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04-02-2016 Final
Test Operations Procedure (TOP)
02-2-700A Laboratory Test of Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines 5b. GRANT NUMBER






Automotive Directorate (TEDT-AT-AD) REPORT NUMBER
U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center TOP 02-2-700A
400 Colleran Rd
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
Range Infrastructure Division (CSTE-TM) ACRONYM(S)
US Army Test and Evaluation Command
2202 Aberdeen Boulevard 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5001 NUMBER(S)
Same as item 8

Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), AD No.:

This TOP supersedes TOP 02-2-700, Laboratory Tests of Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines, dated 24
January 1985.

Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes, with respect to the previous issue, due to the extent
of the changes.
This TOP prescribes procedures for analyzing the performance and endurance of reciprocating internal combustion
engines. Test equipment includes engine dynamometers, precision fuel flow meters, oil conditioners, coolant
conditioners, exhaust gas analyzers, and metrological monitors. Major factors to be considered when testing for
performance include, but are not limited to, differences in fuels, lubrication, temperatures, engine control module
parameters, component wear, exhaust, and air intake systems. Power train component such as transmissions and
transmission steering devices are not covered in this TOP.
Engine Control Module (ECM) torque horsepower engine speed boost
turbocharger throttle injector power curve exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) fuel consumption
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)
SAR 38
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18
(This page is intentionally blank.)
Test Operations Procedure 02-2-700A 4 February 2016


Paragraph 1. SCOPE................................................................................... 2
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................. 2
1.2 Background ........................................................................... 2
2. FACILITIES AND INSTRUMENTATION ......................... 3
2.1 Test Cells ............................................................................... 3
2.2 Specialized Equipment and Instrumentation ......................... 8
2.3 Safety Concerns and Equipment ........................................... 13
2.4 Calibration ............................................................................. 14
2.5 Preventive Maintenance ........................................................ 15
3. REQUIRED TEST CONDITIONS ....................................... 15
3.1 Preparation for Testing .......................................................... 15
3.2 Test Controls ......................................................................... 18
3.3 Required Information ............................................................ 19
4. TEST PROCEDURES .......................................................... 19
4.1 Types of Test ......................................................................... 19
4.2 Data Recording ...................................................................... 21
5. PRESENTATION OF DATA ............................................... 23
5.1 General .................................................................................. 23
5.2 Data Presentation ................................................................... 23

APPENDIX A. GLOSSARY .......................................................................... A-1

B. ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................... B-1
C. REFERENCES ...................................................................... C-1
D. APPROVAL AUTHORITY.................................................. D-1

*This TOP supersedes TOP 02-2-700, Laboratory Tests of Reciprocating Internal Combustion
Engines, dated 24 January 1985.

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


1.1 Purpose.

This Test Operations Procedure (TOP) describes the general procedures for dynamometer testing
of reciprocating internal combustion engines used to power both military and civilian ground
vehicles. The procedures described within are intended to provide a guideline to engine setup,
testing, and analysis, but cannot possibly cover all applications or specific test scenarios. All
relevant information cannot be provided in any one document, so it is encouraged to refer to the
references cited in this TOP as well as manufacturer-specific documentation. The successful and
safe testing of engines requires both a basic understanding of fundamental automotive principles,
and the ability to operate and understand heavy machinery. This document describes engine test
cell setup, safety, installation, testing, and analysis. The purpose of the requested test determines
what specific measurements are to be recorded, fuel selection, loading, duration, sampling, and
parameter settings. Therefore, not all of the specific instructions included in this document are
required for each engine test. The details of every individual test are not included in this TOP.
Specific test procedures are referenced as needed and should be reviewed to fully understand the
individual test conditions, instrumentation requirements, data presentation, and analysis
techniques. This TOP does not address engine testing in high altitude conditions.

1.2 Background.

a. Tactical and civilian vehicles, aircraft, marine vessels, generator sets, and Auxiliary
Power Units (APUs) are predominantly powered by reciprocating internal combustion engines.
Although some alternative technologies are being considered, the internal combustion engine
remains heavily relied upon for military and civilian applications. The internal combustion
engine has evolved greatly since the proceeding TOP 02-2-700 was published in 1985. Nearly
all modern engines are controlled electronically by the Engine Control Modules (ECM) or
otherwise referred to as Engine Control Units (ECU). Originally, diesel engines were naturally
aspirated, but most have evolved to include forced induction devices (turbochargers) to produce
more power and greater efficiency.

b. For the purpose of this TOP, the term diesel engine will be used to also describe
similar fuel types such as JP-8 and F-24. Dynamometer testing of gasoline engines will also be
included to explain the considerations of test cell safety. Although gasoline engines aren’t often
used in traditional combat vehicles, they are used by the Department of Defense (DOD) as
support vehicles and in some special applications.

c. Understanding the operation of engines to include performance characteristics,

limitations, and power to weight correlations is essential to ensure proper drivetrain component
selection. Successful matching of the components is critical to the overall vehicle system to
ensure it meets safety, performance, and reliability objectives. Improperly matched hardware,
inadequate maintenance, change in payload, change in centers of gravity (CG), or ECM
parameters can lead to hazardous conditions and a negative effect on performance and reliability.

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4 February 2016


2.1 Test Cells.

a. The size and number of test cells depends on a variety of factors. Often,
manufacturing processes use multiple test cells for end of line checkout and/or break-in.
Research, development, and testing applications may have fewer, but more advanced test cells.
Typically, engines in advanced test cells are set-up for operation over longer periods of time and
have more instrumentation installed to record specific data sets. Some applications may even
use dual-ended dynamometers to maximize the efficiency of an individual test cell.

b. There are several types of dynamometers. Numerous considerations must be made in

selecting the best size and type of dynamometer for specific applications. The types, advantages,
and disadvantages of common dynamometers are outlined in Table 1. A primary selection
criteria is if the application will require the dynamometer to have four-quadrant capability to
motor the engine. Other determining factors can be related to physical space or required range of
operation. Most research, development, and testing applications will require four-quadrant
operation, low inertia, and rapid response to automated control. It is recommended to meet with
several manufacturers to discuss applications, commercial off the shelf (COTS) or specialized
solutions, and pricing.




Froude sluice plate Cheap, robust. Obsolete, slow response,
manual control.
Variable-fill water brake High loads, medium speed load “Open” water system
changes, automated control, required. Can suffer from
robust, and tolerant of overloads. cavitation or corrosion.
“Bolt-on” variable fill Cheap and simple Installation. Lower accuracy of
water brake Up to 1000 kilowatts (kW). measurement and control
than most fixed machines.
Disk-type hydraulic Suitable for high speeds such as Poor low speed performance.
required in small turbine testing.
Hydrostatic For special applications, Mechanically complex, noisy,
provides four-quadrant and expensive. System
performance. contains large volumes of
high pressure oil.
Direct current (DC) Mature technology, four- High inertia, commutator and
electric motor quadrant performance. Limited brushes require maintenance,
in automotive top-speed range. harmonic distortion of supply

** Superscript numbers correspond to Appendix C, References.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016



Asynchronous motor Now mature technology, lower Expensive. Large drive
alternating current (AC) inertia for same rating than DC. cabinet needs suitable
Four-quadrant performance. housing. Care must be taken
Higher speed range than DC. in environment of the drive
unit and power system.
Permanent magnet motor Lowest inertia, most dynamic Very Expensive. Large drive
four quadrant performance. cabinet needs suitable
Small size in cell. housing.
Eddy current, water Low inertia (disk type air gap) Vulnerable to poor cooling
cooled well adapted to computer supply. Not suitable for
control. Mechanically simple. sustained rapid changes in
power (thermal cycling).
Friction brake Special purpose applications for Limited speed range.
very high torques at low speed.
Air brake Cheap, very little support service Noisy, limited control
needed. accuracy.
Hybrid Possible cost advantage over Complexity of construction
sole electrical machine. and control.

c. The selection of the bedplate and engine mounting system must take into consideration
any forces, vibrations, and noise developed by the engine. It must also be able to withstand the
environment of test cell and transient forces that may be caused by earthquakes, unexpected
abrupt shutdowns, and shock from neighboring firing programs, test course vibrations, or local
heavy equipment operations. Temperature fluctuations, humidity, and flooding must also be
considered and addressed. Dynamometer manufacturers will usually provide technical
requirements specific to size and type of dynamometer they produce. Many manufacturers and
some third party companies also provide consulting and design services to aid in this part of the
test cell construction.

d. Much consideration should be given to the layout of the test cell. Several factors need
to be considered such as:

(1) Location of the emergency exits.

(2) Ability to move the engine in and out of the test cell.

(3) Access to the dynamometer for calibration and maintenance.

(4) The location of make-up air inlets and exhaust outlets.

(5) The location and connections of supporting equipment such as coolant, charge air,
and fuel lines.

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4 February 2016

(6) The proximity of fire and heat detectors, and fire suppression systems.

(7) The location, open view, and composition of the observation window.

(8) The location of toxic fume detectors for heavy and light combustion gases.

(9) Adequate lighting.

(10) Clearance for personnel to perform maintenance, install instrumentation, and

handle fluids from the engine.

e. The energy balance in the cell must also be considered when determining the size and
volume of the test cell. Considerations should be taken to ensure there is enough volume and air
flow to maintain desired temperature set points and operating ranges. Some factors to consider
for maintaining energy balance in the test cell are:

(1) Air intake inlets should be unrestricted and adequately sized to provide fresh air
to the engine intake as well as the test-cell area. Ideally, they will have the ability to be variable
depending on demand.

(2) The engine generates significant amounts of thermal heat. Inlet air should be
located in close proximity or ducted in such a manner that it is forced to pass over the engine and
then be evacuated from the cell via an exhaust fan. The air volume in the cell, and the ability to
vary the speed of the exhaust fan, can help to ensure more constant temperatures for longer
periods of testing.

(3) The conditioning systems also radiate thermal heat. This heat can be introduced
into the cell via return fuel, coolant, oil, or charge-air plumbing. Insulating these pipes and hoses
can help reduce the amount of thermal heat, but additional make up air is usually required.

(4) The engine exhaust can generate a large volume of heat (and toxic fumes), and
therefore should be directly plumbed to a safe location outside the test cell. This location must
be high enough and located such that it will not be able to be drawn back into the facility via
make-up air inlet or heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Care must be
taken to match back pressure, as the engine would be subjected to fluctuations by the original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) exhaust system for its intended application. Excessive back
pressure or vacuum may affect the engine performance.

f. The fuel system can be as simple as an approved containment tank plumbed into the
engine feed (and return if applicable). However, most dynamometer applications for research,
development, and testing require extremely accurate fuel consumption measurement, and the
ability to temperature condition the fuel. Most dynamometer manufacturers and several other
companies make equipment suitable for the supply, conditioning, and measurement of the
consumed fuel. It is preferred to have the equipment integrated with the dynamometer control
software so fuel usage is in the same data stream as test item and other supporting equipment and

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4 February 2016

instrumentation in the test cell. Consideration should be taken to ensure that the integration is
possible and the cost to do so is considered. The fuel system usually requires process water to
cool the fuel, high current capacity electric supply for heaters, and pneumatic supply to operate
solenoid valves. The plumbing must be carefully sized to suit the application. If the plumbing is
insufficient, it can starve the engine, and too large diameter and/or too long of distance may
cause the fuel system to not be able to maintain temperature controls. The plumbing must be
made of a durable material, such as stainless steel, and have high quality connections and valves.
The fuel supply must be properly vented to the outside of the building, and away from any
source of combustion. A spark arrestor is usually required as an additional safety precaution and
to meet local codes. All fuel sources located inside the building should have some sort of fire
barrier and be constantly monitored by an automated fire suppression system. The fuel storage
in the facility must meet state and local regulations as defined by the local fire department. The
fuel storage in the facility must also meet environmental requirements and should have some sort
of secondary containment.

g. The test cell control system can be as basic as a manual control, but is usually much
more sophisticated. Systems such as iTest, from A&D Technology Inc.***, are developed to give
the operator the ability to author very specific automated test schedules by controlling the engine
and dynamometer. Additionally, these systems also communicate with safety features such as
over-speed limits, toxic gas monitors, and feedback from supporting equipment to verify that the
system is operating correctly throughout the test. The ability to understand and program control
software gives the operator the ability to design and execute very specific tests, and maintain
extremely repeatable conditions. Training is often available through the software manufacturer
and is usually offered at training facilities or onsite. It is critical that the operator be proficient in
the software prior to running a test involving the dynamometer or engine under test. Software
limits and ramp-rates should be established by qualified personnel prior to use by inexperienced

h. The test cell should be equipped with combustion gas monitors that automatically give
the cell operator an audible and visible indication that above-normal levels of carbon monoxide
(CO), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), etc. have been detected.
Advanced systems have inputs tied into the control software that will notify the operator of low
levels and will shut the cell down if they exceed a predetermined high level limit. These gases
are usually an indication of exhaust leak, inadequate cell ventilation, or excessive blow-by from
the crank-case breather.

i. Environmental conditions that affect combustion such as temperature, humidity, and

barometric pressure are recorded before, during, and after testing. The optimal test cell has these
sensors mounted in locations that are the most representative of the actual environment, away
from direct heat sources, air flow, etc. The data from these sensors are usually fed to the control
system and recorded in the data stream with the test data. This information is usually recorded
and displayed on automated reports and data logs so that accurate assumptions and comparison
can be made when analyzing the results.

*** The use of brand names does not constitute endorsement by the Army or any other agency
of the Federal Government, nor does it imply that it is best suited for its intended application.

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4 February 2016

j. Automatic fire-suppression is recommended and may be required by Federal, State,

and local fire codes and regulations. Due to the presence of electronics and possible fuel
spillage, water deluge systems are not recommended in test cells. The typical agent used for
suppressing fires in engine test cells is compressed carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. It is important to
note that CO2 works by displacing the oxygen source to the fire. If breathed in, it can also
displace oxygen in lungs and cause suffocation. The fire suppression systems usually have a
waring alarm that sounds 30 seconds prior to discharge. A plan should be in place for all
personnel to meet at a designated location. There must be signs posted to warn emergency
responders of the presence of CO2 in the area on every entrance door to the test cell. “Agent
Abort” pull stations should be installed by all emergency activation switches so that the system
discharge may be delayed if personnel have not evacuated the cell prior to the countdown of the
warning alarm. It is also important to note the CO2 only suppresses the fire if it remains
contained in the area. All HVAC systems, exhaust fans, intake louvers, doors, and windows
must be closed to the cell. It is recommended to automate the test cell as much as possible to
close off air supply in the event of a fire. A compressed CO2 system is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Automatic CO2 fire suppression system.

k. The test cell layout may dictate the type handling system that is required to install and
maintain the dynamometer, conditioners, and engines to be tested. Some layouts allow for a
forklift to set the equipment in place. Some types of engine carts can be pushed around on heavy
caster wheels that lock into a fixed receiver. Usually, the test cell has some type of overhead
crane or jib crane that can be used to assist in handling the equipment and helping to support the

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016

weight of the engine to make fine tune adjustments when mounting. An example of a typical
engine test cell is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Typical engine test cell.

2.2 Specialized Equipment and Instrumentation.

a. Climatic. Refer to TOP 02-2-650 Engine Cold Starting and Warm-up Test2, TOP 02-
2-816 High and Low Temperature Test of Vehicles3, and Military Standard (MIL-STD)-1400C
Engines, Gasoline and Diesel, Methods of Test4.

b. DC power processing equipment may be utilized to place static and dynamic electric
loads on the engine’s charging system. The relationship between shaft speed, load in amperes,
and the amount of torque required at 28 volts direct current (VDC) for a 570 amp (A) Neihoff
alternator is shown in Figure 3. The torque required to generate this electric power is a draw on
the engine that must be accounted for during testing. Some test scenarios may require that this
be taken into account when analyzing the engine test results with no charging system on the
engine. Some tests may be designed to specifically target the relationship of the charging system

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4 February 2016

and how the electric load affect engine performance, fuel consumption, or emissions. These
relationships can also influence operational procedures such as when a high-idle mode may be
required, or when insufficient power is experienced at high altitudes.

Figure 3. Drive torque in Newton meter (Nm) and output in amperes versus alternator shaft
speed in revolutions per minute (rpm) required to produce output curve. Alternator characteristic
for 28 V, 570 A, taken at 22 °Celsius (C) (72 °Fahrenheit (F)).

c. The efficiency curve for each specific alternator should be considered when analyzing
engine performance in relation to drive profiles or duty cycles. Military vehicles face an ever
increasing demand for electric power to supply both the vehicle electronics and Government
Furnished Equipment (GFE) such as communications, tracking devices, and electronic
countermeasures. An example of a 570 amp Neihoff alternator output and efficiency curve is
shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 4. Drive horsepower in kW and efficiency in percentage of output power divided by

input power versus alternator shaft speed in rpm required to produce output curve. Alternator
characteristic for 28 V, 570 A, taken at 22 °C (72 °F).

d. An emissions analyzer may be required to support testing where accurate

measurements of CO, CO2, oxygen (O2), NO, and total hydrocarbon emissions (THC) must be
made in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) 10655. Most modern analyzers have the capability to interface with On
Board Diagnostics (OBD) and record vehicle ECM parameters along with the emission data.

e. Evaporative cooling towers or some other form of heat rejection equipment will be
required to conduct engine testing. The cooling capacity, volume, and operation will vary
greatly depending on climate, type of dynamometer, type of drive, and other heat rejection loads
such as engine coolant, return fuel, engine oil, and charge air. These systems usually have
independent controls and make necessary adjustments based on cooling demand. The larger the
overall volume of the system, the more resilient it will be to temperature spikes and drops that
occur during dynamic testing. An example of an evaporative cooling tower system is shown in
Figure 5.

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Figure 5. Example of an evaporative cooling tower system.

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f. The ECM is a very important component in engine testing. It can affect performance,
fuel consumption, emissions, starting, shutdown, and serve to protect the engine. It is
recommended that the test cell operator obtain a detailed wiring schematic for the ECM from the
manufacturer and fully understand its operation prior to testing. An example of a detailed
electrical systems schematic is provided in Caterpillar Schematic, C7 Truck Engine Electrical
System, RENR78696. Some basic aspects of the ECM critical to conducting any test are:

(1) ECM Power. The power provided to the ECM is distributed to numerous sensors
that return a scaled feedback voltage from whichever parameter they are measuring. The power
is also provided to a processor that makes calculations and necessary adjustments required to
start, run, and shutdown the engine.

(2) ECM Throttle. Most engine applications use an electronic, Pulse Width
Modulated (PWM) voltage to control the amount of fuel being sent to the fuel system. The
amount and timing of the fuel is controlled by the ECM, versus manual control of the throttle.

(3) The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a standardized digital interface that allows
the communication of information in a vehicle between sensors, electronic control units, and
computers. Refer to TOP 01-2-506 Use of Controller Area Network (CAN) Data to Support
Performance Testing7.

(4) Battle Damage. Battle damaged analysis must consider the differences of
electronic vs. manual controls, as well as procedures to read, understand, and clear faults
identified by the ECM.

(5) There are multiple manufacturers and types of torque transducers used for
measuring quasi-static force. Some are very simple and basic, such as dead weights and spring
gauges, but most modern systems use hydraulic load cells or strain gauge load cells. Examples
of various types of commonly used torque transducers for dynamometer applications can be
found at the following link:

g. Speed sensors are commonly integrated into the torque transducers, but are also found
as encoders on the back side of the shaft of the dynamometer. The engine speed is usually
monitored and broadcast over the CAN bus as one of the SAE J17088 or J19399 channels.
Engine speed can also be measured independently, and is usually a direct coupling to the
dynamometer shaft, and therefore equal to the dynamometer shaft speed.

h. Coolant, fuel and oil conditioners are often required to maintain desired temperature
set points within a very small range. They usually use process water for cooling and an
immersion-style heating elements to warm the fluids. Theses conditioners use feedback and
control loops that interface with the control software to maintain, display, and record the values.
High and low temperature warnings can be established to notify the operator if the conditioners
are not able to keep the fluids within desired temperature setting ranges of typically ±3 °C
(±5 °F) or less.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016

i. A Charge Air Cooler (CAC) is usually required to cool the combustion air that heats
up due to being compressed by the turbocharger. The CAC operates within a range of the
desired set point. Most applications use process water to cool the charged air by means of a
liquid cooled heat exchanger.

j. Traditional instrumentation and data acquisition systems are used to measure pressure,
temperatures, pulses, and accelerations. Most COTS systems provided by dynamometer
manufacturers have provision for all the channels necessary to operate the equipment and take all
desired measurements of the test engine.

2.3 Safety Concerns and Equipment.

a. Rotating components such as shafts must be covered by a shaft guard. Care must also
be taken to ensure all bolts are torqued properly and inspected periodically. It is also important
to stay clear of the engine while it is running and block off areas where belts and pulley are
spinning. Loose clothing, jewelry, badge lanyards, etc. are source of potential hazards and do
not belong in the test cell.


Never, under any circumstances, attempt to occupy test cells when engine is rotating faster
than 1000 rpm.

Never, under any circumstances, attempt to make changes or adjustments to the engine,
dynamometer, or coupling with the engine running or the dynamometer drive mechanism

Always use a safety guard around rotating shafts and only view testing above 1000 rpm
through shatterproof windows.

b. Toxic fumes are addressed in paragraph 2.1.h. Operators should always use caution to
wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when handling fuels, coolants, engine oil,
and other automotive related fluids. Additional information is provided in the article “Skin
Problems in Motor Vehicle Repair Workers” located at

c. Combustible fluids must be stored in approved containers and away from potential
heat sources. Automatic fire suppression is addressed is paragraph 2.1.j. Caution should be
taken to ensure that power is removed to fuel system pumps, and that residual pressure is
carefully bled off prior to disconnecting fuel lines.

d. High temperatures will be present in varying degrees on many components in the test
cell. Exhaust gasses, crank-case breather gases, coolant, oil, and fuel may also be very hot. The
operator should always wear the proper PPE and allow for adequate time for cooling. Thermal
sensors can also be utilized to verify that components have cooled to safe handling temperatures.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016

e. Exposure to excessive noise levels can cause short- and long-term damage to hearing.
Proper PPE should be worn to include double hearing protection. Noise can also make several
hours of testing extremely uncomfortable. Many options are available to mitigate noise emitting
sources. Ensure that exhaust noise is directed away, driveline vibrations are absorbed and
isolated, and not transmitted. Acoustic dampening materials can be installed in the cell and
control area. Heavy, well-sealed doors and windows can also help. More in-depth information
can be found in SAE Engine Testing - The Design, Building, Modification and Use of
Powertrain Test Facilities, 4th Edition1.

f. High voltage drive cabinets are very common for modern dynamometers. They must
be serviced and maintained by qualified personnel. Some regenerative drives may have multiple
power sources and require all sources to be properly locked out. Temporary stored power
sources must also be given adequate time to discharge.

g. General test cell safety requires the cooperation of all facility related personnel. Strict
adherence to Lock Out/Tag Out procedures, shut-down and start-up procedures, equipment
maintenance, cleanliness, and use of safety systems can help to mitigate the risk of personal
injury. The use of checklist, interlocks, and automation is encouraged to reduce the likelihood of
missing a key step during set-up or operation of the cell.

2.4 Calibration.

a. All measuring tools and instrumentation will be calibrated against a higher order
standard at periodic intervals not to exceed twelve months. Records, showing the calibration
traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), will be maintained for
all measuring and test equipment.

b. All measuring and test equipment and measuring standards will be labeled with the
following information:

(1) Date of calibration.

(2) Date of next scheduled calibration.

(3) Name of the organization and technician who calibrated the equipment.

c. A written calibration report will be provided that includes as a minimum the following
information for all measurement and test equipment:

(1) Type of equipment, manufacturer, model number, etc.

(2) Measurement range.

(3) Accuracy.

(4) Calibration interval.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016

(5) Type of standard used to calibrate the equipment (calibration traceability of the
standard must be evident).

d. Equipment to be calibrated:

(1) Accelerometers.

(2) Torque transducers.

(3) Fuel systems.

(4) Speed transducers.

(5) Pressure transducers.

(6) Temperature transducers.

(7) Exhaust gas analyzers.

2.5 Preventive Maintenance.

a. Test equipment must be properly maintained to ensure reliable accurate measurements.

Preventive Maintenance (PM) can detect abnormal vibrations that indicate an imminent bearing
failure, motor problem, set-up issue, etc. Many equipment manufacturers offer PM packages
along with calibration services. The level and frequency of PM can vary depending on use and
environmental conditions. Budget, workload, personnel, and many factors will determine each
specific test cell PM program. Efforts taken to prevent problems almost always tend to be more
cost effective than efforts taken to repair problems. Records and reports should be kept and
tracked and analyzed to identify trends and predict major repair or maintenance intervals.

b. The test engine should be maintained per manufacturer recommendations. It should

also be subjected to daily Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) prior to and post
testing. Extreme loading or aggressive testing may dictate frequent periodic inspection intervals.
Instrumentation and engine components should also be inspected frequently to ensure mounting
and wire routing is not damaged and is clear of rotating parts.


3.1 Preparation for Testing.

3.1.1 Initial Inspection.

a. Visually inspect the engine upon arrival for damage. Document any physical damage
of the test engine as described in Appendix D of MIL-STD-1400C.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016

b. Record the physical description of the test engine as described in MIL-STD-1400C.

3.1.2 Mounting.

a. Make all electrical connections necessary to provide power to ECM and charging
system if applicable.

b. Plumb in the coolant conditioner feed hose into the engine water pump. If necessary,
block the thermostat open before connecting the upper hose from the thermostat housing to the
coolant conditioner return hose.

c. Plumb the oil conditioner into the oil filter housing if test requires additional cooling.

d. Plumb in the fuel supply and return (if applicable) to the fuel measurement system.

e. Connect combustion air inlet to air filter housing or facility air supply.

f. Connect the charge air cooler to the turbocharger and air inlet if applicable.

g. Connect the ECM with manufacturer diagnostic software or custom software to

monitor engine parameters and view diagnostic codes.

h. Connect any additional instrumentation according to detailed test plan.

3.1.3 Fluids.

a. Fill engine oil, coolant system, and open appropriate valves for oil, coolant, and fuel
system. Use only manufacturer approved engine oil, coolant, and fuel.

b. Check for leaks and resolve any issues that are found.

3.1.4 Couple Engine to Dynamometer.

a. Connect the appropriate sized absorber to the crankshaft ensuring all bolts are torqued

b. Connect the appropriate sized and balanced driveshaft to the absorber and to the torque
flange on the dynamometer shaft. Ensure that all bolts are sized and torqued appropriately.

c. Inspect engine and dynamometer for interference caused by belts, wires, or

misalignments. Ensure there are no loose tools or hardware on the engine or inside the crank-
case housing. A typical installation is shown in Figure 6.

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Figure 6. Coupling the engine to the dynamometer.

d. Install the shaft guard. An example of a shaft guard is shown in Figure 7.

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Figure 7. Shaft guard installed.

3.1.5. Initial Operation.

a. Follow test cell start-up procedure and enable the dynamometer and supporting
equipment. Check for leaks in all fluids, paying particular attention to fuel connections. Select
the automated start procedure or manually command the starting mechanism to engage.

b. Start the engine and assure smooth operation. Run engine according to manufacturer’s
recommended procedures.

3.2 Test Controls.

a. If available, ensure that all software limits for speed, torque, and temperature are set
correctly and are active.

b. Utilize manufacturer software to monitor the engine for faults and warnings.

c. Ensure that test cell and engine start-up checklist is complete.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016

d. Verify all emergency-stops are operational and a normal shutdown procedure is

implemented to release load and drop throttle at safe, controlled rates. Ensure that engine
components like the turbocharger have time to cool and exhaust gas temperatures (EGT) return
to normal no-load operating temperatures prior to shut down.

e. If possible, run a baseline test, such as a power curve, prior to making any changes to
the test engine for future reference or diagnostics.

3.3 Required Information.

a. Type of fuel.

b. Type of oil.

c. Type of coolant (when applicable).

d. Calibration identification number from ECM.

e. Any failures or irregularities in operation.


4.1 Types of Tests.

Additional information on the types of tests listed in this section can be found in the following
reference: SAE Engine Testing - The Design, Building, Modification and Use of Powertrain Test
Facilities, 4th Edition1.

4.1.1 Steady State.

The engine is held at a specified rpm (or series of usually sequential rpms) for a desired amount
of time by the variable brake loading as provided by the power absorber unit (PAU). These are
performed with brake dynamometers.

4.1.2 Sweep Test.

The engine is tested under a load (i.e., inertia or brake loading), but allowed to sweep up in rpm,
in a continuous fashion, from a specified lower starting rpm to a specified ending rpm. These
tests can be done with inertia or brake dynamometers.

a. Simple Fixed Load Sweep. A fixed load - of somewhat less than the output of the
engine - is applied during the test. The engine is allowed to accelerate from its starting rpm to its
ending rpm, varying at its own acceleration rate, depending on power output at any particular
rotational speed. Power is calculated using (rotational speed x torque x constant) + the power
required to accelerate the dynamometer and engine's rotating mass.

TOP 02-2-700A
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b. Controlled Acceleration Sweep. Similar in basic usage as the Simple Fixed Load
Sweep Test, but with the addition of active load control that targets a specific rate of

4.1.3 Transient Test.

This test is usually conducted with AC or DC dynamometers, the engine power and speed are
varied throughout the test cycle. Aggressive throttle movements, engine speed changes, and
engine motoring are characteristics of most transient engine tests.

4.1.4 Common Dynamometer Tests.

a. Net Horsepower. Used to determine maximum horsepower sustained for at least

10 minutes with all nonessential accessories installed on the engine. Additional information is
provided in MIL-STD-1400C.

b. Gross Horsepower. Used to determine maximum horsepower sustained for at least

10 minutes without all non-essential accessories. Additional information is provided in MIL-

c. Accessory Losses. Used to determine maximum horsepower sustained for at least

10 minutes by removing individual nonessential accessories installed on the engine to determine
the losses caused by each assessor. Additional information is provided in MIL-STD-1400C.

d. Motoring Friction. Used to determine the power required to overcome engine friction,
also known as friction horsepower. Additional information is provided in MIL-STD-1400C.

e. Blow-by. The amount of combustion gases that escape into the crankcase during the
combustion cycle. Additional information is provided in MIL-STD-1400C, and is illustrated in
Figure 8.

Figure 8. Combustion blow-by.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016

f. Fuel Consumption. Used to determine the economy of the engine in accordance with
TOP 02-2-603A11.

g. Oil Analysis and Consumption. Used to analyze the rate of oil consumption, health of
oil, and condition of internal components in accordance with TOP 02-2-69012 and where
applicable, Alban Advantage Equipment Maintenance Services, Understanding Scheduled Oil
Sampling (SOS), Equipment Maintenance Services13.

h. Cold Starting. Used to determine the amount of torque required to overcome friction
horsepower with different viscosity engine oils, optimize fuel/air ratio during cold starts, and
various other parameters in accordance with TOP 02-2-650 and MIL-STD-1400C.

i. Performance Test. This test is commonly referred to as the “Power and Torque
Curve”. This test provides the tester with an overall view of the engine’s output at different
engine speeds and loads. Additional information is provided in MIL-STD-1400C.

j. Endurance Test.

(1) Involves extended operations of one or more test items operating a series of
cycles designed to simulate extended field use under controlled, repeatable, proving ground
conditions. The endurance test is the principal means of producing data for reliability and
maintainability analysis.

(2) A durability test is designed to demonstrate a specified probability and confidence

that a vehicle, or a major component, will be able to operate under defined conditions for a
specified distance or operating time before needing a major overhaul, replacement, or salvage.

(3) Can be used to analyze the entire engine and accessory package, individual
components, electronics, lubrications, fuels, and coolants. Additional information is provided in

4.2 Data Recording.

4.2.1 Data Required.

a. The following is a list of the most commonly recorded data for dynamometer testing.
This list can be greatly expanded upon depending on the requirements for specific application.

(1) Ambient temperature.

(2) Barometric pressure.

(3) Engine speed.

(4) Torque.

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(5) Air intake rate.

(6) Intake air pressure.

(7) Exhaust pressure.

(8) Fuel pressure.

(9) Oil pressure.

(10) Intake air temperature.

(11) Exhaust temperature.

(12) Fuel temperature.

(13) Oil temperature.

(14) Fuel intake rate.

(15) Spark advance (gasoline engines only).

(16) Exhaust smoke analysis.

(17) Turbocharger boost pressure.

(18) Intake air density.

b. There are also several applicable channels that can be recorded from the ECM CAN.
Common channels available on the data bus can be referenced, but in many cases must be
verified by NIST traceable calibration source. A list of some of these channels follow:

(1) Throttle position.

(2) Percent engine load.

(3) Boost pressure.

(4) Intake manifold temperature.

(5) Barometric pressure.

(6) Engine coolant temperature.

(7) Engine oil temperature.

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(8) Injection control pressure.

(9) Battery voltage.

(10) Engine speed.

(11) Fuel rate.

(12) Instantaneous fuel economy.

(13) Total idle hours.

(14) Total fuel consumption.

(15) Vehicle identification number.

(16) Total hours.

(17) Total engine power take off (PTO) hours.


5.1 General.

Individual test procedures referenced in this TOP should be reviewed and followed carefully.
Data requirements, test controls and conditions, data analysis, and presentation should be
followed. Appendix A of this TOP provides some of the more commonly used definitions.

5.2 Data Presentation.

Data are presented in various forms, usually only focusing on a few of the many parameters that
are recorded. The most typical form of dynamometer test data presentation is the performance
curve as shown in Figure 9.

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Figure 9. Typical horsepower and torque curve.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


Term Definition
Absorber A tuned spring-mass system which reduces or eliminates the
vibration of a harmonically excited system. Rotating machines
such as engines, motors, and pumps often incite vibration due to
rotational imbalances.

Alternating current AC electric motor/generator dynamometer that can be used to

(AC) absorb the power of the engine and can also drive the engine for
Dynamometer measuring friction, pumping losses, and other factors. It can also
be configured to regenerate power generated by the test engine and
return power to the utility grid.

Air-fuel ratio AFR is the mass ratio of air to fuel present in a combustion process
(AFR) such as in an internal combustion engine or industrial furnace. The
AFR is an important measure for anti-pollution and performance-
tuning reasons.

Blow-by Leakage of the air-fuel mixture or of combustion gases between a

piston and the cylinder wall into the crankcase of an automobile.

Burn rate The time required for the air/fuel mixture to burn completely (the
speed at which fuel releases its energy) with the piston near top
dead center of the stroke. The faster the fuel burns, the more
efficient the engine and the more power it will generate and the
better fuel economy it will get.

Cam shaft The camshaft is used to operate poppet valves. It then consists of a
cylindrical rod running the length of the cylinder bank with a
number of oblong lobes protruding from it, one for each valve. The
cam lobes force the valves open by pressing on the valve, or on
some intermediate mechanism as they rotate.

Cardan shaft A mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation,

usually used to connect other components of a drive train that
cannot be connected directly because of distance or the need to
allow for relative movement between them.

Cetane number CN is an inverse function of a fuel's ignition delay, and the time
(CN) period between the start of injection and the first identifiable
pressure increase during combustion of the fuel.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


Term Definition
Charge air cooler Used to cool engine air after it has passed through a turbocharger,
but before it enters the engine. The idea is to return the air to a
lower temperature, for the optimum power for the combustion
process within the engine.

Combustion Ignition in an internal-combustion engine in which the necessary

ignition high temperature is produced by compressing air in the cylinder
before admission of the fuel (as in a diesel engine).

Compression ratio In an internal combustion engine is a value that represents the ratio
of the volume of its combustion chamber from its largest capacity
to its smallest capacity.

Coolant Heat exchanger used in place of radiator and cooling fan to

conditioners maintain desired temperature of engine coolant. The conditioner
has an electric heating element to heat and uses process water to
cool the engine coolant.

Diesel fuels Any liquid fuel used in diesel engines, whose fuel ignition takes
place, without spark, as a result of compression of the inlet air
mixture and then injection of fuel.

Dynamic testing When change in control instruction and change in force at an AC

dynamometer air gap is sensed and occurs in less than
10 milliseconds (ms).

Dynamometer "Dyno" for short, is a device for measuring force, torque, or power.

Eddy current Uses a varying magnetic field in a coil to generate eddy currents in
dynamometer the end faces of the cooling chambers. These are directed such that
the magnetic field they induce creates a torque which opposes the
rotor‘s direction of rotation.

Electronic Control A type of ECU or ECM that controls a series of actuators on an

Unit (ECU) or internal combustion engine to ensure optimal engine performance.
Module (ECM)

Engine speed The rotational speed of the engine crank shaft usually described in

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


Term Definition

Evaporative Equipment that cools engine coolant, oil, fuel, charged air and
cooling tower electronics by transferring heat away via heat exchangers and then
removing the heat by an evaporation process over outside coils.

Exhaust gas A combination of many different gases: N2, CO2, H2O, and O2.
Though some are harmless, there are few that are harmful and are
considered major pollutants. One of the most dangerous of these is
CO, carbon monoxide.

Exhaust gar EGR is a nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions reduction technique used
recirculation in petrol/gasoline and diesel engines. EGR works by recirculating a
(EGR) portion of an engine's exhaust gas back to the engine cylinders.

Fire suppression Automatically controls and extinguishes fires without human

system intervention.

Flexible coupling Prolongs driveline component life by reducing the magnitude of

imposed loads, attenuating vibration in multiple planes, and
accommodating misalignments in multiple planes.

Four-quadrant Dynamometer motor that can load or motor in both directions.

Fuel conditioner Heats, cools, and removes bubbles from fuel so that constant
temperatures can be maintained and fuel density measurements
remain accurate.

Harmonics This condition is caused because every universal-joint (U-joint) that

operates at an angle creates a vibration. It creates that vibration
because the U-joint cross-rotates with the shaft in a circular motion
while also moving from front to rear. That rocking back and forth
motion as it rotates causes the cross in the U-joint to accelerate and

Heat Exchanger A device used to transfer heat between one or more fluids. The
fluids may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or they
may be in direct contact.

Horsepower (hp) One hp is the amount of power it takes to perform 33,000 foot-
pounds (ft-lb) of work in 1 minute.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


Term Definition

Injector system The nozzle and valve through which fuel is sprayed into a
combustion chamber.

Internal A heat engine where the combustion of a fuel occurs with an

combustion engine oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber and the expansion of
the high-temperature and high-pressure gases produced apply force
to push the piston down, causing the crankshaft to rotate.

Knocking Occurs in gasoline engines when combustion does not start

correctly in response to the ignition by the spark plug and can be
damaging to engine. In diesel engines fuel is injected into highly
compressed air towards the end of the compression stroke. There is
a short lag between the fuel being injected and combustion starting
which causes a sudden increase in pressure and temperature that
makes the “knocking” sound.

Mean effective Average pressure acting on a piston during different portions of its
pressure cycle.

Motoring tests Test where electric motor type dynamometers spin the test item.

Oil conditioner Heat exchanger used in place of oil cooler to maintain desired
temperature of engine oil. The conditioner has an electric heating
element to heat and uses process water to cool the oil.

Parameter IDs PIDs are On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) codes used to request data
(PIDs) from a vehicle, used as a diagnostic tool. SAE J197914 defines
many PIDs, but manufacturers also define many more PIDs specific
to their vehicles.

Process water Water that comes in contact with any raw material, product, by-
product, or waste during any production or industrial process.

Ramp rate Rate at which engine accelerates or decelerates.

Shaft couplings Connects engine to dynamometer taking into account torsional

oscillations, vibration of engine and/or dynamometer, whirling of
coupling shaft, imposition of axial loads on bearings of engine or
dynamometer, damage to engine or dynamometer bearings, and
catastrophic failure of coupling shafts.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


Term Definition

Shaft whirl The speed at which a rotating shaft will tend to vibrate violently in
the transverse direction if the shaft rotates in horizontal direction.

Spark ignition Refers to internal combustion engines, generally gasoline/petrol

engines, where the combustion process of the air-fuel mixture is
ignited by a spark from a spark plug.

Speed mode Mode in which the dynamometer holds the speed constant while
engine controller progressively adjusts throttle.

Starting system Electric motor dynamometers can spin the engine to get it to start,
otherwise you will need an air starter or some other means to crank
the engine over. This can be complicated because you also have to
overcome the rotational inertia of the coupled dynamometer.

Sweep test Continuously moving the engine through its operating envelope
without dwelling.

Test cell A facility or designated area of a facility that has the equipment
necessary to test engines in a safe and controlled environment.

Throttle Manual or electronic control that adjusts the amount of fuel flow to
the engine.

Torque Rotational or twisting force around an axis is called torque, which

is measured in units of force times distance from the axis of

Torque mode Mode in which the dynamometer is required to hold a specific

torque during high fluctuations in load while the engine controller
progressively adjusts throttle.

Torsional Angular vibration along a shaft the can occur during engine testing
vibrations by crankshaft geometry, discontinuous forces on pistons, geometry
of universal joints, clutch engagement, (stick slip), and lash caused
by change of rotation direction.

Torsional vibration A viscous damper or tuned absorber connected to the crankshaft of

dampeners an engine to reduce torsional vibration.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


Term Definition

Transient testing Aggressive throttle movements, engine speed changes, and engine
motoring are characteristics of most transient engine tests.

Turbocharger A forced induction device that uses exhaust gases to spin a turbine
and create positive combustion air pressure (charged air) into the
combustion chamber. The air becomes compressed and contains
more oxygen molecules that can burn more fuel, and increases
internal combustion engine’s efficiency and power output.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


A amp
AC alternating current
AFR air-fuel ratio
APU auxiliary power unit
ATC U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center
ATEC U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command

C Celsius
CAC charge air controller
CAN Controller Area Network
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CG center of gravity
CN Cetane number
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
COTS commercial off the shelf

DC direct current
DOD Department of Defense

ECM engine control module

ECU engine control unit
EGR exhaust gas recirculation
EGT exhaust gas temperature
EPA Environmental Protection Agency

F Fahrenheit
ft feet
ft-lb foot pound

GFE Government Furnished Equipment

hp horsepower
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

kW kilowat

lb pound

MIL-STD Military Standard

ms milliseconds

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

Nm Newton meter
NO nitric oxide
NO2 nitrogen dioxide

O2 oxygen
OBD on board diagnostics
OEM original equipment manufacturer

PAU power absorber unit

PID parameter identification
PM preventative maintenance
PMCS preventative maintenance checks and services
PPE personal protective equipment
PTO power take off
PWM pulse width modulation

rpm revolutions per minute

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

SO2 sulfur dioxide
SOS scheduled oil sampling

THC total hydrocarbon emissions

TOP Test Operations Procedure

VDC volt direct current

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


1. Plint, Michael A. and Martyr, Anthony J., Engine Testing - The Design, Building,
Modification and Use of Powertrain Test Facilities, 4th Edition, SAE International, 2012.

2. TOP 02-2-650, Engine Cold Starting and Warm-up Test, 12 February 2008.

3. TOP 02-2-816, High and Low Temperature Test of Vehicles, 21 March 1979.

4. MIL-STD 1400C, Engines, Gasoline and Diesel, Methods of Test, 30 July 1990.

5. EPA CFR 1065, Engine Testing Procedures, 13 July 2005.

6. Caterpillar, Schematic, C7 Truck Engine Electrical System, RENR7869, May 2005.

7. TOP 01-2-506, Use of Controller Are Network (CAN) Data to Support Performance
Testing, 16 July 2015.

8. SAE J1708, Serial Data Communications Between Microcomputer Systems In Heavy-

Duty Vehicle Applications, 14 August 2013.

9. SAE J1939, Serial Control and Communications Heavy Duty Vehicle Network, 14
August 2013.

10. DermNet NZ, Skin problem in Motor Vehicle Repair Workers, 19 June 2015.

11. TOP 02-2-603A, Wheeled Vehicle Fuel Consumption, 10 May 2012.

12. TOP 02-2-690, Army Oil analysis Program for Vehicle Testing, 16 Aug 1996.

13. Alban Advantage Equipment Maintenance Services, Understanding Scheduled Oil

Sampling (SOS), Equipment Maintenance Services, 2014.

14. SAE J1979, E/E Diagnostic Test Modes, 11 August 2014.

For information only (related publications).

a. Allison Transmission, Service Manual, 3000 Product Family, Allison 4th and 5th
Generation Controls, SM4013EN, May 2013.

b. Caterpillar, Operation and Maintenance Manual, C7 Engines for Combat and Tactical
Vehicles, SEBU-7809-03, May 2011.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


c. Caterpillar, Parts Manual, Parts Manual, C7 Engine for Combat and Tactical Vehicles,
SEBP3885-62, April 2015.

d. Caterpillar, Troubleshooting, C7 On-Highway Engines, SENR9808-06, January 2009.

e. DieselNet Technology Guide, Crankcase Ventilation,, 2012.

f. HBM Inc., Torque Sensors and Torque Transducers, 07 April 2011.

g. Plint, Michael A. and Martyr, Anthony J., Engine Testing theory and Practice, 2nd
Edition, SAE International, 2009.

h. SAE International Diesel Fuel Injection and Sprays, Special Publication 1415, March

i. TOP 02-2-506A, Wheeled and Tracked Vehicle Endurance Testing, 2 October 2014.

j. TOP 02-2-604, Drawbar Pull, 26 September 2007.

k. TOP 02-2-607, Cooling System Automotive, 27 September 2007.

l. TOP 02-2-613, Electromagnetic Interference Testing for Vehicles and Electronic Sub-
Systems – Non-Communications, 16 December 1994.

m. TOP 02-2-614, Toxic Hazard Test for Vehicles and Other Equipment, 31 October 2013.

n. TOP 02-2-690, Army Oil analysis Program for Vehicle Testing, 16 Aug 1996.

o. TOP 02-2-703, Laboratory Test of Powertrain Components, 19 January 1966.

p. TOP 02-2-806, Power Train Torque Measurement, 20 December 1994.

q. TOP 02-2-816, High and Low Temperature Test of Vehicles, 21 March 1979.

TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016


TOP 02-2-700A
4 February 2016

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4 February 2016

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