Mycotoxins in Fruits, Fruit Juices, and Dried Fruits: Review
Mycotoxins in Fruits, Fruit Juices, and Dried Fruits: Review
Mycotoxins in Fruits, Fruit Juices, and Dried Fruits: Review
1Arbeitsgruppe für Lebensmittelqualität und -sicherheit, University of Kiel, Heinrich-Hecht-Platz 10, 24118 Kiel, Germany; and
2Department of Food Science and Technology, Assiut University, Egypt
Mycotoxins are metabolites of lamentous fungi that invasion during ripening, as the pH of the tissue increases,
have deleterious effects in animals and, in some circum- skin layers soften, soluble carbohydrates build up, and de-
stances, in humans (100). They include a very large, het- fense barriers weaken (87).
erogeneous group of substances, and correspondingly my- However, the growth of fungi is not necessarily asso-
cotoxigenic species can be found in all major taxonomic ciated with the formation of mycotoxins. Within a species,
groups. Mycotoxins exhibit properties of acute, subacute, the mycotoxigenic potential of a fungus largely depends on
and chronic toxicity in animals and/or humans, with some the strain of the fungus. Apart from the species and strain
mycotoxins also being carcinogenic, mutagenic, and tera- of the fungus, the physical and chemical composition of the
togenic. Moreover, mycotoxins cause a loss of viability in matrix and environmental factors play major roles in my-
plant seeds, reduce the quality and acceptability of all types cotoxin formation. The presence of fungi provides no as-
of products, and limit the storability and decrease the nu- surance of mycotoxin contamination, and because of the
tritional quality of foods. Therefore, mycotoxins are con- stability of mycotoxins, they may be present in food when
sidered an important worldwide problem in terms of public fungi are no longer present. Furthermore, a fungus may
health, agriculture, and economics (10, 12, 32, 51). produce different mycotoxins, and a mycotoxin may be pro-
It is unavoidable that human and animal foods and duced by several different fungi. The contamination of
feedstuffs will be universally exposed to fungal invasion fruits with mycotoxins has not only caused health hazards
from the planting of the crop through harvesting, transpor- but also resulted in economic losses, especially to exporting
tation, and storage, and even into the grocery store, restau- countries (98). This review represents an attempt to encom-
rant, and home, where the product will await nal use by pass and incorporate the large body of work on mycotoxins
the consumer (31). A characteristic shared by most fruits is in fruits, fruit juices, and dried fruits for producers and
high acidity. The pHs of fruits range from 5.0 to ,2.5, and manufacturers of this important category of foods.
this pH range is considered the single most important factor
in determining the types of microorganisms that can spoil RELEVANT MYCOTOXINS AND
this class of food. While most species of bacteria are in- MYCOTOXIGENIC FUNGI
hibited by such high hydrogen ion concentrations, yeasts Although a large number of different mycotoxins exist,
and molds are more aciduric, and for many fungal genera only a few of them are regularly found in foods. The my-
or species these pH values are tolerable, if not optimum for cotoxins most commonly found in foods are a atoxins, och-
growth. It is because of acidity, therefore, that fungi are the ratoxin A, patulin, and mycotoxins produced by Fusarium
principal spoilage microorganisms for fruits and fruit prod- species. The latter group of mycotoxins are not covered in
ucts (106). Fruits become increasingly susceptible to fungal this review, since their occurrence is limited to grains and
seeds. Table 1 gives an overview of the mycotoxins covered
* Author for correspondence. Tel: 149-431-8802370; Fax: 149-431- in this review and the relevant mycotoxigenic fungi pro-
8805544; E-mail: [email protected]. ducing them.
J. Food Prot., Vol. 66, No. 8 MYCOTOXINS IN FRUIT PRODUCTS 1515
A atoxins B1, B2, G1, Aspergillus chevallieri, A. avo-furcatis, A. avus, A. avus var. columnaris, 7, 60, 104, 122
G2 A. niger, A. oryzae, A. parasiticus, A. repens, A. ruber, A. tamarii, A. wentii
Alternariol, alternariol Alternaria alternata, A. tenuissima, A. solani 43, 114
methyl ether, tenuazon-
ic acid
Ochratoxin A Aspergillus alliaceus, A. melleus, A. ostianus, A. petrakii, A. sclerotiorum, A. 2, 3, 47, 49, 84, 97
sulphureus, A. fumigatus, A. versicolor, A. carbonarius, A. niger, A. ochra-
ceus, Penicillium verrucosum
Patulin Penicillium claviforme, P. expansum, P. urticae, P. patulum, Aspergillus cla- 17, 55, 64, 92, 93
vatus, A. giganteus, Byssoclamys fulva, B. nivea, Alternaria alternata
Citrinin P. expansum 29, 124
A atoxins are biologically active secondary metabo- azonic acid, and several altertoxins (108, 125). Alternaria
lites produced primarily by Aspergillus avus and Asper- toxins have produced a variety of adverse effects, including
gillus parasiticus (57). They were rst detected and char- anorexia, emesis, gastrointestinal hemorrhages, and con-
acterized in the 1960s (15) and have been found in many vulsions, in animals. Fetotoxic and teratogenic effects have
forms of human foods to date. A atoxin B1 and structurally also been described (121).
related compounds are of major concern with respect to
public health, mainly because of their potential as powerful MYCOTOXIN FORMATION IN INOCULATION
hepatotoxins and carcinogens in humans and their proven EXPERIMENTS
toxicity to animals, birds, and sh (129). Table 2 gives an overview of the experimental evi-
Ochratoxin A was originally isolated from Aspergillus dence of the production of mycotoxins on fruits inoculated
ochraceus in 1965. Several different ochratoxins exist, but with mycotoxigenic species.
ochratoxin A is the most common. It is primarily a neph-
rotoxin, but teratogenic, immunosuppressive, and carcino- A atoxins. Most papers concerning a atoxin forma-
genic properties have also been ascribed to it. The Inter- tion on fruits refer to gs or citrus fruits. The fungus A.
national Agency for Research on Cancer classi ed ochra- avus has been shown to be a reasonably vigorous pathogen
toxin A as a possible human carcinogen (1, 53). Several on ripe g fruits. Fig fruits are very susceptible to infection
other Aspergillus species are also capable of producing och- by A. avus conidia on the exterior fruit surfaces as well
ratoxin A. Penicillium verrucosum is the only known and as by conidia carried into the interior of the fruit by insects.
con rmed Penicillium species that is able to produce och- Buchanan et al. (25) discussed the question whether A. a-
ratoxin A (3). The contamination of foods with ochratoxin vus is a fruit pathogen on gs (with infection, colonization,
in cool climates is usually caused by P. verrucosum, where- and a atoxin production occurring in the orchard) or a sap-
as the occurrence of ochratoxin in foods in warmer and rophyte colonizing on the dried product. These authors
tropical climates is associated with A. ochraceus. found that green g fruits are resistant to invasion by A.
Another mycotoxin with relevance to human health is avus but that as the fruits become rm and ripe and soften
patulin. Patulin has a broad spectrum of toxicities, including they lose their resistance. Le Bars (56) reported that g
carcinogenicity (34) and teratogenicity (29) in animals. fruits are a suitable medium for a atoxin production be-
Symptoms of experimental cases of patulin toxicosis in an- cause they contain high carbohydrate levels, and this prop-
imals are lung and brain edema; liver, spleen, and kidney erty is more favorable for toxin formation than for mold
damage; and toxicity to the immune system (62). For hu- growth. In another study on the a atoxigenic potential of
mans, nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances, and vomiting raw dried fruits, gs were found to have a higher potential
have been reported. Patulin is produced by approximately than apricots, pineapples, or raisins (71).
60 species belonging to .30 genera of fungi (54). The most The experiments of Buchanan et al. (25) indicate that
important producer of patulin is the apple-rotting fungus the conidia of A. avus are capable of penetrating fruit skin.
Penicillium expansum, and apple products may therefore Spores on the surfaces of ripe g fruits were able to infect
contain patulin when rotten apples have been processed. and colonize the fruits, suggesting that the conidia of A.
These products are of toxicological concern, since they are avus are capable of penetrating the fruit skin rather than
frequently consumed by infants and young children. The entering the fruit through a wound. However, there might
World Health Organization recommends a maximum pat- have been several alternative ways for a wound pathogen
ulin level of 50 mg/liter for apple juice (128). Apart from like A. avus to enter fruit readily. Minute wounds might
apples, patulin is also of concern with regard to tomatoes, have been present in the fruit skin. The foraging of micro-
in which rotting is most frequently caused by Alternaria scopic animals, such as insects or mites, might have caused
alternata. Many strains of A. alternata also produce my- wounds that were not readily visible to the human eye.
cotoxins such as alternariol, alternariol methylether, tenu- Another possibility is that suf cient fruit juice may have
1516 DRUSCH AND RAGAB J. Food Prot., Vol. 66, No. 8
been present on the fruit surface to permit some fungal Patulin. Apples are commonly used for inoculation ex-
colonization, an event often facilitating penetration. Rapid periments undertaken to investigate the formation of patulin
fungal colonization and a atoxin accumulation presumably on fruits. Early ndings indicated that the presence of a
continued until fungal growth was stopped by a lack of patulin-producing species does not necessarily imply patu-
moisture in the dried fruits (25). In any case, a atoxins lin production. Factors like incubation temperature, lesion
constitute a problem that is already present in the orchard. size, and substrate play important roles (105). Hasan (44)
Firm, ripe fruits show little contamination when they are studied mycelial growth and patulin production over time
dried immediately (112). in apples inoculated with P. expansum. Patulin production
In contrast to the situation for gs, A. avus grows on increased when the mycelial growth reached the late phase,
oranges only after the peel has been partially deteriorated in which the energy source in the medium is nearly depleted
by other microorganisms, partly because of the antifungal and suf cient intermediates have accumulated. The degra-
action of citrus oil against A. avus (123). Furthermore, dation of patulin over time has been observed, and this
studies involving the inoculation of citrus fruits with As- degradation has been attributed to the action of chemicals
pergillus con rm the importance of the carbohydrate con- like organic acids leaching from the vacuole and to the
mycelium of P. expansum itself (44). Other fungi, e.g., Pen-
tent of the substrate but also indicate that other endogenous
icillium patulum, have also been shown to produce patulin
factors in uence mold growth and a atoxin production. Be-
when cultured on apples (64). Peaches, apricots, strawber-
cause of its higher content of nitrogenous compounds and
ries, greengage, and pears are also suitable substrates for
carbohydrates, the grapefruit peel was found to be a better
patulin production (40, 55).
Aspergillus substrate than grapefruit juice (7). A atoxin
With regard to the safety of fruit products, e.g., when apples
concentrations produced by the same strains of A. avus or are to be cleaned and trimmed for juice production, the
A. parasiticus were 5 to 10 times as high in grapefruit peel diffusion behavior of patulin in the fruit is of interest. In
as in grapefruit juice. Citric acid, a major constituent of apples, the diffusion of patulin is limited to a depth of up
grapefruit juice, does not support toxin formation by A. to 1 to 2 cm from the infected area (96, 119). Similar results
parasiticus (31). have been reported for sound pear tissues, in which patulin
A decrease in a atoxin production over time was ob- diffusion at up to 0.6 cm was observed (55). In contrast,
served for A. avus grown on oranges and in orange juice for tomatoes, the mycotoxin penetrates the entire fruit (96).
(18, 123). A atoxins are degraded by the mycelium of A. For tomatoes, Rychlik and Schieberle (96) found 450 mg
avus itself. The production of a atoxins is at its maximum of patulin per kg at a distance of 4 cm from the infected
when the biomass reaches its optimal value, and a atoxin tissue with an inoculum concentration of 52.9 mg of patulin
production rapidly declines after the mycelium starts to au- per kg. On the basis of the higher water content and the
tolyze (123). lower content of structure-forming polysaccharides in to-
J. Food Prot., Vol. 66, No. 8 MYCOTOXINS IN FRUIT PRODUCTS 1517
matoes than in apples, these authors deduced a higher dif- against mycotoxin formation. The production of Alternaria
fusion coef cient for patulin in tomatoes than for patulin toxins was demonstrated for naturally infected intact apples
in apples. The mycotoxin may therefore also penetrate and tomatoes and for inoculated intact oranges and lemons
through other ‘‘low-viscous’’ foods like blueberries, grapes, (115). Tenuazonic acid was the mycotoxin that was pro-
and melons. duced most abundantly by Alternaria species on lemons (A.
Because of health concerns about synthetic fungicides, citrii) and on oranges and tomatoes (Alternaria spp.), while
the use of natural substances to control the growth of Pen- alternariol was the predominant mycotoxin for apples.
icillium species and subsequent patulin production has re- Overall, mycotoxin contents in lemons were lower than
cently been investigated. Patulin production was found to those in oranges.
be inhibited by 0.2% lemon oil, and the use of 0.05% lemon Another factor affecting the growth of Alternaria spe-
and 0.2% orange oil was found to result in a reduction of cies is competition between fungal genera during growth.
90% (44). Research has also focused on microorganisms For example, it was shown that on strawberries the growth
that may be used as biofungicides. The antifungal activity of Alternaria is inhibited by the presence of fast-growing
reported in early studies, but the authors of these reports in the lesions of apples (21), and no correlation between
did not present data on the incidence and concentration of the size of the lesion and the patulin concentration was
contamination (40, 120). Table 3 shows that patulin has found. Martins et al. (68) recently showed that there are
been quanti ed in different stone fruits, berries, and straw- differences in incidences and levels of patulin contamina-
berries in other studies; for example, during storage at 158C tion for different apple varieties. Lovett et al. (65) reported
for 1 week, patulin was found to be detectable in blueber- that in naturally rotted apples, P. expansum is the predom-
ries at a maximum concentration of 1,000 mg/kg (9). Pat- inant patulin-producing fungus. Other fungi also produce
ulin occurs most frequently by far in brown rot lesions of the mycotoxin but are not as rapidly invasive. They may
apples. Up to 130 mg of patulin per kg has been detected be identi ed as patulin producers only when they gain a
J. Food Prot., Vol. 66, No. 8 MYCOTOXINS IN FRUIT PRODUCTS 1519
competitive advantage. For grapes, a strong in uence of removal of rotten fruits and fruit parts prior to further pro-
vine variety on patulin occurrence was observed (8). Most cessing (44, 117). Up to 99% of patulin can be removed
samples of the variety Müller Thurgau were more frequent- from the product through the trimming of the fruits (65).
ly contaminated with patulin than most samples of the va- Another effective step in the reduction of patulin is the
riety Riesling. It therefore seems likely that vine variety washing of fruits. Acar et al. (5) demonstrated that 54% of
also in uences the occurrence of patulin in apples. High patulin could be removed from the product by high-pres-
levels of patulin contamination in apples have recently been sure water spraying. A combination of washing and the
reported in Turkey (14). removal of rotten and damaged apples resulted in a 10-fold
decrease in the initial patulin concentration (58).
Alternaria toxins. In addition to patulin, Alternaria After the washing and trimming of the fruits, juice is
toxins have also been detected in apples. According to the pressed and usually clari ed, heated, and lled. Some of
review by Scott (101), alternariol has also been detected in these processing steps signi cantly contribute to a reduction
red currants, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, and in patulin levels in fruit juice, while others have little in-
blueberries. The storage of fruits may lead to a signi cant
for nearly 3 h at 1008C resulted in a patulin reduction of a atoxins remain in the peel, up to 13% remain in the pulp,
33% (52). and only up to 35% appear in the clear juice. Pasteurization
As can be seen from Table 4, the occurrence of och- did reduce a atoxin levels in juice by 9 to 20% for the
ratoxin A was limited to grape juice, especially red grape single toxins, and sterilization at 1008C for 30 min de-
juice. Zimmerli and Dick (132) suggested that ochratoxin creased a atoxin levels by up to 73%. The strongest heat
A in wines from southern European regions results from resistance was observed for a atoxin B1, and the next
the growth of mold after the grapes have been harvested. strongest heat resistance was observed for a atoxin G1.
The climatic conditions in these regions are not favorable Storage of the product at 25 to 358C for 20 weeks resulted
for the growth of ochratoxin A–producing fungi. Majerus in an 87% reduction in a atoxin B1 and a 100% reduction
et al. (67) pointed out that long-time enzymatic treatment in a atoxin G1.
of crude juice and berries at increased temperatures to im- In an early investigation of Alternaria toxins in fruit
prove the color of red grape juices and red wine favors juices, no contamination was detected in any of the samples
fungal growth and ochratoxin production. In contrast to pat- tested (127). It seems likely that the detection limit of the
TABLE 5. Occurrence of mycotoxins in dried gs The occurrence of a atoxins is not necessarily associ-
Mycotoxin(s) Frequencya Concn Reference ated with visible changes in fruit. From a batch of 160 kg
of dried gs, 386 gs (8.6 kg) were randomly taken and
Total a atoxins 1/187 10 mg/kg 12 analyzed individually for a atoxin contamination by Stein-
6/67 14 mg/kg 12 er et al. (112). A atoxins B1 and G1 were found in 94 and
1/8 19 mg/kg 12 49 gs, respectively, at concentrations of 0.2 to 30 ng/g.
— 150–241 mg/kg 94 To determine whether the a atoxin contamination was as-
24.0% 10–165 mg/kg 103
sociated with the dark-colored gs, 16 dark, discolored gs
9.0% .100 mg/kg 103
were sorted out and analyzed individually by the same in-
32/83 325 mg/kg
8/42 126 vestigators. Only eight of these gs contained a atoxin B1,
A atoxin B1 1/350 .100 mg/kg 91 and three of them also contained a atoxin G1.
1/140 .100 mg/kg 91 In a different study, Steiner et al. (111) analyzed dried
94/386 0.2–30 mg/kg 113 gs showing bright greenish yellow uorescence under UV
TABLE 6. Minimum aw values for the growth and mycotoxin for- fungal growth occurred at aw values of 0.85 to 0.88 (76,
mation of some potentially toxic molds (16, 19, 27, 73–78, 81, 83, 77). Pitt and Miscamble (83) studied the effects of water
86) activity in combination with temperature on the growth of
Minimum aw value for: some molds. These authors found that the minimum aw val-
ues for the germination and growth of A. avus, Aspergillus
Mold Fungal growth Mycotoxin formation oryzae, and A. parasiticus are very close to 0.82, 0.81, and
Aspergillus avus 0.78–0.82 0.83–0.87 0.80, respectively, at 52, 30, and 378C, respectively. Mean-
A. parasiticus 0.80–0.82 0.83 while, for Aspergillus nomius, the minimum aw value for
A. ochraceus 0.77 0.88 germination and growth is a little higher, i.e., 0.83 at both
A. nomius 0.81–0.83 — 25 and 308C but 0.81 at 378C.
A. versicolor 0.80 — Dried g fruits stored in farm storehouses are quite safe
Penicillium 0.82 0.90 in terms of their moisture contents and aw values. It can be
P. viridicatum — 0.90 concluded that the contamination of dried gs with myco-
P. expansum 0.83–0.85 0.99
application of fungicides are the principal means for min- as, are dried after preservation with SO2 , which is essential
imizing infection and spoilage prior to harvest. Plant path- for the prevention of browning resulting from the Maillard
ogens may infect a variety of tissues in addition to the reaction. The high levels of SO2 also completely eliminate
fruits, and thus the removal of diseased branches and other the micro ora, even during prolonged storage.
plant parts helps to reduce the incidence of spoilage. Cul- Drying must start immediately after the harvesting of
tural practices that lower humidity in the growing area, such the crop and must be as rapid as possible. A safe moisture
as weed control and the proper spacing of plants, often have level must be reached before the crop is placed in storage.
a bene cial effect because the growth of fungi is favored Buchanan et al. (25) studied the effect of the length of the
by moist conditions. Sanitation in the orchard and in the period between the infection and the drying of g fruits.
vineyard is important for the control of spoilage organisms, These authors found that fruits allowed to dry on the tree
which may grow in cankers, dead branches, and fallen accumulated the highest levels of a atoxin (109 mg/g). A
fruits. delay of 72 h between inoculation and drying resulted in
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