Social Media Marketing: Saint Leo University MKT 345
Social Media Marketing: Saint Leo University MKT 345
Social Media Marketing: Saint Leo University MKT 345
Barker, A., Barker, D., Bormann, N., Zahay, D., & Roberts, M. (2017).
Social media marketing: A strategic approach (2nd ed.) Cengage Learning.
ISBN: 978-1-305-50275-8
Cite as (Barker, Barker, Bormann, Zahay, & Roberts, 2017).
Learning Outcomes:
5. Identify the key social media strategies used for selling online.
7. Identify key social media metrics and apply them for assessing the
efficiency and effectiveness of social media marketing activities.
8. The core value for this course will be “community” and it will be
evaluated based on the quality of all written assignments and particularly
the project, as well as in a separate discussion in module #6.
Core Value:
Assignment Points Weight
Discussion/Participation (8) 240 10%
No PDF Files accepted. All work is graded once. You submit what you want
graded. NO resubmissions stating that you did not understand the directions or
requirements. Everything you need to know is here. Once you submit a paper
it is part of the course history and no resubmissions are allowed. All papers
must have a cover page.
NEW FOR 2017
As you probably noted, that the new classroom as a grading rubric built into the discussion
board area. Instructors MUST use these.
The new criteria states that in order to earn 100% - you have to use two AUTHORED
outside references that are properly cited within the posting itself and recapped in APA
format at the bottom of the posting. ONE OF THE SOURCES MUST BE YOUR BARKER,
Worth 20% of your Discussion Board Grade: Includes 2 or more AUTHORED outside
sources to support and enrich the discussion. Sources are properly cited in APA format. If
you do not, the best you can do is 60%.
An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME. For example,
your textbook is an authored source. The United States Census Bureau is not an authored
source. But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source.
If you earn 90% - it is probably because you only cited and recapped in perfect APA ONE
outside reference and that all other components of your posting were well done.
If you earned 80% - it is probably because you did not use one reference, but that all other
components of your posting were well done.
If you earned 60% it could be because you did not use any references for your INITIAL
References for your replies are optional – they are NOT required.
Dr. McFaul
Only postings made during the active week count. Once the week is
concluded – late discussions are never accepted. Each module will include
a discussion assignment (Module 1 will also include an additional
“Introduction” topic). For each discussion topic, you are required to post an
initial response to the question, as well substantial responses to at least
two classmates. Activity in the discussion board requires that you post
your original response by Thursday and respond to two other student’s
work by Sunday midnight. Each week the discussion board activity
demonstrates your class engagement and is considered as participation in
the class. Your grade will be based on the rubric in the classroom –
remember two replies to others AND at TWO outside references to earn
100% - 200 words minimum required for initial posting.
Do not post early - remember that the dates must be within the active
Module only
Individual Assignments:
There are a total of five assignments in this course. Assignments
will vary dependent upon module expectations. Details for each
assignment are located within the module pages in which the
assignment is due. All assignments are due no later than Sunday
11:59 PM EST/EDT within their respective module. All
TEMPLATES for these papers are under CONTENT & then
DOC SHARING – you must use the templates provided. When
we say use the template, that means to use it strictly – do not
No late discussion board work is ever accepted! Late written
assignments are accepted with an explanation via email ONLY.
There will be a 10% off per week that an assignment is
submitted LATE up to TWO weeks – after two weeks, a late
assignment will NOT be accepted.
These are two separate and distinct projects.
For papers this semester: Use authored outside references. Zero points given
for non-authored web sources. You may use a brand web page too, but you still
need an authored source too. Recap your reference in APA format only at the
bottom of your posting. Your reference must be clearly cited in APA format
within your posting to count. Always provide the exact web site address for this
course in your recap of references for full credit.
Research always beyond the materials provided to ADD to the discussion. An
authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME. For
example, your textbook is an authored source. The United States Census
Bureau is not an authored source. But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use
the required number of authored reference source.
No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, prezis, encyclopedias, or
dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference.
If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see
this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)
Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five
spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left
1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times
New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must
match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.
Whenever you use a source, you must have an in-text citation and a reference citation. They're a
matched pair--like shoes or gloves. What are the differences between an APA in-text citation and an
APA reference citation? How do the two work together? See this video:
APA formatted paper with cover page. 10
Reference page optional. Times New Roman
12 font, 1" margins, double-spacing, etc. and
followed criteria provided for Written
Assignments Requirements
APA formatted paper with cover page and 10
reference page, Times New Roman 12 font,
1" margins, double-spacing, etc.
Total Points Earned 100
The reference you use should be used in the Introduction or Conclusion sections of your
paper and should be from an authored source that helps you learn more about best
practices for web site development OR blogs or twitter accounts.
APA formatted paper with cover page and 10 10
reference page, Times New Roman 12 font,
1" margins, double-spacing, etc. and followed
criteria provided for Written Assignments
Total Points Earned 100 100
The assignment is to design a personal web site that will be used as a tool to promote your
career. Have THIS ready by WEEK SEVEN – THURSDAY and post in the DISCUSSION
BOARD for that week’s assignment. You are also expected to post to social media sites
(Twitter) and monitor responses and feedback from your posts. You do not have to post to
Twitter – you may include in your papers what you WOULD SAY if you were tweeting – some
students do not feel comfortable ‘tweeting’ due to privacy issues and this instructor supports
their desire to only include it in their papers.
Group Project:
This is a group (team) project, where the class will be divided by the instructor in teams
consisting between two and four students. Each team should think of themselves as a
marketing consulting company that has been contracted by this organization to help them with
their social media marketing activities.
If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see
this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)
Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five
spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left
1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times
New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must
match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.
Using the APA Manual 6th Edition as the final verification for APA compliance is important.
APA helps in attribution of sources in academic work. Similarly, since your discussion work is an
academic exercise, the expectation is that you cite and recap references in the discussion board.
It is important to recap the references cited in the posting at the bottom of your posting as you
would with a paper. As you know, in an academic paper, your ‘Reference’ page is a recap of all
sources cited in the paper. It tells the reader that the following sources are attributed somewhere
in the paper. A reference does not count if it is cited (but not recapped) or recapped, but not cited
in the paper. Both steps must appear. In other words…It is important that all references cited
match 100% the reference RECAPPED at the bottom of the posting or it is considered a serious
academic error.
Remember, if you want your paper pre-reviewed - I will be open to do
so for you IF you submit it to me by WEDNESDAY of week your
assignment is due.
That gives me 24-hours plus to pre-review your work as well AND time
for you to respond to my input.
All Pre-Reviews of your Papers must be sent via EMAIL only.
Dr. McFaul
There are a total of two written response/essay exams in this course, a Midterm and Final,
occurring in Modules 4 and 8. Complete each essay no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.
This should be delivered like a formal APA academic paper in a Microsoft Word
Document – only the word document submitted will be graded.
Both exams require three references and must be 1000-words minimum. They are worth
1.4 In addition, you want your social media strategy to generate long-term
interest for your bakery beyond the grand opening. Provide a detailed list of the
social media you will use, as well as how you will use them. Listing all possible
social media is not a good answer. You may list several, but I would like to see
how you will rank the ones you will use based on their importance for this
particular situation. Keep in mind that some of the social media may be ranked
higher for generating “buzz” for the opening, but may be ranked lower in terms
of their role for generating long-term interest for the bakery.
1.5 Describe the key elements of the web site to maximize awareness,
attendance to the grand opening, and long-term interest.
1.6 What metrics (both in terms of web analytics and non-web metrics) should
you use to assess (a) the success of the grand opening, and (b) the
effectiveness of your website and social media marketing
Grading Scale - Grades are NEVER rounded up. You earn what you earn.
3, 4, 6, 7 3 Discussion, Assignment 2
4, 5, 7 4 Discussion, Midterm
4, 5, 6 5 Discussion, Assignment 3
4, 5, 6, 7 6 Discussion, Assignment 4
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 7 Discussion, Group Project Report
7, 8 8 Discussion, Final Exam, Assignment 5
Course Schedule:
Assignment Overview
Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Thursday 11:59 PM
Post an introduction to the class
Read the assigned material
Thursday 11:59 PM
Post an initial response to the discussion question
Sunday 11:59 PM
Post responses to at least two classmates
Sunday 11:59 PM
Submit the Individual Web Page Assignment
Sunday 11:59 PM
Complete the Web Assignment
Submit the team Group Project proposal – worth 10% of
Sunday 11:59 PM
your GRADE this semester!!! All team members must
submit to earn points.
At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:
Items To Be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Items To Be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Read the assigned materials
Post an initial response to the discussion Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post an initial response to the Ethics discussion Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two classmates’ Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Ethics question
Complete the web assignment Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Your final grade will be based on your contributions. Not all group members will
get the same grade if it is obvious that they did not take this assignment
seriously and contribute MORE than their share. This is not a group project that
you can rely on others to do YOUR work!
Remember, I am here to help if you have any questions or need help generally
with the assignment – I want to see you succeed!
Dr. McFaul
Items to Be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Post two initial responses on two other group Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
project reports
The web site, as well as all other social media tools that you are using and are
linked to the site are the message you are sending, encoded in the language of
internet marketing. The responses you want for the audience of your web site is
to: 1. Perceive you along the personal brand image you are promoting 2. Find the
web site interesting, and visit it again 3. Spread positive information about you,
and your web site. 4. If they have no job available for you at the time, to keep you
in mind for the future. 5. If they have a job available for someone with your skills,
to invite you for an interview. The specific design of the web site is your decision.
You can use any software you want for the design. Some of the tools are
discussed in more detail in the power point presentation by Dr. Toole which can
be found in the AVP of module #1. Here is a quick summary of the things you
want to keep in mind:
6. It should have links to all social media that can add to your qualifications (for
example LinkedIn).
7. It should have a blog. In the blog you need to have at least 3 blog entries for
professional purposes. We will discuss them below.
8. It should have a section that displays some evidence of your skills and
accomplishments. This section is essentially a portfolio and testimony of
9. You can add any other section(s) that may cover personal hobbies, activities
and interests, as long as they do not contradict or distract from the brand image
you are trying to promote.
If done properly, such a section can add to the brand image. The information can
be any combination of text, video, pictures or audio that gets the job done. There
are no restrictions.
You are free to select any topic you want for your blog. Ideally you want
a topic related to the career you are pursuing, because your audience
will be interested in that. Your blog should demonstrate that: 1. You are
someone who has deep knowledge about the industry/career you are
focused on.
3. You are someone with critical thinking who can look at events or
issues, and go deep into them and provide original and creative
4. You are a good writer and can communicate very well both in a
medium length format such as a blog, or a very short one such as
twitter. Ideally, you would like your web site visitors to become
engaged with your blogs.
1. At the most basic level you want the readers to go beyond the title
and actually invest the time to read the blog
3. At the third level you want your readers to actually pass on the link
to your blog to their friends and acquaintances via social media.
Some of the things you want to keep in mind when you write your
blogs are:
4. Describe briefly how this topic has been dealt up until this point.
3. A description of how you designed your web site, and why you
think that the design and content you provided will generate the
4. The link to your website. Your website at this point should include
the updated blogs and tweeter messages based on the instructor’s
5. Your cell phone contact in case your instructor needs to reach you
due to any technical difficulty with accessing your website.
Team Members
Not all students will receive the same grade for the
final paper. It is based on their group engagement /
If someone on the team decides to submit their paper
on their own, notify the instructor. You still must
submit everything required by the group – no
reduction in the scope of the assignment .
If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see this web site (select
APA at the top of the web page)
Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five spaces and that
your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left 1” margin. First names are
NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally,
remember that the reference page and citations must match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if
they do not.
APA helps in attribution of sources in academic work. Similarly, since your paper is an academic
exercise, the expectation is that you cite and recap references in the paper itself. It is important
to recap the references cited in the paper in the reference page. As you know, in an academic
paper, your ‘Reference’ page is a recap of all sources cited in the paper. It tells the reader that
the following sources are attributed somewhere in the paper. A reference does not count if it is
cited (but not recapped) or recapped, but not cited in the paper. Both steps must appear. In
other words…It is important that all references cited match 100% the reference RECAPPED at the
bottom of the posting or it is considered a serious academic error.
For final paper – not all students earn the same group grade. It is based on your contribution & submissions (Week
Six and Week Seven).
The group project is worth 35% of your grade. You are responsible for doing your share
of the final team paper. If there are two people in a group – then you must prove to me
that you completed 50% of the paper!
If you have any problems with a team member participating – do not wait until AFTER the
project is over! Your complaints will be invalid. Call your instructor EARLY in the
process so that your professor can put that person on notice that their name WILL NOT
BE ON THE COVER PAGE and that they will receive they will receive zero points.
If only one student remains on the team in Week Seven – the entire
paper is still due which meets all of the above requirements. In Week
Seven each student on the GROUP PROJECT must submit the SAME
final group paper. Only one group paper is graded and only those
that submit that group paper are graded!
In Week Six you must send me via email THREE PAGES minimum and
TWO authored outside references as proof of your engagement in the
group process.
If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see
this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)
Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five
spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left
1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times
New Roman 12 font must be used. Double-space. Finally, remember that the reference page and
citations must match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.
Whenever you use a source, you must have an in-text citation and a reference citation. They're a
matched pair--like shoes or gloves. What are the differences between an APA in-text citation and an
APA reference citation? How do the two work together? See this video:
Numbers one through nine within your paper should be written out if used within the text of your paper
Reference page must have a URL for all online sources. Zero points given for sources listed that do not
have this.
Do not use all caps (all capital letters)
No numbered lists or bullet points allowed - write formally in full sentences and paragraphs
Cover page and reference page required for ALL paper submissions
No abbreviations - if you are referring to the United States of America, write it not write 'US' - this
is not stellar academic writing.
Use AUTHORED references for your work - No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts,
encyclopedias, or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference. An authored source has a first and
last name.
No Visuals allowed in exams or team paper (other than Appendix which is fine). They do not count
towards your page count.
Thank you for your consideration to these important writing expectations this semester.
Dr McFaul
Team Assignments
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Brown, Vivian Hockett, Sciotto,
Katie Victoria
Carlson, Bryan Keys, Uberbacher,
Hunter Michelle
Davis, Santamaria, Young,
Manuel Sharon
The group formations will change from week one to week two potentially due to
drops and adds
‘*’ Group Leader
As long as one member is on the team, the team stays in place. Therefore
please understand from day one of this course that if only one person remains,
that one person must submit the group assignment.
If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see
this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)
Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five
spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left
1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times
New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must
match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.
For the best work, always refer to the APA 6th Edition APA Manual.
I expect that ALL papers should adhere to APA compliance...and that includes the following:
NO PDF FILES - all papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word
Times New Roman 12 Font
Avoid using "I" statements, APA does not allow first person writing.
One Inch Margins
And more...using the 6th Edition as our guide.
Your reference list and your citations must match exactly - in other words, do not list your reference as Forbes
magazine and then put the author in the citation credit (McFaul, 2011) - put the author's name first in the
reference list too! Match - match - match! Otherwise, I might not be able to validate your reference / citation
and you would lose getting credit for that source!
Use subject headers for all papers - your reader appreciates and expects that level or organization to your work!
Please do NOT write out questions
No contractions & No abbreviations - if you are referring to the United States of America, write it not
write 'US' - this is not stellar academic writing.
Line spacing is double with 0 point spacing.
Only one citation credit allowed per sentence in this course.
Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces.
No extra blank lines inserted between sections – deliver a tight paper.
No bullet points, alphanumeric lists, or numbered list - write formally in full sentences / paragraphs.
Numbers one through nine within your paper should be written out
Cover page and reference page required for ALL paper submissions
Never use all capital letters
Use authored references for your research to earn full points. An authored source is simply one that is associated
with a human(s) NAME. For example, your textbook is an authored source. The United States Census Bureau is not an
authored source. But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source.
Always include the full URL as to where you found your research online articles - never just the home page
Avoid wikis, blogs, tweets, videos, dictionaries, and encyclopedias as outside references - use Masters-level
sources like the Journal of Marketing or the Journal of International Business - No wikis, prezis,
slideshares, dictionaries, encyclopedias, videos, interviews, & podcasts allowed
as references – only scholarly written sources from well-respected sources.
Dr. McFaul