Technical Specification: Product Name: Cibafast H Liquid
Technical Specification: Product Name: Cibafast H Liquid
Technical Specification: Product Name: Cibafast H Liquid
Product name: Cibafast H Liquid
Product code: 500914 Specification No: ST-IXO 1202-1/2001
Revision date: 01-06-2015
Chemical name\composition: Anionic Sulfonated benzotriazole derivative
Properties: Specification:
Appearance - physical state highly fluid liquid
Appearance - characteristics clear to slightly haze
Appearance - colour yellowish-brown to brown
Colour, Gardner <= 10
pH (aqueous solution 50g/l at 25°C) 4,0 - 7,0
Absorbance UV-VIS (aqueous solution 60 mg/l , 326 nm) 0,783 - 0,841
Absorption of 1% solution (1cm, UV-VIS) 130,5 - 140,1
Notice: This product is not food, feed or pharmaceutical grade. Therefore, this product can neither be used as
ingredient/additive in the manufacturing of food, feed or pharmaceutical products. The use of the product is in the
responsibility of the purchaser.
Typical value does not censtitute technical specification limits and can not be the reason to complain.
Any information contained herein is based on our current knowledge and does not release the customer from undertaking his own
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Responsible person - Violetta Pańczyk, tel. +48 77 4721538