Section 2: Hazards
Swimming Pool Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Indoor Air Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Heat Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Biohazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Lockout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Confined Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Fatigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Slips, Trips, Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Musculoskeletal Injuries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Microbiological Organisms and their Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Viruses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Protozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Amoebae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Appendix 1: Sample Material Safety Data Sheet: Sodium Hypochlorite . . . . . 32
Appendix 2: Template for Chlorine Exposure Control Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Appendix 3: Personal Protective Equipment for Chemical Safety . . . . . . . . . 37
Appendix 4: Risk Assessment for Exposure to Hazardous Substances . . . . . . 38
Appendix 5: Sample Check-In Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Appendix 6: Check-In Assessment Work Sheet For Working Alone . . . . . . . . 40
Appendix 7: Risk Assessment Tables for Working Alone or in Isolation . . . . . 41
Appendix 8: Risk Assessment Worksheet — Violence in the Workplace . . . . . 42
T here are between 80 and 100 time-loss
injuries each year to aquatic staff. Although
WorkSafeBC does not keep statistics, there have
In one instance the worker was working alone doing
some repairs to the pool basin. The pool was full
and in normal functioning mode. He inadvertently
probably been at least that many medical aid got too close to the pool drain and was sucked onto
claims. Most injuries arise from strains, sprains, the grating, forming a seal. The differential pressures
falls, and being struck by objects. prevented the worker from releasing from the drain
and he was held there till the air in his SCBA ran out.
About half of all aquatic staff are under the age of
22, the most vulnerable age group for accidents This wouldn’t happen in newer pools because they
at work. Some young workers believe “it won’t have multiple main drains. If one is blocked, the
happen to me,” and won’t raise questions if asked other takes over. But there are still a number of
to do a dangerous task. Maybe they don’t have older pools in the province with the single main
the experience to recognize the dangers, or maybe drain design.
they don’t want to look bad in front of their boss
In the second case, a young worker was trying
or coworkers. But with 34 young workers being
to repair wave chamber grates and was moving
injured on BC jobsites every working day; 5 being
in and out of an underwater confined space. She
permanently disabled each week, and about 5
ended up getting drawn onto an intake pipe for
dying each year at work, maybe image isn’t that
a waterslide. Because of the strong suction, she
could not release herself.
About 70% of injuries are to women — partly
Tragedies such as these can be prevented when
because there are more women than men working
we know the hazards and take the necessary
in pools.
steps to address them. Pool safety is everyone’s
There have been two worker fatalities in pools in BC. responsibility — workers and management alike.
release when it is beyond the capability of the and the Regulations and any applicable orders
employer to clean it up quickly. written by the Board
❑ ensure that the workers under their direct
In the case of serious injury or death, structural
supervision are made aware of all health or
failure, or major release of a hazardous substance,
safety hazards in their work area
the Board must be notified immediately.
❑ ensure that workers comply with the Act, the
Regulation and any orders
Safety Inspections
❑ consult and cooperate with the Occupational
To prevent illness and injury, all workplaces must
Health and Safety Committee
have frequent, regular safety inspections. Some
❑ cooperate with the Board and any officers of
inspections must involve members of the safety
the Board who may be at the workplace.
Here are some of the specific responsibilities of
Pool Operators should consult manufacturer
supervisors under WorkSafeBC regulations:
equipment/operator manuals to determine what
❑ correct any unsafe conditions or acts in the
equipment requires inspection, and how often.
workplace, as reported by workers under their
Responsibilities of Supervisors ❑ investigate accidents or incidents
Supervisors have a big responsibility under the ❑ investigate instances in which a worker is
Workers’ Compensation Act. refusing to carry out what he or she feels is
According to the Act, a supervisor is anyone who unsafe work
instructs, directs and controls workers in the ❑ prevent workers with a physical or mental
performance of their duties. impairment from working. Workers are
expected to inform their supervisor of any
This means that anyone responsible for overseeing impairment, but if they don’t, supervisors must
the work of another person, even for a couple of prevent them from working in an unsafe state
hours, is a supervisor. Many workers are surprised ❑ ensure that workers have appropriate personal
to find that they are supervisors under the law. protective equipment, that they wear it correctly,
In most organizations, people in the following and that the equipment is properly cleaned,
positions are considered supervisors: Managers, inspected, maintained and stored
aquatic supervisors, aquatic leaders, shift supervisors,
and mentors. The titles may vary from organization Workers’ Responsibilities
to organization, so check with your employer to find Workers also have some legal responsibilities under
out if your job falls under the definition of supervisor. the Act.
According to the Workers’ Compensation Act, Their most important responsibility is to protect their
supervisors must: own health and safety and that of other workers.
❑ ensure the health and safety of all workers Health and safety at work is based on teamwork.
under their direct supervision
Workers are also required to:
❑ be knowledgeable about the Act and the
❑ follow established safe work procedures
WorkSafeBC Regulations applicable to the
❑ wear personal protective equipment if and as
work being supervised
❑ comply with the Workers’ Compensation Act
❑ report all hazards and injuries.
SECTION 1: Rights and Responsibilities
❑ educate the public about their responsibility to Regular maintenance of air handling units,
keep the pool clean especially changing filters as per manufacturers’
❑ post signs to remind them recommendations, is essential to ensure good pool
❑ clean all surfaces every day. air quality.
Air Turnover, Humidity, and Temperature The water in the aquatic facility has a big impact
WorkSafeBC has standards that govern temperature, on indoor air quality. Watch out for stagnant
humidity and air distribution in a building. For water and be sure to control water features that
swimming pools, some of the normal ranges cannot generate aerosols. The increased humidity caused
apply. Obviously, humidity cannot be kept low in a by spray pools will impact the indoor air quality
pool environment, but it should be kept between 50% because it causes air pollutants to be more
and 60%. Lower than 50% causes heating issues and concentrated.
makes it too cold for swimmers. Higher than 60%
Complaints about Air Quality
encourages corrosion and condensation problems as
When there is a complaint about air quality,
well as swimmer discomfort.
Occupational Health and Safety regulations call for
Air temperature should be kept at 1 or 2 degrees an immediate investigation.
above the main pool temperature. For example, a
This investigation will include an inspection of
pool temperature of 28°C requires an air temperature
the ventilation rate, the distribution of air within
of 29°C. This temperature is appropriate for bathers,
the building, and the HVAC system. It may
but it can cause heat, dehydration and fatigue
also involve taking samples of possible airborne
concerns for lifeguards. That’s why having water on
deck and regular rotations are essential.
The employer must keep a record of the complaint,
the investigation, any findings, and any actions
The Importance of Proper Maintenance
A regular maintenance schedule is essential for
air quality. This includes: calibrating the sensors,
cleaning duct work, cleaning areas where water
has accumulated, cleaning air intake vents,
checking drain traps, and inspecting HVAC
The Keys to Healthy Air Quality
Here are the keys to healthy air quality in a pool:
❑ proper ventilation
Air intake ❑ good water chemistry
❑ appropriate chlorine levels (studies suggest
Turnover of air in pools obviously has to happen
increased chlorine can reduce chloramines)
more often than in the office area. Pool air handling
❑ adequate water turnover.
systems need to be designed and calibrated to allow
for 4 to 6 air changes per hour. Typical settings are for The BC Health Act establishes chlorine levels and
50% fresh air being introduced on each air change. water flow rates.
SECTION 2: Hazards
Heat Stress Exposure Control Plan ❑ Personal Protective Equipment. A fifth measure
The best way to deal with heat stress issues is to would be personal protective equipment such as
assess the workplace and establish a heat stress water-cooled vests, which wouldn’t be feasible in
exposure control plan. a pool environment.
There are three parts to an exposure control Guidelines for working in a hot environment:
plan — temperature, work levels, and hierarchy of ❑ Thirst is not an adequate indicator. Relying on
controls. thirst will result in dehydration.
❑ Dehydration is difficult to reverse. Adequate
The first one, temperature trigger, is the threshold
fluid intake throughout the work shift is
temperature at which heat stress could be an issue,
usually 30°C.
❑ Workers should drink one cup (150ml) of cool
The second factor is work level, whether it’s water every 15-20 minutes.
light, moderate, or heavy. The employee’s work ❑ Profuse sweating may call for a commercial
clothing will also affect vulnerability to heat stress. electrolyte replacement drink. Some drinks
Lifeguards and pool maintenance workers may are too concentrated and need to be diluted or
both work in a pool, but their jobs are different consumed with water.
and they wear different clothing. ❑ Avoid salt tablets. They irritate the stomach
and can cause vomiting, which results in
The third component in a heat stress exposure
further dehydration.
control plan involves dealing with “a hierarchy of
controls.” This is a series of measures to remove or
reduce a hazard. They range from most effective to
least effective: A major hazard in pool environments is exposure
❑ Elimination. The first and most effective to others’ blood or body fluids, which could be
would be eliminating the task. contaminated with hepatitis or AIDS. There are
❑ Substitution. Second would be substituting the many ways to prevent such exposures.
task or process for one that is less hazardous. Lifeguards, first aid workers, and others whose
❑ Engineering Controls. Third would be jobs entail physical contact with the public, are
engineering controls such as modifying the considered to have “occupational exposure.”
HVAC system to eliminate or lessen the Occupational exposure means they could have
hazard. harmful contact, it does not mean that they have
❑ Administrative Controls. If the task cannot had harmful contact. The Occupational Health
be eliminated or substituted and the HVAC and Safety Regulation requires training in control
system is working properly, the fourth measure procedures, which might include using protective
would be administrative controls such as equipment such as gloves.
shortened shifts in the hot pool environment
and putting staff on a rotation through an All employees with occupational exposure must be
air-conditioned room. Providing cool drinking offered a free Hepatitis B vaccination. This is a series
water and giving staff an opportunity to jump of three shots (day 1, day 30, and six months later)
in the water, or walk under a water spray, will that will protect you against Hepatitis B for life.
reduce their body temperature and diminish If there is a chance that someone has had harmful
the risk of a heat exposure disorder. contact with blood or body fluids, they must
10 PoolSafeBC
SECTION 2: Hazards
Heat Rash “Prickly Heat”. Tiny raised, Skin is constantly wet Shower after working Keep skin clean & dry
blister-like rash. from sweat. Sweat gland in hot environment
ducts become plugged,
leading to inflammation.
Heat Cramp Painful muscle spasms in Not well understood. Adequate water Rest. Drink water and eat more salty foods.
arms, legs or abdomen May be due to a loss intake and adequate If cramps persist, seek medical attention.
during or after hard of salt from sweating. salt intake at meals.
physical work Dehydration is a factor. Do not use salt
Heat General weakness, Dehydration causes Acclimatization. This is a medical emergency. Notify
Exhaustion tiredness and poor muscle blood volume to the first aid attendant and arrange for
control decrease medical help as quickly as possible.
Drink plenty of water.
Dizziness & fainting First Aid procedure:
• Immediately attempt to cool the worker.
Headache & nausea
• If the worker is not breathing or is
Pale, cool & clammy skin unconscious, follow regular first aid
Rapid pulse
• Move worker to the coolest area
Shallow breathing available.
Sweating • Loosen or remove outer clothing.
• Constantly sponge or spray worker with
Muscle cramps water or cover with wet sheets.
Normal or slightly elevated • Continue to cool worker while waiting
temperature for medical help or during transport.
• If the worker is conscious, fully alert
and not nauseated, give the worker
cool drinks sprinkled with salt, and
salty-tasting foods. Salt tablets are not
• Continuously monitor the worker closely
and give life-saving first aid as needed.
Heat Stroke Hot, dry, flushed skin Partial or complete Acclimatization This is a medical emergency. Notify
failure of sweating the first aid attendant and arrange for
Usually sweating but may Close monitoring of
mechanism. The body medical help as quickly as possible
have stopped if advanced workers for signs and
cannot get rid of excess
heat stroke is present symptoms of heat- First aid and treatment is the same as for
related disorders heat exhaustion.
Agitation & confusion
Medical screening for
personal risk factors
Nausea & vomiting
Drink plenty of water
Rapid, shallow breathing
Irregular pulse
Possible seizures & loss of
Possible shock & cardiac
Lock-out means using a padlock to prevent anyone
from energizing the system, whether it’s hydraulic,
electrical, or gravity-based.
Those assigned to perform a lock-out are each given
different locks. Everyone working on the system
must lock out and must check to make sure the
equipment cannot be started.
Here are the steps to performing a lock-out:
1. Turn the machine off with a stop button at
the control panel. If you are locking out a
breaker for changing a light panel, turn off
the wall switch.
2. Lock out the main breaker for the machine
or equipment. Always stand with back to the
electrical panel and turn head away. Then, if
there is a problem and the panel door blows
open, the worker will be mostly in the clear.
3. Apply lock to the breaker. Follow this with
a “do not start” tag, if specific lockout
procedures require that.
4. Test the lock-out. Go back to the control
panel and push the start button, or turn
the wall switch back on, to ensure that the
equipment cannot be activated, and that
the correct breaker has been locked out.
5. Turn the machine or wall switch off again
after testing it.
After performing the work, be sure to remove the Never work, even for a second, on equipment that
lock. If not, management will have to remove it. has not been locked out.
They must follow a specific procedure for ensuring
workers are okay before removing the lock.
12 PoolSafeBC
SECTION 2: Hazards
To allow for the safe repair / maintenance of equipment and to ensure there is no possibility of
energizing equipment while it is unsafe to do so.
1. Gather required lockout equipment from the lockout kit station
2. At MCC panel # 1 in the mechanical basement
a. Locate the appropriate chlorine pump
b. Turned the H-O-A (hand – off – auto) switch to O for Off position
c. Ensure motor is switched off.
d. Switch the motor circuit breaker to the off position
e. Install a lockout lock and tag to the lockout bracket on the right side of the circuit
breaker switch. Label the tag with your name, date and reason for install with water
soluble marker.
Each person working on the equipment must apply their own lock to the lock out
bracket. If there is no room for additional locks you will need to install a scissor
attachment from the lockout kit.
f. Ensure circuit breaker switch cannot be turn on
3. After work has been completed
a. Ensure all personnel are clear of area before removing locks
b. Remove lockout locks
c. Turn all switches back to working positions
d. Return lockout equipment to lockout station
14 PoolSafeBC
SECTION 2: Hazards
Hearing protection is definitely required in some
areas of every aquatic facility.
The 8-hour exposure limit for noise is 85 decibels.
Employers must take noise level sampling
wherever a worker is exposed or might be
exposed to noise levels above 82 decibels. An
exception is when the employer knows that
workers are exposed to levels above 82 decibels.
In that case, sampling isn’t required, but the
employer must offer a program of education and
training, and must attempt to eliminate or lessen
the noise.
Any mechanical room likely has noise levels that
exceed 82 decibels. If the noise hazard cannot
be eliminated, it must be reduced, if possible. If
it cannot be reduced to levels below 82 decibels,
then administrative controls — keeping workers
out of the high noise area, posting warning
signs, and personal protective equipment such
as earplugs or ear muffs need to be provided.
Annual hearing tests must be conducted for
workers exposed to noise in excess of the
exposure limits.
If the exposure is long enough, hearing can be
damaged at 82 decibels. The louder the noise, the
less exposure is needed to permanently damage
Here are the approximate noise levels of some
common equipment and situations:
Source dB
heavy city traffic 85
hair dryer 90
chainsaw 110
jackhammer 125
Slips, Trips, and Falls fall of a few or several feet. People have died after
Given the mechanics of walking, it is surprising that falling just a few feet.
humans don’t fall more often. Falls from ladders cause serious injuries each year.
Slips Here are a few precautions:
Slips most commonly occur when the back heel ❑ Always inspect the ladder before use to be sure
strikes the ground and weight is transferred to the it is in good condition. If not, remove it from
lead foot. If the lead foot slips out, the support base service.
is lost and a fall occurs. ❑ Always place ladders on a secure, level surface.
Never place them on boxes, barrels or other
Many lower back injuries occur when a person unstable bases, to obtain greater height.
carrying or lifting an object tries to recover from a ❑ Never work from the top two rungs or steps of
slip or loss of balance. any ladder.
To prevent slips, wear appropriate footwear and ❑ Always face the ladder when climbing up or
keep walking surfaces clean. Walking surfaces down.
should be suitable for pushing, pulling, and ❑ Use the three point contact rule: Two hands
carrying. They should provide adequate foot grip and one foot or two feet and one hand in
but allow wheels to roll freely. contact with the ladder at all times.
Rough, deeply textured surfaces are not the best way In order to prevent falls, this is the hierarchy that
to prevent slipping because they can cause tripping. must be followed.
Wet surfaces are invariable slippery, and expected in The hierarchy applies when working at a height
your work environment. Always remember this and of 3 meters or more, or from lower heights if
take extra care. Be aware, also, that sloped surfaces there are other hazards such as rebar sticking up
could be far more slippery than flat surfaces. through the concrete.
16 PoolSafeBC
SECTION 2: Hazards
Injury occurs when the demands on the joints, Here are four principles to prevent back strain
discs, ligaments, and muscles trying to hold the when lifting.
spine together are too great. 1. Keep the natural curve in your lower back
2. Contract your abdominal muscles. This
Here are some actions that can result in MSIs: improves spine stability
❑ repeated movements involved in loading — 3. Avoid twisting
i.e., lifting, pushing, pulling and carrying 4. Hold the load as close to your body as
❑ repeated forward bending possible
❑ sitting for too long — this leads to more
injuries than lifting. Being in good physical shape is also necessary.
18 PoolSafeBC
SECTION 2: Hazards
safely exhausting the leaked gas to outside (not In salt ‘chlorination,’ chlorine is generated when
exhausted directly into the ventilation system of pool water with adequate salt content passes
the pool, for instance). through a series of units containing electrically
charged metal fins as part of the pool circulation
system. The amount of chlorine generated is
controlled by the operator and is water-based
causing no potential for a leak. However, another
salt-based system of generating chlorine does so
in an open tank with accompanying hazards and
the need for personal protective system. At this
time, this system has not been used in a public
pool in BC.
Calcium hypochlorite is a powerful oxidizing
agent and will react with anything organic such as
oil and grease, mineral spirits, paint, gasoline, etc.
In fact, a video produced for WorkSafeBC showed
calcium hypochlorite reacting with a little spilled
gasoline to ignite a wooden pallet in less than
four minutes. Sodium hypochlorite, also known
as “liquid chlorine” or bleach, is also noted as an
oxidizer, but the fact that it is an aqueous solution
limits any rapid reactions.
All hypochlorites react instantly with acidic
Chlorine gas room through viewing window materials (many cleaners) to release chlorine gas.
Breathing just a few parts per million can be
22 PoolSafeBC
SECTION 3: Chemical Safety
24 PoolSafeBC
SECTION 3: Chemical Safety
Different types of respirators are required in
different situations. For all, the respirator must be
clean and sanitary and each person who may be
required to wear it must have an initial, and an
annual, fit-test to ensure a proper seal with the
face. To ensure a proper fit, you must be clean-
shaven where the respirator seals with the face.
Any person entering the chemical enclosure — no
matter what the reason — must carry an escape
respirator. An escape respirator may be, for chlorine,
either a bite-block or a half-facepiece respirator with
acid gas cartridges. The bite-block respirator also
has a nose clip, which must be worn to prevent the
corrosive gas being drawn up the nose. If, instead
of a bite-block respirator, the employee wears a
half-facepiece respirator, that employee must have
an annual qualitative fit-test to ensure that the
respirator actually does seal with the face.
26 PoolSafeBC
Preparation and
The employer must do an assessment of the risk to There is a sample check-in procedure for employees
employees in a workplace to determine what first working alone provided in the Appendix.
aid is appropriate, and follow the Regulation to
determine the first aid attendant level, room and
Workplace Violence
equipment necessary. Workplace violence is a very real issue in pool settings.
Those expected to offer first aid to other workers Typical violence in the pool setting might include:
or to the public will have occupational exposure ❑ a lifeguard being pushed or struck by an irate
to blood-borne pathogens. Vaccination against parent or troubled youth
Hepatitis B is available and recommended. ❑ a pool maintenance worker interrupting a
drug deal in a parking lot
Working Alone or in Isolation ❑ an icemaker, recreation attendant, or
In developing emergency procedures, custodian being assaulted during a public
circumstances in which employees are working function (often alcohol is a factor).
alone or in isolation must be taken into account. A risk assessment must be conducted at any
According to the Regulation, working alone or in workplace where there is a possibility of violence
isolation means that if something were to happen to workers. This means any workplace in our
to a worker, no one would be available to provide municipality/regional district. See the procedures
assistance in an emergency. If there are members for assessing the risk of violence in the workplace
of the public who could call for assistance, then provided in the Appendix.
the worker is not considered to be working alone. Workers must be trained in the following:
Here are the key elements to the Working Alone/ ❑ recognizing the potential for violence
In Isolation program: ❑ the policies, procedures and workplace
❑ The risk assessment. See sample in the arrangements to eliminate or reduce violence
Appendix for procedures for assessing the risk ❑ the appropriate response to violent
of working alone or in isolation. incidents — including how to get help
❑ procedures for reporting incidents of violence.
28 PoolSafeBC
SECTION 4: Emergency Preparation and Response
Incidents of violence must be reported immediately Counting cash in a separate office, away from
so that the employer can inform others about the the public eye, is another preventative measure.
risk, and can make sure the procedures are adequate ❑ Engineering Controls. These would include
for eliminating or reducing the risk of violence in guards or barriers around staff selling
the workplace. tickets and handling cash. Panic buttons or
office alarm systems are other examples of
What can be done to reduce the hazard from
engineering controls.
❑ Administrative Controls. These would
As with many other hazards, there is a hierarchy of include ensuring all staff are alerted to a
controls: client with a history of violence or threats,
❑ Elimination. First, try to eliminate the risk. instructing employees not to sit with their
Does the task have to be completed? Does it back to the main office door, directing them
have to be done by an employee? Restricting to leave the building and call the police
access of violent clients to the facility also instead of challenging someone who enters the
comes under the category of “elimination.” building after hours. Administrative controls
❑ Substitution. Second would be substituting also include training workers in recognizing
the task or process for one that is less and defusing hostile situations.
hazardous. Is there a different procedure that ❑ Personal Protective Equipment. There isn’t
can be followed? Can the current procedure any appropriate PPE available to minimize the
be changed? This could include arranging risk of violence in our workplaces. It would
the seating to allow workers to exit without not be suitable to carry around pepper spray or
being blocked by physical barriers or the client. batons as protection from workplace violence.
32 PoolSafeBC
Appendix 1 (continued)
Statement of Purpose:
To minimize the risk of exposure to Chlorine Gas in [name of aquatic facility, municipality]
n Department Manager:
ü Ensure Exposure Control Plan is reviewed annually.
ü Ensure drills are held to ensure familiarity with responsibilities and roles in the event of an emergency related
to changing chlorine gas cylinders
ü Ensure all workers are trained and qualified to perform their duties and are knowledgeable in the hazards and
risks of the task
ü In the event of a chlorine leak during cylinder change, ensure the Chlorine Leak Procedure is followed
n Supervisor:
ü Follow the Chlorine Cylinder Change safe work procedures established by the facility
ü In the unlikely event of a chlorine leak during a cylinder change, ensure workers follow the Chlorine leak
Procedure appropriate to the level of chlorine leak.
ü Ensure that all workers being supervised are made aware of all the hazards in the area
ü Ensure that all workers receive the education and training required by the WorkSafe BC OHS Regulation
ü Participate in drills to ensure familiarity with responsibilities and roles in the event of an emergency relating
to changing chlorine gas cylinders
n Worker:
ü Use personal protective equipment, in accordance with training and instruction and inspect the equipment
before use
ü Report to the supervisor or [name of corporation] the absence of, or any defect in any protective
equipment, device or clothing, or the existence of any other hazard, that they consider is likely to endanger a
worker or any other person
ü Follow the Chlorine Leak Procedure appropriate to the level of leak, if required
ü Report to supervisor, signs and symptoms of overexposure to chlorine
ü Participate in drills to ensure familiarity with responsibilities and roles in the event of an emergency relating
to chlorine leaks
ü Participate in training in appropriate emergency procedures
34 PoolSafeBC
Appendix 2 (continued)
Risk/Hazard Identification Summary
Acute Effects: Chronic Effects:
ü Inhalation: Chemical burns to respiratory tract, . ü Inhalation: Chronic lung damage, loss of smell
chest pain, difficulty breathing ü Ingestion: not possible
ü Ingestion: not possible ü Skin: skin burns, skin disorders
ü Skin: chemical burns to skin ü Eyes: Chemical burns to eyes
ü Eyes: chemical burns to eyes
Exposure Controls
Elimination: Can exposure be eliminated under certain conditions, describe YES or NO.
NO, chlorine gas is used to disinfect water supplies and is required under other Provincial health regulations.
Substitution: Can exposure be substituted under certain conditions, describe if YES or NO
NO, system designed specifically for the delivery of chlorine gas. No other chemical can be substituted.
Engineering Controls
Fixed exhaust ventilation within the Chlorine cylinder room. Door open during cylinder change.
Administrative Controls:
Chlorine Alarm set points:
Low alarm: 0.25 ppm 1.0 ppm
Medium alarm: 1.0 ppm to 5 ppm
High alarm: 10 PPM
Follow established safe work procedure, including requirement for standby worker equipped and able to
rescue entry worker.
Personal Protective Equipment:
Respirator Required: YES
Respirator type: One staff member (changing cylinders): Full-face respirator with Chlorine cartridges, or half-mask
respirator with Chlorine Cartridge and goggles. Standby worker: SCBA.
Gloves: Leather or Rubber
Footwear: steel-toe boots
Appendix 2 (continued)
Additional Comments: Chlorine Leak procedures posted outside of chlorine cylinder room.
36 PoolSafeBC
Chlorine 3 3 10 2 10 1800
❑ All workers working alone or in isolation are responsible for ensuring that contact is made and
received at the required time. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring check-in sheets are completed
daily and submitted to the manager for review.
❑ Any staff member who will be performing tasks that increase the risk of an injury and would render
him/her unable to get assistance on his/her own, should call the contact person or other worker,
communicate what, where and when s/he will be performing the task, and arrange for a call back (5
or 10 minutes). If the call is not received at the designated time, the procedures listed above are to be
❑ Workers with relatively little contact with other staff during their shift must contact their supervisor at
the start of shift and at the end of shift. The supervisor is responsible for noting on the check list that
the contact has been made. If no contact is made at the end of shift, the supervisor must initiate the
following process to determine the whereabouts of the employee.
1 Attempt to contact the employee by radio. If no contact,
2 If the employee has a personal cellular phone, call the cell phone. If no contact, or no phone,
3 Call the employee’s home. If the employee has not reached home, find out when s/he would
normally be home. Leave a message for the employee to call the foreman as soon as s/he gets
home. If no call is received by the normal arrival time:
4 Call the employee’s home again.
5 If still not home, Determine, from the information on the call in sheet, where the employee was
working last, and go to that site to find him/her.
38 PoolSafeBC
1. Complete this work sheet with the worker for each situation where a worker is working alone and may be at risk of an injury that
would prevent him/her from obtaining help.
2. Consider which hazards in column (A) might apply and specify the injury in column (C)
3. For column (D), assess the probability of the accident, using Table 1.
4. For column (E), assess the likelihood that the accident would result in an injury serious enough to be disabling, using Table 2.
5. For column (F), assess the likelihood of help being available for the worker, using Table 3
6. Rate the requirement for check-in by multiplying the number in Column (D) by the number in column (E) by the number in Column (F)
and enter the number in Column (G). For Values of (G) up to 250 (low), no further action is required. For values of (G) between 251 and
400 (moderate), a check-in procedure must be instituted. For values of (G) higher than 400 (high), the checks must be frequent.
40 PoolSafeBC
Against individuals
2. Review the types of threats from column (A) and the examples in column (B).
3. In column (C) list the type of violence that could occur.
4. Turning to Appendix C, list the score for the probable violence under column (D) consequence, column (E) exposure, and column (F) likelihood.
5. Multiply the numbers in column (D), (E), and (F) and put the resulting number in column (G) under risk score.
6. For values of (G) lower than 1 the risk is acceptable. Between 1 and 100, the score indicates potential problems that must be examined. Between 100 and 250, the score indicates
problems that must be corrected. Scores higher than 250 indicate a problem that must be dealt with immediately.
7. Examples of solutions to problems are available in Appendix D.