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Paste - Button with Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Paste, Paste Special
and Paste as Hyperlink.
Cut - (Ctrl + X). Cuts the current selection to the clipboard.
Copy - (Ctrl + C). Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
Format Painter - (Ctrl + Shift + C). Copies the formatting from one place in a document and lets
you apply it somewhere else. This works across multiple documents.

Font - (Ctrl + Shift + F). Provides a list of all the available Underline - (Ctrl + U). Button with Drop-Down. The button
fonts toggles bold on the current selection. The drop-down
Font Size - (Ctrl + Shift + P). Lets you adjust the contains the commands: Underline, Double Underline,
character size Thick Underline, Dotted Underline, and Dashed
Grow Font - (Ctrl + >). Increases the font size of the Underline.
current selection to the next larger size in the Font Size Strikethrough - Draws a line through the middle of the
box. This was called Increase Font in Word 2003. selected text.
Shrink Font - (Ctrl + <). Decreases the font size of the Subscript - (Ctrl + =). Converts the selection to small
current selection to the next smaller size in the Font Size letters below the text baseline.
box. Superscript - (Ctrl + Shift + +). Converts the selection to
Change Case - Drop-Down. Changes the selected text to small letters above the text baseline.
either uppercase, lowercase or another type of Text Effects and Typography -
capitalization. The drop-down contains the commands: Text Highlight Color - Button with Drop-Down. Shades the
Sentence Case, Lowercase, Uppercase, Capitalize Each background behind the current selection. The drop-down
Word and Toggle Case. contains the commands: No Color and Stop Highlighting.
Clear All Formatting - (Ctrl + Spacebar). Clears all the Font Color - Button with Drop-Down. The button changes
formatting from the current selection. the color of the font of the current selection. The drop-
Bold - (Ctrl + B). Toggles bold on the current selection. down contains the commands: Automatic, Theme Colors,
Italic - (Ctrl + I). Toggles italics on the current selection. Standard Colors and More Colors.
SHOW/HIDE. Show paragraph marks and other hidden
formatting symbols.
ALIGN TEXT LEFT. Align text to the left.
CENTER. Align text to the center.
ALIGN TEXT RIGHT. Align text to the right.
JUSTIFY. Align text to both left and right margins, adding
BULLETS. To start a bulleted list. extra space between words as necessary. This creates a
NUMBERING. Start a numbered list. clean look along the left and right side of the page.
MULTILEVEL LIST. Start a multilevel list. LINE AND PARAGRAPH SPACING. Change the
DECREASE INDENT. Decrease the indent level of the spacing between line of text. You can also customize the
paragraph. amount of space added before and after paragraphs.
INCREASE INDENT. Increase the indent level of the SHADING. Color the background behind the selected text
paragraph. or paragraph.
SORT. Alphabetize the selected text or sort numerical BOTTOM BORDER. Customize the border of the
data. selected cells or text.

CHANGE STYLES - Change the set of

styles, colors, fonts, and paragraph
spacing used in this document.
FIND. Find and select specific text,
STYLES - Format titles, qoutes and other text using this formatting, or type of information within
gallery of styles. the document.
REPLACE. Replace the text in the document.
SELECT. Select text or objects in the document.

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