Solutions-Student's Book-Elementary PDF
Solutions-Student's Book-Elementary PDF
Solutions-Student's Book-Elementary PDF
Third Edition
Solutions Elementary
Student’s Book
p4 Personal information p5 be and have got p6 Talking about ability and asking for p7 Articles: the. a / an,
Alphabet and numbers (7—50) permission some; this I that / these /
Countries (Argentina. Turkey, etc.) Vocabulary: Action verbs (dance, ride a bike. those
Speaking: Introductions etc.) Vocabulary: In the classroom
O Teens introducing themselves Vocabulary: Musical instruments (clarinet, (pencil case, ruler, etc.)
drums, etc.) Speaking: Asking about
Grammar- can for ability; can for permission classroom items
p8 Family plO Present simple pll Spelling and pronunciation p12 Present simple
Family and
Family members (aunt. son. stepbrother, etc.)
Recycle: have got
Pronunciation: Third person
Strategy: Vowels, same spelling, different
(negative and interrogative;
Q An argument between
Possessive's singular endings Strategy: Distinguishing similar sounds and siblings
Speaking: Famous families quiz using context to help you
O Describing a family photo Vocabulary: Housework
Q Teens talking about housework
p!8 Daily routine p20 have to p21 Unusual schools p22 Adverbs of frequency;
School days
Daily routine (get dressed, wake up. etc.)
School subjects (biology, maths, etc.)
Saying numbers, dates and times
Strategy: Identifying numbers, dates and
question words
Q A dialogue about school
Times times clubs
Recycle: Using do or does to form questions Speaking: Comparing your school with a
OTim's timetable democratic school
Q Studying at the Brooklyn Free school
p28 Exam Skills Trainer 1 • Reading: Multiple choice • Listening: Multiple matching • Use of English: Multiple-choice cloze • Speaking: Problem-solving/Role-play
p30 Clothes p32 Present continuous p33 Catwalk fashion p34 Contrast: present
Clothes (boots, cardigan, dress, etc.)
Colours (cream, light blue,yellow, etc.)
Spelling: -ing forms Strategy: Identifying word stress
Adjectives to describe clothes (casual, smart,
simple and present
Recycle: Adverbs of frequency etc.) Present tense contrast
Speaking: Describing people's clothes Speaking: Inventing a catwalk commentary O A phone conversation
O Discussing clothes O A radio programme about fashion about shopping
Dictionary work
p40 Are you hungry? p42 there is / there are; p43 Whatawastel p44 how much I how
pSO Exam Skills Trainer 2 • Reading: Missing sentences • Listening: Short text multiple choice • Use of English: Open cloze • Speaking: Situational role-play
In the city
Places in towns and cities (airport, bank, bus station, etc.)
Prepositions of place (behind, opposite, etc.)
Comparative adjectives
Comparativeadjectives Strategy: Listening for the mam ideas
Vocabulary: Town and country (farm. lake.
Descriptions using
superlative adjectives
Speaking: Travel quiz traffic, etc ) Q Discussing travel options
Recycle: there is / there are Q Five monologues about the town and the
Q Teen talking about where he lives country
Speaking: Advantages and disadvantages of
living in your town or village
p62 Wild animals p64 Past simple p65 Missing sounds p66 Past simple: be and ca>
Going wild
Wild animals (bear, shark, etc.)
Parts of an animal (paw, tail, etc.)
(affirmative): regular
Pronunciation: -edendings
Strategy: Joined words in connected speech
O Talking about wild experiences
O A safari trip
p72 Exam Skills Trainer 3 • Reading: Short text multiple choice • Listening: True or false • Useof English: Multiple-choice cloze • Speaking: Photo description
p74 Computing p76 Past simple p77 Listening to instructions p78 Past simple (negative
Computing nouns (charger, tablet, etc.) (affirmative): irregular Strategy: Identifying sequencing words and interrogative)
Computing verbs (delete, print, etc.) Vocabulary: Computer instructions (connect, Q Talking about a music
Digital world
Technology collocations (visit a web page, click on a button. install, etc.) festival
etc.) O A computer help desk
Recycle: Present continuous
Q Dialogues about technology
p84 Sports and hobbies p86 going to p87 Prediction p88 will
Be active!
Sports (aerobics, skiing, etc.)
Verbs (play, do and go)
Future time expressions (this
evening, next week, etc.)
Strategy: ‘Listening ahead' to predict how
sentences will finish
Speaking: Olympics quiz O Discussing weekend Q A news story about Tommy Caldwell and
Recycle: Past simple (affirmative and negative) plans Kevin Jorgeson
^Monologues about sport
p94 Exam Skills Trainer 4 • Reading: True or false • Listening: Short answers (sentence completion) • Useof English: Word formation • Speaking: Negotiation
p96 My home p98 Present perfect p99 University accommodation p100 Present perfect
Home sweet
Furniture (bed. light, wardrobe, etc.)
Parts of a home (bathroom, kitchen, etc.)
just for recent events
Strategy: Sound changes in connected
(negative and interrogativ"
already and yet
Recycle: Present simple and continuous contrast Speaking: Discussing university Q Discussing houseWOfk
homel accommodation
O Family discussions
Q Finding a place to live
Reading: Multiple matching (headings to paragraphs) • Listening: Multiple choice » Use of English: Open cloze • Speaking: Photo con^?
p!06 Exam Skills Trainer 5 •
Vocabulary Builder p!17
Culture Bank pl08
Grammar Builder and Reference p!22
1 The Royal Family 2 The University of Oxford 3 Teens and their money 4 British food Extra Speaking Tasks p!42
5 New York 6 Yellowstone National Park 7 British scientists 8 Football 9 The White House Irregular verbs p!43
0 Listening (1.01 ■» disk 1, track 1 / 2.01 - disk 2, track 1, etc.)
p23 Prepositions of time p24 Dangerous journeys p26 Giving advice p27 An announcement
Prepositions of time 1 (in, The school run Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe feelings Strategy: Writing notes to prepare for a task
on, at) Strategy: Matching sentences with texts Grammar, should/shouldn't Vocabulary: School events (play, school club,
Prepositions of time 2 (before, Vocabulary: Landscape (mountain, river, etc.) O Teens discussing problems and giving advice sports day. etc.)
after, during, until.from.. to) Grammar Imperatives
Speaking: Talking about your
school day and year
• Writing: An announcement
p35 Adjectives: opposites p36 Teenage pressures p38 Making arrangements p39 An email
Negative prefix un Impossible images? Grammar: Present continuous for future arrangements Strategy: Writing an informal email
Vocabulary: Common Strategy: Matching headings with texts Key phrases: Making suggestions Grammar: Using linking words to connect
adjectives Vocabulary: Adjective opposites Key phrases: Agreeing to and declining suggestions ideas in a sentence
Q Talking about buying Key phrases: Expressing opinions O Making plans for free-time activities Vocabulary: Accessories (bracelet, wallet, etc.)
clothes Key phrases: Beginning and ending an email
(Dear. Lots of love, etc.)
p45 Adjective + preposition p46 Unusual restaurants p48 In a restaurant p49 An invitation
Dictionary work Out of the ordinary Grammar: would like Strategy: Checking for mistakes
Strategy: Deciding which part of a text contains Vocabulary: Nouns that can be countable and Key phrases: Invitations (would you like tojoin
the information you need uncountable us. hopeyou can make it. etc.)
Vocabulary: Restaurants (customers, service, etc.) Key phrases: Asking questions in a restaurant (Andfor
you?. Can we have. ?, etc)
O Ordering food at a restaurant
• Writing: An invitation
p57 Words that go together p58 Unusual cities p60 Asking for and giving directions p61 An article
Travel collocations Unusual cities- the good, the bad and the ugly Strategy: Asking the speaker to slow down, repeat or Strategy: Writing in paragraphs
Strategy: Reading for overall meaning clarify Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe towns
Vocabulary: Compass points and continents Key phrases: Giving directions (Go straight on, etc) and cities
Key phrases: Location (It's between the . etc.)
Q Asking for and giving directions
•p67 Prepositions of p68 Stranger than fiction? p70 Photo description p71 A postcard
movement and place Real animals that were once a myth Strategy: Describing photos in general and in detail Strategy: Choosing the right tense
Prepositions of place on, in Strategy: Multiple-choice tasks Vocabulary: Natural world (beach, stars, etc.) Vocabulary: Adventure holiday activities
and by Vocabulary: Occupations (pilot, sailor, etc) Vocabulary: Actions (climbing, sitting, etc.) (cycle, explore, etc.)
Prepositions of movement Key phrases: Describing a photo (in the centre, etc) Key phrases: Postcards (wishyou were here,
Across, down, under, etc.) O Photo descriptions thinking ofyou. etc.)
Speaking: Survival in the
rainforest story
» Writing: A postcard
>79 Introduction to phrasal p80 Dancing Man p82 In a shop p83 A narrative
kerbs People power Vocabulary: Prices Strategy: Including direct speech in a
Phrasal verbs, computers Strategy: Gapped sentence tasks, thinking about Vocabulary: Gadgets (touch-screen, Wi-Fi, etc.) narrative
'plug in. shut down, etc.) the sequence of events Key phrases: in a shop (How can I help you?, etc.) Key phrases: Time expressions for setting the
Actionary work Vocabulary: Internet phrases (internetforum, Q Buying gadgets scene and ordering events (last weekend, the
social media, etc.) next day. etc)
189 Noun suffixes p90 Against the odds p92 Negotiating p93 An informal letter
’flaking nouns from verbs and Unstoppable Strategy: Reacting in appropriate ways Strategy: Planning and making notes
Adjectives Strategy: Multiple-choice tasks Vocabulary: Athletics events (high jump, relay, etc.) Vocabulary: Sports equipment (bike, goggles.
Vocabulary: Nationalities (Australian. Spanish. Key phrases: Rejecting a suggestion (I don't reallyfancy etc.)
etc.) ..., etc ); Suggesting an alternative (I'dprefer to .. etc.); Key phrases: Apologising, giving news and
Reacting making suggestions
Q Making plans to meet
fol do, make, have, take, p!02 In the middle of nowhere p104 Photo comparison p!05 A description
^ring Island home Strategy: Describing and comparing photos Strategy: Using modifiers to make a
■allocations with do. make, Strategy; Checking references to fill gaps Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe rooms description sound natural
Jpve and take Vocabulary: Collocations (daily life, sandy Key phrases: Comparing and contrasting (Both photos Vocabulary: although, because and so
We vs bring beaches, etc.) show. . etc.); Speculating (It looks as if. . etc.) Vocabulary: Modifiers (a bit. extremely, etc.)
Q Photo comparison
Personal information
/ can exchange basic personal information.
6 Qi-04 VOCABULARY Listen and repeat the numbers
(1-50). Then say the numbers backwards (50-1) around the
50 49 48 47
Name I Age
1 Antoine
4 Now put the red letters into the correct category below, 12 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Find out your partner’s
depending on the sound they share. information. Ask and answer questions from the dialogue in
exercise 1.
1 b, c, ...
2 f.l,... What's your name? It's...
5 SPEAKING Work in groups or as a class. Think of a famous
person and start spelling his or her name. Who can guess
How do you spell that?
the person first?
1 Q 1.06 Read and listen to the 5 Complete the Learn this! box. Use short forms. Use the
dialogue. How old is Joanna’s sister? dialogue in exercise 1 to help you. What are the long forms?
4 SPEAKING Complete the questions with the correct form Joes got.... He hasn’t got....
of the verb be. Then ask and answerthe questions in pairs. 9 SPEAKING Complete the column for you in exercise 7. Then
1 you hungry? ask and answer in pairs and complete the column for your
2 our teacher male? partner.
3 we at school?
4 your friends all at this school? Have you got... ?
5 you eighteen years old?
6 I from the UK?
10 SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner.
Are you hungry? Yes, I am. I No, I’m not.
Marianne hasn’t got a pet.
4 SPEAKING V Work in pairs. Ask permission to do the things
below. Use Can I... ?
borrow your pencil use your dictionary askaque^ti
share your book copy your answer
EE) 1 Grammar I— x A
i I can use articles and this, that, these and those correctly.
1 VOCABULARY Match the pictures with eight of the words 4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
below. Check the meaning of all the words. the things in exercise 1. Use a or an.
In the classroom bin blackboard calculator chair
Have you got a pen
computer cupboard desk eraser exercise book Yes, I have. I No, I haven’t.
in your schoolbag?
interactive whiteboard pen pencil pencil case
pencil sharpener ruler schoolbag shelf
Have we got an interactive Yes, we have. /
whiteboard in our classroom? No, we haven't.
Introduction 7
I can talk aboutfamily members.
Family and
Unit map
• Vocabulary
Family members
Adjectives and prepositions
Describing people
Personality adjectives
• Word Skills Sophie
Singular and plural nouns
• Grammar
Present simple (affirmative)
Present simple (negative and
• Listening Spelling and
2 Read the Learn this! box. Then complete the sentences, adding possessive's and the
correct family member.
1 Harry is Tom’s son.
2 Martin is Tom•
• Vocabulary Builder page 117 3 Nathan and Rosie are Sophie-------------------- .
• Grammar Builder page 124 4 Harry is Liz ,
• Grammar Reference page 125 5 Lisa is Mia..
6 Clare and Liz are Jessica■
7 Poppy, Harry and Mia are Rosie-------------------- .
a We add -in-law for relationships from a marriage.
father-in-law =your husband's father/your wife'sfather
Famous families
brother-in-law =your sister’s husband /your wife's brother
Who is this man?
b We add step for relationships from a remarriage. Is he Beyonce’s ...
stepmother = yourfather’s wife a c
c ?
stepsister =your stepfather’s daughter/ ?
b h
your stepmother's daughter
c b ?
c We add great to refer to the generation before.
great-grandfather =your mother's grandfather/
yourfather's grandfather These girls have got a
great-uncle =your mother’s uncle /yourfather’s uncle famous f . Who is he?
a Will Smith
5 Q113 Read the Look out! box. Then listen to a dialogue b Jay Z
about Ella’s family photo. Complete the sentence with the
c Barack Obama
correct family member: a, b or c.
This family photo includes Ella’s ...
a stepmother b great-grandmother c brother-in-law What is the relationship
between these two
Hollywood stars - Jon Voight
and Angelina Jolie?
a uncle and
b father and
and wife
Listening Strategy 2
Some words sound similar but have very different
meanings. Being able to detect the small difference in
pronunciation will help you to understand them when
1 SPEAKING Look at the photo of the Radford family. What you hear them. Use the context to help you too.
is the relationship between the people, do you think?
2 Read the text and answer the questions. Gw Read Listening Strategy 2. Then listen and repeat
6 CSK3
the words. Which word in each pair do you hear first? Pay
1 What is Noel's job? attention to the different vowel sounds.
2 How many people live in the Radford family home?
1 men man 3 far for 5 live leave
2 cap cup 4 wet wait 6 match March
A DAY IN THE LIFE ©F 7 Qi-18 Listen. Which word from exercise 6 does each
THE RADFORD FAMILY! sentence include? Which other words help you decide?
Sue and Noel Radford live in a very big house in Morecambe
8 G>i-19 Listen to Ryan and Joanna talking about
! in the north of England. The house is big because they’ve got
nineteen children! Their oldest child is 28, and the youngest housework. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.
is just a baby. Then correct the false ones.
The day starts at 4 a.m. when Noel, a baker, goes to 1 Ryan thinks that his bedroom is tidy.
work. Two hours later, he comes home and he wakes up the 2 Joanna tidies her bedroom..
children. Sue prepares breakfast and makes twelve packed
3 Ryan hasn't got time to tidy his bedroom every day.
■ lunches! After breakfast, Noel takes the children to school
- in a minibus! Noel goes back to the bakery with his eldest 4 Joanna’s family shares the housework.
r daughter, Sophie. She works there too. Then Sue starts on the 5 Joanna and Ryan like housework more than homework.
housework. She loads the dishwasher, cleans the house and 6 Joanna has got exams at the moment.
does the washing (nine times a day!). After lunch she goes to
the supermarket and she does the ironing. When Noel gets
9 Q 1-20 Read these sentences from the conversation in
home at 5 p.m., he cooks dinner and the children set the exercise 8. How are the red sounds pronounced? Listen and
table. After dinner, Sue helps the children with their homework. check.
The day ends at 10 p.m. when all the children go to bed. 1 I tidy my bedroom.
2 My mum does the washing.
3 He’s got exams at the moment.
3 SPEAKING Would you like to have a very large family?
4 He goes to the supermarket too.
Why? I W\xy not?
10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Tell your partner about housework
4 VOCABULARY Find seven of the housework activities in your home. Use phrases from exercise 4. Note down what
below in the text in exercise 2. your partner says.
Housework clean the house cook dinner
do the ironing do the washing go to the supermarket I tidy my bedroom and set the table.
load I unload the dishwasher set the table
tidy my bedroom wash the dishes My dad cleans the house.
I LEARN THIS! Present simple (negative and No, I don't. Do you get up early on Saturdays?
$ interrogative)
a We form the present simple negative with don't or
Yes, I do.
doesn't and the infinitive of the verb without to.
11 play football.
She2 play football.
9 SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner. Use the notes
b We form the present simple interrogative with do or
you made in exercise 8.
does and the infinitive of the verb without to. We form
short answers with do/does/don't/doesn't.
Claudia doesn't get up early on Saturdays.
3 you play football?
Yes, I do./No, 14.
Does he play football? Yes, he does. / No. he doesn't.
a Some nouns are always plural (e.g. scissors, trousers).
2 Read the text. Which family member is missing from the b Some nouns have no plural form. We call these
photo? uncountable nouns (e.g homework, information,
luggage, help, advice).
3 Read the Learn this! box. Match the nouns highlighted in
orange in the text with one of the rules (a-g). Give the
6 Read the Look out! box. Match the nouns highlighted in
singular and plural forms of each noun.
blue in the text with point a or point b.
I LEARN THIS! Singular and plural forms 7 There are mistakes in some of these sentences. Find them
a To ma*<e the plural of most nouns we add -s. and correct them.
brother -> brothers
1 My jeans is very old.
b If the noun ends in -s, -sh, -ch, -z, or -x, we add -es. 2 Put the knifes and forks on the table.
bus -> buses class -> classes dish dishes 3 I love babies.
church -> churches watch -* watches box -> boxes 4 I’d like some informations about trains.
c If the noun ends in -o, we add -s or sometimes -es. 5 Can I see some photoes of your family?
photo -> photos potato -> potatoes 6 I’ve got two watches.
d If the noun ends in a consonant + -y, we change -y 7 She’s got very big feets.
8 I’ve got lots of homeworks this evening.
to -ies.
party -> parties 8 Work in pairs. Write three questions about the Beckhams.
e If the noun ends in a vowel + -y, we add -s. Do not show your partner.
holiday -> holidays Is David Deckham American?
f If the noun ends in -/or -fe, we change -for feto -ves. 9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Cover the text. Then ask and
shelf-* shelves
answer the questions.
g Some nouns have irregular plural forms.
foot -* feet man —> men woman -> women Is David Beckham American? No, he isn’t. He's British.
The second / third / fourth one is / isn’t true for me. I...
Reading Strategy
When you want to know if a sentence fits a gap, read
the sentences before and after the gap as well as the
sentence itself, and ask yourself these questions;
• Does it make sense?
• Does it fit grammatically? (Think about tense,
pronouns, singular and plural, this/that, etc.)
• Does it match the topic of the paragraph?
According to the website, these problems are not unusual. They argue
a lot. In general, teenagers are not worried about their brothers and sisters when things go badly for
them. And they are not proud of them when things go well!
But most adults are very keen on their brothers and sisters and have a good relationship. So when
does the situation change9 2 For example, Madison is 28 years old. Her brother,Tyler, is 26.
'I remember big fights, horrible fights with Tyler,' says Madison.'But now, our relationship is completely
different.3 We go out together two or three times a month and we have a great time. We're
interested in the same things.'
But for teenage brothers and sisters with difficult relationships, what can they do? How can they get
on well? Here are a few ideas.
► When your brother or sister uses your things, don't get angry about it - learn to share.
► Imagine your brother or sister is a friend - and be nice!
► Don't tell people your brother or sister's secrets.
Describing people
I can describe myfriends.
2 Qi-23 Read and listen to the dialogue. Identify Tom and
Brendan in the photo above.
Speaking Strategy
Amy Do you know Tom?
• Speak in a loud, clear voice.
Toby No, I don't. Is he here?
Amy Yes, he's over there. • Look at the other person when he or she is speaking to
Toby Where? What does he look like? you and when you are speaking to him or her.
Amy He’s tall and he's got short dark hair. • Listen very carefully to everything the other person
Toby Is he next to Milly? says so that you can reply appropriately.
Amy No, that's Brendan. Tom's got a white T-shirt.
Toby Oh, yes. I see him. Is he your friend? 7 SPEAKING Read the Speaking Strategy. Then act out your
Amy Yes, he's really nice. Let's go and talk to him. dialogue, using the notes you made in exercise 6.
Toby OK.
KT3 Unitl Family and friends
.1 Writing HHBBHHHHI
A personal profile
I can write a personal profile.
1 Read the personal profiles from a student website. What 3 VOCABULARY Which of the personality adjectives below
information does each person include? Tick the correct do Lauren and James use to describe themselves? Choose
boxes in the table. two from the list to describe yourself.
Lauren | James Personality adjectives creative friendly hard-working
honest patient polite sensible
Home *-* Vocabulary Builder Personality adjectives: page 117
School subjects
4 KEY PHRASES Complete these phrases from the profiles
using the prepositions below. You need to use some
Ambition prepositions more than once.
at in to with
Giving personal information
i I’m1 Year twelve. I walk4 school.
to 1
I live in an apartment. It's very near
the school, so I walk to school in
five minutes every morning!
I really enjoy school: my favourite subjects are science
5 Read Writing Strategy 1. What contractions can you find in
the personal profiles in exercise 1? Say them in full.
and art. I'm keen on languages too. I am Lauren ... and I am in Year twelve.
I love films and I watch DVDs with my friends every
weekend. My other hobbies are dancing and reading. I
like shopping too. Is that a hobby?!
Writing Strategy 2
I've got a dog and two cats. I love animals! My
ambition is to be a vet I want to travel too, perhaps Always write in paragraphs. A paragraph usually contains
before university. two or more sentences about the same topic. When you
prepare a piece of writing, make a paragraph plan.
Daily routine
/ can describe my daily routine at school and at home.
School days
I Unit map
I •Vocabulary
I Daily routine
E Days of the week
I School subjects
I Feelings
| • Word Skills
I: Prepositions of time
I •Grammar
Have to
Adverbs of frequency; question
| words
Z •Listening Schools without
quarter to nine
1 get up 7.20 5 leave school 1 Which subjects from exercise 7 do you do?
2 have breakfast 6 have dinner 2 Doyou do any other subjects?
3 arrive at school 7 go to bed
4 have lunch We do English. We
At our school, we also do...
don’t do economics.
f RECYCLE! do or does
Remember, we use do or does to form questions in the 9 SPEAKING In pairs, compare your opinions of the school
xl present simple. We put it before the subject (she, he,you, subjects in exercise 7.
etc.). We use the infinitive without to.
Doyou have lunch at school? What doyou think I really like it. / It’s OK. /1 don’t
of maths? like it. What about you?
When does she wake up?
0126 VOCABULARY Match ten of the school subjects 11 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Student A: Look at the timetable
with the icons below. Then listen and repeat all the words. below. Student B: Look at the timetable on page 142.
School subjects art and design biology chemistry Imagine this is your timetable for Monday and Tuesday.
economics English French geography German Ask and answer questions about the missing lessons.
history LC.T. (information and communication technology) Monday | Tuesday
maths music P.E. (physical education) physics
8.20 History
R.E. (religious education)
9.05 Music
9.50-10.30 BREAK
10.30 Chemistry
11.15 P.E.
12.05-1.00 LUNCH
1.00 Maths
1.50 Economics
Unit2 Schooldays 19
I Grammar
2B have to
I can talk about things that are necessary or compulsory.
2 Read the Learn this! box and then look at the table. How
many examples of have to can you find in exercise 1? Are
they affirmative, negative or interrogative?
have to __________
Affirmative ______
I / You / We / They have to study music. 1 get up before 7 o'clock 4 do P.E. at school
He / She / It has to arrive at 9 o’clock.
_____________ 2 make her own breakfast 5 take exams
Negative 3 walk to school 6 stay at school after 3:15
I / You / We / They don't have to take exams. 1 She has to get up before 7 o’clock.
He / She / It doesn't have to be on time. 6 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer questions about What
Interrogative your partner has to do at weekends. Use Do you have to ?
Do I /you / we / they have to do homework? and the phrases below.
Yes, we do. / No, they don’t. cook lunch / dinner do the ironing do the washing
Does he / she / it have to help? do your homework get dressed before lunch get up early
No, he doesn't. / Yes, she does. sei the table take exams tidy your room
3 MFI Listen to the text in exercise! How are have to Do you have to cook lunch? Yes, I do. I No, I don’t.
and has to pronounced? Practise saying them.
I ■ r I I dim
2C I Listening
Unusual schools
I can understand numbers, dates and times.
2 Complete the fact file with the verbs below. Would you like
to go to a ‘democratic school’? Why? / Why not?
choose don't go have mark meet take
In democratic schools ...
3 Qi-29 Read the Learn this! box. Then say these numbers, 7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Compare your school with the
dates and times. Sometimes there is more than one way to Brooklyn Free School. Write five sentences and tell the
say them. Then listen, check and repeat. class.
LEARN THIS! Adverbs of frequency 9 Think of possible anslwfefs to questions 1-5 in exercise 8
a We use adverbs of frequency to say how often using the other question words.
something happens. We usually put adverbs of frequency 1 ‘When do you get to school?’ ‘At 5.30a.m.’
1 the verb.
10 Complete the questions with the correct question words.
I never have breakfast.
1 brothers and sisters have you got?
b We put adverbs of frequency2 the verb be.
2 do you sit next to in maths lessons?
You’re always late! 3 do you travel to and from school?
4 do you live?
>♦ Grammar Builder 2D page 126 5 do you usually go to bed?
6 do you usually eat for breakfast?
4 Put the adverbs of frequency in brackets in the correct 7 do you prefer, pizza or pasta?
place in the sentences.
»♦ Grammar Builder 2D page 126
1 Kate watches TV in her bedroom, (sometimes)
2 Joe is late for school, (often) 11 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
3 Harry goes dancing, (never) exercise 10.
4 Hannah does sport at the weekend, (hardly ever)
How many brothers and I’ve got one brother
5 William listens to music in bed. (usually)
sisters have you got? and one sister.
6 Ryan is thirsty after football training, (always)
I a Unit2 Schooldays
I Word Skills L—I ___________
2E Prepositions of time
I can use a variety of prepositions of time.
1 SPEAKING What do you know about British secondary
LEARN THIS! Prepositions of time 2
schools? Think about these things.
a before
age of students mixed / single-sex name of exams x* I have a shower before breakfast.
school day terms and holidays Ring me before the weekend.
[ LEARN THIS! Prepositions of time 1 b after
I watch TV after dinner.
(Sa in
XT in June in 2020 in the morning/the afternoon
We have maths after the break.
c during
in (the) spring
My dad works at night, not during the day.
b on
d until
on Friday on 1 May on New Year’s Day
My mum is in London until tomorrow.
c at
We stay at school until 3.30.
at 6 p.m. at night at New Year at the weekend
e from... to
My dad works from nine to five every day.
2 Read the Learn this! box. Find the preposition we use with:
1 months 5 festivals
4 Read the Learn this! box and translate the examples.
2 times 6 seasons
Then complete the text in exercise 3 with the correct
3 days of the week 7 parts of the day (two answers)
prepositions. Use each preposition once.
4 years 8 a specific day of the year
3 Read what Rachel says about her school and find examples 5 SPEAKING How is your school year and school day
of 1-8 from exercise 2. different from Rachel’s?
Unit2 Schooldays
2F Reading
Dangerous journeys
/ can understand a text about dangerous journeys to school.
The School
1 SPEAKING Look at the photos. Why do these children 01.33
have to go on dangerous journeys, do you think?
Reading Strategy
When you match sentences to texts, make sure the
whole sentence matches the information in the text.
Do not just look for one or two words that are in the
text and the sentence.
1n i
5 VOCABULARY Put the highlighted adjectives in the text
into four pairs of opposites.
f LEARN THIS! should 7 Work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue using the prompts beloW-
Use problems from exercise 4 or your own ideas.
We use should/shouldn't + infinitive without to to give advice.
Affirmative A Greet B. Say that you
She should take her exam again. need advice. B Ask A what the
Negative problem is.
You shouldn’t go outside in this weather. A Explain the problem.
Interrogative B Give one or two
Should we invite your cousin to the party? pieces of advice.
A Thank B for the advice.
>♦ Grammar Builder 2G page 126 8 SPEAKING Act out your dialogue to the class.
rl Unit 2 Sfihwldays
j Writing
An announcement
I can write an announcementfor a school event.
Catd 6 a friend!
Writing Strategy
Come to our musical!
Make sure that you include all the information required
Saturday 12 July from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the task. As you make notes in preparation, tick off the
in the school hall key points in the task as you deal with them.
Please help us to raise £1,000 for new musical
instruments for the school.
5 Read the Writing Strategy. Then read the task and make
We need your help! notes using the questions below to help you.
Come and see us dance! Come and hear us sing!
You are organising an event at your school. Write an
Fun for all the family! Please bring a friend!
announcement to publicise the event and encourage people
to attend. Remember to include information about the time
Tickets: £5. Buy your ticket before 30 June and get a 50p discount!
and place of the event and how people can attend.
what is the event?
3 date, day and time?
4 what is the purpose of the event?
A CHALLENGE? * 5 what happens?
Then come to judo club. 6 other information (tickets? phone number? website?)
We meet every Wednesday after 6 Write an announcement for the event. Use your notes from
school in the school gymnasium, exercise 5.
from 3.30 to 5 p.m.
It’s a great way to make new friends and to keep fit! f CHECK YOUR WORK
Are you new to martial arts? Don’t worry! Have you...
We’ve got a great judo teacher. Everyone is welcome,
• used some imperatives?
especially beginners!
• included all the information in exercise 5?
Call Sarah on 0990 237789 for more details. • checked your spelling and grammar?
Before you listen, read the task. Think of key vocabulary that
is related to the topic and quickly note it down. Some of
I these words and expressions may appear in the listening.
Oliver Kent is a thirteen-year-old student, but he doesn't go to 3 Read the Strategy. For each phrase below, underline three
school. He's homeschooled. His dad is his teacher and teaches
words on the same topic.
Oliver at home.
'People always ask me the same questions,' says Oliver, who lives in 1 tidy the classroom
London. Things like "What time do you have to get up? When do you cupboard grandma ice ruler shelf supermarket
start? When do you finish? Do you like it?" They don't understand 2 play a musical instrument
homeschooling, but for me it's normal. I love it! I can get up when I dictionary drums flute geography saxophone ski
want to, and I have lessons at different times every day.
3 have a big family
'Dad doesn't work. I study at home with him, and we sometimes
cousin daughter desk eraser niece skateboard
go to museums and talk about what we see. I go swimming three
times a week. I have a teacher because Dad can't swim. I'm in a 4 describe someone
football club too. I have internet lessons on English, maths and beard dishwasher economics ironing short straight
politics. Dad teaches me the other subjects' 5 get up early
Homeschooling is popular in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the copy an answer get dressed have breakfast have dinner
United Kingdom, the United States and many other countries. play the drums wakeup
Can parents homeschool their children in every country in the
world? No. Brazil, Greece, Cuba, Turkey and 24 other countries 4 Ql.36 Listen to six people talking about their everyday
I say 'no' to homeschooling. life. Match speakers 1-6 to A-G. There’s one extra letter.
What about friends? 'People often ask me that question,' says
This speaker...
Oliver. 'I have lots of friends. Most of them go to school and
that's the right thing for them. My friend Ella is homeschooled by A doesn't have books at school.
her mum. We can discuss things about homeschooling that other B can’t walk to school.
people don't understand.' C speaks two languages everyday.,
Does Oliver think he is different to other thirteen-year-olds? D has to help his / her parents every day.
'Of course not. I watch the same things on TV as other kids my E can play a musical instrument.
age. I play the same games, I worry about the same things and I F goes to work from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
eat the same food! I learn the same things. It's just that I learn G has extra lessons every day.
them in a different way.'
il^m irim ‘ilfilh Trflinsr 1
Exam Skills Trainer
Use of English 7 Read the Strategy. Complete the expressions with the
words below.
advice angry problem should (*2) shouldn’t Thanks
Before doing a multiple-choice task, read the text first for
gist. Then read the options and choose the correct answers. Function | Expressions
1 When is Emily's birthday? Asking for help Can I ask your3 about
2 When are her sisters' birthdays? something? What4 Ido?
3 Do Emily and her sisters look similar or different? Giving advice XYou 5 shout at him.
4 Are Emily and her sisters interested in the same things? / You 6 . speak to a doctor.
5 Does Emily like her life? Thanking someone 7
6 Complete the text with the correct answer, (A-C). 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about one of the
Emily and her sisters problems below.
Emily Mathias is a normal teenage girl. She lives with her parents Your brother isn’t at home and he isn’t at school.
and three sisters. She likes animals and she can 1 You can’t sleep at night.
the cello very well. A cello is like a really big violin. But her You don’t want to go to your friend’s party.
family is different from most families.2? Because
Your English classes are very difficult.
Emily and her sisters Anna, Mary Claire and Grace are identical
quads. They were all born 3 16 February 2000.
The four girls 4 got the same long fair wavy hair A Greet B. Ask if he or
and blue eyes, but their personalities are very different. Emily she is OK. B Say how you feel. Say
loves horse-riding. Grace 5 friendly, Mary Claire that you need advice.
likes writing and Anna's interested 66 science.
A Ask B what the
'Our house is very busy,' says Emily. 'We 7 to problem is.
help with jobs at home. Every Monday I do the washing B Explain the problem.
8 school. But I'm happy with my life. People
often ask me, "9 are you? Are you Anna?" A Give one or two
Sometimes the teacher10 10 know. It's funny!' pieces of advice.
B Thank A for the advice.
1 A play B plays C to play
2 A Where B What C Why Writing
3 A in B at C on
4 A have C are Strategy
B has
5 A is B does C has When you write an announcement, try to make people
6 A in B about C at interested. Start with a clear heading (e.g. Film Club) ask
questions withyou (e.g. Do you... ?) and use imperatives and
7 A can B have C got
exclamation marks (e.g. Come... I or Bring... /).
8 A until B during C after
9 A Where B How C Who
10 A don't B isn't C doesn't 9 Read the Strategy. Match A-F to 1-6.
1 Do you A a ticket today!
Speaking 2 Are you B good at football?
3 Do you want C and join us!
Strategy 4 Come D us to raise money for the school!
When you're doing a guided dialogue or conversation task, 5 Buy E play a musical instrument?
you'll find it useful to know set phrases for a variety of 6 Please help F to make new friends?
situations, such as for making requests, asking for help and
giving advice. Try to learn these set phrases and be prepared 10 Write an announcement for a new school club. Include the
to adapt them for different situations. information below.
• What is the club (sports? music? film? something else?)
• Where is it?
• What day and time is it?
• What happens at the club?
• Other information (tickets? phone number? website?)
1 SPEAKING Look at photos A and B. Do you like their clothes? Which are your
favourites? Do you wear similar clothes?
I like the boy’s shirt in photo A. I’ve got a black jacket like the one in photo B.
r< j
• Speaking Making
• Writing An email
• Cultures Teens and their
• Vocabulary Builder page 118
• Grammar Builder page 128
2 VOCABULARY Match items of clothing 1-13 in the photos with words from the list
• Grammar Reference page 129 below. Check the meaning of the other words.
Clothes boots cap cardigan coat dress hat jacket jeans jumper legging
pyjamas scarf shirt shoes shorts skirt socks sweatshirt T-shirt tie
I tracksuit
' f < ■ ' ' ’ < ■’ >. i \ -v.
3B Present continuous
I can talk about things that are happening now.
2 Read the tweets. Find the name, date and location of the 5 Read the Learn this! box. Then complete the tweets below
music festival they are describing. with the affirmative form of the present continuous.
J LEARN THIS! Present continuous 6 Q2.O5 Complete the phone dialogue. Use the present
f - a We use the present continuous to talk about events continuous: affirmative, negative or interrogative. Then
that are happening now. listen and check.
b We form the present continuous with the present Daniel Hi, Elsa. Where are you? What
simple of be and the -ing form of the verb:
(you / do)?
I'm singing. They aren’t listening. Elsa I’m in the tent. 12 (look) for my bag
Daniel I’ve got your bag. Remember? 13
4 Complete the examples in the table with the correct form (hold) it now!
of the verb be. Elsa Oh yes. I remember. Where are you?
Daniel 14(sit) on the grass near the main
Present continuous stage.
Affirmative Elsa I can’t hear any music.
I1__ doing my homework Daniel We5(wait) for the next band. The
6(play) at the moment.
She2 walking to school.
I Elsa OK. 17(leave) the tent now.
We3 wearing the same shoes.
I Daniel 8(you / come) to the main stage?
Negative Elsa Yes, I am. See you soon.
i4__ watching TV.
taking an exam at the moment. 7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Mime an activity using the list
below or your own idea. Your partner guesses.
You6 _ helping with the housework.
dance play basketball / football I tennis
play the drums / clarinet ride a bike I a horse
./ going home now?
you Yes, we8
skate skateboard ski sing swim
No, we9
10 she wearing boots? Yes, sheAre you dancing?
Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
No, she12_
Unit 3 Style
3C I Listening
Catwalk fashion
I can identify stress patterns in two- and three-syllable words.
1 VOCABULARY Put the adjectives into pairs of opposites.
Adjectives to describe clothes baggy casual dark
light long long-sleeved patterned plain short
short-sleeved smart tight
long - short, baggy -
Listening Strategy
In English, words with more than one syllable have
the stress on one of the syllables. This means that the
syllable is louder than the others. Being familiar with
word stress makes it easier to recognise words when you
audience /'o:dians/
5 Q2.O7 Underline the stressed syllables in these words. 7 [02.09 Underline the stressed syllables in the highlighted
Use a dictionary to help you. Then listen and check. words. Then listen again and check.
1 collection 5 dangerous 9 wonderful 1 Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to the show!
2 pyjamas 6 magazine 10 twenty-one 2 We are proud to present an exciting new designer. Zizi
3 understand 7 audience 11 computer Malek!
4 disaster 8 amazing 12 seventeen 3 Our first models, Tonya and Stella, are coming down the
6 [02.08 Listen to a radio programme about fashion. Are catwalk now.
the sentences true or false? Write T or F. 4 His trousers are difficult to describe. They look a bit like
pyjama bottoms!
1 The clothes in the show are for winter and spring. 5 The reporters are taking lots of photographs of him.
2 Stella and Tonya are wearing summer clothes.
3 Tonya is wearing a short jacket, a baggy top and 8 Work in pairs. Prepare a short ‘catwalk commentary’. Make
white shorts. notes for one male model and one female model. Choose
4 Stella has got a baggy dress, an orange scarf and boots. the clothes, colours and styles.
5 The third model is a man.
9 SPEAKING Present your commentary to the class.
6 Martin is wearing yellow and black trainers.
7 Martin starts to dance.
Our first model, Amy, is coming down the She looks
8 A photographer falls over Martin and the girls.
catwalk now. She’s wearing a ... with... great in...
Unit 3 Style 33
Grammar —
3D Contrast: present simple and present continuous
/ can talk about what usually happens and what is happening now.
4 Complete the sentences with the present simple or the
present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Then
match each sentence with rules a-e in the Learn this! box.
1 'Let’s go out.’ 'No, it.’ (rain)
2 This term we about the Second
World War in our history lessons, (learn)
» 3 you what time
it is? (know)
4 Fish in the sea. (live)
tennis every Saturday
%i 5 My parents
morning, (play)
this word, (not understand)
6 l._
1 SPEAKING Ask and answer. How often do you buy clothes? 7 How often _________ Fred
Do you like shopping for clothes? with the housework? (help)
2 .02-10 Read and listen to the phone conversation and >-* Grammar Builder 3D page 128
answer the questions.
1 What does Claire want to buy? 5 Complete the text messages with the present simple or
2 Where is Joel? Why is he there? present continuous form of the verbs below.
3 What does Billy invite Claire to do?
buy do know look look love get prefer read
Billy Hey, Claire, where are you?
Claire I’m in a clothes shop in town. I’m looking for a new
......... >
top. But I’m not having much luck. They’re all really SB
Billy You should go to the department store. They don’t __ JH
cost very much there. Hi, Chris. What1 .ill A
Claire OK. Thanks for the advice. you ?
Billy No problem. Is Joel with you?
12_ . for a
Claire No, he’s at home He hates shopping. He never comes birthday present for Emma.
with me.
Billy Well, do you and Joel want to go to the cinema on Why don’t you buy her a CD?
She 3 music.
Claire Maybe. Our parents are in the middle of decorating the I 4 But she5 to
house and we're helping them. What time's the film? download music. She never6 CDs.
Billy 7.30 in the evening. Well, what about a book? She7 a lot.
Claire That should be OK. Can I phone you later about it?
Billy Sure. Good luck with the shopping! Try the Good idea. • __ you
ready for her party now?
department store. Bye!
Yes! 19 forward to it!
3 Study the examples of the present simple and present
continuous in the conversation. Then complete the Learn Me too. See you later, then.
this! box with the correct tenses.
6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Take turns to say sentences aboj
[ LEARN THIS! Present tense contrast
other students in the class. Use the present simple or the
\ ij)- We uset^e: present continuous. Use the verbs below to help you. Ca n
a for something that happens your partner guess who it is?
regularly, always or never. go hate like live play read sit
b for something happening at this smile speak study watch wear write
for something happening around He's wearing jeans and a red top.
this time.
for a fact that is always true. It's Marcus. She always sits next to Maria.
e with certain verbs that we don’t
usually use in continuous tenses: believe, know, hate, It's Clara.
like, need, prefer, understand, want, etc.
34 Unit 3 Style
I Word Skills
Adjectives: opposites
I can use a variety of adjectives.
high low
a hasn't got enough money to buy designer labels? 1 These jeans were very expensive.
b is wearing something that doesn’t cost very much? 2 That yellow shirt looks terrible!
c always wants to know where clothes come from before 3 My bedroom is always very tidy.
she buys them? 4 It is dangerous to swim in that river.
d makes clothes? 5 Jason is feeling happy today.
6 My mum works in a small clothes shop.
‘It's good that we can buy cheap clothes. I never spend 7 Complete the sentences with adjectives from exercises 2
more than £ 10 on a shirt or trousers, but my clothes and 3 and the Learn this! box.
are comfortable and I love them. This T-shirt is made in
Bangladesh.The workers in the factories there don't 1 That girl is called Saffron. You don’t hear that name very
get much money. People say that's unfair, but I don't ■
agree.The fashion companies are giving them jobs!'
Rqan often. It's quite
2 The temperature is very -only one degree
‘The large fashion companies don’t care about the workers 3 This question is very. I can't answer it!
in their factories.The pay is very low and the jobs are 4 You need to get some nice,clothes. All of
often dangerous. It's terrible! We should pay more your T-shirts and jeans have holes in them.
for clothes. I always look at the label, and I never
buy cheap clothes that are made in poor countries.'
5 That answer is. Try again!
6 Leah and Emma’s clothes are . They’re both
‘I haven't got much money and I don't buy designer labels.
But I want similar styles. So, I look for cheap copies.
I wearing white tops and brown trousers.
2 Read the text quickly. How many of the writers believe that
there is a problem with teenagers and image?
Reading Strategy
When you do a matching task, check your answers by
trying to match the extra headings with each paragraph.
I They should not match any of them.
Unit 3 Style
I -rlVH»g>SSiBLe
'To be honest, this isn't just a problem for girls.
Boys have pressures too. They are surrounded by
Unit 3 Style
3G I Speaking
Making arrangements
i / can make arrangements to meet somebody.
1 Complete the free-time activities with the verbs play, go, 5 Q 2-14 Listen to three conversations. Circle the correct
have and meet. Check the meaning of all the activities. answers.
Free-time activities Conversation 1
1 football / tennis/computer games/cards 1 Max is going fishing on Saturday afternoon / Sunday
2 bowling I ice skating / dancing / afternoon.
rollerblading / swimming 2 They agree to meet at Sophie’s house / the ice rink
3 to the cinema / to the beach Conversation 2
for a walk 3 Amy and Adam arrange to go shopping / have lunch.
lunch I dinner in a cafe 4 They're meeting at 11.30/12.30.
friends Conversation 3
>♦ Vocabulary Builder Free-time activities: page 118 5 Tommy wants to go to a musical / the cinema with Caitlin
6 They’re meeting at 7.45 / 8.15,
O 2.13 Read and listen to the phone call. Find three free 6 02.15 KEY PHRASES Complete the key phrases with the
time activities in the dialogue. verbs below. Use the correct form (infinitive without to or
-ing form). Listen and check,
come go have meet see
Making suggestions
Do you fancy \ ice skating?
Shall 12 _to your house?
Why don’t you 3 lunch with us?
How about4 a film?
Let’s’.________ at the cinema.
| Unit 3 Style
I Writing
Bln] An email
/ can write an informal email.
1 SPEAKING In pairs, match photos 1-4 with the words
Writing Strategy
below. Then decide which item is the best present for your
partner. There are certain expressions that are used to begin and
end an informal email, like Dear... and Best wishes,... but
bracelet headphones sunglasses wallet emails usually include a few other 'social phrases’ near
the beginning and end. These make the email sound
>♦ Vocabulary Builder Accessories: page 118
more natural and friendly.
I'm seventeen years old and I live in London. I like PE. and 6 Write an email following your plan from exercise 5.
art. Remember to include suitable phrases from exercise 4.
I like maths, but I don't like history. f CHECK YOUR WORK
Do you want to go to the cinema or do you want to stay (^> Have you ...
at home? Do you want apple juice or milk?
• covered all four points in the task?
I don't like sport, so I never play football with my brother.
• used a few ‘social phrases’?
I always wearjeans because I don't like skirts or dresses. • used linking words to join your ideas?
• checked your spelling and grammar?
3 Read the Learn this! box. Find examples of all five linking
words in the email in exercise 2.
Unit 3 Style 39
4 I
Are you hungry?
I can talk about breakfast, lunch and dinner.
1 SPEAKING Look at the photos. Choose one meal that looks:
a tasty b healthy c quick to make d filling
Unit map
• Vocabulary
Parties and celebrations
• Word Skills
Adjective plus preposition
G® Grammar
there is I are; some and any
how much I how many, much I
many I a lot of, afew / a little
• Listening What a wastel
• Speaking In a restaurant
11 ix
• Writing An invitation
• Culture 4 British food
• Vocabulary Builder page 119
• Grammar Builder page 130
• Grammar Reference page 131
• Extra speaking task page 142
2 Q216 vocabulary Listen and repeat the words in the list. Then match them with
the photos in exercise 1. Which food items are not in any of the photos?
Food apples beef bread carrots cheese chicken crisps cucumber
fish green I red peppers lamb lemon lettuce melon mushrooms olives
onion pasta peas pineapple potato prawns rice sandwiches sausages
strawberries tomatoes
Photo 1: onions. peas, sausages • • •
the photos above. Use the phrases below to help you.
3 Work in pairs. Identify six types of food from exercise 1 in 8 Listen to four people talking about meals. Which
question (a^e) is each speaker answering? There is one
It looks like ... I think it’s... That’s definitely... extra question.
I agree. /1 disagree. / I’m not sure about that. a What do you have for breakfast and when do you have it?
b What do you usually have for lunch during the week?
I LEARN THIS! Countable and uncountable nouns c What do you have for lunch at weekends?
a Countable nouns can be singular or plural: d What are your favourite dinners and who cooks them?
strawberry strawberries e What do you usually order when you have dinner in a cafe?
b Uncountable nouns only have a singular form: 1
Speaker 2 3 4
pasta cheese bread
4 Read the Learn this! box. Then add the words in exercise 2 CRECYCLE! Articles
to the table below.
/••• Indefinite article: We use a or an with singular (countable)
Countable nouns | Uncountable nouns x“ nouns. We use some with plural nouns.
apples, beef, Definite article: We use the with singular and plural nouns.
We often use the indefinite article when we mention
something for the first time and the definite article when
we mention it again.
I >♦ Grammar Builder 4A page 130 |
We’ve got some olives and a melon. The melon is on the
5 Look at the breakfast menu below. Which five nouns in the table, the olives are in the fridge.
menu are countable? How do you know?
9 Read the Recycle! box. Complete the sentences with a, an,
the or some.
breakfast Speaker 1 He usually cooks meat, fish or pasta -1 think my
• cereal • tea favourite is1 fish. My other favourite dinner
• eggs • coffee (D is my mum’s home-made pizza. It's mainly cheese
hot chocolate
milk E and tomato, but she puts2
Speaker 2 There’s 3 cafe and 4
olives on it too.
restaurant in our
• toast (butterjam, honey) • apple juice '0) village, but5 restaurant is quite expensive,
orange juice
water o so we usually go to the cafe. The burgers at
• oranges
o Speaker 3
6 cafe are great: they’re really big and they
come with lots ofchips.
| have7 sandwich and 8 crisps.
Sometimes I’m still hungry after9 sandwich
O 2.17 Check your answers to exercise 5. Then, listen and
6 FTFWtJ and 10 crisps, so I buy ” orange or
repeat the words in the menu. 12 banana.
Speaker 4 | u$ually have breakfast, but it's just13 small
7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Cake; I eat it on the bus to school.
the food in exercises 2 and 5. Find three things you both
really like.
10 Q2J8 Listen again and check your answers to exercise 9.
It's/They’re OK. What cIq have for breakfast and when do you have it?
Unit 4 Food 41
Grammar iH
there is / there are; some and any
I can use there is/are and some/any correctly.
5 Read the Learn this! box. Then find all the examples of
some and any in the text in exercise 2. Are the nouns
countable or uncountable?
1 some apples.
2 a lettuce.
3 ____ a pizza.
4 ___ _ three peppers.
5 ___ any lemons.
a big bottle of water.
6 ____ _
any bananas.
7 ____
42 Unit 4 Food
4C Listening
What a waste!
r I can identify and understand unstressed words.
(4 LEARN THIS! Unstressed words unstressed words are there in each gap?
a We usually stress the important 'content words’ in 1 Adam freegan Luton UK.
sentences (e.g. nouns, names, main verbs, adjectives, 2 collects food supermarkets
question words). restaurants.
Tom is in the kitchen. 3 collects food three four times
Where is the knife? week.
b Less important 'functional words' are often unstressed 4 collect food dark.
(e.g. prepositions, modal verbs, articles, conjunctions, 5 Adam’s friends freegans.
the verb be, pronouns, possessive adjectives). 6 never come house meal.
c The vowel sound in unstressed words sometimes 7 02.21 Listen to the interview again. Are the sentences in
changes to a schwa sound /a/. exercise 6 true or false?
/from/ > /from/
8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Say if you agree or disagree with
the statements below. Give reasons for your opinions.
3 02.19 Read the Learn this! box. Listen and underline the
1 Freeganism is disgusting.
‘content words’ in these sentences.
2 Freeganism isn’t safe.
1 Where’s the bread? 3 Freeganism is a good idea.
2 Can you pass me the salt? 4 Freegans should buy food, not take it.
3 Dan is in the cafe. 5 Shops and restaurants should throw away less food.
4 His sister, Sophie, can cook.
5 What’s the name of this song?
I agree / don’t agree that...
6 Sushi is from Japan.
, _I &r-':
how much I how many, much / many / a lot of, a few / a little
I can talk and ask about quantity.
4 SPEAKING In pairs, take turns to ask and answer the
questions in exercise 3.
' -A I.
How much time do you spend on homework every day?
About an hour.
b Unit A fQoci
4E I Word Skills
Adjective + preposition
I can use adjective + preposition collocations.
What can we do about junk food adverts for children?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) believes that
junk food adverts are responsible for a lot of obesity in 5 DICTIONARY WORK Look at the example sentences in
children. It is very worried about this problem. these dictionary entries. Identify the prepositions that are
American children are used to food and drink adverts used with the adjectives.
on TV. The average teenager watches sixteen every
day! But now the food companies are also making
computer games with junk food adverts. These games afraid /o'frcid/ adjective If you are afraid of something,
are very popular with children. The adverts are usually it makes you feel fear: Some people are afraid of snakes.
OI was afraid to open the door.
for food that is full of fat and sugar, for example burgers,
I'm afraid ... a polite way of saying that you are sorry: I'm
biscuits, sweets and fizzy drinks. Most children are very afraid I've broken your calculator. O I'm afraid that I can't
keen on these foods, but of course they are bad for you. come to your party.
And after they watch the adverts, the children eat on
kind2 /kaind/ adjective (kinder, kindest) friendly and
average 45% more junk food.
good to other people. 'Can I carry your bag?"Thanks. That's
The food industry says that this is not a problem. The very kind ofyou.'O Be kind to animals.
WHO is disappointed with this attitude, because obesity O opposite unkind
in children is increasing every year. The WHO wants to
ban junk food advertising for children in all countries. In
Quebec, Sweden and Norway, they are already banned. 6 Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions and
What do you think? adjectives below,
at in of to with
1 Are you interested photography?
2 Jason loves football, but he isn’t very good it.
2 Read the text. One of these sentences is not true. Which
3 Kate is disappointed her exam results.
4 Tom is afraid dogs.
1 After children watch adverts for junk food, they eat more 5 You should be kind your little sister,
of it.
bad kind popular used worried
2 Junk food companies say that there is a problem.
6 Are you about your exams?
3 In some countries they don't have any TV adverts for junk
7 RnB music is with a lot of teenagers.
8 Fizzy drinks and sweets are for your teeth.
3 Do you agree with the WHO that we should ban junk food 9 I’ve got a new phone, but I’m not to it yet.
adverts? Why? / Why not? 10 It was of you to help with my homework.
f LEARN THIS! Adjective + preposition 7 Complete the questions with the correct preposition.
We use prepositions with some adjectives: 1 Which subjects at school are you good ?
x* I’m good at maths but I’m bad at art. 2 Which subjects at school are you bad ?
I’m interested in history. 3 Outside school, what are you interested ?
France is famous for cheese. 4 What foods do you like that are bad you?
5 What foods do you like that are good you?
6 What food is your country famous ?
4 Read the Learn this! box. Then find the adjectives below in
the text and write the prepositions that follow them. 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
5 full exercise 7.
1 responsible
2 worried 6 keen
Which subjects at school
3 used _ 7 bad I'm good at...
are you good at?
4 popular __ 8 disappointed
4F Reading
Unusual restaurants
I can understand a text about unusual restaurants.
1 Look at the photos of the restaurants (1-4). In which 4 Read the Reading Strategy. Then read the sentences below,
restaurant... ignoring the gaps. In which paragraph of the text (A-D) can
a can you see water above the tables? you find the information for each sentence?
b can you see fish and water around the tables? 1 It is difficult for restaurants in big cities to attract
c do the customers sit in hammocks, not chairs? . (1 word)
d is it very dangerous to leave the table? 2 A 'gimmick' is something to make your restaurant
. (1 word)
2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Would you like to eat in these
3 At Ithaa, you can have dinner at a table below the
restaurants? Why? / Why not? Choose a favourite.
. (2 words)
3 Read the text. Match the names of the restaurants to the 4 You can experience Dinner in the Sky in 45 different
photos. What other restaurants are in the text but not in . (1 word)
the photos? 5 In Accra, you can have a meal inside an.
(1 word)
Reading Strategy 6 At B.E.D. in Miami, there aren’t any tables or.
When you have to complete sentences with information (1 word) for the customers.
from a text, start by deciding which part of the text 7 At Zauo, the customers don’t order their fish, they
contains the information you need. Remember that the . (2 words)
sentences follow the same order as the text.
A Competing for customers yj£[ Location, location, location I
There are hundreds of restaurants in every big Sometimes the gimmick is the restaurant’s location. El Diablo,
city. Often they serve similar food at similar on the Spanish island of Lanzarote, is on a volcano. The chef
prices - so how do they attract customers? uses heat from the volcano to cook the food. Or how about an
Most restaurants try to offer good food and underwater restaurant? At Ithaa, a restaurant in the Maldives,
great service - and they hope customers come you can have dinner five metres below the Indian Ocean and
back again and again. But some restaurants watch sharks and turtles while you eat. Or you can go to the
offer a gimmick - something unusual to make other extreme and choose Dinner in the Sky. Here, customers
their restaurant different from all the others. enjoy their meal at a special table 50 metres in the air. The
company has restaurants in 45 different countries. It’s an
02.24 amazing experience - but don’t drop your knife or fork!
5 Complete the sentences in exercise 4 with information 7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the
from the text. Write one or two words in each gap. questions.
1 On what occasions do people generally eat out in your
6 VOCABULARY Complete the definitions using the
highlighted words in the text.
2 What kinds of restaurant are there in your town?
1 Service is the help and attention you get in a 3 Is the service good there, do you think?
restaurant. 4 How often do you eat out?
2 are people who pay to eat in a 5 What kind of food do you like to eat when you eat out?
3 You use a____ to cut food on your plate, 8 PROJECT Work in pairs. Invent a restaurant. Then
to hold the food while you describe your restaurant to the class. The class votes for
4 You use a____
the best one. Think about:
cut it.
5 You can use a to carry a lot of drinks at • howto attract customers.
the same time. • the location.
6 A cooks the food in a restaurant or cafe. • what kind of food you can
7 The____________ is a list of the food and drink you order there.
can order. • a gimmick
8 A serves customers in a restaurant.
People go to restaurants to
the seats in aeroplanes: they’re eat, chat with their friends and
uncomfortable and there isn’t relax. But some restaurants
enough space. So surely a ask their customers to work for
restaurant inside an aeroplane is a their food. Zauo is a popular
bad idea. Well maybe not. In Accra, restaurant in Tokyo, Japan. It
the capital of Ghana, you can have ; is a fish restaurant, but the
lunch or dinner inside an old DC-10 customers do not order their
aeroplane. The waiter brings your fish from the mend - they
food and drink on a trolley! Other have to catch it. Inside the
restaurants offer extra comfort. At restaurant, all of the tables are
the Hammock Cafe in Sri Lanka, on an artificial boat, with water
there are hammocks instead of i all around. There are different
i chairs. And at B.E.D. in Miami, fish in different parts of the
I-;'-'- Florida, there are only beds. On each water. They choose their fish
bed there is a candle and a tray.
_______ . J
•• - ’ :•»
I Speaking L——
4G In a restaurant
/ can orderfood and drink in a restaurant.
3 Read the Learn this! box. How many examples of would like
(affirmative or interrogative) can you find in the dialogue in
exercise 2? Pea soup ■ Bread and butter ■ Cheese and tomato salad
LEARN THIS! would like Roast chicken ■ Sausages and mashed potato ■ Vegetable pasta
a We use I’d like... to ask for something in a polite way.
I'd like some milk, please. Pancakes ■ Fruit salad ■ Chocolate cake
b We use the question form Would you like... ? for offers:
Would you like a sandwich? Apple juice ■ Hot chocolate ■ Tea or Coffee
Dear Martha, ’4
Our exams finish at the end of June and I'm having a party
to celebrate. It's at the village hall here in Greenwood.
I'm inviting everyone in our school year. I'm organising
Dew Zak, the music, but everyone has to bring something to eat and
drink. Can you bring some fruit — maybe some grapes or
Hope you can make it.
wu bread rattsfartk* BBQ?
putitfaycw divy! 4 Read the Writing Strategy. Then check the invitation below
and find four mistakes for each category mentioned.
Tom and Alice Bowman
Hi Anna,
-1 would like to invite you to
a party to celebrate the New Year I haviny a party at my hose on 16 Febuary to celebrate my
on Saturday 31st January from 8 p.m. birthday. I'm invitiny all my fiends so it should beyrate Jim. YOU
don't have to take any food or drink, bid can Iplease lendyour
at 27 Stanton Rd RSVP
speakers'? I’veyot a lot ofmusic on my MP3 player, but I hasn't
yot some speakers.
1 Read the invitations (1-4) and match one of them with A party starts at 6p.m. but canyou please take the speakers a fete
the photo. Which invitation is formal? hours before that - in the afternoon? Let me note ifyou canyo.
Have you...
Writing Strategy
• used some key phrases from exercise 3?
When you have finished writing, check your work
• checked the grammar?
carefully for mistakes. Read once for grammar, once for
• checked your choice of vocabulary?
choice of vocabulary and once for spelling.
• checked the spelling?
Unit 4 Food 49
2 Exam Skills Trainer
Reading Listening
Strategy Strategy
Read the whole text, ignoring the gaps. Then look at the Sometimes the wrong answers include words from the
sentences. What is each one about: a person, a place, etc.? recording or have a similar meaning to what is said. To
Try to find information about these things in the text. help you choose the right answer, think carefully about the
meaning of the options, including the grammar, e.g. is the
sentence affirmative or negative?
1 Read the Strategy. Complete the table with the words
airport chef cuffy dish guest peas restaurant 3 Read the Strategy. Do these pairs of sentences mean the
restaurant owner sausage scientist sight smell sound same (S) or different (D) things? Write S or D.
sweetshop taste touch TV-prcscntef university
1 She doesn’t have many hats.
people ! places | food | the senses She doesn’t have a lot of hats.
2 There are a few DVDs.
TV presenter airport curry sight
There aren't many DVDs.
3 I’m not watching TV.
I never watch TV.
4 He's keen on fizzy drinks.
2 Match gaps (1-7) in the text with sentences (A-H). There is He doesn’t like fizzy drinks.
one extra sentence which does not fit any of the gaps. 5 That isn’t kind.
That's unkind.
A For one TV series, he made lots of very large items of food.
6 I need that pen.
B Then there’s a fifth one at Heathrow Airport.
I need a pen.
C Blumenthal is a British chef and restaurant owner.
D His food always feels interesting when you eat it.
4 02.27 Listen to four short recordings. Choose the correct
E Or a big sausage with fish, chips and peas inside it?
answer (A-D).
F I know that the right sound can help food taste better.
G I feel like a child in a sweetshop. 1 What are Tina and Emmy both wearing?
H Yes, he sometimes uses sounds with his dishes. A jeans
B a long-sleeved top
Blumenthal's Big Ideas about Food C trainers
Would you like some chicken curry D a dress
ice cream for dinner? 1 How 2 What does the presenter say about the Bath Farmer’s
about a house more than one metre
tall made of sweets, biscuits and
chocolate for dessert? These are A There are lots of places to buy clothes.
some of the amazing dishes that B It's a food festival.
Heston Blumenthal makes. C A festival is happening there at the moment.
I 2 He's famous for making very interesting meals. He believes D There aren’t many cakes at the market.
food is fun. 'When I think of a new idea for a meal,' he says, 'I 3 What does the girl need?
get really excited. 3 I want guests in my restaurants to feel A some old T-shirts
the same way.' B a new T-shirt
Blumenthal has lots of restaurants. There's one in London and C a patterned T-shirt
three more in a town called Bray in the south of England. 4 D a plain T-shirt
His restaurants aren't cheap, but his dishes are very special. 4 What does James decide to have for lunch?
He takes ideas from many different places and has particular
A a cheese sandwich
interests in the history of food and the science of food.
I Blumenthal's meals don't only taste fantastic, they look, smell,
B cold pasta, cheese and red pepper
C tomato and red pepper soup
feel and sound amazing too. They sound amazing? Really? 5
D pasta and prawns
The Sound of the Sea, for example, is a seafood soup of fish and
prawns served with an i-Pod. Guests can listen to the sound of
the sea, seabirds and children's voices as they enjoy their soup.
Blumenthal says, 'I did some tests with scientists at Oxford
University. 6 '
As well as running five restaurants, Blumenthal is a food writer,
chef and TV presenter.7 He made the world's biggest boiled
egg and a teacup he could stand in. What will he think of next?
Strategy Students A and B: You are customers. Look at the menu and
After completing the gaps in a gap fill task, check that you follow the points below.
have put the right kind of word (e.g. noun, verb, adjective) in Student C: You work at the restaurant. Serve the customers.
each gap. • Ask for a table
• Ask for the menu
• Order a main course, and a starter or a dessert
5 Read the Strategy. In sentences 1-7 below, write a word
• Ask for the bill
which can complete each gap. Then match the word to the
correct part of speech below.
adjective adverb article noun preposition verb I The International Kitchen
1 I never magazines.
2 There's an apple in the.
3 He’s worried Millie.
4 My sister__ t Thai
helps me. Italian
• Crab
5 It’s a fashion company. Salad
5 Soup
6 I need_____ dictionary.
6 Read the text and add ONE missing word in each gap.
Upcycling A Indian
Like most people, I know that recycling is good 1 Lx^^-vzy Meat pizza
the environment. When I throw plastic, paper, metal or glass Curry
2, I always put it in the recycling box. I
3 put it in the rubbish bin. These days I'm DESSERTS
interested 4 upcycling too. That's when you take
things that people don't want and make them useful again.
5,'s a shop in my town called The Green House'. It
sells lots 6 fantastic upcycled furniture.
woman who owns the shop upcycles old chairs.
She paints them in different colours and they look amazing. Turkish Sweets French Fruit Ice Russian Honey Cake
I try 8 upcycle clothes when I can. I make
T-shirts from old long-sleeved tops, for example, and I'm good
9 using old jumpers to make scarves. At the Writing
moment, my friend and 110 making a pair of
trousers from an old Indian skirt. Strategy
When you finish writing, check your work to make sure no
Speaking little words like a, to orfor are missing.
Strategy 9 Read the Strategy. Add one missing word below to each
To help you role-play different situations, learn pairs of line.
sentences which go together.
'm it to(x2) with
1 We’re planning a party celebrate New Year.
7 Read the Strategy. Match answers A-E with questions 1-5. 2 Bring some DVDs you.
1 Can we have a table for two, please? 3 I organising a film evening.
2 I’d like the crab to start, please. 4 Would you like join us?
3 Is everything OK for you? 5 Hope you can make!
4 And for you, madam?
10 You are studying fashion. It’s the end of term next week.
5 Would you like coffee?
Write an invitation for your end-of-term fashion party.
A Yes, thank you. It’s very good.
Include the information below.
B No, thanks.
C Certainly. And for your main course? • why you are having the party
D I'd like the chocolate cake, please. • when and where it is
E Yes, of course. Come with me. • what you want the person you’re inviting to wear
• what you want them to bring with them
R Unit map
K Places in towns and cities
K Prepositions of place
R Town and country
I Transport
• •Word Skills
Words that go together
• Grammar
• •Listening Town or country?
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Match the photos (1-5) with five of the places in the list
Places in towns and cities
• Vocabulary Builder page 119
airport bank bus station carpark church cinema fire station gym
• Grammar Builder page 132
hospital hotel library mosque museum park police station post office
• Grammar Reference page 133 shopping centre square swimming pool town hall train station zoo
3 [Q2.29 Listen. Where are the people? Choose from all the places in exercise 1.
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
m'K) Unit5 In the city
4 Answer the questions using places from exercise 1. 6 Work in pairs. Do the quiz in exercise 5.
Where do people go to... [ RECYCLE! there is / there are
1 report a crime?
2 do some exercise? We use there’s (there is) with singular nouns (including
3 catch a train? xi uncountable nouns).
4 buy some new clothes? We use there are with plural nouns.
5 see some animals? The negative forms are there isn't and there aren’t.
6 play football or have a picnic? There’s a bus station, but there isn’t an airport.
7 leave their car? There are three banks. There aren’t any hotels.
8 see a doctor?
9 change pounds into dollars?
7 [Q2.3O Read the Recycle! box. Then listen to a teenager
10 borrow a book?
describing his town. Complete the sentences with there’s,
5 Work in pairs. Complete the gaps in the quiz using words there are, there isn’t or there aren’t.
from exercise 1. 1 a gym.
2 a swimming pool.
3 a park.
4 a train station.
5 lots of shops in town.
6 a few banks.
I 7 a supermarket.
8 a cinema in the town.
5B Comparatives
/ can make comparisons.
1 SPEAKING Describe the photos. Which is New York
and which is Los Angeles? How do you know?
3 Read the Learn this! box. Then complete the table below 1 large/Moscow or Paris?
with comparative forms from the text in exercise 2. Which is larger, Moscow or Paris?
2 polluted / Warsaw or Mexico City?
[ LEARN THIS! Comparative adjectives 3 expensive I Prague or Tokyo?
a We can compare two things using a comparative 4 sunny/Cairo or Istanbul?
VI adjective and than: 5 safe I Ca pe Town or New York?
Today is warmer than yesterday. 6 crowded / Athens or Lisbon?
7 dry / London or Milan?
b We can also use a comparative form before a noun:
Were looking fora bigger house. 6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 5. Make a note of your answers.
1 VOCABULARY Match the photos with four of the forms of 5 Complete the quiz. Use the superlative form of the
transport below. Check the meaning of the other words. adjective in brackets.
Transport bus car coach motorbike plane ship
taxi train tram underground Q What is
(sunny) city in the USA?
2 ,02.34 Read and listen to the What is (hot) city in Europe?
dialogue. How do they decide to
What is (far) capital city from the equate
travel from Scotland to London?
What is (large) city in Asia?
Martha We're going to London
this weekend. How shall we What is (wet) city in Europe?
get there? Train, coach, or plane?
What is (expensive) city in the world?
Dan Well, the plane is certainly the quickest
and easiest, but it’s also the most expensive.
Martha Yes, the train and coach are cheaper. I think the tram 02.35 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the
is the most convenient and the most comfortable. questions in the quiz in exercise 5. Use the cities below.
Dan Overall, I think the coach is the best. It’s certainly Then listen and check your answers.
the cheapest.
Martha But I hate long coach journeys. I always feel sick. Athens Bergen Las Vegas Reykjavik
I think the coach is the worst option! Shanghai Singapore
Dan OK, let's go by train. Can you ring and book the
>♦ Grammar Builder 5D page 132
Martha No, let’s book online. You get the best deals there.
7 Compare the different ways of travelling in cities. Give
3 Complete the table with superlative adjectives from the your opinions. Make sentences using comparative and
dialogue in exercise 2. superlative adjectives.
2 Read the text and check your ideas from exercise 1. Would
you like to race the tube? Why? / Why not?
cross the8
LOOK OUT! arrive in and arrive at
drive to work / into town / to London
• We use arrive in with countries, towns and cities.
wait for a bus / a tram / a train, etc.
I give somebody a lift arrive in Britain / arrive in Oxford
• We use arrive at with buildings or events.
4 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the
arrive a t the cinema / arrive at school / arrive at the
correct form.
buy get in get off get on go ride take • We don't use to with arrive.
1 My mum a scooter to work. NOT Vv ilat tniic tio you arrive to LCHoiori'?
2 Open the door,the car and put on your seat
• We don't use in or at with home.
arrive home
3 ‘I want to go to the town centre. Where should I
the bus?'
Driver. 'At the next stop.’ 5 Read the Look out! box. Find two examples of arrive at in
4 There aren’t any buses. You have to on foot the text in exercise 2.
or a taxi.
5 You have to a ticket before you 6 Complete the sentences with in or at or no preposition (-).
the train. 1 The train arrives Paddington Station at 10 p.m.
cross drive go up lose miss wait for 2 Let's have dinner when we arrive the hotel.
6 'What should I do if I the bus?’ 3 I usually arrive home at 5 p.m.
'the next one. They come every five 4 When do you arrive Budapest?
minutes.’ 5 Arrange your visa before you arrive the USA.
7 Look and listen before you the road. 7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
8 My uncle never to work because he hasn't below. Use collocations from exercise 4 in your answers.
got a car. Which answers are the same for you and your partner?
9 'Where's the ticket office?’
1 How do you usually get to school?
‘the stairs. It’s on the left.'
2 How do you usually get to: a) the shops, b) your
10 Joe never his way because he’s got a satnav
on his phone. friends’ houses?
3 How does your mum or dad get to work?
4 How do you usually go on holiday?
5 How do you usually get to other towns and cities in
your country?
Unusual cities
/ can understand a text about unusual cities.
1 SPEAKING Look at the photos. Do these cities look like 5 VOCABULARY In the texts, find the missing words for the
good or bad places to live? Give reasons. compass points and continents.
Compass points
Reading Strategy
When you do a matching task, read all the texts first to
get a sense of the overall meaning. Then, go through
the questions one by one. Decide which text you think west
contains the answer and look for it carefully. If you can't
find it, look at the other texts.
2 Read the Reading Strategy. Then read the texts (A-C) Antarctica Australia Europe North America
and match them with the photos (1-4). One of the texts 4 5 6
I Curitiba has a population of about 1.7 million. Which city is the most attractive?
I think Curitiba is the most attractive.
58 Unit5 In the city
A Green city
Curitiba is a medium-sized city in the south of Brazil,
the largest country in South America. Why is it unusual?
Because many South American cities are very polluted.
F u But Curitiba is the opposite: it is one of the cleanest and
u -81 ‘greenest’ cities in the world. In most cities, cars cause a lot g
of pollution. But in Curitiba, only a quarter of the 1.7 million
L ti
inhabitants use a car - the others use public transport. That
is because the bus system is probably the best in the world,
It is called the BRT (Bus Rapid Transport) and it carries two
B Artificial city
Neft Dashlari is a man-made city in the Caspian Sea. It is
about 65 kilometres from the east coast of Azerbaijan, in
amid] Asia, and it has a population of about 2,000. The most
unusual thing about the city is its location - it is in the
sea, but not on an island. The ground below the city is
completely artificial. Neft Dashlari is about 70 years old
and it exists for one reason: oil. The city is in very bad
condition. For example, it has 300 kilometres of roads, but
only 45 kilometres are safe to use. The bridges are falling
into the sea and some of the apartments are under water.
But people still live and work there. It is probably one of the
worst cities in the world for its inhabitants, but salaries are
much higher than in other places.
C Recycling city
Cairo, in the north of Egypt, is one of the biggest cities in
Africa. It is the capital and has a population of nearly eight
million. Like any city, it creates tonnes of rubbish every
day. But amazingly, the city does not employ anybody
'• to collect rubbish. Instead, a group of people called the
Zabbaleen collect it. The inhabitants of Cairo pay them
a small amount of money for doing this. The Zabbaleen
take the rubbish back to their town on the edge of Cairo.
It is called Manshiyat Naser and has a population of about
60,000. There, the women and children sort the rubbish
3 by hand. It seems a very slow system, but in fact it works
very well. They recycle nearly 90% of the rubbish, which is
rls far better than recycling centres in most western countries.
jd n a u Manshiyat Naser certainly is not one of the most attractive
4: *1 i
BUM places in Egypt. But thanks to a 2009 film about it, Garbage
n? ; ; q "
J Dreams, it is quite famous - and quite popular with tourists!
v ri
I Rai
4 a s*
— UniFS^E
Asking for and giving directions
/ can ask for and give directions.
PARK niT~mi
f-| I
o o 1*1 2
o riW |cJNEJV\AjaD
Win1 n in
queen's STREET
a ^^0 xn a [ You are here]
o' s I "pimiij rr Hill \
j £ ODD
] J
5 r
2 *5
G YM~~I S= „r?TT-[ H»tel¥ /i ..■....^7
Mi !
WF oj
a A Al apartment
|msTeRC ffl Street PARK
1 O
1 Find these things on the map. 4 SPEAKING Look at the map. Ask and answer questions
about these places using the phrases for location.
bridge crossroads roundabout traffic lights
carpark hospital hotel post office swimming pool
2 KEY PHRASES Match the phrases for giving directions with
the diagrams.
Where’s the hotel?
Giving directions Location
Go straight on. The... is next to the... It's opposite the restaurant. I It’s on the
i Go along King's Road It’s between the.. and the... corner, next to the police station.
Take the first left. It’s opposite the...
Go to the end of the road. It's on the corner.
Go past the bank It's on your right / left.
»-> Vocabulary Builder In the street: page 119
i . Turn right at the crossroads.
j Cross the road
5 Q2.38 Listen to four dialogues. Follow the directions on
Go under / over the bridge.
the map. Where do the people want to go?
1 5 |
zH 0 Speaking Strategy
If you don't understand, ask the person you are talkingto
to slow down, repeat, or clarify.
Could you speak more slowly, please?
Could you repeat that, please?
What does ... mean?
60 Unit 5 In the city
9 Writing
An article
I can write an article about a town.
i ■
>-> Vocabulary Builder Describing towns and cities: page 119
2 Read the task and the model text, ignoring the gaps. Think
of three similarities between Beverley and your town or
3 Read the Writing Strategy. Match the gaps in the model 8 Write your article using your plan from exercise 6. Begin
text (1-3) with three of the sentences (a-e) below. There each paragraph with your sentences from exercise 7.
are two extra sentences.
a There are many different forms of entertainment in
Have you...
• written in paragraphs?
b It is easy to travel around when you are in Beverley.
• started each paragraph with a sentence to introduce
c For people who love shopping, Beverley has a lot to offer.
the topic?
d Beverley, in the north of England, is a very attractive and • checked your spelling and grammar?
historic town.
e There is a wide choice of places for eating out, some cheap
and some quite expensive.
6A Vocabulary
Wild animals
I can talk about different wild animals.
1 VOCABULARY Match the photos A-F with six of the words below. Which of the
animals in the list can you find in the wild in your country?
Wild animals bear bee butterfly crocodile dolphin eagle
elephant frog giraffe gorilla hippo kangaroo lion monkey
shark snake spider tiger whale wolf
Unit map 3 Work in pairs. Decide which animals from exercise 1 you usually see
The natural world
• Word Skills
Prepositions of movement
and place i
I Birds;
5 Work in pairs. Can you add any more animals to the categories in exercise 4?
I QGrammar
Past simple affirmative (regular)
Past simple: be and can
• Listening Missing sounds
• Writing A postcard
• Culture 6 Yellowstone
I National Park
I '
Going wild
O 3.03 Listen and check your answers to exercise 6.
A frog.
Grammar I BT -
|6B ITPast simple (affirmative): regular
/ can talk about past events.
5 Choose the correct verb for each gap. Then complete the
text with the past simple affirmative form.
1 [03.05
tTltol-1 Read and listen to the text about exploring the
Kalahari Desert. What three different jobs does it mention?
2 Read the Learn this! box. Then look at the highlighted past
» Grammar Builder 6B page 134
simple verbs in the text in exercise 1 and match two with
each spelling rule (a-d).
6 Complete the sentences with the past simple affirmative
I LEARN THIS! Past simple (affirmative): regular verbs form of the verbs below.
. cy. The past simple affirmative of regular verbs ends in -ed. chat live stop travel wait walk
a With most verbs, we add -ed to the infinitive without 1 I walked into town last night.
to: 2 My cousins around Italy last summer,
work -> worked 3 We three hours for a bus.
b If the verb ends in -e, we just add -d: 4 His grandparents in America for years.
like -> liked 5 The rain an hour ago.
6 I to my neighbour yesterday morning.
c If the verb ends in -y, the -y changes to -ied:
carry -> carried 7 VOCABULARY Add the four underlined time expressions
d If the verb ends in a vowel and a consonant, we usually from the sentences in exercise 6 to the list below. Then pu
double the consonant before adding -ed: all of the expressions into the correct order (1-10), starting
chat -> chatted with the most recent.
Past time expressions a few minutes ago last month
triton PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat these past
3 [03.06] last week ten years ago three hours ago
two months ago
simple forms. In which verbs is the -ed ending an extra
syllable pronounced /id/? What is the rule? 1 Afewminutesago,2...
arrived chatted decided interrupted liked 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Using past simple verb forms
needed planned visited worked from this lesson, tell your partner things you did:
4 PRONUNCIATION Say the past simple forms of these last week ten years ago this morning yesterday
regular verbs. Pay attention to the endings.
This morning, I walked to school. I arrived at school. I...
end live start stop travel wait walk want watch
6C I Listening
Missing sounds
r I can understand words which are joined together in connected speech.
Listening Strategy 6 ,03.09 Listen to eight sentences. Say if the verb is present
In connected speech, some sounds disappear when we simple, past simple or could be either. How do you know?
join words together. This is especially true of/d/ and /t/
7 O 3.10 Listen to four people describing their experiences
sounds at the end of a word, when the next word begins
with a consonant. The more you listen, the more you will in the wild. Match the speakers with sentences A-E. There
get used to this. is one extra sentence.
A The speaker describes a problem with a vehicle.
B The speaker camped in a beautiful place.
3 Read the Listening Strategy. Mark one /d/ or /t/ sound in
C We learn how a mobile helped to solve the problem.
each sentence which might disappear when the sentence is
D The speaker explains why it’s important always to take a
spoken at natural speed.
phone with you.
1 Kate is my best friend. E The speaker nearly lost some possessions.
2 My grandad is an old man.
3 I'm going to the USA next week. 8 03.11 Read these sentences from exercise 7. Mark the
/d/ and /t/ sounds that disappear. Then listen, check and
4 It's a cold morning.
5 You must go to the doctor.
6 We camped in Wales last summer 1 We changed into our swimming trunks behind some trees.
2 We noticed two boys in the wood.
4 ffiEEJ
03.07 Listen, check and repeat. Copy the pronunciation.
3 Last year my friend Sam and I visited Yellowstone
{ LOOKOUT! Past simple endings National Park.
4 We closed the car doors.
( | You may not hear the past simple ending very clearly in
5 We followed the wrong path.
connected speech if the following word begins with a
6 We opened the app.
7 Suddenly, the car slowed down and stopped.
We played tennis yesterday, can sound like 8 My little brother noticed some lions.
We play tennis yesterday.
9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
I cooked dinner last night, can sound like
I cook dinner last night. 1 Are there any National Parks in your country?
However, we can usually identify past tense forms from 2 What animals can you see there? Are any of them
the context or from other words in the sentence. dangerous?
3 What can you do in the National Parks?
w: i IKWm'
1 * 4-"%£
sHy v-7/- s
Gileno Vieira da Rocha is a Brazilian engineer. He helps to build roads in
the Amazon rainforest. Last year he was in the forest, 300 miles from the
nearest big town. When he finished work one day, he decided to walk back I
isas to the camp, ten kilometres away. His workmates walked along the usual
path. But Gileno decided to take a shortcut. He walked across a field, and
into the jungle. But he got lost. He couldn’t see any other people and he
couldn’t return to his workmates. He continued to walk through the trees.
He climbed over tree trunks and crawled under bushes. At night he rested
0 in a tree or on the ground. After a few days he was very hungry, but he
couldn’t find any fruit or animals to eat. So he decided to catch bees and
flies for food! Finally, after twelve days, he arrived at a river and started to
walk along it. There were people by the river and they helped him. Gileno
almost died, but he finally arrived home safely. He was a very lucky man!
£ 5
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the title of 4 Read the Learn this! box. Find three of the examples from
the text. What do you think happened? the box in the text.
2 Read the text and check your ideas. 5 Complete the sentences with prepositions from exercise 3
and the Learn this! box. Sometimes more than one answer
3 VOCABULARY Match the prepositions of movement with is possible.
the diagrams. Which six can you find in the text in exercise 2?
1 We walked some trees to the river and
Prepositions of movement the bridge to the other side.
across along away from down into off onto out of 2 There aren’t many wild animals the desert.
over past round through to towards under up 3 Go the tunnel and the hill to the top.
4 They sailed the ocean in a large ship.
E 0 0 0 5 Hastings is the south coast of England.
' I
ii* v kk 6 Jake walked
then walked
the classroom, closed the door and
the science lab and sat down.
f E 0 D E 7 The road doesn't go
It goes
the mountain. It’s too high.
it to the other side and back down.
4 1> 8 We live
the sea. I can see it from my bedroom
mJ E 6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Cover the text and retell the story
1 What is a 'myth'?
2 What were people wrong about?
2 Look at the headings (1-4) in the text and match them
with the photos (A-D).
Reading Strategy
When you do a multiple-choice task, treat each
option as a true or false task. Remember that only
one option - the correct answer - is true.
Komodo dragons
During the First World War (1914-18) a pilot crashed
into the sea near Indonesia. Luckily, he could swim
well. He reached one of the smaller islands. He was
safe* Or was he? On the island, he discovered a
horrible monster. It looked like a dragon: it was very
big with short legs and a long tongue. It attacked and
killed large animals for food The pilot survived and
later he described the monster to his friends. They
laughed at him! But in fact, the animal was real, it was
a Komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world. In
j 1927, London Zoo opened its new Reptile House and it
*. included the first pair of Komodo dragons in Europe.
A 1
I 3 03-14 Listen to a student describing the first photo.
Which words from exercise 2 does he use? sitting (on...)
Speaking Strategy
When you describe a photo, begin by saying what the
photo shows in general. Then describe different parts of
the photo using phrases like 'in the centre'. Remember to
use present tenses in your description.
5 Write four sentences describing the second photo in 9 Work in pairs. Look at page 142. Choose one photo each.
exercise 1. Use words and phrases from exercises 2 and 4. Decide what vocabulary from exercises 2,4 and 7 you need
to describe it.
In the centre, there’s ...
In the distance. you can see ... 10 SPEAKING Describe one of the photos on page 142 to your
6 frWB partner. Use words and phrases from this lesson and follow
03.15 Listen to another student describing the second
the advice in the Strategy.
photo in exercise 1. Does she say any of your sentences
from exercise 5?
also looked for monkeys in the trees, but we couldn t This is my third day in ...
see any. There were lots of horrible spiders! Yuck! The weather is (fabulous / OK / terrible).
We’ve only got two I three / four more days here.
Tomorrow morning we're travelling to the beach and in
Wish you were here!
the afternoon were surfing. I can t wait! Thinking of you!
Say hello to (David).
5ay hello to Emma. See you soon.
Give my love to (your brother).
Love, Mills See you soon.
Tomorrow were cycling to the• nearest village to buy f CHECK YOUR WORK
food and drink. I’ve only got thiree more days here. @
Have you...
Wish you were here! V • included all the information in the task in exercise 6?
Bye for now! • used three different tenses and useful phrases?
• checkedyour spelling and grammar?
Unit 6 Going wild
3 Exam Skills Trainer
Reading A Green City Walk
When we were in Paris last month, we walked along the
Strategy Promenade Plantee. Do you know it? It's a park now, but a
Multiple-choice questions often focus on the gist of each hundred years ago it was a train line. The line closed, and then
text (the general meaning) or on the writer’s intention (why in 1988 two men planned a public garden for the space. They
planted trees and flowers and created a beautiful long path
the author wanted to write the text, e.g. to tell a story). Read
through the 12th District. Away from the crowds and the traffic,
each text quickly to see what the writer’s intention is.
it was hard to believe we were in the middle of the city.
2 Read the texts and answer the questions (1-3). Choose the
3 Read the Strategy. Add the words below to the correct
correct answer, (A-D).
place in the table.
The heart of Seoul
clean long loud polluted quick quiet safe slow
Seoul is the capital city of Korea. It's 600 years old and it's a start wait
large, busy, noisy city. But a small river runs for 5.8 km through
the middle of the city. It's called the Cheonggyecheon Stream. | similar meaning | opposite meaning
The river is older than the city, but for many years the people of
Seoul couldn't see it at all because there was a big road over it.
Then, in 2003, the government closed the road. They took the noisy
road away completely and opened the river again. Now the river fast
is a beautiful place to go for a walk and relax.
1 The text gives readers dangerous
A a list of good places to visit in Seoul.
B a funny story about a river.
C reasons why the city needed a big road in 1958.
D information about the history of a river.
4 FPMfrl
O 3-16 Listen to a conversation between a boy called
Stephen and a girl called Myra. Are the sentences true or
Forest fright false? Write T or F.
Last year, my family and I visited the Piedras Blancas National 1 Myra isn't happy with the trams in the city.
Park in the south-west of Costa Rica. We stayed in a small
2 Stephen says it's difficult for trams to move left
wooden house on a beach near the Pacific Ocean. On the first
day, we walked into the rainforest with a guide. It was warm, and right.
dark and rainy. Suddenly, a big brown snake appeared on the 3 Stephen thinks trams are faster than buses.
path in front of us! It was a Hog-Nosed Pit Viper, the most 4 Myra thinks the air in their city is polluted.
dangerous snake in Costa Rica. We stopped, and luckily the snake 5 Stephen thinks bikes are bad for the city.
moved away. Amazing! 6 Stephen thinks trams are noisier than buses.
2 What does the boy say about his visit to Costa Rica?
A He wanted to see a snake.
B He was interested in the trees in the forest.
C An exciting thing happened on the first day.
D He walked over Costa Rica's most dangerous snake.
City Monkeys
Do you like monkeys? Some people think they're the
1 animals in the world. In India, however, a lot
of people don't want to see monkeys. Their cities have a big
monkey problem.
2 Delhi, there are tens of thousands of monkeys.
They live in the trees and move around the city. They
3 buses and go into people's houses. Strategy
Now, people are getting angry with them. In India, people keep When you write a postcard, use adjectives when you give
water on the roof. The monkeys climb 4 people's your opinions of places, people and things. Give reasons for
houses and drink the water. This makes the water dirty, so people your opinions.
can't drink it.
'A few days 5, there was a monkey outside my 9 Read the Strategy. Circle the correct adjective.
office,' says Gulam Bannerjee. 'At lunchtime, it followed me
6 the road to the shop. 17 the 1 It’s very cold / hot. Yesterday, it was 41°C!
fridge and the monkey watched me. I closed the fridge, but then 2 I had a bad / good day yesterday. I waited 50 minutes for
the monkey copied me and got some food. They're very clever! I the bus and then I missed my train.
think they're cleverer 8 some people!' 3 It’s really noisy I quiet! Cars, buses and taxis go past my
1 A funny B funnier C funniest window all the time and I can’t sleep at night.
2 A On B In C At 4 I’m in the smallest / tallest building in the city. It's about
3 A miss B get on C cross 650 metres high.
4 A up B under C past 5 We have the worst / best room in the hotel. It’s clean and
5 A past B last C ago comfortable, and we can see the sea from our window.
6 A through B along C round 6 The swimming pool is fantastic / awful. It’s big and the
7 A opened B opening C open water is really warm.
8 A as B than C from
10 Imagine you are on a city holiday. Write a postcard to a
friend. Include information about:
• the city and the weather.
• where you are staying (e.g. a hotel).
• activities you did and when you did them.
• activities you are planning to do.
‘J Computing
I can talk about computer equipment.
Unit map
• Vocabulary
Computing (nouns)
Computing (verbs)
Sequencing words
Phrasal verbs: computers
Features of gadgets
• Word Skills
Introduction to phrasal verbs
• Grammar
Past simple affirmative (irregular)
Past simple (negative and
• Listening Listening to
• Speaking In a shop
• Writing A narrative
• Culture? British scientists
1 SPEAKING Look at photos 1-6. Does the computer equipment look old or modern?
• Vocabulary Builder page 120
Which things look the oldest / the most modern?
• Grammar Builder page 136
• Grammar Reference page 137 2 VOCABULARY Look at the words in the list. Match them with the items in the phot°5
Computing (nouns) charger computer headphones keyboard laptop
memory stick monitor mouse printer router speakers tablet webcam
O The computer language for a lot
of pages on the internet is:
10 03.19 KEY PHRASES Listen again. Match the two halves
of these useful phrases.
O Which famous American rap star
Computer collocations
makes Beats?
1 get a your emails
a Dr Dre b Jay Z c 50 Cent
2 click b return I
B Look at photo A. What is another term for a 3 press c online
4 check d an error message J
a a flash drive 5 get e a web page
b a Wi-Fi connector 6 visit f on a button
c a CD-ROM
11 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Using words and phrases from this
n 'You can usually lesson, tell your partner:
a photo from the internet faster
1 how often you use email and what you use it for.
than you can upload it.'
a true b false 2 the different ways you use the internet and where you
normally are when you get online.
B When you describe a as '300 Mbps' 3 other things you use a phone, laptop, tablet or
you're talking about its: computer for.
a price b speed c age 4 something that annoys you when you’re using a phone,
O Look at photo B. This laptop, etc.
has a 16GB hard
drive. What does 'GB' stand for? I check my emails a few times a day. I use it for...
a gigaband b gigabyte I
c gigabar
I use a tablet to...
O When you the Web,
what do 'cookies' do?
a Protect your computer from viruses and hackers. It annoys mewhen...
b Make the web page the correct size and shape for your
phone, tablet, etc.
c Share information about your visit with the website.
7B I Grammar ISIHHHL
( f Several past simple forms end in -ought or -aught. These
Kl endings are pronounced /o:t/ (rhyming with short).
To: [email protected]
1 Read the text. What is unusual about the aeroplane in the
photo? Hi Milly,
How are you? I hope you 1 (have) a good weekend.
2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find all the past simple My weekend 2 (be) great. On Friday evening, I
forms of the verbs in the text in exercise 1. Which are 3 (do) all my homework, so 14 (can) relax on
regular and which are irregular? Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday morning, 15 (go)
into town and 6 (buy) new speakers for my laptop. In
Language Selection ®
Select Your Language
[ English
Cancel (
I- ( Cancel
1^2 F H
Unit 7 Digital world
Past simple (negative and interrogative)
I can say what did and didn't happen in the past.
2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find and underline five
phrasal verbs in the teacher’s speech bubble. Are they
transitive or intransitive?
Dancing Man
I can understand a text about a social media campaign.
2 Read the text, ignoring the gaps. What kind of
cyberbullying does the text mention? Is it like the examples
you thought of in exercise 1?
Reading Strategy
When you do a gapped sentence task, think about the
order of events within a text. Having a clear idea of the
sequence helps you to check that your sentence fits.
3 Read the Reading Strategy. Then put these events into the
In March 2015, a British man went to
order in which they happened. a gig in London. He liked the music and
a Cassandra Fairbanks raised money for Sean O’Brien’s plane he began to dance. Because he was
ticket. a large man, other people noticed his
b Photos of Sean O’Brien appeared on an internet forum. dancing. A few of them laughed and
c Sean O’Brien threw the ball to start a baseball game.
d Sean O’Brien danced at a gig
took photos of him. When the man saw
e There was a big party for Sean O’Brien in Hollywood. their reaction, he stopped dancing and
f Cassandra Fairbanks started a campaign on Twitter. looked sad.
g Sean O’Brien appeared on an American TV show.
1 d, 2...
A few days later, the photos appeared on a well-
4 Match gaps (1-4) in the text with sentences (A-E). Use known internet forum. There were comments about
your answers to exercise 3 to help you. There is one extra
the man’s dancing and some of the comments
were very unkind. The man was a victim of
A This quickly raised more than $20,000.
cyberbullying. But that wasn’t the end of the story;
B After one day, they found him.
C Two days later, he returned to England. it was only the beginning.
D Afterwards, Sean said, ‘It was the best night of my life!'
E They wanted to help the man. k Cassandra V Follow
, ©CassandraRules
5 Read and listen to the complete text. Check your answers.
Anyone know this man or who posted this? There's a
huge group of ladies in LA who would like to do
6 VOCABULARY Match the two halves of these phrases.
something special
They are all in the reading text.
5'54 PM-5 Mar 2015
1 internet a media
2 social b page
I 3 viral c account
A group of people on social media, including an
4 hashtag d forum
5 fundraising e campaign American writer called Cassandra Fairbanks, were
6 Twitter f story angry about the cyberbullying.1 They decided
I 7 SPEAKING Work in pairs or groups. Think of a campaign
you would like to start on social media to make your
to have a huge party for him in California. But
they didn’t know who he was! However, it quickly
school, town or environment better in some way. became a viral story and Twitter users started
Invent a hashtag for your campaign. a hashtag campaign: #FindDancingMan!2__ _
8 SPEAKING Present your campaign to the class. Sean O’Brien was his name. He was originally from
Which is the most popular? Liverpool but lived in London.
Cassandra Fairbanks and her friends on social
The aim of our campaign is to... media began to organise the party for Sean in Los
Angeles. They also set up an online fundraising
We want people to... Our hashtag is... page to pay for Sean’s ticket to the USA.3___
80 Unit 7 Digital world
They gave the extra money to anti-bullying charities. By this time, the popular shows on American TV. On
story of ‘Dancing Man’ was well known. When Sean opened his own the show, he danced with Meghan
Twitter account (@dancingmanfound) he quickly got more than 80,000 Trainor. The day after the party, he
followers. Celebrities offered to help with the party and American TV threw the first ball of an important
shows wanted to speak to Sean. baseball match. So in the end, a
The party took place at a nightclub in Hollywood in May 2015. story about cyberbullying became
About 1,000 people were there and they danced to music from a story about kindness. ‘It really
celebrity DJ Moby.4 But it was just part of an amazing weekend shows the power of people,’ said
in the USA. Before the party, he appeared on Today, one of the most Cassandra Fairbanks.
7G I Speaking I
In a shop
r I can talk about products and prices.
A narrative
A few months ago, I went out for the evening with my
>♦ Vocabulary Builder Adverbs: page 120
Writing Strategy
friend Suzie. We planned to have a pizza at a cafe in
town. My dad kindly took us there in his car. ‘I can come Try to include some direct speech when you write a
and get you,’ my dad said, ‘but don't call too late.' narrative.
We had a very nice meal at the cafe. Afterwards. I tried Put quotation marks around the words that the person
to call my dad. I entered my PIN, but the phone didn't speaks. Put a comma, question mark or exclamation
accept it: I got an error message. I tried again, but the mark before the closing quotation marks.
same thing happened. ‘Who are you?’ I asked. Tm Joe,’ he said.
'This is strange,’ I said. I tried a third time;
unfortunately, the phone became locked. I couldn’t use it.
'Don’t worry, Emily, you can use my phone,’ said Suzie.
5 Read the Writing Strategy. Then add the correct
punctuation to the direct speech.
Amazingly, the same thing happened to her. She
1 Have you got my charger she asked.
tried three times, but the PIN was wrong and her phone
2 I can’t find my memory stick said Tom.
became locked too. I thought very hard and then I ‘
3 Good luck shouted my mum. Thanks I said.
remembered something: we had the same type of-phone.
4 It’s very late said my friend.
'You’ve got my phone and I've got yours,’ I said. 'We
swapped by accident. That's why the PIN numbers were 5 Did you see me asked Ben quietly. Yes I replied.
wrong!’ 6 Plan your own story using the task in exercise 2. Read these
Luckily, we saw a boy from our class in the cafe and questions and make notes.
told him about our problem. He lent me his phone and I
• Where were you? Who were you with?
called my dad. So we got home safely in the end - but
• What kind of device caused the problem? What was the
our phones were locked for three days!
• What did you do when the problem happened? How did
you solve it?
• How did it all end? Did it end well or badly for you?
3 KEY PHRASES Add the underlined time expressions in the
model text to the correct group below. 7 Write your story using your notes from exercise 6. Try to
include some direct speech and one or two adverbs. Use
Time expressions for setting the scene
time expressions from exercise 3.
a few weeks ago 1 last weekend
one day last summer recently some time lastyear CHECK YOUR WORK
Time expressions for ordering events Have you...
a few moments later 2. at that moment • included some direct speech with correct punctuation?
3 later 4 • used at least one adverb?
the next day • checked your spelling and grammar?
2 VOCABULARY Match photos (1-6) with six words from the list.
Sports aerobics athletics badminton basketball climbing cycling dancing
football golf gymnastics handball ice hockey ice skating judo karate
• Speaking Negotiating rollerskating running skateboarding skiing surfing swimming table tennis
tennis volleyball yoga
6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. How many of the sports in exercise 2 does yoUr partner d<^?
7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in the Q 328 Listen to four speakers. Which sports and hobbies
Olympics quiz below. from exercise 2 are they talking about?
Speaker 1 Speaker 3
Speaker 2 Speaker 4
© Which two are connected to the Olympics? v
RECYCLE! Past simple (affirmative and negative)
Regular past simple forms end in -ed.
play - played work - worked
Many verbs have irregular past simple forms.
do — did go — went
(2 How often do the Olympic Games happen? We don't use the past simple form for the negative; we
a every 2 years c every 3 years use didn't + infinitive without to.
b every 4 years d every 5 years play — didn’t play go - didn't go
Unit 8 Be active!
I Grammar I
8B going to
I can talk about plans.
1 Q3.29 Read and listen to the dialogue. Who is going to
take part in the judo competition? Is it...
a Suzie and Dexter?
b Dexter
c Dexter and his cousins?
Suzie What are you going to do this weekend?
Dexter I’m going to take part in a judo competition in
Suzie That’s great. Are you going to stay in a hotel?
Dexter No, I’m not. I’m going to stay with my cousins. Luke
and Toby. They live very near Newcastle.
Suzie Are they going to be at the competition?
Dexter Yes, they are.
Suzie That’s good. You're going to have lots of supporters
Dexter My cousins aren't going to support me. They're
going to take part in the competition!
Unit8 Be active!
Q/?23 pi Listening
ran * I can 'listen ahead' and predict what I’m going to hear
f '---------
5 I you at nine o’clock at the cinema. Don’t
be late.
6 A:‘It’s your birthday tomorrow. you
is a British Paralympic swimmer. She's only 1.23m tall, but she seve ntee n ? ’
says, 'I’m a normal person. I'm just smaller!' She was only thirteen B: 'Yes, I
when she won two gold medals in the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing.
T LEARN THIS! I think/don’t think + will
She won gold again at the London Paralympics in 2012. It was the
best moment of her career. 'I will never forget that moment,' she When we make predictions, we often use / think... or
xjl I don't think + subject + will.
says. Now she is studying at a university
in central England. What will I think scientists will discover a cure for cancer.
she do when she finishes I don’t think scientists will discover a cure for cancer.
her course? 'I think I'll NOT i think scientists woti t discover... X
probably take a short
break,' says Ellie. She
5 Read the Learn this! box. Find a prediction with I think in
won't stop swimming
the text in exercise 2.
- that's certain!
She'll be a member 6 Make predictions about these possible events. Use I think
of the British or I don't think.
Paralympic team for
1 England / win the next World Cup
many years to come.
I think /1 don’t think England will win the next World Cup.
2 the 2028 Olympics/be in Europe
3 I / go to a live sports event in the next few months
3 Read the Learn this! box. Then find all the examples of the 4 Neymar / score more than 30 goals next season
will future in the text. 5 Andy Murray / play at Wimbledon next year
6 Spain/win the World Cup in 2026
f LEARN THIS! will
7 Complete the sentences with I think I'll or I don't think I'll to
pgj- a We use will to talk about the future and to make
make predictions about your future.
1 study science at university.
b We form the will future with will/'ll or will not/won't
2 earn a lot of money.
and the infinitive of the verb without to. The form is the
3 get married before I’m 30.
same for all persons.
4 have children.
Affirmative 5 buy my own house or flat.
I’ll I she’ll I we’ll, etc. see you tomorrow. 6 have the same friends when I'm 25.
Negative 7 stay in this town for the rest of my life.
I / he / you I they. etc. won’t see us tomorrow. 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer
Interrogative and short answers questions about the things in exercise 7. Use Do you think...
When will we see each other again? and make a note of the answers.
Will you be eighteen next July? Yes, I will. I No, I won t.
Do you thinkyou'll study Yes, I think I will./No, I
c We don't use the short form 7/ after names or other science at university? don't think I will.
nouns, or in short answers.
Arm’ll be at the party. X Ann will be at the party. /
Will you be at the party? X Yes. I will. / 9 SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner.
88 Unit8 Be active!
8E iLTwordSkills
Noun suffixes
k' I can form nouns with a range of suffixes.
Samar Barakat, a seventeen-year-old teenager
from London, is going to cycle through Japan to
raise money for Child Chemo House, a charity
that helps children who are having treatment
for cancer. Her journey will start in Tokyo in July
and will end at the headquarters of Child Chemo
House in Kobe, 550 kilometres away. Samar’s
parents gave her permission to do the cycle ride,
but they aren’t going to cycle with her. Samar is
a very independent girl and is not worried about
travelling alone. She says she’s going to meet
friends while she’s in Japan, so homesickness
shouldn’t be a problem. She’s doing a lot of
preparation and organisation before she starts.
She’s learning Japanese, and she’s researching
the route online, looking for accommodation. She
doesn’t want to cycle in darkness, so at the end of
each afternoon, she’s going to stop and stay in a -
cheap hotel or hostel. The journey will take about
ten days and she hopes that she will receive lots
of donations on her fund-raising web page. It will
be an amazing achievement if she’s successful.
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the title of 5 Complete the sentences with the nouns in exercise 4.
the text. What do you think the text is going to be about? 1 Can you give me some about trains?
2 I saw a TV for some great football boots. I
2 Read the text and check your ideas in exercise 1. Do you
think I’ll buy some.
think this is a good way to raise money? Give reasons.
3 and diet are important if you want to stay
LEARN THIS! Noun suffixes
4 My brother and I had a terrible yesterday. He
a We sometimes add -ment, -ion, and -ation to make
still isn’t speaking to me.
nouns from verbs.
5 In class today, we had a about the dangers
arrange - arrangement converse - conversation of alcohol and drugs.
describe - description 6 I was surprised at Josh’s .. He upset a lot of
b We sometimes add -ness to make nouns from people.
adjectives. 7 Can I make a? Let’s go out for dinner tonight.
sad - sadness happy - happiness 8 Our maths teacher told us how to do the calculation, but I
c With some nouns in all these groups, there is a small didn't understand her.
change in spelling (e.g. description and happiness). 6 SPEAKING Work in pairs or small groups. Imagine you
want to raise money for a charity by doing an event similar
3 Read the Learn this! box. Then look through the text and to the one in the text. Discuss these questions and make
find nouns formed from the verbs and adjectives below. notes. Use the phrases below to help you.
Which have a change in spelling? help people who... raise money start training
accommodate achieve dark donate homesick support a charity take part in (an event)
organise permit prepare treat 1 Which charity? Why?
2 What event? Why?
4 Make nouns from the verbs and adjectives. Use the correct
3 How will you prepare?
suffixes: -ment, -ion, -ation and -ness. Use a dictionary to
4 How much do you hope to raise?
help you.
1 advertise (verb) 5 fit (adjective) 7 SPEAKING Share your ideas with the class.
2 rude (adjective) 6 argue (verb)
7 discuss (verb) We’re going raise money for...
3 inform (verb)
8 explain (verb) We're going to take part in ...
4 suggest (verb)
Unit8 Be active!
8F Reading
Reading Strategy
Make sure you answer every question in a multiple-choice
task. If you are not sure of an answer, try to exclude one
option and then guess between the other two. You have
a 50:50 chance of being correct!
Unit8 Be active!
5 VOCABULARY Find four nationality adjectives in the
reading texts. Add them to the list below.
Nationalities Australian Brazilian Canadian Chinese
Czech German Hungarian Italian Japanese Polish
Russian Slovak Spanish Swedish
6 Work in pairs. Look at the endings of the nationality
adjectives in exercise 5. Divide them into three groups: -an,
-ish and -ese. Which three do not fit?
In 1976, at the age of fifteen, Christian Haettich had a serious
car accident. He lost his left arm and his left leg. For the next
few years, he found it very difficult to live with his disability.
But in 1984 he saw a man with one leg cycle up a steep hill.'I
can do that,' he thought, and he learned to cycle. It was really
difficult - he fell off his bike many times - but he kept trying. ■ i
In 1985, he began to compete in races for disabled
cyclists. His ambition was to compete in the Paralympic
Games in Sydney in 2000 and he trained hard to be in
the French team. But then the rules for the competition
changed and Christian could not take part because his
disability did not match the new rules. So Christian found a
new challenge: cycling up mountains. Now he competes in
mountain races and cycles around 27,000 kilometres every
Unit8 Be active!
I Speaking
SB Negotiating
/ can negotiate when discussing plans.
1 SPEAKING Match the pictures with three of the sports 4 SPEAKING In pairs, take turns to suggest an activity from
events from the list. Then tell your partner which events the list below. Using phrases from exercise 3, your partner
from the list you a) enjoy watching and b) enjoy doing. rejects the suggestion and suggests an alternative.
Athletics events 100 metres high jump long jump go to a cafe go to the cinema go skateboarding
marathon pole vault relay shot put go shopping go swimming listen to music play football
play video games watch TV
>♦ Vocabulary Builder Athletics events, page 121 S LEARN THIS! too + adjective
C'-©~ We use 1:00 + adJective to mean ‘more than possible’. We
2 0336 Read and listen to the dialogue. Answer the x* often use it to explain why we are rejecting something.
questions. We can’t go to the beach. It’s too far.
1 Which athletics event from exercise 1 do they mention?
2 Which other sports do they mention? d-» Grammar Builder 8G page 138
3 Which one do they agree to watch?
Tom Hi, Ryan. It’s Tom. Are 6 0337 Look at the timetable of Olympic events and listen
you going to watch to two teenagers talking about tickets. How many events
the Olympics on do they agree to see? Tick the events that they agree to see.
Saturday? | Indoor arena | Stadium |
Ryan Yes, I am. But I
haven’t got any 08:00 Diving Badminton Women’s marathon
tickets. I’m going 10:00 Basketball Men’s longjump
to buy them Men’s 100 m final
12:00 Swimming Handball
online today.
14:00 Gymnastics Women’s pole vault
Tom Shall we go
together? 16:00 Water polo Volleyball Men’s 400 m relay
Ryan Good idea. Which
events do you want to see?
Speaking Strategy
Tom I think the badminton at the indoor arena will be
When you are interacting with another speaker, react to
exciting. Let’s go to that.
what they say in an appropriate way.
Ryan I'd rather not. It starts at 8 o’clock in the morning.
That’s too early! I'd rather see some athletics.
Tom OK. Let's try to get tickets for the stadium. The final of 7 03.37 KEY PHRASES Read the Speaking Strategy. Then
the men's 100 metres is at 12 o’clock. listen again and complete the phrases the teenagers use
Ryan I don’t think that's a good idea. Those tickets are too for reacting. Use the words below.
expensive. What about swimming at the pool? I think mean right see so that think
that would be better. Reacting
Tom Yes, OK. That sounds good. You're \ •
Ryan Great! I'll book the tickets. I suppose 2------------------- .
3 KEY PHRASES Add the underlined phrases in the dialogue 13 what you 4.
to category A or B below. I Do you5 so?
; Is6 right?
A Rejecting a suggestion
I don't really fancy doing that. 8 Work in pairs. Imagine you are planning a day at the
Olympics. Look at the timetable in exercise 6, and agree on
four events to see. Prepare a dialogue using phrases from
B Suggesting an alternative exercises 3 and 7.
I'd prefer to....
9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Act out your dialogue to the class.
Do you fancy (+-ing) instead?
■ ’ _
92 Unit8 Be active!
8H An informal letter
I can write an informal letter.
Unit8 Be active!
Exam Skills Trainer
Reading Listening
Strategy Strategy
Before you do a true or false reading task, read all the Before you listen and fill the gaps in a summary, look at the
statements carefully and underline key words in them. You words before and after each gap. Think about what sort
will understand them better and underlining the key words of information is needed in each gap. Is it a place, a date, a
will give you an idea of the information you are looking for. time, an object, a person, a number or something else?
1 Read the Strategy. Read the statements in exercise 2 and 3 Read the Strategy. Match the words below to the gaps in
underline the key words. sentences 1-6.
a friend by the sea 2nd May two
2 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F. two o’clock watch films
1 Tricking is a mix of gymnastics and dance. 1 We usually go cycling in the park or
2 There is a long list of rules for tricking. 2 He was born on.
3 Tricking started in sports like judo. 3 This tennis match started at
4 Trickers post videos of tricks online. 4 I use my computer to check my emails and
5 Trickers only learn tricks from social media.
6 The first tricking meeting was in 2010. 5 You could ask or a teacher fortheir
7 There are trickers all over the world. opinion.
8 The butterfly twist is easy for beginners. 6 I waited for hours for the file to
A young man jumps, turns 4 Q3.38 Listen to part of a radio report. Add ONE, TWO or
his body around in the air
THREE words or numbers in each gap.
and lands on his feet. The
movement is beautiful, but SuperTech Summer Camps
the man isn't dancing. Nor
Most summer camps offer children activities like swimming,
is he doing gymnastics,
fishing, volleyball and 1.
judo or karate. He's tricking.
SuperTech Summer Camp offers technology-related events for
What exactly is tricking?
ni ne-2-yea r-olds.
There's no clear definition.
It isn't a sport. It hasn't got Courses include web programming, 3 and
any written rules. Trickers even how to make a robot.
are athletes who turn their Some of the course leaders are teachers, others are
bodies in new and interesting ways to express themselves. 4 and scientists.
Tricking started in the USA in the mid-1990s. It developed from SuperTech Summer Camps take place at the O'Malley Centre,
the martial arts. Players wanted to challenge themselves to do about5 km west of Dublin.
jumps that were bigger, more powerful and more exciting, so they Each camp lasts 6, but children can come for
invented new movements. They called these movements 'tricks'. more than one camp.
At that rime, the internet was becoming more and more popular.
Matthew Day organised the first SuperTech Summer Camp
Trickers filmed themselves and shared their new movements on 7
the web, and later on social media.
It costs £8 per week for a child to go to
For a long rime, not many people knew about tricking. Trickers
SuperTech Summer Camp.
used social media to arrange meetings at gyms or outdoor
spaces. At these meetings they learned new tricks from each
other. Then, people started to do tricking in films and on TV. A
character in the 2010 film Tron did a few tricks, for example, and
there are trickers in some music videos and TV advertisements.
Now tricking is a worldwide sport.
Some sports centres now offer tricking courses, but most people
still learn tricking from the internet. They usually begin with
easier movements such as the 540 kick before learning moves
like the flashkick and the butterfly twist which are much more
Nick D'Aloisio
Nick D'Aloisio is a successful young computer programmer. In
2011, he created a news story app called Summly. Summly allows Writing
users to read the news very quickly. It takes all the important
1(INFORM) from big news stories and makes them
into smaller stories that can fit on one smartphone screen.
When you write an informal letter, you often need to use
People use computer programmes to write the stories, and
world-famous2(ART) and 3 more than one tense. Read the exam task carefully and
(PHOTOGRAPH) Kevin Abosch creates the pictures. make sure you know when you need to use a present tense,
past simple or a future form.
D'Aloisio, who is half4(BRITAIN) and half
5(AUSTRALIA), lives in London. He taught
himself how to code when he was at school, and developed 9 Read the Strategy. Use the verbs in brackets to complete
Summly when he was still a 6(TEENAGE).
the sentences below with the present simple, present
In 2013, when D'Aloisio was 17, he sold Summly to Yahoo for continuous, past simple or be going to + verb.
about $30 million. So far, Summly is his biggest7
(ACHIEVE). What will his next8(INVENT) be? 1 We cycling last weekend, (go)
2 I problems with my computer at the
moment, (have)
Speaking 3 Thank you for your letter. Sorry I soo
(not / reply)
Strategy 4 I Adam yesterday, (see)
When you want someone to accept your opinion, it's helpful 5 Guess what? I team captain next month.
to think of the arguments againstyour point of view as well (be)
as the arguments/or it. When the other person challenges 6 Erica and I about having a party, (think)
your opinion, you will have a good response ready. 7 My dad some old photos of us last week.
7 Read the Strategy. Are these arguments/or (F) an option or 8 I.__________ a printer, (not / have)
against (A) it? Write F or A.
10 Write a letter to a friend about a ticket you won in a
1 Surfing sounds fun. competition. Include information about the points below
2 I'm terrible at ice skating. and suggest that your friend comes with you.
3 It’s too cold.
• What is the ticket for? (e.g. a holiday, a sporting event, a
4 It would be interesting.
5 It would be boring. music festival)
• How did you win it?
6 It would be too dark.
• When are you going to go?
7 We'd learn something useful.
• How are you preparing for it?
8 I think watching a DVD would be more relaxing.
My home
I can describe different kinds offurniture.
1 SPEAKING Look at the photos. Compare the rooms using the adjectives below,
sweet attractive comfortable modern unusual
In myopinion, room
home! I think room A is more attractive than room ... C is the most...
2 VOCABULARY Match the furniture in the photos with words from below.
Furniture and household items bath bed bin blinds bookcase carpet chair
Unit map chest of drawers clock cooker cupboard curtains desk dishwasher hi-fi
lamp light mirror rug shelves shower sink sofa stool table toilet
wardrobe washing machine
Furniture and household items
Parts of a home 3 [04.02 Check the meaning of all the words in exercise 2. Then listen and repeat.
Adjectives to describe rooms
• Word Skills
do, make, have, take, bring
• Grammar
Present perfect (affirmative)
Present perfect (negative and
• Listening University
1 Read the email from a student on an exchange programme. 4 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of
Is he enjoying his stay in Germany? How do you know? the verbs in brackets.
1 What's my password? I(forget).
2 She(try) Greek food but she doesn’t
like it.
3 It isn't a secret-they (tell) lots of
To: dad
From: Ben
4 I (do) my homework. Can I go out now?
Subject: I’m in Berlin!
5 Oh no! We (leave) our bags on the train!
Sent. Mon 14 May 2018
6 We can't buy a snack. You (spend)
our money.
Hi Dad, f LOOK OUT! just
I’ve arrived safely in Berlin. Kasper and his family met me at ( | We use just with the present perfect to emphasise that
the airport. We’ve just had dinner and now I’m in my bedroom. \? the event is very recent. We usually put just between have
They’ve tried to make me feel at home. They’ve put a photo of or has and the past participle.
London on the wall and they’ve given me some English books
Do you want some pizza? No, thanks. I’ve just eaten.
to read! But I really miss my home and my family. Please reply
soon! I’ve sent messages to my friends too, but so far only one
person has replied. 5 Read the Look out! box. Find an example of the present
perfect with just in the email in exercise 1.
Love. Ben
PS I’ve lost my German dictionary! 6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Take turns to ask a question from
the list below. Your partner invents an answer using just
and the present perfect.
2 Read the Learn this! box. Are the highlighted past
Why are you...
participles in exercise 1 regular or irregular?
1 crying? 3 so tired? 5 laughing?
2 so happy? 4 feelingill? 6 worried?
LEARN THIS! Present perfect
a We use the present perfect simple to talk about recent Because I’ve just seen
events and give news, especially when the events have Why are you crying?
a really sad film.
an effect on the present.
I can’t phone her. She’s changed her number. 7 Complete the email with the present perfect form of the
b We form the present perfect simple with have or has verbs below.
('ve or s) and the past participle of the verb. The past
eat have help learn meet play send speak
participle of regular verbs is the same as the past simple
form and ends in -ed.
We've moved house. W [email protected]
My sister has finished school.
Hi Dad, Sun 20 May
c Irregular verbs have irregular past participles. These
1 hope you are well. 11 a great first week in
are sometimes the same as the past simple form and Germany! Kasper is really into sport, like me We
sometimes different. 2 football and basketball at the park and I
I’ve bought a new bike, (buy - bought - bought) 3 lots of Kasper's friends. 14
German to everyone and 15 a lot of new words.
She’s broken her phone, (break - broke - broken) The food is really nice. 16 just about
ten sausages! 17 with the cooking a few times
3 Put the past participles of these verbs into three groups:
love, Ben
1) regular; 2) irregular - same as past simple; 3) irregular -
different from past simple. See the list on page 143. PS 18 just an email to Mum too.
»♦ Grammar Builder 9B page 140 I've tidied my room. I've Zoltan has tidied
his room. He's...
In the UK, most university students live in halls of
residence during their first year. A hall is 1
4 [Q4.06 Listen and complete the questions.
building, owned by the university, with lots
2 bedrooms for the students. Students 1 Where live? (add two words)
2 What do at the weekend?
usually share bathrooms and toilets, but some
(addfour words)
bedrooms 3 got their own bathrooms.
3 What do when you leave school?
Some halls have also got kitchens where the students
(addfour words)
4 cook their meals. In others the students
4 speak any languages apart from youi
only sleep - they go to the university canteen to
own language and English? (add two words)
eat. They are great places 5 make new
5 pay to study at university in your
friends. In the second and third years of study, most
country? (addfour words)
students move out of halls and rent accommodation. 6 What job do
They often share a flat or a house 6 other
when you finish your studies? (add six words)
students. Students can borrow money 7
the government to pay for their Living expenses. 5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 4. You don’t need to copy the pronunciation.
3 VOCABULARY Look at all the red collocations with do, Do you ever do the washing up?
make, have and take in the texts. Use them to complete the
gaps below. Yes, I do. I sometimes do the washing up after
do ’housework 2the hoovering 3 dinner. / No, I don’t. I hate washing up!
4 5 6
7 8/something the washing 7 SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner.
somebody a favour
make 9/ breakfast / lunch 10 Matthew sometimes does the washing up after
dinner. / He never does the washing up. He hates it.
a mistake friends a phone call an appointment
have ” 12 a shower a drink
a party a rest a conversation
take 13 14 15
a photo an exam medicine / a pill somebody’s advice
1 SPEAKING Look at photos of Palmerston, an island in the 4 Read the text. Match the gaps in the text (1-5) with the
Pacific Ocean. Describe it using the adjectives and nouns sentences (A-G). There are two extra sentences.
below and your own ideas. A They then sell them to the ship and buy the things they
Adjectives beautiful clear hot peaceful remote need.
sunny tropical B Visitors usually stay here when they are spending some
Nouns beaches ocean palm trees sand time on the island.
C They work together, look after each other and share.
2 Read the text, ignoring the gaps. Would you like to live on D When you get there, you will get a very warm welcome.
Palmerston? Why? / Why not? E It takes four days to reach it by boat.
F They understand that, but they are not happy about it.
Reading Strategy
G This means going abroad to study.
To check if a sentence fits a gap, think about any words
in the sentence which refer back to people, things, places 5 Read and listen to the whole text and check your answers
or situations / events / ideas mentioned in the sentence to exercise 4. For each gap, decide what the underlined
before the gap. Check that the reference makes sense. word in the sentence refers to.
In gap 1, ‘there’ refers to ‘the tiny tropical island of
3 Read the Reading Strategy. Then look at the sentences in Palmerston’.
exercise 4. Does each underlined word refer to people,
things, places or situations/events/ideas?
6 Answer the questions. 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Try to include vocabulary from
1 Why is part of the journey to Palmerston very dangerous? exercise 7 in your role-play.
2 How many buildings are on the main road in Palmerston? Student A Imagine you live on Palmerston. Talk to Student B
3 How often do the islanders usually receive supplies? about your daily life there.
4 What problems do the islanders experience with internet Student B You live in a big city. Compare your daily life with
and mobile phone signals? Student A. Talk about:
5 How has the number of people living on the island • daily routine
changed in the past five decades? • food and drink
• entertainment (sport, hobbies, etc.)
7 VOCABULARY Match the two halves of the collocations
below. They are all in the text.
In the morning I get up at nine o’clock
1 tropical a beaches and walk along the beach to school.
2 sandy b life
3 basic c neighbour
4 next-door d time Really? I catch the
5 daily e island bus to school.
6 free f supplies
Beiiingcr?X _
It is one of the hardest places in the world to visit. First, you have to that wasn't a problem: they could eat coconuts and fish.
fly to Tahiti, an island in the South Pacific Ocean. Then you have to These days, the islanders access the internet for one or two hours
travel by boat - for nine days! During that time, you hardly ever see a day and they can even get a mobile phone signal - sometimes. But
another boat or plane. And the final part of the journey is the most everyday experiences, like a visit to the dentist, can be a problem
dangerous, because of the rocks. Over the years, they have caused because the island is so remote. The nearest dentist is on Rarotonga,
hundreds of boats to sink. You can still see some of the wrecks the capital of the Cook Islands.4 And when the dentist has
on the beaches. But finally, you arrive at the tiny tropical island of finished, you sometimes have to wait six months for a boat home!
Palmerston, part of the Cook Islands.1 The islanders love visitors Some of the islanders love the remoteness and think their home is
and look after them well. paradise, but others have decided to leave. In the past 50 years, the
The island is very beautiful, with white sandy beaches and clear population of Palmerston has dropped from 300 to just 62. About 20
blue water. There are no cars. The main road in Palmerston is only of these are children. Their life is very happy and relaxed, but as they
about a hundred metres long and is made of sand, with only about six get older, some of them want a university education.5 They
buildings. There is a small school, but there are no shops. The families often plan to come home again after their studies - but in reality, they
on Palmerston don't use money in their daily lives.2 When you rarely return.
run out of rice, you ask your next-door neighbour. They only use But, for the people who stay on the island, daily life is easy.
money to buy things from other countries. Nobody works very hard and there is a lot of free time. In the
A ship visits the island twice a year and brings basic supplies, evenings, children swim in the beautiful blue ocean or play volleyball
like rice and fuel. The islanders need money to pay for this, so they on the beach. The adults watch TV (there is one TV on the island) or
catch and freeze fish.3 But sometimes the ship doesn't come. chat. There is a policeman on Palmerston, but there isn't any crime, so
Recently, eighteen months passed without a visit from the ship. But he makes musical instruments instead!
students comparing and contrasting photos 1 and 2. Which
student followed the advice better? Give reasons for your
Speaking Strategy
In a photo comparison task remember to:
• compare the photos, pointing out any obvious
similarities and differences.
• describe the people in the photos and say what they
are doing.
• give your opinion and/or speculate about the people
and situation.
Reading 5
Not everyone in Mexico can live in a beautiful house, but in one
Strategy town where life is difficult for many people, the government
Make sure you read the whole of each paragraph before has paid a group of street artists to paint more than 200 new
you start to match the headings. The extra heading will houses in bright colours. The houses make a 20,000 m2 picture.
Tt's fantastic,' says Ana Flores, who lives in the area. 'It's helped
contain a word or phrase that matches part of one or two
young people believe that a better future is possible.'
paragraphs, but only the correct heading will match the
whole of the paragraph.
Hi Matt,
Help! Why did I decide to have 1 party? It's four
o'clock and I'm still getting the house ready! I2
tidied the living room, but there's still a lot to do! I
cleaned the floors yet, and I need to finish
making the food.
4 Darren phoned you? 5 he be here
this evening? Does he know the party starts
eight o'clock?
Can you 7 '»me a favour? I've done the shopping,
but 18 a mistake at the supermarket - I forgot to
buy some bread! Can you get some?
See you later.
When you describe a place, use preposition + noun phrases
PS I've decorated the cake so we don't need to worry (e.g. in London, at home) and adverbs of place (e.g. here, Bl
’that. ©
there, downstairs) to explain where things are.
PPS Oh no! I've 10 remembered something else! I
need to clean the bathroom!
9 Read the Strategy. Complete the sentences with the words
Speaking below.
at in nearby next on upstairs
1 There are two big rooms. the second floor.
Learn positive and negative adjectives for people, places and 2 There’s a swimming pool .. It takes about five
things so that you can use a variety of adjectives when you
minutes to walk there.
compare two pictures
3 There’s a small bathroom downstairs, and there’s a bigger
7 Read the Strategy. Write the adjectives in the correct place 4 The kitchen is the front of the house,
in the table. 5 I live a small village.
6 The house is to a park.
attractive awful cosy light relaxing ugly
uncomfortable untidy 10 Think of a home that you know well (but not your own
| Negative home). Write a description. Include information about the
points below.
• who lives there
• the location
• the rooms
• when you last went there and what you did
Prince William is the grandson1 Queen Elizabeth II and
the eldest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. He and
his wife, Kate, live in a large apartment in Kensington Palace in
I London with their two young children, George and Charlotte.
They also have a home in Norfolk in the east of England.
3 Read the first paragraph of the article and complete the 5 VOCABULARY Match the highlighted words in the text
family tree. with words below that have the opposite meaning,
busy cheap old sad small west
c I
Prince Phillip 6 .04.14 Listen to three people talking about the British
Royal Family. Match each speaker (1-3) with two of the
sentences below (A—F).
c Diana Anne Andrew Edward Which speaker...
A is not sure that all the stories about the Royal Family
are true?
c J1 ■ Kate Hany
B thinks the Queen is good for tourism?
C is happy that the Queen does not smile a lot?
D likes looking at photos of the Royal Family?
c ---- 1
) Charlotte
E doesn't know what the members of the Royal Family
F thinks Harry sometimes does silly things?
The University of
Oxford is about
a thousand years
old. It is famous
all over the
world, but why is
it so well known? 3 VOCABULARY Match the highlighted words in the fact file
with the definitions (1-6) below. (Most of the words are
1 plural in the fact file.)
Yes. There are over 22,000 students at Oxford: about 1 somebody with a first degree doing further studies at
12.000 of these are undergraduates and 10,000 are university
postgraduate students. Around 25% of the population of 2 somebody studying for their first degree
the city of Oxford are students. 3 the number of people who live in a particular area
In lots of ways. Firstly, the university has more than 30 4 somebody who leads the government of their country
different colleges. Secondly, students wear special gowns for
exams and other important university events. Finally, the 5 a lesson for a large group of university students
degree ceremony is in Latin, the language of the ancient 0
Romans. 6 a long item of clothing that people wear for some formal
3 occasions
Yes, it does.Two of the most famous buildings are
the Bodleian and the Sheldonian.The Bodleian is the 4 Q 4.16 Listen to five University of Oxford students. Which
university library and has over eleven million books. At students are not from the UK?
the Sheldonian, concerts, lectures, degree ceremonies and
other university events take place. 5 04.16 Listen again. Match speakers (1-5) with sentences
(A-F) below. There is one extra sentence.
Yes! These include David Cameron and 25 other UK prime Which speaker...
ministers. 27 Nobel prize winners, famous scientists such as A is worried about starting at Oxford?
Stephen Hawking and 120 Olympic gold medallists. B is excited about starting at Oxford?
5 C is not keen on studying for a degree?
This is the publishing department of the university. It sells D is a postgraduate student?
over I 10 million books each year and is famous for the E is friends with other people from their own country?
Oxford English Dictionary.There are about 300,000 words F is not the first person in his / her family to study
in this dictionary and it weighs more than 60 kilos! at Oxford?
6 speaking Discuss this question in pairs or small groups:
Do you want to go to university? Why? / Why not?
A Are there many famous students?
B How is Oxford different from other universities? 7 INTERNET RESEARCH Find out about the University of
C Does the university have many famous buildings? Cambridge on the internet. Write down at least three
D What is Oxford University Press? interesting facts about the university. Compare your
E Are there lots of students at the university? answers with the rest of your class.
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. How much money do you spend 4 Read the text again and choose the best summary, a, b orc.
on the things below? a American teenagers spend most of their money online, not
apps and games clothes films and music food and drink in high street shops.
jewellery make-up and accessories shoes b Spending money on clothes is more important
for American teenagers than spending money on
I spend a lot of my money on ... entertainment.
c American teenagers spend more on clothes than on
anything else, but food and entertainment are also
I spend some money on ...
How1 American teenagers spend their for many teenagers, it is very important to wear
money: on clothes, or food, or apps? Let's find out. the 'right' brand!
u ♦ j • But young people aren't only interested6
How teenagers spend their money , u _,T L . A1 ,
clothes and fashion. A lot7 teenagers meet
figure 1
in coffee shops and restaurants, and they spend
8% Other ‘ 27% Clothes 23% of their money there on food and drink.
and fashion
10% Make-up J. When you add together the percentages for
and accessories | apps, games, electronics, films and music, you
8 see that American teenagers spend a lot
16% Music
and films of their money on entertainment too.
Culture Bank
British food
UNLIKE FRANCE OR ITALY, Britain is not famous for the
4 lQ4.2O Listen to a radio interview about modern British
cuisine. Which two adjectives from the list best describ,
quality of its food. And the truth is, British people are very
this kind of food?
keen 1 food from other countries. There are
Indian and Chinese restaurants in nearly every town in beautiful fresh simple unhealthy
2 UK - and other types of international food Listen to the interview again. Circle the best answl
5 [Q4.2O
are popular too. However, according to a recent survey,
British people are also keen on traditional British food 1 Which kind of food from the 1970s do they discuss?
and usually have one 3 two favourite British a nouvelle cuisine
dishes. b cuisines from other countries
A traditional Sunday lunch with roast beef and c modern British cuisine
Yorkshire pudding is very popular, and so is a full English 2 How is modern British cuisine different from other styles
breakfast. (This is not just bacon and eggs, of course. It
also includes sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms and toast.)
of cooking?
a It takes a new look at traditional recipes.
Another favourite, *survey says, is sausages b The meals are very small.
and mashed potato - or'bangers and mash', as people often c The recipes use traditional herbs and spices.
call it. 3 Which of these dishes is a Modern British cuisine recipe?
Sometimes, favourite dishes have a connection with
a traditional roast lamb
a special time or place, and often the food seems to taste
b duck with orange sauce
better because5 that connection. For example,
c duck with cherries or pistachio nuts
a hot pie is the perfect food when you're watching a football
4 What extra information do some Modern British cuisine
match. But when you're watching tennis at Wimbledon, you
menus include?
want a bowl 6 strawberries and cream.
a Which herbs and spices the food contains.
So what is the nation's favourite British food, according
to the survey? The answer is: fish and chips - especially b Where the ideas for the dishes come from.
take-away fish and chips in paper. And especially when c How far away the ingredients come from.
you're eating it by the sea! 6 SPEAKING Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss these
3 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Which do you prefer: traditional food from your country or
food from other countries?
1 Which two types of restaurant are very common in British
2 Are some traditional dishes disappearing in your country? If
towns? so, why do you think this is happening?
2 What is a full English breakfast? 3 Do you agree that some food tastes better at certain times
3 What is another name for sausages and mashed potatoes? or in certain places? Give examples.
4 What do people like to eat at football matches?
5 Where do people like to eat strawberries and cream? 7 INTERNET RESEARCH Search the internet for British
6 Where does fish and chips taste best, according to the recipes. Find a recipe that you like. Then work in pairs or
survey? small groups and describe your recipes.
Culture Bank in
5 Culture
New York
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. How much do you know about 4 .04.23
tTtfrli Listen to the interview with Gloria Estrada. Answer
New York? Decide if these sentences are true orfalse. Write the questions.
T or F. Can you correct the false sentences?
1 What event is she looking forward to?
1 New York is the capital of the USA. 2 How many people are taking part in the event?
2 The population of New York is about 8.5 million. 3 When is the event?
3 People speak around 800 different languages in
New York.
5 .04.23 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write
T or F. Correct the false sentences.
4 The Golden Gate Bridge is in New York.
5 The Empire State Building is in New York. 1 Gloria lives in Bogota.
6 The United Nations Headquarters is in New York. 2 She runs seven times a week.
7 The White House is in New York. 3 This is her first marathon.
4 She is nineteen years old.
2 04.21 Listen and check your answers.
5 She doesn't think that marathons are very tiring.
3 Read the tourist guide to New York City. Match headings 6 She is starting to feel more at home in New York.
A-F below with paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra 6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. A British friend is coming to
heading. your country. You are meeting him / her in a city that you
A The Statue of Liberty D Central Park know well. Agree on the top three places to visit, and give
B The view from the top E Visit a museum reasons. Use the phrases below to help you.
C The Brooklyn Bridge F Times Square
I want to take him / her to... because...
... is interesting. Let's take him / her there.
I know. Why don't we take him / her to see... It's really...
THE TOP FIVE THINGS TO DO 7 INTERNET RESEARCH Choose an American city from the list
I I NEW YORK is one of the world's most interesting and below, or use your own ideas. Find the ‘top three’ things to
exciting cities. There are parks, rivers, and famous do there. Write a paragraph about each attraction, saying
buildings; there are great shops and interesting museums why it is good to visit.
too. It is home to about 8.5 million people-more than any
other city in the USA. About 55 million visitors come to Boston Miami New Orleans San Francisco
New York every year. Why do they come? Washington, D.C.
Day or night, the view from the top of One World Trade Centre, the tallest
Are you interested in art? What about
building in the USA, is fantastic. You can see islands bridges, and some of the science, history, or space travel? Between
most famous buildings in the world. East 82nd and East 105th Streets, there are
© This is New York's busiest place. Over 300,000 visjtQrs cOme here a day.
eight amazing museums and art galleries.
Don't miss one of the great educational
People sell art and jewellery on the street, and yQ r ^uy centres of the world.
cheap tickets
buy cheap tickets for
Broadway musicals and plays. Don't miss this p|a c.
6 J Culture
~AND~ ;
You are walking in the forest when you meet a bear. What do
you think is the best thing to do?
.04.25 Listen to the interview. Compare your ideas from
6 tTfeMi
LO4.24 .J exercise 5 with the woman’s actions.
In 1809, John Coker, a hunter, travelled to a new part of the 7 lQ 4.25 Listen to the interview again. Circle the correct
United States: the mountains and forests of Wyoming. He
answers. n
discovered an amazing place. It was an 1 land
of ice and fire. When he returned home, he talked about his
adventures - but nobody believed him!
1 The woman
a wanted to be ready if she met a bear.
Colter described amazing scenes. There were 2 b was not aware that there were bears in Yellowstone.
of water - but they boiled! There were trees that appeared to be c wanted to meet a bear.
stone. There were holes in the ground that suddenly exploded, 2 The woman remembered reading that running away from
like fountains of boiling water. Everywhere there was the strong a bear is
smell of sulphur.
a never a good idea.
Colter walked deep into the forests. He watched and studied an
b the best thing to do.
amazing3 of animals, including bears and wolves.
He climbed high mountains and explored beautiful lakes and c only a good idea if you are quick.
rivers. There were high waterfalls and deep 4 with 3 When the woman moved backwards, the bear
yellow rocks on each side. In fact, the name of this place comes a started to move backwards too.
from those rocks: Yellowstone. b was frightened and moved away quickly.
Fifty years later, the US government organised three scientific c moved quickly towards the woman.
5 to Yellowstone. They wanted to find out what 4 In the end, the bear
was really there. Finally, people started to believe John Colters a pushed the woman to the ground.
stories. They realised Yellowstone was a beautiful and unusual b walked around the woman and then moved away.
place, and asked the government to 6 it. So in c stayed still and the woman moved away.
1872, President Ulysses S Grant signed a new law: Yellowstone
was now the first national park in the world. 8 SPEAKING Discuss this question in pairs or small groups: Is
it important to have national parks? Why? / Why not?
Culture Bank IB
7 Culture
British scientists
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. How 3 Find the past tenses of these verbs in the text.
many famous scientists from your country can you name?
1 be 5 fall
Why are they famous?
2 get 6 say
3 go 7 become
He / she discovered / invented ...
4 begin 8 write
4 Q4.27 Listen to an
2 Read the text about Isaac Newton. Complete the timeline interview about the
of Isaac Newton’s life. astronomer Caroline
Herschel. Choose the best
1642 Newton was born on 25 December. He lived with
his1 from an early age. 1 She was German but
mostly lived in Britain.
1654 He started to go to 2. She built telescopes and
discovered planets with
He started to studyher Cambridge
at brother, whoUniversity.
was her
1665 - The University of Cambridge closed. Newton 2 Born in Germany, she
4 returned 5. worked as assistant to her
more famous brother. However, she was responsible for
1669 He became Professor of6 at some important discoveries.
Cambridge. 3 She worked as assistant to her brother. They spent most
He published his book, Principia Mathematica. of their lives in Germany and together discovered comets,
nebulae and the planet Uranus.
Top footballers £15 million HBa Premier League (UK) £43,700
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs or small groups. Look at the 3 VOCABULARY Match the highlighted words in the text
information in the tables above. What do you find most with the definitions below. Write the singular forms. (Some
surprising? Why? words are plural in the text.)
1 -. a group of teams who play sport against
2 Read the opinions below. Who thinks footballers are paid
each other
too much?
2 : an organisation that includes a sports team
and all the people who work with them.
3 : someone who loves football.
4 the shorts, shirt and socks that members of
a sportsteam wear.
ft 4.28
5 : the area of grass where football matches
take place.
Do footballers earn too much? 6 : money you earn each year for doing your job
Culture Bank IS
In 1789, George Washington became the first President
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs or small groups. Who lives in this
1------- the United States. Two years later, he chose this
building? In which country and city is it? place to build the President's house. Unfortunately,
Washington died before2 house was ready, so the
2 USE OF ENGLISH Read the White House information sheet.
first person to live there was the second President, John
Choose the correct words to complete the text. Adams. He moved 3 the house with his wife, Abigail,
1 a of b at c for in 1800. Since then, every President has lived there.
2 a a b some c the Over the years, there have been many changes. The
3 a in b into c onto British set fire to the house in 1814 during a war between
4 a more b later c then the two countries. Three years 4 , President Monroe
5 a At b On c In organised the repairs. In 1901, President Roosevelt named
6 a a b the c one the house the 'White House' and the next year, he started
a programme to modernise it. This included building
3 Read through the information again and answer the a new part of the house: the West Wing.5 1909,
questions. William Taft created the Oval Office in the West Wing, and
1 Who decided where to build the White House? this has been the President's office since then.
2 Who was the first President to live in the White House? The White House has 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, eight
3 When did people start calling it the White House? staircases, three lifts, a swimming pool, a tennis court,
4 How long has the Oval Office been the President’s office? a jogging track and a private cinema. It receives 30,000
What sports facilities has the White House got?
How many people visit the White House each week?
Introduction Unitl
IA Numbers and ordinals 1G Describing people
1 SPEAKING Say the odd numbers 1-49 around the class. 1 Complete the Learn this! box with the adjectives below.
Then say the even numbers 2-50. Check the meaning of all the words.
attractive a beard curly eyes long hair
one, three, five... two, four, six... medium height slim
2 04.32 Listen and read the ordinals in the Learn this! box. JI LEARN THIS! Describing people
[ LEARN THIS! Ordinal numbers and dates w She's tall / short /1.
^1 He’s2 I medium weight / overweight.
po-. ist first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth She’s good-looking /3.
V* 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth
He's got4/ a moustache / glasses.
12th twelfth 20th twentieth 22nd twenty-second
31st thirty-first She's got blue I brown / green / dark5.
1st July = 'the first of July' He's got6 I medium-length / short hair.
She’s got fair / brown I red / grey / dark 7
IC Musical instruments
4 Match the pictures with eight of the words below.
bass guitar cello clarinet drums flute
guitar/electric guitar keyboard oboe organ piano
saxophone trombone trumpet violin
1H Personality adjectives
a) positive or b) negative,
brave creative friendly hard-working honest lazy
mean moody patient polite rude selfish sensible
positive | negative
Vocabulary Builder
Vocabulary Builder
Unit 2 Unit 3
2G Feelings 3G Free-time activities
1 Label the pictures with six of the adjectives below, 1 Complete the table with the words below.
angry bored embarrassed excited guilty happy board games books bowling cards chess
sad scared surprised tired worried computer games dancing dinner in a cafe DVDs
fishing football for a walk friends ice skating
S z- -s lunch in a restaurant magazines a musical instrument
t >'»' i music rollerblading skateboarding swimming tennis
to the beach to the cinema TV
play I 1211go
i 5 8 13
2 6 9 14
3 7 15
4 16
have | meet
p* I20
listen to watch
2 Match the other five adjectives from exercise 1 with the
definitions. I22
1 Peo p I e get when something really good is read
about to happen. 25
2H School events
3 Complete the sentences with the school events below.
concert jumble sale musical open day
parents’evening play raffle school camp school club
school trip sports day
1 On an, students and parents come and visit
the school for the first time.
2 Students sing and dance in a.
3 Students play music at a.
4 At a, people can buy old things very cheaply.
5 At a, students’ mums and dads come to the
school and meet the teachers.
6 In a, people buy tickets and hope to win
3 Complete these sentences with the other words from
7 After school, students can go to a.
exercise 2.
8 Ata students playgames and have races,
9 On a students visit interesting places with 1 You can listen to music with
their teachers. 2 A piece of jewellery you wearon your wrist.
10 At a, students spend several days in the 3 You use a to tell the time.
countryside and do outdoor activities. 4 You need when the weather is sunny.
11 In a , students act. 5 You wear a around the top of your trousers.
Unit 4 Unit5
4G Partitives 5G In the street
1 Complete the phrases using the words below. 1 Match the things in the picture (1-12) with the words
bread crisps jam lemonade orangejuice soup tea
water bridge bus shelter crossroads cycle lane lamp post
1 a glass of water 5 a cup of pavement pedestrian crossing phone box roundabout
2 a loaf of 6 a carton of square T-junction traffic lights
3 a bowl of 7 a jar of
4 a packet of 8 a can of
The were red so the car stopped.
It’s much safer to ride your bike in the.
'I need to call my mum, but I've forgotten my mobile.’
'Don’t worry. There’s a
7 'Walk on the, not on the road!’
over there.’
Vocabulary Builder 19
v wIBMWctb wa
Vocabulary Builder
Unit 7
f % 7G Money and prices
1 Match the currencies with the countries.
1 yen a China
2 Describe the weather in these pictures. Use two different
2 dollar b UK
words from exercise 1 for each picture.
3 pound c Japan
4 euro d USA
5 yuan e most European Union countries
7H Adverbs
4 Write the adverbs for these adjectives.
1 loud 4 fast
2 bad 5 dangerous
3 good 6 slow
Unit8 Unit 9
8G Athletics events 9G Adjectives to describe rooms
1 Match the photos with three of the athletics events below. 1 Complete the adjectives with a, e, i, o, u andy.
100 metres 5,000 metres 10,000 metres 1 ght 8 mi _d rn
cross-country running discus hammer highjump 2 cl n 9 JId-f _sh n d
hurdles javelin long jump marathon pole vault relay 3 c mf rt bl 10 r_ Lx_ng
shot put triple jump 4 c s_ 11 sm _n
5 d rk 12 t d_
6 d rt 13 nc_ mf rt bl
7 1 _r8_ 14 nt d
9H Modifiers
T LEARN THIS! Modifiers
2 Write the events from exercise 1 in the correct group. One • Modifiers (fairly, very, etc.) come before an adjective and
of the events can go in two groups. make the meaning stronger or weaker.
100 metres discus highjump It’s 10°C today. That’s fairly cold.
It’s -5°C today. Tha t’s very cold.
8H Sports equipment and clothes • We only use a bit or not very when the adjective is after
a noun.
3 Label the photos with the sports equipment below.
My bedroom is not very large. /
ball bat bike boots gloves goal goggles helmet
NOT Wove got a not very large kitchen. X
net racket running shoes shirt shorts skates socks
trainers wetsuit • We can use quite with adjectives before or after the
noun. However, when the adjective is before the noun,
KI i
we put quite before the indefinite article a I an.
Our flat is quite old. We live in quite an old flat.
3 Read the Learn this! box. Then add the modifiers below to
the table.
a bit extremely fairly not very pretty quite rather
really very
extremely | a bit
Grammar Builder
IB be 6 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions in
exercise 5. »■* 1.3,1.4
1 Complete the text with the correct affirmative form of be.
>♦ 1.1,1.2 Have you got a bike?
Yes. I have. / No. I haven't.
you / we / they have got (short you / we / they haven't got 1.10 We use a or an when we mention something for the first
form =you've got) time.
I’ve got a phone in my pocket.
Interrogative Short answers We use the when we mention it again.
Have I got... ? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. The phone isn’t mine.
Has he/she/it got... ? Yes, he / she / it has. / No, he / this I that I these I those
she / it hasn’t. 1.11 We use this and that with singular nouns. We use these
Have you / we / they got... ? Yes, you / we / they have. / No, and those with plural nouns.
you / we / they haven’t. this book that book these books those books
We use this and these with objects near to us.
1.4 We use have got to talk about possessions and family. This is a DVD. not a CD. These are my pencils.
I’ve got a bike. She’s got a dog. We use that and those with objects that are further away.
Have you got a brother? No. but I’ve got a sister. That’s our car. Those are tall trees.
We also use have got to describe people's appearance. We use this to introduce people.
They've got blue eyes. He’s got long lego. This is Emma.
What colour hair has she got?
1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same 1 My dad _____ drive to work.
as the first. Use possessive's. *♦ 1.1 2 My brother like cats.
3 I do my homework in the living room,
1 My dad has got a cat. It’s white. have lunch at school.
4 We
My is white.
5 You __ listen to me!
2 Jack has got a sister. She’s at university. go to work by car.
6 She
is at university.
3 My teacher has got a bike. Where is it? 7 Write the words in the correct order to make questions.
Where is my ? >♦ 1.6,1.7
4 Ted's parents have got a boat. It’s big. 1 school?/does/like/Henry
Ted's is big. 2 their uncle / do / visit I at weekends? / Liam and Steven
5 My grandparents have got a flat. It’s in London. 3 your/you/tidy / bedroom?/do
My is in London. 4 a lot / does / it / rain / in Scotland?
B Present simple (affirmative) 5 ride/does/a horse?/Vicky
6 Italian?/and Fred/do/speak/you
2 Write sentences in the present simple affirmative.
>♦1.2,13,1.4 8 Match the answers (a-f) with the questions in exercise 7.
1 my cousin/work/in Sweden
My cousin works in Sweden. a No, I don’t.
2 I / love / comedy shows b Yes, she does.
3 my best friend / live I with his grandparents c No, he doesn't.
4 my dad/teach / English d No, we don’t.
5 we/listen/to music/at home e Yes, they do.
6 my sister / go / to school I by bus f Yes, it does.
7 I / enjoy / school 9 Look at the table and write questions and short answers
8 my dad/study/ancient languages about Ed and Emma. >+ 1.6,1.7
3 Look at the table. Complete the sentences about the
people’s regular activities. >♦ 1.2,1.3,1.4
speak Italian yes no
Who? What? Where? / When? no yes
live in a big house
1 Joanna sing in the bedroom
study biology at school yes yes
2 Tom & Ann play tennis in the garden
like dancing no no
3 Connor meet friends after school
1 Ed/speak Italian?
4 Liam & Evie visit relatives every weekend
Does Ed speak Italian? Yes, he does.
5 Rachel have a shower every evening 2 Emma / live in a big house?
6 Daniel skateboard in the park 3 Ed and Emma / study biology at school?
4 Emma / speak Italian?
1 Joanna sings in the bedroom.
5 Ed / live in a big house?
4 Use the table to make five more sentences. Combine the 6 Ed and Emma / like dancing
names, activities and time / places in different ways.
10 Complete the questions with Do or Does. >♦ 1.6,1.7
» 1.2,
1 you live near the school?
Connor plays tennis in the bedroom.
2 your best friend like football?
ID Present simple (negative and interrogative) 3 your parents both work?
4 you and your friends go out on
5 Write all the negative and interrogative forms of the verb
Friday evenings?
work (I,you, he / she / it, we,you, they) in the present
simple. >♦ 1.5,1.6,1.7 5 you wear jeans to school?
6 your teacher speak French?
Negative: I don’t work. You ...
Interrogative: Do I work? Do you ... ? 11 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 10. >♦ 1.6,1.7
Do you live near the school?
Yes. I do. I No, I don't.
We just add an apostrophe (’) to plural nouns ending in -s. Do you work? Yes, you do. / No, you don't.
my brothers’ friends (BUT my children's toys) Does he / she / it work? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
Present simple (affirmative) Do we work? Yes, we do. / No, we don't.
1.2 Do you work? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
Do they work? Yes, they do. / No, they don't.
I / You / We / They work 1.7 We form present simple questions with do or does and the
He/She / It works infinitive without to.
Do you like maths?
13 Spelling rules for 3rd person singular (he/she/it) Does he like maths?
Most verbs: add s Note: we don’t use the third person singular form of the main
play+ -s -> plays verb.
Verb ends in -ch / -s / -sh I -o: add -es. NOT Does he likes maths? X
watch + -es -> watches
go + -es > goes
Verb ends in consonant + -y; -y -► -ies.
study -y -> -ies -► studies
The verb have is irregular. The 3rd person singular form is has:
He has lunch at home every day.
I don't play
You don’t play
He / She I It doesn't play
We don't play
You don’t play
They don't play
Full forms
I don’t play = I do not play
He doesn't play = He does not play
Do you have to... How many What What time Where Which Who
1 before nine o’clock on Saturdays? 1 do you usually have lunch?
2 to school on Saturdays? 2 d o yo u I i ve ?
3 a lot of homework at weekends? 3 do you usually have for dinner?
4 with the housework at weekends? 4 DVDs and CDs have you got?
5 home before midnight on Saturdays? 5 do you prefer, curry or pasta?
6 a musical instrument at weekends? 6 is your favourite singer?
3 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions in 9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 3. >♦ 2.1, 2.2 exercise 8.
Do you have to get up before nine o’clock on Saturdays? What time do you usually have lunch? At 12.30.
Yes. I do. I No. I don’t.
2G should
2D Adverbs of frequency
10 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. >+ 2.6,2.7
4 Complete the adverbs of frequency. Use a, e, i, o, u andy.
1 You listen to this song. It's great!
2 We walk home. This part of town isn't safe
1 n v r 4 Iw s 3 Your brother wear that hat. It looks
2 s _ m t_m s 5 h _rdl’ v r really bad.
3 s II 6 ft n 4 I invite my neighbour. He’s really nice.
5 You eat that sandwich. It’s about a week old.
5 Complete the table with the adverbs of frequency in
6 Your parents buy a new laptop. This one is
exercise 4. >+ 2.3
really slow!
2 2H Imperatives
3 [•][•][•][ ][ ] 11 Complete the imperatives with the verbs below. Use the
4 HH[ ][ ][ ] affirmative or negative. >♦ 2.8
5 HI ][ ][ ][ ] not be not eat meet not open put share stop
6 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] not swim
6 Write sentences about Millie. Use the correct adverb of 1 all the cake! it with
frequency. >♦ 2.3, 2.4 your brother!
1 do sport after school [•][•][•][•][] 2 talking!
Millie usually does sport after school. 3 'Let’s see a film tomorrow evening.' 'OK.
2 meet her friends in town after school [•][•][•][ ][ ] me at the cinema at six.late!’
3 do her homework on the bus [•][•][ ][ ][ ] 4 your hand up if you know the answer.
4 be hungry at break time [•][•][•][•][•] 5 in that river. It’s dangerous.
5 take the bus to school [•][][][][] 6 It’s cold outside. Please the window.
6 be late for school [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Joey B Carly J
8 Use the table to make true sentences. *-> 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8
Age_______________ 19 24
Height 1.86 m 1.72 m 1 Mercury is the big city in Germany,
Money $2.8 million $6 million 2 Everest are the dangerous mountain in the world,
Number of fans 6 million 5 million 3 Platinum high metal in the world,
4 Berlin expensive river in the world,
Work (days per year) 320 days 210 days
5 The Amazon near planet to the Sun.
1 young 5 hard-working 6 Mosquitoes wide animals in the world.
2 tall 6 old
1 Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun.
3 rich 7 short
4 popular 9 Write the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 Joey is younger than Carly. >♦ 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8
1 the / in the world? / football club / What's I best
4 Write sentences about famous people using the
2 comedian / the / most / Who’s / in the world? / famous
comparative form of these adjectives. Give your own
opinions. >*5.1, 5.3, 5.4 3 the I What’s / programme / on TV? I funniest
4 the / Who’s / in America? / actor / best-looking
1 creative 5 njce
5 the / pop group / worst / in the world? / What’s
2 famous 6 attractive 6 sport / in the world? / the / What’s / exciting / most
3 r,ch 7 unusual
4 funny 8 intelligent 10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 9. >♦ 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8
1 I think Adele is more creative than Tay|or
What’s the best football club in the world?
Short answers
she / it / we
Yes, I/you /
Could I swim?
Could you swim?
Could he / she / it swim? they couldn’t.
Could we swim?
Could you swim?
Could they swim?
7.2 The affirmative form of the past simple is the same for all
persons, singular and plural (I,you, he, we, etc.).
I took her phone to school.
We took some great photos.
The Olympics took place last year.
Irregular verbs behave in the same way as regular verbs in
negative sentences and questions. (See Grammar Builder 7D.)
going to will
8.1 We form the going to future with the present simple of 83 We form the will future with will + the infinitive without
be + going to + the infinitive without to. to. The form is the same for all persons.
Affirmative Affirmative
I’m/You’re/He's/She’s/It’s I'll/You’ll/He’ll/She’ll/It’ll
going to work. go to the party.
We're / You're / They’re We’ll / You’ll / They'll
Negative Full form I / He / She / It / will go to the party.
I’m not/You aren't We / You / They
too + adjective
8.7 We use too + adjective to describe a problem with
something. We put too before the adjective.
These jeans are too short. (They need to be longer.)
I've arrived.
You've arrived. I haven’t finished.
He/She / It's arrived. He / She / It hasn’t finished.
We've arrived. We haven’t finished.
You've arrived. You haven’t finished.
They’ve arrived. They haven't finished.
Full forms Full forms
I’ve = I have haven’t = have not
she’s = she has hasn’t = has not
9.2 We use the present perfect to talk about past events that
Have I finished ... ?
have a result in the present, for example, recent events and
Has he / she / it finished ... ?
Oh no! I’ve forgotten my keys! They aren’t in my bag. Have we finished ... ?
Have you finished ... ?
9.3 The past participle of regular verbs is the same as the past Have they finished ... ?
Short answers
worked stopped lived carried
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
9.4 There aren’t any rules for the past participles of irregular Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
verbs. Sometimes they are the same as the past simple form,
sometimes they are different. 9.7 already
make - made - made We use already with the present perfect affirmative to say that
break - broke - broken something has happened earlier than expected.
For a list of irregular verbs see on page 143. ‘Please tidy your room.’ Tve already tidied it.
We’ve already booked our summer holiday for next year
9.5 just
We use just with the present perfect affirmative to talk about 9.8 yet
very recent events. We useyet with the present perfect interrogative to ask if
I’m not hungry. I’ve just had breakfast. something expected has happened.
It’s late. Have you done your homework yet?
We useyet with the present perfect negative to say that
something expected hasn't happened.
Tom’s exam is next week, but he hasn’t started his revision yet.
Grammar Ruj|ripr,nrin r
Extra Speaking Tasks
Unit 2 Unit 4
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Student B: Look at the timetable SPEAKING Work in pairs. Student B: Look at the picture
below. Student A: Look at the timetable on page 19. Imagine below. Student A: Look at the picture on page 42. Find three
this is your timetable for Monday and Tuesday. Ask and differences between the pictures. Ask and answer using Is
answer questions about the missing lessons. there... ? / Are there... ?
| Monday | Tuesday
Is there any cereal? No, there isn’t.
8.20 Geography
Unit 6
Work in pairs. Choose one photo each. Decide what vocabulary from exercises 2,4 and 7 on page 70 you need to describe it.
SPEAKING Describe one of the photos to your partner. Use words and phrases from lesson 6G and follow the
advice in the Strategy box.
Unit 9
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Student B: Look at the two photos below. Student A: Look at the photos on page 104. Compare and
contrast the photos. Say which living room you prefer and why.
Base form Past simple Past participle Base form Past simple Past participle
be was/were been lend | lent lent
become became become lose | lost lost
begin began begun
bend bent bent make T made made
bite bit bitten mean ! meant ! meant
blow blew blown meet | met met
break broke broken
bring brought brought | overcome I overcame overcome
build built built
burn burned I burnt burned / burnt 'pay paid paid
buy bought bought 1 put put put
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