Are Adolescents Less Mature Than Adults? Minors' Access To Abortion, The Juvenile Death Penalty, and The Alleged APA "Flip-Flop"
Are Adolescents Less Mature Than Adults? Minors' Access To Abortion, The Juvenile Death Penalty, and The Alleged APA "Flip-Flop"
Are Adolescents Less Mature Than Adults? Minors' Access To Abortion, The Juvenile Death Penalty, and The Alleged APA "Flip-Flop"
Are Adolescents Less Mature Than Adults? Minors' Access to Abortion, the
Juvenile Death Penalty, and the Alleged APA "Flip-Flop"
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Minors’ Access to Abortion, the Juvenile Death Penalty, and the Alleged APA “Flip-Flop”
Laurence Steinberg
Temple University
Elizabeth Cauffman
Jennifer Woolard
Georgetown University
Sandra Graham
Marie Banich
University of Colorado
The research described in this article was supported by the MacArthur Foundation Research
Network on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice. Direct correspondence to the first
author, at the Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 or via
email, at [email protected]
The American Psychological Association’s positions in two U.S. Supreme Court cases involving
adolescents have been criticized as contradictory. In Roper v. Simmons, which abolished the
Juvenile death penalty, the APA characterized adolescents as less mature than adults. In
contrast, in Hodgson v. Minnesota, which upheld adolescents’ right to seek abortion services
without involving their parents, the APA argued they were of comparable maturity to adults. In
the present article, we present evidence from a study of the intellectual and psychosocial
functioning of more than 900 individuals between the ages of 10 and 30 demonstrating that the
answer to the question of whether adolescents are as mature as adults depends on the aspect of
earlier than they evince adult levels of impulse control, resistance to peer pressure, and other
aspects of psychosocial maturity. We conclude that APA’s argument that adolescents possess
the necessary skills to make an informed choice about terminating a pregnancy is consistent with
the science of adolescent development, as is its argument that adolescents are less mature than
adults in ways that mitigate their criminal responsibility. We argue that the assumption held by
some jurists, politicians, advocates, and journalists that a single line can be drawn between
adolescence and adulthood for different purposes under the law is at odds with developmental
especially during periods of dramatic and rapid change, as is the case during adolescence.
Developmental science can and should contribute to debates about the drawing of legal age
boundaries, but the application of research evidence to this sort of policy analysis cannot be done
sensibly without a careful and nuanced consideration of the particular demands placed on the
Minors’ Access to Abortion, the Juvenile Death Penalty, and the Alleged APA “Flip-Flop”
In its landmark 2005 decision abolishing the juvenile death penalty (Roper v. Simmons,
2005), the U.S. Supreme Court held that the inherent immaturity of adolescents relative to adults
mitigated teenagers’ criminal responsibility to the extent that it barred the imposition of capital
punishment for crimes committed under the age of 18, regardless of their heinousness. Prior to
this decision, in the United States, individuals could be executed for capital crimes committed at
the age of 16 or older. By a 5-to-4 vote, the Court ruled that this age boundary should be set at
Developmental science was front and center in the Court’s ruling, which drew
development during adolescence published in this journal (Steinberg & Scott, 2003). Writing for
the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy drew attention to three specific aspects of adolescent
responsibility (and difficulty controlling their impulses), their heightened vulnerability to peer
First, as any parent knows and as the scientific and sociological studies
respondent and his amici cite tend to confirm, “[a] lack of maturity and an
adults and are more understandable among the young. These qualities often result
influences and outside pressures, including peer pressure… The third broad
adult. The personality traits of juveniles are more transitory, less fixed….These
differences render suspect any conclusion that a juvenile falls among the worst
The position taken by APA in its brief – that adolescents are inherently less blameworthy
than adults as a consequence of their developmental immaturity – was noteworthy not only
because it proved so influential to the Court’s decision, but because it appeared, on its face, to
contradict a stance taken by APA in a previous U.S. Supreme Court case, Hodgson v. Minnesota,
which had been decided in 1990 (Hodgson v. Minnesota, 1990). In that case, which concerned a
minor’s right to obtain an abortion without parental notification, APA had argued that, because
adolescents had comparable decision-making skills to those of adults, there was no reason to
require teenagers to notify their parents before terminating a pregnancy (American Psychological
Association, 1989). Thus, in Roper, APA argued that science showed that adolescents were not
as mature as adults, whereas in Hodgson, it argued that the science showed that they were.
The apparent contradiction in these views did not go unnoticed. Justice Kennedy
explicitly asked at oral argument in Roper if the APA had “flip-flopped” between 1989 (when its
amicus brief was filed in the abortion case) and 2004 (when its brief was filed in the juvenile
death penalty case). It also was raised by those who disagreed with the Court’s decision to
abolish the juvenile death penalty. Indeed, in his dissenting opinion in Roper, Justice Antonin
[T]he American Psychological Association (APA), which claims in this case that
scientific evidence shows persons under 18 lack the ability to take moral
responsibility for their decisions, has previously taken precisely the opposite
position before this very Court. In its brief in Hodgson v. Minnesota, 497 U. S.
417 (1990), the APA found a ‘rich body of research’ showing that juveniles are
involvement. . . .The APA brief, citing psychology treatises and studies too
numerous to list here, asserted: [B]y middle adolescence (age 14-15) young
The petitioner in Roper, the State of Missouri, made a similar point in its brief:
Ultimately, Simmons wants the Court to declare that [drawing the age boundary
justification” not based on research that uniformly reaches that conclusion, but
based on inconsistent research, viewed through the lense [sic] of a stereotype that
that adolescents as a group are less able than adults to understand, reason and
Concerns about reconciling the scientific arguments offered in the two cases were also
raised by abortion rights advocates, but in a different context. Indeed, after the first author of this
article met with the Executive Committee of the Society for Research on Adolescence, asking for
the organization’s endorsement of the APA stance in Roper, the committee decided not to sign
on to the APA brief, fearing that the argument that adolescents were not as mature as adults (and
thus ineligible for capital punishment) would come back to haunt those who had worked so hard
to secure the abortion rights of young women. As it turns out, these worries were not unfounded.
Within two years of the Roper decision, the U.S. Supreme Court heard Ayotte v. Planned
Parenthood (2006), which, like Hodgson, concerned minors’ access to abortion without parental
involvement. Opponents of adolescents’ autonomous abortion rights had taken the Court’s
characterization of adolescent immaturity in the juvenile death penalty case and used it to argue
in favor of parental involvement requirements. Citing the Roper decision, they argued:
Parental involvement is critical to ensure not only that the adolescent’s choice is
informed, but that it is freely made and not the result of coercion or
duress….These concerns are heightened for adolescents who, as this Court has
recently observed, are more susceptible than adults to “outside pressure” and
other “negative influences,” and more likely than adults to make decisions that are
“impetuous and ill-considered” Roper v. Simmons, 125 S.Ct. 1183, 1195 (2005).
It is easy to see why many criticized the APA for its apparently contradictory positions. On the
face of it, the APA position in the juvenile death penalty case was in direct opposition to the
stance it took in Hodgson. In its amicus brief arguing for adolescents’ abortion rights, for
[B]y age 14 most adolescents have developed adult-like intellectual and social
However, in its amicus brief arguing against the juvenile death penalty, APA stated:
Given that 16- and 17-year-olds as a group are less mature developmentally than
adults, imposing capital punishment on such adolescents does not serve the
APA responded to accusations that developmental psychologists were trying to have their
scientific cake and eat it too – spinning the science for the sake of youth advocacy – by pointing
out that the type of decision under consideration in Roper was not the same as that at issue in
We [APA] took note of the Hodgson brief in the approval process for APA’s brief
in [Roper] but concluded that the two cases were distinguishable in several
respects. [Roper] and Hodgson, while both dealing with adolescent decision-
making, involved very different legal issues and different types of decisions.
Therefore the research, which was different in each of the two cases, addressed
There is no question that the legal issues in Hodgson and Roper differed. The abortion
rights case was a 14th Amendment case, involving the amendment’s Due Process clause. The
central question considered in Hodgson was whether the state had a compelling interest in
mandating that an adolescent seeking an abortion be required to first notify both her parents.
Several legal issues were relevant, including whether the notification requirement placed an
undue burden on adolescents (especially those whose parents were divorced or estranged) and
“judicial bypass”) was acceptable, but the most relevant for the present discussion concerned the
competence of adolescents to make informed and sound health care decisions on their own. If it
could be concluded that adolescents were sufficiently competent to make an informed decision
about whether to terminate a pregnancy, the state’s interest in requiring parental notification was
rendered less compelling. Ultimately, the Court ruled that requiring parental notification was
The juvenile death penalty case was an 8th Amendment case, involving the amendment’s
Cruel and Unusual Punishments clause. A central issue in Roper was whether adolescents were
mature enough to be held to adult levels of criminal blameworthiness and, in particular, to a level
of blameworthiness that potentially warranted capital punishment; if not, the juvenile death
penalty was excessively cruel. Under a bedrock principle of American criminal law, “penal
proportionality,” the punishment a guilty party receives should be in proportion to his or her
culpability for the criminal act, and certain factors are accepted as mitigating the actor’s
offender’s otherwise good character (Steinberg & Scott, 2003). As noted earlier, the Court ruled
that the inherent immaturity of adolescents, with respect to the impetuousness of their decision-
making, their susceptibility to coercion, and their unformed character, made them categorically
less blameworthy than the average criminal and therefore not eligible for a punishment that was
Whether APA in fact “flip-flopped” or, worse yet, tried to have it both ways, as its critics
have contended, is an exceedingly important question, both with respect to the decisions about
where to draw legal boundaries between adolescents and adults for various purposes and with
respect to APA’s scientific credibility more generally. As some of us have written elsewhere,
“scientists’ authority to enter the policy arena rests largely on the credibility of their research
findings” (Grisso & Steinberg, 2005, p.620). If APA’s statements about the state of scientific
knowledge are seen as advocacy masquerading as research, the integrity of the Association’s
scientific mission is threatened. After all, in both Hodgson and Roper, APA took a position that
could be fairly characterized as, at the very least, friendly to youth advocates. It is crucial,
therefore, to examine the issue empirically. That is the focus of the present article.
For the past several years, as members of the MacArthur Foundation Research Network
on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice, we have been studying age differences in
many of the cognitive and psychosocial capacities that have been at issue in the Supreme Court
cases discussed above. We have been studying basic intellectual abilities, such as working
memory and verbal fluency, but also aspects of psychosocial development, including impulse
control (Steinberg, Albert, Cauffman, Banich, Graham, & Woolard, in press), future orientation
(Steinberg, Graham, O’Brien, Woolard, Cauffman, & Banich, in press), reward sensitivity
(Steinberg, Albert, et al., in press), and susceptibility to peer influence (Steinberg & Monahan,
2007). To our knowledge, ours is the first study to include both cognitive and psychosocial
diverse group of individuals, and to span the period from preadolescence through young
Based on the results of this work, some of which we summarize in the pages that follow,
we believe that APA’s seemingly contradictory positions in Hodgson and Roper are in fact quite
compatible with research on age differences in cognitive and psychosocial capacities. More
specifically, our findings, as well as those of other researchers, suggest that whereas adolescents
and adults perform comparably on cognitive tests measuring the sorts of cognitive abilities that
were referred to in the Hodgson brief – abilities that permit logical reasoning about moral, social,
and interpersonal matters – adolescents and adults are not of equal maturity with respect to the
psychosocial capacities listed by Justice Kennedy in his opinion in Roper – capacities such as
impulse control and resistance to peer influence. Not only were the legal issues different in the
two cases, but so are the circumstances surrounding abortion decisions and criminal behavior,
and therefore, the relevant dimensions along which adolescents and adults should be compared,
differ as well. Unlike adolescents’ decisions to commit crimes, which are usually rash and made
in the presence of peers, adolescents’ decisions about terminating a pregnancy can be made in an
We recognize that not all abortion decisions are deliberative, rational, and autonomous,
and that not all criminal decisions are impulsive, emotional, and influenced by others. After all,
any decision about whether to abort a pregnancy or carry it to term has an emotional component,
involves both immediate and long-term consequences, and may be influenced by the opinions of
family and friends. By the same token, adolescents’ crimes are occasionally strategic, planned in
advance, and executed alone. In general, though, when contemplating an abortion an adolescent
has time to deliberate before making a final choice and opportunity to consult with an adult
expert, whereas the circumstances leading up to the typical adolescent offense – robbing a
convenience store, for instance – are characterized by heightened emotional arousal, time
For example, studies indicate that about half of all pregnant adolescents contemplating an
abortion whose parents are unaware of the situation consult with a non-parental adult other than
medical staff (e.g., a teacher, school counselor, clergy, older relative, adult friend of the family);
this figure is the same among younger (under 16) and older adolescents (Henshaw & Kost,
1992). Moreover, 35 states require all women seeking an abortion to receive some type of
counseling from the abortion provider before the procedure is performed, usually including
information about the specific procedure as well as the health risks of abortion and pregnancy
(Guttmacher Institute, 2008). Twenty-four states mandate a waiting period of at least 24 hours
between the counseling and the medical procedure (Guttmacher Institute, 2008). Thus, it does
not appear as if a high proportion of pregnant teenagers decide to terminate a pregnancy under
circumstances that are rushed or in the absence of adult advice. In contrast, studies indicate that
adolescents’ crimes are more often than not impulsive and unplanned (Farrington, 2003) and
typically committed with peers (Reiss & Farrington, 1991). Thus, while some of the capabilities
relevant to both decision-making contexts no doubt overlap, the circumstances that define
“mature” behavior in each are clearly different. Resisting peer influence, thinking before making
a decision, and considering the future consequences of one’s actions are clearly more important
in criminal decision making than abortion decision making, in part because society structures the
latter context to promote consultation with adults and avoid hasty decision making.
in discussions of the legal status of adolescents is supported by other research that has examined
age differences in each of these domains. Studies that have examined logical reasoning abilities
in structured situations and basic information processing skills, for instance, find no appreciable
differences between adolescents aged 16 and older and adults; any gains that take place in these
domains during adolescence occur very early in the adolescent decade, and improvements after
this age are very small (Hale, 1990; Kail, 1997; Keating, 2004; Overton, 1990). Our Network’s
earlier study of age differences in competence to stand trial, which depends on individuals’
ability to understand facts about a court proceeding and to reason with those facts in a rational
fashion, also were consistent with these findings. We found significant differences between the
competence-related abilities of adults versus adolescents who were 15 and younger, but no
differences between the abilities of adults versus adolescents who were 16 and older (Grisso et
al., 2003). This general pattern, indicating that adolescents attain adult levels of competence to
stand trial somewhere around age 15, has been reported in similar studies of decision-making
across a wide variety of domains (e.g., Grisso, 1980; Jacobs-Quadrel et al., 1993) and in many
studies of age differences in individuals’ competence to provide informed consent (Belter &
Grisso, 1984; Grisso & Vierling, 1978; Gustafson & McNamara, 1987; Weithorn & Campbell,
continued development well beyond middle adolescence and even into young adulthood (Scott,
Woolard, & Reppucci, 1995; Steinberg & Cauffman, 1996), although few studies have gone
much beyond adolescence (but see Cauffman & Steinberg, 2000, for an exception). Consistent
with this, and in contrast to the pattern of age differences seen in the information-processing,
logical reasoning, and informed consent literatures, studies of age differences in the sorts of risky
behavior likely to be influenced by the psychosocial factors listed above – such as reckless
driving, binge drinking, crime, and spontaneous unprotected sex – indicate that risky behavior is
significantly more common during late adolescence and early adulthood than after (Steinberg,
2007). In other words, although adolescents may demonstrate adult-like levels of maturity in
some respects by the time they reach 15 or 16, in other respects they show continued immaturity
Our study was designed to examine age differences in a variety of cognitive and
psychosocial capacities that are relevant to debates about the relative maturity of adolescents and
adults, especially as they affect judgments of criminal blameworthiness. The study employed
five data collection sites: Los Angeles; Irvine, California; Denver; Philadelphia; and Washington
DC. Data for the present study come from 935 individuals ranging in age from 10 to 30 (M =
17.84). Participants were recruited via newspaper advertisements and flyers posted at
community organizations, Boy’s and Girl’s clubs, churches, community colleges, and local
“some college” according to 2000 U.S. Census data. Because we were interested in
characterizing the capacities of “average” adolescents and adults, we did not target individuals
on the basis of their involvement with the legal system but sought instead to survey an ethnically
Individuals who were interested in the study were asked to call the research office listed
on the flyer. Members of the research team described the nature of the study to prospective
participants over the telephone and invited those interested to participate. Given this recruitment
strategy, it is not possible to know how many potential participants saw the advertisements, what
proportion responded, and whether those who responded are different from those who did not,
although the education level of the sample is comparable to that of the neighborhoods from
Data collection took place either at one of the participating university’s offices or at a
convenient location in the community. Before beginning, participants were provided verbal and
written explanations of the study, their confidentiality was assured, and their written consent or
assent was obtained. For participants who were under the age of 18, informed consent was
Prior to data collection, all site project directors and research assistants met at one
location for several days of training. The project coordinators and research assistants conducted
on site practice protocol administrations prior to enrolling participants. Participants took part in
a 2- to 2.5-hour interview that included three sets of measures: a) a series of computerized tasks
designed to assess a range of executive functions (not discussed in this report); b) a series of
how adolescents should be treated by the legal system and c) tests of basic intellectual
functioning. The tasks and questionnaires were administered on a laptop computer in individual
interviews. Research assistants were present to monitor the participant’s progress, reading aloud
the instructions as each new task was presented and providing assistance as needed. To keep
participants engaged in the computer tasks, participants were told that they would receive $35 for
participating in the study and that they could obtain up to a total of $50 (or, for participants who
were under 14, an additional prize) based on their performance. In actuality, we paid all
participants ages 14-30 the full $50, and all participants ages 10-13 received $35 plus a prize
(approximately $15 in value). This strategy was used to increase the motivation to perform well
on the tasks but also to ensure that no participants were penalized for their performance. All
procedures were approved by the IRB of the university associated with the data collection site.
Of interest in the present report are the demographic measures and IQ, which were used
to ensure that the various age groups were of comparable social and intellectual background, the
ethnicity, and highest level of education within their household. For youths 17 years of age and
younger, household education was based upon parents' level of education, as research has
indicated that parental education may be the most stable component of a family's social class
(Steinberg, Mounts, Lamborn, & Dornbusch, 1991). For participants 18 years of age and older,
their own educational attainment was used to index this construct. In order to have cells with
sufficiently large and comparably sized subsamples for purposes of data analysis, age groups
were created as follows: 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-21, 22-25, and 26-30. The age groups
did not differ with respect to gender or ethnicity, but did differ, albeit modestly, with respect to
household education. Accordingly, all subsequent analyses controlled for this variable.
intellectual ability based on two (Vocabulary and Matrix Reasoning) out of the four subtests.
The WASI can be administered in approximately 15 minutes and is correlated with the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children (r = .81) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (r=.87). It has
been normed for individuals between the ages of 6 to 89 years. Because there were small but
significant differences between the age groups in mean IQ, this variable was controlled for in all
subsequent analyses.
capacities frequently mentioned in discussions about age differences in maturity and their
relevance to legal policy. Table 2 lists these measures and provides sample items from each.
Three widely-used and well validated Likert-scale type instruments assessed risk
perception (the extent to which one perceives a potentially dangerous or harmful activity as
risky), sensation-seeking (the extent to which one actively seeks experiences that provide thrills),
and impulsivity (the extent to which one acts without thinking or has difficulty controlling
impulses). Risk perception was assessed using a modified version of a widely-used measure
developed by Benthin et al. (1993). The respondent is presented with 8 potentially dangerous
activities (e.g., riding in a car with a drunk driver, having unprotected sex) and asked to indicate
how risky the activity is (alpha=.82).1 Sensation seeking was assessed using a subset of 6 items
(alpha=.70) from the Sensation Seeking Scale (Zuckerman et al., 1978).2 Impulsivity was
assessed using all 18 items (alpha=.73) from three 6-item subscales of the Barratt Impulsiveness
Scale (Patton, Stanford, & Barratt, 1995): motor impulsivity, inability to delay gratification, lack
of perseverance. All three self-report measures have been shown to be significantly correlated
with behavioral indices of their associated constructs. In our sample, scores on the impulsivity
self-report measure were significantly negatively related to the amount of time participants
waited before making their first move on a Tower of London task, and scores on the sensation-
driving game (Steinberg, Albert, et al., in press). Additionally, individuals who were less likely
to preceive potentially risk behaviors as risky were more likely to report engaging in high risk
orientation were assessed using new self-report measures developed for this program of work.
The original Benthin measure also contains an item concerning alcohol use. Our analyses indicated that including
this item in the scale’s construction adversely differentially the reliability of the scale among the younger and older
participants, most likely because the use of alcohol is risky for minors, but not for adults. As a consequence, we
dropped that item from our scale computation.
Many of the items on the full Zuckerman scale appear to measure impulsivity, not sensation seeking (e.g., “I often
do things on impulse.”) Because we have a separate measure of impulsivity in our battery, we used only the
Zuckerman items that clearly indexed thrill- or novelty-seeking (see Table 2).
Each used a response format introduced by Harter (1982), in which respondents are presented
with two opposing statements that are both phrased in a socially acceptable fashion, asked to
indicate which best describes them, and then asked whether the descriptor is “very true” or “sort
of true.” (This format is presumed to reduce social desirability bias.) Resistance to peer
influence (Steinberg & Monahan, 2007) was assessed using a 10-item scale (alpha=.76) designed
to measure the extent to which individuals change their behavior or opinions in order to follow
the crowd. We have no data on the validity of this measure in the current sample, but we do in
analyses of data from a large study of serious juvenile offenders. There we find that the presence
of antisocial peers in one’s network is more highly correlated with one’s own criminal behavior
among individuals who report a low ability to resist peer influence on this measure than among
those who have equally antisocial peers, but score high in self-reported resistance to peer
influence (Monahan, Steinberg, & Cauffman, 2007). Studies of the neural underpinnings of
resistance to peer influence using this measure have found neurobiological differences between
same-aged individuals who vary in their resistance to peer influence in ways consistent with the
notion that higher scores on this instrument reflect better coordination of affect and thinking
(Grosbras, Jansen, Leonard, McIntosh, Osswald, Poulsen, et al., 2007; Paus, Toro, Leonard,
Lerner, Lerner, Perron, et al., 2008), a key component of psychosocial maturity in our
conceptualization of the construct. Future orientation was assessed using a 15-item scale
(alpha=.80) that measures the anticipation of future consequences, planning ahead, and thinking
about the future. The validity of this measure is supported by our finding that individuals who
score high on this scale are more likely to choose a larger delayed reward over an immediate
measures of impulsivity and sensation seeking, so that higher scores indicated greater maturity
(i.e., more impulse control and less thrill-seeking), standardizing all five measures, and
averaging the standardized scores. Thus, individuals who score relatively lower on the
composite characterize themselves as less likely to perceive dangerous situations as risky, more
impulsive, more thrill-seeking, more oriented to the immediate, and more susceptible to peer
influence. This is very similar to the portrait of adolescents described by Justice Kennedy in his
majority opinion in the juvenile death penalty case. A confirmatory factor analysis indicated that
the composite model fit the data well (CFI=.95, RMSEA=.075). The five indicators are
modestly, but significantly, intercorrelated (rs range from .14 to .38; average r=.26).
Cognitive Capacity. The test battery included several widely-used tests of basic
Schill, et al., 2002), a digit-span memory test, and a test of verbal fluency. The resistance to
interference in working memory task test was one in which participants saw four probe letters on
the screen and then a target. They were then asked whether the target was among the four
probes. On test trials, two of the four letters presented had appeared in the previous trial,
providing interference with recall on the present trial. An overall accuracy score was computed
by averaging the number of correct responses across all test trials. The digit-span memory test
was similar to that in the Wechsler Scales. Participants heard a series of 13 sequences of digits
(beginning with 2 digits and increasing to 8) that they were asked to recall forwards and 13
sequences that they were asked to recall backwards. A memory score was computed by
averaging the total number of forward trials and backward trials recalled correctly. Finally, a
measure of verbal fluency asked participants to generate, in one minute, as many words as
possible which either began with a specific letter (3 trials) or were members of a category (e.g.,
fruits) (3 trials). A verbal fluency score was computed by averaging the number of words
Because the composite consisted of only three items, it was not possible to derive a
tests showed significant intercorrelations (fluency and working memory, r=.29; working memory
and digit span, r=.39; digit span and verbal fluency, r=.40). Accordingly, scores on each of the
measures were standardized, and the standard scores were averaged to create an index of general
cognitive capacity. Not surprisingly, our composite measure of general cognitive capacity is
significantly correlated with IQ (r=.46, p<.001). Unlike IQ scores, however, which are adjusted
for chronological age, the measure of cognitive capacity is not. More important, because we
control for IQ in all analyses, any observed age differences in general cognitive capacity are not
In its amicus brief in Hodgson, the APA makes reference to the “cognitive capacity” of
adolescents, and cites sources that refer to both information processing abilities (Keating, 1980)
and logical reasoning (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958) in support of its argument that adolescents are as
cognitively competent as adults. We acknowledge that our index, which tilts heavily towards
measuring how many pieces of information an individual can process or produce, does not
measure logical or moral reasoning, and as such is an incomplete measure of cognitive capacity
as conceptualized in the APA Hodgson brief. Our measure assesses cognitive ability in a highly
structured manner, and as such does not tap aspects of executive function that may be important
in novel situations. It is also important to note that our measure of general cognitive capacity
does not include tests of higher-order executive functioning, such as comparing short- versus
long-term consequences, coordinating affect and cognition, or balancing risk and reward. Many
such executive functions have both cognitive and psychosocial aspects to them, however, and
given that our interest was in maintaining a distinction between general cognitive and
important not to conflate the two. (The measures of psychosocial maturity and cognitive capacity
are very modestly correlated once age is controlled, r (922)=.15, p<.001.) Although our
operationalization of general cognitive capacity is not identical to that used by APA in its
argument, however, it is very clear that the authors of the Hodgson brief were referring to
cognitive abilities and not psychosocial maturity, and that the authors of the Roper brief were
patterns in psychosocial maturity and general cognitive capacity; as noted earlier, both analyses
The results of the two analyses are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Each figure presents the
age group means for the standardized composites, with a value of 1.0 added to each group’s
mean for ease of presentation (i.e., to make all values positive numbers). The analysis of age
As Figure 1 indicates, age differences in psychosocial maturity, as assessed in this study, do not
emerge until mid-adolescence but are present throughout late adolescence and early adulthood.
psychosocial maturity among the first four age groups (10-11, 12-13, 14-15, and 16-17 years),
but significant differences between the 16-17-year-olds and those 22 and older, and between the
18-21-year-olds and those 26 and older. In neither case is there a significant interaction between
age and gender, indicating that the patterns are the same among males and females.
The analysis of age differences in cognitive capacity shows a very different pattern. As
with psychosocial maturity, there is a highly significant age effect, F(6, 901)=58.246, p<.001.
However, as Figure 2 indicates, age differences in cognitive capacity are evident during the first
part of adolescence, but not after age 16 – just the opposite from that seen with respect to
differences in general cognitive capacity between each of the first four age groups, but no age
Figure 3 presents these data in a somewhat different way. Here we show the proportion
of individuals in each age group who score at or above the mean level of the 26- to 30-year-olds
in our sample on the psychosocial and cognitive composites, graphed in the same figure. As the
figure indicates, general cognitive capacity reaches adult levels long before the process of
processing skills noted in the APA Hodgson brief, but did not include indices of the sort of
reasoning to which APA referred, it is important to ask whether the pattern of age differences we
found on this measure resembles that observed using measures of more sophisticated cognitive
addition to the present study, the MacArthur Network also conducted a study of age differences
in capacities related to competence to stand trial (Grisso et al., 2003). The main instrument used
understanding, reasoning, and appreciation of their legal situation (Poythress et al., 1999).
Although the abilities necessary for competence to stand trial are not identical to those necessary
for competent decision-making about abortion, they are conceptually similar, in that both involve
being able to understand and reason with facts, and appreciate the nature of one’s situation.
Figure 4 presents data from the present study alongside data from the Grisso et al. study
in a way comparable to that used in Figure 3 of this article, that is, in terms of the proportion of
individuals of different ages who performed at the mean level of the adults in the sample. The
Grisso et al. study included participants aged 11 to 24, drawn equally from the community and
the justice system. In order to make the appropriate comparison of these date to the present
study, we excluded the justice system subsample from the analyses (the average IQ of that
subsample was 85, substantially lower than that of the present study), categorized individuals
into chronological age groups that paralleled those used in the present study (11, 12-13, 14-15,
16-17, 18-21, and 22-24), and used the oldest group as the adult reference category. Similarly,
we re-analyzed the cognitive capacity data from the present study after dropping the 10-year-
olds, excluding individuals who were older than 24, and using 22- to 24-year-olds as the adult
reference category.
to stand trial is virtually identical to that seen with respect to general cognitive capacity as
assessed in the present study. On both indices, scores increase between age 11 and 16 and then
level off, with no improvement after this age. This gives us greater confidence that the absence
of age differences in cognitive capacity after age 16 observed in our study is not merely a
function of the fact that our index only included measures of basic information-processing
abilities. Rather, our re-analysis of the Grisso et al. data support the argument that adolescents
reach adult levels of cognitive maturity several years before they reach adult levels of
psychosocial maturity.
provide guidance about the appropriate treatment of young people under the law and about the
proper placement of legal age boundaries between those who should be treated as adults and
those who should not. The results of the present study suggest that it is not prudent to make
sweeping statements about the relative maturity of adolescents and adults, because the answer to
the question of whether adolescents are as mature as adults depends on the aspects of maturity
under consideration. By age 16, adolescents’ general cognitive abilities are essentially
indistinguishable from those of adults, but adolescents’ psychosocial functioning, even at the age
of 18, is significantly less mature than that of individuals in their mid-20s. In this regard, it is
neither inconsistent nor disingenuous for scientists to argue that studies of psychological
development indicate that the boundary between adolescence and adulthood should be drawn at a
particular chronological age for one policy purpose and at a different one for another.
Whether and how these findings should inform decisions about adolescents’ treatment
under the law depends on the specific legal issue under consideration. To varying degrees, such
decisions rely on value judgments (e.g., about what aspects of maturity are relevant to a
particular decision, or how mature is “enough” to warrant autonomy and/or culpability), which
science alone cannot dictate. Nevertheless, the legal treatment of adolescents should at the very
least be informed by the most accurate and timely scientific evidence on the nature and course of
psychological development. Based on the results of the present study, as well as previous
research, it seems reasonable to distinguish between two very different decision-making contexts
in this regard: those that allow for unhurried, logical reflection and those that do not. This
distinction is also in keeping with our emerging understanding of adolescent brain maturation,
which suggests that brain systems responsible for logical reasoning and basic information
processing mature earlier than those that undergird more advanced executive functions and the
coordination of affect and cognition necessary for psychosocial maturity (Steinberg, 2008).
where emotional and social influences on judgment are minimized or can be mitigated, and
where there are consultants who can provide objective information about the costs and benefits
of alternative courses of action, adolescents are likely to be just as capable of mature decision-
making as adults, at least by the time they are 16. Three domains of decision-making that would
seem to fit into this category are medical decision-making (where health care practitioners can
provide information and encourage adolescents to think through their decisions before acting),
legal decision-making (where legal practitioners, such as defense attorneys, can play a
comparable role), and decisions about participating in research studies (where research
investigators, guided by Institutional Review Boards, can function similarly). Although adults in
these positions cannot and should not make the decision for the adolescent, they surely can take
The position taken by APA in Hodgson, in favor of granting adolescents’ access to abortion
without the necessity of parental involvement, therefore seems to us to be consistent with the
available scientific evidence, so long as youngsters under the age of 16 have the opportunity to
consult with other, informed adults (e.g., health care practitioners, counselors, etc.).
In contrast, in situations that elicit impulsivity, that are typically characterized by high
levels of emotional arousal or social coercion, or that do not encourage or permit consultation
least until they have turned 18, is likely to be less mature than adults’. This set of circumstances
likely characterizes the commission of most crimes perpetrated by adolescents (which are usually
committed in groups and are seldom premeditated; Farrington, 2003; Zimring, 1998), and may
also be typical of other situations where adolescents are emotionally aroused, in groups, absent
adult supervision, and facing choices with apparent immediate rewards and few obvious or
immediate costs – the very conditions that are likely to undermine adolescents’ decision-making
competence (Steinberg, 2007). These conditions often prevail in situations involving the
purchase of alcohol and tobacco, driving, and other potentially health-compromising behaviors,
such as having unprotected sex. In these cases, adolescents’ relative immaturity should be
acknowledged either by imposing greater restraints on their behavior than are imposed on adults
(e.g., prohibiting the purchase of alcohol, restricting driving to certain hours of the day or certain
condoms easily accessible). Thus, APA’s argument that adolescents should not be subject to
capital punishment owing to their impulsivity and susceptibility to peer pressure is consistent
with the results of our own research and with other scientific studies of psychosocial
development that show continued maturation of these capacities well into young adulthood
In our view, then, the seemingly conflicting positions taken by APA in Roper v. Simmons
and Hodgson v. Minnesota are not contradictory. Rather, they simply emphasize different
aspects of maturity, in accordance with the differing nature of the decision-making scenarios
involved in each case. The skills and abilities necessary to make an informed decision about a
medical procedure are likely in place several years before the capacities necessary to regulate
one’s behavior under conditions of emotional arousal or coercive pressure from peers.
Science alone cannot dictate public policy, although it can, and should, inform it. Our
data can neither “prove” nor “disprove” the appropriateness of requiring parental involvement
before a teenager can obtain an abortion, but they do inform the debate. Nor do our data “prove”
or “disprove” whether it is appropriate to apply the death penalty to individuals who are
inherently more impulsive than adults and whose characters are not yet fully formed – although,
again, they are informative. But our findings do demonstrate how the positions taken by APA in
Hodgson v. Minnesota and in Roper v. Simmons are compatible with each other and consistent
with the rapidly growing body of scientific evidence indicating that intellectual maturity is
Developmental science can and should contribute to debates about the drawing of legal
age boundaries, but research evidence cannot be applied to this sort of policy analysis without a
careful and nuanced consideration of the particular demands placed on the individual for “adult-
like” maturity in different domains of functioning. Jurists, politicians, advocates, and journalists
seeking a uniform answer to questions about where we should draw the line between adolescence
and adulthood for different purposes under the law need to consider the asynchronous nature of
psychological maturation, especially during periods of dramatic and rapid change across multiple
domains of functioning.
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10-11 12.5%
12-13 14.7%
14-15 13.8%
16-17 15.2%
18-21 15.9%
22-25 14.6%
26-30 13.2%
Male 49.2%
Female 50.8%
African-American 29.2%
Asian-American 15.1%
Hispanic 21.2%
White 24.0%
Other/Biracial 9.9%
Household Education
Post-College 9.7%
Risk Perception Benthin et al., 1993 “If you did this activity (e.g.,
had unprotected sex), how
much are you at risk for
something bad happening?”
Sensation Seeking Zuckerman et al., 1978 “I sometimes like to do things
that are a little frightening.”
Resistance to Peer Steinberg & Monahan, 2007 “Some people think it's better
Influence to be an individual even if
people will be angry at you for
going against the crowd.
Psychosocial Maturity
10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-21 22-25 26-30
Cognitive Capacity
10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-21 22-25 26-30
26- to 30-year-old adults
15 Psychosocial
10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-21 22-25 26-30
Figure 3: Proportion of individuals in each age group scoring at or above the mean for 26- to 30-
year-olds on indices of cognitive capacity and psychosocial maturity.
% scoring at mean level of
22- to 24-year-old adults
Figure 4. Proportion of individuals in each age group scoring at or above the mean for 22- to 24-
year-olds on index of cognitive capacity and on the understanding and reasoning subscales of the
MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool – Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA), a measure of
abilities relevant to competence to stand trial. MacCAT-CA data from Grisso et al (2003).