Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining 1

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Environmental Checklist: 7.

Petroleum Refining(1)

Category Environmental Item Main Check Items Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

① Have EIA reports been officially completed?

② Have EIA reports been approved by authorities of the host country’s
(1) EIA and
③ Have EIA reports been unconditionally approved? If conditions are imposed
on the approval of EIA reports, are the conditions satisfied?
④ In addition to the above approvals, have other required environmental permits
1 Permits and been obtained from the appropriate regulatory authorities of the host country’s
Explanation government?
① Are contents of the project and the potential impacts adequately explained to
the public based on appropriate procedures, including information disclosure? Is
(2) Explanation to
understanding obtained from the public?
the Public
② Are proper responses made to comments from the public and regulatory
① Do air pollutants, such as soot and dust (containing heavy metals, such as Ni
and V), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and hydrogen sulfide emitted
from various sources, such as boilers, furnaces, catalytic converters, coking units
(1) Air Quality (thermal cracking units for residual oils), and other ancillary facilities comply with
the country's emission standards? Is there a possibility that air pollutants emitted
from the project will cause areas that do not comply with the country’s ambient air
quality standards?
① Do pollutants, such as BOD, COD, oil and grease, phenols, benzene, and heavy
metals contained in effluents (including cooling water) from various process units
and other ancillary facilities comply with the country’s effluent standards? Is there
(2) Water Quality a possibility that the effluents from the project will cause areas that do not comply
2 Mitigation with the country’s ambient water quality standards?
Measures ② Are adequate measures taken to prevent contamination of surface water and
groundwater by these effluents?
① Are wastes, such as organic compounds and hazardous wastes containing heavy
metals (such as spent catalysts, collected dust, liquid wastes, and sludges) from
various process units properly stabilized, treated and disposed of in accordance
(3) Wastes with the country’s standards? Are non-hazardous wastes also properly treated and
disposed of in accordance with the country’s standards?
② Are adequate measures taken to prevent contamination of soil and groundwater
by leachates from the waste disposal sites?
① Has the soil in the project site been contaminated in the past, and are adequate
(4) Soil measures taken to prevent soil contamination by leaked materials, such as crude
Contamination oil, products, and chemical agents?
Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining(2)

Category Environmental Item Main Check Items Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

① Do noise and vibrations generated by process unit operations comply with the
(5) Noise and country’s standards?
Vibration ② Is there a possibility that noise generated by large vehicle traffic for
transportation of materials, such as raw materials will cause impacts?
2 Mitigation
① In the case of extraction of a large volume of groundwater, is there a possibility
Measures (6) Subsidence that the extraction of groundwater will cause subsidence?
① Are there any odor sources, such as hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans
(7) Odor originating from crude oil (especially sour oil containing relatively high levels of
hydrogen sulfide)? Are adequate odor control measures taken?
① Is the project site located in protected areas designated by the country’s laws or
(1) Protected Areas international treaties and conventions? Is there a possibility that the project will
affect the protected areas?
① Does the project site encompass primeval forests, tropical rain forests,
ecologically valuable habitats (e.g., coral reefs, mangroves, or tidal flats)?
3 Natural ② Does the project site encompass the protected habitats of endangered species
Environment designated by the country’s laws or international treaties and conventions?
③ If significant ecological impacts are anticipated, are adequate protection
(2) Ecosystem
measures taken to reduce the impacts on the ecosystem?
④ Is there a possibility that the amount of water (e.g., surface water, groundwater)
used by the project will adversely affect aquatic environments, such as rivers? Are
adequate measures taken to reduce the impacts on aquatic environments, such as
aquatic organisms?
① Is involuntary resettlement caused by project implementation? If involuntary
resettlement is caused, are efforts made to minimize the impacts caused by the
② Is adequate explanation on relocation and compensation given to affected
persons prior to resettlement?
③ Is the resettlement plan, including proper compensation, restoration of
livelihoods and living standards developed based on socioeconomic studies on
4 Social
(1) Resettlement resettlement?
④ Does the resettlement plan pay particular attention to vulnerable groups or
persons, including women, children, the elderly, people below the poverty line,
ethnic minorities, and indigenous peoples?
⑤ Are agreements with the affected persons obtained prior to resettlement?
⑥ Is the organizational framework established to properly implement
resettlement? Are the capacity and budget secured to implement the plan?
⑦ Is a plan developed to monitor the impacts of resettlement?
Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining(3)

Category Environmental Item Main Check Items Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

① Is there a possibility that the project will adversely affect the living conditions
of inhabitants? Are adequate measures considered to reduce the impacts, if
② Is there a possibility that large vehicle traffic for transportation of materials,
(2) Living and
such as raw materials and products will cause impacts on traffic in the surrounding
areas, impede the movement of inhabitants, and cause risks to pedestrians?
4 Social ③ Is there a possibility that the amount of water used (e.g., surface water,
Environment groundwater) by the project will adversely affect the existing water uses and water
area uses?
① Is there a possibility that the project will damage the local archeological,
(3) Heritage historical, cultural, and religious heritage sites? Are adequate measures considered
to protect these sites in accordance with the country’s laws?
① Is there a possibility that the project will adversely affect the local landscape?
(4) Landscape Are necessary measures taken?
① Are adequate measures considered to reduce impacts during construction (e.g.,
noise, vibrations, turbid water, dust, exhaust gases, and wastes)?
② If construction activities adversely affect the natural environment (ecosystem),
(1) Impacts during are adequate measures considered to reduce impacts?
Construction ③ If construction activities adversely affect the social environment, are adequate
measures considered to reduce impacts?
④ If necessary, is health and safety education (e.g., traffic safety, public health)
provided for project personnel, including workers?
5 Others ① Are adequate accident prevention plans and mitigation measures developed to
cover both the soft and hard aspects of the project, such as establishment of safety
rules, installation of prevention facilities and equipment, and safety education for
(2) Accident workers? Are adequate measures for emergency response to accidental events
Prevention considered?
Measures ② Are adequate accident prevention measures (e.g., installation of prevention
facilities and equipment and establishment of prevention management framework)
taken for storage, loading/unloading, and transportation of hazardous and
dangerous materials?
Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining(4)

Category Environmental Item Main Check Items Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

① Does the proponent develop and implement monitoring program for the
environmental items that are considered to have potential impacts?
② Are the items, methods and frequencies included in the monitoring program
judged to be appropriate?
5 Others (3) Monitoring ③ Does the proponent establish an adequate monitoring framework (organization,
personnel, equipment, and adequate budget to sustain the monitoring framework)?
④ Are any regulatory requirements pertaining to the monitoring report system
identified, such as the format and frequency of reports from the proponent to the
regulatory authorities?
Reference to ① Where necessary, pertinent items described in the Ports and Harbors checklist
Checklist of Other should also be checked (e.g., projects including construction of ports and harbor
Sectors facilities).
6 Note
Note on Using ① If necessary, the impacts to transboundary or global issues should be confirmed
Environmental (e.g., the project includes factors that may cause problems, such as transboundary
Checklist waste treatment, acid rain, destruction of the ozone layer, and global warming).

1) Regarding the term “Country’s Standards” mentioned in the above table, in the event that environmental standards in the country where the project is located diverge significantly from international standards, appropriate
environmental considerations are made, if necessary.
In cases where local environmental regulations are yet to be established in some areas, considerations should be made based on comparisons with appropriate standards of other countries (including Japan' experience).
2) Environmental checklist provides general environmental items to be checked. It may be necessary to add or delete an item taking into account the characteristics of the project and the particular circumstances of the
country and locality in which it is located.

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