The document lists tools and equipment for a workshop, including various welding machines, grinding machines, gas cutting sets, jacks, chain pulley blocks, derricks, pulleys, wire rope, electrical items, general tools like screwdrivers and pliers, measuring instruments like megger and multimeter, and other items like hydraulic tube benders, spanners, cutting machines, and safety equipment. There are over 100 individual items listed across 13 categories with descriptions and quantities for each.
The document lists tools and equipment for a workshop, including various welding machines, grinding machines, gas cutting sets, jacks, chain pulley blocks, derricks, pulleys, wire rope, electrical items, general tools like screwdrivers and pliers, measuring instruments like megger and multimeter, and other items like hydraulic tube benders, spanners, cutting machines, and safety equipment. There are over 100 individual items listed across 13 categories with descriptions and quantities for each.
The document lists tools and equipment for a workshop, including various welding machines, grinding machines, gas cutting sets, jacks, chain pulley blocks, derricks, pulleys, wire rope, electrical items, general tools like screwdrivers and pliers, measuring instruments like megger and multimeter, and other items like hydraulic tube benders, spanners, cutting machines, and safety equipment. There are over 100 individual items listed across 13 categories with descriptions and quantities for each.
The document lists tools and equipment for a workshop, including various welding machines, grinding machines, gas cutting sets, jacks, chain pulley blocks, derricks, pulleys, wire rope, electrical items, general tools like screwdrivers and pliers, measuring instruments like megger and multimeter, and other items like hydraulic tube benders, spanners, cutting machines, and safety equipment. There are over 100 individual items listed across 13 categories with descriptions and quantities for each.
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1 WELDING MACHINES a) 400 Amps -Welding Transformer - Air Cooled 2NoS b) 330 Amps-Welding Transformer - Oil Cooled 3 Nos c) Copper/Aluminium Welding Cables and Accessories 3 lots 2 GRANDING MACHINES a) GQ - 4 Grinder 2 Nos b) GQ - 6 Grinder c) Bench Grinders 1 No 3 GAS CUTTING SETS a) Cutting Set with 100 Mtrs length hoses 2 Sets b) Oxygen and Accetylene Regulators 4 Sets 4 JACKS a) Hydraulic Jack 50 T 2 Nos b) Hydraulic Jack 20 T 2 Nos c) Simplex Jack 5 T 2 Nos 5 CHAIN PULLEY BLOCKS a) 3 Tons 2 Nos b) 5 Tons 2 Nos 6 DERRIK a) 30 T Self Supporting Derrik 1 Set b) 5 T Pipe Derrik with required pulleys and Guy rope 1 Set 7 PULIEYS a) 4 T malita rape pulley special type 2 Nos 8 WIRE ROPE a) 1/2" 500 Mtrs b) 1" 100 Mtrs 9 ELECTRICAL ITEMS a) Flood light fittings 10 Set b) Electrical Wire various grades 3000 Mtrs c) Busbar fittings/Switch board with wire 5 Sets 10 IMPORTANT GENERAL TOOLS a) Heavy Duty Screw Drivers 5 Nos b) Medium Duty Screw Drivers 5 Nos c) Light Duty Screw Drivers 5 Nos d) Insulated Cuttind Pliers 5 Nos e) Nosepliers 5 Nos f) Wire Strippers 5 Nos g) Hacksaw Frames 5 Nos h) Cable Drum Lifting Jacks 2 Sets i) Sleepers 10 Nos j) 'D' Spanner Sets 2 Sets k) Ring Spanners Big 3 Sets l) Pipe wrench Big 2 Nos m) Pipe wrench Small 2 Nos n) Screw Spanners Big 3 Nos o) Screw Spanners Small 3 Nos p) Hammer Heavy Size 2 Nos q) Hammer Medium Size 3 Nos r) Rubber Mats 2 Nos s) Line Tester 6 Nos t) Hydraulic Crimping Tool upto 400 Sq mm 1 No u)Crimping Tool Upto 10 6 Nos v) Rubber Hand Gloves - 33KV 6 nos w) Ratchet Spanner 2 nos x)Spanner Set With All Sizes 1 no 11 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS a) 500 Volts Megger 2 Nos b) 1000 Volts Megger 2 Nos c) 5000 Volts Megger 1 No d) Clamp Tester 2 Nos e) Multimeter 2 Nos f) Earth Tester 1 No g) Continuity Tester 3 Sets h) Relay Testing Kit 1 Set i) Hi-Pot Kit 80 KV 1 Set j) Oil Test Kit 1 Set k) L R Meter 1 Set l) Motor Checker 1 Set 12 m) RPM/Temparature Meter 1 Set FERRUEL PRINTING MACHINE 1 No 13 Instrument Kits a)Hydraulic Tube Bender 2 nos b)Hand tube Bender 1/2 " 1 no c)Hand tube Bender 1/4 " 1 no d)Hand tube Bender 1 " 1 no e)Ring Spanners With All Sizes 3 sets f)Flat Spanners With All Sizes 3 Sets g)Cutting Machines Big 2NoS h)Safety Belts 20 nos i)Hand Drilling Machines 4 nos j)Knock Out Punch Sets 4 nos k)Pipe Rinch 2 nos