Optimization of The Sizing of A Solar Thermal Electricity Plant: Mathematical Programming Versus Genetic Algorithms
Optimization of The Sizing of A Solar Thermal Electricity Plant: Mathematical Programming Versus Genetic Algorithms
Optimization of The Sizing of A Solar Thermal Electricity Plant: Mathematical Programming Versus Genetic Algorithms
Abstract— Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been argued to conventional fossil fuel plants (if no internationalization
constitute a flexible search thereby enabling to solve difficult of the external costs is performed). This paper analy-
problems which classical optimization methodologies may find ses the optimal sizing of a DSG solar thermal elec-
hard to solve. This paper is intended towards this direction
and show a systematic application of a GA and its modification tricity plant that is promoted by the private firms En-
to solve a real-world optimization problem of sizing a solar desa (http://www.endesa.es/Portal/en) and So-
thermal electricity plant. Despite the existence of only three lar Millenium (http://www.solarmillenium.com)
variables, this problem exhibits a number of other common in the framework of a collaborative project between German
difficulties — black-box nature of solution evaluation, massive and Spanish enterprises and public research centers. The
multi-modality, wide and non-uniform range of variable values,
and terribly rugged function landscape – which prohibits a project is called GDV-500 Plus.
classical optimization method to find even a single acceptable From the mathematical point of view, we want to deter-
solution. Both GA implementations perform well and a local mine the optimal size of the main components, in order to
analysis is performed to demonstrate the optimality of obtained maximize the expected annual profits of the plant. To this
solutions. This study considers both classical and genetic opti- end, an optimization model has been built. Other examples of
mization on a fairly complex yet typical real-world optimization
problems and demonstrates the usefulness and future of GAs mathematical programming models for this kind of problems
in applied optimization activities in practice. can be found in [3], where an integer optimization problem
Keywords: Solar thermal electricity plant, optimization, genetic is built to determine the equipment operating configuration
algorithms, classical optimization, multi-modality, noisy objec- of a central energy plant, and in [10], where an optimization
tive function. model is presented that defines a multi-auction capacity al-
I. I NTRODUCTION location strategy which is optimal with the explicit represen-
tation of uncertainty. The main problem that we face in our
Energy is directly related to sustainable human develop- particular model is the fact that, due to the complex nature
ment. Energy consumption affects social aspects (2 billion of the system and to legal regulations, the profits cannot be
people have not access to modern energy supplies), damages expressed as an explicit function of the decision variables.
human health and alters the atmosphere causing the global Rather than that, the profit function takes the form of a black
warming. All the energy sources came from the sun, directly box, which has been modeled as an evaluation subroutine.
or indirectly. Nowadays, there exist many technologies that This subroutine takes into account all the technical and legal
use this enormous source of energy. Among them, solar requirements, in order to determine the working strategy of
thermal electricity is a very promising one that will contribute the plant and, as a result, the annual profits. The problem
significantly to increase the electricity generation by renew- is that the function implicitly defined by the subroutine, due
able sources. In [7], a review of the solar thermal electricity to the nature of the process modeled, is not even continuous
technology can be found. and it has many local optima. This has made it impossible to
Obviously the main problem of the extension of ther- solve the problem using traditional optimization solvers (even
mal solar plants is the cost. They require very high in- able of handling non-convex global optimization problems),
versions and the electricity production cost is lower in and this is the reason why we have chosen to use a genetic
Kalyanmoy Deb is a Finland Distinguished Professor at the Department of
Business Technology, Helsinki School of Economics, FIN 00101, Helsinki, The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. In
Finland ([email protected]). section II, the problem is described and modeled. In section
III, we report the attempts to solve the model using two
well known global optimization solvers, and we state possible
reasons for their failure. In section IV, solutions obtained
Variable Description Unit
through a real-coded genetic algorithm is described, followed AC Solar collector field size m2
by that through a modified approach. Some final remarks are E Storage capacity kJ
given in section V, and the paper ends with some conclusions PAUX Power of the auxiliary boiler kW
A. The DSG solar plant The capacity of the storage is measured in terms of the
number of hours that the tanks can provide the energy
Figure 1 shows the elements of the solar plant. In the solar necessary to drive the block of power. But a tank cannot
field, solar radiation is converted into heat. The condensate be arbitrarily large. Therefore, whenever a tank reaches a
that comes from the block of power (BOP) increases its maximum possible capacity (equivalent to 8 hours of stor-
temperature and pressure and it is again suitable to produce age), a new tank has to be built. This causes discontinuities
work. When the radiation level is insufficient to produce the in the costs function, given that every 8 hours of storage,
required mass flow of steam, a thermal storage and auxiliary the cost is incremented in 15 million e (the fixed cost of
power system are disposed in parallel to produce the sup- building a new tank). On the other hand, in order to account
plement energy to the BOP. Thermal storage is designed to for ambient losses, the energy flow coming from the storage
collect energy during daylight and dispatch when necessary. is multiplied by 0.9 if one tank is used, by 0.85 if two tanks
This system increases the number of hours of operation of the are used, by 0.8 if three tanks are used, and so on.
plant. The auxiliary system is a gas boiler that is designed On the other hand, the operation strategy affects the
to maintain a minimum temperature in the plant in order optimal size of the components of the solar plant. In this
to reduce start up periods, and to contribute to electricity paper, the operation strategy has been defined in order
generation. to reproduce the complexity of the problem. The strategy
defined is based on experience of operation of this kind of
plants. The operation for each hour can be summarized as
1) Evaluate direct solar radiation and calculate the mass
steam production with the collector field model.
2) If the mass flow is enough to activate the plant to at
least a 75% of the power (load fraction), the plant is
producing electricity just with solar energy. If the mass
flow exceeds the necessary amount for a 100% charge,
the remaining energy is stored.
3) In the case that the steam mass production does not
reach the minimum value fixed before, the storage
complements the required energy. This is only possible
if there is enough energy already stored.
Fig. 1. DSG solar plant modeled.
4) When the steam mass cannot be obtained with the
solar collector field and the storage, the auxiliary
Therefore, there are three main quantities to be dimen-
boiler supplements the rest. Due to legal regulations,
sioned in the optimization process: the solar collector area,
the overall yearly operation of the auxiliary boiler is
the storage capacity and the power of the auxiliary boiler.
limited to 15% of the net electricity production of the
B. Main assumptions plant.
Due to the complex technical limitations of the plant, and 5) The collector field charges the storage system during
in agreement with the organizations participating in the study, daylight if 75% of the gross power of the plant cannot
the following assumptions have been made on the component be obtained with the previously described scheme.
systems of the plant and on the operation strategy. Taking these assumptions into account, the model has been
With respect to the solar collector field, it uses direct solar built as follows.
radiation. The steam mass generated has been considered to
depend only on the direct solar radiation received. Therefore, C. The Optimization model
based on a file of expected hourly solar radiation for the As previously mentioned, the decision variables of the
whole year, the steam mass flow produced per square meter at model are the sizes of the three main components of the
the solar field has been determined, and these data are used to central, as displayed in Table I.
feed the evaluation subroutine. Due to technical reasons, the Making use of these variables, the (apparently simple)
maximum size of the solar field has been set to 750000 m2 . optimization problem to be solved is:
2) Operation loop. The operation strategy has to be
determined now, according to points 1–5 of section
II-B. Namely, for each hour of the year, we determine
Variable Description Unit the load fraction of the plant, in the following way.
Ei Energy stored after hour i kJ a) The direct solar radiation of hour i is read from
FUNC i Load fraction of hour i %
EAUX i Energy generated by the auxiliary system in hour i kJ
the data file, and the steam mass per square meter
PERC i Accumulated percentage of energy generated by the % is calculated accordingly. This value is multiplied
auxiliary system until hour i by AC to obtain the total steam mass of the hour.
b) If the steam produced at the solar field is enough
for a 100% charge, FUNC i is given the value 1
(100%), and the remaining energy is added to the
maximize P (AC , E, PAUX ), previously stored amount, and accounted for in
subject to 0 ≤ AC ≤ 750000, variable Ei . This value can never exceed the total
(1) storage capacity given by the decision variable E.
0 ≤ E, The auxiliary system is not used.
0 ≤ PAUX , c) If the steam mass provides a charge between
where P is the profit function. Broadly speaking, P = I −C, 75% and 100%, the plant works at the highest
where I are the expected incomes obtained by selling the possible charge percentage (this is the value given
electricity, and the costs C include installation, maintenance, to FUNC i ), with no aid from the storage or from
fuel, insurance and contingency costs. As previously men- the auxiliary system.
tioned, the problem is that P does not have an explicit d) If the steam mass generated at the solar field
mathematical form as a function of the decision variables. In does not suffice for a 75% charge, then several
order to evaluate P for each value of the decision variables, situations can occur:
the following subroutine (which contains all the assumptions i) If there is enough energy stored to reach the
described in section II-B) must be run. 75% charge, then the necessary amount is
taken from the tanks, Ei is actualized accord-
D. Evaluation subroutine ingly, FUNC i is set to 0.75, and the auxiliary
In this section, we will outline the main steps of the system is not used.
evaluation subroutine, which has been implemented in C++ ii) If there is not enough energy stored, we need
language, in order to compile it together with the solver. to complement the rest from the auxiliary
This way, the subroutine is called every time the solver system. In order to do this, the two following
needs a function evaluation. In summary, once the values conditions must hold:
of the decision values are set, the subroutine determines the • The installed capacity of the auxiliary sys-
operation strategy of the plant for each of the 8760 hours tem (given by decision variable PAUX )
of the year, and the profits (incomes and costs) are obtained must be enough to produce the required
accordingly. Therefore, apart from the value of the profit energy.
function P , the subroutine creates a series of variables that • The accumulated (up to hour i) percentage
define the operation strategy, as displayed in table II. Variable of energy supplied by the auxiliary system
FUNC i indicates the load fraction at hour i, and thus it can cannot exceed the limit (15%).
be equal to 0 if the system does not work, or any value If any of these two conditions fail, then the
between 75 and 100. system does not work at hour i. Therefore, the
Let us now describe the evaluation subroutine step by step. energy produced at the solar field is stored, Ei
Let us assume that certain values of the decision variables, is actualized accordingly, and FUNC i is set
AC , E and PAUX are given. Then, we proceed in the to 0.
following way. If the two conditions hold, then the storage
1) Initial calculations. Given the value of E, is emptied (Ei = 0), the value of EAUX i is
a) Calculate the number of tanks to be installed, by the energy supplied by the auxiliary system at
dividing E by the maximum capacity of a tank. this hour, and FUNC i is set to 0.75.
b) Determine the performance of the tanks, which e) The accumulated hybridization percentage
depends on the number of tanks installed, as PERC i is actualized, depending on the values
described in section II-B. of EAUX i and FUNC i .
c) The number of tanks also influences the amount f) The incomes corresponding to the hour i are
of soil that has to be used for the plant. Namely, calculated according to the value of FUNC i and
for any new tank starting from the third one, a to the selling price pi .
supplementary amount of soil has to be consid- Once these calculations are completed, the sub-
ered. routine goes back to point a) for the next hour.
3) Final calculations. Once the hourly loop is completed,
the profit function is calculated in the following way: Start
Fig. 4. The linking of an existing GA code with a solution evaluator.
Obj. value
2.92e+07 2.828e+07
RGA uses binary tournament selection, simulated binary
2.9e+07 2.824e+07 crossover (SBX) [2], and a polynomial mutation operator [1].
Objective Value
A population of size 50, a crossover probability of 0.9 with
2.88e+07 2.82e+07
710000 710500 711000 711500 712000 712500 713000 713500 714000
A_C SBX index of 2, a mutation probability of 1/3 with index 10
2.86e+07 are chosen. The GA is run for 150 generations. These are
standard values suggested in previous studies. To initialize
the GA population, we use the following artificial upper
bound for variables E and PAUX : E ≤ 1020 , PAUX ≤ 1020 .
2.8e+07 We obtain the following solution (x = (AC , E, PAUX )T ):
700000 710000 720000 730000 740000 750000 AC = 749, 980.86 m2 , E = 6, 191, 823, 943.05 kJ,
A_C (m^2) PAUX = 92, 898.24 kW, P (x) = 29, 189, 994.89 e.
First of all, we observe that our chosen artificial upper bounds
Fig. 3. Profit function variation with AC reveals multi-modality, noise and on E and PAUX did not influence the obtained solution. Sec-
jumps in the objective function (E = 6, 346, 926, 197, PAUX = 92, 768). ondly, the optimized value of Ac is very close to the supplied
upper bound of 750, 000 m2 . Thus, if this upper bound can
be increased, a better objective value is expected. Figure 5 All the existing population members which are within the
shows how the population best and average objective values above variable bounds are accepted in the new population.
improve with generation number. The initial population best The remaining population slots are filled by creating random
solutions within the above variable bounds. This procedure
2e+19 is continued for every 50 generations until there is no
Best difference in the best solutions of two consecutive epochs.
0 This continuously updated variable bound procedure will
allow a focused search and will allow the modified GA to
−2e+19 converge to a solution with generations.
Objective Value
2.919e+07 We use identical GA parameter values as before. The
proposed GA runs for 650 generations before converging to
Objective Value
−4e+19 2.9185e+07
the following solution:
−6e+19 AC = 749, 999.99 m2 , E = 6, 346, 926, 947.98 kJ,
PAUX = 92, 768.27 kW, P (x) = 29, 201, 019.61 e.
−8e+19 2.917e+07
80 90 100 110 120 130
Generation Number
140 150 This solution is slightly better (about 0.04%) than that
obtained by our previous GA. The variable AC reaches very
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 close to its specified upper bound and other two variable
Generation Number values are also close to that found by previous GA procedure.
Figure 6 shows the population best and average function
Fig. 5. Population best and average objective function values with value with generation. Since the range of objective values
generation number. from initial generation to final generation is quite significant,
the progress of the algorithm is not comprehensible from the
solution has an objective value −4.9106e19 (a negative profit overall plot. The inset figure shows the function values after
due to income (I) being smaller than cost (C)). At generation generation 100 and the steady progress of the algorithm is
56, the population-best solution becomes positive for the first clear from the figure.
time, and then keeps on improving with generation before
stabilizing to its converged value 2.9189e07. Thus, the GA is 2e+19
able to make a significant progress from a very large negative Average
value to a very high positive value in a span of only about 0
120 generations. The inset plot in Figure 5 shows the detailed
progress of the algorithm after the 80-th generation. GA
Objective Value
−2e+19 Best
seems to progress steadily with generation finally reaching 2.918e+07
Objective Value
the optimized value at generation 138. Note that the GA took −4e+19 2.916e+07
2.92e+07 2.9e+07
2.9198e+07 2.9e+07
Objective Value
Objective Value
Objective Value
2.6e+07 2.5e+07
2.9194e+07 2.4e+07
2.5e+07 2.3e+07
2.9192e+07 2.2e+07
2.4e+07 2.1e+07
86000 90000 94000 98000
2.9188e+07 2.2e+07
2.9186e+07 2.1e+07
6.336e+09 6.34e+09 6.344e+09 6.348e+09 0 40000 80000 120000
E (kJ) P_AUX
Fig. 7. An exhaustive search for variable E in the vicinity of GA solution Fig. 8. An exhaustive search for variable PAUX in the vicinity of GA
confirms the accuracy of GA solution by the modified approach (AC = solution confirms the accuracy of GA solution by the modified approach
749, 999.99, PAUX = 92, 768). (AC = 749, 999.99, E = 6, 346, 926, 947.98).
argued in section III the underlying objective function seems will have difficulties in handling such noisy objective values
to be noisy in nature. It is not surprising that derivative based and avoid all local optima and converge to the true global
optimization methodologies faced difficulties in solving this optimum.
problem. Secondly, our optimized solution seems to lie
right on the best solution found in the above range of E. 2.924e+07 2.9205e+07
solutions are drastically worse than the optimized solution. 2.92e+07 2.919e+07
the presence of isolation near an optimal solution. In solving
this problem, we faced difficulties with a couple of state-of- 2.912e+07
the-art classical optimization algorithms and simultaneously 2.91e+07
demonstrate the ease of solving the problem using a standard
GA and a modification of it for a more reliable application.
We also compute and plot a wide range of values of 2.906e+07
745000 746000 747000 748000 749000 750000
PAUX with fixed values of AC = 749, 999.99 m2 and E = A_C
6, 346, 926, 947.98 kJ in Figure 8. The objective function
seems to vary rather smoothly on this variable, except a Fig. 9. An exhaustive search for variable AC n the vicinity of GA solution
sudden jump at PAUX = 92, 768.27 kW. The objective value confirms the accuracy of GA solution by the modified approach (E =
seems to be largest at this PAUX value, an increase of which 6, 346, 926, 947.98, PAUX = 92, 768).
reduces the objective value. Such a discontinuity right at the
optimal value will cause many derivative and trust-region To investigate the robustness of the modified approach, we
based optimization methods to fail. The inset figure shows perform 10 different simulations starting from different initial
that even in this case, the proposed GA is able to find the populations. Table IV shows the best solution obtained in
right optimal value. The GA-optimized function value, shown each simulation terminating at 650-th generation. The varia-
in a dashed line, is found to match with the best objective tion in obtained solutions are not much (0.0017%) difference
value of the plot, thereby indicating that the GA-optimized between best and worst obtained solutions. Moreover, the
solution is optimal. corresponding variable values are also close to each other.
A similar observation is also found for the variable AC in These results indicate that the proposed GA procedure is
which the optimal value of AC is at the upper boundary. robust for the present application.
Figure 9 indicates that the objective value has a noisy
increasing trend with higher value of AC and the inset figure V. F INAL R EMARKS
shows that optimum lies at AC = 750, 000 m2 , which is From the point of view of the plant, the optimal solution
found by the proposed GA. Many optimization algorithms obtained can be interpreted as follows. First, the value AC =
Many optimization studies demonstrated in the literature
P (x∗ ) x∗ usually involve smooth objective functions and well-scaled
(e) AC (m2 ) E (kJ) PAUX (kW) variables. However, the practice is far from being so ideal.
29201019.61 749999.99 6346926947.98 92768.27 In this paper, we come across a three-variable maximization
29201018.75 749999.94 6346929408.75 92768.26
29201018.62 749999.94 6346929669.93 92768.26
problem which exhibits common complexities which many
29201018.62 749999.94 6346929478.79 92768.27 real-world optimization problems possess. Some of these
29200967.67 749997.61 6347055515.19 92768.46 difficulties are (i) black-box optimization, (ii) noisy objective
29200967.42 749997.62 6347055515.19 92768.46
29200957.23 749997.01 6347087739.59 92768.27
function, (iii) massive multi-modality, (iv) non-uniform range
29200953.07 749997.00 6347092303.42 92768.31 of variable values, and (v) extremely wide range of search
29200922.51 749999.96 6346929711.66 92777.49 region. When attempted to solve using a couple of classical
29200522.97 749992.62 6318673893.16 92768.70
gradient based optimization techniques, the effort resulted in
no useful solution due to the inflexibilities involved with the
classical approaches in dealing with above difficulties.
On the contrary, with genetic algorithms, we have experi-
750, 000 m2 is the bound imposed by the firm. In fact, in enced a completely different outcome. A standard real-coded
preliminary studies where we did not establish this limit, GA, starting from not-so-good initial random solutions, has
the ideal area was around 950, 000 m2 . Second, the value been able to progress close to reasonably good solutions
PAUX = 92, 768.27 kW reflects the necessary power that quickly by negotiating all the above difficulties. To make the
can enable the plant to reach 75% of its full production, using performance better, we have also suggested a modified GA
exclusively the auxiliary system. Finally, the total storage with a continuously updated search procedure. An analysis
capacity would be one full tank and around 90% of the of solutions around the vicinity of the obtained solution has
second one. There are also two other remarkable data in supported the optimality of the obtained solution.
the optimal solution. The sum over the whole year of the This study clearly demonstrates the usefulness of genetic
variables FUNC i equals 5,413.70 hours. This means that algorithms in practical optimization and flexibility of han-
the plant is working 61.80% out of the 8,760 hours of the dling different vagaries of problem difficulties which often
year. The final value PERC 8760 is 15%, that is, the legal arise in applied optimization problems.
hybridization limit is reached at the end of the year. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Having solved the problem using GAs and then providing This work has been done in the frame of the joint project
justification for the optimality of the obtained solution, "GDV-500 Plus" with the firm Endesa Generación S.L.
we have now understood various challenges provided by J.M. Cabello, M. Luque and F. Ruiz acknowledge the
the three-variable optimization problem of sizing the solar support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
thermal electricity plant. We outline them in the following: (Research Project MTM2006-01921), and from the Andalu-
sian Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise
• The objective function is noisy. (PAI group SEJ-445).
• The objective function has massive multimodality. K. Deb and R. Tewari acknowledge the support from
• The objective function has discontinuities. Academy of Finland and the Foundation of Helsinki School
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