Revolutions Quote 'Dictionary'
Revolutions Quote 'Dictionary'
Revolutions Quote 'Dictionary'
Try and remember two different historical perspectives on a topic as it will give you more to
analyse when it comes to Part C Source Analysis questions.
ALSO, something I have not included in here are summaries of historian’s arguments.
Throughout your textbook (Reinventing Russia and China Rising) the authors give sentences
(not quotes) that summarise a perspective on a particular event. You may find this useful if you
are struggling to remember quotes.
This is not a complete list, so if you have alternative quotes you should still use them!
Quote Source
Tsarism/ Autocracy
Quote Source
‘...a word from the Tsar was sufficient to alter, Alan Wood
override or abolish any existing legislation or
‘In tsarist Russia the capitalist yoke was History of the CSPU short-course
aggravated by the yoke of tsardom. The
workers not only suffered from capitalist
exploitation, from inhuman toil, but, in
common with the whole people, suffered from
a lack of rights.’
Nicholas II
Quote Source
‘The Emperor Nicholas did not inherit his Sir George Buchanan (1910)
father’s commanding personality nor the
strong character and prompt decision making
which are so essential to an autocratic ruler’
‘ was not a ‘weakness of will’ that was the Orlando Figes
undoing of the last tsar but, on the contrary, a
wilful determination to rule from the throne,
despite the fact that he clearly lacked the
necessary qualities to do so.’
Russo-Japanese War
Quote Source
‘We need a small, victorious war to stem the Viacheslav Plehve (Interior Minister 1904)
‘The Japanese are beating us with machine- General Dragomirov (after Nicholas sent
guns, but never mind: we’ll beat them with icons (small religious tokens) to the army
icons.’ to boost morale)
Sergei Witte
Quote Source
Quote Source
Bloody Sunday
Quote Source
‘On that day the workers received a bloody History of the CPSU
lesson. It was their faith in the tsar that was
riddled by bullets on that day.’
‘We, workers and inhabitants of the city of St Opening lines of the petition
Petersburg, members of various sosloviaa
(estates of the realm) our wives, children, and
helpless old parents, have come to you,
Sovereign, to seek justice and protection.’
1905 Revolution
Quote Source
‘The monarchy had been saved; the economy Bernard Pares (present at the time)
was prosperous; and Russia had - shall we
say - half a constitution.’
‘...a mixture of cowardice, blindness and Sergei Witte (in reference to government
stupidity.’ policies in 1905)
‘A government that cannot rely on the loyalty Michael Lynch (reference to the mutiny on the
of its armed services, particularly in a time of Potemkin)
war, is in a very vulnerable position.’
Quote Source
‘Thank God for the tsar, who has saved us Peter Struve (1905 after joining the a Kadets)
from the people.’
The Dumas
Quote Source
‘[rejecting] the very principles of constitutional Richard Pipes (on why the SR and SD
monarchy and parliamentary government.’ boycotted the First Duma)
‘[more] responsible and statesmanlike Pyotr Stolypin (on the Third Duma after
people.’ change in voting laws) impotent appendage of tsardom.’ History of the CSPU (on the dumas)
Pyotr Stolypin
Quote Source
World War I
Quote Source
‘The war of 1914 was a war for the redivision History of the CPSU
of the world and of spheres of influence. All
the imperialist states had long been preparing
for it. The imperialists of all countries were
responsible for the war.’
Quote Source
‘I kiss your hand and lay my head upon your Tsarina Alexandra to Rasputin (1912)
blessed shoulders. I feel so joyful then. Then
all I want is to sleep, sleep forever on your
shoulders in your embrace.’
‘This counted for little after 1914, when, Michael Lynch (on the Tsarina having
despite her undoubted commitment to the converted to the Orthodox Church when she
Russian cause, her enemies portrayed her as married Nicholas)
a German agent.’
‘Russia had four Prime Ministers, five Orlando Figes (on Russia under the Tsarina
Ministers of the Interior, three Foreign between 1915-1917)
Ministers, three War Ministers, three Ministers
of Transport and four Ministers of Agriculture.’
‘My poor Nicky’s cross is heavy, all the more Tsarina Alexandra
so as he has nobody on whom he can
thoroughly rely.’
February Revolution
Quote Source
The revolution of 1905 had shown that the History of the CPSU
Soviets were organs of armed uprising and at
the same time the embryo of a new,
revolutionary power. The idea of Soviets lived
in the minds of the working-class masses,
and they put it into effect as soon as tsardom
was overthrown.’
‘I order you to stop tomorrow the disorders in Tsar Nicholas to General Khabalov
the capital, which are unacceptable at the
difficult time of war with Germany and Austria.
‘To arms! To arms! They are killing innocent Fedor Linde (a sergeant in the barracks)
people, our brothers and sisters!’
Quote Source
‘We were appointed by the revolution itself.’ PN Miliukov (Kadet leader and Minister of
Foreign Affairs for the Provisional
‘The Provisional Government does not AI Guchkov (Octobrist and Minister of War)
possess any real power; and it directives are
carried out only to the extent that it is
permitted by the Soviet of Workers’ and
Soldiers’ Deputies.’
April Theses
Quote Source
‘Our tactics: absolute distrust, no support for Vladimir Lenin
the Provisional Government; the utter falsity
of all its promises should be made clear.’’
June Offensive
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘The only way to save the country now if to Prince Georgi Lvov
close down the Soviet and shoot the people. I
cannot do that. But Kerensky can.
Kornilov Revolt
Quote Source
‘It’s time to hang the German supporters and General Lavr Kornilov
spies, with Lenin at their head, and to
disperse the Soviet.’
Quote Source
Alexander Kerensky
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘Yes there is! There is such a party - The Vladimir Lenin (at the First All-Russian
Bolsheviks!’ Congress of the Soviets)
These historians argue that the 10th October Arguments set by Rex Wade and Alexander
was a declaration of intent to overthrow the Rabinowitch
government at the most suitable opportunity
Argues that the 10th October was a definite Argument set forth by Richard Pipes
resolution to seize power to coincide with the
Soviet Congress.
‘The Provisional Government has been Vladimir Lenin in a statement released to the
deposed. Government authority has passed press on October 25th.
into the hands of the organ of the Petrograd
Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, the
Military Revolutionary Committee, which
stands at the head of the Petrograd
proletariat and garrison.’
‘...Lenin paced around the Smolny like a lion From a member of the Milrevkom
in a cage. He needed the Winter Palace at
any cost: it remained the last gate on the road
to workers’ power. [He] scolded...he
screamed...he was ready to shoot us.’
‘A rising of the masses requires no Trotsky speaking to Martov at the Second All-
justification. What has happened is an Russian Congress of the Soviets
insurrection, and not a conspiracy. The
masses followed our banner and our
insurrection was victorious. And now we are
told: Renounce your victory, make
concessions, compromise. With whom I
ask?...No compromise is possible.’
These are HISTORIAN VIEWS ONLY. You need to look through your textbook for PRIMARY
SOURCES to include in your essays.
1911 Revolution
Quote Source
Sun Yixian
Quote Source
Yuan Shikai
Quote Source
‘He knew how to make the old system work, John King Fairbank
but it turned out that...he had no vision of a
new system’.
‘For all his faults, Yuan Shikai held China Tom Ryan
together - a considerable achievement
given its size and ethnic diversity’
‘While Yuan Shikai did not have the answer Michael Lynch
to China’s problems, he had provided some
degree of cohesion. With his passing,
republican China slid rapidly towards the
fragmentation and misery of the warlord
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘...a magazine that jabbed the rapier of Ross Terrill (talking about the New Youth
modern Western ideas through the ribs of magazine)
China’s rigid traditions.’
Quote Source
Jiang Jieshi
Quote Source
‘...peace and order were relative, just as the Lucien Bianco speaking on the Nationalist
unification achieved in this decade was Decade
more apparent than real.’
‘...In preparing himself for the role of an Leon Trotsky (on the Shanghai Massacre)
executioner he wanted to have the cover of
world communism -and got it…’
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘This could be portrayed either as fifth Jonathan Fenby (on Communist agitators)
column aid for the Nationalists or as a bid to
set up a Soviet, or both. It was a major
threat to Jiang since the strikers would
greatly outnumber his troops.’
‘In all between 5,000 and 10,000 people Jonathan Fenby (on the Shanghai Massacre)
may have died. It began a violent power
struggle between the left [Communists] and
the right [Nationalists] that would take
millions of lives in 22 years of national
Jiangxi Soviet
Quote Source
‘...good at theory and bad at most other Ross Terrill (on the Politburo)
‘...the welfare of the locals was simply not Chang and Halliday
on the agenda.’
Quote Source
‘[it aimed to] create a citizenry that was self- Rana Mitter
aware, politically conscious, and committed
to the nation.’
‘...a direct attempt to compete with the Soon Meiling (wife of Jiang Jieshi)
Chinese platform of economic and social
reform, substituting a retreat to Confucius
for an advance to Marx.’
‘...peace and order were relative, just as the Lucien Bianco
unification achieved in this decade was
more apparent than real.’
Quote Source
‘It is apparent that the real reason for the C.P. Fitzgerald
Long March, apart from the pressure of
blockade, was to establish the Communist
base in a position where it could participate
in resistance to, and profit from, the
impending Japanese invasion.’
Quote Source
‘...Communists gave lip service to the Lily Xiao Hong Lee and Sue Wiles
United Front…’
Quote Source
‘The Yan’an era was also the time when Maurice Meisner
Mao and the Maoists laid down rigid
dogmas and orthodoxies in political and
cultural life, conducted witch hunts...and
relentlessly suppressed political and
intellectual dissent in general.’
Quote Source
‘China was no longer one country but two; C.P. Fitzgerald
Communist China had risen during the war
and [GMD] China had withered in that
wintry climate.’
Quote Source
‘If it politically viable to be thought of as a Lyman Van Slyke (on the collapse of the
national hero, it is even more valuable to be Second United Front)
a national martyr. No single event in the
entire Sino Japanese War did more to
enhance the Communists’ prestige than the
destruction of the New Fourth Army
headquarters while it was loyally following
Rectification Movement
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘The stone that one builder had rejected Immanuel Hsu (on the peasants)
became the cornerstone of the other’s
‘...the ruling elite had lost its confidence and Jack Gray
the will to rule.’
‘ deny themselves [the Nationalists] the Suzanne Pepper (on the idea that the USA
ability to consider on any terms other than could not realistically have supported the
their own the nature of the Communist-led Nationalists)
CCP Leadership
Quote Source
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘We shall soon put aside some of the things Mao Zedong
we know well and be compelled to do things
we don’t know well. This means difficulties.’
‘His aim was to scare and brutalise the Jung Chang and Jon Halliday
entire population.’
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘The peasants are clear-sighted. Who is bad and who is Mao Zedong
not, who is the worst and who is not quite so vicious, who
deserves punishment and who deserves to be let off lightly
- the peasants keep clear accounts.’
‘...peasants who killed with their bare hands the landlords Philip Short
who oppressed them were wedded to the new revolutionary
order in a way that passive spectators could never be.’
‘In a pact sealed in blood between the party and the poor.’ Frank Dikotter
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘The Soviet road is the road all humanity will Liu Shaoqi
eventually take. To bypass this road is
Quote Source
Quote Source
‘The aims was to make slave driving more Jung Chang and Jon Halliday
Quote Source
‘After Lushan the whole Party shut up. We Wang Bingnan (Communist Official)
were afraid to speak out. It stifled
democracy. People didn’t tell Mao their
honest opinions. They were afraid. This led
straight to the terrible times of the Cultural
Quote Source
‘...a hardship to be endured rather than an Immanuel Hsu on the Socialist Education
experience to be cherished’ Movement
‘...a weapon of mass instruction…’ Alexander Cook on the Little Red Book
‘I’d rather steel myself in the storm of hard “Attributed” to Lei Feng
and arduous struggle than spend my days
peacefully and tranquilly.’
‘The whole Party must follow Comrade Mao Extract from the May 16 Circular
Zedong’s instructions, hold high the great
banner of proletarian Cultural Revolution,
thoroughly expose the reactionary
bourgeois stand of those so-called
academic authorities…’
Quote Source
‘Red Guards tramping down the street, the Jung Chang and Jon Halliday
bonfires of destruction, and the screams of
victims being set upon - these were the
sights and sounds of the summer nights off
‘He was obviously a paragon of athleticism, John King Fairbank on the Good Swim
capable of superhuman feats’.
Peng Dehuai
Quote Source
Liu Shaoqi
Quote Source
Lin Biao
Quote Source
‘Mao’s face collapsed when Zhou Enlai told Li Zhisui (Mao’s Doctor)
him that Lin Biao had fled.’
Jiang Qing
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Red Guards
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Mao Zedong
Quote Source
‘[Mao] is not a true Marxist-Leninist. Rather Lin Liguo (son of Lin Biao)
he is the greatest feudal tyrant in Chinese
history...wrapping himself in the guise of a
Marxist-Leninist and behaving like the First