United States Patent (19) : (Aziz 2

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United States Patent (19) 11 4,171,091

van Hardeveld et al. 45 Oct. 16, 1979

(54) PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR SPRAYING Primary Examiner-James B. Marbert
LIQUID Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Cushman, Darby & Cushman
75) Inventors: Rudolf van Hardeveld; Petrus F. A. (57) ABSTRACT
M. Hendriks, both of Geleen, A two phase sprayer and process are disclosed in which
Netherlands the sprayer has a liquid supply tube surrounded by a
73) Assignee: Stamicarbon, B.V., Geleen, coaxial gas or gas mixture supply tube which extends
Netherlands beyond the length of the liquid supply tube where the
(21) Appl. No.: 911,485 gas flow surrounds and atomizes the expelled liquid.
The sprayer has a unique structure in part characterized
(22 Filed: Jun. 1, 1978 by a narrowed taper gas supply tube which converges
towards the outlet at an angle of 70°-90° with respect to
Related U.S. Application Data the sprayer axis. The internally-positioned, coaxial liq
(62) Division of Ser. No. 778,743, Mar. 17, 1977, Pat. No. uid supply tube is chamfered also at a similar 70°-90°
4,109,090. angle, the gas and liquid tubes at their outlet being es
sentially parallel.
3O) Foreign Application Priority Data The joint of the narrowing part of the gas tube and the
Mar. 26, 1976 NL Netherlands ......................... 76O3164. outflow channel is rounded,
51) Int, Cl. ........................ A01N 17/02; A62C 1/12 These sprayers efficiently spray relatively large
52 U.S. Cl. ......................................... 239/8; 239/424 amounts of liquid at low gas velocities and are particu
58) Field of Search ..................... 294/8, 9, 10, 1, 331, larly adapted for spraying a mixture of urea and ammo
294/424, 424.5, 425, 558; 544/201 nia into a bed of reactive, fluidized particles to form
56) References Cited melamine without destroying desirable features of the
fluidized bed into which the urea/ammonia mixture is
3,727,839 4/1973 Marsh ...................................... 239/8
3,831,843 8/1974 Masai ........... 26 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures

12 1 16 17 18

44/2ST 62.2%

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111O 98. 14 13 15 7 6 19
U.S. Patent Oct. 16, 1979 Sheet 1 of 2 4,171,091

12 4 3 2 1 16 17 18

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47 (dN
111O 98 14 13 15 7 6

U.S. Patent Oct. 16, 1979 Sheet 2 of 2 4,171,091

25 22 21 36


34 33 35 FG.2 6 27 39
4,171,091 2
example between 500 and 4500 kg of liquid per hour,
PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR SPRAYING LIQUID using comparatively small amounts of atomizing gas
and also at gas outflow rates notably of less than 100
This is a division of application Ser. No. 778,743 filed m/sec. We have found that the sprayers according to
Mar. 17, 1977 now U.S. Pat. No. 4,109,090, issued Aug. the present invention exhibit little wear and do not
22, 1978. readily become clogged. Moreover, these sprayers are
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION less sensitive to fluctuations in liquid or gas feeds than
the well-known sprayers described above.
This invention relates to a process and device for Liquid sprayers according to the present invention
spraying a liquid by means of an atomizing gas and their O can be used for spraying liquids or thin-liquid sub
application in the preparation of melamine. stances in general, such as water, aqueous solutions,
It is already known that a liquid can be sprayed by suspensions or emulsions, organic solvents and com
means of a two-phase sprayer consisting of two concen pounds that are liquid under normal conditions as well
tric tubes, in which liquid flows through the central as solutions, suspensions or emulsions in organic Sol
tube and the gas flows through the annular channel 5 vents, and compounds that have been melted or highly
between the inner and the outer tube. According to liquefied by heating. Specific examples include water,
U.S. Pat. No. 3,377,350 the spraying of urea is prefera milk, waste water containing organic compounds in
bly effected by means of sprayers in which the outflow solution, toluene, ethyl acetate, glycerol, petroleum
opening of the gas is in the same plane as the outflow fractions, fuel oil and other liquid fuels, lacquers, molten
opening of the urea, and the outflow velocity of the gas 2) urea or sulphur, molten polymers and other substances
is preferably higher than the velocity of sound. Accord that will be apparent to one skilled in the art.
ing to Netherlands Patent application No. 6,902,755, The sprayers are particularly suitable for spraying
urea is sprayed by means of sprayers in which the out substances into a fluidized bed of solid particles. This is
flow opening of the gas is in front of the outflow open so because two advantages are observed: first, proper
ing of the urea, or in which both openings are in the 25 atomization can be reached at low gas outflow rates so
same plane. According to this Patent Application a gas that no or very little wear or pulverization of the solid
outflow velocity of at most 100 m/sec is used. The particles in the bed occurs. Secondly, the sprayers can
sprayers described above all have the drawback that be designed such that no solid particles are sucked into
their capacity is limited, because either a poor atomiza the sprayer. This strongly reduces the risk of erosion
tion occurs during spraying, a very large amount of 30 and clogging.
atomizing gas is required, or a high gas velocity is Sprayers according to the present invention consti
needed in spraying large amounts of liquid, especially tute a distinct advance in the art, particularly in the
molten urea.
The present Application is directed to providing a fluidized bed field. While there are currently available a
two-phase sprayer that can also efficiently spray com 35 number of sprayers that are suitable for spraying liquids
paratively large amounts of liquid at low gas velocities, such as water, fuel or lacquer into a free space, there is
preferably at a velocity of at most 100 m/sec. a great need for reliable sprayers that, even at a greater
capacity, can spray liquids into a fluid bed with the use
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE of low gas velocities. Sprayers of the present invention
INVENTION are particularly adapted for use in spraying substances
According to the present invention, a suitable two into a bed of fluidized particles without untoward ef.
phase sprayer for liquids, including thin-liquid sub fects on the particles.
stances, consists of a tube that is suitable for the supply The sprayers can profitably be used in fluid-bed dry
of liquid which is positioned coaxially in a tube for the ing installations and granulators and for injecting fuel or
supply of atomizing gas so that the gas supply tube 45 waste water into fluid-bed incinerators. The sprayers
extends to a point beyond the outflow opening of the are also highly suitable for spraying molten urea into a
liquid tube, and is characterized in that the gas tube has fluid bed of an inert or catalytically active material or
an inner wall that becomes narrower towards the outlet, spraying ammonia or a mixture of ammonia and carbon
is at an angle a to the axis of the sprayer and passes, by dioxide, as is usual in the preparation of melamine based
way of a rounded wall section, into a comparatively O lea.
Widely diverging gases and mixtures of gases may
short outflow channel ending at the sprayer outflow generally be used as the atomizing gas depending on the
opening. As further characterized, the end face of the nature of the process desired. Examples include hydro
liquid tube of the outflow opening is chamfered at an
angle a' to the axis of the sprayer so that a conical gen, air, oxygen, lower hydrocarbons, noble gases, car
channel with an average apex of between about 140 bon dioxide, nitrogen, ammonia and steam. The choice
and about 180 is formed between this wall and the of the gas depends on the substance to be sprayed and
narrowing inner wall of the gas tube. The joint of the the end use application. The gas may be cooled or pre
narrowing part of the gas tube and the outflow channel heated as required.
is rounded at a radius, which is about 0.1 to about 0.4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ORAWINGS
times the diameter of the outflow opening of the 60
sprayer. The ratio between the diameter of the outflow The present invention is further described with refer
opening of the sprayer and the diameter of the outflow ence to the embodiments shown in the drawing.
opening of the liquid tube ranges between about 1.0 and FIG. 1 is a longitudinal section of a sprayer according
about 1.6, and the passage area of the sprayer opening is to the invention; and
equal to or smaller than the smallest passage area of the FIG. 2 is a longitudinal section of a modified embodi
conical channel. ment of the invention.
The present invention enables sprayers to be built As the sprayers are radially symmetrical, no cross
that are capable of spraying large 'lounts of liquid, for section has been shown. The numbers 21-39 in FIG. 2
denote parts which correspond in function with the Tube 16 is connected to a liquid supply source by
parts denoted in FIG. 1 by 1-19. means of conduits in a conventional manner not shown
The sprayer body consists of a feed tube 1 for the in the drawing. Tube 6 is connected in a conventional
liquid to be sprayed which tube includes a substantially manner to a tube 19 that is connected to a gas supply
cylindrical channel 2 for liquid and terminates in an 5 source in a conventional manner not shown in the draw
opening 3 that is normal to the direction of flow. End 1ng.
face 4 of tube 1 is chamfered at an angle a' with respect As will be appreciated from the drawings, the thick
to the axis of the sprayer itself. The edge of the end face ness of tube 1 near outflow opening 3 must be such that
and the outer surface are preferably slightly rounded. end face 4 and wall section 8 actually define a conical
A tube 6 is so fitted coaxially around tube 1 defining 10 channel. In the sprayer embodiment illustrated in FIG.
an annular gas feed channel 7 between the two tubes. 1, this has been achieved by using a tube with a thick
Slightly beyond the end of tube 1, tube 6 becomes nar wall so that channel 7 passes, near the end of tube 1, into
rower along the curvature of a wall section 8 that is at a channel 15 with the same passage area. In the sprayer
an angle a with respect to the sprayer axis, a rounded or embodiment illustrated in FIG. 2, this has been
shoulder area 9 and a wall section 10, so that a short 15 achieved by providing the liquid feed tube with a
cylindrical channel 11 is formed which is coaxial and in thicker or enlarged portion near the end of the tube thus
line with tube 1 and having an outlet opening 12 that is with respect to the passage of gas through the tube
normal to the sprayer axis. channel 27 tapers into channel 35 which has a smaller
End face 4 of the liquid feed tube and wall section 8 passage area than channel 27.
of the gas feed tube enclose a conical channel 13 with an 20 Outflow channel 11 is comparatively short and in
average apex of 140-180. Joint 14 of the inner side of most cases wall section 10 has a length of only between
tube 6 to wall section 8 may be slightly rounded. about 1/5 and about the diameter of opening 12. If the
As used herein the expression average apex refers to outflow channel is longer, there is the risk that the wall
the average value of the angles 2Xa and 2Xa'. At 10 will be wetted with liquid. When certain liquids are
angles of 70 or less the capacity of the sprayer is limited 25 sprayed, such as molten urea or salt solutions, this might
and at angles of 90 or more the sprayer is susceptible to give rise to corrosion. If a comparatively long outflow
turbulence in the gas flow thus a specific angle will be channel is desired, the channel can be made to flare
selected for use between the two limits of this general outwardly. In this case the diameter of the outflow
range. Preferably the sprayers have the average direc opening of the sprayer is taken to be the smallest diame
tion of flow at an angle of between 75 and 87.5 to the 30 ter in channel 11.
axis of the sprayer, and particularly good results are If desired tube 1 may be shaped so that it defines a
obtained if this angle ranges between 77.5 and 82.5. slightly conical converging or diverging channel 2, but
Consequently, the average apex is preferably between the occurrence of turbulence in the liquid flow must be
150 and 175, and, more in particular, between 155 avoided thus dictating the limits of permissible design
and 165". The size of each of the angles a and a' ranges 35 changes. However, in all cases, end face 4 is chamfered
between 70' and 90', more preferably between 75" and at an angle a' to the direction of flow as above de
87.5 and most preferably between 77.5 and 82.5". scribed.
In determining these angles it is also preferable that a The ratio between the diameters of the outflow open
is greater than a' and that the difference between these ing 12 of the sprayer and liquid outflow opening 3
angles is less than 5". Special preference is given to the 40 ranges between about 1.0 and 1.6 and preferably be
embodiments in which a and a' are completely or virtu tween about 1.1 and 1.3. These perameters are also
ally substantially equal so that the conical channel thus controlled by practical use considerations. If the
defined has essentially parallel walls. In combination sprayer outflow opening is too small the wall of the
with the various angles and configurations mentioned outflow channel is wetted by liquid, if the opening is too
above this means that the preferred embodiments of the 45 large the atomization is poor or too large amounts of gas
sprayer according to the present invention exhibit a or too high gas velocities are required for proper atom
conical channel having essentially parallel walls with an ization.
apex of between 150' and 175' and, more particularly of The distance between the end of the urea feed tube
between 155 and 165. and the narrowing inner wall of the gas feed tube, that
Here the angles a and a' and the angle formed by the 50 is the distance between 4 and 8, must be such that the
average direction of flow of the gas and the axis of the area available for the passage of gas remains the same or
sprayer are the same, or virtually the same, and prefera becomes smaller towards the outflow opening. Hence,
bly range between 75' and 87.5 and more preferably when the gas passes through channel 13 and channel 11
between 77.5 and 82.5. to outflow opening 12 it must have an unchanging or
In the embodiments described in detail above com 55 increasing velocity. The velocity preferably increases
paratively little gas is required for efficient atomization and hence the passage area in channel 13 is greater than
of the liquid while at the same time the chance of turbu the passage area of the sprayer opening.
lence forming in the gas flow and in the outflow open The passage area of the conical channel is taken to be
ing of the sprayer has been reduced. This is particularly the passage area in the part of the channel nearest the
important in sprayers that are used for spraying a liquid sprayer outflow opening. If so desired the gas velocity
into a fluidized bed of solid particles. in the sprayer outflow opening may be lower than the
Liquid feed tube 1 is connected in a conventional gas velocity in the conical channel, but then the chance
manner, such as by a welded or bolted connection, to of turbulence being formed near the sprayer opening
liquid feed tube 16, which, in the embodiment shown, is and in the outflow channel, with consequent erosion,
provided with a welded outer jacket 17, so that a space 65 increases.
18 is formed which may be filled with heat-insulating If the sprayer is to be used for spraying liquid into a
material, adapted to circulate a heat-transfer agent or fluidized bed of catalytically active or inert particles,
for an electric heating means. the end face of the sprayer is preferably rounded or
4,171,091 6
chamfered to reduce wear and to promote suction of into the outflow channel. This arrangement provides
the catalyst particles to achieve better mixing of catalyst that no or little turbulence occurs in the outgoing flow
and liquid. because of the radius of rounding ranges between 0.1
Rounding of part 9, the shoulder between the nar and 0.4 times the diameter of the outflow channel, while
rowing part of the gas feed tube and the outflow chan 5 the amount of gas supplied is such that the weight ratio
nel, is essential for good performance and this too is a between the gas and the liquid is between 0.1 and 1.0.
matter of careful product design. If the radius of round The angle at which the gas flow hits the liquid flow
ing is too small, or if there is no rounding, increased preferably ranges between 75 and 87.5 and particu
wear is caused by liquid drops or solid particles being larly between 77.5 and 82.5.
drawn onto and into the sprayer head. On the other O This process is particularly suitable for spraying a
hand, if the radius of the rounding is too great, too much liquid into a fluidized bed of solid particles. In this case,
gas or too high a gas velocity is needed to effect proper the amount of gas used is preferably such that under
atomization. The radius of rounding of part 9 must be operating conditions, the outflow velocity of the gas is
chosen so as to prevent or greatly minimize the forma between about 20 and 120 m/sec and preferably be
tion of turbulence in the gas flow. This is achieved by 15 tween about 40 and 100 m/sec in order to prevent pull
choosing the radius of rounding between about 0.1 and verization of the particles.
about 0.4 times the diameter of the outflow opening of The process of this invention has application in a
the sprayer, preferably between about 0.125 and 0.375, number of areas including spraying fuel or waste flows
and more preferably between 0.2 and 0.3 times this into a fluid-bed incinerator or in the hydrogenation or
diameter. We have also found that it is preferable to 20 gasification of petroleum. We have found that the pro
have edge 5 between the outer wall of the liquid feed cess is particularly suitable for spraying molten urea
tube and the end face slightly rounded to prevent turbu into a fluid bed of inert or catalytically active material,
lence in the gas flow. as is usual in the preparation of melamine or cyanuric
If this edge is not rounded turbulence will form caus acid. In this case the atomizing gas used is ammonia or
ing liquid to settle on the end face of the tube and as a 25 a mixture of ammonia and carbon dioxide. The tempera
result corrosion may in some cases occur. To prevent ture of the urea is at least 133 C. and in most cases
turbulence, joint 14 is preferably also slightly rounded. between 135' and 150° C. The temperature of the gas is
In these two cases the exact radius of rounding is not of not particularly important and may range between 20°
any criticality. With due observance of the above ratios, and 400 C.
the dimensions of the sprayer are determined by the 30 The velocity with which the liquid leaves the feed
desired capacity of the sprayer and a capacity of over tube and meets the atomizing gas may be varied within
4000 kb of liquid/hour can be reached without further wide limits, notably between 10 and 200 cm/second and
adjustments or design changes. The sprayer is con preferably between 50 and 150 cm/second.
structed of any material that is non-corrosive, dimen The amount of gas used is such that the weight ratio
sionally stable and wear-resistant under the operating 35 between the gas fed in per unit time and the liquid
conditions. Materials we have found to be suitable in ranges between 0.1 and 1.0 and preferably between 0.2
clude: Inconel, Hastalloy B and Hastalloy C. Other and 0.5. Amounts of gas larger than indicated above
known materials will be known to those skilled in the may be used but are not necessary. The velocity with
art depending upon the temperature, pressure and envi which the gas leaves the sprayer opening under operat
ronmental conditions to which the sprayer is to be sub ing conditions varies within wide limits. Useful veloci
jected. Portions of the sprayer that are most subject to ties ranges between 20 and 120 m/sec, and preferred
wear, such as parts 8, 9, and 10, may be lined with a values include gas velocities of between 40 and 100
layer of wear-resistant material or may be formed from m/sec and in particular of between 60 and 90 m/sec.
inserts of highly resistant material such as silicon car When urea is sprayed into a fluidized bed of particles, a
bide, tungsten carbide or alumina. 45 preferred embodiment of the invention, the gas velocity
Another aspect of our invention is the use of the must be lower than 120 m/sec and preferably lower
sprayer devices above described in a spraying method than 100 m/sec so as to avoid pulverization of the parti
or process; thus according to another embodiment of cles.
our invention, a liquid is sprayed by means of a gas or a The devices and processes according to the present
gas mixture in a two-phase sprayer comprising a tube 50 invention are particularly suitable for use in the prepara
for the liquid to be sprayed having an outflow opening tion of melamine, when, by means of a two-phase
normal to the direction of liquid flow and, around this sprayer, urea is sprayed into a fluidized bed of catalyti
tube, a coaxial tube for supplying the gas which tube cally active or inactive material in a reactor in which a
extends beyond the end of the liquid tube, and in which pressure of between 1 and 25 atmospheres and a temper
the gas flow surrounds and atomizes the outflowing 55 ature of between 300' and 500 C. are maintained and
liquid, characterized in that the liquid is supplied with which contains one or more fluidized beds, at least one
an outflow velocity of between 10 and 200 cm/sec and of which consists of catalytically active material. The
the gas is supplied as a non-turbulent or slightly turbu synthesis of melamine from urea in this general manner
lent flow having an unchanging or increasing velocity is itself known and well described in the art.
so that the gas flow, which is passed through a conical The process aspect of the present invention will be
channel surrounds and atomizes the outgoing liquid further described with reference to the following exam
flow while the angle between the directions of the gas ples. As it is not practically possible to actually observe
flow and the liquid flow is between about 70 and 90', the operation of a sprayer under operating conditions
after which the gas and the liquid leave the sprayer when urea is sprayed with ammonia as the atomizing
gas, such as in a melamine reactor, for testing purposes
together through a short outflow channel that has a 65 water
smallest diameter of between 1.0 and 1.6 times the diam was sprayed in several experiments in various
eter of the liquid outflow opening and is rounded in the sprayers with air as the atomizing gas. This arrange
area where the inner wall of the gas feed tube passes ment enables visual inspection of various sprayers in
operation and gives a general indication of the useful
ness of a particular sprayer design in accordance with
the above description. Applicants have found that diameter of sprayer outflow opening 38 mm
diameter of liquid outflow opening 32 mm
sprayers that operate poorly under water and air condi length of outflow channel 26 mm
tions, also are not suitable for spraying urea. radius of rounding (part 9) 9 mm
radius of rounding (edge 5) 0.7 mm
EXAMPLE 1. angles a and a' 80
distance between walls of conical channel 6.5 mm
Water was sprayed with air as the atomizing gas in a
sprayer according to FIG. 1, but in which the transition
into the sprayer outflow channel (part 9) was not 10 Under these conditions the sprayer gave excellent
rounded. The diameter of the sprayer outflow opening atomization without any turbulence near or in the out
was 38 mm, the diameter of the liquid outflow opening flow channel. At a liquid load of 3000 kg/h the atomiza
was 20 mm and the angles a and a' were 80'. The tion remained very satisfactory.
amount of water sprayed was 2000 kg/hour and the EXAMPLE 6
outflow velocity of the air was 116 m/sec. At an equal 15
impelling force of the gas flow per kg of liquid, such an The sprayer described in Example 5 was used for
air velocity corresponds to an ammonia velocity of 80 spraying molten urea of about 135 C. directly into a
m/sec under operating conditions when urea is sprayed fluidized bed of catalytically active material in a mela
by means of ammonia. The atomization of the water 20 mine reactor with ammonia as the atomizing gas. Under
was satisfactory, but an eddy causing inward suction operating conditions the outflow velocity of the ammo
was observed in the outlet of the sprayer. If the same nia gas was 80 m/sec. while the urea load was varied
sprayer was used to spray into a fluid bed, this sprayer between 1000 kg of urea/hour and 3600 kg/hour. The
would suck in particles of fluidized material which reactor and the sprayer were inspected after the sprayer
would give rise to serious wear from erosion of the had been operating virtually continuously for 4 months,
sprayer outflow channel. 25 mostly at a load of about 2000 kg of urea/hour.
The sprayer did not show any signs of erosion. No
EXAMPLE 2 pronounced signs of corrosion, such as pitting, were
Water was sprayed with air as the atomizing gas in a observed, either in the reactor itself, or in the heat ex
sprayer according to FIG. 1, but again without the changers fitted in the reactor. From this it may be con
rounding of part 9; the diameter of the sprayer outflow 30 cluded that the sprayer always operated properly dur
opening of the liquid channel was 20 mm and the angles ing this period. This is so because if the atomization is
or and a' were 70'. The load was 2000 kg of water per poor, drops of urea will hit the reactor wall and the heat
hour and the air outflow velocity was 116 m/sec. The exchanger when this type of sprayer is used, so that
atomization was very poor and an eddy causing inward serious signs of corrosion would soon occur.
35 What is claimed is:
suction formed in the outflow channel. This did not 1. In a process for spraying a liquid by means of a
change at a lower liquid load. two-phase sprayer using an atomizing gas wherein said
EXAMPLE 3 sprayer is comprised of a liquid feed tube adapted for
Water was sprayed with an air outflow velocity of 40 liquidsupply of a liquid to be sprayed, terminating with a
116 m/sec in a sprayer as described in Example 2, (un of theoutflow opening and positioned around the axis
sprayer and coaxially with a gas feed tube
rounded part 9), but with a diameter of the outflow
opening of the liquid channel of 27 mm. At a load of adapted
with a
for the supply of atomizing gas and terminating
sprayer outflow opening, said liquid and gas feed
1000 kg of water/hour, the atomization was reasonably tubes being relatively positioned such that said gas feed
to good, but at a load of 2000 kg of water/hour, the 45 tube extends beyond the liquid outflow opening of said
atomization was poor. In both cases an eddy causing liquid feed tube, the improvement wherein, in said
inward suction was observed in the outflow channel. sprayer,
EXAMPLE 4 said gas feed tube near the sprayer outflow opening
2000 kg of water/hour were sprayed with air (out has an inner wall section that tapers narrower
flow velocity of 116 m/sec) in a sprayer according to
50 towards the sprayer outflow opening, at an angle a
of between 70 and 90 with respect to the sprayer
FIG. 1 with a diameter of the outflow opening of the axis, and continues by way of a rounded shoulder
sprayer of 38 mm, a diameter of the liquid outflow into a comparatively short outflow channel ending
opening of 32 mm, angles a and a' of 80', a radius of at said sprayer outflow opening, said rounded
rounding of part 9 of 19 mm, and a length of the outflow 55 shoulder having a radius of between 0.1 and 0.4
channel from the rounded part to the outlet opening of times the smallest diameter of said outflow channel,
26 mm. Under these conditions the atomization was not said liquid feed tube has an outer wall, and an end
satisfactory, but no turbulence occurred in the outflow face between said outer wall and liquid outflow
channel. Extension of the outflow channel to 40 mm opening chamfered at an angle a' of between 70'
and, in a variant embodiment, to 60 mm, did not in and 90' with respect to the sprayer axis thereby
prove the atomization. Proper atomization was not forming a conical channel with an average apex of
reached until at air outflow velocities of over 170 m/sec between 140 and 180° between said chamfered end
were reached. face and the tapered inner wall section of the gas
EXAMPLE 5 feed tube,
65 and further wherein the passage area of the conical
2000 kg of water/hour were sprayed with air (out channel at the end adjacent to said outflow channel
flow velocity 116 m/sec) in a sprayer according to FIG. is no greater than such passage area at any other
1 with the following characteristics: place within said conical channel, the smallest pas
4,171,091 10
sage area of said outflow channel is no greater than the sprayer outflow opening of between 20 meters per
the smallest passage area of said conical channel, second and 120 meters per second.
and the smallest diameter of the outflow channel is 17. The process according to claim 16 wherein the
between 1.0 and 1.6 times the diameter of the liquid gas outflow velocity ranges between 40 meters per
outflow opening. second and 100 meters per second.
2. The process according to claim 1 wherein the 18. In a two-phase sprayer having a liquid feed tube
difference in size between the angles a and a' is at most adapted for the supply of a liquid to be sprayed, termi
5. nating with a liquid outflow opening and positioned
3. The process according to claim 2 wherein the around the axis of the sprayer and coaxially within a gas
angles a and a' are substantially or completely equal 10 feed tube adapted for the supply of atomizing gas and
and the conical channel thus defined has substantially terminating with a sprayer outflow opening, said liquid
parallel walls. and gas feed tubes being relatively positioned such that
4. The process according to claim 1 wherein each of said gas feed tube extends beyond the liquid outflow
the angles a and a' has a size of between 75 and 87.5. opening of said liquid feed tube, the improvement com
5. The process according to claim 4 wherein each of 15 prising:
the angles a and a' has a size of between 77.5 and 82.5". said gas feed tube near the sprayer outflow opening
6. The process according to claim 1 wherein the having an inner wall section that tapers narrower
smallest diameter of the outflow channel is between 1.1 towards the sprayer outflow opening, at an angle a
and 1.3 times the diameter of the liquid outflow open of between 70 and 90' with respect to the sprayer
ling. 20 axis, and continuing by way of a rounded shoulder
7. The process according to claim 1 wherein the into a comparatively short outflow channel ending
radius of said rounded shoulder is 0.2 to 0.3 times the at said sprayer outflow opening, said rounded
smallest diameter of the outflow channel. shoulder having a radius of between 0.1 and 0.4
8. The process according to claim 1 wherein the edge times the smallest diameter of said outflow channel,
formed by the chamfered end face of the liquid feed 25 said liquid feed tube having an outer wall, and an end
tube and the outer wall of said tube is rounded having a face between said outer wall and liquid outflow
radius that suppresses or prevents the formation of tur opening chamfered at an angle a' of between 70
bulence in the gas flow. and 90' with respect to the sprayer axis, forming a
9. The process according to claim 1 wherein the conical channel with an average apex of between
smallest passage area of the outflow channel is smaller 140 and 180' between said chamfered end face and
than the smallest passage area of the conical channel. the tapered inner wall section of the gas feed tube,
10. The process of claim 1 wherein said liquid is fed to and further wherein the passage area of the conical
the sprayer at a rate so as to pass through said liquid channel at the end adjacent to said outflow channel
outflow opening at a velocity of between 10 and 200 is no greater than such passage area at any other
centimeters per second, said atomizing gas is fed to the 35
place within said conical channel, the smallest pas
sprayer at a rate such that the gas flow passing through sage area of said outflow channel is no greater than
said conical channel is at most slightly turbulent, and the smallest passage area of said conical channel,
the weight ratio of atomizing gas to liquid fed to said and the smallest diameter of the outflow channel is
sprayer is between 0.1 and 1.0, and wherein said atomiz between 1.0 and 1.6 times the diameter of the liquid
ing gas leaving said conical channel surrounds and im 40
outflow opening.
pinges upon said liquid passing through said liquid out 19. The two-phase sprayer of claim 18 wherein the
flow opening at an angle between the direction of gas difference in size between the angles a and a' is at most
flow and the direction of liquid flow of between 70' and 5°.
90 whereby said liquid is atomized and the resulting 20. The two-phase sprayer of claim 19 wherein the
gas-liquid mixture is passed out of said sprayer via the angles a and a' are substantially or completely equal
outflow channel. 45 and the conical channel thus defined has substantially
11. The process according to claim 10 wherein the parallel walls.
atomizing gas flow impinges upon the liquid flow at an 21. The two-phase sprayer of claim 18 wherein each
angle of between 75 and 87.5". of the angles a and a' has a size of between 75 and
12. The process according to claim 11 wherein the 87.5".
atomizing gas flow impinges upon the liquid flow at an SO 22. The two-phase sprayer of claim 21 wherein each
angle of between 77.5' and 82.5. of the angles a and a' has a size of between 77.5° and
13. The process according to claim 10 wherein the 82.5.
smallest diameter of the outflow channel is between 1.1 23. The two-phase sprayer of claim 18 wherein the
and 1.3 times the diameter of the liquid outflow open smallest diameter of the outflow channel is between 1.1
1ng. 55 and 1.3 times the diameter of the liquid outflow open
14. The process according to claim 10 wherein the 1ng.
turbulence in the outflowing gas-liquid mixture is re 24. The two-phase sprayer of claim 18 wherein the
duced by passing said gas-liquid mixture over said radius of said rounded shoulder is 0.2 to 0.3 times the
rounded shoulder having a radius of 0.2 and 0.3 times smallest diameter of the outflow channel.
the smallest diameter of the outflow channel. 25. The two-phase sprayer of claim 18 wherein the
15. The process according to claim 10 wherein the edge formed by the chamfered end face of the liquid
turbulence in the gas flowing through the conical chan feed tube and the outer wall of said tube is rounded
nel is reduced by passing said gas over a rounding at the having a radius that suppresses or prevents the forma
edge formed by the outer wall of the liquid supply tube tion of turbulence in the gas flow.
and the chamfered end face of this tube. 65 26. The two-phase sprayer of claim 20 wherein the
16. The process according to claim 10 wherein the smallest passage area of the outflow channel is smaller
atomized liquid is sprayed directly into a fluidized bed than the smallest passage area
of the conical channel.
of solid particles with a gas outflow velocity through

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