related to
psychic sensitivity, or perhaps that which is
communicated by mind correlation.
arrogance, ambition, leadership, courage, masculinity,
power, danger, gaudiness, blood, war, and anger.
Violet is said to symbolize magic. Purple in Thailand is
the colour of mourning. In western cultures purple is
usually associated with royalty and wisdom. The Purple
Heart, a high military honor for those wounded or killed in
combating America's foes, embodies both purple
attributes. Purple can symbolize nobility, envy, sensuality,
spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nostalgia,
ceremony, mystery, wisdom, enlightenment, arrogance,
flamboyance, gaudiness, mourning, exaggeration,
profanity, bisexuality, sexuality confusion, pride, Scorpio
(violet, star sign), May, November, riches, romanticism
(light purple), delicacy (light purple), and penance. Purple
is the colour of mourning for widows in Thailand. It was
the favorite colour of Egypt's Cleopatra. Purple was also
the colour of dye that corkers used to make the king and
queen's clothing. They weaved and made special clothes
from silk woven off a tree.
The reasons for such associations between colour and
emotional states are very obvious when one only briefly
considers them.
Black has an obvious association with death in Western
culture as it represents darkness and the unknown. Death
is also associated with the extinguishing of light. The
association of white with death in Eastern cultures most
likely comes from the pale skin of a dead person, or the
stark whiteness of bones and skeletons. Many Eastern
cultures also view death as the passage into a higher state
of being (Buddhism, Hinduism), and thus could view
white as a positive colour association for death. Red
typically represents violence, war, aggression, or passion;
most likely because red is the colour of human blood and
It appears the Cruor V is naturally attracted to these
colours, or to use these colours, just as much as the non-
vampire is attracted by them.
As the reader would have no doubt observed, one of the
most common aesthetics attributed to the classic Vampire
are prosthetic or filed canines and special effect contact
lenses. These are particularly popular amongst the
younger Vampires of this generation, who also may be
termed or described as being Goths.
Whilst the gothic aesthetic may be felt to have a limited
appeal to the non-Vampire, it should not be thought that
all Goths consider themselves Vampires, or all Vampires
associate themselves with the gothic fashion movement.
Whilst this element of the Cruor Vs being need not be
given a wordy address, it is by far the most noticeable and
one of the most effective means by which a Vampire
interacts superficially with their environment. The
Vampires appearance and scent is also an important factor
to enhance the process of psychic exchanges.
The Cruor Vs role or place in the human genus can
perhaps be simply viewed as a natural energy balancer,
rather than a predator or opportunistic entity. By
facilitating the exchange and transference of psychic
energy the Cruor V may also be viewed as nature's
psychic flame or beautiful flower to the highly psychically
active moths or bees of the world. The Cruor V’s own
flame is enriched by the process of these
energy/information exchanges and takes this back to the
coven to integrate the energy to the united flame of the
In retrospect the Cruor V may be seen as a natural
creature by this analogy, not a monster, or evil entity.
The element of beauty in the context of the Cruor V has
been intentionally described and explored with some
philosophical leanings in this section. Whilst this may
appear to be a divergence it has been done to simply
include some balance in the topic. The Vires Septagram
displays the element of beauty as being balanced by being
intercepted by regeneration and psychic ability.
Before finishing this section it is important to mention the
aspect of a Cruor Vs beauty or appeal that is intangible.
As depicted in popular literature and movies the Cruor V's
inability to be captured on film is not far from reality.
This is once again due to the Cruor V being a psychic
being, and much more than the sum of its appearance. To
put it simply, the viewable image of a Cruor V only
consists of the flesh and materials it has decided to clothe
itself with, nothing more.
In retrospect, it is important to acknowledge that for the
Cruor V the control of energy is a means to and end, not a
reason for existing, motivation or passion unto itself.
In closing the section on the subject of passion I will leave
with some famous quotes pertaining to the qualities and
mindset necessary to endure the fire of passion.
‘One must not always think so much about what one
should do, but rather what one should be. Our works do
not ennoble us; but we must ennoble our works’.
- Eckhart von Hochheim, a German theologian,
philosopher and mystic, born near Gotha, in Thuringia,
“Work and Being”
‘Obstacles cannot crush me, every obstacle yields to stern
resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his
- Leonardo da Vinci
‘Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in
prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant’.
- Horace (65-8 B.C.), Poet and Satirist
‘A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in
our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of
serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent
before we changed’.
- Earl Nightingale (1921-1989), Philosopher and
Syndicated Radio Personality
‘The real art of discovery consists not in finding new
lands, but in seeing with new eyes’.
- French novelist Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel
‘The wealthy man is the man who is much, not the one
who has much’.
- Karl Marx, German political philosopher
"So verily, with hardship, there is relief."
[Te Qur’an Al-Inshira 94:5]
‘The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul
on fire’.
- Marshall Ferdinand Foch.
Eternally Yours
Kuji In Jumon:
RIN: For strength of body and mind.
Japanese: On baishiraman taya sowaka
Sanskrit: Om vajraman taya swaha
English: „O diamond thunderbolt glory be to you‟
Rin Ketsu In
PYO: For directing energy
Japanese: On isha naya in tara ya sowaka
Sanskrit: Om isha naya yantraya swaha
English:„O instrument who‟s way is strength glory be to
Pyo: ketsu In
TO: For Harmony with the universe.
Japanese: On jite rashi itara jiba ratanō sowaka
Sanskrit: Om jit rashi yatra jiva ratna swaha
English: „O conquering zodiac wherein lies the Jewel of
life glory be to you‟.
To: Ketsu In
SHA: For healing of others and self.
Japanese: On haya baishiraman taya sowaka
Sanskrit: Om haya vajraman taya swaha
English: „O vehicle of the diamond thunderbolt glory be
to you‟
Sha: Ketsu In
KAI: For clairvoyance
Japanese: On nōmaku sanmanda basaradan kan
Sanskrit: Om namah samanta vajranam hâm
English:„O salutations to the diamond that binds all‟
Ka: Ketsu In
JIN: To know that which is hidden.
Japanese: On aga naya in maya sowaka
Sanskrit: Om agnaya yan maya swaha
English:„O whose fire shifts us from illusion glory be to
Jin: Ketsu In
RETSU: For power over the temporal and spatial
Japanese: On hirota ki shanoga jiba tai sowaka
Sanskrit: Om jyota hi chandoga jiva tay swaha
English:‟O light your chant is life glory be to you‟
Retsu: Ketsu In
Zi: Ketsu In
Zen: Ketsu In
The meaning of these words are symbolic and do not have
specific linguistic origin. The translations are as follows:
Om (primeval sound), Ah (the essence of all things is
unmade), Ra (all things are pure), Pa (all paths have been
ultimately explained), Ca (realisation that the
apprehension of beginning and ending is unobtainable, as
there is no beginning and no ending), Na (although the
names of things may change the nature of things can not
be gained or lost) and Dhi (ultimate wisdom).
Bat symbolism and Vampires
Chinese symbol of the Five
Crux Cruor
Vires Symbol
Therian Pentagrams
Nin Kanji
November 23, 1934) postulated that the symbol originated
as the belt-buckle of the mother goddess Isis.
refer to the process of the soul or ‘Ba’ shifting to new
On Behavioural Phenotypes
On phenotypic plasticity
On the Schumann resonance
Electromagnetics in Biology
By Masamichi Kato (Publisher: Springer; 1
edition September 21, 2006, page20).
On L Field
On Mirror Neurons
By Giacomo Rizzolatti Author), Corrado
Sinigaglia (Author), Frances Anderson
By Marco Iacoboni
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 1st edition
(May 13, 2008)
About the Author
Zakary is founder of House Bennu, a member of the VVC
‘Voices of the Vampire Community’ and holds a BA in
Health Science.