Movie Review 158

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Communication Theory 3

1.2 Harapan-Filem Pendek Untuk Kita 3-4

2.0 Analysis

2.1 Theory Definition

2.1.1 Symbolic Interactionism Theory 5

2.1.2 Social Learning Theory 5

2.1.3 Narrative Paradigm 5-6

2.1.4 Social Penetration Theory 6

2.1.5 Uncertainty Reduction Theory 6

2.2 Theory Evaluation

2.2.1 Symbolic Interactionism Theory 6-7

2.2.2 Social Learning Theory 7

2.2.3 Narrative Paradigm 7-8

2.2.4 Social Penetration Theory 8-9

2.2.5 Uncertainty Reduction Theory 9

Conclusion 10

References 11

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Understanding Communication Theory

Communication theory itself is an analytical perspective for the way an individual

interprets messages, and to understand it better a set of systematic reports and

studies were made. As seen from It can also be seen as a more diverse concept of

communication through variety of metaphorical form such as nets, maps and

lenses. Hence, in this report communication theories will be analyzed in the

perspectives of a film. Communication theories are applicable to almost any form

of media, especially in a world that is going through a rapid globalization process,

communication theories are used to understand the right implementation of

messages to be directed towards society. In other words, the convergence of media

and theories are undeniably needed as support to offer the public an indirect

experience and knowledge towards the subject offered by media but knowledge is

much better gained from people with the proper experience. As stated by Wiemann

(1996), film [media] is never likely to replace more traditional methods of

instruction. The clarity of a good textbook, the lectures and commentary of a

talented instructor, and the contributions of motivated students are all essential

ingredients in successful instruction.

1.2 Harapan – Filem Pendek Untuk Malaysia

Harapan is a short film made by an indie film production, Tree of Hope

Production. This short film contains a lot of patriotism element, familiar customs

and a deep sentimental value that represents the hope to have a better nation, as the

literal translation of “Harapan” is hope. Besides that, the film was uploaded on

several social networking sites such as YouTube and Facebook, but it was initially

uploaded on 27th of April 2018, YouTube. The main lead in this short film was

played by Tengku Zara Eryna (Aisyah), who is also known to be a talented young

actor at the age of six. The video with the duration 10 minutes 28 seconds begins

by showing the life of a pre-school girl, Aisyah that was raised in a place of love

and comfort by her grandparents’ alone in the village of Kedah. Meanwhile,

Aisyah’s brother, Adam was raised in Kuala Lumpur, after the passing of his late

mother, he stayed with his dad, undergoing life a semi-poverty life. Continuing,

their grandparents decided to spend a night in Kuala Lumpur as they are bringing

the two siblings on a trip. During the trip, the met the nation’s fourth prime

minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed and the two siblings had a conversation with

him, whom they refer to as ‘Atok’. The three of them had a conversation on his

wishes and hopes to make the nation, a better nation for the citizens in Malaysia.

2.0 Analysis

2.1 Theory Definition

2.1.1 Symbolic Interactionism Theory

Symbolic interactionism theory is defined as a process that introduces value

towards objects, it reciprocates a certain connection to the mind of the

individual. As stated by, Schenk and Holman (1980) that symbolic interaction

is a dynamic theory because according to this theory objects feature

meanings within themselves and individuals formulate their activities in the

direction of evaluation of themselves and also people and objects around them.

2.1.2 Social Learning Theory

The processes of social learning theory are associated to reciprocal determinism

which involves reciprocal relationship between an individual observing others,

especially peers and their cognitive on reinforcing concepts of awareness and

expectations. Bandura (1977) states that, “Learning would be exceedingly

laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of

their own actions to inform them what to do. Fortunately, most human behavior

is learned observationally through modelling: from observing others forms an

idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded

information serves as a guide for action.”

2.1.3 Narrative Paradigm

Narrative paradigm theory is defined as all humans are natural innate born

storytellers, it’s basically part of our humanity. For instance, how we’re easily

attracted to listen to stories and tell others about our stories. This shows how

we’re naturally drawn to communicate with one another through stories. As

stated by Sagan Morrow (2009), communicating in the narrative enables us to

share our understandings of how the world works and allows us to identify

with one another, particular if we are party to similar beliefs.

2.1.4 Social Penetration Theory

According to Altman & Taylor (1973), social penetration describes the process

of bonding that moves a relationship from superficial to more intimate. For

example, oversharing, to be precise it is more to a specific individual. This is to

strengthen the bond between one another, to gain self-disclosure and comfort.

2.1.5 Uncertainty Reduction Theory

Berger and Calabrese (1975) propose that as relationships develop,

communicators have a high need to understand both the self and the other in an

interaction situation. Communication generates understanding (or a reduction of

uncertainty) and thus serves as the basis of relationship development.

Meanwhile, based on Dainton & Zelley (2005), this theory mainly revolves

around the explanation and prediction about the reasons and procedures on how

individuals use communication to decrease their uncertainties upon interacting

with others. This theory is based on three assumptions:

1. Minimizing uncertainties about the world is the main goal of communication

2. Experiencing uncertainty is not pleasant and that individuals experience it


3. Reducing uncertainty through communication is a key

2.2 Theory Evaluation

2.2.1 Symbolic Interactionism Theory

Adam began narrating his life as an 11-year-old living in the city, Kuala

Lumpur with his father. He explained how his life was never the same ever

since his mom died despite living with his dad. He seldom misses his mom

and he tried his best to forget her by distracting himself with online games, he

states it’s for entertainment purposes. This theory applies due to the symbolic

value that he has projected to an object which was his phone. The phone is an

abstract symbol to his life, he meant it as an aid to his disparity and grief

towards him missing his mom. The way he implied his emotions could be

eased by his games shows how much it has reciprocated the aim of using it,

which was initially, to forget about his mom and slowly, it formed into

something he does for leisure.

2.2.2 Symbolic Interactionism Theory

Aisyah observing how her grandfather admired the prime minister and

constantly looked up to him caught her attention. Due to her observing skills,

she began to imitate her grandfather’s interest and took a liking on the prime

minister. This is where the theory falls in whereas Aisyah was compelled

towards the idea of a man that has such a huge impact on molding her

grandfather’s character. This was mentioned in a scene where her Tok Wan was

driving his car and Aisyah described how Tok Wan has a long-admired idol,

which happens to be someone he respected ever since he was very young. Social

learning theory does not only apply towards observing the traits of others and

implementing in unconsciously, it is being able to reinforce a behavior and

modelling someone throughout the process, in short, vicarious reinforcement

was utilized.

2.2.3 Narrative Paradigm

The film begins with Aisyah narrating her life through her view of the world and

her surroundings. She stated herself as a six-year-old girl, who is enjoying her

first day in the kindergarten. Second, in this scene, Aisyah described how she is

staying with her grandparent’s in Kedah and that all of them lived in the village

home known as rumah kampong which was built by her grandfather, Tok Wan.

She also stated how she loves staying in their rumah kampong as it gets nice and

cool at night. In addition to that, she described the characteristics of her

grandfather as someone that’s good and humble, who seems to like reading and

does not speak much. The narrative paradigm theory is applied when Aisyah

narrated her life and her background during the beginning of the film, she

persuaded the audience that her surroundings was peaceful and cheerful.

Through this we can see a clear line between being raised in the village and the

city. As the same theory is applied when the film transitioned into Adam’s part,

whereas in his part he introduces himself and how he’s living with his father in

the city. He explained how his life in the city isn’t as great as it seems to be,

their life gets tougher everyday and things gets expensive as days goes by. From

here the audience understood that Adam’s father is a hardworking man, that

constantly goes through his 9-to-5 job, to suffice both of their life. Through this

theory, the audience are both drawn to understand the characters narrative on

their surroundings have different effects to the way their life was raised.

2.2.4 Social Penetration Theory

Aisyah was walking towards the corridor and landed in front of a huge frame

containing, Tun Dr. Mahathir’s picture. She was mesmerized by the picture and

decided to glance over her surrounding, this leads to her seeing the actual Tun

Dr. Mahathir standing right beside her. She began the conversation by asking

Tun Dr. Mahathir if he’s the man in the picture, as she was curious and surprised

by the similarities this man beside her has. This is where the social penetration

theory falls in, especially when it too is categorized under interpersonal

communication. This theory determines the amount self-disclosure for the both

of them to bond. Aisyah penetrated the surface between them, allowing both to

have conversation that can truly draw them closer. This can also be imagined as

penetrating through the layers of an onion, simultaneously enabling them both to

have a comfortable conversation, making them equally vulnerable. Another

scene that that contains the same qualities of the theory is when Tun Dr.

Mahathir shed a tear towards his past and enabling the paths towards mutual

vulnerability. This has become a very sentimental for all three of them and made

the closer. Aisyah hugged him, while Adam sit on his knees and laid his arms on

his knees. This theory truly highlights the core factors of the theory which is

interpersonal closeness could proceed gradually from superficial to intimate

levels of exchange.

2.2.5 Uncertainty Reduction Theory

After Aisyah met Tun Dr. Mahathir in the hallways, they both sat in his office

and began to have conversations that goes beyond a children’s understanding as

it involves politics and the administration of the nation. The theory applied in

this scene is when Aisyah first started by telling him, her grandfather’s view on

Tun Dr. Mahathir and acknowledged him as the nation’s prime minister. To

minimize the uncertainties about him, she questioned him about his age. The

information regarding his age has made her piqued an interest on wanting to

know more about this person that her grandfather admired so much.


The short film ‘Harapan’ definitely has moved audiences’ emotions, especially by

highlighting the emotions of a child reminiscing the beauty of Malaysia through the eyes of

sorrows. This film too was an eye-opener to more youths on understanding that Malaysia as a

democratic country could enable a harmonious life if the administration were to prosper and

handled with stern. The film was articulated properly and has messages that needs to be heard

through the form of entertainment. From here, it is understandable that the production team

have tried to approach their audience by applying certain communication theories, these are

to ensure the film appeals more to the targeted audience that are easily absorbent towards the

values implemented in the film. In other words, this film has undergone several analysis of

theories to establish a relation with the public, to influence the public audience and to create

images of values that could be applied in our daily lives, society and presenting issues that

are rarely spoken about.


Altman, I., & Taylor, D. A. (1973). Social Penetration: The Development of Interpersonal

Relationships. New York: Holt.

Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Berger, C. R., & Calabrese, R. J. (1975). Some Exploration in Initial Interaction and Beyond:

Toward a Developmental Theory of Interpersonal Communication. Human

Communication Research, 1(2), 99-112. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2958.1975.tb00258.x

Griffin, E., Ledbetter, A., & Sparks, G. (2019). A First Look At Communication (10th ed.).

New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Holman, C. T. (1980). A Sociological Approach to Brand Choice: the Concept of Situational

Self Image. Advances in Consumer Research, 7(1), 610-614.

HOW STORIES CHANGE OUR LIVES. (2009, July 2). Retrieved from Sagan Morrow:

Wiemann, M. O. (1996). Instructor's manual/test bank. In R. B. Adler, & N. Towne, Looking

out, looking in (3rd ed.) (p. 25). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Company.

Zelley, E. D., & Dainton, M. (2005). Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life .

Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publication.


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