10,000 Dice Game Directions: Object
10,000 Dice Game Directions: Object
10,000 Dice Game Directions: Object
The player with the highest score above 10,000 points on the final round wins.
How to Play
Decide who goes first by having everyone roll one die. Whoever has the highest number goes first. Play
then continues to the left. The first player rolls all 6 dice. The player can decide to keep as many scoring
dice as he/she chooses, but must keep at least one. (See scoring section). Place the scoring dice off to the
side and roll the remaining dice. Again the player may keep as many scoring dice as he/she chooses, but
must keep at least one. Place scoring dice off the side and roll remaining dice.
Note: You must earn 1,000 to start scoring (meaning you can't stop with 600). Once you reach a score of
1,000 or more you are "on the board". Any turn after you are on the board you may keep any score you
want (even if it is 100).
1- 100 points
5- 50 points
Three of a kind of 1 - 1000 points
Three of a kind of 2 - 200 points
Three of a kind of 3 - 300 points
Three of a kind of 4 - 400 points
Three of a kind of 5 - 500 points
Three of a kind of 6 - 600 points
For each number over three of a kind you double the amount (example 3 2's =200, 4 2's =400, 5 2's =800,
6 2's=1,600).
Pairs and Straights. When a player rolls 1,2,3,4,5,6 when rolling all 6 dice this is a Straight. When a player
gets 3 sets of pairs when rolling 6 dice this is Pairs. Pairs and Straights are worth 5oo points.
Note: Three of a kind must all be rolled together. Rolling a 1 and then rolling another 1 and another 1 is
300. Rolling 3 1's at a time is 1000.