Compare Nagata & Kamei
Compare Nagata & Kamei
Compare Nagata & Kamei
Keywords: Power Number, Empirical Correlations, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Paddle Impeller
Power numbers in a baffled stirring tank with paddle-type impellers were measured over a range of Reynolds
numbers, from laminar- to turbulent-flow regions. The impellers studied included a two-blade flat-paddle im-
peller, a 45° two-blade pitched-paddle impeller, a 45° four-blade pitched-blade turbine, and a two-stage pitched-
blade turbine. The impeller-diameter-to-tank-diameter ratio was 0.5 to 0.6. The measured power numbers were
compared with those derived from two other methods: prediction by using correlations and computational fluid
dynamics (CFD). Power number correlations showed that the values estimated from the empirical correlations
proposed by Nagata agreed closely with those measured in the laminar-flow region but deviated significantly in
the transitional- and turbulent-flow regions. The power numbers derived from the correlation proposed by
Kamei and Hiraoka agreed well with the experimental results in the laminar- and turbulent-flow regions. The
power number in a stirring tank was also simulated by the CFD method. The numerical results showed satisfac-
tory agreement with the experimental data over a wide range of Reynolds numbers.
Fig. 2 Comparison of power numbers of 2-FP obtained by Fig. 3 Comparison of power numbers of 2-PP obtained by
the three methods the three methods
In this investigation, NP for the two-stage 4-PBT was mately 10% larger than the measured values. There is
twice that of the one-stage impeller. good agreement between the Kamei and Hiraoka corre-
1.3 Numerical method lation values and the experimental values in the transi-
1.3.1 Computational grids Grids for the tank domain tional-flow region, where Re is in the range 300 to 2000.
and the impeller domain were generated using the com- The Nagata correlation predicts higher values in the
mercial software GAMBIT 2.3 (ANSYS, Inc.). The en- transitional-flow region, while CFD predicts lower val-
tire tank was modeled. The grid density was about ues. In the turbulent-flow region, the simulated values
550,000 tetrahedral cells for the one-stage impellers and and correlation values are about 10–15% lower than the
about 670,000 tetrahedral cells for the two-stage im- experimental values.
peller. In order to achieve high resolution, the grids were For 2-FP, the Kamei and Hiraoka correlation gives
refined near the impeller, rotating interface, and tank good results over a wide range of Re values, from the
wall. laminar-flow region to the turbulent-flow region. The
1.3.2 Calculation method All the calculations were Nagata correlation and CFD provide accurate predic-
carried out with the commercially available software tions in the laminar- and turbulent-flow regions.
FLUENT6.3 (ANSYS, Inc.), which is a general-purpose 2.2 Power number of 2-PP
computer program, using a finite volume method. The NP values of 2-PP from CFD, the Nagata corre-
Multiple reference frame (MRF) was employed for the lation, the Kamei and Hiraoka correlation, and experi-
flow between the rotating impellers and the stationary ments are compared in Figure 3. In the laminar-flow re-
baffles. The pressure-velocity coupling was derived gion, the Nagata correlation and the Kamei and Hiraoka
using the SIMPLE algorithm. An accurate second-order correlation give NP values that are about 23% and 15%
upwind scheme was used for the discretization method. larger than the experimental value, respectively. The
The laminar model was chosen for laminar flow (Re CFD results agree well with the experiment values. In
200), and the standard k-epsilon turbulence model was the transitional-flow region and the low-Re turbulent-
chosen for transitional and turbulent flows. flow region, all the three methods overpredict NP, espe-
cially the Nagata correlation. However, in the high-Re
turbulent-flow region, the data from the three methods
2. Results and Discussion
correlate well with the data from the experiments, pre-
2.1 Power number of 2-FP dicting an NP that is about 5–10% lower than the value
The NP values of 2-FP obtained by CFD, the Nagata obtained from the experimental data.
correlation, and the Kamei and Hiraoka correlation are 2.3 Power number of 4-PBT
compared with the experimental results in Figure 2. It The Nagata correlation is usually used for two-
can be seen that every method predicts the correct trend blade impellers, whereas in the present study, we used a
of the NP curve. NP initially decreases as Re increases four-blade pitched blade turbine. As Nagata suggested,
and then becomes reasonably constant in the turbulent- we changed the four-blade PBT to a two-blade pitched
flow region. However, the values obtained by the three paddle that has an equivalent blade area.
methods show different deviations in different flow re- As shown in Figure 4, the Kamei and Hiraoka cor-
gions. In the laminar-flow region, the NP values derived relation value shows the largest deviation from the val-
from the three methods agree well with the experimental ues determined by other methods in the laminar-flow re-
values. The values determined by the Nagata correlation gion. The deviation is about 10–20% from the experi-
and the Kamei and Hiraoka correlation are approxi- mental values. The results obtained for the other three
NP values of paddle and turbine impellers in a baf-
fled stirred tank were measured over a wide Re range,
from laminar- to turbulent-flow regions. Different corre-
lation results and CFD results were compared with the
experimental data.
Fig. 4 Comparison of power numbers of 4-PBT obtained by The NP values derived from the Nagata correlation
the three methods for the 2-FP, 2-PP, and 4-PBT impellers agreed well with
the experimental values in the laminar- and turbulent-
flow regions, but there was a large deviation in the
transitional-flow region. For the two-stage 4-PBT in a
baffled agitated tank, the Nagata correlation holds
good only in the laminar-flow region.
The NP values determined from the Kamei and
Hiraoka correlation were consistent with the experimen-
tal values in the laminar-, transitional-, and turbulent-
flow regions for all the impellers researched. Therefore,
the Kamei and Hiraoka correlation can be used for accu-
rately predicting NP for paddle or turbine impellers
under baffled conditions.
The NP values obtained from the CFD method
agreed well with the measured values over a wide Re
Fig. 5 Comparison of power numbers of two-stage 4-PBT range. Thus, CFD can be used as a powerful tool not
obtained by the three methods only for analyzing impeller flow fields but also for power
consumption research.