The Meeting of Knowledges As A Contribution To Ethnomusicology and Music Education (Carvalho, 2016)
The Meeting of Knowledges As A Contribution To Ethnomusicology and Music Education (Carvalho, 2016)
The Meeting of Knowledges As A Contribution To Ethnomusicology and Music Education (Carvalho, 2016)
5. Applied Ethnomusicology: Bridging Research and Action. Music and Arts in Action
(Pettan, 2010)
APA Citation information:
Pettan, S. (2010). Applied Ethnomusicology: Bridging Research and Action. Music and Arts in
Action, 2(2), 90–93.
9. Revitalising language through music: a case study of music and culturally grounded
pedgogy in two Kanien’ke;ha (Mohawk) language immersion programmes (Vallejo,
APA Citation information:
Vallejo, J. (2019). Revitalising language through music: a case study of music and culturally
grounded pedagogy in two Kanien’ke:ha (Mohawk) language immersion programmes.
Ethnomusicology Forum, 28(1), 89–117.
Wang, J., & Humphreys, J. (2009). Multicultural and popular music content in an American
music teacher education program. International Journal of Music Education, 27(1), 19–36.
What are some ways you can attempt to engage students in playing and/or learning styles
that fall outside of common practice within the school you may teach at one day?
Your Comments/Questions:
I think that this article really hits part of the reason all of this research is necessary on the
head – it is important to engage students with what they are interested, while it’s also important
for them to have a broader understanding of the world. I also like how the article made sure to
mention that popular music is an important style for students to interact with as well, due to its
prevalence within culture. I also like how the article discussed that not all learning about global
and popular music can be student-driven, as that puts a lot of onus on the student to prepare
when their program should be deliberately putting some level of focus on the issue.