Production Ranking Systems: A Review: Murium Iqbal Nishan Subedi Kamelia Aryafar
Production Ranking Systems: A Review: Murium Iqbal Nishan Subedi Kamelia Aryafar
Production Ranking Systems: A Review: Murium Iqbal Nishan Subedi Kamelia Aryafar
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews systems. As such, one-box architectures are attractive. These archi-
how the conflicting goals of training models to rank items and serv- tectures pull processed training data from distributed data stores
ing models to support millions of users in real time has given rise and train complex models in memory on a single machine [13, 23].
to a system of systems. Section 3 reviews ways to aggregate and An end to end ranking system employs both of these archi-
normalize raw data into training instances for future layers. Section tectures, with distributed architectures providing a sink for raw
4 reviews various representations which are built to simplify the data, embeddings, candidates and model predictions, and a source
task of retrieval. Section 5 reviews how learned representations of training data and features for one-box models. This system of
can be leveraged by online ranking systems to select initial can- systems requires orchestration across frameworks, which can be
didates. Section 6 reviews the live models used to infer item to handled via schedulers that are responsible for coordinating work-
query relevance and how they are served. Section 7 reviews state flows for training and deployment of online models [3]. Each set of
of the architectures necessary to deploy ranking systems. Section 8 tools employed by the layers of the ranking model must be selected
reviews several ways to validate new components within a ranking with care, as increasing the number of employed tools increases
system, and possible faults that can arise. the complexity of the overall ranking system. This can cause some
layers to be poorly configured, as practitioners are required to mas-
ter many technologies. In some cases, separation of concerns can
lead to isolation of practitioners who specialize on specific layers
2 SEPARATION OF CONCERNS within the ranking system. This can cause further poor configura-
The separation of concerns across the ranking system layers has al- tions, as practitioners may treat other layers of the system as black
lowed organizations to create models which can approximate ideal boxes, leading to layer specific optimizations which may give rise
ranking, learn query intent, perform query re-writing, and diversify to suboptimal behavior across the entire system [42].
retrieved results. All of these applications are addressed by train- We feel the separation of concerns is a useful tool, but only when
ing offline models to capture relevant relationships within their employed with care. Research on productionized ranking systems
representations. The necessary, often massive computations can tends to focus on just a single layer [37, 48, 49, 51]. Practitioners
be performed in batch, allowing for feature spaces which encode must be careful to examine the individual component layers as well
desired relationships within the geometry of the representation as behavior across the entire system. Only the ability to interpret
space. These relationships can then be directly leveraged by candi- the system at both scales can yield an understanding of behavior
date selection or the online model. As the computationally heavy and enable proper iteration to improve results. A diagram of the ar-
processes are captured in offline representation learning and candi- chitectural components necessary to support a full ranking system
date selection, online models can be built as less computationally is provided by in Figure 1
complex models, e.g. linear or shallow models, allowing for low
latency response time. 3 DATA PROCESSING
This separation allows for highly complex systems to be built
and leveraged, but introduces failure points in the form of decreased 3.1 Datasets
interpretability of the ranking system behavior, difficulty in tuning, Increasing user interactions is the primary goal of ranking systems
and increased difficulty of validation. This makes it hard to interpret [10, 30]. As such, user interaction logs captured by the platform
experimental test results and improve upon previous iterations. Ar- often serves to be the richest source of training data for the system.
chitectural decisions within the various layers of a ranking system Some user interactions are ubiquitous, such as user clicks or user
also introduce corresponding assumptions into the overall system. item ratings. Others are platform specific, such as purchases on
Often these assumptions although necessary, can obfuscate biases e-commerce platforms, duration of viewing time on streaming con-
and weaknesses. tent platforms, or likes on social media platforms. Data about the
Ranking systems have developed two architectures which have items themselves, such as title, category, associated text and cost,
facilitated the separation of concerns. These are distributed tech- is referred to as side information. Side information is gathered by
nologies and one box models. As item catalogs have grown, tech- platforms either by user feedback, such as tagging on social media
nologies which require the housing of indices in memory are no platforms, or by content providers, such as attribute labels provided
longer feasible. As such, distributed databases which can house an by vendors on e-commerce platforms, or by the platform itself such
index across a cluster of machines and coordinate retrieval from as item categories.
this index have become prevalent [16, 28, 43]. These distributed Most data used by ranking systems are sparse high dimension-
database technologies are able to house petabytes of data and run ality vocabularies. This is especially true for user interaction data,
computations over their entirety. In parallel to the development where each item in a catalog can be seen as a word in the vocabulary
of distributed computing technologies, ML models have grown with few user interactions [53]. Side information contains a mix of
in complexity, especially with the advent of deep learning. These sparse and dense data, such as sparse multi-hot encodings of text, or
models require specialty hardware to support their high computa- dense data of item price and size or item images. Prior to represen-
tional complexity, such as CUDA enabled graphics processing units tation learning and model training, raw data must be normalized,
(GPUs) [38]. Often the computations necessary for these models are featurized and formatted. To reduce noise and reduce computation
infeasible to translate to distributed system frameworks, and the time, large cardinality spaces can be trimmed via thresholding to
volume of model parameter updates required to coordinate across drop highly sparse dimensions from the vocabulary. Out of vocabu-
the clusters is prohibitive to deploying these models on distributed lary components can either be dropped or mapped to a default null
Production Ranking Systems: A Review SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France
Figure 1: General system architecture that covers the life cycle for a ranking request. The query can be items, user provided query strings
or users in generalized ranking approach, and thus query processor can either act as a query re-writer, user personalization, or an item
diversification layer.
representation [49]. Dense features which contain high variability hour be considered related? Adjusting these data aggregation layers
or follow an exponential distribution can be normalized and/or and their underlying assumptions dictates which correlations are
smoothed prior to ingestion by models. and are not captured within the dataset. Class labels on training
instances per user click based relevancy can also change depending
on the assumptions made [49]. These decisions can be seen as a
3.2 Data Aggregation And Normalization
form of data tuning which build the assumptions into the datasets
User interaction data can be aggregated by various methods, each used for both training, tuning and evaluating ranking systems.
building its own assumptions into the ranking system. Excepting
reviews and ratings, user interaction data is often referred to as im-
plicit feedback data. This is due to the fact that although platforms 3.3 Creating A Balanced Dataset
can present items to users and track specific user interactions, the The Learning To Rank (LTR) framework poses ranking as a super-
relationship between those interactions is only implied. Negative vised learning problem [30]. As such, both positive and negative
signals, indicated by lack of user interaction, can also only be im- samples need to be inferred from user interactions. Just as with
plied as it is impossible to know exactly what items were viewed positive samples, there are numerous ways to attribute negative
by the user. Thus, a complete set of ranking labels for all items is samples, for example, if a user exited a video stream before finish-
impossible to capture [24]. To reduce noise within this dataset, out- ing the entire video. There are far more possibilities for negative
liers, such as those associated with bot-like behavior or accidental samples, represented in the lack of user interactions, than positive
clicks, are removed. This is generally done by thresholding and samples. Various methods for balancing the dataset are employed.
weighting user interactions by dwell time [21, 48]. Selection of the One popular method is for each positive sample defined in the
date range over which to populate data can also affect models, as dataset only sampling one corresponding negative sample. Differ-
the volume and sparsity of data changes over the training window. ent mechanisms of negative item sampling are employed to select
Seasonal trends must also be accounted for when aggregating user negative samples such that specific relationships are reflected in
interaction data. These aggregations, although necessary, and often balanced pairs of negative samples and positive samples. This could
specific to dataset and application, propagate assumptions through include choosing negative items from categories that are far away
all layers of the ranking system and should be made with care [42]. from the item, excluding highly co-viewed or co-engaged prod-
Attributing user clicks to searches or recommendation carousels ucts from the negatives list [25]. Selecting negative interactions
affects both model training and evaluation [15, 27]. This is not from only a window around a positive interaction can allow an
limited to sponsored advertising and affects all ranking problems. assumption of user impression.
For example, in gathering training data for search, do products Ranking systems have an intrinsic positional bias associated
associated with the search only include those clicked immediately with them [40]. Users click on higher presented results irrespective
after the search? Or should they include items clicked with subse- of query relevance, leading to false positive labels. Ignoring this
quent searches assuming that these searches are refinements on the bias and training on naively collected data can lead to models that
original search? Should two items clicked by the same user across simply fit the behavior of the existing global ranking function. The
days be considered related or only those clicked within the same FairPairs method modifies search results in a non-invasive manner
SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France Iqbal, Subedi, Aryafar
that allows us to collect pairs of results that are unaffected by this vocabulary can be categorical user actions, a discretized continuous
presentation bias by randomizing the order of results between a feature, or English words [22]. User action data can be taken strictly
small window of items during presentation. [31]. as words, or as sequences of actions, in which case embeddings can
be built from skip-grams of user action sequences [22, 49]. Multi-hot
3.4 Discussion user action vectors can also be weighted by dwell time [22]. This al-
Although user interaction data is rich, incorporation of side infor- lows us to learn query and item representations unsupervised from
mation is necessary in any ranking system. This data is employed user engagement data. To handle cold start, out of vocabulary items
to combat popular item bias, and to address the cold-start problem can be taken as linear combinations of embeddings of associated in
[29]. This side information allows correlations learned from user vocabulary items, or corresponding content data [22, 25, 49].
interactions to be extended to items with few impressions based
on relationships which exist in item descriptions, item category
4.2 Multi Modal Representations
information, etc. Although proper processing of user interaction
data is required for training high performance ranking models, we User interaction, text based side information and image based side
find effective ways to leverage side information affords the highest information are each distinct datasets from various sources that
coverage and most diversity. Models which rely too heavily on user follow distinct distributions. They are, however, related in that they
interaction data overfit to head queries and popular items. express information about the same items. To simultaneously lever-
Processing this data, which is often multiple gigabytes, must age all datasets and learn a single representation ranking systems
be done over a distributed computing platform, as it would be in- employ multimodal learning [36]. The simplest approach to this
feasible to fit the dataset in memory on a single machine. These end is concatenation of raw vectors to generate a single input to
processes are often done in batch, with user interaction data being a model which learns a representation [37]. Although simple, this
processed into new training data at regular intervals. As the need method fails to take advantage of the separate structures within
for real time personalization and sponsored advertising increases, each modality. Another approach is to train separate embedding
stream processing methodologies are emerging which allow data layers for each modality and use these as input to another model
to be processed and featurized in near real time. This trend allows which learns a combined embedding. This methodology allows sep-
ranking systems to become increasingly responsive to user interac- arate architectures to be employed for each modality [48], but adds
tions and increase user engagement by modifying representations complexity in that the individual architectures have no obvious
of users and query intent as users progress through a platform. method of validation. Furthermore if one modality of data is not
present for an item, this could cause unexpected results in the final
Extensions to this method train separate embeddings for each
Vector representations, learned over processed data, facilitate com- modality but with a cost function used across the separate models
munication across the different layers of ranking systems. Repre- to force them to map to the same space [48]. Items can then be
sentation learning leverages complex state of the art models, often taken as a weighted sum of the embeddings of their associated
relying on deep learning architectures. These models are highly data points. This method allows for items with incomplete side
platform specific, with architectures and solutions which yield information. Mapping modalities to the same embedding space
large lift in one domain not necessarily providing effective repre- can also be performed in a the methodology of search2vec [22],
sentations on another platform. As such, much recent research on in which vectors built from side information are first initialized
production ranking systems revolves around learned representa- to the corresponding user action vectors. Side information is then
tions and much of a practitioners time is spent on this layer. These sampled to form n-grams which are subsequently embedded into
models are tuned to transform raw data into succinct expressive the same space as the user action vectors, and only those within
representations which can be used either for candidate set retrieval a minimum cosine similarity to the user action vector are kept.
or reranking. These representations can be seen as mappings which Embeddings can be trained jointly over modalities, by employing
project input data into low dimensional embedding spaces where siamese networks [26], or by allowing certain subgraphs within a
distance is inversely related to relevance. Representation learning network share weights [49]. In these architectures side information
is performed offline, which allows this layer to leverage complex is used as features to learn supervised embeddings with the user in-
nonlinear ML architectures without the constraints of real-time teractions providing the relevance to encode within the space. This
systems. This allows the computational burden inherent in rep- methodology introduces training and architectural complexities
resentation learning to be placed ahead of the live ranking layer. but provides powerful representations.
These representations are often learned from multiple modalities,
incorporating both user interaction data and side information. We
examine several methods of learning representations from these 4.3 Multi Task Learning
modalities both jointly and separately. Multi-task learning aims to train robust representations by jointly
training representations for multiple applications [37, 49]. Each
4.1 Shallow Embeddings task can be viewed as a regularization to the other tasks. This can
The simplest architectures to form representations employ shallow yield powerful generalizable representations, but requires tasks
architectures such as word2vec over a combination of vectorized to be related. Multi-task learning can yield unstable results when
interaction data and side information. Here a "word" within the poorly configured.
Production Ranking Systems: A Review SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France
Figure 2: This figure highlights how ranking systems enable real time interaction with users. Users interact with the platform and the system
processes their interactions to update their query results. The first row illustrates a global result. The second row shows results for the same
query when the user signs in, and provides context based on their past history. The third row presents results for the user for the same query
once a product has been added to the cart. This updates the context to the ranking model by providing an additional item, thus narrowing
down to the user’s information need. At each stage the system is dynamically ranking candidates after interpreting new information about
the user to better infer their intent and each items relavance to the intent.
Production Ranking Systems: A Review SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France
hashing based methodologies are likely the most relevant to rank- is the most popular approach as it allows for the model to con-
ing, as much work is spent on representation learning. Graph based sider relationships between candidates, rather than scoring them
approaches are weak in that they require massive datasets, and only independently. This approach requires an additional sorting to be
the largest organizations can afford to employ them. Graph based performed based on the scoring which causes further computation
approaches have the further complication of lacking an obvious overhead. Pairwise approaches allow for regression models to be
approach to addressing the cold start problem, as graph based rep- used, such as logistic regression and gradient boosted decision trees.
resentations cannot directly represent items which do not already Although gradient boosted trees provide better results, the logistic
exist within the graph. regression still provides the lowest latency response. Popular loss
functions used to train these models are binary cross entropy and λ
6 RANKING MODELS loss function utilized by LambdaRank [8]. This approach is detailed
Online ranking models return candidates in descending order of in Algorithm 2.
relevance to a query. Shallow models are used for real time services,
making use of offline learned representations as input features [37]. 6.3 Listwise Approach
This allows online models to optimize for latency, limited storage Listwise approaches require models to be trained over an entire list
and limited compute available to real time services. Figure 2 depicts of items simultaneously. Formulation of a loss function for such
how the online ranking inference models allow platforms to better a model is difficult, as the true ranking of an entire list is not pos-
interact with and engage users. There are three distinct ways to sible to populate. One method extends pointwise approaches by
formulate the ranking problem to train online models; these are assuming a multinomial instead of a multivariate bernoulli. This
pointwise, pairwise and listwise approaches [30]. methodology forces candidates to compete with one another for
limited probability mass. Other methods try to directly maximize
6.1 Pointwise Approach NDCG as their objective [46, 50]. This approach is detailed in Algo-
In pointwise approaches a model is trained to individually score the rithm 3.
relevance of each candidate to the query. The problem is formulated
as a binary classification, with a positive class indicating a user 6.4 Discussion
interaction such as a click or purchase, and the negative class indi- The most common approaches for real time models are shallow bi-
cating a lack of interaction. Training instances are taken from logs nary classifications, especially those relying on pairwise approaches,
of user interactions. The model provides a score for each candidate which can rank an entire set of candidates against one another while
reflecting its probability of eliciting an interaction given the query still posing the problem as a binary classification[37]. These ap-
and any context of the user and items captured in the provided proaches are best suited for machine learning, as binary classifiers
features. Candidates can then be ranked in descending order of like- are a well studied set of models. We view both pointwise and pair-
lihood for an interaction. This approach affords the use of shallow wise approaches as being the most optimal solutions. The challenge
models, such as logistic regression. This methodology suffers from with these models is addressed by careful feature engineering in
a lack of context about other candidates, as each candidate is scored data processing and representation learning layers. Listwise ap-
individually. This causes an assumption that the output space of proaches seem ill-posed in comparison, as true ranking data is
the candidates is a multi-variate Bernoulli, where each candidate’s impossible to obtain with implicit feedback and the models suffer
score is independent of each other. This is a poor assumption, as
users view several items at once, and choose from among them.
As such an item’s probability of being clicked is affected by its Algorithm 2 Pairwise Approach (Users, Queries, Clicks)
neighbors. This approach is detailed in Algorithm 1.
1: Nonclicks ← sample_nonclick(c) ∀ c ∈ Clicks
6.2 Pairwise Approach 2: S ← s ∼ Bernoulli ∀ c ∈ Clicks
3: Labels, Interactions ← stack(swap_or_not(s, c, n)) ∀ tuple(s, c,
In pairwise approaches a binary classifier is trained to score a pair n) ∈ (S, Clicks, Nonclicks)
of candidates simultaneously. The positive class indicates that the 4: Features = featurize(u, q, i) ∀ tuple(u,q,i) ∈ (Users, Queries,
first candidate is more likely to be interacted with than the second, Interactions)
and the negative class indicates the opposite. Training data is initial- ®
5: P ← sigmoid(W T (Features) + b)
ized with all positive classes and balanced by randomly swapping
6: C ← Labels × log(P)
the order of items within a pair with a fifty percent chance. This
Algorithm 1 Pointwise Approach (Users, Queries, Clicks) Algorithm 3 Listwise Approach (Users, Queries, Clicks)
1: Nonclicks ← sample_nonclick(c) ∀ c ∈ Clicks 1: Nonclicks ← sample_nonclick(c) ∀ c ∈ Clicks
2: Labels, Interactions ← stack([0, Nonclicks], [1, Clicks]) 2: Labels, Interactions ← stack([0, Nonclicks], [1, Clicks])
3: Features = featurize(u, q, i) ∀ tuple(u,q,i) ∈ (Users, Queries, 3: Features = featurize(u, q, i) ∀ tuple(u,q,i) ∈ (Users, Queries,
Interactions) Interactions)
4: P ← sigmoid(W T (Features) + b)® 4: P ← softmax(sigmoid(W T (Features) + b))®
5: C ← Labels × log(P) 5: C ← Labels × log(P)
SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France Iqbal, Subedi, Aryafar
from complexities of trying to learn relevancy of multiple classes development of containerized solutions allows one-box architec-
at once. tures to simultaneously support a number of tools and solutions
by isolating system dependencies [6]. Practitioners are thus free to
7 SERVING COMPLEX MODELS employ complex models without the need to work within system
Different architectures are used to deploy various types of rank- specific paradigms. One-box architectures are limited to in-memory
ing systems. Each architecture has specific purposes and supports computations and cannot fully leverage the entire dataset and thus
various layers of the overall ranking system. are still reliant on distributed datastores to pre-compute data.
7.4 Discussion tests to be run simultaneously [45]. Experiment duration can also
Current design paradigms rely heavily on the coordination of tasks be decreased by employing variance reduction techniques, which
across both distributed and one-box architectures. Data process- separate users within the test group into two strata: those with
ing and candidate selection are performed distributed, while rep- prior purchase behavior and those without. For those with prior
resentation learning and online models are handled via one-box purchase behavior, this past data is used as a control covariate for
architectures. Tasks are coordinated via schedulers [3] and one box additional variance reduction. This has been shown to reduce the
architectures are containerized and deployed in parallel to support duration of experimentation by half while maintaining equivalent
requests from many users [5]. confidence [12].
We find that recent trends aim to allow service of complex mod-
els directly by making complex models more efficient [11, 39, 49, 51]. 8.2 Offline evaluation
This methodology has the potential to reduce the layers and separa- Even with such methods, bandwidth for tests is limited. As such new
tion of concerns within ranking systems. This would be a powerful model experiments must prove a significant improvement on offline
improvement as it would reduce the complexity of the overall model, validation to be selected for a live A/B test. Common offline metrics
allowing for a unified approach. Improvements to streaming data used are area under the curve (AUC) for the receiver operating
processing technologies could further support these developments characteristic (ROC) and normalized discounted cumulative gain
as complex computations can be run over distributed data caches (NDCG) as these correlate well with expected click through rate [22,
in near real time to transform data into input features for deep 37, 49, 51]. Simulated experiments can also be employed to estimate
learning models which are served live. Although promising, this performance of models prior to A/B tests. These simulations must
allows for deep learning models to be deployed in real time, but the be calibrated to avoid incorporating bias leading to poor estimates
work lacks a generalized approach, lacks open source support and of expected click through rate [2].
thus lacks wide spread adoption.
8.3 Discussion
8 VALIDATING A SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS Focus on ranking metrics for the overall system is necessary, but
We have thus far shown that a single ranking system is composed we propose that each layer requires its own independent metrics as
of several layers, each with its own complexity. The need for exper- well to avoid obfuscating errors and biases. Data processing layers
imentation to increase user engagement requires both offline vali- should document assumptions with metrics dashboards, and gauge
dation and online test results. Validating a ranking system, which distributions of data as well as any underlying shifts within these
spans several frameworks is not straightforward. Each individual distributions over time. Validation on learned representations is
layer should be validated in isolation in addition to the whole, but not documented in most production ranking system architectures,
often in ranking systems, the reported results are only those of instead they are only measured in their improvement of applications
the candidate selection or the final ranking model. Such complex for modeling and candidate selection. Requiring each component
systems thus lend themselves to a change one thing change ev- to have independent functionality tests as well as tests of the entire
erything (CACE) data dependency and system entanglement [42]. system can more clearly surface errors [14, 42].
This makes metrics unreliable, obfuscating errors and making it
difficult to prove improvements to the overall system. Despite these 9 CONCLUSION
reservations, both offline and online testing is performed primarily We examine production ranking systems and find that a layered ap-
after candidate selection and after ranking. Depending on applica- proach is adopted in every case. This is necessary to offset the com-
tion the system and its component layers are generally tested for putational cost of leveraging the most effective machine learning
improvement on click-through-rates, purchases, dwell times and models, which are unable to produce real time inference for users.
advertisement engagement to name a few. Selection of the desired This layered approach causes ranking systems to be composed of a
metric to optimize for must be done with user behavior in mind, system of systems, each layer employing different algorithms over
but often suffers from biases and is also affected by functionality different architectures. This approach allows for rapid experimen-
outside of the ranking system itself, such as user interfaces. tation both within and across layers and allows practitioners to
employ state of the art modeling techniques while still adhering to
8.1 Increasing experiment bandwidth real time service constraints such as low latency and limited avail-
Speed of experimentation is hindered by the bandwidth for online able memory. However, this same layered approach causes ranking
testing, as there is a finite amount of traffic that lends itself to each systems to be incredibly complex, with each layer introducing its
particular test. One approach to improve throughput of testing own assumptions and requiring its own tuning. This can obfuscate
involves early detection of poor or invalid experiments. This afford errors and makes it difficult to measure iterative successes. As rank-
greater throughput of experiments as poorly performing tests are ing systems develop new methods to facilitate the direct serving of
detected and terminated early. To allow for this standard metrics more complex systems, reliance on this layered approach could be
are populated frequently and made consistent across all related reduced.
experiments. A multi-layer experiment architecture can also be
employed where experiments are grouped into statistically inde-
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