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Complete Dragon Magazine 3.

5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles

Collected here is a listing of nearly all Feats, Flaws, and
Fighting Styles 3.5 described in DRAGON MAGAZINE issues
309-360 and Dungeon Magazine issues 100-154. Omitted stats
were done so only because they appeared in other books or
because in order to use them important information from the
article was required.
Entries found here have been entered using OCR and Prerequisite: A minimum ability score, another feat or
proofread. Some issues come from really bad scans in which feats, a minimum base attack bonus, a minimum number of
case entries have been manually transcribed. ranks in one or more skills, or a class level that a character
There has been no change or standardization to the way must have in order to acquire this feat. This entry is absent if
Feats, Flaws, or Fighting Styles have been listed in the 3.5 a feat has no prerequisite. A feat may have more than one
world and therefore, unlike other compilations, have not had prerequisite.
to undergo changes. The entries are word for word from the Benefit: What the feat enables the character (“you” in the
magazine. The only changes made are to the table listings, feat description) to do. If a character has the same feat more
which was done to shorten the entry and with the added than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated
intent of making them more standardized and readable. otherwise in the description. In general, having a feat twice is
the same as having it once.
Normal: What a character who does not have this feat is
DESCRIPTIONS limited to or restricted from doing. If not having the feat
Summary: Before the start of each section is a summary of causes no particular drawback, this entry is absent.
the feat type and how it is used. This information is taken Special: Additional facts about the feat that may be helpful
from the magazine or reprinted from the appropriate books. when you decide whether to acquire the feat.
The following table shows this relationship: Suggested Class/Race: Many feats, flaws, and fighting
styles come from articles about a particular class or race.
Feat Type Summary Source Often the listed feat, flaw, or fighting style can be used by
Abberant Lords of Madness any class or race if they meet the prerequisites. I wanted to
Abyssal Heritor Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss keep the original target class or race intact so I created this
Ambush Dragon Magazine #344 section to reflect this. For instance, even though the feat
Ancestor Dragon Magazine #315 Backstab is intended for Rogues, it can be taken by any
Arcane Dragon Magazine #351 character who has Combat Reflexes as a feat.
Bardic Music Player’s Handbook The feats taken from DUNGEON MAGAZINE have a
Birth N/A suggested class/race based on the NPC that was using it.
Bloodline Dragon Magazine #311 and #325 Dragon/Dungeon Magazine #: Which issue and article
Chaos Dragon Magazine #326 the information was taken from.
Ceremonial Dragon Magazine #311
Core Initiate Dragon Magazine #342
Divine Complete Divine IMAGES
Exalted Book of Exalted Deeds Although images aren’t often associated with feats, there
General Player’s Handbook were times when artwork accompanied the description. I
Hex Dragon Magazine #339 tried to place images near the corresponding feats. These
Item Creation Player’s Handbook images all come from DRAGON and DUNGEONMAGAZINES and
Ki Dragon Magazine #342 have only been altered to clean them up for use in this
Psionic Expanded Psionics Handbook compilation.
Psi-Spell Dragon Magazine #313 VERSIONS
Purification Dragon Magazine #337 1.0: The initial release.
Metamagic Player’s Handbook 2.0: Added missing Necromantic feats. Added missing feat
Metapsionic Expanded Psionics Handbook to Dragon Magazine index (War Magic Study). Corrected
Monstrous N/A some spelling errors.
Necromantic Dragon Magazine #312 3.0: Added feats from DUNGEON MAGAZINE. Renamed and
Racial Dragon Magazine #324 moved “Improved” feats to be consistent. Added descriptions
Regional Dragon Magazine #315 in the tables for Feats appearing in the PLAYER’S HANDBOOK.
Tactical Complete Warrior Changed layout.
Vile Book of Vile Darkness
Weapon Style Complete Warrior
Wild Complete Adventurer
Fighting Style N/A Plain and simple: nobody. I’m not a graphic artist. I do not
Flaws Unearthed Arcana design layouts for magazines or newsletters of any sort.
While I would love to say who I am, I’d rather not be hassled
for creating this compilation for the gaming community. I
Some feats did not have a category in brackets indicating
often go by the name of EldritchHorror or some variation
what type of feat it was. These were placed in the
and sometimes can be found as Strider.
[GENERAL] category unless it was obvious as to which
Look for my other compilations: Arms and Equipment,
category it belonged based on the article from which it came.
Magic Items, and Spells.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Aberrant and Abyssal Heritor Feats
rare cases, however, this latent demonic heritage raises
ABERRANT FEATS its ugly head, causing two otherwise normal mortals to
Unlike typical feats, aberrant feats produce a tiefling or even a half-Fiend child. Yet
manifest as physical changes to your such births are not the only way that a dormant
character’s features (or as additions to Abyssal taint can make its presence known.
your character’s appearance). These feats In some cases, this lingering influence manifests
twist and reshape your form, and you later in life, often spontaneously when the
become alien in appearance. character undergoes a stressful period, or when he
A character who has selected at least one gains skill or power from other sources. At such
aberrant feat gains an inhuman, unsettling moments, his latent demonic heritage can come to
presence. You take a –1 penalty on the fore in shocking ways, transforming him into an
Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Abyssal heritor.
Handle Animal, and wild empathy checks The manifestation of a dormant demonic heritage
for every aberrant feat you possess (–2 with is modeled by the Abyssal heritor feats. Unlike vile
two feats, –3 with three feats, and so on). feats, Abyssal heritor feats are not inherently evil.
Some aberrant feats have an additional They are, however, inherently chaotic, since a lawful
cumulative effect based on your total soul would have difficulty accepting the kind of strange and
number of aberrant feats. This accumulation increases as you eldritch changes to the body and mind that such feats
gain additional aberrant feats. For example, a character with impose. This chaotic bent eventually affects the alignment of
Aberration Blood who selects Durable Form gains 4 hit the character taking these feats. A character with only one
points (two for each aberrant feat he possesses). If he later Abyssal heritor feat can be of any alignment, but he
selects Bestial Hide, he gains another 2 hit points (in addition immediately becomes chaotic (if he wasn't already) upon
to the normal benefit of Bestial Hide). taking a second, unless he possesses the Ordered Chaos feat.
A character with multiple Abyssal heritor feats cannot
MOURNING MUTATE [ABERRANT] voluntarily change the chaotic aspect of his alignment. If a
You survived the Mourning (see Dragon Magazine #359), but magical effect changes his alignment away from chaotic, he
it left its mark upon your body. While one feature is loses access to the benefits of his Abyssal heritor feats until
especially noteworthy, you might have any number of purely his chaotic alignment is restored (unless he has Ordered
cosmetic oddities. Unusual skin, hair, and eye colors are Chaos feat).
common as are strange rashes or web of scars. The form of a A character can select an Abyssal heritor feat at any time he
warped feature is up to you and the DM. It might be out of can select a general feat. Though some of the more powerful
proportion, or it might be truly monstrous in nature. Abyssal heritor feats require lesser feats as prerequisites, a
Benefit: You gain a physical feature that grants you a racial character need not have established a demonic heritage
bonus on one type of check or action. The bonus must be before taking the basic ones. As soon as he actually selects an
chosen from the following list. Abyssal heritor feat, however, he can no longer deny the
existence of some sinister event in his family's past.
Mourning Feature Benefit The benefits of many Abyssal heritor feats actually improve
Disturbing sores +3 on saving throws vs. poison as the character takes more of them. Doing so, however, helps
disease (see below) to cement the character's chaotic alignment and link with
Hideous features +3 on Intimidate checks demonkind.
Spongy flesh DR 3 / -- vs. nonlethal damage Abyssal heritor feats do not come without penalties. The
Unnaturally flexible +3 on Escape Artist deformity such a feat inflicts on the mind and body imposes a
Warped ears +3 on Listen checks -2 penalty on checks made with a particular skill designated
Warped eyes +3 on Spot checks in the feat description.
Warped limb Limb deals +2 damage with Other heritor feats corresponding to planes other than the
unarmed strikes Abyss might certainly exist, although they are beyond the
scope of this text.
Special: This feat is treated as Aberration Blood (LORDS OF
MADNESS) for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites. SPAWN OF THE DARK PRINCE [ABYSSAL
If you have disturbing sores and successfully save against a
disease by 3 or fewer points, you avoid its effects.
You may only take this feat at 1st level. Your distant kinship with the Dark Price Graz’zt grants you
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Eberron – Dragonmarks – demonic eloquence.
Echoes of the Mourning) Prerequisites: Cha 15
Benefit: As a full-round action you can concentrate upon
the gifts of Graz’zt coursing through your veins to gain a +10
ABYSSAL HERITOR FEATS bonus on Bluff checks made to convince another of the truth
The hordes of the Abyss have mingled with mortal races of your words. The duration of this supernatural effect lasts a
ever since the two first came into contact. The inevitable number of minutes equal to your Charisma bonus.
results of this mixing can be seen in the faces of Kali-fiends Special: Your self-absorbed nature makes you ill aware of
and, to a lesser extent, tieflings. Over the course of several your immediate surroundings. Consequently, you take a -2
generations, the fiendish bloodline tends to become diluted penalty on Spot checks.
until the taint goes completely dormant. In exceptionally Dragon Magazine #: 359 (1d20 Villains – D&D’s Most
Wanted; Preferably Dead)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Ambush Feats
Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the
Ambush feats allow you to use your sneak attack to
deal some other, additional, disability upon an
opponent at the cost of one or more of the FLURRY OF THROWS [AMBUSH]
extra damage dice you normally deal When you catch opponents unawares you can unleash a
with a successful hit. You must declare storm of shuriken striking at their most vulnerable points.
your intent to use an ambush feat's ability Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,
before making your attack roll and you must Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (shuriken), Acrobatics, sudden
deal at least one extra die of damage with the attack. strike +4d6.
You may apply multiple ambush feats to the same Benefit: As part of a full-round attack using Rapid Shot,
attack so long as you still deal at least one extra die you can throw additional shuriken by reducing your sudden
of damage with the attack. Creatures immune to strike damage. You make every attack in the round with a -2
sneak attacks are immune to the secondary penalty. For each die by which you reduce your sudden strike
effects created by ambush feats. damage you gain one additional attack and you deal your
remaining damage dice to each target struck by the additional
attacks gained from this ability. You can sacrifice up to three
BURNING LINK [AMBUSH] bonus damage dice to gain three extra attacks in a round.
You can harm creatures possessing a mystical Each target of a shuriken attack must be vulnerable to your
connection to your opponent sudden strike (i.e., does not currently have a Dexterity bonus
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank, to AC), and each shuriken you throw in this way must target
Knowledge (nature) 1 rank, sneak attack +3d6. a different creature. Other attacks you make as part of your
Benefit: By reducing your sneak attack damage by two full attack action that are not extra attacks from Rapid Shot or
damage dice, you can deal sneak attack damage to a creature Flurry of Throws do not have to be made with shuriken, and
linked with your target from a class ability-such as a druid or they do not gain bonus sudden strike damage.
ranger's animal companion, a sorcerer or wizard's familiar, or For example, a 13th-level ninja uses Rapid Shot and Flurry
a paladin's special mount. Only your sneak attack damage of Throws to make six attacks (two normal attacks plus one
(that which remains after subtracting two dice to use this Rapid Shot attack plus three Flurry of Throws attacks). The
feat) applies, and that damage only affects the target's linked ninja's attacks have the following base attack bonuses
creature-not your target. The base damage of your weapon, (counting only his base attack bonus and penalties for
your Strength bonus, poison, and similar types of damage do attacking more than once in a round): +6/+1/+6/+6/+6/+6.
not transfer and apply to your target normally. A creature has His three Flurry of Throws attacks deal normal shuriken
a special connection to your target if it gains Hit Dice, hit damage plus 4d6 points of sudden strike damage and must be
points, or other abilities due to the target's level. Creatures of made against three different foes who lack their Dexterity
a type normally immune to sneak attack damage (such as bonuses to AC and are thus susceptible to sudden strike
constructs or undead) are immune to the effects of this feat. damage.
Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the
Shadows) Shadows)


Your attack reflects light into your opponent's face, leaving Your attack leaves your opponent limping in pain.
him with watering eyes and cringing from the light. Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, skirmish +2d6.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack +2d6. Benefit: By reducing your skirmish damage by one damage
Benefit: By reducing your sneak attack damage by one die, you can reduce your target's base land speed by up to 10
damage die, your attack leaves your opponent dazzled for 1 feet for 1 minute. Multiple attacks made with this feat stack,
round. If you reduce your sneak attack damage by more than but you cannot reduce a creature's base land speed below 5
the one die, the duration of the dazzle effect increases by 1 feet. This feat does not affect any other type of movement,
round per damage die reduction. You and your foe must both such as flying or climbing.
be in an area of bright illumination for you to make use of Special: A scout may take Hinder as one of her scout bonus
this feat. feats (see page 13 of Complete Adventurer).
Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the
Shadows) Shadows)


You can weaken your opponents' ability to withstand With a single viper-swift blow you strike and temporarily
magical threats. paralyze your opponent's hand.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack +3d6. Prerequisites: Str 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved
Benefit: By reducing your sneak attack damage by two Disarm, Painful Strike, Power Attack, sneak attack +4d6.
damage dice you can reduce the target's spell resistance by 5 Benefit: By reducing your sneak attack damage by three
(minimum 1) for 1 minute. Multiple attacks made with this damage dice, you can make a melee attack that causes your
feat do not stack. Each use of this feat begins the 1 minute target to lose the use of one of his hands (your choice) for 1
duration anew. minute. Your target can make a Fortitude save to resist (DC
10 + 1/2 your level + damage dealt). If he fails the save he

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Ambush and Ancestor Feats
drops whatever he is holding in that hand, cannot use two- ancestor feat is never a requirement. Any character can
handed weapons, and he may not engage in any action that choose an ancestor feat, but only at 1st level. No character
requires the use of both hands (such as using the Climb or can have more than one ancestor feat.
Use Rope skills). For more information, see the article “Kara-Tur: Ancestor
Special: This feat only affects living creatures able to feel Feats and Martial Arts Styles” in Dragon Magazine #315.
Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the ADVENTUROUS EXPLORER [ANCESTOR]
Shadows) You are descended from an adventurous explorer. You are
quick to take action and react quickly to changing conditions
Your attack causes your opponent intense agony. Nation: Shou Lung (Ch'ing Tung), Jungle Lands.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, sneak attack +3d6. Benefit: When you ready an action in combat, you can
Benefit: By reducing your sneak attack damage by two choose to take that action at any time, not just when the
damage dice, you can strike to cause your target intense, condition you specify occurs. (In effect, this allows you to
throbbing pain. This pain imposes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, take a move action and then delay your remaining action.)
skill checks, and ability checks for 1 minute. Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
Special: This feat only affects living creatures able to feel Martial Arts Styles)
Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the ALLY OF THE KI•RIN [ANCESTOR]
Shadows) Your family claims a special connection (not actual descent)
to the ki-rin that saved the city of Hai Sheng (now known as
RING THE EAR [AMBUSH] Kirin, in the Hungtse province) from the Ivory Plague. You
A mighty buffet leaves your opponent reeling and his ears are exceptionally resistant to disease as a result.
buzzing. Nation: Shou Lung (Hungtse).
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saving throws to
+2d6. resist the effects of all diseases except for supernatural and
Benefit: By reducing your sneak attack damage by one magical diseases (such as mummy rot and lycanthropy).
damage die you can make a special unarmed strike attack that Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
forces your target to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your Martial Arts Styles)
class level + your Str modifier). If your target fails this save he
loses the ability to hear for 1 minute. AUDACIOUS ATTEMPT [ANCESTOR]
Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the From issue #315: You are descended from a notorious
Shadows) pirate, and you share that ancestor's incredible audacity.
From issue #318: You are descended from the famous
WEAKEN THE HEART [AMBUSH] Scorpion daimyo Bayushi Tangen, author of Lies and Little
Your attack leaves your opponent gasping for air and Truths. You share that ancestor's incredible audacity.
watching spots dance before his eyes. Clan (issue #318): Scorpion.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, sneak attack +3d6. Nation (issue #315): Shou Lung (Hai Yuan), Island
Benefit: By reducing your sneak attack damage by two Kingdoms.
damage dice you can make a special melee attack targeting Benefit: Once per encounter, when you are attempting a
your foe's vital organs that forces your target to make a nearly impossible task (any task at which you need to roll a
Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your class level + your Int 20 on 1d20 to succeed), you may roll two dive instead of one,
modifier). If your target fails this save, at any time in the next taking the better result. You can use this ability when you
1o minutes that he attempts to make a Strength-, Dexterity-, choose, whether you are making an attack roll, saving throw,
or Constitution-based skill check or on ability checks using skill or ability check, level check, or any other 1d20 roll that
one of these scores he becomes fatigued. If already fatigued you make, as long as you can succeed on that particular check
he becomes exhausted instead. only by rolling a 20 on the die.
Dragon Magazine #: 344 (Class Acts – Out of the Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
Shadows) Martial Arts Styles) and 318 (Oriental Adventures – Eastern
The ancestor feats in this section replace the ancestor feats
in Oriental Adventures for characters from Kara-Tur. Most of BACKSTABBING TRAITOR [ANCESTOR]
them are simply better than most of the ancestor feats in You are descended from an infamous traitor. You are adept
Oriental Adventures. The reason for this reflects a slight shift at seizing the right moment to act.
in philosophy also emphasized in the FORGOTTEN REALMS Nation: Shou Lung (Tien Lun), T'u Lung.
Player's Guide to Faerûn: Players should be rewarded for Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and a +2
making an effort to ground their characters in the world of bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks.
Kara-Tur. Taking an ancestor feat is usually a better option Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
than taking a similar non-ancestor feat. Martial Arts Styles)
Human characters in Kara-Tur are never required to spend
their bonus feat slot on an ancestor feat. Choosing an

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Ancestor Feats
BLOOD ARTISAN [ANCESTOR] Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on Hide checks made in
You are descended from Asahina Yajinden, a shugenja of forests. When sniping, you take only a -15 penalty on your
the Crane clan who became the greatest lieutenant of the Hide check to conceal yourself after your shot.
dread sorcerer luchiban. Yajinden abused his power, creating Normal: The normal penalty on your Hide check when
the Bloodswords and other evil magic items used by the sniping is -20.
armies of luchiban. You have mastered the method of Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
creating a certain kind of magic item. Martial Arts Styles)
Clan: Crane.
Benefit: When you make magic arms and armor or GIFTED GENERAL [ANCESTOR]
wondrous items, you pay only 75% of the normal gold piece Your ancestor was a great daimyo. You have inherited a
cost to create the item. However, the item is always cursed; ready sense of when to act and a hardiness of health.
with the curse randomly determined by the Dungeon Master, Nation: Kozakura.
using the tables in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and a +2
Special: You cannot create normal items by forgoing this bonus on all Fortitude saves.
discount. Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
Dragon Magazine #: 318 (Oriental Adventures – Eastern Martial Arts Styles)
[ANCESTOR] You descended from ancestors
From issue #315: You are that lived in a rugged,
descended from a long line of mountainous land. You are
noble, cultured, and sophisticated particularly hard to kill.
courtiers. You are skilled in the arts Nation: Shou Lung (Yu'l), Koryo.
of diplomacy as well as the fine Benefit: When you take this feat
arts. you gain +3 hit points. Further, you
From issue #318: You claim are immune to death from massive
descent from Doji, the founder of damage. When you are dying, you
the Crane household, known as a have a 25% chance to stabilize each
creator of culture and civilization. round.
You are skilled in the arcs of Normal: The normal chance to
diplomacy as well as the fine arts. stabilize each round is 10%.
Clan (issue #318): Crane. Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-
Nation (issue #315): Shou Lung Tur: Ancestor Feats and Martial
(Wang Kuo), Wa. Arts Styles)
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on
Diplomacy and Sense Motive HORSE NOMAD
checks, as well as a +2 bonus on a
single Craft or Perform skill of [ANCESTOR]
your choice. You have been raised in a culture
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara- that relies upon riding and
Tur: Ancestor Feats and Martial shooting.
Arts Styles) and 318 (Oriental Nation: The Plain of Horses.
Adventures – Eastern Flavor) Benefit: You gain Martial
Weapon Proficiency (light lance),
DISCIPLINE Martial Weapon Proficiency
(scimitar), and Martial Weapon Proficiency (composite
[ANCESTOR] shortbow), and a +3 bonus on all Ride checks.
Your people are admired for their single-minded Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
determination. You are difficult to distract by spell or blow. Martial Arts Styles)
Nation: Any.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Will saves and a +2 bonus INFAMOUS TRAITOR [ANCESTOR]
on Concentration checks.
Bayushi Junzen, Scorpion Clan Champion, did not trust the
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
Yogo family, so he gave three of the Black Scrolls of Fu Leng
Martial Arts Styles)
to his son, Bayushi Tesaguri-who is your ancestor. Tesaguri,
however, betrayed this trust by selling the Scrolls to the
FOREST AMBUSHER [ANCESTOR] Phoenix clan-and paid for his crime with his life. Like your
You are descended from a skilled ambusher and are adept at ancestor, you cannot be trusted, but you are adept at seizing
guerilla tactics in forested lands. the right moment to act.
Nation: Shou Lung (Chu' Yuan), Jungle Lands. Clan: Scorpion.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, and a +2
bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Ancestor Feats
Dragon Magazine #: 318 (Oriental Adventures – Eastern RENOWNED COURTESAN [ANCESTOR]
Flavor) You are descended from a courtesan of legendary beauty,
the subject of many tales and ballads. You are a talented
LEGENDARY TRACKER [ANCESTOR] manipulator of other people's emotions.
You descended from a legendary tracker in a cold and Nation: Shou Lung (Sheng Ti), Wa.
mountainous land. You are acclimated to cold weather and Benefit: You can use the Diplomacy skill to produce the
high altitudes, and can track well through the snow. following effects:
Nation: Shou Lung (Arakin), Tabot. • Change an NPC's attitude toward a person other than
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves made to yourself. The DC is the same as if you were changing
avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments. In addition, the character's attitude toward you.
you are acclimated to high altitudes and can move faster • Inspire love and devotion. If you successfully
through areas of snow and heavy snow. You are not slowed by improve a character's attitude toward you (only) to
normal snow. It costs you only 3 squares of movement to helpful, you can choose to cause that character to
enter a square covered with heavy snow. show romantic interest in you. The character
If you have the Track feat, you gain a +4 bonus on Survival thereafter seeks every opportunity to be near you and
checks to find or follow tracks that have been covered by makes every effort to win your affection, within the
fresh snow. (This helps to offset the +10 increase to the check bounds of relatively normal behavior.
DC in this situation.) • Inspire hope or despair. With a successful DC 25
Normal: It costs 2 squares of movement to enter a snow- Diplomacy check, you can cause a single target to be
covered square, and 4 squares of movement to enter a square filled with hope or despair as if affected by the bless or
covered with heavy snow. bane spell. In the case of despair, the target can negate
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and the effect with a successful Will saving throw (DC 10
Martial Arts Styles) + 1/2 your Diplomacy ranks + your Charisma
modifier). Your caster level is equal to your Hit Dice.
MERCANTILE BACKGROUND [ANCESTOR] This is a mind-affecting extraordinary effect
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
You come from a long line of money-changers and
Martial Arts Styles)
merchants. You can get a good deal on almost anything you
buy or sell.
Nation: Shou Lung (Ti Erte), Island Kingdoms. SADDLEBACK [ANCESTOR]
Benefit: When you sell items such as weapons or magic You've spent endless hours learning how to handle a horse
items, you get 75% of the list price instead of 50%. Once per in a fight.
month, you can buy any single item at 75% of the offered Nation: The Horse Plains.
price. Benefit: If you or your mount fail a Reflex save while
You also receive an extra 300 gp to spend as you see fit mounted, you can attempt a Ride check to succeed on the
during character creation. saving throw. The save is successful if your Ride check result
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and is equal to or greater than the effect's save DC (essentially,
Martial Arts Styles) your Ride check result becomes your Reflex save if it's higher
than the result you achieved with your Reflex save). You can
MIND OVER BODY [ANCESTOR] attempt to do this once per round for either yourself or your
mount. If both you and your mount fail a Reflex save against
The ascetics and mystics of your homeland have learned to
the same effect (for example, a fireball spell or a dragon's
overcome the frailties of the body with the unyielding power
breath weapon that catches you and your mount in the area
of the mind.
of effect), your Ride check result applies to both you and your
Nation: Any.
mount's save.
Benefit: At 1st level, you may use your Intelligence or
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
Charisma modifier (your choice) to determine bonus hit
Martial Arts Styles)
points. (For all ensuing levels, you revert to your
Constitution modifier.) You gain +1 hit point every time you
learn a metamagic feat. If you can cast arcane spells, you get a SECRET SOCIETY [ANCESTOR]
+1 insight bonus to Armor Class. You are descended from a prominent member of a secret
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and society plotting against the emperor of T'u Lung. You are very
Martial Arts Styles) good at deception and trickery.
Nation: T'u Lung.
MOUNTAIN HUNTER [ANCESTOR] Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and
Forgery checks.
You are descended from a renowned hunter, and you are
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
skilled at hunting large predators such as bears and tigers.
Martial Arts Styles)
Nation: Shou Lung (Kao Shan), Tabot.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Escape Artist checks or
grapple checks when you are trying to escape a grapple. You SMOOTH TALK [ANCESTOR]
also gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the Your ancestors were diplomats through many wars,
animal type. mediating between warring factions with great skill and
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and powers of persuasion. You can talk your way out of any
Martial Arts Styles) situation.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Ancestor Feats
Nation: Shou Lung (Wa K'an), Kozakura. SURVIVOR [ANCESTOR]
Benefit: You take a -5 penalty if you attempt a Diplomacy Your people thrive in places that others find almost
check as a full-round action. uninhabitable, and they know many of the secrets of the
Normal: Diplomacy checks usually require at least 1 wilderness. You might be descended from an inhabitant of
minute. You can attempt a rushed Diplomacy check as a full- Chu'ta Te (in Chukei province) who fled from the divine
round action, but you take a -10 penalty. destruction of the Li dynasty by drought and flame, or simply
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and a native of the harsh Northern Wastes.
Martial Arts Styles) Nation: Shou Lung (Chukei), Northern Wastes.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves and a +2
SPELLWISE [ANCESTOR] bonus on Survival checks.
You claim a karmic link with luchi, one of the most Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
resourceful shugenjas in early Rokugan. You have an innate Martial Arts Styles)
familiarity with the workings of magic, and you have learned
that things are sometimes not as they appear, TIRELESS [ANCESTOR]
Clan: Unicorn. Your ancestor, Daidoji Masashigi, gave his life defending
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) the Kaiu Wall alongside the Crab at the Battle of the
and Spellcraft checks. You get a +2 Landbridge. You don't know the
bonus on saving throws against meaning of the word quit.
illusion spells or effects. Clan: Crane.
Dragon Magazine #: 318 Benefit: You reduce the effects
(Oriental Adventures – Eastern of exhaustion and fatigue by one
Flavor) step. You cannot become
exhausted; if you are exposed to an
STALWART DEFENDER effect or condition that would
[ANCESTOR] make you exhausted (such as the
spell waves of exhaustion), you
You are descended from a heroic
become fatigued instead. If an
defender of your country. You are
effect or condition (such as the end
trained to repel certain kinds of
of barbarian rage) would make you
fatigued, you suffer no penalty at
Nation: Shou Lung (Ma' Yuan),
Dragon Magazine #: 318
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on
(Oriental Adventures – Eastern
Strength checks to resist being bull
rushed or overrun. If you make an
attack of opportunity against a
creature trampling you, you do not TWIN SWORD STYLE
take a -4 penalty. If you attempt a [ANCESTOR]
Reflex save to avoid a trample You claim descent from
attack, you gain a +4 bonus on that Mirumoto, one of the first two
saving throw. If you are mounted, samurai to join Togashi in his
your mount gains all of these meditative retreat. You have
bonuses as well. mastered the niten defensive style
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara- based on wielding a blade in each
Tur: Ancestor Feats and Martial hand.
Arts Styles) Clan: Dragon.
Benefit: When fighting with a
STORMHEART [ANCESTOR] katana and a wakizashi, you can designate a melee opponent
The sea is in your blood. You are no stranger to sea chases during your action and receive a +2 shield bonus to your
and blood on the decks. Armor Class against attacks from that opponent. This bonus
Clan: Crab. stacks with the shield bonus from a buckler or animated
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Balance and Profession shield, as well as from the bonus granted by the Mirumoto
(sailor) checks. You ignore any hampered movement niten master prestige class. (It does not stack with the similar
penalties for fighting on pitching on slippery decks, and gain bonus from the Two-Weapon Defense feat, although both
a +1 dodge bonus during any fight that takes place on or in a bonuses can be in effect at the same time against different
boat or ship. opponents.) You can select a new melee opponent as a free
Normal: Characters moving on difficult or treacherous action on your turn. You lose this bonus if you are caught flat-
surfaces count each square of movement as two squares. footed or lose your Dexterity bonus to AC for any reason.
Dragon Magazine #: 318 (Oriental Adventures – Eastern Dragon Magazine #: 318 (Oriental Adventures – Eastern
Flavor) Flavor)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Arcane Feats
Casting an arcane spell demands tremendous concentration In times of grave danger, you scavenge your spells for
and mental focus. Whether an arcane spellcaster prepares immediate protection.
spells ahead of time or casts spontaneously, she must keep Prerequisite: Arcane Focus.
her mind steady and clear of distraction. Indeed, as long as Benefit: When you expend your arcane focus, you may
she retains even a single spell slot, her mind holds a reservoir select one of the following three benefits.
of arcane energy. A spellcaster may use that energy without Absorb Damage: As an immediate action as part of expending
expending spell slots through a technique known as arcane your arcane focus, you may "lose" a prepared arcane spell or
focus. an arcane spell slot in exchange for temporary damage
Arcane focus works like psionic focus, as described on page reduction. Until just before your next turn, you gain damage
37 of the EXPANDED PSIONICS HANDBOOK. Once an arcane reduction equal to the level of the spell lost in this way. Thus,
spellcaster selects the Arcane Focus feat (listed under general if you lose a 3rd-level spell, you gain DR/3 - until just before
feats), she may gain arcane focus as a special use of the the start of your next turn.
Concentration skill. 'The spellcaster may expend her arcane Iron Magic: Each spell granting you an armor or shield
focus to activate any arcane feat she possesses. bonus grants you an additional +2 armor or shield bonus until
your next turn.
Protective Aura: As an immediate action as part of expending
ARCANE WATCHFULNESS [ARCANE] your arcane focus, you may dismiss one spell that you cast
You enter a state of hyper-awareness that brings the tiniest that currently affects you, such as mage armor or fire shield. In
details to your attention. exchange, you receive an enhancement bonus equal to the
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Arcane Focus. level of the spell dismissed on the next saving throw you
Benefit: When you expend your arcane focus, you may attempt within the next minute. For example, if you dismiss a
select one of the following three benefits. mage armor spell you cast on yourself; you gain a +1 bonus to
Danger Sense: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on any Spot your next saving throw; if you dismiss fire shield, you gain a +4
check you make in the next minute. bonus.
Empathic Potential: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on any Special: A wizard may select Defensive Magic as a wizard
Sense Motive check you make in the next minute. bonus feat.
Spatial Awareness: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on any Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Arcane Focus)
Search check you make in the next minute.
Special: A wizard may select Watchful Alertness as a
wizard bonus feat. FOCUSED SPECIALIST [ARCANE]
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Arcane Focus) Your intense concentration allows you to enhance a spell
you cast from your school of specialization.
Prerequisites: Arcane Focus, specialist wizard level 1st.
BODY AWARENESS [ARCANE] Benefit: When you expend your arcane focus, you may
Your deep focus grants you a measure of control over your select one of the following three benefits.
body. Spell Boost: The next spell you cast from the school you
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Arcane Focus. specialize in in the next round is cast at your spell-caster level
Benefit: When you expend your arcane focus, you may +1.
select one of the following three benefits. Spell Endowment: The next spell you cast from the school
Overcome Distraction: You may ignore one of the following you specialize in in the next round has its saving throw DC
conditions for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom increased by +1. This bonus stacks with those from the Spell
bonus (minimum 1 round): fatigued, nauseated, shaken, or Focus and Improved Spell Focus feats.
sickened. Alternatively, you may reduce exhausted to Spell Intensity: The next spell you cast from the school you
fatigued or frightened to shaken for an equal amount of time. specialize in in the next round gains a +2 bonus on any level
Slowed Breathing: Your breathing slows to imperceptible check made to overcome spell resistance.
levels, allowing you to appear dead upon casual observation. Special: A wizard may select Focused Specialist as a wizard
Anyone examining you for signs of life must make a DC 20 bonus feat.
Heal check or mistake your condition for death. In addition, Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Arcane Focus)
you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on your Fortitude save to
resist the effects of toxic fumes or inhaled poisons while your
breathing is slowed. In addition, holding your breath for 1 MAGICAL INSIGHT [ARCANE]
minute only counts as 5 rounds of breath-holding. Your clarity of mind allows you to study and interpret
Sudden Effort: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Strength, magic surrounding you.
Dexterity, or Constitution (your choice) until your next turn. Prerequisites: Int 13, Arcane Focus.
If you use this benefit more than once per day, you become Benefit: When you expend your arcane focus, you may
fatigued. If you use this benefit while fatigued, you become select one of the following three benefits.
exhausted. Detection. Enhancement: When you cast a divination spell
Special: A wizard may select Body Awareness as a wizard that reveals information over the course of rounds of
bonus feat. concentration (such as detect magic, detect poison, detect thoughts,
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Arcane Focus) and so on), you can expend your arcane focus to gain
information on every target within range as if you had
studied the target for one additional round.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Arcane and Bardic Music Feats
Spell Interpretation: You gain a +4 insight to fail when attempting to use bardic music. If he fails, the
bonus on all Spellcraft checks you make attempt still counts against his daily limit.
within a minute of expending your arcane
Spell Lore: You gain a +4 insight bonus on
the next Knowledge (arcana) check you MUSIC]
make within a minute of expending your Strange whispers and dreadful images sometimes inspire
arcane focus. you. They grant your bardic music a terrifying power.
Special: A wizard may select Magical Prerequisites: Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks, Undertone
Insight as a wizard bonus feat. of Heresy.
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Benefit: Creatures within 60 feet that can hear you must
Acts – Arcane Focus) make a Will save (DC 10 + half your bard level + your
Charisma modifier) or be unnerved by the alien tones of your
music. The effects of failing the save depend upon the
POTENT victim's hit dice. Creatures with fewer Hit Dice than you are
DWEOMERCRAFT panicked, those with an equal number of Hit Dice become
[ARCANE] frightened, and creatures with up to 3 Hit Dice more than
You can spot the weaknesses you are shaken. All three effects last for a number of rounds
of your opponents, equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier. This is a mind-
affecting effect that aberrations are immune to. If a creature
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Arcane
has heard your Blasphemous Utterance in the past week it
Focus, ability to cast 2nd-level
gains a +2 bonus on its save.
arcane spells.
Special: Using this ability counts as one of your daily uses
Benefit: When you expend your
of bardic music. Levels in classes that advance bardic music
arcane focus, you may select one of the
progression count as bard levels for the purposes of this feat.
following three benefits.
Damaging Spell: The next melee touch attack spell you cast Suggested Class/Race: Bard
within the same round you expend your arcane focus deals Dragon Magazine #: 336 (Class Acts – Blasphemous
25% more damage. Utterances)
Spell Critical: You double the threat range (19-20) of the next
melee touch attack spell you cast within the same round you FOCUSED PERFORMANCE [BARDIC MUSIC]
expend your arcane focus. You can modify your bardic music by channeling it back
Weaving Strike: You gain a +2 competency bonus on the next into itself
melee touch attack you make with a spell. You must cast the Prerequisite: Concentration 1 rank, Perform 6 ranks,
spell within the same round you expend your arcane focus, Focused Performer, bardic music class ability.
Special: A wizard may select Potent Dweomercraft as a Benefit: You can expend daily uses of your bardic music
wizard bonus feat ability to modify your performance. You must succeed at a
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Arcane Focus) Perform check (DC below) to successfully modify your bardic
music ability. You may only apply one modification to a use
of bardic music.
Once per day per bard level, a bard can use his song or BARDIC MUSIC MODIFICATIONS
poetics to produce magical effects on those around him The most popular bardic music modifications follow.
(usually including himself, if desired). While these abilities Accompaniment: Spend three daily uses of bardic music
fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions to perform two abilities at the same time. You must succeed
discuss singing or playing instruments, they can all be at a Perform check every round or else you prematurely lose
activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, the rhythm and end both abilities early. Each round you may
singing melodies (fa-la-la, and so forth), whistling, playing an choose to stop using one ability and maintain the other as per
instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with the standard rules for bardic music. You may use this
some spoken performance. Each ability requires both a modification with all bardic music abilities. DC 20 + highest
minimum bard level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform ranks required.
Perform skill to qualify; if a bard does not have the required Dramatic Pause: While maintaining a bardic music ability
number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not you make a check to pause your performance and take
gain the bardic music ability until he acquires the needed another action (such as casting spell, making an attack, and so
ranks. on). The following round you must resume the performance
Starting a bardic music effect is a standard action. Some as though you never stopped, but you may attempt another
bardic music abilities require concentration, which means dramatic pause in following rounds. Each dramatic pause
the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain expends two daily uses of bardic music. You may use this
the ability. Even while using bardic music that doesn’t modification with fascinate, inspire courage, inspire
require concentration, a bard cannot cast spells, activate greatness, and inspire heroics. DC 20 + Perform ranks
magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate required.
magic items by magic word (such as wands). Just as for Harmony: You may spend an extra use of bardic music to
casting a spell with a verbal component (see Components, allow an ability that normally affects only one creature to
PLAYERS HANDBOOK, page 174), a deaf bard has a 20% chance affect two creatures instead. You may use this modification

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bardic Music and Birth Feats
Your Blasphemous Utterance becomes so terribly
discordant and unnatural that it makes unprepared listeners
physically ill.
Prerequisites: Bardic music, Perform 12 ranks,
Blasphemous Utterance, Undertone of Heresy.
Benefit: Your Blasphemous Utterance affects creatures in a
more powerful way. Creatures with fewer Hit Dice than you
are paralyzed, those with an equal number of Hit Dice
become nauseated, and creatures with up to 3 Hit Dice more
than you are sickened. All three effects last for a number of
rounds equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier. This replaces
the effect of Blasphemous Utterance. It otherwise functions
as that ability.
Suggested Class/Race: Bard
Dragon Magazine #: 336 (Class Acts – Blasphemous

The tones of your music hearken to the alien mindset of the
creatures that inspire you.
Prerequisites: Bardic music, Perform 4 ranks.
Benefit: You may spend two bardic music daily uses
instead of one. If you do the saving throw DC of your bardic
music ability increases by +2.Special: If you have access to the
Book of Vile Darkness (a mature audiences sourcebook) replace
Undertone of Heresy with the feat Dark Speech (Book of Vile
Darkness, page 48) and change the prerequisites of
Blasphemous Utterance and Sickening Sonata to reflect this
with inspire competence, suggestion, and song of freedom. replacement.
DC 25 + Perform ranks required. Suggested Class/Race: Bard
Individual Performance: You may spend an extra use of Dragon Magazine #: 336 (Class Acts – Blasphemous
bardic music to target a single individual (other than Utterances)
yourself) with an ability affecting multiple targets. If affected,
the target receives double the bonus or penalty. You may use
this modification with fascinate, inspire courage, inspire BIRTH FEATS
greatness, and inspire heroics. DC 15 + Perform ranks Birth feats appear in Dragon Magazine #340. Their benefit
required. is very slight and probably doesn’t warrant being a feat. I
Projection: Spend two daily uses of bardic music to double would classify it as a background since to earn a birth feat you
the area of effect of the ability you activate next. You may use simply have to be born. Since it is listed as a feat, it is
this modification with countersong, fascinate, inspire represented here as being such.
competence, inspire greatness, inspire heroics, and song of
freedom. DC 10 + Perform ranks required. BORN UNDER A HIGH SUN [BIRTH]
Rhythm: If you maintain an ability for 3 or more rounds You were born while the sun was high in the sky and
and expend an extra daily use of bardic music you cause the display gifts associated with it – such as an undeniable
ability you're using to last an additional 1 rounds after you presence and a strong fortitude.
stop performing. Make the Perform check when you've Benefits: You receive a +1 bonus on all Intimidate skill
stopped maintaining the ability. You may use this checks and a +1 bonus on Fortitude saving throws. On saves
modification with fascinate, inspire competence, inspire to resist fire effect, you receive an additional +1 bonus for a
courage, inspire greatness, and inspire heroics, DC 10 total of +2.
Perform ranks required. Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. If you take
Riveting Performance: By spending an extra daily use of this feat, you cannot take any other birth feat.
bardic music, all targets in range who hear you are affected Dragon Magazine #: 340 (The Eternal
regardless of line of sight. You may use this modification Light – The Sun and It’s Role In D&D)
with fascinate and inspire competence. DC 15+ Perform
ranks required.
Suggested Class/Race: Bard BORN UNDER A RISING SUN
Dragon Magazine #: 338 (Class Acts – Focused Performer) [BIRTH]
You were born at dawn and display
gifts associated with it-such as a hopeful
spirit and a strong will.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Birth and Bloodline Feats
Benefits: You receive a +1 bonus on all Heal skill animals as a spell-like ability. Your caster level for this
checks and a +a bonus on Will saving throws. On spell-like ability is your character level. A saving
saves to resist a fear effect, you receive an throw against this spell-like ability has a DC of 10 +
additional +1 bonus, for a total of +2. 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier.
Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. If
If you take this feat, you cannot take any other you take this feat, you cannot take any other birth
birth feat. feat.
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (The Eternal Light – Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Eye of the Night – The
The Sun and It’s Role In D&D) Moon and It’s Role In D&D)


You were born at dusk and display gifts associated You were born under the half moon. The balanced
with it – such as wisdom and a love of learning. moon allows you to more easily balance your body and mind
Benefits: You receive a +1 bonus on any two Knowledge and avoid conflict.
skills of your choice. Concentration is always a class skill for Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus on Balance and
you. Concentration checks and, once per day, you can use
Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. If you take expeditious retreat as a spell-like ability. Your caster level for
this feat, you cannot take any other birth feat. this spell-like ability is your character level.
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (The Eternal Light – The Sun and Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. If you take
It’s Role In D&D) this feat, you cannot take any other birth feat.
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Eye of the Night – The Moon


You were horn under the crescent moon. The seer moon
You were born under the new moon. The invisible moon
allows you to more easily see and understand others and their
allows you to more easily hide your actions and your true
emotional states.
form from others.
Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus on Sense Motive and Spot
Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus on Hide and Sleight of Hand
checks and, once per day, you can use detect thoughts as a spell-
checks and, once per day, you can use disguise self as a spell-
like ability. Your caster level for this spell-like ability is your
like ability. Your caster level for this spell-like ability is your
character level. A saving throw against this spell-like ability
character level.
has a DC of 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma
Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. If you take
this feat, you cannot take any other birth feat.
Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. If you take
this feat, you cannot take any other birth feat. Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Eye of the Night – The Moon
and It’s Role In D&D)
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Eye of the Night – The Moon
and It’s Role In D&D) BLOODLINES
The feats presented below belong to a new category called
BORN UNDER THE FULL MOON [BIRTH] bloodline feats. These feats are designed with sorcerers in
mind, although any character who meets the prerequisites
You were born under the full moon. The empowered moon
can choose them. Each of the base feats in this category (the
allows you to more easily force your will upon other
ones with the word "bloodline" in their names) grants a
characters and magical devices.
character the bloodline of a particular kind of magical
Benefits: You gain a +I bonus on Intimidate and Use
creature, plus a specific set of extra arcane spells known.
Magical Device checks and, once per day, you can use
When the first bloodline feat is chosen, the character
command as a spell-like ability. Your caster level for this spell-
must decide to which list of arcane spells known that the
like ability is your character level. A saving throw against this
spells granted by the feat are added if more than one of her
spell-like ability has a DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your
classes allows her to cast arcane spells without preparation.
Charisma modifier.
Choosing such a feat represents not only having a particular
Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. If you take
sort of ancestor, but also coming to terms with that heritage
this feat, you cannot take any other birth feat.
sufficiently to benefit from it. A character may choose only
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Eye of the Night – The Moon
one base bloodline feat.
and It’s Role In D&D)
The description of each base bloodline feat offers
guidelines on how that ancestry might affect the character's
BORN UNDER THE GIBBOUS MOON personality, appearance, and spell selection. The player is free
[BIRTH] to use or ignore any of these suggestions, as desired. While
You were born under the gibbous moon. The emotional ancestry does influence who you are and what you do, it is
moon allows you to more easily manipulate others with not the only telling feature of your character-or even the
emotion and to calm animals. primary one.
Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus on Bluff and Gather Each base bloodline feat is the foundation of a short feat
Information checks and, once per day, you can use calm tree-that is, another feat presented in this article requires it as
a prerequisite. These additional feats represent a sorcerer's

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
preferring to keep the advantage of height and distance when
BLOODLINES VS BLOODLINES dealing with others. Dust mephits produce skinny, morbid
DRAGON MAGAZINE #311 and #325 presents bloodline descendants, air mephits pass along their lively nature, and
feats: feats spellcasters can take that relate their ice mephits lend their aloof and distant manner to their
spellcasting to their ancestries. UNEARTHED ARCANE posterity.
presents bloodlines in a different fashion. In that book, Restless and moody, sorcerers with the Air Bloodline feat
having a particular ancestor grants a character special often adventure just to move. They might seem apathetic at
abilities at particular levels, depending on the strength of times, but they can surprise others with quick emotional
the bloodline. In exchange the character must take one or displays. Such characters tend to be impatient when others
more bloodline levels (such levels grant no benefit). want to be still, and they enjoy spending long periods of time
UNEARTHED ARCANA presents bloodlines for thirty-nine in debate.
different creatures and provides guidance for creating Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
your own. preparation, ability to summon a familiar.
You could use either idea for bloodlines in your game, Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
but might get the best result from using both. Consider each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
having your sorcerer character take a bloodline feat and
use the appropriate bloodline from UNEARTHED ARCANE. 1st Obscuring mist
Alternatively, your character might be more unique if he 2nd Gust of wind
can trace ancestry to two different creatures, taking the 3rd Wind wall
bloodline feat for one and the bloodline from UNEARTHED 4th Shout
ARCANE for the other. 5th Telekinesis
6th Control winds
continuing mastery of her heritage. In addition, some 7th Ethereal jaunt
bloodline feats are general enough that any character who 8th Summon monster VIII (elementals and outsiders
has taken a base bloodline feat (regardless of which one) can with the air subtype only)
acquire them. 9th Freedom
The base bloodline feats are most advantageous when
taken in conjunction with the character's first level of Special: If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level
sorcerer (or another class that casts spells in the same and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the
manner), but they can also prove beneficial to characters of class that granted him access to this feat, he gains no
higher level, especially for the purpose of accessing the other additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction
bloodline-related feats. DMs should consider the spell does not apply if he learned any of these spells as a member
selections provided and how those fit into their game worlds of another spellcasting class. Characters with Air Bloodline
before deciding whether to use these feats. The DM is always cannot learn or cast spells with the earth descriptor, and all
free to adjust the spell list to reflect campaign-based spell such spells are removed from the spell lists of all their
restrictions or new spells not described in the Player's spellcasting classes.
Handbook, if desired (see the Creating Your Own Bloodlines Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
in DRAGON MAGAZINE #311 for instructions on selecting spells Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
for a bloodline feat). Feats for the Sorcerer)
Additional subtypes within each bloodline are also
possible--most notably in the draconic bloodline, since a
sorcerer's persona and abilities might reflect the specific kind ANARCHIC BLOODLINE [BLOODLINE]
of dragon in her ancestry. In such a case, DMs and players You are descended from a chaotic outsider. The
can adapt the base bloodline feat accordingly, characteristics you display might depend in part on the kind
Wizards have schools, clerics have religions, and druids have of chaotic heritage you have. Regardless of your exact
circles, but the sorcerer is essentially alone. His power comes ancestry, you are likely, to have one or more unusual physical
from within. Nature, not nurture, determines who he is and traits, such as mismatched eyes or untamable and strangely
what he can do. Bloodline feats can help give sorcerers the hued hair.
unique place they deserve in your campaign world. The descendants of demons tend to have misshapen
features and a terrible temper with a decidedly cruel streak.
Eladrin descendants tend to have strong emotional reactions
AIR BLOODLINE [BLOODLINE] (especially positive emotions) and often become fervent (if
One of your ancestors was a creature of elemental air. short-term) supporters of a cause. Characters with slaad
Beings associated with this element come in almost endless ancestry generally have strongly variable mood swings, and
variety, and your characteristics might vary with the type of they often take on the personality traits, speech patterns, and
elemental creature from which you are descended. clothing styles of those around them in a haphazard and
Regardless of your exact ancestry, you are likely to have blue unpredictable manner. Those with titan blood often stand
eyes and wild, unkempt hair. The descendants of cloud head-and-shoulders above other members of their race; they
giants tend to be tall, loud, and often arrogant, but they have enjoy experiencing the world around them and become
a strong appreciation for beauty. Characters with storm giant angry when others might merely be bored.
ancestors, on the other hand, tend toward gentleness and Characters with the Anarchic Bloodline feat are nearly
tolerance, but they can display violent tempers when always chaotic-aligned. They tend to be restless, desiring
provoked. Descendants of elemental flying creatures display change above all else. They are prone to at t irrationally,
a predatory nature in their movements and behavior, always based on sudden whims and flights of fancy. The adventurous

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
life, full of excitement, danger, and travel, appeals to them. 1st Charm person
Chaos-blooded characters often have a wide variety of spells 2nd Alter self
in their repertoire from all schools and for all manner of uses. 3rd Water breathing
They rarely focus their spells around a theme or with a 4th Charm monster
specific function in mind. 5th Mind fog
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without 6th Control water
preparation, ability to summon a familiar. 7th Control weather
Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at 8th Horrid wilting
each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list. 9th Shapechange

1st Color spray Special: If a character takes this feat any-time after 1st level
2nd Tasha's hideous laughter and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the
3rd Rage class to which she applies this feat, she gains no additional
4th Confusion spells known at those spell levels. This restriction does not
5th Mind fog apply if she learned any of these spells as a member of
6th Mislead another spell-casting class.
7th Prismatic spray Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells from
8th Maze the conjuration (creation) or conjuration (healing)
9th Weird subschools, and all such spells are removed from the spell
lists of all their spellcasting classes.
Special: If a character takes this any time after1st level and Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class to Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts - Aquatic Fey Kin)
which she applies this feat, she gains no additional spells
known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if ARCANE KINSHIP [BLOODLINE]
she learned any of these spells as a member of another
Creatures with a similar ancestry sense your kinship, and
spellcasting class. they react to you more positively.
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells with
Prerequisites: Any bloodline feat, ability to cast 3rd-level
the lawful descriptor, and all such spells are removed from
arcane spells.
the spell lists of all their spellcasting classes.
Benefit: You gain a +4 racial bonus on Diplomacy and
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
Gather Information checks with intelligent creatures that
Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
share your heritage. For example, a character with the Air
Bloodline feat would gain the benefits of this feat when
AQUATIC FEY BLOODLINE [BLOODLINE] interacting with creatures of the air subtype, and she might
Your ancestry contains an aquatic fey creature. The also gain benefit from this feat when interacting with flying
characteristics you display might depend in part on the kind creatures.
of aquatic fey heritage you have. Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
Characters with aquatic fey bloodlines vary in appearance, Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
but are almost always strikingly beautiful. Those descended Feats for the Sorcerer)
from water nymphs typically have pointed ears, and nonelves
often confuse them with elves. Descendants of sirines tend to AXIOMATIC BLOODLINE [BLOODLINE]
be wistful, and-like their fey parent-often have a slight yellow
You are descended from a native of a lawful plane. The most
or green tinge to their skin and silvery or light-green hair.
common members of this bloodline are the spawn of devils,
Fossergrim-blooded characters are usually male, have light
who sow their seed in the Material Plane as part of far-
hair and striking blue eyes, and exude a rugged masculinity.
reaching and complex plots against their rivals. Archons
Those descended from kelpies vary in appearance greatly but
create mixed-blood offspring with mortals in order to
almost universally possess evil hearts filled with darkness.
counter the machinations of devils and other evil outsiders.
While not exactly fey, many believe selkies descended from
Rarely, mortal travelers who spend a significant portion of
fey creatures. Characters with selkie blood typically have
their lives in a lawfully aligned plane begin to take on some
light gray, blond, or deep red hair, and often have slightly
of the traits of that plane that later manifest in their
webbed hands and feet.
descendants, Members of this bloodline are almost
For more information on the sirine, see the Monster Manual
exclusively lawful. They seem driven by an inner set of rules
II. For more information on the fossergrim, kelpie, and
that generally work in accordance with the laws of the land.
selkie, see the Fiend Folio.
They tend to have a symmetrical appearance, dress
Sorcerers with aquatic fey blood have a natural aptitude for
conservatively, and stick to a regimented life. Even when
casting enchantment spells (particularly those of the charm
adventuring, they follow their routine to the best of their
and mind-affecting descriptors), transmutation spells (as
ability. Creatures descended from devils tend to use rules for
many aquatic fey are known for their ability to shapechange),
their benefit, manipulating the system and taking advantage
and water spells.
of legal loopholes. Descendants of archons practice the
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
gentler aspects of regimen, living lives in as organized a
preparation, ability to summon a familiar.
fashion as possible. Characters with the Axiomatic Bloodline
Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
fear tend to be organized and consistent; they generally look
each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list.
down on abnormality or spontaneity. As such, those with

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
lawful blood excel at spells that locate items and creatures as Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
well as spells that return things to their proper place or preparation, ability to summon a familiar.
shape. Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
preparation, ability to summon a familiar
Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at 1st Protection from evil
each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list: 2nd Daylight
3rd Magic circle against evil
1st Detect Chaos 4th Rainbow pattern
2nd Locate object 5th Dismissal
3rd Magic circle against chaos 6th Guards and wards
4th Locate creature 7th Sequester
5th Dismissal 8th Sunburst
6th True seeing 9th Summon monster IX (good outsiders only)
7th Forcecage
8th Discern location Special: If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level
9th Dominate monster and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the
class that granted her access to this feat, she gains no
Special: If a character takes this any time after1st level and additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction
has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class to does not apply if she learned any of these spells as a member
which she applies this feat, she gains no additional spells of another spellcasting class.
known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells with
she learned any of these spells as a member of another the evil descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the
spellcasting class. Characters with this feat cannot learn or spell lists of all their spellcasting classes.
cast spells with the chaotic descriptor, and all such spells are Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
removed from the spell lists of all their spellcasting classes. Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer Feats for the Sorcerer)
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers) CELESTIAL LIGHT [BLOODLINE]
You gain the ability to produce light.
CELESTIAL BLOODLINE [BLOODLINE] Prerequisites: Celestial Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd-level
One of your distant ancestors was a good outsider. The arcane spells.
characteristics you display might depend in part on the kind Benefit: You can cast light five times per day as a spell-like
of celestial heritage you have. ability (caster level equals your
Descendants of devas or level in the arcane spellcasting
archons tend to be very decisive- class that granted you access to
quick to judge and quick to act. this feat). This ability does not
Characters with couatl or lillend affect your number of spells
ancestors are often physically known or spells per day.
beautiful, and they tend to favor Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
snakes and other reptiles as Dragon Magazine #: 311
familiars. Titan-blooded (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
descendants are usually taller than Feats for the Sorcerer)
average for their races, and they
usually have boisterous DRACONIC BLOODLINE
personalities. The most common
sources of celestial blood, [BLOODLINE]
however, are minor good gods or You are descended from a
the avatars of more powerful dragon. The dragon bloodline is
beings. A sorcerer descended from strong in both physical power and
such a line can be very passionate magic. Your characteristics might
about his faith, whether he follows vary with the type of dragon from
his ancestor's religion or not. which you are descended, but you
Characters with the Celestial share some traits with others of
Bloodline feat are usually good- draconic blood. Like your majestic
aligned, although not always. Their reptilian ancestor, you are proud
yearn for adventure stems either and of noble bearing, and you
from a desire to aid others, an might even share its coloration in
innate need to combat evil, or some way. Although characters
both. As such, celestial-blooded with draconic blood can have any
characters tend to focus their spell alignment, they are prone to
selections on good- or neutral- mimic their dragon ancestor's
aligned spells that aid others. personalities. Others often see

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
them as somewhat arrogant and obsessive, but the dragon- elemental earth creatures native to the Material Plane can
blooded usually feel justifiably proud of their abilities. contribute this bloodline as well. Regardless of the exact
Spellcasters with draconic ancestors love knowledge and earth creature in your ancestry, you probably have a hardy,
beautiful items, and they often adventure to acquire one or solid-looking body and dark coloration, and you might even
the other. Their spell selections tend toward either exude an earthy smell.
flamboyant, combat-oriented spells, or knowledge-gathering Stone giants produce long, lean descendants who tend to
spells. Sorcerers of this bloodline favor the same be shy but playful. The progeny of earth mephits are
environments as their dragon ancestors. Prerequisites: Ability generally stubborn, while those of salt mephits are often
to cast arcane spells without preparation, ability to summon a gifted with a sarcastic wit. Characters with gargoyle blood
familiar. Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell tend to be territorial and prone to violence, especially when
known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the it comes to protecting what is theirs.
following list. Some would say that sorcerers with the Earth Bloodline feat
are unchanging, but this assessment is not entirely true.
1st Comprehend Languages Rather, they are slow to change-not to mention tough,
2nd Darkvision determined, and unwavering in their goals. They generally
3rd Protection from elements enjoy being underground, so they like to delve into dungeons
4th Fear and other subterranean locales.
5th Mind fog Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
6th True seeing preparation, ability to summon a familiar.
7th Vision Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
8th Mind blank each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
9th Dominate monster
1st Enlarge person
Special: If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level 2nd Shatter
and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the 3rd Keen edge
class that granted her access to this feat, she gains no 4th Stone shape
additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction 5th Transmute mud to rock
does not apply if she learned any of these spells as a member 6th Move earth
of another spellcasting class. A character with the Draconic 7th Statue
Bloodline feat retains many of the strengths and weaknesses 8th Iron body
of his ancestor. As such, he must choose a category of spells 9th Summon monster IX (elementals and outsiders
(often spells with a certain descriptor) that he cannot learn or with the earth subtype only)
cast. (For example, the descendant of a green dragon might
not be able to cast spells with the earth descriptor, while the Special: If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level
heir of a bronze dragon might be denied access to spells with and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the
the fire descriptor.) Such spells do not appear on the class that granted him access to this feat, he gains no
character's spell list for any class. The DM should be involved additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction
in the decision about which category of spells the character is does not apply if he learned any of these spells as a member
denied. of another spellcasting class.
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells with
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline the air descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the
Feats for the Sorcerer) spell lists of all their spellcasting classes.
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
DRAGON SIGHT [BLOODLINE] Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
You have a dragon's affinity for magic and can see magical Feats for the Sorcerer)
auras. When you use this ability, your eyes glow with inner
Prerequisites: Draconic Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd-level Your innate magical blood gives you a greater tie to your
arcane spells familiar
Benefit: You can use detect magic three times per day as a Prerequisites: Any bloodline feat, ability to summon a
spell-like ability (caster level equals your level in the arcane familiar, ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.
spellcasting class that granted you access to this feat). This Benefit: Your familiar gains abilities as if your class level in
ability does not affect your number of spells known or spells the arcane spellcasting class that granted you access to this
per day. feat were 2 levels higher.
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
Feats for the Sorcerer) Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)


You are descended from a creature of elemental earth. Your One of your ancestors was a fey creature, or was raised as
heritage probably stems from one of the humanoid-shaped such. Fey sometimes take humanoid mates, or capture
beings from the Elemental Plane of Earth, although children and raise them as their own. Fey-blooded characters

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
vary greatly in appearance, but most have some odd feature spellcasting class that granted you access to this feat).
that marks them, such as a strange eye or hair color. However, you can only cast this spell on stormy nights, as it
The heirs of dryads are often quite shy, but they possess is your ancestral tie and its link to water that grants you this
quick minds and an earthy sort of beauty. Grig-blooded ability: This ability does not affect your number of spells
characters are mischievous and light-hearted, while those known or spells per day.
with pixie blood are prone to take their pranks too far. Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
Characters with nixie blood are suspicious beings who tend Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Aquatic Fey Kin)
to avoid strangers but remain fiercely loyal to places or
persons they love. FICKLE FATE [BLOODLINE]
Sorcerers with fey blood often have changing, fickle
You may call upon your chaotic heritage to aid you.
natures. They are quick to laugh and play tricks, but slow to
Prerequisites: Anarchic Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd-level
forgive or forget slights. They adventure primarily out of a
arcane spells
sense of alienation, seeking some place or group to which
Benefit: Once per day, you may improve a single d20 roll
they can belong. They are fond of spells that deceive and
by adding the result of a 1d6 roll to it. You must declare the
manipulate emotions, such as charm person,
use of the ability before you attempt the d20 roll. This is a
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
supernatural ability.
preparation, ability to summon a familiar.
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
Benefit: Your ancestry grants you a bonus spell known at
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
1st Detect secret doors
3rd Tongues One of your distant ancestors was an evil outsider. The
4th Hallucinatory terrain characteristics you display might depend in part on the kind
5th Seeming of fiendish heritage you have. Many of your bloodline is dark
6th Mislead in coloration, although great variation can exist depending
7th Sequester on your specific ancestry.
8th Otto's irresistible dance Evil outsiders such as demons and devils produce a
9th Wail of the banshee surprisingly large number of offspring on the Material Plane.
Their descendants are frequently (but not always) evil.
Special: If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level Demon-blooded characters and others descended from
and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the beings native to the chaotic evil realms are usually chaotic
class that granted him access to this feat, he gains no themselves, and at their worst they can be prone to greedy or
additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction lustful behavior. Those with devil-blood, on the other hand,
does not apply if he learned any of these spells as a member tend to be lawful. They have no compunctions about bending
of another spellcasting class. the rules as far as possible, but they rarely break them. Like
Although folklore often associates fey creatures with the their fiendish ancestors, devil-spawn is known for keeping
spirits of the dead, this belief could not be further from the their word.
truth-in fact, all fey are inherently bound to life. Thus, Characters with fiendish blood often seem driven-even
characters with the Fey Bloodline feat cannot learn or cast haunted-by the potential for evil within them, especially if
spells that create or control undead, and all such spells are they try to hold to a neutral or good path. They frequently
removed from the spell lists of all their spellcasting classes. adventure out of a restlessness caused by their own internal
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer struggles, although sometimes they do so simply because
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline they enjoy killing and adventuring provides a perfect outlet
Feats for the Sorcerer) for that tendency. Such characters usually prefer spells of
darkness and deception, even if they are good-aligned.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
FEY'S FATE [BLOODLINE] preparation, ability to summon a familiar.
You are touched by the luck of your ancestors. Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
Prerequisites: Fey Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd-level each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
arcane spells.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all saving throws. 1st Protection from good
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer 2nd Darkness
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline 3rd Sepia snake sigil
Feats for the Sorcerer) 4th Bestow curse
5th Nightmare
On stormy nights, your aquatic fey ancestry grants you the 7th Insanity
ability to see glimpses of the future. 8th Maze
Prerequisites: Aquatic Fey Bloodline, ability to cast 5th- 9th Imprisonment
level arcane spells.
Benefit: You can cast divination once per day as a spell-like Special: If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level
ability (caster-level equals your level in the arcane and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
class that granted her access to this feat, she gains no of another spell-casting class. Characters with this feat
additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction cannot learn or cast spells with the water descriptor, and all
does not apply if she learned any of these spells as a member such spells are removed from the spell lists of all their
of another spellcasting class. spellcasting classes.
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells with Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
the good descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
spell lists of all their spellcasting classes. Feats for the Sorcerer)
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline FIRE FEET [BLOODLINE]
Feats for the Sorcerer)
Wildfire moves quickly, and so can you.
Prerequisites: Fire Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd-level
One of your ancestors was a creature of elemental fire. Your Benefit: Your base speed increases by 10 feet.
physical characteristics might vary with the type of elemental Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
creature from which you are descended, but you're likely to Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
have wild red or coal black hair, and either smoky gray or Feats for the Sorcerer)
golden eyes. Your heritage probably stems from one of the
humanoid-shaped beings from the Plane of Elemental Fire, FRIEND OF THE EARTH [BLOODLINE]
although elemental fire creatures native to the Material Plane
Your deep affinity for the earth enables you to move across
can contribute this bloodline as well.
it with greater ease than others.
The descendants of azers see fire as a tool, and they love
Prerequisites: Earth Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd-level or
crafts that control the power of flame. They tend to prefer a
higher arcane spells.
regimented life and usually keep their destructive natures in
Benefit: You gain a +3 circumstance bonus on Climb and
tight check, although they are no less dangerous because of
Tumble checks when in contact with stone or earthen
that forbearance. The descendants of fire mephits have a
mischievous nature and enjoy destructive pranks, while
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
characters with steam mephits in their ancestry consider
themselves above such behavior and often look down on Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
others with considerable arrogance. Fire giant spawn can be Feats for the Sorcerer)
ruthless in achieving their goals, and even others with fire
blood see them as brutal. None, however, can be as cruel as GRAVE FRIEND [BLOODLINE]
the descendants of salamanders. Your connection with the grave lets you move among the
Usually hot-tempered and unpredictable, characters with undead somewhat more freely.
the Fire Bloodline feat can also be passionate, egotistical, and Prerequisites: Necromantic Bloodline, ability to cast 3rd-
unusually prone to destructive behavior. They usually level arcane spells.
adventure for a chance at personal gain and glory. Fire holds Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on any saving throw to resist
a primal fascination and fear for most creatures, and scions of the extraordinary and supernatural abilities of creatures of
this bloodline use that to their advantage, often choosing the undead type.
mind-affecting spells to supplement their preferred Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
destructive flame spells. Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
preparation, ability to summon a familiar.
Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at GREEN HEART [BLOODLINE]
each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
Your connection to plant life allows you to resist toxins
deadly to most creatures.
1st Hypnotism Prerequisites: Plant Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd-level
2nd Pyrotechnics arcane spells.
3rd Tongues (The subject's tongue resembles a tongue Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws made to
of flame) resist the effects of poisons and diseases.
4th Fire shield Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
5th Cloudkill (The fog produced has a smoky smell Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
and quality) Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
6th Summon monster VI (elementals and outsiders
with the fire subtype only)
7th Delayed blast fireball ILLITHID BLOODLINE [BLOODLINE]
8th Sunburst Illithids frequently perform experiments on their slaves,
9th Meteor swarm grafting and splicing bits from one species onto another.
Often, illithids use body parts from their own race to
Special: If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level augment their slaves. Eventually, some of these enhanced
and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the slaves escape back to their own people. You are the
class that granted him access to this feat, he gains no descendant of one such escaped slave.
additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction Creatures with the Illithid Bloodline feat tend toward no
does not apply if he learned any of these spells as a member particular alignment, personality trait, or overall outlook.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
They do, however, typically share certain physical traits, such Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
as lacking hair but possessing black eyes and pale skin with a Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
slightly purplish tint.
Sorcerers who have an escaped illithid slave in their MIND WEAPON [BLOODLINE]
ancestry tend to select spells that manipulate or ruin the
The mental power to your ancestors has passed to you.
mind. They favor enchantment spells above all others.
Prerequisites: Illithid Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd-level
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
arcane spells.
preparation, ability to summon a familiar.
Benefit: You can use daze three times per day as a spell-like
Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
ability (caster level equals your level in the arcane
each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list:
spellcasting class that granted you access to this feat). This
ability does not affect your number of spells known or spells
1st Hypnotism per day.
2nd Detect thoughts Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
3rd Suggestion Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
4th Confusion Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
5th Feeblemind
6th Mass suggestion
8th Mind blank One of your ancestors was an undead creature or possessed
9th Dominate monster an unholy link with the undead brought on by frequent
Special: If a character takes this any time after1st level and While undead do not reproduce by normal means, their
has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class to infectious taint might affect necromancers and others who
which she applies this feat, she gains no additional spells deal regularly with the dead or undead. In rare instances a
known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if vampire or other undead might feed off a pregnant humanoid
she learned any of these spells as a member of another and in allowing her to live endow the unborn child with its
spellcasting class. foul nature.
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells that Your physical characteristics might vary depending on
alter an object or creature's size or shape (such as enlarge the type of undead creature from which you are descended,
person or the polymorph spells), and all such spells are but you're likely to have pale or ashen skin and dark eyes and
removed from the spell lists of all their spellcasting classes. hair. The touch of undeath in a family almost exclusively
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer comes from intelligent, corporeal undead. It takes powerful
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More magic or extremely bizarre situations for creature to gain this
Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers) feat from unintelligent or incorporeal undead. The
descendants of ghouls tend to be feral and constantly hungry.
Those with ghast ancestors generally have a strong,
KIN MASTERY [BLOODLINE] unpleasant stench, and they often find it difficult to satiate
You can channel the energies of your arcane bloodline to their hunger. Lich-blooded characters value intelligence and
runt or rebuke creatures with which you share a common generally have elitist personalities, often appearing gaunt and
heritage. skeletal. Characters descended from mummies tend to have
Prerequisites: Any bloodline feat, ability to cast 3rd-level dull but focused personalities, and many have gaunt, dry
arcane spells. skin. Descendants of vampires tend to have long canine teeth
Benefit: Once per day, you may turn or rebuke creatures of and commanding, seductive personalities. Wight-blooded
the same kind as your bloodline ancestor as a cleric of one- characters tend to have clawlike fingernails and toenails, and
half your level in the arcane spellcasting class that granted lean, muscular bodies; they are generally hate-filled loners
you access to your base bloodline feat. You may choose to who hold grudges. Characters with the Necromantic
either turn or rebuke such creatures upon taking this feat, Bloodline feat often favor wearing blacks, whites, and grays
but you cannot later change that decision. of mourning.
Special: You may take this fear more than once. Each time Sorcerers with a touch of the undead in their family trees
you take it after the first, you gain an extra use per day of tend to concentrate, appropriately enough, on spells from the
your chosen turning ability. school of necromancy. Spells that allow the caster to control a
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer creature's mind are popular among those descended from
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline vampires.
Feats for the Sorcerer) Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
preparation, ability to summon a familiar
LAWFUL DISCIPLINE [BLOODLINE] Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
Your orderly mind allows you to overcome magical each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list:
coercion more easily.
Prerequisites: Axiomatic Bloodline, ability to cast 2nd- 1st Cause fear
level arcane spells. 2nd Ghoul touch
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Will saves made to resist 3rd Vampiric touch
mind-affecting effects. 4th Contagion
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer 5th Dominate person

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
6th Eyebite Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
7th Control undead Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
8th Trap the soul
9th Wail of the banshee PLANT BLOODLINE [BLOODLINE]
One of your ancestors had an unusually close tie to the
Special: If a character takes this any time after1st level and natural world. Possibly the rarest of ancestries, only the most
has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class to powerful spellcasters or deities can cause the melding of
which she applies this feat, she gains no additional spells plants and animals.
known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if Plant-blooded creatures tend to have brown skin and
she learned any of these spells as a member of another green eyes, and they generally act more patiently and quietly
spellcasting class. than their peers. Scions of flowering plants are often
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells of the beautiful and vain, in love with bright colors and prone to
conjuration (healing) subschool, and all such spells are extravagance. Those who descend from vines have long thin
removed from the spell lists of all their spellcasting classes. bodies with tangled masses of hair and combative
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer dispositions. Fungal descendants tend toward pale skin and
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More hair tones, preferring sedentary lives and dark, cool places
Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers) Tree-blooded creatures stand taller than their peers and have
quiet but friendly personalities, content with deep thoughts
You are descended from a planar traveler who frequented Sorcerers with plants in their ancestry prefer spells that
the Ethereal Plane or Plane of Shadow. The energies of these manipulate themselves or the environment around them to
planes altered and augmented your ancestor, infusing your protect or grow life.
bloodline with a trace of shadow or ether. You are touched by Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
the planes, and they grant you arcane powers that continue to preparation, ability to summon a familiar
shape your life. Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
Penumbra-blooded creatures tend toward extremes in each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list:
coloration, with either unusually dark or fair skin, black or
stark white hair, and silver or black irises. Most are very thin, 1st Endure elements
but not to the point of unhealthiness. They generally wear 2nd False life
plain clothing in subdued hues of gray or white. Creatures 3rd Water breathing
with shadowy or ethereal ancestry tend toward neutrality and 4th Minor creation
often have quiet, secretive personalities. Many penumbra- 5th Transmute rock to mud
blooded creatures prefer dark places and avoid direct 6th Control water
sunlight as much as possible. 7th Control weather
Sorcerers who possess a penumbra ancestor favor spells
that conceal places and people as well as spells that access the
Plane of Shadow or Ethereal Plane.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without
preparation, ability to summon a familiar
Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list:

1st Obscuring mist

2nd Darkness
3rd Nondetection
4th Evard's black tentacles
5th Shadow evocation
6th Shadow walk
7th Plane shift
8th Greater shadow evocation
9th Etherealness

Special: If a character takes this any time after1st level and

has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class to
which she applies this feat, she gains no additional spells
known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if
she learned any of these spells as a member of another
spellcasting class.
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells of the
light descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the
spell lists of all their spellcasting classes.
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline Feats
8th Control plants Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at
9th Imprisonment each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list:

Special: If a character takes this any time after 1st level and 1st Cause fear
has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class to 2nd Hypnotic pattern
which she applies this feat, she gains no additional spells 3rd Sepia snake sigil
known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if 4th Phantasmal killer
she learned any of these spells as a member of another 5th Dominate person
spellcasting class. 6th Repulsion
In almost every culture, plants and growing things 7th Power word blind
represent life and growth. Thus, characters who possess this 8th Power word stun
life-centered bloodline cannot learn or cast spells with the 9th Power word kill
death descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the
spell lists of all their spellcasting classes. Special: If a character takes this any time after 1st level and
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class to
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More which she applies this feat, she gains no additional spells
Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers) known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if
she learned any of these spells as a member of another
POWER IN THE BLOOD [BLOODLINE] spellcasting class.
Because serpents must forever crawl on their bellies, even
You can call on your arcane heritage to cast one additional
their offspring cannot hope to look to the skies. Characters
spell per day.
with this feat cannot learn or cast spells intended to allow
Prerequisites: Any bloodline feat, ability to cast 3rd-level
them to learn or cast spells intended to allow them to leave
arcane spells.
the ground (such as fly, levitate, or overland flight), and all
Benefit: You may cast one additional spell per day, over
such spells are removed from the spell lists of all their
and above your allotment for the class that qualified you for
spellcasting classes.
your base bloodline feat. The additional spell must be one
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
granted by that feat.
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline
Feats for the Sorcerer)
SERPENT BLOODLINE [BLOODLINE] Your serpentine ancestry grants you the ability to remove
the effects of venom.
One of your ancestors served as a slave of the yuan-ti. Over
Prerequisites: Serpent Bloodline, ability to cast 5th-level
the course of years, the constant exposure to serpentine
arcane spells.
magic and blood warped your ancestor, putting just a trace of
Benefit: You can cast neutralize poison once per day as a
snake blood into your family line.
spell-like ability (caster level equals your level in the arcane
Your physical characteristics might vary with the type of
spellcasting class that granted you access to this feat). This
snake from which you are descended, but you're likely to
ability does not affect your number of spells known or spells
have yellow or black eyes and patches of scaly skin.
per day.
Viper-blooded characters tend to have sharp,
angular features with narrow jaws; they Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
generally speak quickly and have a sharp wit. Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
Descendants of cobras tend to have wide, thick Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
necks and hair that grows out from the sides of
their heads; they generally prefer solitude, but VOICE OF THE GREEN [BLOODLINE]
when in the company of others they possess a The touch of plant life in your heritage allows you to
commanding presence. Creatures with a relate with growing things.
constrictor ancestor often have strong, thick Prerequisites: Plant Bloodline, ability to cast 5th-level
bodies and limbs; they tend to take their time, arcane spells.
even in dangerous situations, but they become Benefit: You can cast speak with plants once per day as
an unstoppable force once they finally decide to a spell-like ability (caster level equals your level in the
act. Rattler-blooded characters tend to have a arcane spellcasting class that granted you access to this
tough, worldly look; they like to dress in bright feat). This ability does not affect your number of spells
colors, especially reds and yellows, and are known or spells per day.
usually quite vocal about their abilities and Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
intent. Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Arcane Ancestry 2 – More
Sorcerers with serpentine blood prefer Bloodline Feats for Sorcerers)
spells that intimidate a foe or end a fight
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells
Your affinity for the air affects your speaking voice.
without preparation, ability to summon a
When you wish it, your voice changes to reflect an
amazing range of emotion. It can sound as kind and

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Bloodline and Ceremonial Feats
soothing as a gentle breeze, or as does not apply if he learned any of
powerful and frightening as a these spells as a member of another
howling storm. spellcasting class.
Prerequisites: Air Bloodline, Characters with Water Bloodline
ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells. cannot learn or cast spells with the
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on fire descriptor, and all such spells are
Diplomacy and Intimidate checks removed from the spell lists of all
made when speaking to others. This their spellcasting classes.
bonus applies even if the listeners do Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
not understand the language you are Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane
speaking. Ancestry – Bloodline Feats for the
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer Sorcerer)
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane
Ancestry – Bloodline Feats for the WATERBORN
You were born to move through
[BLOODLINE] Prerequisites: Water Bloodline,
You have a creature of elemental ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells.
water as an ancestor. Your physical Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on
characteristics might vary with the Swim checks.
type of elemental creature from Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
which you are descended, but you're Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane
likely to have blue, green, or white Ancestry – Bloodline Feats for the
coloration. Water blood stems both Sorcerer)
from planar elemental beings and
creatures native to the Material Plane
that have a strong affinity for water. CEREMONIAL FEATS
Triton spawn often seem well Just as creature templates alter the
meaning but distant. Characters who basic statistics and abilities of
can trace their water heritage directly to a being from the monsters, spell templates modify existing spells, altering
Elemental Plane of Water, however, can seem downright cold their parameters or requirements. A spellcaster who has
to others. access to a particular spell template can apply it to any of her
Water-blooded characters adventure for a number of spells that meet the requirements specified in the template's
reasons, but they all seem driven to go forward, go deeper, description.
and overcome any obstacles in their paths. Some deep-seated Unless otherwise noted, use of a template to modify a spell
instinct teaches them to be aware of what's going on around does not increase its level.
them, since death can come from any direction underwater. Unlike other feats, ceremonial feats involve magic and
Since fluids are so adaptable, characters with this bloodline grant supernatural abilities. Access to spell templates is just
are fond of spells that deal with change. one of the many benefits that feats in this category provide.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells without Acquiring a ceremonial feat requires not only an available
preparation, ability to summon a familiar. feat slot, but also a daylong ritual or ceremony. The ritual
Benefit: Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at takes one week to prepare and requires special supplies and
each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list. ingredients costing 100 gp. (This cost does not apply to a
ceremonial feat taken at 1st level because the ritual is
assumed to have occurred before the character enters play.)
1st Expeditious retreat
3rd Water breathing A character who has access to more than one spell template
4th Quench can add multiple templates to a given spell, as long as all of
5th Transmute rock to mud them are applicable to that spell and she can pay all the costs.
6th Otiluke's freezing sphere Unless otherwise specified, a spell template that applies a
7th Control weather special effect to a spell does so only once, regardless of how
8th Summon monster VII (elementals and outsiders many separate effects the spell produces. For example, if a
with the water subtype) spellcaster uses the ghost touch template on a scorching ray
9th Elemental swarm (water elementals only) spell (which fires up to three rays), the ghost touch effect
applies only to the first ray.
Special: If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level The following format is used to present spell template
and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the information.
class that granted him access to this feat, he gains no Name
additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction The description of the spell template discusses its origin,
effect, and the kind of spells to which it can be applied. For
example, some templates work only with spells that deal hit

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Ceremonial Feats
point damage, some with spells of a certain school or This template can be added to any spell that deals energy
subschool, some with single-target spells, and so forth. Any damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). After the spell's
physical effects that use of the template may have on the normal duration expires, or after its damage is dealt,
spellcaster are also noted here. elemental spirits plague all creatures damaged by the spell for
Cost: This cost must be applied each time the spell a number of additional rounds equal to the spell's level. This
template comes into play. Costs might be material residual energy deals 1d4 points of damage per round of the
components of a certain value, or they might be verbal or same energy type as the spell itself dealt. For instance, a
somatic components that cannot be modified (or negated) by creature damaged by an elemalefic ice storm takes 1d4 points
any means, including metamagic feats. For example, the of residual cold damage per round for 4 rounds after the
Silent Spell Feat cannot be applied to a spell with a verbal spell's duration expires. The spell is still considered to be in
component that cannot be modified. Material components effect for the purpose of dispel magic.
are consumed unless the component is specified as a material A spell with this template gains the appropriate energy
focus. descriptor (the acid descriptor for an elemalefic acid spell,
Prerequisite: This entry describes the ways in which the the cold descriptor for an elemalefic cold spell, and so forth).
spell template can be acquired. In most cases, a spell template Cost: Material component (worth 50 gp) that is specific to
is acquired by taking the requisite ceremonial feat. the energy type, as follows: a few drops of black dragon drool
(acid), diamond dust (cold), a star made of woven copper wire
BLOODTHIRSTY [CEREMONIAL] (electricity), ruby dust (fire), or a golden tuning fork (sonic).
After a daylong ritual involving you and at least six others, Prerequisite: Elemalefic Spellcaster (ceremonial feat)
one of whom must be a necromancer, you gain mastery of the Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Alterations – Templates
blood. for Spells)
Benefit: You may apply the bloodleach template to your
spells. If you have cast a bloodleech spell in the past 24 hours, ETHEREAL TENDRIL [CEREMONIAL]
you heal naturally at an accelerated rate, recovering hit points After a daylong ceremony in which you sacrifice and
equal to twice your character level with a night of rest, or devour an ether scarab (described in Monster Manual III, you
three times your character level with an entire day and night can imbue your spells with the power to strike incorporeal
of rest. foes.
BLOODLEACH [SPELL TEMPLATE] Benefit: You may apply the ghost touch template to your
Using methods taught by the spirits of slain necromancers, spells. You also gain the ability to move at normal speed
you draw strength from those you wound with your spells. (instead of half speed) when traveling on the Ethereal Plane.
Your veins throb and pulse visibly when you cast a
bloodleech spell. GHOST TOUCH [SPELL TEMPLATE]
This template can be added to any spell that deals hit point You establish a link with the Ethereal Plane. A barely
damage. The spell deals an additional 1d6 points of damage to visible, silvery aura briefly surrounds you while you're
one living target of the caster's choice, and the caster is casting a ghost touch spell.
instantly healed of damage equal to this bonus amount. If the The ghost touch template can be added to any spell with
chosen target is immune to the type of damage the spell deals one or more targets. Spells with this template gain the ghost
or does not suffer the damage for some reason, the caster touch property and are not subject to the 50% miss chance
does not heal any hit points. that normally applies against an incorporeal target.
Using a bloodleech spell against another sentient creature Cost: Material component (silver orb worth at least 5o gp).
is considered an evil act. Prerequisite: Ethereal Tendril (ceremonial feat)
Cost: Verbal component (a specific, guttural, evil-sounding Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Alterations – Templates
word or phrase) that cannot be modified and a material for Spells)
component (a ruby worth at least 25 gp).
Prerequisite: Bloodthirsty (ceremonial feat) INVIGORATING SPELLCASTER
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Alterations – Templates
for Spells) [CEREMONIAL]
After completing a daylong ritual involving you and six
clerics, you can cast healing spells that have additional
After a daylong ritual involving an invocation to angry
Benefit: You may apply the invigorating template to your
elemental spirits, you can call upon their rage to enhance
spells. You also gain a +2 bonus on all Heal checks.
your spells.
Benefit: You may apply the elemalefic template to your
spells. You also gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks made
You unlock ancient methods of manipulating divine
while you are on any of the four elemental planes.
healing energy. Your eyes turn white while you are casting an
invigorating spell.
ELEMALEFIC [SPELL TEMPLATE] This template can be added to any spell that heals hit point
You have learned how to capture minor elemental spirits
damage. In addition to healing damage normally, an
and trap them in your spells. A spell amplified by the
invigorating spell can remove any or all of the following
elemalefic template seems to form frowning skulls, grasping
conditions affecting the target(s): dazed, exhausted, fatigued,
claws, or screaming faces of the appropriate energy type
sickened, and stunned. You specify which conditions are to
within its area.
be removed when you cast the spell.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Ceremonial Feats
Cost: Verbal component (recitation of an ancient healing CONCUSSIVE [SPELL TEMPLATE]
incantation) that cannot be modified. You have learned how to direct your destructive spells so
Prerequisite: Invigorating Spellcaster (ceremonial feat) that they strike with maximum force. Concussive spells are
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Alterations – Templates louder than normal and seem to strike with greater impact.
for Spells) This template can be added to any spell that deals hit point
damage. Any creature damaged by a concussive spell must
SPELLBINDER [CEREMONIAL] succeed on a Balance check (DC 10 + caster level) or be
knocked prone by the impact of the spell.
Upon completing a daylong ceremony during which you
Cost: Somatic component (thrusting hand gestures) that
and the other six participants are shackled together at the
cannot be modified and a material component (a pearl worth
ankles, you master the ability to inhibit others' movements
at least 25 gp).
with your magic.
Prerequisite: Spellstrike (ceremonial feat)
Benefit: You may apply the shackled template to your
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Alterations – Templates
spells. You also gain a +2 bonus on Use Rope checks made to
for Spells)
bind a creature.


You have learned how to After completing a daylong
harness the residual, wasted ritual attended by six others, at
energy of a spell and use it to least one of whom is a conjurer,
hinder the mobility of your tar- you gain the ability to summon
gets. The spell energies more powerful creatures than
unleashed by a shackled spell normal and establish a magical
tend to linger even after the connection with them.
spell's effects have taken hold.
Benefits: You may apply the
This template can be added to
champion template to your
any spell with duration other
spells. Furthermore, you cast
than instantaneous or
conjuration (summoning) spells
permanent. In addition to its
at +1 caster level.
normal effects, a shackled spell
causes each target to move at one-
-half its normal speed (rounded
to the next 5-foot increment) for You have learned ancient
the entire duration of the spell. If
magical techniques for imbuing
applied to a spell that itself
summoned monsters with
reduces speed (such as slow), the greater power. Creatures
effects are cumulative. Any summoned via champion spells
reduction in speed also affects appear slightly larger and more
jumping distance, as normal. powerful than typical specimens
Cost: Somatic component (a of their kind.
grasping hand gesture) that This template can be added to
cannot be modified, a material any conjuration (summoning)
focus (a set of silver shackles spell that summons one or more
worth at least 100 gp), and creatures. All creatures
material component (a golden summoned with a champion
key worth at least 25 gp). Spells spell have maximum hit points.
of 9th level are not affected by Furthermore, you may cast spells
this template. with a range of "touch" on any creatures you have summoned
Prerequisite: Spellbinder (ceremonial feat) without actually needing to touch them, provided that they
Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Alterations – Templates are within your line of sight. For example, you could cast a
for Spells) blur spell on a creature you have summoned even if it's
standing 3o feet away from you. All other parameters (such as
SPELLSTRIKE [CEREMONIAL] range, number of targets, and the like) of a touch spell used
After a daylong ceremony involving you and at least six in this manner still apply normally.
monks, you gain the power to knock down foes with your Cost: Material component (a topaz worth at least 25o gp)
spells. Prerequisite: Superior Summons.
Benefits: You may apply the concussive template to your Dragon Magazine #: 311 (Arcane Alterations – Templates
spells. You also gain a +2 bonus on Concentration checks for Spells)
made to ignore vigorous, violent, or extraordinarily violent
motion while casting spells (see Concentration in the Magic
chapter of the PLAYER'S HANDBOOK for details).

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Chaos and Core Initiate Feats
you can't benefit from the full bonus immediately, but you
CHAOS FEATS later gain nonbarbarian Hit Dice, you may apply the rest of
Whether a scion of anarchy, a character driven mad by the bonus.
witnessed horrors, or simply someone who enjoys his For example, a human 8th-level barbarian/3rd-level
freedom, chaos takes many forms among the living. Powerful fighter who selects this feat would increase his effective
beings who actively promote chaos – or those who embody it, barbarian level from 8th to 11th (since he has 11 HD),
heart and soul – sometimes grant mortals a beneficial taste of allowing him access to greater rage. If he later gained another
elemental chaos. This boon often comes in the form of an nonbard level, he would gain the remainder of the bonus and
anarchic feat. his effective barbarian level would become 12th (since he
Anarchic feats are the chaotic equivalent of vile feats from now has 12 HD), granting him the ability to rage four times
the Book of Vile Darkness and exalted feats from the Book of per day.
Exalted deeds. This does not affect your trap sense, uncanny dodge, or
Only intelligent characters of chaotic alignment who any other barbarian class feature. It only increases your
wholeheartedly embrace a chaotic lifestyle can gain anarchic effective barbarian level in regards to using your rage ability.
feats, and only as a gift from powerful agents of chaos-deities, Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Heroic Feats – Chaos Feats)
demons, eladrin, slaadi, or similar creatures. These feats are
thus supernatural in nature rather than extraordinary
abilities. In some cases, a ritual must be performed; often this FLEXIBLE MIND [ANARCHIC]
simply requires the character to perform an act against his You have a special knack for particular skills.
best interests simply for the sake of causing chaos, but your Benefit: Choose two skills you have ranks in. The chosen
DM may require a more campaign-specific requirement. skills are always considered class skills for you. In addition,
A character must have the DM's permission to take an you receive a +1 bonus on all checks involving these skills.
anarchic feat. Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Heroic Feats – Chaos Feats)
Aura of Chaos: A character with at least one anarchic feat
radiates an aura of chaos with a power equal to his character WILD TOUCH [ANARCHIC]
level (see the detect chaos spell), as if he were a cleric of a You gain limited control over magic items that grant
chaotic deity. random effects.
Prerequisite: Use Magic Device 8 ranks.
CHAOS MUSIC [ANARCHIC] Benefit: When determining the effect produced by a magic
The power of chaos improves your bardic music ability. item that requires a random roll, you may roll twice and
Your performance becomes frenetic and completely choose the result you prefer. When determining the effect
discordant. Something about it speaks to some forgotten produced by a magic deck of cards that requires a random
aspect of your primal consciousness. draw, you may draw two cards at a time and choose the card
Prerequisites: Perform 4 ranks, bardic music ability. you prefer (the other card is shuffled back into the deck as if
Benefit: Your effective bard level increases by +4 for the it were not drawn). If you cause a mishap when attempting to
purposes of determining which bardic music abilities you can read a scroll, you can choose which of two possible mishaps
use. This feat can't increase your effective bard level beyond actually occurs. In all three cases, the DM should explain the
your Hit Dice. However, if you can't benefit from the full choices to the player.
bonus immediately, but you later gain nonbard Hit Dice, you You may only use the effects of this feat once per day.
may apply the rest of the bonus. Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Heroic Feats – Chaos Feats)
For example, a human 5th-level bard/3rd-level fighter
who selects this feat would increase his effective bard level
from 5th to 8th (since he has 8 HD), allowing him to use the
Initiate feats are gateways to unique spells
suggestion ability and increasing his inspire courage bonus to
that deities grant their most faithful
+2. If he later gained another nonbard level, he would gain
servants. Whale all of these feats require a
the remainder of the bonus and his effective bard level for
character to be able to cast divine spells of
bardic music abilities would become 9th (since he now has 9
a specific level and have a patron deity,
the DM might add additional campaign-
This does not affect your spells per day or spells known. It
specific requirements. For example, to
only increases your effective bard level in regards to using
become an initiate of Boccob, one
your bardic music ability.
might have to create a magic item and
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Heroic Feats – Chaos Feats)
sanctify it in Boccob's name, research
a new spell, or perform a similarly
CHAOS RAGE [ANARCHIC] pious act (see “Core Beliefs: Boccob” in
The power of chaos improves your rage ability. While DRAGON #338 for more possibilities).
raging, your muscles shudder with uncontrolled energy as Some of these initiate feats grant
the spirit of chaos pushes you past your natural physical access to new spells found in
extremes. DRAGON #342. New spells are
Prerequisite: Intimidate 4 ranks, ability to enter a rage. marked with an asterisk.
Benefit: Your effective barbarian level increases by +4 for Currently, initiate feats appear for
the purposes of your rage ability. This feat can't increase your many deities of the FORGOTTEN REALM’S
effective barbarian level beyond your Hit Dice. However, if pantheon in PLAYER'S GUIDE TO FAERÛN

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Core Initiate Feats
INITIATE OF BOCCOB [INITIATE] 5th Erythnul’s Slaughter*: Doubles critical threat ranges
Your strong faith in Boccob grants you special powers. and prevents stabilization.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd level divine spells, patron 6th Rage, Mass*: As rage, but affects one subject level.
deity Boccob.
Benefits: You can make all Knowledge checks untrained. Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate
You also cast all divination spells at +1 caster level (this stacks Feats of the Core Deities)
with the bonus provided by the Knowledge domain’s granted
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your Your strong faith in Fharlanghn grants you special powers.
divine spell lists Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron
deity Fharlanghn.
Level Spells Benefits: Your base land speed increases by +10 feet.
1st Memory Jar*: The target gains a bonus on In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your
Knowledge checks. divine spell lists.
2nd Identify: Determines properties of magic items.
4th Research Aid*: Get assistance when performing Level Spells
research. 1st Alarm: an area for 2 hours/level.
1st Expeditious Retreat: Your speed increases by 30 ft.
Special: Identify also appears on the Magic domain spell 4th Dimension Door: Teleports you a short distance.
list. With this feat, you can cast it as a regular cleric spell, not 7th Phase Door: Creates an invisible passage through
just as a domain spell. wood or stone
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate
Feats of the Core Deities) Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate
Feats of the Core Deities)
Your strong faith in Ehlonna grants you special power. INITIATE OF HEIRONEOUS [INITIATE]
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron Your strong faith in Heironeous grants you special powers.
deity Ehlonna. Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron
Benefits: Once per day you may cast pass without trace deity Heironeous
upon yourself as a spell-like ability. In addition, add Handle Benefits: When fighting with a longsword, you deal an
Animal and Survival to the skill list of one of your divine extra 1d4 points of damage against evil targets; if the tar-get
spellcasting classes. possesses an aura of evil or is an evil-aligned outsider you
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your instead deal 1d6 extra points of damage.
divine spell lists. In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your
divine spell lists.
Level Spells
1st Longstrider: Your speed increases by 10 ft. Level Spells
3rd Snare: Creates a magic booby trap. 2nd Mark of Justice, Lesser*: Designate action that will
4th Commune with Nature: Learn about terrain for 1 trigger curse on subject.
mile/level. 3rd Bless, Greater*: Allies gain +1 per 4 levels on attack
8th Animal Shapes: One ally/level polymorphs into rolls and saves against fear.
chosen animal. 4th Righteousness of Heironeous*: You deal extra damage
against evil targets.
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate
Feats of the Core Deities) Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate
Feats of the Core Deities)
Your strong faith in Erythnul grants you special powers. INITIATE OF HEXTOR [INITIATE]
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 4th-level divine spells, patron Your strong faith in Hextor grants you special powers.
deity Erythnul. \ Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron
Benefits: Any time you kill a creature with a critical hit deity Hextor.
you gain the benefits of the spell death knell. This effect does Benefits: When fighting with a flail, you deal an extra 1d4
not function if the critical hit is made as part of a coup de points of damage against good targets: if the target possesses
grace. In addition, the creature must be reduced to -10 hp an aura of good or is a good-aligned outsider you instead deal
with the critical hit, not merely rendered unconscious. 1d6 extra points of damage.
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your
divine spell lists divine spell lists.

Level Spells Level Spells

2nd Cause Fear, Greater*: As cause fear, but affects up to 2nd Scare: Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
15 HD. 4th Bane, Greater*: Enemies gain -1 per 4 levels on

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Core Initiate Feats
attack rolls and saves against fear. Level Spells
4th Wrath of Hextor*: You deal extra damage against 1st Summer Breezes*: Cools you in uncomfortable
good targets. environments
2nd Spontaneous Combustion*: Target touched catches
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate fire
Feats of the Core Deities) 3rd Quicksand*: Creates an area of quicksand
5th Waves of Destruction*: Seawater crashes down upon
Your strong faith in Kord grants you special powers.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells, Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate
patron deity Kord. Feats of the Core Deities)
Benefits: You get a +4 size modifier on bull rush, disarm,
grapple, overrun, sunder, and trip attempts. INITIATE OF OLIDAMMARA [INITIATE]
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your Your strong faith in Olidammara grants you special powers.
divine spell lists. Prerequisites: Ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells,
patron deity Olidammara.
Level Spells Benefits: Add Gather Information, Sleight of Hand, and
1st Kord’s Power Surge*: Receive a bonus on Strength- Tumble to the skill list of one of your divine spellcasting
based ability checks and skills. classes.
2nd Kord's Greeting*: Bonuses for charging double and In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your
penalties reduce to half. divine spell lists. These spells appear in “Core Beliefs:
4th Champion of Kord*: Receive bonuses on acts of Olidammara” on page 82 of Dragon Magazine #342.
Level Spells
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate 1st Festival Feast: Creates delicious food for 3
Feats of the Core Deities) humans/level.
2nd Olidammara’s Bard Spell: You can prepare spells
INITIATE OF NERULL [INITIATE] from the bard spell list
Your strong faith in Nerull grants you special powers. 3rd Olidammara’s Carapace: Creates a protective shell
around you.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 4th-level divine spells, patron
deity Nerull.
Benefits: When using your Death domain granted power, Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate
you may roll d8s instead of d6s to determine the damage. Feats of the Core Deities)
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your
divine spell lists. INITIATE OF PELOR [INITIATE]
Your strong faith in Pelor grants you special powers.
Level Spells Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron
2nd Cause Fear, Greater*: As cause fear, but affects deity Pelor.
creatures up to 15 HD Benefits: You receive a +2 sacred bonus on turning checks
3rd Nerull’s Scythe*: You bring a magical scythe into and turning damage rolls.
existence In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your
9th Wail of the Banshee: Kills one creature/level. divine spell lists.

Special: Wail of the banshee also appears on the Death Level Spells
domain spell list. With this feat, you can cast it as a regular 1st True Turning*: You gain bonuses on your next turn
cleric spell, not just a domain spell. undead attempt.
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate 3rd Bless, Greater*: Allies gain +1 per 4 levels on attack
Feats of the Core Deities) rolls and saves against fear.
4th Immolate the Wicked*: Undead you have turned
INITIATE OF OBAD−HAI [INITIATE] burst into flames.
Your strong faith in Obad-Hai grants you special powers.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate
deity Obad-Hai. Feats of the Core Deities)
Benefits: You can "lose" a prepared spell to spontaneously
cast any summon nature's ally spell of the same level or lower, INITIATE OF ST. CUTHBERT [INITIATE]
just as a druid, in addition to cure spells. Your strong faith in St. Cuthbert grants you special powers.
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron
divine spell lists. deity St. Cuthbert.
Benefits: You can generate the protective ward granted by
the Protection domain ability once per day per four cleric

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Core Initiate and Divine Feats
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your
divine spell lists. DIVINE FEATS
In keeping with the idea of expanding the options of all
Level Spells classes, the feats in this category share characteristics that
make them unavailable to single-class fighters. First, they all
2nd Mark of Justice, Lesser*: Designates action that will
have as a prerequisite the ability to turn or rebuke undead.
trigger a curse on the subject.
Thus, they are open to clerics, paladins of 3rd level or higher,
3rd Retributive Strike*: You gain an attack of
and a member of any prestige class or any creature that has
opportunity when attacked.
that ability.
7th Spell Turning: Reflects 1d4+6 spell levels back at
Second, the force that powers a divine feat is the ability to
channel positive or negative energy to turn or rebuke
undead. Each use of a divine feat costs a character a minimum
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate of one turn or rebuke attempt from her number of attempts
Feats of the Core Deities) each day. If you don’t have any turn or rebuke attempts left,
you can’t use a divine feat. Turning or rebuking undead is a
INITIATE OF VECNA [INITIATE] standard action (unless you have a special ability that says
Your strong faith in Vecna grants you special powers. otherwise). These feats often take a standard action to
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron activate, but may require other types of actions as specified.
deity Vecna. Regardless, you may activate only one divine feat (or use the
Benefits: You can use scrolls, wands, and other devices ability to turn or rebuke undead once) per round, though
with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of overlapping durations may allow you the benefits of more
your cleric level. For the purpose of using a scroll or other than one divine feat at a time.
magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard levels and Third, turning or rebuking undead is a supernatural ability
these effective wizard levels stack. and a standard action that does not provoke an attack of
opportunity and counts as an attack. Activating a divine feat
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your is also a supernatural ability and does not provoke an attack
divine spell lists. of opportunity unless otherwise specified in the feat
description. Activating a divine feat is not considered an
Level Spells attack unless the feat’s activation could be the direct cause of
3rd Vecna’s Courier*: Deliver secrets without fear of damage to a target. Improved Smiting, for example, adds 1d6
having them revealed. points of damage to a smite attack, but does not directly deal
4th Arcane Eye: Invisible floating eye moves 30 damage to an opponent upon its activation. It is not itself an
ft./level attack.
6th Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and Paladins in particular should consider these feats. Because
comatose. the paladin’s turning ability remains behind the cleric’s
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate throughout the paladin’s career, a paladin who chooses one or
Feats of the Core Deities) two divine feats has more options than just turning undead.


Your strong faith in Wee Jas grants you special powers. You can produce a blast of energy that wreaks havoc on
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron undead.
deity Wee Jas. Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks, ability to
Benefits: You can, as a standard action, spend one of your turn undead.
turning attempts to release a wave of energy in a 20-foot Benefit: You can spend a turn attempt as a standard action
radius. If you channel positive energy, this wave deals 1d6 to create a 20-foot-radius burst of positive energy centered on
points of damage per two cleric levels you possess to undead you. All undead caught within the burst take 1d8 points of
creatures. A successful Will save halves this damage (DC = 10 damage +1point of damage per two cleric levels. This is a
+ 1/2 your cleric level + Cha modifier). If you channel positive energy effect although it does not heal living
negative energy, this wave cures 1d6 points of damage per creatures.
cleric levels you posses to undead creatures. Hit points cured Suggested Class/Race: Cleric
in excess a creature’s normal hit point total are lost. Dragon Magazine #: 334 (Class Acts – Variant Turning)
In addition, you may add the following spells to one of your
divine spell lists. CORONA [DIVINE]
By channeling positive energy you can blast your foes with
Level Spells holy light.
2nd Disguise Undead: Changes the appearance of one Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, ability to
corporeal undead. turn undead.
5th Magic Jar: Enables possession of another creature. Benefit: You can spend a turn attempt as a standard action
6th Circle of Death: Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures. to create a flash of light that blasts forth into a 20-foot-radius
burst centered on you. Undead creatures in the area that are
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (The Power of Faith – Initiate susceptible to sunlight (such as bodaks, vampires, and
Feats of the Core Deities) wraiths) become frightened for 1d4 rounds unless they

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Divine and Exalted Feats
succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level +
your Charisma modifier). EXALTED FEATS
Suggested Class/Race: Cleric Only intelligent characters of good alignment and the
Dragon Magazine #: 334 (Class Acts – Variant Turning) highest moral standards can acquire exalted feats, and only as
a gift from powerful agents of good—deities, celestials, or
similar creatures. These feats are thus supernatural in nature
HAUNTING WEAPONS [DIVINE] (rather than being extraordinary abilities, as most feats are).
You have learned the secrets of imbuing weapons with the A character must have the DM’s permission to take an
ability to affect restless spirits. exalted feat. In many cases, a ritual must be performed; often
Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, Knowledge this simply amounts to a character swearing a sacred vow, for
(the planes) 4 ranks, ability to turn or rebuke undead. example, in the presence of a celestial being. A character who
Benefit: You can spend a turn or rebuke attempt as a willingly and willfully commits an evil act loses all benefits
standard action to grant the melee weapons (including from all his exalted feats. She regains these benefits if she
natural weapons) of all allies (including yourself) within a 30- atones for her violations (see Sin and Atonement in Chapter
foot burst the ghost touch special ability. Such weapons 1 of the BOOK OF EXALTED DEEDS).
count as either corporeal or incorporeal at any given time, Aura of Good: A character with at least one exalted feat
whichever is more beneficial to the wielder. The effect lasts radiates an aura of good with a power equal to her character
until the end of your next turn. level (see the detect good spell), as if she were a paladin or a
Suggested Class/Race: Cleric cleric of a good deity.
Dragon Magazine #: 334 (Class Acts – Variant Turning)
HOLY CALLING [DIVINE] You are the holy bane of creatures of a particular type.
You are able to channel divinely infused life energy Prerequisite: Favored enemy class ability.
that calls to the endless hunger of the undead like a Benefit: Choose one of your favored enemies. You
siren's song. can sense the presence of creatures of this type within
Prerequisites: Cha 15, ability to turn undead. 60 feet, as well as pinpoint their exact location
Benefit: As a standard action you may use a turn (distance and direction) relative to you. Normal
or rebuke attempt to goad an undead opponent barriers and obstructions do not block this
within 60 feet that has line of effect to you. The supernatural ability, allowing you to sense the
goaded undead must make a Will save (DC 10 + presence and location of creatures behind doors or
1/2 your character level + your Charisma walls, for example. This ability does not allow
modifier). If the undead fails its save, you are the you to see an invisible or hidden creature
only creature it can attack for 1d4 rounds. If it (although you can still discern its location).
kills you, knocks you unconscious, loses sight of In addition to sensing the presence of
you, or otherwise is unable to make attacks your favored enemy, you deal +1d6 points
against you, it may make any remaining attacks of damage on weapon attack rolls made
against other foes, as normal. The undead attacks against evil representatives of the favored
you in the most efficient way possible, whether enemy creature type.
through melee or ranged attacks, spells, or other Note: Only intelligent creatures of good alignment
abilities. It may cast spells that affect an area as and the highest moral standards can acquire exalted
long as you are within the spell's area. The undead A Nemesis is the feats, and only as a gift from powerful agents of good.
may continue to use appropriate tactics, avoiding holy bane of many All exalted feats are supernatural. A character with at
attacks of opportunity and the like, but it can only a creature. least one exalted feat radiates an aura of good with a
attack you regardless of the actions of your allies. power equal to his character level.
Suggested Class/Race: Cleric Special: You can choose this feat multiple times. Its effects
Dragon Magazine #: 334 (Class Acts – Variant Turning) do not stack. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a
different favored enemy.
IMBUE WEAPON [DIVINE] For neutral or evil sworn slayers (see Dragon Magazine
Your channeled energy lets you strike a particular foe with #324), the granted bonus feat loses its exalted feat status and
greater power. becomes a regular feat. Nongood sworn slayers do not radiate
Prerequisites: Extra Turning, the ability to turn or rebuke an aura of good.
undead. Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Gaining Prestige – The Sworn
Benefit: As a standard action, you may imbue your weapon Slayer)
with divine wrath and designate a target opponent. When-
ever you attack the designated opponent with the imbued PURIFY SUMMONING [EXALTED]
weapon, you gain a bonus on your attack and damage rolls Your summoned creatures become sanctified and good.
equal to +1 per four cleric levels you possess (minimum +1), Prerequisites: Spell Focus (conjuration), Augment
The weapon remains imbued for a number of rounds equal to Summoning, good alignment.
the bonus you grant it. Benefit: Each creature you conjure with any summon spell
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension) gains the good subtype, and creatures that are not already
good in alignment become good.
Dragon Magazine #: 353 (Princes of Elemental Good –
The Archomentals, Part II)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
A feat is a special feature that either gives your character a You can aid all of your allies to a much greater effect.
new capability or improves one he or she already has. For Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Power Attack.
example, Lidda (a halfling rogue) chooses to start with the Benefit: As a full-round action, you can use the aid another
Improved Initiative feat at 1st level. That feat gives her a +4 action to aid every ally adjacent to you. Your allies all gain a
bonus to her initiative check results. At 3rd level (see Table +2 bonus on attack rolls or a +2 bonus to Armor Class,
3–2: Experience and Level-Dependent Benefits, PLAYER’S depending on the type of aid you give.
HANDBOOK, page 22), she gains a new feat and chooses Normal: As a standard action you can aid one ally_.
Dodge. This feat allows her to avoid the attacks of an Special: A fighter may select Aid Giver as one of his fighter
opponent she selects by improving her Armor Class against bonus feats (see page 38 of the Player's Handbook).
that opponent. Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The Tide of Battle)
Unlike a skill, a feat has no ranks. A character either has a
feat or does not. ANTI−PSIONIC MAGIC [GENERAL]
Your spells work better against psionics and psionic
ABILITY ENHANCER [GENERAL] creatures than they normally would.
Your helpful transmutation spells aid you more than Prerequisite: Spellcraft 5 ranks.
normal. Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell that would affect a
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (transmutation), transmuter creature with psionic power resistance, you get a +2 bonus on
level 1st. your level check to overcome that power resistance. This
Benefit: Any transmutation spell you bonus stacks with that gained from the
cast that enhances ability scores Spell Penetration or Greater Spell
increases the ability scores by +2 more Penetration feat, but it applies only to
than it normally does. For example, checks made to overcome psionic power
casting bull's strength with this feat resistance, not spell resistance.
grants the subject a +6 enhancement Furthermore, when a psionic creature
bonus to Strength, instead of the usual tries to dispel one of your spells with a
+4 enhancement bonus. psionic ability (such as negate psionics),
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic the DC is 13 + your caster level.
Feats – Getting Schooled) Normal: Psionics and magic work the
same in most campaigns, and both forms
of resistance (psionic power resistance
ABJURATIVE POTENCY and spell resistance) protect against both
[GENERAL] kinds of effects. In the same manner,
You cast more effective protective dispel magic can dispel psionics as well as
spells. magic, and negate psionics can remove
Prerequisites: Spell Focus spells as well as psionic effects. A
(abjuration), abjurer level 1st. character with this feat bends that
Benefit: Any abjuration spell you cast general rule without breaking it, by
that provides a bonus to Armor Class reducing the effectiveness of psionics
adds a bonus +1 higher than normal. For against spells.
example, an abjurer with this feat who Dragon Magazine #: 309 (Campaign
casts shield gains a +5 shield bonus Components: Incursion – A World
instead of a +4 shield bonus. Under Siege)
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic Feats – Getting
Through concentration and preparation your mind can
ACROBATIC SKIRMISHER [GENERAL] hold special magical energy.
You can skirmish while performing daring acts of Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells.
acrobatics. Benefit: As long as you have at least one arcane spell slot
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Tumble 5 ranks, skirmish ability. available (either a prepared arcane spell or the ability to cast
Benefit: When you successfully make a Tumble check to an arcane spell spontaneously), you may make a DC 20
avoid attacks of opportunity while moving through a square Concentration check to gain arcane focus. This use of
occupied by an opponent, your skirmish damage against that Concentration requires a full-round action that provokes an
opponent increases by +1d6 points of damage until the attack of opportunity. Once you acquire arcane focus, you
beginning of your next turn. remain focused until you expend it, become unconscious, fall
Special: A scout may select Acrobatic Skirmisher as one of asleep, or cast all available arcane spells.
his scout bonus feats (see page 12 of Complete Adventurer). When you have arcane focus, you may expend your focus as
Suggested Class/Race: Scout a swift action on any single Concentration check you make
Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Class Acts – Scout Feat and thereafter. If you expend your focus for this purpose, treat
Options) your Concentration check as if you rolled a 15 (similar to
taking 10). You may expend your arcane focus in this way

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
even if you could not normally take 10 on a skill check, such Special: A spellbook written with this method holds more
as during combat. spells and is thus worth more than a normal spellbook of the
You may instead expend your arcane focus to activate an same number of pages.
arcane feat you possess and gain one of the benefits of that A wizard may take Arcane Shorthand as a wizard bonus feat.
feat. Normal: The Spellcraft DC to learn or prepare a spell from
Special: A wizard may select Arcane Focus as a wizard a borrowed spellbook equals 15 + spell level.
bonus feat. Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Class Acts – Arcane Feats)
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Arcane Focus)
ARCANE FOCUS ITEM [GENERAL] Maztican armor is highly decorated with bright paints,
You can craft a unique signature staff or other item that animal skins, and dyed feathers. You are trained to use your
serves as a focus for your magic. armor to its best advantage, and you distract and misdirect
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, any metamagic feat, your opponents with its flurry of decorations and movement.
arcane caster level 3rd. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, Perform (dance) 1
Benefit: You create a personal arcane device that you carry rank.
with you, typically a staff but optionally another item like a Benefit: Whenever you are wearing a suit of Maztican light
pocket watch or amulet. This device serves as a focus for armor (or similarly decorated light armor) with which you
magical energy, improving your ability to apply metamagic are proficient, and you make a full attack, you gain a +2 dodge
effects to spells. You must hold the item in your hand in bonus to Armor Class that lasts until your next action.
order to gain its benefits. Special: A fighter may select Armor Dance as one of his
If you spontaneously cast spells (as a sorcerer does), three fighter bonus feats.
times per day the focus allows you to apply a metamagic feat Suggested Class/Race: Eagle Knight, Jaguar Knight (see
to a spell without increasing its casting time. article for more information)
If you prepare spells (as a wizard does), three times per day Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Maztica – The New (Fantasy)
you may spontaneously convert any spell into a metamagic- World)
enhanced version of any lower-level spell you currently have
prepared. Converting a spell in this way forces you to lose the ASSEMBLE THE HORDE [GENERAL]
higher level spell, which must be of the appropriate spell
You are beloved by the people, and the common folk seek
level for the spell you cast and the metamagic feat you use.
out your leadership.
You must have the metamagic feat you wish to use in this
Prerequisites: Leadership, character level 6th, leadership
way. For example, you may spontaneously lose a prepared
score 4 higher than your level,
fireball spell in order to cast an empowered magic missile, but
Benefit: You gain a permanent +1 bonus to your
only if you have both a normal fireball and a normal magic
Leadership score. You gain a number of additional 1st-level
missile spell prepared.
followers equal to the number of higher-level followers you
In addition, you may treat the item as an arcane focus in
are allowed. These additional 1st-level followers do not
place of any spell components worth 1 gp or less, and a hand
replace your higher-level followers. For example, a paladin
in which you hold the device is considered your free hand for
with a leadership score of 18 normally can attract thirty-five
the purpose of casting somatic components.
1st-level followers, three 2nd-level followers, and one
You may also use magic item creation feats such as Craft
follower each of 3rd and 4th levels. With this feat, she can
Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Staff, and Craft Wondrous
have up to forty 1st-level followers (thirty-five plus the
Item to enhance the device as an item of its type. If you lose
number of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-level followers), three 2nd-level
your arcane device or it is not on you, all your spells suffer a -
followers, and one follower each of 3rd and 4th levels.
1 penalty to caster level until you, recover it or create a new
Normal: You typically may only recruit followers up to the
one. If you have your device on you but aren't wearing or
limit allowed by your Leadership score.
wielding it actively, you suffer no ill effects but neither do
you gain any benefits. Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Supporting Cast – Following the
Creating an arcane device costs 200 gp and takes 24 hours. Leader)
A wizard may take Arcane Focus Item as a wizard bonus
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Class Acts – Arcane Feats)


You discovered a shorthand method for recording spells in
Benefit: You scribe spells in a spellbook using a shorthand
that lets you transcribe faster and to occupy less space than
normal. This shorthand cuts in half the time required to write
a spell in a spellbook. Such spells also take up half as many ASTRAL TRACKING [GENERAL]
pages and require half as much of the special materials You can follow tracks across the featureless wastes of the
normally used. Astral Plane. In addition, you can try to determine the
The Spellcraft DC to learn or prepare a spell from a destination of a creature that has used a teleport spell or effect.
borrowed spellbook written in shorthand equals 25 + spell Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 11 ranks, Spellcraft
level. 8 ranks, Survival 10 ranks, Track.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Benefit: You can attempt to track a creature normally, even Dragon Magazine #: 355 (Dragonmarks – Way of the
through the featureless wastes of the Astral Plane (base Shackled Beast)
Survival DC 25). In addition, when standing at the location
(on any plane) from which a creature departed by means of a BETRAYAL OF THE SPIRIT LINKED
teleportation spell or effect, you can determine its
destination with a successful Survival check (DC 3o). If you [GENERAL]
have your own means of teleportation, you can then teleport to A being of pure malice and darkness seduced you into the
that location as though you had viewed it once. ultimate treachery: you murdered your own familiar. Now a
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (Campaign Components: twisted, undead mockery walks in its place.
Incursion – A World Under Siege) Prerequisites: Ability to prepare and cast animate dead,
required sacrifice.
Sacrifice: You must kill your own familiar and animate it as
AURA OF BRAVERY [GENERAL] either a zombie or skeleton (your choice). Due to the
Your courage is so significant that even your allies benefit
intervention of your patron you suffer none of the ill effects
from it.
normally incurred by the death of a familiar. Even if you
Benefit: All of your allies within 10 feet gain a +2 morale
subsequently repent and try to summon a new familiar only
bonus on saves against fear effects so long as you do not
another undead creature answers your call.
suffer from a fear effect. You do not gain this bonus.
Benefit: Your familiar gains either the zombie or skeleton
Note: A normal fighter may not take this feat as a fighter
template. Its abilities and qualities alter to conform
bonus feat.
with the template (see pages 225 and 265 of the
Special: A thane may select Aura of Bravery as MONSTER MANUAL). You no longer gain the special
one of his fighter bonus feats. A fighter may not ability it once granted you (such as the +3 on
take this feat as a fighter bonus feat. Listen checks granted by a bat) and as a mindless
Suggested Class/Race: Thane (see article for undead it never develops the speak with master or
more information) speak with animals of its own kind abilities.
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Class Acts – The However, you gain the ability to draw upon its
Thane) supernatural vitality when it is within arms reach. A
skeleton familiar grants you DR 5/bludgeoning and a
BACKSTAB [GENERAL] zombie familiar grants you DR 5/slashing.
You can strike quickly when your opponent's Special: A wizard may select Betrayal of the Spirit
back is turned. Linked as a wizard bonus feat (see page 57 of the
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes. Player's Handbook).
Benefit: Once per round, you may make an attack Suggested Class/Race: Wizard
of opportunity against an opponent you flank who Dragon Magazine #: 336 (Class Acts – Dark
attacks a target other than you. Pacts)
Special: A fighter may select Backstab as one of
his fighter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Player's BLADE COMMUNION OF
Suggested Class/Race: Rogue SLASHING [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – You partake of the same flesh-ripping power as
Opportunists) the Lord of Blade’s blade-covered body.
Prerequisites: Adamantine Body, Improved
Bull Rush, Power Attack, warforged juggernaut,
BATTLE HARDENED [GENERAL] Beast Strike makes full must worship Lord of Blades.
You can fight multiple opponents and cause use of martial artists’ Benefit: Your adamantine armor spikes deal 1d8
them to get into each other's way. natural weapons. points of slashing damage instead of 1d6 points of
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4. piercing damage.
Benefit: When adjacent to two or more opponents who Note: In order to gain the benefits of the feat, you must
threaten you, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your participate in a blade communion ritual (FAITHS OF EBERRON,
Armor Class. 113).
Special: A fighter may select Battle Hardened as one of his Dragon Magazine #: 359 (1d20 Villains – D&D’s Most
fighter bonus feats. Wanted; Preferably Dead)
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The Tide of Battle)
BEAST STRIKE [GENERAL] You are distantly related to Iggwilv by blood. Demons can
Your martial training makes full use of your natural sense this link and treat you with grudging respect.
weapons in unarmed combat. Prerequisite: Cha 13
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5, Improved Unarmed Benefit: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all
Strike, claw or slam attack. Charisma-based checks opposed by demons, including the
Benefit: When you make an unarmed strike or grapple Charisma check required when casting planar binding on a
check to deal damage, you may add your claw or slam damage demon. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on
to your unarmed strike or grapple damage. Will saving throws made against any effect directed at you by
Special: A fighter may select Beast Strike as a fighter bonus a demon.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (1d20 Villains – D&D’s Most penalty. Feinting against a nonintelligent creature is
Wanted; Preferably Dead) impossible.
Normal: Feinting involves a melee attack against the
Your presence helps allies avoid danger. Special: A fighter may select Bow Feint as one of his
fighter bonus feats.
Benefit: If you and an adjacent character with this feat
must both make a saving throw against the same effect, you Dragon Magazine #: 350 (Class Acts – The Archer’s Art)
may switch saving throw bonuses. You must be within 5 feet
of the character you're trading saving throw bonuses with BRACED FOR CHARGE [GENERAL]
and both of you must be willing to swap. This switch When receiving a charge, you know how to strike where it
functions only for one saving throw, with applicable truly hurts.
exchanges on later saves determined separately. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Planescape – Dead Factions) Benefit: You can ready an action to set any pole arm against
a charge. This attack deals double damage on a successful hit
BONDED [GENERAL] against a charging character. This feat grants no bonus to
Acting as one mind in two bodies, you and your pet enjoy a weapons that already grant double damage when set against a
nearly perfect symmetry in battle, making it very charge.
easy for you to keep your opponents off balance. Normal: Only specific weapons do double damage when
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 5 ranks, trained pet. readied against a charge.
Benefit: Whenever you and your pet attack the Special: A fighter may select Braced for Charge as
same target in the same round you both gain a +1 one of his fighter bonus feats.
bonus on attack and damage rolls. In addition, when Dragon Magazine #: 331 (The Point of Pole
you attack your foe with a ranged weapon you do Arms – A Comprehensive Guide)
not take the normal -4 penalty for firing into melee
if your pet is the only ally currently in combat with BREATH CONTROL [GENERAL]
it. Penalties due to cover still apply. You enjoy an almost legendary ability to
Special: A fighter may select Bonded as one of master the air in your lungs.
his fighter bonus feats (see page 38 of the PLAYER'S Prerequisite: Perform (wind instrument) 5
HANDBOOK). ranks.
Dragon Magazine #: 357 (Feathers & Fur – A Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Perform
Guide to Flying and Fanged Animal Companions) (wind instruments) checks and saves made
against inhaled poisons and nauseating
BOOK SMART [GENERAL] vapors. In addition, you may hold your
You've read books on a variety of subjects, and breath for a number of rounds equal to the
have a knack for cross-referencing the result of a Perform (wind instruments) check
information quickly in your mind. or twice your Constitution score (whichever is
Prerequisites: Int 15, Knowledge (any three) 6 higher).
ranks, ability to cast at least three arcane divination Special: A fighter may select Breath Control as
spells. one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38 of the
Benefit: You may make untrained Knowledge Player's Handbook).
checks for DCs higher than 10. Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
Normal: Untrained Knowledge checks are limited to Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Cultured
those with a DC of 1o or less. Combatants I)
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Class Acts – Arcane Feats)
BOW FEINT [GENERAL] You have divine ancestry, granting you membership in the
You can mislead an opponent in combat from a distance. Order of the Bronze Solaris
Prerequisites: Int 13, Point Blank Shot. Prerequisites: Sorcerer level 1st.
Benefit: You may feint an opponent with a ranged attack as Benefit: You are a member of the Order of the Bronze
a standard action. Your opponent must be able to see you and Solaris, granting you the secret knowledge of the order.
be within 30 feet. You must have a ranged weapon readied Knowledge (religion) is a sorcerer class skill for you.
(and loaded, if applicable). Choose an ancestral deity. Because of extensive instruction
To feint, make a Bluff check opposed by your target's Sense on the rites of your ancestral deity’s church you receive a +3
Motive check. The target adds his base attack bonus to this bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks related to that deity
Sense Motive check. If your Bluff check result exceeds your (only). You are proficient with the favored
target's Sense Motive check result, the next ranged attack you weapon of your ancestral deity.
make against that target does not allow him to use his Special: You may only gain this feat at 1st
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). This attack must be made on level.
or before your next turn. When feinting in this way against a Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
nonhumanoid opponent you take a -4 penalty. Against a Dragon Magazine #: 334 (Class Acts –
creature of animal Intelligence (1 or 2), you incur a -8 The Bronze Solaris)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
You channel your frustration into magical power. You are particularly convincing when attempting to
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Greater Spell Penetration, command targets of your mind-affecting spells.
Spell Penetration. Prerequisites: Cha 13, Negotiator
Benefit: You can choose one creature whose spell Benefit: When you make a Charisma check to
resistance you failed to overcome in the last round exert control over the target of a mind-affecting
with your caster level check. The next time you try spell you cast, you gain a +3 bonus on this roll.
to overcome that creature's spell resistance, you This applies to checks to convince the target of
gain a +1 morale bonus to the level check to a spell from the charm person spell chain to take
overcome the creature's spell resistance. This an action it normally wouldn't, as well as to
bonus increases by +1 after each such failed opposed Charisma checks made by two casters
check (to a maximum bonus of +10), so after whose spells affect the same target and who
three failed level checks, you would gain a +3 give it conflicting orders.
bonus to the next level check to bypass that Suggested Class/Race: Enchanter
target's spell resistance. You can apply the Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Thieves of Will –
bonus from this feat to only one creature at a Evil Enchanters)
time. The bonus stacks with that provided by
both Spell Penetration and Greater Spell CHRONICLE [GENERAL]
You can accurately discern the date of an art
If more than 1 minute passes before you cast
object and sell it to a proper establishment for a
another spell at the creature that requires a
higher than normal rate.
level check to overcome spell resistance, you
Prerequisite: Int 13, Appraise 4 ranks, ability
lose the bonus. You also lose this bonus as soon Being surrounded is no to cast arcane spells.
as you successfully bypass the chosen creature's problem for a Canny Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Appraise
spell resistance or cast a spell that doesn't affect Opportunist. checks. By succeeding at a DC 20 Appraise
the chosen creature (so if you cast a spell that
check, you can discern the approximate age of a
targets another creature or in an area that doesn't affect the
nonmagical art object (any treasure that isn't coins, gems, or
chosen creature).
jewelry). If you succeed at this check, you may sell the item
Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Brotherhood of the Burning
to a college, museum, school, or university for more than its
Heart – The Magic and Mettle of Fire)
actual value, depending on the age of the item. You may only
attempt the special Appraise check once. You must sell the
CANNY OPPORTUNIST [GENERAL] item to an academic institution, and not to an individual,
You have studied many special combat maneuvers to merchant, or shop. The age of the item determines how much
recognize them and react quickly to your opponent's tactics. more you can get for it, as shown on the following chart.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise. Your DM might adjust the listed years to better match the age
Benefit: You may make an attack of opportunity of his campaign world.
whenever an opponent you threaten draws a weapon,
readies or looses a shield, or attempts to feint in Object's Age Extra Value
combat. You may make attacks of opportunity even <100 years -
when flat-footed. 100-199 years +1%
Special: A fighter may select Canny Opportunist 200-499 years +5%
as one of his fighter bonus feats. 500-999 years +10%
Suggested Class/Race: Rogue 1,000-1,999 years +15%
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – 2,000+ years +20%
Special: If you belong to an affiliation
CHARMER [GENERAL] (P LAYER'S H ANDBOOK II page 163) that as an
You know how to strengthen the lure of academic institution (a college, museum,
your enchantments. school, or university), you may instead sell
Prerequisites: Spell Focus items at the normal amount to gain a +1 to
(enchantment), enchanter level 1st. your affiliation Score for every 2,000 gp you
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class of forgo (to a maximum of +10).
all saving throws against your spells from Dragon Magazine #: 347 (Class Acts –
the enchantment (charm) subschool. This Archeologists)
bonus stacks with the bonus provided by
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic Feats – Superior renown brings two elite members
Getting Schooled) of your class to serve you.
Prerequisites: Leadership, character level
6th, leadership score 4 higher than your
Using the Chronicle feat, a
person can judge the age and
value of an item.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Benefit: You gain a permanent +1 bonus to your Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Thieves of Will – Evil
Leadership score. You gain two additional followers of the Enchanters)
highest level available for your leadership score. These extra
followers must be of the same class as you. If you have more COMBAT ENGINEER [GENERAL]
than one standard class, they must only share one class with
You can pinpoint weaknesses in materials, helping you
you, but they most both be of the same class. If you lose these
destroy them.
followers you can replace them through the normal means,
Prerequisites: Str 13, lnt 13, Knowledge (architecture and
gaining up to two new followers of the highest level of
engineering) 4 ranks, Improved Sunder, Power Attack.
followers you're able to recruit.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls
Normal: You typically may only recruit followers up to the
when making a sunder attack. When attacking an unattended
limit allowed by your Leadership score.
inanimate object, wall, or structure you can ignore up to 10
Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Supporting Cast – Following the points of hardness.
Special: A fighter may select Combat Engineer as one of
his fighter bonus feats.
CLOSE COHORT [GENERAL] Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
Your cohort is almost your equal. Dragon Magazine #: 334 (Class Acts – The Janissary)
Prerequisites: Leadership, character level 6th, leadership
score 2 higher than your level. COMBINED EMPATHY [GENERAL]
Benefit: Your cohort may be one level
You can combine your wild empathy ability from different
lower than you.
Normal: Regardless of your leadership
Prerequisites: Druid level 1st, ranger level 1st.
score, you can only recruit a cohort who is
Benefit: When using your wild empathy ability,
two or more levels lower than you. Your
add both your druid levels and your ranger levels to
cohort cannot gain levels to bring him within
your roll.
one level of you.
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy –
Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Supporting Cast
Feats that Combine Class Abilities)
– Following the Leader)


You are a natural leader, capable of instill
[GENERAL] bravery and tenacity in others. On the battlefield,
You are unusually effective at defending your your followers stand and fight while lesser
space. warriors flee in terror.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes. Prerequisites: Cha 13
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on your attack Benefit: All allies within 30 feet of you gain a +1
roll for any attack of opportunity that an moral bonus on all saves against fear effects.
opponent has provoked by moving into your Note: This feat doesn't benefit the character
space. The benefit also applies for attacks of who takes it, it only helps allies.
opportunity provoked by the opponent Dragon Magazine #: 323 (On Command –
making an unarmed attack, attempting to Command and Control)
start a grapple, bull rushing you, sundering
your weapon or shield, or trying to sever COMMANDING [GENERAL]
your silver cord with a silver sword. An archer uses Concealed
Ambush to get the drop on The targets of your compulsion spells find them
If the opponent has a feat that would
his foes. difficult to resist.
normally prevent you from making an attack
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Persuasive.
of opportunity in the given circumstance, you can still
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws
attempt one by virtue of this feat. However, instead of
against your compulsion spells. This bonus stacks with the
gaining a +2 bonus on the attack roll, you take a -10 penalty.
bonuses from Spell Focus (enchantment) and Greater Spell
Special: A fighter can take Close-Quarter Defense as one of
Focus (enchantment).
her bonus feats.
Suggested Class/Race: Enchanter
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (Campaign Components:
Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Thieves of Will – Evil
Incursion – A World Under Siege)


Your charm spells are equally effective in combat and
You can spring out of hiding to deliver deadly blows to
noncombat situations.
unwitting foes.
Prerequisites: Wis 13.
Prerequisite: Hide 10 ranks, Move Silently 10 ranks, Point
Benefit: When casting a charm spell (such as charm animal,
Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
charm person or charm monster) on a creature being threatened
Benefit: You take a -10 penalty on your Hide check to
by you or your allies, it does not gain the usual +5 bonus to its
conceal yourself after sniping (see page 76 of the Player's
save against the spell.
Suggested Class/Race: Enchanter

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Normal: You take a -20 penalty on your Hide check to CUSTOMIZE DOMAIN [GENERAL]
conceal yourself after sniping. You open up one of your domains to new sources of magical
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger power.
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – A Different Path) Prerequisites: At least one domain, ability to cast 3rd-level
divine spells.
COUNTENANCE OF THE MAGE [GENERAL] Benefit: Choose one of your cleric domains. You
You use ancient magical secrets to control your appearance. permanently exchange spells on your domain spell list for
Prerequisites: Int 13, Cha 11, arcane caster level 9th. similar spells on any spell list you have access to. You
Benefit: You can alter your appearance in subtle ways. customize your domain when you choose this feat; you
First and foremost you can rid yourself of dust, dirt, sweat, cannot later change your domain spells or return to your
and grime using a full round or concentration whenever you original domain spell list. You can only choose to substitute
wish. Likewise, you can dry yourself, style (and color) your spells that are of equal or lower level and that adhere to the
hair, shave or trim (or color) your facial or body hair. These following restrictions by domain. Note that certain spells
are all also full-round actions. gain descriptors depending on how they're cast; you can
If desired, you can adopt a single cosmetic affection, such as choose such a spell as a spell with the descriptor you require
curiously shaped or colored eyes, hair that waves in an so long as you only cast the spell in such a manner as to give
otherwise unfelt breeze, a strangely-shaped shadow, and so it that descriptor.
forth. This affection is permanent once chosen, cannot be Air: Spells with the air or electricity descriptors.
changed, and has no game effect. Animal: Spells that specifically affect animals, spells that
Lastly, you can designate a single non-magical container no summon animals, spells that have animals in their name
larger than 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet, into which you must (such as bull's strength and owl's wisdom).
place nothing but nonmagical apparel or jewelry. By Chaos: Spells with the chaotic descriptor.
concentrating for a round, you can conjure any article in the Death: Spells that create death effects or that deal with the
container and have it appear on your body, instantly wearing undead.
it. If you so desire, the clothing you wear in that same Destruction: Evocation spells that deal damage.
position can be transferred back to the container at the same Earth: Spells with the earth descriptor.
time. Thus you can change your clothing and your jewelry Evil: Spells with the evil descriptor.
when you wish. You can conjure a warm cloak for a chill Fire: Spells with the fire descriptor.
evening, or simply dress appropriately for dinner at a Good: Spells with the good descriptor.
moment’s notice. In no way does this enable you to conjure Healing: Spells of the healing subschool.
weapons or gear. Knowledge: Divination spells.
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts – Arcane Lore Law: Spells with the lawful descriptor.
Abilities) Luck: Abjuration spells or spells that allow a bonus on a d20
CRAFT EXPERTISE [GENERAL] Magic: Any kind of spell, but you must select a spell one
level lower than normal.
Your talent for creation yields far greater results than
Plant: Spells that specifically affect plants, spells that
summon plant creatures, spells that have plants in their
Benefit: When making a Craft skill check you double the
names (such as treestride)
monetary value of the progress you make in a given period.
Protection: Abjuration spells.
For example, after a week of work, if the result of your Craft
Strength: Spells that grant a bonus to Strength or cause a
check x the DC of what you're trying to create would
penalty to strength.
normally equal 225 sp, you in fact make 450 sp worth of
Sun: Spells with the light descriptor.
progress. This feat applies to both a day's and a week's worth
Travel: Spells that alter speed or provide movement.
of work. You must still pay 50% of the cost in raw materials, as
Trickery: Illusion or transmutation spells that alter
Normal: The result of a Craft check x the DC of what a
War: Spells that begin with "mass."
character is trying to create determines the amount produced
Water: Spells with the water descriptor and spells that
in copper pieces (if working for a day) or silver pieces (if
create or modify water.
working for a week).
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Planescape – Dead Factions)
you take the feat, it applies to a new domain.
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that
CRUSHING HUG [GENERAL] Combine Class Abilities)
You can crush the mightiest of opponents in a grapple.
Prerequisites: Str 13, improved grab, base attack bonus +3. CUTPURSE [GENERAL]
Benefit: Whenever you successfully make a grapple check
You are able to pick the pockets of your melee opponents.
to deal damage with a primary attack, apply double your
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Sleight of Hand
Strength bonus to the damage you deal.
5 ranks.
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes
Benefit: While engaged in combat, you may attempt to use
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters
the Sleight of Hand skill to pickpocket an enemy without
that Answer the Call of the Wild)
provoking an attack of opportunity. This feat allows you to
disguise your Sleight of Hand attempts as combat maneuvers.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Normal: Using Sleight of Hand in melee provokes an DDERWYDD CHYMDEITHAS INITATE
attack of opportunity.
Suggested Class/Race: Dark ones, Rogues [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 322 (Ecology of the Dark Ones – You have been trained in the ancient druidic tradition of
Enigmas Wrapped in Shadows) the Dderwydd Chymdeithas, and are a member of the general
body of the Society (see DRAGON MAGAZINE #332).
Prerequisites: Ability to spontaneously cast summon
Living in a land that experiences prolonged periods of Benefit: Choose one of the following skills: Knowledge
darkness, you possess superior sight. (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local),
Prerequisite: Raised in an arctic environment. Knowledge (religion), or Knowledge (the planes). Add the
Benefit: You see twice as far as normal in areas of poor chosen skill to your list of druid class skills.
illumination. If you possess low-light vision, you see three In addition, you can cast the following spells as if they were
times the normal distance. This feat does not affect on the druid spell list at the indicated level.
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarian
Level Spell
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Change of
1st Disguise self
2nd Undetectable alignment
3rd Helping hand
So long as you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may 5th Teleport
choose a shadow creature from the following nonstandard 6th Shadow walk
list as your new familiar. 7th Sequester
Prerequisites: Ability to acquire a new familiar, 8th Discern location
compatible alignment 9th Etherealness
Benefit: When choosing a familiar, the following creatures
are also available to you. You may choose a familiar with an Suggested Class/Race: Druid
alignment up to one step away on each of the alignment axes Dragon Magazine #: 332 (Class Acts: The Society)
(lawful through chaotic, good through evil). The darkness
familiar is magically linked to its master just like a normal
familiar. The familiar uses the basic statistics for a creature of DEADLY CONCUSSION [GENERAL]
its kind as given in the noted book, with these exceptions: Your shattering rhythms pass through armor to rattle your
Hit Points: One-half the master's total or the familiar's opponent's bones.
normal total, whichever is higher. Prerequisites: Str 13, Perform (percussion) 6 ranks,
Attacks: Use the master's base attack bonus or the familiar's Improved Sunder, Power Attack.
base attack bonus, whichever is better. Damage equals that of Benefit: Whenever you use a bludgeoning weapon to make
a normal creature of its kind. a sunder special attack against an opponent's armor or shield
Special Attacks: The familiar has all the special attacks of its and you destroy the item with a single hit, you deal an
kind. amount of damage to your opponent equal to the amount of
Special Qualities: The familiar has all the special qualities of damage you dealt to destroy his armor or shield.
its kind. Special: A fighter may select Deadly Concussion as one of
his fighter bonus feats.
Arcane Spellcaster Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
Kind of Familiar Level Required Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Cultured
Cloaker 14th Combatants I)
Dark Creeper** 10th
Darkness pseudo-elemental, small 7th You can fool others into thinking you are defenseless.
Night hunter bat* 5th Prerequisites: Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, base attack bonus
Sinister bat* 8th +3.
Shadow 9th Benefit: When bearing only light weapons that you have
Shadow Asp** 6th made Sleight of Hand checks to hide on your body, you
Shadow Mastiff 14th automatically adopt mannerisms and postures that make you
Wraith 14th appear defenseless. This deception grants you a +2
From Monsters of Faerûn circumstance bonus on initiative checks and attack rolls
* *
From the Fiend Folio
made with a hidden weapon during the first round of combat.
These bonuses do not apply if your enemies spot your
Dragon Magazine #: 322 (Lord of Darkness – Erebus, the weapons prior to combat.
Void Between the Stars) Suggested Class/Race: Rogue
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Unseen Sisters)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
DEDICATED NUISANCE [GENERAL] Benefit: You can move freely enough to avoid some blows
Through a combination of taunts, weapon displays, and while climbing. By accepting a -10 penalty on your Climb
feints you can distract your opponents in combat. check, you can retain your Dexterity bonus to AC while
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus
In addition, you do not need to make a Climb check when
you take damage while climbing.
Benefit: You must succeed with a melee touch attack to use
Normal: When climbing you lose your Dexterity bonus to
this feat. Until just before your next turn, all creatures
adjacent to the target other than yourself are considered to be AC unless you take a -20 penalty on the check (see page 97 of
Complete Adventurer), and you must make a Climb check every
flanking the target. This is an extraordinary mind-affecting
time you take damage.
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Take Cover! – Surviving D&D’s
Special: You may not target a creature immune to mind-
affecting effects or who cannot be flanked. Masters of Movement)
A fighter may select Dedicated Nuisance as one of his
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The Tide of Battle) You can recite an exacting poem in your head, allowing you
to execute a precise series of rhythmic bobs and weaves that
DEEP BREATHER [GENERAL] makes you frustrating to hit.
Prerequisite: Concentration 6 ranks, Improved Unarmed
You can hold your breath much longer than normal.
Prerequisites: Con 16.
Benefit: As a free action, choose an opponent. You gain +1
Benefit: You can hold your breath for double the normal
cumulative dodge bonus to your Armor Class against the
number of rounds before you risk drowning (see page 304 of
chosen opponent every time that opponent consecutively
the Dungeon Master’s Guide). For example, a human with this
misses you in combat, to a maximum bonus of +5. As soon as
feat can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to four
the chosen target scores a successful hit against you all
times his Constitution score before he risks drowning.
bonuses from this feat are lost. Your bonus resets to +1 the
Normal: A human can normally only hold his breath for a
next time the chosen opponent misses you. The bonus to AC
number of rounds equal to two times his Constitution score
is determined by the previous attack, regardless of whether it
before he risks drowning.
occurred within the round, or in the preceding round, of
Suggested Class/Race: Lizardfolk
combat. You may only use this feat against one opponent at a
Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Ecology – The Ecology of the
Suggested Class/Race: Monk
Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – The Metered Style)
Your sneak attacks with poisoned weapons are more potent.
Prerequisites: Poison use, sneak attack
You patiently parry and avoid your opponent's blows while
Benefit: When making a sneak attack with a poisoned
waiting for just the right opening.
weapon, you may elect to exchange +1d6 sneak attack damage
Prerequisite: Int 13, Tumble 5, Combat Expertise.
dice for +1 increase to the DC of the victim's Fortitude saving
Benefit: The penalty on attack rolls imposed by fighting
throws (maximum 5d6 exchanged for DC +5). You sacrifice
defensively does not apply to any attacks of opportunity you
out-right damage for accurately delivering poison to critical
parts of the victim's anatomy.
Special: A fighter may select Defensive Opportunist as one
Suggested Class/Race: Dark ones, Rogues
of his fighter bonus feats.
Dragon Magazine #: 322 (Ecology of the Dark Ones –
Suggested Class/Race: Rogue
Enigmas Wrapped in Shadows)
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – Opportunists)


The gods look upon your efforts with great interest.
You can power your spells using energy stolen from plants
Wherever you go, they are certain to defend you. Rather than
around you
hoard suck power, your selflessness provides your friends
and allies with this divine blessing. Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells.
Benefit: You may draw the life force of plants around you
Prerequisites: Cha 17, good alignment, Commander
in an act known as defiling. Casting a spell with defiling
Benefit: All allies within 30 feet of you gain a +1 morale
magic increases the caster level of the spell by +1. A spell cast
bonus to Fortitude saves.
with defiling magic takes longer to cast. If the spell's casting
Note: This feat doesn't benefit the character who takes it, it
time is a standard action or less, its casting time increases to 1
only helps allies.
round. If the spell's casting time is measured in rounds, its
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (On Command – Command and
casting time increases by 1 round. If the spell's casting time is
measured in minutes, its casting time increases by a minute.
If the spell's casting time is measured in hours, its casting
DEFENSIVE CLIMBER [GENERAL] time increases by 1 hour.
You can climb without dropping your guard. You may only use defiling magic to enhance arcane spells
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Athletic. cast with an arcane spellcasting class. You cannot, for

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
example, use defiling magic to cast a cleric's domain spell Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Heroic Feats – Mastery of the
that also appears on an arcane spellcasting class's spell list. Sand and Seas)
When you defile, you instantly destroy all plant life (but
not plant creatures) in a radius of5 feet per level of the spell. DISABLING STRIKE [GENERAL]
A 0-level spell defiles a single 5-foot square. The defiled area
Your blows have the possibility of stunning your opponent.
becomes completely sterile and can never again support plant
Prerequisites: Favored enemy (any humanoid).
life. Only a carefully worded miracle can reverse this
Benefit: Whenever you successfully score a critical hit
permanent sterility.
against a humanoid creature humanoid (of a subtype you
In an area without plant life (such as an area in which you
have selected as a favored enemy), the humanoid is stunned
already used defiler magic once before), any spell you cast
for 1 round unless he succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC 15 +
with defiling magic fails and you lose the spell.
your favored enemy bonus against that creature).
Special: You cannot cast arcane spells on Athas unless you
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
possess this feat, even if you intend on never defiling.
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – A Different Path)
Wizards native to Athas gain this feat as a bonus feat when
they gain their first level of wizard.
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Dark Sun – Athas and the World DISTANT TOUCH [GENERAL]
Serpent Inn) You can strike from a distance with a stunning attack.
Prerequisites: Wis 19, 4 or more ranks of Concentration,
DEFLECT ENERGY [GENERAL] Pain Touch, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: By intensely focusing your ki, you can gain the
You can deflect energy attacks back at their
benefits of either the Pain Touch or the Stunning Fist feat
with a ranged attack (range increment 10 feet). To use this
Prerequisite: Energy resistance class
ability, make a normal ranged attack using your
unarmed attack bonuses. If successful, the
Benefit: When targeted by a spell, spell-
Stunning Fist or Pain Touch attack affects
like ability, or supernatural ability of an
the target even though you did not touch
energy type to which you are resistant, as
your foe.
an immediate action you can voluntarily
Suggested Class/Race: Unarmed fighters
forfeit your save against it to deflect some
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts
of the energy back at the attacking
creature. You can deflect a maximum number
of hit points worth of energy damage equal to
your energy resistance + your divine caster DIVERSIFIED CASTING
level + your Charisma modifier. If the [GENERAL]
damage dealt to you exceeds what you can You can cast spells from one of your
reflect, you take the remainder of the prohibited schools.
damage. Area effect spells are not affected Prerequisites: A prohibited school.
by this ability. Benefit: Choose a prohibited school.
Normal: A favored soul has energy You may add up to three spells from that
resistance to of a chosen energy type. school to your spell list. Note that this also
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – allows you to use spell-completion and spell-
Pious Extension) trigger items using the spells you add to
your spell list.
DEFT FIST [GENERAL] A favored soul gives his Special: You can gain this feat a number
It's rumored the greatest masters can enemies a taste of their own of times equal to the number of
strike down enemies who cower behind medicine using Deflect Energy. prohibited schools you possess. Each time
stone walls. you take this feat, it applies to a different
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed prohibited school.
Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike). Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that
Benefit: When making an unarmed melee attack against a Combine Class Abilities)
foe with cover (except total cover), your target does not gain
the normal cover bonus to Armor Class. DIVINE INSPIRATION [GENERAL]
Suggested Class/Race: Martial Artist Your piety grants you the ability to aid your friends to a
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Warriors of the Animal Fist – level beyond your natural skills.
Crouching Panther, Slashing Dragon) Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, ability to turn undead.
Benefit: Your bard and cleric levels stack for the purpose of
DESERTBORN [GENERAL] determining your bardic music ability. For example, a human
You were raised in the deep desert and understand its ways. 5th-level bard/1st-level cleric with 9 ranks in a Perform skill
Benefit: You are comfortable in the blistering heat of the could use the suggestion bardic music ability.
day and the bitter chill of the night. You treat heat conditions In addition, Perform is always a class skill for you
as if they were 20 degrees cooler (see the DUNGEON MASTER’S Suggested Class/Race: Bard
GUIDE, page 303). You also gain a +2 bonus on all Survival Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Temple Serving
checks made while in the desert. Bards)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
DIVINE SORCERY [GENERAL] Prerequisites: Member of appropriate dragonmarked race
A deity, probably the patron or your race, and house, does not possess an existing dragonmark, sorcerer
grants you power usually reserved for his level 1st.
divine followers. Benefit: Add all sorcerer spells from your dragonmarked
Prerequisites: Sorcerer level 1st, house's least, lesser, and greater dragonmarks to your list of
alignment within one step of patron deity. known spells, even if you are too low of level to cast them
yet (you cannot cast these spells until you are of the
Benefit: You gain access to a cleric
domain, giving you the domain's granted appropriate level to do so).You also gain a physical
dragonmark, although this does not provide you
power. Each day, you can add one spell
with spell-like abilities. Initially, this resembles the
from the domain's spell list to your
least dragonmark of your house. When you gain
sorcerer spell list. You cast the spells
the ability to cast a spell replicating the power of a
made accessible by this feat as arcane spells.
lesser or greater dragonmark, your mark changes
You do not have to choose a domain you
already possess from levels of cleric (if any). If to the appropriate shape and size.
you don't have levels in cleric but later gain them, Special: Once you take this feat, you may not
you do not need to choose the domain gained from take Aberrant Dragonmark, Greater Dragonmark,
this feat as one of your two cleric domains. Least Dragonmark, Lesser Dragonmark, nor may
you take this feat if you already have one of
Special: You may only gain this feat at your first
sorcerer level.
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Eberron –
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
Dragonmarks: Sorcerers in Eberron)
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Magic In
The Blood)
DOUBLE TEAM [GENERAL] You can mentally control sleeping
creatures at great range.
Your pet knows how to knock enemies off
balance to give you yet another edge in battle. Prerequisites: Cha 21, ability to use
dominate person or dominate monster as a
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 8 ranks, Bonded,
spell-like or psi-like ability, or the ability to
trained creature.
duplicate this effect with a supernatural
Benefit: Once per round, after your pet
ability (such as via an aboleth's enslave
successfully strikes an opponent, you can make
ability or a vampire's dominate ability).
an attack of opportunity against the same
Divine Sorcery grants sorcerers a Benefit: You can use your dominate
opponent. This feat does not allow you to
special connection to their deity. ability against any creature you have
make more attacks of opportunity than you
successfully dominated normally at any
normally could in a single round.
time in the past. Using this feat uses one of
Special: A fighter may select Double Team as one of his
your daily uses of dominate if that ability isn't usable at will.
fighter bonus feats.
The target must be asleep when you attempt the dream
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Feathers & Fur – A Guide to
haunt; creatures that do not sleep (like elves) cannot be
Flying and Fanged Animal Companions)
dream haunted. If you try to dream haunt a creature and it is
not asleep, that use of dream haunting is wasted.
DOUBLE WEAPON DISARM [GENERAL] The maximum range of dream haunting is 1 mile, plus one
You are practiced at disarming opponents that wield double additional mile per point of Charisma bonus. You do not
weapons. need line of sight or line of effect to your target. If the target
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved fails to resist the domination, you enter the target's dreams
Disarm. and can communicate with him, provided you can speak the
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on opposed attack rolls made target's language. Once you order the target to take action, he
to disarm an opponent that is enters a somnambulistic state, not
wielding a double weapon. This quite awake nor fully asleep, the
bonus stacks with the one granted dream-link ends, and you cannot
by the Improved Disarm feat. communicate with the target further
Special: A fighter can take Double unless your ability also establishes a
Weapon Disarm as one of his bonus telepathic link. The victim attempts
feats. to follow your orders to the best of
Dragon Magazine #: 309 its ability (up to the restrictions
(Campaign Components: Incursion imposed on the base ability), but
– A World Under Siege) only as long as it remains in its
somnambulistic state. This state
DRAGONMARKED persists naturally for 1d4+1 hours
(or the duration of the base ability, if
SORCERER [GENERAL] it is of a shorter length), and the
You possess greater magical victim cannot voluntarily wake from
versatility than most of those who The Dragonmarked Sorcerer’s power lies in his it. Other creatures can waken the
share your dragonmark. versatile magic. victim by dispelling or suppressing

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
the effect with magic, but physical means cannot end the EARTHCRAFT [GENERAL]
effect before its time.
You have an innate understanding of stone, both natural
Once a victim of a dream haunting awakens, he retains no
and worked.
memories of his actions while dominated. Nor does he gain
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge
any of the benefits of that night's sleep; he becomes fatigued
(architecture and engineering) and Knowledge
and may not be able to prepare spells. Victims who are
(dungeonnering) checks.
exposed to multiple dream hauntings may eventually develop
Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Dust to Dust – Magic of the
half-formed nebulous nightmares of their nights spent
Suggested Class/Race: Aboleth
Dungeon Magazine #: 121 (The Styes) EFFICIENT HUNTER [GENERAL]
You are skilled at finding food where others fail.
Prerequisites: Survival 1 rank, raised in a plains
You can apply knowledge gained in another spellcasting
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on Survival checks. When
class to druid spells.
making checks to get along in the wild, successful checks
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level druid spells, ability
provide enough food for yourself and a number of additional
to cast spells from a different spell list.
people equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1)
Benefit: Choose a spellcasting class other than druid in
without raising the DC of the check.
which you have at least one level. For the purpose of casting
Normal: When making checks to get along in the wild, you
spells from the druid spell list that also appear on the chosen
can support one other person for every 2 points by which
class's spell list, your caster level equals the sum of your
your check result exceeds 10.
levels in the druid class and the chosen class. For example, a
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarian
5th-level druid/2nd level cleric can cast spells that appear on
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Change of
both spell lists as a 7th-level caster.
This does not affect your spells per day or spells known. It
only increases your caster level when casting the appropriate
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do You can draw a composite bow with a heavier pull than you
not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new non- should be able to.
druid spellcasting class in which you have at least one level. Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot.
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that Benefit: When using a composite bow with a Strength
Combine Class Abilities) rating, treat your Strength as if it were 2 points higher.
For example, you have a 15 Strength but a composite
longbow with a +3 Strength rating. With this feat, you may
EARS OF THE MAGE [GENERAL] use that bow without taking the usual -2 penalty on attack
You use arcane lore to enhance your hearing to a
rolls and you gain the bow's full +3 bonus on damage rolls.
supernatural degree.
Special: A fighter may select Efficient Pull as one of his
Prerequisites: Int 13, arcane caster level 14th.
fighter bonus feats.
Benefit: You designate one specific, proper name.
Dragon Magazine #: 350 (Class Acts – The Archer’s Art)
Thereafter, if anyone within a radius of 10 miles per your
arcane spellcaster level speaks that name, you hear it and
instantaneously know the direction of, distance to, and name ELDRITCH CLAWS [GENERAL]
of the speaker. No concentration or action is required to gain You can deliver your eldritch blast as a melee attack.
this knowledge. Incoming information does not distract or Prerequisite: Eldritch blast 2d6.
hinder you, although the DM is free to adjudicate that if a Benefit: As a free action, you can form the energy of your
great many people speak the name at once, the incoming eldritch blast into a set of claws extending almost an entire
information is lost, so wise mages choose uncommon names. foot from your hands. While your eldritch claws exist you
Most choose their own name. may make up to two claw attacks as natural weapons. You are
You may choose a new name as a standard action once per automatically proficient with your eldritch claws. On a
year, but only one name can be designated at a time. successful attack with an eldritch claw, you deal your normal
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts – Arcane Lore amount of unarmed strike damage plus your eldritch blast
Abilities) damage.
Once you form your eldritch claws they remain until just
EARTH FOCUS [GENERAL] before the beginning of your next turn. You cannot use your
normal eldritch blast ability while your eldritch claws exist.
You are particularly adept at casting earth-related spells.
A monk may not use eldritch claws as part of her flurry of
Benefit: The save DC for any spell with the earth
descriptor that you cast increases by +1. For spells of this
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Class Acts – Arcane Feats)
category that allow no save, the effective caster level
increases by +1 instead. This increase stacks with all similar
benefits, such as that of Spell Focus. ELEMENTAL STALKER [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Dust to Dust – Magic of the You have developed a potent technique that utilizes your
Earthborn) control over the elements and your inner ki.
Prerequisites: Ki power, sense elements.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Benefit: Your shugenja and ninja levels stack for the you. You can select a new opponent or any action. If you have
purpose of determining the maximum radius and number of the Dodge feat you must designate the same opponent as the
uses per day of your sense elements ability. For example, a target for both feats.
1st-level shugenja/4th-level ninja could use sense elements Special: A fighter may select Elusive Dance as one of his
four times per day and up to a maximum of 25 feet. fighter bonus feats.
Your shugenja and ninja levels also stack for the purpose of Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
determining your AC bonus as well as the size of your ki pool. Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Cultured
For example, a 4th-level shugenja/6th-level ninja gains a +2 Combatants I)
bonus to her AC when unarmored and can use her ki powers
a number of times per day equal to 5 (half the sum of her ENERGY STRIKE [GENERAL]
ninja and shugenja levels) + her Wisdom bonus (if any).
You can channel your energy resistance into your weapon,
Special: If you use one of the elemental ninja variant class
imbuing it with the ability to make ranged energy attacks.
features (from DRAGON #354) the element chosen for your
Prerequisite: Energy resistance class ability.
ninja class must match your shugenja element focus.
Benefit: Each day you gain a pool of stored energy of one
Dragon Magazine #: 357 (Class Acts – Dirty Priests, Holy
of the types of energy you have resistance against. The pool of
stored energy equals 1d6 per two divine caster levels. As a
standard action, you may unleash this energy in a 3o-foot ray
ELEMENTAL STRIKE [GENERAL] as a ranged touch attack that deals any number of dice of
Sensing a nearby element grants you insight into how to damage from 1d6 up to the number of dice remaining in your
strike it. stored energy pool. You can use this ability at will as long as
Prerequisite: Sense elements spell-like ability. you have stored energy in your pool, but each ray must deal
Benefit: Choose a creature you have sensed with your sense at least 1d6 points of damage.
elements ability. You may, as a standard action, spend an Normal: A favored soul has energy resistance 10 of a
additional use of sense elements to gain a +20 insight bonus on chosen energy type.
your next attack against the chosen creature. The attack must Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension)
be made within a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum 1 round). ENHANCED SHADOW REALITY [GENERAL]
Normal: A shugenja can sense elements in a manner similar
Your shadow-based spells are more real.
to the detect magic spell.
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (illusion), illusionist level 1st.
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension)
Benefit: Your illusion (shadow) spells deal one-fifth (20%)
more real damage if disbelieved. For example, a creature
ELEMENTAL THEURGY [GENERAL] summoned with a shadow conjuration spell deals two-fifths
You can combine alternate sources of power when using (40%) of the damage a real creature of the same kind would
spells that contain the same elemental descriptor (air, earth, deal if the target of the spell disbelieves it, instead of only
fire, or water). one-fifth (20%).
Prerequisites: At least one elemental domain (Air, Earth, Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic Feats – Getting
Fire, or Water), ability to cast arcane spells with the same Schooled)
elemental descriptor as your domain.
Benefit: Choose one of your elemental domains: Air, Earth, EVOCATION RESISTANCE [GENERAL]
Fire, or Water. You can cast spells with the related spell
You suffer less damage from evocation spells
descriptor as if your caster level was the sum of all
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (evocation), evoker level 1st.
spellcasting classes that grant spells of that elemental spell
Benefit: You take 1 less point of damage per die rolled
descriptor. The effect applies only to a single elemental
from evocation spells. For example, if struck by a fireball cast
descriptor chosen when the feat is taken. For example, a 5th-
by a 5th-level caster, you take 5d6-5 points of damage.
level cleric/ 3rd-level wizard with the Fire domain and this
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic Feats – Getting
feat can cast any spell with the fire descriptor as an 8th-level
This does not affect your spells per day or spells known.
It only increases your caster level when casting spells of the EXCISED FROM THE WEB OF LIFE
appropriate descriptor. [GENERAL]
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do A being spun out of madness has granted you the power to
not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new make the children of nature quail, but now you must endure
elemental domain and spell descriptor. their loathing.
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that Prerequisites: Ability to prepare and cast blight, required
Combine Class Abilities) sacrifice.
Sacrifice: You suffer a penalty equal to your level on all
ELUSIVE DANCE [GENERAL] Charisma-based skills and checks when dealing with
Your training in dance allows you to mirror and anticipate creatures of the animal, fey, and plant types as well as anyone
an opponent's moves. with the wild empathy class ability.
Prerequisites: Perform (dance) 5 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you successfully cast a spell upon any
Benefit: During your action, you designate an opponent. creature of the animal, fey, or plant type you may choose to
That opponent cannot make attacks of opportunity against deal damage equal to your caster level to the target, even if

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
the spell does not normally deal damage. If the spell cast EXTRA DIVINE POWER [GENERAL]
allows a saving throw and the target succeeds it takes no
You can use one of your divine granted abilities more often.
damage from this ability. If the spell cast does not allow a
Prerequisite: A divinely granted class ability with a set
saving throw the target can make a Fort save to negate this
number of uses per day.
Benefit: Choose a class ability you have from a class that
Special: A wizard may select Excised From the Web of Life
grants divine spells and has a set number of uses per day,
as a wizard bonus feat.
such as a shugenja's sense elements or a spirit shaman's spirit
Suggested Class/Race: Wizard form. You may not select an ability granted by a domain. You
Dragon Magazine #: 336 (Class Acts – Dark Pacts) may use the chosen ability two more times per day.
Special: You may gain this feat more than once. Its effects
EXPERT TUMBLER [GENERAL] do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a
You can tumble with exceptional deftness. different class ability.
Prerequisites: Tumble 5 ranks. Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension)
Benefit: You may use the Tumble skill at normal speed
with only a -5 penalty. EYE FOR TALENT [GENERAL]
Normal: Using the Tumble skill at full speed incurs a -10 You can accurately judge the personalities of others,
check penalty. allowing you to recruit followers quickly.
Suggested Class/Race: Dark ones, Rogues Prerequisites: Sense Motive 9 ranks, Leadership, character
Dragon Magazine #: 322 (Ecology of the Dark Ones – level 6th, leadership score 2 higher than your level.
Enigmas Wrapped in Shadows) Benefit: You gain a permanent +1 bonus to your
Leadership score. It only takes you 1d4 weeks to replace or
EXPLOIT ADJUSTMENT [GENERAL] attain new followers.
Your skill at finding and exploiting opportunities is such Normal: Recruitment normally requires 1d4 months to
that you can find openings in even the smallest movements. replace or attain new followers.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Canny Opportunist, Combat Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Supporting Cast – Following the
Expertise. Leader)
Benefit: You may make an attack of opportunity against
any opponent who moves from one square adjacent to you to EYES OF THE MAGE [GENERAL]
another square adjacent to you. You master rare mysteries to enhance your vision.
Normal: Taking a 5-foot step does not provoke attacks of Prerequisites: Int 13, arcane caster level 12th
opportunity. Benefit: Your eyes glow with a supernatural sheen,
Special: A fighter may select Exploit Adjustment as one of granting you darkvision and low-light vision. If you already
his fighter bonus feats. have darkvision due to your race, the range of the darkvision
Suggested Class/Race: Rogue is increased by 60 feet.
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – Opportunists) Furthermore, your eyesight becomes absolutely perfect.
You gain a +1 bonus on Search checks and a +1 insight bonus
EXTEND DEFENSE [GENERAL] on all ranged attacks due to a particular keenness of vision.
You can protect an ally from attacks by placing yourself in
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise. Your followers willingly die for you.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can grant an adjacent Prerequisites: Leadership, character level 6th, leadership
character a +2 cover bonus to his Armor Class. Any time your score 3 higher than your level.
ally is struck, however, there is a 50% chance that the blow Benefit: You gain a permanent +1 bonus to your
hits you instead. The bonus and chance of striking you lasts Leadership score. You ignore the penalty for causing a
until the beginning of your next turn or the protected follower's death when determining your Leadership score.
character moves more than 5 feet away from you. Normal: You suffer a -1 penalty to your Leadership score
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger when a follower perishes due to your actions.
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – A Different Path) Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Supporting Cast – Following the
You can channel your chastise spirit ability to increase the FAVORED DODGE [GENERAL]
duration of your spirit form. Study of your favored enemy's movements allows you to
Prerequisites: Chastise spirits class ability, spirit form dance away from its most vicious attacks.
class ability. Prerequisites: Dodge, favored enemy.
Benefit: You can spend a use of your chastise spirit ability Benefits: Select a favored enemy. When fighting a creature
to remain in spirit form for a number of additional minutes of that type you may add your favored enemy bonus to your
equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 additional Armor Class as a dodge bonus. This bonus applies to your
minute). Armor Class against creatures of the appropriate type (only).
Normal: A spirit shaman's spirit form allows her to become If you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any
incorporeal for 1 minute. reason, you also lose this dodge bonus.
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do light spell, creatures that attempt to attack you suffer a -2
not stack. Instead, each time you take the feat you must penalty on attack rolls. Creatures must be able to see you to
choose a different favored enemy type. be affected by Flash Casting, and creatures with blindsight or
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger creatures that cannot see are immune.
Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Favored Enemy Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Brotherhood of the Burning
Feats) Heart – The Magic and Mettle of Fire)


Shackles, ropes, and binds offer no impediment to your Your exposure to the strange energies that suffuse the ruins
impressive fighting skills. of Karran-Kural and long hours of near masochistic exposure
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 6 ranks, Improved Unarmed to extreme cold have left your death-tainted flesh highly
Strike. resistant to cold. You easily resist the damage caused by even
Benefit: You suffer no penalties on attack rolls made while extreme or magical cold.
grappling and may make unarmed strike attacks when bound Prerequisites: Tomb-Tainted Soul (from Libris Mortis),
with any nonmagical bindings, be they ropes, chains, or Endurance, must have spent at least 1 day in the ruins of
shackles. You suffer no penalties on attack rolls or to Karran-Kural.
Dexterity when entangled. If you are targeted by a net attack Benefit: Treat all cold damage you suffer as nonlethal
and defeat your opponent's opposed Strength check to damage.
restrain your movement you may instead forcibly pull your Dungeon Magazine #: 109 (Secrets of the Soul Pillars)
opponent, moving him anywhere within the limit of the
trailing rope he holds. Your opponent may drop his net as a FLOTATION [GENERAL]
free action to avoid being pulled about by you. You can float on water with ease.
This feat does not prevent any movement-slowing effects
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Swim), Swim 4 ranks.
suffered while bound or entangled.
Benefit: You can float on the surface of calm water as a free
Special: A fighter may select Fear No Binds as a fighter action. You are considered prone and cannot move for the
bonus feat.
duration of that round, but may otherwise attack, cast spells,
Dragon Magazine #: 355 (Dragonmarks – Way of the or take other actions as if you were lying on solid ground.
Shackled Beast) You can actually sleep while floating on water by using this
FIND FLAW [GENERAL] Suggested Class/Race: Darkwater Guardians (see article
Years of experience in bashing your way through problems for more information)
has given you an insight into the most efficient way to batter Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Guardians of the Deepest Seas –
things to pieces. You know just where to hit things in order Water Spells and Feats from the Underdark)
to destroy them as rapidly as possible.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 FLOW WITH THE CURRENT [GENERAL]
Benefit: Whenever you use the Power Attack feat while You use the current around you to enhance your reactions.
attacking an object, you may ignore 1 point of the object’s
Prerequisite: Flotation, Skill Focus (Swim), Swim 4 ranks.
hardness for each point that you subtract from your attack
Benefit: By coordinating your actions and movements with
roll. This reduction in hardness stacks with any special ability
the waves, currents, and eddies in the water around you, your
of the weapon you are using to ignore or reduce hardness
ability to react quickly is enhanced. As long as you are
(such as from an adamantine weapon).
swimming, you gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks and a +2
Special: A fighter may select Find Flaw as one of his fighter
bonus to Reflex saving throws.
bonus feats.
Suggested Class/Race: Darkwater Guardians (see article
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts – The Universal Key) for more information)
Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Guardians of the Deepest Seas –
FIND RELIC [GENERAL] Water Spells and Feats from the Underdark)
You possess all uncanny ability to find lost treasures.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast locate object. FOCUSED PERFORMER [GENERAL]
Benefit: Whenever you pass within 10 feet of an item or Your mastery allows you to finish your performance even
object worth more than 3, 0o gp you are entitled to a Search when surrounded by distractions.
check to notice it as if you were actively looking for it.
Prerequisite: Concentration 1 rank, Perform 4 ranks,
Dragon Magazine #: 347 (Class Acts – Archeologists) bardic music class ability.
Benefit: When required to make a Concentration check to
FLASH CASTING [GENERAL] maintain an arcane spell with a verbal component you may
Your passion for magic manifests visibly when you cast a use your Perform skill instead. You cannot use this ability on
spell. a silent spell.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, ability to cast a spell with the fire or Normal: A character uses Concentration to cast spells
light descriptor. under duress.
Benefit: A fiery nimbus surrounds you whenever you cast a Suggested Class/Race: Bard
spell with the fire or light descriptor. This makes it almost Dragon Magazine #: 338 (Class Acts – Focused Performer)
impossible to hide while spellcasting, but it makes you
difficult to look at as well. For 1 round after casting a fire or

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Using obscure arcane lore, you gain the ability to glide You get along well with creatures of earth and stone.
mysteriously along the ground. Prerequisite: Devotee of elemental earth, member of the
Prerequisites: Int 13, arcane caster level 12th. Earthborn or a similar earth-focused sect or organization.
Benefit: You can move without actually taking steps. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on any Charisma-based
Instead, your feet glide along the ground. You move at your checks made to influence an earth creature. This benefit
normal speed. Not only does this provide a surprising visual applies with respect to all creatures of elemental earth, all
effect, this allows you to move as long as your feet touch the creatures with the earth subtype, and even stone constructs
ground, even if they are bound. Further, you gain a +2 bonus that possess Intelligence scores. You also gain a +2 bonus on
on Balance checks and a +4 bonus on Reflex saves made to Charisma-based checks made to influence any creature that is
avoid falling (such as into a pit) or traps triggered by stepping associated with earth and stone but lacks the appropriate
onto the floor. subtype (such as dwarves).
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts – Arcane Lore Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Dust to Dust – Magic of the
Abilities) Earthborn)


You can channel the divine to send yourself You have earned the respect and comradeship
into a powerful but dangerous alternative state of the native Olman of the Isle of Dread and are
of being. henceforth treated as one of their tribe.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, ability to Prerequisites: Any non-Olman, you must have
turn or rebuke undead, must have either witnessed performed a great service for one of the seven
the Wild Hunt taking place or have been hunted tribes of the Olman and earned their trust and
by the Master of the Hunt's followers (see friendship.
DRAGON MAGAZINE #342). Benefit: For all effects related to origin, you are
Benefit: You can spend a turn or rebuke considered an Olman. For example, you qualify for
attempt as a free action to enter into a wild state of feats requiring you to be Olman and you may join the
frenzy. Your base attack bonus becomes equal to Olman affiliation. You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy
your character level (which might grant you extra and Gather Information checks made related to the
attacks), you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Olman. With a successful DC 25 Diplomacy check,
Dexterity, and a +4 enhancement bonus on all you may requisition a spell cast by an Olman
Listen and Spot checks. Due to the focused spellcaster. You may request this spell once per week
bloodlust of the frenzy you can only use physical and it is always cast by a spellcaster of the lowest level
attacks, favoring ranged (or thrown) attacks able to cast the spell. This free spell can have an
when possible. You cannot cast spells or take expensive material component up to 100 gp x your
any other action that requires concentration as character level or a focus worth up to double that. The
long as the frenzy lasts. spell's level can be no higher than 1/4 your character
Much like the Master of the Hunt, when in level. Thus, a 12th-level character can request of the
this alternative state of mind you seek only to Olman a 3rd-level spell.
kill prey. You consider any non-allied Dragon Magazine #: 352 (Savage Tidings – Braving
creatures within your line of sight as prey. the Isle of Dread)
Once a creature you designate as prey falls
you stop attacking and move on to another Master of the Hunt followers
enjoy the bloodlust brought on FURY OF STONE [GENERAL]
creature. Despite the bloodlust you can always
by the Frenzied Hunt. While underground, you are able to draw on
differentiate between friend and foe.
the strength of the surrounding stone and
To determine the number of rounds the
extend the length of your rage.
frenzy lasts, roll a turning check (1d20 + Cha modifier) and
Prerequisites: Ability to rage or frenzy, raised in an
consult Table 8--9: Turning Undead on page 159 of the
underground environment.
PLAYER'S HANDBOOK. The duration of the frenzy equals the
Benefit: While underground, your rage lasts for twice as
maximum Hit Dice of undead you could affect with that
long as it normally would. However, when above ground the
turning check. If you down all available prey before the
duration of your rage is halved.
frenzy ends you immediately begin a hunt, searching for
Normal: A barbarian's rage normally lasts for a number of
more prey. During this time you go to any length to find
rounds equal to 3 + the character's (newly improved)
another suitable creature to hunt, even if it means risking life
Constitution modifier.
and limb. You may attempt to end the frenzy early by
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarian
succeeding at a Will save (DC 15 + rounds remaining of the
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Change of
frenzy). You can attempt this Will save once per round. At
the end of the frenzy you lose all of its benefits and become
fatigued for a number of minutes equal to the number of
rounds you spent in the frenzied state. GANG TACTICS [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Wild Hunt) Your allies seize every advantage, using dirty tricks to
impress you and win your favor. However, they fight hard
only when they have an opponent at a disadvantage.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, evil alignment, Commander.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Benefit: All allies within 30 feet of you deal +1 point of GREATER COMBAT REFLEXES [GENERAL]
additional damage when flanking. You react to any drop in your opponents' guard with
Special: Your followers do not gain this benefit against blinding speed.
opponents who cannot be flanked. Prerequisite: Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Combat
Note: This feat doesn't benefit the character who takes it, it Reflexes, base attack bonus +11.
only helps allies. Benefit: For any given opportunity in melee combat, you
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (On Command – Command and can make three attacks of opportunity. The second attack is at
Control) a -5 penalty, just like your second normal attack in any given
round. The third attack is at a -10 penalty, just like your third
GIRDED SOUL [GENERAL] normal attack in any given round. You still cannot exceed
Your exposure to necromantic energies has strengthened your normal maximum number of attacks of opportunity in a
you against their assaults. round.
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (necromancy), necromancer Suggested Class/Race: Rogue
level 1st. Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – Opportunists)
Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on saves made to resist the
effects of any energy drain or death effect. GUERILLA TRAPSMITH [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic Feats – Getting You are adept at rigging small, improvised traps.
Schooled) Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Craft (trapmaking) checks.
The DCs to find and remove your traps are increased by +2.
GORE TOSS [GENERAL] In addition, you can create a booby trap (CR 1/2) in 5 rounds.
You gain a free trip attack with a successful gore attack. Normal: The time to create a booby trap is a full minute.
Prerequisites: Gore attack, base attack bonus +4. See page 41 of the DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide if for details
Benefit: After a successful gore attack, you may attempt a on booby traps.
trip attack as a free action that does not provoke an attack of Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Art of Kuji-In)
to trip you.
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes HAFT STRIKE [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters You have learned to fight with both ends of a pole arm.
that Answer the Call of the Wild) Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting.
Benefit: When wielding a pole arm two-handed you may
GRACEFUL EDGE [GENERAL] choose to attack with the haft of the weapon. You may only
Choose one type of one-handed slashing melee weapon, perform this attack as part of full-attack action. This
such as a scimitar or longsword, for which you have already additional attack is at your highest attack bonus and deals
selected the Weapon Focus feat. You wield this weapon with damage like a club of the same size as the pole arm. Although
an almost unnatural grace. the haft does not possess any of the bonuses associated with
Prerequisites: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (anyone- the weapon (such as flaming), it does count as magic for the
handed slashing weapon), base attack bonus +1 purposes of overcoming damage reduction, if the weapon is
Benefit: If you do not wield a shield or weapon in your off- enchanted. When using this feat, each attack you make in
hand, you treat your chosen weapon as a light weapon. that round (the extra one and the normal ones) suffers a -2
If you do not wield a shield or weapon in your off hand, you penalty. You only receive half your Strength bonus on
also gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC while wielding your damage rolls with this attack. This feat cannot be used with a
chosen weapon. When you are fighting defensively or using double weapon.
the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2. Normal: The haft of a non-double weapon is considered an
Special: A fighter may select Graceful Edge as one of his improvised weapon and cannot be used as part of a full-attack
fighter bonus feats. You may take this feat more than once- action.
each time you do, it applies to a new one-handed slashing Special: A fighter may select Haft Strike as one of his
weapon you have Weapon Focus in. fighter bonus feats.
Suggested Class/Race: Swashbuckler Dragon Magazine #: 331 (The Point of Pole Arms – A
Dungeon Magazine #: 128 (The Champion’s Belt) Comprehensive Guide)


While grappling a foe, you can discharge your eldritch You share your experience in fighting larger opponents
blast. with your allies, making them more effective against tall foes.
Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, eldritch blast 3d6. Prerequisites: Cha 13, Commander, size Small or smaller
Benefit: Whenever you make a successful grapple check to Benefit: All allies within 30 feet of you gain a +1 morale
deal damage, you may also discharge your eldritch blast bonus on attack rolls against creatures of a size category
against the foe you're grappling. You also gain a circumstance greater than theirs.
bonus on your next grapple check made within the next Note: This feat doesn't benefit the character who takes it, it
round equal to half the damage you deal with your eldritch only helps allies.
blast. You may not add any blast shape invocations to your Dragon Magazine #: 323 (On Command – Command and
eldritch blast when using it in this manner. Control)
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Class Acts – Arcane Feats)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
HAMSTRING ATTACK [GENERAL] Dungeon Magazine #: 127 (Age of Worms: The Hall of
When you strike a vulnerable foe, you instinctively attack Harsh Reflections)
in ways that can significantly slow your enemies.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 15, base attack bonus +4. HEADS UP [GENERAL]
Benefit: When you use a natural weapon to make a You are capable of using the gaze attacks of a slain creature.
successful attack while flanking, attack of opportunity, or Why should monsters have all the fun?
attack against an opponent who is stunned or prone, you may Prerequisites: Spell-like abilities or ability to cast arcane
choose to deal Dexterity damage instead of normal damage. or divine spells.
Roll the damage for the attack normally; the result is the DC Benefit: If you grasp the severed head of a creature with a
for the target's Fortitude save against the effect. A creature gaze supernatural ability (such as the petrifying gaze of a
that fails the Fortitude save takes 1d4 points of Dexterity medusa) within 1 hour of the creature being slain, you may
damage. Success negates the damage. You must indicate your use that creature's head to employ the slain creature's gaze
intention to use this feat before you roll damage. supernatural ability as a standard action up to three times
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes during the next 24 hours. After that time the head is
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters rendered useless. Retrieving the head from a slain creature is
that Answer the Call of the Wild) a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Silicon Sorcery – God of War)
You develop a supernatural affinity between your hands HEAVY TELEPORT [GENERAL]
and a specific object using the nearly forgotten teachings of a Your teleport spells move more.
far-off time or place. Prerequisites: Spell Focus (conjuration), conjurer level
Prerequisites: Int 13, arcane caster level 14th. 1st.
Benefit: You can designate one object that you own and Benefit: Your conjuration (teleportation) spells can
can lift on your own without magical aid. The object must teleport one additional Medium or smaller creature. For
have been in your possession for at least a week and a day. example, a 9th-level conjurer with this feat can take himself
Once designated, you can have the item fly to your hand(s) and four other Medium creatures when he casts dimension
via telekinesis as long as you can see it and have line of effect door. Spells that teleport objects instead of people are not
to it. The item travels to you in 1 round, avoiding obstacles, affected by this feat.
regardless of distance. This is a free action. Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic Feats – Getting
Further, the item can be conjured to appear instantaneously Schooled)
in your hand from any distance once per week. This requires
a full round of concentration. HIBERNATE [GENERAL]
You may designate a new object only if the previous item is
When you sleep, you heal at an increased rate.
destroyed. Otherwise, your choice is permanent and cannot
Prerequisite: Con 13, Endurance.
be changed. The new object must meet all the same
Benefit: So long as you get at least 8 hours of
requirements of this feat as the previous item.
uninterrupted sleep, you regain hit points equal to twice your
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time
character level and heal 2 points of ability damage to each
you do, you must choose a different item.
affected score. If you sleep uninterrupted for a full day and
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts – Arcane Lore
night, you regain hit points equal to four times your
character level and heal 4 points of ability damage to each
affected score. "Uninterrupted sleep" does not need to take
HARD TO FOOL [GENERAL] place in a bed.
You have an innate knack for seeing through deceptions Normal: When you rest a full 8 hours, you regain hit
and lies. points equal to your character level and heal 1 point of ability
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Will saves against illusions damage to each affected score. If you have complete bed rest
and a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks. for a full day and night, you regain hit points equal to twice
Suggested Class/Race: Holy Strategist (see article for your character level and heal 2 points of ability damage to
more information) each affected score.
Dragon Magazine #: 317 (Holy Strategists of the Red Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes
Knight) Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters
that Answer the Call of the Wild)
Your ability to assume another's form is so precise that it HIDDEN THOUGHTS [GENERAL]
disturbs those you imitate_ You can more effectively resist intrusions into your mind.
Prerequisite: The ability to assume another's appearance Prerequisites: Spell Focus (divination), diviner level 1st.
through alter self, polymorph, or a similar ability. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Will saves made to resist
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Disguise checks to divination spells. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on
impersonate an individual creature (as opposed to a "generic" Intelligence checks made to notice a scrying sensor.
creature). In addition, if the creature you impersonate dam- Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic Feats – Getting
ages you, that creature is shaken for 1 round. Creatures Schooled)
immune to fear are also immune to this effect.
Suggested Class/Race: Doppelganger

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
You know good manners and were trained to handle social [GENERAL]
interactions in noble circles.
Your exceptional training and dedication has expanded
Prerequisites: Diplomacy 4 ranks. your ability to skirmish while avoiding the enemy's blows,
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, or allowing you to deal potentially crippling damage while
Disguise checks made when interacting with members of the tumbling around your foes.
highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, Prerequisite: Dex 13, Tumble 10 ranks, Acrobatic
lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics. Skirmisher, skirmish ability.
Suggested Class/Race: Monk Benefit: When you successfully make a Tumble check to
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Monks In The City) avoid attacks of opportunity while moving through a square
occupied by an opponent, your skirmish damage against that
HOLY MOUNT [GENERAL] opponent increases by +2d6 points of damage until the
Your special mount is a divine gift. beginning of your next turn. This overlaps (does not stack
Prerequisites: Ability to gain a paladin special mount, any with) the damage increase from Acrobatic Skirmisher.
other divine spellcasting class level 1st. Special: A scout may select Improved Acrobatic Skirmisher
Benefit: When determining the abilities of your paladin as one of his scout bonus feats.
special mount, you can combine the levels of your paladin Suggested Class/Race: Scout
class with those of your other divine spell casting classes. For Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Class Acts – Scout Feat and
example, a 5th-level paladin/3rd-level cleric with this feat Options)
grants his paladin special mount abilities as
an 8th-level paladin. IMPROVED AID ANOTHER
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of
Theurgy – Feats that Combine Class [GENERAL]
Abilities) You excel at aiding the actions of your
Benefit: When you use the aid another
HYMNIST [GENERAL] action to improve an ally's skill check
You strengthen the power of your bardic result, attack bonus, or Armor Class your
music by infusing it with your faith. help provides a bonus +1 higher than
Prerequisite: Bardic music ability, normal. Usually, this means the person
ability to cast divine spells. you aid gets a +3 bonus on skill checks,
Benefit: Perform is always a class skill attack rolls, or Armor Class.
for you. You gain a bonus on all Perform Normal: Aid another provides a +2
checks equal to your Wisdom bonus. bonus on an ally's skill checks, attack rolls,
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of or Armor Class.
Theurgy – Feats that Combine Class Special: A thane may select Stalwart as
Abilities) one of his fighter bonus feats. A fighter
may not take this feat as a fighter bonus
You can train your mind to gain mastery Suggested Class/Race: Thane (see
over your body and unlock your mind's article in #323 for more information)
deepest capabilities. Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Class Acts –
Benefit: Autohypnosis is always a class The Thane) and 339 (Planescape – Dead
skill for you (Expanded Psionics Handbook, Factions)
36). As long as you do not have psionic focus (either because
you expended it or because you lack the ability to gain it) you IMPROVED ARMOR DANCE [GENREAL]
gain a +2 bonus on Autohypnosis checks. You are expert at using armor to its best advantage.
Dragon Magazine #: 349 (Class Acts – Psiotheurgy) Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2, Armor Dance,
Perform (dance) 2 ranks.
IMPROVE DISGUISE [GENERAL] Benefit: You may gain the dodge bonus provided by the
You can more effectively disguise yourself in a specific way, Armor Dance feat while wearing Maztican medium armor (or
such as changing your gender, race, age, or social class. similarly decorated medium armor). If you are wearing hide
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Disguise 7 ranks, Sense Motive 5 armor, the dodge bonus provided by the Armor Dance feat
ranks. increases to +4.
Benefit: You do not suffer the -2 penalty for attempting to Special: A fighter may select Improved Armor Dance as
disguise yourself as another gender, race, or age category. You one of his fighter bonus feats.
can also don a disguise in half the normal amount of time. Suggested Class/Race: Eagle Knight, Jaguar Knight (see
Suggested Class/Race: Rogue article for more information)
Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – A Second Skin) Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Maztica – The New (Fantasy)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
You react to any drop in your opponents' guard with [GENERAL]
lightning speed.
You can strike at nearby opponents in a blindingly fast
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus spinning assault and follow it up with extra attacks.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge,
Benefit: For any given opportunity in melee combat, you Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, base attack bonus
can make two attacks of opportunity. The second attack is at a +4.
-5 penalty, just like your second normal attack in any given
Benefit: As part of a whirlwind attack full-attack action,
round. You still cannot exceed your normal maximum
you can make all of your additional attacks based on your
number of attacks of opportunity in a round.
base attack bonus in addition to your normal attacks granted
Suggested Class/Race: Rogue by the feat. For example, a 12th-level fighter with Improved
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – Opportunists) Whirlwind Attack can make all his normal Whirlwind
Attacks (each at +12 plus Strength and other modifiers) and
IMPROVED DOMINATION [GENERAL] then make the two additional attacks he gains from having a
The creature can dominate all manner of monsters. high base attack bonus (at +7 and +2 plus Strength and other
Prerequisites: Cha 21, Intimidate 8 ranks, dominate modifiers). He does not get to make these additional attacks
person supernatural ability. against every opponent; he only gets the two attacks at the
Benefit: Your dominate ability applies to creatures of any end of his whirlwind.
type. Special: A fighter may select Improved Whirlwind Attack
Suggested Class/Race: Vampire as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Dungeon Magazine #: 128 (The Fireplace Level) Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The Tide of Battle)


You gain the service of a powerful, fiendish animal servitor. You can use spoken and nonverbal cues to direct your
Prerequisites: Fiendish servant class feature. animal companion, increasing its combat prowess for short
Benefit: You can call an ape, black bear, boar, crocodile, periods of time.
dire badge, dire bat, dire weasel, heavy warhorse, leopard, Prerequisite: Handle Animal 6 ranks, ability to acquire an
monitor lizard, constrictor snake, Large viper snake, or animal companion.
wolverine as a fiendish servant. In addition, the servant gains Benefit: As a standard action you may make a DC 20
the fiendish creature template (see MONSTER MANUAL, pages Handle Animal check to inspire your animal companion.
107-108). The fiendish servant otherwise conforms to the Your animal companion must be within 30 feet of you, have
rules in the DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE (page 183). line of effect, and be able to hear or see you. Success gives
Suggested Class/Race: Blackguard your companion a +3 morale bonus on attack and damage
Dungeon Magazine #: 115 (Strike on Shatterhorn) rolls for 1 round.
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
IMPROVED LEADERSHIP [GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – A Different Path)
You are renowned for your charisma and ability to
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Leadership. Your followers attack their enemies with a savage fury.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your Leadership score. Their wild, punishing blows are more likely to crush a joint,
Suggested Class/Race: Holy Strategist (see article for slice an artery, or batter through armor.
more information) Prerequisites: Cha 13, Commander
Dragon Magazine #: 317 (Holy Strategists of the Red Benefit: All allies within 30 feet of you gain a +1 moral
Knight) bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits.
Note: This feat doesn't benefit the character who takes it, it
only helps allies.
IMPROVED SHIELD SNARE [GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 323 (On Command – Command and
You can follow up on a shield snare with deadly attacks
upon your opponent.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Improved Shield Bash,
Shield Proficiency, Shield Snare. INSPIRE BLOODTHIRST [GENERAL]
Benefit: When you disarm a foe with the Shield Snare feat, The dread you strike into your follower's hearts compels
you can make an attack of opportunity against that opponent them to fight with a crazed fury, for fear that you might
on the same round. Thereafter, you gain a +2 bonus on each punish or kill them if they falter.
attack roll you subsequently make against that opponent, as Prerequisites: Cha 15, evil alignment, Intimidate 5 ranks,
long as the opponent remains disarmed. Commander, Weapon Focus (any melee weapon).
Special: A fighter can take Improved Shield Snare as one of Benefit: All allies within 30 feet of you gain a +1 morale
her bonus feats. bonus on all melee attacks.
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (Campaign Components: Note: This feat doesn't benefit the character who takes it, it
Incursion – A World Under Siege) only helps allies.
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (On Command – Command and

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
INSPIRED MASTER [GENERAL] from your current hit point total as if you had lost them to
damage. For every two hit points so sacrificed, you gain a +1
Your search for perfection reveals greater power in the
bonus on attack and damage rolls for 1 round. Hit points
magic items you use.
sacrificed in this manner may be regained in the same way
Benefit: Any magic item you use is treated as if its caster
that hit points lost to damage can.
level were +1 higher than normal. This is not a permanent
change to the item and the magic item functions at its normal Special: Using this feat is a free action, but you may use it
only once per round on your turn.
caster level when used by anyone else. For example, a normal
staff of fire with a caster level of 8th functions as it had a Suggested Class/Race: Holy Strategist (see article for
caster level of 9th in your hands. more information)
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Planescape – Dead Factions) Dragon Magazine #: 317 (Holy Strategists of the Red


You've learned techniques to quickly and effectively taunt
and demoralize your favored enemy. You are a militiaman of the League of the Free People. You
swore an oath to protect all members of the league.
Prerequisites: Intimidate 3 ranks, favored enemy.
Prerequisites: Halfling, Dodge, belong to a tribe associated
Benefits: Select a favored enemy. You may add your
with the League of the Free People (see Dragon Magazine
favored enemy bonus on any Intimidate checks made to
demoralize a creature of the chosen type in combat. In
addition, you can demoralize a creature of the chosen type as Benefit: You are specially trained to fight opponents larger
a move action. See page 76 of the Player's Handbook for more than yourself and can adopt a defensive combat style against
information on demoralizing an opponent. them. During your action you can designate a Medium or
larger fey, giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid with
Normal: Demoralizing an opponent in battle is a standard
whom you are engaged in melee combat. Choose one effect to
gain against the designated opponent: a +1 dodge bonus to
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do
your Armor Class or a +1 shield bonus to the Armor Class of
not stack. Instead, each time you take the feat you must
any Small or smaller creature adjacent to you whom your
choose a different favored enemy type.
designated opponent also threatens. You may designate a
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
different opponent or choose a different effect or target of an
Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Favored Enemy
effect on your turn as a free action.
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarian
Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – The Free People)
You rely on intuition instead of intellect when searching
rooms or when disabling a trap.
You have studied the methods of bringing a person back to
Prerequisite: Ki power.
life and can draw spirits back from the afterlife.
Benefit: Add your Wisdom bonus (rather than your
Prerequisites: The ability to cast divine spells.
Intelligence bonus) on all Search and Disable Device checks.
Benefit: You may prepare and cast conjuration (healing)
Using this feat does not expend a daily use of your ki power.
spells that return life to the dead. This does not grant the
Its effects are always active.
ability to cast these spells before you normally could (for
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
example, it does not grant you access to spells of a higher
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Historical Ninjas)
level than you can cast).
Normal: You cannot prepare or cast spells that make use of
KUNG FU GENIUS [GENERAL] life-restoring magic while using a raise dead variant, (see
Some styles of martial arts require the student to memorize DRAGON MAGAZINE #342 for more information)
advanced medical text and anatomical charts. These styles Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Beyond The Grave – Six Ways
favor the intellectual over the introspective. To Raise The Dead)
Prerequisites: Int 13 must be gained at or before the first
level of the monk class is taken.
Benefit: You use your Intelligence modifier rather than
You have practiced grasping a pole arm farther down the
Wisdom for all monk special abilities that normally rely on
haft than normal, granting you extended reach.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2.
Suggested Class/Race: Martial Artist, Monk
Benefit: As a full-attack action, you can make one attack
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Warriors of the Animal Fist –
with a pole arm as if it had reach, allowing you to strike an
Crouching Panther, Slashing Dragon)
opponent 10 feet away. If the pole arm already grants reach,
treat its reach as if it extended 5 feet further.
LADY'S GAMBIT [GENERAL] Normal: Only reach weapons allow you to attack foes more
You can sacrifice your health to gain an advantage in than 5 feet away.
combat. Special: A fighter may select Long Strike as one of his
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Iron Will, Power fighter bonus feats.
Attack. Dragon Magazine #: 331 (The Point of Pole Arms – A
Benefit: You may sacrifice a number of hit points Comprehensive Guide)
(maximum sacrifice equals your character level), taking them

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
When a demon becomes inexorably bonded to the With a single motion, you draw your weapon and slash at
servitude of Demogorgon through painful rituals deep in an opponent.
Lemoriax, it emerges changed and transformed. Prerequisite: Quick Draw, base attack bonus +5.
Prerequisites: Chaotic evil outsider, Thrall to Demon, base Benefit: Any time an opponent provokes an attack of
Fort save +8. opportunity from you, but you are unarmed, you may draw a
Benefit: A creature that bears a mark of Lemoriax gains a melee weapon and make your attack of opportunity with it.
+4 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made against The target of your attack of opportunity is caught flat footed
denizens of Gaping Maw, but suffers a -4 penalty on the same for that attack.
checks made against denizens of all other Abyssal Layers. He Suggested Class/Race: Rogues
also gains a +4 bonus on all Intimidate checks. The mark of Dragon Magazine #: 310 (Stealth and Dagger –
Lemoriax grants the demon the ability to breathe water and Options, Combinations, and Prestige Classes for the
air with equal ease. The demon is scalier or furrier than most Revised Rogue)
of its kind, and his natural armor bonus increases by 1.
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (1d20 Villains – D&D’s Most MIGHTY ARE FALLEN [GENERAL]
Wanted; Preferably Dead)
You can sidestep the powerful swings of an
opponent that is using Power Attack.
MASTER BOWYER [GENERAL] Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat
You craft masterwork bows and arrows with Expertise, Dodge, Mobility.
remarkable skill and speed. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to your AC
Prerequisites: Craft (bowyer) 6 ranks. against any blow enhanced by the Power
Benefit: Your exceptional skill as a bowyer Attack feat,
and Fletcher allows you to fashion masterwork Special: A fighter can take Mighty Are
bows and arrows at half the normal cost and Fallen as one of his bonus feats.
in half the normal time. Dragon Magazine #: 309 (Campaign
Dragon Magazine #: 350 (Class Acts – Components: Incursion – A World
The Archer’s Art) Under Siege)


A genius of repartee and quick-witted insults, You gain a monstrous creature as an animal
you can provoke your opponents to leave them companion.
too furious to worry about their own safety. Prerequisite: Ability to gain an animal
Prerequisite: Perform (comedy) 8 ranks. companion, Savage Empathy.
Benefit: You may, as a standard action that does not Benefit: Add celestial owl, darkmantle, fiendish raven,
provoke an attack of opportunity, attempt to enrage a single giant fire beetle, and stirge to the list of creatures from which
melee opponent by making a Perform (comedy) check. The you may select your animal companion.
result of this check represents the DC of the Will save your As with normal animal companions, you may gain more
opponent must make to avoid becoming enraged. Enraged powerful companions as you progress in level. However, you
opponents attack you whenever able, ignoring all other cannot simply summon these more powerful creatures as
targets. They gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against druids and rangers normally do. Rather, to gain such a
you but take a -2 penalty to Armor Class. This is a mind- monstrous companion you must first encounter such a
affecting, language-dependent effect. creature and change its attitude to friendly or helpful.
Special: A fighter may select Master of Mockery as one of Changing the creature's attitude is most likely an effect of
his lighter bonus feats. using either the Savage Empathy feat or the spell charm
Suggested Class/Race: Fighter monster.
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Cultured If your monstrous companion's attitude ever changes to
Combatants I) indifferent or worse, such as when a charm monster spell
ends, the monster ceases to be your companion and may
MASTER SWIMMER [GENERAL] either leave or attack, as its nature dictates. The following
lists serve the same purpose as those presented in the
You can swim while heavily laden is with a reduced risk of
Alternative Animal Companions section of The Druid's
Animal Companion sidebar on page 36 of the PLAYER’S
Prerequisites: Str 15, Athletic.
Benefit: When using the Swim skill while wearing armor,
you only take the normal armor check penalty and
encumbrance penalty on your Swim check (see pages 123 and 4th level or Higher (level 3)
162 of the Player's Handbook). Grick, Krenshar, Psedodragon, Shocker lizard, Worg
Normal: Swim checks are subject to double the normal
armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty. 7th level or Higher (level 6)
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Take Cover! – Surviving D&D’s Displacer beast, Griffon, Owlbear, Pegasus, Sea cat
Masters of Movement)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
10th level or Higher (level 9) NAME OF THE MAGE [GENERAL]
Arrowhawk, juvenile, Hell hound, Manticore, Shadow By plumbing the depths of eldritch knowledge, you have
mastiff, Tojanida (adult) discovered dire secrets no mortal was ever meant to know.
Prerequisites: Arcane caster level 20th.
13th level or Higher (level 12) Benefit: Anyone other than you who speaks your name
Digester, Dragonne, Girallon, Wyvern, Xorn (average) become greatly unnerved, as are all who hear it (other than
you). If the creature who speaks your name has as many or
16th level or Higher (level 15) more Hit Dice as you, he is shaken for 3 rounds (no save); if
Arrowhawk (elder), Behir, Gray render, Hydra (eight- you have fewer Hit Dice than you, he is frightened for 1d4+1
headed), Roc rounds (no save). Creatures who hear your name must make a
Will save (DC 10 + your arcane spellcasting level + your Cha
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Silicon Sorcery – World of bonus) or become frightened for 3 rounds. Even those who
WarCraft) succeed on the saving throw are shaken for 1 round. Neither
your presence nor knowledge of you has any effect on this
MOONWARRIOR [GENERAL] ability. Your name itself has gained an inherent power all its
The power of the moon guides you on the hunt. Its tidal own.
forces surge through your body, providing you with extra This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
power to strike down your prey. Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts – Arcane Lore
Prerequisite: Str 15, low-light vision. Abilities)
Benefit: In conditions of low light such as starlight,
torchlight, or a light spell, you gain a +1 morale bonus to NATURAL DOWSER [GENERAL]
attacks. In moonlight, you additionally gain a +1 morale You can locate water even in the most parched regions.
bonus to damage. Prerequisite: Survival 4 ranks.
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Survival checks to get
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters along in the wild.
that Answer the Call of the Wild) Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Heroic Feats – Mastery of the
Sand and Seas)
You are especially effective when fighting atop a mount. NATURAL LEADER [GENERAL]
Prerequisites: Ride 11 ranks, Mounted Combat, Base You have a way with people that lets you excel as a leader.
Attack Bonus +8. Prerequisites: Leadership, character level 6th.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack and damage rolls Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to your
you make while mounted. Leadership score.
Special: A fighter may select Mounted Fighting as one of Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Supporting Cast – Following the
his fighter bonus feats. Leader)
A scout may select Mounted Fighting as one of his scout
bonus feats.
Suggested Class/Race: Scout NIMBLE DEFLECTIONS [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Class Acts – Scout Feat and Practice with moving your hands deftly on keyboards has
Options) taught you how to swiftly change their location. This allows
you to position them quickly to deflect blows.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Perform (keyboard) 7 ranks, Dodge.
MYSTIC COMPANION [GENERAL] Benefit: When wielding a two-handed weapon and using
You have a mystic link with your animal companion that the Dodge feat, you may use your weapon to fend off blows as
enhances your spellcasting abilities. well as make attacks. You gain a +2 shield bonus to your
Prerequisites: Knowledge (nature) 9 ranks, ability to cast Armor Class against the opponent you have designated as the
1st-level divine spells, ability to acquire an animal target of your Dodge feat. You lose this bonus whenever a
companion. condition makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor
Benefit: Your caster level for ranger spells increases by 4 as Class.
long you have an animal companion and it is within line of Special: A fighter may select Nimble Deflections as one of
sight. This benefit cannot increase your caster level to higher his fighter bonus feats.
than your ranger level. However, even if you can’t benefit Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
from the full bonus immediately, if you later gain more Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Cultured
ranger levels, you might apply the rest of the bonus. Combatants II)
If your animal companion dies or you dismiss it, you lose
the benefits of this feat until you acquire a replacement
This feat does not affect your spells per day or spells You fly with such speed and agility that your enemies have
known. It increases your caster level only, which would help trouble lining up precise attacks against you.
you penetrate spell resistance and increase the duration and Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, ability to fly with good or
other effects of your spells. better maneuverability.
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – A Different Path) Benefit: During any round in which you use a move action
to fly, you gain a +1 dodge bonus against all non-flying foes.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Suggested Class/Race: Beholder OFFENSIVE METERED FOOT [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Eye Wares – Potent Powers of You can recite an exacting poem in your head, allowing you
the Beholders) to execute a precise series of pauses and strikes that partially
reduces the element of chance from your attacks.
NO THREAT TO ME [GENERAL] Prerequisite: Concentration 6 ranks, Improved Unarmed
You've learned to safely make a ranged attack when in close Strike.
combat with your favored enemies. Benefit: As a free action, choose an opponent. When
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +7, Point Blank Shot, making unarmed strikes against the chosen opponent you
favored enemy. gain a +1 cumulative insight bonus on attack rolls for each
Benefits: Select one of your favored enemies. You may successful consecutive hit beyond the first, to a maximum
make a ranged attack without provoking an attack of bonus of +5. As soon as any of your attacks misses the chosen
opportunity from a creature of the chosen type. Creatures of opponent all bonuses from this feat are lost. Your bonus
other types that threaten you can make attacks of opportunity resets to +1 the next time you successfully strike the chosen
as normal whenever you use a ranged weapon. opponent. The bonus to hit is determined by the previous
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do attack, regardless of whether it occurred within the round, or
not stack. Instead, each time you take the feat you must in the preceding round, of combat. You may only use this feat
choose a different favored enemy type. against one opponent at a time.
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger Suggested Class/Race: Monk
Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Favored Enemy Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – The Metered Style)
NOBLE BORN [GENERAL] You rely on intuition instead of strength when climbing or
You are a scion of a noble house. You were raised to rule swimming.
and learned the art of diplomacy as soon as you could talk. Prerequisite: Ki power.
Benefit: Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) Benefit: Add your Wisdom bonus (rather than your
are always considered class skills for you. In addition, if you Strength bonus) on all Climb and Swim checks. Using this
gain the Leadership feat you receive a +2 to your Leadership feat does not expend a daily use of your ki power. Its effects
score. are always active.
Special: This feat can only be taken at 1st level. It indicates Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
a tie to a noble family, which might or might not still exist. Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Historical Ninjas)
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Noble Born – The Right to Rule)
NOBLE WARRIOR [GENERAL] You are able to use your opponent's missteps to reposition
You are a skilled military commander from the ranks of the yourself to your advantage.
nobility, with an intimate knowledge of war and those who Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility.
make it. Benefit: You may make a free 5-foot step after making an
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge attack of opportunity (as long as you can actually make a 5-
(history) and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks. foot step).
Suggested Class/Race: Holy Strategist (see article for Special: A fighter may select Opportunistic Tactician as
more information) one of his fighter bonus feats.
Dragon Magazine #: 317 (Holy Strategists of the Red Suggested Class/Race: Rogue
Knight) Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – Opportunists)


Your knowledge of the supernatural allows you to exploit You have participated in an evil ritual involving drinking
most attempts to manipulate magical energies. the blood of a slain innocent, cementing your loyalty to
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 Orcus and teaching you to cause excruciating pain in your
ranks. opponents.
Benefit: You may make an attack of opportunity against an Prerequisite: Evil alignment, patron deity: Orcus
opponent you threaten who dismisses a spell, directs or Benefit: You can hit opponents so they suffer severe pain.
redirects an active spell, casts a quickened or swift spell, or Once per day you can declare a critical hit or sneak attack to
attempts to turn or rebuke undead. be in an exceptionally painful area. You may make this
If your attack is successful, your opponent must make a declaration after the attack hits and after it is found to be a
Concentration check (DC 10 + damage dealt) or lose the critical hit (if appropriate) but before the damage is rolled.
action that provoked the attack of opportunity. The defender must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10
Suggested Class/Race: Rogue +1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – Opportunists) stunned for 1 round due to the pain of the attack. Creatures
unable to feel pain or not subject to critical hits or sneak
attacks are not affected by this attack.
Intelligent undead recognize you as a potential ally and
have an initial attitude of (at worst) indifferent unless
circumstances warrant a more negative attitude (for example,

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
if you are currently attacking the undead or one of its allies, creature per rank in Survival you possess. A successful DC 20
although having this feat might be enough to call a short check decreases how much terrain affects movement by 1/4
truce in order to negotiate). of your speed (to a maximum movement of 3/4 speed), For
Detect evil and similar spells detect your evil as if you were example, this level of success allows the character to move at
an evil cleric (level equal to your total Hit Dice). This means 3/4 speed instead of the normal 1/2 speed in trackless
that for most living humanoids, you detect as more evil than mountains, but even at this level he cannot move more than
a typical person of your race, class, and level. 3/4 speed on a mountain highway. A DC 30 check decreases
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Ghostwalk – The Bloody how much terrain affects movement by 1/4 of your speed (to
Swords) a maximum movement of full speed). For example, this level
of success allows the character to move at 3/4 speed instead
PACK FEINT [GENERAL] of the normal 1/2 speed in trackless mountains and at full
speed on a mountain highway.
You know how to confuse an opponent with the aid of your
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – A Different Path)
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Bluff 3 ranks, base attack
bonus +3.
Benefit: Whenever you successfully use Bluff to feint in PIKE HEDGE [GENERAL]
combat, the target loses its Dexterity bonus to AC for your You are particularly skilled at setting a weapon to receive a
next attack and the next attack of any allies adjacent to the charge.
foe when you made your Bluff check. To benefit from this Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2, Combat Reflexes,
feat, each ally's next attack and your next attack must be Hold the Line
made on or before your next turn. Benefit: When readying an action to receive a charge, you
Normal: After a successful feint in combat, your victim deal double damage with any melee weapon, or triple damage
loses its Dexterity bonus to AC for your next attack, so long with a spear, halberd, or any other polearm that normally
as you make your attack on or before your next turn. deals double damage when set to receive a charge.
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes Special: A fighter may select Pike Hedge as one of his
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters fighter bonus feats.
that Answer the Call of the Wild) Suggested Class/Race: Holy Strategist (see article for
more information)
PACK TACTICS [GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 317 (Holy Strategists of the Red
Fighting in cooperation with one or more partners is Knight)
second nature to you. You are a master of harrying opponents
and finding their undefended flanks. PILGRIM [GENERAL]
Prerequisites: Wis 13. You gain benefits after going on a pilgrimage. When on a
Benefit: Whenever you flank an opponent, an ally not pilgrimage, your mind is focused and you become more
flanking that foe gains a +1 bonus to melee attacks made charismatic and eloquent.
against your flanked opponent. Flanking allies retain the Prerequisites: Knowledge (geography) 5 ranks, ability to
normal +2 bonus to melee attacks. speak at least three languages.
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes Benefit: As long as you're undertaking a pilgrimage, you
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves and all Charisma-based
that Answer the Call of the Wild) skill checks. If you don't achieve the goal of your pilgrimage
in one month, this +1 morale bonus becomes a --1 penalty
PASSIVE RECONNOITER [GENERAL] until you reach your destination.
Once you reach your destination and undertake a specific
You have learned to perceive your surroundings with an
ritual there, you gain a benefit both from the sense of
acute eye and ear.
accomplishment and the mystical powers of the region
Prerequisite: Survival 4 ranks.
you've visited. This benefit typically manifests as a +4
Benefit: You gain a +3 circumstance bonus on Listen and
competence bonus to a related skill, but sometimes has other
Spot checks whenever you spend a full-round action doing
effects. Once you receive this bonus, you lose the morale
nothing other than concentrating on locating opponents.
bonus on Will saves and Charisma checks until you decide to
Special: A scout may select Passive Reconnoiter as one of
undertake a new pilgrimage, at which point you regain those
his scout bonus feats.
bonuses and lose any bonuses gained from a previous
Suggested Class/Race: Scout
Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Class Acts – Scout Feat and
See the DUNGEON MAGAZINE article for sample pilgrim
sites and bonuses.
Dungeon Magazine #: 142 (Campaign Workbook – The
You possess exceptional direction sense.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (geography) 1 rank, Survival 1 PIRATE LUCK [GENERAL]
rank, Track.
You are notorious for escaping from nasty predicaments.
Benefit: You never became lost because of poor visibility or
Prerequisite: Cha 13.
difficult terrain (see page 86 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). In
addition, you may make a Survival check to reduce travel
time through difficult terrain for you and one additional

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll one saving throw POWER SOAR [GENERAL]
that you have just made before the DM declares whether the You can make sudden, unexpected moves that catch your
roll results in success or failure. enemies off guard, ruining their efforts to strike while you
You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is are vulnerable.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge. Nimble Flier, ability to fly
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Heroic Feats – Mastery of the with good or better maneuverability.
Sand and Seas)
Benefit: If you use a move action to fly straight up or
straight down, the movement does not provoke attacks of
You can use your pole arm to brace yourself against impact Suggested Class/Race: Beholder
and prevent you from falling. Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Eye Wares – Potent Powers of
Benefit: When wielding a pole arm two-handed you gain a the Beholders)
+4 circumstance bonus to resist being bull rushed or tripped,
and on any Balance checks to avoid losing your footing. You POWER SURGE [GENERAL]
may not use this feat if you are flat-footed or if you are in a
You focus an additional burst of energy on one supernatural
precarious position (such as on a tightrope or while climbing)
special attack you possess, improving its potency at the cost
that does not provide you a solid surface against which to
of decreased capacity.
prop the weapon.
Prerequisite: A supernatural special attack that you can
Special: A fighter may select Long Strike as one of his
use at least three times per day.
fighter bonus feats.
Benefit: Choose one supernatural special attack that you
Dragon Magazine #: 331 (The Point of Pole Arms – A
can use three or more times per day. You may apply any one
Comprehensive Guide)
of the following improvements to that ability.

POLE FIGHTER [GENERAL] • Increase the save DC to resist the effect by +1.
Your monastic training included extensive work with pole • Increase the damage dealt by the effect by +1 per die.
arms and other similar weapons.
• Increase the duration of the effect by 50% (not
Prerequisite: Proficiency with the selected weapon,
applicable to any effect with an instantaneous
Weapon Focus with the selected weapon, flurry of blows
class feature.
Benefit: Chose a pole arm from the Complete Pole Arm
After using this feat, you must wait to use the
Chart. You can treat that weapon as a special monk weapon,
supernatural special attack for 1 round. If you must normally
allowing you to perform a flurry of blows with it.
wait to use the supernatural special attack, you must wait 1
Special: A fighter may select Long Strike as one of his
round in addition to the normal period you would wait to use
fighter bonus feats.
the ability again.
Dragon Magazine #: 331 (The Point of Pole Arms – A
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time
Comprehensive Guide)
you take this feat, it applies to a different supernatural special
POLYGLOT [GENERAL] Suggested Class/Race: Beholder
Traveling abroad has given you a knack for picking up Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Eye Wares – Potent Powers of
languages. the Beholders)
Benefit: You learn a language of your choice as a bonus
language. In addition, Speak Language is always considered a PRACTICED MAGIC [GENERAL]
class skill for you.
Your spell-like abilities are more powerful.
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Heroic Feats – Mastery of the
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 4 ranks, spell-like abilities.
Sand and Seas)
Benefit: Your caster level for your spell-like abilities
increases by +4. This can't increase your caster level for spell-
POTENT ENCHANTMENT [GENERAL] like abilities beyond your Hit Dice. However, even if you
Your enchantment spells can affect more creatures. can't benefit from the full bonus immediately, if you later
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (enchantment), enchanter level gain non-caster-level Hit Dice you may be able to apply the
1st. rest of the bonus.
Benefit: Enchantment spells you cast that affect a certain If you have spellcasting ability from multiple sources (from
number of Hit Dice, such as sleep or hypnotism, affect an gained templates or from a character class) you must choose
additional 3 Hit Dice of creatures. For example, a sleep spell which set of spell-like abilities gain the feats effect.
cast by an enchanter with this feat would affect 7 Hit Dice This does not affect how often you can use your spell-like
worth of creatures instead of only 4. abilities in a day. It only increases your caster level, which
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Heroic Feats – Getting would help you penetrate spell resistance, increases the
Schooled) duration and damage of some spells, and so on.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time
you choose it, you must apply it to a different set of spell-like
Suggested Class/Race: Deva
Dungeon Magazine #: 116 (Asylum)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
You are skilled in finding your opponent's weakness and The more important a pressure point is, the greater the
striking where it hurts most. monk's investment of ki to affect it.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, ability to sneak attack.
White Tiger Array (1 use): A collection of points targeted
Benefit: When making an attack that would qualify as a
by the standard use of Stunning Fist, when used on an ally
sneak attack, you may take away any number of dice from
they remove the stunned, sickened, or fatigued conditions.
your sneak attack damage and add a +2 circumstance bonus to
Red Monkey Point (2 uses): A creature's motor functions
your attack roll for each die reduction you make. You may
depend on this point. Striking here paralyzes your opponent
convert as many of your dice from your sneak attack damage
for 1d4 rounds. Used on an ally, it removes paralysis.
as you wish in this manner. However, if you make more than
one sneak attack during a round and are using this feat, you Water Turtle Point (2 uses): This point controls a
must convert the same number of dice for each one. creature's perceptions. Striking here blinds or deafens your
foe (your choice) for 1d4 rounds. Utilizing this point removes
Suggested Class/Race: Rogues
blindness or deafness from an ally.
Dragon Magazine #: 310 (Stealth and Dagger – Options,
Dragon Soul Point (3 uses): A creature's innate resistance
Combinations, and Prestige Classes for the Revised Rogue)
to magic channels through this pressure point. Striking here
lowers an opponent's spell resistance by ad 1d6 + your
PRESENCE OF THE MAGE [GENERAL] Wisdom modifier for 1 round (but not less than 0). When
Your delving into secrets unknown to mortals has forever used on an ally, you can increase his spell resistance (whether
changed you on an intangible level. natural or granted by a spell or item) by the same amount for
Prerequisites: Int 11, Cha 17, arcane caster level 18th. 1 round.
Benefit: Allies within 25 feet of you are heartened and gain Emerald Snake Point (3 uses): This point helps protect a
a +1 morale bonus on saving throws and attack rolls. creature from toxins and poisons. By striking this pressure
Non-allied creatures within 25 feet of you are slightly point you can flood your foe's body with internal toxins,
unnerved and suffer a -1 penalty on saving throws and attack poisoning him (injury, Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 your character
rolls. level + your Constitution modifier, initial damage 1d4 Con
Further, natural animals shy away from you, becoming primary, no secondary damage). For an ally, you can delay the
uneasy within 25 feet. Any attempt by you or allies to effects of poison for 1d4 hours.
influence an animal using a Charisma-based skill or ability Royal Viper Point (4 uses): This point controls a
(such as Handle Animal or wild empathy) within this area creature's ability to fight toxins and poisons. Striking here
suffers a -1 penalty. Ride checks made within the area suffer a imposes a penalty on the target's saves against poison by 1 +
-2 penalty. your Wisdom modifier for 1d4 rounds. Touching this point
The latter two effects are mind-affecting fear effects. allows you to neutralize poison in an ally.
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts – Arcane Lore Celestial Dragon Point (5 uses): This point regulates the
Abilities) flow of spell power. Striking here prevents an enemy from
casting spells or using spell-like abilities for 1d4 rounds.
PRESSURE POINT STRIKE [GENERAL] When used on an ally, you may attempt to remove a
You know how to strike opponents in supernaturally condition caused by a spell or spell-like ability as if using
vulnerable locations. greater dispel magic.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Knowledge (arcana) 5 Dragon Magazine #: 336 (Class Acts – Pressure Point
ranks, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack Attacks
bonus +8, ki strike (magic).
Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat, as PRESSURE RESISTANCE [GENERAL]
well as which pressure point you wish to strike, before you Your body adjusts quickly to changes in water pressure.
make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the Prerequisite: Deep Diver, Endurance, Skill Focus (Swim),
attempt). You can use Pressure Point Strike as an attack Swim 4 ranks.
against an enemy or to remove a detrimental condition from Benefit: Once you successfully make Fortitude saving
an ally. As an attack, Pressure Point Strike forces a foe throw to resist damage caused by water pressure, you no
damaged by your unarmed strike to make a Fortitude save longer need to make Fortitude saving throws to avoid damage
(DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier), in caused by pressure at that depth. If your depth changes by
addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails 100 feet, you must begin making new Fortitude saving
this saving throw suffers the effect of the targeted pressure throws as normal until you succeed again.
point. This ability only works on giants, humanoids, and Normal: You must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15 +
monstrous humanoids. Other creature types either lack 1 for each additional saving throw) once every minute to
pressure points or have very different ones. avoid suffering damage from water pressure. (See page 304 of
You can aid an ally by bolstering him in some way or by thee Dungeon Master’s Guide.)
attempting to remove a detrimental condition. Make a level Suggested Class/Race: Darkwater Guardians (see article
check against the DC of the effect that caused your ally's for more information)
condition to remove the condition. Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Guardians of the Deepest Seas –
The different uses of this feat count against the number of Water Spells and Feats from the Underdark)
times per day you can use the Stunning Fist feat in specific

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
PROTECTIVE TALONS [GENERAL] As long as you move at no more than one-half of your
normal movement speed, you cannot be detected by
Vigilantly circling overhead, your raptor may swoop down
tremorsense. You move so deliberately that for the purposes
and snare ranged weapons just before they strike you.
of that ability you are not considered to be in contact with
Prerequisites: Handle Animal 8 ranks, Bonded, trained
the ground. This feat does not benefit you when attempting
to avoid tremorsense underwater.
Effect: As a free action during your turn, if your raptor is
If you make an attack while using this feat you can be
within 5 feet you can order the creature to protect you from
detected as normal.
ranged attacks. If any opponent makes a successful ranged
A creature with other means of perceiving you can still use
attack against you while your raptor is within 5 feet of you
them to detect you as normal.
and under this command, your raptor can attempt to knock
the missile off course. The raptor must make a melee attack Normal: Creatures with tremorsense can detect any
creature in contact with the ground.
against the missile, using the attack roll your opponent made
against you as the missile's Armor Class. If the raptor Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Take Cover! – Surviving D&D’s
succeeds, the missile misses you and is destroyed. If the Masters of Movement)
raptor fails, you take damage as normal. Your raptor can only
protect you from one missile per round. RAGE CASTING [GENERAL]
Special: A fighter may select Protective Talons as one of his Your rage does not prevent you from casting certain spells.
fighter bonus feats. Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Combat
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Feathers & Fur – A Guide to Casting, Quicken Spell, Concentration 5 ranks, ability to rage
Flying and Fanged Animal Companions) or frenzy.
Benefit: When raging, you can cast spells that you can cast
PUPPET MASTER [GENERAL] as a free action. This includes spells that have been quickened
It is more difficult to notice manipulation of the targets of with the Quicken Spell feat. You can also activate magic
your enchantment spells. items by spell trigger, spell completion, or command word.
Prerequisites: Wis 13. Normal: The barbarian's rage ability prohibits spellcasting,
When raging, a barbarian cannot cast spells or use a magic
Benefit: Add +5 to the DC of a Sense Motive check to
item activated by a spell trigger, spell completion, or
notice that the target of one of your mind-affecting spells is
command word.
being magically influenced (DC 30 for most spells, 20 for
dominate person or dominate monster). Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians
Suggested Class/Race: Enchanter Dragon Magazine #: 310 (The Roles of Rage –
Multiclassing the Revised Barbarian)
Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Thieves of Will – Evil
QUICK CHANGE [GENERAL] Your rage can hurl opponents back.
You can shift to an alternate form faster and more easily Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush,
than normal. ability to rage or frenzy.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, alternate form special quality. Benefit: When you're raging and make a bull rush attack,
you gain a +4 bonus on the opposed Strength check you make
Benefit: You may change form as a move action.
to push back the defender. This bonus stacks with the +4
Normal: A lycanthrope can change form as a standard
bonus from Improved Bull Rush.
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes
Dragon Magazine #: 310 (The Roles of Rage –
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters
Multiclassing the Revised Barbarian)
that Answer the Call of the Wild)


Your rage enhances your ability to run down opponents.
You can bring down foes so efficiently that those you turn
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Overrun,
your attention to next cannot react effectively.
ability to rage or frenzy.
Prerequisites: Str 15, Dex 13, Cleave, Power Attack.
Benefit: When you're raging and attempt to overrun an
Benefit: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the attack
opponent, you gain a +4 bonus on your Strength check to
roll of the additional attacks you make because of Cleave and
knock down your opponent. This bonus stacks with the +4
Great Cleave.
bonus from Improved Overrun.
Special: A fighter may select Quick Cleave as one of his
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians
fighter bonus feats.
Dragon Magazine #: 310 (The Roles of Rage –
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The Tide of Battle)
Multiclassing the Revised Barbarian)


You can move in such a way as to avoid making vibrations.
Your rage brings power to your spells, breaking through
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Stealthy.
spell resistance more readily than normal.
Benefit: You can avoid detection by creatures with
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Rage Casting,
Spell Penetration, ability to rage or frenzy.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Benefit: You can sacrifice a daily use of rage to gain a +2 Special: A fighter may select Ranged Threat as one of his
bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to fighter bonus feats.
overcome a creature's spell resistance. This bonus stacks with Dragon Magazine #: 350 (Class Acts – The Archer’s Art)
the +2 bonus from Spell Penetration and lasts a number of
rounds equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier, after which RECOGNIZED ELDER [GENERAL]
you lose the bonus provided by this feat and become fatigued
Your people highly respect your opinion and seek out your
(-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, cannot charge
or run) for the duration of the current encounter.
Prerequisites: Leadership, membership in a tribe, old age.
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians
Benefit: Diplomacy and Knowledge (history) are class
Dragon Magazine #: 310 (The Roles of Rage –
skills for you, and you receive a +1 bonus on Diplomacy and
Multiclassing the Revised Barbarian)
Knowledge (history) checks. In addition, you may gain a
cohort with levels in barbarian as if your Leadership score
RAGING SUNDER [GENERAL] were 1 higher.
Your rage improves your attacks against your opponents' Suggested Class/Race: Barbarian
weapons and shields. Dragon Magazine #: 334 (Class Acts – Council of Elders)
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Sunder,
ability to rage or frenzy. RESIST TELEKINESIS [GENERAL]
Benefit: When you're raging you gain a +4 bonus on any
You are adept at avoiding the combat maneuvers practiced
attack roll made to attack an object held or carried by another
by spellcasters using telekinesis.
character. This bonus stacks with the +4 bonus from
Prerequisites: Int 13, Spellcraft 2 ranks, Combat Expertise.
Improved Sunder.
Benefit: When an opponent uses telekinesis to perform a
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians
combat maneuver (such as bull rush, disarm, grapple, or trip)
Dragon Magazine #: 310 (The Roles of Rage –
against you, you gain a +8 bonus on your opposed roll to
Multiclassing the Revised Barbarian)
resist the effect, You also gain a +4 bonus on your Will save to
avoid being hurled by a telekinetic violent thrust.
RANGED SKIRMISHER [GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 309 (Campaign Components:
You have extensive training in making ranged attacks while Incursion – A World Under Siege)
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Wis 13, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, RETRIBUTION [GENERAL]
skirmish ability.
Taking damage drives you to greater heights of combat
Benefit: You may apply the extra damage from the
skirmish ability to ranged attacks made against targets within
Prerequisite: Power Attack.
6o feet.
Benefit: For every 5 points of damage you take from a
Normal: You may apply the extra damage from the
single creature in one round, you gain a cumulative +1 bonus
skirmish ability to ranged attacks made against targets
on damage rolls against that target on your next attack. For
within 30 feet.
example, a monster deals 13 points of damage to a fighter
Special: A scout may select Ranged with this feat in one round; in the next round the fighter
Skirmisher as one of his scout bonus feats.
successfully hits the monster and deals +2 additional points
Suggested Class/Race: Scout of damage against that monster. If the fighter gets multiple
Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Class attacks in a round, the bonus damage only counts for the first
Acts – Scout Feat and Options) attack and only if that attack hits).
Bonus damage provided by this feat does not stack from
RANGED THREAT round to round and only applies to your next attack. If you
[GENERAL] gain bonus damage from Retribution but you miss your
target, you also lose the bonus damage provided by this feat.
You can take advantage of a foe
This feat's bonus damage only applies against the creature
who drops his guard near you.
that dealt you damage, whether from melee or ranged attacks,
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes,
spells, special attacks, or any other form. The bonus damage
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base
cannot be used to deal extra damage to creatures other than
attack bonus +6.
your attacker. In the case of attacks where you cannot
Benefit: When armed with a
conclusively discern from whom or what the attack came,
ranged weapon, you threaten every
you gain no bonus damage.
square within 15 feet. If a target in
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Silicon Sorcery – World of
this threatened area takes an action
that provokes an attack of
opportunity, you may make one ranged
attack at your highest attack bonus RESINBOND [GENERAL]
against that target. You may only use Your ability to manifest arcane magic interacts with items
this feat once per round, and this made of kaorti resin, causing the resin to become both more
counts as all of your attacks of comfortable for you to wear and more difficult to remove.
opportunity for that round, even if Weapons made of resin are more difficult to disarm, and
you are normally allowed more than armor made of resin acts almost like a second skin.
one. Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made 30 feet of you can make one additional save to resist the
to keep from being disarmed of a kaorti resin weapon. effect.
If you wear kaorti resin armor, the maximum Dexterity Note: This feat doesn't benefit the character who takes it, it
bonus of the armor increases by +2, the armor check penalty only helps allies.
decreases by 2, and the arcane spell failure chance decreases Dragon Magazine #: 323 (On Command – Command and
by 10%. Control)
Dungeon Magazine #: 118 (Shadow of the Abyss)
RICOCHET [GENERAL] Your devotion to your deity continues to grow, even when
You can bounce your weapon off one opponent to strike at you choose to familiarize yourself with more worldly
another with the same throw. pursuits.
Prerequisites: Dex 19, Blind-Fight, Improved Precise Shot, Prerequisites: Sneak attack +2d6, ability to turn or rebuke
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +15. undead.
Benefit: Once per round, when you successfully hit an Benefit: Your cleric and rogue levels stack for the purpose
opponent with a thrown weapon that deals bludgeoning of determining your turning check and turning damage.
damage, you may make an automatic second attack roll For example, a 3rd-level cleric/4thlevel rogue turns or
against a creature adjacent to that opponent. The rebukes dead as a 7th-level cleric.
second attack takes a -5 penalty. The first creature Your cleric and rogue levels also stack for the purpose
hit takes damage normally (including Strength of determining your sneak attack bonus damage. For
modifier, sneak attack damage, and so on), while example, a 3rd-level cleric/4th-level rogue deals +4d6
the second opponent takes 1/2 damage from the points of damage on a successful sneak attack.
weapon + 1/2 your Strength modifier. Only one Dragon Magazine #: 357 (Class Acts – Dirty
additional creature can be struck as a result of Priests, Holy Thieves)
using this feat. You cannot sneak attack the
second creature struck. SACRED PERFORMER [GENERAL]
Special: A fighter may select Ricochet as one You invest a little bit of your piety into your
of his fighter bonus feats.
every performance.
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The
Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, ability to
Tide of Battle) turn or rebuke undead.
Benefit: Your bard and cleric levels stack for the
RING THE GOLDEN BELL purpose of determining your turning check and
[GENERAL] turning damage. For example, a 4th-level bard/1st
With the rush of air from a single precise level cleric turns or rebukes undead as a 5th-level
strike, skilled martial artists can extinguish a cleric.
candle flame from several feet away. Legendary Your bard and cleric levels also stack for the
masters developed this ability to the point that purpose of determining the number of times per day
they could ring a thousand-pound bell using only you can use your bardic music (although this does
a finger strike from 20 feet away. not affect which bardic music abilities you can use).
For example, a 5th-level bard/4th level cleric receives
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Improved Unarmed
a bonus equal to 9 (the sum of his bard and cleric
Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus (unarmed
levels) + Intelligence bonus (if any) on his bardic
strike), base attack bonus +5.
knowledge checks, and he can use bardic music 9
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to 1
times per day.
plus your Wisdom bonus, you may inflict unarmed
strike damage with a successful ranged attack. Dragon Magazine #: 357 (Class Acts – Dirty
Some deities encourage Priests, Holy Thieves)
This attack has a range increment equal to 5 feet
plus 5 feet per point of Wisdom bonus. Normal roguish behavior giving
cover modifiers apply. This attack can deliver any credence to the SAILOR WILL [GENERAL]
effect your unarmed strike can normally deliver, Sacred Outlaw. Your unshakable beliefs sustain you against all
such as a stunning attack due to the Stunning Fist outside influences.
feat. Prerequisite: Base Will save +2.
Suggested Class/Race: Martial Artist Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on all modified level
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Warriors of the Animal Fist – checks made to oppose Intimidate checks meant to
Crouching Panther, Slashing Dragon) demoralize you (see the Player's Handbook, page 76) and a +1
bonus on all Will saves.
ROUSE COURAGE [GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Heroic Feats – Mastery of the
When terror fills the hearts of your allies, your presence Sand and Seas)
helps calm them. Rather than flee, they stay and fight.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Commander SANDSTEP [GENERAL]
Benefit: All allies within 30 feet of you may reroll any Your footing is as sure on shifting sand as it is on solid
failed saves made against fear effects. They may roll again ground.
only once. An ally affected by a fear effect who moves within Benefit: The DCs of your Balance, Move Silently, and
Tumble checks are not increased by the light or dense rubble

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
or light undergrowth of the desert terrain. Light and dense start a grapple as a free action; no initial touch attack is
rubble and undergrowth in other regions still hinders you, required. You gain your Improved grapple bonus as normal.
and heavy undergrowth hinders you normally. If you succeed in starting the grapple, you must drop your
In addition, when you enter a square of light one-handed weapon, but if you started the grapple with a
undergrowth in desert terrain, you need only use 1 square of light weapon, you can use it each round to make an attack
movement. against the creature you are grappling without suffering a -4
Normal: Light rubble and light undergrowth raises the DC penalty on the attack (as you normally would).
of Balance and Tumble checks by +2. Dense rubble raises the You have the option to conduct the grapple normally or
DC of Balance and Tumble checks by +5 and Move Silently simply hold the opponent if it is at least one size smaller than
checks by +2. you. If you choose the latter, you take a -20 penalty on
You must use 2 squares of movement to enter a square grapple checks, but are not considered grappled yourself; you
with light undergrowth. do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC, still threaten an area,
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Heroic Feats – Mastery of the and can use your off hand for attacks against other
Sand and Seas) opponents, if you have an off-hand attack.
A successful hold does not deal any extra damage.
SAVAGE EMPATHY [GENERAL] When you begin a grapple with this feat, you pull your
opponent into your space. This does not provoke attacks of
You are able to tame monstrous creatures like you would
opportunity. You can even move (possibly carrying away your
normal animals.
opponent), provided you can drag the opponent's weight.
Prerequisite: Wild empathy ability.
Dungeon Magazine #: 120 (The Obsidian Eye)
Benefit: Choose a creature type other than animal,
construct, humanoid, or undead. You can use your wild
empathy ability to influence creatures of that type with an SCOUT THE PATH [GENERAL]
Intelligence of 3 or less. In addition, you no longer suffer a -4 You have received training in leading small groups through
penalty on your wild empathy checks to influence magical enemy territory, helping them stay undetected and guiding
beasts. them effectively through difficult terrain.
Most monsters have a starting attitude of hostile. Prerequisite: Survival 4 ranks.
Normal: A character with wild empathy can usually only Benefit: While trailblazing (see page 103 of Complete
influence animals, or magical beasts at a -4 penalty. Adventurer), you gain a +3 bonus on Survival checks. In
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time addition, as a full-round action you can grant a +1 bonus on
you take the feat, it applies to a new creature type. all Hide and Move Silently checks made by allies within 20
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Silicon Sorcery – World of feet.
WarCraft) Special: A scout may select Scout the Path as one of his
scout bonus feats.
SAVAGE MOBILITY [GENERAL] Suggested Class/Race: Scout
Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Class Acts – Scout Feat and
Your wild shape form moves faster than normal.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, wild shape ability.
Benefit: While using wild shape your speed increases by 10
feet. This feat applies to your base land speed as well as your SCREEN [GENERAL]
burrow, climb, fly, and swim speeds. You order your pet to launch a ferocious attack against a
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Silicon Sorcery – World of foe, shielding you from that opponent's attacks.
WarCraft) Prerequisites: Handle Animal 8 ranks, Bonded, Dodge,
trained pet.
SAVVY SWIMMER [GENERAL] Effect: Each round, as a free action, you can direct your pet
to launch an especially determined but somewhat haphazard
You have been trained to swim even in the heaviest of
assault upon any one opponent. This causes your pet to take a
-2 penalty on all attacks and Armor Class, but it grants you
Prerequisite: Swim 4 ranks.
concealment against that foe.
Benefit: When proficient with the armor you wear, you
Special: A fighter may select Screen as one of his fighter
suffer only half that armor's armor check penalty to Swim
bonus feats.
checks. Thus, if you are proficient with heavy armor and
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Feathers & Fur – A Guide to
attempt to swim wearing banded mail, you suffer only a -3
Flying and Fanged Animal Companions)
penalty on Swim checks rather than the usual -12.
Normal: Double the normal armor check penalty is applied
to Swim checks. SEA LEGS [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Heroic Feats – Mastery of the You are at home on the rolling decks of a ship at sea.
Sand and Seas) Benefit: As long as you are on a ship floating in the water,
you gain a +2 bonus to Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble
Suggested Class/Race: Darkwater Guardians (see article
Like the scorpion, you can grab and hold your prey.
for more information)
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 13, Improved Grapple,
Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Guardians of the Deepest Seas –
Improved Unarmed Strike.
Water Spells and Feats from the Underdark)
Benefit: If your attack with a light or one-handed weapon
hits, the weapon deals normal damage and you can attempt to

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
SEAFARER [GENERAL] is considered a two-handed weapon. If you beat your
opponent's attack roll, you snare the weapon and jerk it from
You are a skilled sailor.
the opponent's grasp. Your disarm attempt does not provoke
Benefit: Add Profession (sailor) and Survival to your class
an attack of opportunity, and the opponent cannot attempt to
skills. You receive a +2 bonus on all Profession (sailor) checks
disarm you if you fail. Whenever you attempt to snare an
and a +2 bonus on Survival checks made on a ship or boat.
opponent's weapon, you lose your shield bonus to AC until
Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
the beginning of your next turn.
Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – Viking Raider)
Special: A fighter can take Shield Snare as one of her bonus
SECRETS OF DUSK [GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 309 (Campaign Components:
Your focused learning has given you savant-like recall from Incursion – A World Under Siege)
time to time, as well as unflappable calm.
Prerequisites: Born Under a Setting Sun, Skill Focus (any
one Knowledge skill), character level 6th.
A ship beneath your feet feels as natural to you as the sand
Benefits: You are able to take 10 on Concentration skill
beneath a camel's hooves.
checks at any time. Once per day, you may take 20 on a
Benefit: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any skill
Knowledge skill check.
check necessary to operate or maintain a ship, including
You must possess Skill Focus for the Knowledge check that
Balance checks on a pitching deck, Climb checks made in
you are using with this ability.
rigging, Craft (shipbuilding) checks, and Profession (sailor)
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (The Eternal Light – The Sun and
checks. You only gain the bonuses if aboard a ship or, in the
It’s Role In D&D)
case of Craft (shipbuilding) checks, when the ship is docked.
Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Heroic Feats – Mastery of the
Your skill with ranged weapons lets you score hits others
miss due to an opponent’s cover.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack
You know how to alter your grip on a reach weapon to use
bonus +3
it against nearby opponents.
Benefit: Your targets receive only a +2 bonus to Armor
Benefit: When wielding a pole arm with reach that you are
Class due to cover. This feat has no effect against foes with no
proficient with, you may treat the weapon as if it did not have
cover or total cover.
reach. The weapon is unwieldy when used in this fashion and
Normal: Cover normally gives a +4 bonus to AC.
you suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls when attacking an
Special: A fighter may select Sharp-Shooting as one of his
opponent you normally could not. You cannot use this feat
fighter bonus feats.
with the awl pike.
Suggested Class/Race: Order of the Bow Initiate
Normal: Reach weapons cannot be used against adjacent
Dungeon Magazine #: 152 (The Plague Tree)
Special: A fighter may select Long Strike as one of his
SHIELD AND PIKE STYLE [GENERAL] fighter bonus feats.
You can use a light shield in conjunction with a piercing Dragon Magazine #: 331 (The Point of Pole Arms – A
pole arm with reach, such as a long-spear or awl pike. Comprehensive Guide)
Prerequisite: Proficiency with selected piercing pole arm,
proficiency with light shield. SKINCASTER [GENERAL]
Benefit: You may wield a light shield with its full Armor
You copy all spells directly to your
Class bonus when using a two-handed piercing pole arm
skin instead of a spellbook.
weapon with reach.
Prerequisite: Prepares spells from a
Normal: You may hold items in the hand that wields a
light shield, but you cannot wield a weapon in the same hand.
Benefit: You use your own body as a
Special: A fighter may select Shield and Pike Style as one
spellbook and need only be able to
of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Player's
read your skin in order to prepare
spells. Transferring a spell to your skin
Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
costs 100 gp per spell level of the spell.
Dragon Magazine #: 338 (Class Acts – The Pikeman)
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts
– Body Modifications)
You can disarm an opponent with your shield. SNEAK ATTACK OF
Prerequisites: Improved Shield Bash, Shield Proficiency.
Benefit: You can use your shield to disarm an opponent. To OPPORTUNITY [GENERAL]
do so, you must first ready an action, specifying a melee When your opponent leaves you an opening,
attack by a particular opponent as the trigger for it. When you can strike with deadly accuracy.
that opponent attacks, make a disarm attempt using your Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, sneak attack +3d6.
shield as your weapon. For the purpose of this attack, a Benefit: When you make a successful attack of opportunity
buckler is considered a light weapon, a light shield is against an opponent, you also deal sneak attack damage to
considered a one-handed weapon, and a heavy or tower shield that opponent.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
This extra damage only applies to the first attack of cobra's hood, granting you a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks
opportunity you make in a round. against any foe able to see you, in addition, if you succeed in
Suggested Class/Race: Rogue intimidating a foe while you enjoy partial concealment
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – Opportunists) against him he must make a Will save or become frightened
for 1 round class level. You must permanently sacrifice scare
SPEAK TO THE MASSES [GENERAL] to gain this effect. Once activated, this ability lasts for 1
You can affect a larger number of creatures more effectively
Red Eye (Su): A piercing beam of crimson light erupts
with your fascinate and suggestion bardic music abilities.
from one of your eyes, allowing you to focus your undivided
Prerequisites: Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks.
attention on one specific foe. This allows you to add your
Benefit: When using your bardic music to fascinate, you
Intelligence modifier as well as your Dexterity modifier on
double the number of creatures you can affect. In addition,
any ranged attack rolls made against your foe so long as you
the DC to resist your fascinate and suggestion bardic music
refrain from attacking anyone else and he remains within
abilities is +2 higher.
line of sight. You must permanently sacrifice true strike to
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Planescape – Dead Factions)
gain this effect. Once activated, this ability lasts for 1
round/class level.
SPELL GRAFT [GENERAL] Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerer
Your special insight into arcane theory allows you to imbue Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – Spell Grafts)
a body part with the inherent power of one of your spells.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Craft Wondrous SPINNING DEFENSE [GENERAL]
Item, ability to cast arcane spells without preparation.
You can spin a pole arm around you, deflecting attacks.
Effect: You may, by sacrificing one of the spells you
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Deflect Arrows.
currently know, endow a body part with a magical ability
Benefit: While wielding a pole arm during a total
similar to that of the spell you sacrificed. You may not regain
defense action, you receive a +1 dodge bonus
the sacrificed spell even if you subsequently gain the ability
to your AC (that stacks with the
to learn a new spell of that level. In a sense you still retain the
bonuses from total defense) and you
chosen spell, but you simply use it in a different way. Treat
can use the Deflect Arrows feat any
the DC of any saving throw for this ability as equal to that of
number of times until your next turn
the spell you sacrificed. Using a spell graft requires a
(you do not need an open hand to
standard action; you may use the ability granted by a spell
deflect ranged weapons while using
graft once per day per 4 character levels.
this feat). While using this feat, you
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time
cannot catch any of the weapons
you must sacrifice a different spell and endow a different
through the Snatch Arrows feat.
body part with a power.
Normal: You can only use the Deflect
Arrows feat once per round.
Special: A fighter may select Long Strike
The following spell grafts present only a sampling of those
as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Dragon Magazine #: 331 (The Point of Pole
After Images (Su): During moments of exertion the sweat
Arms – A Comprehensive Guide)
glands embedded in your skin release a potent illusion,
generating frozen images of yourself to shimmer in your
wake. Any round in which you move more than 5 feet you SPIRIT OF DAWN [GENERAL]
gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC due to the brief yet confusing Your hopeful spirit has an effect upon your allies.
illusory duplicates of yourself you create along your path. Prerequisites: Diplomacy 2 ranks, Born Under a Rising
You must permanently sacrifice mirror image to gain this Sun, character level 6th.
effect. Once activated, this ability lasts for 1 round/class Benefits: Your bonus to save against fear effects increases
level. to +4. Once per day, you may shout out words of
Cinder Fists (Su): Rough as charcoal, your hands thrive on encouragement to others. This is considered a swift action,
heat and are capable of exploding into flames. Your hands and you must be able to speak to use this ability. All allies
(only) gain immunity to fire, permitting you to do such who hear and under-stand your words (including you)
things as reach into lava pits, grab flaming weapons, or punch receive a +2 morale bonus on Will saves for a number of
fire creatures without harm. Since the rest of your body rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
enjoys no such immunity you remain vulnerable to any fire Dragon Magazine #: 340 (The Eternal Light – The Sun and
spells and effects affecting more than just your hands. It’s Role In D&D)
Furthermore, you may, as a standard action, ignite or
extinguish your hands. When alight, your unarmed strikes SPIRIT OF THE BEAST [GENERAL]
deal an additional 1d4 points of fire damage. You must
You can manifest your natural weapons even in humanoid
permanently sacrifice burning hands to gain this effect. Once
activated, this ability lasts for 1 round/class level.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Con 13, Quick Change, alternate
Cobra's Hood (Su): At one with the shadows and the
form special quality.
terrors of the night, you may cause the folds of your neck and
Benefit: You may manifest your hybrid form's natural
upper back to rear up in a startling display of palpable
attacks as a move action while you are in humanoid form. The
menace. You can cause the skin around your neck and
natural attacks deal damage as appropriate for your size; see
shoulders to flare up and form a shape similar to that of a

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
page 176 in the Monster Manual. Once manifested, you may Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters
use the natural attacks for as long as you wish. Ending the that Answer the Call of the Wild)
manifestation of your natural attacks is a move action. Using
this feat is a supernatural effect. STALWART [GENERAL]
Normal: Lycanthropes normally do not have access to their You are particularly sure-footed and resistant to attacks that
natural weapons in humanoid form.
would move you.
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on the opposed Strength
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Animal Ancestry – Characters check made to resist bull rush, overrun, and trip attacks.
that Answer the Call of the Wild)
Note: A normal fighter may not take this feat as a fighter
bonus feat.
SPIRIT SPELL [GENERAL] Special: A thane may select Stalwart as one of his fighter
You can channel your ability to chastise spirits to increase bonus feats. A fighter may not take this feat as a fighter bonus
the power of the next spell you cast. feat.
Prerequisite: Chastise spirits class ability. Suggested Class/Race: Thane (see article for more
Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend four uses of information)
your chastise spirits ability to place an aura on yourself that Dragon Magazine #: 323 (Class Acts – The Thane)
automatically maximizes every spell you cast in the following
round, with no adjustment to spell level. STONE MONKEY [GENERAL]
Normal: A spirit shaman can chastise spirits a number of Your unarmed attack can partially paralyze an opponent's
times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension)
Prerequisites: Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike,
Stunning Fist.
SPIT VENOM [GENERAL] Benefit: With a successful grapple check, you can try to
The venomous creature can spit its venom at creatures from partially disable one of your opponent's arms or legs by
a distance. gripping and twisting it. An opponent subjected to this attack
Prerequisites: Bite attack that delivers poison. must make a successful Fortitude save (DC to + 1/2 your
Benefit: A creature with this feat can shoot poisonous character level + your Wisdom modifier) or take a -2 penalty
spittle at a single target as a standard action. The range of the on all rolls and checks made for actions involving that limb
attack depends on the creature's size, as given on the table For 1d6+1 rounds. Furthermore, all forms of movement
below. The spittle has no range increment. involving that limb are reduced by 5 feet (minimum 0 feet).
No limb can be affected more than once. This attack counts
Spitting Viper Size Range as one of the possible options you can use while grappling
Fine 5 ft. (see Grapple in Chapter 8 of the Player's Handbook) and
Diminutive 10 ft. affects the creature if you succeed at a grapple check.
Tiny 15 ft. Suggested Class/Race: Unarmed fighters
Small 20 ft. Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles)
Medium 25 ft.
Huge 35 ft. The venomous creature can constrict for more damage.
Gargantuan 40 ft. Prerequisites: Constrict attack.
Colossal 45 ft. Benefit: When a creature takes this feat the damage for its
constrict attack increases by one step, as if the creature's size
The target must make a successful Reflex saving Throw had increased by one category: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6,
(DC equals that of the creature's poison) or be blinded for 2d6 2d8, 4d6, 4d8, 8d6, 8d8.
hours. The normal effects of the creature's poison (such as Suggested Class/Race: Follower of Set (see article for
ability damage) do not apply when it is used in this manner. template)
A helmet (included in medium and heavy armors) or other Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Elder Serpents of Set – Servants
face protection, such as a mask, grants the target a +2 of the Lord of Evil)
circumstance bonus on its Reflex save.
Suggested Class/Race: Follower of Set (see article for
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Elder Serpents of Set – Servants You don't mind the smell of even the worst stench.
of the Lord of Evil) Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws made
against any extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like
nauseating or scent-based attack, such as the ghast's stench
SPRINTER [GENERAL] ability or stinking cloud.
You use explosive bursts of speed to bring down prey or Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Down the Drain – Sewers In A
escape from your enemies. Fantasy Campaign)
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Can 15, Run.
Benefit: Three times per day, you may increase your speed
by 10 feet for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution SUPERIOR FLANKING [GENERAL]
bonus. You are skilled at taking advantage of a surrounded
Suggested Class/Race: Lycanthropes opponent.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Prerequisite: Improved flanking class ability (see page 12 Special: A fighter may select Sweeping Trip as one of his
of Complete Warrior). fighter bonus feats.
Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on attack rolls against Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The Tide of Battle)
opponents you flank. All allies who flank with you gain a +3
bonus on attack rolls against the opponents they flank. SWIFT AVENGER [GENERAL]
Normal: A character with improved flanking gains a +4 Your speed and knowledge of nature make you a potent and
bonus on attack rolls against opponents he flanks. vicious predator.
Special: The attack roll bonuses provided by this feat do Prerequisites: Nature sense, skirmish +1d6.
not stack with the attack roll bonuses provided by flanking
Benefit: Your druid and scout levels stack for the purpose
and improved flanking. of determining the extra damage and bonus to Armor Class
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The Tide of Battle) when skirmishing, For example, a 4th-level druid/4th level
scout deals +2d6 points of damage and gains a +2 bonus to AC
You can lessen the outward signs of your existence. Your druid and scout levels also stack for the purpose of
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Stealthy. determining the number of times per day you can wild shape
Benefit: You can avoid detection by creatures with (but not for the size or type of creature available). For
blindsense. example, a 4th-level druid/4th-level scout can change form
By using the Hide skill, you can avoid the notice of into a Small or Medium animal three times per day, but she
creatures with blindsense. Creatures with this ability must does not gain the ability to take the shape of a Large animal.
make a Spot or Listen check (as proves appropriate to the Special: A scout can select Swift Avenger as one of her
creature) to detect you while you are hiding within range of scout bonus feats (COMPLETE ADVENTURER, 13)
their blindsense, just as they would if they were sighted or Dragon Magazine #: 357 (Class Acts – Dirty Priests, Holy
didn't have this ability. You still require cover to disguise Thieves)
your presence and hide from such creatures.
A creature with other means of perceiving you can still use TACTICAL ADVANTAGE [GENERAL]
them to detect you as normal. Your studies into your favored enemies' tactics has taught
Normal: Creatures with blindsense do not need to make you how to better control the battlefield around them.
Spot or Listen checks to detect creatures. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5, favored enemy.
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Take Cover! – Surviving D&D’s Benefits: Select a favored enemy. When fighting a creature
Masters of Movement) of that type you may add your favored enemy bonus on attack
rolls and opposed checks made to perform trip, disarm, and
SUPREMELY CONFIDENT [GENERAL] bull rush attacks. This bonus applies to opposed checks made
With a sneer, a scornful laugh, and a raised eyebrow you against a creature of the chosen type both when you initiate
send the message that you are merely toying with your such an attack and when you defend against it.
opponents. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do
Prerequisite: Perform (act) 7 ranks. not stack. Instead, each time you take the feat you must
Benefit: You may, as a standard action, make a Perform choose a different favored enemy type.
(act) check in place of an Intimidate check made to Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
demoralize an opponent in combat (see page 76 of the Player's Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Favored Enemy
Handbook). In addition, whenever you make a successful Feats)
critical hit you can immediately attempt to demoralize your
target as a free action. TERRIFYING WARRIOR [GENERAL]
Special: A fighter may select Supremely Confident as one Your follow-up attacks can strike fear into the hearts of
of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Players opponents.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack
Suggested Class/Race: Fighter bonus +3.
Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Cultured Benefit: If you make an additional attack thanks to Cleave
Combatants II) and drop your target with that attack, all other opponents
within your reach must make a Will save (DC to + 1/2 your
SWEEPING TRIP [GENERAL] level + your Charisma modifier) or become panicked for 1d4
You can trip opponents in such a way that they fall into rounds. Foes with HD equal to or greater than yours are
adjacent creatures. immune to this effect. This is an extraordinary mind-
Prerequisite: Improved Trip. affecting fear effect.
Benefit: If you successfully trip an opponent, you may Special: A fighter may select Terrifying Warrior as one of
forgo the immediate attack granted by Improved Trip and his fighter bonus feats.
instead immediately make a free trip attempt against a Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – The Tide of Battle)
creature adjacent to both you and the tripped opponent. This
free trip attempt doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity, THEURGIC BOND [GENERAL]
and if it fails, the targeted creature can react to trip you in You uncover secrets to connecting more fully with your
turn. You can only attempt to trip one additional creature per animal companion or familiar from studying another type of
round with this feat. magic.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
Prerequisites: Ability to gain a familiar, ability to gain an from the divination school as a 7th-level caster (even when
animal companion. casting a druid or sorcerer spell).
Benefit: Choose a familiar or animal companion you This does not affect your spells per day or spells known. It
already have. When determining the abilities of your chosen only increases your caster level when casting spells of the
familiar or animal companion, you can combine the levels of appropriate school.
your spellcasting classes that grant either an animal Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that
companion or a familiar. For example, a 4th-level druid/3rd- Combine Class Abilities)
level sorcerer can grant his familiar all of the abilities that a
familiar of a 7th-level sorcerer would normally have. TOUCHED BY ETHER [GENERAL]
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do You are connected to the intangible threads of existence
not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different that lie beyond the Material Plane.
familiar or animal companion. Prerequisite: Cha 13.
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that Benefit: Something about you makes it difficult for
Combine Class Abilities) incorporeal creatures to see you clearly. When on the
Material Plane, you have concealment from incorporeal
THEURGIC CREATIONIST [GENERAL] creatures (20% miss chance).
You can create items using the knowledge gained from all See invisibility does not counteract this effect, but true seeing
of your spellcasting classes. does.
Prerequisites: Any item creation feat, able to cast spells An incorporeal creature that cannot see the subject ignores
from two different spell lists. this effect (although fighting an unseen opponent carries
Benefit: When acquiring item creation feats or when penalties of its own; see page 151 of the Player's Handbook).
creating magic items, you can add together the caster levels This feat has no effect on corporeal or ethereal creatures.
of all your spellcasting classes to determine your caster level. Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Take Cover! – Surviving D&D’s
For example, a 1st-level bard/1st-level cleric/ 3rd-level wizard Masters of Movement)
could gain Craft Wand and create magic items as a 5th-level
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that You are adept at locating, disabling, and evading traps.
Combine Class Abilities) Prerequisite: Knowledge (architecture and engineering) 9
ranks, Investigator or Nimble Fingers.
THEURGIC EMPATHY [GENERAL] Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Search
Your performance knowledge aids you when dealing with checks made to locate and disable traps. In addition, you gain
animals. a +1 bonus on all saving throws made to avoid the ill effects
Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, druid level 1st or of traps.
ranger level 1st. Dragon Magazine #: 347 (Class Acts – Archeologists)
Benefit: When using your wild empathy ability, you can
add your bard levels to your roll. TROPHY HUNTER [GENERAL]
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that You have turned the destruction of your favored enemy
Combine Class Abilities) into a ritual act, gaining additional powers against those you
hunt through the display or consumption of body parts.
THEURGIC MOUNT [GENERAL] Prerequisite: Favored enemy ability.
Your special mount benefits from your arcane knowledge. Benefit: Choose one of your favored enemies and one of
Prerequisites: Ability to gain a paladin special mount, the following trophies. You can use the chosen body part of a
ability to cast arcane spells. chosen favored enemy that you personally kill to temporarily
Benefit: When determining the abilities of your paladin increase your favored enemy abilities against other members
special mount, you can combine the levels of your paladin of the chosen favored enemy's type. The benefits you gain
class with the levels of your arcane spellcasting classes. For depend on the part of the body you utilize. The body part to
example, a 5th-level sorcerer can grant his paladin special be used may be preserved with a gentle repose spell
mount abilities as a 9th-level paladin. (extending its viability for as long as that spell's duration),
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that but nonmagical attempts to preserve it ruin it for the purpose
Combine Class Abilities) of using this feat. All benefits are supernatural mind-affecting
THEURGIC SPECIALIST [GENERAL] Head: Carrying and openly displaying a severed head of
one of your favored enemies allows you to add Intimidate to
Spells from your specialist school benefit from your
the list of skills that benefit from your favored enemy ability
knowledge of other spellcasting classes.
with an additional +1 morale bonus on the check for each
Prerequisites: Specialist wizard level 3rd, any other
head beyond the first. You can gain this bonus from a
spellcasting class level 1st.
maximum of five heads (+4 bonus total). A head lasts for
Benefit: When casting a spell from your specialist school
seven days before it begins to rot beyond effectiveness.
(off the spell list of any spellcasting class you have), you can
Heart: You can consume the strength of a fallen favored
add together the caster levels of all your spellcasting classes
enemy by eating its heart. This requires 1 minute and a
to determine your caster level. For example, a 3rd-level
Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Con modifier). In most
druid/1st-level sorcerer/3rd-level diviner could cast any spell
cases, failure simply means that no benefit comes from eating

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General Feats
the heart, although in the case of alien or unnatural creatures it produces additional side effects as noted below. Creatures
without discernable anatomies (such as constructs, oozes, and Normal: A shugenja gains focus with spells of one element
plants) and undead do not possess viable hearts. through his elemental focus ability.
A single heart grants you a temporary +2 morale bonus on Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension)
attack rolls made against your favored enemy for 10 minutes
per Hit Die of the creature. Eating additional hearts prolongs TUTOR [GENERAL]
the duration of the effect by 5 minutes per Hit Die (up to a
You have a talent for instructing others in the areas of your
maximum of 4 hours), although it does not increase the
Combat Expertise, allowing them to temporarily improve
morale bonus. Hearts must be consumed within 10 minutes
their performance.
of the creature's death.
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You can grant an ally a +2 competence bonus to
Favored Enemy Type Side Effect any skill that you have trained in, including cross-class skills.
Aberration, magical beast, Nauseated 1 round/3 HD of Instructing an ally requires four days of work, and the ally
monstrous humanoid creature loses this bonus if you do not spend one hour each day
Dragon Sickened 1 round/2 HD of creature refreshing her training. You may tutor a total number of
Outsider Damage of 1 hp/HD of creature allies equal to your Intelligence bonus, and each ally may
only receive the bonus to one skill.
Token: You fashion crude jewelry from the bones, eyes, or Suggested Class/Race: Rogue
teeth of your favored enemy. Doing so requires 1 hour and a Dragon Magazine #: 310 (Stealth and Dagger – Options,
DC 15 Survival check. Wearing such tokens strengthens your Combinations, and Prestige Classes for the Revised Rogue)
resolve, granting you a +2 morale bonus on Fortitude saves
made against spell-like and supernatural attacks of your
favored enemy. The token takes up the necklace slot. The TWO−WEAPON ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY
token remains effective for a number of days equal to one- [GENERAL]
half the amount your Survival check exceeded the DC You can exploit an opponent's opening in combat with two
(minimum 1 day). weapons.
Pelt (scalp or hide): The pelt of a favored enemy grants you a Prerequisite: Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon
+2 morale bonus on all attacks made against creatures of the Fighting.
same type. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the end of Benefit: If you are wielding two weapons and you make an
your next encounter with at least one creature of the same attack of opportunity you may make a single melee attack
type. Taking a scalp or cutting off enough recognizable hide with both weapons. You still suffer the normal penalties for
requires 5 minutes + two-weapon fighting. You still cannot exceed your normal
5 minutes per size category above Medium. maximum number of attacks of opportunity in a round.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do Using this feat requires two such attacks.
not stack. Each time you take the feat, you may choose a new Normal: You may only attack with a single weapon as an
trophy and a new favored enemy to apply all your trophy attack of opportunity.
types to. Special: A fighter may select Two-Weapon Attack of
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger Opportunity as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Dragon Magazine #: 332 (Trophy Hunting) Suggested Class/Race: Rogue
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Class Acts – Opportunists)
You can squeeze through tight spaces more easily than VAULT [GENERAL]
normal. While wielding a pole arm you can jump great distances.
Prerequisite: Escape Artist 4 ranks Prerequisite: Str 13+, Jump 4 ranks.
Benefit: When Squeezing (see Player's Handbook, page Benefit: When wielding a pole arm two-handed, the DC for
148) each square counts as 1 square of movement and you a long jump is reduced by 5. In addition, the DC for a high
only suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls. jump is equal to three times the distance to be cleared. If you
Normal: Squeezing causes spaces to count as 2 squares and jump up to grab something, you must drop the pole arm to
the squeezing character suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls. grab the target.
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Down the Drain – Sewers In A Normal: The DC for a high jump is equal to four times the
Fantasy Campaign) distance to be cleared.
Special: A fighter may select Long Strike as one of his
TURN ELEMENTAL [GENERAL] fighter bonus feats.
You can use your sense elements ability, to turn elementals. Dragon Magazine #: 331 (The Point of Pole Arms – A
Prerequisite: Elemental focus class ability. Comprehensive Guide)
Benefit: You can turn or rebuke elementals. By expending
two uses of your sense elements ability, you can turn or destroy VENERABLE ELDER [GENERAL]
a creature of the elemental type opposite your focus element, Your tribe considers you among the wisest and most
or you can rebuke, command, or bolster a creature of your knowledgeable people alive.
focus element. Fire and water are opposites, as are earth and Prerequisites: Leadership, Recognized Elder, Wise Elder,
air. You turn or rebuke elementals as a cleric of your shugenja membership in a tribe, venerable age.
level turns or rebukes undead.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General and Hex Feats
Benefit: Once per day, you may gain a +10 insight bonus WAR CHANT [GENERAL]
on any Diplomacy or Intimidate check. You must declare Your rhythmic singing can impress on others the need for
your intent to use this ability before rolling the check. You haste.
may also gain a cohort with levels in barbarian as if your
Prerequisite: Perform (sing) 7 ranks.
Leadership score were 4 higher (this replaces and does not
Benefit: As long as you chant for 3 rounds prior to the start
stack with the bonus from Recognized Elder or Wise Elder).
of combat you gain a +2 bonus on your initiative check. In
addition, every ally within 30 feet of you who listened to your
VENGEANCE OF NOON [GENERAL] chanting for the entire time gains a +1 morale bonus on their
You can bring your anger to the surface and manifest it in initiative checks. The +1 bonuses granted by this feat stack
the terrible fury of the sun's power. with one another (to a maximum of +4), but provide no
Prerequisite: Born Under a High Sun, Power Attack, further benefit to the users of this feat. Thus, a group
character level 6th. containing four characters with War Chant grants each
Benefits: Your bonus to save against fire effects increases member not chanting a +4 morale bonus on initiative checks.
to +4. Once per day as a swift action, you may call forth the Chanting to use this feat requires only a free action to begin
anger of the sun to immolate one 0f your weapons. Your and maintain, but the character cannot take any other verbal
weapon gains the properties of a flaming weapon for a action while chanting.
number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier Special: A fighter may select War Chant as one of his
(minimum 1). Projectile weapons bestow this property on fighter bonus feats.
their ammunition. Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (The Eternal Light – The Sun and Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Cultured
It’s Role In D&D) Combatants II)


The darkness spoke to you, and to your eternal regret you You are especially gifted at casting spells with the water
listened, plunging your hand into a nest of stinging, crawling descriptor.
insects. Benefit: Any spells you cast that have the water descriptor
Prerequisites: Ability to prepare and cast contagion, gain a +1 bonus to their save DC. This bonus stacks with the
required sacrifice. bonus granted by Spell Focus. You also gain a +1 bonus to all
Sacrifice: You must give up the normal usage of one of saving throws made against spells with the water descriptor.
your hands, making it home to a colony of insects like ants or Suggested Class/Race: Darkwater Guardian (see article for
termites. You may no longer use two-handed weapons or more information)
equipment. Further, the sight of your hand inspires fear and Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Guardians of the Deepest Seas –
loathing in all who see it, imposing a -4 penalty on all Water Spells and Feats from the Underdark)
Charisma-based skills or checks, except Intimidate, for which
you instead gain a +2 bonus. This penalty also applies to any WE FEW, WE HAPPY FEW [GENERAL]
skill that requires both hands to use (such as Climb, Open
Using your natural flair for public speaking your eloquence
Lock, or Use Rope).
may bolster the hearts of allies.
Effect: You may, as a standard action, make a melee touch
Prerequisite: Perform (oratory) 7 ranks.
attack with your vermin-covered hand. This attack deals 1d6
Benefit: Following a 1-minute speech, you may make a
points of damage + your Intelligence modifier. In addition,
Perform (oratory) check. Any ally who listened to and
you are always considered armed for the purpose of making
understood your speech (for the full minute) may use the
or avoiding attacks of opportunity.
result of this check as his next Will save if made within the
Special: A wizard may select Verminous Grail as a wizard
next 10 minutes. The character must decide whether to use
bonus feat.
the result of the Perform check before attempting his own
Suggested Class/Race: Wizard
Will save.
Dragon Magazine #: 336 (Class Acts – Dark Pacts)
Special: A fighter may select We Few, We Happy Few as
one of his fighter bonus feats.
VOICE OF THE MAGE [GENERAL] Suggested Class/Race: Fighter
Prerequisites: Int 13, arcane caster level 16th. Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Class Acts – Cultured
Benefit: You can alter and modulate your voice to give you Combatants II)
a host of different vocal effects, making you sound terrifying
or alien. You gain a +1 bonus on Disguise, Intimidate, and WEDDED TO THE LIGHT [GENERAL]
Perform checks made when using your voice.
Your connection to the Positive Energy Plane and the
In addition, you can speak in a normal tone, or even a
forces of life itself allow you to turn your familiar into a
whisper, to creatures within 1 mile. You may choose to cause
living vessel of light and energy.
specific listeners (rather than all within shouting distance) to
Prerequisite: Good alignment, ability to summon a
hear your voice, but you must be aware of their presence and
general location. No line of sight or line of effect is needed,
Benefit: As you advance in levels you gain a number of
additional abilities when interacting with your familiar.
Dragon Magazine #: 359 (Class Acts – Arcane Lore
These abilities are in addition to those normally granted to or
by your familiar.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
General and Hex Feats
At 1st level, you can, at will, order your familiar to glow as a HEX FEATS
free action, producing light equal to a torch.
The hexblade’s most visible and unique
Beginning at 5th level, you can, once per day, touch your
ability is the curse. With his curse the
familiar and channel a surge of positive energy that heals it
hexblade reduces the potency of his
for 1d6 points of damage + 1 per class level. This requires a
enemies, causing them to suffer
move action. penalties in combat. Hexblade
At 9th level, you can, once per day, convert your familiar
experimenters have developed and
into pure positive energy for 1 minute. During that time,
codified a number of new abilities
your familiar emits positive energy in a 2o-foot-radius
based on their ability to curse. Some
emanation. Undead within the emanation take 1 point of
of these abilities modify a hexblade’s
damage per round, while living creatures other than you or
curse and are known as hex feats.
your familiar gain fast healing 1 while within this aura. After Unless otherwise noted, the new curse
producing this emanation for 1 minute, your familiar
ability provided by a hex feat has a duration
disappears into the Positive Energy Plane for 24 hours,
of 1 hour, as with the normal hexblade’s
during which time you gain no benefits of having a familiar.
curse. Taking a hex feat gives the hexblade
Activating this ability is a standard action.
greater flexibility, as he can choose to use his
Beginning at 13th level, your familiar's loyalty and
normal curse or the new curse granted by the
devotion, when coupled with its connection to the Positive hex feat. The alternative curse granted by a
Energy Plane, allows it to sacrifice itself to save your life. If
hex feat affects its target differently
able to reach your body within 1 round of your death, your
depending on the curse’s level (hexblade’s
familiar can unleash a conflagration of positive energy that
curse, greater hexblade’s curse, and dire
consumes it utterly but returns you to life, stable but at -1 hit
hexblade’s curse).
points. You suffer none of the ill effects that normally come
from returning to life (including level loss), but you
automatically lose the full 200 XP per class level for the death CURSE OF DISTRACTION [HEX]
of your familiar. Due to the special nature of its sacrifice you Your hexblade’s curse can distract your opponent, making
can summon a new familiar after waiting only one month. spellcasting difficult for him.
At 17th level, you and your familiar gain fast healing 1 as Prerequisites: Any other hex feat, curse ability.
long as you both have at least 1 hit point and are within 5 feet Benefit: When using your hexblade’s curse ability, your
of one another. victim must make a Concentration check in order to cast a
Special: Whenever you cast a spell with the darkness, spell. As a hexblade’s curse the DC equals 15 + spell level. As a
death, or evil descriptor you lose access to all benefits of this greater hexblade’s curse the DC equals 20 + spell level. As a
feat for the next 24 hours. dire hexblade’s curse the DC equals 25 + spell level.
A wizard may take Wedded To The Light as a wizard bonus Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses)
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Class Acts – Arcane Feats) CURSE OF FAILURE [HEX]
Choose a saving throw. Your hexblade’s curse reduces your
WISE ELDER [GENERAL] victim’s ability to succeed with those saves.
Your tribe recognizes the assets of your great wisdom and Prerequisite: Curse ability.
knowledge. Benefit: When using your hexblade’s curse ability, you
Prerequisites: Leadership, Recognized Elder, membership may choose to impose a –4 penalty on the saves of the chosen
in a tribe, old age. saving throw attempted by your victim. As a greater
Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a Diplomacy or hexblade’s curse the penalty increases to –6. As a dire
Intimidate check made to influence a member of your tribe. hexblade’s curse the penalty becomes –8.
You must take the result of the second roll even if worse than Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses)
the original. You may also gain a cohort with levels in
barbarian as if your Leadership score were 4 higher (this CURSE OF IGNORANCE [HEX]
replaces and does not stack with the bonus from Recognized Choose two skills. Your hexblade’s curse can reduce your
Elder). victim’s ability to use those skills.
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarian Prerequisite: Curse ability.
Dragon Magazine #: 334 (Class Acts – Council of Elders) Benefit: When using your hexblade’s curse ability, you
may choose to impose a –5 penalty on all skill checks of the
ZEN FORTITUDE [GENERAL] chosen skills made by your victim. As a greater hexblade’s
Your intuitive control of your body allows you to withstand curse the penalties increase to –10. As a dire hexblade’s curse
physical hardships. the penalties become –15.
Prerequisite: Ki power. Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses)
Benefit: Add your Wisdom modifier (instead of your
Constitution modifier) on Fortitude saves. Using this feat CURSE OF PARANOIA [HEX]
does not expend a daily use of your ki power. Its effects are Your hexblade’s curse causes your victim to become
always active. paranoid, forcing him to watch his back for enemies that
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja don’t exist.
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Historical Ninjas) Prerequisites: Any other hex feat, curse ability.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Hex and Item Creation Feats
Benefit: When using your hexblade’s curse ability, the EXTRA CURSE [GENERAL]
bonus your allies receive due to flanking increases to +3 You can use your hexblade’s curse more often.
against your victim. As a greater hexblade’s curse the bonus
Prerequisites: Curse ability.
increases to +4. As a dire hexblade’s curse the bonus increases
Benefit: You may use your hexblade’s curse ability one
to +6.
extra time per day.
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses)
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effect
CURSE OF SLOTH [HEX] Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses)
Your hexblade’s curse can slow your victim.
Prerequisites: Any other hex feat, curse ability. FOE OF THE UNLUCKY [HEX]
Benefit: When using your hexblade’s curse ability, you can You may use your manipulation of bad luck to hamper your
choose to cut your victim’s movement by one-quarter (round
down). This affects all his forms of movement. As a greater
Prerequisites: Curse ability.
hexblade’s curse you cut his movement in half. As a dire
Benefit: You may spend a daily use of your hexblade’s curse
hexblade’s curse you cut his movement by 3/4 speed
ability to force an enemy who just confirmed a critical hit to
(minimum 5 feet).
reroll his confirmation roll. He must take the result of the
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses)
second roll. You may not use this ability more than once per
CURSE OF THE SOFTENED BLADE [HEX] Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses)
Your hexblade’s curse hampers your enemy’s weapons.
Prerequisites: Any other two hex feats, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade’s curse ability, you can ITEM CREATION FEATS
reduce the potency of one of your victim’s weapons. As a Spellcasters can use their personal power to create lasting
hexblade’s curse the cursed weapon deals –2 points of magic items. Doing so, however, is draining. A spellcaster
damage (minimum 1 point of damage). As a greater must put a little of himself or herself into every magic item
hexblade’s curse the weapon deals –4 points of damage he or she creates.
(minimum 1 point of damage). As a dire hexblade’s curse the An item creation feat lets a spellcaster create a magic item
weapon deals –6 points of damage (minimum 1 point of of a certain type. Regardless of the type of items they involve,
damage). the various item creation feats all have certain features in
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses) common.
XP Cost: Power and energy that the spellcaster would
normally have is expended when making a magic item. The
CURSE OF THE STRICKEN [HEX] XP cost equals 1/25 the cost of the item in gold pieces (see
Your hexblade’s curse hampers your enemy’s armor. the DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE for item costs). A character
Prerequisites: Any other two hex feats, curse ability. cannot spend so much XP on an item that he or she loses a
Benefit: When using your hexblade’s curse ability, you can level. However, upon gaining enough XP to attain a new
reduce the protective quality of your victim’s armor. As a level, he or she can immediately expend XP on creating an
hexblade’s curse the victim’s armor bonus decreases by –2 item rather than keeping the XP to advance a level.
(minimum +0 armor bonus). As a greater hexblade’s curse the Raw Materials Cost: Creating a magic item requires costly
victim’s armor bonus decreases by –4 (minimum +0 armor components, most of which are consumed in the process. The
bonus). As a dire hexblade’s curse the victim’s armor bonus cost of these materials equals half the cost of the item.
decreases by –6 (minimum +0 armor bonus). For example, at 12th level, Mialee the wizard gains the feat
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses) Forge Ring, and she creates a ring of deflection +3. The cost
of the ring is 18,000 gp, so it costs her 720 XP plus 9,000 gp to
Your curses are more potent. Using an item creation feat also requires access to a
Prerequisites: Curse ability. laboratory or magical workshop, special tools, and so on. A
Benefit: Your hexblade’s curse bestows penalties 1 point character generally has access to what he or she needs unless
greater than normal. Thus, your hexblade’s curse imposes –3 unusual circumstances apply (if the character is traveling far
penalties instead of –2 penalties, your greater hexblade’s from home, for instance).
curse imposes –5 penalties instead of –4 penalties, and your Time: The time to create a magic item depends on the feat
dire hexblade’s curse imposes –7 penalties instead of –6 and the cost of the item. The minimum time is one day.
penalties. Item Cost: Brew Potion, Craft Wand, and Scribe Scroll
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses) create items that directly reproduce spell effects, and the
power of these items depends on their caster level—that is, a
spell from such an item has the power it would have if cast by
EXTEND CURSE [HEX] a spellcaster of that level. A wand of fireball at caster level 8th,
Your hexblade’s curse lasts significantly longer. for example, would create fireballs that deal 8d6 points of
Prerequisites: Curse ability. damage and have a range of 720 feet. The price of these items
Benefit: Your hexblade’s curse lasts for one day. (and thus the XP cost and the cost of the raw materials) also
Normal: Your hexblade’s curse lasts for 1 hour. depends on the caster level. The caster level must be high
Dragon Magazine #: 339 (Class Acts – Hexblade Curses) enough that the spellcaster creating the item can cast the
spell at that level. To find the final price in each case,

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Item Creation Feats
multiply the caster level by the spell level, then multiply
the result by a constant, as shown below: DESIGNING ALTERNATIVE SCROLLS
Scrolls: Base price = spell level × caster level × 25 gp. Most players imagine a scroll as a spool of paper with arcane writing on
Potions: Base price = spell level × caster level × 50 gp. it. The wizard unfurls it, speaks a mystic cant, and releases the spell held
Wands: Base price = spell level × caster level × 750 gp. within. Any single-use magic item with spell-completion activation can
A 0-level spell is considered to have a spell level of 1/2 serve the same function if balanced against the scroll. If you remove a
for the purpose of this calculation. limitation, you should replace it with something equally inconvenient or
Extra Costs: Any potion, scroll, or wand that stores a remove a benefit. Consider the following when designing disposable
spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also arcana.
carries a commensurate cost. For potions and scrolls, the A rip, flame, or splash of spilled ale can ruin a portable but highly fragile
creator must expend the material component or pay the scroll. Only characters with arcane training can use a scroll, and the spell
XP cost when creating the item. For a wand, the creator disappears completely once cast. In addition, a wizard may learn spells
must expend fifty copies of the material component or pay from scrolls, so whatever alternative you choose must be decipherable via
fifty times the XP cost. read magic, which allows a wizard to copy the spell into a spellbook.
Some magic items similarly incur extra costs in material Each type of disposable arcana requires its own feat, functionally
components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. For equivalent to Scribe Scroll. Knowing how to scribe a scroll doesn't enable
example, a ring of three wishes costs 15,000 XP in addition you to notch a rune stick, for example. Creation costs should remain
to its normal price (as many XP as it costs to cast wish consistent with those of scrolls.
three times).
CHAMELEON CRAFTING [ITEM Ancient Teutonic and Norse magicians didn't have spellbooks or scrolls-
their arcane tongue was lettered in runes carved into trees or stone. To
CREATION] store their spells for later use, these primitive casters carefully notched
You can craft magic items that can duplicate psionic magic words onto thin sticks of sacred wood, 6 to 8 inches long. TO use,
powers, or psionic items that duplicate magic powers. the spellcaster snaps the rune-stick and speaks aloud the proper ritualized
Prerequisites: Any one item creation feat, ability to cast phrase.
1st-level spells, ability to manifest 1st-level powers. Feat: Notch Rune-Stick. The rune-stick must come from ring-free
Benefit: You can place any spell or a power that you heartwood. Rare herbs and sometimes expensive vital animal essences are
know into any items you create. The item crafted made into pastes and rubbed into the notches over time to empower the
determines if the effect is magical or psionic. For example, magic.
a psion/sorcerer with the Imprint Stone feat could create
a psionic shocking grasp stone. Likewise, if the same
character had the Brew Potion feat, she could create a JARS
magic potion of my light. The XP cost for an item created Taking inspiration from Egyptian canopic jars, a desert-dwelling
with this feat equals 1.5 times the item's standard XP cost. arcanist infuses spell energy into liquids sealed into ceramic vessels,
Dragon Magazine #: 349 (Class Acts – Psiotheurgy) glazed and painted with numerous colorful glyphs.
Upon breaking the jar, the wizard frees the essence of the spell held
within, awaiting the words of the caster to give it final Form.
CRAFT CONSTRUCT [ITEM CREATION] Feat: Infuse Jar. The purest clays are shaped into small jars upon which
The creature can create golems and other magic hieroglyphs are then painted with fine pigments. Inside the jars are long-
automatons that obey its orders. stewing infusions of water-herbs and the dew collected from certain
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft savanna flowers.
Wondrous Item
Benefit: A creature with this feat can create any
construct whose prerequisites it meets. Enchanting a POWDERS
construct takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its market Frequently used by practitioners of Voodoo and occasionally appearing
price. To enchant a construct, a spell caster must spend in the stories and folklore of other cultures, magic powders are
1/25 the item’s price in XP and use up raw materials underrepresented in D&D. Packets of specific powders and granules can
coasting half of this price (see Golem, Homunculus, and store the magi-cal energy of spells as easily as markings on paper. A
Shield Guardian monster entries for details). wizard uses a powder by sprinkling it, casting it into the air, or blowing it
A creature with this feat can repair constructs that have from the hand.
taken damage. In one day of work, the creature can repair Feat: Mix Powder. The various ingredients (salts, spices, or ground
up to 20 points of damage by expending 50 gp per point of minerals and plants) found in powders naturally account for the greatest
damage repaired. A newly created construct has average part of their cost. Most wizards keep their powders stored in small paper
hit points for its Hit Dice. envelopes held within waterproof leather pouches.
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (Beasts of the Battlefield –
War Constructs and Creatures) USING ALTERNATIVES
A wizard finding a spell jar might not immediately recognize its use.
ETCH RUNE [ITEM CREATION] Detect magic reveals its magical nature normally and read magic gives the
You can create runes. wizard the proper instruction to complete the spell. Similarly, a rogue
Prerequisite: Scribe Scroll. with the Use Magic Device skill may attempt to use the item (DC 20 +
Benefit: You can create a rune of any spell you know. caster level) once she deciphers its use (DC 25 + spell level) but likely
Scribing a rune takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base doesn't recognize the item for what it is. In either case, a DC 20
price. The base price of a rune equals its spell level x caster Knowledge (arcana) check reveals its true nature.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Item Creation and Ki Feats
level x 75 gp. To etch a rune, you must spend 1/25 of this base effectiveness you may automatically treat that jutsu as if you
price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this had spent one additional daily use of your ki power for free.
base price. You may spend actual daily uses of your ki power on top of
Any rune that stores a spell with a costly material this virtual daily use.
component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Art of Kuji-In)
expend the material component or pay the XP when scribing
Note: Any creature that touches a rune gains full
You may channel your ki power into healing and banishing
knowledge of what magic the symbol holds, how it works,
weariness from your body.
what the limitations are, and how to active it, conveyed as a
Prerequisite: Ki power.
command word and instinctual details spoken directly to the
Benefit: You can spend one daily use of ki power to heal
rune holder's mind. Activating a rune requires a standard
yourself a number of hit points equal to half your ninja level
action as the bearer holds the rune and speaks its command
(minimum 1) multiplied by your Wisdom bonus.
word. Upon doing so, the rune's spell is cast as if by a
Alternatively, you may instead spend one daily use to remove
spellcaster of the rune's caster level. Once invoked, the rune
the fatigue condition or reduce the exhausted condition to
disappears from whatever surface bore it, and it cannot be
used again.
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Silicon Sorcery –
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Historical Ninjas)
Gothic III)


You may channel your ki power into melee attacks.
All ki feats require ki power, and unless
Prerequisite: Ki power, sudden strike ability +2d6.
otherwise noted, cost one of the ninja's
Benefit: You can spend one daily use of ki
daily ki power uses. Using a ki feat is a
power to grant yourself a bonus on your next
swift action that does not provoke an
melee attack roll equal to your Wisdom
attack of opportunity. Additionally, in
bonus. You also deal extra damage equal
order to use a jutsu the ninja must have
to your ninja level plus your current pool
both hands free and empty. In some cases,
of ki power uses (not counting the ki use
a ninja may expend a daily use of his ki power as a
spent to activate this feat).
free action to maintain a jutsu's ability he is already
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
using without reforming the justu's gestures. The
DC to save against a ninja's jutsu equals 10 + 1/2 Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts –
his ninja levels + his Wisdom modifier, and his Historical Ninjas)
caster level equals his ninja level. Unless
otherwise noted, a jutsu's effect is an RABBIT PRINCE JUTSU [KI]
extraordinary ability, even if it is based on a You can suppress your ki to focus
spell. on your smallness in comparison to
the vastness of the cosmos. Your
HIDDEN KINGDOM JUTSU steps become light and time
loosens its hold on you.
[KI] Prerequisite: Ghost step
Your ki can roil from you like a (invisible) ability.
shadowy mist, perplexing your Benefit: You can spend one daily
pursuers and immersing them in a use of your ki power to move as if
dreamlike landscape. under the effects of an expeditious retreat spell for 1
Prerequisite: Ghost strike round. In addition, when under the effect of the Rabbit
ability. Prince Jutsu your jump distance is not limited by your
Benefit: You can spend one daily use of your ki power to height.
create an effect similar to the spell hallucinatory terrain, with Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
the following modifications. The effect's range is a 4o-foot Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Art of Kuji-In)
radius emanating from you, and the duration is 1 round. You
can expend additional uses of your ki power to maintain the
effect for2 additional rounds per use spent.
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja You can vibrate your hands to disrupt material harmonics.
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Art of Kuji-In) Prerequisite: Ki dodge ability.
Benefit: You can spend one daily use of your ki power to
cause your hands to vibrate intensely for the remainder of
JUTSU FOCUS [GENERAL] your turn. Any successful unarmed attack you make that
Your jutsu are especially formidable. round against an object also causes that object to be affected
Prerequisite: At least two ki feats. as though by a knock spell or a targeted shatter spell. You
Benefit: The DC of any save made to resist any of your choose which effect to create at the time of your attack.
jutsu increases by +2. In addition, if a jutsu allows you to Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
expend additional uses of your ki power to increase its Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Art of Kuji-In)

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Ki and Psionic Feats
RIVER EEL JUTSU [KI] Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Art of Kuji-In)
A vibrating, shimmering field of ki
surrounds you and allows you to move with WIND OXEN JUTSU [KI]
little friction. You can drive back an opponent with the force of your ki.
Prerequisite: Ki dodge ability. Prerequisite: Ghost strike ability.
Benefit: You can spend one daily use of Benefit: You can spend one daily use of your ki power to
your ki power to move as if under the perform a bull rush attack on an adjacent target (see Player's
effects of a freedom of movement spell for 1 Handbook, page 154). You do not, however, need to actually
round. touch the target, nor do you provoke an attack of
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja opportunity. You make a special bull rush check with a bonus
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – equal to your Wisdom modifier + one-half your ninja class
The Art of Kuji-In) level. You may expend additional daily uses of your ki power
to gain a cumulative +4 bonus on your check per daily use
SHADOW PUPPET JUTSU [KI] spent. You cannot move along with the target if you win
the opposed check, but the target is still driven back an
The symbols and gestures of this jutsu
additional 5 feet for each 5 points by which your check
seem so complex and speedy that they
exceeds your target's.
bewilder the viewer. In fact, you are
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
subtly infiltrating his mind with your
ki. Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Art of
Prerequisite: Ki dodge ability.
Benefit: You can spend one daily
use of your ki power to distract a WOLF'S BITE [KI]
single creature within 30 feet that You temporarily master special attacks.
A ninja removes his disguise
can see you and that fails a Will save. Prerequisite: Ki power.
after a successful assassination.
A distracted creature is flat-footed Benefit: You can spend one daily use of ki power to
until the beginning of its next turn. gain access to Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, and
This is a mind-affecting effect. Improved Trip for 1 round.
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja Suggested Class/Race: Ninja
Dragon Magazine #: 342 (Class Acts – The Art of Kuji-In) Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Historical Ninjas)


You may use your ki power to assist your performance of Psionic feats are available only to characters and creatures
most skills. with the ability to manifest powers. (In other words, they
Prerequisite: Wis 13, ki power (ghost strike). either have a power point reserve or have psi-like abilities.)
Benefit: You can spend one daily use of ki power to grant Because psionic feats are supernatural abilities—a
yourself a bonus on all skill checks equal to your Wisdom departure from the general rule that feats do not grant
bonus (minimum +1) for a number of rounds equal to one- supernatural abilities—they cannot be disrupted in combat
fifth your ninja level (minimum 1 round). For example, a 3rd- (as powers can be) and generally do not provoke attacks of
level ninja with Wisdom 13 gains a +7 bonus on all skill opportunity (except as noted in their descriptions).
checks for 1 round, while a 17th-level ninja with Wisdom 20 Supernatural abilities are not subject to power resistance and
gains a +5 bonus on all skill checks for 3 rounds. cannot be dispelled; however, they do not function in areas
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja where psionics is suppressed, such as a null psionics field.
Dragon Magazine #: 351 (Class Acts – Historical Ninjas) Leaving such an area immediately allows psionic feats to be
THOUSAND FACES JUTSU [KI] Many psionic feats can be used only when you are
You recall and mimic the subtle ki frequencies of others, psionically focused; others require you to expend your
obscuring your true spirit and clouding the minds of those psionic focus to gain their benefit. Expending your psionic
who view you. focus does not require an action; it is part of another action
Prerequisite: Ghost step (invisible) ability. (such as using a feat). When you expend your psionic focus, it
Benefit: You can spend one daily use of your ki power to applies only to the action for which you expended it. For
change your form for 1 minute, as the spell alter self, except example, if you use the Deep Impact feat (which requires you
the new form must be of your same size and type. You gain to expend your psionic focus), you cannot use the Psionic
none of the movement or combat benefits of the new form. Weapon feat for the same attack, because you expended your
Any wings, fins, or other body parts that grant an actual focus to use Deep Impact. See the Concentration skill
creature of the chosen kind an alternative form of movement description on page 37 of the EXPANDED PSIONICS HANDBOOK
are merely decorative and nonfunctional on you. for information on gaining your psionic focus.
You can spend two daily uses of your ki power to assume
the form of a specific creature of your type for 1 minute. ADAMANTINE MIND BLADE [PSIONIC]
Anyone who knows the specific creature you are emulating Your mind blade is as strong and sharp as adamantine.
gains a bonus on her Spot check to see through your disguise Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, ability to form a mind
as described on page 73 of the Player's Handbook. blade.
Suggested Class/Race: Ninja

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Psionic Feats
Benefit: Your mind blade acts in all ways is if made of Benefit: When you make a successful critical hit with a
adamantine. It overcomes damage reduction as an melee or ranged attack, the attack is treated as if it had been
adamantine weapon. made with a ghost touch weapon for the purpose of affecting
Normal: Mind blades have hardness 1o and 1o hit points. incorporeal creatures. (That is, you are not subject to the
Special: You cannot take this feat if you already have Silver normal miss chance for an incorporeal target.) Your weapon
Mind Blade. or natural weapon actually appears to become briefly
Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife incorporeal at the moment the attack is made.
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats) You must maintain psionic focus to use this feat.
Dragon Magazine #: 316 (Expanded Psionics Preview #2)
Your mind blade overcomes one form of alignment-based GHOST ATTACK, GREATER [PSIONIC]
damage reduction. Your deadly strikes against incorporeal foes always find
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, ability to form a mind their marks.
blade. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, Ghost Attack.
Benefit: Choose an alignment: chaotic, evil, good, or Benefit: When you make a successful melee or ranged
lawful. Your mind blade gains this alignment, allowing it to attack, the attack is treated as if it had been made with a ghost
overcome the appropriate form of damage reduction. The touch weapon for the purpose of affecting incorporeal
chosen alignment cannot be the opposite of your alignment. creatures. (That is, you are not subject to the normal miss
For example, a neutral good character could not choose evil, chance for an incorporeal target.) Your weapon or natural
while a chaotic evil character could not choose good or weapon actually appears to become briefly incorporeal at the
lawful. A neutral character may choose any alignment, moment the attack is made.
Special: You may take this feat twice. You must choose a You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat.
different alignment each time you take it. You cannot choose Dragon Magazine #: 316 (Expanded Psionics Preview #2)
an alignment opposite one you have already chosen.
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats) You always make good on your threats.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, Instinctive
You are able to convert spell energy from one of your Benefit: Whenever you threaten a living foe with a critical
spellcasting classes into psionic energy. hit in a melee attack, you can choose to confirm the critical
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, ability to automatically.
manifest 1st-level powers. You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat.
Benefit: You can sacrifice spell slots or prepared spells to Normal: Any hit that threatens a critical must be con-
gain additional power points. You gain a number of power firmed with an additional successful attack roll.
points equal to 1.5 x spell level. You cannot sacrifice 0-level Dragon Magazine #: 316 (Expanded Psionics Preview #2)
spells in this way. You can only sacrifice spells when you
regain your daily allotment of power points. You cannot INSTINCTIVE DISPATCHER [PSIONIC]
sacrifice a spell slot or prepared spell of a higher level than You are more likely than normal to slay your foes in
the highest level power you can manifest. For example, you combat.
cannot sacrifice a 3rd-level spell slot if you can only manifest Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3,
2nd-level powers. Benefit: Once per round, when you reduce a living foe to
Dragon Magazine #: 349 (Class Acts – Psiotheurgy) negative hit points through any means, you can perform a
coup de grace against that foe as a free action that does not
EXTRA UNIQUE POWER [PSIONIC] provoke an attack of opportunity.
If you take this feat, you can manifest one more unique You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat, and
power per day. you must have a free action available at the time. (Normally,
Prerequisite: Possess the unique powers per day class you can take only one free action per round.)
ability. Normal: The coup de grace action normally requires a full-
Benefit: Choose a power level from which you can already round action and provokes an attack of opportunity.
manifest powers (1st through 9th). From now on, you can Dragon Magazine #: 316 (Expanded Psionics Preview #2)
manifest one more unique power per day from among the
powers you know of this level. MIND DAGGERS [PSIONIC]
Special: You can takes this feat multiple times; however, You may form several small mind blades each round.
you can’t take it more than once per character level. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, ability to form a mind
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (The Erudite – Scholar-Thieves blade, throw mind blade ability, free draw ability
of Thought) Benefit: You may form a mind blade more than once a
round, but each mind blade formed after the first has its
GHOST ATTACK [PSIONIC] enhancement bonus cumulatively decreased by 1 (minimum
Your deadly strikes against incorporeal foes always find +o). Thus, if you can create a +4 mind blade, your second mind
their marks. blade created with this ability is a +3 mind blade, your third is
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3. a +2, and soon (your mind blade always acts as a magic
weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction).

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Psionic Feats
You can only create one dagger with a +o enhancement psionic character (Expanded Psionics Handbook, 37). You gain
bonus. Every blade formed with this ability is a dagger psionic focus automatically in this way and do not need to
appropriate to your size (1d4 points of damage for Medium make a Concentration check. If you expend your psionic
creatures or 1d3 for Small). You may throw these daggers focus gained because of this feat, you also lose the virtual
using the standard mind blade range increment (3o feet). power point from your sacrificed spell and must sacrifice
Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife another 1st-level spell or spell slot to regain it.
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats) If you already have psionic focus from another source,
sacrificing a spell slot or prepared spell to this feat grants you
Dragon Magazine #: 349 (Class Acts – Psiotheurgy)
You may use the power of your mind to form a shield as
well as a blade_
Prerequisites: Ability to form a +1 mind blade, shape mind MYSTIC STABILITY [PS10NIC]
blade ability. Your spells can safeguard you from the backlash of a wild
Benefit: You can split your mind blade into a mind blade surge.
and a mind shield. The blade is your standard mind blade Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, psychic
with an enhancement bonus 1 lower than you would enervation class ability.
otherwise create, as usual for splitting your mind blade. The Benefit: Whenever you invoke a wild surge, you may
mind shield has all the statistics of a light shield (including immediately sacrifice a prepared spell or an available spell
armor check penalty), with an enhancement bonus 1 lower slot to reduce the chance of suffering psychic enervation by
than you would create as a single mind blade. If you shield 5% per spell level. A cleric may not sacrifice a domain spell in
bash with your mind shield it counts as a magic weapon, but this way.
it does not gain the benefits from your mind blade Dragon Magazine #: 349 (Class Acts – Psiotheurgy)
enhancement bonus or special abilities.
A mind shield has hardness and hit points equal to your OVERCHANNEL [PSIONIC]
mind blade.
You burn your life force to strengthen your powers.
Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife
Benefit: While manifesting a power, you can increase your
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats) effective manifester level by one, but in so doing you take
1d8 points of damage. At 8th level, you can choose to increase
MIND SHIELD, GREATER [PSIONIC] your effective manifester level by two, but you take 3d8
You form a mind shield with great versatility. points of damage. At 15th level, you can increase your
Prerequisites: Mind Shield, ability to form a +2 mind blade, effective manifester level by three, but you take 5d8 points of
shape mind blade ability. damage.
Benefit: When you form a mind shield, you may create The effective increase in manifester level increases the
either a light or a heavy shield. You may change between number of power points you can expend on a single power
these two shields types as a full-round action. manifestation, as well as increasing all manifester level-
Additionally, you may grant your mind shield special dependent effects, such as range, duration, and overcoming
abilities. You may choose a number of abilities from the power resistance.
following list whose total enhancement bonus value does not Normal: Your manifester level is equal
exceed your mind blade special ability enhancement value. to your total levels in classes that
You may reassign the abilities to your shield at the same time manifest powers.
you reassign abilities for your mind blade. Dragon Magazine #: 317
(Expanding Psionics Preview #3 –
Armor Special Ability Enhancement Bonus Value Psionic Power)
Bashing +1
Fortification, Light +1 PRACTICED MIND BLADE
Arrow Deflection +2
Power Resistance (13) * +2 [PSIONIC]
Ghost Touch +3 Your mind blade is more powerful.
Fortification, Moderate +3 Prerequisites: Concentration 4 ranks, ability to
Power Resistance (15)* +3 form a mind blade.
In Expand Psionics Handbook Benefit: You are treated as having 4 more levels
of soulknife for the purpose of manifesting
Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife your mind blade (increasing its
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats) enhancement bonus and its special
abilities). This benefit cannot grant you an
effective soulknife level greater than your
MYSTIC FOCUS [PSIONIC] Hit Dice. However, even if you can't
You can tap your innate magical powers to create a reserve benefit from the full bonus
of mystic energy. immediately, if you later gain Hit
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. Dice from levels that do not A mind blade is more than
Benefit: As a swift action, you may sacrifice a 1st-level spell improve your mind blade, you just a weapon, it expresses
slot or prepared spell to gain a virtual power point. This might be able to apply the rest of the soulknife’s self.
virtual power point allows you to gain psionic focus as a the bonus.

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Psionic Feats
For example, a human 6th-level soulknife/3rd-level ranger a power from the corresponding discipline, your total
would have an effective soulknife level of 9th (because he has manifester level equals your caster level plus your manifester
9 Hit Dice), thus allowing him to manifest a +2 mind blade level.
with a +1 special ability equivalent. If he later increased his
ranger level to 4th (increasing his total Hit Dice to 10) he
could take full advantage of this feat, manifesting his mind School (subschool) Discipline
blade as a 10th-level soul knife and increasing his mind Conjuration (healing) Psychometabolism
blade's special abilities to a +2 special ability equivalent. Conjuration (teleportation) Psychoportation
This feat affects only the mind blade's enhancement bonus Conjuration (all others) Metacreativity
and special abilities. It does not grant any other soulknife Divination Clairsentience
abilities such as improved psychic strike, throw mind blade, Enchantment Telepathy
or the like. Evocation Psychokinesis
Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife Illusion (shadow) Metacreativity
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats) Illusion (all others) Telepathy
Transmutation Psychometabolism
PSIOMANCER [PSIONIC] (targeting creatures only)
You can convert psionic energy into arcane or divine
energy. This feat does not increase your spells per day or power
Prerequisite: Ability to prepare spells, ability to cast 1st- points per day, nor does it grant you the ability to cast spells
level spells, ability to manifest 1st-level powers. or manifest powers of a higher level than you can normally
Benefit: You can spend power points to prepare an cast or manifest; it only increases your caster level and
additional spell. You must expend a number of power points manifester level when casting a spell of the chosen school or
equal to [2 x spell level] +1. You can only sacrifice power manifesting a power of the chosen discipline.
points when you prepare spells. You may only gain one Special: You may take Psiotheurgist multiple times. Each
additional spell per day using this feat. You cannot use power time you take the feat, it applies to a new school of magic.
points to prepare a spell of a higher level than you could Dragon Magazine #: 349 (Class Acts – Psiotheurgy)
normally cast. For example, you cannot sacrifice 9 power
points (for a 4th-level spell) if you can only manifest 3rd-level PSYMBIOT [PSIONIC]
powers. You gain benefits when you are near other psionic
Dragon Magazine #: 349 (Class Acts – Psiotheurgy) characters or creatures.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks.
PSIONIC FEEDBACK [PSIONIC] Benefit: Whenever at least one psionic creature stands
You gain insight from failed psionic assaults against other within 30 feet of you so that you have an unobstructed line of
psionic characters or creatures. sight to it, you are empowered by its unconscious psionic
Prerequisites: Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks, Psymbiot. aura. This benefit grants you a +2 enhancement bonus on all
Benefit: Whenever at least one psionic your ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.
creature within 30 feet of you successfully You must maintain your psionic focus to use this
saves against a psionic power (whether feat.
manifested by you or not), you automatically Dragon Magazine #: 316 (Expanded Psionics
transform the wasted energy of that power Preview #2)
into a +q insight bonus to your Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma score (your choice). RESHAPE MIND BLADE [PSIONIC]
This benefit lasts fort full round. You gain no Your mind blade can take an additional form.
Feedback benefit from personally succeeding Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, ability to
at a saving throw against a psionic power, form a mind blade, shape mind blade.
whether manifested by you or someone else. Benefit: Choose any simple, martial, or exotic
You must maintain your psionic focus to use melee weapon with which you are proficient.
this feat. Your mind blade can take on a form identical
Dragon Magazine #: 316 (Expanded Psionics to the chosen weapon, with all that weapon's
Preview #2) statistics: damage, threat range, critical
modifier, and any extra features the weapon
PSIOTHEURGIST [PSIONIC] might have (such as the flail's ability to trip and
You possess a link connecting a school of magic bonus to disarm attempts). Reshaping a mind
with a psionic discipline. blade is a full-round action. You can also
Prerequisites: Spell Focus in the appropriate manifest your mind blade in this shape.
school (see below), ability to cast 1st-level Special: You may gain this feat multiple
spells, ability to manifest 1st-level powers. times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you
Benefit: Choose a school of magic (or take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon
subschool) from the list below. Whenever with which you are proficient.
you cast a spell from the chosen school, your Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife
total caster level equals your caster level plus Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts –
your manifester level. Whenever you manifest Mind Blade Feats)

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Psionic and Psi-Spell Feats
SILVER MIND BLADE [PSI0NIC] exceeding the requisite spell levels if she prepares spells) or
equivalent spell slots for that day (if she does not prepare
Your mind blade harms creatures vulnerable to silver
spells). Spells spent by a spellcaster who prepares spells are
given up when the psi-spell is prepared.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, ability to form a mind
Spells spent by a caster that doesn't prepare spells (like a
sorcerer) are given up when the psi-spell is cast. Casting a psi-
Benefit: Your mind blade acts as if made of alchemical
spell for these latter casters does not increase spellcasting
silver, but only for the purpose of overcoming damage
time like spontaneously casting a spell affected by a
reduction. Your mind blade does not gain any of the other
metamagic feat. Power points spent to apply psi-spell abilities
properties of an alchemical silver weapon.
are likewise spent when the spell or psionic power is cast.
Special: You cannot take this feat if you already have
Spent spells are not cast; their energy instead goes to fuel the
Adamantine Mind Blade.
psi-spell. A psi-spellcaster cannot elect to use extra power
Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife
points to apply a psi-spell feat to a psionic power or vice
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats)
versa; both energies must be present for the feat to work.
Normal metamagic and metapsionic feats can still be applied
STRATEGIC REASSIGNMENT [PS10NIC] normally to powers and spells affected by a psi-spell feat, and
You can reassign your mind blade's special abilities much regular limits on power points spent per round still apply as
more quickly. normal.
Prerequisites: Concentration 7 ranks, ability to form a +1
Benefit: You may reassign the special abilities of your mind
Your ability to agitate acidic substances results in especially
after spending only 10minutes in concentration.
caustic versions of spells and powers that have the acid
Normal: Reassigning special abilities requires 8 hours of descriptor.
Prerequisites: Any two spells with the acid descriptor,
Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife matter agitation.
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats) Benefit: This feat can be used to enhance any spell or
power with the acid descriptor. In addition to dealing its
TACTICAL REASSIGNMENT [PSIONIC] normal damage, an effect enhanced by Agitated Causticity
You can attempt to reassign your mind blade's special literally softens up its target. This effect does not represent
abilities in the midst of combat. damage to armor, shields, or body parts that provide a natural
Prerequisites: Concentration 11 ranks, Strategic armor bonus; it is a function of the acid's effect on the target
Reassignment, ability to form a +2 mind blade. creature itself.
Benefit: You may attempt to reassign the special abilities in For each 5 points of acid damage the target takes from such
your mind blade as a full-round action. Doing so provokes an a spell or power, it must make a successful Fortitude save or
attack of opportunity and requires a DC 25 Concentration take a -1 cumulative penalty to its Armor Class. The DC for
check. If an attack of opportunity deals any damage, your this save equals the save DC for the spell or power (or the
reassignment attempt fails. save DC it would otherwise have if no save is allowed). All
Normal: Reassigning special abilities requires 8 hours of other modifiers to AC apply normally.
concentration. The penalty from this effect decreases naturally at the rate
Suggested Class/Race: Soulknife of 1 point per day. Any effect that heals ability damage may
Dragon Magazine #: 341 (Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats) also be used to reduce or eliminate the penalty by the same
To apply Agitated Causticity to a spell, the caster must
PSI−SPELL FEATS expend 3 power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic
The practice of psi-spellcasting boasts few powers of its power, the manifester must spend 1 spell level per power
own, although slender codices of psi-spells do exist. The bulk level.
of the training that a psi-spellcaster receives does not involve Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad
generating new spells and powers; plenty of those exist Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power – Secrets of the
already. Rather, she learns to recognize where existing Illithids)
psionic powers and magical spells come close to converging,
thus determining which are the most promising candidates
for the unique kind of merger that psi-spellcasting makes ASTRAL FIRE [PSI−SPELL]
possible. You have learned to take volatile astral ectoplasm and ignite
To reflect this special awareness, psi-spellcasting is it with elemental fire to create intense, lingering fire effects.
represented by a new category of feats called psi-spell feats. Prerequisites: Any two powers with the fire descriptor,
Although similar to metamagic and metapsionic feats, psi- any two spells with the fire descriptor.
spell feats require both arcane spell slots and psionic power Benefit: This feat can be applied to any spell or power with
points to use, and some also require the ability to cast specific the fire descriptor. Flaming ectoplasm is sticky and it keeps
spells or manifest certain powers. The cost of using the feat burning when normal fire would sear and dissipate.
can be either spell levels (if the feat is used to enhance a Anyone damaged by an effect enhanced by Astral Fire
psionic power) or psionic power points (if it is used to continues to take fire damage for a number of rounds equal to
enhance a spell). To "spend" a spell level in this way, the the ability modifier that applies to the spell or power used
caster must voluntarily give up prepared spells equaling or (minimum 1 round). This lingering damage equals 1 point
per 5 points of fire damage that the original attack dealt

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Psi-Spell Feats
(minimum 1 point unless the subject evades all fire damage the manifester must spend 1 spell level per power level. Both
from the effect or otherwise takes no damage from the initial of these costs are in addition to the cost of the Harden
effect). Energy feat. This feat may also be used in conjunction with
Ectoplasmic fire is more difficult to douse than normal fire. Concussive Blast.
It cannot be smothered, and water does not put it out-in fact, Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad
even submerging a burning creature in water has no effect on Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power – Secrets of the
the fire. However, effects such as control flames function Illithids)
normally with respect to ectoplasmic fire. Also, since
ectoplasm is stable and inert on the Astral Plane, shifting a CONCUSSIVE BLAST [PSI−SPELL]
burning target there immediately suppresses the effect. Any
Your skill with manipulating hard, or force, energy allows
time that the victim spends on the Astral Plane counts
you to add physical force to spells and powers instead of
against the duration of the effect, but the fire reignites
converting existing energy to force.
immediately should the victim leave before it expires.
Prerequisite: Harden Energy.
To apply Astral Fire to a spell, the caster must expend 3
Benefit: For every 3 power points or 1 spell level expended,
power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power,
you may add 1 die of bonus force damage to any spell or
the manifester must spend 1 spell level per power level.
psionic power that has an energy descriptor (maximum one-
Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad
half the effect's normal base damage dice).
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power – Secrets of the
If the target is entitled to a saving throw, it applies to this
bonus damage as well. You cannot expend more power
points than your current total, nor can
BIOELECTRICAL SURGE [PSI−SPELL] you spend more spell levels than
You can channel electrical energy directly into your those you have remaining. You can
opponent's nervous system. This effect not only causes use Concussive Blast on a spell
physical damage but also disrupts the target's coordination. altered by Harden Energy, but
Prerequisites: Any two spells with the electricity you do not need to do so.
descriptor, control body. The hard energy portion of
Benefit: This feat can be applied to any spell or power with the damage can affect
the electricity descriptor. Anyone damaged by an effect incorporeal creatures,
enhanced by Bioelectrical Surge twitches uncontrollably or ignoring the standard miss
can make only grossly exaggerated and jerky motions. chance. The remaining
For each 10 points of electricity damage the target takes energy damage of the spell
from such a spell or power, it must make a successful or power remains subject to
Fortitude save or take 2 points of Dexterity damage. The DC the standard 5o% miss
for this save equals the save DC for the spell or power (or the chance with respect to an
save DC it would otherwise have if no save is allowed). A incorporeal target.
creature with no discernable anatomy (such as an ooze, Special: Unlike other
construct, or undead) or a creature that is immune to metamagic and metapsionic
electricity damage is immune to the effects of this feat. feats, Concussive Blast may be
To apply Bioelectrical Surge to a spell, the caster must applied to a spell or power more
expend 3 power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic than once. Each application on a
power, the manifester must spend 1 spell level per power spell requires 3 power points (or
level. multiples of power points if multiple
Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad dice of damage are added). Each
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power – Secrets of the application on a psionic power requires 1
Illithids) spell level (or multiples of 1 spell level if
multiple dice of damage are added).
BULL BLAST [PSI−SPELL] Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad
The concussive power of your Harden Energy effects is so Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power –
strong that it drives opponents back. Secrets of the Illithids)
Prerequisite: Harden Energy.
Benefit: You may add telekinetic force to any spell or DUAL−PLANE SUMMONS
power already enhanced by the Harden Energy feat. [PSI−SPELL]
An effect enhanced by Bull Blast can perform a bull rush Whenever you summon a creature, you
against any opponent in its area. The spell's area or effect also access the raw ectoplasmic energy of the Astral Plane.
determines the direction of the bull rush: A line or cone You can mold and shape ectoplasm to your summoned
pushes targets back along its length, but a spread or burst creature, making it even more fearsome.
pushes them out to the edge of its radius. The enhanced spell
Prerequisites: Ability to cast any summon monster spell,
or power has an effective Strength equal to its save DC + 1 per
ability to manifest any astral construct power.
die of force damage it deals. Even a target that makes the
Benefit: Whenever you cast any summon monster spell,
appropriate saving throw to avoid some or all of the spell's
you can simultaneously manifest an astral construct power
damage is still subject to the bull rush.
and apply its benefits to the summoned creature. You pay
To apply Bull Blast to a spell, the caster must expend 3
one-half the normal cost in power points for the astral
power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power,

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Psi-Spell and Purification Feats
construct power (minimum 1 point). You can then apply any temperature downward and even freezing creatures in their
of the menu abilities that you could normally give the tracks.
resulting astral construct to your summoned creature instead. Prerequisites: Any two spells with the cold descriptor,
Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad control flames.
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power – Secrets of the Benefit: This feat can be applied to any spell or power with
Illithids) the cold descriptor. Its effects reduce the targets' mobility
and make objects more susceptible to damage.
ENERGY FLARE [PSI−SPELL] Any creature that takes cold damage from a power or spell
enhanced by this feat and is in contact with a surface must
By tapping into an alternate energy source, you can
attempt a Fortitude saving throw. The DC for this save equals
supercharge the raw energy of energy-based spells and
the save DC for the spell or power (or the save DC it would
otherwise have if no save is allowed). Failure means the
Prerequisite: Any one of the following feats: Agitated
creature is frozen to the surface and cannot move until it
Causticity, Astral Fire, Bioelectrical Surge, or Solid Freeze
breaks free with a successful Strength check, which requires
Benefit: When you take this feat, you choose an energy
a full-round action. The DC of the Strength check is equal to
type that matches the energy type represented by the psi-
the DC of the spell or power. Success means the creature is
spell feat that allowed you access to Energy Flare (acid for
not immobilized but can move at only half normal speed for
Agitated Causticity, fire for Astral Fire, and so on). This feat
1d4 rounds. Creatures that are immune to cold or that are not
can be applied to any spell or power that has an energy
in contact with a surface are immune to the immobilizing
descriptor matching this energy type.
effect of this feat but are still subject to the spell's or power's
You increase the damage die type of a spell or power with
the appropriate energy descriptor by one step (d4 becomes
All objects caught in the area of a Solid Freeze effect
d6, d6 becomes d8, and so on). The number of damage dice
become exceedingly brittle for a number of rounds equal to
remains unchanged.
the ability modifier that applies to the spell or power used
To apply Energy Flare to a spell, the caster must expend 4
(minimum 1 round). During this time, each such object's
power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power,
hardness is reduced by 5 (minimum 1).
the manifester must spend 2 spell levels per power level. The
To apply Solid Freeze to a spell, the caster must expend 4
feat need not be used in combination with its prerequisite
power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power,
feat, although it can be.
the manifester must spend 2 spell levels per power level.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once. Each time
Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad
it is taken, it applies to a different energy descriptor and
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power – Secrets of the
requires the corresponding prerequisite.
Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power – Secrets of the
Purification Feats function much like the divine feats from
HARDEN ENERGY [PSI−SPELL] Complete Divine. Instead of requiring the ability to turn or
You can manipulate the energy of your spells and powers, rebuke undead, these feats require the ability to cast remove
transforming a portion of their elemental power into disease as a spell-like ability. Each use of a purification feat
telekinetic force. costs a minimum of one daily use of remove disease.
Prerequisites: Ability to manifest any one force power and Purification feats require a standard action 'to activate.
cast any one spell with an energy descriptor.
Benefit: Choose any number of damage dice up to one-half BANE OF DECAY [PURIFICATION]
the total dealt by the effect to which you are applying this You channel your purifying abilities into your weapon.
feat. This amount becomes force damage (like that of a magic Prerequisite: Ability to cast remove disease as a spell-like
missile) instead of its former energy type. This portion of the ability.
damage bypasses all energy resistance but is still subject to Benefit: You can spend a weekly use of remove disease to
spell resistance. make a melee weapon you hold either +1 undead bane or +1
The hard energy half of the damage can affect incorporeal vermin bane. If the weapon already bears an enhancement
creatures, ignoring the standard miss chance. The remaining bonus, the bonuses do not stack. This ability lasts for 1
energy damage of the spell or power remains subject to the minute.
standard 5o% miss chance with respect to an incorporeal Suggested Class/Race: Paladin
target. Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – Purification Feats)
To apply Harden Energy to a spell, the caster must expend 3
power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power,
the manifester must spend 1 spell level per power level. DETOXIFYING TOUCH [PURIFICATION]
Suggested Class/Race: Illithiad You clear poisons from a person's body with a single touch.
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Brain Power – Secrets of the Prerequisite: Ability to cast remove disease as a spell-like
Illithids) ability.
Benefit: You can spend two weekly uses of remove disease to
produce a neutralize poison.
SOLID FREEZE [PSI−SPELL] Suggested Class/Race: Paladin
When using your cold spells and powers, you can Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – Purification Feats)
manipulate the molecular structure of the target, driving its

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Purification and Metamagic Feats
EXTRA REMOVE DISEASE [PURIFICATION] a spell for greater effect, or even to cast it with nothing but a
moment’s thought. Preparing and casting a spell in such a
You can remove disease more frequently than normal.
way is harder than normal but, thanks to metamagic feats, at
Prerequisite: Ability to cast remove disease as a spell-like
least it is possible.
For instance, at 3rd level, Mialee chooses to gain Silent
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, you can use your
Spell, the feat that allows her to cast a spell without its verbal
remove disease spell-like ability two more times per week than
component. The cost of doing so, however, is that in
preparing the spell, she must use up a spell slot one spell
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects
level higher than the spell actually is. Thus, if she prepares
charm person as a silent spell, it takes up one of her 2nd-level
Suggested Class/Race: Paladin
slots. It is still only a 1st-level spell, so the DC for the Will
Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – Purification Feats)
save against it does not go up. Mialee cannot prepare a 2nd-
level spell as a silent spell because she would have to prepare
SMITE CARRIER [PURIFICATION] it as a 3rdlevel spell, and she can’t use 3rd-level spell slots
You channel your purifying ability to strike down toxic until she reaches 5th level.
creatures. Wizards and Divine Spellcasters: Wizards and divine
Prerequisite: Ability to cast remove disease as a spell-like spellcasters (clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers) must
ability, smite evil ability. prepare their spells in advance. During preparation, the
Benefit: You can spend a weekly use of remove disease to use character chooses which spells to prepare with metamagic
your smite evil ability on any nongood creature that feats (and thus which ones take up higher-level spell slots
possesses a poisonous or infectious natural attack. If you than normal).
accidentally smite a good, nonpoisonous, noninfectious Sorcerers and Bards: Sorcerers and bards choose spells as
creature, the smite has no effect but the ability is still used they cast them. They can choose when they cast their spells
up. whether to apply their metamagic feats to improve them. As
Suggested Class/Race: Paladin with other spellcasters, the improved spell uses up a higher-
Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – Purification Feats) level spell slot. But because the sorcerer or bard has not
prepared the spell in a metamagic form in advance, he must
STRENGTHENED RESILIENCE apply the metamagic feat on the spot. Therefore, such a
character must also take more time to cast a metamagic spell
[PURIFICATION] (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than he does to cast a
You and your allies become hardier and more resistant to regular spell. If the spell’s normal casting time is 1 action,
disease. casting a metamagic version is a full-round
Prerequisite: Ability to cast remove disease as a spell-like action for a sorcerer or bard. (This isn’t the
ability, same as a 1-round casting time, as described
Benefit: You can spend a weekly use of remove disease to under Cast a Spell, page 143 of the PLAYER’S
grant yourself and two allies you touch a +4 sacred bonus on HANDBOOK.) For a spell with a longer casting
Fortitude saves made to resist diseases or poison. This applies time, it takes an extra full-round action to cast
to saves made to avoid becoming infected with a disease the spell.
(natural or magical), to resist the effects of a disease, to fight Spontaneous Casting and Metamagic
of a disease, and to resist a poison's initial and secondary Feats: A cleric spontaneously casting a cure or
damage. This bonus lasts for 1 hour. inflict spell can cast a metamagic version of it
Suggested Class/Race: Paladin instead. For instance, an 11th-level cleric can
Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – Purification Feats) swap out a prepared 6th-level spell to cast an
empowered cure critical wounds spell. Extra
WHOLESOME FARE [PURIFICATION] time is also required in this case. Casting a 1-
Your powers purify tainted food and drink. action metamagic spell spontaneously is a full-
Prerequisite: Ability to cast remove disease as a spell- round action, and a spell with a longer casting time
like ability. takes an extra full-round action to cast.
Benefit: You can spend a weekly use of remove Effects of Metamagic Feats on a Spell: In all
disease to gain the ability to cast purify food and drink as ways, a metamagic spell operates at its original spell
a spell-like ability up to five times in the next 24 level, even though it is prepared and cast as a
hours. Any unused castings of purify food and drink higher-level spell. Saving throw modifications are
expire after 24 hours. not changed unless stated otherwise in the feat
Suggested Class/Race: Paladin description. The modifications made by these feats only
Dragon Magazine #: 337 (Class Acts – Purification apply to spells cast directly by the feat user. A
Feats) spellcaster can’t use a metamagic feat to alter a spell
being cast from a wand, scroll, or other device.
Metamagic feats that eliminate
METAMAGIC FEATS components of a spell (such as Silent Spell
As a spellcaster’s knowledge of magic grows, she and Still Spell) don’t eliminate the attack of
can learn to cast spells in ways slightly different from opportunity provoked by casting a spell while
the ways in which the spells were originally designed threatened. However, casting a spell modified by
or learned. For example, a spellcaster can learn to cast a Quicken Spell does not provoke an attack of
spell without having to say its verbal component, to cast opportunity.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Metamagic Feats
Metamagic feats cannot be used with all spells. See the EASY METAMAGIC [METAMAGIC]
specific feat descriptions for the spells that a particular feat
One of your metamagic feats is easier to use.
can’t modify.
Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat.
Multiple Metamagic Feats on a Spell: A spellcaster can
Benefit: Choose a metamagic feat you already have. When
apply multiple metamagic feats to a single spell. Changes to
preparing or casting a spell modified by that feat, lower the
its level are cumulative. A silent, stilled version of charm
spell-slot cost by one. You can never reduce the spell-slot cost
person, for example, would be prepared and cast as a 3rd-level
below one level higher than the spell's actual level. For
spell (a 1st-level spell, increased by one spell level for each of
example, taking this feat for the Quicken Spell feat reduces
the metamagic feats). You can’t apply the same metamagic
the spell slot cost of a quickened spell from four levels higher
feat more than once to a single spell (for instance, you can’t
than the spell's actual level to three levels higher than the
cast a twice-empowered magic missile to get +100% damage).
spell's actual level.
Magic Items and Metamagic Spells: With the right item
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time
creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a
you take this feat, you must choose a new metamagic feat.
scroll, potion, or wand. Level limits for potions and wands
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that
apply to the spell’s higher spell level (after the application of
Combine Class Abilities)
the metamagic feat). A character doesn’t need the metamagic
feat to activate an item storing a metamagic version of a spell.
Counterspelling Metamagic Spells: Whether or not a FELL ENERGY SPELL [METAMAGIC]
spell has been enhanced by a metamagic feat does not affect You add a dose of raw necromantic energy to your
its vulnerability to counterspelling or its ability to beneficial spell, making it especially effective for undead
counterspell another spell (see Counterspells, page 170 of the creatures.
PLAYER’S HANDBOOK). Benefit: Any numerical bonus granted by a spell modified
with this feat increases by +2 for all undead creates it affects.
This increase does not apply to factors such as range, save DC,
ALTERNATIVE SOURCE SPELL healing, or other numerical factors relating to a spell. Only
[METAMAGIC] effects described as bonuses gain this benefit. A fell energy
You can prepare any of your spells as either divine or spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s
arcane. actual level.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast both divine and arcane spells. Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead –
Benefit: You can choose to prepare any of your divine Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities)
spells as arcane spells or any of your arcane spells as divine
spells. An alternative-sourced spell uses up a spell slot from FORCEFUL SPELL [METAMAGIC]
the class that normally grants the spell. Such a spell is
Your spells slam their targets with irresistible force.
prepared normally. An alternative-sourced spell is cast as if
Benefit: Only spells that target one or more creatures can
your caster level were 1 level lower. For example, a 1st-level
be made forceful. An opponent struck by a forceful spell
cleric/6th-level wizard casts a divine fireball as a 5th-level
must make a Fortitude save at the same DC as the spell or be
knocked prone and stunned for 1 round. If the spell affects
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that
more than one target, the forceful effect affects only one
Combine Class Abilities)
target (of your choice).
A forceful spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than
DEATH FROST SPELL [METAMAGIC] the spell's actual level.
Your mastery of necromantic magic combined with your Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Class Acts – Arcane Feats)
understanding of the strange energies that suffuse the ruins
of Karran-Kural allow you to enhance necromancy spells so RADIANT SPELL [METAMAGIC]
that they inflict cold damage in addition to their normal
Your fire spells have the potential to blind your opponents.
Prerequisite: Cha 15, ability to cast a spell with the fire
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (necromancy), must have spent
at least 1 day in the ruins of Karran-Kural (see DUNGEON
Benefit: This feat can only modify spells with the fire
MAGAZINE #109 – Secrets of the Soul Pillars)
descriptor that cause damage. A spell modified by this feat
Benefit: A Death Frost spell inflicts an extra 2d6 points of
requires a creature to succeed at a Will save at the spell's save
cold damage against any creature affected by the spell. If the
DC (or what would be the spell's save DC if the spell doesn't
spell allows a saving throw to partially or completely resist its
normally have one) each time it is damaged by the spell.
effects, the same saving throw applies to the extra cold
Failure indicates the damaged creature is blinded for 1 round
damage. For example, ghoul touch allows a Fortitude save to
per spell level (prior to adjustment by this metamagic feat).
resist its effects completely, and therefore a successful save
Success indicates the creature is not blinded, but it is dazzled
against a Death Frost ghoul touch negates both the extra cold
for 1 round. A radiant spell uses up a spell slot two levels
damage and the spell’s regular effects. If the enhanced spell
higher than the spell's actual level.
has lingering effects, the extra cold damage occurs only at the
Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Brotherhood of the Burning
onset of the spell’s effects. Spells enhanced by Death Frost
Heart – The Magic and Mettle of Fire)
gain the cold descriptor. A Death Frost spell uses up a spell
slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
Dungeon Magazine #: 109 (Secrets of the Soul Pillars)

Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Metamagic and Metapsionic Feats
Your spells do not damage objects. with all powers, you
cannot spend more
Benefit: A relicguarded spell has no effect on objects. It
cannot target an object and any object caught within its area power points on a
power than your
is immune to its effects, even if a creature holding the item is
manifester level.
affected. Creatures immune to spells that do not affect
Metapsionic feats
objects (such as constructs and undead) are also immune to a
merely let you
relicguarded spell.
manifest powers in
Dragon Magazine #: 347 (Class Acts – Archeologists)
different ways; they do
not let you violate this
Your spells douse opponents with a nauseating slime. Effects of Metapsionic
Benefit: Only spells that target one or more creatures can Feats on a Power: In all ways, a
he made slimy. An opponent struck by a slimy spell must metapsionic power operates at its
make a Reflex save at the same DC as the spell or be covered original power level, even though
in a temporary layer of slime that renders the target it costs additional power points.
nauseated for 1 round. If the spell affects more than one The modifications to a power
target, the slimy effect affects only one target (of your made by a metapsionic feat have
choice). only their noted effect on the
A slimy spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the power. A manifester can’t use a
spell's actual level. metapsionic feat to alter a
Dragon Magazine #: 358 (Class Acts – Arcane Feats) power being cast from a
power stone, dorje, or other
You can add such a powerful does of necromantic energy to Manifesting a power
your mind-affecting spells that they function against undead modified by the Quicken
creatures but are useless against all others. Power feat does not provoke
Benefit: A mind-affecting spell modified by this feat works attacks of opportunity.
normally against intelligent undead creatures. Mindless Some metapsionic feats apply only to certain
undead (those without Intelligence scores) are still immune powers, as described in each specific feat entry.
to its effect, and the altered spell has no effect against living Psionic Items and Metapsionic Powers: With the right
creatures or constructs. A song of the dead spell takes up a psionic item creation feat, you can store a metapsionic power
spell slot one level higher that the spell’s actual level. Note in a power stone, psionic tattoo, or dorje. Level limits for
that use of this feat does not make mind-affecting spells psionic tattoos apply to the power’s higher metapsionic level.
affect undead if the spell’s description specifies that the Thus, a 3rd-level power modified with the Empower Power
target must be living or a particular creature type (other than feat could not be stored in a psionic tattoo, because the power
undead). would be equivalent to a 5th-level power for the purpose of
Any spells prepared with Song of the Dead become limiting manifestation, and a psionic tattoo can hold a power
necromancy spells. of only up to 3rd level.
Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead – A character doesn’t need the appropriate metapsionic feat
Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities) to activate an item in which a metapsionic power is stored,
but does need the metapsionic feat to create such an item.
As a manifester’s knowledge of psionics grows, he can learn
to manifest powers in ways slightly different from how the You can metamagically enhance your spells with your
powers were originally designed or learned. For example, a mind.
manifester can learn how to manifest a power so that it lasts Prerequisite: Any metamagic feat.
longer than normal, deals more damage than normal, or is Benefit: Choose a metamagic feat you know. You can
improved in some other way. Of course, manifesting a power expend power points to create a prerequisite spell slot needed
while using a metapsionic feat is more expensive than to prepare a spell modified by that metamagic feat. The power
manifesting the power normally. point cost equals double the needed spell slot's level (the
Manifesting Time: Powers manifested using meta psionic level of the spell needed to prepare or spontaneously cast the
feats take the same time as manifesting the powers normally desired spell with the desired metamagic feat applied). You
unless the feat description specifically says otherwise, such as also must devote a spell slot of the spell's normal level to this
with Quicken Power. spell. You cannot enhance a spell in this way beyond the level
Manifestation Cost: To use a metapsionic feat, a psionic of the highest-level spell you can cast. For example, a psion
character must both expend his psionic focus (see the 5/wizard 5 can - instead of using his only 3rd-level spell slot
Concentration skill description on page 37 of the EXPANDED preparing a maximized magic missile - spend 6 power points
PSIONICS HANDBOOK) and pay an increased power point cost
to maximize the spell as a 1st-level spell (using up one of his
as given in the feat description. For example, applying the 1st-level spell slots to do so). A sorcerer must spend a full-
Chain Power feat to a power increases the power’s cost by 6 round action casting a cerebremetamagic spell.
power points. Dragon Magazine #: 349 (Class Acts – Psiotheurgy)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Metapsionic, Monstrous and Necromantic Feats
PHRENIC BLAST [METAPSIONIC] resulting undead creature. Most necromantic feats have
material component costs, and each also increases the
Foes damaged by your power are also mentally blasted.
skeleton or zombie's effective Hit Dice For the purpose of
Benefit: When you deal damage with a phrenic blasting
determining how many undead the caster can control. This
power to any creature that is subject to mind-affecting
HD increase does not apply to turning or any other effects.
effects, the target is also stunned for 1 round. Using this feat
More than one necromantic feat can be applied to a single
increases the power point cost of the power by 2 (maximum
undead creature, provided that the caster pays the additional
cost equals your manifester level).
costs. The effective Hit Die increases associated with
You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat.
multiple necromantic feats stack. No necromantic feat can be
Dragon Magazine #: 316 (Expanded Psionics Preview #2)
applied to the same undead creature more than once unless
the description specifically allows such usage.
PHRENIC LEECH [METAPSIONIC] Wizards specializing in necromancy may add these feats to
Psionic foes damaged by your power are also mentally the list of metamagic and item creation feats already available
drained, which bolsters you. to them as bonus feats. This addition reflects the
Benefit: When you deal damage with a phrenic leeching necromancer's talent and propensity for creating undead
power to any creature that possesses power points and is creatures.
subject to mind-affecting effects, the target also loses 1d6
power points. You gain 1 power point from this drain. If you
are already at your full power points, those drained from the
You infuse additional evil energy into an undead creature,
target are lost. Using this feat increases the power point cost
making it more difficult for clerics, paladins, and other good
of the power by 4 (maximum cost equals your manifester
creatures to turn.
Benefit: A skeleton or zombie created with this feat gains
You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat.
+t turn resistance. For the purpose of control, treat the
Dragon Magazine #: 316 (Expanded Psionics Preview #2)
resulting creature as having 1 more Hit Die than it actually
MONSTROUS FEATS Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead –
Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities)
You can use your energy drain attack while DEATH CURSE [NECROMANTIC]
using a melee weapon. By carving or scribing runes of death and destruction on a
Prerequisites: Energy drain skeleton or zombie before animation, you infuse it with an
ability. unstable mote of necromantic energy. When the resulting
Benefit: On a successful undead creature is destroyed, this energy is unleashed in a
melee hit against a living small explosion.
opponent, you may use your Benefit: A skeleton or zombie created with this feat
energy drain ability in addition to detonates upon destruction, dealing 1d3 points of damage per
dealing normal damage for your Hit Die (minimum 1d3) to every creature within a 10-foot
weapon. spread. A DC 15 Reflex save halves this damage.
Normal: You may only use Scribing the proper runes upon each skeleton or corpse
your energy drain when you requires one day of work and 25 gp worth of material
strike with your natural components. For the purpose of control, treat the resulting
weapons. creature as having 2 more Hit Dice than it actually does.
Suggested Class/Race: Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead –
Wight Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities)
Dragon Magazine #:
Ecology of the Wight) You form a rudimentary consciousness within a skeleton or
zombie, allowing it to perform a few simple tasks requiring a
NECROMANTIC FEATS particular skill.
Feats in this category allow a caster to grant special abilities Benefit: An undead creature created with this feat gains a
to the mindless undead creatures he creates and controls. By +4 bonus on checks made with a single Strength- or
specially preparing corpses for animation, a caster can grant Dexterity-based skill of your choice. (This bonus does not
the resulting undead improved fighting abilities and create allow it to use trained-only skills.) For the purpose of control,
nasty surprises for his enemies. Although these feats only treat the resulting creature as having 1 more Hit Die than it
apply as written to skeletons or zombies, they could he actually does.
applied, in theory, to other non-intelligent undead al the Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead –
DM's discretion. Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities)
These feats are especially useful for spellcasters who rely on
animate dead to create servants and guardians. The costs and GRAVEBORN WARRIOR [NECROMANTIC]
preparation associated with each necromantic feat must be By carefully guiding the magic that animates a skeleton or
applied to a corpse or skeleton before animate dead is cast zombie, you can grant it the use of a single feat.
upon it in order to gain the benefits described for the

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Necromantic and Racial Feats
Benefit: An undead creature created with this feat gains a Prior to animation, you must spend one day modifying each
bonus feat of your choice in any addition to any feats it skeleton or corpse wish body parts from a corpse of the same
normally possesses. The skeleton or zombie must meet the size category, and then make a successful DC 13 Heal check
prerequisites for any feat granted by Graveborn Warrior. to fix these modifications. Furthermore, you must add
You must add crushed gems worth 25 gp per affected crushed gems worth 25 gp per affected creature to the normal
creature to the normal material components for animate dead material components for animate dead. For the purpose of
in order to create this effect. For the purpose of control, treat control, treat the resulting creature as having 1 more Hit Die
the resulting creature as having 1 more Hit Die than it than it actually does.
actually does. Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead –
Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead – Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities)
Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities)
HEIGHTENED AGILITY [NECROMANTIC] You lash thick, strong ligaments and tendons to your
You modify the body of a skeleton or zombie to make it undead creation's joints and limbs, making the resulting
more agile than normal. creature faster than normal.
Benefit: An undead creature created with this feat gains a Benefit: An undead creature created with this feat gains a
+4 bonus to its Dexterity. +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +10-foot increase to its
Prior to animation, you must spend one day modifying each base speed.
skeleton or corpse and then make a successful DC 13 Heal Prior to animation, you must spend one day modifying each
check to fix these modifications. Furthermore, you must add skeleton or corpse with body parts from a corpse of the same
crushed gems worth 25 gp per affected creature to the normal size category and then make a successful DC 16 Heal check to
material components for animate dead. For the purpose of fix these modifications. Furthermore, you must add crushed
control, treat the resulting creature as having 1 more Hit Die gems worth 5o gp per affected creature to the normal
than it actually does. material components for animate dead. The body you loot for
Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead – parts cannot be animated. For the purpose of control, treat
Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities) the resulting creature as having 2 more Hit Dice than it
actually does.
HEIGHTENED STRENGTH [NECROMANTIC] Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead –
Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities)
You sew additional muscles into a zombie, or replace a
skeleton's bones with thicker ones, granting the resulting
undead creature increased physical power. VICIOUS CLAWS [NECROMANTIC]
Benefit: An undead creature created with this feat gains a You use a file to sharpen a skeleton's finger bones, drive
+4 bonus to its Strength. spikes and blades through a zombie's forearms, or otherwise
improve your undead creation's ability to deal damage in
Benefit: An undead creature created with this feat gains a
+1 bonus on damage rolls when attacking with its natural
weapons. A zombie gains this bonus for its slam attack while
a skeleton gains the benefit for its claw attacks. A zombie’s
slam modified in this way now deals slashing damage as well
as bludgeoning damage. The skeleton's claws still deal
piercing and slashing damage. See the MONSTER MANUAL for
details on natural weapons and damage types.
Prior to animation, you must spend 5 gp on bladed weapons
to add to each undead created in this manner. It takes one
day to modify each skeleton or corpse. For the purpose of
control, treat the resulting creature as having 1 more Hit Die
than it actually does.
Dragon Magazine #: 312 (Among the Dead –
Necromancer Archetypes and Abilities)

Beings of the same race have a bewildering variety of body
types, appearances, and abilities. Most of these variations fit
within the D&D definition of that being's race, but some are
well outside the standard. How can you, as a player, account
for the vast differences among members of your character's
Racial feats.
Racial feats alter a character's racial characteristics. They
create a creature different from others of her kind. They alter
racial bonuses and penalties, or create them where they do

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Racial and Racial - Beholder Feats
not exist. In many cases, they make deeper changes to your Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats)
character as well.
A character may only have one racial feat, and it must be SUPERIOR SENSE OF SMELL [RACIAL]
selected at 1st level. Fighters cannot use their fighter bonus
Your sensitive nose can detect even the most minute odors.
feat at 1st level to gain a racial feat.
Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level.
Although categorized under racial feats, Beholder, Dragon,
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Heal
Drow, Gensai, and Yuan-ti feats are not [racial] and do not
checks, and a +2 bonus on Survival checks.
need to be taken at 1st level.
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats)


Your humanity dominates your ancestry.
You have a heightened sense of taste.
Prerequisites: Partial human ancestry (such as half-elf or
Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level.
half-orc), must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on Spellcraft checks made to
Benefit: You gain +1 skill point at 1st level and every level
identify a potion and a +3 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist
thereafter. For all effects relating to race, you are considered a
the effects of an ingested poison.
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats)
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats)


You feel every imperfection in even the smoothest texture,
You can cast a minor spell.
and your skin senses the slightest vibration.
Prerequisites: Int 3, Cha 11, must be taken at 1st level.
Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: Select a 0-level spell. You gain the spell like ability
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device, Open
to cast this spell once per day. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 +
Lock, and Sleight of Hand checks. In addition, you gain a +2
Cha modifier.
bonus on Spot checks made to pinpoint the location of an
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats)
invisible creature.
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats)
You are slim for your race. SUPERIOR VISION [RACIAL]
Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level.
Your eyesight is truly extraordinary.
Benefit: You gain a +1 racial bonus on Disable Device,
Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level.
Escape Artist, Move Silently, and Tumble checks. Decrease
Benefit: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-
your weight by 10%.
light vision, you can now see three times as far as a human in
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats)
conditions of poor illumination.
Normal: A character with low-light vision can see twice as
SLOW MATURATION [RACIAL] far as a human in conditions of poor illumination
Your body ages slower and you retain your youthful outlook Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats)
on life longer than others of your race.
Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level, must be younger
than middle age. RACIAL FEATS − BEHOLDER
Benefit: It takes you 50% longer than normal for your race Keen intellect and boundless ambition have spurred the
to reach the next age category. beholders to develop a wide range of special tricks and
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats) abilities that give them an edge against other creatures.
Nimble Flier, Power Soar, and Power Surge are appropriate
for and available to other types of creatures and have been
STOCKY [RACIAL] listed under “General Feats” with the suggested class/race of
You have a thicker, stouter body than normal for your race. beholder.
Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on ability checks made to
resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the AGILE TYRANT [GENERAL]
ground. This bonus stacks with dwarven stability. Increase You develop longer, more flexible eyestalks than your kin.
your weight by 10%. This extra flexibility allows you to bring additional eye rays to
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Heroic Feats – Racial Feats) bear against your foes.
Prerequisite: Beholder.
Benefit: You may direct an extra eye ray into a single 90-
You can discern even the finest differences in sounds, Normal: You may only direct up to two eye rays (as a
giving you an exacting ear. gauth) or three eye rays (as a beholder) in a single 90-degree
Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level. arc.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Listen checks and on Suggested Class/Race: Beholder
Perform (keyboard instruments), Perform (percussion Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Eye Wares – Potent Powers of
instruments), Perform (string instruments), Perform (wind the Beholders)
instruments), and Perform (sing) checks.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Racial – Beholder and Racial - Drow Feats
You absorb an eyestalk into your body and [GENERAL]
sprout it anew within your mouth.
Through intense meditation and
Prerequisite: Beholder. practice, you have learned how to swap
Benefit: Choose one eye ray to move eye rays between two eyestalks. Thus, you
permanently to your mouth. You may can use any given ray twice in the same
use this ray in two different ways each round by activating it once in one eyestalk
round. If you hit an opponent with and a second time in another.
your bite attack, the ray from the Prerequisite: Beholder
eyestalk in your mouth automatically
Benefit: Choose any eye ray to duplicate.
strikes that foe as well. You may also open your
You can activate the duplicated ray from both its
mouth to fire this ray, but its use is limited to
regular eyestalk and that of another eyestalk you
your forward arc. Whichever way you choose to choose in the same round when you activate this
utilize this eye ray, it counts against the number of
feat. The concentration required to transfer an eye ray
eye rays that you can fire into your forward arc. You can
in this manner puts a strain on your magical energies, so
only use this ray once per round.
you can use one less eye ray per arc in the round when you
Suggested Class/Race: Beholder use this ability. However, you can employ both used of the
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Eye Wares – Potent Powers of duplicated ray in the same arc, if desired.
the Beholders) The suppressed ray does not function during any round
when its stalk is used to deliver another ray, but it returns to
SKILLED TELEKINETIC [GENERAL] normal on the following round. You may duplicate one eye
You have become so skilled with your telekinesis ability ray once per round. An eye ray duplicated in one round
that you can manipulate and use magic items via telekinesis. cannot be used again the round following, although the eye
Prerequisite: Beholder. ray suppressed for the round can be used normally in the
Benefit: As a standard action, you can use your telekinetic round following the duplicated ray’s use.
eye ray to trigger a command word, spell completion, or spell
trigger magic item so long as it is unattended and you would
normally utilize the item when holding it. The item must be RACIAL FEATS − DROW
within reach of your telekinesis eye ray to trigger its effect, Some of the Drow feats presented here had the prerequisite
and you must have line of sight with your target and line of of any other racial feat but clearly it was meant to mean any
effect between the item and the target. The item must other racial-drow feat in order to create the racial tree.
otherwise fulfill all the requirements for manipulating an Therefore, the prerequisites for these feats have been
object via telekinesis (such as weight). changed to read “any other racial-drow feat”
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do
not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new DAMAGE MASTERY [RACIAL−DROW]
eyestalk. If you use this feat to strengthen multiple eyestalks You are efficient at dealing damage with a particular type of
so that you can fight with multiple weapons, all the usual weapon.
rules for doing so apply. Benefit: Select one damage type from the following:
Suggested Class/Race: Beholder bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You gain a competence
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Eye Wares – Potent Powers of bonus on weapon damage rolls made with weapons that deal
the Beholders) this type of damage. The bonus gained to damage equals 1
plus 1 for every three other racial feats you posses. Thus, a
TENTACULAR STALK [GENERAL] character with Dam-age Mastery (bludgeoning) and three
You cause one of your eyestalks to grow long and strong other racial feats would gain a +2 competence on all damage
enough to function as a limb. You can use this eyestalk to dealt with a bludgeoning weapon.
grasp and hold weapons or objects. Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Its effects
Prerequisite: Beholder. do not stack. Each time you take this feat it applies to a new
Benefit: You permanently transform one eyestalk of your type of weapon.
choice into a prehensile limb. You may use that eyestalk to Suggested Class/Race: Drow
wield a light or one-handed weapon, or manipulate a magic Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Silicon Sorcery – Champions of
item usable in one hand. You are not considered proficient Norrath)
with a wielded weapon unless you have gained proficiency in
some other way (such as by taking a feat that grants DISEASE BOLT [RACIAL−DROW]
proficiency or levels in a class that grants proficiency). You You can channel tiny motes of negative energy and hurl
cannot use this eyestalk to fire an eye ray during any round in them at enemies.
which you are holding an object with it. Prerequisite: Cha 13, any two racial-drow feats.
Suggested Class/Race: Beholder Benefit: As a standard action, you can hurl a bolt of
Dragon Magazine #: 313 (Eye Wares – Potent Powers of negative energy as a ranged touch attack. On a successful hit,
the Beholders) you deal 1d6 points of damage per racial feat you possess. You
can hurl a disease bolt a number of times per day equal to the
total number of racial feats you possess. Damage dealt by a

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Racial - Drow Feats
disease bolt heals undead creatures rather than damaging STING STRIKE [RACIAL]
You strike with the deadly
Special: This is a supernatural effect. precision and speed of a scorpion.
Suggested Class/Race: Drow Prerequisites: Drow, Drow
Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Silicon Sorcery – Champions of Skirmisher*, base attack bonus +6,
Norrath) region of origin Xen’drik.
Benefit: When using the full
DISEASE SHIELD [RACIAL−DROW] attack action to make multiple
You can radiate an aura of sickening necromantic energy. attacks with a drow long knife,
Prerequisite: Cha 17, any three racial-drow feats. drow scorpion chain, or Xen’drik
Benefit: As a standard action, you can activate an aura of boomerang, you gain a +1 bonus on
foul magic that surrounds you in a five-foot-radius. All your second attack, a +2 bonus on
creatures that come into contact with this aura must make a your third attack, and so on. You
Fortitude save (DC 10 + your Charisma bonus + your total need not direct all your attacks
number of racial feats) or become sickened for a number of against the same target, but you
rounds equal to your total number of racial feats. You can must use the full-attack action, and thus cannot move more
have a disease shield active for a number of rounds per day than a 5-foot step in the round.
equal to your total number of racial feats, but these rounds Special: You cannot combine Sting Strike with feats that
need not be consecutive. modify the number of attacks you get, such as Rapid Shot or
You may lower your aura as a free action at any point after Whirlwind Attack.
the disease shield has been active for 1 round. This feat appears in Secrets of Xen’drik. If you do not
Special: This is a supernatural effect. possess that book, substitute Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Suggested Class/Race: Drow (kukri, spiked chain, or Xen’drik boomerang.
Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Silicon Sorcery – Champions of Dragon Magazine #: 345 (The Giants of Xen’drik – Dark
Norrath) Elves and Giants Clash)


[RACIAL−DROW] You do additional negative energy damage on a critical hit.
Prerequisite: Any two racial-drow feats.
You can carry far more than someone of your strength
Benefit: Whenever you score a successful critical hit with a
should be able to.
melee weapon, you may choose to channel additional
Benefit: For the purposes of determining your carrying
negative energy through your attack. Such an attack deals an
capacity (see page 162 of the Players Handbook) your effective
additional amount of damage due to negative energy equal to
Strength increases by a number equal to your total number of
your total number of racial feats. Additional damage dealt by
racial feats. The virtual Strength bestowed by this feat offers
a tainted strike heals undead creatures an amount equal to
no benefit to combat rolls, skill checks, or other activities
your total number of racial feats rather than damaging them.
such as lifting a gate, grappling, or moving a grappled
Special: This is a supernatural effect.
creature; the bonus should not be interpreted as a bonus to
Suggested Class/Race: Drow
any other situation except when determining carrying
capacity. Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Silicon Sorcery – Champions of
Suggested Class/Race: Drow
Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Silicon Sorcery –
Champions of Norrath) UNDEAD COMMAND [RACIAL−
LIFE TAP [RACIAL−DROW] You can command undead creatures to follow
You can absorb life energy from living creatures your verbal orders.
you slay, healing damage with each kill. Prerequisite: Cha 19, any two racial-drow
Prerequisite: Wis 13, any one racial-drow feat. feats.
Benefit: When you kill a living creature with a Benefit: As a standard action, you can vocally
melee weapon you may immediately heal a order a single undead creature within 30 feet to
number of hit points equal to 1 hp for every 2 HD undertake a specific action, as per the spell
possessed by the fallen creature (minimum 1). command. The undead creature can attempt to
You may use this ability a number of times per resist your order with a successful Will save
day equal to the number of racial feats you (DC 10 + your Charisma modifier + your total
possess. You may decide to use this ability upon number of racial feats), but otherwise it must
dealing the death blow as a free action. follow your command to the best of its ability.
Special: This is a supernatural effect. You can issue a total number of commands per
Suggested Class/Race: Drow day equal to your total number of racial feats.
Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Silicon Sorcery – Special: This is a supernatural and language-
Champions of Norrath) dependant effect.
Suggested Class/Race: Drow
Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Silicon Sorcery –
Champions of Norrath)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Racial - Harbinger Feats
Upon advancing to 28 Hit Dice, a mooncalf (see
Monster Manual II) becomes a moonlord and gains the
potential to actually bring about evil omens. These are
acquired in the form of harbinger feats, motes of
otherworldly power moonlords use to tap into their
moongod heritage. All harbinger feats are super-natural
abilities, and require an hour to use, creating an aura
centered on the moonlord that lasts for 24 hours. A
moonlord can only use one harbinger feat per week.
Characters within an affected area may make a DC 25
Knowledge (arcana) check to realize the omens they are
seeing point toward a single, magical source for the ill
fortune befalling the area.


Multiple bad signs appear throughout the land.
Prerequisite: Any three harbinger feats, mooncalf, 28
Benefit: A mooncalf with Mixed Omens can use two
different harbinger feats in one week. The feats may be
used concurrently.
Normal: A mooncalf can only use one harbinger feat a
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Ecology – Ecology of the
Memories become lost and history fades away.
OMEN OF BONES [HARBINGER] Prerequisite: Mooncalf, 28 HD.
A faint breath of rot pervades the land. Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of Loss can create an aura
Prerequisite: Mooncalf, 28 HD. of forgetfulness. All creatures within a 5o-mile radius take a
Benefit: A mooncalf with this feat taints the region in an -2 penalty on all bardic knowledge rolls and Knowledge skill
aura of death. All undead within a 5o-mile radius gain turn checks.
resistance +2. This stacks with any turn resistance the A thick mist and haunting lights settle over a land afflicted
creature might already possess. by an Omen of Loss.
Ghostly glimpses, distorted reflections, and eerie mirages Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Ecology – Ecology of the
haunt an area under an Omen of Bones. Mooncalf)
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Ecology – Ecology of the
Poison becomes more virulent.
OMEN OF CROWS [HARBINGER] Prerequisite: Mooncalf, 28 HD.
The land seems dark, as though it were but one vast Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of Snakes can create an
graveyard. aura that strengthens poisons and venoms of all kinds.
Prerequisite: Mooncalf, 28 HD. Within a 5o-mile radius, all saving throws against poison take
Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of Crows can create an a -2 penalty.
aura that dampens healing magic. Within a 5o-mile radius, all An area under an Omen of Snakes is often infested with
cure spells heal one less hit point of damage per casting. snakes.
An area under an Omen of Crows is often infested with Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Ecology – Ecology of the
crows or similar scavenging birds. Mooncalf)
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Ecology – Ecology of the
A feeling of dread settles over the land.
OMEN OF FLIES [HARBINGER] Prerequisite: Mooncalf, 28 HD.
Pestilence spreads through the land. Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of Storms can create an
Prerequisite: Mooncalf, 28 HD. aura that spreads fear and unease. Within a 5o-mile radius all
Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of Flies can create an aura creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower must make
that strengthens diseases of all kinds. Within a 50-mile a DC 15 Will save or be shaken for the whole day.
radius, all saving throws against disease take a -2 penalty. An area under an Omen of Storms has cloudy, stormy
An area under an Omen of Flies is often infested with flies, weather.
maggots, and other insectile vermin. Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Ecology – Ecology of the
Dragon Magazine #: 340 (Ecology – Ecology of the Mooncalf)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Racial – Lizardfolk, Racial – Salamander and Racial - Shifter Feats
RACIAL FEATS − LIZARDFOLK increases by +1d6.
These feats are frequently used by lizardfolk but Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Searing Flames – The
might be suited to any creature that meets the Ecology of the Salamander)
CHAMELEON BLOOD [RACIAL] You gain a breath weapon usable once per
Lizardfolk with this feat can slightly day.
shift the color of their scales, aiding Prerequisites: Con 13, heat
them in blending in with dense special attack.
vegetation. Benefit: Once per day, you can
Prerequisites: Lizardfolk, Cha 14. regurgitate a mouthful of flaming
Benefit: Lizardfolk with this feat bile and spit it at an opponent.
gain a +6 racial bonus on Hide checks Your breath weapon is a 15-foot line
made in forested or swampy of fire that deals 2d6 points of fire
environments. damage (Reflex half). The saving
throw DC is 10 + 1/2 your HD +
Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Ecology –
The Ecology of the Lizardfolk) Constitution modifier.
Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Searing
Flames – The Ecology of the Salamander)
Lizardfolk with this feat heal at an increased rate, much like
many lesser reptilian creatures.
You can use your tail to hurl a globule of fire as a missile
Prerequisites: Lizardfolk, Con 16, Great Fortitude.
Benefit: Lizardfolk with this feat regain hit points from
normal healing at double the normal rate. For example, a full Prerequisites: Con 13, heat special attack, snakelike tail.
night's rest allows a lizardfolk with this feat to regain 2 hit Benefit: As an attack action, you can snap your tail like a
points per character level or Hit Die, while complete bed rest whip, hurling a flaming globe at a target up to 100 feet away.
restores 4 hit points per character level or Hit Die. This This ranged touch attack has no range increment, and the
ability does not allow a lizardfolk to regenerate or reattach globe deals fire damage equal to that of your heat special
lost limbs. attack. Physically tiring to perform, this attack can be used a
number of times per day equal to 3 + your Constitution
Normal: A full night's rest normally only restores 1 hit
point per character level or 1 Hit Die, while complete bed
rest usually only restores 2 hit points per character level or Dragon Magazine #: 314 (Searing Flames – The Ecology of
Hit Die. the Salamander)
Dragon Magazine #: 335 (Ecology – The Ecology of the
Shifter feats enhance a shifter’s unique racial ability.
These feats are The control you exercise over your beast within allows you
recommended for control over others with the ability to change their shape.
constructing unique Prerequisite: Shifter, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning
salamanders. At the Fist.
DM’s option, the Benefit: You may expend a daily use of your stunning fist
prerequisites may be to disrupt a shapechanger and cause it to instantaneously
adjusted to make these revert to its natural form. This attack works identically to
feats available to other Stunning Fist, except if the opponent fails its save it reverts
races as well. to its natural form (thus ending a shifter's shifting) instead of
being stunned.
BURNING RAGE Special: A fighter may select Disrupting Strike as a fighter
bonus feat.
[GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 355 (Dragonmarks – Way of the
Your rage stokes the Shackled Beast)
flames of your body's
Prerequisites: Con
13, heat special attack, The beast within you knows no fear. You may call upon its
rage ferocity to see you through your darkest hours.
Benefit: While Prerequisite: Shifter.
raging, the fire Benefit: You may expend a daily use of your shifting ability
damage of your heat to ignore any fear effect targeting you. If an effect allows a
special attack saving throw, you may attempt your save first and use this
ability to negate the effect if you fail.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Racial – Shifter, Racial – Spell Weaver and Regional Feats
Special: A fighter may select Fierce Mind as a fighter The feats Blooded and Mercantile Background first
bonus feat. appeared in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, and are
Dragon Magazine #: 355 (Dragonmarks – Way of the represented here for ease of reference. DMs should consider
Shackled Beast) using cultural feats like Rhennlore and Gnomelore as
prerequisites for cultural prestige classes of their own design.
SHIFTSILVER MASTERY [SHIFTER] Some of the feats below can be taken as a fighter bonus feat.
However, the character must still qualify for that region in
You are well-trained in wielding shiftsilver weapons,
order to take the feat.
maximizing their shiftsilver quality to deadly effect.
Some Regional feats are listed as [GENERAL] and others as
Prerequisite: Shifter, base attack bonus +8, two other
[REGIONAL] although all are classified as Regional feats.
shifter feats, must have crafted your own shiftsilver weapon.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a shiftsilver
weapon you crafted against a creature with DR/silver, your ATLAN'S MARK [GENERAL]
shiftsilver weapon temporarily turns into liquid silver, Every inch of your skin is covered in an elaborate tattoo, a
rending flesh from the inside out and dealing 2d4 points of ritualistic marker of your status as chosen of the Underworld.
Constitution damage. Region: Olman.
Special: A fighter may select Shiftsilver Mastery as a Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against
fighter bonus feat. energy draining and death effects. When dying, you have a
Dragon Magazine #: 355 (Dragonmarks – Way of the 50% chance per round of becoming stable. Your tribal tattoos
Shackled Beast) immediately identify you to most Olmans as a follower of
Chitza-Atlan, evil undead Olman god of the Gateway to the
RACIAL FREATS − SPELL WEAVER Normal: You have a 10% chance per round of becoming
stable when dying.
BATTLE WEAVER [RACIAL] Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Some spell weavers train themselves to Oerth)
make use of an extra pair of hands
Prerequisites: Spell Your experiences as a slave have made you more resistant to
weaver, Str 15 torture and mental manipulation.
Benefit: Spell weavers Prerequisite: Your body must bear some obvious sign of
with this feat gain two your former bondage-whip scars on your back, an owner's
additional slam attacks. These brand on the neck, or the like.
additional attacks are primary Regions: Ahlissa, Bandit Kingdoms, Flan, half-orc, Ket,
attacks and have the same attack Lordship of the Isles, North Kingdom, Olman, Onnwal,
bonus as the spell weaver’s other slam Pomarj, Scarlet Brotherhood, Sea Barons, Sea Princes, Tiger
attacks. Nomads, Wild Coast, Yeomanry, Leif.
Normal: Spell weavers can normally Benefit: You receive a +1 insight bonus on all Fortitude
only make two slam attacks. and Will saves. You also receive a +2 competence bonus on
Special: A spell weaver can take this Bluff checks.
feat twice, allowing it to make use of all Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
six arms in combat. This feat makes spell Oerth)
weavers eligible for the Multiweapon
Fighting feat (see page 304 of the
Dragon Magazine #: 338 (Ecology – You're skilled at riding bareback.
Ecology of the Spell Weaver) Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank.
Regions: Paynims, Rovers of the Barrens, Tiger Nomads,
Ull, Wolf Nomads.
REGIONAL FEATS Benefit: You suffer no penalty on Ride checks when riding
Regional feats (whether geographic or racial) supplement bareback. You automatically succeed at checks to guide your
the feats available in the PLAYER'S HANDBOOK, and count mount with your knees, meaning you always have both hands
against a character's regular feat allotment. At 1st level, free while riding. Additionally, you gain a +1 competence
characters can select regional feats appropriate to the bonus on attack rolls when using a ranged weapon while
geographic areas in which they were raised. Characters also riding bareback.
may select regional feats associated with their races, but Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
characters can select racial feats associated with one race Oerth)
only. A human with Suel and Olman blood must choose
which racial strain is dominant, and cannot thereafter select BLACKMOORIAN RHYMES [GENERAL]
feats from the non-dominant racial strain. You've decoded the eldritch secrets of the ancient Rhymers
You may learn feats from a new geographic region of Blackmoor.
altogether. After 1st level, each 2 ranks in Knowledge (local) Region: Blackmoor.
allow you to select a regional feat from another geographic Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana)
region. Racial feats cannot be gained in this manner. checks. Also, when making a bardic knowledge check, roll

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
2d20 and ignore the lower result. Add a bonus equal to your BORN FOLLOWER [GENERAL]
bard level plus your Intelligence modifier as normal.
You excel when directed by a natural leader.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Regions: Gran March, Oeridian, Pale.
Benefit: You gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and on
saving throws against Fear effects when within 30 feet of an
BLESSED OF OSPREM [REGIONAL] ally with the Leadership Feat.
You possess amazing swimming skills. Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character.
Prerequisites: Endurance, 5 ranks in Swim, sailor of the Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Vouhoun Sea. Oerth)
Benefit: You can always choose to take 10 on a Swim
check, even if distracted or endangered. Additionally, you CELESTIAL SCION [GENERAL]
gain a +2 competence bonus on Swim checks made to resist
You are a member of one of the major noble houses of the
nonlethal damage and to hold your breath. These bonuses
former Great Kingdom.
stack with those granted by the Endurance feat.
Regions: Ahlissa, North Kingdom, Solnor Compact.
Dragon Magazine #: 350 (Savage Tidings – Journey to the
Benefit: The benefits of this feat depend
Isle of Dread)
upon the Celestial House to which you
belong. Unless your DM allows
BLOOD OF KORD (GENERAL] otherwise, your rank is very
You're distantly related to the Suel god Kord, who often minor and grants no
takes a mortal woman as his lover. While Kord's immediate game benefits other than
offspring develop a host of powers and abilities, the effects those listed below.
upon your blood are much more subtle. Membership in your
Prerequisite: Ability to rage. family may have intense
Region: Suel. roleplaying
Benefit: When you rage, you gain a pool of 2 bonus damage repercussions and
points per character level, to be added to the damage of any benefits, at the
successful melee attack made during your rage. Bonus discretion of the DM.
damage to a single attack may not exceed half your character Cranden: You receive
level (to a minimum of 1, even at 1st level), but the damage maximum starting gold at
may otherwise be doled out from the pool in any increment 1st level. Due to the
of full damage points you desire. This bonus damage is not diplomatic expertise and
multiplied on a critical hit. Undesignated bonus damage is sterling reputation of your noble
lost when your rage ends. You must declare the addition of house, you receive a +3 bonus on all
the bonus damage after you hit but before damage is rolled. Diplomacy checks. Unless otherwise
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of noted, NPCs in the former Great
Oerth) Kingdom have an initial attitude of
friendly toward you.
BLOODED [GENERAL] Darmen: The weapons of choice
for your mercantile house are the
You know what it means to fight for your life, and the value
poisoned words that have killed
of quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared
far more enemies than
and deadly spells chanted. Enemies find it difficult to catch
poisoned blades. When
you off guard.
caught in a lie due to an
Regions: Bandit Kingdoms, Bissel, Bone March, Bright
unsuccessful Bluff check,
Lands, Furyondy, Geoff, Gran March, luz, Ket, Nyrond,
you get an immediate follow-
Oeridian, Onnwal, Paynims, Pomarj, Rovers of the Barrens,
up opposed Bluff check to cover
Scarlet Brotherhood, Sea Princes, Shield Lands, Sterich,
up the "misstatement" with double-
Stonehold, Tenh, Wild Coast, Wolf Nomads, Yeomanry.
speak. If this Bluff check is
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Initiative and a +2 bonus on
successful, ignore the original failed result-the
all Spot checks.
Bluff attempt goes off successfully, leaving the victim none
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
the wiser. Unless otherwise noted, NPCs in the former Great
Kingdom have an initial attitude of friendly toward you if
they are members of the middle or upper class. Lower-class
BORDER WATCH [GENERAL] serfs understand all too well the contempt most members of
Your experience watching the horizon for enemy troop House Darmen feel for their "breed," and are initially
movements has made you a better soldier. unfriendly toward you.
Regions: Bissel, Furyondy, Geoff, Gran March, Highfolk, Garasteth: The arcane legacy of Aerdy's House Garasteth is
Irongate, Ket, Nyrond, Ratik, Shield Lands, Sterich, Sunndi. known throughout the Flanaess. Wizard is a favored class for
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Spot checks and a +5 you. A multiclass Garasteth's wizard class does not count
bonus on all Profession (soldier) checks. when determining whether she takes an experience point
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of penalty for multiclassing. You also get a +2 bonus on
Oerth) Spellcraft checks. Because most folk fear the magical might

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
of your house, NPCs in the Former Great Kingdom have an DEFENSIVE EXPERT [GENERAL]
initial attitude of friendly toward you.
You excel at fighting while entrenched.
Naelax: You share the bloodline of Ivid the Undying, the
Regions: Irongate, Shield Lands, Sunndi, valley elf, Valley
mad undead Overking who brought the once-mighty Great
of the Mage, Yeomanry.
Kingdom to its knees. You receive a +2 bonus on all
Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus to AC when benefiting from
Intimidate checks. Thanks to an unholy pact between
cover instead of the normal +4 bonus to AC. (If you use the
Overking Ivid l and a fiend, you enjoy a special relationship
rules for varying level of cover, you gain a bonus to AC +2
with evil outsiders. You have a continuous true seeing ability,
higher than normal.) You gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when
as the spell (caster level 16th), but the ability works only
fighting defensively instead of the normal +2 dodge bonus. If
against the cloaking spells of demons and devils. This is a
you have 5 ranks of Tumble, you gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC
supernatural ability. Due to your family's ghastly reputation,
when Fighting defensively instead of the usual +3 dodge
NPCs in the former Great Kingdom have an initial attitude of
unfriendly toward you.
Normal: You gain a +4 bonus to AC from cover and a +2
Rax-Nyrond: The true heirs of the House of Rax died out
bonus to AC when fighting defensively. If you have 5 ranks
long ago, but several illegitimate and minor branches of the
of Tumble, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when fighting
family survive. The Rax legacy is not particularly proud,
defensively instead of the usual +2 dodge bonus.
being filled with a succession of incompetents and half-wits.
Special: You may take this feat as a fighter bonus feat.
Regardless, the house managed to hoard a great deal of
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
political influence during its time at the head of the Great
Kingdom. As an heir of that tradition, you receive a +3 bonus
on Gather Information checks, and all checks take 1d2 hours.
Unless otherwise noted, NPCs in the former Great Kingdom DESERT FIGHTER [GENERAL]
have an initial attitude of friendly toward you. You know how to make the most of terrain-inspired
Torquaan: The financial might of House Torquaan extends advantages when fighting in a desert.
far beyond the borders of the former Great Kingdom. Your Region: Bright Lands.
family's reputation for squeezing the most out of a gold coin Benefit: When fighting in desert terrain. you gain a +2
by employing deceit, trickery, cruelty, and good old- dodge bonus to AC.
fashioned business skills allows you a 1o% a discount on all Special: You may take this feat as a fighter bonus feat.
purchases made anywhere the influence of House Torquaan Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
is known. The DM is free to disallow this discount outside Regional Feats of Oerth)
the former Great Kingdom or in locales openly hostile to
House Torquaan. Since many folk see your kinsmen as DRIFTWALKER [GENERAL]
greedy plutocrats, NPCs in the former Great Kingdom have
You aren't slowed by snowy terrain, and know how to
an initial attitude of unfriendly toward you.
disguise your movements in the snow.
Special: You must select this feat as a 1st-level character.
Regions: Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Perrenland,
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Snow Barbarians, Stonehold, wild elf, wood elf.
Benefit: It costs you no squares of movement to move into
a snow-covered or heavy snow-covered square. You leave no
COMPANION GUARD STYLE [GENERAL] tracks in snowy terrain and cannot be tracked. You may
You've been trained in the combat style of the gray elven choose to leave a trail if so inclined.
Companion Guard of Celene. Normal: Moving into a snow-covered square costs 2
Prerequisites: Proficient with longsword, long spear, and squares of movement. Moving into a square covered by heavy
bows; base attack bonus +4. snow costs 4 squares of movement.
Region: Celene, gray elf. Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Benefit: When Fighting with a longsword or longspear, Oerth)
you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength
modifier on attack rolls. If you use a shield, its armor check DWARFLORE [GENERAL]
penalty applies to your attack rolls. Additionally, you gain a
You've memorized a litany of family histories, baffle
+2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm a critical his with
records, and foundry lore sacred to the dwarven people.
any bow.
Regions: Hill dwarf, Irongate, mountain dwarf, Ulek
Special: You may take this feat as a fighter bonus feat.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Knowledge skill checks
and on checks using one Craft skill of your choice.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
You see exceptionally well underground.
Regions: Deep gnome, stout halfling, mountain dwarf. EHLONNA'S WAY [GENERAL]
Benefit: You gain darkvision with a range of 30 feet. If you You share an intimate bond with the transcendental spirit
already have darkvision, add 10 feet to your darkvision range.
of Oerth's woodlands.
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More Regions: Celene, high elf, Highfolk, wild elf, wood elf.
Regional Feats of Oerth)
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on Hide and Survival checks
made in woodland areas. You get a +4 bonus on attacks

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
against enemies who have cover from trees or plants Rite of Bartle: You get a +1 morale bonus on melee attack
(essentially invalidating the target's cover bonus). You still rolls with a specific weapon you incorporate into your
cannot hit creatures with total cover. exercise.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of Rite of Calm: You get a +1 resistance bonus on all saving
Oerth) throws.
Rite of Fitness: You gain +6 temporary hit points.
ELEMENTAL FOCUS [GENERAL] Special: You may take this feat as a fighter bonus feat.
The Baklunish folk have always enjoyed a close relationship Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
with the elements, and your skill with elemental spells Regional Feats of Oerth)
continues a tradition that dates back hundreds of years before
the Invoked Devastation. EXPERT DUNGEONEER [GENERAL]
Region: Baklunish. Your experience and study of dungeons have given you
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class of all saving throws insight on common trapsetting techniques.
against spells you cast with the air, earth, fire, or water Regions: Blackmoor, deep gnome, Greyhawk, hill dwarf,
descriptors. This bonus stacks with the similar bonuses mountain dwarf.
granted by the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats. Benefit: You receive a +4 competence bonus on saving
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More throws made against the effects of mechanical traps.
Regional Feats of Oerth) Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
You've memorized the epic poems, FAERIE MYSTERIES
histories, and songs of the elven INITIATE [GENERAL]
people, gaining insight into Oerth's
You know the timeless secrets and
history and magic.
rituals of the Faerie Mysteries, self-
Regions: Celene, gray elf, half-elf, improving rites of grace and passion
high elf, Highfolk, Lendore Isles, that have been handed down since the
Sunndi, tallfellow halfling, Ulek earliest days that form a fundamental
States, valley elf, Verbobonc. pillar of elven culture.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Regions: Celene, gray elf, high elf,
Knowledge and Spellcraft checks. Lendore Isles, tallfellow halfling,
Dragon Magazine #: 315 Verbobonc, wild elf, wood elf.
(Greyhawk – Regional Feats of Oerth) Benefits: You and a partner with
the Faerie Mysteries Initiate feat
EXERCISES OF ARND practice a 15-minute regimen of
[GENERAL] cultural rituals that grant you special
bonuses on skill checks or combat
You follow the teachings of the
rolls. You choose which bonus you'd
legendary ancient Oeridian general-
prefer before con-ducting the
priest Arnd of Tdon, practicing a
exercise, modifying your regimen
rigidly defined set of physical
slightly to achieve the desired effect.
exercises every day to maintain peak
Both practitioners must agree upon
fighting effectiveness.
the rite to he performed and receive
Prerequisite: Toughness.
the same bonus. Granted effects last
Regions: Furyondy, Nyrond,
until the next time you perform the
Oeridian, Ratik.
Faerie Mysteries.
Benefit: You practice a daily regimen of exercises that
The Faerie Mysteries require 4 hours of "trance" to clear the
grant you special bonuses in combat. You choose which
mind. If your rest is interrupted, each interruption adds 1
bonus you'd prefer before conducting your exercise,
hour to the total amount of time you must trance in order to
modifying your regimen slightly to achieve the desired
clear your mind, and you must have at least 1 hour of
effect. Granted effects last until the next time you perform
uninterrupted rest immediately prior to conducting the
the exercises of Arnd.
Faerie Mysteries. It you do not need to trance for some
Conducting exercises of Arnd require 8 hours of rest to
reason, you still must have 4 hours of restful calm before
clear the mind. You do not have to slumber for every minute
conducting the Mysteries.
of this time, but you must refrain from movement, combat,
Carols: You and your partner sing in beautiful harmony of
spellcasting, skill use, conversation, or any other fairly
the triumph of Corellon Larethian over Gruumsh One-Eye,
demanding physical or mental task during the rest period. If
extolling the virtues of elves and enumerating the evils of
your rest is interrupted, each interruption adds 1 hour to the
orcs and goblins. When fighting orcs or goblins, you gain a
total amount of time you must rest in order to clear your
+1 competence bonus on damage rolls with melee attacks and
mind, and you must have at least 1 hour of uninterrupted rest
with ranged attacks at ranges of up to 30 feet, and you act as if
immediately prior to conducting the exercises of Arnd. If you
you had the Improved Critical feat for the weapon you are
do not need to sleep for some reason, you still must have 8
using. This benefit does not stack with the Improved Critical
hours of restful calm before conducting the exercises.
feat or other effects that increase critical threat range.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
Frolics: You and your partner engage in a carefree, joyful Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
gambol featuring hand claps and energetic kicks. At the end Oerth)
of the ceremony, both partners receive a +4 insight bonus on
Perform (dance) and Tumble checks. GREYHAWK METHOD [GENERAL]
Gyres: You join your partner in a delicate, deliberate dance
You studied magic at Greyhawk's School of Wizardry, the
involving clasped hands and a rigidly timed orbit around a
preeminent institution of arcane study in the entire Flanaess.
living flower. You gain a +1 resistance bonus on all saving
Prerequisite: Ability to prepare and cast arcane spells.
Region: Greyhawk.
Passions: You and your partner engage in an exuberant
Benefit: You gain four new spells of your choice to add to
sensual act. The ritual leaves both partners invigorated,
your spellbook each time you gain a level in a class that
allowing you to use your Intelligence modifier instead of
allows you to prepare and cast arcane spells (such as wizard).
your Constitution modifier to determine bonus hit points.
These spells represent the results of your research, and must
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
be of spell levels you can cast. If you have chosen to
Regional Feats of Oerth)
specialize in a school of magic, two of the four free spells
must be from your specialty school. Add the following to the
FIENDSIGN [GENERAL] list of feats you may select as a bonus wizard feat: Combat
Your body bears a readily identifiable birthmark, such as a Casting, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration,
third nipple or sore that serves as a symbol of your trafficking Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.
with fiends. Your band to the denizens of the Lower Planes Normal: If you are a wizard, you normally gain a new spells
grants you some measure of control over your fiendish to add to your spellbook each time you gain a level in the
associates. wizard class.
Regions: Greyhawk, luz, North Kingdom, Perrenland, Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Solnor Compact, Sterich, Ull. Oerth)
Benefit: Outsiders with the evil sub-type take a -2 penalty
to their saves against all your spells. In addition, you gain a +2 HALFLING LORE [GENERAL]
bonus to your caster level check to overcome the spell
You've memorized countless recipes, wives tales, folktales,
resistance of an outsider with the evil subtype.
and legends honored by the halfling people.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Regions: Lightfoot halfling, stout halfling, tallfellow
halfiing, Ulek States.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (local) and
GIANTKIILER [GENERAL] Knowledge (history) checks, and a +4 bonus on all Profession
Your experience fighting giants has given you a tactical (cook) checks.
advantage against them. Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Regions: Geoff, Keoland, Stench. Oerth)
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls to confirm
critical hits against giants, and you gain a +2 dodge bonus to HEIR OF LENDORE [GENERAL]
your AC against a giant's attacks.
You are a descendant of the legendary migrations-era Suel
Special: You may take this feat as a fighter bonus feat.
archmage Lendore, predictor of the Invoked Devastation,
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
patron of the Lendore Isles, and creator of the City of Glass.
Your eyes are milky white and bear no pupils, although you
see normally,
You've memorized a staggering array of trivia, jokes, bawdy Benefit: Add +2 to the Difficulty Class to all saving throws
stories, and legends collected throughout the ages by gnomes against divination spells you cast. This bonus stacks with
and passed orally to each new generation. those granted by the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus
Regions: Rock gnome, Ulek States, valley elf. feats.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Perform checks and Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
Knowledge checks. Regional Feats of Oerth)
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
You have been raised in a culture that relies upon riding
GREAT FERVOR [GENERAL] and shooting.
Your overwhelming religious zeal has caught the attention Prerequisites: Human
of your deity. Sometimes, you seem to get a second chance in Regions: the Hordelands, Nimbral, the Ride, or the Shaar
the face of catastrophe. Benefit: You gain proficiency with the composite
Regions: Ekbir, Pale, Scarlet Brotherhood, Tusmit, Veluna, shortbow, light lance, and scimitar. You also get a +3 bonus
Verbobonc. on all Ride checks.
Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a failed saving Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level
throw. Add your Wisdom modifier to the needed save. You character. You may only have one regional feat.
must accept the result of the second save, even if it is lower Dragon Magazine #: 349 (The Horde – Barbarians of the
than the original failed saving throw. Endless Waste)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
You're good with horses. You know how to make the most of terrain-inspired
Regions: Baklunish, Flan, Paynims, Rovers of the Barrens, advantages when fighting in a jungle.
Tiger Nomads, Wolf Nomads. Regions: Bandit Kingdoms, Lordship of the Isles, Olman,
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on Ride checks when riding a Scarlet Brotherhood, Sea Princes.
horse and on Handle Animal checks when dealing with Benefit: When fighting in jungle terrain, you gain a +2
horses. All horses have an initial attitude of friendly toward dodge bonus to AC.
you. Special: You may take this feat as a fighter bonus feat.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Oerth) Oerth)


You are descended from the genies summoned to Oerth by You have mastered the Olman martial art called Kahiko.
the ancient Baklunish in the dying days of the Suel- Prerequisites: Olman, Improved Grapple, Improved
Baklunish wars. You might bear some physical or Unarmed Strike, flurry of blows class feature, proficient with
psychological mark of your ancestry, such as a fiery an Olman exotic weapon.
disposition thanks to an efreeti ancestor or uniformly blue Benefit: You gain a +1 on all disarm, grapple, and trip
eyes from the blood of a marid. attempts when wielding an Olman exotic weapon. In
Region: Baklunish, addition, you can treat any Olman exotic weapon in which
Benefit: Select one type of genie: dao (earth), djinni you are proficient as a special monk weapon,
(air), efreeti (fire}, or marid (water). The benefits allowing you to perform a flurry of blows with it.
of this feat vary by the type of your genie Dragon Magazine #: 352 (Savage Tidings –
ancestor. Braving the Isle of Dread)
Dao: You receive a +4 bonus on saving
throws against earth effects and KAHIKO MASTER
Fortitude saves made to resist
petrifaction. You also add +2 to the [REGIONAL]
DC of saving throws for any spell You excel at Olman fighting arts.
with the earth descriptor that you Prerequisites: Olman, Improved
cast as a sorcerer. This benefit Grapple, Improved Unarmed
stacks with the Spell Focus and Strike, Kahiko, flurry of blows
Greater Spell Focus feats if the class feature, proficient with an
spell you cast is from your Olman exotic weapon.
chosen school. Benefit: You gain a +2 on all
Djinni: You receive a +4 disarm, grapple, and trip
bonus on saving throws attempts when wielding an
against air effects and the Olman exotic weapon. This
following spells: acid fog, call bonus overlaps (does not stack
lightning, cloudkill, stinking with) the bonus gained from the
cloud, and storm of vengeance. Kahiko feat. In addition, you
You also add +2 to the, DC of may attempt to stun a foe with
saving throws for any spells the Stunning Fist feat (if you have
with the air descriptor that it) when wielding an Olman exotic
you cast as a sorcerer. This benefit stacks with the Spell Focus weapon as if you were making an unarmed strike. Finally,
and Greater Spell Focus feats it the spell you cast is from your you may throw a shimalo'koa with a 10-foot range increment.
chosen school. Dragon Magazine #: 352 (Savage Tidings – Braving the
Efreeti: You receive: a +4 bonus on saving throws against fire Isle of Dread)
effects. You also add +2 to the DC of saving throws for any
spells with the, fire descriptor that you cast as a sorcerer. This LANDLESS NOBILITY [GENERAL]
benefit stacks with the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus You belong to a noble line that has utterly lost its homeland
feats if the spell you cast is from your chosen school. due to war, incompetence, politics, or fate. Your status as a
Marid: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against noble nonetheless grants you some measure of financial
water effects and the following spells: acid fog, cone of cold, comfort, despite your lack of land.
horrid wilting, ice storm, and sleet storm. You receive a +2 bonus Regions: Bone March, Geoff, Sea Princes, Shield Lands,
on Constitution checks made to resist drowning. You also Sterich, Tenh, Ulek States (Principality only).
add +2 to the DC of saving throws for any spells with the Benefit: You receive maximum starting gold for your class
water descriptor that you cast as a sorcerer. This benefit (Player's Handbook, page 111). You also receive a +4 bonus on
stacks with the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats if Charisma-based skill checks made against residents of your
the spell you cast is from your chosen school. homeland (including expatriates).
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. Special: You can take this feat only at 1st level.
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Regional Feats of Oerth) Oerth)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
LAST SURVIVOR [REGIONAL] Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Faced with death in the wilds of the Amedio Jungle with no Oerth)
one to depend on but yourself, you have honed your survival
instincts to a razor's edge. MOUNTAIN FIGHTER [GENERAL]
Prerequisites: 5 ranks in Survival, sole survivor of a deadly You know how to make the most of terrain-inspired
encounter in the Amedio Jungle. advantages when fighting in mountainous terrain.
Benefit: While in jungle or forest environments you gain a Regions: Frost Barbarians, Geoff, hill dwarf, Ice Barbarians,
+2 circumstance bonus on Hide, Listen, and Spot checks Irongate, mountain dwarf, Perrenland, Pomarj, Batik, Snow
made against predators and natural hazards. Barbarians, Sterich, Stonehold, Tusmit, Ulek States, Ull,
Dragon Magazine #: 350 (Savage Tidings – Journey to the Urnst States (Duchy only), valley elf, Valley of the Mage,
Isle of Dread) Yeomanry.
Benefit: When fighting in mountainous terrain, you gain a
Special: You may take this feat as a fighter bonus feat.
[GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
You know the poems of ancient Ur-Flan sorcerers. These Oerth)
poems contain lost secrets that strengthen your protective
Regions: Blackmoor, Flan.
You learned magic at the Sorcerers' Nexus of Rel Astra, a
Benefit: When someone attempts to dispel your abjuration
shadowy academy led by the greatest summoners and binders
spells, the dispel check DC is 13 + the spell's caster level.
of Oerth.
Normal: The dispel check DC to dispel any spell is 11 + the
spell's caster level. Prerequisite: Ability to prepare and cast arcane spells.
Region: Solnor Compact.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Oerth) Benefit: You can channel stored spell energy into summon
monster spells that you did not prepare ahead of time. You can
"lose" any prepared spell that's not a conjuration spell in
LORE OF THE UR−FLAN [GENERAL] order to cast a summon monster spell of the same level or
You're schooled in the ancient art of Ur-Flan necromancers. lower. For example, a wizard who has prepared fireball (a 3rd-
Region: Bright Lands, Flan. level spell) may lose fireball in order to cast summon monster
Benefit: Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws III (also a 3rd-level spell). Add the following to the list of
against necromancy spells with the evil descriptor you cast. feats you may select as a bonus wizard feat: Augment
This bonus stacks with those granted by the Spell Focus and Summoning, Fiendsign, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell
Greater Spell Focus feats. Penetration, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
Oerth) Regional Feats of Oerth)


You come from a family that excels at a particular trade and Your strength of spirit and forthrightness bolsters your
knows well the value of any kind of trade good or resolve and draws others toward you.
commodity. Regions: Deep gnome, Furyondy, half-elf, lightfoot
Regions: Bissel, deep gnome, Dyvers, Ekbir, Gran March, halfling, Oeridian, Pale, Shield Lands, Ulek States, Veluna,
Greyhawk, Highfolk, hill dwarf, Irongate, Ket, lightfoot Yeomanry.
halfling, Lordship of the Isles, mountain dwarf, Onnwal, rock Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves and a +2 bonus
gnome, Sea Barons, Solnor Compact, stout halfling, Tusmit, on Diplomacy checks.
Ulek States, Urnst States, Verbobonc. Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Appraise checks and a Oerth)
+2 bonus on skill checks in the Craft or Profession skill of
your choice.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Somewhere in the shadowy boughs of your extended family
tree is an orc. The creature's influence on your heritage isn't
enough to make you a half-orc, but it is enough give you
MERCENARY BACKGROUND [GENERAL] slightly porcine features, chronic bad breath, and a nasty
You've traveled across the Flanaess as a hired mercenary, temperament.
learning a smattering of local flavor on every mission in a Regions: Bandit Kingdoms, Bone March, Luz, North
foreign land. Because you've known so many fellow Kingdom, Pomarj, Stonehold, Ull, Zeif.
mercenaries from distant lands, you have little difficulty Benefit: You gain darkvision up to 3o feet. Barbarian is
picking up foreign languages. considered a favored class for you. You are not considered an
Regions: Bissel, half-orc, hill dwarf, Paynims, Perrenland, orc for effects related to race.
Stonehold, Tenh, Tusmit, Ull. Special: You may select this feat only at 1st level.
Benefit: Speak Language is a class skill for you. You receive Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (local) checks. Oerth)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
PUREBLOODED SUEL [GENERAL] In addition, three times per day, you can detect evil
outsiders. This effect functions as per the spell detect undead,
Undiluted Suloise blood flows through your veins,
but detects evil outsiders rather than undead.
hearkening back to ancient empires and making you an
attractive potential associate to pro-Suel Scarlet Brotherhood Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level
racists. character. You may only have one regional feat.
Region: Suel. Dragon Magazine #: 349 (The Horde – Barbarians of the
Endless Waste)
Benefit: Your notoriously short temper grants you a
+1bonus on Intimidate checks, while the resolve and magical
aptitude of your ancestors grants you a +1 bonus on all RHENNLERE [GENERAL]
savings throws against spells and spell-likes effects. You also You've memorized oral histories of the Rhennee tribes,
receive a +2 bonus on Charisma based skill checks made learning of the places they've visited and the secrets they've
against members of the Scarlet Brotherhood. uncovered. You've also trained in the gymnastic cultural
Special: You may select this feat only at 1st level. dance of the bargefolk.
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More Regions: Dyvers, Greyhawk, Rhennee.
Regional Feats of Oerth) Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Tumble checks and on
all Knowledge checks.
PUREHEART [GENERAL] Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Your land has battled creatures from the Lower Planes for Oerth)
generations. Your people have been blessed by the gods and
you are better able to resist the overtures and attacks of RUSTIC CHARM [GENERAL]
fiends. Others tend to underestimate you due to your rural
Prerequisites: Human upbringing.
Region: Damara, Impiltur, Vaasa Regions: Ahlissa, Furyondy, Keoland, Nyrond, rock
Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on all saving throws to gnome, Sunndi, Urnst States, Veluna.
resist attacks, spells, and special abilities of evil outsiders. Benefit: You suffer no penalties on Diplomacy checks
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level related to social class. Upper class NPCs tend to view you as a
character. You may only have on regional feat. charming rube-no threat to them whatsoever. Others suffer a
Dragon Magazine #: 346 (Impiltur – The Forgotten -2 penalty on Sense Motive checks made against you.
Kingdom) Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
Regional Feats of Oerth)
You're a fearless raider. SAGACIOUS METHOD [GENERAL]
Regions: Bone March, Frost Barbarians, half-orc, Ice You learned magic from the Sagacious Society of Nyrond, a
Barbarians, Iuz, Olman, Paynims, Pomarj, Rovers of the loosely organized assembly of scholars, sages, and mages who
Barrens, Snow Barbarians, Stonehold, Tiger Nomads, Ull, trade arcane information in an effort to improve the
Wolf Nomads. defensive strength of the Kingdom of Nyrond.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on saves against fear effects Prerequisite: Ability to prepare and cast arcane spells.
and a +2 bonus on all Intimidate checks. Region: Nyrond.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks to
Oerth) decipher the writing on scrolls. You also receive a +4 bonus
on caster level checks to successfully cast a scroll spell with a
RAPSCALLION [GENERAL] caster level higher than your level. Add the following to the
list of feats you may select as a bonus wizard feat: Eschew
Your stunning wit improves the credulity of your frequent
Materials, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration,
Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.
Prerequisite: Int 13+.
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
Regions: Bandit Kingdoms, Dyvers, half-elf, half-orc,
Regional Feats of Oerth)
Rhennee, rock gnome, Sea Barons, Urnst States (County
only), Wild Coast.
Benefit: In addition to your Charisma modifier, add your SECOND SIGHT [GENERAL]
Intelligence modifier on all Bluff checks. You have the ancient gift of foresight, making you an
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of honored member of your bargefolk family.
Oerth) Region: Rhennee.
Benefit: Once per day, you can east augury as a 3rd-level
RAUMATHAR HERITOR [REGIONAL] cleric. This is a spell-like, ability.
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
You are descended from the fiend-hating battlemages of the
Regional Feats of Oerth)
Raumathar Empire.
Prerequisites: Human
Regions: the Hordelands, Lake of Mists, Rashemen, Thay SHADOWBOUND [GENERAL]
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (the planes) The Black One of the Valley of the Mage cast a powerful
checks and wizard becomes a favored class for you. spell upon you, fusing your soul with a Fragment of the Plane
of Shadow.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
Region: Valley of the Mage. Additionally, your ordeal in the Moonarch of Sehanine has
Benefit: You can cloak yourself in an umbra of granted you one of the following powers (choose when you
shadowstuff, granting you a +2 bonus on Hide checks. Once select this feat).
per day you may cast a spell with the shadow descriptor as Gift of Prophesy: The elven deities encountered during your
though it was prepared with the Empower Spell feat without Moonarch trial took an especial liking to you and have
requiring a higher level spell slot. granted you the ability to communicate with their agents
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More during your nightly trance. Once per day, while in trance you
Regional Feats of Oerth) can cast the commune spell as a 10th-level cleric. This is a
supernatural ability.
SILENT METHOD [GENERAL] Gift of Sight: Your experience has granted you the ability to
pierce magical obfuscation, seeing the world in terms of
You learned magic at the Lonely Tower of the Silent Ones
absolute truth. Once per day, you can cast true seeing as a 10th-
of Keoland, a secretive order that seeks to protect the last
level cleric. This is a spell-like ability.
vestiges of ancient Suel magic and ensure that such magic
Ye’Cind’s Ear: Within the mysterious Moonarch, you
does not fall into the hands of those who would abuse it.
encountered the elven demigod Ye'Cind, who increased your
Region: Keoland.
understanding of traditional elven music. Once per day, you
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all dispel checks and on
may add a +6 bonus to your effective bard level for purposes
caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made for the break
of bardic music effects. For example, a 12th-level bard with
enchantment spell. Add the following to the list of feats you
Ye'Cind's ear and an 18 Charisma could use her bardic music
may select as a bonus wizard feat: Combat Casting, Greater
to make a suggestion. The DC for the associated save would be
Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Magical Aptitude,
23 (DC 10 = 1/2 bard's level + bard's Cha modifier). The same
Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.
bard attempting a song of freedom would be considered an
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
18rh-level bard for purposes of determining the efficacy of
Regional Feats of Oerth)
the resulting break enchantment. This is a supernatural ability.
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
SPIRIT OF THE SEA [GENERAL] Regional Feats of Oerth)
You're most alive on the deck of a ship at sea and know all
too well the dangers of open waters. TONGUE OF MOUGOL [GENERAL]
Regions: Ekbir, Lendore Isles, Lordship of the Isles,
You know your way around business negotiations.
Scarlet Brotherhood, Sea Barons, Sea Princes, Wild Coast,
Regions: Baklunish, Bissel, Ket,
Benefit: You receive a +3 bonus on Bluff checks and
Benefit: You get a +8 bonus on all Survival checks made
Diplomacy checks related to business dealings.
while aboard a boat or ship.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
Regional Feats of Oerth)


Choose an Olman tribe. You are the pride of the tribe and a
You are an expert at stealth while aboard sailing ships.
living testament to its cultural distinctiveness.
Prerequisites: 5 ranks in Hide, 5 ranks in Move Silently, 1
Prerequisite: Olman.
rank in Profession (sailor), native to the Jeklea Bay or Azure
Benefit: The benefit you gain depends on which of the
Sea regions.
seven tribes to which you belong.
Benefit: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Disguise,
Burowao: You gain a +2 bonus on Swim checks and take
Hide, and Move Silently checks on large sailing vessels.
only half the normal penalties for fighting underwater. You
Dragon Magazine #: 350 (Savage Tidings – Journey to the
can also ignore concealment granted to underwater enemies
Isle of Dread)
when you are on the surface or out of the water.
Dawa: You gain a +1 bonus on Hide and Move Silently
TESTED [GENERAL] checks. If an opponent is flat-footed to you during a surprise
You've passed through the Moonarch of Sehanine, been round of combat and you successfully use sneak attack
tested by the gods, and have emerged with great insight. The against him, your sneak attack deals an extra +1d6 points of
process has granted you intense inner calm, but it has damage. You must possess the sneak attack class ability in
instilled in you an aloofness many find off-putting. You and order to gain the bonus for it.
other People of the Testing share a desire to protect old forest Kirikuka: You gain a +2 bonus on Climb checks. The range
lands, faerie folk, and areas secret and precious to elves. You increment of any thrown weapon you use increases by 10
strive to keep hidden evil banes, magic, and secrets. You see feet.
the world as it is means to be seen, you know the things that Mora: You gain a +1 bonus on Tumble checks. In addition,
were meant to be known, and your destiny is forevermore you gain the following spell-like ability as a 1st-level caster:
intertwined with that of the elven race. 3/day-hide from undead.
Prerequisites: Faerie Mysteries Initiate, character level Panitube: You gain a +2 bonus on Will saves made to resist
10th. illusion spells and effects. In addition, you also gain a +2
Regions: Gray elf, high elf, wild elf, wood elf. bonus on Appraise checks and knowledge (arcana) checks
Benefits: You receive a +2 bonus on Charisma based skill made to identify or price any natural treasures of the Isle of
checks made against elves. This bonus increases to +4 on Dread, such as rare corals, dinosaur teeth, or exotic
checks made against other elves with the Tested feat. gemstones.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional Feats
Tanaroans: You gain a +1 bonus on Survival checks and, if VOHOUN EYE [REGIONAL]
female, a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks
Your exposure to the dark side of magic and the occult has
made against male Olman.
made you sensitive to the telltale signs of spellcasting and
In addition, when wielding a kaua'koi you can have it deal
wary of their results.
two kinds of damage.
Prerequisites: 5 ranks in Sense Motive, lived among the
Usi: You gain a +2 bonus on knowledge (religion) checks
debased civilizations of the Pirate Isles.
and initiative rolls.
Benefit: When you see someone casting a spell (not a spell-
Dragon Magazine #: 352 (Savage Tidings – Braving the
like ability) you may make a Sense Motive check (DC 20+
Isle of Dread)
level of spell) as a free action. If successful, you know what
school of magic is being used and gain a +2 circumstance
TROLL BLOODED [GENERAL] bonus on your saving throw against it if it is directed at you
Your family tree contains the blood of the trolls of the or you are in its area of effect.
Thillonrian Peninsula. Dragon Magazine #: 350 (Savage Tidings – Journey to the
Prerequisite: Toughness. Isle of Dread)
Regions: Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Pale, Snow
Benefit: You gain regeneration 1 as an extraordinary You are a "servant" of Wastri, the hopping prophet.
ability. Fire and acid deal normal damage to you. If you lose a
Regions: Blackmoor, Keoland, Sea Princes, Sunndi.
limb or a body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 days. You
Benefit: You can hold your breath for a number of rounds
can reattach the severed member as a full-round action by
equal to three times your Constitution score. You leave no
holding it to the stump. You are fatigued while exposed to
trail in swampy terrain and cannot be tracked therein. You
may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Special: You can take this feat at 1st level only.
Normal: You can hold your breath for a number of rounds
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More equal to twice your Constitution score.
Regional Feats of Oerth)
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
More than 1,000 years ago, the Flan deity Vathris, patron of WELL READ [GENERAL]
the kingdom of Itar, fell in battle against the Kingdom of
Your readings have granted you extensive general
Sulm, a wickedly barbed, black longspear piercing his chest.
knowledge about a wide range of affairs.
You have the ability to manifest a stigmatic wound in your
Regions: Ahlissa, Celene, Dyvers, Ekbir, Furyondy, gray
own chest in memory of the deathblow of Vathris, but unlike
elf, Greyhawk, high elf, Irongate, Keoland, Lendore Isles,
your patron's poisonous wound, yours has the ability to heal
Lordship of the Isles, Nyrond, Solnor Compact, Suet, Urnst
the sick.
States, Valley of the Mage, Veluna, Verbobonc, Zeif,
Prerequisite: Patron Deity: Vathris.
Benefit: All Knowledge skills are considered class skills for
Region: Bright Lands.
Benefit: Once per day, you can cause your chest to seep a
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Greyhawk – Regional Feats of
black, tarry substance from a psychosomatic spear wound. If
consumed within an hour of collection, this substance has
the magical ability to detoxify any poison (as neutralize poison)
and cure any disease (as remove disease). Your wound seeps WELL TRAVELED [GENERAL]
enough substance for only one application per day. The Your travels across the Flanaess have given you a strong
substance is considered to have a caster level of 5 for depth of local knowledge and a broad repertoire of far-flung
purposes of dispel checks. Manifesting the stigmata causes tales.
you to become exhausted. This is a supernatural ability. Regions: Half-elf, lightfoot halfling, Rhennee, stout
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
Regional Feats of Oerth)


You have little difficulty with cold environments.
Regions: Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Ratik, Snow
Barbarians, Stonehold.
Benefit: You don't need protection when operating in cold
weather and automatically succeed at saves to stave off
nonlethal damage. You do not add a cumulative +1 to the DC
of checks to resist cold weather effects.
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
Regional Feats of Oerth)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Regional and Tactical Feats
halfling, tallfellow halfling. Prerequisites: Dex 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +5.
Benefit: You gain 2 ranks in the Knowledge (local) skill Benefit: The Blinding Strike feat enables the use of three
and can draw upon your experiences to influence those tactical maneuvers.
willing to converse with you. When dealing with a non- Blind the Foe: To use this maneuver, you must use a full-
hostile creature that you can communicate with you can use round action to make an attack with a melee weapon using
your Knowledge (local) skill in place of your Diplomacy skill. your Power Attack feat. The penalty you take on your attack
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More must be -5 or more. If the attack succeeds, instead of taking
Regional Feats of Oerth) damage, your opponent must make a Fortitude save or
become blind for 1d4 rounds. The DC for the Fortitude save
WORLD WEARY [GENERAL] equals 10 plus the value of the penalty you took on the attack
(minimum DC 15).
Your crushed spirit makes you difficult to scare or
Weaken Gaze: To use this maneuver, you must use a full-
round action to make an attack with a melee weapon using
Regions: Ahlissa, Bandit Kingdoms, Bone March, Geoff,
your Power Attack feat against a creature with a gaze attack.
Iuz, North Kingdom, Pommel, Rovers of the Barrens, Scarlet
The penalty you take on your attack must be -5 or more. If the
Brotherhood, Sea Princes, Shield Lands, Sterich, Tenh.
attack succeeds, you deal normal damage and also degrade
Benefit: You receive a +4 competence bonus on saves
one of the target's gaze attacks. For the next 10 rounds, the
against fear. Treat fear conditions as one rank lower, so, an
creature's gaze attack save DC decreases by 2. Each successful
effect that would make you panicked instead makes you
Weaken Gaze attack further reduces the save DC by 2.
frightened, while an effect that makes you frightened merely
Against a monster with more than one gaze attack, such as a
leaves you shaken. Effects that make you shaken affect you as
beholder, this maneuver only affects one gaze attack at a
time. In such an instance, you choose which gaze attack you
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More
Regional Feats of Oerth)
Eye Gouge: To use this maneuver, you must use a full-round
action to make an attack with a melee weapon using your
ZAGYG'S FAVOR [GENERAL] Power Attack feat against a creature with a gaze attack. This
It's not that you're insane, it's just that "normal" people maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity. If you take
don't understand the world the way you do. Either way, damage from an attack of opportunity the maneuver is
you're difficult to dominate effectively. disrupted and your turn ends. Otherwise, you may make an
Regions: Greyhawk. attack using your Power Attack feat. The penalty you take on
Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on Will saves against your attack must be -5 or more. If the attack succeeds, your
compulsion effects (confusion, dominate person, insanity, and so opponent takes normal damage and must also make a
on). Fortitude save or lose the use of its gaze attack for 1d4
Dragon Magazine #: 319 (Greyhawk Feats – More rounds. The DC for the Fortitude save equals 10 plus the
Regional Feats of Oerth) value of the penalty you took on the attack (minimum DC
15). Against a monster with more than one gaze attack, such
TACTICAL FEATS as a beholder, this maneuver only affects one gaze attack at a
Feats with the tactical descriptor allow time. In such an instance, you choose which gaze attack you
characters to perform a number of powerful affect.
attacks. Special: Constructs, oozes, and creatures without visual
If you’re playing a character who has a organs (including most undead) are immune to the effects of
tactical feat, it’s your responsibility to keep these maneuvers.
track of the actions you’re performing as you A fighter may select Blinding Strike as one of his
set up the maneuver that the feat enables you fighter bonus feats.
to perform. It’s also a good idea to briefly Dragon Magazine #: 345 (Class Acts –
mention to the DM that you’re working toward Combat Strikes)
performing a tactical maneuver; a remark along
the lines of “I attack the troll, using Combat DEAFENING BLOW [TACTICAL]
Expertise to the maximum, and that’s the first You know just where to strike an enemy
step in a tactical maneuver” is appropriate. to deafen him for a short time.
Some of the tactical feats refer to the first Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack,
round, second round, and so on. These terms base attack bonus +4.
refer to the timing of the maneuver, not the Benefit: The Deafening Blow feat
battle as a whole. You don’t have to use enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.
Combat Expertise in the first round of Battle Clangor: To use this maneuver, you must
combat to begin a tactical maneuver, for make an attack with a bludgeoning melee weapon
example; the round in which you use using your Power Attack feat. The penalty you
Combat Expertise is considered the first take on your attack must be -4 or more. If the
round of the maneuver. attack succeeds, instead of dealing damage, you
knock your opponent's head with such precision
BLINDING STRIKE [TACTICAL] that he becomes overly sensitive to sound. For 1
You know special attacks for temporarily minute, he takes a -4 penalty on saving throws
blinding a foe or degrading a gaze attack.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Tactical and Vile Feats
against sonic attacks and language-dependent effects. round using the total defense action. The round after that,
Disorienting Blow: To use this maneuver, you must make an you must then attack your foe without using Combat
attack with a bludgeoning melee weapon weighing at least 4 Expertise at all. For that round, your foe is flat-footed against
pounds using your Power Attack feat. The penalty you take your attacks and you gain a +2 bonus on all attacks against
on your attack must be -4 or more. If the attack succeeds, that foe until your next turn.
instead of taking damage, your opponent must make a Special: Constructs, oozes, undead, and creatures immune to
Fortitude save or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. The DC for fatigue are immune to these maneuvers.
the Fortitude save equals 10 plus the value of the penalty you A fighter may select Exhausting Defense as one of his
took on the attack (minimum DC 14). fighter bonus feats.
Deafen Foe: To use this maneuver, you must use a full-round Dragon Magazine #: 345 (Class Acts – Combat Strikes)
action to make an attack with a bludgeoning melee weapon
using your Power Attack feat. The penalty you take on your VILE FEATS
attack must be -4 or more. If the attack succeeds, in addition
Only intelligent characters of an evil alignment can use vile
to taking normal damage, your opponent must make a
feats. Vile feats are granted to characters at the behest of a
Fortitude save or be deafened for 1d4 rounds. The DC for the
powerful evil agency—a god, a demon, or something similar.
Fortitude save equals 10 plus the value of the penalty you
As such, vile feats are supernatural abilities rather than
took on the attack (minimum DC 14).
extraordinary abilities. Some DMs may also want to require a
Special: Constructs, oozes, undead, and creatures without
character who seeks a vile feat to perform a special ritual or
the ability to hear are immune to the effects of these
make an actual bargain with a powerful creature of evil. The
patron creature may even (at the DM’s discretion) have the
A fighter may select Deafening Blow as one of his fighter
ability to revoke the feat should the character displease it.
bonus feats.
Dragon Magazine #: 345 (Class Acts – Combat Strikes)
Your summoned creatures become twisted and evil.
EXHAUSTING DEFENSE [TACTICAL] Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration), Augment
Your fighting style invites attackers to wear themselves out
Summoning, evil alignment.
against your stalwart defense.
Benefit: Each creature you conjure with any summon spell
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Dodge, base attack bonus
gains the evil subtype, and creatures that are not already evil
in alignment become evil.
Benefit: The Exhausting Defense feat enables the use of
Dragon Magazine #: 347 (Princes of Elemental Evil – The
three tactical maneuvers.
Fatigue the Foe: To use this maneuver, you must fight using
the Combat Expertise feat for at least three consecutive
rounds against the same opponent, whom you have also SACRIFICIAL DIVINATION [VILE]
designated as the target of your Dodge feat. The penalty you By offering living sacrifices to dark powers you gain insight
take on your attacks must be -4 or more. After the first three into the future.
rounds, each round your opponent continues to attack you he Prerequisite: Sacrificial Mastery
must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or become fatigued. If you Benefit: You can see glimpses of the future by divining
stop attacking that opponent, or he ceases attacking you, you with the entrails of sacrificial victims. Upon doing so, you
must restart the three rounds fighting with Combat Expertise must make a Knowledge (nature) or Knowledge (religion)
before using this maneuver against that opponent again. An check. The result of the check determines which divination
opponent affected by this maneuver remains fatigued until spell you emulate. You may apply modifiers from Table 2-1:
the end of the encounter. Typical Sacrifice Elements on page 27 of the Book of Vile
Exhaust the Foe: To use this maneuver, you must first face a Darkness to this roll, if an apply. You may always opt to use
fatigued opponent. In addition, you must fight using the one of the spells of a DC lower than your check. Using
Combat Expertise feat for at least three consecutive rounds Sacrificial Divination only grants you access to one such spell
against the same opponent, whom you have also designated per day, no matter how many sacrifices you make. All spell
as the target of your Dodge feat. Rounds that count toward effects created by this feat have a caster level equal to your
your Fatigue the Foe maneuver do not count for this Hit Dice.
maneuver. The penalty you take on your attacks must be -4 or
more. Beginning on the third round your target attacks you, Knowledge DC Effect
it must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or become exhausted. If 10 Augury
you break off combat with your target, you must restart the 15 Scrying
two rounds fighting with Combat Expertise before using this 20 Divination
maneuver against that creature again. If you stop attacking 25 Commune
that opponent, or he ceases attacking you, you must restart
the two rounds fighting with Combat Expertise before using In addition, you may add the +4 profane bonus granted by
this maneuver against that opponent again. An opponent Sacrificial Mastery on Knowledge (nature) checks rather than
affected by this maneuver remains exhausted until the end of on Knowledge (religion) checks when performing a
the encounter, at which time he becomes fatigued until he divination sacrifice.
rests. Suggested Class/Race: Druid
The Best Offense: To use this maneuver, you must face a Dragon Magazine #: 336 (Class Acts – Dark Side Druids)
fatigued or exhausted opponent. You must then spend a

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Weapon Style and Wild Feats
composite longbow as a club of equal size as the longbow.
WEAPON STYLE FEATS This takes the place of any attack you may get for your
The most famous martial characters are renowned for their Improved Trip feat. You may choose to forgo your bonus
distinctive styles, combinations of favored weapons and attack if you desire. A longbow or composite longbow used in
exotic maneuvers that are as unique as a signature. Many this way is treated as magic for the purposes of overcoming
fighters discover how to use their strength to best effect by DR if it is enchanted, but it otherwise grants no other
learning Power Attack, Cleave, and Improved Sunder, or weapon special abilities (such as flaming).
study the pure art of swordsmanship by learning Combat Dragon Magazine #: 332 (Class Acts – Flexible Fighters)
Expertise and Improved Disarm—but in all the kingdom,
there may be only a single master of the Crescent Moon
A weapon style feat is one that provides a benefit that draws You have mastered fighting with two weapons to force your
upon a number of specific feats, and that often requires the enemy off balance.
use of specific weapons. Prerequisites: Str 15, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack,
Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: You can use Power Attack and a number of
BITE OF STEEL [STYLE] successive blows to knock down your foes. To use the Storm
You have mastered fighting with a sai in your offhand to of Flying Strikes, you must sacrifice at least five points of
counter other two-weapon fighters. base attack using the Power Attack feat and hit your
Prerequisites: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two- opponent more than once in the same round. If you succeed,
Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (sai), base attack bonus +5. your opponent must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 +
Benefit: As part of a full-attack action with a sai in your your Strength modifier + the number of times you hit your
offhand, you may make an opposed attack roll using your off- opponent in the round) or be knocked prone at the end of
hand weapon against an opponent who is also using two your attacks. Bonuses for stability apply to this saving throw.
weapons. If successful, you pin your opponent's off-hand Storm of Flying Strikes has no effect on an opponent who is
weapon and he may not use it on his next action. Due to the already prone.
design of the sai, you receive a +4 bonus on the attack roll Dragon Magazine #: 332 (Class Acts – Flexible Fighters)
made to pin your opponent's off-hand weapon. If you have
more than one attack with your off-hand weapon, you may
attempt to pin your opponent's off-hand weapon more than WILD FEATS
once. If successful, you lose any additional attacks you might All wild feats have as a prerequisite the wild shape class
receive with your offhand until your next turn. If your feature. Thus, they are open to druids of 5th level or higher,
opponent moves outside your reach, this restriction is as well as any character who has gained wild shape or a
removed. Your opponent can choose to drop the weapon similar class feature from a prestige class.
instead of suffering this restriction. Each use of a wild feat generally costs you one daily use of
Dragon Magazine #: 332 (Class Acts – Flexible Fighters) your wild shape ability. If you don’t have any uses of wild
shape left, you can’t use a wild feat. Changing form with wild
DEVASTATING THUNDER [STYLE] shape is a standard action (unless you have a special ability
You have mastered fighting from the back of a horse, that says otherwise); these wild feats likewise take a standard
making such devastating charges that you strike fear into the action to activate unless otherwise noted. You can activate
hearts of your enemies. only one wild feat (or use the wild shape ability to change
form once) per round, though overlapping durations may
Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge,
allow you the benefits of more than one wild feat at a time.
Activating a wild feat is a supernatural ability and does not
Benefit: When successfully making a Spirited Charge you
provoke attacks of opportunity unless otherwise specified in
can frighten your enemies. All enemies within 30 feet of the
the feat description. Activating a wild feat is not considered
target of your successful charge must succeed on a Will save
an attack unless the feat’s activation could be the direct cause
(DC 5 + half the damage dealt) or be shaken for 1 round. This
of damage to a target.
is a fear effect. Whether or not the save is successful a
creature cannot be affected again by the same character's
Devastating Thunder ability for 1 hour. NATURE'S FISTS [WILD]
Dragon Magazine #: 332 (Class Acts – Flexible Fighters) You can encase your hands in elemental power.
Prerequisite: Wild shape (elemental) class ability.
Benefit: Choose an element (air, earth, fire, or water). You
FRONTLINE ARCHER [STYLE] can spend one use of your wild shape to encase your limbs in
You have mastered the art of fighting in melee while the chosen element. This effect lasts for 1 minute. You may-
wielding a longbow. only encase your limbs in one element at a time. While your
Prerequisites: Dex 15, proficiency with longbow or limbs are encased, you gain a slam attack that deals 1d4
composite longbow, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, points of damage (1d3 for Small) plus additional effects based
Weapon Focus (composite longbow) or Weapon Focus on the chosen element. Your limbs count as magic weapons
(longbow). for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and for
Benefit: You may use your longbow or composite longbow eliminating the 50% miss chance of incorporeal creatures.
to make trip attacks. If you trip an opponent while using While encased in this way, you cannot use your hands for
Frontline Archer, you may immediately make a bonus melee anything else, including holding objects, casting spells, or
attack against that opponent, using your longbow or

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Wild Feats
climbing. These bonuses also add to your unarmed attacks as
well as all your natural attacks.
Air: +1d4 points of sonic damage and target must make
Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 druid level + Charisma modifier)
or be deafened for 1d4 rounds.
Earth: +1d4 points of acid damage and attack ignores
Fire: +1d4 points of fire damage and flammable objects
struck have a chance of catching fire (see page 303 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide).
Water: +1d4 points of cold damage and target must make
Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 druid level + Charisma modifier)
or be fatigued for 1d4 minutes.
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension)

Like a plant, you can create your own food from sunlight.
Prerequisite: Wild shape (plant) class ability.
Benefit: You can spend one use of your wild shape to make
your flesh photosynthesize sunlight for 24 hours For every 4
hours you spend in natural sunlight, your body
photosynthesizes enough food to sustain itself for one meal.
In addition, while photosynthesizing, you gain a +10
inherent bonus on Fortitude saves made to avoid the dangers
of thirst. While using this ability, you are immune to
Dragon Magazine #: 343 (Class Acts – Pious Extension)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Fighting Styles
Only fighting styles based on the ORIENTAL ADVENTURES In descending from the heights we watch our footing The ground
book are included here. That is, fighting styles that are monk changes, and our feet move. The mountain would break us in our
paths are not feats and are more like class alternatives. weakness, but we have already moved."
Therefore, they are not included here. -Blue Mountain poem

Burukouzan, also called the Blue Mountain style, is a fierce

BLACK PANDA STYLE and secretive fighting art practiced only in a few remote
“let the dead bury the dead." -Black Panda proverb monasteries. Its secrets are closely guarded, and only rarely
do the Burukouzan masters teach them to outsiders.
The Black Panda style is taught only in a few remote Generations of warriors have sought out Burukouzan masters
locales, although stories of its practitioners are told far and for training, but the monks turn away all except the very
wide. Legend holds that Kurokuma, the first Black Panda stoutest of heart.
master, learned the art when he slew a mighty forest spirit in The Blue Mountain fighting style stresses speed and
panda form. For his cruel deed, Kurokuma was transformed dazzling kick attacks. Fighters who practice it disdain the use
into a cursed immortal. of weapons.
Black Panda is a circular style that emphasizes blocks and Blue Mountain masters are typically lawful good and
defensive forms. Its true strength, however, lies in a series of dedicated to the triumph of virtue over wrongdoing. The
strange and fearful maneuvers called atemi, or "vital strike" Burukouzan monks believe that noble deeds in this life are
attacks. Students of the Black Panda style typically fight rewarded tenfold in the next.
unarmed, although most carry darts or shuriken for ranged Feats: Circle Kick, Fists of Iron, Flying Dragon Kick,
attacks, and a few occasionally employ the kama. Flying Kick, Great Ki Shout, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Black Panda masters are typically lawful evil, although they Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki
accept students of any alignment. Each student must undergo Shout, Mantis Leap, Power Attack, Power Lunge, Roundabout
a harsh, two-year regimen of mental and physical study Kick.
before training can begin.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Death Blow Dodge, Extra Blue Mountain Mastery I
Stunning Attacks, Falling Star Strike, Freezing the Lifeblood, You have mastered the initial secrets of the Blue Mountain
Distant Touch, Improved Unarmed martial arts style-a hard form emphasizing leaps, kicks, and
Strike, Mobility, Pain Touch, Stone Monkey, Stunning Fist, blows with the hands. This level of mastery grants you the
Superior Expertise. ability to leap into battle.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 14, 4 or more ranks of Jump.
Black Panda Mastery I Flying Kick Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike,
You have mastered the initial secrets of the Black Panda Ki Shout, Power Attack, Roundabout Kick.
martial arts style-a soft form emphasizing movement and Benefit: Anytime you make a successful Jump check, you
stunning attacks. At this level of mastery, you learn the secret can choose to travel 5 Feet of extra distance (vertical or
of aiming your blows against vital areas. horizontal) when you beat the given DC. Thus, a successful
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 15, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Jump check (DC 10) for a long jump allows you to jump up to
Improved Unarmed Strike, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist. 15 feet instead of 10. This extra distance counts normally
Benefit: The save DC against an unarmed attack you make against your speed for the purpose of determining how far
with the Stunning Fist feat is increased by 2. you can move during a round.
Normal: Without this feat, the save DC against an attack Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles)
you make with the Stunning Fist feat is to + 1/2 your
character level + your Wisdom modifier. Blue Mountain Mastery II
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles) You have mastered the deeper secrets of the Blue Mountain
martial arts style. You can now move with blinding speed.
Black Panda Mastery II Prerequisites: Str 14, Dex 16, 4 or more ranks of Balance, 8
You have mastered the deeper secrets of the Black Panda or more ranks of Jump , Circle Kick, Flying Dragon Kick,
martial arts style. You have now perfected the art of the Great Ki Shout, Blue Mountain Mastery I.
debilitating strike. Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on your initiative rolls.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Wis 19, 4 or more ranks of Balance, Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles)
Extra Stunning Attacks, Freezing the Lifeblood, Distant
Touch, Black Panda Mastery I.
Benefit: In addition to its normal damage, your unarmed BROKEN FIST
attack deals 1 point of Constitution damage when used in "If they strike with a sword, break the sword If they strike with an
conjunction with the Distant Touch, Freezing the Lifeblood, arrow, cut the arrow."
Pain Touch, or Stunning Fist feat. The target may attempt a -Bedobaris Two-Foot, halfling warmaster
Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your
Wisdom modifier) to negate the Constitution damage. Broken Fist (a name given half in jest) is an upstart style
Constitution points lost via this attack can be restored in any perfected by halfling monks. Some say it has its roots in the
of the normal ways. graceful, unarmed movements of Temerad; others claim it is
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles) based on the fighting style of wild dogs. Broken Fist masters
rarely agree on either the history or the traditions of the
form, and they practice no orderly doctrine or philosophy

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Fighting Styles
aside from basic survival. IRON HAND SCHOOL
Like Temerad, Broken Fist is essentially a movement-based
style. But instead of defense and artistry, Broken Fist masters You have mastered the style of the "Iron Hand," a hard form
teach their students to use their speed and agility to strike emphasizing a mystical hardening of the body.
first and strike hard. Any weapons that can be adapted for
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack,
easy use with the style are encouraged.
Fists of Iron, Improved Sunder, Eagle Claw Attack,
Broken Fist masters are typically neutral in alignment.
Toughness, Endurance, Roundabout Kick.
Most accept only halfling monks and warriors as students,
Benefit: You gain damage reduction 2/--
although some gnome and dwarf practitioners of the style
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
have appeared in recent years.
Martial Arts Styles)
Feats: Circle Kick, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes,
Death Blow, Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Extra Stunning Attacks,
Fists of Iron, Lightning Fists, Improved Initiative, Improved KOUMAJUTSU (DEMON WRESTLING)
Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knock-Down, Mobility, "Fumu broke the wall asunder with his fists and dragged the
Prone Attack, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist, Whirlwind demon through by its hair. Although the creature fought fiercely,
Attack. biting Emu's hands and clawing at his eyes, Fumu gripped it tighter
and leaped into the chasm. The demon swore and cursed as they fell,
BROKEN FIST MASTERY I but Fumu made no cry. And ever after they brought flowers to the
You have mastered the initial secrets of the Broken Fist ravine and blessed his name under the earth."
martial arts style-a hard/soft form emphasizing movement, -The Legend of Karbatsu Furnusama
knockdowns, and fast strikes. At this level of mastery, you
become adept at knocking opponents off their feet. This powerful, violent style is practiced primarily among
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dirty Fighting, Improved Initiative, the korobokuru barbarian tribes. Many korobokuru legends
Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike. describe the battles of their ancient war chieftains against
Benefit: You are treated as one size category larger than demons from across the sea. The greatest of these warriors
you actually are for the purpose of trip attempts. would grapple with the monsters hand-to-hand, often until
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles) both were destroyed.
The Koumajutsu style emphasizes strength training and
BROKEN FIST MASTERY II makes effective use of locks and holds. Although most
You have mastered the deeper secrets of the Broken Fist students of the style are korobokuru, human warriors
martial arts style. You know how to knock opponents to the occasionally seek out Koumajutsu masters as well. Demon
ground. wrestlers rarely carry weapons into battle, although they
Prerequisites: Knock-Down, Lightning Fists, Whirlwind sometimes wear armor decorated with heavy spikes.
Attack, Broken Fist Mastery I. Koumajutsu masters teach the virtues of the clan warrior:
Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to one-half your character courage, tenacity, and relentlessness in the pursuit of foes.
level on Strength checks made to trip an opponent or to Practitioners of Koumajutsu are typically neutral or chaotic
avoid being tripped. in alignment.
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles) Feats: Choke Hold, Close-Quarters Fighting, Dirty
Fighting, Defensive Strike, Earth's Embrace, Fists of Iron,
Grappling Block, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip,
FIVE STARS SCHOOL Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Shout, Knock-Down, Power
FIVE STARS MASTERY l Attack, Power Lunge, Prone Attack, Stunning Fist.
You have mastered the initial secrets of the "Five Stars"
style, a hard/soft style emphasizing speed and leaping. KOUMAJUTSU MASTERY I
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, You have mastered the initial secrets of the Koumajutsu
Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Balance 9 ranks, Jump 9 ranks. martial arts style-a hard/soft form emphasizing locks, holds,
Tumble 9 ranks. and grappling attacks. At this level of mastery, you learn to
Benefit: You gain a +10 bonus on Balance, Jump, and grapple more effectively.
Tumble checks. Prerequisites: Str 15, Choke Hold, Improved Grapple,
Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
FIVE STARS MASTERY II Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all grapple checks.
You have mastered the deeper mysteries of the "Five Stars" Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles)
style and have honed your speed to superhuman levels.
Prerequisites: Five Stars Mastery I, Mobility, Spring KOUMAJUTSU MASTERY II
Attack, Combat Expertise, Whirlwind Attack, Improved You have mastered the deeper secrets of the Koumajutsu
Feint. martial arts style. You have now perfected your grappling
Benefit: For a total number of rounds per day equal to your technique.
character level, you can act as if under the effect of a haste Prerequisites: Str 17, Earth's Embrace, Fists of Iron,
spell. The rounds need not be consecutive, and you can Knock-Down, Power Attack, Ten Ox Stomp, Koumajutsu
choose each round (as a free action) whether to use this Mastery I.
ability or not. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all grapple checks. This
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Koumajutsu Mastery
Martial Arts Styles) I.
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Fighting Styles
NORTHERN FIST SCHOOL Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge,
Extra Stunning Attacks, Improved Disarm, Improved
You have mastered the "Northern Fist" style-a soft style Unarmed Strike, Lightning Fists, Mobility, Snatch Arrows,
emphasizing attacks on opponents' vital areas. Spring Attack, Stunning Fist.
Note: Temerad practitioners never strike first in battle.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist,
Striking at any opponent that has not already attacked you
Falling Star Strike, Freezing the Lifeblood. Unbalancing
results in the loss of all Temerad mastery abilities for 24
Strike, Pain Touch, Combat Expertise.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a ranged
attack at a single target with a range of 5 feet per five
character levels you have (no range increment). If you hit,
You have mastered the initial secrets of the Temerad
you deal normal unarmed damage. You can use one of the
martial arts style-a soft form emphasizing movement and
following feats in conjunction with this attack, exactly as if
defense. At this level of mastery, you learn to move like the
you were making a normal unarmed strike: Stunning Fist,
Falling Star Strike, Freezing the Lifeblood, Unbalancing
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike,
Strike, or Pain Touch. If you choose not to apply one of these
Mobility, Spring Attack.
feats to your attack, you deal double normal damage instead.
Use of this ability is a supernatural effect. Benefit: The dodge bonus you gain from the Dodge feat
rises to +2. You can choose to apply the entire bonus against a
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
single attacker or split it between two designated attackers,
Martial Arts Styles)
gaining a +1 dodge bonus against each.
Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles)
You have mastered the secrets of the "Southern Star" style, a You have mastered the deeper secrets of the Temerad
soft style emphasizing the manipulation of ki as if it were a martial arts style. You can now move as fluidly as the water.
physical force. Prerequisites: Dex 19, 8 or more ranks of Balance, Deflect
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Arrows, Extra Stunning Attacks, Lightning Fists, Stunning
Unbalancing Strike, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Fist, Temerad Mastery I.
Dodge, Defensive Strike, Concentration 9 ranks. Benefit: You gain a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class.
Benefit: You must declare that you are using this ability Dragon Magazine #: 309 (New Martial Arts Styles)
before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll
ruins the attempt). If you damage your opponent with your
unarmed attack, the foe must make a successful Will save
(DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier) or be
hurled back 10 feet as if thrown by the violent thrust version
of a telekinesis spell. If the creature is hurled against a solid
surface, it takes damage as if it had fallen 10 feet (1d6 points).
Using this ability counts as a use of the Stunning Fist feat
for the day.
Dragon Magazine #: 315 (Kara-Tur: Ancestor Feats and
Martial Arts Styles)

"No direction is correct, so any direction must be subject to instant
change. The eye must see in every direction, and the ear must hear
in every direction." -Methelas the Old, from the Eight Rules

Possibly the oldest form of unarmed combat, the ancient art

of Temerad was first practiced by elf pilgrims and seekers of
wisdom. Although elves are the primary users of this style,
Temerad masters do occasionally accept students of other
races, provided that their hearts are pure and they truly seek
enlightenment among the trees.
As suggested by its name (which means "from wind and
water" in Elven), Temerad is based on the movements of
natural forces. A practitioner of this style confounds her
opponent by moving constantly, seemingly reacting to blows
even before they are struck. Temerad fighters rarely use
weapons, although some warriors combine this style with the
sword-fighting techniques practiced by most elves.
Temerad emphasizes humility and harmony with nature.
Its masters accept only students who are good in alignment.
Feats: Blind-Fight, Blindsight 5-Foot Radius, Circle Kick,

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Effect: Every arcane spell you cast has the DC to resist it
FLAWS lowered by 1. These parasites cannot he removed by any
Flaws are like the flip side of feats. Whereas a feat enables a mortal means, even by a miracle or wish.
character to be better than normal at performing a task (or Suggested Class/Race: Wizard
even to do something that normal characters can’t), a flaw Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Flaws For Wizards)
restricts a character’s capabilities or imposes a penalty of
some sort.
A player may select up to two flaws when creating a ARCANE PERFORMER [FLAW]
character. After 1st level, a character cannot take on You depend upon your performance ability to aid in the
additional flaws unless the DM specifically allows it (for casting of spells.
examples of times when doing this might be appropriate, see Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells without
Character Traits, UNEARTHED ARCANA, page 86). Each flaw a preparation, Perform 1 rank.
player selects entitles his character to a bonus feat. In other Effect: In order to cast any spell, you must succeed at a
words, when you create a character, if you select two flaws, Perform check (DC 10 + spell level). If you fail, you lose the
you can also take two bonus feats beyond those your spell.
character would be normally entitled to. Unlike traits (see Suggested Class/Race: Bards
above), flaws are entirely negative in their impact on a Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Bards)
character’s capabilities.
Each of the flaws described here has a specific game effect. BEADY EYES [FLAW]
Some flaws can only be taken by a character who meets a You have narrow beady eyes that do not catch the light as
special requirement. well as they should.
Prerequisite: Darkvision.
ALIGNED DEVOTION [FLAW] Effect: You do not have darkvision: instead you possess
Your healing powers are only effective for those whose low-light vision. In addition, you suffer a -2 penalty on all
alignment closely matches yours. Search and Spot checks.
Prerequisite: Ability to spontaneously cast cure spells. Suggested Class/Race: Half-Orc
Effect: Your spells of the healing subschool have reduced Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
effect on those who do not share your alignment. Those that for Nonhumans)
have exactly the same alignment as you gain full benefit from
your healing. Those with an alignment within one step of BEASTLY [FLAW]
yours are cured half the normal amount of hit points from You have more in common with beasts than you do with
your healing spells. Characters with alignments more than your own race.
one step from yours gain no benefit from your healing at all. Prerequisite: Wild empathy.
Your cure spells still deal full damage to undead. Effect: You are vulnerable to the following list of spells
Suggested Class/Race: Cleric that affect animals, as well as those which affect your own
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Class Acts - Flaws For Clerics) creature type: animal trance, calm animals, charm animal,
dominate animal, hide from animals, hold animal.
ARCANE CONUNDRUM [FLAW] Additionally, you suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based
You are unable to use your inborn magical abilities. skill checks except Disguise, Handle Animal, and Use Magic
Prerequisite: Gnome, Cha 10+ Device Anyone observing your mannerisms who possesses
Effect: You may never use any spell-like abilities under any the wild empathy class ability can recognize this flaw
circumstances. In addition, you suffer a -2 penalty on saving immediately.
throws versus spells of the illusion school. Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws Dragon Magazine #: 329 (Class Acts - Flaws For Rangers)
for Nonhumans)
ARCANE FATIGUE [FLAW] You prefer to meet your foes so close that you can smell
Conjuring magical energies is especially draining for you. their blood.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells. Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty to hit while using anything
Effect: Whenever you successfully cast an arcane spell you other than unarmed strikes or natural weapons.
must immediately make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + spell level). Suggested Class/Race: Druids
If you fail you become fatigued. If you are fatigued as a result Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Druids)
of this flaw, it has no further effect until that condition is
removed. BLIND RAGE [FLAW]
Suggested Class/Race: Wizard Your ability to distinguish between friend and foe is limited
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Flaws For Wizards) once you enter a rage.
Prerequisite: Rage ability.
ARCANE PARASISTES [FLAW] Effect: You may not end your rage voluntarily. Once you
Thousands of unseen parasites within your flesh draw upon enter a rage, you continue to rage for the entire duration.
the arcane power held within every spell you cast. While in a rage, you must attack a creature every round if
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells. able. You can charge or move in order to make the attack, and
you may move to attack a foe rather than stay still to attack a

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
friend. If there are no creatures within sight, you attack the Effect: You become shaken while in any space where you
nearest breakable object. You may attempt a DC 15 Will save are within 10 feet of a wall or other solid surface on 2 or more
once per round on your turn in order stop attacking an ally. If sides, or if the ceiling is less than 10 feet above your head.
foes become visible, you may immediately switch targets and (Such as while walking down a 20-foot-wide corridor or while
engage them. you are in any room with a 10-foot-high ceiling.) Spells and
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians effects that remove fear do not remove this condition.
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Class Acts - Flaws For Suggested Class/Race: Druids
Barbarians) Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Druids)


You move about without careful consideration of foes. Trained to only kill other armed warriors, you hesitate
Effect: You suffer a -6 penalty to your Armor Class against when attacking unarmed opponents.
attacks of opportunity. Prerequisite: Good or lawful alignment.
Suggested Class/Race: Bards Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls made against
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Bards) an enemy not armed with a melee weapon. If the enemy uses
a natural attack against you, you may then attack it without
BRAVADO [FLAW] penalty.
You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by Suggested Class/Race: Paladins
falling back from your enemies' blows. Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Paladins)
Effect: You may not gain the benefit of any kind of dodge
bonuses to your Armor Class. Spells, items, and effects that COLD−BLOODED [FLAW]
provide a dodge bonus provide no benefit for you. You You were raised in the arctic and cannot tolerate heat.
cannot use the withdraw action during combat. Effect: You automatically fail all Fortitude saves made to
Suggested Class/Race: Half-Orc overcome the effects of high temperatures. Fire-based effects
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws deal an additional 2 points of fire damage to you.
for Nonhumans) Suggested Class/Race: Druids
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Druids)
You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance COWARD [FLAW]
of failure. In dangerous circumstances, you are likely to run away.
Effect: You must spend twice as long performing any skill Effect: You automatically fail all saves against fear effects.
that requires an action. For example, deciphering a page of An ability that makes you immune to fear (such as becoming
text would take 2 minutes for you instead of 1, while the a 3rd-level paladin) instead grants you a saving throw, but at a
Concentration skill is not affected by this flaw as it does not -4 penalty on the save.
require an action. You also suffer a -2 penalty on initiative Suggested Class/Race: Bards
checks. Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Bards)
Suggested Class/Race: Halfling
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws CURIOUS [FLAW]
for Nonhumans)
You are easily distracted by the sights and sounds around
CHIVALROUS COURTESY [FLAW] Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty on Listen and Spot checks.
You despise raising your hand against creatures of the You also suffer a -2 penalty on initiative rolls.
opposite gender. Suggested Class/Race: Gnome
Prerequisite: Good or lawful alignment. Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls to hit a for Nonhumans)
creature you can tell is of the opposite gender.
Suggested Class/Race: Paladins DIVINE GESTURES [FLAW]
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Paladins)
Your religious rites require elaborate gestures that cause
you difficulty when casting divine spells while wearing
CITY SLICKER [FLAW] armor or using a shield.
Although interested in the natural world, you suffer from a Prerequisite: Ability to cast divine spells.
lack of experience in the wilds. Effect: You suffer a spell failure chance (due to armor,
Prerequisite: Survival as a class skill. shields, or anything else which causes arcane spell failure)
Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on all Handle Animal, when casting divine spells, just as if they were arcane spells.
Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks. Suggested Class/Race: Cleric
Suggested Class/Race: Druids Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Class Acts - Flaws For Clerics)
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Druids)
CLAUSTROPHOBIA [FLAW] You are limited to accessing only one of your deity’s
You are uncomfortable in enclosed spaces. domains.
Prerequisite: Access to domains.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Effect: You choose and have access to only one of your FORLORN OF MEN [FLAW]
deity’s domains. You may gain prestige domains from a You are uncomfortable in the presence of humanoids.
prestige class as usual.
Effect: You become shaken if there is more than one
Suggested Class/Race: Cleric humanoid within 30 feet of you, including members of your
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Class Acts - Flaws For Clerics) adventuring party or other friends. Spells and effects that
remove fear do not remove this condition.
ELVEN PRIDE OF ARMS [FLAW] Suggested Class/Race: Druids
You only consider those weapons designed specifically for Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Druids)
use by the noblest of elves to be fit to wield. Using any other
object as a weapon is beneath your dignity. FRAIL [FLAW]
Prerequisite: Elven blood. You become fatigued when your body is assaulted by poison
Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls when using a or magic.
weapon other than a longsword, rapier, or bow (long, short, Prerequisite: Constitution 11 or lower.
or composite). Attacks made while fighting unarmed, touch
Effect: Whenever you fail a Fortitude save, you become
attacks (including ranged touch attacks), or attacks made
fatigued, in addition to any other effects you might suffer.
with natural weaponry also incur this penalty.
This condition lasts until you get 8 hours of complete rest.
Suggested Class/Race: Elf This flaw applies only once to any given source that requires
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws a Fortitude save. Failing a Fortitude save while fatigued
for Nonhumans) causes you to become exhausted.
Suggested Class/Race: Elf
EXHAUSTING RAGE [FLAW] Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
You rage so powerfully that you become exhausted once for Nonhumans)
you calm down.
Prerequisite: Rage ability. FREE−SPIRITED [FLAW]
Effect: When you end your rage, you become exhausted You seek to live your life freely, unburdened by excessive
(instead of fatigued) for the duration of the encounter. If you material possessions.
gain the ability to rage tirelessly, as a 17th-level barbarian, Prerequisite: Chaotic alignment.
you are instead fatigued after a rage.
Effect: The weight of any gear you carry is considered
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians double for the purposes of determining your load. For
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Class Acts - Flaws For example, a half-elf with a Strength of 10 and 30 pounds of
Barbarians) gear is treated as carrying 60 pounds, which is a medium load.
In addition, any armor check penalties you have are also
FOE SPECIALIST [FLAW] doubled (or tripled, in the case of making a Swim check).
Your training is so specialized that you have difficulty Suggested Class/Race: Half-Elf
tracking, predicting, or otherwise interacting with those foes Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
you have not studied in great detail. for Nonhumans)
Prerequisite: Favored enemy.
Effect: You suffer a -1 penalty on attack rolls, Bluff, Sense FRIVOULOUS PERFORMER [FLAW]
Motive, Spot, and Survival checks made against creatures of Having focused your time on practicing and performing,
any kind that isn't one of your favored enemies. you have gathered little useful information in your travels.
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger Prerequisite: Bardic knowledge.
Dragon Magazine #: 329 (Class Acts - Flaws For Rangers) Effect: You suffer a -10 penalty on all bardic knowledge
checks. This penalty does not apply if the relevant knowledge
FOOL [FLAW] involves the Perform skill in which you have the most ranks.
Your excessively lighthearted nature grates on your For example, if you have the most ranks in Perform (wind
companions. instrument), you may use bardic knowledge without penalty
Prerequisite: Bardic music. to identify famous wind instruments, to remember facts
Effect: You lose the inspire courage, inspire competence, about famous wind instrument players, or to identify places
inspire greatness, and inspire heroics bardic music abilities. that make quality wind instruments.
Suggested Class/Race: Bards Suggested Class/Race: Bards
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Bards) Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Bards)


You lack the ability to summon a creature to do your You are uncomfortable ingesting any-thing but a small
bidding. range of preferred foods and drinks.
Prerequisite: Ability to call a familiar. Effect: You become sickened (no saving throw allowed)
Effect: You lose the ability to call a familiar. upon ingestion of any sort of potion for the duration of its
Suggested Class/Race: Wizard effect, Potions with an instantaneous duration cause you to
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Flaws For Wizards) be sickened for a period of time equal to the potion's caster
level in minutes. You also suffer a -4 penalty on saving throws
made against ingested poisons.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Suggested Class/Race: Elf Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws Effect: Spontaneous noises sometimes arise in your
for Nonhumans) immediate vicinity. These noises are completely out of your
control and cannot be used to communicate or distract other
GLORY−HOUND [FLAW] creatures. These sounds cease when you are unconscious,
petrified, asleep, or dead. You suffer a -4 penalty on all Listen
You have an insatiable desire for glorious combat, fighting
and Move Silently skill checks.
recklessly to prove yourself.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerers
Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Class Acts - Flaws For Sorcerers)
Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty to AC during combat until
you drop an opponent. This penalty does not apply if the
combat is against a single opponent. HONOR OF THE DUEL [FLAW]
Suggested Class/Race: Dwarf You strongly believe in one-on-one combat to decide a
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws fight.
for Nonhumans) Prerequisite: Good or lawful alignment.
Effect: You must make a Will save (DC 10 + your level) to
GRUDGE KEEPER [FLAW] attack a creature in a square threatened by one of its other
You have an overpowering need for vengeance and have foes. A successful save allows you to attack such a creature,
albeit with a -2 penalty on your attack rolls. A failed save
difficulty letting go of grudges.
prohibits you from attacking that creature.
Effect: if you are damaged in combat, you suffer a -2
Suggested Class/Race: Paladins
penalty on attacks rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and
ability checks until you damage the foe who caused you Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Paladins)
harm. This penalty does not apply if you cannot discern the
source of the damage. This penalty disappears when the HONORABLE CHALLENGE [FLAW]
combat ends. You only cross arms with foes who willingly engage you.
Suggested Class/Race: Dwarf Prerequisite: Lawful alignment.
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls against
for Nonhumans) creatures that have not explicitly challenged you or made an
attack against you. For the purposes of this feat, an attack
GULLIBLE [FLAW] against you includes any action that would end an invisibility
You believe what you see, and you trust others more than spell (see page 245 of the Player's Handbook).
you should. Suggested Class/Race: Paladins
Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty on saving throws made to Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Paladins)
resist enchantment and illusion spells and effects. You also
suffer a -4 penalty on Sense Motive checks. HOT−BLOODED [FLAW]
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians You were raised in the desert and cannot tolerate cold.
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Class Acts - Flaws For Effect: You automatically fail all Fortitude saves made to
Barbarians) overcome the effects of low temperatures. Cold-based effects
deal an additional 2 points of cold damage to you.
HALF−BLOOD OUTCAST [FLAW] Suggested Class/Race: Druids
You despise your nonhuman side. Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Druids)
Prerequisite: Half-elf or half-orc.
Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, saving IMPLACABLE [FLAW]
throws, and skill checks when within line of sight of an elf (if You refuse to retreat from even the most deadly of
you are a half elf) or an orc (if you are a half-orc).\ confrontations.
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
for Nonhumans) Effect: If you move out of melee combat for any reason,
you suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, skill checks, and
HATRED [FLAW] saving throws for 1 hour.
You are engulfed by a deep hatred of your chosen foes and Suggested Class/Race: Dwarf
you become insensibly enraged in their presence. Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
Prerequisite: Favored enemy. for Nonhumans)
Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty to your Armor Class and on
attack rolls and skill checks whenever you are not engaged in INDIVIDUALIST [FLAW]
melee combat with a favored enemy and a favored enemy is You are committed to a path that requires complete
close enough that you could engage it. independence from others.
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls made using
Dragon Magazine #: 329 (Class Acts - Flaws For Rangers) weapons that you have not personally crafted. In addition,
the armor check penalty of any suit of armor you wear that
HAUNTED [FLAW] you did not craft increases by +1.
You are unable to prevent the occurrence of strange noises Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
in your immediate vicinity. Dragon Magazine #: 329 (Class Acts - Flaws For Rangers)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
You have great difficulty achieving a full and restful sleep. You do not have the ability to summon a familiar or gain an
Effect: In order to get a full night of rest you must succeed animal companion.
at a DC 15 Fortitude save. If you are sleeping and a Prerequisite: Ability to summon a familiar or animal
disturbance wakes you during the night, you must make an companion.
additional save (at the same DC) to return to sleep. If you fail Effect: You lose the ability to summon a familiar or gain an
the Fortitude save you are fatigued when you rise in the animal companion. You never gain the ability to gain a
morning. If you are fatigued when you try to sleep, you gain a special companion, whether through animal companion,
+2 bonus on your save. If you are exhausted, you gain a +6 summon familiar, or some other class ability or feat.
bonus. Comfortable conditions, such as those found in most Possessing multiple classes that would grant you an animal
inns, grant you a +4 bonus on this save. Poor conditions, such companion or familiar does not negate the effects of this
as sleeping on the ground or in armor, give you a -4 penalty flaw.
on this save. Even if you sleep poorly, you may prepare arcane Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerers
spells as normal after 8 hours of fitful rest. Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Class Acts - Flaws For Sorcerers)
Suggested Class/Race: Half-Elf
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws LOUDMOUTH [FLAW]
for Nonhumans)
You are a loud, obnoxious, boisterous, and compulsive
LIGHT SENSITIVITY [FLAW] Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on all Diplomacy and Move
Accustomed only to the darker places in the world, your Silently checks.
eyes open much wider than normal, making it difficult for Suggested Class/Race: Bards
you to see in bright light, Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Bards)
Prerequisite: Darkvision.
Effect: You become dazzled in bright sunlight or within LOVE OF NATURE [FLAW]
the radius of a daylight spell. A dazzled creature takes a -1
You do not wish harm upon any natural creature.
penalty on attack rolls, Search checks, and Spot checks.
Effect: You must succeed at a DC 12 Will save before you
Suggested Class/Race: Half-Orc
can attack any creature with the animal, plant, or vermin
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
type, or you lose your action. Note that animals, plants, and
for Nonhumans)
vermin may attack you without penalty.
Suggested Class/Race: Druids
LIGHTWEIGHT [FLAW] Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Druids)
You are light for your size.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or lower, you may not be MAGICAL FASCINATION [FLAW]
You have a tendency to become fascinated by spells and
Effect: You have half the base weight of a normal character
elaborate magical effects.
of your race. Height and weight modifiers are added
Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls and skill
normally. You suffer a -4 penalty when making or resisting
checks when in sight of a visible magical effect with a
bull rushes, grapples, overruns, or trip attacks. You gain no
duration greater than instantaneous (such as a dancing lights,
attack bonus when you charge, but you do suffer the -2
spiritual weapon, or wall of fire spell).
Armor Class penalty and take double damage from weapons
Suggested Class/Race: Gnome
set against charges you make.
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
Normal: Characters receive a +2 bonus on attack rolls
for Nonhumans)
when charging.
Suggested Class/Race: Halfling
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws MAGICAL OVERLORD [FLAW]
for Nonhumans) You have difficulty controlling your most powerful magic,
being more comfortable with more familiar, lower-level
LIVING FAITH [FLAW] Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.
Your religious practices give you no special powers over the
Effect: You must use one spell slot of your highest spell
level to cast or prepare a spell of a lower level. This spell slot
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.
may be used to cast or prepare any spell of any level lower
Effect: You lose the ability to turn or rebuke undead. This
than your highest level, effectively causing you to lose one of
does not extend to any other creatures a domain might grant
your highest-level spell slots to gain one of a lower level. For
you the ability to turn or rebuke, such as earth elementals for
example, a 6th-level sorcerer would lose the ability to cast
a cleric with the Air domain.
one 3rd-level spell per day, but would gain the ability to cast
Suggested Class/Race: Cleric one additional 0, 1st-, or 2nd-level spell instead. This flaw
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Class Acts - Flaws For Clerics) always affects your highest spell level and changes the spell
level it affects as you gain levels.
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerers
Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Class Acts - Flaws For Sorcerers)

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
You are restricted to using magical objects created with Your great bulk can sometimes impede your actions.
your deity’s domains in mind. Prerequisite: Small size, Dexterity 13 or lower, you may
Prerequisite: Access to domains. not be Lightweight.
Effect: You many only use spell-trigger items (wands and Effect: You have double the base weight of a character of
staffs) that cast spells on your domain spell lists. Other spell- your race. Height and weight modifiers are added normally.
trigger items fail in your hands. You lose your +1 bonus to Armor Class and on attack rolls, as
Suggested Class/Race: Cleric well as your +4 bonus on Hide checks. You must pay double
Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Class Acts - Flaws For Clerics) the cost for armor but not for any magical enhancements the
armor might have. Such armor does not weigh half the
Normal: Small characters receive a +1 bonus to Artnor
You are allergic to metals.
Class and on attack rolls, as well as a +4 bonus on Hide
Effect: You suffer an additional point of damage when
checks. Armor for small characters weighs half the normal
struck by metal weapons. The natural attacks of inevitables,
iron golems, and other creatures composed of metal also deal
Suggested Class/Race: Halfling
this additional damage.
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
Suggested Class/Race: Druids
for Nonhumans)
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Flaws For Druids)


Your body occasionally emits bursts of
[FLAW] bright colored light.
Your spellcasting methods require a rigid posture Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.
that makes you vulnerable to your foes while Effect: You spontaneously emit bursts of
casting. colored light. These lights are completely
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells. out of your control and cannot be used as a
Effect: You are considered flat-footed light source. They only cease when you are
with an effective Dexterity of 0 (-5 to AC) on unconscious, petrified, asleep, or dead. You
any round in which you cast a spell. You may suffer a -4 penalty on all Hide and Spot skill
not cast spells defensively. checks.
Suggested Class/Race: Wizard Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerers
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Class Acts - Flaws
Flaws For Wizards) For Sorcerers)


[FLAW] Your spells take additional time to cast.
You get lost in your performances. Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.
Prerequisite: Bardic music. Effect: The casting time of all your spells are
Effect: Initiating or maintaining any bardic doubled. Spells that normally require a single
music ability is a full-round action. action to cast require a full-round action to cast
Suggested Class/Race: Bards instead. Spells that normally require a free action
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Bards) to cast now require a standard action to cast
Suggested Class/Race: Cleric
MOUNTED WARRIOR [FLAW] Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Class Acts - Flaws For Clerics)
You only feel comfortable fighting from the saddle.
Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank.
Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls made while
not riding a mount. You take great pride in knowing how to use weapons
Suggested Class/Race: Paladins specifically designed for war. You consider all other weapons
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Paladins) beneath your station and have allowed your training in them
to atrophy.
Prerequisite: Proficiency in all martial weapons.
NO TIME FOR BOOK LEARNING [FLAW] Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on all attack rolls made with
You put no faith in the written word. exotic weapons, simple weapons, unarmed attacks, and touch
Effect: You are illiterate. You can never learn to read any attacks.
language, and you suffer a -2 penalty on all Knowledge Suggested Class/Race: Paladins
checks except Knowledge (nature). Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Paladins)
Suggested Class/Race: Druids
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Druids)
Elven blood is not particularly strong in your veins and its
features are barely noticeable.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Prerequisite: Half-elf. you suffer a -2 penalty to your Armor Class and you cannot
Effect: You are not immune to sleep spells and do not gain use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills
a racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the
effects. You are not considered to have elven blood. Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws concentration. You cannot cast spells or activate magic items
for Nonhumans) that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand),
or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. You can use
QUICK BURNING RAGE [FLAW] any feat you possess except Combat Expertise, item creation
feats, and metamagic feats. This enraged state lasts for a
Your rages don't last very long.
number of rounds equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier
Prerequisite: Rage ability.
and cannot be ended prematurely. This penalty stacks with
Effect: Your rage only lasts for a number of rounds equal to
those from the use of the barbarian rage ability, resulting in a
your newly improved Constitution modifier.
-4 AC penalty.
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians
Suggested Class/Race: Half-Orc
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Class Acts - Flaws For
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
for Nonhumans)


Your magical powers manifest within a limited realm of
You are not prepared to stand face to face with your foes.
Effect: You must make a DC 15 Will save or become
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells without preparation.
shaken whenever a foe engages you in melee. This penalty
Effect: Choose two schools of magic to be your restricted
takes effect as soon as an enemy attacks you while you are
schools. When you select spells to learn, you may not choose
within its threatened area. You recover from your fear as soon
spells from these two restricted schools. In addition, you may
as you are not within an area threatened by foes.
not use wands or scrolls that cast spells from these restricted
Suggested Class/Race: Halfling
schools. You may not choose divination as one of your
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
restricted schools.
for Nonhumans)
Suggested Class/Race: Sorcerers
Dragon Magazine #: 327 (Class Acts - Flaws For Sorcerers)
You do not heal quickly.
SHORT ATTENTION SPAN [FLAW] Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or lower
You have little patience, causing you to have difficulty
Effect: You do not normally recover hit points or
concentrating on repetitive tasks.
temporary ability dam-age through natural healing. If you
Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty on all skill checks made to
undergo complete bed rest for a full day. you may recover
retry an action that you previously failed. This penalty is
either I hit point or 1 point of temporary ability dam-age. In
cumulative, increasing by -2 for every failed attempt. In
addition, any conjuration (healing) spell cast upon you works
addition, you may not take 20 on any skill check.
at only half its caster level. For example, a cure moderate
Suggested Class/Race: Gnome
wounds cast upon you by an 8th-level cleric would only heal
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
2d8+4 points of damage, instead of 2d8+8 points of damage.
for Nonhumans)
Suggested Class/Race: Elf
Dragon Magazine #: 328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws
SHORT OF BREATH [FLAW] for Nonhumans)
You have limited stamina and you easily become exhausted
by physical tasks. SLOW TO ANGER [FLAW]
Prerequisite: Con 13 or lower.
It takes you longer to get worked up.
Effect: Whenever you make a Strength check, a
Prerequisite: Rage ability.
Constitution check to continue running, or use the skills
Effect: Entering a rage requires a full-round action.
Climb, Jump, or Swim, you must make a Fortitude save at the
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians
same DC as the skill or ability check. If you fail this save, you
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Class Acts - Flaws For
become fatigued.
Normal: Doing something else that would normally cause
fatigue exhausts an already fatigued character. An exhausted
character suffers no further penalty by doing something else SOLITARY PARAGON [FLAW]
that would normally cause fatigue. You prefer to fight alone.
Suggested Class/Race: Wizard Effect: You gain no benefit from flanking a foe and instead
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Flaws For Wizards) suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls made against a foe you
SHORT TEMPER [FLAW] Suggested Class/Race: Paladins
Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Paladins)
You become angry and flustered under stressful
Effect: If you suffer any damage during combat, you must
make a DC 15 Will save or become enraged. While enraged

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
STUBBY FINGERS [FLAW] Effect: The save DC against your fascinate,
You have short stubby fingers, which are not suggestion, and mass suggestion abilities is half
well-suited for grasping. normal (rounded down). If you use the inspire
courage, inspire greatness, or inspire heroics
Prerequisite: Dwarf, gnome, or halfling.
bardic music abilities. their benefits end as
Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on all attack rolls
soon as you stop performing (rather than
made when you use a light or one-handed
lasting for an additional 5 rounds).
weapon (natural weapons and unarmed
attacks do not incur this penalty). in Suggested Class/Race: Bards
addition, you suffer a -4 penalty on all Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts -
Disable Device. Open Lock, Sleight Flaws For Bards)
of Hand, and Use Rope checks.
Dragon Magazine #: 328 UNCONTROLLABLE RAGE
(Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws for [FLAW]
You have no ability to control your
SUPERSTITIOUS [FLAW] Prerequisite: Rage ability.
You fear magic, and avoid it when Effect: You cannot enter a rage
possible. voluntarily. If during the previous
Prerequisite: Inability to cast round something dealt you damage,
spells. grappled or immobilized you, or
Effect: Whenever you see an you failed a saving throw against a
item, effect, or location obviously spell, you may enter a rage; if you
created by magic (whether by spell do not wish to enter a rage after
or some other means), you become frightened. The such an event, you must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or enter
frightened condition lasts until you can no longer see the the rage involuntarily. You cannot enter a rage more times
obviously magical item, effect, or location. per day than you are normally entitled to.
Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians Suggested Class/Race: Barbarians
Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Flaws For Barbarians) Dragon Magazine #: 325 (Class Acts - Flaws For
You were trained to use your abilities in only one type of WARRIOR OF THE PHALANX [FLAW]
environment and are uncomfortable and less competent in all Trained to fight in a group, you have difficulties when
others. fighting alone.
Prerequisites: Track, wild empathy. Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls you make
Effect: Choose one terrain type (aquatic, desert, forest, when not adjacent to an ally.
hills, marsh, mountain, or plains). That is your home terrain, Suggested Class/Race: Paladins
in which you are most comfortable. In all other terrains you Dragon Magazine #: 324 (Class Acts - Flaws For Paladins)
suffer a -2 penalty on all wild empathy checks, as well as on
Search or Survival checks made to track. You may only use WEAPON BOUND [FLAW]
your camouflage and hide in plain sight abilities in your
You are attuned to your deity’s weapon and no other.
chosen terrain.
Prerequisite: Devotion to a specific deity.
Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
Effect: You lose proficiency with all weapons except the
Dragon Magazine #: 329 (Class Acts - Flaws For Rangers)
favored weapon of your deity. This flaw does not grant you
proficiency with that weapon.
TEST SUBJECT [FLAW] Suggested Class/Race: Cleric
You had an unscrupulous master who used you to hone his Dragon Magazine #: 326 (Flaws For Clerics)
magical talents.
Effect: Choose three of the following schools: conjuration, WILD [FLAW]
enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and
Accustomed only to a free life in the wild, you panic when
transmutation. Your saving throws made against spells and
captured or restrained.
spell-like abilities from these schools suffer a -2 penalty.
Prerequisite: Survival 1 rank.
Suggested Class/Race: Wizard
Effect: Whenever you are entangled, pinned, or bound, you
Dragon Magazine #: 333 (Class Acts – Flaws For Wizards)
immediately become panicked. Your fear is alleviated 1 round
after you are free of all bonds. Spells and effects that remove
TRIVIAL PERFORMER [FLAW] fear do not prevent this effect.
Your performance is lighthearted and has limited effect on Suggested Class/Race: Ranger
others. Dragon Magazine #: 329 (Class Acts - Flaws For Rangers)
Prerequisite: Bardic music.

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feats, Flaws, and Fighting styles are listed alphabetically under the appropriate group. Feats that have a prerequisite of only one other feat
are listed underneath the prerequisite feat. This is emulates the layout of feats in the PLAYER’S HANDBOOK. The only exception to this rule is if
a feat required another feat that was not a general feat, then it was listed under the specialized feat. For example, the feat Vengeance of Noon
lists Power Attack as one of its prerequisites, but since it required a specialized feat, it was listed under the birth feat: Born Under A High
As we all know by now, skills use ranks, and there is no point in listing “rank” after each skill. Therefore I formatted skills as: Skill #. For
example Spellcraft 5 would simply mean you need 5 ranks of Spellcraft as a prerequisite. Concentration 4 would mean you need four or more
ranks of Concentration. A - after a prerequisite refers to that number or less. For example Con 11- would mean you need to have an 11 or less
in Constitution as a prerequisite. These are usually only found on flaws.
Some prerequisites require special abilities or spell levels. To save space I removed the “ability to” portion. For example “ability to rage or
frenzy” is listed as “rage or frenzy”. In the case of spells where it requires a level, they are listed as “spells #”, “divine spells #”, or “arcane spells
The full text of the feat does not have any of these modifications; refer to them if there is any confusion.
Entries in purple appear in the Player’s Handbook and are listed here due to new feats building upon them.

Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Mourning Mutate  ‐‐  Gain a physical feature that grants you a racial bonus
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Spawn of the Dark Prince  Cha 15  +10 Bluff  for 1 min/Cha bonus, ‐2 Spot 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Burning Link  Knowledge (arcana) 1, Knowledge (nature) 1, sneak attack  Reduce sneak attack damage to deal damage to target’s familiar, animal 
+3d6  companion, or special mount 
Dazzling Strike  Sneak attack +2d6 Reduce sneak attack damage to dazzle target 
Eldritch Erosion  Sneak attack +3d6 Reduce sneak attack damage to reduce target’s spell resistance
Flurry of Throws  Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot,  Reduce sneak attack damage to throw additional shuriken
Weapon Focus (shuriken), Acrobatics, sudden strike +4d6 
Hinder  Improved Initiative, skirmish +2d6  Reduce skirmish damage to reduce targets base land speed
Lacerate  Str 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Painful  Reduce sneak attack damage to cause target loss of hand
Strike, Power Attack, sneak attack +4d6 
Painful Strike  Str 13, Power Attack, sneak attack +3d6 Reduce sneak attack damage to cause ‐2 attack, skill, and ability checks
Ring the Ear  Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack +2d6  Reduce sneak attack damage to deafen target 
Weaken the Heart  Base attack bonus +4, sneak attack +3d6 Reduce sneak attack damage to fatigue opponent
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Adventurous Explorer  Nation  Take readied action at any time 
Ally of the Ki‐Rin  Nation  +4 Fortitude to resist natural diseases 
Audacious Attempt  Nation or Clan  Roll two d20’s when attempting an impossible task
Backstabbing Traitor  Nation  +2 Initiative, Bluff, and Intimidate 
Blood Artisan  Clan  Pay only 75% gp to create items but they are always cursed
Cultured Courtier  Nation or Clan  +2 Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Craft or Perform
Discipline  Nation  +2 Will and Concentration
Forest Ambusher  Nation  +3 Hide when in forests, ‐15 Hide after sniping
Gifted General  Nation  +2 Initiative and Fortitude
Hardy Soul  Nation  +3 Hit Points, immune to death from massive damage, 25% to stabilize
Horse Nomad  Nation  Gain Martial Weapon Proficiency (light lance, scimitar, and composite 
bow), +3 Ride 
Infamous Traitor  Clan  +2 Initiative, Bluff, and Intimidate 
Legendary Tracker  Nation  Survive, track, and move through cold environments
Mercantile Background  Nation  Sell items for more money, buy items for less money, start with +300 gp
Mind Over Body  Nation  Int or Cha as bonus HP. +1 HP per metamagic feat. +1 AC if arcane 
Mountain Hunter  Nation  +4 to escape a grapple. +1 attack vs animals 
Renowned Courtesan  Nation  Change attitudes, inspire love, hope, or despair
Saddleback  Nation  Use Ride to make a Reflex save 
Secret Society  Nation  +2 Bluff, Disguise, and Forgery 
Smooth Talk  Nation  ‐5 Diplomacy check as a full‐round action 
Spellwise  Clan  +2 Knowledge (arcane), Spellcraft, and to saves vs illusions
Stalwart Defender  Nation  Resist bull rush, overrun, and trample attempts

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Stormheart  Clan  +2 Balance and Profession (sailor), more easily fight on a boat or ship
Survivor  Nation  +2 Fortitude and Survival
Tireless  Clan  Exhaustion effects are reduced by one step 
Twin Sword Style  Clan  +2 AC when fighting with a katana and a wakizashi
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Arcane Watchfulness  Wis 13, Arcane Focus  +4 Spot, +4 Sense Motive, or +4 Search for 1 minute
Body Awareness  Wis 13, Arcane Focus  Ignore conditions, appear dead, or +4 ability  
Defensive Magic  Arcane Focus  DR, armor/shield bonus, or enhance saving throw
Focused Specialist  Arcane Focus, specialist wizard 1  +1 caster level, +1 DC of spell, or +2 to overcome spell resistance 
Magical Insight  Int 13, Arcane Focus  Heightened divination, +4 Spellcraft, or +1 Knowledge (arcana)
Potent Dweomercraft  Wis 13, Arcane Focus, arcane spells 2 Increase touch attack damage, increase critical, or +2 melee touch attack
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Focused Performance  Concentration 1, Perform 6, Focused Performer, bardic  Expend daily uses of bardic music to modify your performance
Undertone of Heresy  Bardic music, Perform 4  Two daily bardic music uses gains +2 DC against bardic music saves
  Blasphemous    Bardic Music, Perform 9 ranks, Undertone of Heresy Creatures within 60 feet become unnerved
    Sickening Sonata      Bardic Music, Perform 12 ranks, Blasphemous  Your Blasphemous Utterance affects creatures in more powerful 
Utterance, Undertone of Heresy  ways 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Agile Tyrant  Beholder  Direct an extra eye ray into a single 90‐degree arc
Maw of Power  Beholder  Eye ray is moved to mouth affecting creatures bitten
Skilled Telekinetic  Beholder  Use telekinetic eye ray to use a magic device 
Tentacular Stalk  Beholder  Transform eyestalk into a prehensile limb 
Versatile Tyrant  Beholder  Duplicate an eye ray
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Born Under A High Sun  ‐‐  +1 Intimidate and Fort saves, an additional +1 on saves vs fire
  Vengeance of Noon    Born Under A High Sun, Power Attack, level 6 +4 saves vs fire, weapon gains flaming ability 1/day
Born Under A Rising Sun  ‐‐  +1 Heal and Will saves, an additional +1 on saves vs fear
  Spirit of Dawn    Diplomacy 2, Born Under A Rising Sun, level 6 +4 saves vs fear, +2 Will saves to allies 
Born Under A Setting Sun  ‐‐  +1 on any two Knowledge skills, class skill: Concentration
  Secrets of Dusk    Born Under A Setting Sun, Skill Focus (any one  Take 10 on Concentration checks at any time. Take 20 on Knowledge 
Knowledge skill), level 6  skill check 1/day 
Born Under The Crescent  ‐‐  +1 Sense Motive and Spot, detect thoughts 1/day
Born Under the Full Moon  ‐‐  +1 Intimidate and Use Magical Device, command 1/day
Born Under The Gibbous  ‐‐  +1 Bluff and Gather Information, calm animals 1/day
Born Under The Half Moon  ‐‐  +1 Balance and Concentration, expeditious retreat 1/day
Born Under The New Moon  ‐‐  +1 Hide and Sleight of Hand, disguise self 1/day
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Air Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus air‐based spell per level 
  Voice of Winds    Air Bloodline, arcane spells 2  +2 Diplomacy and Intimidate 
Anarchic Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus anarchic‐based spell per level 
  Fickle Fate    Anarchic Bloodline, arcane spells 2 Improve a d20 by 1d6
Aquatic Fey Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus aquatic‐based spell per level 
  Fey Presence    Aquatic Fey Bloodline, arcane spells 5 Divination 1/day
Arcane Kinship  Any bloodline feat, arcane spells 3  +4 Diplomacy and  Gather Information 
Axiomatic Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus axiomatic‐based spell per level 
  Lawful Discipline    Axiomatic Bloodline, arcane spells 2 +2 Will save against mind‐affecting effects 
Celestial Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus celestial‐based spell per level 
  Celestial Light    Celestial Bloodline, arcane spells 3 Light 5/day
Draconic Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus draconic‐based spell per level 
  Dragon Sight    Draconic Bloodline, arcane spells 3 Detect magic 3/day
Earth Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus earth‐based spell per level 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
  Friend of the Earth    Earth Bloodline, arcane spells 2  +3 Climb and Tumble when in contact with the earth
Familiarity  Any bloodline feat, summon familiar, arcane spells 3 Familiar abilities as if your spell level were 2 levels higher
Fey Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus fey‐based spell per level 
  Fey’s Fate    Fey Bloodline, arcane spells  2  +1 to all saving throws
Fiendish Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus fiendish‐based spell per level 
Fire Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus fire‐based spell per level 
  Fire Feet    Fire Bloodline, arcane spells 2  +10 speed
Illithid Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus illithid‐based spell per level 
  Mind Weapon    Illithid Bloodline, arcane spells 2  Daze 3/day
Kin Mastery  Any bloodline feat, arcane spells 3  Turn or rebuke creatures of your bloodline as cleric of one‐half your level
Necromantic Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus necromantic‐based spell per level
  Grave Friend    Necromantic Bloodline, arcane spells 3 +2 against abilities of undead creatures 
Penumbra Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus penumbra‐based spell per level 
Plant Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus plant‐based spell per level 
  Green Heart    Plant Bloodline, arcane spells 2  +2 to save against poisons and diseases 
  Voice of the Green    Plant Bloodline, arcane spells 5  Speak With Plants 1/day 
Power in the Blood  Any bloodline feat, arcane spells 3  Cast an additional spell per day 
Serpent Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus serpent‐based spell per level 
  Venomless    Serpent Bloodline, arcane spells 5 Neutralize Poison 1/day
Water Bloodline  Arcane spells without preparation, summon familiar Gain a bonus water‐based spell per level 
  Waterborn    Water Bloodline, arcane spells 2  +4 Swim
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Bloodthirsty  Ritual (see text)  Gain bloodleach spell template. Natural healing accelerated
Elemalefic Spellcaster  Ritual (see text) Gain elemalefic spell template. +2 Survival when on an elemental plane
Ethereal Tendril  Ceremony (see text)  Gain ghost touch spell template. Move normal speed on Ethereal plane
Invigorating Spellcaster  Ritual (see text)  Gain invigorating spell template. +2 Heal checks
Spellbinder  Ceremony (see text)  Gain shackled spell template. +2 Use Rope checks to bind a creature
Spellstrike  Ceremony (see text)  Gain concussive spell template. +2 Concentration while casting spells
Superior Summons  Ritual (see text)  Gain champion spell template. Summoning spells at +1 caster level
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Chaos Music  Perform 4, bardic music ability  Effective bard level increases by +4 
Chaos Rage  Intimidate 4, rage  Effective barbarian level increases by +4 
Flexible Mind  ‐‐  Chosen two skills are always class skills for you
Wild Touch  Use Magic Device 8  Random effect of magic item can be determined by two rolls
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Initiate of Boccob  Divine spells 3, patron deity Boccob  Make Knowledge checks untrained, +1 divination spells, additional spells
Initiate of Ehlonna  Divine spells 3, patron deity Ehlonna Pass without trace 1/day, class skills: Handle Animal and Survival, 
additional spells 
Initiate of Erythnul  Divine spells 4, patron deity Erythnul Death knell when killing a creature with a critical hit, additional spells
Initiate of Fharlanghn  Divine spells 3, patron deity Fharlanghn +10 speed, additional spells 
Initiate of Heironeous  Divine spells 3, patron deity Heironeous Additional damage to evil creatures with a longsword, additional spells
Initiate of Hextor  Divine spells 3, patron deity Hextor  Additional damage to good creatures with a flail, additional spells
Initiate of Kord  Divine spells 2, patron deity Kord  +4 bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, sunder, and trip, additional spells
Initiate of Nerull  Divine spells 4, patron deity Nerull  d8s when using Death domain power, additional spells
Initiate of Obad‐Hai  Divine spells 3, patron deity Obad‐Hai Lose spells to cast summon nature’s ally, additional spells
Initiate of Olidammara  Divine spells 2, patron deity Olidammara Gather Information, class skills: Sleight of Hand, and Tumble, additional 
Initiate of Pelor  Divine spells 3, patron deity Pelor  +2 turning checks and  turning damage rolls, additional spells
Initiate of St. Cuthbert  Divine spells 3, patron deity St. Cuthbert Protective ward 1/day per every 4 levels, additional spells
Initiate of Vecna  Divine spells 3, patron deity Vecna  Use spell completion or spell‐trigger items as a wizard, additional spells
Initiate of Wee Jass  Divine spells 3, patron deity Wee Jas Release waves of energy, additional spells 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Aura of Life Energy  Knowledge (religion) 7, turn undead  Deal 1d8 + 1 per two caster levels to undead in 20‐foot radius
Corona   Knowledge (religion) 4, turn undead  Frighten undead creatures that are susceptible to sunlight
Haunting Weapons  Knowledge (religion) 4, Knowledge (the planes) 4, turn or  Grant allies weapons ghost touch special ability within 30‐foot burst
rebuke undead 
Holy Calling  Cha 15, turn undead  Undead opponent will only attack you 
Imbue Weapon  Extra turning, turn or rebuke undead Enhance weapon against chosen target 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Damage Mastery  ‐‐  Competence bonus on weapon damage type 
Disease Bolt  Cha 13, any two racial‐drow feats  Ranged touch bolt deals 1d6 per racial feat 
Disease Shield  Cha 17, any three racial‐drow  feats  Creatures entering 5‐foot space become sickened
Increased Carrying Capacity  ‐‐  Strength increases by number of racial feats for carrying capacity
Life Tap  Wis 13, any one racial‐drow  feat  Heal 1 hp for every 2 HD of creature slain 
Sting Strike  Drow, Drow Skirmisher, base attack bonus +6, region of  Gain +1 per attack made with a drow long knife, drow scorpion chain, or 
origin Xen’drik  Xen’drik boomerang 
Tainted Strike  Any two racial‐drow feats  Critical hits deal extra damage equal to racial feats
Undead Command  Cha 19, any two racial‐drow feats  Command undead creature within 30 feet 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Nemesis  Favored enemy class ability  Sense presence of favored enemy, +1d6 damage
Purify Summoning  Spell Focus (conjuration), Augment Summoning, good  Summoned creatures gain the good subtype 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Acrobatic Skirmisher  Dex 13, Tumble 5, skirmish ability +1d6 skirmish damage when tumbling to avoid an AoO
  Improved Acrobatic Skirmisher     Dex 13, Tumble 10, Acrobatic Skirmisher, skirmish  +2d6 skirmish damage when tumbling to avoid an AoO
Aid Giver  Combat Expertise, Dodge, Power Attack Aid all adjacent allies 
Anti‐Psionic Magic  Spellcraft 5  +2 vs psionic power resistance; your spells are hard to 
negate psionically 
Arcane Focus  Arcane spells 1  Take 15 on Concentration checks or activate an arcane feat
Arcane Focus Item  Craft Wondrous Item, any metamagic feat, arcane caster 3 Apply metamagic feats to spells while wielding focus item
Arcane Shorthand  ‐‐  1/2 time, pages, and materials when writing in a spellbook 
Armor Dance  Base attack bonus +1, Perform (dance) 1 Gain +2 dodge bonus when wearing decorated light armor
  Improved Armor Dance     Base attack bonus +2, Armor Dance, Perform (dance) 2 As Armor Dance w/ medium armor. +4 dodge w/ hide 
Astral Tracking  Knowledge (the planes) 11, Spellcraft 8, Survival 10, Track Track across Astral Plane. Follow teleporting creatures
Athletic  ‐‐  +2 bonus on Climb and Swim checks
  Defensive Climber    Dex 15, Athletic  Retain Dex bonus when climbing
  Master Swimmer    Str 15, Athletic  Armor check penalties are reduced while swimming
Aura of Bravery  ‐‐  Allies within 10 feet gain +2 bonus vs fear
Battle Hardened  Base attack bonus +4  +1 AC when adjacent to two or more opponents
Betrayal of the Spirit Linked  Prepare and cast animate dead, required sacrifice Familiar gains either the zombie or skeleton template
Blade Communion of Slashing  Adamantine Body, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack,  Adamantine armor spikes deal 1d8 slashing damage
warforged juggernaut, must worship Lord of Blades 
Blood of the Witch Queen  Cha 13  +2 Cha‐based checks and Will saves vs demons
Body Guard  ‐‐  Swap saving throw bonuses with an ally
Bonded  Handle Animal 5, trained pet +1 attack/damage when you and your pet attack same foe
  Double Team    Handle Animal 8, Bonded, trained creature Attack of opportunity against foe your pet strikes
  Protective Talons    Handle Animal 8, Bonded, trained creature Your raptor can protect you from ranged attacks
  Screen    Handle Animal 8, Bonded, Dodge, trained pet Your pet grants concealment against one foe
Book Smart  Int 15, Knowledge (any three) 6, cast three arcane  Make untrained Knowledge checks for DCs higher than 10
divination spells 
Braced for Charge  Base attack bonus +1  Set pole arm against a charge dealing double damage
Breath Control  Perform (wind instrument) 5 +2 Perform (wind instrument), saves vs inhaled poisons
Bronze Solaris Member  Sorcerer 1  Class skill: Knowledge (religion), Weapon Proficiency: 
deities weapon  
Chronicle  Int 13, Appraise 4, arcane spells +1 Appraise, discern age of item, and sell for more money
Combat Charm  Wis 13  More easily charm creatures you or allies threaten
Combat Engineer  Str 13, Int 13, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) 4,  +2 attack and damage when making a sunder attack. Ignore 
Improved Sunder, Power Attack  up to 10 points of hardness on inanimate objects. 
Combat Expertise  Int 13  Trade attack bonus for AC (max 5 points)
  Canny Opportunist    Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise Able to make attacks of opportunity at various times
    Exploit Adjustment      Int 13, Canny Opportunist, Combat Expertise AoO against opponents making a 5‐foot step
  Dedicated Nuisance    Int 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +4 Creatures adjacent to touched creature are considered 
  Defensive Opportunist    Int 13, Tumble 5, Combat Expertise No defensive fighting penalty with AoO
  Extend Defense    Combat Expertise  +2 AC to ally, 50% chance of being struck by foe instead

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
  Improved Trip    Combat Expertise  +4 bonus on trip attempts; no attack of opportunity
    Sweeping Trip      Improved Trip Trip adjacent targets with successful trip attack
  Resist Telekinesis    Int 13, Spellcraft 2, Combat Expertise +8 vs telekinesis combat  maneuvers, +4 on saves vs 
violent thrust 
Combat Reflexes  ‐‐  Additional attacks of opportunity
  Backstab       Combat Reflexes  Attack flanked opponent who attacks someone else
  Close‐Quarter Defense       Combat Reflexes  +2 bonus on attack rolls for certain AoO’s
  Improved Combat Reflexes       Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +6 Two attacks of opportunity
    Greater Combat Reflexes    Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Combat  Three attacks of opportunity
Reflexes, base attack bonus +11 
  Sneak Attack of Opportunity       Combat Reflexes, sneak attack +3d6 Deal sneak attack damage with an attack of opportunity
Combined Empathy  Druid 1, ranger 1  Add druid and ranger levels to wild empathy ability
Commander  Cha 13  +1 vs fear for all allies within 30 feet
  Defense of the Righteous    Cha 17, good alignment, Commander +1 Fortitude for all allies within 30 feet
  Gang Tactics    Cha 15, evil alignment, Commander +1 additional damage when flanking
  Halfling's Cunning    Cha 13, Commander, size Small or smaller +1 attack for all allies within 30 feet on larger creatures
  Inspire Bloodletting    Cha 13, Commander +1 for all allies within 30 feet to confirm critical hits
  Inspire Bloodthirst    Cha 15, evil alignment, Intimidate 5, Commander,  +1 melee attacks for all allies within 30 feet
Weapon Focus (any melee weapon),  
  Rouse Courage    Cha 13, Commander All allies within 30 feet may reroll failed saves vs fear
Countenance of the Mage  Int 13, Cha 11, arcane caster 9 Control your appearance 
Craft Expertise  ‐‐  Craft items more rapidly 
Crushing Hug  Str 13, Improved Grab, base attack bonus +3 Double Str bonus to damage when grappling
Customize Domain  At least one domain, divine spells 3 Exchange spells on your domain list for similar spells
Darkness Adaptation  Raised in an arctic environment See 2x or 3x as far in poor illumination
Darkness Familiar  Ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment Call shadow‐type familiar 
Dderwydd Chymdeithas Initiate  Spontaneously cast summon nature’s ally. Gain a Knowledge skill and additional spells per level
Deadly Concussion  Str 13, Perform (percussion) 6, Improved Sunder, Power  Deal damage to opponent when you sunder with a 
Attack  bludgeoning weapon 
Deceitful Appearances  Sleight of Hand 5, base attack bonus +3 +2 Init, attack and appear defenseless w/ hidden weapons
Deep Breather  Con 16  Hold your breath for double the normal rounds
Deep Poisoning  Poison use, sneak attack Exchange sneak attack damage for +1 DC vs poison
Defiler  Arcane spells 1  +1 caster level, spells destroy plant life
Deflect Energy  Energy resistance  Forfeit save to deflect some spell or ability back at target
Deft Fist  Dex 13, Wis 13. Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse,  Target does not gain bonus to AC from cover
Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) 
Desertborn  ‐‐  Treat heat conditions as if they were 20 degrees cooler
Disabling Strike  Favored enemy (any humanoid) Stun favored enemies with a  successful critical hit
Distant Touch  Wis 19, Concentration 4+, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist, base  Use Pain Touch or Stunning Fist as a ranged attack
attack bonus +8 
Diversified Casting  A prohibited school  Add spells from your prohibited school to your spell list
Divine Inspiration  Bardic music ability, ability to turn undead Bard /cleric levels stack for determining bardic music ability
Divine Sorcery  Sorcerer 1, alignment within one step of patron deity Gain access to cleric domain and domain spells
Dodge  Dex 13  +1 dodge bonus to AC against selected target
  Favored Dodge    Dodge, favored enemy Add favored enemy bonus to AC
  Nimble Flier    Dex 13, Dodge, fly (good or better maneuverability)  Increase speed by 10 feet 3/day
    Power Soar    Dex 13, Dodge, Nimble Flier, fly (good or better) Flying straight up or down does not provoke an AoO
Double Weapon Disarm  Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm +4 when disarming an opponent with a double weapon
Dragonmarked Sorcerer  Dragonmarked race and house, no existing dragonmark,  Add all sorcerer spells from your dragonmarked house to 
sorcerer 1  your list of known spells 
Dream Haunting  Cha 21, spell‐like or psi‐like ability (dominate person  or  Enter target’s dreams and order the target to take action.
dominate monster) or the ability to duplicate this effect 
with a supernatural ability 
Druidic Theurgy  druid spells 3, ability to cast spells from a different spell list Caster level equals total levels for similar spells on different 
spell lists 
Ears of the Mage  Int 13, arcane caster 14 Know distance, direction, and name of anyone speaking 
your name 
Earth Focus  ‐‐  +1 DC to save against your earth spells
Earthcraft  ‐‐  +2 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) and 
Knowledge (dungeonnering) checks 
Efficient Hunter  Survival , raised in a plains environment +2 Survival, provide food for multiple people based on Wis
Eldritch Claws  Eldritch Blast 2d6  Two claw attacks deal eldritch blast damage 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Elemental Stalker  Ki power, sense elements Shugenja and ninja levels stack for sense elements, AC,  and 
ki pool 
Elemental Strike  Sense elements   Gain +20 attack against sensed creature
Elemental Theurgy  Elemental domain (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water), arcane spells  Caster level for elemental‐based spell is the sum of all your 
with the same elemental descriptor as your domain  spellcasting classes 
Elusive Dance  Perform (dance) 5  Opponent cannot make attacks of opportunity against you
Endurance  ‐‐  +4 bonus on checks or saves to resist nonlethal damage
  Flesh of the Ice Tomb    Tomb‐Tainted Soul (from LIBRIS MORTIS ), Endurance,  Treat all cold damage as nonlethal damage
spent 1 day in Karran‐Kural 
  Hibernate    Con 13, Endurance Eight hours of sleep heals 2x level and 2 ability points
Energy Strike  Energy resistance  Deal energy damage as a ranged touch attack 1/day
Excised From the Web Of Life  Prepare and cast blight, required sacrifice All spells deal damage equal to your caster level
Expert Tumbler  Tumble 5  Only ‐5 penalty to Tumble at full speed
Extended Spirit Form  Chastise spirit, spirit form  Spend chastise spirit ability to remain in spirit form longer
Extra Divine Power  Divinely granted class ability w/ a set number of uses Gain two extra uses of a class ability
Eyes of the Mage  Int 13, arcane caster 12 +1 Search and ranged attacks, gain darkvision and low‐light 
Find Relic  Locate object  Auto Search check within 10 ft of an item worth 1,000+ gp
Flash Casting  Cha 13, spell with the fire or light descriptor Foes suffer ‐2 to attack when you cast a fire or light spell
Focused Performer  Concentration 1, Perform 4, bardic music Use Perform to maintain an arcane spell
Footsteps of the Mage  Int 13, arcane caster 12 +2 Balance, +4 Reflex to avoid falling
Frenzied Hunt  Base attack bonus +6, turn or rebuke undead, must have  Spend turn or rebuke attempts to enter a frenzied state
witnessed the Wild Hunt taking place or have been hunted 
by the Master of the Hunt’s followers 
Friend of Earth  Devotee of elemental earth, member of the Earthborn or a  +4 to Charisma‐based checks when dealing with earth 
similar earth‐focused sect or organization  creatures 
Friend to the Tribe  Any non‐Olman, performed service for and trusted by the  You are considered an Olman, gain Olman affiliation, and 
Olman  can gain Olman feats 
Fury of Stone  Rage or frenzy, raised in an underground environment Rage 2x as long while underground
Gore Toss  Gore attack, base attack bonus +4 Trip opponent after a gore attack
Graceful Edge  Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (any one‐handed slashing  Treat weapon as light, +1 shield bonus/+2 shield bonus 
weapon), base attack bonus +1  when fighting defensively 
Guerilla Trapsmith ‐‐  +2 Craft (trapmaking), create booby traps, your traps are 
harder to find and remove 
Hamstring Attack  Str 13, Dex 15, base attack bonus +4 Deal Dex damage instead of normal damage
Hands of the Mage  Int 13, arcane caster 14 One designated item flies to or appears in your hand
Hard to Fool  ‐‐  +2 Will vs illusions and +2 Sense Motive checks
Haunting Similarity  Ability to assume another’s appearance through alter self,  +2 Disguise to impersonate an individual creature. If that 
polymorph, or a similar ability  creature hits you, it is shaken for 1 round 
Heads Up  Spell‐like abilities, arcane, or divine spells. Use slain creatures gaze attack up to 3 times
High Society  Diplomacy 4  +3 Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise with members of high society
Holy Mount  Gain a paladin special mount, any other divine spells 1 Combine paladin with other divine levels for determining 
special mount abilities 
Hymnist  Bardic music ability, divine spells Class skill: Perform, Perform check equal to Wis bonus
Hypnotic Focus  ‐‐  +2 Autohypnosis, Class skill: Autohypnosis
Improve Disguise  Cha 13, Disguise 7, Sense Motive 5 Easily disguise yourself as another gender, race, or age
Improved Aid Another  ‐‐  Ally gains an additional +1 bonus when being aided
Improved Domination  Cha 21, Intimidate 18, supernatural ability (dominate  Your dominate ability applies to creatures of any type
Improved Fiendish Servant  Fiendish servant class feature Call a wide variety of fiendish servants
Improved Unarmed Strike  ‐‐  Considered armed even when unarmed
  Improved Grapple    Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike +4 bonus on grapple checks; no attack of opportunity
    Grappling Blast    Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, eldritch  Deal eldritch blast damage when grappling
blast 3d6 
    Scorpion’s Grasp    Str 13, Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed  Grapple opponent after hitting with a light or one‐
Strike  handed weapon. 
  Fear No Binds    Escape Artist 6, Improved Unarmed Strike No penalties when grappling, unarmed strikes when 
  Beast Strike    Base attack bonus +5, Improved Unarmed Strike, claw  Add claw or slam damage to your unarmed strike or 
or slam attack  grapple damage 
  Cutpurse      Improved Unarmed Strike, Sleight of Hand 5 Sleight of Hand in combat does not provoke an AoO
Improved Whirlwind Attack  Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring  Take additional attacks after a whirlwind attack
Attack, Whirlwind Attack, base attack bonus +4 
Inspire Beast  Handle Animal 6, animal companion Give animal companion a +3 bonus on attack/damage rolls
Inspired Master  ‐‐  Magic items function as if one caster level higher

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Intimidate the Enemy  Intimidate 3, favored enemy Add favored enemy bonus to demoralize an opponent
Intuitive Trapsmith  Ki power  Add Wis bonus on Search and Disable Device checks
Investigator  ‐‐  +2 bonus on Gather Information and Search checks
  Trap Mastery    Knowledge (architecture and engineering) 9,  +1 Disable Device, +1 saves vs traps
Investigator or Nimble Fingers 
Kung Fu Genius  Int 13, gained at or before the 1st level of monk class Use Int in place of Wis for all Monk special abilities
Lady's Gambit  Base attack bonus +6, Iron Will, Power Attack Sacrifice hit points to add to your attack/damage
Leadership  Character Level 6th  Attract cohort and followers 
  Assemble the Horde    Leadership, 6th level, leadership score 4 higher than  +1 Leadership score, gain additional first level followers
your level 
  Class Champion    Leadership, 6th level, leadership score 4 higher than  +1 Leadership score, gain two additional followers of 
your level  the highest level available 
  Close Cohort    Leadership, 6th level, leadership score 2 higher than  Your cohort may be one level lower than you
your level 
  Eye For Talent    Sense Motive 9, Leadership, 6th level, leadership score  +1 Leadership score, replace or attain followers in 1d4 
2 higher than your level  weeks 
  Fanatical Devotion    Leadership, 6th level, leadership score 3 higher than  +1 Leadership score, no penalties for causing a followers 
your level  death 
  Improved Leadership     Cha 15, Leadership +2 Leadership score 
  Natural Leader    Leadership, 6th level +2 Leadership score 
  Recognized Elder    Leadership, membership in a tribe, old age. Class skills: Diplomacy and Knowledge and have a +1 
bonus, gain a cohort as if Leadership score were 1 
    Wise Elder    Leadership, Recognized Elder, membership in a tribe,  Reroll Diplomacy or Intimidate check, gain a cohort as if 
old age.  Leadership score were 2 higher. 
      Venerable Elder      Leadership, Recognized Elder, Wise Elder,  +10 Diplomacy or Intimidate checks, gain cohort as 
membership in a tribe, venerable age.  if Leadership score were 4 higher. 
League Militiaman  Halfling, Dodge, associated with the League of Free People +1 AC against Medium or larger creatures or +2 AC to Small 
or smaller creatures adjacent to you 
Life Restorer  Divine spells  You can prepare and cast conjuration (healing) spells
Long Strike  Base attack bonus +2  Attack with a pole arm as if it had reach
Mark of Lemoriax  Chaotic evil outsider, Thrall to Demon, base Fort +8 +4 Intimidate, +4 Bluff and Diplomacy  vs Gaping Maw 
denizens, ‐4 Bluff and Diplomacy vs other Abyssal Layer 
denizens, breathe air and water 
Master Bowyer  Craft (bowyer) 6 ranks Craft masterwork bows and arrows at half the cost and 
Master of Mockery  Perform (comedy) 8   Enrage opponent that must attack you
Mighty Are Fallen  Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility +4 bonus to AC when opponent uses Power Attack
Moonwarrior  Str 15, low‐light vision +1 attack when in low light / +1 damage when in moonlight
Mounted Combat  Ride 1  Negate hits on mount with Ride check
  Mounted Fighting    Ride 11, Mounted Combat, base attack bonus +8 +1 attack and damage while mounted
Mystic Companion  Knowledge (nature) 9, divine spells 1, animal companion Your caster level for ranger spells increases by 4 as long as 
your animal companion is within line of sight 
Name of the Mage  Arcane caster 20  Creature who speaks your name is shaken or frightened
Natural Dowser  Survival 4  +4 bonus on Survival checks to get along in the wild
Negotiator  ‐‐  +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks
  Charming    Cha 13, Negotiator +3 Charisma check when using mind‐affecting spells
Nimble Deflections  Dex 13, Perform (keyboard) 7, Dodge +2 AC Dodge when wielding a two handed weapon
Nimble Fingers  See Player’s Handbook +2 bonus on Disable Device and Open Lock checks
  Trap Mastery    Knowledge (architecture and engineering) 9,  +1 Disable Device, +1 saves vs traps
Investigator or Nimble Fingers 
Noble Born  ‐‐  +2 Leadership, Class skills: Diplomacy and Knowledge 
(nobility and royalty) 
Noble Warrior  ‐‐  +2 Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (nobility and 
Occult Opportunist  Knowledge (arcana) 5, Spellcraft 5 You can make an AoO against certain spell actions
One With Earth and Water  Ki power  Add Wis bonus on Climb and Swim Checks
Opportunistic Tactician  Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility Free 5‐foot step after making an attack of opportunity
Orcus’s Bloodthirst Ritual  Evil alignment, patron deity: Orcus Stun creatures for 1 round, ally of undead, detect as evil
Pack Feint  Dex 13, Wis 13, Bluff 3, base attack bonus +3 Opponent loses Dex bonus to AC for you or allies
Pack Tactics  Wis 13  Non‐flanking allies gain +1 attack against creature you flank
Passive Reconnoiter  Survival 4  +3 Listen and Spot 
Persuasive  ‐‐  +2 bonus on Bluff checks and Intimidate checks
  Commanding    Cha 15, Persuasive +1 to DC against your compulsion spells

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Pike Hedge  Base attack bonus +2, Combat Reflexes, Hold the Line x2 or x3 damage when receiving a charge
Pilgrim  Knowledge (geography) 5, ability to speak 3+ languages +1 Will and Charisma‐based checks (morale), bonus upon 
reaching destination 
Pirate Luck  Cha 13  Reroll a saving throw before success or failure is known
Point Blank Shot  ‐‐  +1 bonus on ranged attack and damage within 30 ft.
  Bow Feint    Int 13, Point Blank Shot Feint with a ranged attack 
  Efficient Pull    Point Blank Shot  +2 Str when using a composite bow
  Far Shot    Point Blank Shot  Increase range increment by 50% or 100%
    Ranged Skirmisher      Dex 15, Wis 13, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, skirmish  Skirmish damage to ranged attacks within 60 feet
  No Threat To Me    Base attack bonus +7, Point Blank Shot, favored enemy Ranged attack vs favored enemy w/o provoking an AoO
  Precise Shot    Point Blank Shot  No –4 penalty for shooting into melee
    Concealed Ambush      Hide 10, Move Silently 10, Point Blank Shot, Precise  ‐10 Hide check after sniping instead of ‐20
    Sharp‐Shooting      Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +3 Targets only receive +2 AC due to cover
Pole Balance  ‐‐  +4 to resist bull rush or trip when wielding a pole arm
Pole Fighter  Proficiency with the selected weapon, Weapon Focus with  Use pole arm as a monk special weapon
the selected weapon, flurry of blows 
Polyglot  ‐‐  Learn a language,  class skill: Speak Language
Power Attack  Str 13  Trade attack bonus for damage (up to base attack bonus)
  Cleave       Power Attack  Extra melee attack after dropping target
    Terrifying Warrior         Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +3 Panic foes when dropping a target due to Cleave
    Quick Cleave         Str 15, Dex 13, Cleave, Power Attack +2 when using Cleave or Great Cleave
  Find Flaw       Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 Subtract from attack roll to ignore hardness
   Retribution       Power Attack  +1 damage for every 5 you take from a creature
Power Surge  A supernatural special attack that you can use 3/day Improve DC, damage, or duration of a special attack
Practiced Magic  Spellcraft 4, spell‐like abilities +4 caster level for spell‐like abilities
Precise Strike  Dex 13, sneak attack  +2 attack per die taken away from sneak attack damage
Presence of the Mage  Int 11, Cha 17, arcane caster 18 +1 saves and attacks to allies, ‐1 to foes, animals are uneasy
Pressure Point Strike  Dex 13, Wis 13, Knowledge (arcana) 5, Improved Unarmed  Strike opponents in supernaturally vulnerable locations
Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8, ki strike (magic) 
Pressure Resistance  Deep Diver, Endurance, Skill Focus (Swim), Swim 4 Resist damage caused by water pressure
Puppet Master  Wis 13  Control targets without being noticed as easily
Quick Change  Dex 13, alternate form Change form as a move action
  Spirit of the Beast    Dex 13, Con 13, Quick Change, alternate form  Attack with hybrid natural attacks when in human form
Quick Draw  Base attack bonus +1  Draw weapon as free weapon 
  Mercurial Strike  Quick Draw, base attack bonus +5 Draw melee weapon when provoked while unarmed
Rage Casting  Spells 1, Combat Casting, Quicken Spell, Concentration 5,  Cast free action spells and use magic items while raging
rage or frenzy. 
Raging Bull Rush  Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, rage or frenzy +4 on opposed Str checks when bull rushing
Raging Overrun  Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Overrun, rage or frenzy +4 Str when overrunning while raging
Raging Spell Penetration  Spells 1, Rage Casting, Spell Penetration, rage or frenzy +2 caster level checks while raging
Raging Sunder  Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, rage or frenzy +4 on attack rolls to attack an object while raging
Ranged Threat  Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base  Threaten every square within 15 feet with a ranged weapon
attack bonus +6 
Resinbond  Arcane spells  Wear kaorti armor easier, weapons are difficult to disarm
Ricochet  Dex 19, Blind‐Fight, Improved Precise Shot, Point Blank  Make a second attack against adjacent foes when 
Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +15  successfully hitting an opponent with a thrown weapon 
Ring the Golden Bell  Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon  Attack with your unarmed strike as a ranged attack
Focus (unarmed strike), base attack bonus +5 
Run  ‐‐  Run 5x normal speed, +4 Jump checks after a running start
  Sprinter    Dex 15, Con 15, Run  Increase speed by 10 feet 3/day
Sacred Outlaw  Sneak attack +2d6, turn or rebuke undead Cleric and rogue levels stack for turning and sneak attack
Sacred Performer  Bardic music ability, turn or rebuke undead Bard and Cleric levels stack for turning and bardic music
Sailor Will  Base Will save +2  +1 Will saves and +4 Will against demoralizing attempts
Sandstep  ‐‐  Balance, Move Silently, and Tumble are easier in sand
Savage Empathy  Wild empathy  Influence less intelligent and magical beasts easier
  Monstrous Animal Companion    Gain an animal companion, Savage Empathy Gain a monstrous creature as an animal companion
Savage Mobility  Dex 13, wild shape  +10 feet speed increase while using wild shape
Savvy Swimmer  Swim 4  Suffer only half armor check penalty when swimming
Scout The Path  Survival 4  +3 Survival, +1 Hide and Move Silently to allies within 20 ft.
Sea Legs  ‐‐  +2 Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble while on a ship

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Seafarer  ‐‐  +2 Survival on a boat, class skills: Profession (sailor) and 
Shield and Pike Style  Proficiency with selected piercing pole arm, proficiency  Wield a light shield with full AC bonus when using a two‐
with light shield  handed piercing pole arm weapon 
Shield Snare  Improved Shield Bash, Shield Proficiency Ready an action to disarm an opponent with your shield
  Improved Shield Snare    Combat Reflexes, Improved Shield Bash, Shield  Make an AoO when you disarm an opponent with your 
Proficiency, Shield Snare  shield; gain a +2 bonus on subsequent attacks 
Shipborn  ‐‐  +2 bonus on skills while onboard a ship
Shorten Grip  ‐‐  Treat a pole arm as if it did not have reach
Skill Focus  ‐‐  +3 bonus on checks with selected skill
  Flotation    Skill Focus (Swim), Swim 4 Float on water as free action
    Flow With The Current      Flotation, Skill Focus (Swim), Swim 4  +2 Initiative and Reflex saves while swimming
Skincaster  Prepare spells   Transfer spells to your skin which acts like a spellbook

Speak to the Masses  Bardic music, Perform 9 Fascinate 2x the number of creatures with bardic music

Spell Focus  ‐‐  +1 bonus on save DCs against specific school of magic
  Ability Enhancer    Spell Focus (transmutation), transmuter 1 Ability score enhancers give +2 more than normal
  Abjurative Potency    Spell Focus (abjuration), abjurer 1 Armor Class enhancers give +1 more than normal
  Charmer    Spell Focus (enchantment), enchanter 1 +1 DC against your enchantment (charm) spells
  Enhanced Shadow Reality    Spell Focus (illusion), illusionist 1 Illusion(shadow) spells deal 20% more damage
  Evocation Resistance    Spell Focus (evocation), evoker 1 ‐1 damage per die roll from evocation spells
  Girded Soul    Spell Focus (necromancy), necromancer 1 +4 vs energy drain and death effects
  Heavy Teleport    Spell Focus (conjuration), conjurer 1 Teleportation spells can teleport more creatures
  Hidden Thoughts    Spell Focus (divination), diviner 1 +4 vs divination spells 
  Potent Enchantment    Spell Focus (enchantment), enchanter 1 Enchantment spells affect more creatures
Spell Graft  Knowledge (arcana) 8, Craft Wondrous Item, spells without  Permanently sacrifice a spell to imbue a body part with 
preparation  spell power 
Spell Penetration  ‐‐  +2 bonus on caster level checks to defeat spell resistance
  Greater Spell Penetration    Spell Penetration   +4 to caster level checks to defeat spell resistance
    Burning Focus      Cha 13, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration Gain +1 to overcome SR each time you fail
Spinning Defense  Combat Expertise, Deflect Arrows +1 AC with total defense, unlimited use of Deflect Arrows
Spirit Spell  Chastise spirit  Spend chastise spirit ability to maximize spells 
Spit Venom  Bite attack that delivers poison Range attack with venom 
Stalwart  ‐‐  +4 bonus on Str to resist bull rush, overrun, and trip
Stealthy  ‐‐  +2 bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks
  Quiet Feet    Dex 15, Stealthy  Avoid detection by creatures with tremorsense
  Suppress Presence    Dex 15, Stealthy  Avoid detection by creatures with blindsense
Stone Monkey  Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist Disable opponents limb as a grapple check
Strong Coils  Constrict attack  Constrict attack increases by one step as if larger size
Strong Stomach  ‐‐  +4 against nauseating or scent‐based attacks
Superior Flanking  Improved flanking  +6 when flanking, allies gain +3 flanking
Supremely Confident  Perform (act) 7  Perform instead of Intimidate to demoralize an opponent
Swift Avenger  Nature sense, skirmish +1d6 Druid and scout levels stack for skirmishing and wild shape
Tactical Advantage  Base attack bonus +5, favored enemy Add favored enemy bonus to trip, disarm, and bull rush
Theurgic Bond  Gain a familiar, gain an animal companion Combine levels when determining familiar/animal abilities
Theurgic Creationist  Item Creation feat, spells from two different spell lists Combine all spellcasting classes to determine caster level 
for creating magic items 
Theurgic Empathy  Bardic music ability, druid  1 or ranger 1 Add bard levels to wild empathy ability
Theurgic Mount  Gain a paladin mount, arcane spells Combine paladin class levels with arcane class levels for 
determining special mount abilities 
Theurgic Specialist  Specialist wizard 3, any other spell casting class 1 Combine all spellcasting class levels when casting from your 
specialist school 
Touched By Ether  Cha 13  Concealment from incorporeal creatures
Track  ‐‐  Use Survival skill to track 
  Pathfinder    Knowledge (geography) 1, Survival 1, Track Never become lost and reduce travel time in difficult 
Trophy Hunter  Favored enemy ability Gain a benefit against a favorite enemy by trophy collecting
Tunnel Rat  Escape Artist 4  When squeezing spaces count as 1 square and ‐2 attacks
Turn Elemental  Elemental focus  Spend sense elements ability to turn or destroy elementals
Tutor  Int 13  +2 skill to ally  
Two Weapon Fighting  Dex 15  Reduce two‐weapon fighting penalties by 2
  Haft Strike    Two‐Weapon Fighting  Attack with the haft of a pole arm
Two‐Weapon Attack of Opportunity  Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Two‐Weapon Fighting Attack with two weapons when making an AoO

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Vault  Str 13+, Jump 4  Reduce long jumps, by 5 ft, jump higher
Verminous Graft  Prepare and cast contagion, required sacrifice Vermin‐covered hand deals 1d6 + Int damage
Voice of the Mage  Int 13, arcane caster 16 +1 Disguise, Intimidate, and Perform. Voice heard for miles
War Chant  Perform (sing) 7  +2 Initiative, +1 Initiative to allies within 30 feet
We Few, We Happy Few  Perform (oratory) 7  Allies can use your Perform check in place of a Will save
Wedded to the Light  Good alignment, summon familiar Familiar gains special abilities as you gain levels
Zen Fortitude  Ki power  Add Wis bonus on Fort saves 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Mixed Omens  Any three harbinger feats, mooncalf, 28 HD Use two different harbinger feats in one week
Omen of Bones  Mooncalf, 28 HD  Undead gain +2 turn resistance 
Omen of Crows  Mooncalf, 28 HD  Heal spells heal one point of damage less 
Omen of Flies  Mooncalf, 28 HD  ‐2 penalty on saves vs disease 
Omen of Loss  Mooncalf, 28 HD  ‐2 penalty in all bardic knowledge and Knowledge skills
Omen of Snakes  Mooncalf, 28 HD  ‐2 penalty on saves vs poison 
Omen of Storms  Mooncalf, 28 HD  Creatures with Int 3 or lower save or become shaken
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Curse of Distraction  Any other hex feat, curse ability  Victim must make Concentration checks to cast spells
Curse of Failure  Curse ability  Victim suffers penalties on saving throws 
Curse of Ignorance  Curse ability  Victim suffers penalties on skills 
Curse of Paranoia  Any other hex feat, curse ability  Allies receive increased bonus for flanking victim
Curse of Sloth  Any other hex feat, curse ability  Victim’s movement is slowed 
Curse of the Softened  Any other two hex feats, curse ability Victim’s weapon deals less damage 
Curse of the Stricken  Any other two hex feats, curse ability Victim’s armor bonus decreases 
Empower Curse  Curse ability  Curse penalties are increased by 1 point 
Extend Curse  Curse ability  Curses last for one day
Extra Curse  Curse ability  Use curse ability one extra time per day 
Foe of the Unlucky  Curse ability  Enemy rerolls critical hit confirmation 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Chameleon Crafting  Any item creation feat, spells 1, manifest powers 1 Place spell or power into items you create 
Craft Construct  Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item Create golems and other magic automatons 
Infuse Jar  ‐‐  Create and use jars as scrolls 
Mix Powder  ‐‐  Create and use powders as scrolls 
Notch Rune‐Stick  ‐‐  Create and use rune‐sticks as scrolls 
Scribe Scroll  Spells 1  Create magic scrolls
  Etch Rune    Scribe Scroll  You can create a rune of any spell 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Hidden Kingdom Jutsu  Ghost strike   Spend ki power to create hallucinatory terrain
Jutsu Focus  At least two ki feats  DC to resist your jutsu is increased 
Karmic Healing  Ki power  Spend ki power to heal self, remove fatigue, or reduce exhaustion
Ki Smite  Ki power, sudden strike +2d6  Spend ki power to add Wis bonus to attack and deal extra damage
Rabbit Prince Jutsu  Ghost step (invisible)   Spend ki power to move as if under the effects of expeditious retreat
Ringing Fist Jutsu  Ki dodge   Spend ki to knock or target a shatter spell 
River Eel Jutsu  Ki dodge   Spend ki power to move as if under the effects of freedom of movement
Shadow Puppet Jutsu  Ki dodge   Spend ki power to distract creature 
Skill Attunement  Wis 13, Ki power (ghost strike)  Spend ki power to add Wis bonus to all skill checks
Thousand Faces Jutsu  Ghost step (invisible)   Spend ki power to alter self 
Wind Oxen Jutsu  Ghost strike   Spend ki power to bull rush target from a distance
Wolf’s Bite  Ki power  Spend ki power to gain access to Improved Disarm, Feint, and Trip feats
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Chameleon Blood  Lizardfolk, Cha 14 +6 Hide in forested or swampy terrain 
Reptilian Healing  Lizardfolk, Con 16, Great Fortitude  Heal at double the normal rate 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Adamantine Mind Blade  Base attack bonus +1, mind blade  Mind blade acts as if made from adamantine 
Align Mind Blade  Base attack bonus +6, mind blade  Mind blade gains an alignment  

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Cannibalize Spell  Spells 1, manifest powers 1  Sacrifice spells or spell slots to gain power points
Extra Unique Power  Unique powers  Manifest one more unique power per day 
Ghost Attack  Base attack bonus +3  Critical hits are treated as ghost touch attacks
  Ghost Attack, Greater    Base attack bonus +3, Ghost Attack Hits are treated as ghost touch attacks 
Instinctive Dispatcher  Base attack bonus +3  Perform coup de grace actions as free actions
  Instinctive    Base attack bonus +3, Instinctive Dispatcher Critical threats are automatic 
Mind Daggers  Base attack bonus +4, mind blade, throw mind blade, free  Create more than one mind blade a round that may be thrown
Mind Shield  +1 mind blade, shape mind blade  Split mind blade into a mind blade and a mind shield
  Mind Shield, Greater    Mind Shield, +2 mind blade, shape mind blade Create a light or heavy shield with special abilities
Mystic Focus  Spells 1  Sacrifice 1st‐level spell or spell slot to gain virtual power points
Mystic Stability  Spells 1, psychic enervation  Sacrifice spells to reduce psychic enervation chance
Overchannel  ‐‐  Increase effective manifester level but take damage
Practiced Mind Blade  Concentration 4, mind blade  Treated as having 4 more levels of soulknife 
Psiomancer  Prepare spells, spells 1, manifest powers 1 Spend power points to prepare an additional spell
Psiotheurgist  Spell Focus (appropriate school), spells 1, manifest powers  Total caster level equals your caster level plus manifester level

Psymbiot  Knowledge (psionics) 8  +2 ability, skill, and saving throws when within 30 ft of a psionic creature
  Psionic Feedback    Knowledge (psionics) 8, Psymbiot +4 Int, Wis, or Cha when a psionic creature saves vs psionic attack
Reshape Mind Blade  Base attack bonus +4, mind blade, shape mind blade Mind blade can take a weapon form that you are proficient with
Silver Mind Blade  Base attack bonus +1, mind blade  Mind blade acts as if made from silver 
Strategic Reassignment  Concentration 7, +1 mind blade  Reassign special abilities of your mind blade in 10 minutes
  Tactical Reassignment    Concentration 11, Strategic Reassignment, +2 mind  Reassign special abilities of your mind blade in the midst of combat
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Agitated Causticity  Any two spells with an acid descriptor , matter agitation Acid spells also reduce a targets AC 
Astral Fire  Any two spells  and two powers with a fire descriptor Fire spells burn longer causing more damage 
Bioelectrical Surge  Any two spells with an electricity descriptor , control body Electricity spells also drain a targets Dex 
Dual‐Plane Summons  Any summon monster spell, any astral construct power Summoned creatures have the astral construct power applied to it
Energy Flare  Agitated Causticity, Astral Fire, Bioelectrical Surge, or  Chosen energy type damage is increased by one damage die
Solid Freeze 
Harden Energy  Any force power, any spell with an energy descriptor Change energy damage to force damage 
  Bull Blast    Harden Energy  Spells also perform a bull rush 
  Concussive Blast    Harden Energy  Force damage is added to energy spells 
Solid Freeze  Any two spells with an cold descriptor , control flames Cold spells freeze a creature to the ground 
Although the Energy Substitution Feat can effectively turn any spell with an energy descriptor into a spell with any other energy descriptor, the character must have 
access to an unmodified spell that has the appropriate descriptor in order to use this Feat. These feats still work with spells whose descriptors have been modified in 
this way, but such spells do not count toward the requirements of the feat. For example, a character with the Energy Substitution feat can turn a fireball into an 
acidball. Although the oddball does not count toward meeting the spell requirements For the Agitated Causticity feat, the character can still use Agitated Causticity on 
an acidball if she has the feat. 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Bane of Decay  Remove disease as a spell‐like ability Make a melee weapon either a +1 undead bane or +1 vermin bane
Detoxifying Touch  Remove disease as a spell‐like ability Neutralize poison
Extra Remove Disease  Remove disease as a spell‐like ability Use remove disease ability two times more per week
Smite Carrier  Remove disease as a spell‐like ability, smite evil Smite evil on any nongood poisonous or infectious creature
Strengthened Resilience  Remove disease as a spell‐like ability +4 Fort to save vs disease or poison for you and two allies
Wholesome Fare  Remove disease as a spell‐like ability Purify food and drink 5x/day 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Alternative Source Spell  Ability to cast both divine and arcane spells Prepare divine spells as arcane and vice versa 
Death Frost Spell  Spell Focus (necromancy), spent 1 day in Karran‐Kural +2d6 cold damage
Easy Metamagic  Any other metamagic feat  Lower spell slot cost for other metamagic feats
Fell Energy Spell  ‐‐  Numerical bonus granted by spells increases by +2 for undead
Forceful Spell  ‐‐  Spell stuns target and knocks it prone 
Radiant Spell  Cha 15, spell with the fire descriptor Fire spells can blind or daze creatures 
Relicguard  ‐‐  Spells do not harm objects
Slimy Spell  ‐‐  Nauseate target for 1 round 
Song of the Dead  ‐‐  Mind‐affecting spells work normally against intelligent undead

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Cerebremetamagic  Any metamagic feat  Expend power points to create prerequisite spell slot for metamagic spell
Phrenic Blast  ‐‐  Stun creatures for 1 round
Phrenic Leech  ‐‐  Drain 1d6 power points from creature and gain 1 point for yourself
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Wightblade  Energy drain ability  Energy drain with your weapon 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Bolster Power  ‐‐  Animated undead gain +1 turn resistance 
Death Curse  ‐‐  Animated undead explode when destroyed 
Graveborn Expert  ‐‐  Animated undead gains +4 on Str‐ or Dex‐based skill checks
Graveborn Warrior  ‐‐  Animated undead posses an additional feat 
Heightened Agility  ‐‐  Animated undead gains +4 Dex 
Heightened Strength  ‐‐  Animated undead gains +4 Str 
Uncanny Speed  ‐‐  Animated undead gains +2 Initiative and +10 Speed
Vicious Claws  ‐‐  Animated undead deals +1 damage 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Human Blood  Partial human ancestry, must be taken at 1st level +1 skill point per level, considered human 
Innate Magic  Int 3, Cha 11, must be taken at 1st level Spell‐like ability to cast a 0‐level spell once per day
Slender  Must be taken at 1st level  +1 Disable Device, Escape Artist, Move Silently, and Tumble, ‐10% weight
Slow Maturation  Must be taken at 1st level, younger than middle age 50% longer to reach next age category 
Stocky  Must be taken at 1st level  +4 to resist being bull rushed or tripped, +10% weight
Superior Hearing  Must be taken at 1st level  +1 Listen and Perform
Superior Sense of Smell  Must be taken at 1st level  +1 Craft (alchemy) and Heal, +2 Survival 
Superior Taste  Must be taken at 1st level  +3 Spellcraft to identify a potion, +3 Fortitude vs poison
Superior Touch  Must be taken at 1st level  +1 Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight of Hand, +2 Spot invisible creature
Superior Vision  Must be taken at 1st level  Gain low‐light vision or see three times as far in low light
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Atlan’s Mark  Specific region or race  +1 on saves vs energy drain and death. 50% change to become stabilize
Badge of Bondage  Specific region or race, body must show signs of bondage +1 Fortitude and Will, +2 Bluff 
Bareback Soul  Specific region or race, Ride 1  No penalty when riding bareback, +1 attack when using a ranged weapon
Blackmoorian Rhymes  Specific region or race  +2 Knowledge (arcana), extra roll when making bardic knowledge checks
Blessed of Osprem  Endurance, Swim 5, specific region  +2 Swim vs nonlethal damage and to hold your breath, take 10 on Swim
Blood of Kord  Specific region or race, rage  2 bonus damage points per level 
Blooded  Specific region or race  +2 Initiative and Spot
Border Watch  Specific region or race  +2 Spot and +5 Profession (soldier) 
Born Follower  Specific region or race  +2 attack and saves vs fear when within 30 feet of a leader
Celestial Scion  Specific region or race  Gain benefits based on Celestial House 
Companion Guard Style  Specific region or race, proficient with longsword,  Use Dex modifier instead of Str when fighting with a longsword or 
longspear, and bows, base attack bonus +4  longspear, +2 to confirm critical hits with any bow 
Deepseer  Specific region or race  Gain darkvision 30ft or add 30ft to existing darkvision
Defensive Expert  Specific region or race  +4 AC from cover, +2 AC when fighting defensively or +3 if Tumble 5
Desert Fighter  Specific region or race  +2 AC when fighting in desert terrain 
Driftwalker  Specific region or race  Costs no squares of movement to move into snow squares, leave no tracks
Dwarflore  Specific region or race  +1 Knowledge (Craft)
Ehlonna’s Way  Specific region or race  +3 Hide and Survival when in woodland area. Ignore tree or plant cover 
Elemental Focus  Specific region or race  +1 DC to saves vs elemental spells you cast 
Elflore  Specific region or race  +1 on all Knowledge and Spellcraft checks 
Exercises of Arnd  Specific region or race, Toughness  Exercise to gain +1 attack, +1 saves, or +6 HP 
Expert Dungeoneer  Specific region or race  +4 on saves vs mechanical traps 
Faerie Mysteries Initiate  Specific region or race  +4 Perform (dance) and Tumble, +1 saves, or use Int modifier for HP
  Tested    Specific region or race, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, CL 10 +2 Cha vs elves and commune, true seeing, or +6 bard level 1/day
Fiendsign  Specific region or race  Outsiders suffer ‐2 on saves vs your spells. +2 to overcome SR of evil 
Giantkiller  Specific region or race  +4 to confirm critical hits against giants. +2 AC against giant attacks
Gnomelore  Specific region or race  +1 on all Knowledge and Perform checks 
Great Fervor  Specific region or race  Reroll a failed saving throw and add Wis modifier to new roll
Greyhawk Method  Specific region or race, prepare and cast arcane spells Four new spells per level
Halfling Lore  Specific region or race  +2 Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (history), +4 Profession (cook)
Heir of Lendore  Specific region or race  +2 DC to saves vs divination spells you cast 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Horse Nomad  Specific region or race  +3 Ride, proficiency with composite shortbow, light lance, and scimitar
Horselore  Specific region or race  +3 Ride and Handle Animal when dealing with horses
Jinnbond  Specific region or race  Genie ancestor grants elemental benefits 
Jungle Fighter  Specific region or race  +2 AC when fighting in jungle terrain 
Kahiko  Olman, Improved Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved  +1 disarm, grapple, and trip when wielding an Olman exotic weapon
Unarmed Strike, flurry of blows, Olman exotic weapon 
  Kahiko Master    Olman, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike,  +2 disarm, grapple, trip, and stun opponent with Stunning Fist when 
Kahiko, flurry of blows, Olman exotic weapon  wielding an Olman exotic weapon. Throw a shimalo’koa with a 10’ 
proficiency  range increment  
Landless Nobility  Specific region or race  Max starting gold, +4 Cha against residents of your homeland
Last Survivor  Survival 5, specific event  +2 Hide, Listen, and Spot vs natural hazards and predators of the jungle
Lays of the Northern Adepts  Specific region or race  Your abjuration spells are dispelled with a DC 13 + caster level
Lore of the Ur‐Flan  Specific region or race  +2 to DC of evil necromancy spells 
Mercantile Background  Specific region or race  +2 Appraise, +2 in Craft or Profession 
Mercenary Background  Specific region or race  +2 Knowledge (local), class skill: Speak Language
Mountain Fighter  Specific region or race  +2 AC when fighting in mountainous terrain 
Nexus Method  Specific region or race, prepare and cast arcane spells Burn spells to cast summon monster spells 
Noble Soul  Specific region or race  +1 Will, +2 Diplomacy
Orc Blooded  Specific region or race  Darkvision 30 feet, favored class – Barbarian, not considered an orc
Pureblooded Suel  Specific region or race  +1 Intimidate and saves vs spells, +2 Cha against the Scarlet Brotherhood
Pureheart  Specific region or race  +4 on saves vs evil outsiders 
Raider’s Spirit  Specific region or race  +4 on saves vs fear, +2 Intimidate 
Rapscallion  Specific region or race, Int 13  Add Cha and Int modifier to all Bluff checks 
Raumathar Heritor  Specific region or race  +2 Knowledge (the planes), favored class: wizard, detect evil outsiders 
Rhennlore  Specific region or race  +1 Tumble, +1 all Knowledge checks 
Rustic Charm  Specific region or race  No penalty on Diplomacy related to social class, ‐2 Sense Motive against 
Sagacious Method  Specific region or race  +4 Spellcraft to decipher and cast scrolls 
Second Sight  Specific region or race  Augury 1/day
Shadowbound  Specific region or race  +2 Hide, Empower a shadow spell 1/day 
Silent Method  Specific region or race  +2 on all dispel checks and break enchantment spells
Spirit of the Sea  Specific region or race  +8 Survival while aboard a boat or ship 
Stowaway  Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Profession (sailor) 1, specific  +2 Disguise, Hide, and Move Silently on large sailing vessels
Tongue of Mougol  Specific region or race  +3 Bluff and Diplomacy related to business dealings
Tribal Trait  Olman  Gain a benefit based on seven different tribes
Troll Blooded  Specific region or race, Toughness  Regeneration 1, regrow or reattach limbs 
Vathrin Stigmata  Specific region or race, Patron Deity: Vathris Wound seeps substance that can neutralize poison, remove disease 1/day
Vatun’s Touch  Specific region or race  Resist cold weather
Vohoun Eye  Sense Motive 5, specific region  Determine spell being cast and +2 save if it is directed at you
Wastri’s Blessing  Specific region or race  Hold breath up to 3x Con score. Leave no trail in swampy terrain
Well Read  Specific region or race  All Knowledge skills are considered class skills
Well Traveled  Specific region or race  Gain Knowledge (local) 2, use Knowledge (local) in place of Diplomacy
World Weary  Specific region or race  +4 save vs fear, treat fear conditions as one rank lower
Zagyg’s Favor  Specific region or race  +4 Will saves vs compulsion 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Burning Rage  Con 13, heat special attack, rage  +1d6 damage to heat special attack while raging
Gout of Flame  Con 13, heat special attack  2d6 fire damage with breath weapon once per day
Tail Snap  Con 13, heat special attack, snakelike tail Hurl flaming globe up to 100 feet away 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Disrupting Strike  Shifter, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist Cause shapechanger to revert to its natural form
Fierce Mind  Shifter  Ignore fear effects
Shiftsilver Mastery  Shifter, base attack bonus +8, two other shifter feats,  Deal additional Con damage against creatures who have DR/silver with a 
must have crafted your own shiftsilver weapon  critical hit 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Battle Weaver  Spell weaver, Str 15  Gain two additional slam attacks 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Blinding Strike  Dex 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +5 Blind foes and weaken gaze attacks 
Deafening Blow  Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +4 Deafen and shake foes
Exhausting Defense  Combat Expertise, Dodge, base attack bonus +5 Fatigue and exhaust foes
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Corrupt Summoning  Spell Focus (conjuration), Augment Summoning, evil Summoned creatures gain the evil subtype 
Sacrificial Divination  Sacrificial Mastery Gain glimpse of the future by divining with entrails of sacrifices
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Bite of Steel  Improved Two‐Weapon Fighting, Two‐Weapon Fighting,  Pin opponent's off‐hand weapon 
Weapon Focus (sai), base attack bonus +5 
Devastating Thunder  Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge, Trample Frighten enemies while making a spirited charge
Frontline Archer  Dex 15, proficiency with a longbow or composite longbow,  Use your longbow or composite longbow to make trip attacks
Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (longbow) 
or Weapon Focus (composite longbow) 
Storm of Flying Strikes  Str 15, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Two‐Weapon  Use Power Attack to knock down your foes 
Fighting, base attack bonus +6 
Feat Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Nature’s Fists  Wild shape (elemental)  Send wild shape ability to gain elemental slam attack
Photosynthesize  Wild shape (plant) Spend wild shape ability to sustain self 
Style Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Black Panda Style Mastery I  Dex 13, Wis 15, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved  +2 save DC vs unarmed attack you make with Stunning Fist
Unarmed Strike, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist 
  Black Panda Style    Dex 15, Wis 19, Balance 4+, Extra Stunning Attacks,  Unarmed attack deals an additional 1 point of Constitution damage 
Mastery II  Freezing the Lifeblood, Distant Touch, Black Panda  when used with Distant Touch, Freezing the Lifeblood, Pain Touch, or 
Mastery I  Stunning Fist 
Blue Mountain Style  Str 13, Dex 14, Jump 4+, Flying Kick, Improved Initiative,  Move 5 feet extra distance with a successful Jump check
Mastery I  Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Shout, Power Attack, 
Roundabout Kick 
  Blue Mountain Style    Str 14, Dex 16, Balance 4+, Jump 8+, Circle Kick, Flying  +2 Initiative
Mastery II  Dragon Kick, Great Ki Shout, Blue Mountain Mastery I 
Broken Fist Mastery I  Str 13, Dirty Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip,  +1 size category for trip attempts 
Improved Unarmed Strike 
  Broken Fist Mastery II    Knock‐Down, Lightning Fists, Whirlwind Attack, Broken  Gain a bonus equal to one‐half your character level on Str checks to trip 
Fist Mastery I  or avoid being tripped 
Five Stars Mastery I  Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, Dodge,  +10 Balance, Jump, and Tumble 
Lightning Reflexes, Balance 9, Jump 9, Tumble 9 
  Five Stars Mastery II    Five Stars Mastery I, Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat  Haste for a number of rounds equal to your character level per day
Expertise, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Feint 
Iron Hand Mastery  Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Fists of Iron,  Gain damage reduction 2/‐‐
Improved Sunder, Eagle Claw Attack, Toughness, 
Endurance, Roundabout Kick 
Koumajutsu (Demon  Str 15, Choke Hold, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed  +2 on all grapple checks
Wrestling) Mastery I  Strike, Stunning Fist 
  Koumajutsu (Demon    Str 17, Earth’s Embrace, Fists of Iron, Knock Down,  +2 on all grapple checks (stacks with Koumajutsu Mastery I)
Wrestling) Mastery II  Power Attack, Ten Ox Stomp, Koumajutsu Mastery I 
Northern Fist Mastery  Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Falling Star  Make ranged attacks with unarmed strikes 
Strike, Freezing the Lifeblood, Unbalancing Strike, Pain 
Touch, Combat Expertise 
Southern Star Mastery   Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Unbalancing  Hurl opponent back 10 feet with unarmed strike
Strike, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Dodge, Defensive 
Strike, Concentration 9 
Temerad Mastery I  Dex 15, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Spring  +2 dodge bonus against a single target or +1 dodge bonus against two 
Attack  targets 
  Temerad Mastery II    Dex 19, Balance 8+, Deflect Arrows, Extra Stunning  +1 AC (insight)
Attacks, Lightning Fists, Stunning Fist, Temerad 
Mastery I 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Flaw Name  Prerequisites  Summary 
Aligned Devotion  Spontaneously cast cure spells  Reduced healing for those not of the same alignment as you
Arcane Conundrum  Gnome, Cha 10  ‐2 saves vs illusion spells , no spell‐like abilities ,
Arcane Fatigue  Arcane spells  Fortitude save after casting a spell or become fatigued
Arcane Parasites  Arcane spells  DC to resist arcane spells is lowered by 1 
Arcane Performer  Arcane spells without preparation, Perform 1 Perform check (DC 10 + spell level) in order to cast spells
Beady Eyes  Darkvision  ‐2 Search and Spot, low‐light vision instead of darkvision
Beastly  Wild empathy  ‐2 on Cha‐based skill checks , vulnerable to spells that effect animals  
Bestial Instinct  ‐‐  ‐2 attack when not using unarmed strikes or natural weapons
Blind Rage  Rage   You may not end your rage voluntarily 
Brash  ‐‐  ‐6 AC against attacks of opportunity 
Bravado  ‐‐  Never gain benefit from any kind of dodge bonus
Cautious  ‐‐  ‐2 Initiative , skills take twice as long to perform
Chivalrous Courtesy  Good or lawful alignment  ‐4 attack to hit a creature of the opposite gender
City Slicker  Class skill: Survival  ‐4 Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks
Claustrophobia  ‐‐  Shaken when within 10 ft of a wall or other solid surface with 2+ sides
Code of Arms  Good or lawful alignment  ‐4 attack when enemy is not armed with a melee weapon
Cold‐Blooded  ‐‐  Fail all Fort saves vs high temps, fire‐based effects deal +2 damage
Coward  ‐‐  Automatically fail all saves vs fear 
Curious  ‐‐  ‐2 Initiative, Listen, and Spot 
Divine Gestures  Divine spells  Suffer spell failure chance like an arcane spellcaster
Domain Devotion  Access to domains  Access to only one domain
Elven Pride of Arms  Elven blood  ‐4 attack when not using a longsword, rapier, bow, or unarmed attacks
Exhausting Rage  Rage   You become exhausted (instead of fatigued) when you end your rage
Foe Specialist  Favored enemy  ‐1 attack, Bluff, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival against creatures that 
aren't one of your favored enemies 
Fool  Bardic music  Lose inspire courage, inspire competence, inspire greatness, and inspire 
Forlorn  Call familiar  You lose the ability to call a familiar 
Forlorn of Men  ‐‐  Shaken if there is more than one humanoid within 30 feet of you
Frail  Constitution 11‐  Become fatigued when you fail a Fortitude save
Free‐Spirited  Chaotic alignment Weight of gear is considered doubled 
Frivolous Performer  Bardic knowledge  ‐10 on all Bardic Knowledge checks 
Fussy  ‐‐  ‐4 on all ingested poisons, become sickened when ingesting potions 
Glory‐Hound  Base attack bonus +1  ‐2 penalty to AC in combat until you drop an opponent
Grudge Keeper  ‐‐  ‐2 attack, save, skill, ability checks until you damage foe who damaged you
Gullible  ‐‐  ‐2 saves against enchantment and illusion spells, ‐4 Sense Motive
Half‐Blood Outcast  Half‐elf or half‐orc  ‐2 penalty on attack, saving throws, and skills when in sight of elf or orc
Hatred  Favored enemy  ‐4 AC, attack, and skills  when not engaged with a nearby favored enemy
Haunted  Spells  ‐4 Listen and Move Silently due to spontaneous ghost sounds
Honor of the Duel  Good or lawful alignment  Will save to attack creatures that are threatened by others, ‐2 attack if 
successfully saved 
Honorable Challenge  Lawful alignment  ‐4 attack against creatures that have not challenged or made an attack
Hot‐Blooded  ‐‐  Fail all Fort saves vs low temps, cold‐based effects deal +2 damage
Implacable  Base attack bonus +1  ‐2 attack, save, skills for 1 hour if you move out of melee
Individualist  ‐‐  ‐2 attack, +1 armor check when using weapons or armor you did not craft
Insomniac  ‐‐  DC 15 Fortitude save to sleep 
Light Sensitivity  Darkvision  Dazzled when in bright sunlight 
Lightweight  Constitution 13‐, you may not be Obese ‐4 bull rush, grapple, overrun, or trip, no bonus  or penalty when charging, 
base weight is halved 
Living Faith  Turn or rebuke undead  Lose ability to turn or rebuke undead 
Loner  Summon a familiar or animal companion You lose the ability to summon a familiar or gain an animal companion
Loudmouth  ‐‐  ‐4 Diplomacy and Move Silently checks 
Love of Nature  ‐‐  DC 12 Will save to attack animals, plants, or vermin
Magical Fascination  ‐‐  ‐2 attack and skill checks when in sight of a visible magic effect
Magical Overload  Spells  Use highest spell level slot to cast or prepare a spell of a lower level
Material Devotion  Access to domains  Only use spell‐trigger items on your domain list
Metal Intolerance  ‐‐  Suffer an additional point of damage when struck by metal weapons
Methodical Magical  Spells  Flat‐footed on any round you cast a spell 
Meticulous Performer  Bardic music  Initiating or maintaining any bardic music ability is a full‐round action
Mounted Warrior  Ride 1  ‐2 attack made while not riding a mount 
No Time For Book Learning  ‐‐  Illiterate, ‐2 on all Knowledge checks except Knowledge (nature)
Obese  Small size, Dexterity 13‐, you may not be Lightweight no +1 AC or attack, no +4 Hide checks, armor costs double, base weight is 
Phantom Sparks  Spells  ‐4 Hide and Spot due to spontaneous bursts of light
Ponderous Spellcaster  Spells  Casting time of all spells is doubled 
Pride of Arms  Proficiency in all martial weapons  ‐4 attack with exotic weapons, simple weapons, unarmed attacks, and 
touch attacks 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
Quarter Elf  Half‐elf  No sleep spell immunity, no racial bonus on saves against enchantments
Quick Burning Rage  Rage   Rage only as long as your improved Constitution modifier
Restricted Sorcery  Cast spells without preparation  Cannot learn spells, use wands, or use scrolls from two restricted schools
Short Attention Span  ‐‐  ‐2 skill checks to retry an action you previously failed
Short of Breath  Con 13‐  Become fatigued more easily 
Short Temper  ‐‐  DC 15 Will save when damaged in combat or become enraged 
Skulker  ‐‐  DC 15 Will save when a foe engages you in melee or become shaken
Slow Healing  Con 13‐  No natural healing, healing spells work at half caster level on you
Slow To Anger  Rage   Entering a rage requires a full round action 
Solitary Paragon  ‐‐  ‐4 attack against a foe you flank, no benefit from flanking
Stubby Fingers  Dwarf, Gnome, or Halfling  ‐4 attack when using light or one‐handed weapons,  ‐4 on all Disable 
Device, Open Lock, Sleight of Hand, and Use Rope checks 
Superstitious  Inability to cast spells  Frightened when you see an item, effect, or location created by magic
Terrain Specialist  Track, wild empathy  ‐2 on all wild empathy, Search or Survival checks made to track, cannot use 
camouflage or hide in plain sight when not in your home terrain 
Test Subject  ‐‐  Ability to save against three schools of magic suffer a ‐2 penalty
Trivial Performer  Bardic music  DC is halved against your fascinate, suggestion, and mass suggestion 
abilities. Inspire abilities end when you stop performing 
Uncontrollable Rage  Rage  You cannot enter a rage voluntarily 
Warrior of the Phalanx  ‐‐  ‐4 attack when not adjacent to an ally 
Weapon Bound  Devotion to a specific deity  Only proficient with deities favored weapon 
Wild  Survival  Become panicked whenever you are entangled, pinned, or bound

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
By Magazine #
Below is a complete list of items in this compilation and their originating source. Entries are listed under the articles from which
they appear. Entries in gray have not been entered here and are given a short explanation as to why. Generally, if an item appears in
print other than DRAGON or DUNGEON MAGAZINE, it is not included here.

Dragon Magazine #309    Fey’s Fate   Tentacular Stalk

Beasts of the Battlefield – War Constructs    Fiendish Bloodline   Versatile Tyrant
and Creatures    Fire Bloodline Dragon Magazine #314 
  Craft Construct    Fire Feet Brotherhood of the Burning Heart – The 
Campaign Components: Incursion – A    Friend of the Earth Magic and Mettle of Fire 
World Under Siege    Kin Mastery   Burning Focus
  Anti‐Psionic Magic    Power in the Blood   Flash Casting 
  Astral Tracking    Voice of the Winds   Radiant Spell 
  Close‐Quarter Defense    Water Bloodline Dust to Dust – Magic of the Earthborn
  Double Weapon Disarm    Waterborn   Earth Focus 
  Improved Shield Snare  Dragon Magazine #312    Earthcraft 
  Mighty Are Fallen  Among the Dead – Necromancer    Friends of the Earth
  Resist Telekinesis  Archetypes and Abilities  Guardians of the Deepest Seas – Water 
  Shield Snare    Bolster Power Spells and Feats from the Underdark 
New Martial Arts Styles    Death Curse   Flotation 
  Black Panda Style    Fell Energy Spell   Flow With the Current
  Blue Mountain Style    Graveborn Expert   Pressure Resistance
  Broken Fist    Graveborn Warrior   Sea Legs 
  Distant Touch    Heightened Agility   Water Focus 
  Koumajutsu (Demon Wrestling)    Heightened Strength Searing Flames – The Ecology of the 
  Stone Monkey    Song of the Dead Salamander 
  Temerad    Uncanny Speed   Burning Rage 
War Spells – Unleash Arcane    Vicious Claws   Gout of Flame
Armageddon  Thieves of Will – Evil Enchanters   Tail Snap 
  War Magic Study gives access to spells    Charming Dragon Magazine #315 
described in the article.    Combat Charm Birthright – Bloodlines for D&D 3.5
Dragon Magazine #310    Commanding   Bloodlines represented here are 
Roles of the Wild – Multiclassing the    Puppet Master different from the two other 
Revised Ranger  Dragon Magazine #313  bloodlines in this compilation. Since 
  Arcane Strike, Favored Power Attack,  Animal Ancestry – Characters that  these bloodlines require much of the 
and Improved Favored Enemy all  Answer the Call of the Wild  article to be used properly, they have 
appear in COMPLETE WARRIOR     Crushing Hug been omitted here. 
Stealth and Dagger – Options,    Gore Toss Ghostwalk ‐ The Bloody Swords
Combinations, and Prestige Classes for    Hamstring Attack   Orcus’s Bloodthirst Ritual
the Revised Rogue    Hibernate Greyhawk – Regional Feats of Oerth
  Mercurial Strike    Moonwarrior   Atlan’s Mark 
  Precise Strike    Pack Feint   Badge of Bondage
  Tutor    Pack Tactics   Bareback Soul
The Roles of Rage – Multiclassing the    Quick Change   Blackmoorian Rhymes
Revised Barbarian    Spirit of the Beast   Blood of Kord 
  Rage Casting    Sprinter   Blooded 
  Raging Bull  Brain Power – Secrets of the Illithids   Border Watch 
  Raging Overrun    Agitated Causticity   Born Follower
  Raging Spell Penetration    Astral Fire   Celestial Scion
  Raging Sunder    Bioelectrical Surge   Companion Guard Style
Dragon Magazine #311    Bull Blast   Defensive Expert
Arcane Alterations – Templates for Spells    Concussive Blast   Driftwalker 
  Bloodthirsty    Dual‐Plane Summons   Dwarflore 
  Elemalefic Spellcaster    Elemental Flare   Ehlonna’s Way
  Ethereal Tendril    Harden Energy   Elflore 
  Invigorating Spellcaster    Solid Freeze   Expert Dungeoneer
  Spellbinder  Elder Serpents of Set – Servants of the    Fiendsign 
  Spellstrike  Lord of Evil    Giantkiller 
  Superior Summons    Spit Venom   Gnomelore 
Arcane Ancestry – Bloodline Feats for the    Strong Coils   Great Fervor 
Sorcerer  Eye Wares – Potent Powers of the    Greyhawk Method
  Air Bloodling  Beholders    Halfling Lore 
  Arcane Kinship    Agile Tyrant   Horselore 
  Celestial Bloodling    Maw of Power   Jungle Fighter 
  Celestial Light    Nimble Flier   Landless Nobility
  Draconic Bloodline    Power Soar   Lays of the Northern Adepts
  Dragon Sight    Power Surge   Lore of the Ur‐Flan
  Earth Bloodline    Skilled Telekinetic   Mercantile Background
  Fey Bloodline    Mercenary Background

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
By Magazine #
  Mountain Fighter    Greater Ghost Attack   Ring The Golden Bell
  Noble Soul    Instinctive Consummator Dragon Magazine #320 
  Orc Blooded    Instinctive Dispatcher Eberron – Dragonmarks, Dragonshards, 
  Raider’s Spirit    Phrenic Blast and Dynasties of Power 
  Rapscallion    Phrenic Leech   Least Dragonmark appears in EBERRON 
  Rhennlore    Psionic Feedback CAMPAIGN SETTING. 
  Tongue of Mougol    Psymbiot Fostered Dragons – The Perilous Burden
  Wastri’s Blessing  Dragon Magazine #317    Dragon Cohort appears in the 
  Well Read  Expanding Psionics Preview #3 – Psionic  DRACONOMICON. 
Hollow World – Sundering Ka  Power  Dragon Magazine #321 
  The feats from this article all have the    Overchannel None to record 
prerequisite of Ka‐tainted which is a  Holy Strategists of the Red Knight Dragon Magazine #322 
new template and would require    Hard to Fool Ecology of the Dark Ones – Enigmas 
reprinting the template to be of any    Improved Leadership Wrapped in Shadows 
use. The feats are: Clawed Spell,    Lady’s Gambit   Cutpurse 
Megaraptor’s Leap, Piercing Spell,    Noble Warrior   Deep Poisoning
Predator’s Step, Rage of the Raptor,    Pike Hedge   Expert Tumbler
and Triceratop’s Charge.  Truenames and Fetishes – The Power of  Lord of Darkness – Erebus, the Void 
Kara‐Tur: Ancestor Feats and Martial Arts  Peril  Between the Stars 
Styles    Truename was not recorded since it    Darkness Familiar
  Adventurous Explorer  requires information detailed in the  Dragon Magazine #323 
  Ally of the Ki‐Rin  article to be of any use.  Class Acts – The Thane
  Audacious Attempt appears both in  Dragon Magazine #318    Aura of Bravery
#315 and #318. Since newer issues  Oriental Adventures – Eastern Flavor   Improved Aid Another appears in 
supersede older issues, the feat from    General feats in this article are not  #339 and replaces this version 
issue #318 was recorded instead.  entered here since they are not new;    Stalwart 
  Backstabbing Traitor  they are updates specifically to the  Heroic Feats – Mastery of the Sand and 
  Cultured Courtier appears in #318  ORIENTAL A DVENTURES book.  Seas 
with no changes.  Replacement feats have been added    Desertborn 
  Discipline  since they are, in essence, new.     Natural Dowser
  Five Stars School    Audacious Attempt   Pirate Luck 
  Forest Ambusher    Blood Artisan   Polyglot 
  Gifted General    Cultured Courtier   Sailor Will 
  Hardy Soul    Infamous Traitor   Sandstep 
  Horse Nomad    Spellwise   Savvy Swimmer
  Iron Hand School    Stormheart   Shipborn 
  Legendary Tracker    Tireless Under Command – Command and Control
  Mercantile Background    Twin Sword Style   Commander 
  Mind Over Body  Dragon Magazine #319    Defense of the Righteous
  Mountain Hunter  Greyhawk Feats – More Regional Feats of    Gang Tactics 
  Northern Fist School  Oerth    Halfling’s Cunning
  Renowned Courtesan    Deepseer   Inspire Bloodletting
  Saddleback    Desert Fighter   Inspire Bloodthirst
  Secret Society    Elemental Focus   Rouse Courage
  Smooth Talk    Exercises of Arnd
  Southern Star School  Dragon Magazine #324 
  Faerie Mysteries Initiate Class Acts ‐ Flaws For Bards
  Stalwart Defender    Jinnbond
  Survivor    Arcane Performer
  Nexus Method   Brash 
Maztica – The New (Fantasy) World    Pureblooded Suel
  Armor Dance    Coward 
  Rustic Charm   Fool 
  Improved Armor Dance    Sagacious Method
Red Steel – Cinnabar, Red Steel, and The    Frivolous Performer
  Second Sight   Loudmouth 
Red Curse    Shadowbound
  Inheritor was not recorded since it    Meticulous Performer
  Silent Method   Trivial Performer
relies on the article to be of any use.    Spirit of the Sea Class Acts ‐ Flaws For Druids
Dragon Magazine #316    Tested   Bestial Instinct
Countdown to Eberron – Races of the    Troll Blooded   City Slicker 
New World    Vathrin Stigmata   Claustrophobia
  Shifter Defense, Healing Factor, and    Vatun’s Touch   Cold‐Blooded 
Extra Lycanthrope Characteristic all    Well Traveled   Forlorn of Men
appear in the EBERRON C AMPAIGN    World Weary   Hot‐Blooded 
SETTING book. Extra Lycanthrope    Zagyg’s Favor   Love of Nature
Characteristic was renamed in the  The Erudite . Scholar ]Thieves of Thought   Metal Intolerance
EBERRON C AMPAIGN SETTING book to    Extra Unique Power   No Time For Book Learning
Extra Shifter Trait.  Warriors of the Animal Fist – Crouching  Class Acts ‐ Flaws For Paladins
Expanding Psionics Preview #2 – Psionic  Panther, Slashing Dragon    Chivalrous Courtesy
Feats    Deft Fist   Code of Arms 
  Ghost Attack    Kung Fu Genius   Honorable Challenge

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
By Magazine #
  Honor Of The Duel    Girded Soul   Short Attention Span
  Mounted Warrior    Heavy Teleport   Short Temper 
  Pride Of Arms    Hidden Thoughts   Skulker 
  Solitary Paragon    Potent Enchantment   Slow Healing 
  Warrior Of The Phalanx  War Magic – Casting and Surviving D&D’s    Stubby Fingers
Gaining Prestige – The Sworn Slayer  Most Destructive Spells  Silicon Sorcery – God of War
  Nemesis    Energy Substitution appears in    Heads Up 
Heroic Feats – Racial Feats  COMPLETE A RCANA  Dragon Magazine #329 
  Human Blood  Dragon Magazine #326  Class Acts ‐ Flaws For Rangers
  Innate Magic  Down the Drain – Sewers In A Fantasy    Beastly 
  Slender  Campaign    Foe Specialist 
  Slow Maturation    Strong Stomach   Hatred 
  Stocky    Tunnel Rat   Individualist 
  Superior Hearing    Class Acts ‐ Flaws For Clerics   Terrain Specialist
  Superior Sense of Smell    Aligned Devotion   Wild 
  Superior Taste    Divine Gestures Dragon Magazine #330 
  Superior Touch    Domain Devotion The Umbragen – Shadow Elves of 
  Superior Vision    Living Faith Xen’Drik 
Silicon Sorcery – Gothic III    Material Devotion   The feats for the Umbragen have not 
  Etch Rune    Ponderous Spellcaster been included since they all have a 
Dragon Magazine #325    Weapon Bound prerequisite of Umbragen race which 
A Surge of Theurgy – Feats that Combine  Heroic Feats – Chaos Feats appears in the article. 
Class Abilities    Chaos Music Enter the Far Realm – Unspeakable 
  Alternative Source Spell    Chaos Rage Madness, Corruption, and Terror From 
  Combined Empathy    Flexible Mind Beyond Reality 
  Customize Domain    Wild Touch   The feats listed in this article require a 
  Diversified Casting  Silicon Sorcery – World of WarCraft ritual as a prerequisite which is 
  Druid Theurgy    Monstrous Animal Companion detailed in the article and grants 
  Easy Metamagic    Retribution access to new spells also detailed in 
  Elemental Theurgy    Savage Empathy the article. 
  Holy Mount    Savage Mobility Class Acts ‐ Flaws For Commoners
  Hymnist  Dragon Magazine #327    These flaws were not included since 
  Theurgic Bond    Class Acts ‐ Flaws For Sorcerers they are meant to be silly. 
  Theurgic Creationist    Haunted Dragon Magazine #331 
  Theurgic Empathy    Loner The Point of Pole Arms – A 
  Theurgic Mount    Magical Overload Comprehensive Guide 
  Theurgic Specialist    Phantom Sparks   Braced for Charge
Arcane Ancestry 2 – More Bloodline    Restricted Sorcery   Haft Strike 
Feats for Sorcerers  Silicon Sorcery – Champions of Norrath   Long Strike 
  Anarchic Bloodline    Damage Mastery   Pole Balance 
  Axiomatic Bloodline    Disease Bolt   Pole Fighter 
  Familiarity    Disease Shield   Shorten Grip 
  Fickle Fate    Increased Carrying Capacity   Spinning Defense
  Grave Friend    Life Tap   Vault 
  Green Heart    Tainted Strike Dragon Magazine #332 
  Illithid Bloodline    Undead Command Class Acts – Flexible Fighters
  Lawful Discipline  Dragon Magazine #328    Bite of Steel 
  Mind Weapon  Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws for    Devastating Thunder
  Necromantic Bloodline  Nonhumans    Frontline Archer
  Penumbra Bloodline    Arcane Conundrum   Storm of Flying Strikes
  Plant Bloodline    Beady Eyes Class Acts – The Society
  Serpent Bloodline    Bravado   Dderwydd Chymdeithas Initiate
  Venomless    Cautious Cutting Up the Dragon – Useful Bits From 
  Voice of the Green    Curious Formidable Foes 
  Class Acts ‐ Flaws for Barbarians    Elven Pride of Arms   Dragoncrafter appears in the 
  Blind Rage    Frail DRACONOMICON. 
  Exhausting Rage    Free‐Spirited Touched by Madness – Eberron’s Cults of 
  Gullible    Fussy the Dragon Below 
  Quick Burning Rage    Glory‐Hound   These feats were not included since 
  Slow To Anger    Grudge Keeper the prerequisite is to be devoted to 
  Superstitious    Half‐Blood Outcast the Cult of the Dragon Below which 
  Uncontrollable Rage    Implacable requires the article. 
Heroic Feats – Getting School    Insomniac Trophy Hunting 
  Ability Enhancer    Light Sensitivity   Trophy Hunter
  Abjurative Potency    Lightweight Dragon Magazine #333 
  Charmer    Magical Fascination Class Acts – Change of Environs
  Enhanced Shadow Reality    Obese   Darkness Adaption
  Evocation Resistance    Quarter Elf   Efficient Hunter

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
By Magazine #
  Fury of Stone    Excised From The Web of Life Curse of the Softened
Class Acts – Cultured Combatants I    Verminous Graft Curse of the Stricken
  Breath Control  Class Acts – Dark Side Druids Empower Curse
  Deadly Concussion    Sacrificial Divination Extend Curse 
  Elusive Dance  Class Acts – Pressure Point Attacks Extra Curse 
  Master of Mockery    Pressure Point Strike Foe of the Unlucky
Class Acts – Flaws For Wizards  Dragon Magazine #337  Dragon Magazine #340 
  Arcane Fatigue  Class Acts – Purification Feats Class Acts ‐ Opportunists
  Arcane Parasites    Bane of Decay   Backstab 
  Forlorn    Detoxifying Touch   Canny Opportunist
  Methodical Magical Methods    Extra Remove Disease   Defensive Opportunist
  Short Of Breath    Smite Carrier   Exploit Adjustment
  Test Subject    Strengthened Resilience   Occult Opportunist
Class Acts – Monks In The City    Wholesome Fare   Opportunistic Tactician
  High Society  Class Acts – Spell Grafts   Sneak Attack of Opportunity
Class Acts – Unseen Sisters    Spell Grafts   Two‐Weapon Attack of Opportunity
  Deceitful Appearances  Class Acts – The Free People   Greater Combat Reflexes
Demonomicon of Iggwilv – Fraz‐Urb’luu    League Militiaman   Improved Combat Reflexes
Prince of Deception  Class Acts – The Metered Style Ecology – Ecology of the Mooncalf
  Thrall to Demon appears in the BOOK    Defensive Metered Foot   Mixed Omens 
OF  V ILE D ARKNESS .    Offensive Metered Foot   Omen of Bones
Noble Born – The Right to Rule  Class Acts – Viking Raider   Omen of Crows
  Noble Born    Seafarer   Omen of Flies 
The Relics of Faerûn – Gifts From The  Demonomicon of Iggwilv – Zuggtmoy    Omen of Loss 
Gods  Queen of fungi    Omen of Snakes
  True Believer appears in COMPLETE    Thrall to Demon appears in the BOOK    Omen of Storms
DIVINE.  OF  V ILE D ARKNESS .  The Eternal Light – The Sun and its Role 
Dragon Magazine #334  Dragon Magazine #338  in D&D 
Class Acts – Council of Elders  Class Acts – Focused Performer   Born Under A Bright Sun
  Recognized Elder    Focused Performer   Born Under A Rising Sun
  Venerable Elder    Focused Performance   Born Under A Setting Sun
  Wise Elder  Class Acts – The Pikeman   Secrets of Dusk
Class Acts – The Bronze Solaris    The Pikeman   Spirit of Dawn
  Bronze Solaris Member  Staffs of the Magi – Imbuing Your    Vengeance of Noon
Class Acts – The Janisary  Wizard’s Staff  Eye of the Night – The Moon and It’s Role 
  Combat Engineer    Enchant Staff, Imbued Defense,  In D&D 
Class Acts – Variant Turning  Imbued Strength, Invest Spell, and    Born Under The New Moon
  Aura of Life Energy  Recharge Staff all require the article    Born Under The Crescent Moon
  Corona  and the optional rule of imbuing    Born Under The Half Moon
  Haunting Weapons  staffs.    Born Under The Gibbous Moon
  Holy Calling  Ecology – Ecology of the Spell Weaver   Born Under The Full Moon
Dragon Magazine #335    Battle Weaver The Stars Are Right ‐ Astrology In D&D
Class Acts – A Second Skin  Dragon Magazine #339    Startouched, Starborn, and 
  Improve Disguise  Dark Sun – Dragon Kings Starblessed all require astrological 
Class Acts – Cultured Combatants II    Arcane Augmentation and  signs described in the article. 
  Nimble Deflections  Metamixture feats have a prerequisite  Dragon Magazine #341 
  Supremely Confident  of “Dragon magic class” which is part  Class Acts – Mind Blade Feats
  War Chant  of the Athasian dragon class described    Adamantine Mind Blade
  We Few, We Happy Few  in the article.    Align Mind Blade
Class Acts – Favored Enemy Feats  Planescape – Dead Factions   Greater Mind Shield
  Favored Dodge    Craft Expertise   Mind Daggers 
  Intimidate the Enemy    Inspired Master   Mind Shield 
  No Threat To Me    Body Guard   Practiced Mind Blade
  Tactical Advantage    Improved Aid Another   Reshape Mind Blade
Ecology – The Ecology of the Lizardfolk    Speak to the Masses   Silver Mind Blade
  Deep Breather  Class Acts – A Different Path   Strategic Reassignment
  Chameleon Blood    Concealed Ambush   Tactical Reassignment
  Reptilian Healing    Disabling Strike Demonomicon of Iggwilv – Baphomet: 
Class Acts – Aquatic Fey Kin    Extend Defense Prince of Beasts 
  Aquatic Fey Bloodline    Inspire Beast   Deformity Clawed Hands, Thrall to 
  Fey Presence    Mystic Companion Demon, Willing Deformity all appear 
Class Acts – Blasphemous Utterances    Pathfinder in the BOOK OF VILE D ARKNESS. 
  Blasphemous Utterance  Class Acts – Hexblade Curses Dragon Magazine #342 
  Undertone of Heresy    Curse of Distraction Beyond the Pale – Six Ways To Raise The 
  Sickening Sonata    Curse of Failure Dead 
Dragon Magazine #336    Curse of Ignorance   Life Restorer 
Class Acts – Dark Pacts    Curse of Paranoia Class Acts – The Art of Kuji‐In
  Betrayal of the Spirit Linked    Curse of Sloth   Guerilla Trapsmith

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
By Magazine #
  Hidden Kingdom Jutsu    Touched By Ether   Raumathar Heritor
  Jutsu Focus  Dragon Magazine #344  Dragon Magazine #350 
  Rabbit Prince Jutsu  Class Acts – Out of the Shadows Class Acts ‐ The Archer’s Art
  Ringing Fist Jutsu    Burning Link   Bow Feint 
  River Eel Jutsu    Dazzling Strike   Efficient Pull 
  Shadow Puppet Jutsu    Eldritch Erosion   Master Bowyer
  Thousand Faces Jutsu    Flurry of Throws   Ranged Threat
  Wind Oxen Jutsu    Hinder Magical Pollution – Arcane Afflictions 
Domain Power – Alterative Uses for    Lacerate and Augmentations 
Divine Energy    Painful Strike   Evolved requires information on 
  Improved Power requires the article    Ring the Ear mutation templates outlined in the 
on improved powers.    Weaken the Heart article. 
Ecology – Ecology of the Adventurer  Dragon Magazine #345  Savage Tidings – Journey to the Isle of 
  The Kobold feats Bad Decision, Dying  Class Acts – Combat Strikes Dread 
Shriek, Elf, and Volunteer where not    Blinding Strike   Blessed of Osprem
included. Although very humorous,    Deafening Blow   Last Survivor 
they offer no game play advantages.    Exhausting Defense   Stowaway 
The Power of the Faith – Initiate Feats of  Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Kotschtchie   Vohoun Eye 
the Core Deities    Thrall to Demon appears in the BOOK  Dragon Magazine #351 
  Initiate of Boccob  OF  V ILE D ARKNESS .  Class Acts – Arcane Focus
  Initiate of Ehlonna  The Giants of Xen’drik – Dark Elves and  Arcane Focus 
  Initiate of Erythnul  Giants Clash  Arcane Watchfulness
  Initiate of Fharlanghn    Sting Strike Body Awareness
  Initiate of Heironeous  Dragon Magazine #346  Defensive Magic
  Initiate of Hextor  Class Acts – Scout Feat and Options Focused Specialist
  Initiate of Kord    Acrobatic Skirmisher Magical Insight
  Initiate of Nerull    Improved Acrobatic Skirmisher Potent Dweomercraft
  Initiate of Obad‐Hai    Mounted Fighting Class Acts – Historical Ninjas
  Initiate of Olidammara    Passive Reconnoiter   Intuitive Trapsmith
  Initiate of Pelor    Ranged Skirmisher   Karmic Healing
  Initiate of St. Cuthbert    Scout The Path   Ki Smite 
  Initiate of Vecna  Impiltur – The Forgotten Kingdom   One With Earth and Water
  Initiate of Wee Jass    Pureheart Skill Attunement
Dragon Magazine #343  Supporting Cast – Following the Leader Wolf’s Bite 
Class Acts – Magic In The Blood    Assemble the Horde Zen Fortitude 
  Divine Sorcery    Class Champion Class Acts ‐ The Clockwork Disciple
Class Acts – Pious Extension    Close Cohort The Technomagical Implant feat 
  Deflect Energy    Eye For Talent allows access to technomagical 
  Elemental Strike    Fanatical Devotion implants which are described in the 
  Energy Strike    Natural Leader article. 
  Extended Spirit Form  Dragon Magazine #347  Dark Sun – Athas and the World Serpent 
  Extra Divine Power  Class Acts – Archaeologists Inn 
  Imbue Weapon    Chronicle   Defiler 
  Nature’s Fists    Find Relic Eberron – Dragonmarks: Sorcerers in 
  Photosynthesize    Relicguard Spell Eberron 
  Spirit Spell    Trap Mastery   Dragonmarked Sorcerer
  Turn Elemental  Princes of Elemental Evil – The  Dragon Magazine #352 
Class Acts – The Tide of Battle  Archomentals  Savage Tidings – Braving the Isle of 
  Aid Giver    Corrupt Summoning Dread  
  Battle Hardened    Friend to the Tribe
Dragon Magazine #348 
  Dedicated Nuisance    Kahiko 
Class Acts ‐ Psiotheurgy
  Improved Whirlwind Attack    Kahiko Master
  Hypnotic Focus
  Quick Cleave    Tribal Trait 
  Cannibalize Spell
  Ricochet  Class Acts – Burning Gauntlet Sisterhood
  Superior Flanking  Slave Seeker was not entered since 
  Chameleon Crafting
  Sweeping Trip  the prerequisites require affiliation in 
  Mystic Focus
  Terrifying Warrior  the Burning Gauntlet Sisterhood 
  Mystic Stability
Spellcraft – Wormbound: The Secrets of  described in the article. 
Kyuss  Dragon Magazine #353 
  The Wormbound feat was not  Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Malcanthet
Ecology – the Ecology of the Wight
included since it grants access to new    Thrall to Demon appears in the BOOK 
spells described in the article.  OF  V ILE D ARKNESS . 
Take Cover! – Surviving D&D’s Masters of  Dragon Magazine #349 
Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Dagon Princes of Elemental Good – The 
Movement  Archomentals, Part II 
  Defensive Climber    Thrall to Demon appears in the BOOK 
OF  V ILE D ARKNESS .    Purify Summoning
  Master Swimmer 
The Horde – Barbarians of the Endless  Dragon Magazine #354 
  Quiet Feet 
Waste  Ancient PCs – Playing Elders in D&D
  Suppress Presence 
  Horse Nomad   The Wedded to History feat gives 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
By Magazine #
access to backgrounds described in  Mourning   Smooth Talk appears in PLAYER ’S G UIDE 
the article. Similarly, the Ancient    Mourning Mutate TO  F AERÛN. Daunting Presence, Endure 
Feats require Wedded to History to  Dragon Magazine #360  Sunlight, Improved Turn Resistance, 
use and were not included.  Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Graz’zt, the  and Life Drain all appear in L IBRIS 
Dragon Magazine #355  Dark Prince  MORTIS. 
Dragonmarks – Way of the Shackled    Thrall to Demon and Violate Spell  Dungeon Magazine #127 
Beast  appear in the BOOK OF VILE D ARKNESS.  Age of Worms: The Hall of Harsh 
  Beast Strike    Reflections 
  Disrupting Strike  Dungeon Magazine #100    Improved Toughness appears in 
  Fear No Binds  Old Embers Never Die COMPLETE WARRIOR. 
  Fierce Mind    Clinging Breath, Dragonthrall,    Haunting Similarity
  Shiftsilver Mastery  Improved Multiattack, Large and In  Dungeon Magazine #128 
  Way of the Shackled Beast Style is a  Charge appear in the DRACONOMICON.  The Champion’s Belt
fighting style and not a feat.  Woe To Mistledale   Graceful Edge 
Dragon Magazine #356    Blooded, Forester, Militia, Silver Pal,  The Fireplace Level
  None to record  Strong Soul, and Thug all appear in    Portal Sensitive appears in UNDERDARK.
Dragon Magazine #357  the FORGOTTEN REALMS C AMPAIGN  Rapid Swimming and Swim‐By Attack 
Class Acts – Dirty Priests, Holy Thieves  SETTING.  appear in STORMWRACK.  
  Elemental Stalker  Dungeon Magazine #101‐108  Endure Sunlight appears in LIBRIS 
  Sacred Outlaw  None to record MORTIS. 
  Sacred Performer  Dungeon Magazine #109    Improved Domination
  Swift Avenger  Hardby: City of the Scorned Dungeon Magazine #129‐130 
Feathers & Fur – A Guide to Flying and    Tattoo Magic appears in FORGOTTEN  Dungeon Magazine #131 
Fanged Animal Companions  REALMS:  LORDS OF DARKNESS.  Backdrop: Alhaster
  Bonded  Secrets of the Soul Pillars   Mortalbane appears in BOOK OF VILE 
  Double Team    Improved Multiattack and Tempest  DARKNESS. 
  Protective Talons  Breath appear in the DRACONOMICON.  Dungeon Magazine #132 
  Screen  Tomb‐Tainted Soul appears in LIBRIS  None to record 
Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Demogorgon  MORTIS.  Dungeon Magazine #133 
  Thrall to Demon and Willing    Death Frost Spell Age of Worms: Kings of the Rift
Deformity appear in the BOOK OF VILE    Flesh of the Ice Tomb   Mutlisnatch, Quicken Breath, Recover 
DARKNESS.  Dungeon Magazine #110‐114  Breath, Shape Breath and Tempest 
Dragon Magazine #358  None to record Breath appear in the DRACONOMICON. 
Class Acts – Arcane Feats  Dungeon Magazine #115  Dungeon Magazine #134 
  Arcane Focus  Strike on Shatterhorn None to record 
  Arcane Shorthand    Contagious Paralysis and Improved  Dungeon Magazine #135 
  Book Smart  Paralysis appear in L IBRIS MORTIS.  Age of Worms: Dawn of a New Age
  Eldritch Claws    Improved Fiendish Servant   Fell Drain appears in LIBRIS MORTIS.
  Forceful Spell  Dungeon Magazine #116 
  Grappling Blast  Dungeon Magazine #136 
Asylum None to record 
  Slimy Spell    Practiced Magic
  Wedded to the Light  Dungeon Magazine #137 
Dungeon Magazine #117  Man Forever 
Master’s Forge – Crafting Legends 
None to record   Insidious Magic, Pernicious Magic, 
  Artisan Craftsman allows you to add 
item qualities to an item when it is  Dungeon Magazine #118  Shadow Weave Magic, Tenacious 
crafted. The item qualities are  Shadow of the Abyss Magic appear in PLAYER’S GUIDE TO 
described in the article.    Resinbond FAERÛN.  
Dragon Magazine #359  Dungeon Magazine #119  Practiced Spellcaster appears in 
1d20 Villains – D&D’s Most Wanted;  Wrath of the Abyss COMPLETE D IVINE. 
Preferably Dead    Highborn Drow appears in RACES OF  Dungeon Magazine #138 
  Blade Communion of Slashing  FAERÛN.  The Weavers 
  Spawn of the Dark Prince  Dungeon Magazine #120    Abyss‐Bound Soul, Evil Brand, and 
  Blood of the Witch Queen  The Obsidian Eye Thrall to Demon appear in HORDES OF 
  Mark of Lemoriax    Scorpion’s Grasp THE A BYSS . 
Class Acts – Arcane Lore Abilities  Dungeon Magazine #121  Dungeon Magazine #139 
  Countenance of the Mage  The Styes Requiem of the Shadow Serpent
  Ears of the Mage    Dream Haunting   Forked Tongue appears in SERPENT 
  Eyes of the Mage  Dungeon Magazine #122‐123  KINGDOMS. 
  Footsteps of the Mage  None to record Shadow Weave Magic appears in 
  Hands of the Mage  Dungeon Magazine #124  FORGOTTEN REALMS C AMPAIGN SETTING 
  Name of the Mage  Temple of the Scorpion God and in the P LAYER ’S G UIDE TO FAERÛN. 
  Presence of the Mage    Daylight Adaptation isn’t fully detailed  Dungeon Magazine #140 
  Voice of the Mage  but appears in RACES OF EBERRON.  Heart of Hellfire Mountain
Class Acts – Body Modifications  Dungeon Magazine #125    Disciple of Darkness and Evil Brand 
  Skincaster  None to record appear in the BOOK OF VILE D ARKNESS. 
Class Acts – The Universal Key  Dungeon Magazine #126  Dungeon Magazine #141 
  Find Flaw  Vampires of Waterdeep Part One: Blood  Swords of DragonsLake
Eberron – Dragonmarks – Echoes of the  of Malar    Disguise Spell and Ironskin Chant 

Complete Dragon and Dungeon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws, & Styles
By Magazine #
appear in COMPLETE A DVENTURER.     
Flick of the Wrist appears in COMPLETE 
Dungeon Magazine #142     
Campaign Workbook – The Journey     
Dungeon Magazine #143‐150     
None to record 
Dungeon Magazine #151 
Iggwilv’s Legacy: The Lost Caverns of 
  Debilitating Spell and Surge of     
Malevolence appear in HEROES OF     
Dungeon Magazine #152 
The Plague Tree     
Dungeon Magazine #153‐154     
None to record     


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