Wooden Canoe F

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The document describes various models of wooden canoes built by Northwoods Canoe Company and the company's canoe building and restoration services.

The Whisper (10ft), Skimmer (11ft), and Solo models are described.

Northwoods Canoe Company builds new wooden canoes and provides restoration and repair services for various wooden boats.

About Wood and Canvas Canoes 2

Canoes Models 3
Building Material 8
Kits and Plans 11
Books, Videos, and T-shirts 11
Restoration and Repair 12
Order information 12
Please refer to the web site for more pictures and information and,
“What's Happening in the Shop" for the boats that we are currently working on.

Order Toll Free 1-888-564-2710 www.woodencanoes.com

O ur award winning canoes are individually
constructed to your requirements and are
unsurpassed in quality and attention to detail.
The ultimate canoeing experience is reserved
for those few who paddle the traditional wood
and canvas canoe. No other material is so long
lasting and completely restorable after genera-
tions of use, can be constructed with such fine
lines, and is so responsive to paddle and pleasing
to the eye. At Northwoods Canoe Company we
offer many different models of wood and canvas
canoes. Each is painstakingly constructed using
the finest Maine white cedar for ribs and plank-
ing, white spruce for the rails, and ash for decks,
thwarts and seats. The completed hull is treated
with oils and preservatives before being covered
with select U.S. Grade #10 canvas, which is then
filled with our own special filler.
Durable spar varnish is applied to the well-
sanded interior and first quality marine enamel, here are based upon proven canoes of traditional
available in all popular colors, finishes the exte- design from an era when professional woodsmen
rior. All screws, tacks, stem and and other fasten- and guides depended upon them for their liveli-
ings are marine grade brass or bronze. hoods and very survival.
While we strictly adhere to traditional con-
struction methods and material, certain options FOUNDER, ROLLIN THURLOW
are available to satisfy individual requirements. “Starting and building any small company is a
These include: mahogany or cherry rails, thwarts struggle and I am lucky that I have had great
and seats, sailing rigs, half support along the way. My wife Andrea has never
ribs, special light weight worked in the shop, however her unwavering
models, durable and at- support and faith in me, even when times were
tractive shellac bottom very hard, has made it possible for me to grow the
paint, two-tone paint, out- shop into one of the premier wooden canoe com-
side stems, keels, and panies. The people that have joined me in the
hand caned seats. Please shop are incredible in their skills and ability to
Each canoe is delivered with
a personalized brass plate
inquire about any addi- work together.”
tional options or additions
that you may desire for your canoe.
The characteristics that impart a certain ca-
noe design with styling and desirable handling
qualities have been developed and refined over all
the centuries of the craft's existence. No canoe
can do everything well, but some designs are far
more versatile than others. The models offered

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Canoe Models
In the tradition of the short “trapper” or “pack canoes,” Whisper
provides easy portability, stability, and maneuverability for the
small pond fly fisherman and waterfowler, and is a great choice
for young beginner paddlers for pure water fun and safety.
In standing and poling the Whisper, it is so stable you find your-
self walking and turning around just as if you were on the
ground. The Whisper is one of the few canoes that allow you
Whisper Specifications:
to plant your pole and turn 360 degrees without removing the ~ Length......... 9' 81/2"
pole or shifting your feet. ~ Depth.......... 111/2"
~ Beam........... 333/4"
Although small, the Whisper is still enjoyable for two adults . ~ Bow Height..... 161/2"
~ Weight......... 35 lbs.

- Solo Wood & Canvas
- All Wood
- Kayak
A lightweight, solo sport canoe, ideally
suited for just messing around. A shallow
arched bottom gives a very maneuver-
able boat with good tracking ability. A comfort-
able canoe for a child, to practice your paddling
Skimmer Specifications:
skills, or for private exploring. ~ Length.......... 11' 2"
SKIMMER - KAYAK ~ Depth........... 111/4"
The Skimmer is also available as a modified ~ Beam............ 291/2"
~ Bow Height...... 17"
kayak, with a wood frame and canvas cover ~ Weight (W/C)....... 28 lbs.
fitted over the top of the hull. A generous ~ Weight (All Wood)... 29 lbs.
four-foot cockpit makes for easy entry and exit. The boat is
easily maneuverable by either a single canoe paddle or the
popular double-bladed kayak paddle.


The American Beauty is a smaller version of the popular
171/2 foot Atkinson Traveler. In keeping with its Maine Guide
canoe lineage, the Beauty is an excellent all-purpose canoe. It
tracks very well, yet its modest rocker and short length ensure
American Beauty Specifications:
easy maneuverability. Designed primarily as a solo tripper, it
~ Length......... 13'
can also be used as a tandem canoe. It’s light weight and ease ~ Depth.......... 113/4"
of carrying make it an excellent canoe without the extra size ~ Beam........... 32"
and weight of the traditional model. ~ Bow Height..... 201/2"
~ Weight......... 38 lbs
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This 14 foot pack canoe
was originally devel-
oped by the historic
E.M. White Canoe
Company. A pack canoe
can be easily “packed”
into remote areas and
has the stability needed
by hunters and fisher-
men. The White’s extra depth and wide shallow arch bottom
make for a very stable canoe capable of
carrying two adults and several small children. It is also easy
to paddle or pole as a solo canoe. E.M. White Specifications:
~ Length......... 14'
I’ve used my White 14 for many 3 and 4 day solo trips through ~ Depth.......... 131/2"
Northern Maine rivers and lakes. It is a pleasure to use by my- ~ Beam........... 371/4"
self or on family day trips. ~ Bow Height..... 191/4"
~ Weight......... 55 lbs.

The Cheemaun 15 will serve tan-
dem paddlers very handily on
short trips and for day paddling,
but is also good for the solo
wilderness traveler.
Cheemaun’s volume allows solo
adventurers plenty of space and
buoyancy for a complete outfit—
often absent in solo canoes, and
the straight keel line makes
straight tracking an easy matter.
The relatively flat bottom affords
the paddler an opportunity to ex- Cheemaun Specifications:
~ Length......... 15 ft.
plore the shallow streams feeding ~ Depth.......... 12"
into a waterway, and likewise provides the stability necessary ~ Beam........... 35"
for safely carrying young passengers, and for poling. ~ Bow Height..... 20 1/2"
~ Weight......... 62 lbs.
Popular options for the Cheemaun include an 18 inch extended
deck, rounded coaming, and an outside rub rail finished in
bright mahogany which accents the hull shape and separates
the top and bottom paint.

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The Morris canoes built in Veazie, Maine from the 1880’s to
1920 are considered to be some of the finest wooden canoes
ever built. No forms survived the 1920 fire that destroyed the
factory. A customer commissioned me to recreate this lovely 15
foot canoe after finding an original at the Adirondack Museum.
We go to great lengths to be faithful to the original in all our
15' B.N. Morris Specifications:
reproductions. The Type 1 canoes had the short decks, spruce ~ Length......... 15'
inside rails, and mahogany trim. The Type 3 model is finished ~ Width......... 301/2"
off with extended decks, floor rack, keel and outside stems. This ~ Depth.......... 121/2"
canoe can be finished off as a Type 1 or Type 3. ~ Bow Height..... 25"
~ Weight......... 60 lbs.

KINGFISHER Square Stern 15 FT.

The Kingfisher is a throwback to the Maine tradition of
square-stern fishing canoes. A smooth riding, stable, efficient
hull, it needs only a 3 or 4 horsepower outboard to get fish-
ermen or pleasure boaters to where they want to go. Its hull
will safely handle a choppy lake or a full load of passengers.
Kingfisher is built extra
heavy to withstand the ex- Kingfisher Specifications:
tra forces a motor creates. ~ Length......... 15' 3"
~ Depth.......... 133/4"
Popular options are ma- ~ Beam........... 39"
hogany trim and bright ~ Bow Height... 271/2"
transom, oar locks, bow or ~ Weight......... 92 lbs.
stern storage compart-
ments, your choice of seat-
ing arrangements or even a four foot extended deck for stor-
age and weather protection.


The famous canoe designer/builder J. H. Rushton, introduced
the Indian Girl model in 1902. To quote Mr. Rushton, “The
Indian Girl is strong, light, safe though speedy, graceful yet
seaworthy.” Interestingly, Rushton hired M. Roundry from the
Indian Girl Specifications:
B.N.Morris Canoe Co., because he had the experience to ~ Length......... 16' 1"
build the quality wood/canvas canoes that Rushton wanted. ~ Depth.......... 11"
We are continuing the Morris and Rushton tradition of quality ~ Beam........... 32"
and faithfully reproduce the Indian Girl with cherry trim, ta- ~ Bow Height..... 22"
pered stern seat, gracefully shaped stems and decks and “D” ~ Weight......... 66lbs.
shaped outside rails.

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The Medford Explorer 16 comes from the tradition of the
great Canadian traveling canoes. Because Canada has so many
portages and fast deep rivers, their traveling canoes tended to
be shorter and deeper than those developed in the northeast-
ern United States.
The extra depth gives the canoe almost the same carrying ca-
pacity and reserve stability of a longer, wider canoe, yet is eas-
ier to portage because of its shorter length. The Explorer’s
sharp entry lines and extra depth make it capable of handling Medford Specifications:
rough water and carrying a good load. Yet its highly maneu- ~ Length......... 16'
verable hull makes it easy to paddle and portage. ~ Depth.......... 14"
~ Beam........... 341/2"
Explorer makes an excellent solo canoe for wilderness travel ~ Bow Height..... 211/2"
or for just exploring the waterways closer to home. ~ Weight......... 70 lbs.


- Classic Model 34-A Type III
- Half Scale Model (for display): 8'-6'
- Quarter Scale Model, (Salesman's Model): 4'-3'
For the true canoe connoisseur,
crafted with the same meticulous at-
tention to detail as the original, this
faithful reproduction displays the
distinctive Morris profile with its
graceful upturned ends and fine en- B.N. Morris Specifications:
try. Other features include the lavish ~ Length.......... 17'
use of mahogany in the extended ~ Depth.......... 12"
decks, thwarts and seat frames, and ~ Beam........... 327/8"
~ Bow Height..... 25"
full length floor boards. At 17 feet,
~ Weight......... 75 lbs.
this canoe has excellent hull speed,
generous load capacity, and is extremely stable. A truly fine Model “A” Type III
all-around canoe with plenty of style. ~ Mahogany trim/rails and
two-tone paint
B.N. Morris, one of the pioneer devel-
opers and builders of wood and canvas Model “A” Type I
canoes, started building canoes in the ~ Short decks, spruce rails
mid 1880’s in Veazie, Maine. Morris no floor racks and single color
canoes are very rare today and consid-
ered to be superior examples of the
best in the development of wood and
canvas canoes.
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- Classic Guide Model
- Extra-Deep, Expedition Model
Modeled after the famous guide ca-
noes used initially by professional
guides with their “sports,” the Trav-
eler was soon adopted by serious
sportsmen and wilderness travelers
alike. The Traveler boasts a generous
carrying capacity, a handsome yet Traveler Specifications:
relatively low profile, a fine entry ~ Length......... 171/2'
~ Depth.......... 13"
for speed yet ample buoyancy in the
~ Beam........... 355/8"
quarters and amidships. The modest ~ Bow Height..... 24 3/8"
rocker allows quick maneuvering in ~ Weight......... 75 lbs.
rapids, while the overall length
makes straight tracking on lakes pos- Deep Trav. Specifications:
sible even without the addition of a keel. ~ Length......... 171/2'
~ Depth.......... 14" or 15"
For the serious traveler or for those who want extra floatation, ~ Beam........... 35 5/8"
the Traveler also comes in an extra deep model, with a depth ~ Bow Height..... 26"
of 14" or 15". The overall appearance and shape of the canoe ~ Weight......... 80 lbs.
is not altered.

Built in the traditional style of the famous Maine Grand Lake
Stream canoes only larger, the Voyager was designed by
Maine Guide Mick Fahey to carry heavy loads on large and
windy lakes. More than just a large canoe with a square tran-
som, the stern rises and tapers so the transom does not create
a lot of drag, espe-
cially at low power
or when using a
paddle or pole. Voyager Specifications:
~ Length......... 20'
The standard Voy- ~ Depth.......... 20"
ager is built for ~ Beam........... 48"
rugged use with ~ Bow Height..... 32"
heavy 3/8" ribs, ~ Weight......... 180 lbs
3/16" planking, half ribs, heavy inside keelson and outside
keel. Spray rails help knock down heavy waves and keep the
boat dry. Spruce rails, ash transom, deck, thwarts and stern
seat are used on the basic model.
Order Toll Free 1-888-564-2710 www.woodencanoes.com
For those interested in doing their own canoe work, Northwoods Canoe Company
carries a small selection of materials that are very difficult to find. Many of these
items are custom made and the quality of all materials is guaranteed to be of the
highest caliber. If you are not satisfied with any material, please return it for a
100% refund.

White Cedar Mildew Resistant Canvas. Standard #10 grade,
Northern white cedar is absolutely the best 58" wide, treated to resist mildew. Unlike the old
wood for canoe ribs and planking. Its light lead-based canvas fillers, modern oil/silica and la-
weight, strength, flexibility and rot resistance tex fillers do not protect the canvas from mildew
can not be matched by any other wood. Al- and rot. Fungicides and preservatives applied
though Maine has vast quantities of white cedar, separately can interfere with the application of
it is still very difficult to find, select and sort out the filler. This new type
the knot and defect-free lumber that is required of treated canvas offers
for canoe construction. long lasting protection
from rot and will not
The rough stock, ribs shrink away from the
and planking offered rails.
by Northwoods Ca- Lightweight #12 x 60"
noe Company are Standard #10 x 60"
from plain sawn lum- Heavy #8 x 60"
ber, which means
most of the pieces will Untreated Canvas. The canvas that has been
have flat grain patterns. All wood is of the best used traditionally on canoes. It has not been
premium canoe grade. preshrunk and contains no chemicals.
Standard #10 x 60"
Northwoods Canoe Company has been able to
Heavy and Wide #6 x 72"
obtain a treasured amount of quarter sawn white
Heavy and X-Wide #8 x 84"
cedar which is available ONLY as pre-cut plank-
ing, 3" wide, 5/32" thick, in six to eight foot
Canvas Filler. Northwoods Canoe Company
offers the traditional oil-based filler. The tradi-
Rough Stock 1" thick boards, 3" to 6" wide, 6' or 8' tional alkyd oil and silica-base filler is mixed at
long. (Length in ft x Width in inches/12 = board feet) the canoe shop. It is a durable filler that has
Pre-Cut Planking Stock 5/32" thick, 3" or 4” wide. proven performance on thousands of canoes.
Pre-Cut Rib Stock 23/8" wide; 5/16" thick, 60" long. This filler needs three to six weeks for drying
Quarter sawn Planking Stock 3" wide and creates a hard durable surface for enamel fin-
ish paint. It can be stored almost indefinitely, at
Canvas any temperature, but the ingredients will settle
Our canvas is the highest quality, midwest duck. over a long time and must be remixed. Instruc-
We have a variety of canvasses in different tions for application are included and also are de-
widths, weights and treatments: scribed in The Wood & Canvas Canoe.

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Bedding Compound. Applied under stem fect for bolting the seats and thwarts to the canoe’s
bands, keels and other wood joints, it seals inwale. The bolts are 4 inches long and threaded all
joints to prevent water damage and leak- the way so that they can be cut for shorter bolts.
age. It remains soft and flexible for many Comes complete with nut and washer.
years so the joint may be taken apart later.
Old Town Style Diamond Head Bolts. This is a
Git-Rot. Git-Rot pours into the finest brass bolt 7/32 inch diameter (#12/24)
openings, penetrates deep and completely with a diamond shaped head. This bolt
saturates rotten wood arresting the will match historic Old Town Canoes. It
progress of dry rot. Cures in 48 hours to comes with a nut. Available in 4'' and 6''.
a tough resilient adhesive that bonds the
wood together. Good for the tips of the decks, stems Silicon Bronze Woodscrews. We now have a new
and rails that show the first stages of rot but don’t yet source for silicon bronze woodscrews manufactured
need to be replaced. here in the United States to more strict specifications.
They are all Flathead (slotted drive) in #8 x 11/4" ,
Ambroid Glue. A waterproof liquid cement, flexible #8 x 11/2", #8 x 1 3/4" , #8 x 2"
and fast drying. It is the traditional glue for canvas re-
pairs and patches. No mixing is required, dries in Canoe Tacks. 11/16 inch tacks for regular canoe
minutes, and is easy to use at home or in the construction; 1/2 inch and 7/8 inch tacks for light or
field. A single 1.8oz tube is enough to apply heavy construction. The tacks are
several patches 3 or 4 inches in diameter. solid brass with an oval head. The spe-
cial chisle point on the end allows the
HARDWARE nail to clinch, like a fishhook and not bend over like
Stem Bands. Custom made for the Northwoods Ca- a common nail. Approximately 1000 tacks per pound.
noe Company, the traditional 3/8 inches
wide, oval face, hollow back, solid brass Bronze Ring Nails. 7/8 inch long, #14 gauge, bronze.
stem band. The bands are good for all Most commonly used to fasten the ribs to the gun-
types of canoes and small craft either as wales. 5/8 inch long, #15 gauge,
protection on the stems, keels or for other trim. Stem- bronze. Most commonly used to
bands can be predrilled and countersunk for #4 screw fasten the planks to stems.
5" o.c. Standard Lengths: 4.5 ft., 6 ft., 9 ft. Note: 9 foot
bands are cut to 8 1/2 feet when shipped. Stem Tacks. Small copper tacks
for fastening the canvas to the hardwood stem. 3/8
Stem band screw pack.This pack con- inch (for older used stems), 5/16 inch (for new stems),
tains enough (plus extra) bronze #4 1/4 inch.
screws to fasten a pair of 6' stembands.
25@ 5/8" long and 5 @ 7/8" long. TOOLS
Clinching Iron. Custom made for the
Carriage Bolts. Silicon Bronze carriage Northwoods Canoe Company, a hand
bolts manufactured to our specifications. These 3/16 held cast iron clinching iron. The iron
inch bolts (#10/24) are similar can conform to the many different shapes
to the bolts used by the B.N. of the canoe’s interior without gouging or
Morris, Chestnut and E. M. scratching the wood. The hollow center makes it easy
White canoe companies. Their to hold and easy to use. Weight - 3 pounds.
small diameter makes them per- We now offer the clinching iron in bronze. The

Order Toll Free 1-888-564-2710 www.woodencanoes.com
bronze does not stain moist or wet wood as the cast recommended for padding so you don’t marr the
iron can. This is normally not a problem as the rails.).
stain can be sanded off later. In those situations
where it could be a problem the bronze is a good Finger Plane. This lightweight 21/2 inch long plane
alternative. The bronze iron is sanded and pol- is just right for the delicate trimming
ished. It makes an attractive gift even if it never on soft cedar ribs and planking. It is
used to clinch tacks. Clinching tacks with it does easy to use, and its small size makes
nick the bronze, however the mass is such that the it invaluable in the canoe shop.
nicking is not a problem. Weight - 3lbs.
Canoe Hammer. This hammer has a much larger
Tack Puller. An invaluable tool in any canoe shop head than most lightweight tack hammers, which
is the tack puller. This ver- makes striking canoe tacks much easier. Its light
satile puller, with two dif- weight is appreciated when reaching around the
ferent heads, is well designed for canoe to clinch the tacks. 7 ounce head, 12 ounces
lifting stubborn canoe tacks with mini- overall.
mal damage to the planking and for a wide va-
riety of other applications. I’ve used and modified Planking Gauge. Every canoe has many planks
many different tack pullers, and this one is my that need to be tapered to fit the curve of the hull.
personal favorite. This planking gauge is just the
ticket to trace an accurate curve
Canvassing Pliers. A wide jawed set of vise grip onto a new plank. Most often
pliers for grabbing the canvas for stretching at the used in new boat construction
gunnels or at the stem. The rounded edge make for but not necessary for the com-
a great fulcrum as you rock it over mon restoration.
the inwales.(a small wood button is

Plans and Kits

Northwoods Canoe Company offers four different
canoe designs for the amateur builder; the 171/2
foot Atkinson Traveler, the 15 foot Cheemaun,
the 10 foot Whisper and the historic 17 foot B.N.
Morris. These construction plans come with full-
size paper patterns that eliminate the complicated
steps of lofting and mold pattern development.
Working carefully from these plans, many amateur
builders have built very accurate canoe forms for
building their own canoes. These plans are intended
for amateur use only.
Detailed instructions for building this type of form
are given in the book The Wood and Canvas Canoe.
Order Toll Free 1-888-564-2710 www.woodencanoes.com
This package consists of the precut and shaped 3/4” There is much more to the design of an efficient pad-
plywood stations that make up the core for building dle than would appear at first glance. These plans
the rest of the form. give you all that information plus a seven-page instruc-
tional brochure to guide you through each step of its
CANOE FORM KIT construction. These detailed plans include full-sized
This kit includes all materials to build a form. Included patterns for both bow and stern paddles.
are the plans, precut stations, ribband stock, mold
backer, metal clinch bands and all other miscellaneous CARVING A PADDLE
Alexandra Conover guides your through each step in carving
supplies to build the form.
a North Woods Paddle, using only sharp hand tools, without
the need for expensive power tools.
This kit contains all the pre cut ribs, planking, rails, PADDLING WITH EASE AND GRACE
stems, seats, thwarts, nails and hardware and the paint The North Woods Stroke, a traditional technique designed to
conserve energy and muscle-power during long days on the
and varnish needed to build the finish canoe.
water. Once mastered, it allows the canoe, paddle and paddler
to blend together in graceful harmony.

Books,Videos, and T-shirts all videos produced by Rollin Thurlow at the Northwoods Canoe Company

The Wood & Canvas Canoe Steambending For Woodworkers

by Rollin Thurlow and Jerry Stelmok The first portion of the video deals with
The best and most complete guide to theories of wood bending: how the
the construction, restoration and compression and stretching of the
maintenance of wood and canvas wood during bending stresses the
canoes. Abundant photos and line drawings illustrate piece. In the second half of the video, I bend several
the step-by-step instructions. 186 pp. Paperback or different pieces for you, from simple to more com-
new durable hardcover edition. plex operations, and show you some tricks for han-
dling difficult bends. VHS and DVD.
The Maine Guide Canoe
by Jerry Stelmok Building the Atkinson Traveler
Jerry’s first book on canoe building, This DVD is an excellent companion to
long out of print, is now available. It the book, The Wood and Canvas
covers the steps in building the classic Canoe, and helps explain some of the
E. M. White Guide Canoe. There is more esoteric aspects of canoe build-
also information on making paddles, poles and rig- ing that are difficult to put in writing.
ging the canoe for sailing. Fully illustrated, 256
pages soft cover. Winterwalk 2003 Join Rollin and six
others on a 400 mile, 60 day, snowshoe
Historic Canoe Company trip down the George River to Ungava
Catalogs Bay in NE Canada. An entertaining 60
Reprints of these historic catalogs: min DVD describes the ins and outs of
traditional winter camping in extreme
- 1908 B. N. Morris Company cold.VHS/DVD.
- 1910 Old Town Canoe Company
Northwoods Canoe T-Shirts. 100%
cotton. Available in S, M, L, XL 11
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Restoration and Repair
“Given one rib, I could build a canoe around it – that’s no problem.”
-Rollin Thurlow, The Wood & Canvas Canoe

Northwoods Canoe Company repairs and restores a wide variety of wooden

craft. Rollin’s unique background, combining formal training with years of ex-
perience and teaching at the Wooden Boat School, allows him to specialize in
restoration. He has worked on Rangely and Adirondack Guide Boats, Rushton
and Peterborough wood strip/plank canoes, and square-stern, “V” stern and spon-
son boats/canoes, as well as all varieties of wood/canvas canoes. No matter what
condition your boat is in, NWCC can repair it or even custom build a reproduc-
tion to replace it.
All repairs and restorations are guaranteed to equal or exceed the quality of the original craft. Great
care is taken to ensure that the original woodworking style and detail is reproduced throughout the
boat. An old canoe hull cannot be made “new” but with proper restoration techniques it can be made
useful for over 75% of all canoeing requirements and will last for generations to come. Following
restoration, all canoes are completely treated with a special combination of oils and preservatives
to ensure the most durable and flexible hull possible, while keeping water absorption to an absolute

Each canoe has its own individual characteristics and there are no standard prices. Price es-
timates cannot be given until the canoe is inspected in the shop; prices are subject to change
once it is taken apart and the true condition is determined. Receiving and delivery of the
canoe can be arranged by general freight. Boats can be stored at the shop until they are
worked on. A $300 deposit is required and the balance is due upon the boat’s completion.

All boats are worked on in the order which the deposit is received. Currently completions
are running approximately 24 months from the date of deposit.

You may either phone in your order, or send order form by mail, fax or send by
E-mail (email is unsecure) - [email protected]. Use the Price List to help you
fill out your order.

Northwoods Canoe Company

336 Range Road
Atkinson, ME 04426
Phone: 207-564-3667 Fax: 207-564-3667
Toll-free order line: 1-888-564-2710
E-mail: [email protected]
Order Toll Free 1-888-564-2710 www.woodencanoes.com

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