Rsa Netwitness Platform: Microsoft SQL Server
Rsa Netwitness Platform: Microsoft SQL Server
Rsa Netwitness Platform: Microsoft SQL Server
NetWitness Platform
Event Source Log Configuration Guide
Platform Collection Methods
Note the following:
l If you are running SQL Server 2000, RSA recommends that you configure collection
for all three methods: the File Service, the ODBC Service, and the Windows Service.
l If you are using SQL Server 2008, then it must be SQL 2008 Enterprise Edition. SQL
Server 2008 Standard Edition does not do SQL Auditing.
ODBC Service
The ODBC Service collects database traces stored in a local trace file, which includes
important auditing features like logon, security, configuration, and database changes.
For all supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server, you can collect messages through
the ODBC Service. Note the following:
l You must configure collection using SQL Server administrator credentials.
l You collect database traces stored in a local trace file, which includes important
auditing features like logon, security, configuration, and database changes.
l The ODBC Service is a very stable method of collecting messages.
l For SQL Server 2000 or 2005, running on Windows Server 2003, you set up the
Windows Legacy Collector.
File Service
The File Service collects system level messages stored in a local error log file.
l Set up the ODBC Service on the Microsoft SQL Server event source
l Set up the ODBC Service on RSA NetWitness Platform
2. Log onto the server using administrator credentials.
3. Navigate to Security > Audits and create a new audit.
Note: If you want to use security logs, you must set up administrative privileges on
the SQL Server. To set up the appropriate privileges, follow the instructions from
the Microsoft MSDN page.
5. Click OK to create the audit.
Configure ODBC Collection 4
Event Source Log Configuration Guide
Warning: The ODBC Service only needs to be set up per SQL Server instance, not for
every database on the SQL Server.
Configure the SQL Server and any custom events, as well.
Note: The files must be accessible by the SQL Server host.
l For SQL Server 2000, sqlServerAudit2000.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2005, sqlServerAudit2005.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2008, sqlServerAudit2008.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2012, sqlServerAudit2012.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2014, sqlServerAudit2014.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2016, sqlServerAudit2016.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012 2014 or 2016 RSA_
Create a directory, C:\MyTraceFiles, with enough space to hold the SQL Server trace
files, and grant delete permissions to this directory for the account running the SQL server
process "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)."
Note: You will need this directory to set up the ODBC type on the RSA NetWitness
2. Select File > New > Trace.
3. On the Events tab, select the events to trace.
5. Click Run.
7. Save the script file to a temporary location on your computer. You will need to open
this file in step 9.
9. Open the script file that you created, and follow these steps:
a. Copy the blocks of code marked by - - Set the events that are similar to the
following example:
exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 10, 1, @on
Do not include the following:
declare @on bit
set @on = 1
b. Copy the blocks of code marked by -
- Set the filters that are similar to
the following example:
exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 10, 0, 7, N'SQL Profiler'
set @intfilter = 100
exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 22, 0, 4, intfilter
10. Open sqlServerAudit2000.sql and make the following changes:
a. Find the nic_aud_set_events procedure.
b. Paste the code that you copied for events in step 9 between the following
comments, r eplacing any existing code within the comments:
-- *************
-- *** Custom events should be pasted below this line!!!
-- *************
-- *************
-- *** Custom events should be pasted above this line!!!
-- *************
-- *************
-- *** Custom filters should be pasted below this line!!!
-- *************
-- *************
-- *** Custom filters should be pasted above this line!!!
-- *************
11. Save the changes to sqlServerAudit2000.sql.
2. To enable or disable events, follow these steps:
Note: For the script to function, you must enable or disable all lines for an event.
Note: You must be the database administrator to install the audit procedures.
a. Create a directory C:\MyDBApp, and place the RSA_
MSSQLAuditStoredProcedures.dll file inside.
b. Launch the SQL Server Management Studio.
Note: The CLR is disabled by default in SQL Server 2005 and later. You must
enable CLR on a server-wide basis. You only need to enable CLR once for each
d. Click Execute.
e. To add a certificate to the database and Grant Load permissions, click New
Query, and type:
USE master
f. Click Execute.
h. Click Execute.
2. Run the appropriate script using the SQL Server Query Analyzer (2000) or SQL
Server Management Studio (2005, and later) utility against the master database:
Note: These scripts may have changed when you configured custom events.
l For SQL Server 2000, run the sqlServerAudit2000.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2005, run the sqlServerAudit2005.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2008, run the sqlServerAudit2008.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2012, run the sqlServerAudit2012.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2014, run the sqlServerAudit2014.sql script.
l For SQL Server 2016, run the sqlServerAudit2016.sql script.
If you are using SQL Server 2000, you only need to create a user, audit_reader,
with sysadmin privileges. If you are using SQL Server 2005 or later, you must create
a SQL Server logon. To create a SQL Server logon, follow these steps:
a. Open the SQL Server Management Studio with administrative credentials, and
access t he Database Engine.
b. To create a new login, follow these steps:
i. From the Object Explorer navigation menu, expand your database server,
which is the top item in the navigation pane.
ii. Expand Security.
vii. Create and confirm a password.
ix. Click OK.
x. Click Security > Login, and right-click audit_reader.
xii. Ensure that Map is selected for the master database.
xiii. Click OK.
c. To set the logon account permission, follow these steps:
i. From the Object Explorer navigation menu, right-click your database server,
and select Properties.
v. Click OK.
d. To set the database access permission, follow these steps:
iii. Right-click master and select Properties.
vii. Click OK.
II. Configure a DSN
III. Add the Event Source Type
2. In the Services grid, select a Log Decoder, and from the Actions menu, choose
View > Config.
3. In the Service Parsers Configuration panel, search for your event source, and ensure
that the Config Value field for your event source is selected.
Note: The required parser is mssql.
Configure a DSN
5. The DSNs panel is displayed with the existing DSNs, if any.
Note: If you need to add a DSN template, see the "Configure DSNs" topic in the Log
Collection Configuration Guide, available in RSA Link.
7. Choose a DSN Template from the drop down menu and enter a name for the DSN.
(You use the name when you set up the ODBC event source type.)
8. Fill in the parameters and click Save.
Field Description
DSN Template Choose the correct template from the available choices.
DSN Name Enter a descriptive name for the DSN
Parameters section
Database Specify the database used by MSSQL
PortNumber Specify the Port Number. The default port number is 1433
HostName Specify the hostname or IP Address of MSSQL
Driver Depending on your NetWitness Log Collector version:
l For 10.6.2 and newer, use
l For 10.6.1 and older, use
11 Configure a DSN
Event Source Log Configuration Guide
Field Description
Note: For encrypted communication, EncryptionMethod and
ValidateServerCertificate are required.
EncryptionMethod Set to 1
ValidateServerCertificate Set to 0
GSSClient Used for Kerberos authentication. This value is your RPM for
your Kerberos 5 client. For example,
Note: There are more parameters that can be configured, depending your environment.
For more details, see the Progress DataDirect site here:
6. Choose the log collector configuration type for your event source type and click OK.
10. For the other parameters, see the "ODBC Event Source Configuration Parameters"
topic in the RSA NetWitness Platform Log Collection Guide.
Authentication Method
You may need to change the AuthenticationMethod from the default value of 1. From
the Progress® DataDirect® documentation (Progress DataDirect Connect for ODBC
Version 7.1.6: Authentication Method):
l Purpose: Specifies the method the driver uses to authenticate the user to the server when
a connection is established. If the specified authentication method is not supported by the
database server, the connection fails and the driver generates an error.
l Behavior:
l If set to 1 (Encrypt Password), the driver sends the user ID in clear text and an
encrypted password to the server for authentication.
Setting this value to 4 also enables NTLMv2 and NTLMv1 authentication on Windows
platforms. The protocol used for a connection is determined by the local security policy
settings for the client.
l (UNIX and Linux only) If set to 9 on Linux and UNIX platforms, the driver uses NTLMv1
or NTLMv2 authentication. The driver determines which protocol to use based on the
size of the password provided. For passwords 14 bytes or less, the driver uses
NTLMv1; otherwise, the driver uses NTLMv2. To connect to the database, users must
supply the Windows User Id, Password, and, in some cases, Domain to the driver.
l (UNIX and Linux only) If set to 10, the driver uses NTLMv2 authentication. To connect
to the database, users must supply the Windows User Id, Password, and, in some
cases, Domain to the driver.
l If set to 13 (Active Directory Password), the driver uses Azure Active Directory (Azure
AD) authentication when establishing a connection to an Azure SQL Database data
store. All communications to the service are encrypted using SSL.
Note: Make sure you have already configured Azure Active Directory Authentication
before setting the value to 13.
Troubleshooting ODBC Collection 14
Event Source Log Configuration Guide
Example screen shot of connection for NTLM that uses a value of 10 for
Example screen shot of connection for Kerberos that uses a value of 4 for
15 Authentication Method
Event Source Log Configuration Guide
Once the Kerberos or NTLM connection is working, make sure to disable any previous
event source (the old SQL credentialed one using audit_reader account for example) to
that same DB instance. You cannot have more than one event source to same instance or
data will be lost, because we are calling the trace function in SQL server and having it
write to potentially the same physical location on the SQL Server. For example, the
Filename field in the advance section of the event source causes a collision when we
delete trace data after it has been pulled.
Common Errors
Problem: If you forget to fill in the trace file name that was created when installing the
callback DLL (RSA_MSSQLAuditStoredProcedures.dll), then you will get this error
(note the word file_template which should be the actual tracefile path):
[OdbcCollection] [failure] [mssql.mySQLTemplateClear] [processing]
[mySQLTemplateClear] [processing] Data query failed; dataQuery: exec nic_
aud_swap_trace 30, 'file_template', 1, 'WHERE StartTime > 2018-05-29
15:12:42.133', exception Unable to execute statement: Statement: "exec nic_
aud_swap_trace 30, 'file_template', 1, 'WHERE StartTime > 2018-05-29
15:12:42.133'"; Reason: state: 60; error-code: 19068; description: [RSA]
[ODBC 20101 driver][Microsoft SQL Server]The trace file path is not valid
or not supported.state: 2; error-code: 50000; description: [RSA][ODBC 20101
driver][Microsoft SQL Server]ERROR: Error occured trying to start tracing
for file - 53, file_template-1
Problem: If you forget to add the GSSClient configuration entry for Kerberos connection
type then you get the following error:
An error occurred creating an ODBC connection for DSN: <DSN_Name> The
trapped error is: Unable to create an ODBC connection. DSN: <DSN_Name>;
username: <user_name>; reason: state: 60; error-code: 2733; description:
[RSA][ODBC 20101 driver]2733
Problem: If you enter a bad password for NTLM then you get the following error:
An error occurred creating an ODBC connection for DSN: <DSN_Name> The
trapped error is: Unable to create an ODBC connection. DSN: <DSN_Name>;
username: <user_name>; reason: state: 08S01; error-code: 0; description:
[RSA][ODBC 20101 driver]7503state: 60; error-code: 18452; description:
[RSA][ODBC 20101 driver][20101]Login failed. The login is from an untrusted
domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication
You also get same error if you use Kerberos but specify you MSSQL Server startup as a
non-Domain account (because with the a local account SQL Server cannot validate your
window credentials against a DC).
Problem: If there is no TGT in the cache during a poll cycle, you receive the following
Tip 16
Event Source Log Configuration Guide
Problem: The same error occurs if there is no service ticket in the cache: that is, the
driver cannot acquire one (most likely in this case the SPN is missing from the SQL
Server. To verify this, open a DOS window as Administrator and run the following
setspn -Q MSSQLSvc/<DSN_Name>:1433
To fix, manually add an SPN which follows the hostname and port of the DB instance. To
set an SPN, you need to pass in an account to tie it to. Use the domain account at was used
to start the service. For example:
setspn -S MSSQLSvc/all.bootcamp.local:1433 BOOTCAMP\SQLStartup
17 Common Errors
Event Source Log Configuration Guide
l If not, and you wish to collect Application logs, you need to configure collection from
the Application event logs to get the MSSQL events, because MSSQL logs to the
Application event log.
2. Right-click on the SQL Server and choose the Properties option from the pop-up
l Test and Troubleshoot Microsoft WinRM guide here:
l To set up the SFTP agent on Linux, see Configure SFTP Shell Script File Transfer
2. In the Services grid, select a Log Collector, and from the Actions menu, choose View
> Config > Event Sources.
3. Select File/Config from the drop-down menu.
The Event Categories panel displays the File event sources that are configured, if any.
4. In the Event Categories panel toolbar, click +.
The Available Event Source Types dialog is displayed.
5. Select the correct type from the list, and click OK.
The newly added event source type is displayed in the Event Categories
Note: The image below uses Apache as an example only. Your screen
will look different, depending on which Event Source type you are
Note: Again, the image below uses Apache as an example only. Your screen will
look different, depending on which Event Source type you are configuring.
7. Add a File Directory name, modify any other parameters that require changes, and
click OK.
8. Stop and Restart File Collection. After you add a new event source that uses file
collection, you must stop and restart the NetWitness File Collection service. This is
necessary to add the key to the new event source.
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