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Seif Elokin Wessam sayed Heyyy +829 ‘ Sless= force = Nekgety ea, ae 1 What is a unit for stress? “Area (A) komr's? B kgm?s? © Nm D Nm : tg mbes Fran 2. Physical quantities can be classed as vectors or as scalars. ake Which pair of quantities consists of two vectors? A. kinetic energy and force Electric field = Fare-e B__ momentum and time sien gi Quowdly of © velocity and electric field strength cHares D weight and temperature velocity Rte ot charg vecloe alts Qlacpeent Phen st ft fy 3. Two dogs pull a sledge along an icy track, as shown. ores of 2008 a force of ze Da —track dog Y pulls with a force of 120N Dog X pulls with a force of 200N at an angle of 65° to the front 098 of the sledge, Dog Y pus with 2 force of 120N at an angle of 45° tothe front edge of the sledge. Whats the resultant forward force on the sledge exerted by the two dogs? A 80N B 470N © 270 D) 320N 200 8/65) 2190 stn HS = IGF.Ge VIG eucLEs 2018 sro, P762 ‘Seanneé wih CamScanetww ew EQAGwerww~r se 5 4 In the circuit shown, an analogue ammeter is to be recalibrated as a thermometer. The ammeter is connected in series with a thermistor. The thermistor is a component with a resistance that Varies with temperature. The graph shows how the resistance R of the thermistor changes with temperature T. Asike tempore Vac reases “he tote of chi ¢ of He cearstance Aecrences oad RIKQ 0 to eure! ote tre ot the curredt INCE Seg thermistor ‘Which diagram could represent the temperature scale on the ammeter? 4 B c D ° Lt, go wm gp Oe, gees °C ‘ °C. °C °C 5 The sides of a cube are measured with calipers. ‘The measured length of each side is (30.0 + 0.1)mm, ‘The measurements are used to calculate the volume of the cube. ‘What is the percentage uncertainty in the calculated value of the volume? A 0.01% B 0.3% @% D 3% Ve) de ($0.0 £041 Sra Av a=shL. *(L x00) = In 5 OUCLES 2018 STORIE: [Turn over ! P763 ‘Scanned wth CamScanet| 6 6 Atennis ball falls freely, in air, from the top ofa tail building, Which graph best represents the variation with time fof the distance s fallen? | @® | ") } | veloty 5 | | iaccouses uti | it ian feaches | Rerminod veto | o- 0: 0 t 0 t c D s s ie Ko i $ Hi 7 The graph shows the variation with mass of the weight of objects on a particular planet. 4 weight/N 3 mass/kg What is the value of the acceleration of free fall on the planet? i A 063ms?) @) 1.6m: © 3.2ms? D 98ms? iI 2S -0 i Wem -So8 jee. | Wenglets moss Koco 36.0 i erat cosh i} “ i ose ovcies 2018 sroanrnuue hey P764 | ‘Seanne wth CamScanetsete] 7 8 The momentum of a car of mass m increases from py to pa: What isthe increase in the kinetic energy ofthe car? MW, WAV g (p:2- ps’) (P2- Pa P: ® 2m 8 2m s 2m ( a 2m 1 \ ' Lenyvetery gly) Le) aeaiater 9 Two similar spheres, each of mass m and travelling with speed v, are moving towards each other. 2 y= P2 y= oe! dee( 2) - The spheres have a head-on elastic collision. \ a 2 Which statement is correct? Im (f ~F ) ‘A. The spheres stick together on impact. ‘The total kinetic energy after impact is mv’. na? ® pact Krinelte anergy Below collision © The total Kinetic energy before impact is zero. es D_ The total momentum before impact is 2mv. Relarive velccis laatore 22 & it ef = to FRAMES m¥SIBE BG Giath 0.dem i viewed from above. Kinatce energy other colldsten, momercctam beloce = MY +m ev) = ete oa ‘The diagram Rotors = ey meviad ‘Two forces of 16.0N and 5.0N are in the horizontal plane and act on end Q as shown in the diagram. What is the total moment about P due to the two forces? (@ 1.5Nm B4.4Nm © 65Nm D 94Nm De aloe 3) — UGstn R0)Co-5 Jaa d- Ye ~1S 4a olockie » @UCLES 2016 S702 nANs [Turn over P765 ‘Seanne wih CamScanet{gr af] e] af} oo 8 11. Blocks P, Q, R and S are made from material of the same density, Block T is made from a ‘material of twice the density of the material of the other blocks. ‘The cross-sectional area and height of each of the blocks are shown, alan 7 y 2h] ground A 2A A 2A ‘Which two blocks exert the same pressure on the ground? A PandT B QandR © ands e SandT 12. Two parallel forces, each of magnitude F, act on a rod of length 5d. Which diagram shows the positions of the two forces that will produce the largest torque on the rod? A Torque = pepen ctiouon alistonce ucts 2018 sroan mune P766 20 ‘Seanne wih CamScanet F X Tre tow pecprclicaler 7 \ewes ok Ake Brees,=~ 9 13 Liquids X and Y are stored in large open tanks. Liquid X has a density of 800kg rm"? and liquid Y has a density of 1200kgm*. C.8, [At which depths are the pressures equal? Googhw= hy hy depth in| _depthin OPK AMX De fi liquid x/m_ | tiguid Yim oa kx, bs, : a A 8 20 y B 40 15 Fh 1 IF (as (D].: 10 goo. 2- 1oe- (ila 8 too" 3 1S 14 Atrain of mass 3.3 x 10°kg is moving at a constant speed up a slope inclined at an angle of 0.64° to the horizontal. The engine of the train is producing a useful output power of 14 MW. ‘Assume that there are no frictional forces opposing the motion of the train. Vexto® eshte What i at isthe speed ofthe train? vee i ccined 5 A 043ms* - B 42mst (€) 39ms* > sedime 415. Acannon-ball of mass 3.50kg is fred at a speed of 22.0ms"* from a gun on a ship at a height of 6.00m above sea level. ‘The total energy of the cannon-ballis the sum of the gravitational potential energy relative to the surface of the sea and the kinetic energy. Vast of 4% s5- 0 poe 21GS3.61 el050 Wat the ttl ney ofthe cannon ait avesthe gun? (D) A msl Botts wary GG) 0505 16 An aircraft travels at a constant velocity of 80ms"* in horizontal fight. The diagram shows some of the forces acting on the aircraft. drag 2400N ae weight ‘The mass of the aircraft is 2000kg. What is the power produced by the thrust force? A 18x10°W (B) 22x10°W Cc 18x10'W Dd 20x 10°W 10160 2%, Qnoorx? © 31ek \o Saw” eucses 206 roam [Tum over P767 ‘Scanned wth CamScanet10 17 An electrical generator is started at time zero. The total electrical energy generated during the first 5 seconds is shown in the graph. ad Pousee = Envrens energy "40. + Greate sonst slopes Ra 304 20 / is fom 240 <5 10 Mo-€e = 30 ud 77 Brie e ss o 12 3 4 5 time/s What is the maximum electrical power generated at any instant during these first 5 seconds? A 10W B 13W g sow D sow 18 The diagram shows a wire of diameter D and length L that is firmly clamped at one end between two blocks of wood. A load is applied to the wire which extends its length by x. E blocks of wood | —wire 1 —load ‘A second wire is made of the same material, but of diameter 2D and length 3L. Both wires obey Hooke’s law. ‘What is the extension of the second wire when the same load is applied? xe {Fh L J “ape | Wen. ba a ube”, See Tey) (e\ 1 fe Lande TP aye 0 * yas Mex, x 4 4 eucies 01 areanimun P768 ‘Seanne wh CamScanet) 19. Two wires, one made of brass and the other of steel, are stretched in an experiment. Both wires obey Hooke's law during this experiment. ‘The Young modulus for brass is less than the Young modulus for stee! Which graph shows how the stress varies with strain for both wires in this experiment? A stress seed brass 0. 0 strain c stress brass steel o 0 strain 2 Oby hooks lon OUCLES 2018, sroziisnauie © stress cee brass o 0 strain D stress brass steel strain live catreak [Turn over ‘Seanne wih CamScanet| 12 | 20. A transverse progressive wave is set up on a string. | ‘The graph shows the variation with time of displacement for a point on this string \ | displacement The separation XY on the graph represents the of the wave. X and Y have equal .....2..... ‘Which words correctly complete gaps 1 and 2? 1 2 A | time period amplitudes B)) time period displacements ¢ | wavelength amplitudes D | wavelength | displacements 24 Which region of the electromagnetic spectrum includes waves with a frequency of 10” MHz? 2k) infra-red waves B radio waves C ultraviolet waves D X-rays eucies 2018 ooze P770 ‘Seanneé wih CamScanet8 22. Alongitudinal wave has vibrations paratlel to the direction of transfer of energy by the wave. ‘The wave can be represented on a graph showing the variation of the displacement of the particles with distance from the source. Which point on the graph is the centre of a compression? \ | | | INI \ \ ( direction of transfer of energy A aCaenRERaEea displacement 6 away from source D distance displacement from source towards source ersten VE © WT certer of C01 B emce Me pote fes ove 23. What can be deduced from a table of wavelengths of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum? "0" “0 JousorelS B._ Red light has a shorter wavelength than green light. oO wy Me gy The wavelength range for radio waves is less than that for infra-red waves. CMS wo om ha © Tensinghangetercaasbestantaterndonees VC te Boer Phesane? on! preter after mouiy, ty fry 30 uree eucLEs 2018 sroaissawure [Turn over P7714 ‘Scanned wih CamScanet14 | 24. Abinary star consists of two stars rotating around a common centre. Light from one of the stars is observed on the Earth. observer on Earth | The observed frequency of the light varies between a minimum frequency frie and a maximum | frequency free, a8 Shown, Ira observed frequency ‘The rate of rotation of the binary star increases. What is the change to fax and the change t0 fn? fre rn decreases | decreases decreases | increases A 8 ©} increases | decreases D | increases | increases OucLES 2018, sroanvawsne P772 ‘Scanned wth CamScanet) 18 } 25 Ateacher sets up the apparatus shown to demonstrate a double-slt interference pattem on the screen, } i screen single double ) z siit source y of light P 7 ‘Which change to the apparatus will increase the fringe spacing? ‘A decreasing the distance p Ae Os oO & decreasing the distance q © decreasing the distance r 2 Decreasing the wavelength ofthe lght frige spaceny, 26 The diagram shows two sources of waves S; and S;. The sources oscillate with 2 phase difference of 180°. Ss: S P ‘The sources each generate a wave of wavelength 2.0m. Each source produces a wave that has amplitude x) when it reaches point P. ‘What is the amplitude of the oscillation at P? @e 8 cm D 2% eos WtLimee = 4 AeSen oud of Ghase by 180% euciEs 2018 sroansawuie P773 [Turn over rrr ce ce Scanned with ComSeanner16 27 Apipe, closed at one end, has a loudspeaker at the open end. A stationary sound wave is formed in the air within the pipe with an antinode at the open end of the pipe. 085m __, Inner TT pipe The length of the pipe is 0.85m. The speed of sound in air is 340ms™', Which frequency of sound from the loudspeaker would not produce a stationary wave? too He A 100Hz 200H2 © 300Hz D s00Kz Ge Aoum 28 A particle has a charge of +2.0mC and is in a vertical uniform electric field. An electric force of 1.0 x 10°N acts upwards on the particle, “2 ot xO) Syn What isthe electric field strength? mS 3 : pewve A 0.20Vm" downwards a ax wo B 0.20Vm" upwards C 5.0Vm"* downwards ©) Sover* upwards 29 A charged particle is in the electric field between two horizontal metal plates connected to a battery, as shown. There is a force F on the particle due to the electric field, charged particle ‘The separation of the plates is doubled. What is the new force on the particle? £ & c at @& ' oo P774 ‘Seanne wih CamScanetwwwwwrws 47 30 The current Jin a metal wire is given by the expression shown. T= Anvg What does the symbol n represent? ‘A. the number of atoms per unit volume of the metal B__ the number of free electrons per atom in the metal © the number of free electrons per unit volume of the metal D the total number of electrons per unit volume of the metal 31. The circuit diagrams show two lamps X and Y each connected to a cell. The current in lamp X is 0.50 and its resistance is 9.6. The current in lamp Y is 3.0 and its resistance is 1.29. iN I. ' i 0.808 B0AY lamp X lamp Y 960 1202 2 via power inlamp < xl nats the rato ame? ie Ry cs ® oz B O75 c 13 D 45 32. A cylindrical piece of a sot, electrically-conducting material has resistance R. It is rolled out so that its length is doubled but its volume stays constant. What is its new resistance? A e BR © aR Dar 33. The sum of the electrical currents into a point in a circuit is equal to the sum of the currents out of the point. Which statement is correct? G) TWieiskrtsftiow,wle esut tom the consenaon of charge, 3 vet llaw oe B_ This is Kirchhoff’ first law, which results from the conservation of energy. © This is Kirchhoff's second law, which results from the conservation of charge. D_ This is Kirchhoff's second law, which results from the conservation of energy. uctes 2018 roar snus [Turn over P775 ‘Scanned wih CamScanet18 34. In the circuit shown, the batteries have negligible internal resistance. 15V av What are the values of the currents Ih, Jz and Js? KIA iA LIA Al -55 10 65 B 05 40 35 ©} 35 40 0s D 65 1.0 55 | 35. A battery of electromotive force (e.m..) 6.0V and negligible intemal resistance is connected to three resistors as shown, 4.0K Each resistor has a resistance of 4.0k0. ‘What is the current in resistor X? A 0.25mA 0.50mA © 0.75mA D 1.0mA eucies 2018 sro2mimuane P776 ‘Scanned wth CamScanet19 36 A uniform resistance wire XY of length 100cm is connected in series with a cell L. Another cell M is connected in series with resistors of resistances 5.000, 10.0. and 15.02. The potential difference (p.c.) between P and Q is balanced against 12.5cm of the resistance wire, so that the ammeter reads zero, The p.4. across the other resistors is then balanced against other lengths ofthe resistance wire Which balanced lengths of resistance wire correspond to the connection points given in the table? connection balanced length /em points a |®] D QaniR | 125 | 250 | 250 | 25.0 | aands | 625 | 625 | 750 | 625 PandR | 375 | 378 | 375 | 125 uctes 2018 roar snus [Turn over P777 ‘Seanne wth CamScanet20 37 Amotor is required to operate at a distance of 800m from its power supply. The motor requires a potential difference (p.d.) of 16.0V and a current of 0.60 to operate. ‘Two wires are used to supply power to the motor as shown. wires power L motor supply —on 0d -OuG MH LO YAGey ‘The resistance of each of these wires is 0.00502 per metre. ‘What is the minimum output p.d. of the power supply? A i12v B 160v c wav = 208v 38 Which elementary particle is a lepton? A. proton ® neutron © cteciron D quark 39 How many down quarks are in a nucleus of hydrogen-3, 3H? A 2 B3 c4 Os 40. What is the correct equation for f° decay? ‘A neutron + proton + electron + electron antineutrino B neutron > proton + electron + electron neutrino © proton + neutron + positron + electron antineutrino (© preter -+ neuron + poston + electonneutno emisson Wo repoduce tons where tip cuned rel poecte by copy cided Nas bean sought ahd oes where posi. vey ‘eazanable eot has been matey te pls’ {UCLES) lo tocecnyra Maer, Bay tems ferns caters Fave uossegy es ensaa PS Publier vb ase mate tne a he eta pole opps ms ” ‘Te nd te ee of atone of annealed Heaton lo cnt sciroegamens av reps clas i he Canta tat rastone Cpyoht Arnouacponats Soot Tht cued eh sees ef eeorneans tals ney Sle Sse ‘ror ashe ne emt sara oe * " = Contoige Itenatonal Exainaon i pat he Cape Assesment Grou. Cambie Atsbesmentie he bar name of Univecy af Carte Loc Exarinetara Symseate(UELES) wich se! a opunnent the Urey of Gombiooe Syl caren eucies 2018 sro2r ane P778 ‘Scanned wh CamScanet oA
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