Build Discussion: Jesus and Me
Build Discussion: Jesus and Me
Build Discussion: Jesus and Me
Build Discussion Chapter 3
1. To understand the “mystery” so long hidden that is now revealed, and the role of the church
2. To examine Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian’s enablement, what it means for us today
Greetings! Here we are on the third chapter of the Ephesians. Yahoo!
Last time, we discussed the second chapter of Ephesians. Do you still remember GRACE stands for?
Write it down- G_____R________A____C________E__________. In this chapter, we will see Paul’s
excitement about a mystery----Christ’s work of reconciliation between Jew and Gentile and between
humanity and God, and he wanted his readers to take firm hold of their new standing. The chapter also
contains Paul’s second prayer for the Ephesians. He prays for their enablement that the Father would
strengthen them by His Spirit that Christ might dwell in their hearts through faith, that they be able to
know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, and so be filled with all the fullness of God. He
concludes his prayer and this Chapter by ascribing that glory be given to God in the church by Jesus
Christ for all eternity.
Answer these questions as you listen to the speaker. Hints are provided- corresponding verses are given to
help you.
1. What are the main points of the chapter?
a. (v1-13)____________________________________________________________________
b. (v14-21)___________________________________________________________________
2. How does Paul identify himself at the beginning of the chapter? (v1)_____________________
3. What measure of grace was shown by God toward Paul? (v2-3)__________________________
4. What did Paul say we can have by reading what he had written? (v3-4)___________________
5. What does Paul reveal concerning the revelation of this mystery? (v5)___________________
6. What is the “mystery” that has now been revealed? (v6)________________________________
7. Though viewing himself as “less than the least of all the saints”, what gracious task was given to
Paul? (v8-9)___________________________________________________________________
8. What was the intent for proclaiming the revelation of this mystery? (v10)___________________
9. According to what was all this being done? (v11)______________________________________
10. What has Christ therefore made possible for us?
11. In view of God’s grace given to Paul, what does he therefore ask? (v14)__________________
12. In Paul’s second prayer for the Ephesians, for what does he ask? (v. 14-19)
13. What does Paul say God is able to do? (v20)
14. In what entity does Paul seek to ascribe glory to God? How? For how long? (v21)
Living Insights
What a great passage Ephesians 3:14-21 is to meditate on and memorize. It encourages and
strengthens us no matter what situations we’re in, but it’s particularly healing when we’re discouraged.
When we’ve lost our inner energy and motivation in our walk with Christ, we can remember that He
wants to empower us (v. 16; see also Isaiah 40:28-31). When we lose touch with reality and feel
completely unloved and uncared for, He roots and grounds us in His love ( Ephesians 3:17; see also
Jeremiah 31:3). When our minds are fogged and we don’t remember what we once knew so well, He re-
centers our thoughts on the immensity of His all-embracing love (Ephesians 3:18-19a). And when we lose
our way with Him and feel empty, He fills us again from the bounty of His presence (v. 19b).
Copeland, M. (2001). The Epistle to the Ephesians: a study guide with introductory comments,
summaries, outlines, and review questions. Retrieved from Executable Outlines:
Swindoll, C. (2001). Becoming a people of grace. United States of America: Insight for Living.