Church Shares 800 Valentines: Proverbs 3:5
Church Shares 800 Valentines: Proverbs 3:5
Church Shares 800 Valentines: Proverbs 3:5
alentine hearts dec-
orated the room. At
each table were
glue, paper, stickers, greet-
ing, heart foam
cutouts….everything to
make homemade valentines.
Besides the art supplies,
there were salads and hot
dogs, supplies to keep the
valentine makers going.
They needed the energy –
their goal was 800 valen-
The scene was the yearly
Valentine’s Making Party at
the Port Morris United
Methodist Church. Each
year, members of the con-
gregation and their friends
get together to make valen-
tines for the residents of
area nursing homes and
assisted living facilities.
The event is a time
for”artists” of all ages to
get together and have some
area seniors would be get- competition. Each table “bingo” had the bragging
“I couldn’t do this with-
ting the cards, too. was a team and Berchak rights. However, as the
out all of you,” said event
The church pastor, Nick asked them to decide on a teams went to work, deco-
coordinator Tina Berchak as
Petrov offered a prayer name. The team names, rating, laughing and having
she gave a few words of
before valentine production reflecting the times, includ- fun, it became clear that it
welcome. Berchak is also
was off and running. ed “the Bill Gates Team” was a labor of love. Love is
co-leader of the church
To make the inter-gener- and “Early Spring”. to be shared and isn’t that
youth group, which would
ational valentine making The first one to reach what Valentine’s Day is all
be delivering the valentines.
more fun, it was made into a 100 valentines, and scream, about?
Before the event,
Berchak had shared that it
used to be that the goal was
500 valentines, but that
Roxbury Library to Showcase Fridays at the Oscars
number has greatly he public is invited to enjoy an modern day noir drama, a young woman
increased. Oscar nominated movie at the searches for her father among drug deal-
Postal Customer Residents at Andover Roxbury Public Library! On ers in the Ozarks. Rated R.
Rehabilitation #1 and #2, Fridays in February at 1 p.m. the library Friday, February 25 at 1 p.m. This sci-
Local The Homestead (Newton), will be showing some of the films nomi- fi thriller tells the story of spies who
******ECRWSS****** Merry Heart (Succasunna), nated for Best Picture. Licensing and invade dreams to steal corporate secrets.
Mt. Arlington Senior distribution requirements prevent the Rated PG-13.
Living, The Regency Grand library from giving the name of the titles, For more information, please call the
(the former Dover Christian but it can provide a few hints. Those Roxbury Public Library at 973-584-2400
Nursing Home) , and Bristol who are curious may call the library at or send an e-mail to comments@rox-
Glen (Newton) would be the 973-584-2400to see if they are right.
recipients of the cards of Friday, February 18 at 1 p.m. In this
love. In addition, some
Page 2 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
he Roxbury Public Library will host member of the Center for Contemporary Art worldwide. International clubs use stan-
an exhibit of watercolors and (formerly the Somerset Art Association).
acrylics by Connie Lucas Halliwell From 1999 to 2007 she volunteered as a
from February 5 through March 31, 2011.
Halliwell, a retired Long Valley Middle
watercolor instructor at the Heath Village
Retirement Community. In addition, from
School teacher, has been showing and sell- 2002 through 2008 she helped coordinate PRACTICE LIMITED TO BANKRUPTCY
ing her work since 1980 in many area shows the NJ Society of En Plein Air Artists, Since 1989
and has won numerous awards. A past pres- which goes to different locations on
ident of the Art Association in Roxbury, she
is currently the club’s membership chair.
Wednesdays from May-October to enjoy
painting outdoors. For more information,
She is also an exhibiting member of the please contact Roxbury Public Library at ◆ RELIEF FROM CREDITORS
Essex Water Color Club, an associate mem- (973) 584-2400 or visit www.roxburyli-
◆ Chapter 7 - Liquidations ◆ Chapter 13 - Wage Earner Plans
ber of the NJ Watercolor Society, and a
Organizations, Churches, etc. Evening Hours Available • Call 908.850.6161
Send us your photos, press releases and upcoming We are a Debt Relief Agency and can help you file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Act
events and we’ll publish them in our next issue.
Email us at [email protected]
Mention This Ad & Receive A $25.00 Discount
Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 3
Page 4 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
Mt. Olive Child Care The Things You May Not Know
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t seems that many people today, are painful depending on how you use them.
A Free Parent Education Program more concerned than ever before about They can be an alternative if you pay them
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t. Olive Child Care & Learning provide: child care by trained, professional
Are you making the best choices for your charges. But, they can also drain your wal-
Center (located at 150 Wolfe staff; dinner for parents and children; men-
financial future? Are you sure? let and your opportunity to invest in your
Road in Budd Lake) is sponsoring toring; and transportation (as available).
If you feel you are right on track and future.
a free parent education program (S.T.E.P.). Our next 12 week session starts on February
comfortable with having accomplished your We found a way to help a client pay off
This program will assist parents in coping 24th, 2011.
financial goals, good for you. However, if all his credit card debt and set up a lifetime
with the behavior of toddlers, preschool, Please call Daniela for registration and
you feel you may have missed something income that increased his savings by
school-age, and teenage children. We will further details!
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There are many ways you can control Worried about having enough money to
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Credit Card Debt Call today and ask for Marilyn at 973-
Credit cards can be both helpful or 927-6871.
Page 8 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
he Randolph High School boy’s bas- carry themselves is a positive influence for always push their teammates to work hard- “Tortorello is our second leading scorer
ketball team has most assuredly faced the rest of the student-athletes on the roster. er. They will point things out to them that at 16 points per game as well as our leader
their share of quality opposition on Three seniors-Pat Tortorello, Chris they may miss on the court. in rebounding’ Kilduff said. “He has also
the court thus far this winter. But, through Westenhiser and Shawn White-have earned “They just keep working hard, despite drawn 22 charges during the season.
the month of January, though they have lost and accepted the role of being a team cap- the fact we are having a tough season, their Westenhiser has energy and determination
more games than they’ve won, the Rams tain and have proved themselves worthy of determination and energy level has not that he brings to the court. It is important
continue to show up game in and game out the honor. wavered.’’ every single night.
and put forth a type of effort that is to be Randolph head coach Bill Kilduff is Through games played in January, each “White's biggest contribution is his guts.
commended. pleased with the way in which the captains of the student-athletes have contributed He is playing with an injured shoulder that
A big advantage that they have is the help the rest of their teammates to improve. mightily to the squad and Kilduff mentions will probably require surgery, but every
positive guidance demonstrated by the team “They were chosen for their leadership that what the captains mean to the program game his attitude and hustle are important.’’
Calendar of Events
AARP Tax-Aide (Feb 3-Apr 14) – Roxbury Public Library, others. needed.
103 Main Street, Succasunna. Free, registration. Call for Exhibit: Bring Your Own Art (BYOA) Show (Mar 3-31, Pocono Choral Society (thru May 2011) – Lackland
time. Low and middle income tax payers, esp. seniors. artist reception Mar 27) – Community Children’s Museum, Center Sitnik Theatre, Hackettstown. $20-$25. Sundays at 5
(973) 584-2400. It’s tax time and a professional will be on Children’s Art Gallery, 77 E. Blackwell St., Dover. $5. Thu- pm. (908) 979-0900.
hand to help you prepare your 2010 federal and NJ tax Sat, 10-5. Children K to 6th grade. 973-366-9060. An exib- Skies Alive! Bird Migration in the Garden State (thru
returns. Attendees should bring all tax documents, includ- it of children original artworks. June 2011) – Newark Museum, 49 Washington Street,
ing 2009 tax returns. Exhibit: Frank H. Netter, MD, Michelangelo of Newark. $. (973) 596-6550. An exhibit that focuses on New
Art: “Barn-sides” by Jean & Gordon Perry (Jan 8 to Medicine (Nov 23, 2010 to Feb 27, 2011) – Morris Jersey’s bird migration and the importance of preserving
Mar 12, 2011) – Oxford Municipal Building, 11 Green Museum, 6 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown. $. (973) natural resources.
Street, Oxford. Weekdays 9 am to 4 pm. 908-387-0904. An 971-3700. Featuring more than 40 works of art by the Theater: Bad Dates (thru Mar 6) – Lackland Center Sitnik
exhibit of colorful photographs and paintings, includes acclaimed master of medical illustrations, this exhibition Theatre, 400 Jefferson St, Hackettstown. $. Call for
regional barns from Hope, the Hidden Hollow Farm in celebrates Dr. Frank Netter’s contribution to the study of date/time. (908) 979-0900. A transplanted Texan tries to
Washington, and historic barns along the Kittatinny Ridge human anatomy. balance the pressures that come with a new career as a New
in the Delaware Water Gap. Gowns: From Birth to Bedroom to Ballroom (thru Feb York City restaurateur.
Art: Posing Beauty, African American Images from the 2011) – Acorn Hall, 68 Morris Avenue, Morristown. $6. Theater: Oliver! (Feb 4-6, 11-13, 18-20) – Brundage Park
1890s to the Present (Feb 2 - Apr 28, 2011) – Newark Call for days/time. (973) 267-3465. Exhibit showcases the Playhouse, Carrell Road, Randolph. $15-$20. Fri & Sat at 8
Museum, 49 Washington Street, Newark. $. 973-596-6550. varieties of gowns that define a woman’s life – christening, pm, Sun at 2 pm. (973) 989-7092 or www.brundagepark-
An exhibit that explores the ways in which African ball, wedding, dressing, and nightgowns. Relive the memorable stories of Oliver, The
American beauty has been represented in the media. Guided Tours of The Willows Historic House Museum Artful Dodger, Fagin, Nancy and other characters from the
Art: Roxbury Library Winter Art Exhibit (Feb 5 to Mar (Ongoing) – Fosterfields Living Historical Farm, 73 Charles Dickens’ timeless novel Oliver Twist. This beloved
31, 2011) – Roxbury Public Library, 103 Main St., Kahdena Road, Morristown. $. Open to public. (973) 326- musical is sure to entertain the entire family.
Roxbury. Free. (973) 584-2400. 7645. Take a guided tour of the Gothic Revival-style man- Theater: Wizard of Oz (Feb 4 - 27) – Palace Theatre,
Comedy Workshop for Adults (Saturdays from Jan 22 to sion on Fosterfields Farm. Route 183, 7 Ledgewood Avenue, Netcong. $14-$18. Fri.
Mar 12) – Black River Playhouse, 54 Grove St., Chester. O Write My Name: American Portraits - Harlem 7:30, Sat. & Sun. 4. All ages. (973) 347-4946. Join Dorothy,
$195 tuition. Saturday 9:30 to noon (8-sessions). Open to Heroes (Jan 14 to Feb 27) – Morris Museum, 6 Normandy Toto and friends in this timeless classic as they journey to
public. (908) 892-5458 or Learn Heights Road, Morristown. $. (973) 971-3700. Exhibition the Land of Oz to see the Wizard.
the secrets of improvisation and stand-up comedy with a features fifty portrait photographs of African American Thu, Feb 17
class designed for beginners and comically curious. Course artists, writers and musicians taken by photographer Carl The Lab - Open Mic Night (3rd Thursday of month).
will help show you how to bring more laughter into your Van Vechten. Hackettstown. Arts Off Main Gallery of Fine Art, 128
life. Pajama Program Contribution Drive (Feb 13-19) – Willow Grove. $5 cover. 7:30 pm. (908) 684-4278 or
Driving Into the Twentieth Century Exhibit (Ongoing) – Trinity United Methodist Church, 213 Main, Hackettstown. [email protected].
Fosterfields Living Historical Farm, 73 Kahdena Road, 11 am to 7 pm. (908) 619-5042 or (908) 684-8102. Help Fri, Feb 18
Morristown. $. Open to public. (973) 326-7645. An exhibit needy children in foster care by donating new pajamas and Film: Fridays at the Oscar Series – Roxbury Public
of horse-drawn carriages and a Model “T” Ford, among books. Pajama sizes from newborn to adult medium are continued on page 12
Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 11
he Ukrainian American Youth their knowledge in areas such as Ukrainian
Association, Whippany Branch, will history, geography, literature, and traditions. out the wheels
host a Pierogi Dinner on Friday, Topics are guided by an annual theme and and boards? How would
March 25, 2011 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the historic anniversaries that are highlighted you experience the thrill of
Ukrainian American Cultural Center of NJ, during the year. Aside from weekly meet- speed, the exhilarating air
60 N. Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ. The ings, the youth participate in various organ- time, and centripetal forces?
cost is $10 for a complete dinner, which ized athletic activities by joining volleyball, If you can’t imagine it,
includes borscht (beet soup), pierogies, football (soccer), baseball, hockey and then you haven’t seen or
bread, dessert and soda or coffee. Pierogies other teams. tried “Free Running”, or
will be available to take home. There will The club take great pride in its choirs, Parkour as it is called in
be entertainment and door prizes. Bring marching bands, dance groups, bandura Europe.
your family – meet with friends. For more ensembles, drama groups and schools that Utilizing one’s own
information, please call (908) 994-3289, provide instruction in music and traditional agility, strength, and fear-
send an e-mail to dance. Among the most important educa- lessness, this sport com-
[email protected] or visit the website tional opportunities are the summer and bines the endurance of cross winter camp programs. Both national exec- country running, and the
The organization’s objective is to organ- utive boards and local branches organize skills of hip hop and gym-
ize, nurture, and educate youth in the form- camps of interest to a wide range of youth nastics. Add the proper
ing their Christian and patriotic values, as as well as adult members. Some camps con- training instruction and you
well as morally sound individuality, to cul- centrate on the development of leadership can have the perfect mix of
tivate the unity of Ukrainians around the skills, while others are athletic or cultural in cardio workout and dare- Running clinic under the popular activity, as well as
world, to work for the good of the nature. Educational-recreational camps for devil stunts. special guidance of Craig gain confidence, and new
Ukrainian nation and to strengthen its state- youth ages 6-17 are also quite popular. If your interest is peaked, Mason, gymnastics coach, skills.
hood. The youth chapters meet weekly, par- Through the organization’s numerous CS Gymnastics in Flanders, and Master Black Belt For more information on
ticipating in programs which include dis- branches, it maintains more than a dozen can help you take the next instructor. Each class how you can get involved
cussion groups, sports, singing, arts and campgrounds located across three conti- step. For the past two years allows teens and young now, contact CS
crafts, and field trips. Lectures and special nents. CS Gymnastics has been adults to try their hands(and Gymnastics at www.csgym-
interest groups enable the youth to broaden offering a weekly Free feet) at this increasingly
Page 12 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
Calendar of Events...
continued from page 10 Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Meeting (last Theater: Urinetown The Musical (Feb 25 to Mar 20,
Library, 103 Main Street, Roxbury. Free. 1 pm. Open to Wednesday of month) – Morristown Unitarian Fellowship, 2011) – Black River Playhouse, Corner of Maple and
public. (973) 584-2400, x109. Enjoy watching an Oscar 21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown. Free but donation Grove, Chester. $24 adults, $22 seniors and students. Fri &
nominated movie. Call for movie title. is requested. 7:45 pm. Open to public. (973) 994-1143. Sat at 8 pm, Sun at 2 pm. 908-879-7304.
Music: Opole, Philharmonic of Poland: Vienna Gala Thu, Feb 24 Sat, Feb 26
Program. Morristown. Community Theatre, 100 South Comedy: Brad Zimmerman – Community Theatre, 100 24th Annual Antiques Show in Long Valley – Long
Main. $42-$52. 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. South Main, Morristown. $25. 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. Valley Middle School, Route 513, Long Valley. $6 adults,
Planetarium Show: “Stardate: 2011” (Feb 18-19) – Comedian Brad Zimmerman weaves a bittersweet tale of free for children under 12 (no strollers). 9:30 am to 4:30
Planetarium at CCM, 214 Center Grove Road, Randolph. one man’s struggle to make it as an actor in New York. pm. Open to public. [email protected].
$10 adults, $5 children and seniors. Fri at 7 pm, Sat at 3 & Fri, Feb 25 Riverside Rhythms and Rhymes. Hackettstown. Skylands
5 pm. Open to public. 973 - 328 - 5076. Blues at the Crossroads: The Robert Johnson Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1811 Rte. 57. Donation
Sat, Feb 19 Centennial Concerts with Big Head Todd & The requested. 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Open to public. (908) 684-
Theater: The Red Balloon – Open Book Bookstore and Monsters. Princeton. McCarter Theatre Center, 91 4040.
Internet Café, 169 Spring Street, Newton. Donation. 8 pm. University Place. $. 8 pm. (609) 258-2787. A tribute to Theater: Rapunzel - A Brush with Fate! (Feb 26-Mar 12,
Sponsored by Tri-state Actors Theater. (973) 875-2950 or blues legend Robert Johnson, the man who started it all and 2011) – Pax Amicus Castle Theatre, 23 Lake Shore Drive, A staged and concert reading inspired countless musicians. Lineup includes BHTM, Rory Budd Lake. Tickets $12. Sat. 11 and 1. Children ages 4-13.
performed by professional actors featuring a “Talk-back” Block, Hubert Sumlin, Cedric Burnside and Lightnin’ (973) 691-2100.
with the playwright and a reception. Malcolm. Workshop: Last Laugh Saturdays (last Saturday of the
Sun, Feb 20 Circus: CiRCA-46 Circus Acts in 45 Minutes (Feb 25- month) – Black River Playhouse, 54 Grove, Chester. $30.
Space Capsule Friendship 7 Celebration – Community 26) – The Theatre at Raritan Valley Community College, 9;30 am to noon. Adults. (908) 892-5458 or
Children’s Museum, 77 East Blackwell, Dover. $5 per per- 118 Lamington Road, Branchburg. $25. Fri & Sat at 7 pm. A workshop to help improve
son, $4 seniors. 11 am to 4 pm. 973-366-9060. Celebrate (908) 725-3420. From Brisbane, Australia comes a bold your comedic skills. Designed for beginners, session con-
the 49th anniversary of the launch of Friendship 7 with new vision of contemporary circus. Marvel at the astound- sists of open round table and brainstorming with fun-filled
activities and crafts. ing ways intrepid acrobats bend, fly, juggle and balance improvisation. Class is open to drop-ins.
Mon, Feb 21 while they battle the clock. Sun, Feb 27
Theater: Thomas & Friends Live! On Stage – Film: Fridays at the Oscar Series – Roxbury Public Comedy: Marty Allen with Karon Kate Blackwell –
Community Theater, 100 South Main, Morristown. $24- Library, 103 Main Street, Roxbury. Free. 1 pm. Open to Mattar’s Bistro, 1115 Route 517, Allamuchy. $. 7 pm. (908)
$40. 3 and 6 pm. 973-539-8008. Climb on board with public. (973) 584-2400, x109. Enjoy watching an Oscar 852-2300. Legendary performer Marty Allen and his wife
Thomas & Friends for the most spectacular live show of the nominated movie. Call for movie title. will perform a variety show with comedy, singing and danc-
year as they take the whole family on a fun-filled adventure, Music: The Fab Four. Morristown. Community Theatre, ing.
teaching life lessons of discovery, friendship and coopera- 100 South Main. $37-$57. 8 pm. 973-539-8008. Back by Music: Hanover Wind Symphony “My Hero” Concert.
tion. audience demand! The Fab Four returns to keep the spirit Whippany. Memorial Junior School, 61 Highland Ave.
Wed, Feb 23 and the sounds of The Beatles alive for fans old and young. continued on page 13
Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 13
Calendar of Events...
Children will experiment with various art activities, includ- for date/time. All ages. (973) 691-2100. Enjoy Thorton
continued from page 12 ing paper making, print making, clay work and painting. Wilder’s classic play about life in a small New England
Valley Middle School, Route 513, Long Valley. $6 adults, Tue, Mar 1 town.
free for children under 12 (no strollers). 9:30 am to 4:30 Randolph Senior Citizen Club Meeting (1st Tuesday of Sun, Mar 6
pm. Open to public. [email protected]. every month) – Senior Community Center, Calais Rd, Webelos Engineering Activity Badge – Community
Music: Riverside Rhythms and Rhymes. Hackettstown. Randolph. 11:30 am. Open to seniors. (973) 584-4007. Children’s Museum, 77 E. Blackwell St., Dover. $10 per
Skylands Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1811 Rte. 57. Wed, Mar 2 Scout and $5 per adult and/or sibling. 1 pm and 3:30 pm.
Donation requested. 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Open to public. CCM Dance Theater Showcase (Mar 2-5) – Dragonetti Open to Cub Scouts and their families. 973-366-9060 or
(908) 684-4040. Auditorium of CCM, County College of Morris, 214 Center [email protected]. Scouts learn engineering basics by
NJ Blood Drive – Mendham Karate Academy, King’s Mall, Grove, Randolph. $10-$15. 7:30 pm, Sat. matinee at 2 pm. building a catapult, constructing bridges and making an
Mendham. 12 noon to 5:30 p.m.. 800-933-2566. Open to public. (973) 328-5076. Enjoy works choreo- electrical circuit under the guidance of a professional civil
Workshop: Last Laugh Saturdays (last Saturday of the graphed by faculty, students and special guest artists vary- engineer.
month) – Black River Playhouse, 54 Grove, Chester. $30. ing in styles from ballet, to hip-hop, to modern and jazz. Tue, Mar 8
9;30 am to noon. Adults. (908) 892-5458 or Magnificent Saturn – Randolph Public Library, 28 Calais Alzheimer’s / Dementia Support Group Meeting (2nd A workshop to help improve Rd, Randolph. Free, registration. 7 pm. All ages. (973) 895- Tuesday of every month) – Heath Village Retirement
your comedic skills. Designed for beginners, session con- 3556. Learn about the mysterious planet and its many Community, 430 Schooley’s Mountain Road,
sists of open round table and brainstorming with fun-filled moons, including Titan, in this program which features pho- Hackettstown. 6:30 to 7:30. Open to public. 908-684-5236.
improvisation. Class is open to drop-ins. tos and exhibits from past space probe missions. Theater: Charlotte’s Web – Community Theatre, 100
Sun, Feb 27 Thu, Mar 3 South Main, Morristown. Tickets $12. 4 pm. Children ages
Comedy: Marty Allen with Karon Kate Blackwell – Comedy: Evening with Colin Mochrie & Brad 4-10. (973) 539-8008. E.B. White’s classic tale about the
Mattar’s Bistro, 1115 Route 517, Allamuchy. $. 7 pm. (908) Sherwood – Community Theatre, 100 South Main, friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a little gray spi-
852-2300. Legendary performer Marty Allen and his wife Morristown. $47-$77. 8 pm. 973-539-8008. Enjoy hilarious der named Charlotte comes to life in this delightful adapta-
will perform a variety show with comedy, singing and danc- improvisation comedy based on audience suggestions and tion.
ing. participation. Wed, Mar 9
Music: Hanover Wind Symphony “My Hero” Concert. Sat, Mar 5 Ladies Auxiliary Meeting (2nd Wednesday of every
Whippany. Memorial Junior School, 61 Highland Ave. Theater: Angelina Ballerina – Performing Arts Center at month) – VFW Post, 103 Carrell, Randolph. 3 pm. Open to
Free. 3 pm. Open to public. SCCC, Sussex County Community College, 1 College Hill, members. (973) 361-9821.
Mon, Feb 28 Newton. $16-$18. 3 pm. All ages. (973) 300-3171. Enjoy a Workshop: Be a Family Detective – Randolph Public
Workshop: Children Art Exploration (Feb 28 & Mar 7) musical based on the CG-animated series, Angelina Library, 28 Calais Rd, Randolph. Free, registration. 7 pm.
– Community Children’s Museum, 77 East Blackwell St., Ballerina The Next Steps on PBS. All ages. (973) 895-3556. Learn the procedures used by
Dover. $12. Monday, 4-5 pm. Ages K to 2nd grade. 973- Theater: Our Town (Mar 5 - 19) – Pax Amicus Castle detectives to search for ancestors and get information on
366-9060 or Theatre, 23 Lake Shore Drive, Budd Lake. Tickets $22. Call continued on page 14
Page 14 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
t the end of the Price is Right, Drew
Carey reminds people to spay and
neuter their pets. That request was
passed down to him by the previous host,
Bob Barker. However, they are not the only
ones spreading the word about the need to
spay and neuter pets. As a way to bring
greater awareness to the problem of pet
over-population, The Humane Society of
the United States and Humane Society
International created Spay Day USA (and
its international version). Part of the day’s
purpose is to encourage people to blanco
spay/neuter their dogs and cats and also
feral cats in their areas. February 22nd is Additionally, altering pets can prevent
the 17th annual Spay Day USA. behaviors such as male cats ‘spraying’ ,
Helping out people locally who wish to female cats going into ‘heat’ and some
spay/neuter a pet, is the Noah’s Ark Animal aggressive behaviors in dogs. Altering has
Welfare Association, Inc, Spay and Neuter health benefits too and can prevent uterine
hotline. infections and breast cancer, which is fatal
“Our Spay/Neuter hotline (973-347- in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent
5469) is a discounted spay/neuter program. of cats. Neutering your male dog or cat pre-
Folks who call receive a voucher to receive vents testicular cancer if done before six
a discount on spay or neuter surgery at par- months of age,” he said.
ticipating veterinarians, “ explained Todd Some people avoid having their pet
Cramer, Executive Director, Noah’s Ark spayed or neutered because they believe it
Animal Welfare Association, Inc. will harm the animal physically or psycho-
Why does Cramer feel it is important to logically. However, Cramer said that is not
spay/neuter pets? true.
“………because we have a pet over- “Altering is better for their health and
population problem with an estimated 6-8 behavior. A male cat or dog who is more
million animals entering animal shelters focused on his human family rather than his
each year (Humane Society US estimate). territory because of altering, is less-stressed
and a better companion,” Cramer explained.
Reflecting on Spay Day USA, Cramer
noted, “ No other efforts save more lives
than simply spaying or neutering a pet.
When a pet owner chooses to alter their pet,
it demonstrates how much they love their
furry friend.”
For more information: Noah's Ark
Animal Welfare Association, Inc., 1915
Route 46 West, Ledgewood, NJ 07852, 973-
347-0378, Spay/neuter hotline : 973-347-
5469, [email protected]
Adoption Hours: Monday Noon-7pm,
Tuesday & Thursday Noon-5pm,
Wednesday CLOSED, Friday Noon am-
5pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am-3:30pm,
Closed on all major holidays.
Calendar of Events...
continued from page 13 Art Under the Nazis – Randolph Public
Library, 28 Calais Rd, Randolph. Free, reg-
Sun, Mar 13 istration. 7 pm. Open to public. (973) 895-
Music: Eclectic Celtic. Randolph. 3556. Speaker Sgt. Harry L. Ettlinger, a
Randolph Public Library, 28 Calais Rd. member of the famous “Monument Men” of
Free, registration. 2 pm. Open to public. World War II, discusses the unprecendent-
(973) 895-3556. A family of four musicians ed effort to protect art treasures from the
plays Celtic music. destruction of World War II.
Mon, Mar 14
Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting Thu, Mar 17
(2nd Monday of every month) – Heath The Lab - Open Mic Night (3rd Thursday
Village Retirement Community, 430 of month). Hackettstown. Arts Off Main
Schooley’s Mountain Road, Hackettstown. Gallery of Fine Art, 128 Willow Grove. $5
6:30 to 7:30. Open to public. 908-684-5214. cover. 7:30 pm. (908) 684-4278 or
Wed, Mar 16 [email protected].
Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 15
Meet Phoenix from Eleventh Hour Rescue.
Phoenix has risen up from a very bad life that he
5 Tips for a Healthier Pregnancy
had previously in Georgia. Kept outside all 1. Take prenatal vitamins – take a pre- cise in pregnancy can help to improve ener-
day, crated, in the hot sun with limited food and natal vitamin with at least 400 mcg of folic gy, strength, endurance and prepare your
water, this underweight and dehydrated, 1 ? acid and a DHA supplement daily. Ideally body for labor and childbirth. Try prenatal
year old, German Sheppard mix has come a start taking prenatal vitamins before you yoga, elliptical machine, treadmill, swim-
long way. Now in a foster home here in NJ conceive. ming, and the recumbent bicycle. Try to
awaiting adoption, Phoenix lives with several 2. Drink up– drink at least 64 oz of keep your heart rate under 140 and stop
small dogs and he’s a frequent visitor to the water a day; try to limit juice and no caf- exercising if you feel nauseous, dizzy or
local dog park. His new foster family reports feine! More than a cup of caffeine a day has have contractions.
that his favorite game is “Hide and Seek” with been found to increase risks of miscarriage. 5. Diet – women who are pregnant need
their shoes, but this playful behavior makes him 3. Get the flu vaccine – the CDC rec- about 300 extra calories a day – this is not a
even more adorable at home. To read more ommends that all women who will be preg- lot of food. You are not eating for two! Try
about Phoenix, to see all of our adoptable dogs, nant during the flu season (October to May) to eat small meals frequently, about every
to see our upcoming events, or to make a dona- receive the flu vaccine. Serious complica- two to three hours. You need about 60
tion, please visit our website: tions of the flu in pregnancy include grams of protein a day so try to follow a
preterm labor, pneumonia, and death. high protein diet (meat, cheese, eggs,
Babies cannot be vaccinated against the flu peanut butter, legumes) with 5-7 servings of
Meet one-eyed Carly from Eleventh Hour
until they are 6 months old, but will receive fruit and vegetables a day. Expected weight
Rescue. She is a well-mannered, one year old,
antibodies from the mother if she is vacci- gain in pregnancy is 25-35 lbs if you start
sweet girl. She is a medium sized, lab mix who
nated in the pregnancy. For those con- out the pregnancy at a normal body weight.
loves the great outdoors, especially when she
cerned about thimerosol, a preservative that Written by: Suzanne Endriga, CNM
can run, jump, and romp about in the snow.
contains mercury, there are flu vaccines Understanding Women Ob/Gyn
And then after some good play time, she likes
available that do not contain thimerosol. Associates, 150 Mt Ave, Hackettstown,
to settle down by your side and give lots of
4. Exercise – try to exercise for 30 min- 908-813-8877, UnderstandingWomenOb
good kisses. She walks well on the leash and
utes most days of the week. Regular exer-
her handicapped vision doesn’t slow her down,
although she prefers that you approach her
from the side with her good eye. To read more
Attention Schools,
about Carly, to see all of our adoptable pets, to Organizations, Churches, etc.
see our upcoming events, or to make a dona- Send us your photos, press releases and upcoming
tion, please visit our website at: events and we’ll publish them in our next issue. Email us at [email protected]
Page 16 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 17
Page 18 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
hen we think of Thomas Edison we think about 4th largest US cement producers of the 1920’s. Although standing in places such as Union NJ. The public can still
the light bulb and all his electrical inventions. they were successful in the production of high quality see Edison’s cement garage and gardener’s cottage when
However, Edison had cemented dreams of the cement, their home construction business was flailing. they tour the Glenmont estate which is also part of the
home construction market. After a failed iron-ore refining Edison never achieved his vision of mass home production Thomas Edison museum.
business, he was left with a large inventory of heavy equip- since concrete housing took much more effort to develop The Thomas Edison Museum. Open Wednesday through
ment. Edison’s inventive mind found a way to put this idle than Edison was willing to invest. Edison was still left with Sunday. Hours are 9:00am - 5:00pm Fee is $7.00 - 211
equipment back into production when he formed the Edison the bitter taste of failure from his iron-ore refining business Main Street West Orange, NJ 07052 Visit website for
Portland Cement Company in 1899. Edison envisioned to take on new investment risks. Instead of making rows more details
many uses for his cement such as low cost homes, furniture, and rows of low cost new homes he was only able to make
refrigerators, and even his phonographs. One can say his it to a famous home plate. His Edison Portland Cement Discover Dover Day
mind was heavy on cement. Although. Concrete-cement erected the wall of the main entrance of the first New York
was rarely used in the early 20th century; Edison went full Yankee stadium. Festival Planned
speed in launching the cement industry as the ideal chief Edison never provided builders with complete plans for
substance in home construction. By 1908 Edison’s team these concrete homes which resulted in a lack of interest by iscover Dover Day Coalition is looking for vendors
had perfected their Edison-Portland cement formula for the home constructors to build these structures. Although, he and sponsors who would like to participate in the
home construction business. But, Edison did not only focus boasted that he would not take a profit but would give away First Annual Discover Dover Day Festival to be
his efforts on cement. He executed the design of massive the patented information to qualified builders. Edison had held Sunday, June 12, 2011 from 12 noon to 6 p.m. at
reusable steel molds to cast the walls of these cement hous- trouble making the molds for the houses, let alone architec- Dover’s Crescent Field. The Coalition’s mission is to bring
es. In 1910 Edison used his own estate to cast 2 experimen- tural decorative fixture pieces. An upscale home could call people together to enjoy all that the Town of Dover has to
tal buildings from his cement and molds. They were a gar- for molds composed of 2300 pieces. It was no wonder the offer. It will showcase the many wonderful businesses,
dener’s cottage and a garage at his Glenmont estate. cement home building was destined to sink. It was estimat- restaurants, museums, schools, services and historical, cul-
The Edison Portland Cement Company works was located ed back then that a home builder would have to invest in an tural and social organizations in and around Dover. Contact
in Stewartsville, New Jersey. In 1905 the company was pro- estimated $175,000 worth of home cast pieces. By the Jody Marcus at 973-366-9060 or [email protected] or
ducing 3,000 barrels of cement per day. They expanded this 1930’s with depression economics, the cast cement home Asbel Perez at 201-310-9938. For more information or for
business in 1908, with a cross-licensing agreement with the building projects had become an extinct market. participation form and letter go to:
North American Portland Cement Company. This gave The Yankee stadium entrance that Edison built has been
both firms reciprocal use of key cement patents. This also demolished but its rubble has been saved as souvenirs. A resources
2900 $
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Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 19
Attention Schools, Organizations, Churches, etc.
Send us your photos, press releases and upcom-
ing events and we’ll publish them in our next
A Look At
issue. Email us at [email protected]
Randolph High School Wrestling
By Josh Lashley 17-6 after 23 matches.
mateur wrestling aficionados across the United While their individual achievements are certainly note-
States can and have stated that some of the best worthy, Suk also mentioned the way in which Botro and
wrestling talent in the country resides right here in Collins help the younger, less experienced student-athletes
New Jersey. Within the Garden State, a hotbed for some of on the roster improve.
the best teams and individuals is right in this area. “They lead by example,’’ Suk said. “They work with
Randolph High School, with a long history of producing younger kids during practice, we as a team mentor 20
outstanding teams and individuals on the mat, is once again younger kids through the year by teaching them moves. It’s
facing a challenging schedule this winter. sort of a big brother, little brother movement. They help set
But, with the help of their capable captains Anthony Botro the tone by their serious approach to preparation.’’
and Kevin Collins, the Rams are doing quite well this sea- Botro and Collins also get the job done in the classroom.
son. “Both are excellent students with very high grade point
Head coach Mike Suk is pleased with the way in which averages and SAT scores,’’ Suk said.
Botro and Collins, both seniors, have handled their consid- As a team, Suk likes the way in which the Rams are get-
erable roles on the team. Collins was a team captain as a ting better and better. In fact, they earned a spot in the NJSI-
junior as well. AA North I Group IV sectional tournament which got
“They both have great work ethic,’’ Suk said. “They underway on the first Monday in February.
have high character and the ability to always lead by exam- “This team has improved by leaps and bounds,’’ Suk
ple. Both have a seriousness and respect of wrestling and said. “We have forty percent of the team that never wrestled
they’re respected by their peers.’’ and have grown into a team that has great pride in their per-
Both Botro and Collins have won their share of signifi- formance. As we say respect and honor your team, yourself,
cant matches this season. Collins, who has wrestled from your sport, your family and being a warrior. We are very
140 to 152 pounds this year, won the difficult Hunterdon proud of these young men. They have not only grown as
Central Tournament and was also the county tournament wrestlers, but also character wise.’’
champion. After 20 matches, he had a record of 19-1. Botro,
who has wrestled at 119 and 125, had an impressive record
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Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 21
Basic Cake Ball Pops ing grid and cool completely. Divide cake in
1 box (about 18 ounces) cake mix half; freeze one half for future use.
1 box (about 3.4 ounces) instant pudding In large bowl, use hands to crumble cake
mix until no large chunks remain. Add icing;
4 eggs mix with fingers until well combined. Form
1 cup water mixture into balls. Chill in refrigerator at
COOKING 1/3 cup vegetable oil least 2 hours.
CLASSES ARE 1/2 cup Creamy White Decorator Icing Melt Candy Melts according to package
directions. Dip sticks into melted Candy
BACK! 1 bag (14 ounces) Candy Melts
Melts and insert into cake balls; let set. Wait
Lollipop Sticks
Call For Details! Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray two 8-inch or until candy is completely firm before dip-
9-inch round pans or one 13 x 9 x 2-inch ping the pops completely in melted Candy
sheet pan with vegetable pan spray. Melts.
5.00 OFF $
10.00 OFF $
10.00 OFF In large bowl, combine cake mix, pudding Yields 48 tablespoons
$25 or $50 or Gift Certificate Purchase Makes 48 — 1-tablespoon sized cake ball
more check more check mix, eggs, water and oil; beat at medium
Limit 1 per table. Limit 1 per table.
($60 or over) pops (each about 1 1/4-inch diameter)
Not valid on Holidays. Expires 3/15/11 Not valid on Holidays. Expires 3/15/11 Expires 3/15/11 speed with electric mixer 2 minutes. Pour
into prepared pans. Makes 24 — 2-tablespoon sized cake ball
Bake 30 to 35 minutes for round pans; 35 to pops (each about 1 1/2-inch diameter)
40 minutes for sheet pan, or until toothpick Makes 16 — 3-tablespoon sized cake ball
inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pops (each about 1 3/4-inch diameter)
pans 10 minutes; remove from pans to cool-
10% OFF
10% OFF
Not be combined with any other offer. Not be combined with any other offer.
10% OFF
10% OFF
Not be combined with any other offer. Not be combined with any other offer.
Page 24 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 25
elcome to the inaugural article of having and ness and creating more time for you. 1. Working or Business Planning on Weekends
building a true business. Perhaps an introduction 4. The fourth step is building a team. Having a team pro- 2. Working Excessive Hours
about me is in order. I have owned and operated duces a structure for growth. You now have the ability to 3. Erratic Revenue
5 other business. While I would love to say all of them have take long vacations and trust that your team is managing 4. No “Peace of Mind”
been successful, some have not. However, it was while your business for you. 5. A “Why Bother” Attitude
working on those not-so-successful businesses that I 5. The fifth step is creating synergy. This is when every- 6. “Burn Out”
learned the most. I have been involved in Real Estate, and thing clicks; the business is a well oiled machine. You can 7. Not Meeting Goals
have had an investment business as well as a property man- begin strategizing your next stage of entrepreneurial activi- 8. Feast or Famine
agement/general contracting business. I have also had ty. Passive income can be generated from the business or 9. Many onetime clients
been a commercial and residential mortgage broker. One of you may want to sell it. In this article, I’ll focus on Destination Mastery; next
my first businesses was a video/electronics retail and 6. The final step is becoming an investor. In this step you month I’ll cover Money, Time and Delivery.
wholesale store. are reaping the rewards of the business and you’re investing Destination Mastery is a main keystone for having a suc-
I started my coaching practice almost 5 years ago to help in other businesses or taking time for your own personal cessful business. Consider this, a prospective customer calls
other business owners achieve what they truly desire from growth. and asks to have their chimney swept. You come to an
their businesses. Most business owners have challenges in Mastery or the foundation stage of business growth agreement on the phone then hang up. Wait, did you get
three key areas; time, team, and money. At Action Business involves 4 key areas: Destination, Money, Time, and their address? What is the destination for the cleaning? You
Coaching we define a business as “a commercial, profitable Delivery. Without a strong foundation, your business may are probably laughing, saying that’s a no brainer, you would
enterprise, which works without you.” Utilizing a 6 step have some limited success, but you will ultimately never either get the address immediately, or you’d call back to
process we help business owners achieve massive results experience the full potential that you envisioned when you confirm.
from their businesses. originally started your business. Whether you have been in Now think about your business; where do you want your
1. The first step is mastering your business; eliminating business a week, a year or 50 years, your business can be at business to go, and what do you want it to look like?
the chaos. The outcome of mastery is that your business the mastery level. Identify your why, your purpose. Your purpose is your orga-
becomes stable. You are not concerned about making pay- I recently worked with the 3rd generation owners of a nization’s reason for existence. From your customer’s point
roll at the end of the month or about paying the bills. company that, when we began coaching, was still in the of view, it clarifies what business you’re really in. To the
2. The second step is finding a niche or niches for your mastery level after 50 years. While they certainly had some people who are interested in your business, the words you
products and services. You are able to predict your cash successes over the years, they struggled month after month use are not as important as their meaning.
flow by knowing your market. Here is where your business with money, time and team problems. When thinking about your vision for your company,
begins to generate cash for you. Here are some other symptoms indicative of a business continued on page 26
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Page 26 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011
6 Steps...
continued from page 25
think about what you want your business to look like in 5 -
10 years. Vision or destination, where are you headed? Who
you are? What will guide your journey? Your company’s
vision is something that should engage and inspire your
team. A key point when creating your vision is to remember
that your vision is not a goal of where you would like your
business to be. Your vision should be something that builds
a legacy for you and your business.
Tests of a Compelling Vision
• Helps you understand what business you are really in
• Provides guidelines for daily decisions
• Provides a clear picture of the desired future
• Is about being great – not about beating the competition
• Touches the hearts and spirits of everyone
• Helps each member of the team see how they can con-
Mission: What are you going to do along the road? What
actions do you take to achieve your vision? Your mission
should be the road map to your vision.
Your Mission Statement is a high level statement of what
your Company does.
How you are going to achieve your vision:
What business are you in?
Who are you as a team?
What will you do for your clients?
What makes you unique?
Core Values – How do you behave along the way? Your
Core Values are guidelines for how to proceed. They
explain exactly the behaviors that are necessary to achieve
your vision. To successfully deliver your vision, Core
Values must be acted on consistently, and your personal val-
ues should be in line with the organization’s values. If
you’re not sure what your personal values are, take some
time to examine and understand them.
Destination Mastery is essential to having your business
be what you truly desired when you first started out. Take
the time to really think about the where and what you want
out of your business … before those 10 years pass and
you’re wondering why you got into business in the first
Monthly Book Recommendation:
Full Steam Ahead! Unleash the Power of Vision in Your
Company and Your Life by Ken Blanchard & Jesse Stoner
Make it a great month,
Thom Torode, MBA
Certified Business Coach
Inspiring Greatness… Developing Success
President – Action Business Coaching & Development, Inc
[email protected]
Attention Schools,
Churches, etc.
Send us your photos, press
releases and upcoming events
and we’ll publish them in
our next issue.
Email us at
[email protected]
Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011 • Page 25
Page 28 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Iron Area News • February 2011